Pope John XXIII was a much-loved Pontiff of our great Church. At the onset of his Pontificate, he was thought of as a possible caretaker Pope after the long reign of his predecessor. Little did they know God had great plans for this wise man. He is quoted as saying he had wanted to open the windows of the Church and allow some fresh air in. He was indeed a wise man and a much-loved Holy Father. These simple words he once said, I believe, to be very powerful impetus for motivation. We should focus on what we can do, not what we failed at, what we can achieve not our disappointments. Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do. Pope John XXIII Inspiring Christ-Centre Leaders Board Meeting: We have formally recommenced our School Board Meetings in light of lifting restrictions. Mr Clarke as you all know is our Board Chair and we had a very full agenda. Mrs Christine Garstin from CEWA was present to talk about the pending Principal Review and the requirements of the Board in this process. Reports were received from our P&F, who I highly commend on their marvellous efforts this year to date in light of the COVID-19 impacts. The Easter Chocolate drive was very successful considering it was undertaken just prior to the “new normal”. Father spoke about the Parish and their response to the recent situation. Great to see people returning to Mass. Our Church should be congratulated for its flexibility and response during what has certainly been difficult times. 386 Albert Street Balcatta WA Telephone: 9344 4944 Email: [email protected] www.stlawbal.wa.edu.au Newsletter No. 19 24 June 2020 The vision of St Lawrence Catholic Primary School, Balcatta is to share the message of God’s love and friendship in a community of learners, developing the full potential of each child.

Newsletter No. 19 24 June 2020web.stlawbal.wa.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Newsletter-24-… · Leadership, and I acknowledge all staff who have been outstanding in their response

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Page 1: Newsletter No. 19 24 June 2020web.stlawbal.wa.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Newsletter-24-… · Leadership, and I acknowledge all staff who have been outstanding in their response

Pope John XXIII was a much-loved Pontiff of our great

Church. At the onset of his Pontificate, he was thought of as

a possible caretaker Pope after the long reign of his

predecessor. Little did they know God had great plans for

this wise man. He is quoted as saying he had wanted to open

the windows of the Church and allow some fresh air in. He

was indeed a wise man and a much-loved Holy Father.

These simple words he once said, I believe, to be very

powerful impetus for motivation. We should focus on what

we can do, not what we failed at, what we can achieve not

our disappointments.

Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with

what it is still possible for you to do. Pope John XXIII

Inspiring Christ-Centre Leaders

Board Meeting: We have formally recommenced our School Board Meetings in light of lifting

restrictions. Mr Clarke as you all know is our Board Chair and we had a very full agenda. Mrs

Christine Garstin from CEWA was present to talk about the pending Principal Review and the

requirements of the Board in this process.

Reports were received from our P&F, who I highly commend on their marvellous efforts this year to

date in light of the COVID-19 impacts. The Easter Chocolate drive was very successful considering

it was undertaken just prior to the “new normal”.

Father spoke about the Parish and their response to the recent situation. Great to see people returning

to Mass. Our Church should be congratulated for its flexibility and response during what has

certainly been difficult times.

386 Albert Street Balcatta WA Telephone: 9344 4944

Email: [email protected] www.stlawbal.wa.edu.au

Newsletter No. 19 24 June 2020

The vision of St Lawrence Catholic Primary School, Balcatta is to share the message of God’s love and friendship in a community of learners, developing the full potential of each child.

Page 2: Newsletter No. 19 24 June 2020web.stlawbal.wa.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Newsletter-24-… · Leadership, and I acknowledge all staff who have been outstanding in their response

I presented the Principal’s Report and addressed some of the following points:

Huge thank you to Gabrielle Brennan and Kathleen Tranquille for their exceptional

Leadership, and I acknowledge all staff who have been outstanding in their response to the

challenging circumstances presented to us in recent times.

The school is undertaking some significant steps during 2020:

New Website page.

Finalisation of the Strategic Plan.

Review and Appraisal of a significant number of policies and procedures.

New Branding, including letter heads, all stationery both paper and electronic and review of

merchandising of products.

New refurbishment of the Meeting Room.

Creation of School Improvement Team.

Working closely with Father to ensure our Sacramental programmes take place this year.

We have continued working through our Evangelisation Plan.

The school’s financial Audit is completed.

Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) has committed to a new Administration software

platform that has been a work in progress for the last couple of years. As the demands of modern

schools increase, the services required to support schools increase faster still. AoS (Admin of

Schools) is a comprehensive engine designed to integrate all of these services and unite them in one

central management system. St Lawrence have been working with staff from CEWA in preparation

for the installation of AoS, to replace our current Administration system.

Catholic Schools of Excellence

Semester One Reports

Obviously due to COVID-19 the 2020 Report Writing process has been significantly impacted. The

Government mandating authorities have put out the requirements that school systems must adapt in

meeting reporting obligation in light of the current situation. Teachers are required to complete a

modified report document to provide feedback. On top of this we will also offer an opportunity to

meet with you to feedback on your child’s progress in Term III. This is a better option to provide a

richer level of feedback on student progress. Meetings are more detailed and provide the opportunity

for specific questions and feedback. A far better approach than a single piece of paper.


The School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) Pre-primary to Year 10: Teaching,

Assessing and Reporting Policy (https://k10outline.scsa.wa.edu.au/home/policy/teaching-

assessingand-reporting-policy) sets out the minimum requirements for teaching the Western

Australian curriculum and for assessing and reporting student achievement in relation to that


This policy is supported by the Policy Standards for Pre-primary to Year 10: Teaching, Assessing

and Reporting (https://k10outline.scsa.wa.edu.au/home/policy/policy-standards).

The delivery of teaching and learning has been severely disrupted by COVID – 19 in Semester 1,


• First Semester Reports will provide information about the student’s learning progress to date.

• They will come in a different format from previous years.

• They will address Religious Education, Literacy, Numeracy and Attitudinal Domains.

• An opportunity in Term III will be available to meet with class teachers to receive feedback

on student progress.

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Student Learning Progress to date will be noted as:

Above Expected Level

At Expected Level

Working Towards

As we move into a more settled atmosphere, I wish all children to be attending school in their correct

uniforms. We have been very “understanding” regarding uniforms and access to the uniform shop

and the impact of these factors. I however feel students are now able to ensure they are in their

correct uniforms and abiding by the Uniform Policy. If access to correct uniforms is still posing an

issue for families, please contact the office immediately. We will arrange a time or process to allow

access to new uniforms accordingly. I will be instructing teachers to observe uniform requirements at

our normal stringent standard at the commencement of Term III. Thank you for the support of our

Uniform Policy which forms part of our enrolment procedures. Thank you to all our boys and girls

and your families for always following our correct policy and always ensuring our children are well

presented and groomed.

Catholic Pastoral Communities

The following dates I can now confirm for our Sacramental programmes. We are still working

towards other dates and I will keep you all informed as soon as we know.

Parent Meeting Wednesday 1 July 2020 7.00pm - Fr Emil

Family Workshop Wednesday 22 July 2020 5.30pm or 7.00pm

Retreat Wednesday 29 July 2020 8.30am – 3.00pm - 24/7

First Holy Communion


Date/s to be confirmed Time/s to be confirmed

Accessible, Affordable and Sustainable

Once again I would like to take this opportunity to encourage any family who may be experiencing

financial difficulties or concerns at the moment to please make contact with me. The school has in

previous communications from myself expressed our offers of support.

The quote below has always resonated deep within my thinking regarding childhood.

“Childhood is not a race to see how quickly a child can read, write and count. Childhood is a small

window of time to learn and develop at the pace which is right for each individual child.”

It really starts me thinking about how important it is that we never forget the fact that childhood is a

period of time in a person’s life, it is not solely about learning the lessons found in the classroom.

Yes they are very important, no doubt, but so too are the lessons we learn while fishing with dad,

reading with mum, playing with imaginary friends in the back yard, cooking with nana or sitting on

pop’s shoulders as we walk around the garden. This window of life is a short time only. A small

period of time that we each must pass through and once gone we can never get it back. Enjoy your

opportunity as parents to have a second look at childhood, that period of time your own children

currently enjoy. Let them be children, let them enjoy, let them play and inquire and find joy in the

beauty of the world around them…this may even enkindle in us adults a sense of awe and wonder in

God’s very own creation.

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God bless each and every one of you,

Sheldon Carey

M Ed, B Ed, Grad Dip


As winter rains comes more to our fine land we should pray for

ample waters to ensure our crop’s yields are bountiful and

harvest is rich. That we may have ample to share with all who

need and may those who care for the land be kept safe during

these times.

Learning at Home Tip

WHERE can I get help?.....Your Child’s Teacher

Your child’s teacher can provide advice about how you can help develop your child’s literacy and numeracy skills.

Some topics you could discuss with the teacher include:

Your child’s level of achievement in literacy and numeracy tasks.

The progression of achievement over the year as opposed to the level of achievement. Progression and gains are

more significant than actual achievement levels.

The goals your child is working towards in literacy and numeracy, and how you can support your child to achieve


Strategies you can use to assist your child in areas that he or she finds difficult.



Term Two ends Thursday 2 July

Friday 3 July: Pupil Free Day (Staff Professional Development)

Term Three – Monday 20 July Pupil Free Day

Tuesday 21 July students return

Term Three ends Friday 25 September

Page 5: Newsletter No. 19 24 June 2020web.stlawbal.wa.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Newsletter-24-… · Leadership, and I acknowledge all staff who have been outstanding in their response

SACRAMENTS UPDATE We are currently working with the Parish to enable the celebration of Eucharist and Reconciliation to

be celebrated in Semester 2. We will continue to collaborate with Fr Emil to finalise dates for the

Celebration of both Sacraments. We have confirmed dates for the Parent Meeting, Family Workshop

and Retreat for the children in Year 4 who will receive the Sacrament of Eucharist, please see dates

below. We are also finalising dates for the preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Unfortunately, the celebration of Confirmation remains on hold as a number of logistical matters are

worked through by the Archdiocese.

Please contact the Parish Office on 9344 7066 if you require any further information.

The Parish Office is open on Tuesday and Wednesday: 9am to 2.30pm and Thursday and Friday:

9am to 1pm.



Parent Meeting Wednesday 1 July 2020 7.00pm - Fr Emil

Family Workshop Wednesday 22 July 2020 5.30pm or 7.00pm

Retreat Wednesday 29 July 2020 8.30am – 3.00pm - 24/7

First Holy

Communion Mass

Date/s to be confirmed Time/s to be confirmed


Catholic Education WA’s expectation for all Catholic Schools is that they

have a clear vision moving forward. The St Lawrence Staff and school

community have worked together to develop a Strategic Plan. The Strategic

Plan sets out clear goals and the strategies by which we hope to achieve

them over the next four years. The process began last year with a staff,

Board and P&F survey of the strengths and weaknesses of the school.

Priorities were then determined for the years ahead. The input from all

stakeholders was used to further develop the plan, and final decisions were

made about the school’s new vision, strategic objectives and the strategies

for achieving our goals. The Strategic Plan will be shared with our School

Community in Term 3.


During these winter months when many students will develop nasty coughs and colds, it is possible

that a doctor will recommend a COVID-19 test. The Health Department rules are that anyone taking a

COVID-19 test must remain in isolation at home until the test results are given. In the unlikely event

that a student or parent tests positive for COVID-19, it is important to immediately inform the school

as we would need to enact our COVID-19 Action Plan. A positive case would mean school closure for

up to three days in addition to extensive cleaning.

It is important to keep sick children at home. If your child has even a slight fever, please keep them at

home. Children with running noses should also remain at home.

BATTERY RECYCLING Old batteries can be recycled at our school. We have a special bin located outside the office to

collect batteries. Batteries can harm our environment if they end up in landfill with our other waste,

so it is important that we recycle as many old batteries as possible.

Mrs Gabrielle Brennan and Miss Kathleen Tranquille, Assistant Principals


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Last Friday the junior classes celebrated the Sacred

Heart of Jesus by participating in a prayer service

in the school hall. All three classes made beautiful

hearts and enjoyed taking part in the liturgy

celebration. Some photos of the liturgy have been

posted on Facebook.

In Maths we are applying our knowledge of

subtraction and addition mental strategies to solve

written problems. We are learning key words that

will help us identify which operation we need to

use to solve these number stories.

In English we are focusing on comprehension

skills such as Compare and Contrast, Cause and

Effect and Facts and Opinions. The best way to

understand a text is for the children to ask

themselves questions as they read it.

The dates for Reconciliation meetings have not yet been finalised. As soon as these dates become

available an email will be sent home. Until then the children are enjoying learning about


Miss Kathleen Tranquille, Year Three Teacher


In English, we have been learning about the reading

strategy “visualising” and how it helps us

understand a story. We have been reading a

Readers Theatre story called “Solar Force Five”. In

our reading groups, we get to act out the characters

in the story and draw what we see in our minds

when we are reading it.

In Mathematics, we are working hard to learn our

times tables. We are using a strategy called “Using

Known Facts” to help us with the tricky times


We have had so much fun working on our Vincent

Van Gogh – Sunflower artwork pieces. I am so

impressed with the children’s artwork. They look


Miss Kayla Fogliani, Year Four Teacher


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The Year Fives are working hard to make good choices

in class. It is great to see their efforts to take

responsibility for their learning.

In Mathematics we have almost finished our Zoos. The

children used grid paper to draw enclosures for their

animals and then calculated the area and perimeter of

each enclosure.

It was lovely to attend Mass last week with the parish

and complete some activities for the Sacred Heart of

Jesus in class on Friday. Have a great week.

Mrs Roselyn Pizzino, Year Five Class Teacher


We enjoyed time with our Year One buddies

to talk about the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The

Year Six students made badges with their

buddies and Sacred Heart plates for display in


I have been impressed with the student’s

efforts to improve their writing and typing

skills this term while reflecting on some of

the key figures of Ancient Rome.

Our Bible Buddies partner activity about the

sacrifice of Abraham is approaching

presentation time.

We have been looking forward to today’s

Winter Carnival.

Science/Health books will come home for

signing this weekend.

Mr Phil Haydon, Year Six Teacher

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St Lawrence at the Winter Carnival!

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Thank you to our helpers last week, Amanda M, Rebecca R and

especially Maria L who came to help on two days! Very much


Please see below for our Week 9 Menu.

Last week to order for the last day of term Sausage Sizzle.

Please order by Friday 26 June. Note that no other lunch orders will

be taken on this day.

Parents please ensure when placing a lunch order that you

write your child’s name and lunch order details on the bag.

We have had unmarked lunch orders and have no way of knowing

which child it belongs to.

Christina, Fran and


2020 Canteen Staff


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