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Exploring the Nucleus of Wealth and Success

Definition Attainment Legacy


wealth Definition wealth [ welth ]


1. large amount of money: a large amount of money or possessions 2. state of having much money: the state of having plenty of money or possessions "came from a background of great wealth" 3. abundance of something: an abundance or great quantity of something "quoted a wealth of statistics to prove the point" 4. ECONOMICS value of assets: the value of assets owned by a person or a community "need to determine the family's wealth" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wealth

Definition of Wealth

2008 by Mark Shead

One of the most

important things you can

do in aligning your

finances to be more

productive is to define

what wealth means to


The Rich Dad Poor Dad

books give an interesting

definition of


Attaining Wealth Through

Mind Power

By Remez Sasson

….Take a pen and a sheet

of paper, and find a place

to be alone and

undisturbed for a while.

Think about wealth and

what it means to you, and

then jot down any thought

that comes into your mind.

Write down every thought,

good and bad, positive and

negative. Do this for at

least ten minutes or until

you do not find more ideas

and thoughts.

After you finish writing,

read, think, and analyze


Facts about Attaining


You must have heard the story

of a fly trapped inside a room.

It sees light at the other end of

the closed window and keeps

banging against it so as to

reach the other side. Little does

the poor fly know that the

window pane will not give way

against the banging, for it to

reach freedom. If freedom has

to be achieved, either the

window has to be opened, or

another way has to be figured


Likewise, people trapped in job

situations are not any


A Legacy of Wealth


Great philanthropists from


Everyone would like to be

remembered for the good

things they've done, find out

how some of history's

greatest philanthropists

have made their mark on the


‘He who dies rich dies

disgraced,’ warned

Andrew Carnegie, the

steel magnate who

became the father of

modern philanthropy.

It is an inspiring

philosphy that has been

followed by countless

tycoons down the years:

make a fortune then

become a benefactor.


Anthony Dozier earned his

freedom in South Carolina

during slavery, and through

fortitude, guile, vision, and

judgment, he created and

built an economic base and

successful family business

in Williamsburg County,

SC that would become

widely known and

chronicled throughout the

history of the


Page 3: Nexons Worm hole


Networking in Las Vegas

Definition Daily Events Las Vegas




Definition of NETWORKING

1 : the exchange of information or services among individuals, groups, or institutions; specifically: the cultivation of

PRODUCTIVE relationships for employment or business …more

Definition of Networking

The key to true business

networking is the

establishment of a mutually

beneficial relationship, and

that's an incredibly rare

event at the standard


your-business-card events

that are touted as business

networking opportunities"




Nancy’s List

Nancy’s List

Women’s Groups

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