~ 1 ~  The Citizen Newsletter The Conserv ative Voice of Henr y Coun t y  In This Issue:  Page Feature 2 Tidbits from the media 3 Election Fraud in Virginia? 4 Tommy Smith for BoC Chair 5 On Target with Pipkin 5 Can Elections be Bought? 6 Jason Hill for Rockdale Chair 7 Care Giver s Basics 8 Henry Candidates for Chair 9 McDonough: State of Affairs 9 Mitt Beat Rick; NEWT BEAT OBAMA 10 Henry BoC Illegally Overpaid 11 Announcements Issue # 332 March 10, 2012  O ver 35, 000 re ads at S cr i bd. com Track yo ur local g as prices!  Be prepared before you head out! Click HERE to find the lowest gas prices in your area.  Newt Gin gri ch Wi ns Geor gia Great wi n i n every coun ty i n our area. In fact it appears that only Fulton and DeKalb went for Romney, th e other 157 count ies won by Newt. Congratulati ons on seeing the fruit s of your hard work for Ne wt . Let's h ope now Newt can move that success to Alabama and Mississippi next Tuesday and build on what he has started in SC and GA. Do you ha ve a s tory to tell? B ec om e a C iti z en c ontributor. S ubm it your opinions, commentaries and articles to  hc . c itize n@hc c itize n.org  View or download at Contact The Citizen at [email protected]  WWW.SC RI BD.COM  / HENRY  _C ITIZEN  Editorial / Publication Policy 

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