PSYCHIC MEDIUM | INTEGRITY CONSULTANT & COACH | LIFE STRATEGIST | CORPORATE INTUITIVE ADVISOR “Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power. If you realize that you have enough, you are truly rich.” Laozi, Tao Te Ching Alignment to your true Purpose and a life full of meaning is easily found and consistently experienced when in Universal Integrity. Universal Integrity is cultivated moment-by- moment, and through equal measures of self-discipline and self-control. Your Daily Spiritual Practice (DSP) sets the proper foundation for a life of personal esteem and deep Universal Integrity. The time to awaken to your true Purpose is now, for we are never promised tomorrow. Your Daily Spiritual Practice may take whatever form you wish though the greatest benet is gained when it meets these four criteria: Consistency: your DSP should be regularly practiced and the time for it is sacred, nothing gets in the way Priority: regarded as most important because you are worth it Focus: your DSP is the central activity in your life around which everything else revolves Enjoyment: you take nothing but pleasure in this experience for you will only do what you love Though it may seem that the point of your practice is doing whatever you’ve chosen during this time, it is not. The point of your practice is to nurture the relationship you have with your Spirit. Your Spirit is the conscious experience of your Soul. The Soul is the Universe’s energetic counterpart, along with Consciousness (Mind) and Matter, they compose all that is seen and unseen. Your Spirit is an extension of the unseen Universe in the same way that your body is an extension of the physical Universe. Remember that you are made of the same stus that make up stars, suns and whole planets. You’ve been married to your Spirit since birth and at this moment you likely have a damaged relationship with your Spirit. Answer this, how often do you break your word to yourself? To others? Reexively, you might say, “Never, my word is my honor” but the truth is that you do it constantly and this has to stop. You might follow through on your promises to others more easily than those made privately to yourself which is ne. You’ve been making deposits into that “trust bank account” with others and strengthening your relationships with them; very admirable. However, each time David Zarza | 206.920.9409 | 123 2 nd Ave N, Suite 405 | Seattle, WA 98109 e: [email protected] | w: www.davidzarza.com | t & fb: @TheDavidZarza Alignment to your true Purpose and a life full of meaning is easily found and consistently experienced when in Universal Integrity. Universal Integrity is cultivated moment-by- moment, relationship-by-relationship and through equal measures of self- discipline and self-control. UNIVERSAL I NTEGRITY BASICS: YOUR DAILY SPIRITUAL PRACTICE

NIVERSAL INTEGRITY BASICS YOUR DAILY SPIRITUAL PRACTICE · Daily Spiritual Practice of your choosing. Have no idea what this could be? Let the Universe direct you by connecting with

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Page 1: NIVERSAL INTEGRITY BASICS YOUR DAILY SPIRITUAL PRACTICE · Daily Spiritual Practice of your choosing. Have no idea what this could be? Let the Universe direct you by connecting with


“Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power. If you realize that you have enough, you are truly rich.”

― Laozi, Tao Te Ching

Alignment to your true Purpose and a life full of meaning is easily found and consistently experienced when in Universal Integrity. Universal Integrity is cultivated moment-by-moment, and through equal measures of self-discipline and self-control. Your Daily Spiritual Practice (DSP) sets the proper foundation for a life of personal esteem and deep Universal Integrity. The time to awaken to your true Purpose is now, for we are never promised tomorrow. Your Daily

Spiritual Practice may take whatever form you wish though the greatest benefit is gained when it meets these four criteria:

• Consistency: your DSP should be regularly practiced and the time for it is sacred, nothing gets in the way

• Priority: regarded as most important because you are worth it

• Focus: your DSP is the central activity in your life around which everything else revolves

• Enjoyment: you take nothing but pleasure in this experience for you will only do what you love

Though it may seem that the point of your practice is doing whatever you’ve chosen during this time, it is not. The point of your practice is to nurture the relationship you have with your Spirit. Your Spirit is the conscious experience of your Soul. The Soul is the Universe’s energetic counterpart, along with Consciousness (Mind) and Matter, they compose all that is seen and unseen. Your Spirit is an extension of the unseen Universe in the same way that your body is an extension of the physical Universe. Remember that you are made of the same stuffs that make up stars, suns and whole planets. You’ve been married to your Spirit since birth and at this moment you likely have a damaged relationship with your Spirit.

Answer this, how often do you break your word to yourself? To others? Reflexively, you might say, “Never, my word is my honor” but the truth is that you do it constantly and this has to stop. You might follow through on your promises to others more easily than those made privately to yourself which is fine. You’ve been making deposits into that “trust bank account” with others and strengthening your relationships with them; very admirable. However, each time

David Zarza | 206.920.9409 | 123 2nd Ave N, Suite 405 | Seattle, WA 98109e: [email protected] | w: www.davidzarza.com | t & fb: @TheDavidZarza

Alignment to your true Purpose and a life full of meaning is easily found and consistently experienced when in Universal Integrity. Universal Integrity is cultivated moment-by-moment, relationship-by-relationship and through equal measures of self-discipline and self-control.


Page 2: NIVERSAL INTEGRITY BASICS YOUR DAILY SPIRITUAL PRACTICE · Daily Spiritual Practice of your choosing. Have no idea what this could be? Let the Universe direct you by connecting with

you say you’re going to workout, you’ll be volunteering, you’re going to take your kid to the park, eat healthier, paint those walls, train that dog, etc. and you end up shirking these off, you are damaging your relationship with your spirit.

We think it doesn’t matter, after all who are we hurting? Who are we failing? It’s only us, no big deal. Unfortunately it does matter and it is a big deal. The greatest sin in this life is not killing, envy or theft (all grievous though); it is the betrayal of self. See, here is what happens when you set an intention,

make a promise or commit something, anything — the Universe begins directing people, circumstances, resources and time to support whatever you wish. You don’t see this happening as it would require a level of orchestration that no computer available can manage. This requires the greatest ally you will ever have, the Universe (aka God, Providence, Spirit, Tao, etc.).

This is all made possible by virtue of your personal connection with the Universe, your Spirit. So it is as if your Spirit runs errands, coordinates people and clears paths to make your wishes a reality. Your Spirit is many steps ahead of you, waiting for you to show up and play your part. When it is left waiting for you at the park, with the kids, at work, etc., it expects for you to meet it there, wherever and whenever. However, when you don’t show, when you don’t play your part, all that energetic effort was for naught. It takes energy to change your life, to shift Universes, to get that prime parking spot!

This is why when you desire to create something great for yourself like a new career opportunity, find a loving partner, help with healing an illness and other such wishes, and it seems like nothing happening, no traction is being made, look to your broken promises. Is your life littered with them? Look with very honest eyes because your happiness and

integrity depend on it. Choose to rebuild your relationship with your Spirit by making it a priority.

Wherever you are in your relationship with your Spirit, know that you can improve it and repair it if needed. If it is already awesomely enriching and on a foundation of high trust, then it’s time to work some Universal Integrity magic. Go ahead, make a wish. But, if repairs need to be made, start with a Daily Spiritual Practice of your choosing. Have no idea what this could be? Let the Universe direct you by connecting with your happy wanting.

What do you feel like doing during this time and for how long? Want to meditate for 10 minutes? Excellent, get to it! Want to journal in your garden right before sunset? Sounds great now do it! Want to walk barefoot in your favorite foresty spot on Sundays? You guessed it, go for it! Make this sacred for you and let nothing get in the way of you being fully focused and present during this time. Enjoy this like you would a nourishing spa day and imagine as if the Universe is showing up for you in these wonderful ways because you are beautiful, divine and worth every bit of goodness; because it is!

As with any other lifestyle change, stick with it for at least two weeks, 21 days if possible and notice all the wonderful synchronicities that occur as a result of your Daily Spiritual Practice. Here’s what else you can look forward to with an ongoing DSP:

• Improved sleep and dream recall• Increased inspiration and creativity• Greater appreciation and gratitude• Deeper sense of meaning and fulfillment• Connection to the Universe or Divine path• Peace of mind and decreased stress• Clarity and conviction in decision making

Above all, have fun with this addition to your Living Journey. At best, your life will change into one you love, what’s to lose?

Your Spirit is an extension of the unseen Universe in the same way that your body is an extension of the physical Universe. Remember that you are made of the same stuffs that make up stars, suns and whole planets. You’ve been married to your Spirit since birth and at this moment you likely have a damaged relationship with your Spirit.

Besides being a hit at parties and board rooms, David has a killer sense of humor when he’s not providing his clients with accurate and detailed insights and advising. Like your most trusted friend, with superpowers, David is your eyes and ears to what the Universe needs to share with you now. Find out what’s coming up for you in your life, career and relationships in a conversation with David!

David Zarza | 206.920.9409 | t & fb: @TheDavidZarzae: [email protected] | w: www.davidzarza.com