Nixon What do we already know about Nixon? His political background, personality and leadership style?

Nixon What do we already know about Nixon? His political background, personality and leadership style?

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Page 1: Nixon What do we already know about Nixon? His political background, personality and leadership style?

NixonWhat do we already know about Nixon? His political background, personality and leadership style?

Page 2: Nixon What do we already know about Nixon? His political background, personality and leadership style?

You won’t have Nixon to kick around anymore!Early Political Career

Congressman CA(R)SenatorLost 1960 Presidential ElectionLost 1962 gubernatorial election

Blamed Media – Why?

1968 won presidential election by a very narrow margin

Page 3: Nixon What do we already know about Nixon? His political background, personality and leadership style?

Silent MajorityThose who were fed up the racial violence, war,

crime and protests.Concerned with:

Rising Violence Crime Drug


Sexual Permissive-ness

Lack of Patriotis


Return of Social


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High unemployment

High Inflation

Struggling &

Stagnant Economy

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The Economic Liberal1969 Family Assistance Plan

$2400 in money, food stamps and subsidies to ALL Americans

1971 Federal economic controls to slow inflation90 day wage and price freeze

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Social ConservativeAppealed to Catholics and Urban

VotersOpposed abortionOpposed pornographyMoney to parochial schoolsNo Forced integrationNo school busingAppointed conservative justices to

Supreme Court

Page 7: Nixon What do we already know about Nixon? His political background, personality and leadership style?

Foreign PolicyWorked to withdraw troops from Vietnam

Peace with HonorVietnamization

The Nixon Doctrine

Détente- - Relaxation of tensions - Aimed at S.U. and China

Realpolitik- A political policy based on practical rather than idealistic concerns

- U.S. could not be only nation responsible for defending the free world

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Designed by Henry Kissinger (Sec of State)

Dealt with powerPlay Soviet Union off of China.

Recognized mainland as legit. government.

China rejoined UN.

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DetenteEasing of Tensions

with USSRPeaceful

coexistence or cooperation

Met with Leonid Brezhnev, Soviet Premier

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USSR in 1972

Berlin Agreement Ease travel restrictions between East and West

BerlinRecognized E. German Govt.Would stop trying to reunify Germany

Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT I)Limits the production of intercontinental

missiles and submarine missiles.Restricted anti ballistic missiles

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WatergateThe third rate burglary that led to the downfall of a president.

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WatergateAbuse of power by Committee to Re-

Elect President (CRP or CREEP)Plumbers used illegal wiretaps, break-ins

and proposed fire bombings! Illegal campaign contributions were

launderedDesigned to increase president’s personal


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June 17th, 1972

Seven people arrested breaking into the DNC Headquarters in Watergate Hotel.

Public largely uninterested.Became aware of cover up and

connection to White House.

What ensues is chaos!

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CoverupPaid the burglars

over ½ mil.Over a year later it

was revealed the White House was involved.

25 officials were tried and convicted.

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Smoking GunIt was revealed that Nixon had

recordings of his meetings.Investigators demanded their release.Nixon fired anyone involved.Supreme Court ordered the tapes

released.Nixon agreed with an 18 ½ min gap.

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Woodward and Bernstein

Young Washington Post reporters.Printed evidence of President’s

involvement in the cover-up.Received information from a secret

source – Mark Felt.AKA Deep Throat

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CongressThe House of Representatives planed to

charge Nixon with 3 counts of impeachment.Mainly obstruction of Justice.

Nixon resigns on August 9th 1974.

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Your Task…Imagine that “All the President’s Men” had

access to today’s technology.

Read the remainder of the text on Watergate.

Summarize the events and personalities involved as if it occurred on a Facebook wall via Text messaging or even Twitter.

You must include a minimum of 3 personalities.

You must include a minimum of 15 posts/texts. They should be longer than LOL!

Page 19: Nixon What do we already know about Nixon? His political background, personality and leadership style?

Ford takes office and appoints Rockefeller as VP.

For two years America was led by men who were not elected to office.

America lost faith in the Executive branch. What are some reasons?

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Ford and Carter

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Ford 1913 - 2006Born in Omaha,

Nebraska.Grew up in, Michigan. Starred on the

University of Michigan football team.

Yale, law degree. World War lieutenant

commander in the Navy.

25 years in Congress – House Minority Leader.

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Ford Becomes President

First Vice President chosen under Twenty-fifth AmendmentSucceeding the first President

to resign. Tasked to master inflation,

revive a depressed economy, solve chronic energy shortages, try to ensure world peace.

Pardoned Nixon – Was this a good idea?

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Ford’s Foreign PolicyPreventing a new war in the Middle East

Provided aid to both Israel and Egypt.Helped persuade the two countries to accept

an interim truce agreement. Détente with the Soviet Union

continued. President Ford and Soviet leader Leonid I.

Brezhnev set new limitations upon nuclear weapons.

Lost the 1976 election to Jimmy Carter.

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Carter (1924 - ?)

Born Plains, Georgia.

Peanut farming, talk of politics, and devotion to the Baptist faith major part of upbringing.

Graduated from Naval Academy in 1946.

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Troubled PresidencyHad to combat continuing economic

woes of inflation and unemployment. End of administration - an increase of nearly

eight million jobs and a decrease in the budget deficit.

Inflation and interest rates were at near record highs

Efforts to reduce them caused a short recession.

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Gas Shortage – ask your parents!

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Domestic Affairs

Energy shortageestablished national energy policy and

decontrolled domestic petroleum prices,Prompted Government efficiency

civil service increase.Created the Department of Education,

bolstered the Social Security system, and appointed record numbers of women, blacks, and Hispanics to Government jobs.

Improve the environmentexpanded the national park system;

protected 103 million acres of Alaskan lands.

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Rise of Environmentalism

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Foreign PolicyChampioning of Human Rights – Not

liked by USSR.Succeeded in ratification of the Panama

Canal treaties.Returned power in 2000.

Full diplomatic relations with China.SALT II nuclear limitation treaty with the

Soviet Union. Soviet invasion of Afghanistan caused the

suspension of ratification of the SALT II. 1980 Moscow Olympics – Boycotted1984 LA Olympics - Boycotted

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Foreign Affairs

Camp David agreement of 1978

Helped bring amity between Egypt and Israel.

Influential in negotiation agreement between nations.

First meeting between leaders!

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Sadat, Carter and BeginIsrael – return all land in Sinai PeninsulaEgypt – recognize Israel’s right to exist

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Foreign Policy Problems

The seizure of hostages of the U.S. embassy staff in Iran.US supported Shah of Iran and offered treatment

for cancer.Students raided the embassy.Released all women and blacks – one

other hostage who became sick.

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Pictures of the Crisis

When Reagan took office the hostages were released.444 days of captivity

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Life After the Presidency

Continues to work towards human rights

Won Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 for continuing work!

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Neither man was re-elected. Where they bad presidents or was each

man faced with situations that had no good outcome?

What could each man have done differently?