Noninvasive Prenatal Screening for Genetic Diseases Using Massively Parallel Sequencing of Maternal Plasma DNA Lyn S. Chitty 1 and Y. M. Dennis Lo 2 1 UCL Institute of Child Health, Genetics and Genomic Medicine, London WC1N 1EH, United Kingdom; University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, London NW1 2PG, United Kingdom; NE Thames Regional Genetics Service, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust, 37 Queen Square, London WC1N 3BH, United Kingdom 2 Centre for Research into Circulating Fetal Nucleic Acids, Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, NT, Hong Kong SAR, China; Department of Chemical Pathology, The Chinese Universityof Hong Kong, Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, NT, Hong Kong SAR, China Correspondence: [email protected] The identification of cell-free fetal DNA (cffDNA) in maternal plasma in 1997 heralded the most significant change in obstetric care for decades, with the advent of safer screening and diagnosis based on analysis of maternal blood. Here, we describe how the technological advances offered by next-generation sequencing have allowed for the development of a highly sensitive screening test for aneuploidies as well as definitive prenatal molecular diagnosis for some monogenic disorders. S ince the identification of cell-free fetal DNA (cffDNA) in maternal plasma in the late 1990s (Lo et al. 1997), there has been consider- able progress in developing safer methods for noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) based on analysis of nucleic acids circulating in maternal blood. Analysis of cffDNAwas rapidly incorpo- rated into clinical practice, albeit largely on a research basis for the first few years, for the identification of alleles not present in the moth- er but present in her blood because they had been inherited from the father or arisen de novo at conception. The first clinical applica- tions included fetal sex determination in preg- nancies at risk of sex-linked conditions to direct invasive testing and in utero therapy (Costa et al. 2002; Hyett et al. 2005), and fetal RHD typing in pregnancies of RhD-negative mothers to direct the monitoring of pregnancies at high- risk of hemolytic disease of the newborn (Faas et al. 1998; Lo et al. 1998a; Finning et al. 2002). This was followed shortly by reports of NIPT for selected single gene disorders (Saito et al. 2000; Chiu et al. 2002). These early noninvasive pre- natal tests were predominantly based on apply- ing various polymerase chain reaction (PCR) approaches to detect or exclude mutations in maternal plasma (Lench et al. 2013). With the Editors: Diana W. Bianchi and Errol R. Norwitz Additional Perspectives on Molecular Approachesto Reproductive and Newborn Medicine available at www.perspectivesinmedicine.org Copyright # 2015 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved Advanced Online Article. Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a023085 1 www.perspectivesinmedicine.org Press on December 19, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory http://perspectivesinmedicine.cshlp.org/ Downloaded from

Noninvasive Prenatal Screening for Genetic Diseases Using

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Noninvasive Prenatal Screening for GeneticDiseases Using Massively Parallel Sequencingof Maternal Plasma DNA

Lyn S. Chitty1 and Y. M. Dennis Lo2

1UCL Institute of Child Health, Genetics and Genomic Medicine, London WC1N 1EH, United Kingdom;University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, London NW1 2PG, United Kingdom; NE ThamesRegional Genetics Service, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust, 37 QueenSquare, London WC1N 3BH, United Kingdom

2Centre for Research into Circulating Fetal Nucleic Acids, Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences, The ChineseUniversity of Hong Kong, Shatin, NT, Hong Kong SAR, China; Department of Chemical Pathology, The ChineseUniversity of Hong Kong, Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, NT, Hong Kong SAR, China

Correspondence: [email protected]

The identification of cell-free fetal DNA (cffDNA) in maternal plasma in 1997 heralded themost significant change in obstetric care for decades, with the advent of safer screening anddiagnosis based on analysis of maternal blood. Here, we describe how the technologicaladvances offered by next-generation sequencing have allowed for the development of ahighly sensitive screening test for aneuploidies as well as definitive prenatal moleculardiagnosis for some monogenic disorders.

Since the identification of cell-free fetal DNA(cffDNA) in maternal plasma in the late

1990s (Lo et al. 1997), there has been consider-able progress in developing safer methods fornoninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) based onanalysis of nucleic acids circulating in maternalblood. Analysis of cffDNAwas rapidly incorpo-rated into clinical practice, albeit largely on aresearch basis for the first few years, for theidentification of alleles not present in the moth-er but present in her blood because they hadbeen inherited from the father or arisen denovo at conception. The first clinical applica-tions included fetal sex determination in preg-

nancies at risk of sex-linked conditions to directinvasive testing and in utero therapy (Costaet al. 2002; Hyett et al. 2005), and fetal RHDtyping in pregnancies of RhD-negative mothersto direct the monitoring of pregnancies at high-risk of hemolytic disease of the newborn (Faaset al. 1998; Lo et al. 1998a; Finning et al. 2002).This was followed shortly by reports of NIPT forselected single gene disorders (Saito et al. 2000;Chiu et al. 2002). These early noninvasive pre-natal tests were predominantly based on apply-ing various polymerase chain reaction (PCR)approaches to detect or exclude mutations inmaternal plasma (Lench et al. 2013). With the

Editors: Diana W. Bianchi and Errol R. Norwitz

Additional Perspectives on Molecular Approaches to Reproductive and Newborn Medicine available at


Copyright # 2015 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved

Advanced Online Article. Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a023085











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advent of massively parallel sequencing (MPS)and digital PCR, applications have rapidly ex-panded to include a highly sensitive screeningtest for aneuploidies (Chiu et al. 2008; Fan et al.2008; Boon and Faas 2013), the ability to deter-mine both the paternal and maternal origins offetal mutations in monogenic conditions (Lunet al. 2008a; Lam et al. 2012; New et al. 2014),and the use of multiple gene panels to screenfor multiple disease-causing mutations (Lenchet al. 2013). Progress has been rapid (Table 1)(Chitty and Bianchi 2013). Here, we discuss thetechnological developments that have enabledthis progress, and the challenges that this prog-ress brings when implementing advances intechnology into a public healthcare system.


Following the discovery of cffDNA in 1997, Loet al. developed a methodology for the measure-ment of cffDNA using real-time PCR (Lo et al.1998b). This study revealed the gestational var-iations in the absolute and fractional concentra-tions of cffDNA. In particular, it was shown thatfetal DNA represents a mean of some 3%–6%of all DNA in maternal plasma. These pre-liminary figures have played a critical role inthe subsequent development of NIPT, in whichthe designers of such tests needed to developassays could work precisely at very low concen-trations. This study also showed that the frac-tional concentrations of cffDNA in maternalplasma are higher than those in maternal serumand established plasma as the preferred sampletype for carrying out NIPT. cffDNA is clearedvery rapidly from the maternal circulation fol-lowing parturition, with a half-life of 16 min(Lo et al. 1999b). This is a crucial finding, asit means that cffDNA, unlike some fetal cells(Bianchi et al. 1996), will not persist from onepregnancy to the next, thereby removing onepotential source of false results.

These pioneering studies were followed rap-idly by those focusing on pathological pregnan-cies, which showed that the absolute concentra-tions of cffDNA in maternal plasma/serum in

women carrying fetuses with Down syndromewere higher than in those carrying euploid fe-tuses (Lo et al. 1999a). These results showed thatit might be possible to carry out noninvasiveprenatal screening for Down syndrome usingcffDNA. However, there is considerable overlapin the cffDNA concentrations in the aneuploidand euploid groups and further technologicaldevelopments were necessary to improve theclinical sensitivity and specificity of such an ap-proach. One development was the demonstra-tion of cell-free fetal RNA in maternal plasmain 2000 (Poon et al. 2000). Another was the dem-onstration that DNA methylation differencesbetween the mother and fetus could be exploitedfor the development of unique fetal epigeneticmarkers that could be detected in maternal plas-ma (Poon et al. 2002). These two developmentswere important because they offered the possi-bility of identifying markers in maternal plasmathat are virtually entirely fetal-specific. Usingsuch markers for aneuploidy detection wouldpotentially be more robust, as the fractionalcontribution of the fetal component for someof such markers could be close to 100%, allow-ing more reliably detection of a quantitative ab-erration, as in Down syndrome when the fetushas an extra dose of chromosome 21.

This possibility was first realized for meth-ylation markers with the demonstration thatunmethylated SERPINB5, a gene present onchromosome 18, could serve as a fetal-specificmarker in maternal plasma (Chim et al. 2005).This was promptly followed by the demonstra-tion that allelic ratio analysis of a single nucle-otide polymorphism (SNP) present on the SER-PINB5 gene could be used to detect a trisomy 18fetus noninvasively by analysis of maternal plas-ma, as long as the fetus was heterozygous for theSNP (Tong et al. 2006). An analogous develop-ment took place for fetal RNA markers when itwas shown that PLAC4 mRNA, derived from agene on chromosome 21, could serve as a fetal-specific mRNA marker in maternal plasma (Loet al. 2007b). It was also shown that allelic ratioanalysis of a SNP on the PLAC4 gene could beused for detecting Down syndrome, as long asthe fetus was heterozygous for the SNP ana-lyzed. Although these two lines of development

L.S. Chitty and Y.M.D. Lo

2 Advanced Online Article. Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a023085










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Table 1. Chronology of development of cell-free fetal testing (1997–2014)

Year Milestone Technology Reference



1997 Discovery of cffDNA in the maternalplasma

Lo et al. 1997

1997 Fetal sex determination using cffDNA PCR Lo et al.19971998 RHD genotyping in RhD-negative

mothersPCR Faas et al. 1998; Lo

et al.1998a2000 NIPD test for single-gene disorders PCR Amicucci et al. 2000;

Saito et al. 20002001 Fetal sex determination using cffDNA

available in clinical practicePCR Research basis

2001 Fetal RHD genotyping using cffDNAavailable in clinical practice inhigh-risk pregnancies

PCR Finning et al. 2002 Public HealthService

2002 Prenatal exclusion for autosomalrecessive conditions (cysticfibrosis, b-thalassemia, and CAH)

PCR Chiu et al. 2002;Gonzalez-Gonzalezet al. 2002

2006 Methylation-based approach fortrisomy 18

Methylation-specificPCR and massspectrometry

Tong et al. 2006

2007 RhC, RhE, and Kell geno-typingservice

PCR Finning et al. 2007 Public HealthService

2007 RNA-based approach for trisomy 21 Digital PCR Lo et al. 2007a2007 Molecular counting for trisomy 21 Digital PCR Lo et al. 2007b; Fan

et al. 20082008 Detection of trisomies 21, 18, and 13 NGS Chiu et al. 2008; Fan

et al. 20082008 NIPD for a monogenic disorder in

which parents carry the samemutation (male fetuses only)

Digital PCR andRMD

Lun et al. 2008a

2010 NIPD for selected single-genedisorders offered clinically

PCR-RED Chitty et al. 2011 Research basis

2010 Whole-fetal genome mapping frommaternal plasma

NGS Lo et al. 2010

2010 NIPD for fetal sex determinationapproved for use in the NHS

PCR UKGTN1; Hill et al.2011

Public HealthService

2011 First large validation studies of NIPTfor trisomies 21, 18, and 13 inhigh-risk pregnancies reported

NGS Chiu et al. 2011;Ehrich et al. 2011;Sehnert et al. 2011

2011 NIPT for trisomies 21, 18, and 13,offered by commercial companiesin Hong Kong/China and theUnited States

NGS Commercialsector

2011 Routine 3rd trimester RHDgenotyping in all RhD-womenoffered to direct anti-RhDimmunoglobulin administration

PCR Clausen et al. 2012; deHaas et al. 2012

Public HealthService

2012 NIPD for a monogenic disorder inwhich parents carry the same

NGS Lam et al. 2012


Noninvasive Prenatal Diagnosis and Screening

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further confirm the utility of cell-free nucleicacid markers in maternal plasma for the non-invasive prenatal detection of fetal aneuploidies,they have relatively limited population coverage,as they can only be used for fetuses heterozygousfor the SNPs analyzed. This limitation prompt-ed the development of methods that were notdependent on genetic polymorphisms.

In 2007, Lo et al. (2007a) reported thatdigital PCR, in which multiple PCRs are per-formed, with each amplification typically con-taining either a single, or no, target DNA mol-ecule, could be used to detect a fetus with Downsyndrome from maternal plasma. At the sametime, Fan and Quake (2007) showed a similar

concept using artificial DNA mixtures. The coreconcept of this approach is that a Down syn-drome fetus would release an increased amountof chromosome 21 sequences into maternalplasma compared with other chromosomal se-quences. Thus, by measuring the precise ratio ofa target present on chromosome 21 relative toone present on another chromosome, a diagno-sis of trisomy 21 could be mathematically de-rived. Digital PCR allows measurement of sucha ratio relatively precisely, provided that a suffi-cient number of reactions are performed. Thedisadvantage of this method is that a very largenumber of digital PCRs are needed to constructa system that would deliver clinically useful di-

Table 1. Continued

Year Milestone Technology Reference



mutation reported (male andfemale fetuses)

2012 NIPT for sex chromosomeaneuploidies launched as acommercial service

Mazloom et al. 2013 Commercialsector

2012 NIPD for selected single genedisorders approved for use inUnited Kingdom NHS

PCR-RED Lench et al. 2013;UKGTN2

Public HealthService

2013 NIPD for using gene panels approvedfor use in United Kingdom NHS

NGS Chitty et al. 2015;UKGTN3

Public HealthService

2013 NIPT for aneuploidy reimbursed bysome insurance companies in theUnited States

NGS Genomeweb3 State fundedprivateservice

2013 Evaluation of NIPT for aneuploidy ina public health service begins

NGS Hill et al. 2014

2013 Molecular karyotyping ofsubchromosomal abnormalities

NGS Srinivasan et al. 2013;Yu et al. 2013

2013 NIPT for subchromosomalabnormalities launched as a service

NGS Sequenom4; Natera5 Commercialsector

2013/4 Fetal methylome and transcriptomesequencing

NGS Koh et al. 2014; Lunet al. 2013; Tsuiet al. 2014

NIPD, noninvasive prenatal diagnosis; NIPT, noninvasive prenatal testing; CAH, congenital adrenal hyperplasia; NGS,

next-generation sequencing, RMD, relative mutation dosage.1http://ukgtn.nhs.uk/news-events/article/non-invasive-prenatal-diagnosis-nipd-ukgtn-approval-of-gene-dossiers-for-



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agnostic sensitivity and specificity. Further-more, as digital PCR requires that the iden-tity of the detected target is decided ahead oftime, diagnostic information contained in plas-ma DNA molecules not targeted by the digitalPCR primers is “wasted.”


In 2008, two groups reported on the use of ran-dom MPS of maternal plasma for detecting fetalchromosomal aneuploidies (Chiu et al. 2008;Fan et al. 2008). The principle of this methodis that a fetus with Down syndrome shouldrelease a higher amount of chromosome 21 se-quences into maternal plasma relative to se-quences from the other chromosomes. Thus,by sequencing millions of plasma DNA mole-cules from maternal plasma and then aligningeach sequenced molecule back to its chromo-some of origin, a proportional representation ofeach chromosome in maternal plasma can becalculated. To determine if a fetus has Downsyndrome, the proportional representation ofchromosome 21 can be compared with a groupof healthy pregnant women carrying euploidfetuses. A statistically significant overrepresen-tation in such a comparison suggests the pres-ence of an aneuploid fetus in the test case. Suchan approach has been found to be highly robustand has been replicated in many clinical trials(Ehrich et al. 2011; Palomaki et al. 2011; Sehnertet al. 2011; Bianchi et al. 2012, 2014; Palomakiet al. 2012). As this approach involves MPS in agenome-wide fashion, it can also be applied todetection of other chromosomal aneuploidies,including trisomies 18 and 13 (Chen et al. 2011;Bianchi et al. 2012, 2014; Palomaki et al. 2012),and the sex chromosome aneuploidies (Ma-zloom et al. 2013). Furthermore, with sufficientdepth of DNA sequencing, this approach canalso be used for detecting subchromosomal de-letions and duplications (Peters et al. 2011; Jen-sen et al. 2012; Srinivasan et al. 2013; Yu et al.2013).

The advantage of the random genome-widesequencing approach is that the same method-ology can be used for performing NIPT on a

spectrum of chromosomal and subchromo-somal aberrations. The disadvantage, however,is that a proportion of the sequencing has beenexpended on genomic regions that might notbe of clinical value and thus could be consid-ered to be not optimally cost-effective. This hasprompted the development of approaches basedon targeted sequencing, in which the sequenc-ing is focused on selected genomic regions. Onemethod is based on the hybridization-based tar-geting of selected genomic regions, followed bysequencing of these regions (Norton et al. 2012;Sparks et al. 2012a,b; Ashoor et al. 2013). Asecond method is based on highly multiplexedPCR-based amplification of many SNPs acrosschromosomal regions of interest, followed bysequencing of the amplicons (Zimmermannet al. 2012). The allelic ratios of such SNPs arethen analyzed and copy number aberrations atthe targeted chromosomal regions are deducedfrom the allelic ratios. This method can be usedfor detecting subchromosomal microdeletions(Rabinowitz et al. 2014) and a proportion oftriploidy cases (Nicolaides et al. 2014). The ad-vantage of these targeted sequencing approach-es is that, as the sequencing power is focusedon genomic regions of clinical interest, it is pos-sible to analyze more cases per multiplexed se-quencing run. The main disadvantage is that themethodology is the need for specific design andoptimization for different targets. It is also ofinterest to note that one group of investigatorshas recently reported a version of the targetedassay that has substituted sequencing by micro-array analysis (Juneau et al. 2014). It will be use-ful to see independent validation of this workand a comparison of its performance with thesequencing-based approaches.


In 2004, it was shown that the size profile ofcffDNA was shorter than that of the maternallyderived DNA in maternal plasma (Chan et al.2004). With the advent of paired-end MPS, dif-ferences in size profile at single-nucleotide res-olution can be elucidated. It has subsequently

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been found that maternally derived DNA in ma-ternal plasma has a size peak at 166 bp, whereasthe cffDNA has a size peak of 143 bp (Lo et al.2010). Below 143 bp, there are a series of peaksat 10 bp intervals. In 2014, Yu et al. showedthat a fetus with Down syndrome would releasean extra dose of chromosome 21 sequences intomaternal plasma resulting in a reduction inthe size distribution of DNA molecules derivedfrom chromosome 21 in maternal plasma (Yuet al. 2014). Such a strategy has also been shownto work for trisomies 18 and 13. Conversely, for afetus with Turner syndrome, the lack of one copyof fetal chromosome X would result in a length-ening in the size distribution of DNA moleculesderived from that chromosome, when com-pared with that of normal pregnancies with afemale fetus. This size-based diagnostic strategycan potentially be used in a synergistic mannerwith the count-based approaches mentioned inthe previous paragraph, and potentially enhancethe specificity of plasma DNA-based NIPT.

Earlier in this article, we discussed the useof fetal epigenetic markers for NIPT (Poon et al.2002; Chim et al. 2005; Tong et al. 2006). Withthe advent of MPS, it is now possible to se-quence the entire plasma methylome throughthe use of bisulfite conversion of plasma DNA,followed by MPS (Chan et al. 2013; Lun et al.2013). When DNA is treated with sodium bi-sulfite, unmethylated cytosine residues are con-verted into uracil, whereas methylated cyto-sine residues will remain unchanged. In thisway, bisulfite conversion converts an epigeneticchange into a genetic one that can be read usingDNA sequencing. Lun et al. (2013) performedgenome-wide bisulfite MPS on maternal plas-ma DNA. They were able to deduce the meth-ylome of cffDNA from the sequencing data intwo ways. The first involved the elucidation ofthe methylation status of plasma DNA mole-cules carrying a paternally inherited fetal allele.The second involved the assumption that ma-ternal plasma DNA was a mixture of fetal andmaternal DNA, with the latter being mainly ofhematopoietic origin and could be approximat-ed to the methylome of the maternal buffy coat.Hence, provided the fractional concentrationof fetal DNA in maternal plasma could be esti-

mated (e.g., using SNP allelic ratios), the fetalmethylation level at a particular genomic regionusing the total methylation level and the meth-ylation status of the maternal buffy coat at thatregion could be deduced. Lun et al. also studiedmatched placental samples at the same gesta-tional age. They showed that cffDNA in mater-nal plasma was hypomethylated and was similarto that of the placenta, thereby providing furtherpowerful evidence that cffDNA is derived fromthe placenta.

This development has a number of impli-cations. First, it allows one to identify from ma-ternal plasma, genomic regions that are differ-entially methylated for the fetally derived andmaternally derived DNA in maternal plasma.Second, it offers a new approach for the NIPTof chromosomal aneuploidies. A fetus withDown syndrome would release an extra doseof hypomethylated DNA from chromosome21 into maternal plasma, thereby reducing themethylation level of plasma DNA sequencesoriginating from chromosome 21 comparedwith samples obtained from euploid pregnan-cies (Lun et al. 2013). Future work is needed toexplore the synergistic utility of this methyla-tion-based approach with the count-basedmethod (Chiu et al. 2008; Fan et al. 2008) andsize-based (Yu et al. 2014) methods describedabove. Theoretically, combining all three meth-ods would allow development of an extremelyspecific method for NIPT.

Very recently, two groups have reported theprofiling of the fetal transcriptome by massivelyparallel RNA sequencing from maternal plasma(Koh et al. 2014; Tsui et al. 2014). It would be ofinterest to see the potential application of suchan approach for the detection and monitoringpathological pregnancies, such as those affectedby preeclampsia and preterm labor.


In 2010, it was shown that by using MPS ofmaternal plasma DNA together with knowledgeof the genetic maps of the paternal and maternalDNA, the fetal genome could be deduced fromthe maternal plasma DNA sequencing data (Loet al. 2010). These results have been reproduced

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by a number of independent investigators (Fanet al. 2012; Kitzman et al. 2012; Chen et al. 2013)and have potential to be applied to enable NIPTof a broad spectrum of monogenic diseases. Tomake this approach more cost-effective, Lamet al. (2012) and New et al. (2014) appliedtargeted versions of this approach to the geno-mic regions flanking the HBB gene and theCYP21A2 gene, for the NIPT of b-thalassemiaand congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) (Maet al. 2014), respectively. Using this approach forNIPT of a monogenic autosomal recessive dis-ease, the method is typically applied to a familywith a previously affected child. In this situa-tion, genomic DNA samples from the affectedchild and parents are analyzed to determine thehaplotype structure of SNPs flanking the dis-ease gene and to deduce the linkage of the pa-rental haplotypes to the mutant and normalgenes. This is followed by targeted sequencingof SNPs using maternal plasma DNA obtainedfrom the pregnant woman. In one applica-tion of this approach, this targeted sequencingassay can also be used to determine the haplo-type structure using the genomic DNA (Newet al. 2014). The analysis of the maternal plasmaDNA sequencing data is performed in twophases (Fig. 1). The first is to find which SNPalleles in maternal plasma the fetus has inherit-ed from its father, but also which are absent inthe mother’s genome. This determines which ofthe two paternal haplotypes the fetus has inher-ited in the disease gene region. The second is todetermine the relative dosage of the two mater-nal haplotypes in maternal plasma. The mater-nal haplotype that is in excess in maternal plas-ma is the one inherited by the fetus. Thisstrategy is known as the relative haplotype dos-age (RHDO) approach (Lam et al. 2012; Loet al. 2010; New et al. 2014). Because of thestatistical power conferred by the multipleSNPs targeted (typically in the range of thou-sands), the diagnostic sensitivity and specificityof this approach seems to be very high. Howev-er, the number of cases published in the litera-ture is still relatively small and future large-scalevalidation is needed to confirm these results.Furthermore, it is labor intensive, expensive,and requires knowledge of both parental ge-

nomes. For applications in which one wishesto directly target the disease-causing mutation,instead of the SNPs linked to the mutation, thedigital PCR-based approach can be used tomeasure the relatively dosage of the mutantand normal alleles in maternal plasma. This ap-proach is known as the relative mutation dosage(RMD) approach (Lun et al. 2008a; Tsui et al.2011; Barrett et al. 2012).


NIPT for Aneuploidy

Shortly after the publication of the first clinicalvalidation studies showing that whole-genomesequencing of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) in mater-nal plasma could reliably detect fetal trisomy 21(Chiu et al. 2011; Palomaki et al. 2011), the firstcommercial test was launched by SequenomInc., in the United States, although testingthrough another company had been availablecommercially in Asia for a few months beforethis. The commercial launch in the UnitedStates was rapidly followed by other companiesreporting clinical validation studies in high-riskpopulations using the whole-genome (Bianchiet al. 2012) or targeted approaches (Sparks et al.2012a,b; Zimmermann et al. 2012). Initially,recommendations from professional bodieswere for use only in high-risk singleton preg-nancies (Benn et al. 2011) for the detection ofthe three major autosomal trisomies. In a recentmeta-analysis, performance for these autoso-mal aneuploidies was shown to be very good,with sensitivities of �99% (95% CI 98.2–99.6),96.8% (95% CI 94.5–98.4), and 92.1% (95% CI85.9–96.7) for trisomies 21, 18, and 13, respec-tively (Gil et al. 2014). However, the appeal ofa safer test for fetal aneuploidies, which is read-ily accessible, has led to a more widespread up-take and concerns have been raised about itsperformance in low-risk pregnancies. How-ever, this concern has recently largely been laidto rest following the publication of clinical val-idation studies in lower risk populations thathave confirmed good performance regardlessof earlier risk (Bianchi et al. 2014; Hudecova

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Capture probes hybridization

Gene ofinterest

Gene ofinterest


Massively parallel sequencing

TargetedMPS of thegenomicDNA librariesfrom thefamily trio









Mutation-linkedpaternal andmaternalhaplotypesare inheritedby theproband

In maternalplasmaanalysis,haplotypesinherited bythe fetus aredetermined



Maternal plasmatargeted MPS




Mma NmaMPa Mma

ProbandMutation-linkedpaternal haplotype Mpa

Mutation-linkedmaternal haplotype Mma

Non-mutation-linkedmaternal haplotype Nma

Unknown fetalhaplotype

Non-mutation-linkedpaternal haplotype Npa




Figure 1. Approach for NIPD of monogenic autosomal recessive diseases. (A) Typical pedigree of a familyaffected by monogenic autosomal recessive diseases seeking prenatal diagnosis. A proband is present and hasinherited both mutations from the carrier parents. (B) Overview of the targeted massively parallel sequencing(MPS) approach. (1) Genomic DNA samples are obtained from the father, mother, and proband. DNA se-quencing libraries are constructed and hybridized with target capture probes spanning the gene of interest (notdrawn to scale). The target-enriched DNA libraries are subjected to MPS. Target capture increases the sequenc-ing depth of the region of interest with the same sequencing efforts. The enrichment fold depends on the extentof the target region. (2) Mutation-linked haplotypes of the father and mother are deduced from the genotypingresults from trio genomic DNA. The paternal and maternal haplotypes present in the proband are linked to themutations, whereas the haplotypes absent from the proband are nonmutation-linked. (Legend continues on nextpage.)

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Determinepaternalinheritanceusingpaternal-specific SNPalleles(haplotype)




Maternal plasma targeted MPS

Mpa inherited by fetus









Determinematernalinheritanceusing RHDCanalysis bySPRT




Maternal plasma targeted MPS

Nma inherited by fetus



Mma MmaNma













Figure 1. (Continued) (3) Maternal plasma samples are subjected to targeted MPS analysis. Two and 14 DNAcopies are shown from the fetus and the mother, respectively. Inheritance of the paternal haplotype is deter-mined by the presence of paternal-specific SNPalleles in maternal plasma. Inheritance of the maternal haplotypeis determined by the over-representation of the maternal SNP alleles. (C) Determination of fetal inheritance. (1)To determine the paternal inheritance, SNPs that are heterozygous (hetero) in the father and homozygous(homo) in the mother are used. The paternal haplotype present in the proband is mutation-linked. Themutation-linked paternal haplotype is present in the maternal plasma, thus the fetus has inherited the mutationfrom the father. (2) To determine the maternal inheritance, SNPs that are homozygous in the father andheterozygous in the mother are used. The maternal haplotype present in the proband is mutation-linked. Inmaternal plasma targeted MPS, an over-representation of the nonmutation-linked maternal haplotype wasdetermined using the relative haplotype dosage (RHDO) analysis by sequential probability ratio test (SPRT)(New et al. 2014). Thus, the fetus has inherited the nonmutation-linked maternal haplotype.

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et al. 2014; Norton et al. 2014), although onlyone study prospectively compares NIPT andDown syndrome screening performed at thesame time in pregnancy (Norton et al. 2014).For the majority of studies, NIPT is performedvariably from the first to the third trimesterwhen the levels of cffDNA may be higher andperformance of NIPT improved. There are few-er data available in multiple pregnancies, withreports largely being based on stored plasmasamples (del Mar Gil et al. 2014) or small pro-spective studies (Canick et al. 2012; Lau et al.2012; Huang et al. 2014). However, a meta-anal-ysis of studies determined a detection rate of94.4% for trisomy 21 (95% CI 74.2–99.0) intwin pregnancies (Gil et al. 2014) and mostcommercial companies now offer testing inmultiple pregnancies. Recently, testing for sexchromosome anomalies has been offered, al-though, as with multiple pregnancies, thereare fewer data available on performance thanare available for aneuploidy testing. Sensitivi-ties of �88.6% (95% CI 83.0–93.1) for Turnersyndrome and 93.8% (95% CI 85.9–98.7) forother sex chromosome aneuploidies were re-ported in a meta-analysis of 12 studies reportinga total of 139 Turner cases and 44 other sexchromosome abnormalities (Gil et al. 2014).Finally, following the reports of the detectionof other chromosomal aberrations using MPS(Chen et al. 2013; Srinivasan et al. 2013; Yuet al. 2013), several companies have nowlaunched supplementary testing for a limitednumber of microdeletion syndromes (22q-,5p-, 4p-, 1p36-, and Prader Willi or Angelmansyndrome) and other aneuploidies (trisomies 9,12, 16, and 22). To date, there are no publishedlarge-scale validation data to support imple-mentation of screening for these very rare con-ditions that are often not associated with anyparticular risk factors. An exception is 22q-,which may underlie conotruncal cardiac anom-alies. Given the very low prevalence of theseconditions (1:4000 to 1:50,000) the prior riskwill be low and false-positive results will be in-evitable. The clinical utility of such testing in theroutine population is likely to be small and, ifapplied widely, will lead to an increase in theinvasive testing rate.

Following the launch of NIPT for autoso-mal aneuploidies, in late 2011, there has been anunprecedented uptake of testing in the privatesector, largely driven by the commercial sectorthat wishes to capitalize on a potential marketthought to be worth around $1.3 billion in theUnited States alone (Hayden 2012). VerinataHealth Inc., an Illumina company, launchedthe Verifi test in March 2012, Ariosa DiagnosticsInc. the Harmony test in May 2012, and Naterathe Panorama test in February 2013. Initially,these tests were only available in the UnitedStates or Asia, but access to testing has rapidlyspread to Europe and other parts of the world(Chandrasekharan et al. 2014). Initially, sam-ples were sent to companies in China or theUnited States, but more recently there hasbeen technology transfer and licensing of localorganizations to increasingly allow NIPT to beoffered regionally. It is estimated that by the endof 2014 more than 1,000,000 tests will have beenperformed with availability in more than 60countries. A dramatic decrease in the uptakeof invasive diagnostic testing (such as CVS oramniocentesis) was reported just a year after thefirst NIPT was available clinically (Chetty et al.2013; Musci et al. 2013; Larion et al. 2014a,b).

Discordant Results

Most of the early validation studies were rela-tively small, with only one study reporting morethan 1000 cases (Palomaki et al. 2011) and it isonly with widespread uptake in the private sec-tor that some of the drawbacks associated withNIPTare more clearly appreciated. Regardless ofthe approach taken (genome-wide or targeted),NIPT for aneuploidy depends on sequencing acombination of both fetal and maternal cfDNAin maternal plasma, the majority of which em-anates from the mother herself (Lo et al. 1998b),with the fetal fraction being placental in origin(Alberry et al. 2007; Lun et al. 2013). This meansthat there is a risk of detecting chromosomalaberrations present in the mother but not nec-essarily in the fetus as well as those confinedto the placenta. In most validation studies thefalse-positive, or discordant, rates reported werelow and of the order of 1%–2% (Palomaki et al.

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2011, 2012; Bianchi et al. 2012). Discordant re-sults are now well documented to be a result ofconfined placental mosaicism (Choi et al. 2013;Pan et al. 2013), early demise of an aneuploidcotwin (Futch et al. 2013), maternal chromo-somal abnormalities (Sehnert et al. 2011; Lauet al. 2013) or maternal mosaicism (Wang et al.2014a), which is a particular problem when re-porting sex chromosome aneuploidies, and alsomaternal malignancy (Osborne et al. 2013). Asthe reasons for discordant results are biologicaland thus essentially unavoidable, most profes-sional bodies endorse NIPT for aneuploidy asan advanced screening test, rather than a diag-nostic test, and recommend that all positiveresults should be confirmed by invasive test-ing (Benn et al. 2011; ACOG 2012; Deverset al. 2013; Gregg et al. 2013; Michaelson-Cohenet al. 2014).

Reports from several companies describinglarge-scale experience of NIPT for aneuploidiesin clinical practice in the United States and Chi-na have confirmed the high sensitivities definedin the earlier validation studies, but these stud-ies do not have complete outcome data (Danet al. 2012; Futch et al. 2013; McCullough etal. 2014) and thus the incidence of less com-mon outcomes such as discordant results, mayremain underestimated. Increasing numbersof anecdotal reports as well as published series(Wang et al. 2014b) of discordant results indi-cate that the positive predictive value of NIPT inclinical practice may not be as high as previouslythought and the discordant rate may be .1%–2%. This may reflect increasing use in the low-risk population, as well as the recent additionof testing for sex-chromosome anomalies, inwhich, particularly in populations with an olderaverage maternal age, it is to be expected thatthe incidence of maternal mosaicism will rise.Furthermore, as many positive NIPT results areconfirmed using CVS, and confined placentalmosaicism is a well-documented cause of dis-cordant results, the use of CVS as a confirmato-ry test may underestimate the true incidence ofdiscordance by confirming a result that was con-fined to the placenta. In a recent report describ-ing a series of follow-up of positive NIPTresultsin a single center, results were confirmed as pos-

itive by invasive diagnostic cytogenetic testingin 38/41 fetuses with trisomy 21, 16/25 for tri-somy 18, 7/16 for trisomy 13, and only 6/16 forfetuses with sex chromosome aneuploidies(Wang et al. 2014b). These investigators thencombined their data with that from two otherseries to estimate the positive predictive valuefor the detection or trisomy 21 by NIPT to be94.4%, with values of 59.5% for trisomy 18,44.4% for trisomy 13, and 37.9% for sex chro-mosome aneuploidy. A few of these discordantresults were shown to result from confined pla-cental mosaicism or an abnormal maternal cellline, but many remained unexplained. Thesefindings lead one to question the etiology ofthese anomalies and confirm the need for inva-sive testing, preferably by amniocentesis, to con-firm any abnormal NIPT result. One must alsoponder what the true impact of NIPT for aneu-ploidy will be on the invasive testing rate for thedelivery of a safe and highly accurate aneuploidyscreening and diagnosis service. While we maynot yet know the full impact of NIPT, it is clearthat its performance as a highly accurate screen-ing test is significantly better than other screen-ing tests such as the combined test (Bianchi et al.2014; Norton et al. 2014). However, there hasbeen no direct comparison of the targeted ver-sus whole-genome approaches for NIPT for an-euploidy. It is clear that targeted approaches willnot detect anomalies, fetal or maternal, that liein areas of the genome not covered by the assay.In addition, there are reports that suggest thatdetection of sex chromosome abnormalities re-veal differences in performance of the targetedand whole-genome approaches. Using the tar-geted approach, the Ariosa group found a sen-sitivity of 97% (33/34 cases) and a positive pre-dictive value of 89% (34/38) in a retrospectivestudy of 432 frozen plasma samples (Hooks et al.2014), whereas a group in China using the BGI-Shenzhen whole-genome approach, reported apositive predictive value of 54.2% in 24 cases inwhich the karyotype has been confirmed to ver-ify an NIPTresult positive for a sex chromosomeabnormality. This latter group reports a sensi-tivity of 100% (13/13 cases) and a false-positiverate of 0.18% (11/5937) but acknowledges thatthese figures may not be a true reflection of per-

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formance, as negative findings were not con-firmed by karyotyping (Yao et al. 2014).

Implementation of NIPTfor Aneuploidy into Public SectorHealth Care

As yet, NIPT for aneuploidy is not routinelyoffered as part of a public sector maternity carepathway. Implementation into state fundedhealthcare systems requires further informationto determine where it fits in the care pathway,what the uptake might be in clinical practice,whether the rate of invasive testing will changeand if so how this might impact on service pro-vision and training, the costs for the publichealth service and for service users, and howbest to educate women and health professionalsto ensure that informed choice is maintained.There is information available to address someof these issues, but it is largely based on studiesassessing patient and health care views based onhypothetical scenarios in which indications arethat uptakewill be high (Sayres et al. 2011; Tisch-ler et al. 2011; Hill et al. 2012a; Lewis et al. 2013,2014a) or modeled data to inform discussionson potential economic impact (Chitty et al.2012b; Beulen et al. 2014; Morris et al. 2014).However, it is well documented that what hap-pens in clinical practice does not always reflectwhat people say/believe they will do hypotheti-cally. Furthermore, any data currently reportedfrom experience in clinical practice (Chitty et al.2013) will relate to a different healthcare settingthat will not be publicly funded with some costsstill attributable to the patient, and so may not berelevant to implementation in any one particu-lar individual country’s public health care ser-vice. Research is essential to explore the imple-mentation of NIPT into public sector healthcareand studies and there are currently three studiesevaluating all aspects of implementing NIPT foraneuploidy in publicly run health services, theRAPID evaluation of NIPT in the NHS study(Hill et al. 2014; http://www.rapid.nhs.uk),the TRIDENT study in the Netherlands (http://www.emgo.nl/news-and-events/news/486/non-invasive-prenatal-test-nipt-now-allowed-in-the-netherlands-within-trident-study/) and

the Pegasus study in Canada (http://pegasus-pegase.ca/).

Economic Aspects

Cost is a major factor when deciding how NIPTmight fit into existing care pathways, particular-ly for state-funded healthcare systems. All threestudies addressing the implementation of NIPTin the public sector are evaluating test perfor-mance in local laboratories, as the current costof provision through most commercial part-ners is significant. Furthermore, as yet, thereare no FDA approved or CE marked tests avail-able from commercial providers. This standardis increasingly being required by governmentorganizations providing commercial tests ona national basis, and indeed may be requiredfor tests provided on a large scale by accreditedpublic sector laboratories in the near future(http://conventions.coe.int/Treaty/en/Treaties/html/203.htm). The models used for offeringNIPT in these studies and in practice will vary.While there are many advocates suggesting thatas NIPT is superior to any of the current Downsyndrome screening programs (Bianchi et al.2014; Norton et al. 2014), it should be offered toall pregnant women requesting Down syndromescreening; there are others, on both sides of theAtlantic, who suggest that the cost is too great atthe current time and that NIPTshould be offeredas a contingent test using traditional screeningto triage for a cutoff above which NIPT shouldbe offered (Chitty et al. 2012b; Cuckle et al. 2013;Ohno and Caughey 2013; Beulen et al. 2014;Morris et al. 2014). Thus, in one study modeledaround care in the United Kingdom NationalHealth Service in which a screen cutoff of 1:150is currently used to identify women who will beoffered invasive testing, NIPTas acontingent testat a cost of £500 would be cost-neutral or cost-saving compared with the current Down syn-drome screening pathway, the economic savingsarising from a decrease in invasive testing, whichwould result in fewer miscarriages (Morris et al.2014). Using the same model, but with NIPTasfirst line testing, more Down syndrome caseswould be detected; but, even at a cost per test of£50, this would cost more than the current Down

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syndrome screening and diagnosis program(Morris et al. 2014). This group has estimatedthat if the Down syndrome screen positive levelwere changed from 1:150 to 1:1000 and womenwere offered NIPT, with invasive testing only of-fered to those who have a positive NIPT, �15%of women would be screen positive, comparedwith 2%–3% currently, and �95% of Downsyndrome cases would be identified comparedwith 85%–90% currently (Chitty et al. 2012b).This implies that to identify the remaining 5%–6% of Down syndrome cases would require of-fering NIPT to the remaining 85% of the popu-lation. However, this assumed 100% uptake oftesting and did not take account of women de-clining the offer of NIPTor leaving the screeningpathway and opting for invasive testing follow-ing detection of an increased nuchal translucen-cy or other fetal abnormality. Evaluation in clin-ical practice, albeit as part of a trial (Hill et al.2014), is showing that a small but significantproportion of women with a very high-risk(.1:30) or an ultrasound abnormality are beingadvised to opt for invasive testing, and that someof thewomen in the lower risk category (1:150–1:1000) are content with their risk and declineNIPT (LS Chitty, unpubl.). One other factor in-fluencing health economic aspects is that studiesbased on hypothetical scenarios of offeringNIPT have indicated that an additional groupof women, who would decline current screeningand diagnosis because of the risk of miscarriage,will undergo NIPT to plan and prepare for thebirth of an affected child (Sayres et al. 2011).Both uptake and clinical utility will clearly influ-ence the economic aspects of implementation.Furthermore, as current screening methods alsoidentify pregnancies at riskofotheradverse preg-nancy outcomes, IUGR, preeclampsia, etc.(Goetzinger and Odibo 2014; Poon and Nico-laides 2014), further evaluation of what mightbe lost by abandoning current screening practic-es is required before changing policy and imple-menting new care pathways.

Implications of Failed Tests

In addition to cost, one key aspect requiringconsideration when implementing NIPT into

public sector care is the rate of failed tests. Inrecent reports this has varied between providersfrom ,1% (Futch et al. 2013), through 1.3%(McCullough et al. 2014), 2.6% (Norton et al.2014) to 6.3% (Dar et al. 2014). If offered as acontingent screen, when NIPT fails, the tradi-tional Down syndrome screening risk is avail-able on which to base an offer of invasive testing.If offered as the primary screen and NIPT fails,the only recourse would be maternal age, whichis a poor screen. To offer invasive testing to ev-eryone with a failed result could potentially in-crease the invasive rate beyond current levelsthereby increasing costs and iatrogenic miscar-riages.

Stakeholder Opinions and Education

It is clear from many studies conducted acrossthe globe that NIPT for aneuploidy is welcomedby women and health professionals alike anduptake is high in most societies. Women valuethe improved safety secondary to the reductionin invasive testing as well as early, easy access toa highly sensitive test (Hill et al. 2012a; Allyseet al. 2014; Lewis et al. 2014a; Sayres et al. 2011)and health professionals value the improved ac-curacy of screening as well as the safety (Hillet al. 2012b). Furthermore, studies based on hy-pothetical scenarios of offering NIPT have indi-cated that an additional group of women, whowould decline current screening and diagnosisbecause of the risk of miscarriage, will undergoNIPT to plan and prepare for the birth of anaffected child (Sayres et al. 2011). Both uptakeand clinical utility will clearly influence theeconomic aspects of implementation. Further-more, studies of uptake in the United Statesindicate that cost is an important factor, as in-surance coverage is variable; some people hadout-of-pocket expenses for NIPT but not othertypes of testing (Chetty et al. 2013; Allyse et al.2014; Vahanian et al. 2014). Other factorsthought to contribute to NIPT uptake includehaving certainty and additional informationfrom invasive testing (e.g., pathogenic chromo-somal rearrangements, microdeletions, etc.).

However, despite the positive attitudes,concerns have also been raised predominantly

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because of the ease of access, NIPT requiring“just a blood test” and the fact that women un-dergo many blood tests in pregnancy and somay not realize they have had NIPTunless thereare very high standards for pretest counseling.Further, because the risk associated with testingis removed for many women undergoing NIPT,there may be societal and family pressure ap-plied to undergo testing (Lewis et al. 2013).Widespread availability through the privatesector may also compromise informed consentunless health care providers are well informedand offer expert, detailed counseling as womenmay opt for NIPT having been made aware ofit through a variety of public media which tendto report the positive, rather than negative fea-tures of NIPT (Lewis et al. 2014b). Given thesecaveats and the other features described abovesuch as discordant results, detection of mater-nal chromosomal rearrangements, and failedtests, although NIPT still offers improved sensi-tivity and positive predictive value over currentscreening tests, it is clear that there is a hugeneed for health professional education andtime for both pre- and post-test counseling.This applies to both the private and publichealth sectors but can only realistically be man-dated in the public sector in which a detailedand widespread educational program mustprecede implementation, as is being trialed inthe RAPID study (Hill et al. 2014; www.rapid.nhs.uk).

Another implication for implementationarises from the profound fall in invasive testingwe are experiencing in many countries (Larionet al. 2014b). In the public sector, this will im-pact on service provision and training as thereare guidelines defining the minimum numberof invasive tests a provider should perform tomaintain competency (https://www.rcog.org.uk/globalassets/documents/guidelines/gt8amniocentesis0111.pdf ). Furthermore, evi-dence suggests that a trainee should perform�50–100 tests (Nizard et al. 2002) to achievecompetency. The fall in invasive testing willadversely influence both on training and main-tenance of skills and may require service recon-figuration to centralize services in fewer centers(Rose et al. 2013).

Intellectual Property Issues

Intellectual property (IP) issues may impact onthe implementation of NIPT in the public sec-tor as there are a number of companies claimingintellectual property rights in this area (Agarwalet al. 2013) with a number of ongoing legalbattles, particularly in the United States. SuchIP issues might ultimately have an impact to thecost of test provision. The recent settlementbetween two of the major commercial playersin NIPT (http://www.utsandiego.com/news/2014/dec/03/Illumina-sequenom-verinata-nipt/)signals the first evidence of resolution of someof these disputes.

Implementation of NIPD for MonogenicDisorders

While noninvasive prenatal diagnosis (NIPD)for fetal sex determination, to triage invasivetesting for sex-linked disorders and maternaldexamethasone treatment in pregnancies at riskof CAH (Chitty et al. 2012a; Hill et al. 2012b)based on PCR-based methodologies has beenwidely implemented in Europe, largely throughaccredited public sector laboratories, there hasbeen very little development and implementa-tion of sequencing applications for NIPD ofmonogenic disorders, despite proof-of-princi-ple studies clearly showing these tests are possi-ble (Lun et al. 2008b; Lam et al. 2012; Lenchet al. 2013). This is because there is less demandfor testing for monogenic disorders, it beinglargely confined to families at known high-riskwith tests being provided on a bespoke, patient-or disease-specific basis and, until recently, themethods and workflows were labor intensiveand not readily scalable. All of these factors sug-gest that the market opportunity may be smalland not commercially attractive, leaving devel-opment to academics using increasingly scarceresearch funding.

The sequencing approaches described abovefor the NIPD of recessive disorders are laborintensive and costly in terms of both manpowerand sequencing as they require detailed knowl-edge of both parental genotypes (Lam et al.2012; New et al. 2014). As such, these have not

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been applied in clinical practice as yet. In theUnited Kingdom there are clear guidelines forthe validation of any molecular genetic test thatmust occur before commissioning and subse-quent funding by the National Health Service(NHS). This process is underpinned by theACCE framework (analytic validity, clinical va-lidity, clinical utility, and associated ethical,legal, and social implications) (Sanderson et al.2005).Otheraspects requiredby theUnitedKing-dom Genetic Testing Network (http://ukgtn.nhs.uk/) before issuing approval for use include adetailed health economic evaluation, definitionof care pathways and counseling approaches, pa-tient information, health professional education,and guidance for policy makers. Fetal sex de-termination using a PCR-based method wasthe first noninvasive prenatal diagnostic test ap-proved by the UKGTN in 2011 (Hill et al. 2012b).Since then, NIPD for achondroplasia and thana-tophoric dysplasia using a polymerase chain re-action–restriction enzyme digest (PCR–RED)approachwas approved by the UKGTN for use inthe NHS in 2012 (Chitty et al. 2011; Chitty et al.2013). While these approaches are very good todetect or exclude a paternal mutation in domi-nant conditions or in recessive conditions inwhich both parents carry different mutations,they have limited clinical applicability, particu-larly for the diagnosis of conditions with multi-ple causal mutations arising de novo, as eachmutation has to be assayed individually.

With the advent of desktop massively paral-lel DNA sequencers, it has been possible to de-velop gene panels that can be used to screen formultiple mutations in a single assay. At the mo-ment, these are used in clinical practice for thedetection or exclusion of the paternally inherit-ed in recessive conditions such as cystic fibrosisin which the parents carry different mutations(Hill et al. 2015) or for the detection of domi-nantly inherited conditions in which the fathercarries the mutation or it arises de novo. A num-ber of these panels have now been approvedfor use in the NHS by the UKGTN, includingan FGFR3 panel for the diagnosis of achondro-plasia, thanatophoric dysplasia and other FGFR3-related skeletal dysplasias (http://ukgtn.nhs.uk/find-a-test/search-by-disorder-gene/test-service/

fgfr3-related-skeletal-dysplasias-panel-test-nipd-654/; Chitty et al. 2015), an FGFR2 panel forApert syndrome (http://ukgtn.nhs.uk/find-a-test/search-by-disorder-gene/test-service/apert-syndrome-nipd-697/) and a panel covering the 10most common cystic fibrosis mutations (http://ukgtn.nhs.uk/find-a-test/search-by-disorder-gene/details/5062/). The sequencing approachoffers flexibility, the ability to screen a case formultiple mutations at one time, and several casescan be multiplexed either when testing for thesame condition or multiple conditions. Thesefeatures are very advantageous in a busy publicsector genetics laboratory and facilitate a rapidturnaround time or 3–6 d required for a time-ly prenatal diagnostic service. Sequencing ap-proachesalso offer thepotential for theestimationof fetal fraction, opening the way for determiningallelic ratios and inheritance of the maternalmutant allele in either X-linked or recessive con-ditions.


The technological advances that have enabledthe vision of NIPT and diagnosis based oncfDNA in maternal plasma to become a realityhave transformed prenatal screening and diag-nosis for many women. In a technology that hasadvanced as rapidly as NIPT, one has to carefullyassess the applications that are best supportedby scientific evidence and those that would pro-vide the biggest benefits to the tested subjects. Itis likely that the main challenges, as we go for-ward, will be ethical and economical rather thantechnological ones.


Y.M.D.L. has support from University GrantsCommittee of the Government of the HongKong Special Administration Region, China,under the Areas of Excellence Scheme (AoE/M-04/06), the Li Ka Shing Foundation andthe S.K. Yee Foundation. Y.M.D.L. also has sup-port from, holds equities in, and is a consultantto Sequenom and is a founder of Xcelom Lim-ited. Y.M.D.L. has licensed technologies to Se-quenom, Xcelom, and Illumina.

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L.S.C. is partially funded by the Great Or-mond Street Hospital Children’s Charity andthe National Institute for Health Research(NIHR) Biomedical Research Centre at GreatOrmond Street Hospital. The views expressedare those of the authors and not necessarilythose of the National Health Service (NHS),the NIHR or the Department of Health.


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published online July 17, 2015Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med  Lyn S. Chitty and Y. M. Dennis Lo Parallel Sequencing of Maternal Plasma DNANoninvasive Prenatal Screening for Genetic Diseases Using Massively

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of Fetal Single-Gene DisordersGenome-Wide Sequencing for Prenatal Detection

Ignatia B. Van den Veyver and Christine M. Eng Maternal Plasma DNADiseases Using Massively Parallel Sequencing of Noninvasive Prenatal Screening for Genetic

Lyn S. Chitty and Y. M. Dennis LoMicroRNA in Ovarian Biology and Disease

ChristensonLynda K. McGinnis, Lacey J. Luense and Lane K. The Oocyte's Perspective on the Incoming Sperm

Confrontation, Consolidation, and Recognition:

David Miller

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