News from Rough Rock, AZ 8-1-14 This is it! I’m beginning my last month here in Rough Rock! For those of you supporting me on a monthly basis, you are at your last envelope! I’m so thankful for all of you, and all that I’ve been able to be a part of here. It has been so much fun to watch God move among these people. I am busy winding things up. We are racing through the New Testament during Story Night, I’m cheering as hard as I can for the little Bible study being led by Delbert, and I’m starting to think about what comes next. I have a couple of opportunities before me for this fall (which is very exciting, considering that I had no open opportunities at the writing of my last newletter to you!) I am applying to work with a mission group called Josiah Venture. They are an organization that I have traveled with twice before, taking college age students to do English Camps in Slovakia. JV is hard at work in 12 countries in post-communism eastern Europe. There are just a handful of people working here in the states as a support team to the many missionaries and interns work- ing in these countries. What I love so much about JV is that they are equipping people IN these countries to lead ministry. In fact, over half of their staff are nationals! I love that. The position I am applying for would place me as a coordinator of college-age interns here in the states. JV of- fers several options for college students to spend anywhere from 3 to 8 months working alongside a missionary in one of these countries. This year they sent 80 interns and they are expecting to send more than that next year. Preparing college students for missions is something I love to do. I had a chance to meet with JV in Chicago last week, and so far it feels like a really great fit Another option opened at Parkview Medical Center in Fort Wayne. There have been no job openings all year, but suddenly there are two. One for a tech position and one for a marketing position. I’ve applied for both. I’m praying, and trusting that God will lead me in the right path at the right time! I’m so thankful to have some good options though! Thank you so much for your prayers in this!!! Working with Josiah Venture in 2011 and 2012 ............. English Camp in Slovakia

News from Rough Rock, AZ 8-1-14€¦ · 1/7/2014  · News from Rough Rock, AZ 8-1-14 This is it! I’m beginning my last month here in Rough Rock! For those of you supporting me

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Page 1: News from Rough Rock, AZ 8-1-14€¦ · 1/7/2014  · News from Rough Rock, AZ 8-1-14 This is it! I’m beginning my last month here in Rough Rock! For those of you supporting me

News from Rough Rock, AZ 8-1-14

This is it! I’m beginning my last month here in Rough Rock! For those of you supporting me on a monthly basis, you are at your last envelope! I’m so thankful for all of you, and all that I’ve been able to be a part of here. It has been so much fun to watch God move among these people. I am busy winding things up. We are racing through the New Testament during Story Night, I’m cheering as hard as I can for the little Bible study being led by Delbert, and I’m starting to think about what comes next.I have a couple of opportunities before me for this fall (which is very exciting, considering that I had no open opportunities at the writing of my last newletter to you!)

I am applying to work with a mission group called Josiah Venture. They are an organization that I have traveled with twice before, taking college age students to do English Camps in Slovakia. JV is hard at work in 12 countries in post-communism eastern Europe. There are just a handful of people working here in the states as a support team to the many missionaries and interns work-ing in these countries. What I love so much about JV is that they are equipping people IN these countries to lead ministry. In fact, over half of their staff are nationals! I love that. The position I am applying for would place me as a coordinator of college-age interns here in the states. JV of-fers several options for college students to spend anywhere from 3 to 8 months working alongside a missionary in one of these countries. This year they sent 80 interns and they are expecting to send more than that next year. Preparing college students for missions is something I love to do. I had a chance to meet with JV in Chicago last week, and so far it feels like a really great fit

Another option opened at Parkview Medical Center in Fort Wayne. There have been no job openings all year, but suddenly there are two. One for a tech position and one for a marketing position. I’ve applied for both. I’m praying, and trusting that God will lead me in the right path at the right time! I’m so thankful to have some good options though! Thank you so much for your prayers in this!!!

Working with Josiah Venture in 2011 and 2012

.............English Camp in Slovakia

Page 2: News from Rough Rock, AZ 8-1-14€¦ · 1/7/2014  · News from Rough Rock, AZ 8-1-14 This is it! I’m beginning my last month here in Rough Rock! For those of you supporting me

July has been an incredible month here in Rough Rock! We had two teams come to visit, one from Ohio and one from Indiana. I was so thankful for all the ways that God used these people here! The team from Ohio spent time helping us clean up the church and surrounding buildings in preparation for a Camp Meeting. They did such a great job of both working and building relationships here. One of the evenings, the team purchased a sheep for dinner. We had an opportunity to experience a traditional Navajo sheep butchering. This is done here all the time. The Navajo raise sheep and use them (every last bit of them!) for food, wool, and leather. It was an honor to experience this with them. I learned a lot and I will be writing more about this experience on my blog, if you are interested.

The second team that came was from my hometown of Ft. Wayne, IN. They were led by a former member of our college ministry, Gabe Schneider. It was such a blessing to see him leading his own mission team now! This group was invited to be a part of helping with Camp Meeting. The church here did all of the planning, and Gabe’s group simply came alongside the church in a support role. They cleaned and painted the gym so that we would have a place to meet, they helped with meals, shared testimonies, performed a skit, and spent a lot of time just building relationships with the Navajo. God really blessed the time they had here.

As always, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being a part of what God is doing here in Rough Rock! Your prayers and support are moving mountains!!!!Prayer requests:• For the families here that are struggling with alcoholism. • For people in the church to really love each other. Please pray against gos-

sip, it’s a big issue here.• For a few people to be called to lead ministry to children.• For continued outreach with our Weds. night Bible study.• That God will guide me in His future plans for me this fall.• For me to wrap things up here in a way that is both encouraging to the

Navajo and honoring to God.Praises:• For Bible studies that are being led by Navajo!• For people who are fascinated by the Bible Story night and for understand-

ing that can only come from the Holy Spirit.• For good health and energy!• For the opportunities that God has opened up for this fall• For a spirit-filled camp meeting, and for great teams that came to help out

this month.

For more details, and weekly updates, visit my blog at: www.thenavajojourney.com


gs to you!!!