NEWSTEAD NORTH Draft Renewal Strategy Feedback Summary November 2016

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NEWSTEAD NORTHDraft Renewal Strategy

Feedback Summary

November 2016

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This report has been produced by:

Urban Renewal Brisbane | City Planning and Economic Development | Brisbane City CouncilBrisbane Square, 266 George St, Brisbane QLD 4000GPO Box 1434, Brisbane QLD 4001

in November 2016

For inquiries about the contents please contact:

Newstead North Neighbourhood Plan team, Urban Renewal Brisbane, on (07) 3403 8888

Disclaimer: This document is solely for the purpose of facilitating Neighbourhood Planning by Urban Renewal Brisbane, Brisbane City Council. The mapping is for general purposes only and should not be relied upon for specific parcels. This document does not represent approved government policy.

As printed on 7 May 2023

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Table of ContentsNEWSTEAD NORTH................................................................................................................................................................................................................1

Draft Renewal Strategy..........................................................................................................................................................................................................1

Feedback Summary...............................................................................................................................................................................................1

November 2016.....................................................................................................................................................................................................1

Table of Contents..................................................................................................................................................................................................1


Engagement activities............................................................................................................................................................................................2

Feedback received................................................................................................................................................................................................2

Issues and responses............................................................................................................................................................................................3

Summary of Submissions......................................................................................................................................................................................4


Consultation and process.............................................................................................................................................................................5

Land use and built form................................................................................................................................................................................6

Public realm and open space.....................................................................................................................................................................16


Heritage and character...............................................................................................................................................................................25


Social and cultural......................................................................................................................................................................................27

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IntroductionThe draft Newstead North Renewal Strategy was open for public feedback from Wednesday 15 June to Friday 29 July 2016.

Feedback received on the draft renewal strategy has been used in the drafting of the Newstead North Neighbourhood Plan. The community will have further opportunity to provide input through statutory public notification of the neighbourhood plan.

This report summarises the community feedback received on the draft Newstead North Renewal Strategy.

Engagement activitiesA number of activities were undertaken to ensure that the draft renewal strategy was accessible to a wide range of audiences and to provide several ways in which people could provide feedback on this document. Promotional activities included those outlined below:

A newsletter distributed throughout the plan area that included a summary of the draft renewal strategy and encouraged the community to provide feedback through an online survey or by email or post. (529 to absentee residential and commercial absentee land owners; 1500 via unaddressed mail to residential and commercial addresses in Newstead North; approx. 100 to the Central ward office).

The draft renewal strategy document was available to download from Council’s website from 15 June 2016. Project update email sent to 104 subscribers on 15 June, 15 July and 25 July 2016. Social media activities included posts on Facebook and Twitter. Advertisements were placed in the City North News on 23 June and 14 July 2016.

Face-to-face engagement activities included those outlined below:

Two talk-to-a-planner sessions were held at Gasworks plaza on Thursday 23 June 2016 4-7pm (approximately 25 people engaged) and Saturday 16 July 2016 9am-12noon (approximately 34 people engaged). These were informal events that gave people an opportunity to find out more about the plan and ask questions directly.

The third Community Planning Team meeting was held on 14 June 2016, where members were presented the draft renewal strategy and given the opportunity to provide initial feedback prior to the public release of the draft renewal strategy on 15 June 2016.

Feedback receivedFeedback received on the Draft Newstead North renewal Strategy included 21 written submissions (19 by email and 2 by post) and 81 people provided feedback via the online survey. This included a variety of submitters such as local residents, workers, businesses and land owners.

Issues and responses


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Through the feedback received, a number of issues were raised about the Draft Newstead North Renewal Strategy.

The key issues were:

general support for the draft strategy support for retaining industry and local business support for flexibility in land use mix support for improved access to Breakfast Creek and better connections around the area concern about form and scale of neighbouring developments concern about transport and on-street parking miscellaneous site specific comments.

Feedback received during the consultation period has been used to inform the draft Newstead North Neighbourhood Plan. This is a statutory document that sits within Council’s planning scheme, Brisbane City Plan 2014 (City Plan).

The table overleaf provides a summary of this feedback and how this has been incorporated into the draft Newstead North Neighbourhood Plan and should be read in conjunction with the draft neighbourhood plan.


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Summary of Submissions


Ref Feedback Planning response Submission reference

1.1 General support for some or all aspects of the draft Newstead North Renewal Strategy.

Noted. Thank you for your feedback. NNRS001, NNRS005, NNOS060, NNOS089, NNOS026, NNOS036, NNOS037, NNOS039, NNOS041, NNOS043, NNOS054, NNOS055, NNOS056, NNOS066, NNOS070, NNOS080, NNOS090, NNOS092, NNOS093, NNOS097, NNOS130, NNOS051, NNOS032, NNOS065, NNOS042, NNOS050, NNOS063, NNOS064, NNOS071, NNOS076, NNOS079, NNOS082, NNOS104, NNOS045, NNOS061, NNOS068, NNOS086, NNOS087, NNOS113, NNOS038, NNOS040, NNOS057, NNOS058, NNOS088, NNOS105, NNOS106, NNOS114, NNOS115, NNOS127, NNOS085, NNOS110, NNRS012, NNRS016, NNRS019, NNRS015, NNRS020, NNRS017

1.2 Concerns over the amount of development within the plan area. Noted. Some areas of Newstead North are already zoned for higher density development. The draft renewal strategy and neighbourhood plan seeks to strike a balance between new development and retaining industry and lower scale character housing in Bowen Hills.

NNOS030, NNOS039, NNOS077

1.3 Concern that the draft renewal strategy does not take into account individual site characteristics resulting in limited development potential and limitation of economic growth.

The drafting of the renewal strategy involved extensive consultation with internal technical teams, considering a range of characteristics, development potential and economic growth within the plan area. Several areas in Newstead North experience flooding and are subject to coastal hazards, which among other things influenced decisions about suitable locations for increased density.



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Ref Feedback Planning response Submission reference

1.4 Concern over how the draft renewal strategy facilitates outcomes such as creative industries and suggestion of incentives which encourage desired development outcomes such as additional height and leniency in levels of assessment.

Noted. The draft renewal strategy was a strategic document and the subsequent draft neighbourhood plan encourages creative industries within the plan area through a range of mechanisms, most importantly levels of assessment including:

Allowing service industries to be code assessable within the Mixed use zoning regardless of size.

Allowing dwelling units to be self assessable in the Low impact industry zoning when complying with all assessable acceptable outcomes, therefore allowing work-live scenarios within the plan area. The dwelling unit promotes the establishment of creative industries in the area, whilst revitalising the industry area.


1.5 The draft renewal strategy does not include the Bowen Hills community and Perry Park.

Perry Park and parts of Bowen Hills are to remain part of the Bowen Hills Neighbourhood Plan area as these areas are located within the Bowen Hills Priority Development Area Development Scheme. The Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning has jurisdiction over this land and development is guided by the Bowen Hills Priority Development Area Development Scheme. It is noted that Economic Development Queensland is currently undertaking a review of the Bowen Hills Priority Development Area Development Scheme.


1.6 Disappointed that the neighbourhood plan does area not include Perry Park.

NNRS006, NNRS007

1.7 Is the area to be officially named Newstead North? No. The neighbourhood plan is a statutory plan that will provide additional guidance for development in the area. It is given a name to indicate its location in the city for easy identification.


Consultation and process

Feedback Planning response Submission reference

2.1 Content with Council’s consultation approach to date and the information provided.

Noted. NNOS090, NNOS048, NNRS016

2.2 Concerns with the length and vague wording of the draft renewal strategy document.

Noted. The renewal strategy is a strategic and highly visual document intended to provide vision and future land use and



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Feedback Planning response Submission reference

built form directions for the area.

2.3 Concerned with how community feedback will be used and whether it will be given serious weight when making planning decisions.

Noted. The feedback on the draft renewal strategy is used to inform the draft statutory neighbourhood plan. Development applications are assessed against the current Brisbane City Plan 2014 including existing neighbourhood plans. The Newstead North Neighbourhood Plan will be used to assess development applications when it is adopted in late 2017.

NNOS083, NNRS008

2.4 Concern about how the plan will work in practice. Noted. The draft Newstead North Renewal Strategy is part of the first stage in setting the future direction for the area in terms of land use planning and new development. It is a non-statutory document which sets out strategies. From this stage a draft neighbourhood plan has been created which will guide future development within the area. Once the plan is adopted it will become a statutory mechanism that sits within Council’s planning scheme, Brisbane City Plan 2014. Implementation will primarily be through new development via the development application process.


2.5 Concern regarding individual consultation not being carried out with major landowners.

Brisbane City Council sent newsletters to all landowners within the area in August 2015 announcing the new neighbourhood plan, which detailed options for community members to be involved in the process, including being involved in the Community Planning Team (CPT) and/or completing the online survey. Through this process a number of major landowners nominated to be part of the CPT and/or participate in meetings with Council regarding their sites.

Council sent newsletters to all landowners within the area in June 2016 to advise of the public consultation on the draft Newstead North Renewal Strategy.


Land use and built form

Feedback Planning response Submission reference

3.1 General support for land uses as described in the draft renewal Noted. NNOS60, NNOS089, NNOS026,


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Feedback Planning response Submission reference

strategy. NNOS036, NNOS037, NNOS039, NNOS043, NNOS045, NNOS055, NNOS056, NNOS070, NNOS080, NNOS087, NNOS090, NNOS093, NNOS097, NNOS0130, NNOS032, NNOS110, NNOS048, NNOS065, NNOS071, NNOS104, NNOS038, NNOS040, NNOS051, NNOS057, NNOS088, NNOS105, NNOS106, NNOS114, NNOS115, NNOS127, NNRS015, NNRS020, NNOS066, NNOS068, NNOS083, NNOS058, NNOS082, NNOS079, NNRS020, NNOS073, NNOS041, NNOS034, NNRS015

3.2 General support for the building heights as described in the draft renewal strategy.

Noted. NNOS079, NNOS060, NNOS089, NNOS036, NNOS037, NNOS043, NNOS055, NNOS056, NNOS080, NNOS093, NNOS097, NNOS130, NNOS032, NNOS110, NNOS048, NNOS038, NNOS040, NNOS051, NNOS057, NNOS088, NNOS105, NNOS106, NNOS114, NNOS115, NNOS064, NNRS015, NNRS020, NNOS082, NNOS066, NNOS094, NNOS126, NNOS068, NNOS073, NNOS070, NNOS090,

3.3 Support for land uses within the draft renewal strategy document

Low impact industry Noted. NNOS066, NNOS058, NNOS082

Medium density residential NNOS066, NNOS068, NNOS083, NNOS058, NNOS082, NNOS079, NNRS020

Character residential NNOS066, NNOS058, NNOS068,


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Feedback Planning response Submission reference


Mixed use NNOS066, NNOS041, NNOS034, NNRS015

District centre NNOS066

3.4 Do not support for land uses within the draft renewal strategy document

Low impact industry Noted. NNOS094, NNOS126, NNOS054, NNRS019

Medium density residential NNOS073, NNOS094, NNOS0126, NNOS077

Character residential NNOS061, NNOS086, NNOS085, NNOS042, NNOS094, NNOS0126

Mixed use NNOS094, NNOS126, NNOS086

District centre NNOS073, NNOS094, NNOS126

3.5 Support for building heights within the draft renewal strategy document

Low impact industry Noted. NNOS0126, NNOS073, NNOS066

Medium density residential NNOS064, NNOS082, NNOS066

Character residential NNOS094, NNOS126, NNOS066, NNOS068, NNOS073

Mixed use NNOS070, NNOS090, NNOS066, NNRS015

District centre NNOS066


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Feedback Planning response Submission reference

3.6 Do not support for building heights within the draft renewal strategy document

Low impact industry Noted. NNOS094, NNOS082, NNOS054

Medium density residential NNOS094, NNOS126, NNOS073, NNOS068, NNOS086, NNOS083, NNOS077, NNOS039, NNOS071

Character residential NNOS034, NNOS042, NNOS061, NNOS087

Mixed use NNOS094, NNOS126, NNOS073, NNOS042, NNOS068, NNOS063, NNOS086, NNOS026

District centre NNOS094, NNOS126, NNOS073

3.7 Concerns with compatibility of industrial land uses and residential uses, particularly in relation to off-site impacts generally associated with general industry uses.

The Newstead North Neighbourhood Plan area only contains Low impact industrial zoning, which is intended for uses primarily undertaken indoors, generating minimal traffic implications and/or heavy vehicle use, operating within reasonable hours (7am-6pm) and have negligible off-site impacts as per the definition in Brisbane City Plan 2014. No General industry zoning is proposed as a part of the draft renewal strategy or neighbourhood plan.

Some existing general industry uses operate within the Low impact industry zone in the plan area and these have existing use rights. To address this issue in part the draft neighbourhood plan proposes Mixed use zoning to provide a transition between the Low impact industrial and Medium density residential zones.

Also Brisbane City Plan 2014 includes provisions that manage amenity and reverse amenity issues between residential and industrial activities including through level of assessment and the application of separation distances.


3.8 Concern regarding management interfaces between industry Please refer to response to ref 3.7 regarding the interface NNRS019


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Feedback Planning response Submission reference

and residential uses. Particularly for 14 Maud Street and 18 Austin Street, Newstead which directly adjoins Medium density residential zone (proposed to accommodate residential development of up to 8 storeys under the draft renewal strategy).

between industry and residential uses.

It is noted that 14 and 18 Maud Street, Newstead are proposed to be rezoned to Mixed use within the draft Newstead North Neighbourhood Plan. These sites are captured within the Mixed use transition precinct (NPP-001) with a maximum building height of 8 storeys.

3.9 Support for the evolution of industrial activities to service the changing needs of the inner-city, particularly within the Low impact industry zone. This includes the provision of uses which support the local community (residents and workers alike) such as shops and cafes and restricts uses more suitable within the General industry zoning.

The draft neighbourhood plan proposes to retain the majority of the Low impact industry zone for uses that need to be located in this zone and also restricts cafes and retail in this zone to avoid it being eroded for uses that do not require this zoning to operate. However there is ample land proposed to be zoned Mixed use within the plan area in which uses such as cafes and shops that support the local community are strongly supported.

NNOS090, NNOS082, NNOS041, NNOS026, NNOS065, NNOS057, NNRS020, NNOS110, NNRS019

3.10 Various suggestions of appropriate building heights within the plan area, comments of the building height proposed in the draft renewal strategy and concerns that the draft renewal strategy does not represent existing or approved building heights:

Combination of zoning and 8 storey height limits are not adequate to positively contribute to Brisbane’s competitiveness on the world stage

8 storeys and Mixed use zoning on the Virgin Blue Headquarters site

9 storeys for 24-32 Austin Street and 25-27 Maud Street, Newstead

6 storeys to preserve the character of the area 8 storey height limit excessive for the area and should be

restricted to 5 storeys Building heights should be 8 storeys along Breakfast Creek

Road but transition to lower heights away from Breakfast Creek Road

Do not support doubling of heights on Maud Street from 4-8 storeys where it backs onto Halford Street

Mixed use up to 5 storeys Do not support up to 8 storeys behind Newstead Terrace 8 storeys is too high

Development activity prior to the drafting of the neighbourhood plan has been assessed against the provisions within the current neighbourhood plans within Brisbane City Plan 2014 or the superseded City Plan 2000.

Newstead North is surrounded by areas with significant growth potential, including the Bowen Hills Priority Development Area and Newstead Riverpark. These areas have been identified by Council and the Queensland Government as future high density, mixed use communities.

Newstead North is a mixed area with areas of highly valued heritage and character on Montpelier Hill, existing riverfront residential development and industrial zoned land that performs a population-serving function. It is not a high growth area identified within the Brisbane City Plan 2014 strategic framework and therefore a key planning consideration is preservation and evolution of industry areas in line with Strategic Inner City Industrial Area (SICIA) designation.

The proposed building heights have been formulated through careful consideration of site areas, street frontage widths, flooding and coastal hazards, public view corridors, community expectations and development potential in the context of the surrounding high growth areas. The higher building heights are

NNOS090, NNOS083, NNRS016, NNRS020, NNRS017, NNOS054, NNOS082, NNOS058, NNOS042, NNOS077, NNOS086, NNOS039, NNOS068, NNOS087, NNOS026, NNOS070, NNOS063, NNRS012, NNRS018, NNRS019


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Feedback Planning response Submission reference

Strong support for 5 storeys to be the maximum Support for 5 and 8 storey height limits 24-32 Austin Street and 25-27 Maud Street, Newstead –

up to 9 storeys 56 Edmondstone Street, Bowen Hills – up to 8 storeys 42-60 Ross Street - 4 to 6 storeys 14 Breakfast Creek Road, Bowen Hills - up to 8 storeys,

the corner of Montpelier Road up to 15 storeys 132 Breakfast Creek Road – up to 8 storeys Low impact industry sites along Breakfast Creek Rd - 8

storeys Extension of the 8 storey building height limit to cover the

land bounded by Edmund Street, Breakfast Creek Road and Ross Street

8,12,14,16 and 18 Austin Street and 13 and 15 Maud Street in Newstead

Additional height for sites zoned Medium density residential based on context and individual site characteristics.

in areas which can accommodate these factors. The 8 storey building height limit preserves significant views to and from the Brisbane River, provides a sufficient transition between lower and higher density sites and allows for some redevelopment potential to occur in a way that respects the established character of the area.

3.11 Request for a change to zoning from Low impact industry to Mixed use for the following sites:

8,12,14,16 and 18 Austin Street and 13 and 15 Maud Street in Newstead

56 Edmondstone Street, Bowen Hills 42-60 Ross Street.

Newstead North is surrounded by areas with significant growth potential, including the Bowen Hills Priority Development Area and Newstead Riverpark. These areas have been identified by Council and the Queensland Government as future high density, mixed use communities. The proposed pattern of Low impact industry and Mixed use zones is considered to achieve the intent for the area.

Newstead North is a mixed area with areas of highly valued heritage and character on Montpelier Hill, existing riverfront residential development and industrial zoned land that performs a population-serving function. It is not a high growth area identified within the Brisbane City Plan 2014 strategic framework and therefore a key planning consideration is preservation and evolution of industry areas in line with Strategic Inner City Industrial Area (SICIA) designation. The proposed pattern of Low impact industry and Mixed use zones is considered to achieve the intent for the area.

The sites in Maud and Ross Streets contain existing industrial buildings that have the capacity to enable the ongoing

NNRS017, NNRS019


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Feedback Planning response Submission reference

operation of low impact and creative industry uses in accordance with the SICIA designation. They are also susceptible to flooding and/or coastal hazards which make them less suitable for mixed use and residential development.

56 Edmondstone Road has been developed for an office building in accordance with an approval that was granted prior to the commencement of the Newstead North Neighbourhood Plan process and under the City Plan 2000. It is in a location that is constrained by flooding and coastal hazards where redevelopment for greater intensities is not supported under Council’s new planning scheme, Brisbane City Plan 2014. It is noted that the adjacent site to the east is proposed to be included in the heritage overlay which would limit its redevelopment potential.

The office building on this site has potential to accommodate other office uses or creative industries that require an office space and rezoning this site to Mixed use and allowing for an increase in building height is not supported.

3.12 Ensure that new developments result in high quality building and design outcomes.

The draft neighbourhood plan includes provisions and mechanisms that encourage and enable high quality building and design outcomes that respond specifically to the Newstead locality. The provisions and mechanisms in the draft neighbourhood plan are aimed at ensuring new development is designed to reduce bulk and scale through tower site cover limits and create positive streetscape outcomes in areas subject to flooding and coastal hazards.

The draft plan also requires consideration and implementation of Council’s New World City Design Guide - Buildings that Breathe, a design guide to subtropical buildings within the Brisbane area.

NNOS086, NNRS016

3.13 Concerns with amount of high density living and multi-storey developments already located within the plan area and the implications additional development of this type will have on amenity, character, access to natural light, views to and from the Brisbane River and other significant sites. Sensitive transitions are crucial.

Development activity prior to the drafting of the neighbourhood plan has been assessed against the provisions within the current neighbourhood plans within Brisbane City Plan 2014 or the superseded City Plan 2000.

The draft neighbourhood plan proposed to manage the

NNOS065, NNOS026, NNOS126, NNOS071, NNOS082, NNOS079, NNOS041


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Feedback Planning response Submission reference

transition between Breakfast Creek Road and Montpelier Hill by applying a maximum building height of 20m and specifying design outcomes to improve the interface to adjoining character areas.

Under Queensland planning legislation private views are not protected, however the draft neighbourhood plan includes building height and view corridor provisions to ensure public view corridors are protected, including to Montpelier Hill.

3.14 Concern about high-rise development and associated drawbacks of minimal or zero setbacks; interference with views; shadows; noise problems and traffic/parking congestion.

The draft Newstead North Neighbourhood Plan contains specific built form provisions to manage flood affected sites, enhance the public realm and control building heights through the identification of public view corridors. If not identified within the neighbourhood plan, Brisbane City Plan 2014 setbacks, building height, noise and parking provisions will apply to development in the plan area.

Please also refer to response to ref 3.12 and 3.13 above.

NNRS008, NNOS063

3.15 Newstead Series development already exceeds the proposed building height limit.

Noted. This development was approved prior to the commencement of the neighbourhood planning process. Once adopted this neighbourhood plan will guide future development within the plan area, including building height.

As the planning scheme is performance based there may be instances where an applicant proposes one or more performance outcomes which have to be assessed on individual merit. This can result in outcomes that differ to acceptable outcomes but are considered to achieve performance outcomes in the neighbourhood plan.


3.16 Support for Mixed use zoning of areas which encourage a range of uses within the plan area, creating mixed use neighbourhoods and employment growth within the plan area.

Noted. NNRS016, NNOS058, NNOS090

3.17 Protect the existing character of the plan area particularly within Bowen Hills.

Approximately 44 houses within the Bowen Hills area are proposed to be rezoned from Low medium density residential to Character residential 2 (infill housing), providing additional protection. It is noted that a number of these house are already captured by the Traditional building character overlay which



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Feedback Planning response Submission reference

restricts demolition and includes criteria to ensure new development is reflective of its context. There are also three sites proposed to be included in the Heritage overlay, affording additional protection under the planning scheme.

3.18 Suggested footbridge between Perry Park and opposite side of Edmondstone Road.

Noted. Infrastructure improvements such as this are outside the scope of the Neighbourhood Planning process. There is currently a signalised mid-block pedestrian crossing located on Edmondstone Road. A footbridge across Edmondstone Road is not supported at this time.


3.19 Support the strategy facilitating redevelopment of the Breakfast Creek Wharf as a key development site and local destination.

Noted. NNRS016

3.20 Expand on ‘creative industries’ referenced in the draft renewal strategy.

The creative industries comprise a broad workforce, stretching throughout the digital, entrepreneurial, and cultural sectors:

music and performing arts film, television and radio advertising and marketing software development and interactive content writing, publishing and print media architecture, design and visual arts.


3.21 Concern regarding the type of research carried out, consideration given to and consequential changes made to the renewal strategy given that the neighbourhood plan area is within a Strategic Inner City Industrial Area (SICIA).

Information sought as to the role of the Newstead North as a SICIA, how ‘creative industries’ are to be achieved within this area and what uses are appropriate.

Suggestions that there is a need to incentivise the upgrade and redevelopment of industry premises within Newstead North.

The neighbourhood plan area is identified as a SICIA within the Brisbane City Plan 2014 strategic framework. These areas are to provide a range of industrial and business economic activity and employment supporting the economy and community needs. The ongoing mix of industry and business with other land uses is to be determined by consideration of changing economic conditions and future efficient patterns of providing smaller scale industry, services, trades, warehousing, distribution and business support.

As any potential changes to land use mix within SICIAs are to be considered through a neighbourhood plan process, one of the key functions of the draft renewal strategy was to determine the future role and function for the area in terms of land use planning and new development.



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Feedback Planning response Submission reference

During the preparation of the draft renewal strategy a number of technical studies were undertaken, including an economic analysis of this area. A land use survey conducted of the area showed that a large proportion of the existing Low impact industry zoned land in Newstead North is performing either an industrial function or a use that is consistent with the SICIA.

Creative industries, as defined in ref 3.20 above require a range of building typologies to operate, from warehouses and small industrial buildings to offices.

The draft renewal strategy promoted the continuation of existing industrial uses and encouraged the further establishment of creative industries.

Further work has been undertaken in the drafting of the Newstead North Neighbourhood Plan to facilitate the retention of industrial uses and promotion of creative industries in the area, including:

Retention of the Low impact industrial zone Expansion of the Mixed use zone which allows several

creative industry uses to be established through either self or code assessment

Allowing dwelling units to be self assessable in the Low impact industry zone where they meet certain criteria

Restriction of retail and food and beverage uses in the Low impact industry zone to enable this zone to be used primarily for industrial uses that require this zone

Enabling service industry (e.g. film processing, jewellery making, picture framing) to be code assessable in the Mixed use zone regardless of size.

3.22 Support celebrating Newstead North as a gateway to the inner-city but not at the expense of existing business/industry.

Noted. The draft renewal strategy proposed to retain and promote the expansion of business and industry, and the draft neighbourhood plan continues to do this.


3.23 Protect the continued rights of existing industrial development. Noted. Existing industrial uses will retain their use rights under Queensland planning legislation.


3.24 Support for increased residential uses within the plan area. Noted. Newstead North is adjacent to two major growth nodes NNOS068


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Feedback Planning response Submission reference

of Bowen Hills and Newstead Riverpark which allow for significant growth in residential dwellings. The Mixed use zones in Newstead North will allow for some residential intensification provided flooding constraints can be addressed.

3.25 Noise concern for existing residents. It is noted that the neighbourhood plan area is an inner city area and therefore has a different amenity than those suburbs further out from the city centre. Noise concerns will be addressed through the development application process for new development in accordance with the city wide codes within Brisbane City Plan 2014.


3.26 Concern regarding development on the area of land bounded by Roche Avenue, Breakfast Creek Road and Jordan Terrace, currently zoned as a Neighbourhood centre which is proposed to be Mixed use, specifically loss of views, proposed building height and Perry Park not being included in the plan area.

Please refer to the response 1.5 in regards to Perry Park. The proposed Montpelier mixed use precinct has specific provisions and mechanisms in the draft neighbourhood plan to control built form and building height. New development is to be residential only and present as two storeys when fronting Roche Avenue and is to have a maximum of RL 20m AHD. These building heights are consistent with the slope of the land and will ensure new development is commensurate with the height of the character buildings on Roche Avenue.

NNRS006, NNRS007

3.27 The properties at 46, 50, 56 and 60 Boyd Street do not have traditional character and do not contribute to a character streetscape. The zoning of these properties should not be changed to Character residential.

A heritage and character assessment was carried out for the plan area and identified that these sites contribute to or have potential to contribute to the streetscape. Of the five properties within this section of Boyd Street, three were built in or before 1946. These dwelling houses feature traditional elements including but not limited to verandahs, traditional roof forms, eaves and sunhoods which create a character streetscape.


3.28 Concerns regarding the Bunnings Warehouse development. Noted. The Bunnings Warehouse development application was approved prior to the commencement of the neighbourhood planning process and cannot be altered by the draft neighbourhood plan.

NNRS008, NNOS090

Public realm and open space


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4.1 The neighbourhood plan area has some great public spaces and green space however there is potential to enhance these. Support for additional green spaces and links, incorporating additional street trees such as detailed in the draft renewal strategy in C2.3.

Noted. NNOS093, NNOS057, NNOS090, NNRS010, NNRS021

4.2 Concern about the lack of additional green spaces in areas of increased density to provide visual relief and space for residents to enjoy the outdoors.

The neighbourhood plan area has a number of existing public open spaces including Newstead Park, Ross Street Park, Cowlishaw Park and the RiverWalk along the Brisbane River. The draft neighbourhood plan includes public realm improvements to be delivered in conjunction with new development such as arcades, plaza and streetscape improvements. Also within walking distance to other parks like Newstead Riverpark.


4.3 Concern about the lack of public open space within the plan area, suggest re-purposing flood prone areas or Newstead Avenue.

Please refer to response to ref 4.2. Newstead Avenue has fragmented ownership and provides access to a number of sites and repurposing this road as public open space is not proposed as a part of this neighbourhood plan.

It is noted that a portion of land along the Breakfast Creek frontage is proposed to be rezoned to Open space (local), providing access to the Breakfast Creek and public open space from Wickham Grove, in addition to a proposed public plaza fronting Breakfast Creek.


4.4 Suggestion of pedestrian connections between Maud Street to Austin Street to help connect Gasworks to the community it is servicing.

Noted. An arcade connection between Austin Street and Evelyn Street is proposed to improve connectivity between Gasworks and the Newstead community. This connection has been identified as it has the ability to provide greater accessibility to Edmondstone Road. Newstead Terrace connects Newstead Park to the southern side of the plan area. Achieving a connection between Austin Street and Maud Street is not viable due to the fragmented ownership of the lots within the block.


4.5 Bunnings seek removal of the proposed urban plaza from the strategy. An urban plaza in this location is of limited value and limited amenity, an unreasonable imposition on the subject site, and not reflective of the existing approval (A004031806 current) and laneway that has already been approved over the site.

The urban plaza was initially included in the draft renewal strategy to achieve public open space and green space. The public realm opportunities have been re-evaluated during the drafting of the neighbourhood plan which identified that alternative public realm improvements offer greater benefits to



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Feedback Planning response Submission reference

the plan area. As such the urban plaza has been removed.

The public realm improvements in the draft neighbourhood plan include arcades providing key connections to, from and within the plan area, corner land dedications providing the opportunity for a large street tree in key locations and a plaza on the Breakfast Creek frontage of the Breakfast Creek Wharf Site.

4.6 Support for the provision of a plaza on Breakfast Creek Road providing an active urban space that has a relationship with the surrounding network of spaces including Newstead Park, Ross Street Park and Breakfast Creek waterfront.

Noted. Please refer to response to ref 4.5. NNRS016, NNRS021

4.7 The waterfront should be publicly accessible (not privately owned), provide opportunities for water-based activities, provide connections and open green spaces for walking and bike riding alike.

The waterfront should be a public space for recreation, views and active travel options and should provide necessary facilities (BBQs, water fountains, restrooms etc.).

Noted. Most of the river and creek frontage within the plan area is owned by state government, with easements which allow for public access, however a number of sites are privately owned. Acquiring land along Breakfast Creek is not financially feasible and several of these sites are proposed to remain in the Low impact industry zone which is not the most suitable interface to a public corridor.

However, if these sites were to redevelop the draft neighbourhood plan requires the provision of public access along the creek and buildings to be designed to have a positive interface in this area.

It is noted that the draft neighbourhood plan requires a publicly accessible 6m wide plaza is included on the Breakfast Creek frontage of the Breakfast Creek Wharf site.

NNOS077, NNOS106, NNOS058, NNOS106, NNRS010, NNOS127

4.8 Support for making use of the river frontage opposite Breakfast Creek Hotel.

A publicly accessible 6m wide plaza is included on the Breakfast Creek frontage of the Breakfast Creek Wharf site.


4.9 Support for incentivising the delivery of improved community dividend (open space, plazas, public art and connectivity), through a reduction in levels of assessment and / or recognition as a performance outcome for building form and scale to better facilitate leading development outcomes.

Noted. The Brisbane City Plan 2014 planning scheme applies to new development and requires certain infrastructure that is privately owned but publicly accessible to be provided in conjunction with new development. Concessions in levels of assessment or provision of incentives in return for community dividend are not included within the draft neighbourhood plan.


4.10 Support for streetscape improvements, including a high quality Noted. NNRS008, NNOS042, NNOS063,


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urban edge and the provision of shade through street trees. NNRS021, NNRS012, NNRS016

4.11 Concern regarding the lack of existing amenity and aesthetics on the waterfront.

Noted. Whilst the health of the waterfront cannot be influenced as a part of the neighbourhood plan, public realm improvements are proposed throughout the plan area, including a 6m wide public plaza on the Breakfast Creek Wharf frontage to be delivered in conjunction with new development.

NNOS093, NNOS090

4.12 The riparian zone of Breakfast Creek needs attention. Most of the riparian zone along Breakfast Creek in the draft Newstead North Neighbourhood Plan area remains in private ownership. Through redevelopment of these private sites, Council will have the opportunity to request enhancements and re-naturalisation of the riparian zone through development conditioning powers of Brisbane City Plan 2014.


4.13 Request to connect the RiverWalk between Waterfront Park and the Teneriffe Ferry Terminal and concerns that additional Medium density residential zoning will delay connecting the RiverWalk.

The RiverWalk within the neighbourhood plan area is complete and intact. Connections outside the plan area cannot be undertaken as a part of the neighbourhood planning process.

NNRS003, NNOS039, NNOS130, NNRS021, NNOS077

4.14 Support the strategy allowing for opportunities for facilities and amenity for non-motorised water-based activities in Ross Street Park in line with the River’s Edge Strategy.

Noted. NNRS016

4.15 Support for increasing accessibility to Newstead House and Park through either adequate parking or improved public transport options including ferries.

Noted. No additional parking is proposed at Newstead House within Newstead Park, however Council is continually assessing and managing the entire transport network in regards to on-street parking and kerbside allocations (e.g. clearways and no standing zones). An action of the draft Newstead North Renewal Strategy (A1.2) is for Council to review on-street car parking timeframes. This will include the streets south of Newstead Park.

Changes to the CityCat and Ferry networks, including additional terminals, are outside the scope of the Neighbourhood Planning process and are not proposed at Newstead Park at this time.

Bus service frequencies and routes are the responsibility of the Queensland Government and are outside the scope of the



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neighbourhood plan process.

4.16 Support for the revitalisation of Cowlishaw Park through upgrades such as community garden, improved BBQ facilities and lighting, tiered retaining walls and playground equipment, which may also help mitigate safety concerns.

Noted. Council will take these ideas into consideration when undertaking park planning in the future, however this is not something that can be delivered through the neighbourhood plan.

NNOS079, NNOS041

4.17 The pedestrian access along the western end of Cowlishaw Street is poor, there is no footpath and on-street parking forces pedestrians to walk down the road. This part of Cowlishaw Street should be made one-way or signposted as a shared pedestrian/vehicle zone with a 10km/h speed limit. Planting street trees would also help to “breathe new life” into the street.

Cowlishaw Street is a street with a very narrow footpath along parts of its length. Based on Council’s street tree planting guidelines, there is only one opportunity for an additional street tree opposite Dukinfield Street. The property owner can lodge a request with Brisbane City Council to plant a street tree in this location.


4.18 Provide detail on how the improved green link along industrial Austin Street and the industrial cross-block link will be managed and funded.

The link between Austin and Evelyn Street is proposed as an arcade in the draft neighbourhood plan, which are to be privately owned and publicly accessible. As the land will be privately owned the costs associated with completing and maintaining an arcade are the property owner’s responsibility. The inclusion of the arcades within the plan area can only be achieved through the development assessment process.

The improved green links included in the draft renewal strategy are to be delivered largely through streetscape upgrades in conjunction with new development.



Feedback Planning response Submission reference

5.1 Support for improving public transport options and opportunities for active transport (including cycling and walking) to limit car use and dependency.

Noted. NNOS077, NNOS115, NNOS058, NNOS105, NNOS058, NNOS090, NNOS126, NNOS093

5.2 Wickham Street entrance to the Valley station need to be reopened and the escalators fixed.

Please note that this location is not within the neighbourhood plan boundary and is not a Council responsibility. Please contact Queensland Rail in relation to this issue.

NNOS097, NNOS110, NNOS115


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5.3 Support for safe cross block links to promote a highly walkable neighbourhood.

Noted. No cross block links are proposed as a part of the draft renewal strategy or neighbourhood plan. Arcades are proposed within the plan area to increase connectivity to, from and within the plan area.


5.4 Support for streetscape improvements which encourage active transports including footpath widening and suggest provision of street lights.

Noted. The streetscape hierarchy overlay code is the provision within the planning scheme, Brisbane City Plan 2014 which allows for verge widening where applicable. Street lights are provided in conjunction with new development when located in centres, however not when out of centres. It is noted that the provision of street lighting is outside the scope of a neighbourhood plan.


5.5 Request for direct, safe, attractive, separated cycling infrastructure is required from the precinct to the major employment centres of the Valley and the CBD to deliver on the Brisbane Active Transport Strategy 2012-2026 target of having cycling account for 5 % of all transport journeys by 2026.

Disappointing that a community planning document produced in 2016 doesn't have cycling infrastructure as one of its key points.

Support for on road separated cycle ways, particularly on Breakfast Creek Road.

Request to upgrade cycle ways in particular the Breakfast Creek Road lanes and utilise opportunities to provide connections to:

CBD to Kedron Brook CBD to Boondall Sandgate cycle path Bowen Hills railway station to Breakfast Creek Breakfast Creek to Newstead House RiverWalk from the Teneriffe Ferry Wharf to meet the

existing riverside walk up to Newstead Park Kingsford Smith Drive upgrade Through the area to the west, to the North Brisbane

Bikeway and Enoggera Creek bikeway Fortitude Valley to CBD.

Whilst bikeway infrastructure improvements are outside the scope of the neighbourhood planning process, they are considered as part of Council’s ongoing bikeway infrastructure investigations in accordance with the Bicycle Network Overlay in Brisbane City Plan 2014 and are subject to funding availability.

Some of the request upgrades are outside of the neighbourhood plan area.

NNOS090, NNOS127, NNOS077, NNRS010, NNRS009, NNOS076, NNOS088, NNRS014, NNRS013,


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5.6 Improve way-finding and safe connections between the western and eastern side of Breakfast Creek Road for pedestrians and cyclists.

There are currently five signalised crossings of Breakfast Creek Road between Skyring Terrace and Breakfast Creek Road, within a distance of approximately one kilometre. It is acknowledged that the path under Breakfast Creek Road Bridge is not suitable for cycling as it includes a stairway. An action of the draft Newstead North Renewal Strategy (D2.3) is for Council to investigate improving the pedestrian and cycle connections under Breakfast Creek Bridge and Council will continue to investigate opportunities to achieve this through the neighbourhood plan and other projects.

A 6m wide public plaza is proposed through the draft neighbourhood plan at the front of the Breakfast Creek wharf site, improving the connection from Newstead Park to Ross Street Park.

NNRS009, NNOS077

5.7 Request to link Newstead Park to Ross Street Park, providing a pleasant area for people to walk along Breakfast Creek.


5.8 Support for safe, attractive and usable shared pedestrian and cycle path along the Breakfast Creek waterfront from Newstead Park to the Virgin Australia headquarters. Consider extending to Allison Street.

Please refer to response to ref 4.7. The Virgin Australian headquarters is located to the western extent of the Newstead North Plan boundary. An action of the draft Newstead North Renewal Strategy (C3.1) is for Council to establish a shared pedestrian and cycle path along Breakfast Creek waterfront from Newstead Park to the Virgin Headquarters.

Allison Street is outside the neighbourhood plan area and within the control of Economic Development Queensland (EDQ). Any extension of access along Breakfast Creek beyond the Virgin Australia Headquarters would need to be negotiated with EDQ.

NNRS014, NNRS016, NNRS021

5.9 Suggested opportunity for pedestrian connection from the Breakfast Creek walkway through 56 Edmondstone Road, Bowen Hills to Perry Park.

This land is privately owned and a pedestrian connection through this site is not proposed as a part of this neighbourhood plan. The draft neighbourhood plan proposes to rezone the pedestrian connection at the rear of 56 Edmondstone Road to open space. This currently connects to Ross Street and beyond to Perry Park.


5.10 Concern with amount of car parking within the neighbourhood plan area and impact construction sites will cause such as road closures, diversions & illegal parking.

Council is continually assessing and managing the impacts of growth and development on the entire transport network.

Under Brisbane City Plan 2014, Council may request a construction management plan as part of a development application, providing guidance or advice on the impact

NNRS002, NNOS030


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construction and/or demolition may have on surrounding dwellings and transport networks. Information Council may request includes, but is not restricted to, temporary road and path closures and alternative routing; temporary vehicular access points and the provision for loading and unloading construction materials; and impacts on Council assets including kerbside allocation signs and line markings for facilities such as bus stops, loading zones and marked parking spaces.

Council will work with the developer to ensure that the impact on the community during construction is minimal. Please refer to the Management Plans Planning Scheme Policy in Brisbane City Plan 2014 for more information regarding construction management plans.

5.11 Request to manage traffic and speeding along Newstead Terrace with traffic calming measures.

Newstead Terrace is identified as neighbourhood road in Brisbane City Plan 2014, catering to localised traffic and providing direct lot access to adjacent land uses.

Council has previously investigated traffic calming along Newstead Terrace and identified the vehicle speeds were in accordance with the 50km/h speed limit. Speed limits throughout Brisbane are set in accordance with the Queensland Government’s Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) which is published and continually updated by the Department of Transport and Main Roads Queensland. The MUTCD contains the guidelines which Council must adhere to when determining an appropriate speed limits for roads. The enforcement of speed limits is conducted by the Queensland Police Service and is out of scope of the neighbourhood plan.

NNOS083, NNRS003, NNOS039

5.12 Support for improved access points across Breakfast Creek Road. Inconvenient for vehicles to cross Breakfast Creek Road, many minutes are spent waiting at traffic lights.

Breakfast Creek Road is an arterial road connecting the Brisbane Airport and a number of northern suburbs to the inner city. The traffic lights are necessary for vehicular and pedestrian safety and movement.

NNRS004, NNRS021

5.13 Improve signage at the Newstead Terrace/Evelyn Street intersection.

The intersection of Newstead Terrace, Evelyn Street and Waterloo Street is a Y-intersection with vehicles on Waterloo Street giving way to conflicting movements. A review of the intersection identifies that the existing give-way sign as well as

NNRS003, NNOS039


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Feedback Planning response Submission reference

associated line markings are in accordance with current standards. The red threshold road marking further reinforces that Waterloo Street is the minor leg of the intersection and that vehicles exiting this leg must give way.

While the line markings have not been refreshed for a number of years, they appear to be in serviceable condition. The signage is in good condition and highly visible to approaching traffic. In light of this assessment and also considering the low speed environment particularly along Waterloo Street, the existing arrangement is found to be acceptable.

5.14 Support for traffic planning if additional high density buildings are to be included in the neighbourhood plan area.

Noted. Traffic implications will be taken into consideration during the development assessment process.

NNRS002, NNOS041

5.15 Support for reductions in speed limit and additional street trees along Breakfast Creek Road.

Refer to response for ref 5.12 regarding speeding. Speed limits throughout Brisbane are set in accordance with the State Government’s Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) which is published and continually updated by the Department of Transport and Main Roads Queensland. The MUTCD contains the guidelines which Council must adhere to when determining an appropriate speed limits for roads. The enforcement of speed limits is conducted by the Queensland Police Service.

An action of the draft renewal strategy (C1.1) is for Council to implement street tree planting and streetscape improvements along Breakfast Creek Road to create a ‘green’ arrival into the inner city, and Council will look for opportunities to deliver this outside the neighbourhood plan process.


5.16 The draft renewal strategy does not contain enough information about parking. Issues raised/suggestions include:

a multi-level car park insufficient private and visitor parking provisions for the

density of residential living reduce parking meter allowable times, to encourage public

transport parking needs to be well planned to support business and

Council manages requirements for on-site car parking on a citywide basis through the development assessment process via Brisbane City Plan 2014. Council will continue to ensure new development provides acceptable levels of car parking.

Council is continually assessing and managing the entire transport network in regards to on-street parking and kerbside allocations (e.g. clearways and no standing zones). An action of the draft Newstead North Renewal Strategy (A1.2) is for Council to review on-street car parking timeframes to support

NNOS050, NNOS083, NNOS070, NNOS130, NNOS057, NNOS106, NNOS127


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respect local community suggestion for minimum 2 parking spaces, 3 spaces for a 4

bed residential dwelling.

local emerging businesses and service industry.

A Council owned and operated multi-level car park is not supported at this time.

Heritage and character

Feedback Planning response Submission reference

6.1 The draft renewal strategy ignores the special heritage character of Bowen Hills.

Brisbane City Plan 2014 contains measures to protect heritage and character, primarily through the heritage and Traditional building character overlays and the Character residential zone. A number of properties in the plan area are already protected through these measures and the draft neighbourhood plan will continue to protect heritage and character. Measures which further protect traditional character style buildings have been implemented in the draft neighbourhood plan.

Approximately 44 sites have been rezoned from Low medium density residential to Character residential (infill housing), affording greater protection to character buildings within the plan area. Three additional sites are proposed to be included in the heritage overlay.

The draft neighbourhood plan allows for very little growth on Montpelier Hill to protect heritage and character. It also proposes variations to the streetscape hierarchy overlay to ensure that the valued characteristics of the streetscapes in this locality are protected.


6.3 Ensure the heritage is protected and that the scale of the neighbourhood is not overly changed.


6.4 The Bowen Hill sandstone history (i.e. retaining walls, curbs) and flora should be retained and improved.


6.2 The local character of Bowen Hill should be protected. There is plenty of room for growth in non-character streets.




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7.1 Suggest that council consider purchasing / earmarking the properties west of Ross Street (south to Wickham Grove) for a waterfront park, which would provide increased (waterfront) open space to cater for the increased population in this area, and would provide a buffer for flood waters.

The draft renewal strategy promoted improvements to Breakfast Creek through increased public access. The draft Newstead North Neighbourhood Plan includes provisions for a privately owned but publicly accessible pathway along Breakfast Creek when redevelopment occurs on these private sites.


7.2 The draft renewal strategy identifies that the entire Newstead North area apart from Bowen Hill itself, is subject to flood inundation. It is noted that this presents implications for land use and development decisions within the planning area.

A practical and balanced risk management approach needs to be applied to site access and flood immunity provisions in respect of development within this precinct, noting that substantial existing development in the locality is constructed to different standards.

Noted. Flood and coastal hazard overlay provisions within Brisbane City Plan 2014 will continue to apply to land in the neighbourhood plan area.

The draft neighbourhood plan proposes to balance growth with the management of flooding and coastal hazards by including the following mechanisms and provisions:

Multiple dwellings within the Breakfast Creek precinct (NPP-002) trigger impact assessment as non-residential uses that can more easily adapt to coastal hazards are preferred in this location.

Mixed use zoning in flood and coastal hazards areas to allow for non-residential uses.

Specific built form and public realm outcomes that ensure development manages flooding and withstands coastal hazards.


7.3 Backflow devices should be installed to reduce flooding in the area.

Post the January 2011 flood, Council commissioned two independent investigations into backflow flooding in Brisbane. The Stage 1 Max Winders investigation identified 39 areas, through desktop analysis, where backflow flooding may have occurred in the January 2011 floods. These areas were recommended for further investigation into the feasibility of installing backflow devices.

The Stage 2 AECOM report was released by Council in June 2012. This comprehensive study looked at the 39 areas recommended in the Max Winders investigation and identified 51 stormwater systems that are feasible for a backflow device, pending flood modelling and detailed design. These systems were then prioritised through a relative cost benefit analysis and the installation of backflow devices for 12 high priority



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stormwater systems were completed by July 2014.

The remaining 39 stormwater systems across Brisbane (including stormwater drainage system at Waterloo Street / Austin Street, Newstead) have been included in Council’s future drainage program. The installation of backflow devices at these locations will be implemented according to city-wide priority, based on the number of properties that will benefit and feasibility.

7.4 Green space should be preserved to allow for absorption during heavy rains to reduce flooding impacts.

The Newstead North neighbourhood plan area is affected by coastal, river, creek and overland flow flooding. Redevelopment on private sites needs to adequately deal with stormwater generated from their sites in order to reduce nuisance flooding in the local area. This can be achieved through the retention of green spaces, on-site detention or other means.


7.5 Concerns that small business, although needed in the area, may not be able to recover as well from flood damage if businesses reside in flood-prone areas. Creative businesses in particular can be more susceptible to not recovering from severe losses such as natural disasters.

The Brisbane City Plan 2014 includes minimum floor levels for all new developments to ensure flood immunity. Further information on flooding is available through Council’s website. Floodwise property report provides some site specific information.


Social and cultural

Feedback Planning response Submission reference

8.1 Support the draft Newstead North Renewal Strategy intent as a hub for innovative and creative start-ups.

Noted. NNRS016

8.2 Support for more community space to support new development.

There are a number of public and private community facilities in and around the Newstead North Neighbourhood Plan area. Council strategically plans for future public community facilities across the city. Whilst there are no plans for additional public community facilities to be located within the immediate neighbourhood plan boundary, there are future community facilities proposed in neighbouring suburbs as outlined within the Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP). Council also



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supports the start-up of private community facilities within the Newstead North Neighbourhood Plan area, particularly within the proposed increased areas of Mixed use zoning.

8.3 Suggestion of key characteristics which create successful creative precincts:

Affordable space that attracts both start-up and emerging businesses

Premises that encourage display space/showroom space, as well as office, creative spaces

Restaurants, cafes and bars add to the vitality and sense of activity of the precincts

Proximity to public transport Flexibility in uses Multi-level developments including some “shop-top” Small

Office Home Office (SOHO) type opportunities Opportunities for live music and events Defined mix of uses and clarity around creative uses and


Noted. The draft neighbourhood plan proposes to allow for these uses within both the Mixed use and the Low impact industry zones.