* LOCAL NEWS. Adjatant General Allen Jnm«l and Oapt. W. D. Newbill of the U.S. Army visited our town officially last Thursday to inspect Company "G," of the Louisiana militia. Owing tc the fact that the visit was unexpected, not giving time for notification, but a small per cent of the Co. could be got- ten together, After inspection addres- see were made by Oapt. Newbill and Qen'l. Jumel, the essential points of the Dick Military LAW were explained :o those present, many seemed to mis- apprehend its provisions. In fact it was stated that while nearly all the other States seemed to fully under- stand the requirements, Louisiana alone seemed to be laboring under false impressions, or misapprehension as to the duties incumbent upon the men. The law provides that the militia of the States sliatl be subject to the call of the president to repel invasion suppress revolutions or riots, when the resources of the Regular Army have been exhausted. Much good ad- vice and information were given the men and they were very much edified and entertained thereby and showed their appreciation by marked atten tion. For some reason or other Com any "G" lias not prospered, or kept up its Esprit du Corp as it was ex pected, indeed it is a lamentable fact that while other towns throughout the State have large well sustained, and enthuisastic companies, attend ing to their duties, regularly and promptly, our Company is gradually running down and it is difficult to get the men out. SENATOR TILLMAN MONDAY NIGHT JUNE jSth —With all the moving scenes by field and flood to distract onr atten- tion, still the sly cnpid gets in his work. His last operation being upon the hearts of the susceptible and ami- able Miss Helen Louise Kramer, daughter of Mr. Wm. Kramer, and Mr. Charles E. Elmer, the effect of which is the announcement that this worthy couple will enter the holy state of matrimony on Thursday, June 18th at high noon at the home of the bride's father. Mr. Elmer is a promising young man of the Crescent city, sure to tfiake his mark in business circles. We congratulate and wish them an ocean of happiness. No cards were is- sued. NEW HOTEL. Tha Renter live» from day to day front mov- ing time to moving time, enjoy- iugonly the privilege of paying rent. The home owner eujoya the MHtisfactiou of a permanent home fer his family. If yon want a home, it willpayyontocallat the «»IB* and investigate oar plan. I BERIA BUILDING ASSOCIATION. —Quite a number of runaways have occurred this week,causing more or less damage. In one case causing the injury of a little negro who attempt- ed to jump from a team in full run. Dr. Shaw's automobile was run into by a wild team demolishing the front of the machine and threatening the lives of the Dr. and wife who were ont for a ride. The reckless driving practiced by many should receive the attention of the authorities, the prac- tice is more in vogue in East End than elsewhere, the road being smoother, the •peed is greater. Several times child- ren have had narrow escapes from the reckless drivers. It would be well for a police to be down there these pleas- ant evening«, they might help the town's revenues considerably. Really on hand and io s took io New Iberia, io a great variety of priee aod coloring, wall paper, booght for cash right from the fac- tory. Prices right.—McMahoa. •—Last Wednesday night the Pyth- lans held their first meeting in their qew home situated on Main street, re cently K part of the Cage building, was bought and remodelled into most elegant Lodge Room. The Knights at Honor, the Knights of Temperance, and the Odd Fellows also oocupy quartern in the building, the tenants of the Knights at Pythias— all in the secoad story. The lower floor has been fitted up in a most elegant style for a store and is rented oat to responsible Anna, giv ing a good revenue, thus mak ing the property a paying one. A pleasing feature is a general reoep- tion and reading' room, with billiard tsMee. Too need a refrigerator, or ice box. R. S McMahoD bas them, aod hammocks too. -The commissions for the Mayor- elect and Councilmen have been receiv- ed and the first meeting of the new City Council will be held next Mon- day night when the new municipal government will be launched It should be made the occasion of a large attendance of the citizens to give the new servants of the people a good send off and also to show them tliat they will have the support of the entire conimnuity as long as they do their full duty. You aau sow those rent dollars in the field of easy payments and reap a borne of yonr own.—IBERIA BUILDING ASSOCIATION. from Your—If. Money ia loaned at 8 per cent, on note without endorsement to ite stockholders by the Iberia —Mr. B. F. I Hogsett, of the In- dependent* Telephone line has return ed from at trip tobis old home in Mis- sissippi, ije was also present at the oeremokias of the laying at the comer > of the great oapitol at Mr. Hogsett also his old Confederate wen at the reunion at 70 in number at the last M now remain, the rest having ewered the last roll call, the "eternal camping ground. " Gnat activity and program is shows in all the towns of Mississippi, ia compari son with whieh Iberia saffer« sOaae whit at iwseual. bat the basis is here to outstrip them in time. 8so oar BOW MOOK of faraitnrs. Sect to *Ktkk I." Everybopy •ays ao.—Noah's Ark. —We have enjoyed two splendid •bowers this weak, whieh has been of great bsneflt ia many ways, the Parish «•nerally has also had good rains whieh will give great impetus to the S= ONE SWALLOW a —Last Monday night was held the election of officers by the members of that staunch old French organiza- tion, 44 The Société de Bien Faissance" The organization is now in its 26th year, and lias been the dispenser of thousands of dollars in benefits to its members. Composed almost entirely of our French citizens, the organiza- tion is strong in numbers and finan- cially.and will long continu« its béné- ficient work. tin in mocks, go-carts and Rattan rockers at Noah's Ark, Clerc boild- ing. The Mount Carmel Convent will give au entertainment on Monday, Jnuq 22d, at 7 P. M. The exercises will commence at 7:80 o'clock. These pleasant and profitable functions given at stated intervals, by the sisters have become a regular institution of this community to which all look for ward with joyful anticipation, con sequently a large audience is assured. small entrance fee of 25c to help to defray the expenses will be cliarg ed. We feel assured everybody will be there. Agriualtnral implements of all kinds at Rratb's Hardware Bm porium. Mr. Jules Dreyfus has a red hot article in the Jewish Ledger of New Orleans, entitled "Religions Hydro phobia" in which lie pours forth whole broad sides into the Russian bear for its treatment of the Jewish people, treatment which is shocking the civilized world. We will repro duce it in our next issue. Bric-a-brac at popular prices at Noah's Ark, Clerc building. —The Teachers Summer Normal wis opened here last Monday with a fine attendance from all over the State. The business of the session was at once proceeded with by the formation of classes, instruction committees and all the machinery for the success ful operation of the organisation. The school will last for several weeks. Would You Fix that old Mort, so M to reduce it by weekly, monthly or yearly payments? Gome in fix that pld see us.—Iberia Building Associa- tion. —Arrangements have been made to hold a Farmers Institute at the City Hall on Saturday, June 30th, at 10 o'elock A M. This is an occasion at whieh all our young farmers should r, and for that matter, old onei too, for all can be benefitted and en tertained. The gentlemen saleotei on the program are eminent in their sad can he dspsaAsé- upon to avasything inierertiag, let now fail to attend. The ladies are in Bas ths slagani line of mettinga Nosh's Ark bss io stock st priées to suit. —It is rumored that the new City Council and Police Jury Jointly will raise the license far selling liquors throughout the Parish. Many towns aia taking advantage of this source of to swell their treasury, thas giving larger means for. pablic im- ita. Jennings has a revenue from this soaroe of $10,000.00 annaally. Dont bo Afraid To try to assors a horns. Too saa never be aey worse off than wbea renting. It ooets ootblngto investigate. I BIRIA BUILDING ASSOCIATION —Money will be offend for sale by the Iberia Building Association on neat Wednesday night at their oAce. about polities, gat s s refrigerator st He- 's and keep aool. —The Iberia Juniors af this city play the St. Martinsville Juniors Martinsville on June 14th. anyee going my pretty amid, S Ark, Mad sh, she said, irpeeemiea, may I eaqatoj " ji the held at the The necessity for better hotel accom- modations in this city has been pain- fully apparent for years, and while several attempts have been made to do something, they have all failed of materialization. We are pleased to announce that at last a practical plan has been pur into operation by which New Iberia may soon possess a fine Hotel that'will meet all emergencies that may arise. A number of pub lie spirited gentlemen have organized a pool to buy the Jackson property, corner of Main and Fisher streets, which has a frontage of 90 feet on Main street running to the Bayou some 300 feet. The plan is to pur- chase this handsome tract and offer the same as a bonus to any one who will erect a first class Hotel upon it. Our citizens have responded liberall}' and the requisite amount will soon be raised and the property will no doubt be conveyed to the proper parties within the next few days, when it is proposed to put it in the hands of the Progressive League to have the plans elaborated and carried to completion. Nothing will contribute more to our city's development than a fine modern commodious hotel. It will advertise us, it will give us prestige among the traveling men and public and will in- spire respect in all strangers who come here, and will also beget a spirit of pride and progress among our own people. With a good hotel lo- cated as centrally as the proposed site, New Iberia will advance and it will be the medium through which other much needed improvements will come, it will bring to us people who now pass us by on account of our poor accommodations. It will bring men of means who will look into the wonderful resources of this coun- try and secure their citizenship, and investments. In fact a good hotel is tlie vehicle through which much fu ture prosperity will come. We trust our people will give the move a whole hearted support. Other towns less favored are working in this matter and have generously taken stock and are building, and in some instances have completed their hotels. Alex- andria, Monroe, Shreveport. Crowley, and Lake Charles all have recognized the importance of this public utility, and have erected or are erecting ho- tels adequate to the needs of their cit- ies. A hotel such as is required for our needs will be followed by other public buildings. The Central High School and Industrial College will follow as a sequence. The Electric road from this point to the towns be- tween here and Morgan City will be a necessity and will be rapidly cou structed. Other interests of which we do not think of now, will be de- veloped and all consequent in a great degree upon the establishment of first class hotel. With all these self evident propositions, let our people get down to business and abate no- thing nntil the object is accomplished. One of our leading business men re- ceived a letter this week from a form- er Iberian who describes the movement for a hotel at Crowley, which has resulted favorably, and the same me thod can be used here. We print next week a cut of the proposed hotel, which will cost $60,000 and commend its careful scrutiny to our readers. Those who have subscribed for the New Iberia hotel site are as follows, which is a good showing, considering the short time the matter has been spoken of : R. S. MOMAHON, $300.00 SMITH, DEBLANC & SUBEBIEM.K 100.00 NEW IBEHIA ENTERPRISE, PerM. W. Fisher, 100.00 L. O. HACKER, 100.00 BURKE ft BURKE, 100.0Q WEEKS ft WEEKS, 100.00 CLERK'8 OFFICE. Per A. J. Manmus D'y Clark, 100.00 ÛLT3» mm Our money winning books, written by men who know, tell you all about Potash They are needed by every man who owns a field and a plow, and who desires to get the most out of them. They are free. Send postal card. GERMAN KALI WORKS 98 Xastan Street, New York Miss Liliie Adams, of Logaus port, La., is visiting Miss Lillie Mattes for several weeks. Miss May Hutchison, of Jeaue rette is visitiDg her sister in New- Iberia. Robert Bell has returned from a long stay at College. Miss Lillie Mattes returned from State Normal School. Mr. J. E. Peltou is visiting hrs neiee Mrs. Nelson DeLaune at East End. He is so well pleased with our town and couutry that he eon- templates locating here in the near future. A pleasant, intelligent gentleman, he will be an acquisition to any communitty. Mr. John Hull, of Pittsfield, Illi- nois. who has been visitiug his daughter Mrs. John T. White of East End, returned to his home last Ttisday. Mis s Lizzie White, his grand-daughter aceompained him, and will impend the summer in Illinois, and elsewhere. Rev. Robt. Vaughn after a serious illness of Typhoid fever is on the up grade but in a very weak condition. JAHES A. LEE, A. DAIGRE, JULES DRETTUS, CHARLES GOUGUEHIEV, GEO. HKXDEXSOX, KLING BROS, JAMES GEBERT, Per People's National Bank, B. F. BROU88ARO, J. P. SUBERBIELLE, IBERIA CYPRESS Co, ANTHONY MULLER, Nie. MÜLLER, Dunrr, SUBERBIELLE, Co., Gao. J. SABAXTER, M. D., CHAS. G. HSNSKAW, H. A- KING, JOHN BROCSSARD, 150.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 STATE OF OHIO, CITY OP TOLEDO, I LUCAS COUNTY. J PRANK J. CHPNNY makes oath that that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. CHENEY & Co., doing business in the City Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDBED DOLLARS or eaoh and every ease of CATARRH that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRT CURE FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to and before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. F X A. W. CL1ASON, •j SEAL > Notary Publie. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces|of tho system. Send for testi- monials, free. F. J.- CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. BRASS BANDS. Tlie following letter explains it- self, it should be of interest to our bands throughout the State and should elicit a large number of entries which should be very interesting to the friends of the numerous bands, as well as the general pulic: New Orleans, June 9th, 1903. To the Mayor of New Iberia: Dear Sir—By way of stimulating in a broad and popular way, the interest in music so encouragingly aroused (in quite a different phase of the great art) by our new Choral Symphony BASE BALL NOTES. Now Iberia five, Thibodaux That's the wa\ Their troiib Swell heads lost. Nos in it at all .Inst because They can't play ball. How did it happen, Twas a meashy shame ( ?) Because poor Tliib. Couldn't win that game. But you see Twas an < asy thing And New Iberia Just hart to win. Now Sunday's game Was also fine But aronml their bats The ball did twine. Thibodaux one Iberia four, Hadn't been for Ford There'd been no score. You see Swell Heads Are about to fall Just because They can't ply aball. With their sticks They failed the air Those Thibodaux has beens Made us stare. Twas just as plain As needles and pins T'was three to one Iberia wins. With a certain Rirl I made a bet Of ten to one But she hasn't paid yet. "Ten what" 'i Dirt you say Can't tell no But some other day. Big foot Vitter Can really twirl Yet at times He played like a girl. With no supiKirt He lost his head Lot of cuss words But dont know what he said. Rocky Ford Can kick like a mule But Iberia rooters Made him feel like a fool. Now dear old Thiby We know tis sad Y et three games lost Is not so bart But others to follow A lead pipe cinch The poor old Tliibs, Are in a pinch. C. J. C. Worse of All Experiences. Cau anything be worse than to feel that every minute will be your lastî Such was the experience of Mrs. S. H. Newson, Decatur, Ala. "For three years" she writes, "I endured insufferable pian from in- digestion, stomach and bowel trou- ble. Death seemed inevitable when doctors aud all remedies failed. At length I was induced to try Electric Bitters and the result was miracnlons. I improved at once and iîowl'm completely recovered." Par Liver, Kidney, Stomach and Bowel troubles Electric Bitters is the ouly medicine. Ouly 50c. It's guaranteed by Estorge Drug Co. The L. Grunewald Co. are still aiive, notwithstanding all state- ments to the contrary, and their fitment, Mr. Hull has sold more j pianos, and done more timing in the month ending May3ist than in any month in the previous year. We I still have a few pianos left, aud j have time to tune a few more pianos. J. B. HULL, Agent Grunewald Co. FORJALE. j Lot 50x200 on Madison street 100 yards ; from S. P. Depot. Improvements consists I of new frame building occupied as Turf j Exchange, and new four-room cottage on j street in rear. This property is leased to : a prompt paying tenant at $360.00 per an- | num. Property will be sold cheap. ! Address, CHAS. L. PROVOST. Court House, New Ibeiia. I A NOTICE. To the Tax Payers. The Police Jury will set as a Board of Reviewers and Equalizers on the 1st Monday in July and will pass upon assessments as follows: 1st ward, 6tli and 7th of July and ,, 8th ,, 9tli " :ird " 10th " " 4th " nth " 13th " 6th " 14th " 15th " 6th " 16th " 17th " Tth " 18th " 20th " 8tli " 31st " 32d " Basis of assessment to be 50 per cent of the property values. Assess- ment roll are now open for listing properies. A. B. ROMERO. Secretarv. PUBILC SALE- INTERDICTION OF MICHAEL TRAUTMAN. 19th Judicial District Court, Iberia Par- ish, Louisiana. By virtue of a commission issued unto me out of the above Court under an order granted ou the 16th day of April, A. D. 1903,1, Herman Hauser, Curator ad hoo for the Interdict Michael Trautman will offer for sale and sell at publio sale to pay the debt of said interdict, on the 11TH DAY OF JULY, A. D. 1803, at the front door of the Court-House iu the New Iberia, La., between legal sale hours the following described property, to-wit : Lots one and two of the plat of lands of Interdict Michael Trautman, made by Jno. Kerrigan, on file in the proceedings of the family meeting held before Edward T, Weeks on August 4th, 1900, in the inter- est of said Interdict Michael Trautman. HEBMAN HAUSER, Curator of the Interdiet Miehael Trautman. New Iberia, La., April 18th, 1903. Die Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which has been m use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of m and has been made under his per- sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive yon in thfe. AH Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR IA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea ami Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. C e««T«W CO«WM», TT MURRAY ITHIT, NCW TOSH CrTV. SHERIFF SALE. NELLIE WEBRE, NATURAL TUTBIX. VB. [No. 3885.] ST. CYB BOUTTE ET ALS. State of Louisiana, Parish of Iberia, 19th Judicial District Court. The Governor lias signed the death . warrant of A. E. Batson, and the dav Society some weeks ago, and at the of hig execntioll is Angnst 14tll next KoM Olm Strcagtb by eoablisc tho digestive organs to digest, assimilate aod transfrom ALL of the whole food that may bo eaten iato tho kind of blood that aourishes tho nerves, foods tho li—M, hardens tho muscles and re- eaparatee tho organs of tho entire body. Can eures Iadigestion, Catarrh of tho Stomaeh tad disorders. Sold by all Drug gists. mpwMN m aqp Kodol Dyspepsia Dyspepsia, Ostarr ill itcMiiiii dliofd As II« TMc Flaws. I at at 1* Tha Ossärer, will bold Jaae 1Mb, for tho the «w Ion« te U The Wednesday Afternoon Euclire Clab was entertained this week by Katie Billings. The prises which were beautiful pictures were won first by Miss Leocade LeBlanc.se- jcond by Mrs. James Gebert, booby by Mil. Charles A. Roy. The guests were Mia. Hewer Dupuy and Iba. Lan Schwing. Mrs. W. O. Buoch will en- tertain next Wednesday. Miss Clan Binning» was the guest at the Misses Sharp this week. Mta. Annan Daspit of Baton Ronge is a guest at relatives. Mrs. Homer Dupuy is visiting rela- tives in the city. Mrs. Brownson Ker after a visit to relatives returned on Thursday to her house in New York City. Mrs. Martha Footer, after a visit to her sister Mrs. Julian Eves, returned to Franklin an Wedneaday last. B«*. O. C. Kramer visited Lake Chartes last Thursday. We notice that Mr. Basile Ribbeck, of die Banks Hotel,-has been quite ill for a few days, but is now much Our friend Mr. P. B. Doperier is also m thé siak list, but is much im- proved at this writing. Kama Auoefa, the bailder, |Jj|M|lPMPiPPM Bm ^wXllmlwK a|m âWÉHillii Milium! AA >•1 ! » •*••• • • • • 'Y ~ r ~ 7 " W hism*letame Mm? fall of»est Bad home, but this Wis same time affording a multitude " of people a new aud unique diversion, the management of West End propose to inaugurate this summer a compet- itive rivai between a number of the non-professional brass- bands in the different towns of Louisiana and several adjoining states. We propose to offer a number of substantial prizes to the bands adjndg- ed the best of those competing ? Tlie first prize wo are prepared to say will amount to $100. in cash to the band that is adjudged to be the first in rend- ering various selections. They will also be asked to prepare for a grand final evening of concerted music, wherein all tlie bands will render se- lections conceitedly. If feasible we propose to offer a prize to the best original musical composition (band arrangement) presented by a non-pro- fessional member of any of the bands competing. We anticipate the co- operation of the various railroads in the transportation of the bands. Will yon use your good offices as chief executive of your city to this end of having New Iberia's band re present your place in the contest. I do not know your leader and besides the project is of such a nature that it will interest yonr entire town. Yours truly, JAS. J. CORCORAN. A TBXAS 'WQNDER. Hall's Great Discovery. Oae small bottle of Hall's great dis- sorsnr euros all kidney and bladder troubles, removes gravel, euros diabetes, ssudaai emissions, weak and lame backs, fheatstism and all irregularities of the htdaeys aad bladder in both men and a, regulates bladder tiooblee in ebild- If not sold by yonr druggist, «ill be seat by mail ou receipt of II. One small bottle is two months' treatment, and will onr esse shove mentioned. Dr. E. W. Qsn, sole mansfsetarer, P. O. Box 039,8t. Louis, Me. Ssad tor testimonials. Sola by druggists, sad Bstwgu Drag Co. Read TMa Iberia, La., August 25,1901. Dr. B. W. Hall, St. Loais, Me. : Dear Str—Your Texas Wonder, Hall's more «dasv thing I * T * , DEB<5tjBN. Why is it that some men who will cheerfully dig up 91.90 for a round of drinks, declare themselves oppos- ed to a 8 and 1-8 mill tax for school improvement? aaiCUUrea. es Do you know that thirty men out of swmjr ose hundred ia Iberia Parish com* read or write. Don't you think time for us to wake apL this after every possible delay by Butson's attornevs. Lsdies and Childreo Invited. All Ladies and children who csnuot stand the shocking strain of laxative syrnps, cathartice, etc., nre invited to try the famous Little Early Risers. Tbey are different from all other pills. They do not purge tha system. Even a double does will not gripe, weaken ar sicken; many people call them the Easy Pill. W. H. Howell, Houston, Tex., says nothing better can be used for constipation, sick hesdsche, etc. Bob Moore, Lafay ette Ind., says all others gripe and sicken, while DeWitt's Little Early Bisers do their work well and easy. Sold by all Drug- gists, The Enterprise Lumber Company, of Alexandria, was organized with a capital of |300,000. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias issued out of the above entitled matter, I, George Hender- son, Sheriff, through Frank J. Hestayer, Deputy Sheiiff, have seized and will offer for sale and will sell to the lsst and high- est bidder, FOB CASH, at the Court House in the City of New Iberia, Parish of Iberia, State of Louisiana, between legal sale hours, ON SATUBDAY, JULY 18TH 1903, the following described property, to-wit. The undivided rights, title and interest of Mrs. Nellie Webre and her minor ehild- ren, issues of her marriage with Hya- cinthe Boutte, deceased, and of Mrs. Ber- tha Boutte, wife of Pierre Boatte and of Georgiana Boutte, wife of Joeeph Idele, in and to a certain tract of land, situated in the Perish of Iberis, State of Louisians, containing thirty-five ninety-eight one bundreths arpents, being Lot No. 2 in tho South West Fractional Quarter of Section 18, Township 13, Sooth of Bange 7 Bast, South Western Lend District of Louisians, together with all ths improvements there- on and tliereunto belonging. To pay and satisfy the sum of One Hundred and Seventeen dollars and fifty cents, costs of eourt, subject to a credit of Ten dollars paid by Nellie Webre et ale and all costs of these proceedings. Oiven officially thie 13th dsyof June A. D. 1903. GEO. HENDEBSON, Sheriff, " Per Frank J. Mestsyer, D'y Sheriff. R. H. DOWNMAN. PnaV fRKD'K H. LSWIS, Vloe-Pres. l. K. WIOOIWroN Sm. «od Tws G-JBO. W. DALJLA8, Manager. IbelBERl CYPRESS CO., Limited MANUFACTURERS OF BAND-SAWED LOUISIANA RED CYPRESS LUMIER. ANNUAL CAPACITY—Lumber, 18 Million ft; Shingles, 50 Million Shingles and Laths, Saeh, Doors, Blinds, Mantles, Ties, Cypress Tanks, Tabs of all grades. Turned Work Columns, Window and Door Frames, Church, Bank. Störet Bar and Offlse Fixtures, Turned and Scroll Work, Cistern Tops, Mouldings, Ôelllaflt Siding, Flooring and Finished Lnmber of every description. Job work a specialty we ean furnish anything and everything made of Louisiana Red Cypress. Estimates for any elsse of work in our line furnished on application. Special dlsoounts to trad* Homologation Notice. SUCCESSION OF CABBIE MABBLE, DECEASED WIFE OF WALTIB FOBEMAN. State of Louisiana, Parish of Iberia, 19th Judielal Dstriet Court. DAMAND OF ADMINISTRA- TION. SUCCESSION OF FELIX BAWLS. State of Louisiana, Parish of Iberia, Judicial Conrt. 19th Whereas, J. O. LeBlane, Adminietrator of the above entitled Succession has filed with this Hon. 19th Judicial Distriet Court, holding seeeioa in and for Iberis Pariah La., bis final aeeouotof said Estate, to- gether with his petition praying that same be homologated and approved. Notice ie therefore hereby given to all whom it may or doth concern to show csuse, if any they have, within tea days from the first publication hereof why the prayer of petitioner ehould not be greeted. Witnass, the Hon. T. Don Footer, Judge of onr eald Court tbia 13th day of June, A. D. 1903. Whereas, Maria Lewis, a residente of the Parish of Iberia, has applied to the Hon, the 19th Dndicial Distriet Court, holding session in and for the Parish of Iberia La., to be appointed administratrix of the above numbered and entitled Estate. Notice is therefore hereby given to all whom it may or doth ooncorn to shown cause if any they have within ten daya from the first publication hereof, why the prayer of said petitioner should not be granted. Witness, the Hou. T. Don Foster. Judge of onr Court this 12th day of June A. D. 1903. A. J. MAUMl S, D'y. Clerk. FOR SALE At a btrgain. One MeCormick Hay Bake. Apply T07 Eaat Main street, or Address P. O. Bos 184. FOR RENT One 4-room house. Apply 707 East Main atreet, or address P. O. Box 184. AUCTION SALE. Notice is hereby given that ander authority of a power of attorney to me ad- dressed and signed by the Plantera Lum- ber Co., Limited, represented by Jos. A. Provost, President, and the Iberia Cypress Company Limited, represented by Geo. W. Dallas, Manager, both duly authorized in the promises, I will proceed to sell at PUBLIC SALE to the lsst and .highest bidder st the front door of the Court House of Iberia Parish ON SATUBDAY THE 18TH DAY OF JULY, at the hour of 12 M., and on terms of CA8H, tor the purpose of effecting an amieable partition between the parties above named, the property of whieh the following is a description: 358-87 100 acres, being the S. E. Quarter, the Eaat half, and N. W. Quarter of the S. W. Quarter, aud S. half of the N. W. Quarter of Section 2; and 278-65 190 acres, being the S. half of the N. W. Quarter, aad tho West hslf of the K. E. Quarter, aad the East half and the S. W. Quarter of ihe S. W. Quar er of SssMsu 12, sit ia Township 12, 8. B. 10 East, Iberia Parish; also 40 21-100 seres the .8. W. Quarter of the S. W. g, Township 12, S. B. 11 Perish. this 13th day of June, '03. F. W. BAU MAN. Public Auctioneer. S3» A. J. MAUMUS, D'y. Clerk. GRAND PUBLIC MEETING ORDER OF .... KNIGHTS OF HONOR. LOR EAU VILLE, THURSDAY, JOIE 181k 1903, »ao p. a. Istitutioo of new Lodge. Iu stallatiim of Offleer« and Addresses by Grand Lodge Offloers. EVERYBODY INVITED. PURE MILK Furnished at 20c per gallon. MULBERRY DAIRY, J. B. COURREOe, Prop. FAMILY TRADE SOUCTED. Morgan 1 « Louisiana sad Xssai Li DM will ssl tickets from >11 atatloM to ths following points Chteago •»<! retara JIM ISth, oia tare tor round trip, limit retara Sept 15th. aeeoaat Som- mer School. Baltimore sad re tara Jalr 10th. aad 17th. one tore pin»« two dollars for the roaad trip limit re- turi Jnly Slat aesoaat Kill's eoareatiea. p i»aa., Jaae 31,32. 33, 38, 29, July ft. 6, 13, 20. oae tore pla«e «2,25 tor ths roaad taj^lialt retain Sept, 30th, aeeoaat Samatar Nashville Taaa., Jaae 19th. 31st, l*\j S,4, aad 5th,. retara limit Sept 30th, aeeoaat Peabody Normal ratea oae ton plaeaSS.35 for roaad trip. lodiano oae ton r. * Dearer Col.. Jaly 5th, Oth, aad 7th. rate oae &"zs^ést£r^sj&is^- Ooapoatiehet* eau he had at all stations te all potats heyoad oar ltoe aleo low rmteo ta all «em- lianopolia lad., Jaae 7th. 8th. aad Oth. rate fare pin«« fS,00 tor the roaad trip aeeoaat . A. Con TOD »loa limit retara Jaae 18th. SÄT Banner Patterns. THE BEST BY TEST Acknowledged by all to be per- fect fitting. ONLY 10 AND 15 CENTS. F. CT. Blurner|thal AGENT. For Sale. Largo Lot and Warehouse building Situated ia Mew Iberis, on the Southern Pacifie Railroad track, adjacent to the Depot. Also Por Sale Town Lots, in Loans negotiated on Farm Property from $5oo up L.ee dk Lewis Addition» Smith Addition* Malerin Addition« Robertson Addition, and Fröre Addition« A Deel to any amount desired, on easy terms. lrable business« lot on Main £ St. 34 by 193. A COMFORTABLE DWELLING AND TWO LOTS C0RNBR FULTON AND LASSALLE STS. at a bargain and Valuable Dwelling Property Improved and Unimproved. ALL IN NEW IBERIA, LA. Anyone wishing to buy, —II, rent, or insure, apply to Geo. M. Robertson, General Fire Insurance and Bonding Office, 1TEW TTiBKIA, LA. Recognized to-day as the Leading PLACE TO BUY YOUR FURNITURE, HARDWARE, TINWARE, WALL PAPEB, CROCKERY, BRIC-A-BRAO. NOAH'S ARK CLERC B'DG. NEW IBERIA. "Leading Bakery of Attakapae' P. R. DUPERIER'S SaSAD MUTIBD TO ALL PABIB OF THS CITY AND COUNTRY. Oil mi itmàtmm mmd OtMter Strmf. H. H. OALDWKLL. G. B. ma Attn . OATiT) w wT iT I & SHEARD, MOME «NB BLACKSMITH SHOP. Ine Vorging, Turning and General Repairing of aU Kind« of —Welding and Tnrnlng Car Axle« a Specialty. PATRONAGE SOLICITED.

NOAH'S BRIC-A-BRAO. ARK€¦ · New Iberia, io a great variety of priee aod coloring, wall paper, booght for cash right from the fac tory. Prices right.—McMahoa. •—Last Wednesday

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Page 1: NOAH'S BRIC-A-BRAO. ARK€¦ · New Iberia, io a great variety of priee aod coloring, wall paper, booght for cash right from the fac tory. Prices right.—McMahoa. •—Last Wednesday



Adjatant General Allen Jnm«l and Oapt. W. D. Newbill of the U.S. Army visited our town officially last Thursday to inspect Company "G," of the Louisiana militia. Owing tc the fact that the visit was unexpected, not giving time for notification, but a small per cent of the Co. could be got­ten together, After inspection addres­see were made by Oapt. Newbill and Qen'l. Jumel, the essential points of the Dick Military LAW were explained :o those present, many seemed to mis­apprehend its provisions. In fact it was stated that while nearly all the other States seemed to fully under­stand the requirements, Louisiana alone seemed to be laboring under false impressions, or misapprehension as to the duties incumbent upon the men. The law provides that the militia of the States sliatl be subject to the call of the president to repel invasion suppress revolutions or riots, when the resources of the Regular Army have been exhausted. Much good ad­vice and information were given the men and they were very much edified and entertained thereby and showed their appreciation by marked atten tion. For some reason or other Com any "G" lias not prospered, or kept up its Esprit du Corp as it was ex pected, indeed it is a lamentable fact that while other towns throughout the State have large well sustained, and enthuisastic companies, attend ing to their duties, regularly and promptly, our Company is gradually running down and it is difficult to get the men out.

SENATOR TILLMAN MONDAY NIGHT JUNE jSth —With all the moving scenes by

field and flood to distract onr atten­tion, still the sly cnpid gets in his work. His last operation being upon the hearts of the susceptible and ami­able Miss Helen Louise Kramer, daughter of Mr. Wm. Kramer, and Mr. Charles E. Elmer, the effect of which is the announcement that this worthy couple will enter the holy state of matrimony on Thursday, June 18th at high noon at the home of the bride's father. Mr. Elmer is a promising young man of the Crescent city, sure to tfiake his mark in business circles. We congratulate and wish them an ocean of happiness. No cards were is­sued.


Tha Renter live» from day to day front mov­ing time to moving time, enjoy-iugonly the privilege of paying rent. The home owner eujoya the MHtisfactiou of a permanent home fer his family. If yon want a home, it willpayyontocallat the «»IB* and investigate oar plan. —IBERIA BUILDING ASSOCIATION. —Quite a number of runaways have

occurred this week,causing more or less damage. In one case causing the injury of a little negro who attempt­ed to jump from a team in full run. Dr. Shaw's automobile was run into by a wild team demolishing the front of the machine and threatening the lives of the Dr. and wife who were ont for a ride. The reckless driving practiced by many should receive the attention of the authorities, the prac­tice is more in vogue in East End than elsewhere, the road being smoother, the •peed is greater. Several times child­ren have had narrow escapes from the reckless drivers. It would be well for a police to be down there these pleas­ant evening«, they might help the town's revenues considerably.

Really on hand and io s took io New Iberia, io a great variety of priee aod coloring, wall paper, booght for cash right from the fac­tory. Prices right.—McMahoa.

•—Last Wednesday night the Pyth-lans held their first meeting in their qew home situated on Main street, re cently K part of the Cage building, was bought and remodelled into most elegant Lodge Room. The Knights at Honor, the Knights of Temperance, and the Odd Fellows also oocupy quartern in the building, the tenants of the Knights at Pythias— all in the secoad story. The lower floor has been fitted up in a most elegant style for a store and is rented oat to responsible Anna, giv ing a good revenue, thus mak ing the property a paying one. A pleasing feature is a general reoep-tion and reading' room, with billiard tsMee.

Too need a refrigerator, or ice box. R. S McMahoD bas them, aod hammocks too.

-The commissions for the Mayor-elect and Councilmen have been receiv­ed and the first meeting of the new City Council will be held next Mon­day night when the new municipal government will be launched It should be made the occasion of a large attendance of the citizens to give the new servants of the people a good send off and also to show them tliat they will have the support of the entire conimnuity as long as they do their full duty.

You aau sow those rent dollars in the field of easy payments and reap a borne of yonr own.—IBERIA BUILDING ASSOCIATION.

from Your—If. Money ia loaned at 8 per cent,

on note without endorsement to ite stockholders by the Iberia

—Mr. B. F. I Hogsett, of the In­dependent* Telephone line has return ed from at trip tobis old home in Mis­sissippi, ije was also present at the oeremokias of the laying at the comer

> of the great oapitol at Mr. Hogsett also

his old Confederate wen at the reunion at 70 in number at the last M now remain, the rest having ewered the last roll call, the "eternal camping ground. " Gnat activity and program is shows in all the towns of Mississippi, ia compari son with whieh Iberia saffer« sOaae whit at iwseual. bat the basis is here to outstrip them in time.

8so oar BOW MOOK of faraitnrs. Sect to *Ktkk 0» I." Everybopy •ays ao.—Noah's Ark.

—We have enjoyed two splendid •bowers this weak, whieh has been of great bsneflt ia many ways, the Parish «•nerally has also had good rains whieh will give great impetus to the




—Last Monday night was held the election of officers by the members of that staunch old French organiza­tion,44 The Société de Bien Faissance" The organization is now in its 26th year, and lias been the dispenser of thousands of dollars in benefits to its members. Composed almost entirely of our French citizens, the organiza­tion is strong in numbers and finan­cially.and will long continu« its béné­ficient work.

tin in mocks, go-carts and Rattan rockers at Noah's Ark, Clerc boild-ing.

The Mount Carmel Convent will give au entertainment on Monday, Jnuq 22d, at 7 P. M. The exercises will commence at 7:80 o'clock. These pleasant and profitable functions given at stated intervals, by the sisters have become a regular institution of this community to which all look for ward with joyful anticipation, con sequently a large audience is assured.

small entrance fee of 25c to help to defray the expenses will be cliarg ed. We feel assured everybody will be there.

Agriualtnral implements of all kinds at Rratb's Hardware Bm porium.

Mr. Jules Dreyfus has a red hot article in the Jewish Ledger of New Orleans, entitled "Religions Hydro phobia" in which lie pours forth whole broad sides into the Russian bear for its treatment of the Jewish people, treatment which is shocking the civilized world. We will repro duce it in our next issue.

Bric-a-brac at popular prices at Noah's Ark, Clerc building.

—The Teachers Summer Normal wis opened here last Monday with a fine attendance from all over the State. The business of the session was at once proceeded with by the formation of classes, instruction committees and all the machinery for the success ful operation of the organisation. The school will last for several weeks.

Would You Fix that old Mort,

so M to reduce it by weekly, monthly or yearly payments? Gome in fix that pld see us.—Iberia Building Associa­tion.

—Arrangements have been made to hold a Farmers Institute at the City Hall on Saturday, June 30th, at 10 o'elock A M. This is an occasion at whieh all our young farmers should

r, and for that matter, old onei too, for all can be benefitted and en tertained. The gentlemen saleotei on the program are eminent in their

sad can he dspsaAsé- upon to avasything inierertiag, let now

fail to attend. The ladies are in

Bas ths slagani line of mettinga Nosh's Ark bss io stock st priées to suit. —It is rumored that the new City

Council and Police Jury Jointly will raise the license far selling liquors throughout the Parish. Many towns aia taking advantage of this source of

to swell their treasury, thas giving larger means for. pablic im­

ita. Jennings has a revenue from this soaroe of $10,000.00 annaally.

Dont bo Afraid To try to assors a horns. Too saa never be aey worse off than wbea renting. It ooets ootblngto investigate. — IBIRIA BUILDING ASSOCIATION —Money will be offend for sale by

the Iberia Building Association on neat Wednesday night at their oAce.

about polities, gat s s refrigerator st He­

's and keep aool. —The Iberia Juniors af this city

play the St. Martinsville Juniors Martinsville on June 14th.

anyee going my pretty amid, S Ark, Mad sh, she said,

irpeeemiea, may I eaqatoj " ji

the held at the

The necessity for better hotel accom­modations in this city has been pain­fully apparent for years, and while several attempts have been made to do something, they have all failed of materialization. We are pleased to announce that at last a practical plan has been pur into operation by which New Iberia may soon possess a fine Hotel that'will meet all emergencies that may arise. A number of pub lie spirited gentlemen have organized a pool to buy the Jackson property, corner of Main and Fisher streets, which has a frontage of 90 feet on Main street running to the Bayou some 300 feet. The plan is to pur­chase this handsome tract and offer the same as a bonus to any one who will erect a first class Hotel upon it. Our citizens have responded liberall}' and the requisite amount will soon be raised and the property will no doubt be conveyed to the proper parties within the next few days, when it is proposed to put it in the hands of the Progressive League to have the plans elaborated and carried to completion. Nothing will contribute more to our city's development than a fine modern commodious hotel. It will advertise us, it will give us prestige among the traveling men and public and will in­spire respect in all strangers who come here, and will also beget a spirit of pride and progress among our own people. With a good hotel lo­cated as centrally as the proposed site, New Iberia will advance and it will be the medium through which other much needed improvements will come, it will bring to us people who now pass us by on account of our poor accommodations. It will bring men of means who will look into the wonderful resources of this coun­try and secure their citizenship, and investments. In fact a good hotel is tlie vehicle through which much fu ture prosperity will come. We trust our people will give the move a whole hearted support. Other towns less favored are working in this matter and have generously taken stock and are building, and in some instances have completed their hotels. Alex­andria, Monroe, Shreveport. Crowley, and Lake Charles all have recognized the importance of this public utility, and have erected or are erecting ho­tels adequate to the needs of their cit­ies. A hotel such as is required for our needs will be followed by other public buildings. The Central High School and Industrial College will follow as a sequence. The Electric road from this point to the towns be­tween here and Morgan City will be a necessity and will be rapidly cou structed. Other interests of which we do not think of now, will be de­veloped and all consequent in a great degree upon the establishment of first class hotel. With all these self evident propositions, let our people get down to business and abate no­thing nntil the object is accomplished. One of our leading business men re­ceived a letter this week from a form­er Iberian who describes the movement for a hotel at Crowley, which has resulted favorably, and the same me thod can be used here. We print next week a cut of the proposed hotel, which will cost $60,000 and commend its careful scrutiny to our readers. Those who have subscribed for the New Iberia hotel site are as follows, which is a good showing, considering the short time the matter has been spoken of :


PerM. W. Fisher, 100.00 L. O. HACKER, 100.00 BURKE ft BURKE, 100.0Q WEEKS ft WEEKS, 100.00 CLERK'8 OFFICE.

Per A. J. Manmus D'y Clark, 100.00



Our money winning books, written by men who know, tell you all about

Potash They are needed by every man

who owns a field and a plow, and who desires to get the most out of them.

They are free. Send postal card. GERMAN KALI WORKS

98 Xastan Street, New York

Miss Liliie Adams, of Logaus port, La., is visiting Miss Lillie Mattes for several weeks.

Miss May Hutchison, of Jeaue rette is visitiDg her sister in New-Iberia.

Robert Bell has returned from a long stay at College.

Miss Lillie Mattes returned from State Normal School.

Mr. J. E. Peltou is visiting hrs neiee Mrs. Nelson DeLaune at East End. He is so well pleased with our town and couutry that he eon-templates locating here in the near future. A pleasant, intelligent gentleman, he will be an acquisition to any communitty.

Mr. John Hull, of Pittsfield, Illi­nois. who has been visitiug his daughter Mrs. John T. White of East End, returned to his home last Ttisday. Mis s Lizzie White, his grand-daughter aceompained him, and will impend the summer in Illinois, and elsewhere.

Rev. Robt. Vaughn after a serious illness of Typhoid fever is on the up grade but in a very weak condition.




150.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

100.00 100.00 100.00


PRANK J. CHPNNY makes oath that that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. CHENEY & Co., doing business in the City Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDBED DOLLARS or eaoh and every ease of CATARRH that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRT CURE

FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to and before me and subscribed

in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886.

F X A. W. CL1ASON, •j SEAL > Notary Publie.

Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces|of tho system. Send for testi­monials, free.

F. J.- CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c.

Hall's Family Pills are the best.


Tlie following letter explains it­self, it should be of interest to our bands throughout the State and should elicit a large number of entries which should be very interesting to the friends of the numerous bands, as well as the general pulic:

New Orleans, June 9th, 1903. To the Mayor of New Iberia:

Dear Sir—By way of stimulating in a broad and popular way, the interest in music so encouragingly aroused (in quite a different phase of the great art) by our new Choral Symphony


Now Iberia five, Thibodaux

That's the wa\ Their troiib

Swell heads lost. Nos in it at all

.Inst because They can't play ball.

How did it happen, Twas a meashy shame ( ?)

Because poor Tliib. Couldn't win that game.

But you see Twas an < asy thing

And New Iberia Just hart to win.

Now Sunday's game Was also fine

But aronml their bats The ball did twine.

Thibodaux one Iberia four,

Hadn't been for Ford There'd been no score.

You see Swell Heads Are about to fall

Just because They can't ply aball.

With their sticks They failed the air

Those Thibodaux has beens Made us stare.

Twas just as plain As needles and pins

T'was three to one Iberia wins.

With a certain Rirl I made a bet

Of ten to one But she hasn't paid yet.

"Ten what" 'i Dirt you say

Can't tell no But some other day.

Big foot Vitter Can really twirl

Yet at times He played like a girl.

With no supiKirt He lost his head

Lot of cuss words But dont know what he said.

Rocky Ford Can kick like a mule

But Iberia rooters Made him feel like a fool.

Now dear old Thiby We know tis sad

Y et three games lost Is not so bart

But others to follow A lead pipe cinch

The poor old Tliibs, Are in a pinch. C. J. C.

Worse of All Experiences. Cau anything be worse than to

feel that every minute will be your lastî Such was the experience of Mrs. S. H. Newson, Decatur, Ala. "For three years" she writes, "I endured insufferable pian from in­digestion, stomach and bowel trou­ble. Death seemed inevitable when doctors aud all remedies failed. At length I was induced to try Electric Bitters and the result was miracnlons. I improved at once and iîowl'm completely recovered." Par Liver, Kidney, Stomach and Bowel troubles Electric Bitters is the ouly medicine. Ouly 50c. It's guaranteed by Estorge Drug Co.

The L. Grunewald Co. are still aiive, notwithstanding all state­ments to the contrary, and their fitment, Mr. Hull has sold more

j pianos, and done more timing in the month ending May3ist than in any month in the previous year. We

I still have a few pianos left, aud j have time to tune a few more pianos.

J. B. HULL, Agent Grunewald Co.

FORJALE. j Lot 50x200 on Madison street 100 yards ; from S. P. Depot. Improvements consists I of new frame building occupied as Turf j Exchange, and new four-room cottage on j street in rear. This property is leased to : a prompt paying tenant at $360.00 per an-| num. Property will be sold cheap. ! Address, CHAS. L. PROVOST.

Court House, New Ibeiia.


NOTICE. To the Tax Payers.

The Police Jury will set as a Board of Reviewers and Equalizers on the 1st Monday in July and will pass upon assessments as follows: 1st ward, 6tli and 7th of July and ,, 8th ,, 9tli " :ird " 10th " " 4th " nth " 13th " 6th " 14th " 15th " 6th " 16th " 17th " Tth " 18th " 20th " 8tli " 31st " 32d "

Basis of assessment to be 50 per cent of the property values. Assess­ment roll are now open for listing properies.

A. B. ROMERO. Secretarv.



19th Judicial District Court, Iberia Par­ish, Louisiana.

By virtue of a commission issued unto me out of the above Court under an order granted ou the 16th day of April, A. D. 1903,1, Herman Hauser, Curator ad hoo for the Interdict Michael Trautman will offer for sale and sell at publio sale to pay the debt of said interdict, on the

11TH DAY OF JULY, A. D. 1803, at the front door of the Court-House iu the New Iberia, La., between legal sale hours the following described property, to-wit :

Lots one and two of the plat of lands of Interdict Michael Trautman, made by Jno. Kerrigan, on file in the proceedings of the family meeting held before Edward T, Weeks on August 4th, 1900, in the inter­est of said Interdict Michael Trautman.

HEBMAN HAUSER, Curator of the Interdiet Miehael Trautman.

New Iberia, La., April 18th, 1903.

Die Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which has been m use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of

m and has been made under his per­sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive yon in thfe.

AH Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.

What is CASTOR IA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare­goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea ami Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend.


Bears the Signature of

The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years.



VB. [No. 3885.] ST. CYB BOUTTE ET ALS.

State of Louisiana, Parish of Iberia, 19th Judicial District Court.

The Governor lias signed the death . warrant of A. E. Batson, and the dav

Society some weeks ago, and at the of hig execntioll is Angnst 14tll next

KoM Olm Strcagtb by eoablisc tho digestive organs to digest, assimilate aod transfrom ALL of the whole

food that may bo eaten iato tho kind of blood that aourishes tho nerves, foods tho li—M, hardens tho muscles and re-eaparatee tho organs of tho entire body.

Can eures Iadigestion, Catarrh of tho Stomaeh tad disorders. Sold by all Drug


mpwMN m aqp Kodol Dyspepsia Dyspepsia, Ostarr ill itcMiiiii dliofd

As II« TMc Flaws.

I at at


Tha Ossärer, will bold Jaae 1Mb,

for tho

the «w Ion« te


The Wednesday Afternoon Euclire Clab was entertained this week by

Katie Billings. The prises which were beautiful pictures were won first by Miss Leocade LeBlanc.se-

jcond by Mrs. James Gebert, booby by Mil. Charles A. Roy. The guests were Mia. Hewer Dupuy and Iba. Lan Schwing. Mrs. W. O. Buoch will en­tertain next Wednesday.

Miss Clan Binning» was the guest at the Misses Sharp this week.

Mta. Annan Daspit of Baton Ronge is a guest at relatives.

Mrs. Homer Dupuy is visiting rela­tives in the city.

Mrs. Brownson Ker after a visit to relatives returned on Thursday to her house in New York City.

Mrs. Martha Footer, after a visit to her sister Mrs. Julian Eves, returned to Franklin an Wedneaday last.

B«*. O. C. Kramer visited Lake Chartes last Thursday.

We notice that Mr. Basile Ribbeck, of die Banks Hotel,-has been quite ill for a few days, but is now much

Our friend Mr. P. B. Doperier is also m thé siak list, but is much im­proved at this writing.

Kama Auoefa, the bailder, |Jj|M|lPMPiPPM — Bm ^wXllmlwK a|m

âWÉHillii • Milium! AA >•1 ! » •*••• • • • • 'Y ~ r~ 7 " W

hism*letame Mm? fall

of»est Bad home, but

this Wis

same time affording a multitude " of people a new aud unique diversion, the management of West End propose to inaugurate this summer a compet­itive rivai between a number of the non-professional brass- bands in the different towns of Louisiana and several adjoining states.

We propose to offer a number of substantial prizes to the bands adjndg-ed the best of those competing ? Tlie first prize wo are prepared to say will amount to $100. in cash to the band that is adjudged to be the first in rend­ering various selections. They will also be asked to prepare for a grand final evening of concerted music, wherein all tlie bands will render se­lections conceitedly. If feasible we propose to offer a prize to the best original musical composition (band arrangement) presented by a non-pro­fessional member of any of the bands competing. We anticipate the co­operation of the various railroads in the transportation of the bands.

Will yon use your good offices as chief executive of your city to this end of having New Iberia's band re present your place in the contest. I do not know your leader and besides the project is of such a nature that it will interest yonr entire town.

Yours truly, JAS. J. CORCORAN.


Hall's Great Discovery. Oae small bottle of Hall's great dis-

sorsnr euros all kidney and bladder troubles, removes gravel, euros diabetes, ssudaai emissions, weak and lame backs, fheatstism and all irregularities of the htdaeys aad bladder in both men and

a, regulates bladder tiooblee in ebild-If not sold by yonr druggist, «ill be

seat by mail ou receipt of II. One small bottle is two months' treatment, and will

onr esse shove mentioned. Dr. E. W. Qsn, sole mansfsetarer, P. O. Box 039,8t. Louis, Me. Ssad tor testimonials. Sola by druggists, sad Bstwgu Drag Co.

Read TMa Iberia, La., August 25,1901.

Dr. B. W. Hall, St. Loais, Me. : Dear Str—Your Texas Wonder, Hall's

more «dasv thing I


Why is it that some men who will cheerfully dig up 91.90 for a round of drinks, declare themselves oppos­ed to a 8 and 1-8 mill tax for school improvement?



Do you know that thirty men out of swmjr ose hundred ia Iberia Parish com* read or write. Don't you think I» time for us to wake apL

this after every possible delay by Butson's attornevs.

Lsdies and Childreo Invited. All Ladies and children who csnuot stand the shocking strain of laxative syrnps, cathartice, etc., nre invited to try the famous Little Early Risers. Tbey are different from all other pills. They do not purge tha system. Even a double does will not gripe, weaken ar sicken; many people call them the Easy Pill. W. H. Howell, Houston, Tex., says nothing better can be used for constipation, sick hesdsche, etc. Bob Moore, Lafay ette Ind., says all others gripe and sicken, while DeWitt's Little Early Bisers do their work well and easy. Sold by all Drug­gists,

The Enterprise Lumber Company, of Alexandria, was organized with a capital of |300,000.

Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias issued out of the above entitled matter, I, George Hender­son, Sheriff, through Frank J. Hestayer, Deputy Sheiiff, have seized and will offer for sale and will sell to the lsst and high­est bidder, FOB CASH, at the Court House in the City of New Iberia, Parish of Iberia, State of Louisiana, between legal sale hours,

ON SATUBDAY, JULY 18TH 1903, the following described property, to-wit.

The undivided rights, title and interest of Mrs. Nellie Webre and her minor ehild-ren, issues of her marriage with Hya­cinthe Boutte, deceased, and of Mrs. Ber­tha Boutte, wife of Pierre Boatte and of Georgiana Boutte, wife of Joeeph Idele, in and to a certain tract of land, situated in the Perish of Iberis, State of Louisians, containing thirty-five ninety-eight one bundreths arpents, being Lot No. 2 in tho South West Fractional Quarter of Section 18, Township 13, Sooth of Bange 7 Bast, South Western Lend District of Louisians, together with all ths improvements there­on and tliereunto belonging.

To pay and satisfy the sum of One Hundred and Seventeen dollars and fifty cents, costs of eourt, subject to a credit of Ten dollars paid by Nellie Webre et ale and all costs of these proceedings.

Oiven officially thie 13th dsyof June A. D. 1903. GEO. HENDEBSON, Sheriff,

" Per Frank J. Mestsyer, D'y Sheriff.

R. H. DOWNMAN. PnaV fRKD'K H. LSWIS, Vloe-Pres. l. K. WIOOIWroN Sm. «od Tws

G-JBO. W. DALJLA8, Manager.



LOUISIANA RED CYPRESS LUMIER. ANNUAL CAPACITY—Lumber, 18 Million ft; Shingles, 50 Million

Shingles and Laths, Saeh, Doors, Blinds, Mantles, Ties, Cypress Tanks, Tabs of all grades. Turned Work Columns, Window and Door Frames, Church, Bank. Störet Bar and Offlse Fixtures, Turned and Scroll Work, Cistern Tops, Mouldings, Ôelllaflt Siding, Flooring and Finished Lnmber of every description. Job work a specialty

we ean furnish anything and everything made of Louisiana Red Cypress. Estimates for any elsse of work in our line furnished on application. Special dlsoounts to trad*

Homologation Notice.



State of Louisiana, Parish of Iberia, 19th Judielal Dstriet Court.



State of Louisiana, Parish of Iberia, Judicial Conrt.


Whereas, J. O. LeBlane, Adminietrator of the above entitled Succession has filed with this Hon. 19th Judicial Distriet Court, holding seeeioa in and for Iberis Pariah La., bis final aeeouotof said Estate, to­gether with his petition praying that same be homologated and approved.

Notice ie therefore hereby given to all whom it may or doth concern to show csuse, if any they have, within tea days from the first publication hereof why the prayer of petitioner ehould not be greeted.

Witnass, the Hon. T. Don Footer, Judge of onr eald Court tbia 13th day of June, A. D. 1903.

Whereas, Maria Lewis, a residente of the Parish of Iberia, has applied to the Hon, the 19th Dndicial Distriet Court, holding session in and for the Parish of Iberia La., to be appointed administratrix of the above numbered and entitled Estate.

Notice is therefore hereby given to all whom it may or doth ooncorn to shown cause if any they have within ten daya from the first publication hereof, why the prayer of said petitioner should not be granted.

Witness, the Hou. T. Don Foster. Judge of onr Court this 12th day of June A. D. 1903. A. J. MAUMl S, D'y. Clerk.


At a btrgain. One MeCormick Hay Bake. Apply T07 Eaat Main street, or Address P. O. Bos 184.


One 4-room house. Apply 707 East Main atreet, or address P. O. Box 184.


Notice is hereby given that ander authority of a power of attorney to me ad­dressed and signed by the Plantera Lum­ber Co., Limited, represented by Jos. A. Provost, President, and the Iberia Cypress Company Limited, represented by Geo. W. Dallas, Manager, both duly authorized in the promises, I will proceed to sell at PUBLIC SALE to the lsst and .highest bidder st the front door of the Court House of Iberia Parish ON SATUBDAY THE 18TH DAY OF

JULY, at the hour of 12 M., and on terms of CA8H, tor the purpose of effecting an amieable partition between the parties above named, the property of whieh the following is a description: 358-87 100 acres, being the S. E. Quarter, the Eaat half, and N. W. Quarter of the S. W. Quarter, aud S. half of the N. W. Quarter of Section 2; and 278-65 190 acres, being the S. half of the N. W. Quarter, aad tho West hslf of the K. E. Quarter, aad the East half and the S. W. Quarter of ihe S. W. Quar er of SssMsu 12, sit ia Township 12, 8. B. 10 East, Iberia Parish; also 40 21-100 seres

the .8. W. Quarter of the S. W. g, Township 12, S. B. 11 Perish. this 13th day of June, '03.

F. W. BAU MAN. Public Auctioneer.


A. J. MAUMUS, D'y. Clerk.





THURSDAY, JOIE 181k 1903, »ao p. a.

Istitutioo of new Lodge. Iu stallatiim of Offleer« and Addresses by Grand Lodge Offloers.


PURE MILK Furnished at 20c per gallon.



Morgan1« Louisiana sad Xssai Li DM will ssl tickets from >11 atatloM to ths following points

Chteago •»<! retara JIM ISth, oia tare tor round trip, limit retara Sept 15th. aeeoaat Som­mer School.

Baltimore sad re tara Jalr 10th. aad 17th. one tore pin»« two dollars for the roaad trip limit re-turi Jnly Slat aesoaat Kill's eoareatiea.

p i»aa., Jaae 31,32. 33, 38, 29, July ft. 6, 13, 20. oae tore pla«e «2,25 tor ths roaad taj lialt retain Sept, 30th, aeeoaat Samatar

Nashville Taaa., Jaae 19th. 31st, l*\j S,4, aad 5th,. retara limit Sept 30th, aeeoaat Peabody Normal ratea oae ton plaeaSS.35 for roaad trip.

lodiano oae ton r. *

Dearer Col.. Jaly 5th, Oth, aad 7th. rate oae &"zs ést£r sj&is -

Ooapoatiehet* eau he had at all stations te all potats heyoad oar ltoe aleo low rmteo ta all «em-

lianopolia lad., Jaae 7th. 8th. aad Oth. rate fare pin«« fS,00 tor the roaad trip aeeoaat . A. Con TOD »loa limit retara Jaae 18th.


Banner Patterns. THE BEST BY TEST

Acknowledged by all to be per­fect fitting.


F. CT. Blurner|thal AGENT.

For Sale. Largo Lot and Warehouse building

Situated ia Mew Iberis, on the Southern Pacifie Railroad track, adjacent to the Depot.

Also Por Sale

Town Lots, in

Loans negotiated on Farm Property from $5oo up

L.ee dk Lewis Addition» Smith Addition* Malerin Addition« Robertson Addition, and Fröre Addition«

A Deel to any amount desired, on easy terms. lrable business« lot on Main £ St. 34 by 193.


at a bargain

and Valuable Dwelling Property Improved and Unimproved.

ALL IN NEW IBERIA, LA. Anyone wishing to buy, —II, rent, or insure, apply to

Geo. M. Robertson, General Fire Insurance and Bonding Office,


Recognized to-day as the Leading PLACE TO BUY YOUR






"Leading Bakery of Attakapae'


Oil mi itmàtmm mmd OtMter Strmf.

H. H. OALDWKLL. G. B. ma Attn

. OATiT)w wTiTI & SHEARD, MOME «NB BLACKSMITH SHOP. Ine Vorging, Turning and General Repairing of aU Kind« of

—Welding and Tnrnlng Car Axle« a Specialty. PATRONAGE SOLICITED.