No idea how to write a script.docx

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  • 7/28/2019 No idea how to write a script.docx


    No idea how to write a script, however this is my first attempt.

    Perhaps it would be beneficial for me to provide the forewarning that none of the locations will be

    expressly told, that is to say, none of the characters will make reference to or say where they

    actually are. Though for the benefit of the marker and to satisfy any curiosities that they may hold I

    shall disclose the location of each area in brackets

    *Act 1*

    Ext Suburbia/Study/bedroom of a house afternoon/daylight

    As the films opening credit sequence plays, complete with backing song (not sure what song yet,

    maybe the first 20 seconds of London Calling by The Clash or Wake Up by Suicide Silence), a mid-angle tracking shot follows a person walking up to a somewhat decrepit house, the person reaches a

    rusty lead painted gate, opens said gate and proceeds to walk up to and open the front door and

    then begin walking down the hallway, video-camera in hand, towards a bedroom/study area, as we

    pass one room (kitchen) we see a person with a mask on (perhaps the mask from Scream) and a

    sledgehammer in hand, standing stoically still, they then slightly tilt their head as the camera pans

    across to the end of the hallway, towards a man dancing very aggressively (hardcore).

    The location for act one is somewhere in undisclosed suburbia (in case the examiner is curious as to

    the actual location of the house, it is located in East Brunswick), cars may be able to be heard in the

    distance and also the sound of people talking (thought I should list extraneous and perhapsuncontrollable factors/variables, such as these, I will however do my best to eliminate them)


    The character with the mask on is a character who will be shown to fight zombies with a

    sledgehammer later in the story (act 2), the character dancing is one who will also be shown later in

    the story as part of a music clip (act 3). Both characters will also feature as the two staple characters

    throughout the production.

    The character walking down the hallway, reaches a door and with his right hand opens it, (an over

    the shoulder mid-shot shall be used). The character can be seen to have an eye drawn upon his

    hand, his non-camera hand (might take this out, was thinking that it could be a distinguishable

    feature of characters to have an identifiable feature as I intend to use as few actors and/or

    actresses as possible for the sake of convenience, and thought it might be interesting to have

    them identifiable as all characters that they play).

    Character 2 has arrived at Character 1s house. Character 2 is Character 1s partner in a media

    project which requires them to plan and film a media production (much like the production VCE unit

    3 students are required to do, except with the difference/peculiarity that these students may work

    with a partner). Character 2 may be perceived to have an obsession with filming everything around

    them (I felt I needed justification for why Character 2 carries a video camera, though as this plot

    point will remain unexplored perhaps I should erase it) though the viewer is left with ambiguity

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    regarding this question of why Character 2 has a video-camera in hand, could it be that they are

    engaging in an infantile obsession (as previously suggested) , a curiosity that has been stimulated by

    being a media student/a willingness to learn how the camera works or will the viewer merely

    disregard any deep notions regarding the reasoning behind the Characters carrying of said camera

    and allow the story to be told/unfold? Character 2 proceeds to enter the study room of Character 1,

    (mid over the shoulder POV semi-neutral angle shot) says hello (mid neutral angle shot of Character

    1 sitting in a chair at a desk typing on a laptop) and then proceeds to walk over to and sit down on a

    chair, Character 2 proceeds to film Character 1 after sitting down and then asks what Character 1 is

    doing(wide or mid shot with neutral angle, which is it?). Character 1 throws his hands up (wide or

    mid shot with neutral angle, which is it?) and then covers his face in a very animated way and

    replies that he is having tremendous trouble thinking of an idea for his media project (close-up of

    character one, neutral angled shot), which is due in a few days. Character 2 asks Character 1 if he

    has thought of any ideas as its paramount that he completes his work (cut-backto a wide or mid

    shot with neutral angle, which is it?). Character 1 then begins to go through his ideas for the media

    production (two-shot, wide shot, neutral angle, both characters are visible in this shot).

    *Script For Act 1*

    Character 2: Hey bro

    *Character 2 sits down*

    Character 1: Hey man

    Character 2: Whats up bro?

    Character 1: Trying to do this (are expletives allowed?) media work, the write up is due in a couple

    of days

    Character 2: *laughs* man, youre screwed, but hey got any ideas yet? Maybe I can help you.

    Character 1: Yeah I got a couple, though I doubt good enough to base an entire film off of

    Character 2: Dont care, tell me anyway

    *This is the end of act 1, may act 2 begin*


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    *Act 2*

    Ext Laneway


    A weather shot shows a cluster of grey, ominous looking clouds above. The camera then pans down

    to a laneway where Character 1 can be seen to have a sledgehammer slung over his right shoulder,

    Characters 2 and 3 can be seen in the distance, and are identifiable as zombies due to posture,

    ripped clothing and blood spatters across both their clothing and body (will one character be

    wearing the scream mask or not? Probably not, ey?). The camera then cuts to a mid-shot of

    Character 1s right profile side, then cuts again to a front mid-shot of Character 1 and finally cuts

    again to a left profile mid-shot of Character 1, before cutting to a wide shot of Characters 2 and 3

    ambling towards Character 1 (Character 1 has now adopted a stance that makes him appear ready

    for combat/conflict). Cut in to a two-shot close up of the zombies, arms raised in typical zombie

    fashion, both making zombie type noises (gurgling, spluttering, etc). Cut to a POV shot (from

    Character 1s perspective) of Character 1 hitting Character 2 with a sledgehammer (unsure how to

    actually achieve this without injuring anyone, tips?). Pan out to a mid-shot of Character 1 hitting

    Character 2 in the head again and then another mid-shot of Character 2 falling over and Character 1

    (in slow motion) smashing their head, close-up of a watermelon being smashed (Character 2s head

    has been replaced with a watermelon, which is now being smashed by Character 1), close up of

    Character 2s face, they facial expression shows that they are now deceased. Pan out to a mid-shot

    of Character 1 raising his sledgehammer and charging towards Character 3 (jumps over the dead

    Character 2). Characters 1 and 3 become locked in a battle (mid-shot) for the sledgehammer;Character 3 backs/shoves Character 1 into a wall and begins trying to bite him.

    *Act 3*

    Ext Garage

    Statement of intention

    Media form and genre: Approximately 5-10 minutes, short film, unsure what specific genre this

    media production will fall under as it shall contain many different ideas and themes ranging from a

    zombie/horror/slasher style type scene in the second act, a short scene of a music video (Wake Upby Suicide Silence) in the third act and a Western style scene in the fourth act. I am unsure of the

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    genre of the first and fifth scenes, the first being the scene which will set up the second, third and

    fourth scenes whilst the fifth scene being the conclusion to the media project.

    Concept and purpose: The synopsis of my film is the telling of the ideas one student (Character 1)

    has for his media project to another student (Character 2). The ideas range from a zombie film,

    short music video (just one scene) to Western style film/scene. All these ideas will be told to the

    friend (Character 2) who shall after hearing all the ideas will provide Character 1 with his thoughts

    on the ideas and then as he begins to explain what his friend (Character 1) should do, he dies Or

    something interrupts him (havent really thought of the conclusion yet). The purpose of this piece

    will be to both entertain the audience (markers of the subject and the PHSC student base), and to

    attain a high mark (hopefully).

    Subject matter: The film will focus on the conversation between two friends (Characters 1 and 2) as

    to what one of them should do for his media project and the film shall also focus on the ideas

    Character 1 has for his film, zombie film, music video, etc.

    Target audience: The film is intended for the cohort of PHSC and the markers of media. I do not

    know the age of markers, however the age of the PHSC cohort is most likely that of 12-19 years of

    age (however my films audience will cater mainly to that of the year 11 and 12 students who are

    16-19 years of age). The gender of the audience will be mixed. The socio-economic and cultural

    background of viewers will mostly be middle-urban class, as that is the socio-economic and cultural

    background of the majority of the PHSC cohort (unsure what the cultural background of PHSC

    students is, I presume Anglo-Saxon).

    Production techniques: Still thinking this one over

    Ending: Naw, fuck that lets just wag media