NLM NLM Update – Mid-Atlantic Chapter Meeting October 5, 2005 Martha Fishel Deputy Chief, Public Services Division National Library of Medicine (301) 496-5501 [email protected]

NLM NLM Update – Mid-Atlantic Chapter Meeting October 5, 2005 Martha Fishel Deputy Chief, Public Services Division National Library of Medicine (301) 496-5501

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Page 1: NLM NLM Update – Mid-Atlantic Chapter Meeting October 5, 2005 Martha Fishel Deputy Chief, Public Services Division National Library of Medicine (301) 496-5501


NLM Update – Mid-Atlantic Chapter MeetingOctober 5, 2005

Martha FishelDeputy Chief, Public Services DivisionNational Library of Medicine(301) [email protected]

Page 2: NLM NLM Update – Mid-Atlantic Chapter Meeting October 5, 2005 Martha Fishel Deputy Chief, Public Services Division National Library of Medicine (301) 496-5501


What’s New (in Brief) at NLM?

• Budget

• Long Range Planning

• Public Access

• RML Recompetitions

• Databases and Electronic Resources

Page 3: NLM NLM Update – Mid-Atlantic Chapter Meeting October 5, 2005 Martha Fishel Deputy Chief, Public Services Division National Library of Medicine (301) 496-5501


NLM/NIH Budget

• FY 2006 HHS Budget not passed by Congress yet

• House passed 0.9% increase for NLM - $326.3 – the president’s budget level

• Senate mark up a bit more optimistic - $335.4 an increase of 3.7% over 2005 – comments on several projects

• NIH overall budget

– House passed $28.507 billion (almost flat)

– Senate mark up $29.425 billion

• Anticipate flat or decreasing funding

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Long Range Planning Envisioning the Future

• Visions Working Group

– April 11-12, 2005

– Chaired by Drs. Newt Gringrich and Bill Stead

• Goals

– Envision the IT technology and communications world of 2015

– Envision the scientific world of 2015

– Envision the health world of 2015

Imagine NLM in that framework

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Long Range Planning

Panel 1. NLM Resources and Infrastructure for the 21st Century

Current Programs: building non-genomic databases, non-patient clinical databases and access

Future: Collaboratories, digital libraries, interactive publications, open access, IT developments

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Long Range Planning

• Panel 2. NLM Outreach to the Underserved in the 21st Century

Current Programs: Outreach, consumer health, health disparities on a national scale, health literacy

Future: ubiquitous bandwidth and wireless access, tools that adapt to language and culture, international outreach

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Long Range Planning

Panel 3. NLM Support for Clinical and Public Health Systems of the 21st Century

Current Programs: training in clinical and public health informatics, health services research, telemedicine, imaging, informatics training, clinical trials

Future: new models for educating clinical researchers, electronic health records, personal health knowledge base, complementary and alternative medicine

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Long Range Planning

• Panel 4. NLM Support for Genomic Science in the 21st Century

Current Programs: Genomic database development and libraries

Future: Human Genome Project evolution, drug discovery and rational design, small molecules and chemical libraries, “genes of interest”

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Public Access to NIH Supported Research -2005 Recap

• NIH-supported research is essential to improving human health

• Public Access to information resulting from this research is vital

– Results should be made available to the public

– It demonstrates output resulting from taxpayer funded research

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What is the NIH Public Access Program?

• Applies to NIH grantees and intramural researchers

• Requests deposit of final manuscript of paper accepted for publication

• Author negotiates permissions with publisher and defines PMC release date

• NLM does XML tagging of articles

• Author approves tagged version of article

• Regular PMC journals satisfy policy if research articles are free within 12 months of publication

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NIH Manuscript Submission System

• Author deposits began May 2, 2005

• Voluntary submissions by NIH funded authors

• Third party deposits began in July 2005

• Sept 2005 - Just under 5% of qualifying authors are submitting manuscripts

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NIH Manuscript Submission http://www.nihms.nih.gov/

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2006 – 2011 NN/LM Contracts

• RFP released April 15, 2005

• Proposals received July 15, 2005

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The Recompetition of the NN/LM Contracts

• Technical Evaluation Groups (TEG)

• Reviews of Basic Proposals – September 2005 – April 2006

• Reviews of 3 NN/LM Center Proposals – October 2005 – April 2006

• Announcement of Awards – April 2006

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Databases and Electronic ResourcesWhat’s New

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• Usage continues to grow

– Searches by Unique IPs

• March 2004 : Nearly 5 million unique IPs

• March 2005: Nearly 7 million unique IPs

– Total number of searches

• March 2004: over 59.2 million searches

• March 2005: over 68 million searches

– Page view:

• March 2004: over 254 million page views

• March 2005: over 294 million page views

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RSS - Really Simple Syndication

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Spelling Suggestions

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Mouse-over for Full Journal Titles

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Full Author Searching


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Single Citation MatcherAuthor Autocomplete & First Author

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First Author Search

Search tag to limit to first author: [1au]

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My NCBI Replaces the Cubby

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My NCBI Registration & Sign In

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NLM Mobile

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PMC Numbers – August 2005

• 185 journals

• 500,000 articles (65% from digitized back issues)

– includes some pieces (e.g., book reviews) not in PubMed

• Users: 800,000 unique IPs.

• 2.75 million full-text (HTML or PDF) articles retrieved

• 6.3 million total page views (including searches)

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PMC Back Issue Digitization

• Cover-to-cover digital copy of everything up to where journal began producing electronic copy

• PDF copy of an article includes true reproduction of grayscale and color images and is searchable

• Publisher gets free, unencumbered copy

• Reference lists created by parsing OCR text and matching to PubMed citations

• Wellcome Trust and UK Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) are funding digitization of journals they enlist in PMC

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Back Issue Digitization

As of August 2005

• Complete backruns (including predecessor titles) of 25 journals that also deposit current content in PMC

• 68 more journals in production

• 383,000 articles deposited

• Includes Table of Contents, Full Text Summary, HTML view, Images, PDF

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MedlinePlusAudience by the numbers

• Page views per month: ~ 54 million in August 2005 (Almost 12 million Spanish pg views)

• Unique users per month: > 6.5 million in August 2005

• Number of e-mail announcement list subscribers: over 60,000

• ACSI scores: last quarter MedlinePlus 87, MedlinePlus en español 83

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Recently added – OR-Live: Surgical Webcasts

• Pre-recorded webcasts of surgical procedures by slp3D Inc.

• Actual operations performed at medical centers in the United States since January 2004

• One-hour programs with printable transcripts

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Customized player

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PDF transcript

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OR-Live Surgery Videos

Top 10 OR-Live Videos

1 Transverse Lumbar Interbody Fusion (TLIF)

2 Minimally Invasive Hysterectomy

3 Abdominal Myomectomy

4 Gastric Bypass Surgery

5 GliaSite Radiation Therapy

6 Mini Knee

7 Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair

8 Improved Techniques for Prostate Cancer

9 Pediatric Tonsillectomy

10 Cervical Discectomy

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New Interactive Tutorials

• New titles:

– Bronchoscopy

– Amniocentesis

– Low testosterone

– Upper GI endoscopy

– Pneumonia

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Coming Soon:

• Natural Standard Herbs & Supplements database

• New interactive tutorial topics

• Enhanced foreign language access

• Redesigned health topics page & new body map/system navigation

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New Drug & Herbal Homepage

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Redesign & Usability Testing

• Testing conducted in mid-August

• New designs for health topic homepage, topic page and new body map navigation

• Usability testing included 6 health care professionals and 6 consumers

• Implementation will be in stages through late Spring 2006

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In Development

• New search engine

• Pilot: Tutorials for Africa

• New promotion campaign for Spanish speakers

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MedlinePlus Go Local

• MedlinePlus: Health information

– Diseases, conditions, wellness issues

– Treatment, symptoms, diagnosis

• Go Local: Local services

– Practitioners, facilities, programs

– People, places, activities

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Feb 2002 - first Go Local siteFeb 2002 - first Go Local siteMarch 2004 – 2 sitesMarch 2004 – 2 sitesMay 2005 – 5 sitesMay 2005 – 5 sitesLate 2005 – 8 sitesLate 2005 – 8 sitesLive and in progress – 22 sitesLive and in progress – 22 sites

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One Go Local, two models

• NLM-hosted

– Recommended for areas that have no pre-existing databases for local services

– NLM provides infrastructure, maintains the vocabulary

• Locally hosted

– Okay for areas that already have well-developed web sites

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Go Local StatusNLM Hosted• Linked today

– Indiana

– Massachusetts• In progress

– Alabama

– Arizona

– Delaware

– Maryland

– Michigan

– Nebraska

– Nevada

– New Mexico

– Ohio—Southeast

– Texas—East Texas

– Texas—Gulf Coast

– Tribal Four Corners

– Utah

– Vermont

– Wyoming

Locally hosted

• Linked today

– North Carolina

– Missouri

– Texas—So Texas

• In progress

– California—LA County

– South Carolina

• Proposal pending

– Alaska

– District of Columbia

– Georgia

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Region 2 Go-local Projects

• Delaware is just starting – have about 40 records

• Maryland – 500 approved records, 2600 pending and 3,000 incomplete. Release date?

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• ISO ILL Testing


• DOCLINE backup & emergency recovery

• DOCLINE Interface Redesign

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ISO ILL Update

• Vendor testing continues

– RLG (ILL Manager)

– Fretwell-Downing (VDX)

– Relais International (Relais)

– Atlas (OCLC ILLiad)

• Some DOCLINE features unsupported

• Next steps

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Unsupported DOCLINE Features In ISO

• No prefixing or checking / unchecking routing cells

• No manual requests. Numeric identifiers are required (PMID, UID, ISSN, ISBN, etc.)

• Borrow requests use the library defaults in the institution record, including delivery method and address, routing cells, and comments

• No resubmit - Borrower must send new request from ISO client

• Lend requests automatically receipted on arrival. No “New” status

• No Loansome Doc

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DOCLINE 2.7 (Spring 2006)

• Routing by Library Group

– Ability to add library group to routing cell

• Routing by multiple delivery methods

• Rush requests

– “Special Handling” Home page message

• EFTS participant as routing limit

• New Serial Holdings search & filters pages

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DOCLINE Interface Redesign

• Requests & Serial Holdings

– More enhancements

– Interface improvements

• Schedule

– Design efforts beginning mid-year 2006

– Delivery to Network in 2007

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SIS Katrina Resources Page

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Response to Hurricane Katrina

• NIH – grant proposal submissions delay

• NIH Clinical Center – Up to 200 beds set aside

• Deployment of NIH staff to the areas

• Donation of computers

• NN/LM funding

• DOCLINE service at $0.00

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Papers of Nobel Laureate Salvador E. Luria Added to Profiles in Science Web Site

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