Nokia Marketing Mix

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  • 7/25/2019 Nokia Marketing Mix


    About the Company

    Nokia Corporation (NYSE: NOK) is one of the world's largest

    telecommunications euipment manufacturers! "ith headuarters in

    Keilaniemi of Espoo# $inland# this $innish telecommunications

    compan% is &est known toda% for its leading range of mo&ile phones!

    Nokia also produces mo&ile phone infrastructure and other

    telecommunications euipment for applications such as traditional

    oice telephon%# SN# &road&and access# professional mo&ile radio#

    oice oer *# wireless +,N and a line of satellite receiers!

    Nokia proides mo&ile communication euipment for eer% ma-or

    market and protocol# including .S/# C/,# and "C/,!

    Nokia was esta&lished in 0123 as a wood4pulp mill &% $redrik destam

    on the &anks of Nokia rapids! $innish 5u&&er "orks esta&lished its

    factories in the &eginning of 67th centur% near&% and &egan using

    Nokia as its &rand! Shortl% after "orld "ar $innish 5u&&er "orks

    acuired Nokia wood mills as well as $innish Ca&le "orks# a producer

    of telephone and telegraph ca&les! ,ll three companies were merged as

    Nokia Corporation in 0829! he name Nokia originated from the rier

    which flowed through the town of the same name (Nokia)!

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    n the 0897s Nokia &ecame more inoled in the

    telecommunications industr% &% deeloping the Nokia ; 677# a

    digital switch for telephone e# howeer# these

    operations were sold to nternational Computers# +td! (C+)# which

    was later merged with $u-itsu4Siemens ,.! Nokia also &egan

    deeloping mo&ile phones for the N/ network? unfortunatel%# the

    compan% ran afoul of serious financial pro&lems in the 0887s and

    streamlined its manufacturing of mo&ile phones# mo&ile phone

    infrastructure# and other telecommunications areas# diesting itself of

    other items# such as teleisions and personal computers!

    n 677@# Nokia resorted to similar streamlining practices with la%offs

    and organiAational restructuring# although on a significantl% smallerscale! his# howeer# diminished Nokia's pu&lic image in $inland# and

    produced a num&er of court cases along with# at least# one teleision

    show critical of Nokia!

    5ecentl%# Nokia -oined other mo&ile phone manufacturers to em&race

    aiwanese Original eice /anufacturers! Nokia signed a contract

    with Ben# a aiwanese Original eice /anufacturer# to deelop

    three high4end mo&ile phones# which are scheduled to retail &% the end

    of 6773!

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    Nokia in the Region of Asia Pacific

    , leading pla%er in mo&ile communications in the ,sia *acific# Nokia

    first started operations in the region in the earl% 0817s! t has since

    esta&lished a leading &rand presence in man% local markets# and

    &usiness has e

  • 7/25/2019 Nokia Marketing Mix


    ,s of Danuar% 677@# Nokia streamlined its glo&al

    organiAational structure to strengthen its focus on conergence# new

    mo&ilit% markets and growth! o address emerging new &usiness areasin the /o&ilit% era while continuing to grow its leadership in mo&ile

    oice communications# Nokia has four &usiness groups to &est meet the

    uniue d%namics of each &usiness!

    /o&ile *hones offers a glo&al range of highl% competitie mo&ile

    phones for large consumer segments# and deelops mo&ile phones for

    all ma-or standards and customer segments in oer 07 countries! t is

    responsi&le for Nokia's core mo&ile phones &usiness# &ased mainl% on

    "C/,# .S/# C/, and /, technologies! /o&ile *hones

    focuses on &ringing feature4rich# segmented mo&ile phones to the

    glo&al market!

    /ultimedia &rings mo&ile multimedia to consumers in the form of

    adanced mo&ile deices and applications! ts products hae features

    and functionalit% such as imaging# games# music# media and a range of

    other attractie content# as well as innoatie mo&ile enhancements

    and solutions!

    Networks continues to offer leading4edge network infrastructure#

    technolog% and related serices# &ased on ma-or wireless standards to

  • 7/25/2019 Nokia Marketing Mix


    mo&ile operators and serice proiders! $ocusing on the .S/ famil%

    of technologies# the group aims at leadership in .S/# E.E and

    "C/, radio networks! Our networks hae &een installed in all

    ma-or glo&al markets that hae adopted these standards! Networks is

    also a leading proider of &road&and access and E5, networks for

    professional users in the pu&lic safet% and securit% sector!

    Enterprise Solutions proides a range of terminals and seamless mo&ile

    connectiit% solutions &ased on end4to4end mo&ilit% architecture#

    dedicated to helping &usinesses and institutions worldwide improe

    their performance through e

  • 7/25/2019 Nokia Marketing Mix


    Companys Profile

    Nokia Corporation manufactures mo&ile deices principall% &ased on

    glo&al s%stem for mo&ile communications# code diision multiple

    access (C/,)# and wide&and C/, ("C/,) technologies! he

    compan% operates in three diisions: /ultimedia# Enterprise

    Solutions# and Networks! he /ultimedia diision focuses on

    &ringing connected mo&ile multimedia to consumers in the form of

    adanced mo&ile deices# including . "C/, mo&ile deices and

    solutions! he Enterprise Solutions diision ena&les &usinesses and

    institutions e

  • 7/25/2019 Nokia Marketing Mix


    proiders! Nokia connects people to each other and the information

    that matters to them with mo&ile deices and solutions for oice# data#

    imaging# games# multimedia# and &usiness applications! he compan%

    also proides euipment# solutions# and serices for its operator and

    enterprise customers! t sells its mo&ile deices primaril% to operators#

    distri&utors# independent retailers# and enterprise customers

    worldwide! Nokia Corporation is &ased in Espoo# $inland!


    Fistoricall%# the thinking was: a good product will sell itself!

    Foweer there are no &ad products an%more in toda%'s highl%

    competitie markets! *lus there are man% laws giing customers the

    right to send &ack products that he perceies as &ad! herefore the

    uestion on product has &ecome: does the organiAation create what its

    intended customers wantG efine the characteristics of %our product

    or serice that meets the needs of %our customers!






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    !ome of the Products that Nokia

    offers to Customers are:

    Nokia N90

    Nokia 9300

    Nokia 8800

    Nokia 7710

    Nokia 7280 Nokia 7270 Nokia 6822 Nokia 6681

    Nokia 6680 Nokia 6670 Nokia 6630 Nokia 6260,,74107,00.html,,67684,00.html,,72862,00.html,,66118,00.html,,62952,00.html,,62940,00.html,,71601,00.html,,70665,00.html,,70590,00.html,,63895,00.html,,59031,00.html,,59030,00.html,,74107,00.html,,67684,00.html,,72862,00.html,,66118,00.html,,62952,00.html,,62940,00.html,,71601,00.html,,70665,00.html,,70590,00.html,,63895,00.html,,59031,00.html,,59030,00.html
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    Nokia 6255 Nokia 6235 Nokia 6230i

    Nokia 3230

    Ne$ Products %aunching &

    'perating (ighlights

    he /o&ile *hones &usiness group increased its consumer offering

    during the uarter with the introduction of new models in a range

    of form factors and designs! Fighlights include:

    4 Nine new .S/ models# including the Nokia 2617# our first mid4

    range "C/,H. phone!

    4 $our new C/, models# growing our mid4range offering in


    4 *remium categor% deices: the Nokia 1177 and Nokia 1170

    stainless steel slide phones!

    4 he Nokia 2697 slide phone: one of two new models with 6 mega


  • 7/25/2019 Nokia Marketing Mix


    compl% with upcoming EI enironmental legislation!

    4 wo entr%4leel mo&ile phones# the Nokia 0007 and Nokia 0277#

    each offering technological features designed to reduce the total

    cost of ownership for users!


    Fow much are the intended customers willing to pa%G Fere we decide

    on a pricing strateg% 4 do not let it -ust happenJ Een if %ou decide not

    to ask (enough) mone% for a product or serice# %ou must realiAe that

    this is a conscious decision and forms part of the pricing strateg%!

    ,lthough competing on price is as old as mankind# the consumer is

    often still sensitie for price discounts and special offers! *rice has

    also an irrational side: something that is e

  • 7/25/2019 Nokia Marketing Mix



    Price of the +ost !elling +obile

    Phones of Nokia ,n the +arket

    /odel *rice ,ppro< in 5s

    Nokia 67 5s!03#777

    Nokia 9207 5s!02#777

    Nokia 267 5s!06#777

    Nokia 227 5s!66#777

    Nokia 877 5s!61#777

    Nokia 227 5s!00#777

    Nokia 0077 5s!377

    Nokia 2207 5s!2777

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    ,aila&le at the right place# at the right time# in the right uantitiesG

    Some of the recent ma-or changes in &usiness hae come a&out &%

    changing *lace! hink of the nternetand mo&ile telephones



    Channel members

    Channel +oti"ation

    +arket Co"erage

    !er"ice %e"els


  • 7/25/2019 Nokia Marketing Mix



    Fow are the chosen target groups informed or educated a&out the

    organiAation and its productsG his includes all the weapons in the

    marketing armor% 4 adertising# selling# sales promotions# *u&lic

    5elations# etc! "hile the other three *'s hae lost much of their

    meanings in toda%'s markets# *romotion has &ecome the most

    important * to focus on!

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    Front %ine !er"ice

    Public Relations


    )irect !ales

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  • 7/25/2019 Nokia Marketing Mix



    ,ll people directl% or indirectl% inoled in the consumption of a serice are

    an important part of the e

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    *rocedure# mechanisms and flow of actiities &% which serices are

    consumed (customer management processes) are an essential element of the

    marketing strateg%!

    Nokia has rapidl% moed from functionall% oriented organisation to a

    &usiness process oriented mode# and our information s%stems hae not

    followed the change as fast as the% should! o fill the gap# /

    organisation must learn and implement working methods which ena&le

    the creation of &usiness process oriented information s%stems! o

    satisf% these &usiness needs# Nokia has introduced a new deelopment

    approach for information s%stems deelopment! hese processes hae

    &een created and tested during the S*!

    n 0882# the starting point of software engineering practices in Nokia

    /o&ile *honesHnformation /anagement was that there were no clearl%

    defined processes to guide the software deelopment according to the

    &usiness needs! 5euirement anal%sis was usuall% done with an ad4hoc st%le

    without a pre4defined process! $or the technical design and implementation#

    there was a first ersion of pro-ect manual to follow!

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    echnical enironment from point of iew at Nokia is

    great! /arkets leading &rands are utiliAed in eer% part of the compan% and

    personnels skill leel is high in technical issues! n the S* pro-ect# C+ ltdwas selected as the endor to proide a consulting point of iew and to

    delier their skills for &usiness anal%sis and reuirements specification areas!

    Business enironment in telecommunication industr% is fast moing

    and uite %oung# which means &ig challenges for information management:

    timing is crucial! Because of the changing enironment# also organisation is

    changing rapidl%! Change is an eer% da% phenomenon at Nokia# which helps

    a lot when changing working practices as a part the S*! Skill set needed for

    the &usiness and reuirements anal%sis and other parts of the S* is different

    from the technical e

  • 7/25/2019 Nokia Marketing Mix


    *a% E

  • 7/25/2019 Nokia Marketing Mix



    Nokia has largest network of distri&ution and selling as compared

    to other mo&ile phone compan% in the world! t is &acked with the highualit% and professional team in the F5 ept! he financial aspect is

    er% strong in case of Nokia as it has man% more profita&le &usiness!

    he product &eing user friendl% and hae all the accessories one want

    that is wh% is in great demand making it No40 selling mo&ile phones in

    the world! "ide range of products for all class! he re4sell alue of

    Nokia phones are high compared to other compan%s product!


    Nokia has man% strengths and some weakness! Some of the

    weakness includes the price of the product offered &% the compan%!

    Some of the products are not user friendl%! Not concern a&out the lower

    class f the societ% people! Not targeting promotion toward them! he

    price of the product is the main issue! he serice centers in ndia are

    er% few and scare! So after sales serice is not good!


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    Nokia has ample of opportunit% to e

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