New Zealand WIne Tasting Stockholm 2014

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New Zealand WIne Tasting Stockholm 2014 Catalogue

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194Million litres of wine produced (2012)

waikato/Bay of plenty

Hawke’s Bay







waipara Valley

central otago

nortH island

soutH island



Waiheke island
















a Vast portfolio of wines, witH

25Varieties planted in coMMercial Quantities

34,270Hectares of producing Vineyards (2012)

new Zealand wine regions

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new Zealand wine tasting stockHolM

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2 New Zealand Wine nzwine.com


page no

6 new Zealand - a land like no other, sustainability, Varietal & regional information.

participating wineries - seeking distribution table no

10 ara Wines 1

11 Constellation brands 2

12 domain road 3

13 eradus 4

14 Foley Family Wines 5

16 dala Wines & sPirits ab 6

17 lindauer & two tracks 7

18 Matua 8

19 oyster bay 9

20 Pernod ricard Winemakers 10

21 rockburn Wines 11

23 saint Clair Family estate 12

24 seifried estate 13

25 Wicked Wine 14

26 spy Valley 15

27 gardo & Morris 16

28 te Mata estate 17

29 terravin 18

31 Villa Maria estate 19

32 Yealands 20

33 Crossroads 21

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New Zealand Wine Tasting I Sweden 2014 3

new Zealand winegrowers welcomes you to the new Zealand wine tasting stockholm 2014.

We are pleased to be able to present over 100 wines from five of new Zealand’s wine producing regions – Central otago, hawkes bay, Marlborough, Martinborough and nelson.

a significant proporption of the wines shown here today are produced sustainably, which to us means delivering excellent wine to consumers in a way that enables the natural environment, and the businesses and communities involved, to thrive. More details on new Zealand’s sustainable winegrowing practices can be found on page 5 of this catalogue and on www.nzwine.com/sustainability/

new Zealand Wines have something to offer all sectors of the wine trade:

distributors/agents – a new Zealand winery in your portfolio represents an attractive proposition to your clients, the wines are of premium quality at an attractive price point. We have seven new Zealand wineries seeking an importer in sweden today – Clifford bay, dashwood. goldwater, grove Mill, oyster bay, rockburn Wines & Vavasour.

retailers – offer your customers something different, focus on new Zealand, with its wide range of grape varieties and strong brands this is a chance to attract and retain new clients with a unique product offering

press – new Zealand is renowned for being a premium producer of sauvignon blanc and Pinot noir, yet it excels at many other varietals too, visit our producers tables to taste some examples!

Horeca – Food friendly wines that complement a range of cuisines, new Zealand wines can be a profitable addition to your wine list which your customers will love!

thank you for visiting our event, we hope you find everything you are looking for here today and have an enjoyable visit.

chris stroudMarketing Manager – europe

+44 207 973 8079

+44 7917 417388

[email protected]

sarah shepherdevents Manager – europe

+44 207 973 8079

+44 7825 699281

[email protected]

#nzwine, @nzwine



new Zealand wine tasting stockHolM

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New Zealand is one of the world’s youngest nations. Maori created its traditional cultural expression, and just as Maori artists today are reinterpreting ancient craftworks — such as kahu (cloaks, typically of feather, pictured) in new forms and materials — so our grape growers and winemakers are innovating in the vineyard and winery.

100% CoMMitted to exCellenCe

new Zealand’s wine producing history extends back to the founding of the nation in the 1800s. it was the introduction to Marlborough’s astonishing sauvignon blanc in the 1980s that saw new Zealand wine explode onto the international scene, courtesy of world beating performances in international competitions and rapturous critical reviews.

While Marlborough retains its status as one of the world’s foremost wine producing regions, the quality of wines from elsewhere in the country has also garnered international acclaim.

by world standards new Zealand’s production capacity is tiny, accounting for less than

1% of total volume. though the average price tag for a new Zealand wine is a reflection of its desirability, few would question its ability to deliver excellent value for money.in fact, it’s the unswerving commitment to quality over quantity that has won new Zealand its reputation as a premium producer.

this commitment is evident from the vineyard to the winery, along with sustainability leadership, new Zealand continues to pioneer advances such as canopy management, stainless steel fermentation techniques and screwcaps.

<1% 36°-46°South

94+%of total world wine production VoluMe

grape growing latitudinal range

of new Zealand Vineyard area operates under independently audited sustainaBility prograMMes

“For a small country with a relatively young wine industry (at least on the international level), new Zealand really has made a name for themselves over recent years. the wines retain an air of mystery that is somewhat unique in this ever-shrinking modern world of ours.”

gregory dal piaz, snooth.com

Join tHe conVersation/nzwine



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For us, sustainability means delivering excellent wine to consumers in a way that enables the natural environment, and the businesses and communities involved, to thrive.under our sustainability Policy, wine must be made from 100% certified grapes in fully certified winemaking facilities, and certification must be through an independently audited programme. Central to our sustainability policies is a commitment to keep improving, as new research is undertaken and new technologies are developed. We have an ongoing leadership role in industry research and development projects and, as a result, we’re helping to raise the global bar for sustainability.seven “pillars” represent our key areas of focus, and we provide guidance and support around each to our members.

sustainaBle winegrowing new Zealand is integral to the ongoing success of new Zealand wine. Members are committed to protecting the unique places that make our famous wines by reducing the use of chemicals, energy, water and packaging, and reusing and recycling materials and waste.

Pillars oF sustainabilitY


soil, water, air




Without the wealth we’re able to harvest from animals, plants and microorganisms, humans couldn’t survive. new Zealand wine producers cultivate and nurture diversity in the vineyard.



even though new Zealand draws most of its electricity from renewable sources, the energy demands of wine production sees the industry employing reduction strategies in all activities.

the world expects a certain quality from new Zealand wine; to maintain standards we need to mitigate against disease and pests. Chemical use on the vineyard, however, is the last resort.

reduce, reuse and recycle are the watchwords in new Zealand vineyards and wineries. Many byproducts are routinely diverted from the waste stream and turned to beneficial use.

a sustainable wine industry is for the benefit of people, and its success depends on delivery by people. new Zealand wine producers take their community responsibilities seriously.

sustainable practices enable wine producers to add value in a number of meaningful ways, while also making long-term cost savings and are therefore critical to the legacy of our wine industry.

blessed with an array of distinctive soils, abundant fresh water and famously clear air,  our wine producers go to great lengths to take care of these treasures. Energy


one large wine operation finds energy efficiencies offer significant savings, so the winery employs heat recovery systems to store waste heat from refrigeration for use in winemaking. night air cooling, and daytime illumination by natural light are two other successful initiatives.

Soil, Water, Air: Soil

central otago

For a winery with vineyards on flash flood-prone slopes, soil health is vital. to sustain their fragile soils they’re increasing organic matter by allowing maximum sward growth before mowing; judiciously applying compost-enriched bio-char, and balancing soil nutrient levels to preserve the low fertility that gives essential character to their wines.

Biodiversity: Wetlands


rich in indigenous biodiversity, wetlands have high conservation value. one winery began restoring 50 hectares of wetland in 2004 and has since planted over 3000 native plants — with the help of staff and local communities. along with positive ecological outcomes, the project has yielded wide-ranging business benefits.



each year, local ladybird populations boom in response to the numbers of the damaging pest mealy bug. “it takes some fortitude not to jump in and spray,” says one viticulturist, “but we endeavor to use no insecticides.” Planting cover crops to encourage ladybirds and other predators has significantly reduced use of chemical controls.

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pREMIuM, SuSTAINAbLE, DIvERSEas an isolated, cool-climate island nation, new Zealand enjoys an undeniable advantage when it comes to producing distinctive, ultra high quality wines.

no place is more than 130km, or 80 miles, inland and the proximity of our vineyards to the ocean has a pronounced effect on the character of our wines. Mild, sunny summers and marked differences between day and night time temperatures in many regions slow the ripening of the grapes and allow them to develop pure, intense varietal

flavours. this is the foundation of new Zealand wines’ elegance and power, and helps explain their famed balance, structure and food friendliness.

and with growing regions extending 1,600km (1,000 miles) — from latitude 36° in the subtropical north to latitude 46° in the mountainous south (the most southerly vineyards in the world) — regional diversity is dramatic, enabling a striking array of wine varieties and styles to flourish.



export sales - Value $NZ fOb*





















169.6^SOURCE: New Zealand Winegrowers Annual Report 2013

 MARLbOROuGH (22,903)

 HAWKE’S bAy (4,816)


 GISbORNE (1,602)


WAIpARA vALLEy (1,462)

 NELSON (1,115)




 WAIKATO/bAy Of pLENTy (23)

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sauVignon Blanc

20,027ha*in 1973, as Marlborough’s first sauvignon blanc vines were being planted, no one could have predicted that their yields would attain superstar status within a couple of decades. the explosive flavours of new Zealand sauvignon blanc have dazzled wine critics throughout the world, setting the international benchmark for the style. Pungently aromatic, new Zealand sauvignon blanc assails the senses with green capsicum (bell-pepper) and gooseberry characters through lush passionfruit and tropical fruit overtones. other notes include freshcut grass, tomato stalks, melons or limes.

pinot noir

5,569ha*native to burgundy and notoriously fickle (it thrives only in the most optimal of environments), the Pinot noir grape has found in new Zealand a home away from home. new Zealand Pinot noir shows fine tannins and elegance with the added excitement of vibrant, intense fruit and secondary herbal, spice and game characters. the huge diversity in climates and soils in new Zealand enables a wide range of styles from the Pinot producing regions.

red Blends

1,976ha*syrah distinguished by its bright, spicy flavours and elegant texture, akin to elegant northern rhône style, new Zealand syrah is crammed full of plum and savoury black pepper flavours and sometimes even a hint of violets. Cabernet sauvignon/ Merlot blends by augmenting the structure and finesse of Cabernet sauvignon with the vibrant, ripe fruit of Merlot, winemakers in new Zealand’s warmer northerly regions are creating elegant, yet powerfully intense, red wine blends. these blends are notable for their purity of fruit expression and are known for being rich and well structured, showing characters of plum, blackcurrant and chocolate.


3,211ha*the classic new Zealand Chardonnay is mouth-filling, with concentrated citrus & tropical fruit, balanced by crisp acidity & refined minerality. the warmer nZ regions typically yield full to medium bodied wines with round, rich flavours, whilst the cooler south island regions tend to produce medium to light bodied styles with greater acidity, minerality & fresh citrus flavours. as a wine, Chardonnay strongly reflects new Zealand’s unique terroir and the huge diversity within its regions.

KEy vARIETIES (Planted heCtares, 2014)*


3,531ha*riesling the south island’s bright days, cool nights and long, dry autumns create the perfect climate for riesling. style ranges from bone dry to lushly sweet. Pinot gris grown throughout the country, new Zealand Pinot gris is more akin to alsace in style than the drier Pinot grigio, with notes of apple, pear, honeysuckle, spice and bread. gewürztraminer new Zealand gewürztraminer is extremely fragrant, with rose petals, lychee, cinnamon and ginger characters commonly seen.

*SOURCE: New Zealand Winegrowers’ Vineyard Register Report 2013

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PartiCiPating Wineries

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ara wines

ara is a family owned new Zealand company led by passionate people with a focus for delivering a new Marlborough wine experience. Made with grapes from one place, our place, ara single estate wines fuse the time-honoured art of winemaking with fresh ideas to amplify the natural qualities of our remarkable Marlborough location. all ara’s fruit comes from a single, sustainably managed vineyard – one estate – where ancient glacial soils and low yields give our wines depth- delivering pure fruit expression with texture, elegance and intensity. the result is an intriguing Marlborough experience.

winery contact detailsMatthew adamslevel 28, 188 Quay st, auckland

+64 9 306 8684 +64 21 976 750

[email protected] www.arawines.co.nz

agent/distriButor contact detailsarvid nordquist h.a.bekensbergsvagen 117, box 1285, se171 25solna, sweden

+46 709 76 19 18

[email protected] www.arvidnordquist.se

list of wines on sHow and suggested retail priceara single estate sauvignon blanc Waihopai Valley, Marlborough 2013 sek 110.00

ara single estate Pinot noir Waihopai Valley, Marlborough 2012 sek 125.00

ara single estate Pinot gris Waihopai Valley , Marlborough 2013 sek 110.00

ara select blocks sauvignon blanc Waihopai Valley , Marlborough 2012 sek 125.00

ara select blocks Pinot noir Waihopai Valley, Marlborough 2012 sek 145.00

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constellation Brands

Constellation brands new Zealand own vineyards, and have long term grower relationships, throughout the sub-regions of Marlborough. We also own vineyards in hawke’s bay, and work with growers in Central otago and other regions. our wineries are in Marlborough, hawke’s bay and huapai. our viticulturalists and winemakers win international recognition for the quality of our kim Crawford, nobilo, drylands, selaks and Monkey bay brands. Please visit our brand websites for more information.

winery contact detailsFelicity nelsonstation road, huapai, auckland

+64 9 412 6666 +64 27 291 4110

[email protected] www.constellationnz.com

agent/distriButor contact detailskajsa timberg bibendum ab sandhamnsgatan 63a, stockholm, 102 51

+46 859 8 11104

[email protected]

list of wines on sHow and suggested retail pricearticlenr: na kim Crawford small Parcels spitfire sauvignon blanc Marlborough 2013 sek 169.00

articlenr: 89375 kim Crawford Pinot noir 2012 sek 159.00

articlenr: 89375 kim Crawford Pinot noir 2013 sek 159.00

articlenr: 72818 kim Crawford sauvignon blanc Marlborough 2013 sek 159.00

articlenr: 72818 kim Crawford sauvignon blanc Marlborough 2014 sek 159.00

articlenr: horeca assortment kim Crawford Merlot hawke’s bay 2013 sek 159.00

articlenr: na kim Crawford Pinot gris Marlborough 2014 sek 159.00

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doMain road Vineyard

domain road has two vineyards tucked away in bannockburn, Central otago, the home vineyard on domain road and defiance vineyard on neighbouring Felton road. the vineyards’ soils and gravels provide a distinctive terroir that produce award-winning wines. a unique microclimate of hot summers and long, dry autumns, provides perfect conditions for growing riesling, sauvignon blanc, Pinot gris, and Pinot noir vines. owned by the Crosbie family, the vineyards have hands-on care of the vines producing vintages of outstanding quality. traditional, low intervention winemaking practices bring out the distinctive characters of the fruit, resulting in elegantly structured and expressive wines.

winery contact detailsgraeme Crosbie46 domain road, bannockburn, 9384, Central otago

+64 3 445 4244 +64 21 224 7661

[email protected] www.domainroad.co.nz

agent/distriButor contact detailsJan-Peter Carlsson J-P Carlsson ab, odengatan 4 , 653 40, karlstad

+46 5 4100630 +46 70 8290281

[email protected]

list of wines on sHow and suggested retail pricedomain road Vineyard Pinot noir bannockburn, otago 2011 sek 249.00

domain road Vineyard duffers Creek riesling rosé bannockburn, otago 2013 sek 149.00

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New Zealand Wine Tasting I Sweden 2014 13


all grapes that make eradus Wines are grown in the awatere Valley, a sub region of Marlborough with its own unique microclimate. the awatere Valley is windier, dryer, stonier, cooler and on the whole more extreme than Marlborough’s other regions. these conditions create wines with a distinct mineral backbone and crisp, clean acidity. our status as a boutique producer allows us to carefully monitor the quality of our wines and we pride ourselves on continuously producing great wine.

winery contact detailstim Molloyblenheim, Marlborough

+64 3 578 7802

[email protected] www.eraduswines.co.nz

agent/distriButor contact detailsswedish brandFiskartorpsvägen 26, stockholm

+46 85 4518555e: [email protected]

list of wines on sHow and suggested retail priceeradus sauvignon blanc awatere, Marlborough 2013 sek 90.00

eradus Pinot noir awatere, Marlborough 2013 sek 120.00

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foley faMily wines liMited

Foley Family Wines new Zealand began in 2009 when bill Foley acquired the award-winning Vavasour winery, pioneers of the awatere Valley. bill later purchased te kairanga in Martinborough and new Zealand’s first sustainable winery, grove Mill in Wairau Valley. in 2014 FFW brought the legendary Martinborough Vineyards into the portfolio. the goal of each winery is for the winemakers to produce handmade, delicious wines that capture the character of the varietal and personality of the vineyards; all of this is achieved while caring for and preserving the land for the next generation.the Foley Family Wines new Zealand portfolio consists of: te kairanga, Vavasour, goldwater, dashwood, Clifford bay, grove Mill, Martinborough Vineyard, sanctuary, the Pass and russian Jack. winery contact detailstony allen

+44 753 9175077

[email protected]

agent/distriButor contact detailste kairanga anders almgrenstellankramersvärdvägen 19. se-182 33 danderyd.

+46 8 544 905 90 +46 70 644 51 74

seeking distriBution forVavasour, goldwater,dashwood, Clifford bay & grove Mill

list of wines on sHow and suggested retail priceVavasour sauvignon blanc Marlborough 2013 *

Vavasour Chardonnay Marlborough 2013 *

grove Mill sauvignon blanc Marlborough 2013 *

grove Mill gewürztraminer Marlborough 2013 *

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list of wines on sHow and suggested retail price continuedgoldwater sauvignon blanc Marlborough 2013 *

dashwood sauvignon blanc Marlborough 2013 *

dashwood Pinot noir Marlborough 2013 *

the Pass sauvignon blanc Marlborough 2013 *

te kairanga estate Pinot noir Martinborough 2013 *

te kairanga estate riesling Martinborough 2013 *

runholder Pinot noir Martinborough 2013 *

Vavasour Pinot noir Marlborough 2012 *

* Price on application

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dala wines & spirits aB

dala Wines & spirits are proud to represent:Martinborough Vineyard a pioneer which holds some of the oldest Pinot noir vines in the country. Martinborough Vineyard is now also a part of Foley Family Wines. stanrock from stanley estates in the awatere Valley of Marlborough. also a pioneering producer being the only one growing and making wine from the very fresh grape variety albariño on top of the classical sauvignon blanc and Pinot noir.

agent/distriButor contact detailsJan Peterséndala Wines & spirits ab gassarvet 3, Falun, s791 -91

+46 2343052 +46 7 0676136

[email protected]

list of wines on sHow and suggested retail pricestanrock sauvignon blanc awatere Valley, Marlborough 2012 sek 139.00

stanrock albariño awatere Valley, Marlborough 2014 sek 149.00

stanrock Pinot noir awatere Valley, Marlborough 2012 sek 179.00

stanrock dessert Wine awatere Valley, Marlborough 2013 sek 139.00

Martinborough Vineyard Jackson block riesling 2012 sek 171.00

Martinborough Vineyard tetera Pinot noir 2012 sek 201.00

Martinborough Vineyard Pinot noir 2010 sek 351.00

russian Jack Martinborough Pinot noir 2013 sek 139.00

russian Jack Marlborough sauvignon blanc 2014 sek 149.00

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lindauer & two tracks lindauerinternationally acclaimed, lindauer is new Zealands’ favourite sparkling wine, made since 1981 from traditional champagne grape varieties from gisborne and hawke’s bay. now sold in 20 countries, lindauer is new Zealand’s biggest sparkling wine export, with consumers and media all around the world recognising the value and quality of lindauer’s diverse range.

two trackstwo tracks is a fresh, new approach to Marlborough wine, providing easy drinking, high quality wines, from a region consumers have come to love. Part of the Wither hills family, two tracks provides Marlborough wine adorers a chance to enjoy quality wine from a recognised and awarded producer, at an affordable price.

winery contact detailsJolanda bossers27 napier street, Freemans bay, auckland

+64 9 347 2068 +64 27 448 4729

[email protected] www.lionco.com

agent/distriButor contact detailsanna-karin ene Wine World ab regeringsgatan 109, 4tr, stockholm, 103 92

+46 85 4581942 +46 70 6533239

[email protected]

list of wines on sHow and suggested retail pricetwo tracks sauvignon blanc Marlborough 2013 sek 169.00

lindauer Classic brut gisborne nV sek 89.00

lindauer Classic rosé gisborne nV sek 89.00

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Matua wines

From an old tin shed in west auckland to international acclaim, Matua’s name is synonymous with excellence. established in 1974 by innovative kiwi brothers ross & bill spence, Matua, meaning head of the family in Māori, is a true pioneer of the new Zealand wine industry. as the first producer of nZ sauvignon blanc, Matua helped to place nZ Wines on the global stage. today, the winery continues to surge forward being awarded the iWsC nZ Wine Producer of the Year 2012 plus Chief Winemaker nikolai st george collecting the air nZ Winemaker of the Year 2013 award. Find out more at www.matua.co.nz

winery contact detailsrachel o’sheaWaikoukou Valley road, Waimauku, kumeu, auckland

+64 9 411 5501 +64 21 854 765

[email protected] www.matua.co.nz

agent/distriButor contact detailsJenny erlandsson treasury Wine estates sweden birger Jarlsgatan 55, box 402, stockholm, 111 45

+46 8 6969600 +46 70 4914914

[email protected]

list of wines on sHow and suggested retail priceMatua Pinot noir Marlborough 2012 sek 99.00

Matua sauvignon blanc Marlborough 2013 sek 89.00

Matua organic sauvignon blanc Marlborough 2014 sek 100.00

Matua Pinot noir Marlborough 2013 sek 119.00

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oyster Bay new Zealand

the philosophy of oyster bay new Zealand is to produce fine, distinctively regional wines that are elegant and assertive with glorious fruit flavours - wines that drink well within a year or two of the vintage, yet possess the balance of structure to reward cellaring. oyster bay new Zealand is owned by delegat’s Wine estate limited, one of new Zealand’s largest family owned wine producers - passionate about new Zealand wine for more than 60 years.

winery contact detailslois dongray-JonesPo box 91681, auckland, 1142

+64 9 359 7300

[email protected] www.oysterbaywines.com

agent/distriButor contact detailsseeking distribution in this market.

list of wines on sHow and suggested retail priceoyster bay sauvignon blanc Marlborough 2014 *

oyster bay Chardonnay Marlborough 2013 *

oyster bay Pinot noir Marlborough 2013 *

oyster bay Merlot hawke’s bay 2013 *

oyster bay sparkling Cuvée brut nV *

oyster bay sparkling Cuvée rosé nV *

* Price on application

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pernod ricard wineMakers

at the forefront of the new Zealand wine industry, Pernod ricard Winemakers new Zealand represents many of the country’s most enjoyed wine brands, including brancott estate, stoneleigh and Church road - both in new Zealand and around the world.

winery contact detailsJim robertsonPernod ricard Winemakers new Zealand, 4 Viaduct harbour avenue, auckland, 1148

+64 9 336 8364 +64 21 968 312

[email protected] www.pernod-ricard-nz.com

agent/distriButor contact detailskarolina lindholm Pernod ricard sweden arstaangsvagen 19a, se - 117 97, stockholm

[email protected]

list of wines on sHow and suggested retail pricestoneleigh sauvignon blanc Marlborough 2013 sek 104.00

stoneleigh Pinot noir Marlborough 2013 sek 135.00

stoneleigh Chardonnay Marlborough 2013 sek 111.00

stoneleigh riesling Marlborough 2013 sek 99.00

stoneleigh Pinot noir rosé Marlborough 2013 sek 99.00

stoneleigh rapaura series sauvignon blanc Marlborough 2013 sek 151.00

stoneleigh rapaura series Pinot noir Marlborough 2012 sek 171.00

stoneleigh rapaura brut Cuvée Marlborough 2008 sek 149.00

brancott estate Flight sauvignon blanc Marlborough 2013 sek 91.00

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rockBurn wines ltd

taking its name from the rock strewn, burn scarred landscape of Central otago, rockburn produces premium wines with intense varietal characteristics with Pinot noir being the main variety. grapes are handpicked from their vineyards at lowburn and gibbston Valley each with their own sub regional characteristics and are crafted into elegant complex wines with subtly added from new Zealand’s only true continental climate. a pure expression of Central otago in your glass.

winery contact detailsMalcolm rees-Francis Cnr gair ave & Mcnulty road Cromwell, Central otago

+64 3 445 0555 +64 21 832 021

[email protected] www.rockburn.co.nz

agent/distriButor contact detailsseeking distribution in this market

list of wines on sHow and suggested retail pricerockburn Pinot noir otago 2013 *

rockburn Pinot gris otago 2013 *

devil’s staircase Pinot noir otago 2013 *

* Price on application

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saint clair faMily estate

saint Clair Family estate is owned by neal and Judy ibbotson, viticulture pioneers in Marlborough since 1978. grapes were originally supplied to local wine companies; however a desire to extend the quality achieved in the vineyard through to the finished wine led to the establishment of saint Clair Family estate in 1994. neal ibbotson combines his extensive viticultural expertise plus Marlborough’s mix of climate and soils with the talent of one of new Zealand’s leading winemaking teams, led by Matt thomson and hamish Clark. aWarded Winestate nZ WinerY oF the Year troPhY 2010 and 2011.

winery contact detailssarina ibbotson32 liverpool street, riverlands industrial estate, blenheim, Marlborough

+64 3 578 8695 +64 21 151 1337

[email protected] www.saintclair.co.nz

agent/distriButor contact detailsMarie hultin sigVa ab brovägen 5, 5 tr., 182 76 stocksund

+46 70 8834972

[email protected] www.sigva.se

list of wines on sHow and suggested retail pricesaint Clair Vicar’s Choice bright light sauvignon blanc Marlborough 2014 sek 89.00

saint Clair Premium sauvignon blanc Marlborough 2014 sek 99.00

saint Clair Pioneer block 3 43 degrees sauvignon blanc Wairau, Marlborough 2013 sek 139.00

saint Clair Wairau reserve sauvignon blanc Marlborough 2013 sek 149.00

saint Clair Vicar’s Choice barrel Fermented Chardonnay Marlborough 2012 sek 89.00

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list of wines on sHow and suggested retail price continuedsaint Clair Pioneer block 10 twin hills Chardonnay Marlborough 2013 sek 139.00

saint Clair omaka reserve Chardonnay Marlborough 2011 sek 161.00

saint Clair Premium riesling Marlborough 2013 sek 99.00

saint Clair Vicar’s Choice Pinot noir Marlborough 2013 sek 89.00

saint Clair Premium Pinot noir Marlborough 2012 sek 109.00

saint Clair Pioneer block 15 Pinot noir Marlborough 2010  sek 161.00

saint Clair Pioneer block 17 Plateau syrah hawke’s bay 2013 sek 139.00

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seifried estate

in 1973 austrian-born hermann seifried and his new Zealand wife agnes first grafted vines in nelson. over 40 years later, and the seifried family now farm over 200 hectares across eight sustainably accredited vineyards in the nelson region. Wines are exported to 21 countries around the globe and all three seifried “children” are fully involved in the family business – a reason to celebrate indeed!

winery contact detailsMarie o’riordanredwood road, appleby, nelson

+44 1483 233 130 +44 7557 365505 [email protected] www.seifried.co.nz

agent/distriButor contact detailsJohanna ekbrant Ward Wines ostermalmsgatan 87d, stockholm, se-114 59

+46 8 511 698 30 +46 7 06330855

[email protected]

list of wines on sHow and suggested retail priceseifried Pinot noir nelson 2011 sek 149.00

seifried syrah nelson 2010 sek 149.00

seifried Winemakers Collection sweet agnes riesling nelson 2012 sek 180.00

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wicked wine

seresin estateorganically and biodynamically grown, hand-tended and hand-picked, the grapes from our estate are handmade into wines of passion, grace and spirit.

Man o war located at the eastern end of waiheke island, Man o’ War boasts a beautiful spread of coastal hillsides with high cliffs and stunning beaches. We first introduced grapes to Man o’ War in 1993, firm in the belief that world class wines could be produced here.

scHuBerta world search, for the ideal area with perfect conditions for viticulture, especially for Pinot noir, brought kai schubert and Marion deimling, to the Wairarapa, new Zealand.schubert vineyards are closely planted and the unique climate produces low yields and internationally award winning wines with intense and complex character.

agent/distriButor contact detailsirene adnell - Wicked Wineritarslingan 18a, tÄbY, 187 66 tÄbY

+46 85 4472353 +46 73 3449540

[email protected]

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list of wines on sHow and suggested retail priceMomo sauvignon blanc Marlborough 2013 sek 129.00

Momo Pinot gris Marlborough 2013 sek 159.00

seresin leah Pinot noir Marlborough 2011 sek 249.00

seresin rachel Pinot noir Marlborough 2011 sek 299.00

Valhalla Chardonnay Waiheke island 2011 sek 235.00

ironclad Cabernet Franc Merlot Cabernet sauvignon Waiheke island 2010 sek 299.00

Warspite Cabernet Franc Merlot Malbec Ponui island 2012 sek 265.00

dreadnought syrah Waiheke island 2011 sek 289.00

schubert Pinot noir 2012 #92503 sek 179.00

schubert Marions Vineyard Pinot noir 2012 #92504 sek 249.00

schubert block b Pinot noir 2012 #75091 sek 349.00

schubert sauvignon blanc 2012 #70236 sek 199.00

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spy Valley wines

the brand name ‘spy Valley’ is derived from the presence of a satellite communications monitoring station in Marlborough’s Waihopai Valley - a spy base. nine varieties of grapes are grown over 400 acres to produce premium fruit for spy Valley Wines. unlike the world of espionage, spy Valley’s wine has demanded global attention, where the wine has been called “impossible to ignore” and the company “among the planet’s 20 most notable new producers.”

winery contact detailsnicola Clark37 lake timara road, rd 6, blenheim, Marlborough

+64 3 572 9840 [email protected] www.spyvalleywine.co.nz

agent/distriButor contact detailsJohan lund oenoforos karlavagen 108, 8tr 115 26, stockholm

+46 8 6510995

[email protected]

list of wines on sHow and suggested retail pricespy Valley riesling Waihopai Valley, Marlborough 2010 sek 122.00

spy Valley sauvignon blanc Marlborough 2012 sek 117.00

satellite sauvignon blanc Marlborough 2013 sek 87.00

spy Valley Pinot gris Marlborough 2014 sek 122.00

spy Valley Pinot noir Marlborough 2012 sek 192.00

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gardo & Morris gardo & Morris - the family winery specialist. We are proud to present our own wines as well as some of new Zealand’s greatest family wineries. the vision we share with all the producers in our portfolio is a passion to create the best examples of the wines our countries can produce.

winery contact detailsben Morris113 Major hornbrook road, Mt Pleasant,Canterbury 8081

+46 8 4375 0053 +46 70 26 00332

[email protected] www.gardomorris.com gardomorris

agent/distriButor contact detailsben Morrisgardo & Morris ab, igelbodavagen 21,saltsjobaden, stockholm, 13338

+46 8 4375 0053 +46 70 26 00322

[email protected]

list of wines on sHow and suggested retail pricegardo & Morris brut nV sek 109.00

gardo & Morris brut rosé nV sek 109.00

gardo & Morris sparkling sauvignon blanc Marlborough 2013 sek 99.00

gardo & Morris sauvignon blanc/semillon, Waipara 2013 sek 99.00

gardo & Morris Chardonnay hawkes bay 2013 sek 119.00

gardo & Morris Pinot noir Marlborough 2013 sek 95.00

gardo & Morris noble riesling Waipara 2011 sek 99.00

Pegasus bay riesling Canterbury 2012 sek 159.00

Pegasus bay Pinot noir Canterbury 2012 sek 259.00

ata rangi Crimson Pinot noir Martinborough 2013 sek 159.00

ata rangi Pinot noir Martinborough 2012 sek 359.00

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* Price on application

te Mata estate winery ltd

established in 1896, te Mata estate is new Zealand’s oldest winery and remains family owned, producing internationally recognised wines exclusively from its hawke’s bay vineyards.

winery contact detailsnicholas buck349 te Mata road, havelock north, hawke’s bay

+64 6 877 4399 +64 21 774 399

[email protected] www.temata.co.nz

agent/distriButor contact detailsben Morris gardo & Morris ab igelbodavagen 21, saltsjöbaden, 133 38

+46 70 2600332

[email protected]

list of wines on sHow and suggested retail pricete Mata estate Vineyards Chardonnay hawke’s bay 2013 *

te Mata estate Vineyards Merlot hawke’s bay 2013 *

gamay noir estate Vineyards hawke’s bay 2013 *

Coleraine Cabernet sauvignon hawke’s bay 2009 *

* Price on application

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terraVin wines

at the heart of terraVin is a dedication to making exceptional Marlborough wines from superbly situated hillside vineyards. often there is a sweet spot on a slope where all of the elements combine to deliver a unique character; this is the essence of some of the world’s finest wines. Finding these pockets of land in Marlborough and giving them expression in wine is what makes terraVin tick. the founders of terraVin were among the pioneers of hillside viticulture in Marlborough, establishing several north-facing slopes that now produce grapes for some of new Zealand’s most highly rated Pinot noirs.

winery contact detailsgordon ritchiec/o 19 Conders bend roadblenheim 7240, Marlborough

+64 3 578 0436 +64 21 504 476 [email protected] www.terravin.co.nz @terravin_wines

agent/distriButor contact detailsoscar ekman Primewine group Frihamnsgatan 30, 115 56 stockholm

+46 70 9963504 [email protected]

list of wines on sHow and suggested retail priceterraVin sauvignon blanc Marlborough 2011 sek 119.00

terraVin te ahu sauvignon blanc Marlborough 2011 *

terraVin Pinot noir Marlborough 2011 *

*Price on application

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Villa Maria estate & esk Valley

a leader in sustainability, innovation and quality, Villa Maria is recognised as an icon in the nZ wine industry.truly exceptional wine made by passionate people encapsulates Villa Maria’s success story. For more than 50 years Villa Maria has created approachable food and friendly wines of premium quality from nZ’s winegrowing regions. Proudly nZ and family owned Villa Maria has a genuine desire to operate in a way that ensures resources are protected for future generations. an innovative culture and fearless pursuit of excellence is the reason Villa Maria’s wines are sought after in more than 60 countries worldwide.

winery contact detailsMary Winstone118 Montgomerie road, Mangere, auckland

+64 9 255 0660 [email protected] www.villamaria.co.nz

agent/distriButor contact details for Villa MariaFondberg & Colinnégatan 87d, stockholm, s-102 53

+46 8 555 292 00

[email protected]

agent/distriButor contact details for esk Valleytryffelsvinetrådmansgatan 88, stockholm, 11329

+46 8 33 20 40

[email protected]

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list of wines on sHow and suggested retail priceesk Valley sauvignon blanc Marlborough 2013 sek 140.00

esk Valley Pinot noir Marlborough 2012 sek 149.00

Villa Maria Private bin east Coast Pinot grigio 2012 sek 119.00

Villa Maria Private bin dry riesling Marlborough 2013 sek 111.00

Villa Maria Private bin rosé hawke’s bay 2013 sek 119.00

Villa Maria Private bin organic Merlot hawke’s bay 2013 sek 129.00

Villa Maria Cellar selection organic sauvignon blanc Marlborough 2013 sek 119.00

Villa Maria Cellar selection Pinot noir Marlborough 2012 sek 149.00

Villa Maria reserve Clifford bay sauvignon blanc Marlborough 2013 sek 149.00

Villa Maria single Vineyard templar organic sauvignon blanc Marlborough 2013 sek 179.00

Villa Maria single Vineyard taylors Pass Chardonnay Marlborough 2007 sek 199.00

Villa Maria single Vineyard seddon Pinot noir Marlborough 2007 sek 299.00

Villa Maria estate & esk Valley

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yealands faMily wines

new Zealand’s Premier sustainable Wine Producer. our grapes are nurtured in some of Marlborough’s harshest growing conditions - low rainfall, high sunshine, cool nights and high winds, where excellence in environmental practice drives every aspect of vineyard management. our commitment to sustainable land use is echoed throughout Yealands estate wine production in a world leading carbonZero certified winery; creating wines of premium quality and purity of flavour in complete harmony with the environment.

winery contact detailssimon kelly534 seaview road, blenheim, Marlborough

+64 3 575 7618

[email protected] [email protected] www.yealands.co.nz

agent/distriButor contact detailsnigab energigatan 12, box 10296se-434 37 kungsbacka

+46 10 762 43 00axel Forssén

[email protected] www.nigab.se

list of wines on sHow and suggested retail pricePeter Yealands sauvignon blanc Marlborough 2014 sek 99.00

Peter Yealands Pinot noir Marlborough 2013 sek 119.00

Peter Yealands riesling Marlborough 2014 sek 99.00

Yealands estate single Vineyard Pgr Marlborough 2014 sek 129.00

Yealands estate single Vineyard sauvignon blanc Marlborough 2014 sek 119.00

Yealands estate single Vineyard Pinot gris Marlborough 2014 sek 119.00

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crossroads winery & tHe crossings crossroadslovingly crafted small parcel wines from hawke’s bay For over 20 years, Crossroads has brought wine lovers the very best of small parcel hawke’s bay winemaking. Crossroads has six purpose-designed vineyards in selected sub-regions of hawke’s bay, including four in the gimblett gravels. these vineyards shape the essence of Crossroads wines. all Crossroads wines are crafted with passion, expertise and unwavering dedication to quality – from the benchmark Milestone series to the reserve level Winemakers Collection to their signature wine, talisman, with its secret blend of varieties known only to the winemaker.

tHe crossingsWith vineyards established in 1996, the Crossings is one of a group of pioneering awatere Valley winegrowers. the awatere Valley’s low vigour soils and dry climate produce grapes with intense fruit flavours and a delightful minerality. our name comes from the location of the ford used by early settlers to cross the awatere river. the river forms a pristine southern boundary to our vineyards. these superb vineyards are at the heart of our endeavours. We take our inspiration from the outstanding natural beauty of the land and have an abiding commitment to sustainability, which infuses every aspect of our craft.

agent/distriButor contact detailsgiertz Vinimport abblasieholmsgatan 4ase-111 48 stockholm, sweden

+46 8 21 83 88www.giertz.se www.giertz.se Fredrik alander, [email protected]

list of wines on sHow and suggested retail pricethe Crossings sauvignon blanc awatere Marlborough 2014 sek 109.00

the Crossings Pinot noir Marlborough 2013 sek 139.00

Crossroads Milestone series Chardonnay hawke’s bay sek 139.00

Crossroads Milestone series syrah hawke’s bay sek 179.00

Crossroads Winemakers Collection Cabernet Franc hawke’s bay sek 229.00

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new Zealand winegrowers europe office

5th Floor, new Zealand house80 haymarket, london, sW1Y 4te, uk

+44 20 7973 8079

[email protected] www.nzwine.com