XU ET AL . VOL. 7 NO. 1 598 613 2013 www.acsnano.org 598 December 07, 2012 C 2012 American Chemical Society Nondestructive Light-Initiated Tuning of Layer-by-Layer Microcapsule Permeability Weinan Xu, Ikjun Choi, Felix A. Plamper, ‡,§ Christopher V. Synatschke, Axel H. E. Mu ¨ ller, and Vladimir V. Tsukruk †, * School of Materials Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30332, United States, and Makromolekulare Chemie II and Bayreuther Zentrum fur Kolloide und Grenzächen, Universität Bayreuth, D-95440 Bayreuth, Germany. § Present address: Institute of Physical Chemistry, RWTH Aachen University, 52056 Aachen, Germany. R esponsive materials assembled from nanostructured building blocks have attracted much attention in recent years due to their abilities to adapt and respond to stimuli in surrounding environ- ments. 1 These materials are playing an increasingly important role in elds such as controlled release, 1,2 tissue engineering, biosensors and catalytic systems. Among the many approaches to fabricate respon- sive polymeric structures, layer-by-layer (LbL) assembly is a highly versatile technique to produce organized structures with desirable properties from many di erent kinds of ma- terials, such as polymers, 3 nanoparticles, 4 DNA, 5 proteins 6 and viruses. 7,8 Microcapsules prepared via LbL techniques have attracted particular interest because their properties can be readily tailored during and after the preparation process. 9,10 In addition, multiple functionalities can be introduced during the stepwise formation, thus creating a novel platform with unprecedented structures and functions. 11,12 Stimuli-responsive behavior of microcap- sules can be achieved in various ways by specic stimuli such as pH, salt, light, ultrasonic and magnetic elds, which can trigger cargo release at the desired location, condition, and time. 1315 Microcapsules composed of weak polyelectrolytes are gen- erally responsive to the pH of the environ- ment. 16 When the pH of the environment becomes lower (in case of polyacids) or high- er (in case of polybases) than the pK a , the polyelectrolytes become uncharged thus resulting in the increasing permeability. 17 This process can be reversible in most cases when the pH of the environment goes back to the original value. 18 However, the pH responsive approach cannot be remote- ly controlled, and most of the pH respon- sive microcapsules are not able to perform satisfactorily in terms of subtle pH change. Another interesting category of responsive microcapsules is magnetic eld responsive. By embedding magnetic particles into the polymer shells of microcapsules, the LbL * Address correspondence to [email protected]. Received for review October 13, 2012 and accepted December 7, 2012. Published online 10.1021/nn304748c ABSTRACT A nondestructive way to achieve remote, reversible, light-controlled tunable perme- ability of ultrathin shell microcapsules is demonstrated in this study. Microcapsules based on poly{[2-(methacryloyloxy)ethyl] trimethylammonium iodide} (PMETAI) star polyelectrolyte and poly- (sodium 4-styrenesulfonate) (PSS) were prepared by a layer-by-layer (LbL) technique. We demonstrated stable microcapsules with controlled permeability with the arm number of a star polymer having signicant eect on the assembly structure: the PMETAI star with 18 arms shows a more uniform and compact assembly structure. We observed that in contrast to regular microcapsules from linear polymers, the permeability of the star polymer microcapsules could be dramatically altered by photoinduced transformation of the trivalent hexacyanocobaltate ions into a mixture of mono- and divalent ions by using UV irradiation. The reversible contraction of PMETAI star polyelectrolyte arms and the compaction of star polyelectrolytes in the presence of multivalent counterions are considered to cause the dramatic photoinduced changes in microcapsule properties observed here. Remarkably, unlike the current mostly destructive approaches, the light-induced changes in microcapsule permeability are completely reversible and can be used for light-mediated loading/unloading control of microcapsules. KEYWORDS: layer-by-layer assembly . star polyelectrolyte . tunable microcapsules . shell permeability . salt and UV responsive shells ARTICLE

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XU ET AL . VOL. 7 ’ NO. 1 ’ 598–613 ’ 2013



December 07, 2012

C 2012 American Chemical Society

Nondestructive Light-InitiatedTuning of Layer-by-LayerMicrocapsule PermeabilityWeinan Xu,† Ikjun Choi,† Felix A. Plamper,‡,§ Christopher V. Synatschke,‡ Axel H. E. Muller,‡ and

Vladimir V. Tsukruk†,*

†School of Materials Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30332, United States, and ‡Makromolekulare Chemie II andBayreuther Zentrum fur Kolloide und Grenzflächen, Universität Bayreuth, D-95440 Bayreuth, Germany. §Present address: Institute of Physical Chemistry,RWTH Aachen University, 52056 Aachen, Germany.

Responsive materials assembled fromnanostructured building blocks haveattracted much attention in recent

years due to their abilities to adapt andrespond to stimuli in surrounding environ-ments.1 These materials are playing anincreasingly important role in fields suchas controlled release,1,2 tissue engineering,biosensors and catalytic systems. Amongthe many approaches to fabricate respon-sive polymeric structures, layer-by-layer (LbL)assembly is a highly versatile technique toproduce organized structures with desirableproperties from many different kinds of ma-terials, such as polymers,3 nanoparticles,4

DNA,5 proteins6 and viruses.7,8 Microcapsulesprepared via LbL techniques have attractedparticular interest because their propertiescan be readily tailored during and after thepreparation process.9,10 In addition, multiplefunctionalities can be introduced duringthe stepwise formation, thus creating a novelplatformwith unprecedented structures andfunctions.11,12

Stimuli-responsive behavior of microcap-sules can be achieved in various waysby specific stimuli such as pH, salt, light,ultrasonic and magnetic fields, which cantrigger cargo release at the desired location,condition, and time.13�15 Microcapsulescomposed ofweak polyelectrolytes are gen-erally responsive to the pH of the environ-ment.16 When the pH of the environmentbecomes lower (in case of polyacids) or high-er (in case of polybases) than the pKa, thepolyelectrolytes become uncharged thusresulting in the increasing permeability.17

This process can be reversible in mostcases when the pH of the environment goesback to the original value.18 However, thepH responsive approach cannot be remote-ly controlled, and most of the pH respon-sive microcapsules are not able to performsatisfactorily in terms of subtle pH change.Another interesting category of responsivemicrocapsules is magnetic field responsive.By embedding magnetic particles into thepolymer shells of microcapsules, the LbL

* Address correspondence [email protected].

Received for review October 13, 2012and accepted December 7, 2012.

Published online10.1021/nn304748c

ABSTRACT A nondestructive way to achieve remote, reversible, light-controlled tunable perme-

ability of ultrathin shell microcapsules is demonstrated in this study. Microcapsules based on

poly{[2-(methacryloyloxy)ethyl] trimethylammonium iodide} (PMETAI) star polyelectrolyte and poly-

(sodium 4-styrenesulfonate) (PSS) were prepared by a layer-by-layer (LbL) technique. We demonstrated

stable microcapsules with controlled permeability with the arm number of a star polymer having

significant effect on the assembly structure: the PMETAI star with 18 arms shows a more uniform and

compact assembly structure. We observed that in contrast to regular microcapsules from linear

polymers, the permeability of the star polymer microcapsules could be dramatically altered by

photoinduced transformation of the trivalent hexacyanocobaltate ions into a mixture of mono- and

divalent ions by using UV irradiation. The reversible contraction of PMETAI star polyelectrolyte arms and the compaction of star polyelectrolytes in the

presence of multivalent counterions are considered to cause the dramatic photoinduced changes in microcapsule properties observed here. Remarkably,

unlike the current mostly destructive approaches, the light-induced changes in microcapsule permeability are completely reversible and can be used for

light-mediated loading/unloading control of microcapsules.

KEYWORDS: layer-by-layer assembly . star polyelectrolyte . tunablemicrocapsules . shell permeability . salt andUV responsive shells



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XU ET AL . VOL. 7 ’ NO. 1 ’ 598–613 ’ 2013



shells can be disturbed, Consequently, this allows thepermeation of target molecules through the micro-capsule wall,19 but the long exposure time and strongmagnetic field requirement are major challenges.Light-induced release of polymeric microcapsules

has attracted much attention in recent years due totheir potential applications in diverse delivery areas.20

Previous research on light-responsive microcapsulescan be divided into three main categories. First, micro-capsules may contain metal nanoparticles such asTiO2,

21 silver,22 and gold,23,24 which can either destruc-tively or nondestructively change the permeabilityand mechanical properties of microcapsules,25 mostlydue to the strong light absorption of the nanoparticles.Unfortunately, the potential toxicity of metal nanopar-ticles might limit their application in some fields, andmost of the approaches are destructive. The secondcategory is microcapsules that contain fluorescent22

and functional dyes,26 which can be responsive tovisible or IR irradiation. Finally, UV irradiation can changethe permeability of microcapsules by photooxidation27

or optical photoisomerization,28 but the light responsiveproperties for these microcapsules are compromisedby the fact that only about half of the microcapsuleshave the ability to encapsulate model substances afterUV irradiation. The approaches are destructive to themicrocapsules (but not necessarily for the exterior), thusmultiple loading�unloading cycles of these microcap-sules cannot be completed.The modulation of the polyelectrolyte microcap-

sule's permeability by changing the salt concentrationin the surroundings is commonly observed for poly-electrolyte-based LbL microcapsules.20,29,30 The salt-induced permeability change of the microcapsulesshell is generated from the shielding of charges onthe polyelectrolytes that reduces the interaction be-tween adjacent layers with opposite charges, thusfacilitating the diffusion of macromolecules throughthe multilayer walls. The combination of salt and UVresponsive properties can be possibly achieved byusing salt with photochemical properties, so that thechange in permeability of microcapsule shell inducedby the addition of salt can be recovered by decom-posing the salt using photochemical reactions. Toachieve this goal, the polymers used to compose themicrocapsule shell need to be very sensitive to the salt,especially having dramatically different behaviors inthe presence of different salt ions before and afterthe photochemical reaction. Highly branched poly-electrolytes can be considered as thematerial of choicefor the assembly of ion-sensitive shells, among whichstar polyelectrolytes are excellent candidates for suchmicrocapsules due to their extremely high sensitivity toan ionic environment.31,32 Compared to dendrimers33

and other branched polymers,34,35 star polymers havethe advantages of facile synthesis,36,37 flexible composi-tions,38,39 and tunable sizes.40,41

There are several pioneering works on microcap-sules made from branched polyelectrolyte macromo-lecules. Poly(amidoamine) dendrimers have been usedto prepare hollow capsules by LbL technique withpoly(sodium 4-styrenesulfonate) (PSS);42 however thecapsules were unstable toward the core removal pro-cedure and the yield was low. Microcapsules com-posed of cationic phosphorus dendrimers and PSSwere able to selectively encapsulate Cy5 dye mol-ecules via DNA hybridization.43 The mechanical prop-erties of DNA/phosphorus dendrimers-based micro-capsules have been studied, and it was found thatthese microcapsules were softer than microcapsulesassembled from linear flexible polyelectrolytes.44 Hol-low microcapsules with a shell constructed entirelyfrom a cationic/zwitterionic pairs of pH-responsiveblock copolymer micelles have also been successfullyprepared, and it was shown that the core/shell structureof the micelles remains intact after LbL assembly.45

Herein, we introduce novel LbLmicrocapsules basedon responsive star polyelectrolytes with unique non-destructive, remote, reversible, light-induced tunabilityof the shell permeability in high contrast with traditionalmethods which are usually destructive and requireadding toxic nanoparticles to the shell composition.Taking advantage of the star polyelectrolyte's uniqueresponse to an ionic environment, we can effectivelymodulate the conformation of PMETAI stars by addingmultivalent salt and controlling its state by a mildphotoinduced chemical reaction, thus readily tuningthe permeability of microcapsules. By using the photo-chemical reaction, [Co(CN)6]

3�, trivalent counterionscan be decomposed into monovalent and divalentions that dramatically affect the conformation of PME-TAI star polyelectrolytes and porosity of LbL shells.46

In contrast to previous approaches, the path suggestedhere results in reversible, remote, nondestructivelight-triggering changes in the permeability of themicrocapsules.


The chemical structure of the PMETAI star polyelec-trolyte is shown in Scheme 1a. PMETAI is the quater-nized ammonium salt of poly{(N,N-dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate} (PDMAEMA), which was synthe-sized by polymerizing DMAEMA by atom transferradical polymerization employing a core-first strategy.The oligofunctional initiators used here were sugar-based scaffolds as well as silsesquioxane nanoparticles.47

At very low ionic strength the hydrodynamic radiusof PMETAI18 is 24 nm, which is about 56% of the contourlength of a single arm (42.5 nm), indicating a consider-able stretching due to Coulombic repulsion and highosmotic pressure inside the star.47 As previouslyreported,48 when multivalent counterions are addedto star polyelectrolyte solution, the arms of the starpolyelectrolyteswould retract (Scheme1b). The addition



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XU ET AL . VOL. 7 ’ NO. 1 ’ 598–613 ’ 2013



of trivalent hexacyanocobaltate(III) ions leads to thecollapse of PMETAI star polyelectrolyte even at lowconcentrations. Moreover, a PMETAI star can recoverto an expanded state from a collapsed state by trans-forming the trivalent hexacyanocobaltate(III) ions intoa mixture of mono- and divalent ions by UV irradiation,as shown in Scheme 1b. Therefore, the conformationand interaction of PMETAI star polyelectrolyte can beswitched by controlling the state of multivalent saltswith UV irradiation. To take advantage of the uniqueresponsive behaviors of PMETAI star polyelectrolyte andextend its application, we study the properties of planarfilms first.

(PSS/PMETAI)n LbL Thin Films. To study the effects ofthe number of arms of star polyelectrolytes on theirself-assembly behavior, two sets of LbL films with 5, 8,and 11 bilayers have been prepared from PSS and18 and 5.6 armed PMETAI star polyelectrolytes: (PSS/PMETAI18)n and (PSS/PMETAI5.6)n. In this designa-tion, for instance, (PSS/PMETAI18)8 represents a film(or microcapsule) of eight bilayers made with 18-armPMETAI star polyelectrolyte.

AFM images of the PSS/PMETAI18 films with threedifferent numbers of layers are shown in Figure 1. Thefilms are uniform, which confirms the relatively stronginteraction between PMETAI18 and PSS components.49

Scheme1. (a) Chemical structure of PMETAI star polyelectrolyte, (b) structural changeof PMETAI after addingK3[Co(CN)6] andduring the photochemical reaction.

Figure 1. (a�c) AFM images of (PSS/PMETAI18)5 film, (d�f) AFM images of (PSS/PMETAI18)8 film, (g�i) AFM images of (PSS/PMETAI18)11 film; panels c, f, and i are phase images. Z-scale is 30 nm for topography images and 30� for phase images.



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From high resolution AFM topography and phaseimages, it can be seen that fine granular structuresare uniformly distributed throughout the surface. Theaverage size of the granules is below 30 nm, with theheight around 2.5 nm, which are close to expecteddimensions of PMETAI star polyelectrolytes with ex-tended arms.48 The density of granule structures onthe surface of LbL films gradually increases withthe number of layers, while the overall roughnessof the films remains almost constant, around 1.7 nm(as measured on 1 � 1 μm area). The microroughnessof (PSS/PMETAI18)n films is higher than that of uniformLbL films made by linear polyelectrolytes (usuallybelow 1 nm) due to more pronounced aggregationof star polyelectrolytes.50

Figure 2 shows the thickness buildup of (PSS/PMETAI18)n films as obtained from UV absorption andellipsometry. From UV absorption it is clear that theincrease of the number of layers results in a virtuallylinear growth of film thickness.51 Both total thicknessand the characteristic peak in 227 nm which is attrib-uted to the phenyl ring in PSS linearly increase with thenumber of layers.

AFM images for the (PSS/PMETAI5.6)n films showdifferent characteristics compared with that of (PSS/PMETAI18)n films (Figure 3). The high resolution AFM

topography and phase images of (PSS/PMETAI5.6)5films show uniform distribution of granular aggre-gates. The average size of these granule structures(below 20 nm) is smaller than that of the 18-armPMETAI star polyelectrolytes. With the increase ofnumber of layers, some larger-scale aggregation occursas can be clearly seen for 8 and 11 bilayer films. Thisprocess is confirmed by the increased microroughnessof (PSS/PMETAI5.6)n films with 5, 8, and 11 bilayers from1.1 to 2.2, and 3.9 nm, respectively.

Despite the appearance of larger aggregates on thefilm surface, the average thickness of (PSS/PMETAI5.6)nfilms grows linearly with layer number, as proven bythe thickness data from ellipsometry measurement(Supporting Information, Figure S1a). The UV absor-bance intensity at 227 nm increases almost linearlywith increasing layer number (Figure S1b) indicatingconsistent growth of LbL films. For the same number oflayers, the (PSS/PMETAI5.6)n film is slightly thinner thanthe (PSS/PMETAI18)n film, due to the lower molecularweight of 5.6-arm star polymer.47

Morphology of (PSS/PMETAI)n LbL Microcapsules. The com-mon preparation routine for (PSS/PMETAI)n microcap-sules is shown in Scheme2.11,52 Similar to (PSS/PMETAI)nfilms, we also prepared LbL microcapsules using twodifferent PMETAI star polyelectrolytes with 5.6 arms and18 arms and with 5, 8, and 11 bilayer shells.

An electrophoresis experiment was conducted tomonitor the LbL growth of PSS and PMETAI star poly-electrolytes. As shown in Figure 4, the ζ-potentialof bare silica particles was ca. �70 mV. A ζ-potentialof ca. �75 mV was obtained for microcapsules whenPSS was the outmost layer of film on silica core. Onthe other hand, a positive ζ-potential of þ72 mV wasobserved when PMETAI18 star polyelectrolyte was theoutmost layer. On the whole, the alternating surfacecharge of coated silica particles was strong evidencethat consistent LbL assembly of anionic PSS and cationicPMETAI components took place during the fabricationprocess.53,54

SEM imagesof (PSS/PMETAI18)11 and (PSS/PMETAI5.6)11microcapsules are shown in Figure 5. SEM images ofthe microcapsules based on PMETAI star polyelectro-lyte and PSS with five and eight bilayers are shownin Supporting Information, Figures S2 and S3; it canbe seen that all of the different kinds of microcapsulesare uniform in size. The average thicknesses for (PSS/PMETAI18) microcapsules with 5, 8, and 11 bilayers are12.8, 16.1, and 21.6 nm, respectively, which is higherthan that of planar films with the same number of layer(see comparison in Figure 6a). The average bilayerthicknesses of (PSS/PMETAI18)n films and microcap-sules in dry state are 1.2 and 2.0 nm, respectively. Therougher silica particles resulted in larger adsorbedamount as discussed in earlier reports.55

Stable and monodisperse microcapsules were pro-duced upon removal of silica cores, although a certain

Figure 2. (a) Thickness of (PSS/PMETAI18)n films as a functionof bilayer number as measured by ellipsometry. (b) UV�visspectra of (PSS/PMETAI18)n films with different number oflayers assembled on quartz substrate. Inset shows the in-tensity increase of the peak at 227 nm with bilayer number.



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amount of shrinkage was observed. From confocalmicroscopy images it can be seen that the averagediameter of hollow (PSS/PMETAI)n microcapsules was3.0 μm, comparedwith a 4.0 μmdiameter of the originalsilica particles. Such shrinkage of microcapsules basedon highly branched polymers is in accordance withprevious research and is related to partial collapse ofthe inner porous network upon core removal.56

Figure 7 showsAFM imagesof dried (PSS/PMETAI18)nhollow microcapsules with 5, 8, and 11 bilayers. Thelarge scale images show that the microcapsules arequite robust even after drying, preserve their nearspherical shape, and avoid aggregation due to strongCoulombic repulsion. Characteristic grainy morphologywith occasional wrinkles and folded shells is visible forall three microcapsules with different number of layers.

Figure 3. (a�c) AFM images of (PSS/PMETAI5.6)5 film, (d�f) AFM images of (PSS/PMETAI5.6)8 film, (g�i) AFM images of (PSS/PMETAI5.6)11 film; panels c, f, and i are phase images. Z-scale is 30 nm for topography images and 30� for phase images.

Scheme 2. LbL assembly on silica core and fabrication of (PSS/PMETAI)n hollow microcapsule.



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Similar to the morphology of films, high density ofgrains is visible with uniform distribution of aggregatednanostructures, a common feature for LbL shells withweakly interacting components.57,58 The overall micro-roughness of (PSS/PMETAI18)n microcapsules is higherthan that of films (see Figure 6b) with the microrough-ness of microcapsules with 5, 8, and 11 bilayers increas-ing to 2.3, 2.8, and 3.6 nm, respectively.

Figure 8 shows the AFM images of (PSS/PMETAI5.6)nmicrocapsules with 5, 8, and 11 bilayers. The thicknessof microcapsules with 5, 8, and 11 bilayers is 12.4, 14.8,and 17.1 nm, respectively (Figure 6a). Similar to that of(PSS/PMETAI5.6)n films, high resolution topography and

phase images of microcapsules show a grainy surfacemorphology, increased porosity, as well as larger-scaleaggregation. Such an aggregation significantly increasesthe microroughness of microcapsules as comparedwith that of (PSS/PMETAI18)n, and indicates less regularLbL growth. The microroughness of (PSS/PMETAI5.6)microcapsules with 5, 8, and 11 bilayers is 3.5, 4.7,and 5.7 nm, respectively (Figure 6b). We suggest thatthe higher microroughness of these microcapsulesand increasing porosity might affect the permeabilityof the microcapsules, as will be discussed in thefollowing section.

Controlled Permeability of (PSS/PMETAI)n Microcapsules.Fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)�labeled dextrans ofvarious molecular weights were used as fluorescentprobes to study the permeability of microcapsuleswith confocal microscopy (Table 1).16,59 As expectedfor diffusion controlled processes, the permeability ofmicrocapsules decreases with the increase of layernumber.60 For (PSS/PMETAI18) microcapsules with fiveand eight bilayers, FITC-dextranwith amolecularweightof 2000 kDa and below is able to permeate throughthe shells. For (PSS/PMETAI18)11 microcapsules, FITC-dextran with a molecular weight of 500 kDa and belowcan permeate through the shells, while 2000 kDa FITC-dextran cannot.

Figure 4. Zeta (ζ)-potential as a function of bilayer numberduring LbL coating of silica particles with alternating (PSS/PMETAI18) bilayers.

Figure 5. SEM images of (PSS/PMETAI18)11 (a) and (PSS/PMETAI5.6)11 (b) microcapsules.

Figure 6. (a) Comparison of thickness of (PSS/PMETAI18)nwith (PSS/PMETAI5.6)n for both microcapsules and films.(b) Comparison of microroughness of (PSS/PMETAI18)n and(PSS/PMETAI5.6)n for microcapsules and films.



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Confocal microscopy images of (PSS/PMETAI18)11microcapsules with different molecular weight FITC-dextran are shown in Figure 9. Images formicrocapsuleswith five and eight bilayers are shown in SupportingInformation, Figures S5 and S6, respectively. For (PSS/PMETAI5.6)n microcapsules, the confocal microscopyimages of capsules with different number of layers areshown in Supporting Information, Figure S7, with theshells of the capsules labeledwith FITC for clarity. It canbeseen that (PSS/PMETAI5.6)nmicrocapsuleswith a differentnumber of layers are also very stable and uniform duringa change in the environment of the surrounding.

Considering that the reported hydrodynamic dia-meters of 2000 kDa and 500 kDa FITC-dextran are53.8 and 31.8 nm,61 respectively, the mesh size of(PSS/PMETAI18)5, (PSS/PMETAI18)8 and (PSS/PMETAI18)11shells should fall within the 30�50 nm range. This resultis in accordance with a previous permeability studyof microcapsules with very thin shells and from weakhydrogen-bonded components or proteins.18,62 On theother hand, these pore sizes are much larger than thecommon pore dimensions for conventional polyelec-rolyte-based LbL shells (a few nanometers across).52

The incorporation of branched polyelectrolytes inLbL shells, which are known to exhibit conformationalchanges in the presence of counterions, has beenexploited to tune the permeability of microcapsules.63

Indeed, previous studies showed that the addition oftrivalent ions (La3þ) might lead to a collapsed poly-electrolyte brush, which is caused by a reduction of theinterior osmotic pressure.64,65 Plamper et al.48 demon-strated that the arms of the cationic star polyelectrolyte(which is also 18-armed PMETAI) retract when multi-valent counterions are added and that trivalent hexacya-nocobaltate (III) ions lead to the collapse of PMETAI18stars even at very low concentrations.Molecular dynamicsimulations and AFM observations have also shown thatthe dendrimers and star polymers can collapse upon theaddition of multivalent salt ions.66�68

In this study, adding hexacyanocobaltate (III) ions([Co(CN)6]

3�) to the solution of (PSS/PMETAI18)nmicro-capsules was used to tune the permeability of microcap-sule shells. First, we found that before adding K3[Co(CN)6]to the solution, (PSS/PMETAI18)n microcapsules showeda high permeability. Figure 9 panels e and f showthe confocal microscopy images of (PSS/PMETAI18)11

Figure 7. (a�c) AFM images of (PSS/PMETAI18)5microcapsule, (d�f) AFM images of (PSS/PMETAI18)8microcapsule, (g�i) AFMimages of (PSS/PMETAI18)11 microcapsule; panels c, f, and i are phase images. Z-scale is 200 nm for topography images and80� for phase images.



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microcapsules with 500 kDa and 70 kDa FITC-dextranafter adding K3[Co(CN)6], respectively. After addingtrivalent salt ions at a concentration of 0.8 mM, thepermeability of (PSS/PMETAI18)nmicrocapsules drama-tically decreases with threshold level decreasing to amolecular weight of 70 kDa. Considering that thehydrodynamic diameter of 70 kDa dextran is around13.0 nm, we can conclude that the pore dimensionsof the (PSS/PMETAI18)n shells were reduced by a factor of3 under these conditions. Additionally, the average sizeof the (PSS/PMETAI18)n microcapsules in the solutionstate decreased from 3.0 to 2.6 μmafter adding 0.8mM

trivalent salt, thus further confirming densification ofthe shells.

On the other hand, the concentration of K3[Co(CN)6]also plays an important role in the permeability of(PSS/PMETAI18)nmicrocapsules. At very low concentra-tion (<0.1 mM) the permeability of (PSS/PMETAI18)8only decreases by a small extent, so that less 500 kDaFITC-dextran can diffuse across the shell (Figure 10b).At the K3[Co(CN)6] concentration of around 0.8 mM,(PSS/PMETAI18)8 microcapsules are impermeable for500 kDa FITC-dextran (Figure 10c). If the concentrationof added K3[Co(CN)6] is further increased, for instance

Figure 8. (a�c) AFM images of (PSS/PMETAI5.6)5 microcapsule, (d�f) AFM images of (PSS/PMETAI5.6)8 microcapsule, (g�i) AFMimages of (PSS/PMETAI5.6)11 microcapsule; panels c, f, and i are phase images. Z-scale is 200 nm for topography images and80� for phase images.

TABLE 1. Permeability of (PSS/PMETAI18)n Microcapsules to FITC-Dextrans with Different Molecular Weight (“þ”:

Permeable, “;” nonpermeable)

sample FITC-Dextra 70 kDa FITC-Dextra 250 kDa FITC-Dextra 500 kDa FITC-Dextra 2000 kDa

(PSS/PMETAI18)5 in buffer þ þ þ þ(PSS/PMETAI18)5 after adding 0.8 mM K3[Co(CN)6] ; ; ; ;(PSS/PMETAI18)8 in buffer þ þ þ þ(PSS/PMETAI18)8 after adding 0.8 mM K3[Co(CN)6] ; ; ; ;(PSS/PMETAI18)11 in buffer þ þ þ ;(PSS/PMETAI18)11 after adding 0.8 mM K3[Co(CN)6] ; ; ; ;



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to 4 mM, the effect in closing the pores of (PSS/PMETAI18)n capsules decreases and shells becomepermeable to a certain extent (Figure 10d).

These changes in shell permeability can be under-stood considering well-known results for polyelec-trolyte solutions.48,64,67�70 For instance, it has beendemonstrated that the presence of multivalent ionsleads to attraction between planar polyelectrolytebrushes and similarly charged polyelectrolytes.71,72

As is known, adding multivalent salt to the solutionof star polyelectrolytes causes collapse of the star con-formation if the salt concentration exceeds a criticalvalue and the collapsed state can re-expand if the saltconcentration increases beyond a second critical value(reentrant condensation).73 At very low ionic strength

the arms of PMETAI18 star polyelectrolytes are nearlystretched to full length,74 and after LbL assembly of PSSand PMETAI18, PMETAI18 could maintain the stretchedconformation, since the interpenetrationbetween layershappens to a low extent. For star polyelectrolyte likePMETAI18, the correlation with counterions has provento bemuch stronger, so that the counterions are mostlylocalized within the shells which are composed ofarms.64 The strong binding of polyelectrolyte with coun-terions is accompanied by a significantly reduced osmo-tic activity of the counterions, thus creatinghighosmoticpressurewithin star polyelectrolytes, as a result, the armsof PMETAI stars should be strongly stretched.

The conformation of star polyelectrolytes is largelycontrolled by the balance between osmotic pressure of

Figure 9. Confocal images of (PSS/PMETAI18)11 microcapsules exposed to FITC (a), and FITC-dextran solutions with Mw of2000 kDa (b), 500 kDa (c), 70 kDa (d). After adding 0.8mMK3[Co(CN)6], (PSS/PMETAI18)11microcapsules exposed FITC-dextransolutions with Mw of 500 kDa (e), 70 kDa (f). Scale bar is 2 μm.



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the entrapped counterions and the arm elasticity.32

Upon the addition of K3[Co(CN)6], the monovalentcounterions I� are replaced by [Co(CN)6]

3‑. On averagethree I� ions are replaced by one [Co(CN)6]

3�, with theion exchange process controlled by the Donnaneffect.64 Thus the osmotic pressure inside PMETAI18 isreduced by a factor of three and a strong shrinking ofthe arm stretching and a collapse occur. Previous studyshowed that star polyelectrolytes collect multivalentcounterions from the surroundings until they becomesaturated, so that the collapse of star polyelectrolytesbegins at quite a low salt concentration.64 In oursystem, we use a relatively low concentration of PME-TAI18 solution (0.2 mg/mL) to perform LbL assembly,and after the assembly process, the actual PMETAI18concentration would be even lower. Therefore, a verylow concentration of K3[Co(CN)6] should be enoughto make the PMETAI18 star polyelectrolyte effectivelycollapse.

The interaction of PMETAI18 star polyelectrolyteswithin swollen shells is mediated by three factors: theelectrostatic interactions, steric repulsionbetweenarms,and the entropic repulsion of counterions. It has beenproven that entropic repulsion of the counterions isthe dominant force between two star polyelectrolytes.70

During the collapse of PMETAI18 star polyelectrolytesupon adding [Co(CN)6]

3�, the steric stabilization effectalso breaks down. The interaction between PSS and

PMETAI18 decreases because [Co(CN)6]3� compensates

a great portion of positive charges on PMETAI18 arms.What's more, the contraction of PMETAI18 arms woulddecrease the number of attraction sites between PSSand PMETAI18. On the other hand, due to the presenceof [Co(CN)6]

3� ions between PMETAI18 stars, there isan attraction force between the star polyelectrolytes.The concentration of counterions surrounding the PME-TAI18 star molecules also decreases heavily due tothe replacement of I� ions with [Co(CN)6]

3� ions. There-fore, the entropic repulsion between counterions de-creases, which also contributes to the attractionbetween stars with added K3[Co(CN)6].

We suggest that the collapse of the arm chains andthe attraction between PMETAI18 stars jointly contri-bute to the significant decrease in the permeabilityof (PSS/PMETAI18)n shellswith salt concentration changes.On the other hand, the pore size is largely determinedby the space between arms of the PMETAI18 starspacked in shells (Scheme 3).75 Upon addition of theK3[Co(CN)6] salt, the contraction of PMETAI18 starssignificantly decreases the distance between the arms.At the same time, the increasing attractive forcesbetween PMETAI18 stars make them migrate closer,thus themolecular packing become denser. As a result,the pore size as well as the overall size of the micro-capsule decreases, which corresponds to the permeabil-ity measurements. The small angle neutron scattering

Figure 10. Permeability of (PSS/PMETAI18)8 microcapsules to 500 kDa FITC-dextran after adding K3[Co(CN)6]: (a) withoutK3[Co(CN)6], (b) 0.08 mM, (c) 0.8 mM, (d) 4 mM of K3[Co(CN)6]. Scale bar is 5 μm.



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experiments are in progress to further elucidate thisbehavior.

As suggested, the most contracted structure ofstar polyelectrolytes appears when the total chargeof multivalent counterions neutralizes the polyelectro-lyte charge.69 When the multivalent salt concentrationincreases beyond that point, the arms start to expandagain. In contrast, in the presence of monovalentcounterions, star polyelectrolytes exhibit a slow,mono-tonic decrease of radius of gyration with the increaseof salt concentration. Arm re-expansion is linkedto charge reversal,76 when the arms of PMETAI18 starsare filled with [Co(CN)6]

3‑ ions, the repulsion betweenthese ions induces the separation of arms. Therefore, atrelatively high K3[Co(CN)6] salt concentrationwhen thePMETAI18 stars re-expand, the space between armsof PMETAI18 as well as the intermolecular distancesincrease, so that the shell permeability also increases.Thus, if external stimuli can affect the ion state insideshells, the permeability and thus loading�unloadingbehavior of microcapsules can be tuned on-demand,this intriguing possibility is further discussed below.

UV Triggered Release of (PSS/PMETAI18)n Microcapsules. Inour next effort, we took advantage of the simple andwell-known photochemical behavior of a cyanide com-plex; [Co(CN)6]

3� ions can be converted into monova-lent and divalent ions with UV irradiation according tothe reaction46

Co(CN)63� sf



2� þCN�

This photoaquation reaction has a quantum yieldof 0.31 at 25 �C independent of the wavelength ofirradiation (254, 313, and 365 nm), the concentrationof the complex, and the pH of the solution (2.0�7.5). Ithas also been demonstrated that the thermal reactionopposed to the photoaquation was not appreciable.77

The photochemical reaction could complete in about30 min under normal illumination conditions.46 The

decomposition of [Co(CN)6]3� ions into [Co(CN)5]


and CN� results in the total number of counterionsincreasing dramatically, so that the osmotic pressurewithin PMETAI18 stars becomes much higher. More-over, the entropic repulsion between counterions alsoincreases at higher concentration, which also contri-butes to a stretched conformation of arms.

To explore this possibility to tune the state of LbLshells, the suspension of (PSS/PMETAI18)n microcap-suleswas irradiatedusing aUVPB-100AhighpoweredUVlamps (100 W) at a wavelength of 365 nm. The sampleswere placed in quartz cuvettes and then immersed ina cooled water bath, which was placed 7 cm away fromthe lamp. First, we observed that (PSS/PMETAI18)8 micro-capsules are impermeable to 500 kDa FITC�dextran afteradding0.8mMK3[Co(CN)6] (Figure 11). However, after UVirradiation for 45 min, these microcapsules becomepermeable to 500 kDa dextran again.

To further explore the role of the multivalentsalt and UV irradiation on the permeability of (PSS/PMETAI18)n microcapsules, we also conducted loading�unloading test. For this test, 500 kDa FITC-dextranwas added to the solution of (PSS/PMETAI18)n micro-capsules and it permeated quickly into microcapsules.Then K3[Co(CN)6] was added to the solution to reacha concentration of 0.8 mM, so that the pores on thewall of capsules becameeffectively closed thus trappingthe labeled dextran. Subsequently, FITC-dextran outsideof the capsules was removed by several centrifugationand washing steps and replaced with pure water. Thus,encapsulation of 500 kDa FITC-dextran was achieved inthis way with fluorescent FITC-dextran encapsulatedinside (PSS/PMETAI18)8 microcapsules as confirmed byconfocal microscopy (Figure 11c).

On the other hand, the encapsulated FITC-dextrancan be released by initiating pore opening withUV irradiation based on the mechanism discussedabove (Figure 11d). After UV irradiation for 45 min,FITC-dextran encapsulated within the (PSS/PMETAI18)8

Scheme 3. Responsive behavior of (PSS/PMETAI18)n microcapsules to multivalent salt and UV irradiation.



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microcapsules was released, so that both the back-ground and microcapsule interior are dark. Only themicrocapsule shells remain fluorescent due to theresidual FITC-dextran. To exclude the possibility ofexcessive photobleaching, we also conducted a con-trol experiment, which is shown in Supporting In-formation, Figure S8. The fluorescence intensity insidethe microcapsules is a direct evidence of the existenceof the probe molecules.56 Before adding K3[Co(CN)6] tothe suspension, the microcapsule interior is nearly asbright as the background, which shows that FITC-dextran can easily permeate into the microcapsules.After trivalent salt was added, pores on the microcap-sule shells are largely closed, so that the microcapsuleinterior would still be bright due to encapsulated FITC-dextran and the background would be dark after re-moving surrounding dye molecules.

The encapsulation efficiency can be estimated bythe ratio of the average fluorescence intensity ofmicro-capsule interior before and after removing the labeleddextran from exterior. This intensity comparison showsthat around 84% of FITC-dextran was successfullyencapsulated. This encapsulation and release cyclecan be repeated with high efficiency multiple timesby alternatively adding K3[Co(CN)6] salt and UV irradia-tion (Supporting Information, Figure S9). The encapsu-lation efficiency as measured in the ratio of fluorescentintensities remains high and stable over multiple

cycles of UV-irradiation followed by ion additions(Figure 12).

The phenomenon demonstrated here can be com-pared to several existing approaches to remotely con-trol shell permeability of LbL microcapsules with light.One of the popular approaches incorporated metalnanoparticles like gold or silver into shells whichabsorb the light energy. The heat produced by nano-particles can be harvested to release encapsulatedsubstances from microcapsules, which are shown tobe viable and applicable even for intracellular release.But at high nanoparticle content, the microcapsulesare less stable and the responsiveness to light alsodecreases.78 Next, UV responsive polymer core�shellmicelles were developed as nanocarriers, with themicelle core-forming hydrophobic block containing aphotolabile chromophore as a pendant group.79 UponUV irradiation, the chemical bond breaks detaching thechromophore from the polymer and transforming thehydrophobic block into a hydrophilic block, whichleads to the dissociation of polymer micelles. Com-pared to our approach, due to the small size of polymermicelles (around 15 nm), they have much lower load-ing capacity and their dissociation is irreversible. An-other approach is utilizing macromolecules containingphotoisomerizable azobenzene moieties.28 These mi-crocapsules can shrink and encapsulate fluorescentlylabeled polymers, and the permeability decreases

Figure 11. Permeability of (PSS/PMETAI18)8 microcapsules to 500 kDa FITC-dextran, (a) after adding 0.8 mM K3[Co(CN)6],(b) add 0.8 mM K3[Co(CN)6], then irradiate by UV for 45 min; (c) encapsulation of 500 kDa FITC-dextran by adding 0.8 mMK3[Co(CN)6]; (d) release of FITC-dextran by 45 min UV irradiation.



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upon UV irradiation; however, the permeability changewas found to be irreversible. Therefore, light-stimu-lated loading�unloading ability based upon the inter-nal ion state control suggested here is very differentfrom previous mostly destructive approaches and pro-vides amuchmore efficient path for remote, reversible,cyclical tuning of shell permeability without the draw-backs of most current approaches.


LbL films and microcapsules based on PMETAIstar polyelectrolytes were successfully assembled

and explored as efficient cargo carriers with light-induced remote control of shell permeability, andcapable of multiple and reversible loading�unloadingbehavior. This novel “soft” path in contrast to currentmostly destructive approaches is based upon light-initiated ionic state transformation, which affectsthe porosity of shells composed of ion-sensitive starpolyelectrolytes. The permeability of (PSS/PMETAI18)nshells can be significantly reduced by adding a smallamount of K3[Co(CN)6] salt to the suspension due toa collapse of PMETAI stars, causing a dramatic reduc-tion in the pore size. Then K3[Co(CN)6] salt can bedecomposed into monovalent and divalent ions byUV irradiation, so that the permeability and dimen-sion of (PSS/PMETAI18)n microcapsules can be recov-ered. The responsive properties of microcapsulesalso prove that star polyelectrolytes could retain theirstimuli-responsive character after incorporating with-in LbL system, which is in accordance with previousreports.80�83

The light-induced changes in microcapsule perme-ability demonstrated here are completely reversibleand can be used for light-mediated loading�unloadingbehavior of LbL microcapsules in contrast to currentmicrocapsule-destructive approaches. UV-responsivemicrocapsules composed of star polyelectrolytes offera uniquely adaptive and tunable way of cargo deliveryand unloading which could find applications in sus-tained release, controlled delivery, microreactors, andcatalytic systems.


Materials. Poly(ethylene imine) (PEI) was purchased fromPolysciences. PSS (Mw = 70K) and poly(allylamine hydrochloride)(PAH, Mw = 58K) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. All com-mercial polyelectrolytes were used without further purification.Potassium hexacyanocobaltate (III) was also purchased fromSigma-Aldrich, with a total impurity e0.1%. Silica particleswith a diameter of 4.0 ( 0.2 μm and 10% dispersion in waterwere obtained from Polysciences. Hydrofluoric acid (48�51%)was purchased from BDH Aristar. Nanopure water (Nanopuresystem, Barnstead)with a resistivity of 18.2MΩ cmwas used in allexperiments.

Synthesis of PMETAI Star Polyelectrolytes. Poly{[2-(methacryloyloxy)-ethyl] trimethylammonium iodide} (PMETAI) is the quaternizedammoniumsalt of poly[2-(N,N-dimethylamino)ethylmethacrylate](PDMAEMA). PDMAEMA was synthesized by atom transfer radicalpolymerization employing a core-first approach.47 Sugar-basedscaffolds as well as silsesquioxane nanoparticles were used asoligofunctional initiators. The rather low efficiency of the initiationsites (30�75%) leads to a moderate arm number distribution ofthe prepared polyelectrolyte stars. For quaternization, PDMAEMAwas dissolved in acetone and methyl iodide was added at roomtemperatureat amolar ratio of 1.5 compared to aminogroups. Themixture was kept stirring overnight to ensure quantitative conver-sion. Acetonewas decanted, and the polymer waswashed severaltimes with acetone. Then quaternized polymer was dissolvedin water and dialyzed against pure water for 2 days and finallyfreeze-dried. Herewe used star PMETAI with an arm number of 18(number average, polydispersity index (PDI) in arm number dis-tribution ≈ 1.4) and a number-average degree of polymerizationper arm of 170 (PDI of arm = 1.2), number average molecular

weight is 910K. PMETAI5.6 also has a number-average degree ofpolymerization per arm of 170 (PDI of arm = 1.2), number averagemolecular weight is 280K. Detailed synthesis steps and character-ization was published earlier.47

Preparation of LbL Films and Microcapsules. PSS and PMETAI starpolyelectrolyte were dissolved in 0.01 M Tris-HCl buffer (pH = 7)with the concentration of 0.2 mg/mL. PEI solution (1.0 mg/mL)in 0.01 M Tris-HCl buffer was used to deposit the prelayer.A silicon wafer was cleaned with pirana solution (3:1 concen-trated sulfuric acid and hydrogen peroxide mixture. Cautionstrong oxidizer!) according to the known procedure.84 It wasthen rinsed with abundant nanopure water and dried with anitrogen stream. LbL films were prepared by the dip-assistedmethod: the silicon substrate was alternately immersed in PSSand PMETAI star polyelectrolyte solution for 15min, followed byrinsing two times with 0.01 M Tris-HCl buffer. For most of thestudies, we prepared LbL film with bilayer numbers of 5, 8, and11, all of which have PSS as the outmost layer.

The preparation of LbL (PSS/PMETAI)n microcapsules isshown in Scheme 2: the bare, negatively charged silica particleswith average diameter of 4 μm were first coated with a PEIprelayer by incubation in 1.5 mL of PEI solution (1.0 mg/mL) for15 min, followed by two centrifugation (3000 rpm for 3 min)/wash cycles. Subsequently, the silica particles were incubatedin 1.5 mL of PSS solution (0.2 mg/mL) for 15 min, followed bytwo centrifugation (3000 rpm for 3 min)/wash cycles. A 1.5 mLof PMETAI star polyelectrolyte solution was then added to thesilica particles and 15 min was allowed for adsorption, alsofollowed by two centrifugation cycles. The PSS and PMETAIstar polyelectrolyte adsorption steps were repeated until thedesired number of layers was built on silica particles. Hollow

Figure 12. Encapsulation efficiency (defined by the ratio ofaverage fluorescence intensity of microcapsule interiorbefore and after removing surrounding dye) versus repeat-able UV irradiation cycles.



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microcapsules were finally obtained by dissolving silica cores in0.5% HF solution for 2h, followed by dialysis in Nanopure waterfor 36h with a repeated change of water.

Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). AFM images were obtainedusing a Dimension-3000 (Digital Instruments) microscope inthe ``light'' tapping mode according to the well establishedprocedure.85,86 For capsule sample preparation, a drop of micro-capsule suspension was placed onto a precleaned silicon waferand dried in air prior to AFM imaging. Thickness of the micro-capsules was determined as half of the height of the collapsedflat regions of dried microcapsules from generated height histo-grams by NanoScope software.87

Ellipsometry. Film assembly as well as thickness was deter-mined using a M-2000U spectroscopic ellipsometer (Woollam).Prior to the measurements, samples were dried with nitrogenstream. The thickness value of the LbL film was obtained byfitting measured raw data with the Cauchy model.

UV�Visible Spectroscopy. A UV-2450 spectrophotometer(Shimadzu) was used to monitor the absorbance incrementsof the films on quartz slides. PSS has a maximum absorptionpeak at 227 nm, while PMETAI shows no absorption in theUV�vis region. Data were evaluated after the spectrum of thepiranha-treated blank quartz sample was subtracted from eachof the measured spectra.

Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). SEM imaging of hollowcapsules was performed on a Hitachi S-3400-II scanning elec-tron microscope with an electric current of 10 kV in vacuum(<1 Pa). Microcapsules air-dried on silicon wafers and were thensputter-coated with gold before imaging.

Zeta-Potential Measurements. Surface potentials of bare andcoated silica particles were measured from aqueous solutionson Zetasizer Nano-ZS (Malvern). Each value of the zeta-potentialwas obtained at ambient conditions by averaging three inde-pendent measurements of 35 subruns each.

Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM). Confocal images ofcapsules were obtained with an LSM 510 UV�vis laser scanningmicroscope (Zeiss, Germany) equipped with C-Apochromat 63�oil immersion objective. The excitation/emission wavelengthswere 488/515 nm. Microcapsules were visualized throughthe addition of fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) to the capsulesuspension. A drop of hollow capsule suspension was addedto Lab-Tek chamber (Electron Microscopy Sciences), which wasthen filled with 0.01 M Tris-HCl buffer. Microcapsules wereallowed to settle down and then analyzed. To investigate thepermeability of microcapsules, a drop of dispersion of hollowcapsules was added to the Lab-Tek chamber, which was thenhalf-filled with 0.01 M Tris-HCl buffer and then mixed with FITC-dextran solutions of different molecular weights (1 mg/mL).

Conflict of Interest: The authors declare no competingfinancial interest.

Acknowledgment. This work is supported by the NSF-DMR1002810 grant. The authors are grateful to Prof. N. Kroger forproviding the facility for zeta-potential measurements, andZ. Combs, K. Hu, S. Malak, and R. Davis for technical assistance.C. V. Synatschke acknowledges funding through a BayEFGscholarship and support from the Elite Network of Bavaria.

Supporting Information Available: More SEM and confocalmicroscopy images of (PSS/PMETAI)n microcapsules, and themorphology changes of microcapsules after adding trivalentsalt and UV irradiation. This material is available free of chargevia the Internet at http://pubs.acs.org.

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