c-Procurcment Notice tIYDIiRAI]AD METROPOI,II'AN WATI,]R StlI'PI,}' AND SI.]\\,'I.]RAGIi I}OARt) Telangana Municipal Dcvclopment Pro.icct SPECIFIC PROCTJREMENT NOTICE (SPN) Invitation for Ilids GF'B) International Competitive Bidding (ICB) INDIA Comprehensive Water Supply Service Improvements in Malkajgiri Project under TMDP with World Bank Assistance Loan No. 78160-IN Supply, Delivery, Installation of Bulk & Domestic AMR and non AMR water meters SCADA system, spot Billing & collection, for Comprehensive Watcr Supply Service Improvements in Malkajgiri (Part of GHMC) Project under TMDP. IFB Number:E01/CGM(E)/PCC-il1/MalkajgirilTMDP/Package-II/2017-18, dated:tB - 05-2017 l. 2. l'his Invitation for Bids follows the General Procurement Notice for this Project that appeared in INDB online dated 31.7 .09 of Notice No.WB 2838-755. 'fhe Government of Telangana through Government of India has received a loan from the International Bank for Reconstruction & Development (IBRD) in various currencies towards the cost of Telangana Municipal Development Project. It intends to apply part of the proceeds of this loan to payments under the Contract for providing Comprehen.sive water supply Improvements in Malkaigiri (Part of GHMC) Package-ll^Metering. Bidding is open to all bidders from eligible source countries as defined in the World Bank Guidelines: Procurement of Goods, Works, ctnd Non-Consulting Services under IBRD l.oans and IDA Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers - January 201 1, revised July 2014. The Chief General Manoger (Ensg, PCC-ill, IIMWSSB. Khairatabad, Hyderabad, PIN: 500004 now invites item rate bids from the eligible bidder in electronic procurement system for the construction and completion of Comprehensive Water Supply Service Improvement in Malkajgiri (Part of GHMC) Package-ll consisting the following main components. i. Supply, Delivery, Installation of Bulk & Domestic AMR and non AMR water meters SCADA system, spot Biiline & collection. for Comprehensive Water Sunnlv Service Improvemdnts in Malkajgiri (Part of GHMC) Project undcr TMDI ii. Bidding will be conducted through the International Oornpetitive Bidding (lCB) as specified in the World Bank Cuidelines: Procurement of Good:;, Works, and J.

NIT.2 - Telanganamdp.telangana.gov.in/docs/NIT document.pdf · Title: NIT.2.2 Created Date: 5/22/2017 12:09:43 PM

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c-Procurcment Notice


Telangana Municipal Dcvclopment Pro.icct


International Competitive Bidding (ICB)


Comprehensive Water Supply Service Improvements in Malkajgiri Project underTMDP with World Bank Assistance

Loan No. 78160-IN

Supply, Delivery, Installation of Bulk & Domestic AMR and non AMR water metersSCADA system, spot Billing & collection, for Comprehensive Watcr Supply ServiceImprovements in Malkajgiri (Part of GHMC) Project under TMDP.

IFB Number:E01/CGM(E)/PCC-il1/MalkajgirilTMDP/Package-II/2017-18, dated:tB -05-2017



l'his Invitation for Bids follows the General Procurement Notice for this Project thatappeared in INDB online dated 31.7 .09 of Notice No.WB 2838-755.

'fhe Government of Telangana through Government of India has received a loan from theInternational Bank for Reconstruction & Development (IBRD) in various currenciestowards the cost of Telangana Municipal Development Project. It intends to apply part ofthe proceeds of this loan to payments under the Contract for providing Comprehen.sivewater supply Improvements in Malkaigiri (Part of GHMC) Package-ll^Metering.Bidding is open to all bidders from eligible source countries as defined in the World BankGuidelines:Procurement of Goods, Works, ctnd Non-Consulting Services under IBRD l.oans andIDA Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers - January 201 1, revised July 2014.

The Chief General Manoger (Ensg, PCC-ill, IIMWSSB. Khairatabad, Hyderabad, PIN:500004 now invites item rate bids from the eligible bidder in electronic procurementsystem for the construction and completion of Comprehensive Water Supply ServiceImprovement in Malkajgiri (Part of GHMC) Package-ll consisting the following maincomponents.

i. Supply, Delivery, Installation of Bulk & Domestic AMR and non AMRwater meters SCADA system, spot Biiline & collection. forComprehensive Water Sunnlv Service Improvemdnts in Malkajgiri (Partof GHMC) Project undcr TMDI

ii. Bidding will be conducted through the International Oornpetitive Bidding (lCB)as specified in the World Bank Cuidelines: Procurement of Good:;, Works, and






,\ion-Consttlting Sart,it:c.s untler l1]tlt) ltutt.s antl ID.'1 ('retlit.s & Grntts bt ll ttrlt'Bank Borror,",i,t -.lanuary 2011. ret'i.tecl July 2011 and is open to all cligiblc

bidders as dellped irr rlrc Procurcment Guidelines. ln addition, pleasc rci-:r ir:

paragrapl-rs l.(r ancl 1.7 of the Guiclelines setting lbrth the World llank":; polici

on conflict ol'irlte rcst.

lntcrestcd cligible bidders may obtain further inlbrmation fion-r e-procurenlerlt pr.rrlai

hltp-;1/eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app in'T'ender Search' by enteriug ke) u'orikti

..fMDP,andalsofiomtlreProjectwebsite!(@bynar,igatirr',E.through 'eProcurement (Goods & Works).

eualifications requirements 1br the bidder are provided ir-r the Bidding Documents anti

the bidders may go through the same liom the above websites. A margin o'l'

preference for certain goods manufactured domestically shall be applied. Additional

details are provided in the bidding document.

A complete set of Ridding Documents is available online from22-05-2017,06.00PI\.4

or*u.d.. 'fhe bidding documents may be downloaded free of cost by logging on to e-

procurement Portal trttp://eprocure.eov.inleprocure/app. The bids are to be submineri

online through the portal http://eprocure.eov.in/eprocure/app. Bidr submilatmanuallv wili not be siceoted- The bidders would be required to register in the web-

site. Bidders who u."--t r.gistered may obtain the User ID and Password for

participating in the bids by registering in the website:

ht tp-; /l gpro q ur g g-o -v=.i.n/epra qg,elapp fiee o {' c har ge.

Bids must be submitted online through the e-procurement portal

hlp;1,/eprqsure.ggy,ilileprgc_q1e/app.onorbefore0T-07-2017upto5:00PM(n$q+-gidi ;itt be opened in the presence of the bidders' representatives who choose q*

attend at ll:00 AM (IST) on 13-07-2017 in the office of Chief General Managu"

(Engg), PCC-[I, HMWSSB, Khairtabado Hyderabad PIN: 500 004, Telangaw

if"J1al. If the office happens to be closed on the date of opening of the bids as

ipecified, the bids will be opened on the next working day at the same tinre urd

venue.All bids must be accompanied by a "Bid Security" of INR 7.72 million(USD 1190m)"

Bid security will have to be in any one of the forms as specified in the biddiry

document and shall have to be valid for 45 days beyond the validity of the bid. Tt*c'

period of completion is 9 Months from the date of LOA.

For submitting bids, the bidders are required to have Digital Signature Certihcate

(DSC) issued from any of the authorizrd Certifying Authorities. h-oreign bidders frorm

eligible countries may obtain Class-ll DSC fiom the Certifying Authorities follow'ing

the procedure described in the 'Downloads' option in the e-procurement potxal

http :1/9 p19-9--qre go y,1p,/ep roc q rgl app.

Ihc bidders are required to submit(a) original bid security in approved form

(b) original power of Attorney authorizing the person to sign the bids on

bchalf of the bidder as per Clause 22 of ITB of bidding document (in case oibidder who is not an individual) and

(c) original alfidavit confrrming correctness of information.documents and certificates furnished with the bid document




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7::i[: j'riL'lt



in the Olrtrcc ()f the Chief Gcneral Managcr (Eng6i). PC-'(l-Ill, IIM\1'SSB'

Khairatahad, Hydorabad PIN: 500 004, Tclangana (lndia). orr or trelorc {'lrt dalc

and tinre 6f opening ol- Bids. either h;i registcred post or b', han<i. tailingr u'lrich thc

hi&s shall be cleciare{ non-rcsponsivc. In this regard. bidders should compl-r u'i1h tl'rc


i) T-he abo'e drrctrments should bc submitted in one cnvclopc. {'hc hiddt:rs shall not

rlrite t'heir names or addresscs on this envelope'

ii) the unique idenrification number (Bid ID) gencratcd hv the s)''-stem a{1sr online

srtbrnissiom 11f rhe bid by the bidder shall be mentioned on envelope containirq tl're

doctlrnents as detail€d above.

A presfui r+reer,ing will be held on 05-06-2017 at 3:00 PM (il$I-l at tlre office of,

Chkf Gnasmrl !ilug"" (Engg), PCC-III, HMWSSB, {ftairtsbefl' H}'dcrebad

pIN: S*gSO;Lmffir O"dol to clarify the issues and rn ansurcrquestinns o'n ^nv

116l&€r tftr6 wua;r i* ra*a at that stage as stated in C[a*'rse ?"{ of '{nsmrctioms to

Biddsm'4qrrovi6sd'in BDS) of the bidding document'

The addrass'for cowlnrurication is as under:

Sri. O. Rama Chandra ReddY

Chief General Manager (Eoffi}}

Proj ect Construction Circl'e{fl il

HMWSSB, Khairtabad,Hyderabad PIN: 500 503

Telangana (INDIA)pi"""-N". i +gt ol 23433933 Ex$'$: stf$

Mobile fr{6; +91 9908509666

I l.


A'JvJ?+chier nun",),ilfl6{* s,Proiect Construction Circle'l{!,

HMws & sB, Khairatabad,Hyderabad - 500 004.







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Tela nc*na I*! * n ielp*l S*vef *prn tttt P r*!*tlsPEdilc PRoc{.}REIL{E t'lr NsYlcE ( spri}

l*uit*tio*r {or Bids {tFts}

t:l :' ' -.' ^. '

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lnt*rfistio$sl fi smp$titivs $ld'dirq {lCS}


Co mprehenoivs Water Suppty So1v13o.t13roveme nts i n

d;;il; P-t"t*i unds r$np *ittr V$srld Bank Assistance

tsan"-BP, fSIS[:lI*



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