NOD Questions

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  • 8/12/2019 NOD Questions


    Nectar of Devotion- Eastern Division



    1.) The NOD is a summary stuy of the !!!!!!!!!!!.." ori#ina$$y

    %ritten in the !!!!!!!$an#ua#e" &y !!!!!!!!! 'P# (i"

    ara 1)

    *.) +anatana ,osvami %as the senior most amon#st the si( #osvamis" he %as

    Rua ,osvamis e$er &rother " %ho %orshie him as his siritua$ master.

    Then %hy is Rua ,osvami counte as the chief of the si( #osvamis 'P# (i"

    ara 1)

    /.) E($ain somethin# a&out the &io#rahy a&out Rua an +anatana #osvamis.

    'P# (i" ara 1)

    0.) or Caitanyas rinci$e is universa$" oen to a$$" irre#ar$ess of caste an

    #ree. 2hat is the rinci$e of or Caitanyas movement 'P# (i" ara *)

    3.) One en#a#e in evotiona$ service is consiere!!!!!than a &rahmana.

    2hy 2hich scritures su$y evience to this fact 'P# (i" ara *)

    4.) 5o% i Rua ,osvami istri&ute his accumu$ate %ea$th 'P# (i 6 (ii" ara


    7.) 2hat is narrate in the &oo8" The Teachin#s of or Caitanya 'P# (ii" ara 0)

    9.) 2hy are %e 8no%n as Ruanu#as 'P# (ii"ara3)

    :.) 2hat is the meanin# of the %or ;&ha8ti< 'P# (ii" are 4)

    1=.) Every one of us in this %or$ is eretua$$y en#a#e in some service. 2hat is

    the rivin# force to en#a#e in this service 'Pa#e (iii" are 4)11.) E($ain the ynamics of &ho#a an tya#a. A$so #ive some e(am$es 'P# (iii"

    ara 4)

    1*.) E($ain the term ;Caa$a +u8ha< 'P# (iii" ara 4)

    1/.) The atheist rea$i>es the resence of ,o throu#h !!!!.

    The evotee rea$i>es the resence of ,o throu#h!!!!!!.

    10.) 2hy is &ha8ti-rasa ca$$e amrta 'P# (iv" ara 7)

    13.) 2hat is the e(erience of ;&ha8ti rasa< in the conitione sta#e

    An %hat is it $i8e in the $i&erate sta#e 'P# (iv 6 (v" ara 9)

    14.) 2hat is the &asic roensity resent in a$$ $ivin# &ein#s 'P# (v" ara :)

    17.) The theme of the Nectar of evotion is" ho% to irect ones $ovin#

    roensity. Descri&e ho% the o&?ect of that $ovin# roensity evo$ves from theear$y sta#es of $ife an can $ea u to the summum &onum 'P# (v" ara 1=)

    19.) 5o% oes $ove of ,o affect our re$ationshi %ith other $ivin# &ein#s 'P#.

    (vi"ara 1)

    1:.) E($ain * metahores@ a.) %aterin# the root &.)feein# the stomach 'P#.

    (vi"ara 1)

    *=.) 2hat is the s%itch that %i$$ immeiate$y &ri#hten everythin# 'P#. (vi"ara 1)

    *1.) 2hat is the root cause of our issatisfaction esite a$$ our our materia$istic

    avancement in $ife 'P#. (vi"ara *)

    **.) +eein# onese$f in the mornin# means seein# the sunrise a$so@ %ithout seein#

    the sunshine no one can see himse$f. P$ease e($ain this metafore. 'Pa#e (vii"ara


  • 8/12/2019 NOD Questions


    */.) For %hich #rou of eo$e is the Nectar of Devotion esecia$$y %ritten 'a#e

    (vii"ara *)


    1.) 2hat are the 3 tyes of $i&eration 'a#e /" ara *)*.)2hat are the si( characteristics of ure evotiona$ service 'a#e / ara /)