Non Spatial Fields

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  • 7/21/2019 Non Spatial Fields


    Patran Reference ManualFields Forms


    Fields Create (Non-Spatial, Tabular Input)

    This form is used to create Non-Spatial time and frequency-dependent fields. It is also used to create new

    fields which are modifications of existing fields.

    Action Select the Create action.

    Object Select Non-Spatial as the type of field to be created.

    Method Select theTabular InputMethod.

    Existing Fields Existing Non-Spatial fields are displayed here.

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  • 7/21/2019 Non Spatial Fields


    245Ch. 6: Fields ApplicationFields Forms

    Fields Create (Active Independent Variable, Input Data)

    Use this form to input tabular data into a one-dimensional data table. The default maximum table length

    is 30. This can be changed in the Options submenu in the main fields application form. The first column

    will show the Active Independent Variable (Time, Frequency, Temperature, Displacement, or Velocity),

    and the second is the associated field value.

    Field Name Enter a unique field name here. Or, to create a new field using attributes of

    an existing field, highlight the existing field and type the new name here.

    Scalar Field Type Select the desired Scalar Field Type. This switch is available only for the

    MSC Nastran Analysis Preference. For all other Analysis Preferences, all

    Non-Spatial Tabular fields are real valued scalar fields.

    Active IndependentVariables

    Select the desired independent variable. Up to three variables may be

    selected for real-valued fields, but you cannot select both time and

    frequency. For complex fields, the independent variable must be


    Input Data... Displays the table input form.

    Options... Allows you to change the maximum table size (default is 30). Also, the

    treatment of points which lie outside of the table range may be specified.

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  • 7/21/2019 Non Spatial Fields


    Patran Reference ManualFields Forms


    Fields Create (Input Data, Map Function)

    This form permits a dependent field to be defined by a PCL expression or function. The PCL expression

    is evaluated either at Independent variable points specified in the input table or at equally spaced intervals

    as defined in this form.

    Map Function ToTable

    Select this option if you want to use a PCL expression or function to define

    the data points. The Independent variable points used can either be those

    input in the above table, or be equally spaced values as defined in the Map

    Function submenu.

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  • 7/21/2019 Non Spatial Fields


    247Ch. 6: Fields ApplicationFields Forms

    Non-Spatial Field 2D Data Input Table

    This form is used to input tabular non-spatial property data into a two-dimensional table. The default

    maximum table size is 30 in both dimensions. This can be changed in the Options submenu in the main

    Fields Application form.

    PCL Expression f(t) Input the PCL expression you want to use to define the time dependence.

    Use t for the time variable.

    Use Existing TimePoints

    Select this option if you want to use the points specified in the input table.

    The expression will be evaluated at those points. The Start Time, End

    Time, and Number of Points databoxes will be grayed out if you select this


    Start Time

    End Time

    Number of Points

    To evaluate the expression at equally spaced time points, input the starting

    time, ending time and number of points here. The number of points is one

    plus the number of intervals.

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  • 7/21/2019 Non Spatial Fields


    Patran Reference ManualFields Forms


    Non Spatial Field 3D Data Input Table

    This form is used to input tabular data into a three-dimensional table. The default maximum table size is

    30 by 30 by 10 in the first, second, and third independent variables, respectively. This can be changed in

    the Options submenu in the main Fields Application form. The independent variables can be any three

    of Time (t), Frequency (f), Temperature (T), Displacement (u), Velocity (v), and User-Defined (UD),

    except that Time and Frequency cannot be selected simultaneously.

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  • 7/21/2019 Non Spatial Fields


    249Ch. 6: Fields ApplicationFields Forms

    Non-Spatial Complex Scalar Field Data Input Table

    This form is used to input tabular complex non-spatial property data into a one-dimensional table. The

    default maximum table size is 30. This can be changed in the Options submenu in the main Fields

    Application form.

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  • 7/21/2019 Non Spatial Fields


    Patran Reference ManualFields Forms


    Complex Data Format Select the format in which you would like to enter your complex data

    Input Data Select this box and type in the desired value. Pushing the Return key puts

    this value in the selected cell. If you have selected cells from the 2 right-

    hand columns, then you may enter complex pairs. Both columns will then

    be loaded simultaneously. Complex pairs may be entered as space-

    delimited constants. Real-imaginary pairs may, in addition, be entered in

    the form of expressions like 1+2i, -3i-5, -i, or-3.14159.

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  • 7/21/2019 Non Spatial Fields


    251Ch. 6: Fields ApplicationFields Forms

    Fields Create (Input Complex Data, Map Function)

    This form permits the components of a complex field to be defined by a PCL expression or function. The

    PCL expression is evaluated either at Independent variable points specified in the input table or at equally

    spaced intervals as defined in this form.

    Data Select a cell you wish to input a value for or a cell you wish to modify. The

    selected cell frame is highlighted. If you select cells from the 2 right-handcolumns simultaneously, then you may enter complex pairs.

    Map Function ToTable

    Select this option if you want to use a PCL expression or function to define

    the data points. The Independent variable points used can either be those

    input in the above table, or be equally spaced values as defined in the Map

    Function submenu.

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  • 7/21/2019 Non Spatial Fields


    Patran Reference ManualFields Forms


    Complex Component Select the complex component that your PCL expression will represent.

    The component choices are consistent with the Complex Data Format

    selected on the parent form, Non Spatial Complex Scalar Table Data.

    PCL Expression f(f) Input the PCL expression you want to use to define the frequency

    dependence. Use f for the frequency variable.

    Use Existing FrequencyPts

    Select this option if you want to use the frequency points specified in the

    input table. The expression will be evaluated at those points. The Starting

    Frequency, Ending Frequency, and Number of Points databoxes will be

    grayed out if you select this option.

    Map Function to Table

    Complex Component



    PCL Expression f('f)

    Use Existing Frequency Pts.

    Starting Frequency

    Ending Frequency

    Number of Points

    Apply Cancel

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  • 7/21/2019 Non Spatial Fields


    253Ch. 6: Fields ApplicationFields Forms

    Fields Create (Non-Spatial, Discrete FEM) (SAMCEF Only)

    This form is used to create a discrete FEM Field (formerly known as an LBC Field).

    Starting Frequency

    Ending Frequency

    Number of Points

    To evaluate the expression at equally spaced frequency points, input the

    starting frequency, ending frequency and number of points here. Thenumber of points is one plus the number of intervals.

    Apply When you hit Apply, the parent form spreadsheet column corresponding to

    the selected complex component is updated. If the Use Existing

    Frequency Pts. toggle is not selected, then the abscissa column is also

    updated. Finally, the alternate Complex Component switch item is

    automatically selected in preparation for defining the remaining complex


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  • 7/21/2019 Non Spatial Fields


    Patran Reference ManualFields Forms


    Action Select the Create action.

    Object Select Non-Spatial.



    Non SpatialObject:

    Discrete FEMMethod:


    Existing Fields

    Field Name

    Time (t) Frequency (f)

    Active Dynamic Variable


    Input Data ...


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  • 7/21/2019 Non Spatial Fields


    255Ch. 6: Fields ApplicationFields Forms

    Non-Spatial Discrete FEM Field Tabular Input (SAMCEF Only)

    This form is used to input Discrete FEM Tabular data. The default table length is 30. This can be changed

    by adding and deleting rows. The default number of layers is 10. This can be changed by adding and

    deleting layers. The Input Data Box changes depending on whether entities or values are selected and

    what is selected on the main form.

    Method Select the Discrete FEM Method.

    Existing Fields Existing fields are displayed here. Select one if the new field is to be a

    modification of an existing field. The field name will appear in the box


    Field Name Alternatively, enter a unique field name here.

    Entity Type Select Node for nodal entities or Element for element entities (for element

    select menu options, seeFEM Select Icons(p. 41) in thePatran Reference


    Active DynamicVariable

    Select the dynamic variable.

    Input Data... Displays the table input form.

    Options... The Options Menu allows you to change the treatment of points that lie

    outside the dynamic variable range.

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  • 7/21/2019 Non Spatial Fields


    Patran Reference ManualFields Forms


    Discrete Space/Time Field Table Data

    Select Entities (Nodes)

    Delete selected row(s)Clear Selected Cells

    Number to Insert (from selected)










    Entity Values

    InsertAction: 1

    Number of Layers to Delete (from current) 1 Delete

    Layer: 10 Time Value:

    Main Index

  • 7/21/2019 Non Spatial Fields


    257Ch. 6: Fields ApplicationFields Forms

    Fields Create (General Field)

    This form is used to create fields for any Fields object. It is also used to create new fields which are

    modifications of existing General Fields.

    Select Entity Nodes The select databoxes allow you to pick either nodes or elements off theviewport or enter them manually. The main form determines whether you

    are using Nodes or Elements and they cannot be mixed. The entities will

    be highlighted in the viewport.

    If more than one entity is in the select databox, the spreadsheet will be

    filled out starting at the first selected cell.

    The databox allows you to enter Scalar values.



    select a cell. If an Entity cell is chosen a select databox will appear and if

    a Value cell is chosen a databox will appear.

    Time Value Select the layer and set the time or frequency value here.

    Number to Insert Define the number of rows or layers to be inserted or appended. Defaults

    to 1.

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  • 7/21/2019 Non Spatial Fields


    Patran Reference ManualFields Forms


    Action Select the Create action.

    Object Select one of the three objects (Spatial, Material Property, Non Spatial) as

    the type of field to be created.

    Method Select the General Method.

    Existing Fields Any existing fields are displayed here. Select one if the new field is to be

    a modification of an existing one. The selected field name will appear in

    the box below.

    Field Name Alternatively, enter a unique field name here, or change the name of the

    existing field selected.

    Entity Type Select Node for nodal entities or Element for element entities (for elementselect menu options, seeFEM Select Icons(p. 41) in thePatran Reference


    Coordinate SystemType

    Select Real, if the field is in X,Y,Z space. Parametric space is not enabled

    for the General Field.

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  • 7/21/2019 Non Spatial Fields


    259Ch. 6: Fields ApplicationFields Forms

    Fields Create (General Field, Input Data)

    This form is used to compose the function defining a General field. The terms of the function may be

    constants, independent variables or functions and appear in the textbox at the bottom of the form. The

    function expression is composed using the widgetsin the Select Function Term and Arithmetic

    Operator frames.

    Coordinate System Input or select the desired coordinate frame if the default is inappropriate.

    Input Data... Displays the table input form.

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  • 7/21/2019 Non Spatial Fields


    Patran Reference ManualFields Forms


    Function Term Type This menu allows choice of term type, function or independent variable.

    Term Sub-Type This menu allows choice of term subtypes. For function terms, this is user


    Select Function Term The term choices are listed here. Selecting a function displays its argument

    input form; selecting an independent variable appends it to the expression.

    Select ArithmeticOperator

    Selecting an operator appends it to the expression.

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  • 7/21/2019 Non Spatial Fields


    261Ch. 6: Fields ApplicationFields Forms

    Fields Create (General Field, Generic Function)

    This form lists the input arguments (and data types) for a General Field Function. It is displayed when

    there is no custom PCL form supplied for a General Field Function. Because it provides the user little

    information about the argument requirements, it is best used with functions having self-evident argument


    Function Expression The Function Expression is displayed here. Typing the expression into this

    form in PCL syntax is acceptable for all but function terms. Function termsmust be composed via the menus to maintain the integrity of the argument

    input data.

    Modify HighlightedFunction

    Select this button to modify the argument data for an existing term which

    is a function. Highlight the desired function (double clicking will do) and

    select Modify Highlighted Function. This will display the functions

    input form, and all its current data. This buttonworks only for terms which

    are functions (terms preceded by an integer prefix). Attempting to modify

    terms which are functions in the textbox via the keyboard will result in an


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  • 7/21/2019 Non Spatial Fields


    Patran Reference ManualFields Forms


    Fields Create (Spatial, Discrete FEM)

    This form is used to create a discrete FEM Field (formerly known as an LBC Field).

    Function Name This line displays the nameof the function.

    Allowable IndependentVariables

    This is the list of allowable independent variables for this function. Note

    temperature is not allowed for Spatial fields, and Theta is not allowed for

    Material Property fields.

    Function ArgumentList

    This is the list of arguments for the functions; one databox per argument.

    The expected datatype is given to the left. Inputs to the databoxes must be

    valid PCL syntax, all independent variables must be preceded with a ' .

    This example is a function requiring three integer arguments.

    OK Select the OK button when you are satisfied with the arguments. This

    will store the argument data and append the function name (and list of its

    independent variables) to the Function Expression textbox in the General

    Field Input Data form.

    General Field Generic Function

    Function Name: some_test()

    'X 'Y 'Z 'e 'er 't 'f 'RAD

    Allowable Independent Variables:




    Function Argument List:

    OK Cancel

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