18th September 2018 DANDENONG NORTH PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Calendar of Events School Website: www.dandenongnorthps.vic.edu.au SEPTEMBER 2018 19th - Division Athletics 20th— MOVIES for VEREY (cost is now $11.00) 21st - END OF TERM 3 OCTOBER 2018 8th - START OF TERM 4 I will do all that I can to make sure that Dandenong North Primary School remains a great school. I will try my hardest to fol- low the 4Cs to keep our school a safe and happy place. I promise to treat others as I would like to be treated. News From the North Newsletter Online This edition of News From the Northwill be the last one to be printed and sent home with each child on a Tuesday afternoon, at Dandenong North Primary School. Everyone now has access to tech- nology through phones and tablets - therefore the school has made the decision to stop printing newsletters - preferring an electronic version instead. This does not mean that there will no longer be a newsletter - as this communication is important in or- der to keep our community up to date with what is occurring at the school. Instead, the fortnightly newsletter can be found both on the website and through the App Updat-ed”. We have had a phenomenal re- sponse from our families who have downloaded the app and have been accepted by our website coordi- nator. We are hoping that there will be more families who will download the app in order to continue to receive the newsletter which in- forms families of what is occur- ring in and around our school. If you have any questions regard- ing this, you can come to the of- fice and talk with one of our friendly office staff who will be more than happy to assist you. Term 3 ends this Friday 21st September - School finishes at 2:30 pm. Term 4 begins Monday 8th October. Uniform Shop Closure In another change to the DNPS landscape, the Uniform Shop which has been run by Primary School Wear (PSW) is going to be closing. As the demand for school uni- forms purchased through PSW has decreased, it is no longer a viable option for PSW to operate a shop onsite at our school. For parents wish- ing to purchase items from PSW - there is an address and contact details below. PSW Unit 2, 10-12 South Link, Dan- denong South VIC 3175 Phone: 97680343

News From the North - dandenongnorthps.vic.edu.au · Prep H - Selen Prep M - Mubarik 5F - Davina 6D - Zeba Prep A - Muath 4L - Baris 5WD - Vaishnavi 6L - Hidaya Prep K - Asrar 4FM

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18th September 2018



Calendar of Events

School Website: www.dandenongnorthps.vic.edu.au


19th - Division Athletics

20th— MOVIES for VEREY

(cost is now $11.00)

21st - END OF TERM 3



I will do all that I can to make sure that Dandenong North Primary School remains a great school.

I will try my hardest to fol-low the 4Cs to keep our school a safe and happy place.

I promise to treat others as I would like to be treated.

News From the North

Newsletter Online

This edition of “News From the North” will be the last one to be printed and sent home with each child on a Tuesday afternoon, at Dandenong North Primary School.

Everyone now has access to tech-nology through phones and tablets - therefore the school has made the decision to stop printing newsletters - preferring an electronic version instead.

This does not mean that there will no longer be a newsletter - as this communication is important in or-der to keep our community up to date with what is occurring at the school. Instead, the fortnightly newsletter can be found both on the website and through the App “Updat-ed”.

We have had a phenomenal re-sponse from our families who have downloaded the app and have been accepted by our website coordi-nator.

We are hoping that there will be more families who will download the app in order to continue to receive the newsletter which in-forms families of what is occur-ring in and around our school.

If you have any questions regard-ing this, you can come to the of-fice and talk with one of our friendly office staff who will be more than happy to assist you.

Term 3 ends this Friday 21st September -

School finishes at 2:30 pm.

Term 4 begins Monday 8th October.

Uniform Shop Closure In another change to the DNPS landscape, the Uniform Shop which has been run by Primary School Wear (PSW) is going to be closing.

As the demand for school uni-forms purchased through PSW has decreased, it is no longer a viable option for PSW to operate a shop onsite at our school.

For parents wish-ing to purchase items from PSW - there is an address and contact details below.


Unit 2, 10-12 South Link, Dan-denong South VIC 3175

Phone: 97680343

Page 2 News From the North

Term Three School Spirit Awards

Prep H - Selen Prep M - Mubarik 5F - Davina 6D - Zeba

Prep A - Muath 4L - Baris 5WD - Vaishnavi 6L - Hidaya

Prep K - Asrar 4FM - Fatima 5H - Suha 6V - Grace

Prep JM - Awa 4H - Marko 5L - Ariba

Prep N - Wilfred 4N - Athsayan 5D - Susil

Prep O - Kavisna 4K - Sahar 6H - Hiader

At Monday’s Assembly, the second half of Term Three School Spirit nominations and winners were announced for Years 4, 5 and 6. The Preps also presented their School Spirit Nominees at their own assembly.

It was good to see one student from each of these year levels receiving a School Spirit Award, in line with the new policy.

The awards presented today were for excellent

behaviour, wonderful friendship and above all a dedication to their education.

It was also great to see so many families attend-ing this event as well.

Below are the list of nominees and the over all School Spirit Winners. Congratulations to all of the children nominated.

Here are the winners for Term Three in Years Prep, 4, 5 and 6:

The winner from Prep:

Mubarik (Prep M)

Mubarik for being such a wonderful member of our class (Prep M). He always sits quietly on the mat and listens as carefully as he can to his teachers. Mubarik tries his best to complete all tasks by himself and he works so nicely with other children, too. He is very kind-hearted to his peers if they are hurt or upset, and he is extreme-ly friendly and helpful to everyone. We all love having you in our class, Mubarik! Thank you for being so awesome!

The winner from Year 4:

Sahar (4K)

Sahar is a bubble of positivity! She begins each day with fresh eyes, taking on board all feedback to ensure she can make the most out of her learning. It is her perseverance and determination to be the best version of herself, which makes her such a delight to be around! Sahar is not only an amazing learner but also an awe-some friend to others. The students of 4K love working with you as they know you’ll be there to support and encourage them! Keep up your brilliant outlook on the world and never forget you can do anything you put your mind to!

Page 3 News From the North

2019 Prep Enrolment and Transition Days With a continued pattern of increasing student en-rolments, we are keen to ensure that all our current families have students enrolled for 2019 in order to assist with planning and to keep all class sizes as small as possible.

We are aiming to keep our Prep classes to below twenty, in order to give children the best possible start to their education. Therefore it is highly im-portant for us to have an idea as to how many stu-dents may be enrolling at our school for next year.

If you know of a neighbour or a relative who has a child that turns five before the 30th April 2019, please ask them to come to the office for an enrol-ment form.

Parents are asked to bring a Birth certificate or Vi-sa into the school for proof of age, along with an Immunisation History Statement from Medicare in order to enrol their child at our school.

Early enrolment also ensures children are included in our Prep Transition Program which begins in

Term Four.

The dates for this program have now been re-leased and we ask that you mark these dates on your calendar. It is important that our 2019 Prep students attend as it sets the tone for a more comfortable start in 2019. Students will become aware of the Prep rooms and will have met the Prep teachers - easing some first day anxieties.

For all Preps enrolled for 2019, the transition program dates are:

Wednesday 17th October 9:30 - 10:45

Wednesday 24th October 9:30 - 10:45

Wednesday 31st October 9:30 - 10:45

We look forward to meeting new DNPS families and in particular, seeing the next generation of learners to our school.

Term 3 School Spirit Awards Continued:

The winner from Year 5:

Susil (5D)

Susil is a student who consistently reflects qualities of a quiet achiever. She is a hardworking and optimistic individual who has a desire to learn. Throughout the year Susil’s motivation and drive have flourished, which is evident in the fantastic work she produces. Susil is a thoughtful and generous student and quietly goes about displaying acts of kindness to classmates and teachers. It is a pleasure to have you in 5D Susil. Keep up the wonderful attitude.

The winner from Year 6:

Hiader (6H)

Hiader has been the quite achiever this term. Head down, working hard and doing the best learning he can. He has gone about it with such a great attitude which has seen him help others, work well with others and most importantly pump everyone else up around him. Haidrer has been such a positive force in 6H and deserves to be recognised for this.

Page 4

Year 4 Elections

This term the students in Year 4 have been study-ing the topic “Democracy Rules.” This subject covers local government and what it takes to be a part of a governing body.

Below is a recount of what has occurred - written by Zehra and Zahra 4FM.

For this theme, we held a Year 4 election. This is the way it worked: All of the Year 4’s had to write a persuasive piece about why they should be the candidate for their classroom, to take part in an election to become the overall Year 4 Lead-er. The elected candidates from the following grades were: Ali from 4FM, Mahi from 4L, Ath-sayan from 4N, Bol from 4H and Shathu from 4K.

Supporting and encouraging the candidates, each class helped promote their candidate by holding events like: A lemonade stand, selling icy poles, cupcakes, watching movies, having a dance party and the good old 4 square competition!

After long and exhausting days of fundraising and competitions, the big day arrived. Election Day! Who would be elected the overall Year 4 Leader.

It all began on Wednesday 12th of September 2018, when all of the Year 4’s dressed up “professionally”. At 9:10 we then all marched tino the staff room where all the Year 4 students were ready to be amazed by the speeches.

Mr. Hickey and Mrs Kidd introduced the year 4 leaders just in case no one knew who the candi-dates were. The nervous and excited leaders all did a fabulous job with their speeches. All of the

students had a hard decision to make. After the last speech was finished , we all strode with excitement back to our rooms to cast our votes.

We then had a party for all Year 4 students outside 4FM’s classroom. We were all waiting to hear who had been elected.

The second the elected leaders name was announced, the crowd went wild! The win-ner was Athsayan from 4N. We were all happy to hear that he had won and we are sure that he will be a fantastic Year 4 Lead-er. Congratulations Athsayan!