It’s a Date Week of 20 July- Flashing light installation (traffic interruptions) Thursday 30 July- Assembly- 2M Thursday 6 August- Speech and Drama Eisteddfod, and AMB singing exam Friday 7 August- Jeans for Genes day (casual clothes, with jeans) Tuesday 11 August- AMB flute exam Thursday 13th August- Assembly- Kindergarten Friday 14 August – Schools Dance Orange Eisteddfod Thursday 27 August- Assembly- 1S Wednesday 2 September – HICES Athletics Thursday 10 September- Assembly- 5/6M NEWSLETTER 20 July 2015 From the Principal Hello everyone. Welcome to Week 2. OAGS Christian Worldview and OAGS Teaching and Learning Framework The recent Staff Days produced two important documents, both of which are extensions of the school’s current strategic plan. The first is our Christian worldview document, ‘Our Way of Understanding Life’, and the second is the ‘OAGS Teaching and Learning Framework’. Both documents appear on our website, and I commend them to you. I would like to thank the staff for their extensive input in both documents and for the tremendous collegiality and spirit (and endurance!) they demonstrated throughout both days. The process was long and involved, but rewarding. Please click here to view ‘Our Way of Understanding Life’, and here for the ‘OAGS Teaching and Learning Framework’. Morning Kiss n Drop Parents and carers are reminded of the importance of the ‘No Stopping’ zone along the main route into the school, particularly in the mornings. Observation of all road rules is vital to ensuring our children’s safety. If parents are unable to pull into the bottom (Primary) Kiss n Drop bay - because it is full - they should not obstruct traffic. Cars should either Proceed to the top Kiss n Drop or carpark, or Continue around the top roundabout and drive back, until they can enter the bottom (Primary) kiss and drop bay without obstructing the traffic. This means exiting the school. A serious issue arises where parents who are wanting to access the top Kiss n Drop are caught up in the bank of traffic, prompting them to cross double lines and travel on the wrong side of the road. Another issue arises for a brief time in the mornings at the entrance to the ‘admin car park’. Cars block the entrance road as they queue to enter the admin car park, preventing the flow of traffic. Again, if the admin car park is full, drivers should Proceed to the top Kiss n Drop or carpark, or Continue around the top roundabout and drive back, until they can enter the admin car park without obstructing the traffic. This means exiting the school. Thank you for your attention to this important matter, and thank you to the many parents who do the right thing.

NEWSLETTER July 2015s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/resources.farm1...sides from the Sydney premier division, the ACT and Tasmania. Hard-fought games were experienced at every match,

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Page 1: NEWSLETTER July 2015s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/resources.farm1...sides from the Sydney premier division, the ACT and Tasmania. Hard-fought games were experienced at every match,

It’s a Date Week of 20 July- Flashing light installation (traffic interruptions) Thursday 30 July- Assembly- 2M Thursday 6 August- Speech and Drama Eisteddfod, and AMB singing exam Friday 7 August- Jeans for Genes day (casual clothes, with jeans) Tuesday 11 August- AMB flute exam Thursday 13th August- Assembly- Kindergarten Friday 14 August – Schools Dance Orange Eisteddfod Thursday 27 August- Assembly- 1S Wednesday 2 September – HICES Athletics Thursday 10 September- Assembly- 5/6M

NEWSLETTER 20 July 2015 From the Principal Hello everyone. Welcome to Week 2.

OAGS Christian Worldview and OAGS Teaching and Learning Framework The recent Staff Days produced two important documents, both of which are extensions of the school’s current strategic plan. The first is our Christian worldview document, ‘Our Way of Understanding Life’, and the second is the ‘OAGS Teaching and Learning Framework’. Both documents appear on our website, and I commend them to you. I would like to thank the staff for their extensive input in both documents and for the tremendous collegiality and spirit (and endurance!) they demonstrated throughout both days. The process was long and involved, but rewarding. Please click here to view ‘Our Way of Understanding Life’, and here for the ‘OAGS Teaching and Learning Framework’.

Morning Kiss n Drop Parents and carers are reminded of the importance of the ‘No Stopping’ zone along the main route into the school, particularly in the mornings. Observation of all road rules is vital to ensuring our children’s safety. If parents are unable to pull into the bottom (Primary) Kiss n Drop bay - because it is full - they should not obstruct traffic. Cars should either

• Proceed to the top Kiss n Drop or carpark, or • Continue around the top roundabout and drive back, until they can enter the bottom

(Primary) kiss and drop bay without obstructing the traffic. This means exiting the school. A serious issue arises where parents who are wanting to access the top Kiss n Drop are caught up in the bank of traffic, prompting them to cross double lines and travel on the wrong side of the road. Another issue arises for a brief time in the mornings at the entrance to the ‘admin car park’. Cars block the entrance road as they queue to enter the admin car park, preventing the flow of traffic. Again, if the admin car park is full, drivers should

• Proceed to the top Kiss n Drop or carpark, or • Continue around the top roundabout and drive back, until they can enter the admin

car park without obstructing the traffic. This means exiting the school. Thank you for your attention to this important matter, and thank you to the many parents who do the right thing.

Page 2: NEWSLETTER July 2015s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/resources.farm1...sides from the Sydney premier division, the ACT and Tasmania. Hard-fought games were experienced at every match,

Kanga Cup As promised, here is an article on the progress of soccer stars Harry Isaacs, Jackson Willis and Kynan Lane in the Kanga Cup, courtesy of Chris Lane. Orange Grammar Soccer Boys ‘Storm’ the Kanga Cup Grammar Soccer players, Harry Isaacs (Year 9), Jackson Willis (Year7) and Kynan Lane (Year 8), competed in the international soccer event, the Kanga Cup, during the school holidays. The competition was held in Canberra over 5-10 July 2015. The Kanga Cup is in its 25th year of operation, and this year attracted 338 teams from across Australia (and even some from as far as New Zealand and Korea!). An opening ceremony for the event was held at GIO Stadium (Canberra Raiders’ home ground), where all teams paraded around the arena before being entertained by various performances. The boys joined forces with their team mates from the U14 Orange District Representative Team, called themselves the Orange Monkeys, and played in the U14 Male Plate up against sides from the Sydney premier division, the ACT and Tasmania. Hard-fought games were experienced at every match, but the Monkeys held their own with three wins, two losses and one draw to come third overall in their division. In their last game, the Monkeys managed to beat the team on top of the table, 1-0. At the end of the competition, Kynan was ranked the second highest goal scorer within the team’s pool. The Orange Monkeys were also awarded the U14 Fair Play Award out of all the U14 teams competing, due to the tremendous sportsmanship they displayed throughout the entire competition. The boys were formally presented with their trophy at the Kanga Cup Awards Ceremony held at the Australian Institute of Sport on the last evening of the competition. Congratulations on a really great effort boys - ‘Up the Monkeys’!!

Kynan, Jackson and Harry of the U14 Orange Monkeys

Page 3: NEWSLETTER July 2015s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/resources.farm1...sides from the Sydney premier division, the ACT and Tasmania. Hard-fought games were experienced at every match,

Kynan beats the Northern Tasmanian goalie Harry weaves through the Granville centre

Jackson takes on the Harrington Grove defence Kynan breaks through the ACT Tigers defence

Harry drives through Harrington Groves mid-field

Kynan (9) and Harry (3) celebrate Jackson’s goal against top of the table team - Harrington Grove

Have a good week. Len Elliott Principal

Page 4: NEWSLETTER July 2015s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/resources.farm1...sides from the Sydney premier division, the ACT and Tasmania. Hard-fought games were experienced at every match,

Woolworths Earn & Learn is back and it is now easier than ever to earn valuable resources for our school. Last year more than 14,500 schools and Early Learning Centres benefited from the program, boosting supplies in classrooms, libraries, music rooms, gymnasiums and science labs.

It's simple to participate. From Wednesday 15th July to Tuesday 8th September 2015, when you shop at Woolworths you can collect Woolworths Earn & Learn Stickers from the checkout operator or through an online order and place them on a Woolworths Earn & Learn Sticker Sheet. There’ll be one Woolworths Earn & Learn Sticker for every $10 spent (excluding liquor, tobacco, and gift cards). Once completed, simply place the Sticker Sheet in the Collection Box, either at your local school or at your local Woolworths.

You can then redeem your Woolworths Earn & Learn Stickers for valuable education resources for your local school or Early Learning Centre.

Jeans for Genes day 2015 On Friday 7th August, OAGS students and staff will be supporting the Children’s Medical Research Institute by wearing their jeans and raising funds to help support the vision of a world without childhood disease. Students are encouraged to wear jeans and contribute a gold coin donation. Students are NOT required to wear OAGS shirts; casual shirts/jumpers are fine. Primary HICES Athletics Training All students who have been selected to represent OAGS at the HICES Athletics Carnival are invited to attend weekly training sessions. These sessions will be held on Tuesday afternoons, on the School oval, from 3.30-4.30pm. Each session will focus on fitness and running technique, as well as one of the throwing events (shot put, discus, turbo). While it is impossible to cater to all events each week, we will endeavour to ensure that all children have the opportunity to practice for their events in the weeks leading up to the carnival. The exception to this will be High Jump and Long Jump. If students are interested, specific training will be organised for these events, at a date and time to be announced shortly. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mrs Willis.

Page 5: NEWSLETTER July 2015s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/resources.farm1...sides from the Sydney premier division, the ACT and Tasmania. Hard-fought games were experienced at every match,

Enrolment news The first experience day for the 2016 Year 7 students will be held on Thursday 30 July, 8:45am – 3:15pm. Please let admin know if you will be attending, and advise us of any dietary requirements as we will be arranging catering for the day.

The aim of the day is to ensure both parents/carers and students feel confident about their transition to Secondary school. Students will have the opportunity to meet their peers, learn what is different about Secondary school and ask questions that are important to them.

Enrolments are now being taken for 2016 Kindergarten and Transition, with limited spaces remaining available. We have enjoyed meeting new students and their parents/carers, and we are looking forward to welcoming them as a part of a school community.

If you have outstanding enrolment paperwork for your child, or need to pay acceptance fees please ensure you do so as soon as possible to secure your position.

For further information on enrolments and experience days please don’t hesitate to contact me at the office or via email [email protected] Trish Balcomb Enrolments Officer Solomon Islands fundraiser and trip update Congratulations to the OAGS students who worked so hard on Sunday at the Christmas in July fundraising luncheon held at Trinity hall. The Money raised will go towards sending interested Year 10 and year 11 students to the Solomon Islands and the construction of a school. The Students sang Christmas Carols, served food and cleaned up which was a tremendous help. Many thanks go to Bethany Mitchell for designing the Christmas in July poster as well as helping out on the day. Thank you also to Curtis and Jess Bennett, Charlotte, Georgia, Harriet and Millie Balcomb, Will Christie, Joshua Dunnett, and Lachlan Skinner. These students should be very proud of how they conducted themselves during the afternoon.


PRC: Due date for the student records is Thursday the 20th of August AT THE VERY LATEST!

Book Week: This event will run for the duration of Week 6. On Thursday the 20th of August , a Book Character Parade/Assembly will take place. Further details will be confirmed in the coming weeks. The Library will also be hosting a “Great Book Swap” which will raise important funds for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation. Details about this event will be forthcoming.

Outstanding Library Books: If your child has outstanding library books on loan from the library please assist in their timely return. There are several students who have had books out on loan for several months. This request does not apply to textbooks etc. borrowed by Senior Secondary students.

Karelle Taylor Teacher-Librarian

Page 6: NEWSLETTER July 2015s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/resources.farm1...sides from the Sydney premier division, the ACT and Tasmania. Hard-fought games were experienced at every match,

Installation of flashing lights near Orange Anglican Grammar School

The NSW Government has provided funding for the placement of school zone signs with flashing lights at all schools by the end of this year to alert motorists of the 40km speed limit required during school drop off and pick up times.

Installing these flashing lights in schools zones has been shown to improve driver awareness of the need to travel at a lower speed to ensure the safety of children and others coming and going from the school area.

Roads and Maritime Services is delivering this safety initiative and plans to install signs outside Orange Anglican Grammar School Eastbound on Murphy's Lane the week beginning Monday 20 July outside of 40km school zone hours. Work will take up to two hours to complete, weather permitting.

Lights are installed on pre-existing poles or new poles are put in place if needed.

Partial lane closures may be in place while work is carried out to ensure safety of road users and workers. There will be some noise associated with this work, but every effort will be made to minimise these impacts.

For more information about the flashing lights program please visit the Centre for Road Safety website at www.roadsafety.transport.nsw.gov.au/stayingsafe (go to the schools section) or you can contact our team on 1800 726 958 or [email protected].

Primary News Cupcake roster term 3 24th July - 1C 7th August – 3C 21st August – 2/3PF 4th September – 4S 18th September- 2M Assembly dates Thursday 30th July – Assembly -2M Thursday 13th August – Assembly – Kindergarten Thursday 27th August – Assembly – 1S Thursday 10th September – Assembly – 5/6M Can you help? The Primary dance groups are learning routines to perform in the Orange Eisteddfod. Thank you for the donations so far. I still need 1 pair of size 13 tan jazz shoes or pink ballet slippers for this group. [email protected] Homework club will resume this week. Ms Melanie Winters Head of Primary

Page 7: NEWSLETTER July 2015s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/resources.farm1...sides from the Sydney premier division, the ACT and Tasmania. Hard-fought games were experienced at every match,

Beginner Violin

Those students who were in the Beginner Group last semester, and who wish to

have private lessons this term should contact Mrs Dwyer for an application


Beginner Violin Semester 2

For those who have registered, lessons will begin this Wednesday and are undertaken during

class time. Students will be collected from line-up after recess, and will be taught in a small

group situation. Children will be fitted with an appropriately sized instrument this week and

then they will have the use of the instrument, as part of the program, for the semester.

Please spend a little time each week practising what has been taught in the lesson with your

child, as this will reinforce concepts and encourage a positive attitude toward practice and

learning the instrument.

Inter mediate Band Rehearsals

Mondays 3.30-4.30pm Media Centre

Beginner Band Rehearsals

Wednesday 12.30-1.00pm

Beginner Band Tutorials

Tuesday: Mr Ismail –clarinet

Wednesday: Miss Lynar– trombone, euphonium, trumpet

Thursday: Ms Gregory – flute


String Ensemble: Wednesday 8.15-9.00am – Miss Werlemann Media Centre

Flute Choir: Thursday 8.15-9.00am – Ms Gregory Media Centre

Reed Choir: Tuesday 8.15-9.00am – Mr Ismail Media Centre

Brass Choir: Thursday 8.15-9.00am – Dr Dawes Music Room


1st Grade – Friday 8.30-9.00am

2nd Grade – Monday 1.30-2.00pm

Please contact me if there are any questions, or if I can be of any assistance with the music


Mrs Pauline Dwyer Co-ordinator of Music

[email protected]

Page 8: NEWSLETTER July 2015s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/resources.farm1...sides from the Sydney premier division, the ACT and Tasmania. Hard-fought games were experienced at every match,

Mrs Elliott will continue to run enrichment classes in Term 3. This term also sees students in the secondary school competing in the Australian Mathematics Competition. Students in Years 7-12 will compete on Thursday 30th July. There will be no cost to parents and we hope that it is a worthwhile enrichment activity. This Term is the final term for our YEAR 12 students. They will complete their TRIAL HSC Examinations in weeks 5/6 and will be busily preparing for their upcoming HSC examinations in October. Please keep them in your prayers during this time. Mr Dawes Head of Mathematics [email protected] Science Week With the approach of National Science Week students have the opportunity to participate in the National Geofix Model Building Competition. From Thursday this week, until the end of Week 4, students may participate using the Model kit found in the library. Students are required to design and create new Geofix models. Here are some examples of ‘old’ models http://www.geoaustralia.com/english/geoshapes/Galleries.html Email a photo of your best model to Mrs Gibson to help the school go in the draw to win a Geofix voucher. [email protected] A number of other activities will be run throughout the duration of Term 3. Year 7 students will coordinate a brain break morning tea where they will serve science themed tasty treats. Year 9 students will be testing, designing and constructing solar cookers as part of their current topic, The Future of Food. During science week they will test their designs to see if they can prepare a meal, even in wintery conditions. In line with the National Science Week theme of "Making Waves - The Science of Light", Year 9 and Year 10 students will attend the 'Glowing in the Dark' Nyholm Lectures.

Mrs Erin Gibson Science

Page 9: NEWSLETTER July 2015s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/resources.farm1...sides from the Sydney premier division, the ACT and Tasmania. Hard-fought games were experienced at every match,

Simpson Price participants This term three secondary students are participating in the Simpson Prize, which is a History competition in which Year 9 and 10 students write an essay in answer to a question which is related to ANZACs. The question this year is 'The landing at Gallipoli on 25 April 1915 is often given prominence in accounts of the Gallipoli campaign. What other events or experiences of the campaign would you argue require more attention? Why?' The students participating are Meg Buckley, Oliver O'Conner, and Georgia Balcomb. We wish them all the best with their entries. Mrs Mel Laughton WEP Student Exchange – Learn and Discover the World!

WEP Australia is a not-for-profit student exchange organisation registered with the Education Departments in NSW, QLD and VIC. Applications for short and long-term programs commencing from November 2015 onward are open now. Students can choose from over 25 countries to live with a volunteer WEP host family and attend an overseas high school for a summer, semester or year. To request program information for your family, visit www.wep.org.au, [email protected] or call 1300 884 733.

BreastScreen has appointments every week at their fixed site in Orange. We are located at the entrance of the Orange Health Service. It’s time to look after yourself – 1 in 8 women in NSW will develop breast cancer in their lifetime But, less than one in two women attend regular breast screenings The two key risk factors for breast cancer are being female and growing older FREE breast screens are available for all women aged from 40 years 30 minutes every two years can offer peace of mind A breast screen might just save your life!

No doctor’s referral needed EARLY DETECTION IS YOUR BEST PROTECTION Call 13 20 50 today and book your appointment.

Clothing Pool – We still have a supply of second hand uniforms for sale. If you need a spare uniform or would like to purchase a second hand uniform please come to Administration on Tuesday and Thursday after 9:30am. Alternatively, please email [email protected] to express interest in particular items and we will check availability.

Page 10: NEWSLETTER July 2015s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/resources.farm1...sides from the Sydney premier division, the ACT and Tasmania. Hard-fought games were experienced at every match,

Second-hand Uniform Trading The school is conscious of the need to provide an efficient process for families to be able to recycle their uniforms and other student resources. The school’s new initiative to provide parents with the ability to trade second-hand items via the “Sustainable School Shop”. The process is as follows:

• Families are assisted to list ‘For Sale’ and ‘Wanted’ advertisements online; • The system then matches buyers with sellers; • Buyers contact the seller directly to arrange a convenient time and place to

trade. The service provides access to second-hand uniforms, calculators, stationery, musical equipment, etc., all year round. Parents can trade with other parents from different schools and sell items no longer in use at OAGS or other previously attended schools. For the best results:

• List items for sale. • List Wanted Ads for those items you are looking to buy. • The School’s uniform lists are loaded into the system to make listing ads easy. • The system matches the ads of buyers with sellers and notifies the buyer (Wanted Ad) via

email. • Buyers contact sellers and arrange where and when to trade. • Parents are well supported via Sustainable School Shop’s telephone (1300 683 337) and

email help lines. • The system is simple and easy to use - if parents don’t have a computer, internet access

or an email address; they are able to call the Sustainable School Shop for assistance.

Once an annual subscription expires it will cost $1.00 to list an advertisement on the service.

All enquiries should be directed to the Sustainable School Shop on 1300 683 337, or help is also available through ‘Contact Us’ on the website at www.sustainableschoolshop.com.au

We are excited to offer this new initiative. We hope you will make the most of this opportunity and benefit from recycling your child’s school items.

Page 11: NEWSLETTER July 2015s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/resources.farm1...sides from the Sydney premier division, the ACT and Tasmania. Hard-fought games were experienced at every match,
Page 12: NEWSLETTER July 2015s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/resources.farm1...sides from the Sydney premier division, the ACT and Tasmania. Hard-fought games were experienced at every match,

"Yourstory is a series of books created to empower children. In "ERIC AND HIS IMAGINATION" you and your child will follow Eric as he learns about his imagination and how it affects his relationship with himself and others, as well as his experiences. Eric learns how his imagination is making him sad. Together with his Mum he comes up with ways to turn this around and feel empowered. Children relate to this story and can easily see how it applies in their life. " The Aunty and Cousin of one of our Year One girls Bella Blowes has written and illustrated this fabulous book ‘Eric and his Imagination’. The author Cindy has a passion for helping people big and small get the most out of life, using your amazing mind in a positive way to influence how we feel. Many strategies my own kids have implemented and we have noticed huge improvements with their happiness, confidence and ability to handle tricky situations. The positive energy that follows from this process also seems to help ‘spread the love’ and improve their positive interactions with friends and family. If anyone would like to know more about the book they can go to www.yourstoryspace.com and also connect on Facebook or Instagram for more cartoons and quotes https://www.facebook.com/yourstoryspace and https://instagram.com/yourstoryspace/ The book is available online for $30 (including postage) and a few copies are available for loan through the school library. Also please feel free to chat to Bella’s Mum Alicia Blowes if you would like more information or Bella herself

Page 13: NEWSLETTER July 2015s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/resources.farm1...sides from the Sydney premier division, the ACT and Tasmania. Hard-fought games were experienced at every match,