J: From San Franefecof - for. Niagara, Wllbclmioa, 8n Vaneouvtr: Fruncisco- - May May May 12. 20. -- From 12. c rpTri'IT rrT ?fiiT tocr For Vancouver: Marama, May 19. Hawaiian Erenlnt CuIleUn. Vol. L XXI. 18S2. No. No. 6892. 5832. - . 12 PAGES HOKOLtJtU, TERRITORY . OP HAWAII,; MONDAY MAT 1 1, lOUl 12 PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS nnnrn - mm HENRY FRAUGIS FII1US0II ESCAPES r DUFFIE (WW LA to nniGE : NOOSE;- - BETS GOMmUTED SEIITEHCE ciiipil . llliii OF IHS OFFICE r : A " ' Supervisors,: Meeting Sunday, . . Outline Plan for Handling-Sew- er and Vater Works. foir tentative methods TAKEN UNDER ADVISEMENT W. H.'McCIellan to Confer With ; Governor Regarding the" '. " Discharge of Bonds , How the walr and raewer - works are to he flnaaced, particularly: with . reference to an arrangement with the territory for the redemption of the bonds as their dates of maturity, are leached an arrangement r which would fire the city and ounty mor time to build up a sinking fund and ' also the question ; of business qaar : tera for the. two .departments that will come under the jurisdiction of the municipality within a few weeks, were proposition " under discussion jesterday when the board of supervi- sors met In caucus for a few hours. V ; Supervisor W. II. McClellati chair-.--: man of .; the ways and means com- -' lulttee of the -- board, was appointed a committee of one to call on the gov- ernor to work out a tatisfactory ar- rangement for the discharge of the bonds. - Four propositions bavebeea outlined; they are printed in full be -- low.,,,. . . ?. r, One important , decision Teached yesterday .was on the business quar- ters of the departments. It was defi- nitely decided that they should not . remain after the transfer: in their I resent location, that is the Capitol. And .it was practically settled to lease the corner etcra of the . Kapiolani ' bullJIr.T. 'a place made. vacant-by- , the' . removal , cf the Jlonolulu Wire Bed Cc:.:r--- y frcn there. The1 Question of1 lc-Lr- .2 .this etore-roo- m will ba U!::n up at ence. vIt is planned to put, either the two departments there, ; (CoTJtjnuel cn - pare four v' ?- ,- "W-- 'i i in .'.' r i Forwards Cable to AVashing- - ton Favcrinq Local f.'en for ; v Fcc!:ral Pcclticns ' 'The director of the Coard of Trcds cf HIlo, Hawaii, join In the re-- ' quett cf the Honolulu commercial or amtlon urgina the appointment cf captle local men, cf whom there are many In Hawaii, to federal offi- cer In this territory.' . V The fore srclng message this morn-In- s was received by H. P. Wood, sec-retar- y of the Chamber of Commerce, by wireless from the Hilo Board of . Trade, and immediately forward 3d by Yable to President Woodcow Wilson. ' " This makes the second message to be received by the local commercial ' i crpanfzations from other like bodies In the territory, upholding the action A taken last week .at a Joint meeting -- of - the trustees of the Chamber of Com- merce and the directors of the Mer- - " , chants 'Association, at which time a resolution . was - passed! whereby & : cablegram was sent to William Q. Mc- - " Adoo, secretary of the treasury, . urg- ing that, if any change Is to be made. 'i a resident of this territory be appoint- ed to the position of collector of cus-tom- s for the territory, from which po- sition H 'R. Stackable recently was asked to resign. ' At the same time, tt was moved that commercial organ- izations. cn the' other ..'Islands be In- formed of the action of the meeting, and to gie their support to the ac- tion. The Kauai Chamber , of Com- - -- ' rcerce already, has given Its' support, the Maul organization being the only . one yet to be heard fronv '.' ; ADMIRAL MOORE TO " ; a ENTERTAIN AT NEW, C: " RESIDENCE ON BEACH .' ; ':.' y " ''.'''-V- Admiral " anifMrs Moore are i occupying the Madge Dole resl- - t 4ence near Diamond' Head, and 4 ; 4 their, tea . to : which Invitations 4 4- - have been Issued for tomorrow ? afternoon; will be given : at, that '' 4 placcv r;; ; i '. I V:. -- Special "notice Is made of this in order thU guests : may not makf the mistake of going to Ad-- -- f V rrrtr4; Moore's Manoa "residence. 4 J 1 At Lowest Prices. ' i m mm' t irnnnt! I w ,.',. i - ; '. .. ... - . 1 v 0; i : ..'" ' ' vr,.v i. ' ".'"".". ,. ' ' " --- O I " Henryv Francis Forfriiaon, whose sentence was commuted from hang-- j ; lngr ; to life Imprisonment by. Gorernor Pfnkham today. . . s - h''? - O : ,. .; " , ." .'' j ,"'". -- . ," ' ' ', ,V Slayer of ; Police Officer Manuel DAlwreui to .This morning Governor kPinkham-signe- d the necessary papers that will allow ecry Francis Furguson,; who was sentenced to death for the' mor tier- - of ' Police Of ficer "Aftreu, Ho live out' his life in prison, r The commuta' lion "61 the- - death has been rather epected,v and - the; lettfcr cf the governor id - .Attorney-Genera- l Stainback fully explalns' tha reasaaa the; chief "executive bad 'for; commute lng the death . sentence. .: A , copy of the ; letter, was also; sent to the high fheriff . and Furguson was at once in formed of his reprieve.4. .. " v 'v .The communication lb the attorrfey teneral ; follows: r : H';. ;V;i;:-- -; ; Executive Chamber, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 9, 1914, Hon. L M, StalnbackV'. AttorneyGene ral. Honolulu, T. IL . , : V Sir? - In' commuting the sentence of death imposed by the court on Henry Francis . Furguson to Imprisonment for life," It is proper a record be made of the reasons therefor. . , " ' This young man within the space of a few days committed four crimes, two of them of the most serious char- - acter, one ; being that of murder- - In the first degree, for, which crime the law properly prescribes. death as the penalty, leaving no power of discrim- ination on the part of the presiding Jndge. ; 4 : v- - : ' ' v.; ; Yl. "t ? In case the rigors of law need mod ification, ; the decision Is left to the Judgment and conscience' of the gov ernor. ' k i. ": ,' : :k : '.' I believe that the safety of society demands the v exercise of ; the death penalty, but Its severity, should be modlflad-.- , where there . Is a question j as to the full' moral responsibility of the crlmlnaL - 'v ; V-- ': ! Tnai me oeea in ims case wwmosi; Zl VMr, TTnVpT ?fJS.i?S!??h! then .there Is a struggle to refrain from exercising It : 1 ; -- v i : t That Henry ' F. - Furguson is , . con- - sclous of. right and wrong jn the prlr ' A roar is being heard on Merchant street today, with crude oil and water the cause of the roar, c The engineer- ing department ofhe city and coun- ty ordered the street to be oiled,, and oiled It was; and now comes the roar, for all the" stores and offices have shadings - of petroleum on the '. floors. elegant tile has been made dark and sticky, and expensive linoleum has lost its chaste, designs. - x;? - To put tie criticism In the first per- son; one of the merchants, now irate. Is quoted: ; : "We Just got 'over one crude oil epidemic here, and now : we have an other. Quite awhile ago the supervis- ors thought they could pave Fort street as well as Joseph Gilman, and so they . tried. The result was awful Any ; one with a business ; around Fort and Merchant streets knows how awful it was. ; ;lThe black oil about four times too much Of it was usedseeped down at this corner. pool of it stood there all ; the time, i There was no end ol it We tracked .it into bhild- - mgs witn us, we cnasea our . nais thronch .IL we took it home with. us to put new but Inartistic designs on ( tw rugs. 'j , ; - v f x mary essentials of moral conduct is the belief ; of all who - have examined him, but that he has a strong moral character is" not believed. - -- f rt He is' a boy "not yet 19 years wof age and : Immature4 In ibis mentality, Lin fact seems 'In some, degree deficient In memory and In comprehension. He Is lacking In '. Judgment ' and purpose. That, bethought the revolver wlth any t definite Intent- - Is ' not believed. - i It was the ' same. Impulse' that - Induces many : boys - to desire to possess weapon of some description. 4 1 t In tracing his life it seems to have had an ; unwholesome ; atmosphere. He seems to have failed to enjoy or pro fit by the physical and mfental oppor tunities army life presents In ? fact was weak in so many points that the peculiarities made him almost ostra cised; ' The whole evidence tends to fix a belief thtat hls? nervous and mental condition is due to habits nit usually spoken of In' public ':f ? Great care and deliberation have been exercised in examining his case, and able medical men, the . high sher iff, attorney-gener- al and others have used', their best Judgment: In forming their conclusions, which, with the gov ernor's own investigations, form ? the basis of this clemency, -- i; ' ' . I am convinced 'that Henry Francis Furguson .Is too ; deficient in the. ele- ments- of physical and; mental. , man hood for : the l law to enforce the ex treme penalty,4 death; ' hence have commuted "his sentence to ' life' Im prlsdnmeht.ir ?:i4 ' r""'!?' . . . Respectfully, T rSga.) ir's --- f .USE.: PINKHAM, j : " 'of Hawaii. . - ; r-- Governor ArrArdtnV in thft Oahii nrison: au- - v cs,rff1,nn ckw,i c mnr-- h pleasure when-.Informed .of the com- - mutatibn:of his death sentence. High Buerl "eu1' w,u u cr Ms gooa iuca as soon as me gov emor s letter was received' at v the prison office. ed when Fort street was repaved. But now we are in another ' mess. Someone gets the Idea we can't do without petroleum, and so Merchant street is. smeared over with IL" No sand lo absorb this oil, mind you", Just poured it on, and left It, with us to make every floor on the street look hideous. .. ... i "Well, after the oil is smeared on, comes then the sprinkling wagon, run by some coo coo clock of a hu- man being. He puts water on the 'olL He comes again and he puts more wa- ter on. He is paid for. putting water on 4he street and he puts it on. "I have watched this same coo coo clock sprinkling the streets during a heavy rain. - ' ' . "There was no need of oiling Mer chant street The man .who ordered it put on showed 'as much judgment as the coo coo clock who sprinkles the streets during a downpour of rain." ! .The steamer Claudine from Maui ports has been discharged of 110 casks of lime, 35 6acks of corn, 43 sacks of taro, a quantity of empty bottles, 10 hgmitrAf. tnA u. r 8andrieB. . The vessel Is on the berth for dispatch for Maul at 5 o'clock this OIL ON MERCHANT STREET ROUSES IRE OF BUSINESSMEN Duty of Aiditor of Territory; Is Defined by Accountant in $ i;Repiy;to Questions ; ; v?; CARllislilTH INCIDENT IS GlVEri FURTHER LIGHTi ReccriSh c vrAttbmey Co dClaim Csfore Assignment ' :';, he questions propounded to me' tr Ttepiy ing to ihe charges and Insln-i- n a letter, sigped "Commune Bonum VtiaUons made against him. CaptalntOf which appeared, In your issue of. Fn- - Detectives Arthur McDuffie prepared day last rerer to matters of,vitaMm-;- a statement for the, Star-Bulleti- n this portance- - ln the Hapraii countr graft taomg-naw- ef ing the charges, and siraaUony and is ; A '.large, ordei, , says ; lnviUng an invesUgatlon . of his de-- H. Gooding. Fi id: 1 wilt be as brief : partment and ; his acts as : bead of it as possible in answering the same. ,1 sheriff r Jarrett took un McDuffie's ' -- Question no. i.j can you explain. as an expert apcountant, whether Ter- - t iimi , nuuiiji .noiicx. luuwucu uro m th. ftn'i,f , uoMiit vinti' tatBmmfa ..vera - !. ficniroa submitted so Compiled that he could I have: detected- - irregulariUest ; " rThe provisbhs ol Section ll 85 of Act 39the County Act of 1905,re- - ferred to by the Territorial . Auditor,! as: the limitation of his duties as af- - j fectlng county auditors,, reads as fol - lows ' nt shall be Ahi duty of .the auditor of the territory ' to confer; from 'time to time with the several, county audi- tors' relative tq the books lo be kept i by county officers and the forms there- - of, and the form of report required to be made, , and to institute a unuorm system throughout the several coun- ties. And It ;fehair be' the ' duty of each, .county .auditori to see that1 the instructions, of said territorial . auditor in ; this f respect are ; carried ' out, : and of each county1; officer j to .; keep his books' end accounts and make his re- ports' In the form prescribed by ; said territorial auditor. ' ; ,:' , vv . x v 'TheT above laws is mandatory as to the ; territorial . auditor Instituting a uniform aysterd of accounts for the counties, with "proper forms etc., to-geth-er 'with; the form of report (te qnired to- - be .jxude.V-T- be' made.' to whom?--I- n th tfrst Instance, at stat- ed periods, by rounty fleers' to the county, auditor, and at the end of each fiscal yeari ny tne county auaupr to the; territorial s auditor.' - The figures contained In these annual financial re ports to v the - territorial V auditor are embodied In the; annual report of the territorial auditor to tne governor; ana are. included, in the governor's annual report to, the. secretary of , the inte- rior. :, : -;..: ; r'. ";. v "I wiU-answen-t- he first part of the above query by quoting from the Prac tical Manual for -- ; Auditors, v Second American Edition, 1909, the standard work pn auditing Liabilities, and Au ditors (page , 290) . by Xawrence : R. Dicksee, M. Com, F .C. A., of the Lon-dq- n School of .Economls and Political Science (University of, London) : ? ; : v However desirable. It may be to know exactly the bare extent of the legal responsibility., (or? aJi auditor), the real professional r, responsibility ought always to be - the Ideal: and. further, an auditor, win be the worst of friends to his profession if he stud iously exert himself j .to narrow the responsibilities, and. so "to dwarf. the importance of his position. Even a cursory examination and ; a comparison of the several annual re- ports would have shown the Irregular ities In the figures. I drew the atten- tion of the territorial auditor to the discrepancies In August, 1912,' but no action ' was taken 'by him; : ; " - Question -- No. 2t v .The claim was made by the territorial auditor In 1912 that he" had found the trial balances of the Hawaii county books regular ly, made by the - county auditor. Tour report states tfiat none were made. Did not the territorial auditor violate both a public and ethical trust- - In ; so wrongfully stating the case? " No trial, balance of the accounts or the; general ledger of the ' county: f Hawaii had been made from the com-- ; to 1913 to with the cember 31st, 1913 the nd of the fiscal year. I will 'Quote from Dicksee s Manual on Auditing the trial balance (page 45) i. "It shniiM ht the aim. bo far as possible, to carry each of to the the are not 1 f In Iaqw-- i hands : of or cashiers, who for all he can know to the may ' manipulate, the " during the course of the audit, The auditor should keep everything in his own hands until the audit is ed as far 'the trial Having; once a trial he knows has not . been tampered the auditor may cease to him self about the materials from which t was built up they be manipu-ate- d and altered up down, but he holds in, his own hand the key-t- o the whole Question No. X Was it not the most important duty the territorial bank examiner to as to value, the notes and securities held by the First Bank -- of Limited, as collate 'Cv " ' y Details of Purchase of Home Made Public by Police Officer;; Also by Tust , Company ;. v A S3000 HOME REALLY Say s : Work "of oT bureau-- : HighiySatisactory:' - - " - T play, and made al statement for publl- - .t t, (.a' AaIom. !!.. tko satisfactory also fcave - statement to the; Star-Bulleti- n, at ne u3' ' this paper,Vln which the house myth' Is exploded. The following ls , He's,: state mentis ; :.. r " c"; - i y ; "Honolulu, T. H.V May. 11, 1914 .yTo the Editor of the Star-Bulleti- n, , Honolulu, T. H; -- The cowardly attack of the Adver- - tlser tof , the '9th : inst; calculated to 8am humiliate me at a time when tnei assault : would ' affect ' anomer 'as wen asjmyself, presents' a'situatlon equally as unfair and false as the slurs andinnuendoes which tbat.'paper has unsuccessfully subjected me In the past.vvv-v;;.;.-.;,;.--- :. "'."The Advertiser says , that I. moved into an! $8000, house upon , the eve : of ' my:, weddjng. J sincerely regret -- that the- - house was not of that value. :., And that, the 'frugality' for which that pa per "commends me not been more or effectual;.: But hid the ed- itor V)f the Advertiser expended the same Industry in agcertgiIng the. facts as displayed in his attempt to Hinder, humiliate; ""disgrace me; ' be - would have learned Jhat the contract' of my Yuse as shpwn' by the of tne .ornce or tne Duiiding inspector, of this; "city jjmd was $3000. the. of the office of the reg istrar of conveyances of the territory show that for this I by mortgage to the Guardian Trust Co. Ltd., an .equal - The land years ago cost me $100.00, "and was the r result ?f , savings i ot two- - years -- . f -- "''.'. - - -- ' (Continued on pa tdre) THAYER ISHOT IK ACCOHD VITII liVERlil Regardless of a legal opinion to. the contrary. It now probabiethat political 'will their names on the primary .ballot unUl they have .produced evidence, that they are organized oyer the territory and have regular and territorial, teea' This was '.brought out. at aV confer- ence between Secretary otterritory W. W. Thayer and' City and Clerk David Kalauokalanl, Jr. 'The for- mer informed the clerlt that as a condition precedent to putting 4he name of a party on the ballot be would require the . names of all committee- - An opinion down by P. tb Wea ver, city, and held that the city was obliged to recognize any de facto party, did .hot have tbe authority to inouire into its fntna From the attitude taken by the see- - J O ..6u Ul Ui6IUuWu0us lO I TODAY s cm ion LEAGUE RESULT& f -- 7 AM ERICANj LEAGUE.1 At New York 2, N r;,i v.- - At Philadelphia Philadelphia 8. riV All other- - Ir " .ctric cross - is the . third orA T .via : (Julylst; 1905) March, 31st,. The quesuon parties are en-(t- he final date of my investigation) ..titled have their names oh th hai- - t am safe in stating also that there, lot came up the formation of w.M;JfS;: S?..ne Political organlzaUonV the Uhul again a.nditor's depart-- 1 ment his InvesUgaUon right up retary of territory, it appears that the trial at same-sliting- ; latter and Mr. In har-th- e auditor must remember I mnnr. ATV tLA ,,.v, .l.. M bookkeepers con- trary figures complet-- j as balance. secured balance that with. trouble may and situation. of inspect, Hilo," rieaa ueiecuve highly McDuf ud to studied and price' records county, s'And records purpose secured -- amount two appears parties not-hav- e county commit County county, handed deputy county clerk, and Boston tu,xf uiewona. ofwrhat balance Weaver always C M. Hansen Dead As Result of Automobile Going Over Cliff" Sixteen-Ye- ar - Old Daughter, Driving Car, and Two Chll-dre- n Have Miraculous Escape from Death ; - . '- ' -- '''' ' .' Associated Press Cable V v.-".- v- - ' : SAN FRANCISCO, May 11 C M, Hansen, chief engineer for the California-Hawaiia- n Sugar Company, was Instantly killed when' the aut mobile in which he was riding went over a cliff. v; v , Edith Hansen, the daughter of th dead man was drlvln; the car at the "time; of the accident , 'rjY---'-:'::,- - ' ; Two children, riding In the machine at the time, and the young girl at the. wheel miraculously escaped. , ; ; ..'; President i Cabinet arid Navy Officials Fc!! Ki Nation's Derid to Streets of Nev York Crovvdcd as Prccssion Pzzzzz Cy C: vmbny Short, Simple, but Imprcscivc C000 UX: Ci ' V dren"Sing "fiearcr, My God, to ThcD" ; - : ' , -. t Associated Press Cable) , ? i, NEW;, YORK,5 , May 11 President Woodrow Wilson, C:;rct:ry ef Navy Josephus Daniels,- - Governor Martin H. Clynn of Utvt Ycrk an j ft:, John Purroy Mltchel of New York City, besides a host. cf ttr.z.zrz, c gressmen ,and representatives of the army and navy d:part- - tr.. f:::; the bodies of the sailors and marines, killed at Vera Cruz, to t.w.:ir I: resting place.- - '.:' - The streets through which the funeral procession pasj;d w:r; crc with those who wished to pay a last fond tribute to the r.":n's !; . v . The funeral ceremony was short and simple tut mc;t Irr rn 1 singing' of "Nearer My CcdtO; Thee by a chorus c:np:::i cf C.) : enuaren was, pronaoiy, tne most impressive tnciasnt in t: s cer; Sarirahcisc6 Lock Out Cf ; MBim i c. n MMMi' Building, llol :L'.l " :"" '' fAFsocia ted Pre?i Cav.'l -- v; vSAN FRANCISCO, May tt. The Cuiii; -- 3 Tr: J tlon of this city has ordered a g;n;r:l l;:k:ut t'- - to return t wcrk,; fc!! 1mz a c::r;:ren:s' v.:' i 1 The .wo rk c .1 'thj--.- .iama-Pacifis'exp:siti- on t . by this move as an a;reemejt was reached a c: L the'. expositba-builiinji- . will t omp:-t- ei rc;-r- -. It Is believed. . : . ' t ii. m ' ' . . . . War GOiTespondsni", 'Sc:... i. '. W: Arriiy Officer, Under Arrc ': , WASHINGTON, DJ C, May 11 Lieutenant Malgne, , U. S. army, r tired, has been placed under arrest at Vera Cruz, upon ejitrs from LI . leyM. Garrison, secretary of war. ; ' - Malgne has been acting in the capacity of war correspendsnt and r: fused to cease writing, when requested to do s,o.f : Mxirelos i Dynamited, U: Sv I Transport to - ;;v:k';h-- v." -- v - j .-- v -- :; : ...... . . ; : ; 1 Associated Press Cable! '.' - . ' v WASHINGTON, O. C, .May 11 Rear-admir-al Frank F. Howard s to the navy department that Mcrelos has beendynamited. V ( , Th transport. Korrigan, reports Admiral Howard, has been drlv .from. Mazatian by the fire of the constitutionalfsts - ' Sentence iAgainst oimp2i5, EtAl, Set Aside by U.S. Co r WASHINGTON, D.rC May; 11 The U. S. supreme court toiay t:i aside the sentences against 'Gompera-Mitchel- l and Morrison who were convicted on charges of contempt of' court. - - ' -- : The statute of limitations was net usedas an argument for Its act!:n by the highest tribunal. t " ' ' ' ' - - T - - i - U; ,S. Representatives to ; Mediation . . . - WASHINGTON, D. OT May 11 Court Joseph Rucker Lamar and Frederick Lehmann, one of-th- e leading lawyers of the; United States, wilP be the .representatives for .this country a the mediation of the trouble with Mbviri Picture Reported to Associated WASHINGTON, D C May 11 batteries. S I :'.- m the west coast of Mexico to the effect that. the yacht tola, picture expedition which sailed from. San Diego April 8, it safe in I'.tx,-ca- n waters. i-- - ; Housewares. Army 07 Driven Have Been -- Named witrua.'mov; . Associate Justice' of the Supreme Mexico. Outfit is be Safe on loir. Press C-ibl-e ; . . Information has been' received - frc-- 3-- 3 King St. HonoIuTa r "MJ- - t 1 t ' " -.' ' Cli irrrrVn far? , ' . ' 'I- - - ' - ; :. :'.- - i.t..A'.-- p. 't prevents the 'iratte which. follows wrhen the aurface of. t :X'S:'-SAt-- r B In contact with the oubddft air: - Vv-ir- '..-"'V-- f,' M;''i3u, """?' -- V--, ' -- ; a a I A - r ; - - ; ; 1.. - ;

nnnrn mm rDUFFIE nniGE BETS GOMmUTED SEIITEHCE llliii · street today, with crude oil and water the cause of the roar, c The engineer-ing department ofhe city and coun-ty ordered

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Page 1: nnnrn mm rDUFFIE nniGE BETS GOMmUTED SEIITEHCE llliii · street today, with crude oil and water the cause of the roar, c The engineer-ing department ofhe city and coun-ty ordered


From San Franefecof -





Fruncisco- -









c rpTri'IT rrT ?fiiT tocrFor Vancouver:

Marama, May 19.

HawaiianErenlnt CuIleUn.







to nniGE :


r :

A "

' Supervisors,: Meeting Sunday,. . Outline Plan for Handling-Sew- er

and Vater Works.

foir tentative methodsTAKEN UNDER ADVISEMENT

W. H.'McCIellan to Confer With; Governor Regarding the"

'." Discharge of Bonds ,

How the walr and raewer - worksare to he flnaaced, particularly: with

. reference to an arrangement with theterritory for the redemption of thebonds as their dates of maturity, areleached an arrangement r whichwould fire the city and ounty mortime to build up a sinking fund and

' also the question ; of business qaar: tera for the. two .departments that

will come under the jurisdiction ofthe municipality within a few weeks,were proposition " under discussionjesterday when the board of supervi-sors met In caucus for a few hours.

V ; Supervisor W. II. McClellati chair-.--:man of .; the ways and means com- -'

lulttee of the --board, was appointed acommittee of one to call on the gov-

ernor to work out a tatisfactory ar-rangement for the discharge of thebonds. - Four propositions bavebeeaoutlined; they are printed in full be

-- low.,,,. . .?. r,

One important , decision Teachedyesterday .was on the business quar-ters of the departments. It was defi-nitely decided that they should not

. remain after the transfer: in theirI resent location, that is the Capitol.And .it was practically settled to leasethe corner etcra of the . Kapiolani

'bullJIr.T. 'a place made. vacant-by- , the'

. removal , cf the Jlonolulu Wire BedCc:.:r--- y frcn there. The1 Questionof1 lc-Lr- .2 .this etore-roo- m will baU!::n up at ence. vIt is planned toput, either the two departments there,

; (CoTJtjnuel cn - pare four v'?- ,- "W-- 'i i in .'.'r


Forwards Cable to AVashing- -

ton Favcrinq Local f.'en for; v Fcc!:ral Pcclticns

' 'The director of the Coard ofTrcds cf HIlo, Hawaii, join In the re-- 'quett cf the Honolulu commercial or

amtlon urgina the appointmentcf captle local men, cf whom thereare many In Hawaii, to federal offi-

cer In this territory.' .

V The fore srclng message this morn-In- s

was received by H. P. Wood, sec-retar- y

of the Chamber of Commerce,by wireless from the Hilo Board of

. Trade, and immediately forward 3d byYable to President Woodcow Wilson.

' " This makes the second message tobe received by the local commercial


i crpanfzations from other like bodiesIn the territory, upholding the action

A taken last week .at a Joint meeting --of- the trustees of the Chamber of Com-

merce and the directors of the Mer--

", chants 'Association, at which time a

resolution . was - passed! whereby &: cablegram was sent to William Q. Mc--

"Adoo, secretary of the treasury, . urg-

ing that, if any change Is to be made.'i a resident of this territory be appoint-

ed to the position of collector of cus-tom- s

for the territory, from which po-

sition H 'R. Stackable recently wasasked to resign. ' At the same time,tt was moved that commercial organ-

izations. cn the' other..'Islands be In-

formed of the action of the meeting,and to gie their support to the ac-

tion. The Kauai Chamber , of Com- -

-- ' rcerce already, has given Its' support,the Maul organization being the only

. one yet to be heard fronv '.' ;




.' ; ':.' y " ''.'''-V-Admiral " anifMrs Moore are

i occupying the Madge Dole resl- -

t 4ence near Diamond' Head, and 4; 4 their, tea . to : which Invitations 4

4- - have been Issued for tomorrow? afternoon; will be given : at, that''4 placcv r;; ; i '.

I V:. -- Special "notice Is made of thisin order thU guests : may notmakf the mistake of going to Ad-- --f

V rrrtr4; Moore's Manoa "residence. 4J1

At Lowest Prices. '

i m mm' t irnnnt! I w


i -

; '. .. ... -.

1 v

0; i : ..'" ' ' vr,.v i.' ".'"".". ,.

' ' "--- O

I" Henryv Francis Forfriiaon, whose sentence was commuted from hang-- j ;

lngr ; to life Imprisonment by. Gorernor Pfnkham today. . .s

- h''? -O : ,. .;


, ." .'' j ,"'". -- . ," ' ' ', ,V

Slayer of ; Police Officer Manuel DAlwreui to

.This morning Governor kPinkham-signe- d

the necessary papers that willallow ecry Francis Furguson,; whowas sentenced to death for the' mortier- - of ' Police Officer "Aftreu, Ho liveout' his life in prison, r The commuta'lion "61 the- - death has beenrather epected,v and - the; lettfcr cfthe governor id - .Attorney-Genera- l

Stainback fully explalns' tha reasaaathe; chief "executive bad 'for; commutelng the death . sentence. .: A , copy ofthe ; letter, was also; sent to the highfheriff . and Furguson was at once informed of his reprieve.4. ..

" v 'v

.The communication lb the attorrfeyteneral ; follows: r : H';. ;V;i;:-- -;

; Executive Chamber,Honolulu, Hawaii, May 9, 1914,

Hon. L M, StalnbackV'. AttorneyGeneral. Honolulu, T. IL . ,

: VSir? - In' commuting the sentence of

death imposed by the court on HenryFrancis . Furguson to Imprisonmentfor life," It is proper a record be madeof the reasons therefor. . , " '

This young man within the space ofa few days committed four crimes,two of them of the most serious char- -

acter, one ; being that of murder- - Inthe first degree, for, which crime thelaw properly prescribes. death as thepenalty, leaving no power of discrim-ination on the part of the presidingJndge. ; 4 :


: ' ' v.; ; Yl. "t ?In case the rigors of law need mod

ification, ; the decision Is left to theJudgment and conscience' of the governor. ' k i. ": ,' : :k : '.'

I believe that the safety of societydemands the v exercise of ; the deathpenalty, but Its severity, should bemodlflad-.- , where there . Is a question j

as to the full' moral responsibility ofthe crlmlnaL - 'v ;

V-- ': !

Tnai me oeea in ims case wwmosi;

Zl VMr, TTnVpT?fJS.i?S!??h!then .there Is a struggle to refrainfrom exercising It : 1 ; -- v i: t

That Henry ' F. - Furguson is , . con- -

sclous of. right and wrong jn the prlr '

A roar is being heard on Merchantstreet today, with crude oil and waterthe cause of the roar, c The engineer-ing department ofhe city and coun-ty ordered the street to be oiled,, andoiled It was; and now comes the roar,for all the" stores and offices haveshadings - of petroleum on the '. floors.elegant tile has been made dark andsticky, and expensive linoleum haslost its chaste, designs. - x;? -

To put tie criticism In the first per-son; one of the merchants, now irate.Is quoted: ;

: "We Just got 'over one crude oilepidemic here, and now : we have another. Quite awhile ago the supervis-ors thought they could pave Fortstreet as well as Joseph Gilman, andso they . tried. The result was awfulAny ; one with a business ; aroundFort and Merchant streets knows howawful it was. ;

;lThe black oil about four timestoo much Of it was usedseeped downat this corner. pool of it stoodthere all ; the time, i There was noend ol it We tracked .it into bhild- -

mgs witn us, we cnasea our . naisthronch .IL we took it home with. usto put new but Inartistic designs on (

tw rugs. 'j , ; - v f


mary essentials of moral conduct isthe belief ; of all who - have examinedhim, but that he has a strong moralcharacter is" not believed. - --f

rt He is' a boy "not yet 19 years wof ageand : Immature4 In ibis mentality, Linfact seems 'In some, degree deficient Inmemory and In comprehension. He Islacking In '. Judgment ' and purpose.That, bethought the revolver wlth any

tdefinite Intent- - Is ' not believed. - i Itwas the ' same. Impulse' that - Inducesmany : boys - to desire to possessweapon of some description. 4 1

t In tracing his life it seems to havehad an ; unwholesome ; atmosphere. Heseems to have failed to enjoy or profit by the physical and mfental opportunities army life presents In ? factwas weak in so many points that thepeculiarities made him almost ostracised;' The whole evidence tends to fix abelief thtat hls? nervous and mentalcondition is due to habits nit usuallyspoken of In' public ':f

? Great care and deliberation havebeen exercised in examining his case,and able medical men, the . high sheriff, attorney-gener-al and others haveused', their best Judgment: In formingtheir conclusions, which, with the governor's own investigations, form ? thebasis of this clemency, -- i; ' '

. I am convinced 'that Henry FrancisFurguson .Is too ; deficient in the. ele-

ments- of physical and; mental. , manhood for : the l law to enforce the extreme penalty,4 death; ' hence havecommuted "his sentence to ' life' Imprlsdnmeht.ir ?:i4 ' r""'!?'

. . . Respectfully, T

rSga.) ir's --- f .USE.: PINKHAM, j

: " 'of Hawaii. .- ; r-- GovernorArrArdtnV in thft Oahii nrison: au- -

v cs,rff1,nn ckw,i c mnr-- h

pleasure when-.Informed .of the com--mutatibn:of his death sentence. High

Buerl "eu1' w,u ucr Ms gooa iuca as soon as me govemor s letter was received' at v theprison office.

ed when Fort street was repaved.But now we are in another ' mess.Someone gets the Idea we can't dowithout petroleum, and so Merchantstreet is. smeared over with IL" Nosand lo absorb this oil, mind you",

Just poured it on, and left It, withus to make every floor on the streetlook hideous. .. ...

i "Well, after the oil is smeared on,comes then the sprinkling wagon,run by some coo coo clock of a hu-man being. He puts water on the 'olLHe comes again and he puts more wa-ter on. He is paid for. putting wateron 4he street and he puts it on.

"I have watched this same coo cooclock sprinkling the streets during aheavy rain. - ' '


"There was no need of oiling Merchant street The man .who orderedit put on showed 'as much judgmentas the coo coo clock who sprinklesthe streets during a downpour ofrain." !

.The steamer Claudine from Mauiports has been discharged of 110 casksof lime, 35 6acks of corn, 43 sacks oftaro, a quantity of empty bottles, 10hgmitrAf. tnA u. r8andrieB. . The vessel Is on the berthfor dispatch for Maul at 5 o'clock this


Duty of Aiditor of Territory; IsDefined by Accountant in

$ i;Repiy;to Questions ; ; v?;


ReccriSh c vrAttbmey CodClaim Csfore Assignment '


he questions propounded to me' tr Ttepiy ing to ihe charges and Insln-i- n

a letter, sigped "Commune Bonum VtiaUons made against him. CaptalntOfwhich appeared, In your issue of. Fn-- Detectives Arthur McDuffie preparedday last rerer to matters of,vitaMm-;- a statement for the, Star-Bulleti- n thisportance- - ln the Hapraii countr graft taomg-naw- ef ing the charges, andsiraaUony and is;A '.large, ordei, , says ; lnviUng an invesUgatlon . of his de--H.

Gooding. Fi id: 1 wilt be as brief : partment and ; his acts as : bead of itas possible in answering the same. ,1 sheriff r Jarrett took un McDuffie's' --Question no. i.j can you explain.as an expert apcountant, whether Ter- -

t iimi , nuuiiji .noiicx. luuwucu uro

m th. ftn'i,f , uoMiit

vinti' tatBmmfa ..vera - !. ficniroasubmitted so Compiled that he could Ihave: detected-- irregulariUest ; "

rThe provisbhs ol Section ll 85 ofAct 39the County Act of 1905,re- -

ferred to by the Territorial . Auditor,!as: the limitation of his duties as af- - jfectlng county auditors,, reads as fol-

lows' nt shall be Ahi duty of .the auditor

of the territory ' to confer; from 'timeto time with the several, county audi-tors' relative tq the books lo be kept i

by county officers and the forms there--of, and the form of report required tobe made, , and to institute a unuormsystem throughout the several coun-ties. And It ;fehair be' the ' duty ofeach, .county .auditori to see that1 theinstructions, of said territorial . auditorin ; this f respect are ; carried ' out, : andof each county1; officer j to .; keep hisbooks' end accounts and make his re-ports' In the form prescribed by ; saidterritorial auditor. ' ; ,:' , v v . x v

'TheT above laws is mandatory as tothe ; territorial . auditor Instituting auniform aysterd of accounts for thecounties, with "proper forms etc., to-geth-er

'with; the form of report (teqnired to- - be .jxude.V-T- be' made.' towhom?--I- n th tfrst Instance, at stat-ed periods, by rounty fleers' to thecounty, auditor, and at the end of eachfiscal yeari ny tne county auaupr tothe; territorial s auditor.' - The figurescontained In these annual financial reports to v the - territorial V auditor areembodied In the; annual report of theterritorial auditor to tne governor; anaare. included, in the governor's annualreport to, the. secretary of , the inte-rior. :, :

-;..: ; r'. ";. v"I wiU-answen-t- he first part of the

above query by quoting from the Practical Manual for -- ; Auditors, v SecondAmerican Edition, 1909, the standardwork pn auditing Liabilities, and Auditors (page , 290) . by Xawrence : R.Dicksee, M. Com, F .C. A., of the Lon-dq- n

School of .Economls and PoliticalScience (University of, London) : ? ; : v

However desirable. It may be toknow exactly the bare extent of thelegal responsibility., (or? aJi auditor),the real professional r, responsibilityought always to be - the Ideal: and.further, an auditor, win be the worstof friends to his profession if he studiously exert himself j .to narrow theresponsibilities, and. so "to dwarf. theimportance of his position.

Even a cursory examination and ; acomparison of the several annual re-ports would have shown the Irregularities In the figures. I drew the atten-tion of the territorial auditor to thediscrepancies In August, 1912,' but noaction ' was taken 'by him; : ; " -

Question -- No. 2t v .The claim wasmade by the territorial auditor In 1912that he" had found the trial balancesof the Hawaii county books regularly, made by the - county auditor. Tourreport states tfiat none were made.Did not the territorial auditor violateboth a public and ethical trust- - In ; sowrongfully stating the case? "

No trial, balance of the accounts orthe; general ledger of the ' county: fHawaii had been made from the com-- ;

to 1913to

with the

cember 31st, 1913 the nd of thefiscal year.

I will 'Quote from Dicksee sManual on Auditing the trial balance

(page 45) i."It shniiM ht the aim. bo

far as possible, to carry eachof to the

the are not1 f In Iaqw-- i

hands : of or cashiers,who for all he can know to the

may ' manipulate, the "

during the course of the audit, Theauditor should keep everything in hisown hands until the audit ised as far 'the trial Having;once a trial heknows has not . been tamperedthe auditor may cease to himself about the materials from whicht was built up they be manipu-ate- d

and altered up down, but heholds in, his own hand the key-t- o thewhole

Question No. X Was it not the mostimportant duty the territorial bankexaminer to as to value, thenotes and securities held by the FirstBank -- of Limited, as collate

'Cv " ' y

Details of Purchase of HomeMade Public by Police Officer;;

Also by Tust ,Company ;.


Say s : Work "of

oT bureau-- :HighiySatisactory:'

- - " - T

play, and made al statement for publl- -

.t t, (.a' AaIom. !!.. tko


fcave - statement to the; Star-Bulleti- n,

at ne u3' ' this paper,Vln whichthe house myth' Is exploded.The following ls , He's,: statementis ; :.. r " c"; - i y

; "Honolulu, T. H.V May. 11, 1914.yTo the Editor of the Star-Bulleti- n, ,

Honolulu, T. H;

-- The cowardly attack of the Adver- -tlser tof , the '9th : inst; calculated to8am humiliate me at a time whentnei assault : would ' affect ' anomer 'aswen asjmyself, presents' a'situatlonequally as unfair and false as the slursandinnuendoes which tbat.'paperhas unsuccessfully subjected me In thepast.vvv-v;;.;.-.;,;.---


"'."The Advertiser says , that I. movedinto an! $8000, house upon , the eve : of

'my:, weddjng. J sincerely regret --thatthe- - house was not of that value. :., Andthat, the 'frugality' for which that paper "commends me not been more

or effectual;.: But hid the ed-

itor V)f the Advertiser expended thesame Industry in agcertgiIng the. factsas displayed in his attempt to Hinder,humiliate; ""disgrace me; ' be - wouldhave learned Jhat the contract' ofmy Yuse as shpwn' by the oftne .ornce or tne Duiiding inspector, ofthis; "city jjmd was $3000.the. of the office of the registrar of conveyances of the territoryshow that for this I bymortgage to the Guardian Trust Co.Ltd., an .equal - The landyears ago cost me $100.00, "and wasthe r result ?f , savings i ot two- - years

--. f-- "''.'. - - --

' (Continued on pa tdre)



liVERlilRegardless of a legal opinion to. the

contrary. It now probabiethatpolitical 'will theirnames on the primary .ballot unUl theyhave .produced evidence, that they areorganized oyer the territory and haveregular and territorial,teea'

This was '.brought out. at aV confer-ence between Secretary otterritoryW. W. Thayer and' City andClerk David Kalauokalanl, Jr. 'The for-mer informed the clerlt that asa condition precedent to putting 4hename of a party on the ballot be wouldrequire the . names of all committee- -

An opinion down by P. tb Weaver, city, and heldthat the city was obliged to recognizeany de facto party, did .hot havetbe authority to inouire into its fntna

From the attitude taken by the see- -

J O ..6u Ul Ui6IUuWu0us lO




At New York 2, Nr;,i v.--At Philadelphia

Philadelphia 8. riVAll other- - Ir

" .ctric cross- is the. third orAT

.via :

(Julylst; 1905) March, 31st,. The quesuon parties are en-(t- he

final date of my investigation) ..titled have their names oh th hai- -t am safe in stating also that there, lot came up the formation ofw.M;JfS;: S?..ne Political organlzaUonV the Uhul


a.nditor'sdepart-- 1

ment his InvesUgaUon right up retary of territory, it appears thatthe trial at same-sliting- ; latter and Mr. In har-th- e

auditor must remember Imnnr. ATV tLA ,,.v, .l.. M


trary figures

complet-- jas balance.

secured balance thatwith.






rieaa ueiecuve








county, s'Andrecords

purpose secured

-- amount two

appearsparties not-hav- e

county commit



handeddeputy county clerk,






balance Weaveralways

C M. Hansen Dead As Result of Automobile Going Over Cliff"Sixteen-Ye- ar - Old Daughter, Driving Car, and Two Chll-dre- n

Have Miraculous Escape from Death ; -

. '- ' -- '''' '

.' Associated Press Cable V v.-".-



: SAN FRANCISCO, May 11 C M, Hansen, chief engineer for theCalifornia-Hawaiia- n Sugar Company, was Instantly killed when' the autmobile in which he was riding went over a cliff. v; v

, Edith Hansen, the daughter of th dead man was drlvln;the car at the "time; of the accident , 'rjY---'-:'::,- -

' ; Two children, riding In the machine at the time, and the young girl atthe. wheel miraculously escaped. , ; ; ..';


Cabinetarid Navy Officials Fc!!

Ki Nation's Derid toStreets of Nev York Crovvdcd as Prccssion Pzzzzz Cy C:vmbny Short, Simple, but Imprcscivc C000 UX: Ci


V dren"Sing "fiearcr, My God, to ThcD" ;

-: '

, -. tAssociated Press Cable) ,

? i, NEW;, YORK,5 , May 11 President Woodrow Wilson, C:;rct:ry efNavy Josephus Daniels,- - Governor Martin H. Clynn of Utvt Ycrk an j ft:,John Purroy Mltchel of New York City, besides a host. cf ttr.z.zrz, c

gressmen ,and representatives of the army and navy d:part- - tr.. f:::;the bodies of the sailors and marines, killed at Vera Cruz, to t.w.:ir I:resting place.- - '.:'

- The streets through which the funeral procession pasj;d w:r; crcwith those who wished to pay a last fond tribute to the r.":n's !; .

v. The funeral ceremony was short and simple tut mc;t Irr rn 1

singing' of "Nearer My CcdtO; Thee by a chorus c:np:::i cf C.) :enuaren was, pronaoiy, tne most impressive tnciasnt in t: s cer;

Sarirahcisc6Lock Out


;MBim i c.


MMMi' Building, llol :L'.l" :"" '' fAFsocia ted Pre?i Cav.'l

-- v; vSAN FRANCISCO, May tt. The Cuiii; --3 Tr: J

tlon of this city has ordered a g;n;r:l l;:k:ut t'- -

to return t wcrk,; fc!! 1mz a c::r;:ren:s' v.:' i 1

The .wo rk c .1 'thj--.- .iama-Pacifis'exp:siti- on t .by this move as an a;reemejt was reached a c:

L the'. expositba-builiinji- . will t omp:-t- ei rc;-r- -.

It Is believed. . : . 't ii. m

' '.


. .

War GOiTespondsni", 'Sc:... i.'. W: Arriiy Officer, Under Arrc

': , WASHINGTON, DJ C, May 11 Lieutenant Malgne, , U. S. army, rtired, has been placed under arrest at Vera Cruz, upon ejitrs from LI

. leyM. Garrison, secretary of war. ; '-

Malgne has been acting in the capacity of war correspendsnt and r:fused to cease writing, when requested to do s,o.f :

Mxirelos i Dynamited, U: SvI Transport to

- ;;v:k';h-- v." -- v - j .-- v -- :; : ...... . . ;

: ;1 Associated Press Cable! '.' - .

'v WASHINGTON, O. C, .May 11 Rear-admir-al Frank F. Howard s

to the navy department that Mcrelos has beendynamited. V

( , Th transport. Korrigan, reports Admiral Howard, has been drlv.from. Mazatian by the fire of the constitutionalfsts - '

Sentence iAgainst oimp2i5,EtAl, SetAside by U.S. Co

r WASHINGTON, D.rC May; 11 The U. S. supreme court toiay t:iaside the sentences against 'Gompera-Mitchel- l and Morrison who wereconvicted on charges of contempt of' court. - - ' --

: The statute of limitations was net usedas an argument for Its act!:nby the highest tribunal. t" '' ' ' -

- T - - i -

U; ,S. Representatives to ;

Mediation. . .


Court Joseph Rucker Lamar and Frederick Lehmann, one of-th- e leadinglawyers of the; United States, wilP be the .representatives for .this countrya the mediation of the trouble with

Mbviri PictureReported to

AssociatedWASHINGTON, D C May 11

batteries. S I



the west coast of Mexico to the effect that. the yacht tola,picture expedition which sailed from. San Diego April 8, it safe in I'.tx,-ca- n

waters. i-- - ;




Have Been --Named


.Associate Justice' of the Supreme


Outfit isbe Safe on loir.

Press C-ibl-e ; . .

Information has been' received - frc--

3-- 3 King St. HonoIuTa

r "MJ-- t 1 t ' "

-.' ' Cli irrrrVn far? , ' . ' 'I-- -'

- ; :. :'.- - i.t..A'.--p. 't prevents the 'iratte which. follows wrhen the aurface of. t:X'S:'-SAt-- r B In contact with the oubddft air: - Vv-ir- '..-"'V--

f,' M;''i3u, """?'

-- V--, ' -- ; a a I

A -


; -


; ;

1.. -


Page 2: nnnrn mm rDUFFIE nniGE BETS GOMmUTED SEIITEHCE llliii · street today, with crude oil and water the cause of the roar, c The engineer-ing department ofhe city and coun-ty ordered






'. V 'Iv - ..' .. ... .


With the return of the Pacific Mallliner Nile on the outward voyage fromSan Francisco to the coast of Asia,'Captain' G. 8. Lapraik, matter of thatvessel, will be presented with a col-lection of handsomely decorated Iantern slides, depicting a host of sdealc"po!nU throughout tha islands.; ,:

Cirtiin Laprailt haa long alnceJjeent r. rc I led as one of '. the . ardent ad

Ir re'boostera for Hawaii nel , TheVzi'dc Mall Company, haV providedtie Nile with a fine new. stereoptie; re.;ctor. which la osed! 't eTWlgctcrtalnm'fnta. the. time of thelit visit of 'the Nile at the port.Certain Lapraik- - waa 'invited by "the;Promotion Committee officials to outline & list of picturea.' that might beincorporated tnan 'Illustrated lecturec:i lIawalL;.vr : ,

' ' J , . ;?

The Nile la due to arrlTe at thin port,Saturday. The vessel be

i. z a foreign bottom, baa no cargor r v'.icLarteat'Honolulu. Hn iteam-- ,'. z for Japan and China ports a small

:r.ber of Asiatic - steerage --passen-.rs my Join the liner. According to:::2s:ea received at the "agency of

::. HacLfeld & Company, the Nile willc::rr"e 1 with "a quantity of ccaL t



' inI tit O Um ' V!

il l. .enteen .parsen-.- 1

tl.2 "sever:.! tlzizc, recruited' r---

-t cf C!-- a ar.d Jsr"n,VI. r l' ::o. C-..i- LZi

t t ..?.. In c!T: ' .:. .'it::' It, 3

.' r. ' .."J

r, 't:...e ' V..3:. cf t"ie Tcj-- IIL a Kal-L- a

? Lciyo x.:cru icri::,r L:irs :2 t: . i

: c-r- ro to t3 left tftLa: steamer will rot

:.:7, lut v;:i it.4

- 1 ; any " U:e 'C:!. --

. L-- o. ..l::::vcl tlif the-rc:r:- l ,i:i

' I fr-- n Kilo ca Cr.i.tc-- t

: 1 ; :t,"C:3 th:: a ;-s--:

', : to L ? c: : 1 v '..aI ' r la t: ; : '.3

- ports alrrj the J'exlcan

v.; . ; r.. s Far, ' - ;

,.:a r..3 South pacificf.. i:-r.c:- Ju, a brief

t!tv.3 ercacy:c.,er Company last evea:i He Oz.zziz liner Vcr-tura,-


i C;!r.:y,N. S. V., ty ther;;j Tte Ventura is

t.'T arrive tt the pert ca JTicay- Th3r-'t.Ina-- cf the Tessl

t 3 enly natter reportel. The.3 is te'.kred to have-c- s tab--

I a record fcr the "Oceanic liaeT

era, L'.j'drzo, - :vl!- - s than 10 cahla rassn-- -

t : a hoch; 1 ' fir Tin Fra-nce Hi'. son line r.'Lurline, to

fcr th e coast tomorrow ever.1-- 3

r IP. (Vo vr-e- f v . tfam. tl 3' Larger ith a;tIs 'tar-oo- f

--. icr the hatches. Pressnri

V.'A te Incluied in "the list 'of:.I p.r; ducts. The'Lurtlne yill;sail

.C o'clock. ;

' :

v- -

. .n . v v-7- -

n::icers of the'lnter-Isand'stearie- r

. u report the following sugarEhirment'oa the! Garden is--': I

CCD Kekaha Scax Co.. 14C3ln:,ca,-.42- 9 G. &. It, 26,000 HawS.

i , 42.CC3 UcB 12,620 Koloa,!l7,OvO' Makee,r 6581 : KiJauea,

: Grove Fann.--- ,- U-,- v

::lstov;;;d v:NNFno:.i:TiiisL:D3

Special Tnrciesi to Zitthts,

. llonday. llay 'll. I

"AN FRANClSCOr-Saile- d, - May 9..1:25 p. m, S. 8 Tenyo M aru forHc""'nlu, '

. V v - '

.'. V.

FRAKCISCOSalled. May; 9,1 : t P m S. S. Nile for ; Honolulu.

-- AS FRANCISCO Sailed, May 9,

C. ' S. steamer Jea. George - Araistead" for Honolttlu.; , - . - '

,, - ' :

SAN FRANCISCO Attived, TMay, ,

ECCOOner uunct. irvuArrtl 24. " l- - i. "V ''fiV;V t.



r SMlirostf

1 ,js

f yirm j

rvtrrifu no rrnni

Equipped wiih'ifjlnelnstaflatlon ofwireless telegraphy a crew signed onfor a'ternr.ofslx months, with portsof destination optional for either theAtlantic br the Pacific,

' steamer Mexican, now anarrival yith'New ryork freight, to theamount of about 1700 tons, will beapplied wlth sugar t Honolulu be

fore .Bailing tomorrow evening for is-

land' ports. f ':A'., ''--

'. The Mexican will be given a largequantity of oil, sufficient to carry thevessel - tb' Kew York - by - the ; way ofMagellan S,traJta. 'Before ' the'frefgbVcr cleared the Pacifle ooast ror tneislands, provisions ?were made for akttg'Toyage. W A. K ."v'The Mexican is scheduled to departfrom "HMo for i the. '.east recast --aboutMay 23, .with 12,000 tons of sugar. The,cargo Is expected to be fax transit forabout 40 ,days,:; ylsA j


SeMnras a sBfEtlfuteHiteamer onthe Noeau route,-th- e steamer LIkeH-k- e

from 1ndward Kauii 'ports, hasreturned with 400 sacks of sngar.

The Matson ; Navigation ' steamerti'ilaTmrna 'frora San Francisco anddue to&frfve 'tociorrow - morning; is

" considerable latereported bringing -rxainrrcJatlie fca!nlarid.vV"-- f ; 'U !V'':-- : V

:. The next inall to be dispatched toChe coast wili'te ftirvarded; tomorrowertaiag i ih. tie departure of ' theM"atscn- - steamer Lurline. This vesselwill eairat'6 p'clock from pier .19 i

he ' Anc'rtcan-IIawaliin " steamerArUor ia i3 reverted to have ; coaplet-- j

ti lcidlag surar'at Kahulul 'andce t J id ' to 1 II Jo to coin p I e te cargo desjt'ed for the east'eoist of the UnitedStates. :


--;;.: ' -Trorn the sdiocnr,Sre!rose, now 4at

rtahultl, :,:aui; it ;ia 'rerorted 'tnitabout S0O,CCO( feet 'of 'lumber; wfil tedL:h'cjged before lhates3el is -- dis-

hed ca" a' return trip to' the c6rttt

T.'ith the rerarn of the Steamer W.J.G. "Hall frca ' ICat ii : ports,""there th'aatcea receivea 5000 sacks or sugar.T1.3 Hall will gteanor Ahuiai andrort3 thl3 ' evening,; taking ; passengersand late malls.', v

rrclhffrcia ICaual brought by the::v.i-- i ..Incited .the , foHowing: - 3Ztmzzs cf molasses, 40 bags taro, 500l--

zs of. rice, 41 barrels of empty bot-t::-3

117 pacIrsEs "cf s, 6750t2T3 cf K. IC B. 'T'cr.tt


' j :- -s r

C rWs frcrnt:.; Wl. :!:rs. - i

The'f:::cf7.-!ns lr:!:;3 message lias1 -- -a received by -- th? aents cf theS. S..WUheliaina, bound for'HonoluJuJFcr Ilonclulu; 43 --cahla passengers,17 Eteerage passengers, C3 bags mail,71 V.'. FX. matter, autor.or. lies,::C2 tcna'cario. For lliloicargo. Ship will arrive Tuesdaymcrnlns a.nd kiock- - at Tier No. 15.

v" '. : I ....' r ': fP-- l

' ' if J ';".,''' .'"''-- i,-

YI!hfm!na Dound In.' VVrhca f the - Matson Navigation

steamer "Wllhdnilna 13 "brought 'to aberth at pier 15 oa Tuesday --"mornMg;43 cahla Eid '17 ' steerage passengersare predicted will 'leave 'thatvessei.The steamer is , 'bringing : cafcjamounting to-25,6- tons for dischargeat Honolulu while in transit there are"245 tens 'for Hilo.,-- '-; 'r.-Vr:- ,

Castle ' Cooked the - local igenta.have been advised by?' wireless thatth Wi'heimlna'wlth 63 sacks of latermall 'was '' steaming through favorableweather and would arrive on time, Ifall ' went 'well on board. - Seven auto-m-et

lies-weh- e Included -- ia1 the 'freightthat was forwarded ) from San FranCisco, i The WKheimhia'WilP be "dis-

patched far HIlo cn cextThttrsdayevening.- - c-- f , v'i .

"- - VV

" Peri str. Ttinau. from !Cauai zorta.May . 10 FL ?J. -- Monlz, Jj- - 3jlss IdaShannon, S. "fichlTler 'Frankv Htfwes,Miss -- Nakahlsa, Mr. and -- Mrs. Naka-hls- a,

'Iter, S3.' Todd;' Mrs. J. Charman,M.r. iBoylan, Mrs. J. 'k. Narusa, H.Johnson. Mlis " GUI, "R. ' S. 'Halsey;Chuck i Hoy; Mrs.v Hans - rtenberg, -- C

r- - vv:- - -- Per str. .Claudme." 'frcto -- Matt May

fTO-S- Mrs. J. ontsni, Mr. "and Mrs. Ml--yata, Mrs. Mary Morse, M. Kllogawa;P. IColakL Mrs. "C. Daniels. G.Maru.yams, --J. vb: ,Bks1xawMrs.',.'v7alkdrand Child, John Kaliil; ; f . ; --7 &r: :.

; Per atr.V Claudlne for Maul , ports,May .11: "MrsTL McLarenPA. jGbrrman, 'Mrs.' ,Otto : 0$a, Mtsafiakatnd Vlfe. ' - 'vrv V";z-

Per ' S. Lurllnelf oranrtancls-co,- "

May 12 : D. Morrison, Mrs.- - Mor-rison and child, J. XVMteley WllkinJMrs. . Jas. Bennett, Mi a. --At 15, --VonRhein, A. Lang, Miss F.' M.Wltherby,

SMbayama X. P.r C. Correa.: E.

& Hosmer. Mrs. U Kau- -

Kenneth , Alexander, wv ,7t-:rhJrf- er;

W, . Kinney, J. P." . Cf i?Sters.t 1 n

fTANCTSCO Arrived,jMay;i0.1" eilr- - .

1;. - : May ; 12: . Miss Walker. Mrs. J. M.



HOlillttFT tIDT IN


map when ' the committee ' at the na-- 1 the Episcopal mission district of . Ho-tion- al

capitol at Washington gives nolulu will convene in SL Andrew'sconsideration rto a 'measure fntrodnc- - Cathedral M4y "SO 'and ;will icoatlnneed before ; congress . on 1 April : 17, until June '3. ;The meetings..will bethrough ! the efforu f the National public, r and. all persons "interested inAssocIAUon of United States customs J the work of the local Episcopal thurchinspectors, , with headquarters at Bos- - and -- its missions throughout v the, is--tnn tnu ' Tti1 liaa tri Vfn with lanvts arm tn Ka In o ttan d n n rveffecting a material Increase in theyearly ealaries of ' federal customs In-

spectors - at a number ' of ports alongthe east' and west coast of the maln- -

land. -- V

I-oc-al customs mea ''today were ad

vised that I Honolulu was : not includ-ed in the contemplated distribution ofmore mon'ey. , The ' bill that ; is ' nowIn a fair way of a final passage willserve to increase the stipend of fed-

eral customs mspectortr at New "Yorkto $2200 a' year. 7 Other raises m payInclude Boston; Philadelphia, : Balti-more, Chicago, New -- Orleans and SanFrancisco at '$2000. :x 'S A? Niagara Falls, Port Huron, 'Buffalo,Detroit, And

; othei; places on the cus-toms map which art , declared ; insome instances ' atshdwlngaii'annualbusiness of one-thir- d of that transact-ed through; Uie Honolulu. oSce,t)ene-fi-t

by an increase to $1X00 a year. Theaverage pay ' of . a Honolulu v customsinspector 'is $1450.v i v


WW 1

LililiJiiJiaJSpeculation Is : rife; as ' to the '.proba-

ble suCces"sor"brCk)lonel "Arthur Cdyneto' command the 1st infantry, N. O. H.Colonel Coyne has. been placed on theretired list 'at nls own' request, by spe-

cial orders - issued - from 1 the 1 adjutantgeneriLTs ' office Saturday, "arid thereis - a - lot ; of : guessing going tn amongguard officers as to who will wear thlr10





.,..there is iellg.who

next colonel,. 'or how


Affairsof the;

The rof fist T LieutenantMarion AT has been accepted,and I 2d Lieutenant .Gustav Schaef

has been assigned to duty.

Two- - hew : second llentenants, Wil-liam Kalna Robert ,'

appointed ?.Regimental issued --today aS--

hlgn Lieutenant Schaef to companyD.tfrom which' outfit he was originals

promoted, i; Lieutenant Kaina goesto "company O, and Lieutenant

' company) I. at Walluku.,

; --. vrt.. rr-

There;! is hut j j amounteast 'freight ln

steamer Mexican, - now at.port and "Boon depart i?anaL

Maul and before: steamingNew, ;York by ' vay ;of Magellanwith tons of island sugar. The

' brough '200, '. of

geaeral cargo:

the cost of two thousandlars athe famous XSrand Canyon ofwithin the . amusement concessions

the Inter-national "Exposition at San

JLf .'vi::-- i.FQR

At great ,1512 E.- - M. run- -

- about good condition. Leavingfor.Coast. 1928,

-- : . ..

11 I I I


t Members of the Episcopal clergy inthe territory will be in attendance, aawell as delegates from the Woman'sAuxiliary. The. convocation will befAarked bv two union ervfcfa on Runday. May 31, as well as a number ofInteresting business and twosocial events. ; ' ; ;

Among the members of jthe "clergywho will be In attendance at the con-vocation "are Rt Rev. Henry ;BondRestarick, bishop; of .'Honolulu i - Rev.Canon William Ault, vicar of the ca-

thedral; fRev. Leopold Krolt Rev. Can-on W; E. Potwine, Rev. Canon JohnUsborne and Rev.- - F. A, ' Saylor, all ofHonolulu; J.-K-. , Bodel tf La-haln- a,

Rev. J.'C. Villiers of Walluku,Rev.-- W. Fentori-Smit- n of Hllo,F. "NJ Culleri of Paanllo, ; Rev. D.' D.Wallace of Kona, -- Rev. F.W. Merrillof Kohala, Rev: Woo YeeBew of Kb-hal- a,

and Rev, Kong tin Tet-an- d Rev:P TVr Fukao of Jaonolnlu. - 1 '.A,

The following program v.has beenoutlined for; the convocation.

Saturday, May SO Celebration ofHoly Communion at It) o'clock in themorning at ' the cathedral,' Immediate-ly .'following ' which , the convocationwill convene' in Davles Memorial Hallfor" organization farfd business-- : Thebusiness' meeting will be continued jrithe afternoon. ". "1;; '-

- VSunday, May 31 Holy

Communion will be' celebrated in 'thecathedral at o'clock in'the morning;with : seTeraliof the . different mtnlsrters ' officiating. At-- S ?15 i.o'clock theUsual Hawaiian rserticel KvW befrv x i,jA L:U

tlon 'eommeTieek: li :Vetoektwith the visiting clergymen Jn the

.There, will beV u specialmusical program and' the 'bishop wlUdeliver; his annual ?ddress. HoiyCommunion 'also "will be celebrated;At T:J0 o'clock ' in the evening anothr'Tmion --service mm he cem, ' at

whfeh time;- - several- - of ( the visltlna

elude the president's addressv;. the

Thhrsdayi June --4 A "reception willbe held ? at -- the residence of Bishopand Mr&-Restaric- k i from H "nntil 6 : 10o'cldclc in "the afternoon.

Before 'Vthe American' --"'Hawaiian(

frelghterArizOBan'is 'dlapatehed fromHllo tfor New Tdrk-by- " theway ' ofgelldn 'straits ' tomorrow, "the "Vesselwill be , supplied -- Mtitb .1100 tbns of

';'AtH,ne'4ast'vft-(6fike;-le.irI-zona- n

at' ge quaniity ofoil wasV placed hr. the-tank-

f ! OtVr fifty ? million v A jUafs7wiil v beexpended ! In fof ; the

International -- Exposition.

The amount of brtvite 'capitalIn' bulldtfig the plWure'paiaces

amount to over-- ' ten'tntllidn 'i dollara:Among ;lhe' foreign participants, 7Arigentlne,' the- - South 'American republic,is - spending . Jl,60D,0a0gold upon her '.exhTblt, and, "severalother ' foreign countries are spendingat least a half million. ' :

With - the aid f the ferry freightships already installed at the grounds6f; the Panama-Pacific- ; InternationalexDositicat at - San FrasCisco, and the 1

exposition terminal railway, exhibitsfrom all parts of the - world can ; na J

handled? with great difficulty. Miles of -

track-hav- e been laid over groundsand' spurs have: been run into variousexhibit "places permitting the carry-ing tof 1 directly ' from , thefreight "ships ?and !from outside fhgrounds. i.j -

- ,'i:-Sr- " '

: One "'pound of ? coal' releasessufficient energy to raise an averageman raTpbiat fourteen miles high.

Ukes of the regiment,: and: 4Tm3"the, convocation will In. if.ij v wn.vfAi .i.

tte Vdrkiwhlchpromothra has 'hot been sWctry Uh 'mhered to lnOie having been ;Q other: islands. k-V- ,

cases of Majors- - Johnson and Bal, who , . --xt.w.no

a" strong, belief . in : some of diocesan officers.? Lnacheon? will bequarters that '? a "regular army officer senfed in St : 'Andrew's i priory. at ?? 1wil offered'the colonelcy of the 1st o'clock lin the afternoon .by ; the- - Wo-infantr-

In' Ofegon, and dme other 'man's: AuiHaries,; Following' this, rostites, the officer- - detailed ! by : the : Di-- ports i will be - read of the workonvision of Tdllltary. as inspector--: the other a islands, -- including -- the reinstructor, has "also ;been holding" port Junior AuxiUary;state commission' and there Is a possl-- 'WddhesdayVv Jane "3-T- he'i churchblllty that this may be tried in ' Ha--' club will entertain the visiting clergywali:.,:.,i.. ;..'.;' :i-r- ' and 'the J lay id6legateaat .dinner:

-- resignation;

Hawley- er,


knd ; ' K Wilcox,have heen KXpC?TL;


ly f 1

Wilcoxto f

vtv" a small ..of

coast the American-Hawaiia- n

the to forHawaii, for


Mexican about tons

The-nU- ' reRallway Compahyathundred dol

is'constructling reproductlonrofColorado,

district of Panama-Pacific- ,''Francisco


' alc v;:?

I bargaln,;i P.

1 pbnev58524t: . ... v.




H. Rev,'







the,constrtrctionPanama-Pacifl- c







tasU it,



H. BpCDir.'fi HELD


ASHED i LmEli- -. . .. I

(Continued "rronTpage osel

for borrowers? f Why did be not;therefore, report to the governor thatadvances to the extent of '$60,060.00,extending over od of manyyears,' had been ' made by this bankto the county '. auditor; whose onlyknown means --wrere his "month ry sal-ary? . v"f.-- ; V--

Section 2587 Chapter 158 of theSession Laws Of 1905, .'referring 'tobanking corporations reads, as ander;

The treasurer and the 'registrarof public accounts of the territoryshalt not less than two nor 'morethan four' times in 'each year; rmakean examination,' into all the affairs ofeach corporation ? ' formed und er .'.thischapter, f and ': for that - purpose may

f examine any --officer, and the:' agentof the same 'under oath, - and shallmake 'a full and detailed 'report oithe condition of the ccrpcratlon tothe governor "and no such '"corpora-tion 'shall - be subject ?to any 'othervisiterial 'powers except .those --whichare- - Vested In "the "courts of justice

Thls iaw.was repealed byv Act 78of theNSession; Laws 'of 1913, Section3 of this Act'iis ar follows; 'r'iC'Ai t

rrhe duties of bank examiner shaljbe to 'make a thorough .'examinationof theaff airs- - and' conditions of everytanking; corporation, '(other.: tfianjunational, bank) and ;"tru?t company dcing ; business within' tho territory landorganised' Wider 'the provisions of any

Uaw ; now or ! hereafter 'enacted by ? thelegislature 'of the. Territory of Haw all, i or ' otherwise ; 'and also? of anyfiduciaryv company doing; businesswithin' the territory, as' 'defined fn Act6& '.,jof, the 'Session '.Laws, or '1905;.-an-

also to make a ' thorough examinationof ! the affairs 'of any; copartnership 'orindividual ? that may be carrying ion

a,ortTrust business. I .... - -

iTUndel-ithe.headln-g Liability of

Bank, Examiners" (page 115) in thebefore .mentioned Manual .for;iAUdi-tors-,

the ' following - recognized rule isquoted; namely ; ' ' ry ' ; ..

1 ;

1 S 'Tfie ? certification of a .bank baVance !sheet Involves 'the thbrough examlnitlon and.; exhaustive, testing : 6fevery ' account "in the general ledger,the counting of the balance of cash inhand,:-- the examination of ' all notes

H especial care - being-- taken ;to Yxotethat all oVerdue notes are properly ,exrplained) and the? Inspection of all; se-curitieswhether ;owned by the bankor. held. as collateral : for borrowers.T The 'work, ot examlning the secur?

Ities and collaterals is one of the mostimportant ; branches ;; of the iexamina-tion-j

Expensive ) defalcations ; , havebeen, covered up by. the failure ;to ndorse

partial ; payments, on notes., --Allthesecurities should be produced

land should , remain inthe Editor's 1 sole keeping, until ; the.inspection v;is completed. ; Extensivefrauds have 'been 'known jto - remaintnldetected through failure tp observethis 6imple.preuU0n.'.V;" rf; ;

'; y

Iprefer notrto;make;anycoTOmentdn' the-- " last part of uery Noi 3; . j

iQuestion No. 4.-- : Was' It not illegalfcr the county auditor to issue a wartantt for. .$ome il8Q0.0 to vCarl - S;Smith, an - attorney, i to whom theclaim - had .not --been - assigned In -- settlement of a. damage suit against' thecounty,: the 'payment ' being , made --41days prior to the authorization by theboard; of supervisors?:. v-- 7n reply to ?

query,' J,.wouldlstate' that at the meeting ofthe board --

v of supervisors, held August 5th 1906, Ihe county attorney wasasked by, the board for an opinion regarding, the', legality - of the countyauditor issuing warrants without theapproval - of the finance committeeand passed ' by$ the board of suDervi- -

Bors. The ' county attorney renderedthe opinion that ;"if he claims, werelegally examined, approved - and- - pas3?ed npon ,by the aboard of supervisor scertified to and ' signed by the .chair-hia- n

of the boards x and countyclerk the auditormust i issue ?. wartrants for. the payment jotsaid claimsl?A resolution to the above effect wasduly ; passed at the ' above 'meeting ofthe5 board of supervisors. r-- ' ';

'WhenWarraht f Na723S4 ;for-$s- ;

542 was'Issue'dand 'made but per-$onall- y;

ta 'rare - occurrence) by thecounty: Auditor,!, on November ; 50th;1909,' to Carl :S.: Smith, in settlementof the damage case of Kumazo Matsu,--

jhiura vs. the County of Hawaii; therewas no assignmeni. 01 xnis ciaun irom.Matsuraura (the plalntlffX to Carl S.

'Smith on file in ;the auditor's office,as the assignment, In 'the hand writing iof Carl S. Smith :was made - twodays ' later, .' on December. 2nd; 1909;The claim, also In the handwriting ofCarl S. Smith, was allowed, by theboard of supervisors on January 10th,1910, for the full amount, '8,425:22,and this date of authorization was en-

dorsed on the clafm, "countersigned




m" - v ;'v - ' .

. "V ;.: 'V::- -- Press JCabll;-..-- .. c ' .r:

SEATTLE. 'Wiu May Ernest E.,West of 5thecorps, sUtioned atr the marine barracks, Puget ound, was dismissad fromte ' t rvtct today ifWr a cou rtTm a rtral

.A'Captain West was-e- n sick leavt"'Z-:.-- ', I

" .r 1 A '- - vr'"

D.?Ci May 11 -





city. the report of the capture of Lobos Island : lighthouse by ;Rearadmiry-May- o

iVfobtftdJn ,waters, j-- v tyvy ,vr''r:Cc jiViV: ; .Y-- r

According ito' reports made by constitutionalist leaders the, capture wasjrrade 'by Admiral Mayo, while the - latter reports hearing cannonading dur.ing :the!ntsht. :U 'y i :l?C-:''- : ;;-:'- ' 1 .y '

l-Ziie-rca PiXt2cis7

f L.I.1

- r sT- -'

WASHINGTON: D. ci May n.mediators, has ajalnst the capture of,- - Island llsht- -

house by. Rear-admir- al Henry" T. Mayo, ,.;r.- -"


V Secretary Ctate Cryan; has 'ordered an .the Incident.

byTjames ,D. M w 13. chalrmau orcoaraor supervisors, ana aiiesn--u ujrJno. K. ;Kai,fclerk cf the beard of anpervlsors. c By, this . endorsemptit,therefore,: the 'cllinl .'tvas : authorized41 days after;the above warrantissued.-- . ' ,;V;V';

-: iVy ;.:V J


the bank ' that It did pay out of it3funds warrants amounting to approxImately;?26S,000.00 !whlch bear no

Is' not 'endorsement vthemost ; essential ' lesal element ' of allcommercial. paper r'j;,.-- . o- -

"'"The 'decisions of 'I the courts 'arethat county; warrants are in form ne-gotiable; they are, moreover, :; primafacie evidence an Indebtedness,The warrants of the county, of Hawaiiwere made payable to a payee .or hisorder," and. were transferableonlyby endorsement and aSsigatoent. Theendorsement' gives to the drawer (thecounty), .when 'the warrant Is j paidby the bank and "returned-to'th- e coun-ty' treasurer, --what Is the same as thereceipt of the payee, or hl3 assignee.In the case of assigned . warrants, theabsence of a written assignment erendorsement would throw the Onus 'Ofproving payment on -- the bank r thiswould also be the Case the absenceof the endorsement of the payee onthe ' '';.'Ct ..-.-."-

,, s. - rVfA display of the confectioner's art,containing everything pertaining , tothe industry, ifrom production 'of

materials tothe ;most elaborate?finished -- products, will be shown inthe palace of food products at the Pana-

ma-Pacific - Idternational Expositionat i San '.Frahcisco - in 1915. ' The Na-tional Confectioners' Association Iwillconvene in San Francisco - during', theexposition 'year. : i r- - s- ' : ;,,'':; V.'

n - -V

nvf. cr! v"" - i V ry

1 ! .J" - V... '. 7

H to --see fancy fixtures when


..jrffi Fort

.evening 'till S p. hi.

the lesthandling ofFreitrht e


Manne corpsFrom Service


on charges of intoxication. ' ;;

until, January 1 of next year., , . -.


DoubtedAccordlng . to , reports , reaching, this .

Capture of

President Hue rta of, Mexico, throu3h



the protested .Lobos tf-- -

of Investigation of







: Cables are flying at a japld rate be--V

tween ofScIals of the federal court: rand the Washington authorities. Thismorning a message arrived from the -

Capitol and, although.lt was addres3- -

ed to" Judge.. Humphreys,- - It e; ledto interest' District Attorney Jcu Mc-Car-

very much. Humphreys convey-ed the cablegram to. the federal courtand-showed.i- to McCarp.--Th- lattersmiled and nodded and. then Hum-phreys .left' the court. .


" Rumors were going'the rounda'thatHumphreys 'had been endorsed to suc-ceed Judge Clenons on the federalcourt bench, Humphreys, when ask-ed.; about the matter, stated that heIs not now, has not" been and will not '

be a candidate for any. clUce,' either ;

federal or Vtcn asked'about the cable: Humphreys saldr' "Yea, 1 did receive a very inpert-a.n.- t,

'message ; from ..." Washington Illsmorning, but it is of a very confiden-tial character and, of course,'! cannotdisclose Its contents. -

;"Mrr. McCanf 'stated thi3that he. had nothing to say about thacables '; that have been sent and re- - .

ceived." -"'

'. , ;. .

f 1 .v.- - '.V --O

' The lcol?r scheme of the-Pan::a- -.

".Pairs' In rr.at:ciiM:2pos:t!ca ta I

held ' ia .. a:i Francisco during 1313,will,' cnd:r ' tl 1 direction 1 cf "Jules -

Cuerih.Uha f- - --3 artl3t, te to well

developed, that ths very tmea ofpavement-an- rcadwayand the colorpf flowers in the bed3 of the great,exposition gardens will "be made to'conform. '. - . , :

1 ... -

1 r r'fI-- .

y, 1' ,3.

you Men! into "our stort


- e emi i


5'V. ?vr -- JStreet .7. v-- ;

. Satiirilays) 'till 10 p: m

Jl- -

service "jqu '? ever'hiul :in:tfteFurniture,, IanoslJaap-- e and

want your Imsiness. 3 ;

you: will be disa f-- the .

fih(ist elol ft es ihis, sule ofK; ? York "for; t he p ri re you ;will! hkMnfl ., '' ' ' jf '- - ' " - '

.vim fnini : ; v'

momromBmoiUreason , wiiy you - Rhoukit wiyourr next suit' here, ;





owners ofllatraiian Express Co. and Xie--I

: .


. ty-:



Page 3: nnnrn mm rDUFFIE nniGE BETS GOMmUTED SEIITEHCE llliii · street today, with crude oil and water the cause of the roar, c The engineer-ing department ofhe city and coun-ty ordered




I Mil .


cheeks and lips feccse pale,ti hcij it UccU tsJ cclij tretu2j cezirxOeiit csiemhesih e rtrj scare cf LexUi tadtt Live bsedkte tmtaeri."'

. Drug orvaJcoholie mixturectsaot make blood. Nourishment 'Is necessary and Scott '9 LmaUionIs always the physicians' favorite-I- ts

concentrated medical nourish-me- n!

charges the blood with redcorpuscles, feeds the famishedtlssnes end carries food value to

cry tiny serre cad Cbrt la a"natural, easy way.Ttie Scott's Emvktim la: Acsnca ycrr tlosd tt ilza

1 W

...y v

' , v !T " 1

fuL J wora?'-- !Lno ciain? ' 10bo 1son of a wealthy California wo--

tfkIl from tfce Slcrra Sat- -

ult Llninshy mei?ber ?f. tb PO --

ut va CflarECOIMr'Tr' r I:ufi 1 ur?:ari Wa3,aiout 10 leavefiMI 1.,. i . ' . . . Iprompt payment ai po-ili--

V v1 ?n ,naj-burric- i back' to the

fnV '.v 1

7 t ?;ces BDOara ocr..V1JC bdiis-jiiaa- s ftuappearea,

';';"' ' vJ:ni?L i


in their Sunday best, wculd have Dis- trlct Magistrate Monsarrat believe

, that when - the police and detectiveaa

"I, s"laafternoc-- n they .laterrupted a pJeas-- V

.unt Bfc!al gathering and dinner. Men!. from Captain cf Detectives McDuffleV

bvaa iwusica mai gambling; was themaKnci u.ai auractea the crowd. Alljicro.iuuua guiuy ana paia linns or.

, v . - ,.


Iviartin J. Scully, custom' inspector.Jlslayed damaged features before Dis-trict Majristrate Monsarrat "at policecourt this morning, alleging at thesame time that Yuen Ko Yit, a memberof the clerical Etalf of a Nuuanu streetstore was' the cause of the lacerated


v; 4




'. f,l C. A. PLANS



The secretaries of the Youag Men'Christian Association held a lengthyconference in the office xt the generasecretary this morning, at which tioieplans for the summer's work practically were jcompleted. 1 The schedule ineludes an attractive list of socials. lectures, bikes, a summer school far toys.Sunday theater , meetings for,,men..anew department designed to reach newcomers immediately upon their arrivaIn the city, and' many other., features.appealing to men and boys: ;,. ..The directors of the" association wilmeet at noon next, Thursday to takeaction on these recommendations, afterwhfehthey will he referred to variouscommittees1 for development and Inaugu ration-- Vv. v; .?. 4. :V The definite period of from 'Julyto August 14 was set as the term forthe boys'; vacation school: Onei of .thenew : social features for the' summerwill be "High School Night- ,- followedby the usual. "Punahou Night; Thestrength competition the purpose ofwhich is to pick the strongest man inthe association, will be held May IS. Asimilar event was held last 'year andattracted considerable attention and interest. Two Indoor track meets for themembers of the . severer Bible studyclubs will - be held during the,-latte- r

part of this month. . The Sunday massmeetings for men which successfullywere held last cummer in a local theater, will-b- e resumed this year dorjngW AIJ aiu nuhusii uuxas UiQ uiitvuvu ua strong associaUoa -- committee:-; Twotennlg tournaments, for both novicesand old-time- rs, ' will ;be. held duringJUM, and a big hike for boys is. beingplanned for August, shortly after theciose .of the vacation school;

feeUncs and cuticle. Scully stated thatbe was engaged in conversation with afriend when the Korean stepped ;upani demanded that ha vacate that sec

vtlpn of the public highway. Scully mayhaveintimated that the stranger seeka sunnier clime, but upon this point bewas :not- - positive. The blew- - that didnot fell Scully followed,' while the police stepped in and placed the Korean

and costs, : , -- JAn around-the-worl- d jrace. by. motor

drivpn aiMraff.irHl.Jstrt Tmm f higrounds of . the Panama-Pacifi- c International Exposition at San..Franciscoin May, 1915. As already announced,prizes. of 300,000 haye been assuredfor . this, series of events. t A iriaJorprize or iu,uuu win; oex awaroea torthe complete circuit of. - the globe,with supplemental prizes to aviatorsfirst completing . various sections : ofthe course, It is expected that theaggregate of tuppiemental prizes willreach or exceed $500,000.

4 IM

'.yv-:- ,J:

S1,6":yiK!? n"r. l?.LLIieneri

arrest, who today paid fine of"

; ;



r3 :

,T "' "''v -''

. rrf? r - t-- i '



liiiiloi;: OF HIS OFFICE

(Continued frun, page one). to or the Golden; Gate. , It takes an

and a half while emptoyed t the mi . cocktail and a fewlice department aLthe salaryof $UP cockuII--

: wjn often mix an artistamonth, ,ln addition to the con- - U0 Just as manykinds of cock-tra- ct

. price, the Xoundathindependently, at a cost of JgvO.OO

the resultmVi stagger isthitfcJL?. L SI Proportionaui to the extent -- of eon--

lux- -spacious ror; And thereby hangs thisurlous than that of Mn-AIathesp- the J"7vT: v , ."S Bte theater tonight; theL cKfc' Pliers allH.tax-

- company will., play,rvertiser front his savings and not fromgraft I do pot know whether or notthe present acting, editor, Mr. Haley,has succeeded in saving enough moneyto build a home.'. , ; t

"'That' the Ad vertiser charges'!, inewith white slavery the' protection - ofprcsqtntion. gambling , ; and p every--thing else immoral IwUhin the city ofHonolulu, i demonstrate?, its own im- -potency, v.? ft hag harped upon; theseparticular subject., since Us f policereporter McKayp was literally kickedoui pi ine pouce siaqon and met anignominious defeat in his attempt tqhave me removed by the civU servicecommissl()n.v; ; :. v' ;

31 yt record is open to inspection atan umes. jt. te Ad veruser, has anyinformation upon which: it can securechargesefore the .

civfi service pomuiisBion or complaint qeiore ine prop- -



eu PJ!C invite jt The cars7llnklhg allahead . J am - at time large cities with "a circle"meet paper before the "civil

any of its lying charges. ; ; C; 1

Respectuflly yours.(Signed) j : A. M'DUFFIE.Graft Not In Evldtnce;;,. .

W.' .W. Chamberlain,; treasurer :of

the Guardian Trust-- Company, whenasked , by the Star-Bulleti- n this morning regarding McDuffie's purchase ofhis home-sit- e, said: .

. Jin February. 1912. :Arthur ! McDuf.Ije, puichaied ; the lots'' oh," which h!stesldence now: stands for. the sunt of$1200, . The contract " price for ' hhhouse .was 12000.; Plumbing," electricwiflng, painting and cement-wor- k costEbout $1800, making the; total 'cosl ofthe house about $4800. ; :By referenceto the- - record office" ft will bet snlenthat he has a $3000 mortgage on thisproperty. Deducting this $3000 fromte. approximate cost of the house of

i5uu, leaves a oaiance of sispo cashwhich mut.have bean raised, by' itc-Duffl-


. The price of the land. $1260.must have fbeen pald for , two yearsago. : X isinele man drawing the "salary that llr. McDuffie has been drawled could easily save in two yearsmqre than $'1800.1: 1 have been inform-ed, and believe it V to be ' true... thatmos',.o.r the fpmltuje ,In,the .house, isthe propsrty. of his wife.'. V . . ..,'.. J'

"These figures Would hot indicatethat there had beep, very ; much graftor McDuffie ,would not have been putto the necessltybjpqrrqw.Ing $3000

T TtlnMA " :J ', .. '....'-- r

'The ' meipbers v of ; Honolulu, Lodge

No. 409, F. ib'tln: will hold a.meet--

lifi t:30 o'clock; this evening....;;.

lEIgbty-thr-e boys who are oabarolereported toProbatIon Officer John C.Anderson ton ; Saturdays morning. - J

H. H. WellfiF. BiMea.l n?fnt at ffiUnion Oii Co. of California, is amongthe local guests at the Pleasanton HoteL,jii.The annual, meeting f qf - the .congre

gation- - of St Clement's - narish mc.)will be held In the'parlsii house at 5Pt nu i tomorrow. ; 'ch

A meeting : Pf the y members theOutdoor . Circle ; has bee,n .called for

o cioeK. tomorrow .anernpon ai tneresidence of Mr. F, J. Lowrey. LunaIII9 and :Victoria Streets, v ; ;

'j',- .'( ihmii' "..:"The;. Mgopn s Vs '

Lord-Youn- g Co,,suit was . continued in, the., .court : ofJudge- IlQbinson 4 this morning. , Sup-

erintendent Caidwell of the publicworks department was on the witnessstand forsome time, .v.-...-

; :. .v.. ." 1 ."' .' ." 'J- - "'.'"Vs.""'

The . divorce' suit of Jinlchlra.Nlshi- -

h&ra Is not all through yet . AlthoughJudge ? Whitney jjanted the . divorce

astt-weak- , an appeal has been takento the supreme court and the matterwill be, argued there.

- Superintendent; Kinney of .the pub-ic instruction department ' Visited

all the scholsr on the windwardside of Oahu yesterday. The bad, stateof 'the road prevented him from mak- -ng the entire circuit of the islajidW

In the supreme court this morningcounsel in the Macaulay v Schnr- -mann suit agreedbrief. Attorney OJsen of Holmes.Stanley Olsem appeared .for . theplaintiff, while S. Attorney . LIghtfootrepresented the defendant - .

The. members, of the sewlvoreaniz- -ed Korean Young Men's:-Christia- n n,

of which H. S. Choi is gen-eral secretary, were hosts at an en-tertainment at the Korean :conpoqndSaturday evening". A musfcal anJ lit-erary program was rendered, the address or the evening being deliveredby Yon? You Chan. The organization I




,tig,Jii,SSSlTv? thainiaii:'-Tn,amoi- uii:







! A cocktail is a: liquid concoction of'exhilarated joy$ an olive or a cherryand "a dormant; "kick." It is 'purely

I an American institution Just like the: Goddess of Liberty, the Flatiron build- -

Ten p7fcyil the play the leadins lady drinks" a: cocktail, Of course


NEW yORK. This la the day ofthe ' suburb mora and ' more are the

f people i of, moderate., means moving?out of town It used to be that onlytne wealthy 'could 1 enjoy 1 trees.grass, and flower,: ..Now all Jthis ischanged, because of, the Improvementin car -- seryica 'Thirty years ago the

0f the trainman means took to -- hisJsuburban sution waa met there anddriven to his homeL :. Now ereriliving on small Incomes may enjoy theQuiet: the sweet, ah the wholomevironmentof ther. rnear'country with- -

possible. ; Even the .working man. hasbeen thought off during . the 4 lait

'and ':-- many comfortable . houseswithin reach of hia pbeketbook can be

aathortties, 1 to go.Uacka, electricr ready all to i perfect ofthat













cocktail, with

'materials ;are morp vthe .embroidery thearder: the piecedifficult, to, cleans., than, other kinds, may .be rubbed."." i . :. ' v. ; 'perhaps because. --they- tear, so easily. - When the dirt Is all removed, Tir?se

Tia is especially , true iwhen the epx thoroughly In two or three clean wi-fcroide-

js heavy and. the. inaterlal Is era,. ' making sure that all the soap

j finei j The. weight of the is removed. If bluing is desired, pourbroidery- - is -- in itself enough .to tear, 4 little of the liquid into the last a-t- he

goods;u Tht aolled .,plece ahould: ter. but try : It out first with anotherbe . soakedi ;in; jvarni "suds froci jl bar piece of white goods . before dippingof mijd laundry' ioap and hot, water, the; ' embroidered pieca - Starch .is ad-Th- e

suds should nothe toct hot when' visabie forflne embroidered grosses,the piece i put in. because "Very hot When the piece ! is 'dry. dampen wellwater; set9 ' some kinds , of discolora-- 1 apd allow it to stand'Jor an hour ortiis;;.'Y;i-- Allow.the garment to remaJuln the-.- ' In 'Ironing embroidery some, peoplesoapy y water. for about half ; an hour.; prefer covering the board with an old

Then Jerk' Itotp! and . down in the. wa-- woolen blanket, but a Turkish towelter, raising It by the heaviest end, so will produce much, better results. Theas not to tear, it f It may be rubbed .Irons should be hot,, but not scorching,gently between th$ hands, but the use land the' toweling from the wrong side,ok inoaxd'ii;nobvisabie-"to"-W-M

Ing, very tine material,' Of-- course,the hetvier the; goods and the. lighter

the iodge, that he had engaged thelaw firm otDouthltt.&. Coke to bringsuit against the phoenix j for funds,funds which ; the Moose claim 4

rightfully : theirs. t '"t- -'

rAccording i to '' a report rom ; Hilo,riarry.vBrownJhas eeiVnmed thedeputy tax assessor, and y collector.This appointment as made : by .Rob-

ert rT.- - Forrest, tax assessor : of thethifd taxation division.' It is expect-ed that Treasurer' Conkllng wiU ap-

point ' Brown , marriage license " com-

missioner for Hilo. - v v-- 'v :.

I4 the federal; court " thlsT mdrningthe Sylvester trial was continned anda : hew 'tness; William Sylva waa' onthe stand or an; how' or sOv 'As soonas ail his evidence Ws ihr the prosecution rested. V Attorney McBride thenmoved , for,: a . atreciea veraicx : 01 notguilty. The Jury was exensed till thisafternoon in . order to give counsel an"opportunity to argue on-poin- of law!- ,t - ' - '."v A-i- i ;? H:' ; ' ' .'.

In 'the suit of George's. Smithies vs.Dayld P.7fotley in,. Judge Robinsoncourti the demurrer ;wa sustained asIndividual ''.complaints "were riot maderegarding, each promissory note' forKhlch suit is Drought i The amountsof notes were lumped in the complaint and "Attorney peters, for the defendant made the demurrer; Tendays are allowed in which to amendthe n complaint,

- -;vj;rVi'-:rr"- 2- -

- Governor Tinkhani has decided thatthere 'canncitbO 'any. agricultural fairla HpnUulu Jthls year. Thst schemewas to a fair at which live stock,horticultural exhibits '.and other Isl-

and .products;, were to be shown. Ithas been..; abandoned, on account oftheffinaticial.state of ; the territory.The, governor fhinks that the sum of$25Q0-whic- h would be needed cannotat present be spared. 1 -

.i '

l DeputyMarshal David K. Sherwoddleft ' on Saturday afternoon . on. theMauna Kea orllllo. - He was orderedto Paaullo, where a man named Joa- -

quira da; Gama Is in custory on acharge pf assaulting a girl under theageof ljj year. The accused Vilf" arr-

ive." in Honolulu tomorrow morning.He was, arrested by Depntjr SheriffRickard of JSamakua upon wireless or-

ders sent from Honolulu by Marshal'

Holt ' s

An old-fashion- ed dance marked theopenm'.of Xajiai's new countr build-ioj- g

at Ubuev"Iast Saturday evening,several hundred persons from allparts : of .the .Garden Island. beihg inattendance. The structure was bril

nqw has 29 members. Iliahtly lighted, and the Lfhne: countyJband and a stringed orchestraVwere

All is not peaceful between the in attendance. The new; building,newly organhed, lodge of Moose and Which: Is a hanjisome structure of St.

the Modern Order of Phoenix. This Jinforced concrete, wUI: affoM; qnar-wa- s'videneHl yeatordary when the ters for the Kauai county officials,

staiement was made by C IT. Brown, also the circuit court and the'fifth; district deputy supreme dictator -- of Judicial .

it's a stage cold tea as

a o,ne. em- -;



the principal ingredient, but there isan olive present,' And it is passingstrange what an appalling "kick"' that

) lone, innocent, little olive possesses.

sees furniture move, babbles abouther sister' cat Sallna whilo thewhole world becomes one lpvely, rosyglobule. In ' common parlance Anneeccnmulates "a Jag." "Of course It laJust acting; and Miss Itagan Is expect'ed to make it very real.-- i "Seven Days" wilt ; mark . the firstfarce, comedy presented by this

and a happy selectionfor laughing purposes, has. been made."Seven Days' 'will be presented untilWednesday, rand., commencing withThursday a big . production : is promised of The White Sister. -

found. There are . no longer "the oldobstacles of .no stores, no churches.no School, 'These and all the otheradvantage of the city, have followed.the car , lines. Fields. : woods :andstreams aro Ute playground for thechildren not t city, pavements. : Thecity Is not too distant for amusements,shipping,' culture and' work ; - the coua--try. not too far. for waias and picnicsand ; happiness. : Give the" childrensome seeds and let them dig ' in. thegood, brown "earth, JSncourage themto i notice, the birds and flowers. Youwill not need to save as. bant for sum-mer vacations a vacation at home willbe a Joy, and ! restful. :. you' will havegood v friends among , your neighbors,plenty of wholesome amusement neltat hand. . Not only the children bntthe older boys and girls will be bettetoft 'I? ?s'y?t'Y'"'. VA

.'.malie :the embroidery stand ouTfrm"ine ciotn iiKe a Das-rene- r.

FRANCISCO, Mayytl-rBee- ts,

8$?walysfs, fi.;i 3JaV Parity; 5:53centfiji (Prfrious Quotation,, 9s, 2d.


.'The 'rendition , of .the., Japanese na-jflona- l';

hyinn;' just .before ; the . StarSpangled, bapnpr Is played, will be Oneof the features of the public concertwhich will be given by the Hawaiianband i at. Emma Square "thif evenlpie.beginning at:: 7:80 o'clock. : CaptainBerger has arranged the'.), followingprpgranir;- - "V m: :'; iheV) " Berlinpvertuf eQ Kioto San - (newj ,iVl

i ; .' i .....'ThurbahIntermeWP-rMoaTiy'the- wi vCv.TyertSouvenir de Beethoven; ,Vv.-Tpba- nI

Voieal-Hawai- ian Songs". Arfi byBergerCavatina Oberto v . . ,V. iv.ivTVerdiWalUArtlstr Ltte. ;kU . , Strauss


' Klmi :Ya3o. k Z.v i Vrhe'Star;SpahgIed Banner




' " 'T - :A birthday luncheon for Judge. Dole

will be. the feature? of the Ad Clubluncheon sixth .floor cfe Young Hoteltomorrow noon.'' Just to be different,the Ad Club will not "give the Judgea present Jbuwill receive much fromhim. Judge Dole will gjve a shorttalk on the 'interesting racial ; situa-tion.. In the Jslands. In- - addition tqthis, the program will Include a election or twb by Miss Barton of Brit-ish Columbia. . a sweet voiced guest ofthe city who Is on her way to Aiis--4

tralla. The regular business will in-

clude reports from, such workingcommittees " as" the road committee,the promotion promoter committee,the dance committee and last but notleast the returns from; the great conn- -'

ty. fair committee; t V



The Haiku district on ' Maui) agrowing pineapplecenter, will under-take to ship fresh"-plne- s to the thai d,'

according to the Maul Kew$;This' decision was reached at a recentmeeting of the homesteaders and atthe. suggestion of Dr. ' B.'. V. Wflcox;agent in charge pf the federal experi-ment station. ; ?

The "Haiku crowe? will - betiniatonce ,io give me, rresa pwe a ; tnor-oug- h

trial on Shipments, v Dr. WUcoxexpects to obtain ..the services of ,Le-li-

Clark, of the College '6f Hawaii,who, la. regarded as.aa. expert tt-th- e

grading" and 4 packing; of - pineapples.The growers will doj their shipping

.h.-:- .. ;"

The electric cross ie the third of its

::i fi' '.-.- ' t .

1 'in ' ""'i' ' tTrS --'o'w 11 - "v" 'H

I ml m . 1 --TO-.. r 1


In .. .. i .? 1- St- - :

: J

mmKiaye fnd? a ; go 6d hat

5:3 makes v short mcii;SiSiS ilook 'ialler,' and tallfrioh

Vhcrc U bot the

For the first time at aoy 'grtat ex-

position, all monumental sculpture atthe 1 Panama-Pacifi- c : International ex-

position at San Francisco ia 1313, goesout of doors. This hag been ia possible at ; all previous exhibitions , because of the disintegration by the ele-ments of ; the . plaster In which thesculpture is presented. ; The International; exhibit- - of sculpture will beplaced in the plaza in front of thecrescent shaped palace of fine arts. ,



Henry T, Hushes Frank Baker- Sam, McMillan .

BiUy Aylett- -' ' ': - M. F. Miller

Antonio Eodrit: ts - r . ; W.'B. HarrCb(Former Yotmg" Stand ; Chauffeurs)

Careful Operators Cest Machines- . va

iff - l --:r sv.-

5 H FltplI t PARKER It ANCH;



v i....... '.

Sea. and 4.

' ; .' :. '



f : 7". '....




; , J


' '.: "r r ".V"

- 4?

4 I .. ....'"..:!


tand $$.

1 r .......



Benjamin Suit



::'MciNEnriY zwcz cTor.:

;'. -" Eort St,' atove Kir.- -.


IsMiss rovi:r.csn r:-:- .

fPqjc'i'iCv:;:..;jS'il . AT RAVVLEY'3 iy;; V

tFort at Bferetania Tel. 422"


.,' '"V-;;- - '


, ssizes, 3... : '. .'.; ' ; :

. .' i

CiVi : i F ill -


'"' fdfcifnazoo-;K .V'


. . --f '.t v; " i i' ' ; -


v- - E3-C- 3 Kir 7 TL, lie"-- '


For a --few day, we trill aejl sonae!.5Q to $00 0 "

Pump at'U.OO a" palr;5 :?:f1 tjtz-- i r--r.'j :.' '; r' v' t

- Ynitf rtf thft'fnllciWln lathersr ' Tatiint Leather: Cho t

colate j VIci Kid, Russia Calf, Gunmetai and Wh!te Sea IslandDuck.5 'Oxfords: 'PaUpt Leather Russia Calf, Chocolate ;VIcland. White Island. Pumpst


x i

Vr.; .'


; ;

.'. ; :e fl?M' ii

Save one-ha- lf of your , Ice; bill. K This Is :nd - hollo w 'statement; but a'.tet ;and'proVen:facCt- - L:

- y raa blanket prevent the .waste' which foHows when the surface of 'in, contact with the --outside air. ' ''"."

: ; ?nd. aatisfy;yourseX : ,r-- J , V'.:

T7 W TiTT THTm A PH T.4r1 4

The HOTse .Housewares. '










Page 4: nnnrn mm rDUFFIE nniGE BETS GOMmUTED SEIITEHCE llliii · street today, with crude oil and water the cause of the roar, c The engineer-ing department ofhe city and coun-ty ordered



MOJfDAY. ; . . . MAY 11. 1DU


11 .Ji: a .'' i ' ' i' : ' .. ".'v'' ,

Kuvieiij 19 until upon rru. rouin. . ;

.? f:r -:

" '

tV ' .,; - V.--. ...', '7


Good will ronferenro i n virv ' nnnmti'i'Stt ft



-- 4 the of a Vorknieii's-raniten-natio-

bill wiis tabled upon ;;rirt tire

Ufffcldtfim'tili the Vuhjeet in the atatw,

title for ihe very interesting and. inMrutrive jov tI,at ,I,UV wa:H utr;aud, iu .two of til, ex- -

Fenibly Central Union clmrdi W 8uafternoou. It was rerj much outof the onlihanordiuK to a remith bulletin of the brinm of functions heldo the kindlr seu-'rva- u 0( labor Htatitit lie onl labor wnuiiment or. a coiumunity tiwarf bnnand its characttr made the "event all the V ;'r':;i'v-i- v ,;vr

imnrri?v lr act of 1 003, a Montana, of 1000more lrupre&sne. Another, .angle was given tlie ; ; ' '

already well established, fact of rrmlinl fnen.T. uftctmentf ;l9ipffedjlairiuiiip existing hetw(W Americans ancVJafaIn (he great . majority of cases it is what wei toIas declared uneonstif

don't know acd what imagine our'one of t



nlmutix that furnish the basis for inisunder-'- v However, in thb "Tear; that the JIawai bill

eoSnlXir "i, once P laid ten of the states' parsed miK-ns-a:

a of the others ideals,.. ' . - v '";r.::d aspirations and natural kindliness, thi a t10" 1111(1 ? fo11? hert table level of co-operat- ion and awoinmodatlon-- '

i.i reached. ., ; . J measures, Including the federal law, up to twen- -

In crdcr tliat we of HaVaiif rined on the home thoughts and home atmos-- ! !e iciaryas stated, the constitutionali of

:.cre of the Janan wnmli.. n .statute oi.Michusttt,: ew Jersey, .Ohio,m'II cj

::rofrpedition is now; just about completing ite!WJaiKin.-


TIiettWntfnntii-proomiii;;tIi- courtlin eachrtate..The:act,dis- -

: cu marked bv the "kW mnn- i.n ..?alIowetl."in XewYort was a compUlsorv.statute: visiting Japanese in Honolulu. It is all a' w'"-- ri V. v , 8

rt the process of securing and diswm inat in " f B f UO0K tne elective jaw.jreiating. tocts, and when Ui'rW are. known: when tl,. i'V4 . employments vv::eat of !: Ieajers and the Krcat iutss of ihe! D KJl .",e.u- -.pie is laaUc-- l,;:r t .alirnothlng mnaius butl

deV0 ? object of workmen.1 will. ' , . .. . as the fourth special report of the

; !;

- ,'v ;, S "'ff SUrt' ."lat ,Ile. compulsory insuraneein Germany.

'V !. :r l .,".KI''rica? lentS hadn established by;laV in twofcoui- -



in1887. .of

develop-ment legislation providing

val aes of science as throughout the world .been extremelykm to may te doubted anyi .riicunurei are lK?iug workel out rapid;; factit

- me co .ury. i ne average man is learning uoject or labor has ever made such- : 1 mticli in thoVeolIcgo'V; so general acceptance itsrcas yean? was a throughout-ttield- H

il ;((rd(Iicate:handellprx;Pc;0':c;i,uI 'Vic;conege"is'1 tup Uiai"oirone iforel'ntries

; 1 ;'pli? are ivsponding.- - . . - ; - 0 I (including, all" European .'countries 'exceptTi e University of haVdiscov

agency ready to hand for 'compensationiH-inng- s scientific agrieultum TM

.cy is the of rural covered the amount of-- . idea or this co-operati- came fTOmthe-ProTldtW(V'n- ?

. I I. a clcrgjinan at Wil-)o- n PaMr. I)rcxler;waa-eounrrvnivi-

icit that country church was Jarlv nilar In his effort to find ai means t? --reviveinfluence, he recalled 'that thVSrhimfol brought about the regeneration of rural


few ago



2 why should the not118 hevc Sfl0wnv t which to mould measure:n:g about the of1 rural 1 suited to local there does n

":::cnca aiul l'v the that service for the a: their law is




churches ni

He wrote to President Wheeler, of the Univer:y of California, his iMph s t;.i..resnon. the bulletin here quoted : "The

by an invitation toHn -- ma!lo- rural clergymen, of the state tomeet at the

: ruaent farm at Davis : to spend the: firstuA.iecem; montli as guests of the univer-- (

rural The. '1 free; transportation to) all who - would

' fi?.huud clergyiuen aieptev;wt.tion.: represented both Catholics and' (

;c" antf ,also every denominadon. 5

The: at the farm gave up their rooms in theV ltones to the visitors and slept in tents and

"r W oluu mciuueu lessons inyockyudgmg .and in many .other tpractical

f 0 Mfe It the sionserexvF..,f;:,:: .,.4 . t'cm"4U 4V l"ethe unirrsif L iA'

tlieir in ;theVeconomSf the rountrv vr- - v

The results of the:;nfi'their


no-.ha- i,

Sospel of agricnUnwh,, Sa field aOTnt of !vi;".l"- -

Our ars of the U. A; hahcj proved them-selve- scupable their WUn-tr- y

had f0f Hther in the bf fi-- hta.

frohc, landit is just the old record to m


STAR-BULLETIf- f; 11 1914.



At session ;linia of house

up to







tries only,-- Germany 1884 and :--Austria

Siiiee the Dublicatiou this first re--

pbrt," says the bulletin j itti haUdfhe;of for workmen's

compensation for industrial accidents in Eurdpeand education an1 lias


for. a "college' svno--' I)rin'ciP1 '

walking and 'I?rKhoi;

Californiathe extension


ministry churches. industries compensation

Drexler, IlaptistCall.




older of employees liabUityprWiously" ac-cepted in the civil : law, of continental NEurope,as well as in and' law." t

With so large a body of legislation in existenceiclergymen

regeneration iifii conditions,enthusiasm of 'pecasib'n more delaytiu enactment of

: ;::;crate nemselves and workmen compensation fbr HawaiU It




sorn ething : that shoId mot be omitted in fram-ing platforms for the approachinff elections.t As

reinairks amountofissuing

'J-.- problems. niilroads


dposal solvingproblems


English American


uiiuuv tue prexKirauon or,an auequate law tomeet any industrial conditions- - (-- -:' 1

Workmen's compensation: insurance; it is interesting to is; now a matter of;regiilar

. juro.ut.Mj. ukt;'.hous iniS; respectby the States; branch of an important in-surafa-


company r;of 'Ijondoii", transactimr business In thirtynelstates of . tlie and theterritory of Hawaii, are given ia the report. Forthe . year 1912 the brandi . mjei ved premiumsamounting to $2,907,477. in this division of in-surance, pf which: '44 per, cent represented premiums on employers liability, 33 : per cent onother, forms of liability and 23 per cent on workmen s compensation insurance. -- In the report ofIUT insurance jiepariment of the state of NewYork, which investigated the operations in ones- -

".is iouna mat -- tlie compensadon is paid.'.:.i " 1 promntlv in all rasps whprk ffio 'o V




pifjchers went home with n .'shows clearlv tlihr m,coft; 5 .laeir mission to conffre-r- a tinn .:it. - Any delay in making sGttlfmnf W .i fM i. X

-- o y-B- .uuy WJlu; ... ... , O, - -- r wlinn-- mil.,, . .t.sv.'4 ,

umversiry t t0 ?anT- - ; and7" that .n can in practicaUy all cases be blamed

m,wt r,,r , . .

.scientiflcffect, fl - a



feo more of






vu uie iaimre.ortne laws of the varion starAm : - v--j

cieariy jto prescribe the amount of - -- ... .. .rlll Vnrbinnn ..

Answering, the ofrrTi" i ,"'vuu.Uiiu voiicffe. I query correspondeut who

: . . - " v imuic. , . r . , r-- --uoiui .uittv win lurnisn an PYTInnnnn

regudoing task





many of the readers who have leeom intin the Hawaii county system of doing public busi-ness. Tin fnl . :.. ."..J . ? .

v . iu wujuucuou witn the con- -ruenve suggestions for auditing published in

lissue, snouid convince the taxpayersthat til mm nw U .!..' .. ....w -- iriueieni metnods in ex istmct-- n,iat the County Fair nu-- n do ,,t trv to evadesixmsibility.





or give it to the citj'and touat treas- - a plan makes it necessary for toe terurer, and allow tbe new departments ritory tovmeet tte bends, and loos: toto oceopy present quarters of the, the city and county for repay m.-rn-t

treasurer, 'which ' is next Vdooriln the ; The third plan sires the city andsame budding viZ f i i county 30 years to discbarge the oIk:i ? four autements, lall of ligation, with, the: territory standingwhich : are eiven - out as tenta-- I me uuouuoiuers u iue uu--

tive, are schemes for the payment ofthd bonds hanging orer tne two department. .. It li showtt that the bonds


nicipality.- - scheme it$86,423.51 '

The fourth' tho pay--

the water department - amoont to ment of one-thirtie-tU of the principal

U 031 and of the sewer depart-- 1 Pr yearwith Interest at; four perment: to 32S2.58053V.o pay these jff crMC-- --

as the bonds mature would require a: , present difficulty is brought cntotal annual payment of 201,028.4. . J largely from the lay in starting ;

. The second plan is ' on the basis of sinking fund for the payment of theextending the 'bonds to equal , their bonds. ; 'It haa been only in theoriginal time.-- " Tha Is. to say, i 15- - few years. that; such. a fund has betayear bond issued five years ago is to, kept up. ;;K r?..

be regarded, as far asr the county 7Plans Nial and Na 2 are: ; ; ,

Waterworks ; A ;:;..v:': i::'-- :. ; ::..-:"t

S? ? For the repayment cf the water-work- s and sewers bxmds to the terri-- --

tc'ry''' bytthe OUy County rOf Honolulu as to be required by Act138. : 'yz:.y v;' U ;t

Bends; ; - tpatelv iyTime. Pet. ? Installments.' S2nkg Fd. Interest ;

? 53,860.00 Oct, 4,1905 15 yrs4 7; 7 payments ' 619.19 2.154.40172,117.85-- OcC? 1. 1903 Clo yr. 4H T 5 payments; .3M51.69 7,745.3 ,

13,161X0 ? Jan.2, 190515 yrs.H & payments 1653.47 i 4.809.S4?,: 203.435.00rJan..;2, 15 3 7 payments i " 26,150.45 C 7,120.22 ;

134,487.00 : Jan. 2. 1S06 15yrs; 3?7 payments 1737.56 : 4.707.01 :

" 140,000.00 Aug. 1, 1911 30yrs. ;4 ;' ". 2 payments ; 201 J9 i . ; 5,600.007324.970.15: ; Sep. ; 3, 1912 1 30 yra 4'.'-- 29 payments .135.43 ? 1298.80

$1.142,O3L0O vfSewers

80,493.00 Oct 4. 19C,: 87.832.83- - Oct-i- ; 190315 yrsMHv 16.055.41 .

36,224.65 Jan v Vx yrs 3 7 payments , . . 4.656.47 1.267.833624.65 Jan. 2, 1906 "15 yrs. 3 H 28 payments ' ; 201.40 4.400.00

.t: 38,029.85 v; Sep. 3, 1912 . SO yrs. 29 payments ;. :v

352.580.33 yv,ilS:ifflgAnnual payments i?

Sinking fund ;;i WaterSinking;; fund i' ,!.:?iVtSewero




Total annual : payment f. .j. i V.'A .;






For the Vepaymentrof ithe water-work- s and sewers bonds to the terrivtory, by the City and ;Counly of. Honojulu,, considering the same to be ex--1

tended to equaL their ic43gmal Ume. : .;

. Bonds. .

" Date. : Time. Pet Sink's Fd. V53.860.00 .4, UOS 15 yrs4 payments ?.6893

vi172.117.85VOctl. 110315 yrs. 415 881.24 ;7,745.3Q113,161.00 Jan.: 2,4905 15yrs, 4H 15 payments.:; 5,5470 V. ,809.34 '

'.203,435.0 Jan. 2, 1906 loyrs. 3H payments ; . 10,543.04- - 7,1202134,487.00, vjani j2,19f l5yr8. 3 45 payment ? 6,969.80 . .

I" 140,000.00 :;AuT ?lJ49U 30 'M 2,496.21324.97045 Sep. & 19J2 , 30; yr 4.:30 payments 5,794.25 &

S 80,493.00 ; Oct : 4, 1905;, yrs. 4 '15. payments ;4,019.90 u J 319.72: 87,832.83 1. 1903 15 yrs. 4 45 payments . ; . 4,22o.97 . . 3,952.48

- 35,224.65 fJanv 2,4906)45 yrsHlS: payments Vy .1,877.33: -

:110,C00.00 Aug. 4, 4911 30 yrs, i i 30 paymenU . --7 : 1,961. i' '4,400.00; .1 30 ym '4. 30 payments :f ; ;: ;


M. A. FURTADO s The Hamaknacoast plantations are looking as swellas can be expected.- - Laupahoehoe-i- s

quite a big: 'place nbwthat;the ' train; the surrounding district ,

APT. "J.M.vCAMARAt Company , C .of the Guard man-

aged to combine a lot of good fieldinstruction with good time on theSaturday to Sunday camp at. Moanay

lua. , yi ? "Snii-- AI CASTLE r We always unjoy

our trips to MauC and. although weto win, of. course victory-b- y

our opponent never worries us much.This time the match a is against Paiainstead of' Puunene. --.

r ; u

GEORGE G. BROWN: i Peoplefrom the other island keep droppingin - every ; day so' to . epeak, and 'theyare always welcome 'The old ,

bas Its lot of patrons whohave stayed here 'for years. ' ,


: : V 'Xy M--i.- '' V: ''.

--C- OL. ARTHUR COYNE, JC G. H.(retired) : I am mighty sorry to giveup the 1st Infantry, but I will be awayfrom Honolulu? for At 'a ; year,

, . V 1 1 x - i v

fair to . hang-- onto ; the command ; forthat length of time.

; - PAUL' SUPER: Every inan andboy in Honolulu shotild' hear the lec-

tures , which Dr. Hobdy; soon 4 is ; todeUver at the Y. M. C. A. - There willbe several lectures in the. series, andthey - wUl be a . big features of .theassociaUon'a educational work. ' ;

DR. DOREMUS SCUDDERr Atthe international: yesterdayafternoon. I ; found it rather " difficultto speak in Japanese, as I have nsedthe language : but -- Uttle 'during .v the

Manoa Valley, 3 bedrooms, furnished..Manoa 2 bedrooms, furnished. .

Beretania St,'4 bedrooms, furnished.. ,

Tantalus, 3 bedrooms, furnished.Nuuanu 2 bedrooms furnished11th Avenue, 2 bedrooms, furnished.

payments 10,191.19payments


Anapuni St, bedrooms, jinfurnishedManoa ,VaUey, bedrooms, unfurnished

Beach, bedrooms, unfurnishedWUhelmina Rise,; bedrooms, unfurnishedAuld Lane, bedrooms, unfurnished

concerned, Just issued ani doefor years After the SucU



this wonldcost only year liquid-ate, . one for




and seems

1905 yrs.;

1107,709.58 145435.10

7 $


;t718.03,: 1.521.20

3382.50 J146USi;07,70Si.58

33.822.50 ?Q45,135.10

4461.261:- -

3,952.48- -

Installments.; InterestOct? 115 2454.40

;f30.yra.U payments





















12,762.60 $14,361.26.

past seyeral, years. The meeting,: how--

ever, was one the most, unique andinteresUng ever: held 1x1 CentralUnion. ,




to'i is




; V

V ?






t 15

1 ;




of1 : ' .

HENRY DUMONT:V I5 have butone fault 'to find --with ' the Star-Bulleti- n.

; In the splendid Saturday even-ing edition" the society. ' and sporUngnews are in the same section. Themen want' the'sport and thewomenthe .society pages. t However, fightsare ! averted for the reason that: eachdepartment is so superior to anythingto be Jound away from the mainlandand even then, excepting; in. the larg-estrcltie- s.

C -:

::' ''..''-:- ''

The Whistler Room in' the Palaceof ; Fine - Arts --of the - Panama PacificInternational ! Exposition " will ; containmany of the greatest masterpieces ofthat; painter. The excellence of theexhibit ,; will- - be largely : due : to thecourtesy of Mr, Freer of Detroit whoowns about . fifty of the Whistler oils,all the " etchings, all the lithographsexcept - two.s and , about - thirty-fiv- e

each of the pastels and water colorsof iWhistler. :'Pf ;

- The .Woman's Board of the' Panama-Pacifi- c

International ExposiUon is or-ganizing a Travelers Aid, by whichthey hope to make the exposition cityabsolutely safe for all girls and wom-en: visiting it during 1915. The : or-ganization will : extend its protectionto boys as well as girls, and will listhotels, lodging houses and : restaur-ants, and v establish information sta-tions 'upon the grounds - and? fat rail-waystaUo-

eMiSTT''An International ; sports events ser-

ies will take place upon the, groundsof ; the Panama-Pacifi- c, InternaUonalExposition at; San Francisco fa. 1915,at which. the International., OlympicCommittee, for the - first time outsidethe regular Olympic games, will awardprizes, and at which the winners willbe selected as the representatives oftheir., respective countries at the nextOlympic games to be held In Berlinfa 1916. : v .


i,::-: -:-- '. '





.......;;.t.;;.. 140.00


Manoa Valley

.......160.00..... 130.00

A modern, dwelling with concrete foundaUons, gas andlights; lot 175x200. Will sell on easy terms. Apply to f

Guardian Trust Co., Ltd.,20S Bank ot Hawaii Building.

. .r,V ' T;




The drawings atlhe'Omnty Fair ftr! the Gentleman's AVatc?Uirsultcd as d- -

i lows: ( Present wuimui "U'fore'date o f ex;ipiration.);P:ii '

... ... . .- , :i - ? '. cv

- ? :

Drawing Number l Expires noonFirst v . . . . . . , .1194 . : . ;3Iay 13thSecond . .202UH. r. . .3iay 18tli

.la Third ..Vw.. ..1201...., ilay - 2;id ,

If none of these three pnsents hLs eiui- -'

l)on. by: expiration date, watch 'goes tojy. Private A. Warren, 23th Infantry, whose

number, 23Ui, was drawn Fourth.

Lady's ; Watch was" won byM is J,: Betts,v Young StrcetCity, whose iium- -:

:ber was 331G. v; ; : v: i'- -'


An International ' fleet of more than200 vessels, Including : reprsentalivetypes : of battleships from the naviesof aU the great, maritime nation, willgather at Hampton Roads, in January,1915, and', ; proceed . ; upon a cruisethrough the Panama Canal to SanFrancisco harbor, reaching their .des

tination , early in Mardh, 1915, andshortly after the formal opening of tnePanama-Pacifi- c 'International .Exposi- -

tion,'t-.- y x'1:'! 'Y:'

The- - loan exhi&it to bo' housed1 inthe' Palace of Fine Arts during thePanama-Pacifi- c " International Exposi-tion, will; without , exaggeration, be


3 111 11

on : j1 r





the greatest art collection everThe exhibit facluia

many famous old' masterpieces w hlchnever before; have been .allowed toleave the museums and galleries ofEuropo where t&ey have teen heardedThe contemporaneous exhitit3 fromthe various rations cf Europe ar.d th3new world comprise the verybe3t. work all. th best modernpainters. '

. ,

There is a: vcjue for Jet la tho lat-est1 millinery.

Nothing jolt3 an egotist 'so. success-fully' as being ignored.

New, modern, 5-rd- om cottage, on Fort street, 10minutes walk

- '. -- ;




.7 II

Pos tOffice Improyedi lot 50;f;130ri Theye isalso "garage


'v v

For SaleMonoa ballsyWe have for sale a desirable residence -- property in Manoa ;

Valley. 'Situated on high ground, It --cominands an uninter--."rupted view of Diamond Head and the sea. as ell as a viewof the Manoa hills. Ji:;. 'yi:ti:H"'7 l-


The lot 4s spadous, jlMxOO 3I Improved with trees and !

shrubs.:-;;;- ' 4 VC-T- - : 4;tvV:V'The house Is of, two stories and contains three; (3) - bed-

rooms. :r--: :; .::;: : ;:;'. t. I; t -- ;:' r

Price and terms oa

4 Waterhbuse




.. .

I P11

Fort and Mei;clianjt;StsV






st::;.f' v;

Page 5: nnnrn mm rDUFFIE nniGE BETS GOMmUTED SEIITEHCE llliii · street today, with crude oil and water the cause of the roar, c The engineer-ing department ofhe city and coun-ty ordered



the ttoir-

"I i'L


BAfRERE SALES COTelephone 3237. ,

S3 Merchant St--


. For Live Stock of All Kinds.

Cut Stabler:;':;umitd",;i';:e:;: TeL 1109.;;:

finest Cat; Flowers

MRS. ElvM. TAYLOR, Florist.Hotel St ..Opp. Yocng Caie.


Ucvti to Wslty Cldj., Klrj et,Hcoms 4 and 5, ever VeliS; .

Farra- - & Co.- - -.

-" Dcn't Miss This Chance.; ,, .


HONOLULU CYCLERY CO.; ISO Couth King EL .. i. ',.

For the Latest Style Hatsfar Ladies' and Gentlemen,';

Ccme zr.S tee Us.

t- - J,. - jYEDA v- -

1C2S Nuuanu SL





Class Linen nd Ponjee 'AVaUtvy- ' -

. rctterns ' -"


Ccr. Kir3 and Eethel Sts. v .

Ah Unexcelled Line cf -

-,- Sr.::I::rsV-,ncralaflc5i;

FITEPATHICK EROC. LTD..; ; :s Tort Etrcet Hi'

f r i sci c ft o t on sThe All Day Meter' 3 to 75 h.p.


II; i:;c::rc!i;A Co.';, v- - Limited. -Sugar Factors, Importers, and

' Commission Merchants,J , : HONOLULU- -



Iluwcibn Drc Co,'!"

" Hcte4 and Eethel etreets ;

When " you want - Linen 4and

Duck Suits laundered care-fully and well, send them to

' 'the - ;. -TRENCH - LA U HO A Y,I - Phone 191.: : :;

"MAGIC RUBBER HOSEIs the. best cjrade. ,


Lewers & CooKe, Ltd;177 S. King Street

s' HIRE'S -



WORKS. CO ""LTD.' 01 Fort St. . Phone 2171 :


SUITS. : - -- ,?Vt IDEAL CLOTHING CO. . :wf'Sv

Pantheon Bldg.f "f ' ;



MCOilllillEiEDEPiHBERSanElf By Latevt Mail) .;..,; '.;.;.: :

WASHINGTON. D. C. The United

nwini anrriinv n th iiniitiu ram.' MAMft w v -

teenth censua, oon to ne puWitiied

Bureau - of the Cenu,; .Departmentof Commerce. It wa prepared underthe supervision of C S. Sloane, geo-

grapher 'VV - , -As stated, the estimated population

of the United States for'juiy 1, 1914.will he 103,02192. Toe populationof the United f tates and its posseseeuiona In 1S2D was 101,748,269; sothere "wilt hav' ecn an ' estimated 1Kain of. ofer.: 7,000,000 persons in alittle more than four years. The cor--

responding , estimated population- - of ::

continental United, States, for Julyii4, is 8,78 i,3Zf, as comparea wun ;

tne popuiauon 01 i,t&, asj-eiurn - ted by enumerators', April 15, "wiThis bulletin also.: presents the esti- -

mates of r population in ; 1910, 1911. .

ICI t ILVI ICO, buu tui ; viucs 1. uou ,8,000 or more Inhabitants Id .1910, I; Estimates of population arcrequirea primarily ior cse- - m me wnsusBureau in calculating death rates and ;

per capita averages for years other;than the The ' J14arithmetical was adopted

estimates., It the; ana nas oeen , snown uy

vu cume nearer in accu- -

inTestS:on: the JiSM wtS

assumption in In appropriate

to was.

: .

presentstables population for the

States and its outlying possessionsIn; and estimates ofthe population July,

and - is; presented for different

in the union. ' is ; alsopresented a statement; of the

population on. 15,;together estimates: of theand population as '1 of

July 1st for of 'and These esti-mates, confinedto: the states having a considerableproportion of colored, population,. no

following PopuUtiohand the population' fdr

of at 100,000:4;


. v. ...... . Francisco.Denver-

?iV;.iC ' BridgeportHartford --. . . ,


OF- - COLUMBIA'.. .Washington..i...;.;.; ,


Indianapoliskentuck y ; i ;w . V LouisvilleLOUISIANA v . ; . jiiai i l i . ; , , . ; . . . . jjaiumore

'. . .i Cambridge

r ' :;i - '' '::.v;tNew Bedford'.,;;'..i . i : r ;; V "Springfield


MINNCSOTA Minneapolis '

' SL ,'JIISSOUIU . . . , .

ov, wa ,4NEBRASKANWf JERSSEY Camden ;



Chi. ft.

' ' '., - . V. .

irV" .

v ; . j ' t;

oj i ncuaeOHIO ft ft . . . Cincinnati

-- ;Toledo.;;.v';OREGON :.V......W PorUand..;,:.PENNSYLVANIA

-- 5 ,.


X , .

ft., f- W a - An


MEN 3:


MassJ menin

on a.'10 '

he bot--

:; of the ofthe men drowned and thefive fighting for In ', the wa-

ter.. the ofwas a to tragedy;

""'v-- ;


throat troubles.i

Troches In


j estimate presented for anydid not 60,000 or more coi-

oer cent of its nonnlationwr

f atimates ct population : fori, ana tne popuiauon

15,-191-0, for all states are as follows:Population.

" Estmtd.April 15.

Alabama J45Arizona . . . . . "239.053 v

Araaneas ......1,686,480 1 574,443California ......2,757.895Colorado ...... S09 537 :

Connecticut :..:.;i,202.688Delaware ... L 209.817 202,322

i of ' Columhia. - SS37S 231,060Florida ";.;.v:vv848.111v 4 o 61Georgia . 513 ; 2,609.121xfpr the Splendid he ob--

hotsn .' and tt1ntc- - nt,.. -

... .i ...w , ; 3Z5 594......,..,;&85,78i a tt3.Mi

iuiuu 4.,., ,...... i,ti.,221,755XI 1.1.784.897, e.1-690.9-

.4 ....... 1, .3.43-- .'J. ' : ,

Marvland" ...... '-- T! - ' - - - V ' ' 'Massachusetts 3.60522 x 356616

j Nebraska U45.873- o ttt si

.census year;' 'Tt 1J01882 !1 797method forSliS 372886

imputing-ther- e JJmsimplestexperience





in Central


cchools,most of


H M Fl I StWf II 4Tt v 1 1 Ti ft fill Tminir

racy majority of casesany; other formula. "ther. dispersed was :to the effect

the increase popu-- i',-- ! that tho devotional ser-latlo- n

each year since the enumeraJ.tisjn annual tocreaseJJ; spiritual note struck at oncefrom 1900 to 1910. -- r: - evening hadrThe. bulletin ln;ite.ieverar:,r-.sf- -

data United

1910 1900, with1st, 1914, 1913,

1912, .1211 1910.. Similar data


and' tolored April.1910, withwhite colored ,

each th years 1914,1913, 1912, 1911 1910.

however, have been

shows: the pf forin .cities

1st,: 1914, least



New HavenDIST.GEORGIA AtlantailunoisINDIANA....;Vi.;;ir

.vV. New Orleansuais


Lo"f5-"f.v- "


'PaulKansas Clty:






out' boattrial spin Lake

tcm craft three



an tptlief


statethat hare

"at least ten

Tfcejuyr 1314, Apru

State1914 1310

2.269 2,158,093


vjvt,oiIowa .......... 2,224.71








Oklahomav.V-U2.026.5- 34 -- 1.657,155Oregon ;' .78339 672,765,e?ce-ri- x

665.111 fS.???6 Charles591,215:, : 542.610; Hall,prano Chester Living.

Carolina . : . 1,590,015 1,515,400 George Andrus,South .i 661,583 .583,883 Atfncr - effecUve;Tenessee ; .......2,254,754 1 2,184,789 i expressing the

The list estimates July; lsLl914.19ro,


v . ..V'-- .

j 111,004; i . , TLI1'"! ulnLb J BAU HhALI f

2t:00.375t r v

new; YORK"uiiaiu








pluck a!witness






l.t)b.S3762.787 742371

1.295.246 ru




man ...;.Vermont ; ,;;;vi J 361,205355,956 tVirginia ....... ..u2450.009 2,061,612Washington, j. ; 1 1,407,865 41,141,990West Virginia 11,332,910 3l.221.119Wisconsin ; ,v V- -4 2,4 4 6,716 ? 2,333,860Wyoming vU':,;i . . . 168,736 i: 145,963

having an ; estimated population --July :

'J if- V " si.----. - ,f t !'

Estimatedt4: JuLvl, 15, 1910iU166,154 132,685

435,814 .rr- - 319.198

448.052 ; 05' i

245231 ,,,;,

. .V. Z. , . ; . : , 107,038i ; .15505-- 5

;."'a V

'...-..11- - 179,292ft ;5,39325- -

-- 259,413;v:'t

X ftXj;ty .iV.:.;. .? Irs ilr

733,802;i......... ..1 1 1 II ...' II A I

, lr , 4' 4 - 637,650 465 766n 123,227 112,571

343,466; 301,408;..;.....:: 36,766 'V:-- 214.744

...;.V; 281,911 ": j 248,381... j ...... . ... o.D01 . v v.'r.' r87 (129

.1 m.274 :;124.098ft ft' f ,

321 : ; 267 779 1

t ft : 28 qr'M "'3474fi9 'i ft.' 13405 ? 125 600

ft "f ' J 106,831 : 96815".

100253?cfftf 4 ft ft 102,961

. .. 454,112Including iv 5,333,537; 4,76683 1


' 2,331.542. , ,284,Q41:; X . 85,969

1218,149..,.. . , . . 137,249;w . .;.' J 402,175 V 36391 1

560,66318111- -

116,577184J265 168,497


1,549,008 ." 533,905

196,071129,867'2242613L105 (t110,364

; 92,104115,063 V! V 96,614

'ft ft' 109,530 92.777

13417 127.628;313,029 237,194ft ft 'ft ft ft 'ft ft ft' c

135,657103,418 f Itn?3417,054 X7.


' PADT CPflTT'O WinnW7wni 1 www 1 1 w iiv ii I r

Jersey City..;.,; .W.,.;

;f borough . . 529,198 '7 ' Brooklyn borough ;. 1,833,696

. J Manhattan borough 2,536,716 ;--

J; H Richmond .vborough . Vi';M 94,043:2v Rochester ..v.;.., 241.518 t

. Cleveland ''iii7':::. 639,431:, , Columbus . ; . '. . ' 204567.V,:Daytoa: V.'. .

; 260,601 ;Philadelphia .; . . . . 1,657,810Pittsburgh $ i '664,878Reading .;..;, V 103,361 .. ;

Scranton ; ; V... ' 14U51 'ProvidenceMemphis ..ii . . ;-- '' 14331Nashville ; ; . . 114,899 ;v;.i; 4 x 111,986



j--f; Richmond



v"'".;'? .''i't-'- Spokane ;;.;.'.i.':hV'-r;'o-- -- ' . "Tacoma i . . . . . 4

WISCONSIN . i ; MUwaukee ; , . . .



--;i:ightjoyously a

Quinsiga-- Within mniutes


were'Through J woman,

'were' rescued.'"-'- "


BronchialAffording greatrelief bronchi-tis astKma.






1 I 1 t- -


fo378U 331,069



. . 4231715







f. .


over week

1 - j Irepreseairo,. ma sruuuus.1It is to the that Sir James Bar.'. 7: ,

wtay oco,'0fwriaow or.v uaptain itoDen. raicon

777. v ; - I- r v ?

The live stock exhibit at th. Panama-Pacif- ic InternaUonal Exposition;

San; Francisco in at .vrhlchall the great catUe and raisingnations will display. wUl cover:

luiin uf m wthe exposiUon management for pre- -

miums and prizes for live andtJiB Rrm nf 147000 hn raisedbreeders' associations in the

and abroad. .

.I-- ;

11 TnriTUI v ; 11 M' . fill


"Seven LaSt WOrflS 01 LnriSt. ReaullIU IV Kendered DV

Large Chorus,

.. -- While the large audience.'; whichfathered Union" church lastnight to hear Dubois canuta "TheSeven Last or Christ," asby the thbrusr; of Kamehameha

" anticipated , & real musicaltreat . those "jxrtsont : were ; sur-.1414-56

prised by the perfection the rendl--

itioni which. went iarL their jc-- v

pectations Too much cannot

J.776 results




the 'than iNewHIt


equal the high, that the entire


the the










whichoe given uirecior . veorge A.t

, tained this great chorus of youngipie. many of with compara- -

utue musical training 'the skillful touch of Miss Edith A.

ht unnVo u n-r- r.


.unuornis tne dots was ;in. useit

' uniformly good.- - One 'comment

atmosphere ior an. ordinary con--

P I r OTA I1TQ '

Ui ILiL. u 1 au I

2- V .; V Vr . ,v ii 'v

groups, around theccuniecs at., we.uazaar w . tnis

on f tasing aavantage

araficeXsale !cf aIL thelgoods fix- -ptr" ftiA- - stm-- P Pnnff!r

c; V '

Pennsylvania .45,967 renderebyRhode- - G.

tn Dane, and A.

w. V wer' most. as:; was. h6 jrgajxsol .earth,

-- 1154589


.vri.'. ..i..'



Alley;was busier;than it has beenEiauy inronth .Youee,elflnn iiis

'v'tei'ng :forced.oitbAtiisife5Ss becausef hard times and their location,

and It ts necessary tOLSell everything,

i c'imzojmlh 96,652 N H..:;Vi 88.926



1914-- t ApriV;



..; A,aa












stockha hv



.irveiy under





ladies inlppon


tnrps? .In




valuesK Tempting ''i bargains there.

aALer uaJp aiincea wiu. some ailmentpeculiar, to their sex;:' dragging? onefoot wearily; after the other, workingalways with one- - eye on. the, clock andwishing for closing time to come.

J OV4VAA 4 jsuuutu ici vu &jjruiv- aiaa, yegetaDie uompound to

dI"cn then work will be a pleasure.For forty years this . famous root and"Ww'edicJne has been pre-eminent- ly

successful in controlling the diseaseswcmen- - don' y try it?

advertisement.' - .;. ;:. .

. . - rr7 :MAKT raUnUK GETS- -


In Judge Whitney's court this morn- -

lnS i Vary Morck .was .granted a di--ivorce from n S wante . Morck,v on theground" of non-suppor- L The decreeis;returnabie on Juns 10. , Mrs Morckvas originally married last year.; She

i'divorc6d her first husband i In, No-207- 14

member n of that year;., and marriedMorck in January this year. ;Mbrck

;was cast aside this morning, and, un- -til June 11 (Kamehameha Day), Mrs.Morck cannot contract another mar,ge.;':-,4- v r : --

; Aiter the divorce was settled, JudgeWhitney took up the, probate matterof the estate of Elizabeth Sniff en.Alexander D. Larnach, the adminis- -lrator. was flnaUv dfRfhareArf anri'bond cancelled. r i

was nothing dnlne- - in Ttiro!,cke 8 .ourt, as .the judge is still,

KaBaL 0n Thursday therehSiAm. a.kai'I,..I ...j ..

1 ? IBt Latest Mail! , : " .?. aiter; a ionrn of a in the hos-inSJ- M

feeling the effectssevere illness- ,-

no js ensageu w marry th world Ib tv c.t are expeciea .io paruci-- 1





" ucmu wiu uue viiVu -

iKate le is. charged with assaultingiuor. inspector Fennel!;

Job Batchelor. clerk or Judge Die- -

More " tharn'""Zs.rZ?. L ".T. .rwuM"u 'B.01 an me great nationsnate in th ffrontpct Tninfnrv i,,.," rauam-rcin- c international .Ex--positionThe ,InvitaUon extended by the war,department of the United States tothe foreign nations to send troopsan international military encampmentis being heartily received, and for the 'flpet - ;nmore-tha- n three nations will assem- -Me, for maneuvers during time ofneacp. with th pWiaA if .io- -

creator t "FooUsh Oiotlotit"I'm the Gay,

arcfae.iMsc.u regularlyCd'y:.r.:;:;; mzam

'CUD riSHIRi;- 'eieator of. Mutt and JeC-- '

-- "';".Sy '7ta made Fraoa green let--

of JtscooU fering, curved to .t the

new smou pouchy inner- -

when the ; troops Njf more thin threenations have been i; encamped, to--



iSRECEIVES PAYROLL COIN"SiTi; if. j : :;:':-.-y- : .'.WiV.- ; Acting Marshal Harry . Holt receiv-

ed' a welcome surprise this" morningwhen a cable reached him informinglilm that the sum of $ 4800 had beenplaced at his disposal by tne authori-

ties in Washington. .

.Not; Uiat the amount.' was for Holthimself, but that the money was avail-

able to cover the : wages and salariesof the department for a short time.Owing: to the, death of Marshal, Hen-'dr- y

' there "was no money that Holtcould get hold of to pay current ex-

penses. --The balance was large, but,owing to red tape, the acting marshalcould draw none of the coin.- - - .J

The requisition for some money was;pent In by Marshal- - HoltMy ,tha lastmall. .The cable shows that the let--

ter has Deen received ana aiso maiHolt's bond is approved and his eathof office noted. . ; . V

ToImprovePretly flair.;And Beautify Ugly H air

Harmony Hair Beautifier, a delight-ful liquid . hair dressing, is ; just whatIt is inamect a ;talr beautifier. ;:No

matter how" pretty your' hair now i3,"

it can bemade to look even better byusing Harmony :Hair; Beautifies ;Tothose who mourn because the ialr isstringy, dull, lustreless; and homely.Mara tnnnv H?r T?autlfler Will DrOVO

caoma nftHh , and : burnish tha hair.!t trine a cnYv.nft .anfl TtlOTfl!

. f. .w.,1 I

foWs that "stay: put' v It overcomesthe oily smell of the hair with a dain--j


ty, true-ros-e fragrances? y ; ;Very easy to apply simply spun

kle little on your "brush each timebefore brushing it. ' It contains no oil,and will not change the color of thehair, nor darken' gray hair. :

To keep hair and scalpand clean, ' use - Harmony Sham

poo. This pure liquid shampoo gives'an rich lather that Im-- f

mediately penetrates to every 'part ofhair and scalp; insuring a quick, thor

--loanBinir WKhd off hist asiwusu caubuib- -

. ' .v. OTl i,,, h hair Imvmarshness or sUckinesaL ;

fSwhFJ7'0-fPJPStlfIer Shampoo, 50c.Both guaranteed :to. satisry you mevery wajr' or your money backv soiwonly at rnor5;.inan .uuu. .exauStores, and in this town only by us.

time that the Allied Armies occupied Benson, . Smtth ;&; tk) LtdPeking, this will be the only instancertisemenL- - ,

j . r

'':it 11 f " it -

; V V; in gooci hiimoivhas these generallyis talking Read the tcstimoni:

SZsL The Perfect Tobccco'fcrTipomX CizGTctta'v

: Thev wouldn't smokeykeepT their ffi

long, aay in ana aay our.Jcaaffiafstan


I leaf treated by the original "Tuxedo Pro


vi VOdj VAXV UCAliJl Uu WiiwiW mnoii lite (yat tongue: granumted so that itsmoKes ireeiy ana . unnormiy puucupipefuls to 10c tin.

Tuxedo deservesevery good thing thathas been- - said of

.f to p rove i tTuxedo sells themillions upoii millions of J

tine onmi'1: At.XJ UAAMUUXA T


. '

ft ClasM Humidors 50c SQc . ;


? :C'fe"fJv-..:.K- i-; ; A---:

a pfptmy tinrithgoU V

laooriieform Smoking, fi (mdrrdHness makepipf Convenient






dandruff-fre- e



it-a- rid


? acres. unlmDroved.


if It

; i mat


Robello Lane. '






WE THE'' .r. ' ' FOR LEASE. 11 end




T v 3 J AveniH?.j;"r ? :13,327; sq; fWitinlmproved, Hotel and Richard St. (corner)



Vi;''1,:-?:H;:,:CFOR:RENT.- ' - ' -

1 417 Wyllle SLT. 4 bed rooms; furnished , (garage); $73.00I "Judd SL, 4 bed rooms, furnished . . . . . . . . . 1C0.0O

1116 Lunalilo St, 2 bed room3, furnished ....5.03.

:: ' ' ; li-'-: SA F E' , D E P O S I T VAULTS ','

' ' '.


v INKW DciLiiaUli,: Shell and (Uuoid,

? IE ffirl JEWl

wHoknows what

Tuxedo didn't




923 Fort Street

Mounted in Gold



98 QUEEN STREET.. "O 'v'l I .P. O; BOX.513

. . ;


. J




1 TnsJI "'fefeV i.nA'fe"- i; MA I llf-- --n

feU . aSVfe- - li fe: '

t - Jv .11 f r : r. . '. n ! fill I

,A H ftW:v- -- :f "f 7 ,7' !' -

T - f A ;'

life.h;v '";. 1 ; ;

. i

Page 6: nnnrn mm rDUFFIE nniGE BETS GOMmUTED SEIITEHCE llliii · street today, with crude oil and water the cause of the roar, c The engineer-ing department ofhe city and coun-ty ordered

v. Fine

iHV. -;j:v LIFE .


V' ' . ,

v..:--.-..- ..


'.;' ' i ; ';. T , ..

I r' . ;

! p'T'c?.L

(i C:r." pert and Merchant Cta,

The nlder you growV tie .

mo m . in oiicy 1 here hliquW

be io vour cmlit in a &xv- -

iu-- s Accouut here. Steady,

ii'lciit . end ; Jciristeutt.vjr,,.... r;o.lIJS lnot.e Hjan a

co:::; "tcucL' fur 'your old

- '."--- i r::uv: Kowr


,..,, f - -- 1 1 - f r " n f "5

" zzr.it for . .

ITavafiaa Ccmncrcial &' Sugarco. - -

Surar Coapanr. ;;V'.5;Tl riiztatlca. :

' .;

Ilavi Agricultural Corspaaf..llaviaa.Cu-s- r Company. -- ;:JCshuUa riantatlcn Conpany. y,

'llcCri'de Curr Co., Lti.

. IlaLuIul TT2.!:rcai Company. ;

Kauai na!:;v;y .Ccaipaay. ".

Kauf.1 n-u!-t LauJ Co t'Houolua nacb..'. ., ,

B;;y r'!"-''!r- 'l Co': . . Ll I ". IT wO.

C:r.:raLA;:r.t tar Hawaii; '

At!:s A::-- r:-- c ' Company cf '

, L:r:r f ,':w York ' Under- - ;

, ' vrrltert' Asency; ProvldervctWashington Inturanct Co. '

4V floer Ctanjenwatd Cultdiris.

HOME INSURANCE CO: OF HAWAIILtd, OWell BIdg; S6 King St, cor.Fort St-:- " .. -


" CapIUl rubscrlbed .... 4 8.000,000Capital paid up.. 30.000)00 i

Reserve fund.;... 8.900,000 .?i

K. AWOK1..... Local ManJijer


.;; Have Calla- - .Everypiy. -- ;

825 Fori Six ;" n ?66$ .

Stanaa Id Bdlg : 102 Merchant fc

STbCK AND BOND BROKERS:Member Honolulu , Stockf and Bond


st i iMin M:m ci v km voirTODAY'S AKWSIODAII -

Eatabflihed In'

1C5? y:


. .- ., i -' ,0.''. Cprnmprclal and Trayetera' Let. ;

' :' Cari!tc"cl California and;

the w London, Jolpt i';;

Ltd, London

Vt Corretponier.ta for the Amerl- -

can Cx-r- er Company and; v'Thoa. Cook 4 Son. . ; .

Intercrt Allowed on Term an4av ' CCavinc Cank Depotita.

'LIMITED r: A;:,.:'-';;.,'- .;

lrrurs K. 1L .'Lettert-c!'

Crc --It tad Travtlcri' - Checks :

aTsilatle tirou shout .the world.

: (Limited) "y.K':- - '- -



-- ACENTC; FORT ST, HONO;p-- LuLiy-T- . .H,:;y

List cf Offtcert and .Dlre'ctort:- E. F. Elahep . ? . i, ..Pretfdent

. H. RobertsonVice.Preaident and 'Mahasar

V R.-lver- a ..iv SecretaryE., A. fC Roia. V; ; .Treaaurtr ' ;

:; afCartarU tty '?

;. C H. Cooke. ...) y

J. R. Gait )...Oirectora i--

.A Cook .,".) 'v

;;,.v':;Ofl.JJayV;...,,.V...Audltoe I

. XT''-- '

Saler 7

160-Lo- ts on 13th Are, KaimukL 50x

'.0fc Easy- - tenns.' f - 'a -"

$ 40Q find up Lot. near Entma avnd

''I -irr-''Ch -

I 800.00 --Lot In : Waikoas Tract, Gu-.- -

,llck Aye 60x100.$ 300 and upwards Large lots on 9th

and 10th ATes.Palolo, Easy term.$12502 , bedroom bouse-rrL- ot C0xl0s

.Cooke street , Sewer, good soiLSlOOOrrrLot 75xlS0 M PannoL turXi

WsJty Bldg.-- . If Slicing 8t

..; FOR BelNew, furnished bedroom i.j cottage;

screened; - gas electricity; 435. .

Two new houses; - 2 end 8 bedrooms;'.aU Improvements; $25 en4 $30.Neat cottage in iown;'$2:,!;:::;i:n.Schnacftf'.Represented dnrtas absence by F.

&uu:u Ai torpy-at-lair- .- C 'Tlreircrf; Building. Telephone 5633. ;


Monday. May 1L

tlTTlCANTTLB Bid AaktdAlexander ;& Baldwin... ia Brewer A Co....;... isugar .:Ewa Flantation Co. 16

Haiku Sugar Co.... Si SO;.Hawaiian AgricuL Co. . . . 100 iiHwC'A.8. Co. ......... 23 U 23UHawaiian Sugar 'Co .V.'.. 20 21Honokaa Sugar. Co. . . . . . 1 2ttHonomu ' Spgarv-Co- . .Hotchinson- Sug. Pit Co. ' 7Kahuku Plantation Co... 12Kekaha- - Sugar CoVVtw.'i.' 80Koloa 8aga , Co. IMcBryde Sugar Co Ltd:Qaau Sugar Co. . . . 1234 JJ V

Olaft Sugar Co., Ltd.... . ;;.li;lQnomea Sugar Co.v. . . . . 16 .17 :

Paauhau Sug. Pit 69...: 6Pacific Sugar MilL, f:V.Paia;PIanUtiod Co... 85Pcpeekeo Sugar . Co, . 110 '

Pioneer Mill Co: i ; 15 16Waialua Agricul. Co...;. ,52 55 rWailuku Sugar -- Co Sh . . . .Waimanalo ; Sugar .Co ,125 ,Waimea Sugar Mill Co... ' .... .: MISCELLANEOUS,Haiku Ft&Pkg. Co., Pfd . w . ' '':"Haiku Ft&Pkg. Co Com. ;

Hawaiian Electric Co . . .. y . . . 167Hawaiian Irr.Co Ltd . . .t-- ' ..


Hawaiian Plneappla-- Co . 31 Vt , 33L.Hilo.R. R. Coi, Ptd. . . .... . .Hilo Railroads Co., Com.. ' I , . 3H.VB. & It, Ca. Ud... ...;.18,Hon. Gas Co.,'Pfd...... 107HcnL Gas 7 --

H. & T. & L.Coi... 200.- -II. S. 'N. "COi ' ,V.. I Y.

Mutual TeUCo.. 1 1 18o. : r. &'L. Co . a. :. 118 . 12?Pahsmg Rubber. Cq...... lO ,15Tanjonk Olok Rubpef Co. "Ti . f 22, ;

Hanakua Dutch- - Co.r6s.'.H.-C- . ft S.'Co SB.Hawaiian Irf. Co. 6s. . . . " . .nrr. r.T4s; Ref 19C5 . f : . .Ilati Ter. 6s, Pub. Imp.. .4,naw. Ter. Pub. Ipp. 4s.. ..Haw. Ter. '45s. :.. ....Haw. Ter. 8s. ..... ,

HJI.R.CO. 1901 6s....;.. 82 83 j1LR.RjCJ.' R&Ex. Coiu 6s ) . 67 71 2

Honokaa Sug. Co. 6s . . . . .1 ' . . . ....Hon. Gas Co,' Ltd 5s;. 98IF. R. T. & 'I Co.-6- s. , . . 103 . . . jKauai Ry. Co, 6s. ....... & . . . . !

Kohala Ditch Co. 6s.. i..; .... ,McBryde Sugar Co. 5s. . . . . . . .Mutual Tel. 6s .......... . 1 01Natomaa .Con. 6s ......-- . ...O.: R. .& Lv Co. 5s..'... 102 1 104Oahu Sugar C,o. 5s..';ji.Olaa Sugar Ca 6s .' 60 70Pac.Cuano c Fert. Ca 6s 101

" ...Pacific Sugar Mill Co. 68 ... ....Pioneer Mill Co. ,5a. . . v . . . . .San Carlos Milling Ca 6s 9PWlalua Agricul:

. Co. 5s. .100 v

Petweep Boards 20 Ewa 16.Latest ' susar quatation-3.075- e or 4

$8140 per ton.y

EssiG 9s 2 3-4- d

II:nry V.'ct:ri::nje Trust

Uernbera Honolylu Stock a,ndj. pondv' ExchangeFORT AND MERCHANT STREETS

- Telephone 1203

j.;F.: r::rr:n. Co.; LtiV v -- STOCKBROKERS.

Information FMrnisned and LoansHolder; .;.,." 11


The; social, economy exhibit in' thePalace of, Education at the Panama- -

Pacific International Exposition' willbe an exhaustive international socialsurvey.; it will contain a day nurserywhere ; children wia receive - care according to : the latest scientific meth-ods,; classes of school 'children Illus-trating 'particular systems of educa-tion, laboratories t where V. researchwork and experiments are illustratedand explained, safety - devices, in Industrial operation, and the Uke. 3.

--V ' 'r ' WANTED.

Girl or woman: to trim hats.' Must beexperienced. V Honolulu Hat Co 36

i' '. 7' 5852-tf.- -'' i

Experienced hat trimmer 'and shapor.Fujmat CO Nuuanu and Pauahl.

- 5853-6-t. .'


rooms.-nicel- y furnished, on Luna-lil- o

St .J. R. Wilson. 925 Fort;phone 3666. . .

5852-tf- .

One-ha-lf store; 20 feet deep. . ApplyKomeya, Fawaaftnd King.


Coof, furnished rooms, splendid view;near town. Mrs: D. F. Nicholson,261 Perry St Phone 1998. .

, ; 5852-6- t -

One room for man. Close to town.Mrs. C. G. Reynolds, 1021 King, St

. 5852-4-t


18 room furnished roomine Jinu:reasonable; center of town; goodreasrn for selling. "J. n.. tliLt

5852-6- t

Round .the Island la auto, $5.00.'Lewis ; Stables. -- Phone 2141. dvertlsement rr'-y- S Vi ' '

Tomorrow's Wilhetmina brings toHenir May & Co., Ltd a fresh supplyof California fruit and vegetables andPuritan Creamery Butter. Phone 1271

early. . ' , :'



Look at the coupon you got at Wlch-man'- a

tent at the County Fair andsee 1 If j you have the lucky number.The resnlt'Of the" drawings appearsin Wlchman's ad on Page.5. : v

Complete collection of pictures of theCountyf Fair now pn' sale : at the: IIo-nolu- ln

Photo Supply! Co 1039 : Fortstreet f Your choice of pictures or postcards, all 4x6, 10 cents each. - : ; - ,'

Renovate 'jour. thropnt. . buyingthe new fixtures,' In' metal and glass,from Lewers & Cooke. Ltd.CompIeterange of everything necessary for v amodern, sanltary'bathrooni with allconveniences."; i::--::-;t-it--

The v Honolulu Construction, ' andDraying. Company devote ; six; daysIn the week to; giving its customersthe best service ever experienced. ' Ifyou want your hauling; done promptlyling '.phon4918.j.3

When: your son finishes School andgoes to the mainland, for a- - vacation;take . him - down nto ; Wichman . & Cowleading leweiers.v a were presenthim with . a fine gold watch.: wltn ahigh grade movement' ' H will practically prove tq him; that hehas reached' man's estate; i&SEvelyn Nesblt Thaw couldnt wearone of the Clarons new sprng suits;that" is -- she could but. she . wouldn'tThe' Clarion's spring suits were care-fully selected for tho well-dresser-s ofHonolulu, and thatUa all there i: isabout , it If voir are one of the hard--

to-f- it men let, us prove,our ability to.fit a suit, to you ithat.will be ftylislu

The palace of, e Vacation of .the Panama-Pacif- ic ..Interritional ? Expositionat San Francisco la: 1915 .will containthe largest and most exhaustive childwelfare exhlbltever assembled.- - .Thedepartment of education, : under; thedirection of James. A. Barr. - wili: hedevoted to the study, of child culture,rather than to the exploitation of pedagogic theories. -- A. largo proportionof the space .within the palace .willbe subdivided Into model class, roomsin .which children of various nationsparticipating will be put through actual class work under the supervisionof experts..,. v r 1 . - :



:Mr. an Mrs. . J.P.- - Gomes, Jrn.' de-

sire to exoress theirs thanks1 for; thesympathetic kindness" pf their friends


Dr. Opp has! lioconnectio.wlth myesUblishmentf 'J:.-''rr'7"'--:--

LUCAS,'''.'t ' VvTV Optlolan,

p k?;vAlakesi' StreetHonolulu; May'll, 1814.;

-- 'l, 5852-3t---- v' Vi?-.-

NO. 291 TERRITORY OF HAWAIL. LaWD Out KlV- -i EKiCiTuR i Uf.Hawaii aNTujmua i'jiiKUx ;

'ibi&mu sen, Attorney,,: Kmerai &nujowiMa-'i'l-ucejvomsf- i vtpuutic iauud ; m i amu auOiis' i

in pttpttrvjsors;- - :mu&. JtMSiitt. tL

aiu to AiJ wnom it iuay coucru:to AeteasiiApetUiottnsti p-- '

mauivHa&i a 1 Had Crt to vreststecohiirm her uue to the fouowing-uescrioe- u

una i- lij? :

v temff tots 162 23 and 24, Block 5,C;f the uunul 'iract; (icing portions oMrantsj suou ' tp i Ktemaa and .1 2&93,Ap. - to ; Richardson, on tno Nortn-we-t

siao i)t Hustace Avenue, Puunui;Nuuanu . Valley, Kona, . Oahu, T. H.

; beginning ; at an iron pin at theSouth ; corner ;of this ; piece on . tneNtftthwest- side of lasuice Avenue,the true azimuth ' and distance to ahIron pin. set in concrete (tne es

of said point referred 1 to ,WyTrianAulation SUtion being 813.1

feet North and 2061.3 teet East) - atthe North corner of Road E and Hus-tac- e'

Ayenue and the South corner ofLand Court Petition No. 8. being 52-9- 0'

200.0 . feet, ; and running by trueazimuths: v1. 142 00' 988.8 feet along Lot 21;2 242 40 a01.75aeet along top of

' pall; ... r3. .22S-

- 30M00.2 feet along same; '

4. 224 .00 100.0 feet along same;5. 322" 00' 740.0 feet along Govern- -

meat; .

232a 00 40 feet along same;322' 60' 250.0 feet along same to

an. Iron Din: '

. 52 W 339J) feet along the. North-west Side of Hustace Avenueto the point of beginning andcontaining an area of 302,595

- square feetYou are hereby cited to appear at

the Land Court to bo held at the Cityand County of Honolulu - on the 4thday of June, A; D. 1914. at two o'clockIn the afternoon, to show cause itany. you have, why the prayer of saidpetition should not be granted. Andunless yon appear at said Court at thetime and place-- aforesaid your defaultwill be recorded, and the said petitionwill be taken as confessed, and youwill be forever barred from contest-ing said petition or any decree enter-ed thereon..

Witness the Honorable William L.Whitney, Judee of said Court, this11th day of May in the year nineteenhundred and fourteen.

Attest with seal of Court:(SiH .TOT1N MARTALLINQ.

RfRintrar.5852 May 11, IS, 25, Juno 1.

","-,'- ? -- - ' ..v.- - v, .. - .

Resume of lUw Traffic Lav)

Corners mast be turned as near tothe right as possible.1 ' ; v : M--

On turning to ' left into anotherstreet driver must drive to the rightof and beyond the center of street In-

tersection 'before turning. , V.; v s--

In crossing from one side of streetto ' other, crossing must be mad byturning to the left .to the opposite sideof street In congested district suchturn shall be made at street intersec-tions. . v p. - P :

1 'i -" Vehicles are prohibited from stop-

ping upon any' street with left sideof vehicle toward" of along the curb.They cannot stand In front of en-

trance 'of public building, on side ofstreet where cars stop, within 20 feetof intersection, within 10 feet offfirehydrant or In front of alley, , exceptto let passengers on or off. .,' -- .';.:..''

Vehicles are to stop as near curbas' possible.. ; . . :7 .;'. . ,;

. .Vehicles are not: to. be backed npto ' curb except, when they are actu-ally; loading or;' unloading excessivelyheavy, frelghtvvlB case of draft ani-mal ' used, the. animal shall be turnedat right angles to such vehicle. '

. v .

'At Intersections vehicles ' haveright of Way over ; other vehicles ap-proaching - from , the left, exceptwhere police officer, is in charge. - .

Fire department Tehlclesv when en-gaged In duty, ambulancea,. other --vehicles employed. In : carrying sick orInjured, to places for relief, vehiclesof police department shall have rightof way." When fire : and police de-partments respond to : an ' alarm, machines along way must come to stopby urb.- - These "" vehicles must heolalnly marked.

.Vehicles shall .not approach nearerthan'10 feet of street car which hasstopped to take on . of let off passengers; and," wbea - auch vehicle hasstopped, - It shall not-- ? proceed - untilafter auch cat has started. This appUes to the district comprised withinthe speed limits.- - The rules outsideof this district Is that no vehicle shallapproach nearer than eight; feet fromthe .running board of street car whichhas stopped to let off or take on , passengers. , 'V.

. Vehicles, such as autombfles; : mo-torcycles; v bicycles, :etcv shall ;" carryadequate warning :i devlces;'ii but de-vices which make a distressing soundsuch as sirens, are prohibited- Such vehicles 1 must. be. . providedwith efficient brakes, and adequate tobring the vehicle to a full stop wjth-i- n'

20 1 feet on a. level , macadam roadfrom traveling at a rate of 10 milesan- hour. ii-- :?'-:'7'- '

: i

Vehicles, shall. not be left on gradesexceeding - five , per ? cent withoutbrakes set All machines' left standing, shall Jbave breaks set and remainset until machine Is started..' ;

It Us unlawful to propel "vehicleover tracks to' delay traffic of streetcar or railway.-- .

v- -; ;,.

It is; unlawful for persons operat-ing . vehiclea along street railwaytracks to claim ; right .'of way : -- overstreet cars,using treck.;-.v.i- :

Bicycles and similar vehicles shallnot be : alloVed ta approach dangerously nearother- - movfaig vehicles;- -

Garages with opening oaV streetmust .hare sign in conspicuous letters."Garage , Exit,", lighted in red lightsIn darkness ?::;v .v ' ;

No automobile shall be driven onTantalus - road or beyond its Junctionwith Punchbowl drive. . y

It Is unlawful to use partially "broken"-- animal on streets. ; : - '. tv-'

It Is unlawful to, lead animal alongstreets behind vehicle with top whichobstructs view', of approaching jtrafflcror to lead one or. more horse-draw- n

vehicles without competent drlYer pfeach vehicle so led.

It Is unlawful for motors to b allowed to emit undue amount of steam.smoke,, products of combustion'; froinexhaust .pipes, or otner pipes, or rac;ing, engine,' etc .;..-- - .

. .:, 5,No person riding bicycle shall hang

on Street-- . car.T'-"- .

A driver, may move another, yehlciewhich Is so : placed - that he can notmove his vehicle, out of its right ofWay,-- - :c v. ? ' .

No vehicle or pedestrian shall passthrough a: duly authorized procession,except at - divisions of, it or by con-

sent jof police officer. . ; vr ; ' t W

INo. vehicle shall travel over curbing or across any parking. .


lud and , annoying sounds from"mufflers' are prohibited. ;;

From 30 minutes after sunser until30 minutes before sunrise lights' shallbe displayed in front of automobiles,pr slnillar vehicles. ; Must be reasonably bright lights, : must ' reflect onroad, and 'no headlight shall, be used,the rays from which are . so powerfulor so. direct as to blind the sight ofan approaching driver or pedestrian.This applies to motorcycles also.' Ani-

mal ; driven vehicles must display atleast one rear light : ' "The . special congested; traffic district is bounded by King "and Hotelstreets. River and flakes. Fort street.

Np person can lea?e t a . vehicle inthis district unless :in control ; of per- -

son.. , No ' horse-drawn- v vehicle shallremain standing In district more than15 minutes, unless animal Is harnessed to vehicle.; . , - . . :

Standing automobiles must havewhite light In front,-Te- in back.

No person under, 17 'years of ageshall drive motor-vehicl- e, unless ac-companied by adult person!

For the convenience or the publicthe Star-Bullet- in herewith gives abrief summary of the new traffic or-

dinance. .- -

Following Is the. summary:The "congested district'- - is bound

ed by Richards street, waterfrontBeretania street, Nuuanu stream.

Vehicles must be driven with duecare for the safely and convenienceof ped.estrains. ;

Vehicles upon, meeting other vehicles shall turn tp , the right andshall, at all times possible, travel onthe right side of the street

When one vehicle overtakes another, it shall pass tp the left of suchvehicle. If necessary. on account ofroad conditions', the ; overtaken ve-

hicle shall ntop lo allow overtakingvehicle to pass. In no case shall pass- -

Ing vehicle 'pass nearer than two feelof one; passed, unless the, same : shallhave stopped.- - ' r I J!r'

In passing street car overtaking Ve-

hicle shall. pass to right - 7 -Slow-movi- ng vehicles must keep, as

close Co curb as possible- - 1

Drtvera- - of motor : vehicles muststop when signal is given by a driverof frightened - horse. The signal mustnot bw: : given t without, reasonablecause. Vr - V ;- -'- ; -. ', - ;

Before turning, .stopping or chang-ing course, driver must :see that' the,reIs sufflcent space for t movement tobe made; must give audible or vis-ible ? signal of his intention. 1- '

; Intoxicated persona shall not driveVehicles, ; .

:': O;,;.,-.::r- : :

A driver who has taken, a drink1 within -- one hour of.- - his violation ofthis ordinance will be considered pri-ma facie guilty of Intoxication.

Traffic officers have full control Inplacing . vehicles, and regulating traf-fic'- V, i ;r f" "feif'v:'"::::: ttamp8,cJeats or'flangs are prohib-ited on heavy motor vehicles; exceptIn cases of traction engines or steamplows. ; where cleats of a uniformstreet. River and. Alakea, Fort streetheight and width are allowed. ; vu- -; Motormen must? ring bell twlcowhen -- .wishing to cross Intersectionwhere traffic officer. is in chargevr- -

Drivers must Indicate to traffic of-ficer; the direction they wish to pnceed. .:

,; x,..':'-"- ' .

No weight tn excess of eight. tonsshall be carried on any .axle of anyvehicles. U' rz:X-ir- . Ssp-'::.-

' The city, and county engineer, maygrant ; permission for heavy motortracks ..ta be used.' ;.!-- . ;;..'-::4.-

; It Is unlawful for vehicles to carrysuch a heavy load as to cut the road-be- d.

- Tha owners of such heavy ve-hicles ; shall ' be responsible ' for. dam-age done roadbed. c'' 1 '; v.:

' Ther first conviction, under thii pr-dinan-

is punishable by a vfine offrom $0 to: $100,-o- r imprisonraeat notto exceed , 13 days, or both ; and thesecond conviction. Jf within : a yearfrom the, first a fine of not less than$50 nor; more than $100 or by

not exceeding. 15 days, orboth; and the third conviction, by afine. of $1Q0. or: by tapriscaneat cf60 d avs. or both. . " - , .-

-. ;L ) The Judge of the court haviak Ja- -

nsaicuon. of any charge brought un-der this .ordinance may. in additionto the penalty or, penalties above setforth, cancel; the certificate of anychavfeur found guilty under this or-dinance.';.; v;v- - '.: '..:-.;.- ;

The; court Shall 'include - a suchsentence. If any, an; extension of suchprohibition for a term not exceeSIas12' months for the .first ausDensicn.and for flagrant cases "inay inclpde laany snosequent sentence and Judg-me- at

suspension without limitA new section has been added nak.

Ing -- a driverwho has takenliL ' a . . .

a drink". . .

wunin io' nour or a.vioiauon or thisordinance prima facie cuiltv of intoxication; -- Several amendments wll berasae 10 ice measure later, most 01which ! are Up , correct ', typographicaljrrors.

; . Thirty-fiv- e nations ". have ; acceptedthe Invitation ; of the United 'sta'te toparticipate in tW PanamPacific In-

ternational' Exposition ; at San Francisco In 4915. '"The s nations are as follows r Argentine Republic, Australia,Bolivia. - Brazil; Canada! Chile! : crhinaCosta Rica, Cuba, Denmark, Domini-can Republic, Ecuador, France, Guatemala, waitl. Holland, Honduras, Italy,Japan. Liberia. Mexico: New Zealand.Nicaragua, Norway. Panama. ' Persia.Peru, Portugal, Salvador, Slam, Spain,aweoen,: Turkey, Uruguay and Venezuela; ;;.,:-.,,-- -; v--

-- The exhibit palace of machinerr atthe 5. Panarna:Pacific . International Ex- -

rosiaon has neen turned pver by theccntractors to the exposition , manage-ment and will shortly be read r for thInstallation of exhibits. The buildingcovers nearly nine acres. Three otherexhibit palaces will be ready, by. thefirst cf May, and all will be completedpy juiy xst : , ,: - ;;; Sit- -

More : than -- 220 conventions atwhich more . than 600.000 ; accrediteddelegates are ' expected - to. assemble,will meet at San Francisco during thePanama-Pacifi- c International Exnoai- -

tkm in 1915, Among these are 21 ag-ricultural ' societies;' 20 business; 23educational; , 35 fraternal; ' 7. genealcglcal: 23 Greek letter fraternities!15 governmental and civic societies ;5 historical v and literary; 15 Indus--'

trial; 9 labor; 13 professional; 8 religious; 19 scientific , and ;'7 social service.

i Thirty-eigh- t .states of the union haveup to the .present signified their, In-

tention of participating In the Panama-Pacif- ic International r Exposition tobe held in San Francisco during 1915.The appropriations range . from $35000 by, North Dakota, to $700,000 bythe state of New York. Every stateand territory In the Union will be re-presented tn some way In the exhibitpalaces. 4: .. , r..'v-

. ;The 12 main exppsition palaces

which are now either completed or incourse of construction upon thegrounds of the Panama-Pacifi- c. Inter-national Exposition . are : The Palacepf,--' Machinery, the Palace of.. Educa-tion, the Palace of Food Products, thePalace of ;AirrlcuIture,the:PalacrofMines and Metallnrgy, the. Palace ofVaried Industries.; the , Palace .pf .I4b:.eral Arts.r the Palsce-- of.' Manufactur-es, the Palace-o- Transportation, thePalaca of Horticulture the Palace 0Fine Arts and Festival Hallvf ' f.

'' tat v :i:ivy


BISHOP Born to Mr. and Mrs. C. D.Bishop, at Pacific Sanatorium, onMay 9, a daughter, - Barbara FearsBishop.. . . .


ST I H.BrTT.ETiK (JIVES YOUTonirsnfEirs tod it

. .III. .. , ; ' I

Monday: :-- ;: -- . :

-- a - u! Honolulu " Lodge Na 409, sta-:'- A

ted; 7:30 p. m.-.;;-;- ;,

; - . :TUESDAY: .,.-r- ' v'.-.-- . ; ,

;.Wednesday::J'1llawaUaa v Lodge No, 2U spe

clal; 1st degree; 7:30 p. m,,V ,

- r, ;.;. .'. t ;'.: ; :



I i Honolulu Commandcry Na 1 ; "

. 1 steted; 7:30' pnu .

;friday:,:;:;-:.- ' 'v: -

m Oceanic Lodge No. 'SlU sp-- !

:.Tlal; ; 3rd -- degree; 7:30 p; m..

. 8ATURDAY: i! ; :A;' ', s"'- -- Harmony : Chapter. O. E. S.;- ?rttattd;-;7:8- p. m.

-- - . - .. .V;J li 'vlsltlag dealers cf tht,:5 order are cordially Invited ta at-- :.

tend meetings cf local lodges.


CIS, 2. P. O. 3,r-- i l- -i Vitlr till, ca

' ''A , , rv -- - pr -4 I. n v:::r-- : r.-c-c -- -1 .

V- - v ecrfiiiy , 1st: : : i U .

- " '. t T T"T""' ' ' -- " c -- m '. .- - 1 ' tl. Lt iJ ' J, -

" Vm. MeltlNLTIY tCZZ", r.:."

; - , U cf P.I:tt3 every 4: t r-- .l Zl TCiy erc-1- 2' at 7:C) c'c'.: . : UIZ. cf P. Hill. c:. r:rt 1

ccriIy lavltri ta f.t:-- i .

- V. V. KCLU. C. C.?:': 'yy L. B. T'" 1 y t r

Fornsr! ts T!:;!5 Cr3 C3 lr .

' '. nr.v I;;;.: J tt '. '

t :--

HONCUULU CCLL-!3Tr- :i :;;7a:;d ccr.:::i: : : c : 1 r.z::zr.z,

Cef crc- -- Eur-t-- J, Cc" : : : --j. V

; ':'y :i:3-tzz- f:r r:;:tr-t- : z. - ;.

chemical " z:izi:izz a:sd; .......1 ;VATCI MAN'3 C LC C

- - - ' " "Zily'tj. I- -

i, Fort C!.--.-'

"HEYYVOOD CHOra WZAP."And wear lonscr thia yea ex- -

tt pect for $4.5) aai 5.'


;;; v : ; Llmiisd.- - :r ' .' '.

: ..



1 r r o u w ant;a -- t xri2500 ' - Phon !"!

. 'Cil'e Tr-U'c-:- ;' ;

" -

- TH E 8T0 R E FOR GOOD -- V' y'

Elks Bulidin? - Klna Street : .-


;4n All Colora


nun Rulldlaa '

.. f . - .

luscious ; : quenchinq ,

'honolulu soda water co. ;

HESITATION, TANGO ONE- -' ;sTtP, newesc aance runes ou

'ynew Victor Records. ; .. . f



5 V r MONUMENTS ,v,itnd all kinds ; of marblo work'V.

cleaned and repaired by . expert ' ;

workmen at -- reasonable:' prices.Call fpr Zimmerman at '. ' V


Alakea Street;;



- vrrb yy, . v



' V'-,,




itethal' 8L,?sr. Ilotei, Phftna .2121 ;


Page 7: nnnrn mm rDUFFIE nniGE BETS GOMmUTED SEIITEHCE llliii · street today, with crude oil and water the cause of the roar, c The engineer-ing department ofhe city and coun-ty ordered




Imperfections on ryour mirror m IP iMiiiiiD fiHSCHA ELM, GREAT VIOLKIcan be removed by rtsllyerlog. v?

OLD 40c lb.i

and worn out mirror made tolook v :. y . 3

.t1. NEWPhono 1697 Silvering Depart


Sliarn Sisnsv'

i 165, Merchant" Street

; v;y :.

- y y y y 4

optician..Boston Building : , : : Tort 8tret

'- Oyer May A Co.

" V

' - ; , U:.!ITCD.;i- - ?

71 Tai:atl St. Phone 03- 1-



Vit.:n ycu thave ycurst'if. Crlnj ycurdu'l rzzcr to the Hcnclulu Cutler dCr! i.'rj X:, r;::-.!- s Terr pie,' c?p.Y. !. C- - A-- Afikea and Hcttl Cts. s

""Co r;t Fcr;st .tp Incl-'i- o

'W t . V - W k. k v -







AND OT H c r v n A ' i C . .-

1:: Hct:I Ctreit. Fh.. a ICt? :



Tinett WeatJ

r- -

Lowest- Auto Oelfyery

c. hop wo meat markct-- Opposite Flshmarket , ;

v OUR SERVICE and lb : : ,--COODYEAR TIRES "rill :

ELI M I NATE your tire troutlcs ;


40 Alaket 8L 7 Phone 4C ;

' '" Largest- - Aasortmeht'ofr -! ' t"V ORIENTAL GOODS: ?

V JAPANESE BAZAAR; ; - . yV;, ,: .'.''."''

)pori St- - Opp.'-Caihbll- c Chtxroh

Klnr St?



' M O P S .

; A R E B ESTv." 'Telephone 2297. '


27 Hotel St.


Opp.BIJou "Theater

Vulcanlrer : .

Correct Prices


: if

' ; '1 '1-- v .

- Oioo. Lfhrarr.


va mvsTODAX .





i Always Fresh'. Always-Sweet- .

Honolulu Dajryftien'U Association


'7'-.- :

Phone 1342.




"1? "KCfS

m a mm w a a a A ft


4 Phone, 2C09.J Sole Distributor.


'--eee Dr. R. IL Hope, ' the 'Ej- -

Bight-Speciali- with S.' E. Lu-- 5

xss, Optician, Jl&sonlc '.Temple, .'- 1107 Alakca Street. , : -'-



vClttzen Drivers i . : .' ! i "

v.- - v:-- ' Cheapest, , Rates ;

- , . SPECIAL ' 'v.!.!:' Etlrts at U-0- 0

Eal- -Four-in-han- d ,Ties ; . . .50c Ea.IJen':HoElery ;.";".;2 prs.'25o :


YAT LOY CO. -r- -

Kick St.: Nuuanu SL-- i


;co:.:pa;y;ltd'; Consultir.;, . Deslsning " and Con- -


V ; ; ; structtng Engineers. ,.;v'':V'a rjiTHrHnrc "riTifrtA '. Rtmft.

Sys- - ChopinTyilsewtich


Cicy Dry Goods'Co., 1009-101- 3 Nuunau St

Successors 'to :.



""'A--.- "HAWAIIAN - :

Jains,' Jel li ; Preserves, - Pineapples,Rice; Coffee, ' shipped ; anywhere.

v HENRY MAY & CO LTD.Grocers. Fort Street.

La7n MowersV44n-CALIFO-

RNrA CLIPPER 14-l- n.

"yC'i;:Tv'- 13-9-5 each net;; .;....'.;;.:. v

4 Hotel.' nr Ntiuann j Phone 4208

3 - Tlie'GifrarifiC'Slaughter SaleXaetm on 152 Street

." M. :R. B E N N




1 .':. u , ' "' , .


trossrocils lloohopt


; ? "Everything BooksBETHEL ST., NEAR HOTEL .


.mill iilhiiM



Behn & Bedford, Mgrs.2999 :Phones 1005

Delidhtf iilly Classic Program Isi Rendered;to;Fashionab!e; .

i cfi $aiiciinlj

C Hosolilti (UuiscJaws' tftfre' afforded an exceptional treat' list' Saturdayevening when Harold Bauer, the world?famous planlsL'ibeld -- theiA entrancedfor 'OTer two (oursI-ii-KeTe- r beforelave J been, favored with !moremasterfal ' Interpretation .classicalmusic. nd jsae anight say there ,Uiatthe program. :tras, delightfully tlaisln

:. Mrl 1 Bauer bad --not ? completed hts

pletely won : hla audience.', .vHls 'simpllcity and naturalness, his utter lackof ostentation .wid'exaggeraUoa, von

' the ImmedlateapproTal and sympathyhis : bearers -- Many vwbo rmunnur l

' to themselvet as; the curtain went :

:MJf he :nly badione ipalm toireilerethe ' bareness of 1 the stagey? "admittedlater tixat the' palm was unnecessary jIn, fact. it- - would I have been entirelysuperfluous One forgot his surroundings; wnlcn drifted 'into the tasy dis-tance but of oae'ji line- - bf Vision, ?whenthe musician" 'began 7. to "playf1 Heproved himself master Indeed of hislnstrument-Tl- 1 - seemed . but to . 'willand It obeyed. "There no visibleeffort find' his complete freedojn trom

. mannerisms ;was most refreshing. ;L k His opening number, . Mendelssohn's"Prelude and Fugue In E Minor" wastremendous, and -- aJloWed hia --genius

was followed byfour i selections-- by Schumann. :rDesAbends" CAt Evening. "Aufschwung

iand(Ecstacy). ""Warumrr (Why?)In i der Nacht," which were all en

thusiastically .recetven. The; seiectlon, Warumr' was especially ; love--'ly,: 'the wonderful - sustained , tone-cualit- v

his notea showing to ; parj ticuUr advantage. V 'The Wind," byj Alkan, was very, effective, being - a! 'a..-.- awere "a .perfect representation of . the

-- risins and , 'falling bf 'the wind'sI mournful howl. After being recalled'several times at the end; of this number, llr. Bauer graciously i returned

I and delighted with a most surprisingand ; beautiful interpretation of Chopin'a "Etude In Q Flat, often calledthe.:. "Black-key- . Etude.".v ::V;:.

Chopin's Sonata'.' fn : B v Minor Inlour movements --was me nei xxu tu-

ber !on ! the program which, thoughrot' so well known, pleased exceedingly, ' the "Adagio" .movement 1 being ex:

'After this s wmewhat- - beavyj "selection, he played Beethoven's charminglittle L"MinnetJa;u Jlatlind. follow.

it with Gluch-Brahm- 'a ,'tiavotte,"which was soft and wondrously sweet.After Liszt's difficult "Etude In DFlat, he "was recalled until he re

tures, Steel Structures Sanitary. spondfed wltn as. Reports' and Estimates on Pro-- , displayed , the delicacy ;and perfection

jects. Phone 1045. of his to fine advantage. . Schu- -

, : berrs big Impromptu ' " In ?A ;Flat--


s.i .


at Hotel5

' " '











of .





came next ana tnen ne compietea msprogram ..with Sajlnt?-Saen'- 8 magnifi-cent "Etude en toraedaValse.;

?At ; the" completion of ' this 'numbernot a person- - stirred from his' ieat .Itwas fn strange ontrast'tc the usualrush towards ithe , doors, f and a dis--

tlnctvcompllment 'to "the . musician.After

v "and most enthusi-astic ovation. Mr. Bauer returned ' forthe last- - time and rendered a charm-ing Mendelssohn - "Scherzo." It --wasIn keeping with the spirit of his play-ing 'that he ended his concert withths soft, ' ewet selection instead - ofthe neavy, ; brilliant closing sooften

I affected; Even p4ter. ? this, peopleseemed, loath to depart but as it .wastoo much to eipect'any farther re-

sponse : to' their; applause, they finallyfiled iquietly - but of the thaater withthe, charm of the music they had Justheard "full ' upon them. :lr : v1

Mr." Bauer wasj the 'recipient 'ofmany lovely flowers, and won a heartyround of - applause Vby acknowledgingan f encore 'with ' a number of the leisthrown "abouV his neck. : His wonder-fu- l

program and the' gracious mannerin which he presented it- - have wonfor ; Mr. 'Bauer an enviable place In

'the hearts; of Honblulans. r

:v?The'audlencor-icraf-'Saturday'nigh- t

was large and fashionable, , and ;thcmany beauUful- - gowns displayed madeof the theater, a bright and pleasingscene; Of course ..Honolulu musicalcircles were well represented. Amongt hose ' noticed who ' are prominentalong these lines were: Miss Martsaret Clarke,: Miss H. . G. Caldwell,Mrs. ,Elsa Cross-Howar-d, Miss ElseWertlimueller, 'Mrs. Sara Newc'ombJMnt L. Tenney-Peck- . Mr. ArtbujWaU, Mr Robblns B. Anderson Mrendl Mrs. Will Love, Mr. TheodoreRichards, Mrs. Charles Hall, Mrs. H.Bicknell. Mrs. Bruce MackalL Mrs:W. L. Whitney, Mrs. A. G. M. Robertson,; Mrs. E. D. Tenney, Mr. ReginaldCArter, Capt. Henri Berger, Mrs. W.Fj Frear, Mrs. D. Howard Hitchcockand others. All were most enthusi-astic over Mr. Bauer's interpretstions, his masterful handling ,of 'hisselections and his most remarkabletechnique, and the applause was loudand prolonged after every number.


r-- S. F.


- ' ' ' ' - '-,i

m' ,

" ' ' '.


" f ".


'i " 1 i

- '.'

i"" 1

'c'" ::.1 i U


' i (

y -

; v fiMHsaaiSMiaHMBiMaMBMHaHaiaMHavBWMvMawsMSiaHBBiBHaawaHaaBaiMB

. . ......11 MlsklEliaaiw Vhi te 1ieart at tlieItbyal Hawaiiao: Opera house

.next" Thursday fc and i Saturday" evenings i tV i vv WV r

rVheneveri'a, musical artist.! has afad1 it is better to indulge-- him: in : IL

This, atxeast la lthe belief .of the U4UUW uiauy-iiurcte- iuos. attention 6f the great player. --

. TheAmerican managers pi iviscu& stamau,who will play for the musical patronsof ( this city next Thursday and Satur-da- y

- atthe Royal -- Hawaiian .'Operahoused'

1 Elman is said to be on of the mostdelightful young jnen ia .the profes-sion and free. from loolistt. eccentrici-ties, but when -- he ?pncp gets r hpd oian idea he clings fast to It, Recentlyhe saw; a , fine specimen Jof . malaccasticky one of those .straight affairsvlth' the handle crooked, and all madeof a single piece of the wpod.:

O--"Minerial- Rods" Declared Fakes V;;:- 'v? V

. Whether gold silver, and. .other, preclous ? and X useM miriexals C may beFound in thfi ground by means pt min-eral rods Is a question frequently; ask-e-d

of .the United, States .' geologicalsurvey. V The latest question of thiseort ' came i from a correspondent; inVlnemont, Alal,who itaW thai manfrom Birmingham haa ; one;. of jtheeorods i.for locating minerals, that heclaims to bo employed ,bytthe;goyemiment, and that: the governmentfgetshalf of what heC finda jTMa eXpsrtmineral ' finder's nanle is fetated to be


' .;. . i..; .: ,; - .Ti ;rt - -

; Official newa has come to- - the: Col'lege 1 of '.Hawaii ' tbat plans are ' beingmade' for the establishment of a tropical agricultural college; 1 on , thegrounds ;, of ; the Gangaroowa - expert-me- n

tar station, Ceyion; .where a tractof 400. acres Is available. :

It is estimated ' that the main college building"; and --- equipment :' andquarters for the staff : and studentswill Jcost;: from :?97,200 to $129,770. r Itis ' expected that '. the staff of. the Cay-Io-n

department; of agriCTlture will - beavailable' for a pVrtlon of the instnie-tio- n

'work.' . . '.r



Urban Suan,: Ewa . . . .Jand encla Dela snibes

HelsukeUjebaru, KukuihaeleOto Uyebaru .,



Kam Fao Sing,rMoanalua . . .

Kam Lau Goo, Moanarua ...

Peter Markievltch, Alea . . ...Georgia Madeiros

"Francisco Luna, Walhiawa . .

.23. .







Encarnacion Valderama, Honolulu. S9

The searchlight, scintillator, which,!In a modified form, was experiment- - J

ed with during the Hudson-Fulto- n

celebration, will be used in per- -

fected form from a tower upon an'adjoining point enclosing the ;vacht!harbor, off the grounds of the Pana-- ;

ima-Paci- f ic International Exposition atSan Francisco in 1915. A battery,the most powerful ever seen in this I

country, composed of 48 38-inc- h pro- - ;

jectors. will throw the t intense light,through color diffusors, which williseparate the flood into fan' shapedrays Of all colors of the spectrum. ;

With the aid of the ferry frei?htiflips already installed at the groundsof the Panama-Pacifi- c InternationalExposition at San Francisco, and the

Comedy will hold sway at the Em-- 1 exposition terminal railway, exhibitspire theater, with today's change of from ail parts of the world can baprogram at the favorite moving pic , bandied with great facility. Miles of

house. "The Hundred Dollar track been laid over the jjrounJsElopement" is a film in which a num- - r.nd spurs have been run into variousber cf popular stars will be seen. "The exhibit palaces, permitting the carry-Sen- g

Bird cf the North" is a drama ing of exhibits directly frbm theof intense power and 'scope. Easily . freight slips and from outside theone (of the best pictures of its kind grounds. '

is 'The Shadowgraph Message." I m mm 0Some fine features offered for 8TAR-T1TJT.LE- TIJ filTES TOrTuesday, afternoon and evening. TODAY'S HEWS TODAY.




dure have


The stick had a beautiful light tancolor, which is rery rare,7 and Its su--

longer he looked at It through the Loadon shop window the more he wantedto own IL Curiosity, finally, gettingthe better of him he entered the ship.i, ."How much!'; indicating the bit hewished to own. --

. - V.- - - r.

' JTorty dollars," answered ; the sales-man.'"'

f 't--,- ;

"Send it to my hotel, ;'ald 'Elman,and forthwith, departed. ' "

. Since then the Russian musical ar:tist has accumulated , some 19 sticks,;all 1 malacca.' and they have cost. him

I in the neighborhood pt $25 aplsce.v




: ' ,j..-- .. ...... --O ,

Wise,; whichmay; or Triay-- . not a have

; The geologlcat'survey's; i replyctothis correspondent la that while, anordinary compass or " "dip . needle,"will be attracted ;. to orea f iron,nickel and cobalt, .which are- - magnetlcjIt will be affected by; no other-metal- s

or minerals, and: that so-calle- d mineralrods are ' fakes. - Anyone claiming tooperate a mineral rod on behalf of theUnited States government ' is an i im-postor: and should be let severelyalbne, or reported to the, police. ;- -

YE LIBERTY THEATER. P.; ;. ... . ;

- j..,.. A-v ft , ..;,.,:;There is twenty' minutes of. contin-

uous merriment s and laughter whilethe manikins, in :the Deaves programof entertainment at Ye liberty thea-ter occupy 'the Iront and center of thestage The evolutions . of the littlefifeuresy ','among Vwhom are marionettesdepicting . clowns, soubrettes, ballad-ist- s

trapeze' artists and tHck. 'mulesneverfail to bring orth expressionsof pleasure from : the spectator. -- TheDeaves merry ." manikins : are , a" primefavorite with the llttle folk as well astheir elders. The engagement willcontinue for 'the L remainder of :the.week,:and;in'addiUonto';the'regularjevening performance, the managementhas arranged for one; or morel mat!--'

nees. ' Miss ' Ada King the lyric so--:prano, who has won much praise forthe finished manner in which She has'presented late and popular selections,will be heard in new songs and " bal-lads. ' ' -


' ) i; - ; ..

A woman's ; congress- - of .''missionswill meet at the Panama:PacifIc In-

ternational Exposition ;.at Saa Fran-cisco from May 31 to June 13

devoting one VweekT each toforeign and home 'missions, and end-ing with a magnificent pageant' typKfytng the progress of the nations tc"wards' Christ V t . ,

ODeraloiisMay 14th ' and 16th,vat 830

o'ciock. :

liiiiimmFamous Russian VioJinitt !



Tickets on Sale at HawaH'Pro- -

motion Rooms, Yctfng BWg."?

Phone .':;.2ivV'i222J -v. ":

Prices : $3.00, 420, 1 $2.00 and ;

Tonight Vedriesaay.a ;t ;s ...

Here's That Btq Fun ; Hit You've Alt Been , Watting for; by the lay--':'i ,:;'

';, . . . '. : :'!'. :"--'. -.- .. ;: : y;. ;. v n-


si Mfissli -- r"' !f r -!-.


'7 --: ''' -


:, DonH Delay a Minute In Getting ; your tickets for this great mirth-:'makei- v"

LThe;. demand. is :already-tremendous- ."i-

:':- : ;. f.The Only Up-to-Da- te

Matinee'Evening ' (Two Shows) 7...


I 25c, 75 c

Motion Picture House In the City.



.'i.,.-;;,- , 2:15 P. M.

:.i;.;..l.',.6:43 and 8:C: P.

J Paths Weekly (Current Events); Every 'F.ri.'iy.


Educational (Paths) v. . l ..: .. ........ t Cc;!p .

War. (Edison) v. .. . j ; . .V.V. . . . . i . . . ...... .The Gt:ry cfComedy (Edlson).?;,;,v. I. The One-Hundr-ed TJallar L

'Drama (Easanay) 'riv .';r,Vi iV'iVi .'".. jShadowjraph i

Drama .(Vitagraph) r


..The Bird of the V:

Coming Tuesday- - (A Great Comedy

Every Courtesy is Extended to 'AIL Patrons, and Pictures Are Per- -

. t v:';v,.-'- ' sonally Selected by the Management '

'' . ;









1 nty five mac miuions iauun ' .

; Ther Pbptjlar Lfric Soprano v"

M iss This Popular. Vaudeville Show.




. . ...... . f . . . lOcy 20c, 3vC

TWO 8HOWS NIGHTLY. '7:15 AND 8:30 P. M. -







..yiiLWwUia-:- .'

5- - - .. - . ..

King St, next to Young Bldg. ; ' :. ;


ready'.for' business and opening out new goods at fowest prices, espe- -

;. eialfy 16t cish.-- . : ; vr: vr;";i .v :.:

; 3: -:-3i: iBracEDifby the'maictrs net to tarnish for 10 years. The -- first timesuch a'cuarantee has been made here. 'From $t4.C0 u?w?rJ-- . 1

anteed fast-color- . ; '; ;' -5JAPANESE t BAZAAR


..... .

..?,:'.-- : :


' i'r'


; 4- 4




Page 8: nnnrn mm rDUFFIE nniGE BETS GOMmUTED SEIITEHCE llliii · street today, with crude oil and water the cause of the roar, c The engineer-ing department ofhe city and coun-ty ordered


ppiWiiSirifliKfppglf SERVICES HELD I

lflaper,; --

j C. 1). CHURCH




Hawaiian Uiws Co.,;


.' Limited. 'I;',

Phone 2294"In the Young Building.

-- ' ' ;-

r.V-- -.

THE von HAMM-YOUN- G CO,LTD., Honolulu.


' - f 1



vitj' W.I J





D CLOTHPrices.

':u Lane.

rcr. a ccuahc "'HAL andCMC? CULY Clftf'Cn AT ; .

, , . -- 1 ;

13 f. lie'. J CU r.r. r.'.'-in- uC. Kiliir.:!, I'-r- .; Tel. A7ZS

.:-'-.$ f:r Flyirg Merkel and

Luxr, and 'ct:r Supplies.

;:$ fcr'AIIV.'crk.

r.'. ul rr. Fcri Ct.




Ccmmlsslcner cf Deeds for Californiaand New Ycrk; NOTARY PUBLIC;Drews l.tcrtrases, Deeds, Cills cfSale, Le:s:s, Wills, etc. .Attorney forthe District 'Ccurts, 79 MERCHANTSTREET, HONOLULU, Phone 184S.


ArjTrttrt, tt .ry Tins, Cill crWrite ,


14 Cntsme Street y6in FrancUca

New Line of - "'


. - Table Fruits and Vejetabtes,: A' KAIMUKI GROCERY CO. .


Cor. AVaialat Road and Kcko HeadAvenue " - Phone 3733

v ; ; YED YI CEAII :

C H I NC8 E RES TAUflAM TCbop Sqc-- j and other Chinese Ushei

served at rea.soanble prices., 111 Motel Street, Near Maur.ikta

'' -(cpstairs)



Cold, Silver, Nickeland Copper Plat-- -

- ing. Oxidizing a Specialty,HONOLULU ELECTRIC CO.Hiies Moderate, ' Work Unsurpassed,

".. ..Experienced Men. '

''" f Cor. CiEhop and-KIn- Sta. :;'".

'.-- .J The Leading "

UNDERTAKER a. EM CAL MERr-- r. vl fl Icuacu Cts.

. . . . . " r"t4 cm V. "

Officers and Men of JapaneseCruisers Respond Heartilyv; to Unique Welcome ;

Officer?, cadetsT and men cf theJapanese cruisers Asama and Adznina to ths number cf more than .800.tethered in Central Union church at1 : 33 o'clock yesterday , afternoon to 1'attend special serrlces which tnok the .(orni v, cf an official velcome of ; the t--l

training aquadrcn to these. Islands." Itfwas a truly International affair, and ? ;one jvhich gave marked expression ofiho friendly, relation now existing be-- ;tween Japan .snu the United State,and Hawaii, in the forum -- of the' :

church were the Japanese navy men 'fa trim uniform, while on the. plat- -'

form, numbered among thev speakers,were men of several other natlonalltia; r--.


' : : '. Al'J. The church" waa prettily decorated

for the occasion. Besides many cutflowers, palms and other plants, alarge Japanese, and an American flagwere unfurled side by side 'over thechoir loft The plstforra, decorated1with the flags of both nations, wasoccupied by Rear-admir- al Teijiro Kurol, commander of the training aquad-rc- n;

Rear-admir- al XV B. Tv Slocre,commandant of the naval station at1'earl Harlior; Governor LJ li Pinkha.m. Dr. I. Mori, Rev. O. H. Cuilck,W- R. , Castle, Dr. Doremus Scudder,

Ita; F. S.kamura, Rev. T. Okamura, A. A.Ehersole, P. T. Fukao. Rev.iT.HorL a Mctokawa, Dr. J. W.Wadman, S. A okl and Uoyd R. KI1-lac- i,

secretary of the religious workdepartment of the J t. M. C. A. '




laid special the relationsof ? theAiaenca,




.AbQTc officers first-cla- ss

iMtln? this Coramanderillpint, captain eemmander


Rev. Scudder Reverend 'LARGE CROWDS DAILYKev.



The Asama,vceo!a rnmnosinz

The serrlces were opened with ionoTloao trainine sauad- -crgan A.B. Ingalls. siting port, openlowed Mrs. Charles inapection ,the: public.HalL Kuroi then Intro--Admiral morning large crowd. compos-duce- d

Rev. P.:,8. Scudder. The Japaneseduring brief address iri:Camestress

7anw,ar nV:



The-officer- s

the culser were courteous theirlshJU.LeS ?J 11CIil--l reception ofT visitor, squadsship, .which had. rffrtMwt renduct.

ement of the special services,

. ....


! (( H I

Adzama, at toof T.



: onethe

an iby fol- - at is

by a by U : by

by Id 1

aot a no

his . . nfon of

": ; I



In the r-- . --A to

lie "

t..--- i


zPe, E?"L10? : L.f Aapanese AznmaIll be thrown for ln--

Ainencan emwinea .? . :, '

r.hr lnf anlrorf honWllv tOmOriOW. . : . . .




members "Moth-

er's of


citythose services.! A the tQ ascertaining to vhat extentFollowing tho address. vhicli visited the Asama this ' morn-- ? organization's home fund be sweltRev. T. Okamura read in' Javanese--- ' Inff. va3'-"lnvJdn- ceV

at-- ; the: naval - ji'resQit 'of ithecahvaa yester-th- e

Hundredth Psalm, while Rev. A. wharf .yesterday time iday the organizationA. Kbersole' read it In Other, hlps.w.ere open fornumbers on the prcsram Incladed a yublic Hundreds of local japanesa . J.violin solo by W. A. Love, an antbe school children,, of, the, Jap--1 gSlSSSthe choir led by Rev. Akalko Aka.anese Red, Cross -- other persons,!vl. prcr ly J. W. Waiman anjl f tcckdv4ntage of opportunity to1 J5"'Rev. o. Motokawa,; a hymn Mr.linspect cruisers." . FromAkana's chclr. benediction ' til cruisers" leave for Hilo. - out Honolulu ygsterdar. Servlpes; wereRev; O. H. Gulick. ; .

''.be to puliVv Consider held in various-churc- h

address of occasion 'able shore leave' granted the-tlo.n- of the;dlivered by Dr. Doremus Scudder, men, .they are inaking most; uieetor of Central Union church, their'brlef :stat - In ? Honolulu;-?.- greatly Hn e16nc"M j ?f

spoke in and then translatedremarks English. He spoke,

in part, as follows: tv"There are certain great ideals",

said Dr. Scudder, "which we as a nation cherish and for which wre as apeople stand, which we. in Hawaii canexemplify perhaps . better than, anyother In the United States.

"First, we are as a nation dedicatedto peace, our very government bas-ed upon the principles of peace.; Wehave no laws of proscription compell-ing men to serve ,ln army, but our

is made up of volun-tarily enlisL' : vr.. -

rAlthoush three times in thecentury America has been at war withether nations" and. to that extent hasfailed to live up to its ideal, neverthe-less fundamentally we are a peacefulpeople-- : v;-:- - ''Vy

"And these Islands particularly can'boast of standing, for peace, for neverhas the sand-o- f these Islands been'6tained with blood shed In -- war ;wltha foreign power. Therefore, we

1,1 11 .. I

l u:ro Arc.

VVVhji so many peoples have H

, rcatlTrat-lianc- l a packet '

FT) X rs f - ':

:V!- -

Thcv distinctire fi delist the? palate.

f The qnick, fi:

dirwtirbm the packet re ;

:fniring milYtlie addition;.of irream for good milk, is'an important consideration Jwhen breakfast ' must le '

: nady "on.time..,

'- V,'V- ;

r The economical feature ;

appeals to everyone par--;ticularly those wliofwli tp f

keep expenses iih-;- ;

Post Toast ies especi- - -J ill ly pleasing serveil withfruif. - " 'C-:i,V-

--, -- X.-.

Sold, Jliy VO rocers and v

Stores., . ;';.;;





. f :)


Of- -


' : rre" l;e of the laiperlal, Jpaiese tralniajr squadron, emitinar cf the, crulHerstAsama ana now nort. . Heading: from left risrht J. Komakl, chief;

staff; Lib Asama ; Kerr-ftdmlr- al T. Karol the squadronj K.;JSuto,.-- aptaln the Adzuma, and K. staff ofacer. 'Lvi,: V ::Jr'.r:,-:''.r-- .''-- i:-- :


first-clas- s - cruisertwn ilQ- -

prelude this


commander, :Mttor,nand went." and men. of

PA the andresulted

opennags over..; .w

mnct epectlon v


SDay"; committee : King'swill; hbme.

theand mltii boxes distributed

throughout the last week,who had arranged the Crowd even larger than oneviw the

commander's I

atwWch 'A niemberEnglish.' lnspectlo


andDr. the

by now: through.and by the the

, : will openThe the was has been

pas-- ! and thewho1 :

Japaneselils into


thearmy those.who














' ''''. '. . . .1 v WithQ a" white carnation.1 the symbol

that we are in position fo give you . of the occasion, worn by both teach-- a

welcome In which peace permeates era ; and- - pupils, the students rof ' theour - words and --. our spirit complete. Central Union .Bible school yesterday

"Second, cur country stands for hu observed Mother's Day In an 'appro-man-brotherho- od,

and yet no one. who; priate manner jfn randknows bur country but knows how far "highly Instructive address was dellv- -

short our : people m ; tne nomeiaaa erea cy, wra. rf. r rear..have - fallen 1 from .living ;npa td thisIdeal.

.1 .?'.r?.T,0.r Triprf."always stlli bitter raceprejudice; while on the western coasLespecially in California, a spin-- i un

' He meg,; wasbad up,

and herthe

all The


vwedo sin-- tEos 15. test win

Dr. As

; and; teachings, of; Jesuavregatm

:Ani fbe of ourall men

Inviting this SecondHnmpalgiion our 1

, :

befor. ex-t-o



anddifferent man- -'


, this,curwelcoine,rwill yon remember.our welcome and anything air-- ,

not the; due prejudice.

and misunderstanding.the


tionaiiue8 not always; ?

pecKpie do not:

amcome all

misunderstanding fric-- ,

nation, at complete expression .and good wll our-Chris- t

us. show men. .

; bethe grounds


McLaren, theits

i for bloom.. tem-perate of will

possible this continuous pro-cession blooming flowers

the grounds, tenmonths eTnncftJon.


of the specif')lhe











formay arts


c J

; -








the day



i- -'


de- -

e JMethpdist church -- celebratedMother's yesterday inter i

program." Josephineoldest, living member, ? the

prayer.- - ; Dr.Cooper -- sang Mother I'llThere," and ' the audience joined

sweet ; chorus. readingswere One by Richard Shelton, !

entitled : '"Mother's another by'Stodart, entitled Moth- -

er," and Dy uiy saeiton, en-

titled "Mother's The offering; is be the ' icing's

Daughters' llome, the evening ser-vice the pastor's subject was "A Won- -

Family." ' I , '

: v Many visitors were 'present at the ;Impressive services held Oaha Pris-on 3 the afternoon. Theservices were conducted by. Mrs Wa-lter' F.v.Frear, for the openinghynin,"- - the prison quartet "Tell

Be There, followed by"My Wayward Boy, I.Love Sev-

eral 'other 'contributed,program composed musical and lit-erary numbers. : v':;;;-Vv'l-


Patient . Draper Greene j 3TRittenhquse :

CaseZt diagnosed , physicians" Bright's and incurable. ;

not lie down for nineweeks.. ; were so bloated j

had bandagedof the physicians said heably live month or 'so; the otherdid hot be lasi aweek. .

v Fulton's; Compound was then j' administered ; with gradual .. recovery. 'Day, also ,was observed at permanence are

the at Union, by a from this patientThe ; anthem, ;"These , Are it dated Feb. 16.' 191 4. five years'

later," the Battle,vwas rendered .a-frt- et; lawyers; N.;'A Brlggs

A n . !. r..lj. ' ' ... I

brctherliness has been manifested D ?Cames. This fol. . with statement thatwhich has grieved America's best cit--; ty : another anthem; ; "God- - of another; case was .

izens , highest minded menu Hear Our Prayer," In response changed to Compound and .is

"But here. in Hawaii we have been to the pastoral ' Mr. Bolton on streets agam" -

neeullarlv hannv.ln the races 'then sang Praise.; DrJ ability-o- f Fulton's Corn- -

have and do .no live together . Scudder's; sermon 'was entitled ! ? reduce - albumen ? many 1

In & brotherly,' friendly ' ward,' he having taken as text cases cf Bright's is' not a "mat"And in extending you -- this --And Jehovah said unto MosesT ter opinion but FACT IN PHYS-- j

welcome canJ assure you that' we the children' of that, they ncSivWe wiai formula for albuit' in spirit oL genuine and go forward .14: v,jk.r men that show the percent-cer- e'

brotherhood. -- f. -,- X-,--- j Near coser oL hia agQ (ront week to the albti---

again yre as a nation hold Scudder , spoke of - the new,j policy declines Improvement commonly,,t.h io amKftHttMi, which- - the. church has.adopted 0iin ; wonCHp - hnvimr moti r.

ini lifeChrist-;-.'- .' . ,Y "r .ZZtJLjr I ia and literature, on - -- request.

hflsle doctrine religion is that are the childrenof one common Father.


. FirstIn ahf

to -- 'vj ".i In you to service ,

, of personalto rc.






of two



vT sent- -

Francisco.pamphlet r

; Mansbip.sculptor who v recently

is sei aparc jor iqb i j Qftd with his church. " I..., v

God, - we ; showing to you In the j - u a. deep on the j of the national acad- -

most emphatic way possible that out Jpart parents their children, that eroy f design.,wlll represented atwelcome, is sincere, we it . they may in Hfe have a deep ; tnfe Panama , International

yon In the name of God and of Iand vitai eIperience in and ? position four f verticalour ; - : FourthIn: an zeal j "Eternity Change,"; and

i .v a a A rr AnJnni1 ' J t ih. ae& rhvla t and XJV- -

. In America, you'

that.wlll make every one ( wriU

perchance see a1 ested yon than that I

, have tried to.' : to . you., innot

know,from this is Amer- -

lean but is to 5- of it Isdue. mQreover.M fact that yf are;

I In of so na- -

dointo body. -- 'v ' V

7 We must be patient with thewho' see things, as we

Japan must be patient and I suretime will soon ; when

.cause for and,Uon' shall be removed and we es a

shall be able give a moreof that peace ,


taught. to

I'., No not in full

allowed to 'uponof the Panama-Pacifi- c International

at any' time throughoutj the year, but, to

by Director off will be removed In de.i cline of blossoming to make way,

another m full . Theclimate Francisco .

make '

of through-out for the entire '

of the v "




meet-a- t the-- of

to open envelopes

with a



of prayer oth-er-e

that yield their,ennse






Day with aneating Mrs. Cha-pi- n,

the.church, offered, 7 Edwin

--."Tell Bela


Gift;''Edith "Meet

Voice.",taken to given to



atat o'clock. In


Mother' I'llYou."

persona to a


S.. W.Ave., Creek, Allch. J

by twoas "disease J

Patient could jLegs with

dropsy they to be One'could prob--j

athink would .1

Mother's The' of Vthe results I

service Central vshown letter'opening' written

giving names,laUon," by Cre?k and II. A,"


closeslowed given


that ""The --Song of Renal"always TFor- - pound to In

spirit j dlesaseiio to speak A

unto; --Israel mall

sermon, week."Third,k'u. it ;.witn






inthurch which









John n ' Co., SanAsk. for advertisement .'

X Paul the talented Ajneri--

can i .won the;worsiup unite :

are concern winter exhibitf for

extend early PacificGod; 1 I by groups,

Savior; Jesus Christ I - an --Orderliil tnnrh Chans. "MmIc" "Thft JOVOf

other ports if should earnest . These four groups - standspirit

toward whichdefine



many,which easily,

blend one

jthe ,

which Jesusto;all.

plant bloomremain

plans Landscaping





tog."constant fn his service y. - ; upon the upper ramps of. the; sunken

The members of the Sunday-schoo- l "garden in the court of the universe.

liliiiiiii ; vc'--'r:"..;s- ;;'"


--Your choice of Pictures or Post Cards(All 4 x 6 inches)

Honolulu Photo Supply Go.Every thing Photogr aphic 1059 Fort St.

T' -




un 1, 2.-- 3, 5, 6, 8, 9r 10, 11, '13r 16, 17. 18. IV 20, 22, 23, 23. 29, 3

2. 3, T; , 9. 10. 11. 14. 15.-16-. It. 2 2i;V:2u 23. 29. 3J. 31.

" August 3, 4, 11, 12, 17," 13, 20. 2C23,C.27..2S? .2V .'y .::V:0:-- ;

September 4, 5, 9. 10, It.' ;: V - 'r .''

:;.;.-;;- " ,y"V,- ; ,

tAprH 29;30May l?to New City ......Vi....V......lOS.!:o


6 to Atlanta, Ca,.,. I.,May 3. 4, 5, .... ..May U, 1213. to Louisville, Ky. ...... ...August zo,,zur a, to ieirou, fli icu. -

Boston. Mass ....... ...$H0."a, Chicago. 111. . ...

Colorado Springs, Colo..4 Council Blufts, la.....; Dallas. Tex.



Denver, Colo. . ; . . i . . .". '. C3.00Duluth, M;nn. r . . i 83.20

"Fort : Worth.; Tex, u ... . ; 1 C2.H0 JKansas City, Mo. ...... . C0.00Memphis, Tenn.' j 70.00

; Montreal, P. Q. 1'





". w....

r 9 ,

., .! 93.43


.New 7n.nNew Yi.r::, N. Y. U 1."

7itb.- .......... OA 1

i. Me.-.;;...;.-.-.. in.

. j, Cclo. .......... ; '

P. Q. 11-- '0

-- SL Mo.v. ........ 70.'.)St. Paul, Minn ......... '"--

Ont.' . : o

Wa3hInston, D. C. ..... 107.:)J (SaU Iika City and C.;! .'

on' application.)

S Going limit 15 days, trip to cemmenss cn try it t'::vsdates. Final return' limit thres but r:t liter- tun

31st, ,1914. Liberal sUpovers sllow:i err tst Z-- Z

and trips. and reservations ss



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For those who to some-thing on ; the: or clothing werecommend : : : " : , i '





prefer applyperson

MvSolfJ;bnly by,

The Bexall Store.


? '

iVi-f fT ; JV-- y.

We are ; out with the -' '- -' '

-- ; ,''

--' yy

Fort and

nr o-- c nv- - 0'

;j;:;r;;V;s'ii'v'.''';--- ! '":;'-K-

pTN.-.:- ::y:

ff'lfelA;;patrons choicest

;..''. y-.yy-t

Beef Lamb



.uttohCom pa ours with , that sold, Isewhe re.

v. ' v ;;

-- L?




;' -- l: ':-- '


re e

Bfthop Street

Veal and Pom

Butchers and Grocera
