Nightly Business Report - Tuesday March 26 2013

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  • 7/29/2019 Nightly Business Report - Tuesday March 26 2013


    ANNOUNCER: This is NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT with Tyler Mathisen and

    Susie Gharib.



    prices rise by the most in nearly seven years. And stocks take the good

    news and run with it. We talk with economist Robert Shiller about what`s


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    Well, not exactly, but Dell (NASDAQ:DELL) and BlackBerry, former tech

    titans, are in a fight for their lives. Can they come back?

    GHARIB: And courtroom drama. The Supreme Court hears the first of

    two cases on same-sex marriage. What are the stakes for business?

    We`ll have all that, plus the simplest trading strategy you`ve ever

    heard of tonight on NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT.

    Good evening, everyone.

    And, Tyler, you know, we had a lot of positives today about the stock

    market and also about the economy.

    MATHISEN: And those economic numbers really did drive stock prices

    higher today. The Dow has done it again, climbing to a record close,

    rebounding from Monday`s losses.

    Investors shook off concerns about the debt and banking crisis over in

    Europe and focused instead on higher home prices in January, in the U.S.,

    which rose at the fastest pace in almost seven years and on a sizeable jump

    in factory orders for big-ticket durable goods in February.

    When all was said and done, the Dow was higher by 112 points, closing

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    at a fresh all-time high of 14,559. The NASDAQ was up 17, and the broader

    S&P 500 added 12 points, now just a point and a half away from its own

    record high close.

    GHARIB: Well, as Tyler just said home prices went through the roof in

    January, up more than 8 percent year over year and this is in the nation`s

    largest cities. It`s the biggest jump in prices since the summer of 2006.

    And that`s according to the latest S&P Case-Shiller home price index.

    Now, some of the cities that took the hardest hits during the housing

    collapse saw some of the biggest gains, including Phoenix, Las Vegas and

    San Francisco, all with double-digit price gains.

    And joining us now, the co-founder of the Case-Shiller Index, Robert

    Shiller. He`s also economics professor at Yale University.

    You know, Robert, a lot of people are looking at these statistics if

    you`re a home buyer or home seller. You`ll come away with conclusions and

    if you`re a home buyer, you`re saying maybe this is the time to buy that

    house I`ve been wanting to get because prices are going go up, and if

    you`re a home seller, maybe rethink holding off before selling because you

    might get a better price.

    So how should people strategize through this?

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    important to keep a distinction between the housing market and the stock

    market. Momentum is much, much stronger in the housing market. So the

    fact that we just set a record on the Dow means very little about the

    outlook for the stock market. But the increases we see in the housing

    market mean a lot. It`s not as efficient a market.

    So this might be a time to accelerate a purchase of a home to get the

    increases that are likely over the next year.

    MATHISEN: Are you at all worried that there might be a repeat of the

    so-called bubble of the mid last decade?

    SHILLER: Well, I don`t think it s going to be as momentous as that

    one. That was the biggest bubble in the history of the United States. So

    we don`t expect that to happen again.

    And in fact, in history when we`ve seen big booms regionally in the

    United States, they`ve often not repeated for another half century. So I

    don`t expect that, but it does seem possible that it would be substantial

    and it depends on a lot of things, including political factors.

    GHARIB: You know, Robert, we`ve been hearing anecdotally stories that

    a lot of people investing in real estate is a good way to make some fast

    money -- buying properties and then flipping them. Does that strategy make

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    sense to you?

    SHILLER: For people who know what they`re doing, I think it naturally

    does. One thing that`s changing is, I don`t know about flipping. I think

    buying and holding it as a rental or selling it to someone who wants to be

    a landlord, we need to see some of our properties converted to rentals

    because that seems to be a shift for now, at least, in public demand.

    So I think it`s a natural, economic thing to be doing right now.

    MATHISEN: As you take apart the housing market or you analyze it,

    what`s making prices go up so much?

    SHILLER: You know, usually, we don`t know the answer to that, even

    after the fact.

    But I`ll give you the most -- first thing that comes to mind: the Fed,

    OK? Very low interest rates. In fact, in December, we set an all-time

    record low mortgage rate. It was 3.35 percent and it`s not up much from

    that today.

    That matter -- you know, that is -- for buying a house, it`s that low

    mortgage rate that might be the more important factor than the outlook for

    home. That`s big, to be able to borrow so cheaply and lock it in for 30


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    GHARIB: That is pretty incredible.

    Can you talk us through a little bit in some of the numbers, as you

    look at the metro areas of the cities on your list? I mean -- they`ll pull

    up a graphic here. Phoenix was up year over year, 23 percent; San

    Francisco, 17.5 percent.

    And then, you look at the bottom of the list -- New York City up just

    half a percent.

    SHILLER: Yes.

    GHARIB: What kind of conclusion should we draw from looking at these

    numbers and what`s the story behind the numbers?

    SHILLER: Short run, go for Phoenix.


    SHILLER: Long run -- long run, go for New York.

    By the way, the financial sector is very low priced now, too. New

    York is the world`s financial sector and it looks beaten down right now,

    but my feeling is that has a good, strong future.

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    MATHISEN: Let me -- let me get you, as a student of value, to comment

    if you would on the values of the stock market today. Do you think the

    market is priced too high for the economic underpinnings?

    SHILLER: It is priced highly. I have my own CAPE -- or cyclically

    adjusted price-earnings ratio, which uses a longer (ph) average of

    earnings. And that ratio now is about 23, which is high. But then you got

    to remember that interest rates are very low.

    So, it`s not unnatural for them to be high. So what I`m thinking --

    based on just the CAPE ratio, the real return on the stock market for the

    next 10 years might be something like 3 percent a year, which isn`t bad in

    the current environment. That`s way better than your 10-year treasury.

    GHARIB: All right. We`ll leave that for another conversation. But

    thank you so much.

    Robert Shiller, co-founder of the Case-Shiller index, also economics

    professor at Yale University.

    MATHISEN: Well, today`s Case-Shiller house price report confirms why

    Americans are once again bullish on real estate. According to the latest

    CNBC all-America survey, 33 percent believe their home prices will rise

    during the next year.

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    runs high, gold has run even higher. One recent example, the summer of

    2011, when Washington gridlock prompted the S&P to downgrade the debt

    rating of the United States, gold hit an intraday high of $1,923 an ounce.

    Gold has also managed to rally alongside the markets. For example,

    when the Fed announced several rounds of monetary stimulus, bouillon moved

    higher as an inflation hedge. In the past few months, though, gold hasn`t

    managed to move much. The range-bound metal wasn t where investors flocked

    when they were worried about the fiscal cliff and it certainly hasn`t been

    where they turned as the markets have climbed higher.

    Traders say gold`s behavior is odd, but explainable. For one thing,

    it`s been held back by the dollar`s strain.


    many other things, has been denominated in U.S. dollars, right? So when

    the strength -- when there is strength in the U.S. dollar, that implies

    there`s weakness in a foreign currency. So there is less gold that can be

    purchased per euro, per yen, per Swiss.

    DEANGELIS: In addition, there has been evidence that funds are

    selling gold as they rotate into equities.

    SACKS: There have been outflows in terms of the GOB for the funds to

    participate and initiate some gold exposure. So, the open interest has

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    come off substantially in the GOB.

    DEANGELIS: And even when gold does seem to catch a bid, it tends to

    be short covering, not necessarily new buying.

    (on camera): But still, experts say that all signs indicate that gold

    is headed higher. Here at home, fears of the impact of sequestration and

    new debt ceiling deadlines are a cause for concern. Abroad, the eurozone

    debt crisis is far from over as highlighted from recent events in Cyprus.

    SACKS: When we have the crisis out of Cyprus, so there is a demand.

    This is the definition of headline risk. So we have this demand for safe


    DEANGELIS (voice-over): For NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT, I`m Jackie



    MATHISEN: Two blue chips in the Dow hitting all-time highs today and

    that is where we begin our "Market Focus" tonight.

    American Express (NYSE:EXPR) (NYSE:AXP) and Johnson & Johnson

    (NYSE:JNJ) both hit as the market gained. AmEx on the $150 million a share

    buyback plan announced yesterday. And J & J after UBS raised its price

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    target on the stock to $87 a share from $81.

    Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) also part of the NYSE pharma index and

    that index hit its highest level in almost 12 years today.

    Here are some other top performers in that group: Bristol-Myers Squibb

    (NYSE:BMY) leading the way. up almost 25 percent year to date, followed by

    Eli Lilly (NYSE:LLY), Pfizer (NYSE:PFE), Amgen (NASDAQ:AMGN) and Merck


    GHARIB: Warren Buffett`s Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE:BRK.A) is set to

    become one of the 10 largest shareholders in Goldman Sachs (NYSE:GS). The

    move comes as Goldman gives Berkshire millions of shares in place of

    warrants dating back to the depths of the financial crisis. That`s when

    Buffett came to the rescue of the Wall Street firm by investing $5 billion.

    Goldman stock was almost flat on the day, closing at $146. At that

    price, Berkshire would receive more 9.5 million shares.

    And Netflix (NASDAQ:NFLX) was the biggest gainer in the S&P 500 today,

    after an analyst boosted the company`s price target to $225. He says the

    company`s streaming video business has the potential of drawing in more

    subscribers. Netflix (NASDAQ:NFLX) shares have doubled this year and they

    rose almost $10 today, to $190. That`s a gain of 5.5 percent.

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    MATHISEN: A historic hearing of the U.S. Supreme Court today on

    whether same-sex couples have the right to marry. And any potential ruling

    would have enormous implications for businesses.

    John Harwood joins us now from outside the Supreme Court in


    John, what did -- what did the justices hear today?


    arguments on same-sex marriage, Tyler. Tonight, the arguments were about

    California`s Proposition 8, the ballot measure a few years ago that ban gay

    marriage after earlier that right had been conferred in California.

    Justices are going to have to decide whether the stake can take a right

    after having granted it.

    The arguments tomorrow are going to be about the Defense of Marriage

    Act which was signed by Bill Clinton in 1996. Even Bill Clinton has said

    that it`s unconstitutional, but we`ll see whether the justices agree.

    There was some caution expressed in their questioning to the lawyers today.

    GHARIB: While we`re waiting, John, to hear on from the Supreme Court

    on this historic case, and many businesses are already providing benefits

    from gay couples. They`re already gotten kind of ahead of the law and the

    culture. Why the disconnect?

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    HARWOOD: Well, business executives worked on a different metric than

    politician-seeking votes. Business executives have approached this issue

    as a bottom line issue of making their employees happy. So, if you look at

    numbers like these compiled by the Human Rights Campaign, you`ve got 99

    percent of businesses that already have anti-discrimination policies on the

    basis of sexual orientation, 89 percent say they provide domestic partner

    benefits to same-sex couples. You also got 13 out of the 20 biggest

    companies on the Fortune 500 list that got a perfect score on those sorts

    of issues.

    So the business community is ahead. The politicians are catching up,

    and we`ll see what the Supreme Court justices decide a couple of months.

    MATHISEN: John Harwood, we have to leave it there. Thank you very


    John Harwood reporting.

    GHARIB: And coming up on the program, Dell (NASDAQ:DELL) and

    BlackBerry, two iconic American brands, at a crossroads. We`ll look at

    what happens when technology kings get beaten at their own game.

    But, first, here`s a look at how international markets closed out the


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    MATHISEN: Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) shares in a serious swoon since

    September were off slightly today, this despite positive comments from an

    influential tech analyst and a fund manager. The analyst Gene Munster of

    Piper Jaffray reiterated his $767 price target on the stock, more than $300

    above today`s close. He said the next two quarters for the company would

    come in below consensus estimates as iPhone sales slow. But then he thinks

    new product launches will power demand and the stock.

    Fund manager Channing Smith of Capital Advisers Growth basically makes

    the same argument. His forecast, $600 a share by New Year`s.

    GHARIB: Well, before shares of Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) climb any higher,

    the company has to battle concerns about declining sales of its signature

    products: iPhones and iPads. At China`s Foxconn, this is a major supplier

    to Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) and where many of those Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) gadgets

    are made, those fears may be real, as workers describe a slowdown in


    Eunice Yoon has more.


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    happens at Foxconn is see as a barometer for the tech industry. We heard

    orders at the Shenzhen factor had slowed. So, we headed to the notoriously

    secretive manufacturer to find what`s happening behind the heavily guarded


    Outside the factory, we spoke to a half dozen Foxconn workers, only

    one would talk to us on camera. But they all said the same thing. There

    are no orders, he says. Generally, there`s nothing to do.

    Like migrants at Foxconn, the worker moved from the countryside to

    make big bucks in the big city. He like the others we spoke to say Foxconn

    pays the best. Big clients like Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) and Dell (NASDAQ:DELL)

    mean steady orders. To the workers that means a chance to work longer

    hours and get better pay, but not since February.

    The worker who inspects iPad normally rakes in $480 a month. Now, he

    says he`ll be lucky to earn two-thirds that. Sometimes, he says, they

    don`t do much at all.

    "There`s no overtime," he says. "A lot of people have left."

    (on camera): Foxconn employs over 1.5 million people in China. But

    these days, the company isn`t hiring as much as before.

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    (voice-over): In a statement, Foxconn says 97 percent of employees

    returned after the lunar holiday and adds, this period has always been

    considered low season for the industry.

    But all of the workers who have been at the factory for over three

    years said the slowdown is more pronounced this year. What the workers

    tell us could be a sign of weaker sales -- something we`ll know for certain

    this earnings season.

    But this worker may not stick around until then.

    "Killing time is pointless," he says. "I might as well check out

    other jobs."

    For NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT, Eunice Yoon, Shenzhen.


    MATHISEN: Also, if you think Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) is facing

    challenges, get a load at this: it`s nothing to what`s been happening at

    Dell (NASDAQ:DELL) and BlackBerry. Not long ago, both firms were product

    and stock market kings and must-haves in many portfolios. Today, Dell

    (NASDAQ:DELL) is in the middle of a buyout battle and BlackBerry is

    battling for its survival as an independent company.

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    cheap why should I sell it to him?

    And Leon Black -- I`m sorry, Leon Cooperman, who was quoted in the

    piece, said this is the equivalent of insider trading and he knows

    something that other shareholders don`t, and to some extent, you could

    argue that now that we have a separate offer from Blackstone, which has

    come with a bid of $14.25, against, by the way, Michael Dell`s bid with

    Silver Lake of $13.65 and an additional bid by Mr. Icahn of $15, you could

    say that perhaps the original bid was too low.

    GHARIB: You know, Jon, Dell (NASDAQ:DELL) was once considered one of

    these tech darlings that could do no wrong, and it seems like the issue

    here -- whether it`s a private company or a public company -- its business

    model is out of date. How do they survive and how do they make that



    big and so popular making PCs more efficiently than anybody could at the

    time. And what happened is everybody else got better at making PCs and

    now, PCs are just less popular than they used to be as people use

    smartphones and tablets.

    So, really, what they need to do is one of two things: either figure

    out how to be a great mobile player. They tried a couple of times and

    haven`t figured that out. Or push into the cloud and enterprise services.

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    They`re doing a bit better at that, but meanwhile, this big PC weight is

    just dragging them --

    MATHISEN: They missed the move in the mobile big time. That was

    really one of the big issues here, right?

    FORTT: That`s part of it, but they tried some mobile products, but

    the problem was, they were depending on software from Microsoft

    (NASDAQ:MSFT) or from Google (NASDAQ:GOOG). They were depending on other

    companies to figure out how to put the objects, the products together.

    They couldn`t compete as much with Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL), which designs the

    whole widget (ph).

    MATHISEN: So, Andrew, speaking of a company that sort of missed a big

    move, BlackBerry, another company that we`re talking about in this segment

    tonight, it missed the move to sort of touchscreens and multi-function

    devices. Can this company come back?

    SORKIN: It`s going to be a struggle. I hate to say it because I`m a

    BlackBerry user and I have loved my keyboard from the absolute very

    beginning like so many people out there, but I also carry around an iPhone

    these day, and I think that`s become indicative of what you`re seeing, by

    the way, on Wall Street, you`re seeing it in the government, you`re seeing

    it even the Defense Department and others who have taken up other devices.

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    It`s very difficult once you start looking at the ecosystem that is

    the Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) OS, the operating system, and all of the apps that

    are around that to think that BlackBerry will ever be able to be what it

    used to be.

    Having said that, if BlackBerry can just eke out small, little gains,

    they can make big wins for the company and for the stock. And so, I

    wouldn`t count them out just yet.

    GHARIB: Let me ask both of you this, Andrew and Jon.

    But let me start with you, Jon, is that -- when you look at these

    companies and others of this ilk, is it a technology problem that got them

    here or is it a management problem, or is it both?

    FORTT: It really is both. I mean, in both cases, management was

    maybe a little too proud of what they had already accomplished, didn`t look

    around the corner and see what was coming. On the technology side, both

    had a similar problem. BlackBerry didn`t really design a great operating

    system, an OS that could do web surfing, that can handle apps. Apple

    (NASDAQ:AAPL) had that already.

    And when they saw Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) doing it, they figured they were

    fine ruling email and messaging just like they had done before. They need

    to now figure out what the next big thing is going to be. Don`t just match

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    iOS and Android, but get to where the pack (ph) is going to be.

    MATHISEN: The early word on the BlackBerry 10 is not all that

    favorable in the U.S.

    FORTT: Well, the word is a lot better than the early sales. So, it

    got some decent reviews. People said, yes, this does some things that

    other phones do and some things that they can`t do. But it hasn`t

    translated into sales because they haven`t communicated to people why buy

    this instead of the stuff like your friends have.

    GHARIB: Andrew, what is your thoughts of all this? What`s the lesson

    here? It sounds look a Harvard Business School case study.

    SORKIN: And the lesson is that both of these companies need to be in

    turn around and it`s a real gamble either way which way they go. You know,

    some people look at this Dell (NASDAQ:DELL) transaction and the

    shareholders say they`re not getting enough money, pay me more. But, you

    know, there`s just -- it`s just as possible that in five years from now,

    Michael Dell (NASDAQ:DELL) makes a fortune as he loses a fortune, and

    that`s the thing I think we all have to remember.

    MATHISEN: Andrew Ross Sorkin, thanks very much.

    Jon Fortt, great to be with you.

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    FORTT: Thank you.

    MATHISEN: And still ahead, why it`s more important to teach children

    about the value of a buck.

    But, first, a look at how commodities, treasuries and currencies fared



    GHARIB: Teaching children about money is an issue every parent

    struggles with. Now, schools are also focusing on this. And some students

    in the country are already required to study personal finance.

    As we continue our series, "Hitting the Book," Sharon Epperson reports

    that the push to spread that knowledge and make it mandatory is growing.


    UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: One big thing we went over, how to form a



    Financial lessons become life lessons for students at Reading High School,

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    in Ohio.

    UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I actually worked with my mom and we formed a

    budget that we still use and it`s helped us tremendously.

    EPPERSON: Since U.S. economic crisis, many schools and teachers have

    been searching for strategies to help students deal with the real-world


    BRIAN PAGE, READING HIGH SCHOOL, TEACHER: As our financial industry

    continues to get more complicated the lessons are becoming more and more

    painful. So, it`s time that our legislators recognize that we need to

    evolve, our education system needs to evolve and we need to prepare our

    children to be able to manage their money in a much more complicated

    financial society.

    EPPERSON: Brian Page`s class is an example of what many would like to

    see become law, a requirement that all high schools in the state offer a

    personal finance course.

    STATE SEN. WILLIAM COLEY (R), OHIO: It`s our hope that people learn

    that at an early age and then carry that through throughout their lives.

    EPPERSON (on camera): Ohio is one of 46 states that includes personal

    finance education in standard curriculum for kindergarten through 12th

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    grades. But there`s no mandate to teach it yet. According to the Council

    for Economic Education, only 13 states require high school students to take

    a personal finance course to graduate.

    (voice-over): There`s a national push to grow those numbers and

    expand requirements starting in elementary school.


    It`s great that that more and more states are adopting a mandatory

    financial education course, but waiting until high school is too late. It

    needs to start in kindergarten and there needs to be a foundation laid

    every single year.

    EPPERSON: In the next few months, the Treasury Department is expected

    to launch a Web site offering teachers ready-made personal finance lessons

    that can be incorporated instead standards for math and English in schools

    across the nation.

    HEATH: We need to know that a student in Michigan in the fourth grade

    is learning what a student in New York in the fourth grade is learning. It

    is so far beyond how to write a check. It`s tremendously empowering to

    teach children -- you have control over your own life.

    PAGE: This course is more than just about how to become rich. It`s

    about leading a rich life.

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    When they come back and they tell me that they have opened a savings

    account, or they tell me that they have a high credit score, or they tell

    me they have a direct deposit into the 401(k), which they`re fully

    matching. That`s how I measure my impact on them.

    EPPERSON: That`s the real world test of lessons that can help them

    throughout their financial lives.

    For NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT, I`m Sharon Epperson.


    MATHISEN: We asked on what you thought about teaching

    financial literacy to younger students.

    Kersi Billimoria said, "Very important, especially since it appears

    that parents have abrogated their responsibility in this area."

    And Steve Silva said, "Extremely important, and I applaud this long,

    overdue move."

    And, finally tonight, do you want to make money in the stock market?

    Well, the answer may be as easy as invest on a sunny day. According to a

    new book by Adam Alter, an assistant professor at NYU`s Stern Business

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    School, researchers studying trading patterns across 26 world markets found

    that between 1982 and 1987, stocks rose more on sunny days than on cloudy,

    snow, or rainy ones.

    Or you just go with simple-sounding names. Alter and a colleague at

    NYU found after studying hundreds of U.S. stocks that those with easy to

    pronounce names outperformed the tongue twisters. And as Warren Buffett

    says, simpler is better.

    It was a sunny day here, Susie, and stocks moved higher. It was

    cloudy and stocks went down.

    GHARIB: Do we have to start doing a weather report? Tomorrow is

    supposed to be partly sunny. So, we`ll see what that does to the market.

    MATHISEN: Mixed day for the market.

    GHARIB: That`s NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT for tonight. I`m Susie

    Gharib. Thanks for watching.

    MATHISEN: And I m Tyler Mathisen. Have a great evening. We`ll see

    you back here tomorrow night.


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