Nextiva 6 4 AE Specifications

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  • 7/21/2019 Nextiva 6 4 AE Specifications









    2.01 GENERAL

    A. All software components shall be part of the manufacturers standard softwareproduct offering.

    B. All software components shall be thoroughly tested and proven in referenceinstallations equal to or greater than the size and/or complexity of the Proect.

    !. "he #$% shall be approved by the &% 'epartment of (omeland %ecurity with a

    'esignation status in the %A)*"+ Act program.

    '. All software components shall be provided with the availability of a toll,free -&% and!anada "echnical Assistance Program -"AP from the manufacturer. "he "AP shallallow for immediate technical assistance for the dealer/integrator/installer or for theend user.

    *. *ach systems integrator designing proposing implementing supporting or otherwiseparticipating in the maintenance enhancement or upgrade of the #$% solution shallhold factory certification on version being used or upgraded to by the end user.

    ). "he #$% manufacturer shall offer thedealer/integrator/installer and end user accessto a secure e,support website for 0eb,based technical information 12x3x456.

    7. "he #$% manufacturer shall offer a variety of %ervice and %upport plans.


    A. "he #$% shall have a flexible open video over 8P architecture built on accepted

    industry standards that facilitate integration with 8" infrastructures.

    B. "he #$% shall have a flexible open architecture and be able to migrate from a

    single recorder or enterprise site into a multisite system at any time.

    !. "he #$% shall have a flexible open architecture built on accepted industry

    standards that supports a 0or9group $icrosoft 0indows *nvironment.

    '. "he #$% shall have a flexible open architecture built on accepted industry

    standards that supports an Active 'irectory 'omain *nvironment.

    *. "he #$% shall have a flexible open architecture built on accepted industry

    standards that supports Bi,directional )orest %upport for $icrosoft 0indows

    authentication between a customer A' )orest and :extiva A' )orest *nvironment.

    ). "he #$% shall have a flexible open architecture built on accepted industry

    standards that facilitates ':%/'(!P support for servers.


  • 7/21/2019 Nextiva 6 4 AE Specifications


    7. "he #$% shall have a flexible open architecture that supports unified wor9station

    logon based on $icrosoft 0indows authentication.

    (. "he #$% shall be able to be installed in a #irtual *nvironment and be recognized by

    #$ware as #$ware

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    &. "he #$% shall not use multiplexing or timed division technology for analog video

    recording. All analog camera sources shall be digitally recorded as individual


    #. "he #$% shall be able to support native video motion detection. "his operation can

    be executed by the edge device the 8P !amera or the server. *nabling motion

    detection shall be performed either

    ;. =n a continuous basis

    1. As scheduled for particular times dates days months etc.

    4. )or defined areas of interest defined using an easy,to,use user interface and

    simple editing tools

    2. At a defined sensitivity level

    0. "he #$% %erver component shall support software designed for the $icrosoftD

    0indowsD 1EEF

  • 7/21/2019 Nextiva 6 4 AE Specifications


    A. "he #$% shall support :"%! or PA@ video standards interfaces

    B. "he #$% shall support third,party 8P cameras from at least ;E differentmanufacturers using auto discovery functionality.

    !. "he #$% shall support a variety of video matrix switcher devices and P"G camerasfrom different manufacturers.

    '. "he #$% shall be !onformant to the =:#8) Profile % standard for :etwor9 #ideo

    !lient -:#!. "he #$% shall be listed on the =:#8).org web site list of conformant

    :#! products.

    *. "he #$% shall support (.152 $P*7,2 and $>P*7 compression from edge

    devices and 8P cameras on a camera,by,camera basis.

    ). "he #$% shall support (.152 $P*7,2 and $>P*7 de,compression on the


    7. "he #$% shall support an asynchronous serial port for the

  • 7/21/2019 Nextiva 6 4 AE Specifications


    ;. C!8)

    1. !8)

    4. 1!8)

    2. #7A

    6. 2!8)5. ('31E

    3. (';EFE

    F. 1$P

    H. 4$P

    ;E. 6$P

    ;;. ;E$P

    ". "he #$% shall support additional P"G 9eyboard camera commands such as

    ;. #ariable speed control of P"G functionality

    1. $anual iris and focus control

    4. !all up patterns -store and retrieve

    2. !amera menu commands

    6. Auxiliaries/advanced P"G commands

    5. (ome position

    3. )lip camera ;FE degrees


    A. "he #$% shall support the following #erint/:extiva 8ntelligent *dge 'evice

    0ireless and 8P cameras

    ;. %ingle input encoders and decoders

    1. $ultiple input encoders

    4. @egacy 0ireless edge devices

    B. "he #$% shall be =:#8) profile % compliant

    C. "he #$% shall support third,party 8P cameras from at least ;E different

    manufacturers using auto discovery functionality. !ameras supported should be

    inclusive of but not limited to the following brands

    i. Arecont

    ii. Axis

    iii. Bosch

    iv. 8Cin#ision

    v. $obotix

    vi. Panasonic


  • 7/21/2019 Nextiva 6 4 AE Specifications


    vii. Pelco

    viii. %amsung

    ix. %ony

    x. #erint

    xi. (8?xii. !anon

    xiii. @7

    xiv. "%

    xv. %callop 8maging

    D. "he #$% shall support a variety of video matrix switcher devices and P"G cameras

    from different manufacturers.

    *. "he #$% third,party Analog P"G cameras support shall be inclusive of but not limited

    to the following brands

    ;. American 'ynamics %peed'ome &ltra 8# and up %peed'ome =ptima =ptima

    @" A';52;$ A';5H5B A';5H2

    1. Bosch -Phillips Auto'ome Basic'ome *nviro'ome

    4. !hec9point !larity

    2. !ovi *#C,;EEE

    6. (oneywell ?'5i

    5. 7* -?alatel !yber'ome !yber%cout @egend

    3. Panasonic !%5EE !'56E 0#,!%632 0#,!%632 0#,!%H62 0#,!%H52


    F. Pelco %pectra ') and '' series all cameras supporting Pelco P and Pelco '


    H. #icon %urveyor 1EEE

    ). "he #$% shall upoort (8' compliant P"G >oystic9s

    ;. "he following models have been tested and qualified

    i. Axis "F4;;

    ii. #ideo"ec '!G

    7. "he #$% shall integrate with the following third party !!"# ?eyboards to provide

    command and control of associated devices

    ;. American 'ynamics A'1E3F A' 1E3FA A'1E3H A'1EFF A'1EFH A'!!E1EE


  • 7/21/2019 Nextiva 6 4 AE Specifications


    (. "he #$% shall integrate with the following matrix switches to provide command and

    control of associated devices camera to monitor call up and access to matrix switch


    ;. American 'ynamics $egaPower 1E6E/;E12

    1. American 'ynamics $egaPower @" A'$P@";5 A'$P@"41

    4. American 'ynamics $egaPower 2F Plus A'$P2F,*

    2. American 'ynamics $egaPower 2F #

  • 7/21/2019 Nextiva 6 4 AE Specifications


    4. "he #$%

  • 7/21/2019 Nextiva 6 4 AE Specifications


    6. "he $edia 7ateway shall be capable of running all video transcoding pass

    through and 0A: transport services using !="% equipment with processors

    such as 8ntelD or A$'.

    *. $ultisite %erver -$%%

    ;. "he $ultisite %erver shall maintain a directory of sites that are part of the

    multisite configuration. "he $%% shall use !="% equipment with processors

    such as 8ntelD or A$'.

    1. "he $%% shall be a central database that contains data required from each site

    for the purpose of sharing resources with other sites. All sites that are part of a

    multisite deployment shall oin $%%. $%% shall either co,exist on a $aster

    %erver or

  • 7/21/2019 Nextiva 6 4 AE Specifications


    16E7BI with a high,end video card with ;1F$B

  • 7/21/2019 Nextiva 6 4 AE Specifications


    6. "he #$% shall provide a health chec9 single point of control mechanism to

    monitor operations and trac9 system performance.

    5. "he #$% shall provide audit trails of activities performed in the system.

    3. !ontrol !enter shall have the capability to provide a dashboard with status

    information of each recorder that is part of a $aster %erver configuration.


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    5. &sers can select or drag,and,drop individual cameras to request

    video for playbac9 or to open live video windows.

    xv. 7uard "ours display sequential views of predefined wor9spaces created

    by the operator in the

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    i. *nable control of !!"# equipment such as !!"# 9eyboards and P"Gcameras and create virtual matrices to distribute live and recordedvideo audio and alarms to monitors across @ocal and 0ide Area:etwor9s -@A:s/0A:s.

    F. 8mage "ool9it software shall include the following capabilities

    i. Adding the date and time to the imageii. Adding text annotations to the image

    iii. !opying the image to the clipboard so that it can be pasted into other


    iv. Printing the image

    v. %aving the image to dis9 in various standard file formats

    vi. Adusting the brightness and/or contrast of the image

    vii. !onverting a color image to grayscale

    viii. Applying filters to the image to smooth or sharpen

    ix. Applying edge detection to highlight borders and surfaces of obectswithin the image

    H. "he #$%

  • 7/21/2019 Nextiva 6 4 AE Specifications


    ;1. "he #$% shall export an image in 0indows Bitmap format.

    ;4. "he #$% shall export an image in >P*7 ->oint Photographic *xperts 7roup


    ;2. "he #$% shall enable users to open live video windows relative to the monitor


    i. %upport serial or quad view

    ii. Allow up to three -4 additional monitors to be configured per

  • 7/21/2019 Nextiva 6 4 AE Specifications


    1E. "he #$% shall support scanning recorded video for activity using an energy

    graph that indicates activity levels.

    1;. "he #$% shall support scanning recorded video for motion in all or specific Areas

    of 8nterest and shall have the ability to set the motion sensitivity and sampling


    11. "he #$% shall authenticate video enabling users to verify that the video has not

    been modified since it was recorded.

    14. "he #$% shall have live video windows consistent with video playbac9 windows

    in appearance and operation.

    12. "he #$% shall control P"G cameras.

    16. "he #$% shall allow the entire live video window to be a mouse,sensitive area

    for P"G control.

    15. "he #$% shall provide an optional Kheads up displayL -(&' which supports

    layering a P"G control user interface over the video providing a visual indication

    of the window areas that control zoom focus and iris functions.

    13. "he #$% shall support camera presets by providing a toolbar or other 7&8

    method for wor9ing with camera presets when viewing live video from a P"G


    1F. "he #$% shall provide the ability to view camera tours through a graphical icon,

    based user interface.

    1H. "he #$% shall allow the user to access a calendar view to query by month day

    and year and by hour minute and second.

    4E. "he #$% shall allow the user to access a hierarchical tree to manage the icons

    that represent cameras.

    4;. "he #$% shall allow hovering from the camera list to preview the camera window

    in real,time.

    41. "he #$% shall provide auto,play alarm tiles and wor9spaces.

    44. "he #$% shall allow users to pin alarms to tiles which 9eeps the alarm on the

    tile until it is ac9nowledged.

    42. "he #$% shall allow administrators to configure access rights and privileges for

    every user. "he configured user access rights and privileges will apply when the

    user logs on to any wor9station.


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    v. !amera menu


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    2. 0eb

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    iv. 8gnore environmental changes including rain hail wind swaying trees

    and gradual light changes

    v. !lassify obects

    vi. 'etect tripwire events

    vii. 'etect multi,line tripwire events

    viii. 'etect KentersL KexitsL KappearsL KdisappearsL Kinside ofL KloiteringL

    Kleave behindL and Kta9en awayL events

    ix. 'etect scene change events

    x. !reate obect size and size change filters

    F. "he #$% shall be able to combine obect trac9ing with obect classification

    allowing detection of specific obects in a region of interest while ignoring other

    obect types.

    H. "he #$% shall support alarm generation and other actions based on the #$%

    rule engine for when an obect is detected classified and trac9ed.

    ;E. "he #$% shall support 4rdparty facial recognition analytics and initiate an alarm

    event when a specific face is recognized from a user deined pre,configured list

    during a live video feed or in post event forensic analisys.

    ;;. "he #$% shall support 4rdparty @icense Plate

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    iv. $ultiple users shall be able to view the same camera sequence

    simultaneously. &sers viewing the same sequence simultaneously can

    pause and re,start the sequence without affecting other viewers.

    v. =perators shall be able to use an integrated !!"# 9eyboard to control

    pan,tilt,zoom iris focus dome relays and dome presets to an analog


    vi. "he #$% shall enable users to assign cameras to monitors by attaching

    any adapted !!"# 9eyboard using the following methods

    ;. %elect a camera from the camera tree in the !ontrol !enter onto

    an associated monitor

    1. *nter a camera number from the 9eyboard

    4. *nable the user to switch between monitor views on the analog

    monitors by using the specified 9eyboard buttons for multiple


    2. Provide a function to start a tour that can be programmed

    through the !!"# 9eyboard

    vii. "he #$% shall support camera tours including the following

    comprehensive features

    ;. !onfiguration functionality enabling authorized users to view and

    modify camera tour definitions

    1. !onfiguration functionality to enable authorized users to ta9e

    over or loc9 out other lower priority users

    4. $ultiple camera tour and salvos creation

    2. $ultiple camera support for each camera tour

    6. Preset and dwell time definitions supported for each camera

    5. 'well time definition for all cameras in a single operation

    3. $ultisite support using the #erint ('

  • 7/21/2019 Nextiva 6 4 AE Specifications


    ii. 0hen two events occur within a specific time span

    iii. 0hen two identical and consecutive events occurs without another

    specific event occuring between the two

    iv. 0hen one event occurswithout another event within a specific time span

    4. "he automated responses to behaviors shall be

    i. "rigger an alarm with 1E different alarms priority assigned to different

    users or monitors

    ii. *,mail notification

    iii. Assign a camera to a monitor

    iv. !hange output relay state

    v. !all a camera preset


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    iv. )orwarding alarms to a

  • 7/21/2019 Nextiva 6 4 AE Specifications


    ii. Perform failover of recorders

    iii. Perform dual recording from one camera source

    iv. Apply global recorder settings or edit existing individual recorder


    v. 'efine recording modes centralized and distributed

    vi. Associate cameras recorders and schedule assignments

    3. "he #$% shall support failover recording.

    i. "he failover recorder shall act as a hot standby ready to ta9e over the

    functions of a primary

  • 7/21/2019 Nextiva 6 4 AE Specifications


    4. "he #$% shall be capable of generating an alarm based on video image

    analysis detecting activity through motion detection or obect recognition in the

    areas of interest or directional vectors. "he absence of activity shall correspond

    to the K=))L state of the alarm sourceI when activity is detected the state of the

    alarm source shall be K=:L.

    2. "he #$% shall be capable of providing a way to define the areas of interest foractivity detection for specific cameras.

    6. "he #$% shall be capable of enabling configurable activity detection sensitivity.

    5. "he #$% shall be capable of generating alarms when video loss is detected from

    the devices due to lost camera signals.

    @. Alarm

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    5. "he #$% shall be capable of retaining video online after transferring it to long,

    term storage -*%$. #ideo shall be retained online on the recorder to support

    immediate playbac9 even if the video has been successfully copied to long,term

    storage media.

    :. $anaging @ong,"erm %torage and Archiving

    ;. "he #$% shall support automatic long term storage with the *%$.

    1. @ong,term storage shall be implemented using separate storage attachments.

    4. "he #$% shall support multiple long,term storage devices.

    2. "he #$% shall be capable of independent operations between storage servers.

    6. "he #$% shall be capable of immediate transfer to long,term storage.

    5. "he #$% shall support the ability to Kcatch upL after storage server downtime. 8f a

    storage server must be ta9en out of service temporarily for maintenance the

    #$% shall retain video designated for long,term storage online on

  • 7/21/2019 Nextiva 6 4 AE Specifications


    ii. %ystem alerts

    iii. Audit trail

    iv. Performance


  • 7/21/2019 Nextiva 6 4 AE Specifications


    vii. P"G commands supported in the service %'? are available in the !lient


    viii. !alling up camera patterns from the !lient.

    ix. Accessing camera menus via the !lient.

    x. %treaming (' to the !lient.

    xi. %treaming $>P*7 to the !lient.

    xii. *vent :otification to !lient such as #ideo @ost $otion 'etection and


  • 7/21/2019 Nextiva 6 4 AE Specifications


    N 1E;; #erint %ystems 8nc. All