INSIDE Breakfast ........ 3 Calender of Events . . . 12 Classifieds ....... 11 Guess Who? ...... 1 Officers ......... 2 President’s QSO ..... 2 NEWSLETTER of the RIVERSIDE COUNTY AMATEUR RADIO ASSOCIATION Vol. 12 October 2003 No 10 AN APPROACH TO AN 80M ANTENNA de Fred, w6TKV Most of us who live on small city lots seem to couple a pair of diametrically opposed words together when we consider 80M vertical antennas. The two words are "efficient (or effective)" and "small". The only somewhat serious antenna thought I had a while back was to put up a quarter-wave 80M vertical right at the edge of my front sidewalk. It would probably have a top hat and a small coil somewhere in the middle. And, it would be installed during a contest or to chase a DX-pedition, but other times it would be stored along side the house - and that would be most of the time. Insofar as radials are concerned, some would certainly be run back towards the house and along either side of the house. BUT, if I drilled through the curb and ran a copper pipe under the sidewalk and connected it to the vertical "base" (likely a pipe in the ground), I could then run radials down, across and along the street - just nail them down to the street and pour tar over the radial wires (I know from experience the time to do install radials like this would be in the middle of the night when no neighbors are out and about (they would likely be named "stradials", an acronym for "street radials"). When operating it would probably be necessary to put some of those orange traffic cones out in order to meet (or at least approach) the FCC's "radiation rules", and maybe I might have to dump some dirt on the sidewalk so as to justify the orange traffic cones when my neighbors see them in the morning. And then ... Amazing what hams who live on city lots spend their waking hours thinking about, isn't it? POST CARD FROM ENGLAND - Steve (KF6BNP) and Melva Evans while vacationing in England made a visit to fellow amateur radio operator Roger (G4SEF) and wife Sally Jenkinson, in Immingham, England. Roger has been a visitor at our club meeting during the various visits to Sourthern California and a guest of Art (KQ6HF) and Alice Sutorus. BOO! GUESS WHO? Patrick Smith KF6NYR will present a program on the Military Affiliated Radio System (MARS)

NEWSLETTER of the RIVERSIDE COUNTY AMATEUR RADIO … · Ed Agresta 73, Steve, KF6BNP AMERICAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION WALK The Saturday, 27 American Diabetes Association walk was a fun

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Page 1: NEWSLETTER of the RIVERSIDE COUNTY AMATEUR RADIO … · Ed Agresta 73, Steve, KF6BNP AMERICAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION WALK The Saturday, 27 American Diabetes Association walk was a fun


Breakfast . . . . . . . . 3Calender of Events . . . 12Classifieds . . . . . . . 11Guess Who? . . . . . . 1Officers . . . . . . . . . 2President’s QSO . . . . . 2



Vol. 12 October 2003 No 10


Most of us who live onsmall city lots seem tocouple a pair ofdiametrically opposedwords together when weconsider 80M verticalantennas. The two wordsare "efficient (oreffective)" and "small".

The only somewhat seriousantenna thought I had awhile back was to put up aquarter-wave 80M verticalright at the edge of myfront sidewalk. It wouldprobably have a top hatand a small coil somewherein the middle. And, itwould be installed during acontest or to chase aDX-pedition, but othertimes it would be storedalong side the house - andthat would be most of thetime.

Insofar as radials areconcerned, some wouldcertainly be run backtowards the house andalong either side of thehouse. BUT, if I drilledthrough the curb and ran acopper pipe under thesidewalk and connected itto the vertical "base"(likely a pipe in theground), I could then runradials down, across andalong the street - just nail

them down to the streetand pour tar over theradial wires (I know fromexperience the time to doinstall radials like thiswould be in the middle ofthe night when noneighbors are out andabout (they would likely benamed "stradials", anacronym for "streetradials").

When operating it wouldprobably be necessary toput some of those orangetraffic cones out in orderto meet (or at leastapproach) the FCC's"radiation rules", andmaybe I might have to

dump some dirt on thesidewalk so as to justifythe orange traffic coneswhen my neighbors seethem in the morning. Andthen ...

Amazing what hams wholive on city lots spend theirwaking hours thinkingabout, isn't it?

POST CARD FROM ENGLAND - Steve (KF6BNP) and Melva Evans whilevacationing in England made a visit to fellow amateur radio operator Roger(G4SEF) and wife Sally Jenkinson, in Immingham, England. Roger hasbeen a visitor at our club meeting during the various visits to SourthernCalifornia and a guest of Art (KQ6HF) and Alice Sutorus.



Patrick Smith KF6NYR willpresent a program on theMilitary Affiliated RadioSystem (MARS)

Page 2: NEWSLETTER of the RIVERSIDE COUNTY AMATEUR RADIO … · Ed Agresta 73, Steve, KF6BNP AMERICAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION WALK The Saturday, 27 American Diabetes Association walk was a fun

2 Visit our web site @ http://WWW.W6TJ.ORG The MONITOR

RCARA Serving Riverside Over 40 Years

The MONITORis publishedmonthly by theRiverside CountyAmateur RadioAssociation, P.O.Box 1412,Riverside, CA92502-1412

PresidentDon Williams, KD6UVT · · 780-5199Vice president

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·SecretaryJohn Davidson, KC6TFS· · 785-5065TreasurerHarold Ellis, KD6MAN · · · 684-2626Dir. Comm.Ron Braley, KE6RYX · · · 351-1124MembershipFrank VanDerpoel, K6UIZ · 686-1873EditorBettyAnn Merrill, KC6INGRptr TrusteeJoe Brown, W6UBQ · · · · 687-8394PIO & HospitalitySteve Evans, KF6BNP · · · 780-9059Assist. EditorClair Cessna, K6LG · · · · 689-4580Staff Writer & PhotographerSteve Evans ,KF6NBP · · · 780-0959

The purpose of the MONITOR is toprovide information and news aboutassociation activities. Material may bereproduced in whole or in part in anyform, provided credit is given to theMONITOR and the RCARA.

Subscriptions are included withmembership to the RCARA. All articlessubmitted for inclusion in theMONITOR must be received by the25th of each month. Items should besent to the editor by email at:[email protected].

Meetings are held on the secondThursday of each month from 7:30 to9:00 p.m. at the La Sierra UniversityChurch, Riverside, CA 92501.

The repeater is 146.880 with anegative shift and a PL of 146.2.Packet BBS is 145.030.ARRL

Affiliate Club, No. 1720

President’s QSO

This was a busy month for me. Iattended the 2003 Southwest DivisionHamCon in Long Beach with JeffW6HGS, his son and Fred W6TKV.Great programs and a fairly goodvendors exhibit hall. I saw other clubmembers at the convention, TedKQ6U, Joe W6UBQ, Joe KG6SAK andArt KQ6HF but I was disappointed thatI didn’t see more Riverside clubmembers there. Preparation for ourclub meeting, updating the InlandEmpire Council of Amateur RadioOrganizations (IECARO) treasurer’srecords and work completed thesecond week and delayed Gail and mywell deserved vacation to Santa Fe,MN and Denver, CO.

Unfortunately the vacation took meaway from amateur radio. It’s not that Ididn’t have good intentions, I was lazy.I didn’t get a chance to program myFT-817 with the two meter and 440frequencies for northern Arizona, NewMexico, Colorado and Utah. Now I didtry, I spent three hours one night withthe laptop trying repeatedly to programthe radio with the frequencies from theARRL Repeater Handbook andanother hour or so in Denver. It wasafter that that I realized that I hadbrought a PC to Mac serial cablerather than the serial to data port cablefor the 817. The PC and 817 wouldn’ttalk to each other. I could havemanually input the frequencies,repeater offset, pl and alphanumericidentifier but I didn’t! I decided I wason vacation from more than just workand set the radio aside for the rest ofthe trip. Besides, I hadn’t yetconvinced Gail to let me drill a hole inthe (her) new car for a real antennaand I didn’t think the littlemag-mount behind the luggagerack was working too wellanyway.

Now that I am back RCARA andI need your help to get in theswing of things. The club needsto put together its Technicianand General amateur operator’slicense classes, we have beenasked if RCARA can host alocal Boy Scout troop for JOTA,

we need officer nominations for theupcoming elections, someone isneeded to help coordinate our picnic,we need nominations for the Harry J.Crawford Memorial Award, and weneed volunteers to help IECARO planand set up committees for the 2005Southwest Division Conference inRiverside. I don’t know if an 11 dayvacation was enough to get us throughtill the next one.

Your full support and attendance atour next RCARA meeting on October9th will help. Patrick Smith KF6NYRwill present a program on the MilitaryAffiliated Radio System (MARS) andhopefully bring us as observers fortheir Thursday evening net. As anadditional incentive, I was told that aRCARA club member has won thegrand prize in the IECARO raffle. Nothaving attended the SeptemberIECARO meeting they won’t evendisclose the winner to me but willinstead announce the winner at ourOctober meeting. Come out to enjoyour program on MARS and thecomraderey with our members.

73’s, Don kd6uvt

Page 3: NEWSLETTER of the RIVERSIDE COUNTY AMATEUR RADIO … · Ed Agresta 73, Steve, KF6BNP AMERICAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION WALK The Saturday, 27 American Diabetes Association walk was a fun

October 2003 Visit our web site @ http://WWW.W6TJ.ORG 3





Due to an unforeseencomputer glitch and“attack of the killer virus”while setting up a newcomputer, Tony was unableto provide his monthlybreakfast report. It willbe included in next month’sissue, barring any othermishaps. Good luck Tony!

For those of you who areinterested in joining fellowclub members for a greatbreakfast with fantasticcommaraderie. . . .

NEXT BREAKFAST:Saturday, October 18th(the third Saturday ofeach month)

WHERE: BAKERS SQUARERESTAURANT3650 Tyler AvenueRiverside(909) 689-2160

DIRECTIONS: From theTyler Avenue off-ramp ofthe 91 FWY, north on TylerAvenue to the SPORTMARTparking lot. Turn left intothe parking lot and turn leftagain you should be facingthe BAKERS SQUARERESTAURANT.

Your host and hostess: Tony(KE6RUT) and his lovelywife Vivian (KF6GZK)

If you have questions aboutthis RCARA monthly eventcontact us on the W6TJrepeater (146.880 MHz PL146.2 OS (-)

As long as there is agathering of AM's and

friends, those that camebefore us will not beforgotten! Remember it isthe spirit in which we cometogether

See you there, 73



September 11, 2003

President Don Williams,KD6UVT, called the annual‘Past President’s night’meeting to order at 7:30 PM.The meeting was held at the LaSierra University Church.There were 34 members andguests in attendance includingPast President’s Ted Hudson,KQ6U; Bob Mann, W6LKNand Art Sutorus, KQ6HF. DonWilliams led the pledge ofallegiance followed byself-introductions.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: FredRoberts gave an overview ofplanning efforts underway forthe 2005 IECARO sponsoredARRL S/W Convention to beheld in Riverside. Ted Hudson,KQ6U reported that he hasreceived enough sign ups forall of the checkpoints for theSeptember, American DiabetesAssoc., Riverside Walk. RonBraley, KE6RYX encouragedmembers to help themselves toused serviceable batteriesdonated by area hospitals. ArloMyers, WA6UDR announcedthat he had spoken with PastPresident Dick Cupp(1971;’72; ’74) and he sends

his greetings. Don Williams,KD6UVT announced he hadraffle tickets available for theIECARO drawing of a FT-894and Garmin StreetPilot GPSunit.

NEW BUSINESS: Joe Brown,W6UBQ presented a LifeService Award tocommemorate for his manyyears of exemplary service toour association and the amateurradio community. Ted Hudson,KQ6U was appointed as theW6TJ Repeater Trustee.


PROGRAM: Steve Jensen,W6HM presented ademonstration of a rare vintageSpark Gap Transmitter, afamily heirloom once used byhis grandfather to broadcast thedaily crop report in Nebraska.

The meeting was adjourned at8:40 PM, a reception with cakeand refreshments followed.

Respectfully submitted bySteve Evans, KF6BNPActing Secretary

Don Williams, KD6UVT presents Joe Brown, W6UBQ the RCARA LifeService Award for Exemplary Service to the Amateur Radio Service.

Life Service Award Plaque presentedto Joe Brown, W6UBQ on theoccasion of his moving to theVeterans Retirement Community inWashington, D. C.

Page 4: NEWSLETTER of the RIVERSIDE COUNTY AMATEUR RADIO … · Ed Agresta 73, Steve, KF6BNP AMERICAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION WALK The Saturday, 27 American Diabetes Association walk was a fun

4 Visit our web site @ http://WWW.W6TJ.ORG The MONITOR

RCARA Serving Riverside Over 40 Years




Our September meeting was an eveningfilled with radio nostalgia as we

celebrated ‘Past President’s Night 2003’. The presentation bySteve Jensen, W6RHM, with his near extinct spark gaptransmitter gave us a rare look at amateur radio in the days ofMarconi. We were able to share hispersonal enthusiasm as he authenticated hisvintage family heirloom transmitter. Heshared with us a photograph of hisgrandfather John Jensen, 9YD, operatingthe very same device, circa 1919 with hisfriends. The brief impressive demonstrationprovided an explosive light and soundexhibition adding to the jubilant celebrationof the evening.

73, Steve, KF6BNP

Steve Jensen, W6RHM, addresses the RCARA membership byexplaining the history of a spark gap transmitter once used byhis grandfather to broadcast daily crop reports in Nebraska.

HEAVY ENOUGHT TO BE A BOAT ANCHOR-Clair Cessna, K6LG and ArtSutorus, KQ6HF assist Steve Jensen by carrying in the spark gaptransmitter.

Page 5: NEWSLETTER of the RIVERSIDE COUNTY AMATEUR RADIO … · Ed Agresta 73, Steve, KF6BNP AMERICAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION WALK The Saturday, 27 American Diabetes Association walk was a fun

October 2003 Visit our web site @ http://WWW.W6TJ.ORG 5




6 KB6RBA – Phillis8 W9GGS –Dennis9 KE6HSS – Eric10 N6UUL – Nick11 N6SRD – Ednae

KD6FTA- James13 W6ACQ - Jack14 W6KEE – John

W6LKN – Bob16 K6BSC - Maureen25 N6QVE – Steve

Don’t count the days-make thedays count.-Ed Agresta

73, Steve, KF6BNP



The Saturday, 27 American Diabetes Association walk was a funand fast event for Riverside County Amateur Radio Associationmembers. With an unofficial estimate of 800 to 1000 walkersthat strolled from downtown to Fairmont Park and back provedsuccessful for event organizers. The communications team wasmade up of Team Leader Ted Hudson, KQ6U; Ron Braley,KE6RYX; Bill Allen, KD6VAE; Joanel Ellis, KD6MAO;Harold Ellis, KD6MAN; Tony Blackwood, KE6RUT and VivianBlackwood, KF6GZK. A free tee shirt and lunch was providedfor participants.

America’s Walk for

Diabetes, Riverside 2003

On September 27th 2003, these members of RACARA performedanother great job for the American Diabetes Association, in afund raising walk in the City of Riverside. TheWalk raised $100,000 for diabetes research and ouroperators performed flawlessly in their efforts tosupport the function. The operators who supportedthis event were as follows: Ron Braley, KE6RYX,John Davidson, KC6TFS, who were the net controloperators, Tony and Vivian Blackwood, KE6RUTand KF6GZK, who operated the Fairmount Parkstation, Harold and Joanell Ellis, who operated theMission Inn Ave. and Redwood Drive Station, andBill Allen, KD6VAE, who operated the Brocktonand Mission Inn Station, and of course yours truly,who was kind of stove up, but still operated theMission Inn and Market St. station nicely. We areproud of our ability to maintain a viable and vitalradio net in support of most any given function andthe job we did for this one.

Yours, Ted Hudson, KQ6U.NET CONTROL - Ron Braley, KE6RYX and John Davidson, KC6TFS stationed at the AmericanDiabetes Assocation Walk start /finish line.

SCOOTER MOBILE - Ted Hudson, KQ6U monitors walkers pass his check point at theAmerican Diabetes Association Walk.

Page 6: NEWSLETTER of the RIVERSIDE COUNTY AMATEUR RADIO … · Ed Agresta 73, Steve, KF6BNP AMERICAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION WALK The Saturday, 27 American Diabetes Association walk was a fun

6 Visit our web site @ http://WWW.W6TJ.ORG The MONITOR

RCARA Serving Riverside Over 40 Years

Chino Hills High SchoolElectronics Swap Meet

Where: Chino Hills High School -- Main Parking Lot

When: 1st Sundy of every month starting Sept7th,2003

Times: 6:30 a.m. Through 11: 30 a.m. (Rain or shine)

For further details regarding vendor spaceuse/agreements, application and announcements see:http://www.chhsmusic.com


Don’t miss getting your monthly issue of The MONITOR!

CALL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _NAME_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ADDRESS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _CITY _ ST_ _ ZIP _ _ _ _

Mail to: Frank Vanderpoel, Membershipc/o RCARAP.O.Box 1412Riverside, CA 92502-1412or 686-1873 or packet K6UIZ @ W6TJor [email protected] Expiration:12/31/03



Wednesday NightRag Chew Net

145.520MHz Simplex2030hrs.

Editor’s Note

Well another issue is out the door. Asyou can see RCARA continues to beactive in all sorts of public events. IsTed turning the walk-a-thons into“scooter-a-thons?” I’ll really beimpressed when he mounts an antenna

on that thing. . .he’ll really be a mobile unit then. He’llhave to add an extra battery packfor the radio though.Great job guys!

As Don stated, we have quite a number of items comingup on the club’s agenda, Christmas party, nominations,etc. The club really needs your support in all of theseand especially as club officers. Many of the officershave served more than their share of terms and wereally need club members to step forward and take anactive participation in running the club. Please contactthe nominating committee if you’d like to volunteer --PLEASE!

Also, don’t forget those Crawford nominations forthose members who have contributed throughout thepast year.

Till next month!

73, KC6ING

SalvageEngineeringI will be unable, atthis writing, toattend the Novembermeeting and will thereforebe unable to take thebottle and can donation. Ihave an importantfunction I must attend,that is scheduled for thatnight. I will attend theJanuary meeting and willbe glad to accept alldonations at thattime.Thank you for help inkeeping the club dues aslow as they are with yourdonations. If there is achange I will let you alknow as soon as possible.Vy 73, Ted, KQ6U.


Business Card Ad rates are $40 per year with a $5.00discount to club members.

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October 2003 Visit our web site @ http://WWW.W6TJ.ORG 7


Calendar page

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P.O. Box 1412Riverside, CA 92502-1412

ARRL Affiliate Club No.: 1720