Financial News and Stock Market Quotations BIG FUTURE IN EXPORTTRADE Holland Tells of Wonderful Progress and Greater Outlook of U.S. It may be worth a moment» thought, while Independence Day cel¬ ebration» are under way. tbat it haa been possible for the Federal authori¬ ties to report that the United State« le now gelling commodltie» whoee ll»lla»lli ii markets In other lands than our own. the money value at which la »omewhat tn excess of «500.- etAtm a month. There was a. time, not many yean ago, when our total experta for a year were not tn ex- ceoa ef tLM·.«·»«·. Some year» ago »ur export» of cotton for th» entire year were of the money value of al- moet «-exactly KOS.OOO.OOO. Now we nave found market» abroad whleh ai« ab¬ sorbió· American coramoditle» the aggregate value of which waa laat year K,<X».m.<Xii>. Of courts· much of thla heavy ex¬ port represents purchases of suppliée and munition· by our allie· »eros» teto eoa». Novortbolseo we bave m- « r»«sed our export» of other products aad the question now under »erlou» t onslderation at Washington and with business organisations Is this: 'an we maintain after the war la over any considerable part of *???» foreign trade after making allowance for tbe decreased export» ot supplies and munitions fort, the «armies of the «lllee? Apparently we are to have tbe «talpa for tho great fleet now under onatruction will be available for the pea«*eful pursuits of commerce after tbe war Is over. Can we employ these ships with reasonable profit to «heir owner·? la a question that baa atom frequently asked/ and some of the ¡eader» of buainee» organizations oe- lteve that it wilt be possible to utilise tbe majority of these »hips provided only, tbat the United State» makes ¦adéquate préparation» for lutei, la- lional trade sifter the war In ended. Mere Maaafaetarers Than Feed. The greet bulk of our heavily in- .-reased export» is made up of man¬ ufactured articles or of articles partly manufactured and the statis¬ tic» furniahed by Washington that In 191C raw material exported from the United State» amounted to only about one fifth of the total export». We »hall have therefore after the war Is ended a very great produc¬ tive capacity. The experts say that the output of our manufactorte» will vastly exceed tbe domestic demands for article· of this kind and* that we therefore must seek to market the surplus In foreign lands. More and more the attention of thoee who are »tudyinr thla subject is being concentrated upon the fa¬ cilities for maintaining and increas¬ ing the commerce for which the Panama Canal will offer facilities. It le one of the two »omewhat curi¬ ous coincidences from tho point of time, associated with the beginning of th·-Europea ? war, that the Pan¬ ama canal was opened to navigation a «hört time before the war began. The other coincidence le to be found In the fact that our Federal Reserve Banking system wa» organised and put Into operation with result» that have been highly gratifying, only a few weeks before the Kaleer declar¬ ed war cet Franco aaa-Ruesla. The men who are competent to alvo Judgment worth heeding «are now convinced thet the opening of the Panama Canal for navigation will, in addition to our abundant ¦upply of shipping, enable us to maintain and increase our foreign commerce, after making due allow¬ ance for the curtailment of that eommerce which will follow the closing of the war. uml«r from West Ceaet. Western Canada will use the Panama Canal and her lumbermen are already makim; arrangement.·« for ehlpments of lumber in enor¬ mous quantities from the Pacific Coast to the seaport» on the At- lantlc even estimating that this lumber can be marketed In the Cen¬ tral Weat at a price which can command those interior markets. That would be due to tbe low cost of transportation from the Pacific to tho Atlantic. We ahall have large expert trade to Canada, but almost all of it will roe» on our northern boundary, not much reaching Canada by way of the Pacific Coast. But there Is South America and the Far East a nere the greatest opportunties for Increasing our markets for manufactured products will be dis¬ closed. Heretofore Germany and ? ; rest Britain commanded much the larger part of the South American 11 ade. 'Wmany has now lost her share. and it Is doubtful whether she will lie* able to regain any considerable part of it until long after the war Is ended, if ever. Tbe South American people »re becoming accustomed to American manufactured products and our ex- - -tar» are learning how to tnereaae «heir markets by granting satisfactory long-time credit» and by establishing TWO YEARS FROM NOW nil -a. better off »-tllr" it »a Awotat ee bee mmb yea mf mot bee yea it.ft« jour ·.«- ates» By rnlm -vw-vWy^f^ »ee «riS «sot only tattoo» «nd tto- lot tamtam, bat will fled »txmvlr '**»_^___?·'''·"' un i«ri«e m- ctarstsB» afsssjr too jette BeokMt **eìt****» tin» a-Uke* «x* lewsuaa. as eeB m root ot otu fortnixfally pubbr-atioB -Investment Opportunities' .silt to «mt trilhcvt charr« upon lotetet tat met. We Specialize in «SCRIP DIVIDENDS 5·?£_?ß 40 Exchaajre Place NW Tat* ?* SsSttt ate mam, ttm to »? p tact», t. tone. m*> «???????··«. toxahntT «es Svaria·!, RWm A Heaaey Ct_ TV FétAA» SkMl HtnÇwmt. branch bank· In South American eoun- aiea New Tork la nearer to the »eitern coaat of South Amarice than New Orlean» or San Francisco, but the ad¬ vantage In distance la with Now Or¬ le···»», Mobile. Charleston when trad» to the west coast of South America la under considération. There »hould bo established a treat trade with Sooth America, which wiU originate In the industrial district of *hlch Birm¬ ingham to the center. And that trade wUl go to Weat South Amertoa trema New Orleatia or Mobil« by «ay ot the Panama Canal. The Panama Canal ha» aubetan- tlally equalised the dtotance betweon Liverpool and the far Bast, on tue one hand, aad between New Tort or New Orleenj/ md tarn ter eUt*. For there must be M.nH mile» navi¬ gated by veesels »ailing from Liver¬ pool to Sbaaa-hal by mrnr ot the Sue« Canal, while It will entail only about 300 mile« more of navigation for a ship to »all from New Yort to reach Shanghai by way of the Panama Canal and about JO· mil··« lee» dto- tsnce'for a ve-Ml «ailing from New Orlean» for China by way of the Pan¬ ama Canal. New Tork and New Or- loaaa are much nearer China than are the «Sensen port» of Hamburg and Another factor which may aid the United state» tn Increasing Its com¬ merce after the war la the utilisation of oil In place of coal for steamina purpose«. The Mexican olla are with¬ in easy each ot Pànama, and con¬ siderable petroleum concessions have been grant·· by Panama Itself and by «Costa Rica to American capital. The »hips that burn oil can take on fuel «uppli«*» at «ea and that will serve to reduce tbe cost of transpor¬ tation of commodities by way ot the Panama Canal to South America and the Far Ea«t. HOLLAND. NEW TORK CURB MARKET. High Low. Cbee. Adr. Rumi«). M II Ad«. Bissai·« pr. ·> li« W Ab-la Gold. <L. 2S I** Jonaau. 1% ¦ Aia*<ai»lia·» . WM » Aasatcsa Or * Pdr. Il1, «H IH Amra-ican Cotton Oli.. <1S Il ali 1.alraa Ben Suetr. T.'·. Ti'» I*1S American Con. «JS «JS «6*. American Hid* O Ixt». W Hi 1·*. AsMTican Hite I Le ?> n 1*1 ?** 1er. ? W America ******A. MS 11% «% Ata*«*rk-aa La-tt-omoti«·. A Att Imrlr.n Smelt A Bot A% MS ¦» Asarrican Stai» * Ref. pr WGS IM*·, 1«BS in Stari Tort. C «T »T Aaaerktan Sugar. 11) 113 113 Aaas_aa Suauti-i. 1*% A arruma Tri. A TU»« «VI»« American Woolen.. SIS 'S KS Aastartran Writiat« P»orr tv MS S MA Aaerican Atee A h*oA. A% MS »A American Sac * ImA pr. U It S Atekisoe . ms ms MS A. A «3. * W. I»·. MS«.» KBS S0S BtstopH» Mi». IH 114 Bald.ta Loeumoti«». MS ai» »A Battsmie * Oblo. KM «s MS Bamtt O. «-, «H IH «vu st»«a ci««· ß. as a* as Urta erari (% pr. IH Ita«- Booth ruberia«.., ? «? 2? BrooUya Bap T>. JSS 3HI MS Bontà Broth·-.. 1SH 1SM 18* Batta Cope* * Zinc. in» Il int Boti· Bnperiar.._. 31« SS 30S Oalifomi» Petrole-j.. I», 1«« 1*S Ciliforai» Ptftrotoum pr... a (O » Central Leather. TI* m% W Cn» Paaco. . »SA» Ctiicuo Great Wratan?_ ? IS M i-hieaj- Great Weatara r. ? 21-i Ml chi. Mil. A et Pial.. « im HS ni. mu a at. Pul pr.. m us chira«·· O North.Ktars... 12V «a» W* Obi. t. I t PtacJflc.. sat S ß a B. L a Po-aie Vi pr. MS MS MS a ß. ?. a rtttte t% pr. :«? ras tss Olila Oopcer. ITS HI» IT Chino Ooepw_. OS «IS «s oro Product........ «.? · cai Croabl· Stiel_. as «T «fS Cul-an Cta. Somor. '.-, *ns ata Catan Cm am.r jr....:.. SIS MS MS Distillera' Sera.. SIS M-, SS IX-.ri- MiIKOf. »>» TS SS Elk Horn Goal. M SS MS Eri« tUilroed... ir, M Eri« 1st pr. ras 3 S «Jenaral <*i»»n.. r'.. «S 4TS Generai Oectric. lies :«s i«S lìrnaral Motors. IMS BIS IMS láeaeral Motors pr. IIS US OS fioodrich pr. ¦ m » I'.rttt Northern pr. 9ft IS ¦ ;rr»t Northern Ore. .S Mi ITS Graabr Con. M. KS »TS ITS «ireen t'jnane» . l&-t «13 US Gulf .-tate» Steel. MS MS MS H «-..«stake Min. TO It laspiratioa Cooper. II AH iDtrrtMro O». p».. MS JOS 3»S Intenlatiooal Aa-ricuttwl IIS MS KS International Agrieul, pr... MS » St Int. Mrr. Matine. *2TS » 2TS lot Mrr. Marin« pr. IMS 100% It-It» Intrtnution»! Nickel. »S as 3H International Paper. X MS as int. Papar pr tt.·. u to 13 K».isaa atr Southern. II ? KellT Tire Co. m Ott «?·» Kennaentt Copper. 3S C*S J3S Lacttawanna ettari. ? ? M Lehizti Valter. M», MS »S Loose-Wile» Co. M » » Mack»; Coa. pr. M M M Maawrll Motor. SOS 3 »S Maxwell la« pr.. »S MS »TS Maxwell 3d pr.. as Wb KtS Mexico Petroleum. e-p. w. SSS »riami 'Optar. .TOS 3S SS Midral» Steel. *_% st KS Mo. K»·». a Taxa».. SS 3S SS N»t Acme <3o. SIS MS SIS Nat. Con. a Oble. MS -OS N«t- Eti.rn A 8«. 51 51 SI S«.«·*» Copper. MS *M» »S S*" Í-JaíJÍ. >»* 1 New York Crntrat. ****«4 **ìai t««», S*J[- "i* * w"*. *·"-» »A ax North America.. ir, «ss (fi Northern Padfle. M «TS te Ohio au«· a». 3TS jrs 3TS Ontario Minine. »1», ,.», n^ Owen» Botti».. »-,», w. UH Padfle M»JI 8. 8. ah. a\ OS Hi M·»«-?«1·«*«. US MS US Pian»-imit» ..... «os jet marnata ?»?.._. ms as Pia» * w. ?».. ms ja* pías a w. Ta w. m W ht Pi»M<l Btori Car. «MS « »IS «t. bo. Bottom.. ¦», sis m% Bar Oopoer. S MS «A ¦s-adlit« Amt. SIS »IS m% Bep. Iron a SUei. » » MS e*ambo>«M Air Una. "S TH ,s S»M*t*o«nl Air Zia» pr,. 1«% )0\ Sh«auck-Ari» . M i«s »a smelai» ou a a..:.. -a at ? IVatts«.» Ptaci·«_. M n% ? S«».«tbe-i Bwjt. as as tit SomJwrn Rey pr. ¦ S a Stodebaker . «i IS ? Stadehakrr pe. MS UM AU tatmnor Bum._..,. OS «S «SS Issa. Cop. A Ob. MS lis IIS _*-" Oo«. EIS ms it*\ Jobtcrn Pro«l....._.-_ »s MS »S tTalOB PaeJJk. m». IMS IBS DM Aller 8t»»l.. «I MH rnatel dear Sta.·. MIS :0OS rait·· tieit.. »s îss iss CMted Bt * lareet.. P. IS IS Inited Br. lana, pr. TTS ITS OS U. ß. Alcohol. »S m jus ?. ? Rabear »e. M IM KM ?. IL ·_ a Rei. us ms im G. S. S«_»l. IMS ICS MS ?. 8. atea! »r. Ill m m Ctab Coppw. MS «S KS CUh Sec. Otwp. US 1J 13% Vbtiala-l^mlsa Ch«_lral mm·» w«bub . US ns US w«-»·· pr a. «a «a ß Wabtak pr ?. SS SS »S Western Umloo.. »TS HS WaatiBflioaia· . «S ISS WlsMa A Co........ «W, ß OH WTOja OrerlaBd -^.... SS IMI ~S Woatwortk . im» hj^ n-eg wortkinsten p........:. »»» Wo» Pnssp fr ?. MS «S «S as «a* BALTIMORE GRAIN. .Siti««»-, Jnlr 1 -WHBAT. traer . ~?*+*? *»*-. *·_» teta*. ISS. Be "¡?* I·*1 fe»»'.s. bmumm*», na OORM-Hisao, Ck_ti»et alzad, ija I .»bes, »a» 11 lila «eipsaaaa ai«. £*!*il!ï*mÎ.*0- * **» «»-r-sac. tee ._V-"!__- mjm- ·?«μ». ».ar. Wl *_**. -"a » Weatlar·, mm~4er Aae- mmt, ota. Amate**, I.ar. Skip». °S*^5<*_ -*vl»»>a»»»* SPECULATION BY INSIDERS TO BE CURBED Price Changes by the War Board Will Be Started at Once. Stock gambling by Inalder« who use their .confidential information on tha price-ttiting actlvittea of th* War In« duatrlea Board is to be curbed by the board. Chairman Bernard Baruch made thla plain at his conference with newspaper men yeaterday. Tbe policy of the price-fixing committee of the. board in withhold¬ ing Its achedulea of new prices until submitted to tbe President has been a storm center for months. Maaafaetarrra Get FIrat New·. Ia fixing «uch price«, and they range from Iron and »teel ores, cop¬ per to cotton prints, it has been th· committee's custom to hear delega¬ tion» from th« national organization» of the manufacturing industrie» in¬ volved. These delegations have sat with the committee, and practically aa a part of It. They have offered figure* on coat of production and con¬ ditions of the trade, and when they have left the meetings hav« in practi¬ cally every Instance known what tho new price» were to be. The prlce-flxlng committee, however, ha» ii. every Instance withheld an¬ nouncement until after the schedule ha* been aubmltted to the President snd «pproved by him, which la usually from three day* to two week* later. It has been repeatedly charged to the board that th«· representatives of the trad* present at their meetings hav* at once burned the wire« to New York to their houses advising them of the new schedule« so that they might mak* any market turns that would profit them before the format announcement, which would put the rest of the trade wise, and to their brokers ordering stock ex¬ change operations which would skim off profit when the new commodity prices were announced. That the trade became aware of the new prices long before his com¬ mittee announced them was evident lo Baruch yesterday when a rep¬ resentative of a trade paper preaent »aid that he had in his pocket a let¬ ter from his editor In New Tork giv¬ ing him a complete schedule of the cotton print price* recently fixed by th* committee, though no announce¬ ment had been made by the com¬ mittee. The price« were supposed to have been obtained from a friendly manufacturer preaent at the confer« enee here. Baraeh Smile«. "We can't court-martial them all at each meeting." «aid Baruch, him¬ self a former Wall street man, "and we probably can't stand them up against a way and shoot them at sunrise, but . . and he" «railed the Baraeh «mile. He was to confer with R. B. Brook- in«, chairman of the price-fixing committee, and it wa* expected that after each session in the future the committee would announce «aat what had been done. While this matter wa» being con- tldered th* price-Axing committee wa* in session with a amali com¬ mittee of steel men, in a preliminary discussion of steel rail», steel wire and steel rope. Though theee price« were fixed les« than two week* ago, there may be some slight change. COTTON MARKETS. New York, July 3..After shearing ti ran (-a* at od« tima ip tbe morning tbe cotton market io**, further ground today. Little was heard ot tbe íaqniry for the »put article noted ia the South Dot lone ago. At tbe opening price» üfsmt iteady at an «d- lance ot 10 rouit-, to a decline of | pointa. Th« demand was -supplied by scattered atll- inf, how«Ter. with October easing to 23 78 shortly after the call, or about 9 points tower. There «era rallie« i>f aererai pointa lat« in the tint hour on covering, but tbe market aoon broke buck *o the earlier low level of about IT to %t pointa under last nicht'· cJoeinf figure«. Tba dip after the publication of tbe weekly weather report teemed to attract a good deal of oc'«ring tor. over th« holiday, and then wa· a sharp bulge in price«. Heart ions of M to 13 points followed with tbe inarket compara¬ tively quiet around mid-day. The early afternoon market ruled quiet bat steady in tone with moderate coveriDg demand for over the holidays absorbing liquidating salea and outside offerings. Tba demand from aborta satisfied, the mattet | developed renewed weaknea« in the laat hour. jelling down to 23.65 for October, or 41 pointa under the high point of tha forenoon. New Orleans srrti Wall Street led the wiling on' tha decline. ? final rally on local boying dotta ta· antil at·*«, tut at · a ot r to at ppi«a Tt» receipt» (or tb« 4*r ««* irn I»»!*». Eiport» W, «Il ta tfe« oraituml. Spot «t «Na» Orleem am quiit and ua- ntinri .·* <* «Mt»'*»** «liaVnin«; »«1« mete m talea. Spot mat «ta oswt »t « àtdiaa of It point» *t «.Tt «aat. for naddltnt; Umc* wen mha Rtctpta ? ?·« ???us» mare (?; !».»««¦>. 30t; 8t. uni«, un. NEW YORK CURB MARKET. Aeti.» faptoa.««·...... ISM II« Air Itidin-Uoa.... ff 11 Ain-n.iii Writuc taper am. t IM Atlantic I'itroleum.. IM IM Barnett (Ml.». % '··· Bit ??*·». IM IM Blufham Mintnf. <t Boaton and Mo*t«n*. «V M h .»daoo. ? tt «^t^n»!. Mailnt..... 43 i-.lumrt aad J«M*tt. IM IM Oiairli cmopm. i% lit L'arbuo Sta«l. Car Utht ud Po«*r. JM 1% Chïrcoal Ina. t »M CbmroIK ......... Ut (-Itici «-latrrto·..... t·» ? Citan SfTrtt. ?«.. TI OooaoUdst· Arison«.,....,... 1% IM Conaollditad 43opp«... t »M Otad.* ».. ,*M ·* Catato pfd. M »M Cfjitul Copper. M 1 Curtía» Aero.-. «· i » Util· «J··. I » Kmmon ?***··. .et M -fisa. «SbHMt.- Ht iM F>drr»l Oli.'.. * '·* tirât Natio*»! CDppar. t M Gire Bot*.. . «H IM «JoldAald a»»*oud«t«·. 1 M 1 T-M Ulm* Moratw..M tl· .Juantanaaao Hiatar.,·,,..· » » HoUj »il·»»..-.....-. M Hollj Siajar Std. Tt M Houaton (Ml.:. It II Ho«· 8«»a»d. IH «M Hull Coppa». * ß Ioicnatloaval I.»troia«!·,. 13*4 UM l-Jau.l OU. «M «M Jenas« Vard*.-. la t-tt Jim Butilr. . «H 5* Jiuribo aauiaau*. I Kryaton· TU·.../. MM l*M ¡aie Tnn»«Jo.t....:..«.... ««M Ma*«· Copcaa-. S S Marlin . at Waaoii Vain«. t «M Miiim Munition».. S a*M >l«mu Oil. *>S St aletropoliUn l'»trol«iai. W il» Mid.eat Oil com.. . IM Ut llUtrwt Oil pfd.«V- la-It 13 Mldwcft Rafluin«. lit UiuAtll Motora.. . It 4* Mutílenos· . Niplaainc »lem ?ß. IM -, Nena Ajsariesa ». A ?. ¿k NorUi«rTOtíiu (Ml. It I* Ohio Copper. % % Oklahoma Oil Ot>. . t t Oklahoma Prod, and Kalt, to. -fla **M ntmulSM OU. tv» «M l'aeri««« Motora. M Kir Hi-mil«.. . 4 IV. Bed »im«. M « Ht. Jompfc Load. n\ IO» Hapuli· cota.. f% t Smuovah Oil. Ill· 13-ag Sinclair Gulf.... IfM il Huudard Uotsr». II .."» Submarin· Ocri«>ntioo. MM ? >. Mialn*. . Il II *I\>DOP»h Eitenaloo. 1 «.M l'a» Trisa«!· Film._. M -. Tri Builiuo. . M tnited laun. M iM tt. S. light and Heat com. ? -. G. S. Uciit and H.t (,fd.... IM IH United Motor·. 3E\ . a l'nit*i Prodt Soulu«. . ¦« M S. S. Btaasahip.. Mk «? United Vtrde. a I'nltad We««« OU....-. M M l'nitad Zinc. tC Victm-ia OU. Va » ¦WajlaiHt Oil. JM Wrislit Martin Aero. «H »M NEW TORK PRODUCE. New York, lujy i-BLTTER-fcaey tecelpU. «?.-Mi pacha»« creamery higher than extrae, ¦fca-S-V creamcrr extras « soon), HmuWê: .m-imery firsts, -CHa-M; pacióne stock, carrent make. No. 2, 33. BUGS-F-in»; receipts. J«,«04 estes; ttmm gathered extra·. fiO. fresh gathered regolar p*«ard extra fli-su. ««n; do.» Mata» fra»; Sut**. Pesiaarleania and nearbv Weetene aeu- nery white 0ne to tener. 52*64, Sute. Penn¬ sylvania and nearby hennery brown·, «aie. do, gathered fae-oara and mixed coloni, 31*43. i'HKKriK- Firm; receipt*, 1,736 boxes; State, freeh «per, a Is. «tt**; do., srerage ran, t3%. POL'LTili-Dnwid quiet; pnces unrhangad. Lire i- n It t y Ann ; broiler·, 45*50 fowl·, «H ronatar«, 3; turkeys, *ß. CHICAGO GRAIN. By «??ß??? K. PHITCHABD n.icago. July ?.A fair aaonnt of ne» «beat waa bought to errire at Chioagu today on overnight bid· to the country for Uiirty-day shiprnent. Wheat is «bsdty wanted la this mart*, not only by tbe millers, but by sbip- pee* and other intenat· to tha tratta. Th« price -paid was somewhat abor* tha fo-rera- mant besic flgxire. Tha ovan bid· weiw H cent above tbe basic figure. Tha bulk of the grain was «eared in DUnoi·. There waa an incressed ntovesnent of new wheat in tbe two Southwestern markt t.». Kan¬ sas City reporting UO era new and old. and Ht. Urals ten car· new with aal·· of No. 3 red in tba Utter market st 236. Tba prie« recasred for all the new wheat wa· eomlder- abij in excess of the government fixed priors. St. Louis and Kansaa City Jointly received i«6.00O bushels today, and of this amount 148.- 000 buahela were credited to Kansaa City. Additional bostnes· was reported la tba mar¬ ket for cash oata There were «ale· in all t-outiona of 350.000 bushels, Thi· grain sup¬ posedly is for export, and makes nearly Î.000.- 000 bushels porchaaed durine the put thre· daj·. Tbe·· «ale· hare been a eontrûlling factor, and have helped the prioe of thi· «grain a* we'i a*, tba price of com. While th· eon market dowd at advances ot ** ,m, i\ cents today, Uiere were aome reactions aod déclinée from the higheat levels reachad. John J, âtream, chiirman of tb· EVERETT TRUE BY CONDO YeS, QUiT& /1B30RBINS. ? see IT HAS ABSOH.aCT> It*. FlNe U>T OF fHNGIER MARKS ANO Cr?«EAS<*5 SPOTS ! f-sT'x see ir it wotvr «j^_ ,. ?ß? r1BSOR8 A Í-1--TI.-C ·> r^=^A=l AtOfitZ ROUgM USA«-!*!!! Com»· Orals Department of th. D. a Orai» CorporatloB. sude » dedaion that «a» the ctam at cooalderabi· «eUlng of thl» «nln. Hi. dtx-Mon M that tr.de·. who ha.» ne U··»·· cannot acu.pl deli.erie. of cat* (rain oo contract for tutore dell.erlea. Th» July taten wa» especUll; «old on thi· «MeWaB, bat it rallied » little irosa th« Im paint mi.ed. A dami««» Ib th» WetHena Mocks et Beat» em ths primdmJ atamdjrlsc faster ra tarnt prodort. SB· It «bo.» m»»T short» to torn. Th« stirrtt-th Is car» lad «Mt« wa» also · help to tb« halb. The cssii trade la meat» «od IrM «ras ar-porter! liberal, c*peri»Hy tb« former which was taken oc «overnaaantal or- NEW COPPER PRICE PLEASES THE STREET Market. Up on Strength of New W. S. Policy. ¦p URO AI J AS WALL. New York. July. S..Advance of the copper price to 26 cents a pound toi/ether with «trôna* Intimation« from Waahlngton that »teel cora- panle« would be permitted to »ell a large percentaje of production to the general public, cave Wall »treet a »trong market todajr. In the morning there wa» great activity under leadership of the cop¬ per» and tobacco. In the afternoon Steel wa» the leader, with atock of the bla corporations closing at the top price of the day. General Motors held Arm es usual. American Beet Mtigsr. National Conduit and Agricultural Chemical attracted attention. Wall »treet wa» pl»a»ed at the advance In the copper price, not so much because of copper» alone, but because It was evidence of the new policy decided on at Washington In regard to prices. The str« ng-th of American Smelt¬ ing du» partly to improving con¬ dition» In Mexico. Agricultural Chemical responded to the resumption of dividends on its preferred stock. Natlonsl Conduit Is recognizing important development» In the company soon to be announced. American Beet ¡Sugar wa» up at the expense of short». A short interest of Importance was alao surprised In United Cigar Stores, but in the latter cas» there has been steady absorption of the »tork for the investment account because of the growing" earning». -am· Washington Stock Exchange. HALB». Cattaui lìmi». 1 »t Washington Kailwar pi.] «I At*. S at es. s «t tas. W*_hüigto· Ga». 7 »t r.'.. After call: Washington «ix. I »t »S. GOVERNMENT BONDS. Bid. Ail««. K s. ratbtered M. MS . ?', ». coupon M. MS . G. S. irnstereil >.* SIS V. S. couton S.. MS . U 8. resisteteti -ta. KKS . U. S. eouiwn 4».. ITS . libeftr Loan JS·..·..S» BV!» «Sr.eTted Liberty Loan I«.M Kr!*» . Second Liberti Loan la.II Ute Second Üb·««? Loan IS«.IM . GAS BONDS. Georgetown Ga» 5». » Waahington Ga» Si. ? M Columbia Gas arad Klee. ?». to G Col. Ou »ad Uec. Deb. t.. .5 II RAILROAD BONDS. Capital Tractkn M. WS ICS Metro·* litan . A WaAington Rwy. A Bee. it. « ·" WctMgftoe. Alex. * ML V. «... A MISCELLANEOUS BONDS. Pototnue El.cliic Cat«« Is. »I M rotom«o Electric Light I». G*. . I'utocnac Electric Power I». ... M 10* >'bt««imke »nd Potoauo M, it It tn Anvricaji Tri. and Telga, «a- .. MS I American Tel. »nd G Ig». «' :. «S Am Tel. and Tei CU Tr I«. S «S Amanean <;iai*h-*pli(*ne tat ta.. M M D. C. V*v*t Mu. Otx I».. Waahina-ton Market S». 19~ . K> . Waahlnstoa Maltet 5«. IMT. «. W. M. Cold Storile i«. M ..... Security Stor. ana Safe Dap. «?. Ml Norfolk »ad Waeb. Stranboat a... .'* Rio» Realty is (long). ¦ Bisa Kaaltr ttburtl. IM C. 8 Reali» Sa.1« . PCBL10 UTILITY STOCES. Capital Traction . SS MS Washington Rwy. «ad Elee, com il M Waahlngton R.n. and Eire, rt'l «BS 17 Nttrfol» and with. Steamboat it* 17» Washington Oaa . ST M Columbia G»· «nd Electric. 3* . American Tel. and Tel»*». **t . TYPE MACHINE STOCK·-. Met-gentbaJ« . 1-MS WIS Lanstoo . 17 I! Lanaton Scrip . »7 ITS NATIONAL BANK STOCKS American. 1S2 Commerci«! . ??» IM District .·?? farmer» »ad Mechanic«.. Ml . r«Je-»l ?. HM lineólo . Ml National Metrcpoutaa . Bias» . «3D «SO National Bank of Washington.* .*· Heeoed . American Security and Trust. "ST 23« Nsllonal Barias» »ad Trurt. 31 TRDST COMPANY STOCKS t'nion Trost.ell(*S Washingtoa Loan »sd Trust. ? ¡?? Continental Trust . Ili SAVINGS BANK STOCKS. Bam· . Bank of Commerce and Savin«.. I: «Saat Washington . II Security Sarings and Commercial.. IT?» FIRK INSURANCE STOCKS. Arlington ._.,. I M Corcoran . TO l'itet-uen's . II .... German-America» . Ml Nstional LSloo . I TlTLa INSURANCE STOCKS. Columbi* . i S Real Estate. ¦ MI6CKLLANE008 ETOCKR. Chapln-Sack» . D. C. Panar Mfg. Oo. » Ml Merchant«' Transfer and Storage. Ill 15 Security Storage . 'ita G. S. Realty Co.;. 1.*', ¦·· Washington Market . ·?\ . .. .Ex «Mridaad. PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE. Philadelphia. P».. July 1.Price» on th« Iocs! produce market today ranged »a follows: CHEESE-Scare« »nd higher. Quotations: N T. whole-milk, fancy, fresh. MSaOc. aprcials higher: N. T. whole-m Ik, fair to (Md, freeh. M «J4Sc BCTTER-Stoa-lT Quotations: Solid packed creamery, extra». 45c. higher »coring good«. M »«Me. : atra Sat«, use : fit-sta. ITaMc ; second-. Us«*iSc.; choice. 50c. fsir to «ood. 4S»4»r. EGOS-PI.a. Quotation·: Standard e»«e. nettrby fina!», If; current recaipr», 11.70; West¬ ern, «trtr» Unta UTO: Ant*. UM; »eleeted job- bin« «t IX lin.? REFINED SUOARS-rinaiy held on a basi« «t r.SOc. for floe gnnolated. OREEN TOI ITS-Autoles. hamper, laj. Pesche», Ga. «-bask»! carrier, 1.75»1_ Lem¬ on», box. MM Orange«, Oil., box, laT.SO. Grapefruit. Ft«*., box, 3a4.50. Pineapple*. Porto Rico. ente, ¡al; Pia., crate. taT; Cut*an, crate, ITSaS. B-ckberrie«, Del. and lid., at-. lOaltc. Plum«. Oa.. carier. *ssS.n. (~1»-»rriera, CSI., bot, U3; N. T.. 6-lb. buk·!. TScal. Aprico«», OIL, crate, »t.». Oantaloupaa, Cal., standard ente, :~a4; pony sata*. ÎSeaJ.aO; fl»t ente» l.SOal.rs; G»., standard crate, ISatîl. Watermelons, Fla., lOH Sef·; car Had. Stale. VEGETABLEfJ-WbiU poUtoe». Norfolk awl BaeUm Sbore. bbl.. lia 1. I.»sl»; No. :. 150.5 50; 8. ?. »?ß N. O.. bbl . No. 15·*; Ma 2, 2.Nts3.s»; Persey. ? bush, bsjket. No. 1. 13» 1.»; No. A «OaKe Sweet potato··. Jema*,. tamper. IBM«: No. t, L*5«1.T5. v-trtT**·-». Fla.. box, 1.S0.2: Norfolk. ?-ejt. «rate, hi. Cnrtmib- era. S. C. b»«ket. T5t-«U-60; Norfolk. bM., « s 4.50 I'eprtera, Fla.. crat». 1 SOsi Onion». Ita»», ente. l.SOalX; JerJey. % bush, baaket, lai. 15. Onion·, Jersey, white, "basil, hamper, 18t*J. XutJiroosna. lb.. 15»40c. DRESSED POULTKT-Freah killed feast», la bbl».. fancy, dry picked, fancy «rlwted. SSc; w«ishin« i lbs., «ad «arar .|»«i«*»i, ?a; «oulbr »Ue». .aaak.; old rant»., do picked, at Spring duck». L. I.. XaMc. LIVE POULTRY-Fowl». Mk~c; «xeepUon»l lot» Usher: Spring chickens, not Leghorn·, weighing IS»! lb»., »piece. «»S50c. lalS lb·., arfeo», CeAc; Wblt· Leghoma. according to sue, MaMc. Bttg«- young rooste-, iS»Me. Old roaster», OaSc. OuiB«ss, tpeir, 1 *ß»1.45. Piiron». old, p«tr, I0»<4c ; yonni. p»ir, tute. Rec«il>U today-Plour, 3.W.019 lb... in sack»; coté. AMI boakoh; t-ets, »XX btub«a>i b*s, A> em·, tei I mr ot atra*. U.S. TODAY LAUNCHES 89 VESSELS, WOOD AND STEEL, 439,886 TONS DEADWEIGHT 4 bari··· M. -.ekwab, Dlrrrl.r Cernermi at .kipt»*ll<li·«. at left, an· I kalr- ma« R. ??. llorle. *f tke »kippt«« Hear*, at rlakt. lui·,» th.m are two »kip·, tke laraer ««e n-prr»ratl«s tkr tu«»tr Ia««rke4 ···¦>. a«· tke «mailer Ike ???·? t·«··«. laa«ek«Ml tke «rar ketare tke I alie* Mate» tveat t* mar. On this Fourth of July the num¬ ber of American ehipn launched In American waters will make a -»plash that will be heard by the Kaiser In Berlin. Charle.· M. Schwab, Director Gen¬ eral of Shipbuilding for the United State.-» Shipping Board, in the man who ««aid that and here is-the rea¬ son: Thirty-seven steel vessel-« with a total deadweight tonnage of ..54.e<S6 are scheduled to be launched on In¬ dependence Day. Fifty-two wooden vesaeln, with a total deadweight tonnege of 185.- 200. are scheduled to be launched on Independence Day. This makes eighty-nine vessels, with a total tonnage of f39,&S6. This is om-'hird greater than the total American production of ocean ves¬ sels In Ih« fiscal year 1915-lSHe and 42,050 ton« greater than the launch- inga in the year 1901. the greatest American pre-war year in the ship¬ ping game. Be Exceeded. And tbe chancea are that even these coloaaal figures may be exceeded by completion of hulls at the laat min¬ ute, enabling still other véasele to talee to the water. The steel ships to be launched in¬ clude all kinds, among them being ¡ two transporta, fourteen cargo car- rters and refrigerator ships of from T..VHI to 9.500 tons each: three cargo »ships of 11.800 tons each, one of 12,000 tone and one of 12,5?? tons. The Padflc Toast will hav« the honor place as It will launch twonty- slx wooden and seventeen steel ves¬ sels. Schwab and Balnbridg· Colby, members of the Shipping Board, will ' BALTIMORE PRODUCE. R«\Uimore, Md., J-nlr 3 -Priesa -ast Ute locati ?r-.u» market today ranged as folio·«·» ruT.-aTnbs-(potato» sell by Its weicht» >.OH Wester» Maryland aad Penna) Irauia. UM do. Ne« Tort. No. 1. SL^a2; do Kost- era Shore. Maryland and Virginia, $1.9f*al.TS aarar. Norfolk. No 1, banal, gast.·: do. No. X, barrel. f3.SQe4: äo. York River. No. 1. ban*-!. S6a.-s.S0, «do. ? iinahannoek. No. 1. barrel, fce 5.96 do No. Z. band. SSJOaS. UIILEN KRL.TS ANI» VEtìKTABLES- Apple·, early ha nest, fancy, barrel. VSaS.50; do. baaket. llaLS: aapang-as. Maryland aad Vir¬ ginia, No. 1. doam. HSa2.üO; do. No. S. doaen, ii Wal »¦ beans. Norfolk, green, basket. «JJ.-S-t 1.». do. natire. green, boahei. Ca:.S: do, wax, bushel. 50a7Sé; beet*, near, base*. 5«J*^c; bla·*· Verr«'··», sUaatera Bbore, quart. Kail, cabbage. Norfolk, banal, *$2a3 ; do, crate, ataS ; do, Eaett-ra Shore, erst· Ua3; cantaloup··. Califor¬ nia, crate, CaS.S; corn, R..pr«hanno<*. doara, 15a20e; enn.rabees. North Carolina, baaket. TV all.»; do. Norfolk, baaket. Ila:.90; do. native, peach basket, a«e75c; eggplant. Norfolk, orate, IU-..J0. ihxMebeniea. grorn. pound. Sale: grape-i fruit. Florida, box, «13*3.75; kale, native. boabel box. t25aJOc; te-Unce, native, bosh-el box. SOaSje: onions, spring. 1% bunrbes. Slai.u' do. Texas· Bermuda, crate, Sl.SBal.75; do. R^p-peha no-nek. 1 basket. $1.50al.fi0: peas, native, par weight' bii-!el. $1.8Qe2»15; pasMbea. tieorgia. csnier. U* ".?; pervers, florida, crate. «-Ba^-SO; raapber- ite«, red, pint, l.atfc; do. quart. S*a2Sc; do, black. nu*»t, 20a22; rhubarb, native, 100 bmicte*·. Ba£5t>, aquaah, Bative. basket. *-*·6?; to mato··, Mississippi, crate. :5ca$l.». do. Poto- mai", ramar. ILShalS. blVK !'OlLTRY-<Äiicteus. spring. l*s>a. lba. prr IK tàalêe; do. do, 1-fcalH Iba. per lb, «OaaV: do. .1<-. uud-r 1 Ib.. pur lb.. «Or: do. do. <"y exprest. **Oa45c; do, do. whit« Leghorns, per lb. 40r; do. old roostera. per lb. 2S.dc; do. old hens. lier Ib.. «Be: dn-rkn, Muacosry and mon¬ grel, old, per lb. SaaSc; do. White Pekín«. oM :tt Ib., Ea2fc; do. puddle, old per lb., 27a2Pc: do. wring, over S lba., per IK. Ma35c; do, do, .mailer, poor, per lb.. -BaSgc: pigeons, old. per .air. Sta-ttc; do, young, par pair, ô&aw>. BUTTER-Warten e*parator. extra. 4Ca<7e; ftrata. «aüc; Western prints, H lb eatra, ratte; firsts. «a-Mc; Western prista, 1 lb ex¬ tra, afatTc; Anta, -Mata»; naarby onaaievy, ex¬ tra, «ktlc; Ama, 3b«e; dairy print·. Mao¬ land. I-Vnnsyltania and Virginia, extra, «s-lSSc; first«. 32c; etore-perked, «Me. EiiGà.Westarn Maryland, P-nnaylvaaia and nearby, per dos., firsts, Äc: Eastern Shore of Maryland and Vinrinia, per dos, first. 3Bc; Ohio par dos. Unte, 3Sc; West Virginia, per doc. finta. Mei Southern (North -Carolina), per doa, firsts, ~c WASHINGTON PRODUCE. Pile«-» oa Ua» loc»l inarkei reátenla« ran«r«i a.« folle«»: ¦Vìtìa.Strictly freah, ». irtnge r«aair»t«, »: 8ouUi.ro, ». OHEF.SS-N. I. SUI» tartera. new. Ma» B'TTFJi.-Elgin pnnt. », Ott· «''». * prona·. «Mali. UVE r^CVtar-Booetere. per Tb, a «ur- »»ya. par lb. M: oakatoe. »priât, par lb, 43a·: lieti«, prr lb-, *£; teat». «trust, cacb, tt. DRtSSED POliLTRI-Iï'nah Silled t«xiag chickens 45ató, turkey», per Ib.. 36a». lOoater». per lb, 3. h»ne. par lb.. JSaJT. r.RIXN FRUlTS-appl««. par bbl.. 4 Sa tat; box, LataSJt; California kmaoa ».tOtlS.»; grapefruit, oat« t.Omt.Ob; peacae», per crate, tMt3.X; Niu-kberri*·. qt, 11» J»; charria·, qt. Im»; cmuilooi»«!. pee «J«te, 3,·ß»».·5; Sim brnie·, 10.15 par tea; laapberrie·, «?». cor¬ ren t«. 15a 18. VECKTARLES-PoUtof«. MtJOnrraick», MB» 4.00 per »tanJard bbl; ne«i potato.». No. 1. To*·» T.S0 «d. bbl. No. 2. Uta«.· «Id. bbl.: «ring bean», bai. l.UOal.TS; pepper» .ert, «JOei, okr». cran. l-SaUt; radiahe», buach. **4; oiicumbera. büket, l.MetM; etxoleel. tttetM atta: oboage. ne«, aoutber«, per crat«, 1.54m 3 00: teet«, per tanoh. 4«7; lotto«. Ttcatat per baakrt; crien Soal.tjO <U«Ma; Florida eel«»r«. ente, 3.ti«&.a0; roa··»«· kAtuce. l.aai.SO; .quaah. l.otal C3 par «rat»; »pring «anioni. Ut· 10·; tomato», nearbr. S.fiTeJ.ftO; pea«, IIBCM per beetn; do,. TUO per bW: cam. Lata*.·· pet crate. LIVE STOCK-*«ieep. per lb. Set; lasaba. .print. l?»at; «-«¡Te», par lb. IStlT; mllnm. It» 13; eeemoa, pec Ib.. ioni Boa·, bea»f. at; medium. 17.18. SEEDS.Bed olo.ee. I5.*"5»le.3 per bnlul: llfike «krrer, I*&**al3.li per buahel; rnm«rn deer. IlTStUJ· per bethel: titnoOiT, 37MÌ.13 pee buahfl: red tap, liacuoo per IB It». MtMSra«. G..'<3·3.*ß, crcbartt graal, 3**«J.I3, »1- falf». IIOII·«.·». UHAlN-WbMt. muiin«. prr Tmaba». UttíJ»; .am, per tw»hel. l.«tl.tC: o»l». «hit», ratt; nited o«tl· »em; hajr. So. 1, «sslMj No »mmUM- -' , help with this wholesale* launching. The Atlantic Coast comes second with twenty-seven wooden and eleven .{eel vessels. The rest avili be «aune-h- ed In Great Lakes and (MM of Mexi¬ co yard». The Bethlehem Union plsnt at San Kranctsco. owned by Schwab. will have the honor place in America. It will launch three steel veeeel· with a tonnage of ?."·.«a· ton«. Harare's He«. The Ides thus to celebrate Fourth of July m*»» really put forward by Chairman s. N. Hurley, of tbe Ship- Ping Board. It wa» his thought that perhap» more ships couM be launch«»*! that day than on any preivous dey In recorded history. The plan «pfi»«litd to the patriotic sentiment» of the »blp- jartj workers end many hulls on the way which were not scheduled to take to the water before late In July or early In August were speeded up so tbat th« y will Join tbe arand splash. Here Is » »ample of what happenetl. The Pusey etc Jonee Co.. of Wilming¬ ton, Del., has a big yard at Glouoestrr City. N* J. They have three ships that are reedy to be laenchf-d July I, but they put up a sign asking the workers whether they could possibly get ship No 1O0S ready for that «lay. The same day the workers put up a sign uoder- derneatJji the other, which remé follows: WE WILL DO OUR D.DEST Yankee Snipers Receive Praise from Britishers On Rifle Marksmanship American sniper», in training st Camp Perry. Ohio, are aatoniahing British and French instructors by their «kill as riflemen. The ·*»*- pertne-s of the Y»inks is due in pan to the fact that they Are at moving "Germans." The "German.»·'' are papier mache figure· attached to moving rods traversing trench line«. At some points the heads of the German« rise for a moment above the trenches. The mechanlam ia ao arrenged that they seldom ere disclosed at the same place twice. But the Ameri¬ cans, lying in their snipers' pits. seldom misi a shot. "How do you consider the Ameri¬ can as matérial for expert riflemen'« corps compared with the men you have taus/ht in the British camper* ? visiting British instructor was asked: He replied. "Top hole." which Is a somewhat slangy way of conveying the idea that the Tanks are hot etuiT. Longley in Divorce Suit Cites a Co-respondent Misconduct Is charged In the peti¬ tion for absolute divorce filed In the District Supreme Court yesterday by Thomas G. Longley against Hattie 8. I^nsley. They were married In Maj·. ?.«¦*·. the petition atetes. His wife de¬ serted him on January 31, Longley de. clares. and has Ance been guilty of misconduct He is represented by Attorney Edwsrd L. Gies. A co-re- t-pondent named. Field Auditors Wanted For U. S. Construction The United Sute« Employment Ser¬ vice of the Department of Labor yes¬ terday aent out a «--all for ten field au¬ ditor· at salaries ranging from CSOO to O.eOO per year. Men familiar with construction accounting are desired for thie service. Applicants are re¬ quested to apply at the local ofBce» of the employment service at HlO Penn¬ sylvania avenue northwest. LIVE STOCK MARKETS b.nmt City, July ! -HOtJP-ReaeiiAs. It,·»; 5c hither; bulk. |!«.·?»?.6?; bear), HAttali.~. 1-scker» »au bntcbers. lit S·»*«, light. ?.*·» It»; ts- IM «BelS.SP CA-rrUE-Beeript». IMI: ««tidy, prime fad steer», HT.a»IIS; drewe-d beef do. «ItaalTS· Waster» do. maall.«·; cow». ».»'..:«·; hreT- er». Is.OOaM.·«: «tooker» «nd feeder». G.»·!«.·: bull». «.ODalL·: calm» «Mall.*·. SHEEP-Receipt«. !.«¦; Head) Issib·, llii» «1AIS; rearlia··. ß« 00»::.«·; «rattan. Hi·»» »SI: ewe». 1.0.00-U.»; stock., and rattle**, luw St. Louis. Jnl» l-HOOS-Reoeisti. IMI; steady; licht« IHJÍDI» am. M.'J»lt.· railed »od botchers. ausaHI·; feed tas*-~. B»<.S0»M.<B: bulk. |1?.?3»1?.ß. "'ATTLE.Beceipts, 3,19); »lo·: nati»· tarf »l-el». tUJJOalT.OI; «wu-Un* Ma»»» «ad beiff . äO»15.SI; cova. r.HalATS: slacker« «a· feed «·. B.50»l*: 00 naUie cal«« (r.SaI7.«l. IBKBP-Beeeipt·. IM*, ateadi, Waits. 111.·» . IA«; eve», tll.tealit». «nciai-ti. July S.-MOtàS-Bee-pl*. Us»; Mod); packer» an., buti-bera. 1*11.·.iK-M. CATTLE. Keenpi., mt: stead) cal««· «es«. SHeaP-Receipt». t.·». »tiwac; la-ba »tros« »t tWllaU.M. Pltt.btanb July A-HIJUa-a-UeruM·. li»; Ue*A¡; «eail,». ilS.ATslH.Ti: be»«j Vertan. SrrjsalT.'-i'. Iiflit Yurteia. ->TT»r.l»; pw». tnrs»i7.~. SHKÏP ANI) LAUBS-ltaairt», S», steady: top skeeb, tu.'»; «.«tac teat- UM«. *OALV*fc-B«*c»inx la»; neótji t<v, «Uà HOTEL WEBS! RESORTS. A-ixAJTWc crrr. ». j. m vr daily. «mwciAL· »ram AMteeXICAM FLAK. GRAND ATLANTN Oer.tr·! ea» ckaw le Imi Pw «al da W. P. HUV. HOTEL DF VILLE mamTS¡JaT> _ "i KA» VIEW . "%.*?>^9. **< a»od. aat· botai «a Atmv j*. C"r: ?»?«?»«?, ubie: aUuan. «mt ^^..^V.'''^ .'S'*:····-·«"·'»»'»··»"^; rooi»»: «14 «am up F«AKC«iuta ?'???G HOTEL KENTUCKT K'.t.dr A»e_ Xrar UtmeB. 4 . «.city, «aa. Maxanty room« «ritb bot aad «ali m****t »«ter S «ith pnrlte bathe. ?? ?? tlm»I a·· electn: light· la every room. Canal«, mm -eeet Ine!. FI«, «tue· Oa.. A merle.« Plaa ¦¦···! ..J· ?* M Dann lut» t* nt »Vermily. ST. ». KRMtADT. HOTEL NETHERLANDS A. T. 1«... vi Tila. fr»m IT-|iilii*W_ Captcttr. tat; ek.ator; pnia«i beam. Hot and c-.ld running ··!«. |b Mm ???? FEtTlREe.HATHINO PKlTILeea nwial HOTEU LAWX TtXMS «JOIST. dance j-look. Ameri'in Plan Bale·, tc » tl met». llXta. (13. 1TT.5·. » weekl· auioai ri HWAiicTu THE TRACY Sree^\,^eemm1*eet Qp««a an -«w. magmi UH» Un It ¦*«¦». HOTEL BOTH WELL ."«"Kl Bow. tram Boardwalk aa* .»«H 1'mt <»» Tastai· An. Atlantic Utgr, M. J ?G?« All IM» »err apvoantmeai; intuì fmatlm; kimut .Undue In raiaine »nd errrtce, nama m eeua with tei.at« bath; fwj«|m «ate, aa taeeat. »re* tor um md *<««??. 3 .? ? ?. HOTEL IRO-QUOI8 ».¦IT» 4 ar«ll«. In«·, .ad Ke«.« tb. bran mt Atlantic Oty'a aanak·«· a». .a) adjacent to th· P. E. a. «taum. Li dtmra enrtotmilla·»: >H the omfotrla. mtilsl- l. ami «mt·»»»» of ta» htsWr- aa* ntm apm alaelmlm A. O. rKAJ«CKlX. naaou A Paatst am. Bm. ». .m». A«er. A mafp'a dm tl «able cap a»;«am*.<i.*a G -'lia ? G ¦ Hl*. A««., nmr Bmek «¦* at attneHOD«. n«me cocklas «tot», .te ma Ke« t««a«aB«»9Bt ?--, iTmeimm.**- 4~- ti tomtttmaBmiA. ?»»/ tmmmmmfm. ». ?. Bosir*«···. Greater Pittsbarg »»*. ^eWemmmlu. ? Air BpeeHI wweH« Hr«. Wll.O«4 OOD. X. A. WILDWOOD-BY-THE-SEA Tr*ar Tonr rnm«it Vnttim »W»«aet J. «HITfc-SCLL. Cttcr 4-lnrk. Wildwo.«!. ¦ t. BOTEL DATTOK. Os»« All team. «tentn heat r*"«·'"« water, oritele bstlw; tilt* up »erklr: ?.» up prr «lai. UooUcta. Motte. Ornea._A. MellCttAt P»»» ¦.ELIJAH, jtj. J._ NEW COLUMBIA HOTEL HI I « IK. N. J. "Oa Um Oceaa Fraat»" I"*v«-ry known modern convenience; 'running Hot end <!old water in ev¬ ery room; Private Bath«. Calaina and Servir* the best; CLEAN. COOL«, CX>MKORTABUE. w. m. G?G????,?.. ut«, LAKE fLACIl», »s. T. e Grand View Hot e LAKE PLACID, ?. T. Way up in the Adiron- <lackt, far from tlie noite and discord of the city "i ttrife. Cool and placid the name implies. Every convenience to meet the requirements of refined people. Exceptional table; orchettra ; private bath» ; furnished cottages for rent. A book with photographic reproduction» of thi« famous natural playground tent free. ?. B. MARSHALL, Lake PUcti ?. T. ^ KKW HAKpatnKK. GRANLIDEN tt0TEL Lake Sunape«, New Httaptaar« At the Gateway ot the White Mountains In the pines, «prure* ata· bai·· ros .Altitude 1.100 fi. No Hsy JPe- ver. Good colf courir; .Bahia*"' for salmon and baas excellent. tennis, bathinc. boatlne, canoe- inn·, dancing, fine motorini, «It Th« ideal Toui" Hotel at Lake Sunape«i_ Accommodate» 51K». Fur- ni»hed cottar«· to rent. Writ* Tor circular to W. W. BSHWaV WINTER SEASOH. H.t.l. laSIa« lll.er «nd Rack- ledae. Ra>ellle*«e. rim-Ma. . it I H ? V. MD. HOTEL RIGBIE BE*TiïHT4l*i. MAKVLATO· __ ^11 iilWd .1 the tatd of tke Oi.»¦«*» ·»· d«r»eUy «an tb. hjtrt «amati« l'. È. frnm '.f'tiDoa. TfctT.· UT***** marnai trtf» Inai waa more. PWjIwg '«tktaf. Imwiim »at teatat All rcaart .?,«».·..«·*. A mtMnatim «f «fka and reerati«·. latwl tttatim tor 1.aMh-» ·» Any' ttnl ?·«» m t»m« ?«·.« «aim I i.aaoaiit-«.. »?» f«rtl««T mloMB·!«* «Hi. IK * lit It I- i.KI.IN« .I. Ms ¦ -_- _MT. «SatKTKA. PA. _ 'HstdCsatwsf· &¿TtaS; ml sarete I'. U ttJIMttl. Mt. (iimt». I TKM MAK» MO. THE LYHDO« ."-m-«-- JSres.4 «must. Halli ; a««·, «a-omt met**. ¦

News and Stock Market Quotations U.S.VESSELS, TODAYWOOD ... · Financial News and Stock Market Quotations BIGFUTUREIN EXPORTTRADE HollandTells ofWonderful Progress and Greater OutlookofU.S

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Page 1: News and Stock Market Quotations U.S.VESSELS, TODAYWOOD ... · Financial News and Stock Market Quotations BIGFUTUREIN EXPORTTRADE HollandTells ofWonderful Progress and Greater OutlookofU.S

Financial News and Stock Market QuotationsBIG FUTURE INEXPORTTRADE

Holland Tells of WonderfulProgress and Greater

Outlook of U.S.It may be worth a moment»

thought, while Independence Day cel¬ebration» are under way. tbat it haabeen possible for the Federal authori¬ties to report that the United State«le now gelling commodltie» whoeell»lla»lli ii I» markets In other landsthan our own. the money value atwhich la »omewhat tn excess of «500.-etAtm a month. There was a. time,not many yean ago, when our totalexperta for a year were not tn ex-ceoa ef tLM·.«·»«·. Some year» ago»ur export» of cotton for th» entireyear were of the money value of al-moet «-exactly KOS.OOO.OOO. Now we navefound market» abroad whleh ai« ab¬sorbió· American coramoditle» theaggregate value of which waa laatyear K,<X».m.<Xii>.Of courts· much of thla heavy ex¬

port represents purchases of suppliéeand munition· by our allie· »eros»teto eoa». Novortbolseo we bave m-« r»«sed our export» of other productsaad the question now under »erlou»t onslderation at Washington andwith business organisations Is this:'an we maintain after the war laover any considerable part of *???»foreign trade after making allowancefor tbe decreased export» ot suppliesand munitions fort, the «armies of the«lllee? Apparently we are to have tbe«talpa for tho great fleet now underonatruction will be available for the

pea«*eful pursuits of commerce aftertbe war Is over. Can we employ theseships with reasonable profit to «heirowner·? la a question that baa atomfrequently asked/ and some of the¡eader» of buainee» organizations oe-lteve that it wilt be possible to utilisetbe majority of these »hips providedonly, tbat the United State» makes¦adéquate préparation» for lutei,la-lional trade sifter the war In ended.

Mere Maaafaetarers Than Feed.The greet bulk of our heavily in-

.-reased export» is made up of man¬ufactured articles or of articlespartly manufactured and the statis¬tic» furniahed by Washington thatIn 191C raw material exported fromthe United State» amounted to onlyabout one fifth of the total export».We »hall have therefore after thewar Is ended a very great produc¬tive capacity. The experts say thatthe output of our manufactorte» willvastly exceed tbe domestic demandsfor article· of this kind and* that wetherefore must seek to market thesurplus In foreign lands.More and more the attention of

thoee who are »tudyinr thla subjectis being concentrated upon the fa¬cilities for maintaining and increas¬ing the commerce for which thePanama Canal will offer facilities.It le one of the two »omewhat curi¬ous coincidences from tho point oftime, associated with the beginningof th·-Europea ? war, that the Pan¬ama canal was opened to navigationa «hört time before the war began.The other coincidence le to be foundIn the fact that our Federal ReserveBanking system wa» organised andput Into operation with result» thathave been highly gratifying, only afew weeks before the Kaleer declar¬ed war cet Franco aaa-Ruesla.The men who are competent to

alvo Judgment worth heeding «arenow convinced thet the opening ofthe Panama Canal for navigationwill, in addition to our abundant¦upply of shipping, enable us tomaintain and increase our foreigncommerce, after making due allow¬ance for the curtailment of thateommerce which will follow theclosing of the war.

uml«r from West Ceaet.Western Canada will use the

Panama Canal and her lumbermenare already makim; arrangement.·«for ehlpments of lumber in enor¬mous quantities from the PacificCoast to the seaport» on the At-lantlc even estimating that thislumber can be marketed In the Cen¬tral Weat at a price which cancommand those interior markets.That would be due to tbe low costof transportation from the Pacificto tho Atlantic.We ahall have large expert trade

to Canada, but almost all of it willroe» on our northern boundary, notmuch reaching Canada by way ofthe Pacific Coast. But there IsSouth America and the Far Easta nere the greatest opportuntiesfor Increasing our markets formanufactured products will be dis¬closed. Heretofore Germany and? ; rest Britain commanded much thelarger part of the South American11 ade.'Wmany has now lost her share.

and it Is doubtful whether she willlie* able to regain any considerable partof it until long after the war Is ended,if ever. Tbe South American people»re becoming accustomed to Americanmanufactured products and our ex-- -tar» are learning how to tnereaae«heir markets by granting satisfactorylong-time credit» and by establishing


nil -a. b» better off »-tllr"it »a Awotat ee bee mmb yeamf mot bee yea it.ft« jour ·.«-ates» By rnlm

-vw-vWy^f^»ee «riS «sot only tattoo» «nd tto-lot tamtam, bat will fled »txmvlr'**»_^___?·'''·"' un i«ri«e m-ctarstsB» afsssjr too jetteBeokMt **eìt****» tin» a-Uke* «x*lewsuaa. as eeB m root ot otufortnixfally pubbr-atioB-Investment Opportunities'.silt to «mt trilhcvt charr« uponlotetet tat met.

We Specialize in«SCRIP DIVIDENDS

5·?£_?ß40 Exchaajre Place

NW Tat*

?* SsStttate mam, ttm to »? ptact», t. tone. m*>

«???????··«.toxahntT w« «es

Svaria·!, RWm AHeaaey Ct_

TV FétAA» SkMl HtnÇwmt.

branch bank· In South American eoun-aieaNew Tork la nearer to the »eitern

coaat of South Amarice than NewOrlean» or San Francisco, but the ad¬vantage In distance la with Now Or¬le···»», Mobile. Charleston when trad»to the west coast of South Americala under considération. There »houldbo established a treat trade withSooth America, which wiU originate Inthe industrial district of *hlch Birm¬ingham to the center. And that tradewUl go to Weat South Amertoa tremaNew Orleatia or Mobil« by «ay ot thePanama Canal.The Panama Canal ha» aubetan-

tlally equalised the dtotance betweonLiverpool and the far Bast, on tueone hand, aad between New Tortor New Orleenj/ md tarn ter eUt*.For there must be M.nH mile» navi¬gated by veesels »ailing from Liver¬pool to Sbaaa-hal by mrnr ot the Sue«Canal, while It will entail only about300 mile« more of navigation for a

ship to »all from New Yort to reachShanghai by way of the PanamaCanal and about JO· mil··« lee» dto-tsnce'for a ve-Ml «ailing from NewOrlean» for China by way of the Pan¬ama Canal. New Tork and New Or-loaaa are much nearer China than arethe «Sensen port» of Hamburg and

Another factor which may aid theUnited state» tn Increasing Its com¬merce after the war la the utilisationof oil In place of coal for steaminapurpose«. The Mexican olla are with¬in easy each ot Pànama, and con¬siderable petroleum concessions havebeen grant·· by Panama Itself andby «Costa Rica to American capital.The »hips that burn oil can take onfuel «uppli«*» at «ea and that willserve to reduce tbe cost of transpor¬tation of commodities by way ot thePanama Canal to South America andthe Far Ea«t. HOLLAND.


Adr. Rumi«). M II I·Ad«. Bissai·« pr. ·> li«WAb-la Gold. <L. 2S I**

Jonaau. a» 1% ¦Aia*<ai»lia·» . W M»Aasatcsa Or * Pdr. Il1, «H IHAmra-ican Cotton Oli.. <1S Ilali1.alraa Ben Suetr. T.'·. Ti'» I*1SAmerican Con. «JS «JS «6*.American Hid* O Ixt». W Hi 1·*.AsMTican Hite I Le ?> n 1*1 ?**

1er. ? W a»America ******A. MS 11% «%Ata*«*rk-aa La-tt-omoti«·. AAttImrlr.n Smelt A Bot A% MS ¦»Asarrican Stai» * Ref. pr WGS IM*·, 1«BS

in Stari Tort. C «T »TAaaerktan Sugar. 11) 113 113Aaas_aa Suauti-i. 1*% 1» I«Aarruma Tri. A TU»« «VI»«American Woolen.. SIS 'S KSAastartran Writiat« P»orr tv MS SMAAaerican Atee A h*oA. A% MS »AAmerican Sac * ImA pr. U It S

Atekisoe . ms ms MSA. A «3. * W. I»·. MS«.» KBS S0SBtstopH» Mi». IH 114 1«Bald.ta Loeumoti«». MS ai» »ABattsmie * Oblo. KM «s MSBamtt O. «-, «H IH«vu st»«a ci««· ß. as a* asUrta erari (% pr. IH Ita«- K»Booth ruberia«.., ? «? 2?BrooUya Bap T>. JSS 3HI MSBontà Broth·-.. 1SH 1SM 18*Batta Cope* * Zinc. in» Il intBoti· Bnperiar.._. 31« SS 30SOalifomi» Petrole-j.. I», 1«« 1*SCiliforai» Ptftrotoum pr... a (O »Central Leather. TI* m%WCn» d» Paaco. . »SA»Ctiicuo Great Wratan?_ ? IS Mi-hieaj- Great Weatara r. ? 21-i Mlchi. Mil. A et Pial.. « im HSni. mu a at. Pul pr.. m us r»chira«·· O North.Ktars... 12V «a» W*Obi. t. I t PtacJflc.. sat Sßa B. L a Po-aie Vi pr. MS MS MSa ß. ?. a rtttte t% pr. :«? ras tssOlila Oopcer. ITS HI» ITChino Ooepw_. OS «IS «s

oro Product........ «.? · caiCroabl· Stiel_. as «T «fSCul-an Cta. Somor. '.-, *ns ataCatan Cm am.r jr....:.. SIS MS MSDistillera' Sera.. SIS M-, SSIX-.ri- MiIKOf. »>» TS SSElk Horn Goal. M SS MSEri« tUilroed... ir, Mu»Eri« 1st pr. ras 3S«Jenaral <*i»»n.. r'.. «S 4TSGenerai Oectric. lies :«s i«Slìrnaral Motors. IMS BIS IMSláeaeral Motors pr. IIS US OSfioodrich pr. ¦ m»I'.rttt Northern pr. I« 9ft IS¦ ;rr»t Northern Ore. .S Mi ITSGraabr Con. M. KS »TS ITS«ireen t'jnane» . l&-t «13 USGulf .-tate» Steel. MS MS MSH «-..«stake Min. TO 1»Itlaspiratioa Cooper. II AH 9»iDtrrtMro O». p».. MS JOS 3»SIntenlatiooal Aa-ricuttwl IIS MS KSInternational Agrieul, pr... MS » StInt. Mrr. Matine. *2TS »2TSlot Mrr. Marin« pr. IMS 100% It-It»Intrtnution»! Nickel. »S as 3HInternational Paper. X MS asint. Papar pr tt.·. u to 13K».isaa atr Southern. 1« II ?KellT Tire Co. m Ott «?·»Kennaentt Copper. 3S C*S J3SLacttawanna ettari. ? ?MLehizti Valter. M», MS »SLoose-Wile» Co. M »»Mack»; Coa. pr. M MMMaawrll Motor. SOS 3 »SMaxwell la« pr.. »S MS »TSMaxwell 3d pr.. as Wb KtSMexico Petroleum. e-p. w. SSS»riami 'Optar. .TOS 3S SSMidral» Steel. *_% st KSMo. K»·». a Taxa».. SS 3S SSN»t Acme <3o. SIS MS SISNat. Con. a Oble. MS l» -OSN«t- Eti.rn A 8«. 51 51 SIS«.«·*» Copper. MS *M» »SS*" Í-JaíJÍ. >»* 1 I»New York Crntrat. ****«4 **ìai t««»,

S*J[- "i* * w"*. *·"-» »A axNorth America.. ir, «ss (fiNorthern Padfle. M «TS teOhio au«· a». 3TS jrs 3TSOntario Minine. »1», ,.», n^Owen» Botti».. »-,», w. UHPadfle M»JI 8. 8. ah. a\ OS

Hi M·»«-?«1·«*«. US MS USPian»-imit» ..... «os jetmarnata ?»?.._. ms asPia» * w. ?».. ms ja*pías a w. Taw. m W htPi»M<l Btori Car. «MS « »IS«t. bo. Bottom.. ¦», sis m%Bar Oopoer. S MS «A¦s-adlit« Amt. SIS »IS m%Bep. Iron a SUei. » » MSe*ambo>«M Air Una. "S TH ,sS»M*t*o«nl Air Zia» pr,. 1» 1«% )0\Sh«auck-Ari» . M i«s »asmelai» ou a a..:.. -a at ?IVatts«.» Ptaci·«_. M n% ?S«».«tbe-i Bwjt. as as titSomJwrn Rey pr. ¦ S aStodebaker . «i IS ?Stadehakrr pe. MS UM AUtatmnor Bum._..,. OS «S «SSIssa. Cop. A Ob. MS lis IIS_*-" Oo«. EIS ms it*\Jobtcrn Pro«l....._.-_ »s MS »StTalOB PaeJJk. m». IMS IBSDM Aller 8t»»l.. «I MHrnatel dear Sta.·. MIS :0OSrait·· tieit.. »s îss issCMted Bt * lareet.. P. IS ISInited Br. lana, pr. TTS ITS OSU. ß. Alcohol. »S m jus?. ? Rabear»e. M IM KM?. IL ·_ a Rei. us ms imG. S. S«_»l. IMS ICS MS?. 8. atea! »r. Ill mmCtab Coppw. MS «S KSCUh Sec. Otwp. US 1J 13%Vbtiala-l^mlsa Ch«_lral mm·»w«bub . US ns USw«-»·· pr a. «a «a ßWabtak pr ?. SS SS »SWestern Umloo.. »TS HSWaatiBflioaia· . «S ISSWlsMa A Co........ «W, ß OHWTOja OrerlaBd -^.... SS IMI ~SWoatwortk . im» hj^ n-egwortkinsten p........:. »»»Wo» Pnssp fr?. MS «S «S

as «a*

BALTIMORE GRAIN..Siti««»-, Jnlr 1 -WHBAT. traer N» .~?*+*? *»*-. *·_» "« teta*. ISS. Be"¡?* I·*1 fe»»'.s. bmumm*», naOORM-Hisao, Ck_ti»et alzad, ija I.»bes, »a» 11 lila «eipsaaaa ai«.£*!*il!ï*mÎ.*0- * **» «»-r-sac. tee._V-"!__- mjm- ·?«µ». ».ar.Wl *_**. -"a » Weatlar·, mm~4er Aae-mmt, l» ota. Amate**, I.ar. Skip».

°S*^5<*_ -*vl»»>a»»»*


Price Changes by the WarBoard Will Be Started

at Once.Stock gambling by Inalder« who use

their .confidential information on thaprice-ttiting actlvittea of th* War In«duatrlea Board is to be curbed by theboard. Chairman Bernard Baruchmade thla plain at his conferencewith newspaper men yeaterday.

Tbe policy of the price-fixingcommittee of the. board in withhold¬ing Its achedulea of new prices untilsubmitted to tbe President has beena storm center for months.

Maaafaetarrra Get FIrat New·.Ia fixing «uch price«, and they

range from Iron and »teel ores, cop¬per to cotton prints, it has been th·committee's custom to hear delega¬tion» from th« national organization»of the manufacturing industrie» in¬volved. These delegations have satwith the committee, and practicallyaa a part of It. They have offeredfigure* on coat of production and con¬ditions of the trade, and when theyhave left the meetings hav« in practi¬cally every Instance known what thonew price» were to be.The prlce-flxlng committee, however,

ha» ii. every Instance withheld an¬nouncement until after the scheduleha* been aubmltted to the Presidentsnd «pproved by him, which lausually from three day* to two week*later.

It has been repeatedly charged tothe board that th«· representatives ofthe trad* present at their meetingshav* at once burned the wire« toNew York to their houses advisingthem of the new schedule« so thatthey might mak* any market turnsthat would profit them before theformat announcement, which wouldput the rest of the trade wise, andto their brokers ordering stock ex¬change operations which would skimoff profit when the new commodityprices were announced.That the trade became aware of

the new prices long before his com¬mittee announced them was evidentlo Baruch yesterday when a rep¬resentative of a trade paper preaent»aid that he had in his pocket a let¬ter from his editor In New Tork giv¬ing him a complete schedule of thecotton print price* recently fixed byth* committee, though no announce¬ment had been made by the com¬mittee. The price« were supposed tohave been obtained from a friendlymanufacturer preaent at the confer«enee here.

Baraeh Smile«."We can't court-martial them all

at each meeting." «aid Baruch, him¬self a former Wall street man, "andwe probably can't stand them upagainst a way and shoot them atsunrise, but . . and he" «railedthe Baraeh «mile.He was to confer with R. B. Brook-

in«, chairman of the price-fixingcommittee, and it wa* expected thatafter each session in the future thecommittee would announce «aatwhat had been done.While this matter wa» being con-

tldered th* price-Axing committeewa* in session with a amali com¬mittee of steel men, in a preliminarydiscussion of steel rail», steel wireand steel rope. Though theee price«were fixed les« than two week* ago,there may be some slight change.

COTTON MARKETS.New York, July 3..After shearing ti ran(-a* at

od« tima ip tbe morning tbe cotton marketio**, further ground today. Little was heard ottbe íaqniry for the »put article noted ia theSouth Dot lone ago.At tbe opening price» üfsmt iteady at an «d-

lance ot 10 rouit-, to a decline of | pointa.Th« demand was -supplied by scattered atll-inf, how«Ter. with October easing to 23 78shortly after the call, or about 9 points tower.There «era rallie« i>f aererai pointa lat« in

the tint hour on covering, but tbe market aoonbroke buck *o the earlier low level of aboutIT to %t pointa under last nicht'· cJoeinffigure«.Tba dip after the publication of tbe weekly

weather report teemed to attract a good dealof oc'«ring tor. over th« holiday, and thenwa· a sharp bulge in price«. Heartions of Mto 13 points followed with tbe inarket compara¬tively quiet around mid-day.The early afternoon market ruled quiet bat

steady in tone with moderate coveriDg demandfor over the holidays absorbing liquidating saleaand outside offerings.Tba demand from aborta satisfied, the mattet |developed renewed weaknea« in the laat hour.

jelling down to 23.65 for October, or 41 pointaunder the high point of tha forenoon. NewOrleans srrti Wall Street led the wiling on'tha decline. ? final rally on local boying

dotta ta· antil at·*«, tut at · aot r to at ppi«aTt» receipt» (or tb« 4*r ««* irn I»»!*».

Eiport» W, «Il ta tfe« oraituml.Spot «t «Na» Orleem am quiit and ua-

ntinri .·* <* «Mt»'*»** «liaVnin«; »«1« metem talea. Spot mat «ta oswt »t « àtdiaaof It point» *t «.Tt «aat. for naddltnt; Umc*wen a» mhaRtctpta ? ?·« ???us» mare (?; !».»««¦>.

30t; 8t. uni«, un.


Aeti.» faptoa.««·...... ISM II«Air Itidin-Uoa....ff11Ain-n.iii Writuc taper am. tIMAtlantic I'itroleum.. IM IMBarnett (Ml.». % '···Bit ??*·». IM IMBlufham Mintnf. t« <tBoaton and Mo*t«n*. «VM

h .»daoo. ? tt«^t^n»!. Mailnt..... 43i-.lumrt aad J«M*tt. IMIMOiairli cmopm. i% litL'arbuo Sta«l. 1» M»Car Utht ud Po«*r. JM1%Chïrcoal Ina. t »MCbmroIK ......... U« Ut(-Itici «-latrrto·..... t·» ?Citan SfTrtt. ?«.. TI .«OooaoUdst· Arison«.,....,... 1% IMConaollditad 43opp«... t »MOtad.* ».. ,*M·*Catato pfd. M»MCfjitul Copper. M 1Curtía» Aero.-. «· i »Util· «J··. I »

Kmmon ?***··. .etM-fisa. «SbHMt.- Ht iMF>drr»l Oli.'..* '·*tirât Natio*»! CDppar. t MGire Bot*.. . «H IM«JoldAald a»»*oud«t«·.1M 1 T-MUlm* Moratw..M tl·.Juantanaaao Hiatar.,·,,..· »»HoUj »il·»»..-.....-. MHollj Siajar Std. Tt MHouaton (Ml.:.ItIIHo«· 8«»a»d. IH «MHull Coppa». * ßIoicnatloaval I.»troia«!·,. 13*4UMl-Jau.l OU. «M «MJenas« Vard*.-. la t-ttJim Butilr. . «H 5*Jiuribo aauiaau*. I 1·Kryaton· TU·.../. MM l*M¡aie Tnn»«Jo.t....:..«.... ««MMa*«· Copcaa-. S SMarlin . I»atWaaoii Vain«. t «MMiiim Munition».. S a*M>l«mu Oil. *>S StaletropoliUn l'»trol«iai. W il»Mid.eat Oil com.. . IM UtllUtrwt Oil pfd.«V- la-It 13 1·Mldwcft Rafluin«. litI»UiuAtll Motora.. . It4*Mutílenos· . S »Niplaainc »lem ?ß. IM-,Nena Ajsariesa ». A ?. n» ¿kNorUi«rTOtíiu (Ml. It I*Ohio Copper. % %Oklahoma Oil Ot>. . ttOklahoma Prod, and Kalt, to. -fla **MntmulSM OU. tv» «Ml'aeri««« Motora. 1« MKir Hi-mil«.. . 4 IV.Bed »im«. M «Ht. Jompfc Load. n\ IO»Hapuli· cota..f% tSmuovah Oil. Ill· 13-agSinclair Gulf.... IfM ilHuudard Uotsr». II .."»Submarin· Ocri«>ntioo. MM?>. Mialn*. . Il II*I\>DOP»h Eitenaloo. 1 «.M l'a»Trisa«!· Film._.M-.Tri Builiuo. . Mtnited laun. M iMtt. S. light and Heat com.? -.

G. S. Uciit and H.t (,fd.... IMIHUnited Motor·. 3E\ . al'nit*i Prodt Soulu«.. ¦«MS. S. Btaasahip.. Mk «?United Vtrde. a 4»I'nltad We««« OU....-. M Ml'nitad Zinc. t CVictm-ia OU. Va »¦WajlaiHt Oil. y» JMWrislit Martin Aero. «H»M

NEW TORK PRODUCE.New York, lujy i-BLTTER-fcaey tecelpU.

«?.-Mi pacha»« creamery higher than extrae,¦fca-S-V creamcrr extras « soon), HmuWê:.m-imery firsts, -CHa-M; pacióne stock, carrentmake. No. 2, 33.BUGS-F-in»; receipts. J«,«04 estes; ttmm

gathered extra·. fiO. fresh gathered regolarp*«ard extra fli-su. ««n; do.» Mata» fra»;Sut**. Pesiaarleania and nearbv Weetene aeu-nery white 0ne to tener. 52*64, Sute. Penn¬sylvania and nearby hennery brown·, «aie. do,gathered fae-oara and mixed coloni, 31*43.i'HKKriK- Firm; receipt*, 1,736 boxes; State,

freeh «per, a Is. «tt**; do., srerage ran, t3%.POL'LTili-Dnwid quiet; pnces unrhangad.

Lire i- n It t y Ann ; broiler·, 45*50 fowl·, «Hronatar«, 3; turkeys, *ß.


n.icago. July ?.A fair aaonnt of ne»«beat waa bought to errire at Chioagu todayon overnight bid· to the country for Uiirty-dayshiprnent. Wheat is «bsdty wanted la thismart*, not only by tbe millers, but by sbip-pee* and other intenat· to tha tratta. Th«price -paid was somewhat abor* tha fo-rera-mant besic flgxire. Tha ovan bid· weiw Hcent above tbe basic figure. Tha bulk of thegrain was «eared in DUnoi·.There waa an incressed ntovesnent of new

wheat in tbe two Southwestern markt t.». Kan¬sas City reporting UO era new and old.and Ht. Urals ten car· new with aal·· of No.3 red in tba Utter market st 236. Tba prie«recasred for all the new wheat wa· eomlder-abij in excess of the government fixed priors.St. Louis and Kansaa City Jointly receivedi«6.00O bushels today, and of this amount 148.-000 buahela were credited to Kansaa City.Additional bostnes· was reported la tba mar¬

ket for cash oata There were «ale· in allt-outiona of 350.000 bushels, Thi· grain sup¬posedly is for export, and makes nearly Î.000.-000 bushels porchaaed durine the put thre·daj·. Tbe·· «ale· hare been a eontrûllingfactor, and have helped the prioe of thi· «graina* we'i a*, tba price of com.While th· eon market dowd at advances

ot ** ,m, i\ cents today, Uiere were aomereactions aod déclinée from the higheat levelsreachad. John J, âtream, chiirman of tb·


YeS, QUiT& /1B30RBINS. ? see IT HAS ABSOH.aCT>It*. FlNe U>T OF fHNGIER MARKS ANO Cr?«EAS<*5 SPOTS !f-sT'x see ir it wotvr «j^_ ,.?ß?

r1BSOR8 A Í-1--TI.-C ·> r^=^A=lAtOfitZ ROUgM USA«-!*!!!

Com»· Orals Department of th. D. a Orai»CorporatloB. sude » dedaion that «a» thectam at cooalderabi· «eUlng of thl» «nln.Hi. dtx-Mon M that tr.de·. who ha.» neU··»·· cannot acu.pl deli.erie. of cat* (rainoo contract for tutore dell.erlea. Th» Julytaten wa» especUll; «old on thi· «MeWaB, batit rallied » little irosa th« Im paint mi.ed.A dami««» Ib th» WetHena Mocks et Beat»

em ths primdmJ atamdjrlsc faster ra tarntprodort. SB· It «bo.» m»»T short» to torn.Th« stirrtt-th Is car» lad «Mt« wa» also · helpto tb« halb. The cssii trade la meat» «odIrM «ras ar-porter! a» liberal, c*peri»Hy tb«former which was taken oc «overnaaantal or-


Market. Up on Strength of NewW. S. Policy.

¦p UROAI JAS WALL.New York. July. S..Advance of

the copper price to 26 cents a poundtoi/ether with «trôna* Intimation«from Waahlngton that »teel cora-panle« would be permitted to »ell alarge percentaje of production tothe general public, cave Wall »treeta »trong market todajr.In the morning there wa» great

activity under leadership of the cop¬per» and tobacco. In the afternoonSteel wa» the leader, with atock ofthe bla corporations closing at thetop price of the day.General Motors held Arm es usual.American Beet Mtigsr. National

Conduit and Agricultural Chemicalattracted attention.Wall »treet wa» pl»a»ed at the

advance In the copper price, not somuch because of copper» alone, butbecause It was evidence of the newpolicy decided on at Washington Inregard to prices.The str« ng-th of American Smelt¬

ing 1» du» partly to improving con¬dition» In Mexico.

Agricultural Chemical respondedto the resumption of dividends onits preferred stock.Natlonsl Conduit Is recognizing

important development» In thecompany soon to be announced.American Beet ¡Sugar wa» up at

the expense of short».A short interest of Importance was

alao surprised In United CigarStores, but in the latter cas» therehas been steady absorption of the»tork for the investment accountbecause of the growing" earning».

-am·Washington Stock Exchange.

HALB».Cattaui lìmi». 1 »t a»

Washington Kailwar pi.] 1» «I At*. S ates. s «t tas.W*_hüigto· Ga». 7 »t r.'..After call:Washington «ix. I »t »S.


K s. ratbtered M. MS.?', ». coupon M. MS.G. S. irnstereil >.* SISV. S. couton S.. MS.

U 8. resisteteti -ta. KKS.

U. S. eouiwn 4».. ITS.libeftr Loan JS·..·..S» BV!»«Sr.eTted Liberty Loan I«.M Kr!*» .Second Liberti Loan la.II UteSecond Üb·««? Loan IS«.IM.

GAS BONDS.Georgetown Ga» 5». »Waahington Ga» Si. ?MColumbia Gas arad Klee. ?». to GCol. Ou »ad Uec. Deb. t.. .5 II

RAILROAD BONDS.Capital Tractkn M. WS ICSMetro·* litan S« . AWaAington Rwy. A Bee. it. « ·"

WctMgftoe. Alex. * ML V. «... AMISCELLANEOUS BONDS.

Pototnue El.cliic Cat«« Is. »I Mrotom«o Electric Light I». G*. .I'utocnac Electric Power I». ... M 10*>'bt««imke »nd Potoauo M, it It tnAnvricaji Tri. and Telga, «a- .. MS

I American Tel. »nd G Ig». «':. «SAm Tel. and Tei CU Tr I«. S «SAmanean <;iai*h-*pli(*ne tat ta.. M MD. C. V*v*t Mu. Otx I».. M»Waahina-ton Market S». 19~. K> .

Waahlnstoa Maltet 5«. IMT. «.W. M. Cold Storile i«. M .....

Security Stor. ana Safe Dap. «?. MlNorfolk »ad Waeb. Stranboat a... .'*Rio» Realty is (long). ¦Bisa Kaaltr I» ttburtl. IMC. 8 Reali» Sa.1« .

PCBL10 UTILITY STOCES.Capital Traction . SS MSWashington Rwy. «ad Elee, com il MWaahlngton R.n. and Eire, rt'l «BS 17Nttrfol» and with. Steamboat it* 17»Washington Oaa . ST MColumbia G»· «nd Electric. 3* .

American Tel. and Tel»*». **t .

TYPE MACHINE STOCK·-.Met-gentbaJ« . 1-MS WISLanstoo . 17 I!Lanaton Scrip . »7 ITS

NATIONAL BANK STOCKSAmerican. H« 1S2Commerci«! . ??» IMDistrict .·??farmer» »ad Mechanic«.. Ml.r«Je-»l ?. HMlineólo . MlNational Metrcpoutaa . *·Bias» . «3D «SONational Bank of Washington.* .*·Heeoed . 1»American Security and Trust. "ST 23«Nsllonal Barias» »ad Trurt. 31

TRDST COMPANY STOCKSt'nion Trost.ell(*SWashingtoa Loan »sd Trust. ? ¡??Continental Trust . Ili!»

SAVINGS BANK STOCKS.Bam· . 4»Bank of Commerce and Savin«.. I:«Saat Washington . IISecurity Sarings and Commercial.. IT?»

FIRK INSURANCE STOCKS.Arlington ._.,. IMCorcoran . TOl'itet-uen's . II....

German-America» . MlNstional LSloo . I

TlTLa INSURANCE STOCKS.Columbi* . i SReal Estate. ¦

MI6CKLLANE008 ETOCKR.Chapln-Sack» . 1»D. C. Panar Mfg. Oo. » MlMerchant«' Transfer and Storage. Ill 15Security Storage . 'itaG. S. Realty Co.;. 1.*', ¦··

Washington Market . ·?\ . ..

.Ex «Mridaad.

PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE.Philadelphia. P».. July 1.Price» on th« Iocs!

produce market today ranged »a follows:CHEESE-Scare« »nd higher. Quotations: N

T. whole-milk, fancy, fresh. MSaOc. aprcialshigher: N. T. whole-m Ik, fair to (Md, freeh. M«J4ScBCTTER-Stoa-lT Quotations: Solid packed

creamery, extra». 45c. higher »coring good«. M»«Me. : atra Sat«, use : fit-sta. ITaMc ; second-.Us«*iSc.; choice. 50c. fsir to «ood. 4S»4»r.EGOS-PI.a. Quotation·: Standard e»«e.

nettrby fina!», If; current recaipr», 11.70; West¬ern, «trtr» Unta UTO: Ant*. UM; »eleeted job-bin« «t M» IX lin.?REFINED SUOARS-rinaiy held on a basi«

«t r.SOc. for floe gnnolated.OREEN TOI ITS-Autoles. hamper, laj.

Pesche», Ga. «-bask»! carrier, 1.75»1_ Lem¬on», box. MM Orange«, Oil., box, laT.SO.Grapefruit. Ft«*., box, 3a4.50. Pineapple*. PortoRico. ente, ¡al; Pia., crate. taT; Cut*an, crate,ITSaS. B-ckberrie«, Del. and lid., at-. lOaltc.Plum«. Oa.. carier. *ssS.n. (~1»-»rriera, CSI., bot,U3; N. T.. 6-lb. buk·!. TScal. Aprico«», OIL,crate, »t.». Oantaloupaa, Cal., standard ente,:~a4; pony sata*. ÎSeaJ.aO; fl»t ente» l.SOal.rs;G»., standard crate, ISatîl. Watermelons,Fla., lOH Sef·; car Had. Stale.VEGETABLEfJ-WbiU poUtoe». Norfolk awl

BaeUm Sbore. bbl.. lia 1. I.»sl»; No. :.150.5 50; 8. ?. »?ß N. O.. bbl . No. 15·*; Ma2, 2.Nts3.s»; Persey. ? bush, bsjket. No. 1. 13»1.»; No. A «OaKe Sweet potato··. Jema*,.tamper. IBM«: No. t, L*5«1.T5. v-trtT**·-». Fla..box, 1.S0.2: Norfolk. ?-ejt. «rate, hi. Cnrtmib-era. S. C. b»«ket. T5t-«U-60; Norfolk. bM., « s 4.50I'eprtera, Fla.. crat». 1 SOsi Onion». Ita»»,ente. l.SOalX; JerJey. % bush, baaket, lai. 15.Onion·, Jersey, white, "basil, hamper, 18t*J.XutJiroosna. lb.. 15»40c.DRESSED POULTKT-Freah killed feast», la

bbl».. fancy, dry picked, fancy «rlwted. SSc;w«ishin« i lbs., «ad «arar .|»«i«*»i, ?a; «oulbr»Ue». .aaak.; old rant»., do picked, atSpring duck». L. I.. XaMc.LIVE POULTRY-Fowl». Mk~c; «xeepUon»l

lot» Usher: Spring chickens, not Leghorn·,weighing IS»! lb»., »piece. «»S50c. lalS lb·.,arfeo», CeAc; Wblt· Leghoma. according tosue, MaMc. Bttg«- young rooste-, iS»Me. Oldroaster», OaSc. OuiB«ss, tpeir, 1 *ß»1.45.Piiron». old, p«tr, I0»<4c ; yonni. p»ir, tute.Rec«il>U today-Plour, 3.W.019 lb... in sack»;

coté. AMI boakoh; t-ets, »XX btub«a>i b*s, A>em·, tei I mr ot atra*.



4 bari··· M. -.ekwab, Dlrrrl.r Cernermi at .kipt»*ll<li·«. at left, an· I kalr-ma« R. ??. llorle. *f tke »kippt«« Hear*, at rlakt. lui·,» th.m aretwo »kip·, tke laraer ««e n-prr»ratl«s tkr tu«»tr Ia««rke4 ···¦>.a«· tke «mailer Ike ???·? t·«··«. laa«ek«Ml tke «rar ketare tke I alie*Mate» tveat t* mar.

On this Fourth of July the num¬ber of American ehipn launched InAmerican waters will make a -»plashthat will be heard by the Kaiser InBerlin.

Charle.· M. Schwab, Director Gen¬eral of Shipbuilding for the UnitedState.-» Shipping Board, in the manwho ««aid that and here is-the rea¬son:Thirty-seven steel vessel-« with a

total deadweight tonnage of ..54.e<S6are scheduled to be launched on In¬dependence Day.Fifty-two wooden vesaeln, with a

total deadweight tonnege of 185.-200. are scheduled to be launchedon Independence Day.

This makes eighty-nine vessels,with a total tonnage of f39,&S6. Thisis om-'hird greater than the totalAmerican production of ocean ves¬sels In Ih« fiscal year 1915-lSHe and42,050 ton« greater than the launch-inga in the year 1901. the greatestAmerican pre-war year in the ship¬ping game.

T· Be Exceeded.And tbe chancea are that even these

coloaaal figures may be exceeded bycompletion of hulls at the laat min¬ute, enabling still other véasele to taleeto the water.The steel ships to be launched in¬

clude all kinds, among them being¡ two transporta, fourteen cargo car-rters and refrigerator ships of fromT..VHI to 9.500 tons each: three cargo»ships of 11.800 tons each, one of 12,000tone and one of 12,5?? tons.The Padflc Toast will hav« the

honor place as It will launch twonty-slx wooden and seventeen steel ves¬sels. Schwab and Balnbridg· Colby,members of the Shipping Board, will '


R«\Uimore, Md., J-nlr 3 -Priesa -ast Ute locati

?r-.u» market today ranged as folio·«·»ruT.-aTnbs-(potato» sell by *· Its weicht»

>.OH Wester» Maryland aad Penna) Irauia.UM do. Ne« Tort. No. 1. SL^a2; do Kost-era Shore. Maryland and Virginia, $1.9f*al.TSaarar. Norfolk. No 1, banal, gast.·: do. No. X,barrel. f3.SQe4: äo. York River. No. 1. ban*-!.S6a.-s.S0, «do. ? iinahannoek. No. 1. barrel, fce5.96 do No. Z. band. SSJOaS.UIILEN KRL.TS ANI» VEtìKTABLES-

Apple·, early hanest, fancy, barrel. VSaS.50; do.baaket. llaLS: aapang-as. Maryland aad Vir¬ginia, No. 1. doam. HSa2.üO; do. No. S. doaen,ii Wal »¦ beans. Norfolk, green, basket. «JJ.-S-t1.». do. natire. green, boahei. Ca:.S: do, wax,bushel. 50a7Sé; beet*, near, base*. 5«J*^c; bla·*·Verr«'··», sUaatera Bbore, quart. Kail, cabbage.Norfolk, banal, *$2a3 ; do, crate, ataS ; do,Eaett-ra Shore, erst· Ua3; cantaloup··. Califor¬nia, crate, CaS.S; corn, R..pr«hanno<*. doara,15a20e; enn.rabees. North Carolina, baaket. TVall.»; do. Norfolk, baaket. Ila:.90; do. native,peach basket, a«e75c; eggplant. Norfolk, orate,IU-..J0. ihxMebeniea. grorn. pound. Sale: grape-ifruit. Florida, box, «13*3.75; kale, native. boabelbox. t25aJOc; te-Unce, native, bosh-el box. SOaSje:onions, spring. 1% bunrbes. Slai.u' do. Texas·Bermuda, crate, Sl.SBal.75; do. R^p-peha no-nek. 1basket. $1.50al.fi0: peas, native, par weight'bii-!el. $1.8Qe2»15; pasMbea. tieorgia. csnier. U*".?; pervers, florida, crate. «-Ba^-SO; raapber-ite«, red, pint, l.atfc; do. quart. S*a2Sc; do,black. nu*»t, 20a22; rhubarb, native, 100 bmicte*·.Ba£5t>, aquaah, Bative. basket. *-*·6?; tomato··, Mississippi, crate. :5ca$l.». do. Poto-mai", ramar. ILShalS.blVK !'OlLTRY-<Äiicteus. spring. l*s>a. lba.

prr IK tàalêe; do. do, 1-fcalH Iba. per lb, «OaaV:do. .1<-. uud-r 1 Ib.. pur lb.. «Or: do. do. <"yexprest. **Oa45c; do, do. whit« Leghorns, per lb.40r; do. old roostera. per lb. 2S.dc; do. oldhens. lier Ib.. «Be: dn-rkn, Muacosry and mon¬grel, old, per lb. SaaSc; do. White Pekín«. oM:tt Ib., Ea2fc; do. puddle, old per lb., 27a2Pc:do. wring, over S lba., per IK. Ma35c; do, do,.mailer, poor, per lb.. -BaSgc: pigeons, old. per.air. Sta-ttc; do, young, par pair, ô&aw>.BUTTER-Warten e*parator. extra. 4Ca<7e;

ftrata. «aüc; Western prints, H lb eatra,ratte; firsts. «a-Mc; Western prista, 1 lb ex¬

tra, afatTc; Anta, -Mata»; naarby onaaievy, ex¬

tra, «ktlc; Ama, 3b«e; dairy print·. Mao¬land. I-Vnnsyltania and Virginia, extra, «s-lSSc;first«. 32c; etore-perked, «Me.EiiGà.Westarn Maryland, P-nnaylvaaia and

nearby, per dos., firsts, Äc: Eastern Shore ofMaryland and Vinrinia, per dos, first. 3Bc; Ohiopar dos. Unte, 3Sc; West Virginia, per doc.finta. Mei Southern (North -Carolina), per doa,firsts, ~c


Pile«-» oa Ua» loc»l inarkei reátenla« ran«r«ia.« folle«»:¦Vìtìa.Strictly freah, ». irtnge r«aair»t«, »:

8ouUi.ro, ».OHEF.SS-N. I. SUI» tartera. new. Ma»B'TTFJi.-Elgin pnnt. », Ott· «''». *

prona·. «Mali.UVE r^CVtar-Booetere. per Tb, a «ur-

»»ya. par lb. M: oakatoe. »priât, par lb, 43a·:lieti«, prr lb-, *£; teat». «trust, cacb, tt.DRtSSED POliLTRI-Iï'nah Silled t«xiag

chickens 45ató, turkey», per Ib.. 36a». lOoater».per lb, 3. h»ne. par lb.. JSaJT.r.RIXN FRUlTS-appl««. par bbl.. 4 Sa

tat; box, LataSJt; California kmaoa ».tOtlS.»;grapefruit, oat« t.Omt.Ob; peacae», per crate,tMt3.X; Niu-kberri*·. qt, 11» J»; charria·, qt.Im»; cmuilooi»«!. pee «J«te, 3,·ß»».·5; Simbrnie·, 10.15 par tea; laapberrie·, «?». cor¬ren t«. 15a 18.VECKTARLES-PoUtof«. MtJOnrraick», MB»

4.00 per »tanJard bbl; ne«i potato.». No. 1. To*·»T.S0 «d. bbl. No. 2. Uta«.· «Id. bbl.:«ring bean», bai. l.UOal.TS; pepper» .ert, «JOei,okr». cran. l-SaUt; radiahe», buach. **4;oiicumbera. büket, l.MetM; etxoleel. tttetMatta: oboage. ne«, aoutber«, per crat«, 1.54m3 00: teet«, per tanoh. 4«7; lotto«. Ttcatat perbaakrt; crien Soal.tjO <U«Ma; Florida eel«»r«.ente, 3.ti«&.a0; roa··»«· kAtuce. l.aai.SO;.quaah. l.otal C3 par «rat»; »pring «anioni. Ut·10·; tomato», nearbr. S.fiTeJ.ftO; pea«, IIBCMper beetn; do,. TUO per bW: cam. Lata*.··pet crate.LIVE STOCK-*«ieep. per lb. Set; lasaba.

.print. l?»at; «-«¡Te», par lb. IStlT; mllnm. It»13; eeemoa, pec Ib.. ioni Boa·, bea»f. at;medium. 17.18.SEEDS.Bed olo.ee. I5.*"5»le.3 per bnlul:

llfike «krrer, I*&**al3.li per buahel; rnm«rndeer. IlTStUJ· per bethel: titnoOiT, 37MÌ.13pee buahfl: red tap, liacuoo per IB It».MtMSra«. G..'<3·3.*ß, crcbartt graal, 3**«J.I3, »1-falf». IIOII·«.·».UHAlN-WbMt. muiin«. prr Tmaba». UttíJ»;

.am, per tw»hel. l.«tl.tC: o»l». «hit», ratt;nited o«tl· »em; hajr. So. 1, «sslMj No1« »mmUM- -' ,

help with this wholesale* launching.The Atlantic Coast comes secondwith twenty-seven wooden and eleven.{eel vessels. The rest avili be «aune-h-ed In Great Lakes and (MM of Mexi¬co yard». The Bethlehem Union plsntat San Kranctsco. owned by Schwab.will have the honor place in America.It will launch three steel veeeel· witha tonnage of ?."·.«a· ton«.

Harare's He«.

The Ides thus to celebrate Fourthof July m*»» really put forward byChairman s. N. Hurley, of tbe Ship-Ping Board. It wa» his thought thatperhap» more ships couM be launch«»*!that day than on any preivous dey Inrecorded history. The plan «pfi»«litdto the patriotic sentiment» of the »blp-jartj workers end many hulls on theway which were not scheduled to taketo the water before late In July or

early In August were speeded up sotbat th« y will Join tbe arand splash.Here Is » »ample of what happenetl.

The Pusey etc Jonee Co.. of Wilming¬ton, Del., has a big yard at GlouoestrrCity. N* J. They have three ships thatare reedy to be laenchf-d July I, butthey put up a sign asking the workerswhether they could possibly get shipNo 1O0S ready for that «lay. The sameday the workers put up a sign uoder-derneatJji the other, which remé a·follows:


Yankee Snipers ReceivePraise from BritishersOn Rifle Marksmanship

American sniper», in training stCamp Perry. Ohio, are aatoniahingBritish and French instructors bytheir «kill as riflemen. The ·*»*-pertne-s of the Y»inks is due in panto the fact that they Are at moving"Germans."The "German.»·'' are papier mache

figure· attached to moving rodstraversing trench line«. At somepoints the heads of the German« risefor a moment above the trenches.The mechanlam ia ao arrenged thatthey seldom ere disclosed at thesame place twice. But the Ameri¬cans, lying in their snipers' pits.seldom misi a shot."How do you consider the Ameri¬

can as matérial for expert riflemen'«corps compared with the men youhave taus/ht in the British camper*? visiting British instructor wasasked:He replied. "Top hole." which Is a

somewhat slangy way of conveyingthe idea that the Tanks are hotetuiT.

Longley in Divorce SuitCites a Co-respondent

Misconduct Is charged In the peti¬tion for absolute divorce filed In theDistrict Supreme Court yesterday byThomas G. Longley against Hattie 8.I^nsley. They were married In Maj·.?.«¦*·. the petition atetes. His wife de¬serted him on January 31, Longley de.clares. and has Ance been guilty ofmisconduct He is represented byAttorney Edwsrd L. Gies. A co-re-t-pondent I· named.

Field Auditors WantedFor U. S. Construction

The United Sute« Employment Ser¬vice of the Department of Labor yes¬terday aent out a «--all for ten field au¬ditor· at salaries ranging from CSOOto O.eOO per year. Men familiar withconstruction accounting are desiredfor thie service. Applicants are re¬quested to apply at the local ofBce» ofthe employment service at HlO Penn¬sylvania avenue northwest.

LIVE STOCK MARKETSb.nmt City, July ! -HOtJP-ReaeiiAs. It,·»;

5c hither; bulk. |!«.·?»?.6?; bear), HAttali.~.1-scker» »au bntcbers. lit S·»*«, light. ?.*·»It»; ts- IM «BelS.SPCA-rrUE-Beeript». IMI: ««tidy, prime fad

steer», HT.a»IIS; drewe-d beef do. «ItaalTS·Waster» do. maall.«·; cow». ».»'..:«·; hreT-er». Is.OOaM.·«: «tooker» «nd feeder». G.»·!«.·:bull». «.ODalL·: calm» «Mall.*·.SHEEP-Receipt«. !.«¦; Head) Issib·, llii»

«1AIS; rearlia··. ß« 00»::.«·; «rattan. Hi·»»»SI: ewe». 1.0.00-U.»; stock., and rattle**,luwSt. Louis. Jnl» l-HOOS-Reoeisti. IMI;

steady; licht« IHJÍDI» am. M.'J»lt.·railed »od botchers. ausaHI·; feed tas*-~.B»<.S0»M.<B: bulk. |1?.?3»1?.ß."'ATTLE.Beceipts, 3,19); »lo·: nati»· tarf

»l-el». tUJJOalT.OI; «wu-Un* Ma»»» «ad beiff. äO»15.SI; cova. r.HalATS: slacker« «a· feed«·. B.50»l*: 00 naUie cal«« (r.SaI7.«l.IBKBP-Beeeipt·. IM*, ateadi, Waits. 111.·»

.IA«; eve», tll.tealit».

«nciai-ti. July S.-MOtàS-Bee-pl*. Us»;Mod); packer» an., buti-bera. 1*11.·.iK-M.CATTLE.Keenpi., mt: stead) cal««· «es«.SHeaP-Receipt». t.·». »tiwac; la-ba »tros«

»t tWllaU.M.Pltt.btanb July A-HIJUa-a-UeruM·. li»;

Ue*A¡; «eail,». ilS.ATslH.Ti: be»«j Vertan.SrrjsalT.'-i'. Iiflit Yurteia. ->TT»r.l»; pw».tnrs»i7.~.SHKÏP ANI) LAUBS-ltaairt», S», steady:

top skeeb, tu.'»; «.«tac teat- UM«.*OALV*fc-B«*c»inx la»; neótji t<v, «Uà


RESORTS.A-ixAJTWc crrr. ». j.

m vr daily. «mwciAL· »ramAMteeXICAM FLAK.

GRAND ATLANTNOer.tr·! ea» ckaw le Imi Pw «al da


. "%.*?>^9. **< a»od. aat· botai «a Atmvj*. C"r: ?»?«?»«?, ubie: aUuan. «mt^^..^V.'''^ .'S'*:····-·«"·'»»'»··»"^;rooi»»: «14 «am up F«AKC«iuta ?'???GHOTEL KENTUCKT

K'.t.dr A»e_ Xrar UtmeB.4 .«.city, «aa.

Maxanty room« «ritb bot aad «ali m****t»«ter S «ith pnrlte bathe. ?? ?? tlm»I a··electn: light· la every room. Canal«, mm-eeet Ine!. FI«, «tue· Oa..A merle.« Plaa ¦¦···!

..J· ?* M Dann lut» t* nt»Vermily.ST. ». KRMtADT.

HOTEL NETHERLANDSA. T. 1«... vi Tila. fr»m IT-|iilii*W_Captcttr. tat; ek.ator; pnia«i beam.Hot and c-.ld running ··!«. |b Mm???? FEtTlREe.HATHINO PKlTILeeanwial HOTEU LAWX TtXMS «JOIST.dance j-look.Ameri'in Plan Bale·, tc » *» tl met».llXta. (13. 1TT.5·. » weekl·

auioai ri HWAiicTu

THE TRACY Sree^\,^eemm1*eetQp««a an -«w. magmi UH» Un It ¦*«¦».

HOTEL BOTHWELL."«"Kl Bow. tram Boardwalk aa*

.»«H 1'mt <»» Tastai· An.Atlantic Utgr, M. J

?G?« All IM»»err apvoantmeai; intuì fmatlm; kimut.Undue In raiaine »nd errrtce, nama m eeuawith tei.at« bath; fwj«|m «ate, aa taeeat.»re* tor um md *<««??. 3.? ? ?.

HOTEL IRO-QUOI8».¦IT» 4 ar«ll«. In«·, .ad Ke«.«I« tb. bran mt Atlantic Oty'a aanak·«· a»..a) adjacent to th· P. E. a. «taum. Lidtmra enrtotmilla·»: >H the omfotrla. mtilsl-

l. ami «mt·»»»» of ta» htsWr-aa* ntm apm alaelmlm

A. O. rKAJ«CKlX.naaou A Paatst am. Bm. »..m». A«er. A mafp'a dm tl

«able cap a»;«am*.<i.*a G -'lia ?G¦Hl*. A««., nmr Bmek «¦* atattneHOD«. n«me cocklas «tot»,.te ma Ke« t««a«aB«»9Bt

?--, iTmeimm.**- 4~- ti tomtttmaBmiA.?»»/ tmmmmmfm. ». ?. Bosir*«···.

Greater Pittsbarg »»*. ^eWemmmlu.? Air BpeeHI wweH« Hr«. I»

Wll.O«4 OOD. X. A.

WILDWOOD-BY-THE-SEATr*ar Tonr rnm«it Vnttim »W»«aet

J. «HITfc-SCLL. Cttcr 4-lnrk. Wildwo.«!. ¦ t.BOTEL DATTOK. Os»« All team.

«tentn heat r*"«·'"« water, oritele bstlw;tilt* up »erklr: ?.» up prr «lai. UooUcta.Motte. Ornea._A. MellCttAt P»»»


HI I « IK. N. J."Oa Um Oceaa Fraat»"

I"*v«-ry known modern convenience;'running Hot end <!old water in ev¬ery room; Private Bath«. Calainaand Servir* the best; CLEAN. COOL«,CX>MKORTABUE.

w. m. G?G????,?.. ut«,LAKE fLACIl», »s. T.

e GrandView Hot eLAKE PLACID, ?. T.Way up in the Adiron-

<lackt, far from tlie noiteand discord of the city"ittrife.

Cool and placid a» thename implies.

Every convenience to meetthe requirements of refinedpeople. Exceptional table;orchettra ; private bath» ;furnished cottages for rent.A book with photographic

reproduction» of thi« famousnatural playground tent free.

?. B. MARSHALL,Lake PUcti ?. T.



Lake Sunape«, New Httaptaar«At the Gateway otthe White Mountains

In the pines, «prure* ata· bai·· ros.Altitude 1.100 fi. No Hsy JPe-ver. Good colf courir; .Bahia*"'for salmon and baas excellent.tennis, bathinc. boatlne, canoe-inn·, dancing, fine motorini, «ItTh« ideal Toui" Hotel at LakeSunape«i_ Accommodate» 51K». Fur-ni»hed cottar«· to rent. Writ*Tor circular to W. W. BSHWaV

WINTER SEASOH.H.t.l. laSIa« lll.er «nd Rack-

ledae. Ra>ellle*«e. rim-Ma.

. it I H ? V. MD.


^11 iilWd .1 the tatd of tke Oi.»¦«*» ·»·d«r»eUy «an tb. hjtrt «amati« l'. È. frnm'.f'tiDoa. TfctT.· UT***** marnai trtf» Inai waamore. PWjIwg '«tktaf. Imwiim »at teatatAll rcaart .?,«».·..«·*. A mtMnatim «f «fkaand reerati«·. latwl tttatim tor 1.aMh-» ·»

Any' ttnl ?·«» m t»m« ?«·.« «aimI i.aaoaiit-«.. »?» f«rtl««T mloMB·!«* «Hi.IK * lit It I- i.KI.IN« .I. Ms ¦


_MT. «SatKTKA. PA._

'HstdCsatwsf· &¿TtaS; mlsarete I'. U ttJIMttl. Mt. (iimt». I


THE LYHDO« ."-m-«-- JSres.4«must. Halli ; a««·, «a-omt met**. ¦