Nicola Harris-Jukes – AST Brinsworth Comprehensive School – [email protected] Clare Allison – Languages Project Manager King Edward VII School - [email protected]

Nicola Harris-Jukes – AST Brinsworth Comprehensive School – [email protected]@brinsworth.rotherham.sch.uk Clare Allison

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Nicola Harris-Jukes AST Brinsworth Comprehensive School [email protected] Clare Allison Languages Project Manager King Edward VII School - [email protected]

SHELL (Schools and Higher Education Languages Link)

Routes into Languages

Increased uptake of languages KS5


The Original IdeaOriginal idea from SHELL Group, Funded by Routes into languages Programme which funds projects with the aim of increasing the uptake of learning by changing attitudes towards language and cultural learning at key transition points.

Routes funded by HEFCE Yorkshire consortium both Sheffield Universities

SHELL group discussions high quality projects but lacked impact in terms of numbers looking to schools for delivery and increased impact.

The idea a film summer school, language and film workshops, output making a short film in the target language.

Original aim was to try to increase the uptake of languages KS5 target those who might take a language with an fun and more adult out of classroom experience and help them to bridge the gap between their learning at KS4 and KS5 and develop early independent attitudes to learning.

However unable to Y11s out of school before exams and the time when they would chose their options. Aim of project then changed to transition targeting those who had chosen to study a language still helping to bridge the gap and again with the focus of independent learning.


Why film?Highly motivational

Shortcut to another culture

Opportunities for creative language use

Independent learning

Stempleski and Tomalin combination of sound and image can present language more comprehensively than any other teaching medium. It presents the whole communicative system including paralinguistic (non verbal communication) side of language and brings together as one language and culture.

Film in terms of viewing clips and also film making itself. Film clips as a direct link to another culture, film making as the vehicle to support the development of higher level thinking skills in the mother tongue and the target language. Learning about the culture should not be seen as separate from work on the target language.

Film the vehicle to support creative and independent work.

Ken Robinson Creativity as important as literacy . Creativity the capacity for original ideas and actions.

Wanted students to be able to take risks use language in a fun way come up with new ways in which to communicate in the target language.

The project lends itself to independent learning developing those softer skills, organisation, team working etc.3

The eventThe Team

Three days


Feedback from students

Lead by Nicola and myself a group of staff from various schools taking part over the 3 days. Both school staff and university staff deliver content with the added support of a local film maker.

Two days workshops some language based, some film and film making, story boarding all with the aim to provide the skills for the final film.

Year two expanded 32 students 9 schools. Staff too (14 staff involved in total). Outputs two minute films in the target language.

Outcomes more independent learners able to start to use higher level thinking skills and having developed softer skills. Able to use target language in a creative way.

High level of target language used during the project, students mixed well and final films made in groups that were put together by staff not chosen by students to ensure again they had to develop their softer skills.

Students said more language input than they thought hard but helpful project was a good opportunity to mix valued the opportunity to work within a university environment and meeting students from other schools

More than three times as many students in 2010 than in pilot year.14 staff directly supported the project in year two.Demand for places this year and from schools not previously involved.

4The Films





Nicola Harris-Jukes AST Brinsworth Comprehensive School [email protected] Clare Allison Languages Project Manager King Edward VII School - [email protected]
