iiiггЁ{t'Ё |iс*;at1liшвg ,: -i ехреrienсеd trаve||еrs 2 !tsUDDorts your head, сUts out thе|ight апdprotесts уoU from noisе. З г], оr 'hе going (ompеtе in а ьportь еrеnt, 4 Bесаusе your neсk ехpands, аnd your tiесouId strаng|е уou. 5 Тhеу wilI feе| tight andunсоmfortab|е' 6 Yоu сouid drop food on уour сIothеs andmаkе thеm dirtу. 7 YoU аrе morе |ikеly to аrrivе |ooking rе|аxеd аnd frеsh. 2lс зв 4F З 1 veгу сomfortаb|е сlothеs. (shе|l suit / trасksuit) 2 normа| с|othes. з loosеЛ your tiеаnd tаkе offyour shoеs. 4 hаng уour jaсkеt or сoat upаndсovеr yoursеlf with b|аnkеts. 5 сhаngе into уour normа| с|оthеs. "ilшсaflbuвЕary li -tr shеlI suit 2 furry 3 slip-оn shoеs 4 hоod 5 usuаl аttirе 6 со||аrsize 7 orthopаеdiсboots 8 сrеаsеd 5lс zb зd 4 j 5i 6g 7a sh 9f 10е s .,! sеtt|еd dоwn 2 to dispense with 3 сhangеd into 4 sIipped into 5 pu||еdon6 turnеdout 7 protесt 8 from 9 |еftbеhind lf а inаdvisаlэlе b unс|еаrсunсomfortаb|е d inеxpеriеnсеd е uпiпlpоrtant f unnесеssаry g improbаb|е 8 ,1 аdvisаbIe 2 unсomfortаbIe 3 improbablе 4 inаdvisаb|е 5 ехpеrienсed 6 unс|eаr $ ] turлbасkс 2turndownd 3turneddownа 4turnеdintob 5 turned upf 6 turns out е r,]& Studеnts' own аnswеrs. .Е1 1 Whаthаppenеd? 2 5 Whаt didyou do? FцлriтсtEшшs "d2 Studеnts' own аnsWеrs. Grавтqшъаr 1 З l hаvе nеVеr trаVе||еd 5 disсоvеrеd 6 5pеn1 Tostаrt With 3 Тhеn 4 tinаl|y 18 1 | hаvеn't bought аnynеw с|othеs for а long timе. 2 YoU саП gooutif you've trnishеd tidуing your room. 3 |t's fivе yеаrs sinсе l wеnt abrоаd оn hoIiday. 4 We,lI hаvе dinnеr whеn уou,vе mаdе yоur phonе сal 5 |t's agеs sinсе |saw а good tiIm. 6 I've bееn working hеrе for thrее yеаrs. 7 |fyou sеnd mеа tеxt mеssаgе, |'II ringyou bасk, 8 Wе саn goout whеn you,vе sеt thе video rесordеr. Test yoursеlf 1 studied, wаs 2 а |ong timе sinсе thеrе wаs аnything 3 unprеdiсtаb|е, sесurity 4 into dеbt 5 ,l thе 2 to 3 is 4 from 5 wе|l Writing 19 lo 2F з^ 4B 20 ,t show 2 rеprеsеnts 3 givеs 4 sаys 5 stаnds ; 7 symbolise 8 imаgе 9 imposing 10 importаn. 21 Тrаditionаl: hеаthеr, fish and сhips' Big Bеn' goIf' а bls .- umbrе||а, а сup оf tеа, whiskу |\4odеrn: pоp musiс, rugbу, Sсоttish pаrliаmеnt, fOOtbа 22 Studеnts, own аnswеrs. 23 Studеnts, own answеrs. Unit 2 Reading 1lн z B 3С 4(notnееdеd)5А 6B 7B ] 9 (not nееdеd)10 А Voсabulary 2 1 overwhе|med 2 еmotiопаl 3 worriеd 4 horr 6 еnviоus 7 еmbarrаssеd 8 nervоus 3 l ь 2 a з b 4 a 5а 6 b 7 a 8 а 4 Noun Verb Adjес]' t .l еmbаrrassmеnt еmbarrаss епl|]; 2 emotion xХХХ еmot|L]Г. 3 еnvу envy еnvious 4 horror horrify horrib]е .: 5 pressure prеssurlsе prеssur s:: 6 worry worry worriеd 7 thri|l thriI| thriiе- 8 hatrеd hаte hаtеfu| 5 1 prеssurе 2 еnvious 3 еmotional4 еmbаrrаss.-. 6 horrifiеd 7 hаtеfu| 8 thri||ing 5 studеnts' own аnswеrs. 7 1 Personа|ly, Ithinkthаt 2 |nmyopiniоn 3 Тhаt's thеkind of 4 | саn rе|аtе to 5 lt sееms to mеthаt 6 trom mуpoint оf viеw Funсtions 8 studеnts' own answеrs. Grammar 9 теXt 1 Аnеldеr|y pеrson Tеxt 2 A tеaсhеr 10 ltoanswer 2tomeet 3sаying 4sеeing 5to .. 7 tosреak 8 tosay 9 toexp|ain 10 аsking 11 - . 12 tаlking 13 using ,l4 |istening ,15 аdmit ] l] 11 l tobuy... 2 togivеup... 3 spеnding...4 d0,.. 6 to finish ... 7 to pаss ... B wаiting ... 12 1 rеmеmbеrtosеt 2 nееddry-с|еaning 3 rеgrеttс 4 triеd tа|king 5 remеmbеr sееing 6 triеd to opег 8 regrеt teIIing 2 flеw 3 Hаvеуouеvеrnotiсеd 4 boughl .!4, 1 did уоu buу 2 dесided 3 |Went 4 ,vе nеvеrfound5 bought 6 пotiсеd 7 dесidеd B 'vе sаved "l5 l weсаП,t goout to dinnеr untiI we've phoned for а taхi. 2 |r р beсn 1o thеstаtes twi(e. 3 Нow lоng hаvе уоu Iivеd in thе аreа? 4 i''/е ЛеVеr bееn to Eng|аnd. 5 l ]аVеn't you fi nishеd wаtсhi ng that TVprogrаm уеt? 6 ]im hаsn't tаkеn his еxam yеt. 7 lt'5 bесn two wеeks sinсе | 5аW mybеst friеnd. 8 | hаvеn't еаtеn a pizza forа who|е month. .,.|.|,i\ 2a Зd 4h 6g 7f 'l i. 2 Poiand hаs won theЕurоpеаn сup. Thеy wоnit Iast night. .i Тhе bаnks hаvе rаisеd intеrеst rаtеs by twopеrсеnt. Тhey rаisеd thеm |аst Тhursdaу- j' 0ur-nеighbours have bought anothеr dog. Тhеу bought it аftеr Iosing their |аst опе. 5 Мyfriеnd Pаt hаs bееn dесorаtingthе housе. Shеwаsdесorаting it уеsiеrсlаy аftеrnоon. 5 i irirlvс:s hаvе sto|еn а|| thе jеwеl|еry in thеsаfе. Тhеy sto|е it Without '' lt irrе о[[ thе а|аrm bе''' l, Гilt (hirlеsе have Iаndеd оn |\4аrs. They |аnded аftеr а two-month ]t] LJ l,l]еy' i} М.,l:isiеr hаs hаd twins. Shе hаd thеm аt two o'с|oсk this morning, -tfuj

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i i i ггЁ{t 'Ё

|iс*;at1liшвg,: - i ехреrienсеd trаve||еrs

2 !t sUDDorts your head, сUts out thе |ight апd protесts уoU from noisе.З г], оr 'hе iь going |о (ompеtе in а ьportь еrеnt,4 Bесаusе your neсk ехpands, аnd your t iе сouId strаng|е уou.5 Тhеу wilI feе| t ight and unсоmfortab|е'6 Yоu сouid drop food on уour сIothеs and mаkе thеm dirtу.7 YoU аrе morе |ikеly to аrrivе |ooking rе|аxеd аnd frеsh.

2lс zг зв 4F 5А

З 1 veгу сomfortаb|е сlothеs. (shе|l suit / trасksuit)2 normа| с|othes.з loosеЛ your t iе аnd tаkе off your shoеs.4 hаng уour jaсkеt or сoat up аnd сovеr yoursеlf with b|аnkеts.5 сhаngе into уour normа| с|оthеs.

"ilшсaflbuвЕaryl i -tr shеlI suit 2 furry 3 sl ip-оn shoеs 4 hоod 5 usuаl аtt irе

6 со||аrsize 7 orthopаеdiсboots 8 сrеаsеd

5lс zb зd 4 j 5 i 6g 7a sh 9f 10е

s .,! sеtt|еd dоwn 2 to dispense with 3 сhangеd into 4 sIipped into5 pu||еdon 6 turnеdout 7 protесt 8 from 9 |еftbеhind

lf а inаdvisаlэ lе b unс|еаr сunсomfortаb|е d inеxpеr iеnсеdе uпiпlpоrtant f unnесеssаry g improbаb|е

8 ,1 аdvisаbIe 2 unсomfortаbIe 3 improbablе 4 inаdvisаb|е5 ехpеrienсed 6 unс|eаr

$ ] turлbасkс 2turndownd 3turneddownа 4turnеdintob5 turned up f 6 turns out е

r,]& Studеnts' own аnswеrs..Е1 1 Whаthаppenеd? 2

5 Whаt did you do?

FцлriтсtEшшs"d2 Studеnts' own аnsWеrs.

Grавтqшъаr1 З l hаvе nеVеr trаVе||еd

5 disсоvеrеd 6 5pеn1

To stаrt With 3 Тhеn 4 t inаl|y

18 1 | hаvеn't bought аny nеw с|othеs for а long t imе.2 YoU саП go out if you've trnishеd t idуing your room.3 |t 's f ivе yеаrs sinсе l wеnt abrоаd оn hoIiday.4 We, lI hаvе dinnеr whеn уou,vе mаdе yоur phonе сal5 |t 's agеs sinсе | saw а good t iIm.6 I 've bееn working hеrе for thrее yеаrs.7 |f you sеnd mеа tеxt mеssаgе, | 'II r ingyou bасk,8 Wе саn go out whеn you,vе sеt thе video rесordеr.

Test yoursеlf1 studied, wаs2 а |ong t imе sinсе thеrе wаs аnything3 unprеdiсtаb|е, sесurity4 into dеbt5 , l thе 2 to 3 is 4 from 5 wе|l

Writing19 lo 2F з^ 4B 5Е 6с

20 ,t show 2 rеprеsеnts 3 givеs 4 sаys 5 stаnds ;

7 symbol ise 8 imаgе 9 imposing 10 importаn.

21 Тrаdit ionаl: hеаthеr, f ish and сhips' Big Bеn' goIf ' а bls .-

umbrе||а, а сup оf tеа, whiskу|\4odеrn: pоp musiс, rugbу, Sсоtt ish pаrl iаmеnt, fOOtbа

22 Studеnts, own аnswеrs.

23 Studеnts, own answеrs.

Unit 2Reading

1lн z B 3С 4(notnееdеd) 5А 6B 7B ]9 (not nееdеd) 10 А

Voсabulary2 1 overwhе|med 2 еmotiопаl 3 worriеd 4 horr

6 еnviоus 7 еmbarrаssеd 8 nervоus

3 l ь 2 a з b 4 a 5а 6 b 7 a 8 а

4 Noun Verb Adjес] ' t. l еmbаrrassmеnt еmbarrаss епl|];2 emotion xХХХ еmot|L]Г.3 еnvу envy еnvious4 horror horr i fy horr ib]е .:

5 pressure prеssurlsе prеssur s::6 worry worry worriеd7 thr i| l thr iI| thr i iе-8 hatrеd hаte hаtеfu|

5 1 prеssurе 2 еnvious 3 еmotional 4 еmbаrrаss.- .6 horrif iеd 7 hаtеfu| 8 thri|| ing

5 studеnts' own аnswеrs.

7 1 Personа|ly, Ithinkthаt2 |n my opiniоn3 Тhаt's thе kind of4 | саn rе|аtе to5 lt sееms to mе thаt6 trom mу point оf viеw

Funсtions8 studеnts' own answеrs.

Grammar9 теXt 1 Аn еldеr|y pеrson Tеxt 2 A tеaсhеr

10 l toanswer 2tomeet 3sаying 4sеeing 5to . .

7 tosреak 8 tosay 9 toexp|ain 10 аsking 11 - .12 tа lk ing 13 using , l4 | istening ,15 tо аdmit ] l ]

11 l tobuy.. . 2 togivеup.. . 3 spеnding.. . 4 d0,. .6 to f in ish . . . 7 to pаss . . . B wаit ing . . .

12 1 rеmеmbеrtosеt 2 nееddry-с|еaning 3 rеgrеttс4 tr iеd tа|king 5 remеmbеr sееing 6 tr iеd to opег8 regrеt teIIing

2 f lеw 3 Hаvеуouеvеrnotiсеd 4 boughl

.!4, 1 did уоu buу 2 dесided 3 | Went 4 ,vе nеvеrfound 5 bought6 пotiсеd 7 dесidеd B 'vе sаved

"l5 l we саП,t go out to dinnеr untiI we've phoned for а taхi.2 | r р beсn 1o thе stаtes twi(e.3 Нow lоng hаvе уоu Iivеd in thе аreа?4 i ' '/е ЛеVеr bееn to Eng|аnd.5 l ]аVеn't you f i n ishеd wаtсhi ng that TV progrаm mе уеt?6 ]im hаsn't tаkеn his еxam yеt.7 lt '5 bесn two wеeks sinсе | 5аW my bеst fr iеnd.8 | hаvеn't еаtеn a pizza for а who|е month.

. , .| .| , i \ 2a Зd 4h 5е 6g 7f 8с' l i . 2 Poiand hаs won the Еurоpеаn сup. Thеy wоn it Iast night.

. i Тhе bаnks hаvе rаisеd intеrеst rаtеs by two pеrсеnt. Тhey rаisеd thеm|аst Тhursdaу-

j ' 0ur-nеighbours have bought anothеr dog. Тhеу bought it аftеr Iosingtheir |аst опе.

5 Мyfr iеnd Pаt hаs bееn dесorаt ingthе housе. Shеwаsdесorаt ing i tуеsiеrсlаy аftеrnоon.

5 i ir ir lvс:s hаvе sto|еn а|| thе jеwеl|еry in thе sаfе. Тhеy sto|е it Without' ' l t i r rе о[[ thе а|аrm bе' ' '

l , Гi l t (hir lеsе have Iаndеd оn |\4аrs. They |аnded аftеr а two-month]t] LJ l , l ]еy'

i} М., l : is iеr hаs hаd twins. Shе hаd thеm аt two o'с|oсk this morning,


Page 2: New+Matrix+Upper Intermediate+Workbook+KEYS%281%29

levv }rаtrix Vorl<bolol< Alоs;vlrer Iсеуr

13 l tt,s not worth buving onе.2 саn you tеIl me hоw to do this grаmmаr еxerсisе?3 | know thе job,s diff iсu|t but that dоеsn,t mean you shou|d givе up doing

!1.4 | hаVе no idеа how to use this nеw сomputersoftwаre.5 Do yоu fаnсv going bowling nеxt saturdаy?

14 l to z in 3to 4with 5in 6ot 7 at Bto

15 1 whеrе | саn buyat iсkеtto London.2 who I саn аskаbоutthе сontеntof thе neweХаm.3 what I сan do to gеt hеIp.4 howto gеttothе сinеmа from here.5 whiсh bus stop she had to get off аt.6 how tо spеak some Сoсkney Еnglish7 how this gаmе са|lеd сriсkеt is p|аyеd.8 howto makeа phоne са|l to Еngland'

Test yourself, l с|еаning2 to buyз fasterthаn mе so I сou|dn't4 l)51whеre 2on 3them 4whiсh 5for

Writing16.tb ze 3a 4f 5с 6d

17 r gеntly 2 еnthusiаstiса||y6 hurried|y 7 UnfortunаtеIy

18 studеnts, own аn5wеr5.

Unit 3Rеading

1lт z t 3t 4F 5T

Voсabulary2lwith 2on lat 4 in

'10 to

3 optimist iсaIIy 4 stеаdi ly 5 ironiсal|y8 miserab|y 9 feеbly ,|0 Eventua||y

6t 7т 8F 9T'10T

5of 6with 7on 8in ginto

3 l geo|ogу 2 ozone |аyеr 3 g|obа| wаrming 4 еxpedition5 marinе |ife 6 есosystem 7 botaniсаI 8 hаbitаt 9 survivаI ski l ls10 сonservationist

4 1 trаnsform 2 strеssful 3 intеrnаtiona| 4 hе|pful 5 misсаlсulatеd6 misfoгtunеs 7 sub-zеro 8 suссеssful 9 hopеIess 10 post-trаumatiс

51с za зd 4b

6 1 to dеаlWith 2 spl it into

7lc 2f зa 4e 5g

81setout 2set in зsеtup 4setup 5sеtout 6setof|7 sеt bасk

9 Miss с:


|\4iss С:H:

-|Vliss с: саn you te|l me Whаt job you wаnt tо do?H: I might bе a trenсh tеaсhеr or а trаns|ator.|\4iss С: I think you should studу Frеnсh.H: Thank you, lr4iss Сlark.

FunсtionstrO students, own аnswеrs.11 Students' own аnswers.

Grammar12 1 isаlwаysаsking 2 is|sobе| looking 3 alwаysgoеs 4hаtes

5 аrе сonsidering 6 is a|ways using 7 аrе I iving 8 arе you thinking9 аmdoing 10 don,tеat

|-,|аvе уou thought about Whаt you Wаnt to do whеn you finishsсhoо| nеxt yeаr?|'m going to go to univеrsity ...Do you know whаt уou wаnt to study?That,s а diffiсu|t question. Мy fаvourite subjесts are l\4аth1 Frenсh,and Аrt and | саn't dесidе whiсh to study ...

13 l оften stаys 2 wi|l oftеn forgеt 3 sоmеtimes find4 Wil| sit/Wаit/givе 5 goes 6 Won,t takе offlthinks

14 l не is forеver turning up |ate for аppointmеnts.2 Garуwi|| drivе too fаst in his nеw сar3 Dаvid rеgulаr|y reаds booksabout еnvironmentaI issuеs.4 |\4rAndеrson wiII oftеn аsk diff iсu|t questions.5 Тhе meеtings often go on a |ong t imе.6 Аnnа is a|wаys phoning mе lаte аt night.

15 l яndyisаlwayswatсhingW.2 Suzу is а|wаys Iosing my books.З |\4y pаrеnts arе always stopping mе from using the Internеt.4 |\4y brothеr is а|wаys pIаying his musiс tоo Ioud.5 Mу unс|е is alwаys te|Iing tedious stories.6 |\4y gir|friеnd is аlways сritiсising my с|othes.

16 l аmspеnding 2am|iv ing 3 usual|ygеtup 4don'tbegin5 wi|l often find 6 oftеn work 7 sharе B аrе аlwаvs leаvins9 oftеn gо 10 go

17 l_ 2_ з_ 4_ 5wou|dslеep/usеdtoslееp 6wou|dtаkе/used tо takе 7 wouId havе/usеd tо hаvе 8 usеd to eаt/would еat9 usеd to work -l0 wе wouId travel 11 would tаkе/used to tаkе12 wou|d сovеr/usеd to сover 13 would measurе/usеd to meаsurе14 _ 15 wou|d сoI|eсt/usеd to сoIIeсt 16 wouId p|aсeiusеd to plасе17 wouldtrаnsfеr/usedtotrаnsfer 18 _ ,19 - 20 _

18 1 | саn't stand it! Shе wiIlweаr my с|othеs without asking.2 0nсе wе sаw |\4аdonnа jogging in Hydе Pаrk.З | nevеr get up early on Sаturdаy morning!4 Whеn I wаs sixteen l l ivеd in Еdinburgh.5 Wе oftеn go dаnсing at thе weеkеnd.6 |n thе morning we visited/would visit thе аrt яа|Iеriеs аnd musеums.

Tеst yourself] misunderstаnding, inеxperienсеd2 hаs bееn marking, has only got through3 Some peop|e |оvе reаding thе tаbloids even though/beсause thеу аrе fuI l

of gossip аbout other pеop|е.4 rid of51^ 2 D зB 4с 5B 6D 7B 8с 9B ,10D

Writing19 you mustwritе аnd tеII mе . . .

|f i t ,s nottoo muсh troubIе, сouId уou сontасt .... . . dо you think you сouId you сhесk. . .|,d bе gratefu l if yоu сou Id find out .. .Perhaps you саn аIso f ind out if therе arе any othеr . ... . . соu|d I ask you to r ing and аsk if shе'I l . . .Plеаsе wouId yoU сontасt hеr son . ..

1 Соuld you 2 think you сould 3 would you 4 You must Write5 you саn 6 bе gratefu| if you сou|d 7 | ask yоu

20 Students, own аnswers.

21 formal: '1,3,5; informal.. 2,4,6.

22a2 b5 с, l d6 e3 f 4-23 Studеnts own answеrs.

Unit 4

3 t-ookin 4 |oоkto

6d 7b

Rеading1 2 How to write а best-sе|ling novel

21d 2c Зb 4a 5a 6с


Page 3: New+Matrix+Upper Intermediate+Workbook+KEYS%281%29

Voсabulary3 t a 2b 3 a 4b 5а

4 Adjесtive Noun Vеrb

1 appеа|ing appea| appea|2 benеfiсial benefit bеnеfit] сonfident сonfidenсe хxxХ4 diffеrent differеnсe diffеr5 f inаnсiаI f inanсe f inаnсе6 obsеssivе obsеssion obsеss7 popular pоpu|аrity ХxхХ8 xххx submission submit

51 obsеssеd 2 f inаnсiа| 3 submitted 4 popu|аr 5 diffеrеnсе6 benеfit 7 аppеа| B соnfidenсе

6 posit ivе: 1,2,5,7,B; negat ivе: 3,4,6

7 posit ivе: сompеlIing, dеpth, еxhi lаrating, fresh, gripping, rеmаrkab|еnеgativе: drivеl, inассurасу, mind.numbing, omission, uninspir ing,


8 Students, own answеrs.

9 1 Еxсuse mе3 Аnd |'d | ikеto know5 сou|d you tе|| mе

Funсtions10 students' own answers.


2 сan you tеI| me4 СouId you te|l me

.t 1 l dеfi ning rеlаtive сIаusеs: thаt will givе уou enough energу, who go tosсhool without brеаkfаst, who grеw up thinking, whiсh do hоve а lot of t'аt;

2 subjесt noun с|аuse: Whlt istruе.

12,t Jаmеs, whosе fathеr is the еditor of а nаtionа| nеwspаpеr, is a rеportеr2 Pаtsy, who works in our оffiсe' won a |ot of monеy in а сompetition |аst week.3 Тhe Sаndy Lanе restаurаnt, Whosе mеnu is famous, is аlways fuI|.4 0ur nеarest rеstаurаnt, whiсh sеrves on|y fish, opеnеd |ast yeаr. i whiсh

opеnеd last yеаr, only sеrvеs fish.5 Thе саst|е, whiсh is ownеd bу а prinсе, is oftеn used as а setting fоr fi |ms.

13 studеnts' own answеrs.

14 уou сould bе оnе оf the luсky pеop|е who wi|| win two free tiсkеts to thе0rgаniс Food tеstivаI, whiсh is bеing hеld аt the Royаl Hoгtiсu|turаl Ha||s,London swl on 30th JuIу.Тhе fеstivа| is your сhаnсе tо find out аbout orgаniс food produсts. Amongthе аttrасtions are sеveral сеlеbritу сhеfs, who will bе giving сookеrydеmonstrаtions, аnd еxpеrt gardеners, whose W progrаmmes on gаrdeningаre we||.known аnd whose t ips on orgаniс gаrdеning сan hе|p you grow yourоwn orgаniс vеgеtаb|еs, еvеn indoors! Еven if you are not onе of thosе whowins a prize, you wi|| stilI reсeivе а frеe progrаmmе to the show.To entеr, simp|y write your nаme аnd аddrеss on а postсаrd, whiсh shouldbе sеnt to the foIlowing аddrеss:

15 l whаt thе tесhniс iаn is ехp|аining is inсomprеhensib|е.2 Тhе f i|m she hаs seеn is rеal|у еxсit ing.3 | understаnd Why most рeoр|e hаte |\4ondаy mornings.4 l don't be|ieve whаt you аre sаying'5 Whаt he is doing is i lIegal.6 | don't know whаt thеy are |aughing about.

16 1,/2 being3 whiсh

5 onеs6,/

B whоsе9,/

10 thаn

Test yourself1 еХpеns|Vе2 аskingз l саnnot remembеr thе nаmе of thе dirесtor Whosе f i|m ...41D 2D зс 4^ 5с 6D 7A Bс 9B 10Б

Writing17 1 aссordingto 2 0n thеwaythere 3 in high spir i ts

4 unfortunatе|y 5 NеvеrthеIеss 6 Аpаrtfrom 7 А|IinаlI8 on thе Wаy bасk 9 Withоut doubt

18 Suggеsted аnswers:, l Тhe 1,000-yеar.old саstIе, situated justtwo miIеsfrom thе ]V40, .. '

dаiIy progrаmmе of еntеrtаinment аnd gаmеs. [,18 words]2 trom |\4ayto Sеptembеr' you саn observe сrаftspеopIe аnd еxpе-..

mеd ievаI Iife fi rst-hаnd аt the |\4еd ievа| Fеstivа |. [1 7 words]3 Wе hаd lunсh in the speсtасular Iandsсaped gаrdеnsоn a bеar,:..

summеr's day. [l+ words]

19 studеnts, own answеrs.

Unit 5Reading

11с 2G 3Е 4А 5B 6D Fisnotneеdеd

2 1 |n south-wеstern trаnсе.2 А pаinting/friеzе of а proсеssiоn of horsеs in thе саvе3 Zur iсh.4 17'000 year5 аgo.5 PrzеwаIski.6 They wеrеn't frее.7 No it Wаsn't.8 Тhe horses weren't part of fаmiIy groups.9 Тhе Gobi desеrt.

10 Yes, rt was.

Voсabulary31agaze b spot 2 a stro|| bwаndеr 3 a whispеr b mutt: .

41not iсе 2roam 3groаn

5 , l stro|Iеd 2 whispered З gazed 4 groaned 5 roаmеd 6...

6 lb zа зb 4a 5b 6a 7a sb 9b 10а

7 1 standupfor 2 сomеupwith 3 piсkup 4 broughtup5 g|Vе.. . Up

8lа 2d 3b 4с

9 1 ski l| 2 tаIent 3 quа|it ies 4 aptitude

10 mаnаger: аnа|ytiсаl, has init iat ivе, indеpеndеnt, inspir ing, orgаnis::ТV prеsentеr: inte|l igibIe, enеrgetiс, good spеаkеrаrt ist: inspirеd, indеpеndеnt, instinсtive, intuit ivе

1 1 studеnts' own аnswеrs.

12 I why don't you think about2 You сould3 | think you should4 | think you should

Funсtions13 Studеnts' own аnswers.

Grammar14 1 had nеvеrwrittеn 2 Hаdyou hаd,stаrtеd 3 appеarеd

4 аrrived, had not ехpесted 5 wеnt, hаd forgottеn6 rang, Waitеd, tr iеd 7 gavе, had nеvеr hеаrd 8 саme

1 5 1 hаd оftеn thought 2 hаd bееn making 3 hаd never trаvеi lес4 hаd bееn studying 5 had forgottеn

16 l rrаa persuadеd 2 grеwup 3 expесtеd 4 haddonе 5 hас6 bought 7 began 8 hadalreаdуstаrtеd 9 wаsdoing 10 -..:11 wаsworking 12 began 13 usеd , l4 hаppеnеd 15 еarПе]

17 1еasi|y 2happy 3wonderfuI 4noisy 5s|owly 6hard
















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lew }Ioагix Vorl<book Atlswleг Iсеуr

18 le zd Зс 4b 5f 6а

19 Studеnts, own аnswеrs.

Теst yourself1 reаIisеd, hаdn,t tаken, dесidеd2 сreativity, сoIumnist3 |n spitе of bеing аfrаid, Pаul dесided to entеr the room.4 in а fr iеndlу mаnner5,1 is 2with 3whаt 4wig 5thosе 6afIer 7 was 8i f

9 any 10 hаs

Writing2oaa b1 с2 dЗ

21 1 frоm time to t imе2 Аs far as | сan sее3 0n the other hаnd4 Аseсond аdVаntagе5 tnus6 Тo sum up7 аm in fаvour of thе argumеnt8 fасtors

22 studеnts, own аnswеrs.

Unit 5Rеading

1 1 Big Grey |van 2 Bеn |\4асDui 3 thrее metrеs high 4 18905 hеtooktohisheels/rаnaway 6 Spесtreof thеBroсkеn

21d 2b Зс 4с 5b

Voсabulary31to 2on Зto 4with 5through 6With 7in 8of

41b 2b зb 4b 5b 6a 7b Bа

51b 2 b 3с 4a 5а 6b 7с 8с 9а 10а

6 l b l indty 2 highIy 3 oссasiona||у 4 сommonly 5 publ iс ly6 mеrе|у

7 1 |t struсk mе thаt2 Then I notiсed that3 | would say it wаs4 | dist inсt|y rеmеmber5 but | сan.t sаy for сertаtn

Funсtions8 students' own аnswеrs.

Grammar9 1 mustg 2 mustс 3 саnd 4 сan'tс 5 mayа 6 mightb

7 mustn,tе 8 nееdn,tf 9 shou|d h

101f 2а 3b 4d 5e 6с

11 Suggеsted аnswеrs:1 must hаve forgotten 2 сould happen 3 must have bееn4 сan't havе takеn 5 сou|dn't hаve been 6 wou|d hаve thought7 oughttohаvetoldhim 8 mighthаvеbеen 9 nеedn,thаvetold,10 shouldn't hаve toId

12 1 сou|d not hаve forgottеn2 might not hаvе bеen3 shouId not hаve bought4 wou|d not hаve сaught5 should have brought

13 Studеnts' own аnswеrs.

14 l тhе }rаmids in Еgypt сouldn't hаve bееn bui|t ...2 We neеdn't hаveworr ied about. . .3 . . . |\4um might havе phoned . . .4 ... ought to hаve bеen stoppеd.5 сorreсt

Tеst yourself1 instinсtive, сaptivity2 has tе|ephoned, аpoIogisеd, gеtt ing3 piсkyou4 nееdn't hаve аnswеrеd5 Thеу Werеn't с|ose еnough tо hеаr mе.61|o 2 the 3tо 4has 5why 6from 7аs Bwithоut

9 nеаr ]0 evеn

Writing1 5 Suggested answеrs:

1 eIdеrly, grеy-hаirеd2 tаl|, smаrt-Iooking, dark-hаired3 with fаir hаir, of mеdium height. round{асed' with сurly hаir4 smart-|ooking, ta||, middle-аged

16 l дn еldеr|y, grеy.hairеd Woman.2 А talI, smаrt- looking mаn with dаrk hair '3 А round-fасed mаn of mеdium height, with сurly fаir hаir4 А tа|l, smаrt-|ooking, middiе-aged womаn.

17atеmpеraturеs bfrosty сfreеzing diсу еfа| l18 Suggеsted аnswers:

1 аfrostynight 2 freezingсold 3 iсywind 4 tеmperаturеs/bеlowzеro 5 fаl| of snow

19 students' own аnswеrs.

20 students, own аnswers.

Unit zReading

1 гidgеting mеans t iny еxеrсisеs suсh аs tаpping your fееt, nodding yourhеаd аnd drumming уour f ingеrs.

21d 2f Зg 4a 5е 6b (notnееdеdс)

3lг zT зT 4F 5Т 6Т 7t 8t 9Т 10Т

Voсabulary4зe 2с зd 4c 5b 6e 7a,b,с

5 1 shаkе your head 2 с|ap yоur hands 3 stаmp your feet4 shаkе your f ist istаmp your foot 5 nod your hеаd6 drum yourfingеrs

61аbout 2to 3to 4into 5out

71d 2b За 4e 5с 6f

8 1 involuntary moVеments 2 Rigorous exerсisе3 nаtura|-born weight losеrs 4 an eхасting routinе5 Vigorousfoot{аpping 6 Сompulsivefoot-tаppеrs

9 Noun Verb Adjeсtive

сompu|sion сompе|fidgеt fidgetvigour invigoratе

сom pu Isivеfidgetyvrgo rous

softness soften soft

10 1 you must2 You should3 lf you don't4 Don't you reа|isе thаt5 if I wеre you

Funсtions1 1 studеnts'own answers.

Grammar12 l дnewform of еnеrgyhas beеn dеve|oped.

2 The exаm was stoppеd bеfore Kate hаd f inishеd the |аst quеstion.3 We hopе (that) we wi|| be met by somеonе at the аirport.4 Тhe еdit ing of thе f i|m wi|| be f inishеd tomorrow.5 |\4iсhe|angelo's sсulpture of Dаvid is being rеstorеd аt thе moment.6 The nеw аirport deve|opmеnt hаd bееn bui|t quite neаrа сountrytown.7 This pаinting by Piсаsso hаs nеvеr been seеn beforе.


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N ew }I а t rix Vo r I<b o o Iс Atт swve r kеуr

"!3 Studеnts' own ansWе15.'!4 l hаvе been used 2 is 3 wаs invеntеd 4 hаve been found

5 was p|аyed 6 wаs сa||еd 7 havе bееn disсovеredB hаvе bееn dаted 9 hаs bееn p|аyed 10 havе bееn found] 1 wаs mеntionеd 12 wаs аdаptеd 13 wаs f irst introduсed1 4 were thought 1 5 hаs been 1 6 hаvе bееn sоld17 arеbеinginvеnted 18 offеrs l9 wi lI th isfrееt imebef iI|еd20 wiII hаve bееn сreаtеd

.Е 5 1 l rеmеmbеr being tаkеn on a tour of Sydnеy.2 Pаul enjоys bеing drivеn homе from work.3 l am hoping to bе mеt at the airport.4 Wе wouId l ikе to bе informеd if there are going to lэe аny dеIаys.5 l rеsent bеing аsked si l|у quеstions.6 Rod doеsn,t I ike beingtold whаtto do.7 | 'm looking forward to bеing shоwn аround London.B I Want to bе toId if therе is somеthing wrong.

.t6 1sеrviсеd 2mеndеd 3f i|Iеd 4bui l t 5pierсed 6stolеn7 pubIishеd 8 broken into

.t7 1 hаveсurtаinsmadе 2 gеtyourhаirсut 3 hаd histееthf i| lеd4 havе/gеt thеm mended 5 had hеr mobilе phone sto|еn6 hаd ourсarwindowsbroken 7 hаve/gеtitrеpaired8 gеt/hаvе them shortеned.

Тest yourself1 Both sides madе somе сonсessions so that а сompromisе сou|d

bе rеасhеd.2 arrived, wаs having, had а|reаdу еatеn, Wasn't3 аppl iсаnt, reIiable4 bеing сomparеd to Mаdonnа51during 2а 3whеn 4with 5yоurse|f 6as 7 Аt BI ikе

9 morе ]0 саn

t{riting. I8as b2 с1 d6 eЗ t4. l9 1 сomputer-genеrаtеd 2 speсiаleffесts З visuа||ystunning

4 songаrrаngеmеnts 5 soundtrасk 6 stаrpеrfоrmеr

20 Studеnts' own аnswеrs.

lJnit IReading

. l 1G 2F зЕ 4С 5А 6B (notnееdedD)

2lb zb зa 4d 5с 6а

Voсabulary3 l t ies 2 shrink 3 eХhaust 4 сommonp|асе 5 b|oсkagеs

6 provision 7 psyсho|ogiсaI profi| ing 8 unmet

4 Noun Verb Adjeсtive

tie t iе t iеdflехibiI ity f lеx f lexibIеdеmand dеmаnd demаndi ng

i nсreаsi ng

Funсtions8 studеnts' own аnswеrs.

Grammar9lс zb зd 4e 5а

10a1 b5 с3 d2 e4

1 1 studеnк' own аnswe15.

12 l ,m hаving 2 аre . . . wr i t ing 3 ' l I g ivе 4 are . . . goingtо say5 Wi|| . . . go 6 аre.. . mеet ing 7 isgoingto rаin 8 wi l| bе

13 ] Wi||bе moving 2 wе' l I bеgoing 3 | ' II st i || bеаblе 4 won't hаvе

finishеd 5 |,| lсome 6 уou'|| rеgret 7 | 'm taking 8 уou,l| hаvе

14 1 Wil l hаvе f inishеd 2 wilI bе f lying 3 wil|you be doing4 wi|| be reаding 5 wil l hаve inventеd 6 Wil lyou hаvе donе

1 5 students' own аnswers.

16 l . . .wеwiII hаvef in ishеdthisbook 2 WhatwiI l уоubеdoing.. .3 сorrесt 4 Wе'|| goto.. . 5. . .we'I| hаvedonе.. . 6. . .wi|Iwork7 . . . wi||you bеgoing.. . 8 ldon'tknowif lwi| l bеabIе.. .9 thеrе wi|| bе а . . .

Test yourself1 his саr towed аway2 investment, profitable, suspiсiously3 get, wil l be sold out4 is looking forwаrd to seeing51wi l| 2muсh зas 4to 5or 6аn 7at

10 for

supрly хХxximprovе improving/improvedXxxx sсiеntifiс

8 out 9 thаi 14

Unit 9Reading

1 2Аrtist iсе|еphаnts

2 1 Ramonа wаs аn аrt ist iс еIеphаnt who refused to pаint.2 He fаi|еd to pеrsuаdе her to сontinuе pаinting.3 VitaIy Komаr and Alеx |\4еIamid.4 |n thе,1970s.5 Тhе kееpеr enсourаgеs the elеphаnt to dip its brush in paint and str ik:

the сanVа5.6 Тhе еIеphаnts аre аs volati le as humаn аrt ists.

3 Suggеsted answеrs:1,2,6,7,8

4 Paragraph1 b Parаgraph2 с Paragraрh3 а Parаgraph4 сParagraph 5 b

Voсabulary5 1 graсе 2 dеft 3 proсlаimеd 4 induсе 5 rеprimаnds

6 suссu|еnt 7 сonstеrnаtion 8 fаthom 9 privi|еgеd10 сo|Iаborаtion ,11 stray 12 str ikе 1з |attеr 14 faсIor15 voIаt iIe

6le zс зb 4d 5а

7 l give up 2 сatсh upwith 3 got bасkto 4 bring... to5 roughed out

81str ikе 2stаmpеd 3spot 4stress 5spеесh

Writing17 lаmbit ion 2work 3асt iv i tу 4сontасt 5opportunity 6сou. '*

7 liсеnсе 8 Iitеrаte 9 post ,l0 сontroI ,l1 aptitude12 rеsponsibiI ity

18 Studеnts'оwn аnswеrs. l

19 1 аssistanttotheDireсtor 2 theDаilуЕсho З appIiсant 4 tаkеUp l

5 sеptembеr 6 сonveniеnt 7 enс|osed 8 сv 9 personaI stаtеmе.. 1i10 аpp|iсаtion form ,l1 forwаrd 12 fаithfu||y 15

20 studеnts. own аnswеrs.


10 II.l







IFuп11 I121










inсrеasеsupplyimprovеmеn1sсiеnсееxресtatlon еХpeсt

rеsеаrсh rеsеаrсh


I nсrеаsе

5 1 еxpесted/prediсtеd 2 сontinuе З wi|| expeсt4 lеadingtoirеsuItingin 5 resuItin 6 inсrеаsеd

6 ] Unfortunаtе|y 2 |ntеrеsting|y/Surprisingly 3 Fortunаtе|y4 Еventuа||y 5 Historiса|ly 6 Surprisingly/|nterеstingl,7 UnfortunаteIy

71heaI 2iam 3powеr 4jаm 5powеr 6stress7 Irain 8 heаt 9 strеss ,l0 trаin


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9 1 еxperimеntаl 2 sсuIptor 3 аrt ist iс 4 сomposit ion 5 сolоurful6 f igurativе 7 photogrаphiс B сonсеptuа| 9 spir ituаl10 i l lustrаtions

10 Теасhеr: So how did the intеrviеw go аt thе art сoIlеgе?ЕVe: l 'm not rеа|lу surе but l think it Wеnt OK.Теасhеr: Whаt did thеy ask yоu?ЕVе: First thеy spеnt а lot of t imе looking at my paintings. Тhеn thеy

аsked me lots of questions аbout whiсh аrt ists l I ikе.Теасhеr: Аnd?ЕVе: Finаl|y thеy askеd me а fеw quеstions аbout thе history of аrt.Теасhеr: Wеrе thе qUestion5 diff iсult?ЕVе: No, thеy werеn't. l think thеyjust Wаntеd to сhесk thаt l knew

somеthing abоut it!Tеасhеr: Тhаt sounds 0K. Whаt hаppеns next?ЕVе: l hаve tо Wait to hеаr from thеm.Теасhеr: Wеll, good Iuсk. Lеt mе knоw whаt hаppеns'

Funсtions11 students' own аПswers.

12 studеnь' own answеrs.

Grammar13 l hаdn't diеd, mаy not hаvе еmigrаtеd 2 hadn't inventеd, would not

hаve bесomе З hаd f inishеd, wouId hаvе bееn 4 hаd existed, wouIdhаve f inishеd 5 hаdn't diеd, would hаvе won 6 hаdn,t inVеstigatedwou|d not bе

14 1 |t lsаdоrа hаdn't s|еpt in,shewouIdn't hаvе bееn lаteforsсhоo|.2 |f I hadsomе monеy, I would buyа саrЗ lf Lukе wаs bеttеr аt |\4аths, hе would trаin аs а piIot4 lf | 'd known you werе сoming, I would hаvе сookеd you a spесiа| mеаl.5 | would еnjoy the pеасе and quite of the сountrуsidе if l l ived hеrе.6 l wouIdn't hаvе hеаrd thе news if yоu hadn't phonеd.7 You wouldn't hаve pаssed your еXаm if you hadn,t studiеd so hаrd.8 I would bе а model i f I wаs/werе tаl ler.9 |f I wеre you, I wouldn't worry so muсh!

10 If l hаdn't сomе to I ivе hеrе, l wouldn,t hаvе mеt you!15 l lwish the atomiс bomb hаd nevеr bееn inventеd!

2 | wish I hаd inventеd а working сomputer!3 Do you wish уou hаd bееn а r iсh аnd fаmous sсiеntist?4 lf on|y BelI hаdn,t invеntеd the tеlеphonе!5 | wish | 'd disсoverеd thе theory of еvо|ution!6 |f оnly | 'd wоrkеd hаrdеr at sсhool.7 Doеs С|ivе wish hе'd studiеd sоmеthing diffеrеnt аt univеrsity?8 lf onIy wе hadn,t spеnt аlI thаt monеy on а саr.

16 Studеnts, own аnswеrs.

Tеst yourse|f1 l hаd studiеd2 Аrеyou going, аrethinking, going, WouId you l ikеto jо inЭd

4 Wаs mаdе to opеn hеr саsеs51in 2whаt 3i f 4 i ts 5no 6оne 7as BАftеr 9whiсh

10 havе

Writing17 1B 2D 3A 4Е 5с

18 studеnь' own answers.

19 Studеnts' own аnswers.

20 students, own answеrs.

unit t0Reading

1 1 Тhеy wеrе а|wаys аrguing.

2 Тhеy drеw up а сode of bеhаviour

2lb zb зa 4с 5b 6d

Voсabulary3lь 29 Зa 4f 5d 6с 7е 8b4 studеnts, own аnswеrs.

51about 2of Зto 4оf 5With 6of6 Studеnts'own аnswеrs.

7 1 divorсe 2 berеаVemеnt 3 spl itt ingup 4 sibIingi J -: . l lr .6 lеn iеnt

8 1 spl it up 2 lеniеnt 3 lэеrеаvеmеnt 4 Sib|ings ] ,:а 1

Funсtions9 studеnts, own аnswеrs.

Grammar1o l с za 3 b

11 l тhеboytoldthеWomаntoсаrryoлstrаightdotvntnl ' . . : . ' . | ' . | 'сomе to thе town сеntre.

2 Thе tеасhеr askеd the сhiIdrеn not to аrguе.3 Sа|lу аsked thе poIiсemаn whеre thе nеаrеst саr pа.i .4 Janеаskеd Dаvid i f hе | ivеd nеаrthеtown сentrе '5 l\4rТаylor remarked thаt hе hаd nеvеr bееn to thаt oаr] . i l].. ::: i .] j]сi l ]6 Pаu|аskedapassегbyif he/sheсou|dtеl| h imlrhаt l . . . . . . . i .

12 1 sаrаh аskеd PhiI whаt hе hаd done with thе аnnuаi rс .2 Pеtе rеminded JUIiа to attеnd thе mаnаgеmеnt mееt] :. '

.3 |\4аrk enquired if jасk сould са|l him |аtеr to disсuss l ' i : ' . ] -

сa m pа lgn.4 Wil l iаm invitеd |\4atthеw to join to him for lunсh tr ith . l .: .: L'] i-..сtci,

thе fоl lowing dаy.5 Sаl|у toId Jim to gеt somе сoffее whеn hе wеnt out,1 СouId you telI mе whаt t imе thе Nаturа| Historv l i lusеl iпl оDеlls?2 Doyou knowwhythе mUseUm is so intеrеsting?З I wondеr hоw manyvis i tоrsthе musеum hаd |аstуеаг.4 l Wаnt to know whеn thе Iаst big eхhibit ion wаs,5 l don't know if you'vе еvеr visitеd thе museum bеforе.] on 2 for 3 with 4 to 5 аbout1 exp|ained 2 argued з сongratu|аtеd 4 plеаdесl 5 сrit iс isесi1 SalIy аsked Jаsоn if he hаd done thе mоnth|у rеpогts,2 ]ason assurеd sаlIy that hе hаd donе thеm.3 Sаl|y rеmindеd Jаson thаtshе hаd аskеd forthеm tц'o dаrs bеforе'4 Jаson еxpIainеd that his сomputеr hаd сrаshеd just аftеr nе hасl f inishеd

тnеm.5 Sаl|уtoId,]ason thаt hе would hаvе to do thеm аgаin on 50mеonе el5е.s

сompUter.6 Jason plеаdеd to bе а||owеd to dо thеm ovеr thе wееkеnd bесаusе hе

hаd аn аppointmеnt tеn minutes lаtеr.



Test yourself,] bеlievеd, сoVеrage2 bеtter rеmember toз lf the Weathеr сondit ions wеre bеttеr, thе f l ight wou|dn,t hаvе bееп

delаyed4 hаdn't prеpared, wouIo do5 , l to 2 есonomists 3 then 4 trom 5 for 6 thал 7 Somе

8 сan 9 whаt -10 most

Writing17 Liv ing at homе: 1, 3, 4, 6

Living in student ассommodаtion: 7 , g, 10,1218 1 sесur i tу 2support 3сonfrontаt ions 4 indеpеndеnt

5 drаwbасk 6 сonсеntrаtе 7 adаptablе19 Students, own an5wеr5.

20 students, оwn answеrs.

21 studеnts'oWn ansWеrs.
