No more Borders…Let’s Match

No more Borders…Let’s Match. Matching process EP selection Add EP form Find the suitable TN Send 100 Mails and wait for reply Send AN Prepare Your EP

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No more Borders…Let’s Match

Matching process• EP selection• Add EP form• Find the suitable TN• Send 100 Mails and wait for reply• Send AN • Prepare Your EP • Match & Realize

I start with… exchange module on MyAIESEC.net

Stage of @XP I am on TR stage in the system (or LR / X / H4TF later on..)

Certification I passed Exchange Certification Test

Team I am part of the Team & was assigned a role there

Once you complete these actions, you can access Exchange module

I Take Responsibility and work in Exchange - TN area in AIESEC.. & on MyAIESEC.net !

2. I raise my TN forms

3. I match my TN forms

1. I check if my forms will be easy to match

4. I build my X network

5. I know more about X …

I check if my TN forms will be easy to match

& base my first research on that…

I know general needs of my organization

I check which students are

available in the system

I finalize my sales

…as now my TN form shall be easy to match !

I check on MyAIESEC.net, which

EPs are currently looking for internships

Find info about how many available students have skills you will look for Check students from

region / country that you will look for

1. Statistics – Available Exchange


I check if my TN forms will be easy to match

I check if my TN forms will be easy to match

Find info about available students, based on..


2. TN Menu – Search EP Database


Specific skillSpecific skill

Date of raising EP formDate of raising EP form

I raise my TN forms on MyAIESEC.net

& if it worked with AIESEC before…

I know detailed needs of my organization

I raise my TN form in the


I change status of my form and start matching

…as now my internship is ready to be

matched !

I make sure on MyAIESEC.net, all info in my TN is correct &

attractive for students who look for internships

I raise my TN forms1. Select organization which

already exists on the system, if it worked with

AIESEC before

1. Add TN Form

1a. If organization did not work with AIESEC before, you

need to ‘Add organization’ in

Partnership Menu

Go to ‘Partnership Menu’

Add organization

Add organizational contact (manager)

If you have doubts about any details, relate to all educational materials about ‘External Relations on MyAIESEC.net’ !

I raise my TN forms

I raise my TN forms

Keep in mind !Pools are used to support in grouping the exchange forms to

better search & match

From a TN perspective, you should select a pool based on the nature of experience that the TN taker is offering to the

student based on the Job Description

2. Select X pool of TN Form

I raise my TN forms3. Add Job Description

Attractive (but ALWAYS real !) Job Description is base for how

you can promote your TN towards students. Put effort in

making sure you attract candidates !

You can select up to 6 work fields

I raise my TN forms

You can select up to 6 work fields

You can always save this process in the middle. To get back to it, you will have to go to ‘Edit TN’

4. Add preferences of organization

If ‘Latest Ending date’ will pass,

your TN will not be open for

further matching – but you can edit it


I raise my TN forms 5. Add (R)equired / (P)referred academic

& working background

You can only enter 3 as required and 3 as preferred. The reason for this is to support matching and searching.

For example, if an organization’s preferences are too wide then it does not allow the searching for us to be effective because it is too broad. If there are too many required fields then it makes it hard for us to search as well since the requirements are then too


I raise my TN forms6. Add skills

7. Add languages

8. Add regions of the world

Now your TN form is ‘New’ in the system ! To start matching, your form

needs to be ‘Available’Note to the presenter: Please explain, how in your LC you put forms into Available

I match my TN forms on MyAIESEC.net

& when it is Available students will be attracted to it…

My TN form is correct &

interesting in the system

I match my TN form in the


I finish my matching

process fast

…as I communicate with all possible

students and with my organization smoothly !

I make sure I promote my TN form on

MyAIESEC.net in all places & approach actively relevant


I match my TN forms

Search for specific EP Look around for students Promote your TN

Search EP database EPs older than 6 months / start date within 30



Find suitable EP (Match/Search)

Available forms tracker Advertise TN

Browse Exchange Participants

Matching Manias / Search Tools

WIKIs / Search Tools

Networking WIKIs Networking

Advertised EPs

You can decide to look for specific EP matching most of your TN’s criteria or look around for different students or promote your TN…. Most effective ?

Combine all !

I match my TN forms – specific EP

Find info about available students, based on..


1. TN Menu – Search EP Database


Specific skillSpecific skill

Date of raising EP formDate of raising EP form

I match my TN forms – specific EP

Find info about students that fit

your TN

2. TN Menu – Find a suitable EP

‘Search’ will find all EPs whose background / skills generally fit

your TN

‘Match’ will find 3 EPs whose background / skills fit your TN


I match my TN forms – specific EP

Find info about all ‘new’ / ’available’ students that in their EP form have specific

background / skill / language etc.

3. TN Menu – Browse Exchange


If you found EP who looks interesting for you…I match my TN forms – specific EP

Flag EP form – you will find it easily later

Send e-mail to : EP Manager & EP (mail from CV)

Find contacts of LCP of LC where your EP comes from through


I match my TN forms – look around for EPs

Look for students from world or specific region

1. EPs older than 6 months / start date

within 30 days

Here you will find all Available EPs, who shall most urgently look to be matched ! Their form is older than 6 months or their start date is within 30 next days

I match my TN forms – look around for EPs

2. Available forms tracker

Another useful matching tool is ‘Available forms tracker’

It is released every month by AIESEC International & contains lots info about all currently available forms !

To download it, go to ‘Files’ & search through keywords

‘available forms’

I match my TN forms – look around for EPs

3. Search tools / Matching Manias

Matching Mania is event organized by LC to match all their EP & TN forms !

Get to know about them from News / Classifieds / Newsletters… (& organize yours !)

To search/download it, go to ‘Files’ & search through keywords ‘search tool’ or

‘matching mania’ ‘Search tool’ is summary of all info about EP / TN forms from some

country / LC etc.

I match my TN forms – look around for EPs

4. Exchange WIKIsExchange WIKIs provide all information about current

global campaigns / initiatives to support you in matching !

To receive notifications when new info is added to WIKI, ‘subscribe’ to it !

To subscribe to most important exchange WIKIs, search WIKI through those keywords : (‘Global’ scope)

Global Exchange

XMU (Global Exchange Management Unit)

TN, EP, Match etc.

I match my TN forms – look around for EPs5. EP Menu -

Advertised EPsEPs who really want to find TN, can advertise their EP


Go to ‘View Advertise EP form’ in EP Menu – Advertise EP

You will see, which EPs advertised their forms

I match my TN forms – promote your TN1. Classifieds

Classifieds are advertisements around different topics.. Advertise your TN in the ‘Internships’ category !

Create Classified for each of your TN !

I match my TN forms – promote your TN

2. Advertise TN

Advertise your TN with short advert !

Select your TN and write short advertisment of it to promote it to EPs !

I match my TN forms – establishing match

After you found EP interested in your TN, exchanged Acceptance notes & confirmed with your organization they want this EP… you need to establish

MATCH in the system !

Option 1. Ask your EB to ‘Assign Quick Match’

Option 2. Follow process in ‘TN Match Monitor’

Make sure you clarify with EP, which way they want to follow

I build my X network

& want to build my own one…

I understand power of AIESEC lies in personal


I build my own personal network

I use my network for matching

…and become close friends with some of

them !

I collect contacts & build friendships with

Exchangers from all over the world

I build my X network1. Search EP Managers / EPs / LCPs / LCVPs through

‘Networking’ !

2. Find their contacts in ‘Profile’ (add yours in your profile as well !)

3. Add them to your e-mails, MSN, Skype –

match with them there & become friends

I know more about Exchange

& want to understand it better…

I understand power of exchange

I know more details about X in AIESEC

I work in area that changes people


…and live my great AIESEC experience !

I know how to check performance of my LC, can recognize X trends and mange my forms

better !

I know more about eXchangeCheck all great ‘Statistics’ about our exchange


Manage forms to spot the trends & be up-to-date with X in your LC !

Learn by yourself !! For more information about all cool X things,

visit :

• Exchange WIKIs• Global Information Management – Education WIKI

Statistics – Exchange Management

Exchange - Manage Forms

Measure Exchange Experience Satisfaction of your EPs & TNs !

Exchange - Exchange Measurement Surveys

10 Matching tips for EP’s

•How to create high quality in your matching process?

Even if you aren ot interested, it is really important to send a reply to every email!

1. Reply to your mails

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Spend time on MyAIESEC.net and check your mails at least once a day!

2. Dedication

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Use an excel sheet to keep track of all the TN’s you have applied for and the follow up

that is needed.

3. Keep track

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TN IDTN Manager

NameTN Manager

EmailInternship Start Date

Date of Last Communication

Details of Last Communication Comments




TN ID TN Mgr Name TN Mgr EmailInternship Start Date

Date of Last Communication

Details of Last Communication Comments











EP Matching Priorities

Preferred Regions (2 sub-regions minimum)Preferred Starting Date

Deadline to be Matched

In both sections 2 and 3 it is important to continuously update all the fields and communicate changes between the SN and SN Manager. The update will allow the SN manager to understand thematching bottlenecks or opportunities and support the SNs in overcoming them.

The purpose of this sheet is for SNs to prioritize the internship opportunities they are pursuing. This document is divided into 3 parts:1- Internship Preferences: This gives the SN an opportunity to describe their internship preferences while setting clear deadlines and expectations.2- Top 3 Matching Priorities: This allows the SN and SN manager to have a full and complete understanding of what actions have been taken in the matching process. 3- Top 10 Internship Prospects: This allows the SN and SN Manager to be aware of prospective internships for the SN. It is also an opportunity to understands trends in the kind or location of internships the SN is pursuing.

Traineeship Type

Top 3 Matching Priorities

Top 10 Internship Prospect List

SN Internship Preferences

Ultimate gauge to the deadlines that are set to be matched and the communication dates - should be 1-4 months from their raised date - urgency!

Look at this field to identify the countries (by the TN ID) that the SN seems to be matching with to see if they are being very picky and not following the sub-region or geographical preference that they specified both in their SN Resume and on this form

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Keep in mind your requierments, but try to be as flexible as possible when matching

(especially on the regions and countries)

4. Be flexible (!!!)

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It only takes a few minutes to customize your documents, and it can make a BIG difference

when you are applying!

5. Make sure your CV and motivational letter suit the job you are applying for

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It is a good idea to provide ENOUGH information in the emails you send.

6. Use a sample promotion email

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Before starting the matching process, it is important to know what you want out of your

XP. Set these expectations with your VP X!

7. Know what you want

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If there is an internship you really want and the TN manager is not replying to your emails, try to call the LC office or send a text message. Contract information can

be found at MyAIESEC.net

8. Be resourceful

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Read carefully the IXPQS and ask your VP X if you have any questions!

9. Understand your role

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Let the system do the work and use this option to limit your searching!

10. Use the search/match option

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Thank you

• Made By Sabri ben radhia

• LC Medina ,Tunisa