'tíhmtt 1**XVfl:\·· N<> l4'ßJ NEW-YORK, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10. 1887. PRICE THREE CENT& MR. GOSCHEN ELECTED. RUMORS OF DI88ENS10NS AMONG THE MEM¬ BRES OF THE CABINET. WILL MR. GLADSTONE SIPPORT ??? PLAN OF CAM¬ PARÍN I HBBâTB ON THE PAKNELL AMKND- ??.??. LoNiKiN, Fob. ti.-Mr. Goschen, Chancellor of (he Ko»«·hciuer, was to-day elected Menilier of ISirliaineut for St. Geor*;eV, Hanover »Square. The. «.ote stool: Mr. Goschen, 5,70. , Mr. 1 luyeran ? '.Gluilst ontnn, 1,545. At the last otMtloa in this district Lord Algernon l'eicy, who resigned iu grddr to allow Mr. (Jeeohea to run, was returned a il lumi oppi .liti..n. The Cabinet held a session of thire hours' dura¬ tion today, and ìuniors uie «iineiit that di-sen- ntnis lia.e deT«tof*d BBBBBf the Ministeis. '??? pressure which Bll William Vcrnxin Har¬ rt int unti OthAt Liberals lave excited bo induce Mr. fllartatnao to reCrala fraa_ uoBB-itttlag himself to approval of the l'lan of Campaign oounloracU- the l'ani« llitib' appeal to liim to conic und s-ienk in favor of Mr. l'ariiell's amendment. Although it is ir 'bable that a division will bo taken on liida.v, Mr. (¡ladstono is still undecided, if he (onlin'íes absent the Government whins are eotilidcnt of 110 majority. They cxjiecu to havy the support Of all the Cnionists, mil they believe that Mr. (¡ludst ?·· himself abetal nlBg. many of his ft.lliwers will not vote. The Scotch liberals will 1 ave Mr. Chamberlain to take what initiat've lie ileas.s in the matter of the Crofter bill, the party not ? Î «ì_ iiir ibs support. Lord IlartlagtOR und Mr < lianiberlaiii conferred for two hours this nfleriK'oii and it is believe.1 that they tlecidcd to supporti the Iii».li proposals indicated in the Queen's speech. .lohn Motley, epeaklag Bl SeWToatle t"-ni",ht. s'il the (tnservative-Liberal union was crumb- lia_ avvny. There hud ban» no ree« il of toimbir opini,? OB the Irish <?_?·»11.·?; the Honie Rule tide was loarlag slowly but steadily. Lord llart- iik.tsin's latest Bpoeeh, ho ccntiuuod, revealed («nullité imp .tonco in the face of a difficult problem. The questi m was: "What are we waitim. for?^ Ireland was admittedly orderly In many parts, and t-urely the time was opportuno to satisfy her wants. Even if l'avlinm.nt adopted the Canadian scheine for Ireland, such a cmir»e would not be less liberal than ..nit of Mr. (¡lad¬ et one. Waltet Stowe ??iírlit McLaren (Radical, mem¬ ber ior the Clawe div i»ion of Cheshire, resumed the debate la 1 lie Home of Commons this aftei- ROOB on Mr. I'artnH's aril.-ndmenti to the address in it'i lv to the Queen's speech. He defended the lnsli National LeOffOe'g 1 luti of Ceaapaiga. lie BbM it iiivolvitl tv thin'' but holding bach from tinte,is',nab].· lundi· rd0 tenvorarily the reiibs they claimed, which at the worst was merely a tech¬ nical violation of the cons; irncy law. Mr. Me¬ lili.? de; Intel that) the relief obtained by the tenants under the l'lan of Campili:.'? hud mude the latter a »itliiabk· aid to the (¡overnment in Iot·; tnif the peace in Ireland, nn.l said that on tins tvotunt ni ne the (ioveiniiient oth-lit to eeaaire at the Bueot-ea of the Mas instead of ut- teinptitur to crush it. Sir Jàl.vard licor.«· Clarke, Solii'ii<>r-G«-neiul. rniitended that the l'lan of Catnpai.n was uc knovled ed by e cry lnwyer of repute t>> be illégal and a conspiracy, -he action of the Court Of the Queen's Itench in Dubtta a ainst .lohn Itili ? for Ins niritation in favor of the l'lan was constibiiti·,nal ai-cordiivr to le-al practice. Mr. f buhe bIbo denied thai the chargée that the landtade had beea puiiiy of crueltjr la e»i (i iba had been pro» e I. It these chan.es were true· why «TAO it that the Bgtt-tfea in favor of the l'lan of Campai ? was rollai si nul Tiie .lt«tinn w. s dy lag beeauet it had beccate clear to the leaeabi lliit I Ley had been made the in-trtinients Of an a itati'n which pre· ente! them from aeeepUag the uidiil eut ten. s the ladlords offered. Mr. Clarke eceueed the Uberai leaden of supporting lir, l'unell'o Batead-wat, aot becaaee they a¡>- proved of the Man of Campai, n. but In order to defeat the efforts of the (iovernment to restore order in Ireland. The (rn.fi oiiHdib, however. would, he said, main! all ? law and order in líe¬ la n. I : they would do this if possible by the opt ra¬ tion of the ordiaaiy law, and if that «hould fai] Iiiiliaiiient would be BBke to ameni it, and if l'arlii'iin· tit should refuse to do that l.hfn the Goveinmeiit would leave «.liters to adinini ter the affaire of the country. If, on the other hand, railiain.nl would ecnflrui the ? liey adopte l by the Iioveminent. then the Government would «le- fent the Nat* naiists and brlag coateat-teal bo the people of Ireland, [(heeis.) On motion of Mt. Redmond the debate was at this paint ad nuinod. TRYING TO KK.'.P OP Tin: WAR FEVER. BOI ?.???.?? SAID I«) Bl PRBFABIRO l'Oit A MOVE¬ MENT IO Till EKONIiElt. Baal iv. Feb. !»..Tin· litilimr Xiuhrirhtrit say« I! ha» authentic i'i fui ina luti tliat «'encrai linn lu tiger, the French Matter of War, is prepartaf for a utoreeiaal of troop« to the caaBera ffeatter. lour butt a lions of ? titani ry are togn to Verdun lini ?.nil, and quart« is are beim.* pre put o,1 to n- Beregtbeaa Abrlaadauaf eara.rr win alea gata Verdea ?.I fia« Idea I talea 19 Toni. Four battalion» la Algiers have been uni ici to France, (.eneml Boulanger ha« histru-'ted tba Military Railway CBamtttea «a reátala in ?trataaead teottaa. The MmthHtkbtn adda: "Partead- vice« »taie t'iuu, owing to urgent r. preoeatatlena ay in» BoBaap ma deaerai Boulaagor h m peetpano ? laaatag um ¦dan f >?· tiiesc neraaaeate eatll Pbbreary -i." IhoJTardt OaraMM OeatMe, »»itliout eoameat, «jaetea prominently the statetinut of tin: Hrrlinrr Xwhritlitrit that Qeaeral «ea MoHho Éoabnef to aeepataUeoef electors that the politic»! «ituiition «a. mo.«t atrio.is. P.lii»n»SK. l¿iiceiislatnl. l'eli. !).-'lriler» have been re reived here re, e'ill.v frnn different polut» tin the Coiill- nent of Berope for au appagate of ??,??? catee of l-illlliCil ???'.?'? CATUOL CS AND THE GKI.MAN ELK( TIONS. THE ( LBRQT POBBVBBBB ?? AOITATR AQAIRBI TBB IBPIBBBATB Hill. Hi.ki.'s, IVI. ??.-The lt.iiiiMii Catholic Hlshoji of Llnt- httrg. in lle»»e Nii.huu, Prussia, hu» forbid.leu the tlergy of hi» ilMcite ta take part In any agitation agalh«t the lapBaaaate I.UL He déchires that in view «if the recent note of Cardinal .lueotuui givlii- expn »»ion to the l*ui»e'» wish that the Cathnlie» of (lerm:iiiy help the paaMonol the popaeS ii-»i»ilng Prince illsniHiik at curry his bill and thu» securing hi» ti-ietid»hlpaiid inlliieiice. the ne»vly- ficcicl meuherof Iba Coatte paît) ta the Relcbttaefor l.liiibiii t! must not lie impetletl by anil election pledge» froin «a. lying out the wMbaeol the V'uliciin. Iti» beli.» ed that all the other «ieruian «uthollc Hialmp» will pursue a cour-c similar to thai of the Hi»hop ol Eliul.ui'g. The Mtiliich Allgrmrinf. /sitimi/ piiblishea Cardinal Jt.cttiui','.·) Utter to the Nuncio at Munich. It dated January .1. The ( unliiiiil »ay· that iu »lew of the Im¬ pending revision of the (.'hutch law» the Pope desire» the Centre to support the ?????ß???? hill lu every peOOMo way and conci idea : it well known that the Ooveriimeiit attache· the great¬ est ini|toriaiit e io the passage or the bill. If by Re adoption it ???????.? l.etoiuid l'UMible to avert the .langer .if war ? lie ruar luiure. lb. ? e,.in woulu remiel' a gnat torvtoO to the lan.erai.d ami to the cauae ol huuiaiillv lu Europe bv »up- lE-VS-â?.--! ? " _S '",""' ·"" ',;<· »'»"ine itititiirte of iutn. turé ?"«,? '___·_«"»·;';·¦·*·'»oooMtoOo. and the dtoeoto· 5W_&tí__ffi85M_r5r üiuu·" ·-·-""· »"" "- Cardinal Jiuxtblnt lustructa the Kun,.,0 to ur tbü leader» of the Centre to tuflneticethelrcolleague» In favor the Septennale, and to uesure them thai »uch a course would gre illy satisfy the Holy Father. The Xorth (Irrmuii tituettr acciutee Dr. WlndUiortt and Hai un Frankenatolo of keeping eeoret the iirst letu-r froui Ih.· Pope. »»Ime exerting pu-sir», ?,??, tboCOBAAl to vote iigiiiu»! tiie Boptaaaata Ilto Cologne Utiztttt su ? « It believe» Die (iuveriiiuent bad eoutldcutial, nut mil, ,.i, kiiuw.eil.e of the letter, ami ta.a it «? bocaiiae thu Centre le.uler» witliheli the lettor from the p.nty lUut the Papeaaaaad Oanllaal JaeoMal to write a note to _ie ? melo ut Munich selling forth the VMbaa of the Holy riee re»pecun^ tue uctiuu of the C'euire pai ty ou the Bop· tonnato mil A new ( Hthoiic paper ie a1.out to appear in Berli*i. It will be the organ of that »ccUon of the (.'cutre party Which i-i.jtlK>l'Ut the liuvt'llliiirUl. ? KWH NOTES PROM LONDON. Lusi-is. Feb. 0, 1887. Revive Hoiisiat ?·.? OiitiiAM.- «ieiiuuii m-em» are Hie 11 y cinjiliiytsl ptirebaelug hoi». » lu Voi k.shlic. .yuxcit" ox Tint Irish qcpjition. .PMadl publlahei a rarbxiii on the Irteli (i-catión, 'the picture lepri-acuto Mepldsioj h«l.» a Fenian llciul, cui rying a pouch of áyaaudte, und, with a wand labelled ·¦ Amerlcau vote," Mlrriug up the autora ot ttrlfe, nauielr, tlio Babiug und· over which tbe Uniteci Btotea aud England are leputing·. eroui uispu INCIDENTS OF Til ? CA/iMVÄL. A DAY OF ßPORTHNU ON THE ICE AND SNOW AMERICANS IN MONTREAL AND WHAT ???? ARK DOING. Montkkai, Feb. 0 [9amUH Tarn change ia the I weather to-day ae compared with that ol yesterday had a marked eftect upon the spirita ot citizens and visitor·. The nioruinir opened clear and bright, every one waa In the heat ol humor, and the streets from an early hour were pivcked with pedestrians shopping and sightseeing, while the " cabidos " did a prolitalile trade with those who dentred to see the whole lows· The Uovernor-Ooneral Boni suite viaited the lumb'-r- nien's camp where Ihev were initiated into tin- mis¬ ten.·- ol backwoods lile ; the exhibition gallery of the Art Association oi Montreal, its antipodes, and various other places ot interest. I.onis Itui>etistein. of Montreal, won the laiioy skating chiiiiipiunaliip this morning. Tbe alternoon was devoted to wHoeaaJBa the carnival snow shoe rice.« in which soino good records »vere made. The trotting ran·» at Potai st. Charles were largely attended, ¡tinnii 15.0(H) people being present. The first race was won bv (lieslniit Hill, owned by Henry Swilt. ot C/urheo. who won three out ot four beata, 'l'ime, 3:44. lite second nue tor the 2:3U class had six entre», and was won by Liitlo Vic. owned by ??????????t Hunter, ot Carlion, Ont. Time, IMI!·. The drive oi Hie Con¬ tractors' t'litb took place thia alternoon and WM M itiiiuciiac success. The mcinlicr« paeoed thiough the piteetpol aireóte mid everywhere WON gicetcd »\ith rousing cheer.«. There were alee tolioggiiinii,.' race» at the park slide. Among tbe American vi-iior» in tlis city not hitherto menlioiicd are Thoiuaa ('. Acton, ot New-York; Assemblyman -Howe, Colonel Itici·, Çrivale secretary ol the Oprato08 ot N.w-York: ? (iinas Nast, Thomas Nasi, jr., W .1. Arkell, Benefit (»illam, .lohn Sleieher. F.ditnr of " The Albany Kvciiitig Journal." Albrick 0. Mann, president ot the Boa Boooh Railway. Itrooklvn: liicliard S. Wewtomibo ami Mrs. Nea-i oiitlie. Frank Allen, of lite Astor lions·-; Sir William Curry, ol Newport ; Mayor Hulkclev mid wile, and J, 11. and Miss Root, ot II art lord ; afojof Robert T. Creamer, I'nitid Stmes ?????. Member- ci the press art- the guests ol F.rastns VViinan and are quartered al ft private Basami in Sherbrooke-aï. ilit- chief feature of the candial w a.» Ilio tefcbUcbt inn ?--imi ut anowiboora ami the BOaauli on tin« Ico palaci· which caino off to-iilnlit. Mich a ciowd of people has pioimidy lievci- been »ecu together in .Montreal before, Nine¬ teen hut died si "w »I m is ¡is«cinbled cu the iiii'iiiitiilli. and they niarcl'cd down the winding path». Ictiinir oft Human en ml les I bey in inched. Arm ed 111 I luminimi Hqiiiire.tl:··!' sin: ??. e. tin* lie palace and tile attack ?ßß ir in lied ullll vítor by the garrison inside, mid fur nearly rait nn hour ? »lullt such as probably ? o«t of the visitors bad rarely, if ever seen, for beam ? and inumidir was presented. Revotai ot Ike ?ßμ???ßß· stated to lati Tkiiiunk correspondent t!,it this sieht aleño repaid them for coming to the carnival. The defender« having capitula,ed with the honor« of war, tue Hnowshocr» repaired to 11.e Ojiei-h's tiaiia. where a Beowehoe ronoerl waa bold, ? luce iiHil exploaloBa look place In the lea palai c, leverai persons being inured. THF. MEXICAN CONSUL-OENERALSHIP. MI!. PrOICfl MAKIS A VKiiiliUlS *-1???.?? M-IHK BKIKIWICK AFFAIR. fnr TEL".iitii.p:i t? na t??????.J CiTYOfMkXICu, Feb. O...'The Two ?? pul,In ' ??-? 'paper piibli«hed the lolloping thla niorning : "A lei.-giani puiiiislicd this mo.-Qing lrutu Washing- tou, stating that the name ot K. C. More, as ? ? ? ted States ('«uaiil-Ccncfal to thla aft·', bant been sent to tbe Senate, eoiifirins tbe rumor of G???-iil-li. in t.il 1'orch's rcn.oiul mid chronicles thu dOWafall o. another ot I ml·· Sam's sen ants tor doing bia plan duty. Mr. Poreb waa seen bv a reporter and slm\ ? the'telegrain. ' Well,' ho sanì, I bave bee! OSpABrt* ing tins loi some time. 'Ibis is tin- lit -. t that 1 BOTa Inaili (it m\ ?08???0?*8 lumi« having ae'tni ly 1»··? li Bent in, but that some sellini ot tlii« kind wniud be taken 1 have knowu, or at any rate supposed, inr boom dai -.' " \\ bat led you to think »ol" "'The fiist pepili re infortì,¡itimi I luid wa« two weeks «go. Oi course, previous lo that li:i ··, I bad beard rituiors but t.nthilig innre. I then nciivnl a letter from Senators Vest and ( oekrcll. ol ini Stato, saving lhat OotlllBIJ Huyan! had told tli'-in be would rcuiove me on eeeoeato. inv aetioo oa tbeocooaioa ot Mi. Scilgwicks lull to lliis (ill. Tbe leitet enn- tiiuicd that it I wanted to reetjfu I could do so. the resignation tu take rib it April 1. Tbe BOSi ·?-*\ 1 received a letter Itoin BmBOtM Cm kicll asking lor a full and open account ot the whole buaineas. 1 did not fill that, in justi. e tn niy.clf and in ? In.-inla, I in 1,1 resign. 1 bad doSM aetblnj but what 1 ? dh-ì.i. ? ..I ¡m,i siili consider in ? duty. To toóla wmild h.i.e pliiced me iitider a cloud, so Ì wrote giving tali expraeaioo tu tbe disgraciai rifluii·. Aller thia I beard notliiug lutti,er until last Friday, w'.k·n M Ulster Maiiniug called Ob me with ? telegram he had icceived lrutu Secretary Fuyard in-irm-iing him to aoonrteiw ti my resiguatio.i bud bien lorwurdcd yet. I told MinUtei Manning that I knew no tci-un m In I should re-ign there were DO charges against tin- that I km v> ol. and loot eertotalv I aroold boi reeiga Baleni »uni·· good cuti-c for doing so could be shown me. A da;, ot IWO .-¡llciwunl Hr. Maniiing called a^ain with a telegram limn Coorotarj Boyard instructing Mr. Manning i" Infoi m m«· thai tbe rYetWeal desired my reaigoatinn l.y teleg ¡ijili. I again emphatically relnsed. The In Iiiinalioli 01 n.V s.l leOBBOl Is the remili, uhicli. M I slated before, I expected. Von see tlii» i- tbe "ii ? t l.ing tbev ( nu Id do, 00 tbe l'l< «ubnl (ill lici'hi r re- tiioie nor sunpelul while Un S mil.· ia in ses«nui.' ·¦ U liai aie \o (.'oing to do in the mutter !' * · Fight, igbl tn the bill.?.-ml. I have I.e.nun justly, and to s.-i > outing· ooal y. de.ilt iiithai.d I do not propose calmly to submit, Si cn-tary li.iy ini boi heard only one side of ilo- story, und h,?« n ¡used to ll*tea to the other, Mr. Sed^wnk had the Beeretarj'a car. ot coiitse, and told him. at he told \ ?·? \ i.ily elee, that tboetorjol odeboaitebwM bb ?,.?? ,^,,?μ lie, that I liad b lit my aid ti. Immillate. 1 tele gr..pi cd Scent n \ Bajara oneriti·» to gire reoaoaator mv couise in t! e malici. ?,??? abotf him eau-· « wbicb not only jiistil.id mi MtlOB but dictated it, and ofterod to piove ml Byeboroe· bboímI Bedj(wiea bj iitidcniable cviiii ne··. Mr. Iluvaid'i- only OBBWei a reqaeot, through a thitd p.uti, lot in.\ ic-igniitiiin. lie ?ß??? gave lue a elilinee, m.il BOW I propOM 16 give in»-· It a ciisi.c·' by imi li-hing my (as· to lln word, and allowing the public to judge ol ibi* jii«t- ne»a ot my cause. Kvctythitig in connection with tiie case will be made publie. K\ ervtbilig will si OW Bed| wick lip. Ihl'iiUgh the uuinipeRi-liable rvidcticc ct -,,i¡ iug residents ol Mexico, Amcticaiis «ad Mcxii an».' " AI'.liDST ufa WOMAN CONBPIRATOR Poplin, Feb. 0, \ woman bOJ bOOO at Kmtod here f if eonsjiiiiin,'eaoJaat tbeOoroimuent Bbeadrolla laal tbe waaaentby Kusslaus to cajole the loperior ofllcer» of tin- I.u II-'.u lull in in> into atn iii[illng to n\, ?, liinii the Kageaejr. LORD Iii'Nli.wi ? ? RCËI0XATI05. I/iMKiv. Feb. !». Lord Siillslinry has OMOpted the ? lAnOtamief ?>??? liiiiiraveti as ? ????·|· ObIOBIoJ ."ecnlarv Lord Duiir.-iven whs dlsconteut/'d becanae be wa» super¬ sede«! b^ Btr Henry Holland aa Colonial baMfOtOrj». TiiiKiwi.vti BObUn AT Tin: POUCX. i.vins, Feb. ??..Two booabewere ^?ß???ß?ß??ß??/ ei- pbsled to day in front of tlie poU08 hcinbpiiirleis in thla city. The bombs struck ugalmt the ????????»' and were thus prevented from expending tlnlr force aa the build¬ ing. At St. Fileinii-, tidily two miles sotilhejisf of l.ymi·. a IhiiiiIi was ihi'own at the police alHllmi. It exploded OU laide the 0008 but with BUfb force that linee of Ilie olbc^rs within the bulldlDK «rere seitoualy lii|inci|. KlCbl Bina have been attested for ¡.l.-ifed compili Itj In the l.il ter oui rage. A NFW OONOOCOafPAXT. Battaaea ». Feb. i». a ? ?ßß?μß? boa been formed for the eonstiiictlon of falliva} s m Ihe ( onci, Mate and Ilie a- fib- mint Of that territory. Deputy Hebaticr Is ]ue»ii|enl of the company. FNTl.l.TAIMNt; THF A.MFISK AN IAKIUNAIX. I'AKIS. Feb. a. Cardinal« InBOamToan und Qlbboaa will »tart for ibiine to ?????p???. ilieyliave lieen lecci.ed by Mr. McFatie, the i nited Htates Minister M. lnbre, the Canadian ( oiiHiil, and numi nuts other Amerl· an», and ha·.· bad a confeii-ni« with An htil»lmp Rtebord. ^ eater duy the) ooeepted an invitailoii to Oise wttta tLe Bnpi rtot of the fet. huliiice M-mlnaiy. lOUtê HY FIRM IR VARIOUê PULO! ·*. IiKlIKilT, Feb. il..Au Ktrnimj Journal ili»pati-h from Jackson, Mieli., says: "A lire occurred la the ha«cineiit of J. Ilucon «Ii Co.'s hard« an- «lore fit Chelsea last aigbt, About HMI jMiuuds of Kuuiiowdci' «loicd In lu- liio>cmciit exploded, blinilng nut the inside of tin· liuilding and bieakitiK the ||?08 In bliMks MO yards ay. ? ?????? wind prevailed and the entile town «a« threaien· d. P/oor stores were dlntloii'ii. Ixiss |23,·??) linlilalici· 8JS1J.IKXJ." lUi.TiiKuti, Feb. IV.Flic Ibis rooriiltig li stroved the lame 888088 bakciy of O'limiiell lirotheis on snnth liroailnay. 'i lie duiuiig·· to Imildlns: and stock ia pia· cd atifll.ixid, whicli la covered by insumir a Maiisiiui., Tex., Feb. Í». Th.* I'leslij lerlan ( hurcb and three Marea here were deMtoicd by tire yesterday. 1 he loa» laaHi.lHMJ; Insurance !j.4..'.llO. Hii' Mask, N. j,, fofa, <i. 'Hie buina on tin* farta near S(-abilght owned hy \V. !.. Tyson were bullied lnsl iib-hl. Mrs. hamuel A. fmOOTW is the tenant of the farm ut proa eut. Mime we#*k» ¡u,·,, »..,· ).,y »lack» were bui ned. Jiotli Urea were alerten Uy ¡JBOBOmlBanm. ?1???. HAl.UniSu IS WRit TIBOi M I. CllARI.l»T(.N, l>t,. (i iV/^-riu/ N. lulled Stales Sena¬ tor for West Vi.ir.nln yet. |. ,U(. ,,,,,,, Aesembly tt.-ili.y the yoto wna as follow» ('aniden Xi. Duviill Bw, Uro« ¦ 1U, Jjlihey ?, »catlcllliL.-, 1. ñOBIMITiOB l.\ fMMMMXLTAMSA. Haruisiiiik.. l'ciin. Feb. Ö.- In u,«* Hou«.· to day Ihe Joint rcaolution ¡iruvidlug for the tubtuiasiuii of the nue»- tlon nf a prohibition amendment to a vote of the people v. as read a third time and finally pa»«cd by a voto of 130 to «JO. " BER SECOM) ELOPEMENT. MRS. WÇST, AFTKIl HAVINO BKEN RECONCILED TO IIKit HI'SB.VND, BOB· OPP WITH HER LOVER. Run Hank, N. J. Feb. 0..Thore wa» conatdcroble et- cltetuent here In Noveinlx-r last »vhen It wa» found that Mr». B. H. West ha! elopett with Fred 8. Rockwell, a mar¬ ried mini. R tckwrll wa» manager of tho local branch of the New-York Tea Company, whose money he took with him. The pair were brought buck from Kanflae by de¬ tective» employed conjointly by Mr. Weet and tho tea company. Rockwell waa put In.jail, and Mr«. We»t went to live with her relativer After a while, Rockwell was bailed nut ami hail the Impudence to visit Mr«. Wett »tulu. then living with ber mother. Till« wa« dlaeovere«! by Mr. Weet, and ? party was organimi tn far awl feather the gny Lotharte, wno.hnwever.nianagcd to escape. After awhile th·· clamor of Mr. West's thiee children for their mother effected a lecoiioill.iîbiii. Tliev told their proper tyforSl.iMKi ami about two week» ago went to live In Ni'w-Voik, taking a house In N'liith-avc. near Ninetleth- »t. Here all went «iiionihlv until Monda», * hen on Mr. West returning borne he found hi« children, but no wife : tils., that the had .Iniwn the *1.000 from the batik, and In line that she hail olnjted with Rockwell the «ecowl tlmn und lied to Canada. the search ran tue tra is OOTLAWB, TRBSfl MEN IN ClsToDY Bl'SPBCIBU OB T"K RAVENNA CHIME. Coit'Mnr«, Olilo, Feb. !>..Tiie kennte adopted, by a aaaauaaaa vote, the joint laaalettaate offer a reerealef plO.000 for the .appréhension of the trnln outlaw« at Havennn. The resolution, after a long dlsctlsslnii tu tho iio'ise, weadefaeted by a «aleef 40 to 48» Pitt Smith, »» hu Badar er aal lier« geapoeoad of beins one of the men lm nanti· the a»«Hitlt on the ollleer», had niu.ther eonversntlon with Detective Humphrc-», of Cleveland, in which he stated that he received hi, In¬ jurie« tn a fight with one Perrv In t liquor «hop on Ht. Clair st.. Cleveland. Superintendent hentnitt. of Cleve- labd. trlev-ruphetl here that Snil'h's storv la eurrect d-d Hilvislng that be be relen«ed. A few mliiufe.s laf<r r-heriff Bawyer, of Cleveland, telegraphed that he did not believe tbt» storv of Ptiilth. nnd tisklng that he be held until hi« arrlvnl to.lav. smith le «till In cuatisly. He refti«ed to have his piéton taken and demands to be taken to Cleve¬ land. G?????????. Feb. 0.. Two men who arrived In this city from YotiniT«t<iwn, Ohio, yc«tcrday, have heen ur- rested for complicity In the Ravenna rcsctin. The men lite well dre««e.l uni givi· the mime» nf Peler lHiylOttlid 1 Intimi.« Towuncini. RESC IT SO A BUSH WOMAN, FAI.IINC, INTO A CnCAOO STREAM AND KLOAT1NO BAFBLT ??? BBTBBA1 BUMBA Cinco;.?. Fei·. 9 (.»/?-«-?'«?/?.. Tiie crowd uf people |tfl»slng «iver the Van Huron »t. bridge Hit« morning wen· borrirle«! by »ccing a »lightly built woman fall Into the river at thai i-rduL lisle,1.1 of Immediately sinking, the woman floated «thing with the current, which tniiisiiiilly »wift, txirne up bv her cannent», which were »pread over the water and kept tho »trugniiiig inni thoroughly filghtem-d woman from dlowtilng. l!iimen«e crowd« colle, tei 00 the \ an Iluten nul Adam« »t. bride··« »ni wnbhrd Ike BootIna furili ? íwept down the river. Jaataeahe na· bed Madiaon it, however, a Junk boot, run by u mim known ·· Brotty," reached her aad the ara« retraed un· eoaorloae ami tabea to aa otti.e la Praablfa-eb, wtiere te-turatii»·» wer«· admlnlatrred anda phyelrlan called. It was then dlacererod that »he »va« blind. Wbee »ho ro- cuvi leti she gave her name as Miss I.l//.le Font FATLVBBM A WD 9ÜMJEFMM TBOVBLBB CntCAOO, PoB. !·.- V r.oic» ili-pnti h fn in Temple, Ter., »ays: " The leu, pie ani (ine-ni,;·· 1'<unp.iii)'s n>o|iera- llve Stur·· »»as «old y etti! .1.1 V to I -««ItlL*. Ruufllthlll A Soluti,nit, of Ware, la peyaieaf of a «lebt to them. The il:iiiiii!ic«,ie placed al rron ??.???.0 B7Hjoofi,and aaeota that are available are put at leae lean gjfB.ooo Several creditori are oa tin· grouadaad Ihrealea atta, li¬ ment«, sr. Loira», r.!·. ?». Predetiek Walter * fon, randy manufacturer«, ma.'e an ..»«Igiiment for the bOBeltof theirerediterà tin« afternoon. AaaeU 933.0OU st. Lorn, ?·.!· '.».-a petttloe «rea Wed en« eflaraaee In the 1 Itiint Ctiint ag,ln«t the Charter «'nk Life Di»ur- aace Oeeapeaj aad the reratvern laaeh IP. Braekeeaad G. A St.iin.in. The plaint id- ,11, »,. [_,-(_ ,?,1|, y Imi fera n'itile·, -iiktin appointment of a rerelvei furti..· prop¬ erty of the romponi located la tbM «uy looking io the pinteiiluii or tini! Inter··«!«. UW.IIX. Fe't. !l tS/vrinh. -Th» «t Te of ?? Itine.» A llurrv. In thl« «itv, »va* OtBOOd l'i« munitili; ni, 1er rhatfid nv.r'cai·«·« beiti Itv Tetti. Weiler .V 00», .Mill« A «Utili·, ut Ni« torba aad aererai ni credi tora, to aoearo alala.? Hin,nil,II!,C li ubimi T.i.(MM). (iMiiii, i'e!>. '.? lipaitan. ? p. F P. Ptabar, the whoiu«,'iie leaf lobaeee dealer « bo fmiri laOoaaeB iiiuffs reatara.j. ii m Hod a tehadólo, hi« aanaM ooa.M >.f hi« «to. u ai.? ?.v, aa Hunt« aad aeeiagkle aeertj 131,000, HI» llabllltlei aatonat to 030.000 ?ßμμß? hi« eradRort are Km a in el Htogman A Sob, Roornwald A Km tber, and Well A Co., all ol New-York City, 'Unir claim» amount, reapoctlroly. lo B7.211, 90,430and ?1.23?. PEE1XMVLAB ???? ¡i OBOWl Ki Dori li. Del., I ib. 9. -I In- an ? nal meeting of the I'ctiln- . ul.ir I rut l.\. luuiL'e wa« hell her.· l.nbiy and largely attended by peace growera The iecretary*a repart »et forth Hint the operaÜOMOf th. Exchange :··! Hie la«t year had been leao pro tperoaa thaa trae aaUclpated, partly beeaaae of the Inferior crop aad partly becanee of laiga tup- in Now-Jaraoy and tbo \s.-t Baraaru'a Wharf. Kent < oiinty. Mi., was ».it «tei the ba-e of uperullnii« be· nise It pro nl« I tu li Iba 1.irire.t h entre. The e«iiiii..ti d iblpta. "i 850,000 baeheto froai Ibal point. however, dwindled dotra to 57,808. The everega erke pei basket waa &3'e orata. Tba blcheal price average«! by an im?» m ii «ell wa« Ofgrent» The inerUng ??· riiaaed at Ini lb the free prarh-haaket qneatl.made lieti ib.11 the pu.··· of beatela, Iveeeata, mi» hardly h,»v enough yet to warrant then- being atvea away, it win then fur·- retolvod Ibal inner« tun·] either retara.or pay f.: baakrU A. L llndaon waa rie. fed pi, «I but, U N. Brown an etarj ??. Bancroft treaaorer, aad aa aa eruiive <··.ill ee waa appointed to all a convention ol grower« t,· diecuaa tbe oevclopmeul ol aee ¦arketa etc, KSOCEED BEEMELEMi Bl HU- EATOB, telili ?-iti'Ki., Feti. !i lÊpttHuh Q P. Vu¡I.>»»e, «Ilp.llll- 1'ileiit of the « hautaiiipia I.alie lot I .impali», Bin! un active Hepul.li. an win k.r with a «tmiig ( iermaii follow· lap, has been c.inline.I tu 1,1» hou«« ,'nr tin da»« ami his face auarked for Ufa. Oa the a%bl af JaaaerySI owe, »»it. three frlaade, wae Mated in .. iatlthBi Id «t. bar room drinking in tr, when Mayor Pultoa aatered und irai invited by fellowa to (ola the pertp. Iba Mayor .ini .4 n // //s MTOBÌ ix OOUBT. ?? 11-m ?:.., leb. '.? ?.s/irrii ?. ¡. --The lira.lfi.nl divorce ea»«i came up t.. da» for ti lui before Judge Mtowe. Mr». Ilrad- fiuil a Mate« of Mr. Ituhl, of the iliygtail» Unti of Hoggs ? Kühl, nini Willis Bradford belongs to a highly raapeeted family of Bow-Brighton The goartraoai am erowiliil. mi the «ilm ¦« iiiinl Mrs lir idf.nd told h.r »tory. The couple lived together for two yens, alternate¬ ly at Bee Brlgbtoo aad Oread Bapahb Hieb. Her im« biniti, »he »uni, would sleep tinnì,g Hit il.iy, gii dl unk calli lb the evening ami ? tu nei »» ih bis el.dbe» oli, .un,pelili).' her lo mit], on the tbs.r. Once at lo p. m. he telted her, ami holding a knlfe ut ber heart, aererà he would kill lier ut midnight. Mie ?.« kept In lid« penimi» pusilli.? for over au hour when her haabaad waa over¬ come by a drunken itapor. nil /,·/ u // / /./. m> ? vi LOA ?/.? /'/or. Pun iin.l rillA, Feb. !». \\. II. Tu to. fatmtmì ?????? of the Raminole aad n_e B-preea « uiupany, tobt io-.lay that th. aa«ehaolnti ly ao tratb la the paliWahed leper! ..t Bm abearptlea of Mb eeetpaaybj Iba idaoM B-preaa «.un pati». 1 In le have bet n no m full, timi«, he suiti, and wereeaj aghra bb be BMdeby tba tdaaaa eoaipaay BMf would not lie eotisiicn il. i In· lialliitioi.· ami Ohio com¬ pany hi.» recently added I.flOft BllBM el railroad lo It« et¬ ilici«». « · ni ¡Uie lim en and ? tesi cul aim tiie ciuci liliali, linn,m. n ¡nul D.«» nui »? «ten,«! ami lu a -mut time »vili u b». ? li the blltlaoat of a nut bei nuli uai abu.il "Min mllca In leiiglh, the aaprrta liiiiiic-« uf »»Im 11 now halnlicd by tbe Adams company. TELEGRAPHIC SUTES. PKRfllANfl ORDAINED AS ?1?????? Dt » M·.im m it ?.. !.. in the ? battei ol n,.· i;nivct»:ty la«t night two Feralan atudeau, HertluaVaa .vioms and osiiuiu Van Jesu«. Mil· ?,?.lain· tu the unin»tri. Attiri» brief preach tig loin hi inibii this country I In y »III go to I ehcran. Fenda, m bai re ,·? lie arMUaa Iflaaioa. ..li'ICEK.s ur M'.iAlt i.ll.tt» I.E.«' < «..Wi NlloN. si. Em 1». lei. he b||.;.| irottcrs' Convenli»n elected the following irte, ? · proaldeol Noi.mn J Celoma rteo· |.1.·1??.??. I. .VE .·.. hllait/e, ol I- ..I llsvllle. II lieasurer. ?.. W. Ueuing ol Oowaer» urova, ? ?, «orratarr. B. OP» b «? :¦. KdwantavBla· PEOJ'LB ol DTPPSBBBT ??ß???, Pilli, AI ·? i-iti ». lei, !l S/t ciuf..-l'I.reo l|.|i..r deniers Jo e|. ?? Uni er, f. ..ms iiml i.ou « V o »te lue .1 :·')!· »U'I cii.-l» In ila» ?: .e. in.· lumi,, un -llll'U»'. The attiri.·!·'! » ».,1 It «as. lea and not wltlakey Ih« »¦ luid m>ld. he prose- culo:». I.··.»· v, r. « von et!,rl»l«e, lini J tuli,·' leouttu toni- polled Ih. m t.. ivy Ihe Une». .-I.I.kin.. ? DIVORCE PROM DB. T. O. POBD Si» .nui.».».«. I'.l, * 1\**?1) bini for ilinuce wu» lo· i'«V in«tl'u|ei li) Mi», l'ont agaUMl ber liusbuuil IT. ? '·¦ Knri. »ho »us H.-iilriies.l ou M.unlay lo «.tern year»'im- in ????????,eut ai htm lalMir for killing J. «'. hirkuttii u k. Ihe grouiitl un μ ? ? Hi.-, tiivoit ? »»»»? Hull in. l'olii la » l'uuvli t. BAianra titb pmicb op bail* CntCTBWatl,Boh.a TheWa»leral»all Aaa»litMa »? pie te ill.lt 111,:.tl» tin ellllg In liar Voleil III. 1II Until.»I ? that llltl WtoB ot nail» be alva.ro.1 lo f..·' an!, -:i amali« e ol 10 ««uta. PART OF CHICAGO FLOODED. THREE ICE GORGES IN THE CITY LIMITS. FACTORIES IN ÏUNOEIt-WKSTKKN RAIT.BOAr»S TROU¬ BLED WITH WAHHOCTH. l*T TELBUKAni TO TUB TRJBrrXlt.] Chica no, Feb. K._The southwestern portion of the city began to feel tho effect» of a dieaetroue flood this afternoon. Thin mornlr« there waa » heavy volume of water and rapid current in tbe ( bl'Ago River. Tito munii creek» and streams which feed tbe Hespía Ines* River West of Chicago broke from their icy beds in the recent warm ruins, and the volume of water coming into the C'hica_'o River from tho DospluincH River renden d UMlese the pumps at the Rriilgcpoit station, which consciiiiciitly stopped woikin,'. The w-wage, whi-h line thus been dlvertied from its untumi How into tho ranal, now finds Its way into the lake, hut from cb-ervutions made this morning it docs not extend nwe thnn half a mile into Lake aflefaJgaa where it then distributes itself north and south aim,' the western iihorc. This aflcrn'.on tin ico (.-orge formed in the south branch of the Chica »o River, ami diaajBjea] a inimbcr of vessels iiom their ?????????,'ß. 'Pic li« in UM river was so rapid as, |0 BmtNJ the cellars of the MeComki, ReajH-r j WoiUs, wild h are about ·©· feet fr.im the ri-er. Iha tunny latll mnnufai-ltiling establishments iu tin- Famnj^DOlhood were in great danger nil day. Tlie liuiss of ice, constantly increasing in size, ftomted down the river, c.'iirying ecrv thin.-' loose with it and sinnshiir,» docks. The sudden thaw, accompanied by the heavy mini on .Mnin'.iiy und Tuesday caused the' prairies northwest (,f Mie rity- to be transformed Into miniature lakes ami lh.· ditches to run like mill races. The rei;ion of Villa KiiL:c, northwest of the city, was oicrllowed to the depth of two feet. At Stil/er-st., in the north branch of the (hlca'-'o River, there was nn lot ironjc which datuiiied the ri" er, nnd Ihe low praiiie in that vicinity was coverei with about two feel of water. ? second gorge formed about three hun¬ dir I feet below tho l!i ltnont-a-e. l'.ridgc, and has raised the water so that It is nearly to the |O0g of the binine. This niiirniiu tlie* »utlmrUies OB8*Am*J tbe narrow channel and the water was given a vent, but all tie basements and cellars in the neLhlioihood weit» tilled. The third ani largeet muss of ice was eppooito I.ukcview. Ita breaking was linked f. r with inttcli nn\iety. A l'.ispi'ieli |o "'lho limes' from Annua, 111.. Baya; Ihe rain for tin· bt-t forty-ci-ht hour* ruis· d the wafer 08 tinnii in tbe Pai lìiver thi-.b yestei.lnv if was bafbet then it has been before for o\er twenty years. ? in* ice in tho rher. which w-ps «? | ward of Iwii'.y inches thik and ti"t at nil brilli·-, bepJM to mo about ??··?. 'Ihe ( ity Mtltl nt the cast end of Ihe dam in the east churn I of the rivet wer·· earned iiwcy, lie dumacc amount ini: t<» 110,000 on the mill and M-vcrai tboueand dallan oa tbe atock. The hi*- proni h to tbe Sortb-ava. wiigon bridge was eairied ¦«ray, ns was the bul.·.* ¡it ?·?tli Aurora." Thor· hue lieu ii, I lit:,s fr-Uli the Wist over the Illinois Centra] slice Monday ni^bt. a bridge at ? ?????' I Mil I'ciir.» wu-sbe I away. Til" North* uiM.cii irnin» inun ChiooitO went via lie Kalb, on count of bri.Ices being carried olT al ?: tin- lin··. Hiid lb·· Milwaukee mid >t. l'aul Malts went) a P nudalo .I way to c-.c.i|»· a break uf liavis's .'uii' t on. Near Ml. Mon». Oil the Chi BgO nnl bma rtaad, it is w portad twettty ktnxtba of rod ba c dis,·,? prore I. traina tram ibe Last baiae, Ute in conscfiiience. The bul..· ·? the ChliMaJO lluilini-t' ? ?? 1 Northern road at Milled 8 ill·· 81 .uni it lai-·· ¡«ni ?,? of the track is under a u'· r. The Rher I'it-in in Michigan was never so high ns it ha» broa su·" veatetday an et in»,». With Ibe water (litne un be ire rye wblh swept away ti,· Ifoeomb- t,. brid e Iaat evening. It was an iron «Mit· tu..· valued at 115,000, oad the princiial M u ?. '.. d .,n the Ire for a lime on I »a* secured to an naTjmOoat tr< e l»v BOOBO Inr.e Oamnmn» Later Iha iiniiis «reta broke· aad ih·» brtdfo onmh. ?????? Imuiscm were fleoilcd und BOVOAml people wen; iiscued with diniciilly. -1-a» 0V1 I.'l I.oU??? IN NI/iV-VORK STATE, till slliKAMs im-iaiiv un.II urn mm.s AM» IIKIUCI S ( Altlllll» AWAT. Lvoaa, ivi., tfpatimh..Melting »oowaod rain« oa Monday und Tomodof eau-cil tlie 111 ¦_' 11. -1 llood known in tlii» ri-L-ii'fi fur teverol war«. Tbe water began itotag ?.·»! evening .-nil before doj |hl bntoj waa aaveral lei I ,!,i j. in liisir.i.uN ami -In et* Main people Ht.- BBOh ( t.. eci m il,eu Booaea apt la boata. Booth of tata rtllaga tini ».uni» uf eerea "f lead «ere nnder leverai fut ui «rater und Ibe groouda of Ibe Agricultural burletj and extensive brìi u·. arda «ere mbnierged. I ,»111*111:. l'eli, ft i ili»|i.it'li frulli l'alili.» G t to Thr fui.,., «,../.!./.· ·1?>.'« ?? a - l'In· Mater coiitliilli d lo H-·· rii|-i.!ly l.i-f nlu-lit ood Hila nioriiltní. ami Ixitti tlu« ? i.il and th.- Vi ?-t H.'.ie tunk« wer.rendtOB (leptii of two feet Train·, wrn· delayed raoAdderanlf aad ni·· fu is-lit w.?» »lai··,t. Kollruad metí »ay It ibe Qoratfreabeteverfcoowohero, 'ilie avenue waa roa.· plrtely covered with water oad lee, impedlBa travel A purUoa of i:.unliait'« iniil ma» denmllahed. Ie*a»«jrmpb wires were litii'cti .low It ami one lit|,li.-e ea- can led a »a v. ¦Mie iellata ol II,e limi-e« III ìli·· ILhsIcI dl.Ill. ?ß?ß Mied wllli water an.l c.ni-lili able in-'ls-iiy was d· air·.» «·?. li aloway'· malt hou·· ?a aaveral feel under »ra_fr. The |oaa ? -tliniiicl at if I.ikmi," A fi'c.ici m iiirfarc water mane tin· tlowo trm-w on the ( 1..til. it·· t".i.l, near tin- |;|,I,_·,· rood, iin-ar.· till» m-mln,' nn tram« wite run both »eye on tho lip-track, ·· tra· k».d Hie Hour, b'Btertnwii and Ogdeoabur»; rood wile .le-tl"Wil llj III·· iia«iiinll at -.a III'·.·/.· lilla limn Infami pa..«¦; ? arerà Iriuwferrod tu Iblacttl troni tuoi ?·.,ini m vaaona, iiiittit, »ab. 0, 'I'll·· water In Tonawaoda Cerea io¬ li ·? reached apnlBl furtbei Unni Ihel ?.a. led in any ¦prlo« frealiel for »ear», llie »lllajre »treeta orere covered wiiii wnier iu aererai placeo. In anuol Ihlrtj dwelling ?.,,??. « m simili Libert)-st. the water w;.« rrotnuuetu three feet alune the arouud Boor, ami the laaabltouta »en- rearood with boato. ?? 1(1.1. li ??. '.? 1·????.??« III thla viciniti ?????* (lune «??ß? dan ».-.-, Ma· BUveï l.ake KmIrood luffered froiB .? bad »««li.iiil. At Uursiiw and Mixer S|ciiiu'« li'H·'· **erO it umiliteli und ???μ? » nini Mit« ?. r.. ?? ?_-111 into u«··. Ali traina in. tin- canni ??,.?? wen- a'iali'l.>l last limili· ????»????;??, Feb.ft ??·· calven a rolle eaet "f tins plan* waa waehed not by blub water laal iiilhi. Paaaeo· fen and baggage oo tho Central rood ¡o·' ttoneferred «t Una lxillit .. liAMAiii: DOVI HY HP.II wvn.i: CtCAVADA. M. l'AlIlMUMS, Ont, lele ft 'Mie old canal over¬ flowed su suddenly lilla iiuuuin^, BWlOg lo a ru»li "f «at er from Twelva Hile Creak, tbal the people UvtBatoalta bank« bad la Ilei· lo lilirli irioiiiid to «ave their live«, uii· klaaa'a iblpvord ami warbabapa are Baverai teat aadarwater. Tbe eater Bntorod ibe erjueeliIn whleh wet.· the -te.itnei» i'cr«ia un.I (K-i-an undergoing repairs, inni the w-.i ?.la I.ail ?.Mllttlod U> »BVa Incn. l'lic water one tier iiecii in .Sinn»'« warebou·*, where an Iniuienac I'U.uitlty of lloiir la atntcil, and Ills lo.-s will lie heavy. LuatMM, (Hit.. Feb. !>. 'Mi·* no: Hi lirnlicti (if Un· liner Tiuuiiea boa agata evetwowed it» bnmba, aad aaarlyall tin· house» m tini aaiilbaia ead of boulon Wist an Hooded, «nine of tliem to tin· depth of three feet. Tin) moving tee baa aeotroyed a port.f tbe »oil ot Hi« sulphur HprlDga building and elan about nit) reel or Hi« i,n iUw.ii. r betweoa the, ?.?.?· arriara aad a>Bnlngtoo Btnfafaa. ._..^_^... rsrijre t<> ìwjwdui ir trmurarob compart. FJoavoa, i.ii. ?? \MpAHaH. Heaiy ·'¦ lheeaae, aiiu· ihoiii|isoii, »a· ajtoetail in raaibrtdaaj today oa « abana ot Iiumiik aoaoaliad with otba· petaoaa **eht>ead ??? I mated Males .Mutual Act lUciit ???? ialioii of New Voile out of if.\<MM.. ( hallea ft Kioat. of North All dover, aad Waiter Pa. Bray oad kukcii« i- Baaadaro, of IheUea, mo also in ciisiody on euaplcioli of belila Xammonfa accoinpllcc». Mary l.eoiiar.l, who It »up'siacd had l8B18tbla| to do wltli the 8088, Bl nilsaitiK. l.all) last siiuiiner llioiuua, Irosi, BfOf i'1'd :-auinler» decided to try a plan for ??.-.????.???? Iba Aceliciit ?ßßß- ??.???.???. Ihoinaa secured a lilauk applieali"U and i -alindera llll.d iu the ne.casary utinwcrs to Interngm· toil··» eoiiceinliij» his health alni «cliiual colniltloli. A policy lot ff.'i.iM.o wa» taken out. Bad Nl:"'>' l.eoniiKl, who posed Thouias's lntcmlcl wife, was inaile the hciieilclaty. Two naaeasiueiita wore paid, lialafieoibai to P/nol aad Iboaaaa went down to Uoverlj .·· aeo ibe aloop Majraower. wbloh wee ui'.mt t" au loto wlalor qiiortora. Tbev bind o boat 1er a iooj m Ilie liuilior ami bile ul iiMliI Host retiirncl 10 I lie town unii li-'iolte.l |la..? the lioat had capsl/eil and 818 coni pinion nini liciti.unwind, uu ( iciohef'-' Mary l.eonaiu lelcLTiipheil to III« »e. rotary Of the tiiauiiini« OOmpBOJ eUluilng tin* In,man, .·. After u Ion« »cucii ??ßß??? waa [Olllltl loUuy. nMRMJL\ IJT/J rWTRRARM II.Mtfilslil In., Prim . ??·?·. 'J. At today'» »eaalon of the (.t.iii.1 Army of Ihe l'.e|.?.lille Mate llnciiiiipincut MaJ"' t-aiiiuel iliitpei-.of G????.????. wna deelaied the choice for liep.iilinelit l ou.uniliilcr, and (oliiiaiie liutle·.-·? UlUle- ion. (oi fi nun \nc iiniLi.il. 1er. I niipl.lii Mjjie» wtt· n. di. d. Allentila ?? wa» »ele.I. .1 ¡he jiliiie foilhe m .\l " man piueiit. IbO Woni.-n · l»üll«r Corpi, an auxiliary of the Grand Army or the Republic, held Re annual meeting to-day and elected Mr». Abhle Lynch, of Pittsburg, president. The corpa ha« gained 2,743 member» duriug tbe poet year and le lu a flourishing condition. PANIC IN A HOBOKEN ELEVATED CAR. THF CABLE GRIP BROKE AND THE CAR RUSHED TO¬ WARD THE FEKRY, BIT WA8 FINALLY CHECKED. There came near being a eerioue accident on the elevated railroad in Uoboken last night. The c»r that left the ferry at 6:20 o'clock wa» about * half-way up the eteep Inclino leading to the Height», when tbe grip broke and the car »tartod toward the ferry. There were 130 passenger» on board and they became pani.-etrlekeu at once. Several of them tried to Jump out of tho car. They would »urely have been killed, as the track It over a hundred foot from the ground. The gripiu.in, Mlchuel Whaton, and the conductor, Samuel lal ununison, could do nothing to »top the ear. But Com¬ missioner W. F. Kern, of Jersey City Height«, »tiocended in making the brakes work and »topped tbo car. lie also quieted the frightened people. A terrible accident wa» avoided, there would have J been great lose of life If the car had gone unchecked to the ferry. ALLEGED DEFALCA ¡ION IN BOSTON. INVESTIGATING THE ACCOCNTf» OK JOHN C. ?.?.???- T«»N, FORMER CLBBB OP TIIK CRIMINAL COCBT. DOOTOB. fab 0 I ITpMlllI) ft was reported to-day that John OL l.clghton.'wbo in December resigned the office of clerk of the .Municipal Criuiiual Court, was a dafaulinr to the aiiioiint of fBOO^OOO, Mr. Leightou baa .served twenty year» when he gave up the noalt'on, and hi» friend» were niiich BBrgBtOOd at hi« retigli.toon. About ti at time It became ktiitwu that lilt accollati were but correct, imi when asked allant ? by tbe )??·1»«ß Mr. I.elglitun ¡tdmltte.l that »tich waa the fact, but »aid that it was .ytril.ut ii ¡c only to iialnteniioii d error» on u » part, and be aa« ready, when the auointt w.i« atcor- taino·!, to ui.iko the -1 ¦-ft--1·-·*··>- goni. Au expert wa» then employ«! by tlis Judge», nut It will lake a lone time to a-t ··« .en whether Lie shnrtsre aiuoii'it» to a aull.eU.-ut »mi to ni» an un Imititeli criminal intent on the puf of Mr. beigli: ti. No proceedIn.« against hiui hive yet boeu in·.·?.?·. 8H »u«ploloii«, witliotit »etnl proof, bate not yet been r«eognlzed by tbe courts ne eonVlent foundation f.u arrest. When the rumor» were first clrnu'nt*.! about Mr. Lelgliton, hi» financial eouditliii was a t<iplc of «?«·??·- .Inti. an I It appeared upon Impilry Ibtt for the loot ten year» he ha« been one of tiie heavie»t mort<uge operatore In lioston. ani his triir stintimi» r-nressnt tbo BOO of a large amount of money. He ..«.a·»., ? fur HLOOO, the «m uni which be invriied In real ettat» mortgage» being exempt by law. It wbm nn unoo'oiuiiii tniug for Mr. Lei« litOB to lend PSOìOOO or §28,000 on reul e-tate, ami within a week or iwo, wbilc 'he mortgage» were Iu force, to lend an e.piul amount <>u oilier tea, estate. Ills move¬ ments h r to bare been conti ei tu piopertv iu the Hack Hay. One duy In Jul». Ih.-i I, be lent *·8,00? eacn upon five .tIRrreiit pieces of real estate. Hie in ungaci,r» lu n au» m«»« were builder», »ml tboutfli many of tbo ii.o't.H.rs have beta diaaharaed, Mr. IeUh- fon »'ill u :. -?.1 lu Rack Ita»· atta to the h.not of oearlr f200,000> Tne»e figurée may have «/Iren rl«e te the »tory that Mr. l.-lgi tini*» a, cm,,M aero abort that atiiiuitiL Hi» »alary waa for manv year· ? .'.'¦ '" lier un ii tun. hut n f « year» a.? it wits liic«ea»ed to Ti.'iOo. Tboaa faatlllarwith his ?... ?'« ex| «« an opinimi tnat he »aved a 1 trge portion af hi» salary every year, ami unrated the mouey at u goo I r_te o, lnteresf, so that the aciunnuU'loii« have made h m a prospettiti« iiib'i. The aodllopa reports for feu yeo« «bow tuul Mr. I.eigiiiiiti'« figure» of receipt· and expenditure« neatly balance every year, ami thai the exce»» nf Income over expenditure» ??. a fri» Instai ce« only tboai 12,000. I'er-iui« «hn have ? knowledge of the b.»ine*» of ih» cuir liellevn that tue net income mi.ht tobefioiu »'jo.ooo ?,. 125,000 a venr. hat ui.til the expert tlnlsbe* bl» work the exact tact« will not be known. lili: DISASTER .17 WOODSTOCK BRIDGE. AN l.MI'EKIEl G IlltnKEN BA1L.AWOBB MAIEMENIS or hie wocanan. Win.e RTvfr .1 CM t |. .?, Vt., Keb. !»..A twelve- itieh tregBBOOt of rail picked up at tin· scene ut the (entrai Vermont acri I, at »hows that the rail troni which i' wa« broken must have been detective. It waa st« ci piateti, ot St. Alban» make, and weighed G? pound« to the yard. A crack which extends nearly the length of tho piece »how» that the «teel wa» not thoroughly railed on, or welded ta the iron. Whore the ei.el w blöken tioui tint iron the surface b-lt aeereaeetl cut with a kuite. Along the top or tread ot tin· roil at tin· end ot «me oi the breaba awatteaod is an iiiileii'atiu·. or abrn«ioii If infide by a wheel leav- iti. the rail. The Railroad ( omini».inner» visited (be ?«¦ine ut the tetddeat ibi» aioialag aad mad« a dose ciamhiatioti ol the track, deepen, ciò. Il «a« ilisov- «re.l t'.al the exact Mint »vher- the lir«t mil broke Was In the mid,Ile ,i a aide tie. aad hot between tie». In the iitiiinoiii the ooauniaeloaeFa caaliaaed their iarea- tt.'it nui by examining boom el the iajared. l'olir Arel ? «¦ «titled : ·· I wa» in tin· teeottd paeaei per ear no noticed tin-»hakim: of the e if it was a loi wiir.l timi back motion, not lateral at all. i he car «liti lot tutti over bat weal down ttraight i.u.l tinteli rearead iir«t. When the ear »Tuck I it »till a little v.hile Bad.Id »ce tin· m·,on alum· me through a window. I reached up and got ? ertlv thrnegh wbea a man under me pulled m,· buck laying In- Miniti get oat drat »ml ihea help m«·. I did not »¦···· linn égala ea be left bm to get out alone " ? li.niii» Kilej o -ti led "I waa iu the lirai natacagCT ear cotn.iig toward White Hirer Jnnctioa. when the thaking began Conductor Htartevaat reaebed tor the rapi and mtoaed It. I :e.n lieti it ami nave a ,, r'; ami ran lur tbe tlour. I opeoed the doot latend lag to Jome otl \\e were going ta»t. I a iot the doer end got back to where 1 waa tir t ilttlag Then the eraah oeeatrea. I think we were running tatter thee eaaal m eraoeiag »mil a I ny; orbi·:«·." It is BOW believed that the num¬ ber nl ¡ut «mis on the train waa ninety-one. Of ihcae thirty-eight loat their Uvea, thirty-eia were hint, aad toventeen raeeped without injury. ? MPBCIAL BLBCTIOS IS UBODB UlAXD. G????????? ?, ?. I, Ft ?. '.» (gmntaf). The Sipreiue t'ouït tutta» ib ciileil lite constitutional iptes'iun tin »et uni « leettoaa tor BMBibera Oaagieta» referred M tiiat body by Ooreraor «TetaBore. The deciaion la thai a pia· ratify «Ulli lent to eliii un .? -ivim 1 tri il. The (¡nv- araorlatmediately celled a apaelel aleetlaa to till the vacancy lu fus Congre«« from the III Rhode Island M-tnt. to be held .m Prbroery 31. The republican Mate Central ? oiiiiiilttee has tailed a convention fur BOXI Tut«,lav. Major till tu A. Fieiv«. w lil ilitiiiilless be tbe nominee. The Dei.rut» will doubtlee« oomlnate (inities H. Page, although there la a dealre Uieotac q.tañera not to trutt to Page, but to put forward Judge lii.i i:· y for the ihort tenu aa well us tor the iou¿ tena. Li 1.1 lit ?? ?? i*' LVCETAM WELL AEMAOBRTtC (un ?«.· 1.1'· i«, o. Adlapetch t·. Tka fiatai treat Chat taaoopa,Tana, Bayai "Pani ?.. Athtneoe, of tu1« city, who achieved ipiite a réputation uiaiiager of Lulu lluis!, the young »vornan who pooaoeeod BM h iiiarvellous inagiieib· ptivfi r«, waa married this morning.at her hotuo BearCedartown, Cai Mita Hurst ilace her »»underfill power departed her.had been attending school, mid grada· n'ei in lot cuil.ci' la«!. It is reported that the fortune of «·_'. o.iMMi -ie BBiaaard while en the ataga bus been trebled by lock] In Ballatala WILD BOB BXOITBMBET. Pot'..un 11 i-.ii:. lib. ',? (ipariaQ. l'ho wild dog excite« liient in the (niviisiif Pleasant Valli·»* und II., ie Park continue». ? G?.·.?».tut Valle, fui mei ?, ho ? etui tied home late ¡it Bight troni a visit to thi« city, was atlacked by nine uf them an I barely escaped with his lite. Today another bunting party of ISO bmo wa.» orgaalaad, au armed with tbntguna and Intended to atake a thorough iuint in all thu wtsitl» und »wauips of tbe town. VBFBSMJTÊ FOBTIFICAÎIOEÊ called foil. I! »Hilohl,, Feb.!». The fenaio to-day unanimously passctl a riMiliititiu adbred by senator bunnier, of llart- Inrtl. calling 00 Congre»» to piotect tbo eca«'oa»t nini lakeboard Btatea by «aaae proper ayete.tel defensiv« tintilli'.itioiis. - » CRIMEE ASI) CASUALTIES. HUBDKBTHE BBBULT Of A DOMF.sl'IC QUABBBb Mu ai M'.K. I'ob. il, A dispatch to Ihr fc'miiiii/ BtaaMMM fluiti »emana «avs ·· bainoci lliiuillton »hot ami allieti John Patterson la the latter'» BooaeOB Rapiti Hirer, twenty milea ? ih m l! al p .u··, l.i-t Ulgtil. Han,unni, who »a.« an tin iiloyeuf Patterson ». claiins that he Inter» rued to proteit ????.? ou» «in· triitu violence ai the baud« ut Her biiabaud unit ». » compelled iu »hoot Paatieaea or ou »mit downturn .elf." Ill"11 HERING HIS FAMILY AND HIMBELP. CHI. Ano Feb. «.-A dispatch ??,G?<* /M.fg VctCtt, Iroiu War- »an In ? »ar» " A party ,r huuter» happened to paas the linn'i ..??«·· ut Hi nrv I'liuhaniiu Tippecauoe towiialilii. «eu lin» tunic ??????? In« mullíate! romain» Iu the lane. On oyou in the uooi of the noiise, tlicy diacoTOTed the little two-year Md girl wie, her throat cat 11 um ear tu ear und Mr«. Huuham near by, alive, but so bail,y tut »nit injured ai.otiv the head aa tu be lattati III« ? thought thai luu.lt. in was ??».???·." MlIRDKBOUi yl'AKKI.I.oVKR A DOSE OFUCININi:. ?G I.<>l Ie. Erb. I·. A disputi h from bt. J ¦·-»,-j,. ,. Mtl., taya "li· my Un. alarmer lu in. mene unica weal of thia illy, ha» ? cu arreetad > barged »»uh a «.mi with .unm m kin in» BOB BOB Ilo sa»·: it»t night 1 piptne.i to give my youugc t t'Itili! a tinse ol ??????????. My »on Wtli.an, inieifriri ?? ,liuti. «I . .live Iu hi» IHI lltnill anil llll'l t III ,'W Hill ill) Wll unti beai ititi, .»ecitiu thai I wa» gen lua the»orst of 11,1 area my knife ami «..».I uiy »ou iu ibeab.luiucn.' The buy t an.ml pOBllhH let o»el." (iAl.l.AOHKK I'LI'ADINi. (JUILTY OF FOROERY. ? nii'Ai.o, III., Feb. A W,inaia J. «lallagber, the alleged Ml luci uf Joseph« Mat kin iu tue 1- .iahte, mh aid election Hun ?, pi. ailiil k-ii'i!» tin· a.t :. non betöre Judge Anthouy of On, forgery ol »ariani« foi water rebute» ou lb· city tmaainv »ml i.i »etiti in cil iu a ) ear iu the neuilcntury. BUBOUÜM tVBMVMÙ fì\ A »MOU. ?? ? »? ? AM<, Ohio, leti a-A week ago the hoii»e ol Mr. bt,meni.ml» ? lloln.»,» «ou li tv wa» entered by masked men »im Itiuiii (he family «ml atole »eventi hundred dull», s. ^ oriental' lite .in tiri« »cut «ire»ir.l Bl LoutlonVUIe and taken to Miilci«iuirg !o»l nigh!. A erowd ut aererai hundred rtopb wuiixat toi the train. When the offlter» appear·«! with ..· n pi iMiii. ? «a unii waa ? a.ie. The prl««rtier· were aaae itimi i.inliik.ui ny .a,k ilrNh to the Jail, tut the mob fol· ift nini liken ny out » *lr««x* to 11.ß jail. Din in* mu» ton ... dan in ,?, ? i to ? an hour altor the prliou doer« were CITY TRADE NOT AFFECTED. NO amAK^SSMENT FROM ??? STMIOML GOODS 8HIPPKD AS Cet'Al>-DK>iIAL OF STORIU Ut· TENDEO TO DIVCHT HCSINENS. New-York wholesale merchante are aotnewluVB Indignant at the attempt of oewapapere, espee· ially In Doeton and Chicago, to divert tratM from this city by rapreoenting that the strike« have interfered with the shipment of good* and] that »mall-pox ia prevalent here. Such atairlea are wholly without foundation. The etiikea ml.lit hayo damaged trade seriously had New· York merchants remained inactive during the) tumble, but it has always been possible to ship. Roods, and now that the strilie is ¡Tactically uvei there is no trouble whatever. Mr. Kobinscn, of tho firm of II. ?. Clafliii 4t1 Co.. said yesterday: We are »kippln*· «rood· to every point In the United Stat··« and are experiencing ·· a reel ? any Inconvenience, I.aat week, of course, we were eiib|eeted to an occasional delay of a few hours, but we always «rot off each day'a shipment that night or the next rooming at the very latest Of course we had to »pend a little money to do tlila. We hiid to keep plenty of loado 1 trucks al way· at the ferry and had to watch every opportunity to get the goods off. Out that H what Ilvo lucr.iiants uriat expect to do. The outside pspers are endeavorin«/, hy a flagrant mlrepreaentatlon of the fact*, temporarily to catch a lit¬ tle of our traie. Whatever trouble the. may have been last week Is all over now. Freight Is i/olm» forward regu¬ larly, and everybody can easily ship all he wants. During the very wore: of tho etriUe we could readily have »ent off more goods than wo did. Cornelius N. Bliss, of Bliss. Fahyan & Co., anH : I am glad that Ton. Ti.iiiim; Is taking this matter up and lending its weight to the refutation of these Idle yet injurious rumors which have been »pical abroad by in¬ terested persons regardiug the present facilities for tho transportation of «.»nods and the handilu/ of the spring trade. How false these report» are we in Ne »-York all know, but unfortunately they train credence abroad and gather volume as they get further from home. Why, one o. m.r pi.untin -lit merchants told ine yesterday that uno of hi« customer» hud wired him, aiitteeetiiix the expedi¬ ency of Inking out a street Insurance on certain good·, then in transit, which the cmtouier feared might be d-v .ti-oyed bv tbe riotous mob while betn«· carted through our streets. Of course a pro.npt reply was «out to the ef¬ fect that the only r.-uit tho strike hid had along oar water front was to change for a few days the ordinar·/ bustle of trafile to the outlet of a country village. II show», however, the truth of what I said, that these rumor» need some publie aud far reiuhltia:denial, which only papers like Thf. Trim Mi. can ulve. We were »llafht- ly inconvenienced for a few days durili·/ the strike In get¬ ting our ?.'.»Nla into the city, but by working* our lettine hu-1er and ,lia» iic ii.'ely iii'ou the »tuck In hand the difficulty wa- tided over. At present ever» thine is ./mug on airain as well aa uaiial. or very Bearli so. Fient·, of Intuii» have been BBtered to take tho stilkcrs' places, and tin* iiieiehunt« of New-York are, I .an »afelv say, no more behind liuiid in their »prills» shipment» this week than ii.. a. .·. a » .n c a tin- unusually lui.-iy season of the year. It la too early yet to form any estimate of tho auiuuiit of »priuk* sulee compared with other year», but from pre »ent itid'.ca» ti.ins I should say there will be no fa liiir ? ? an ? way. The same int. n-t'd aetaataa an alaoexiitig.-ratiiiKthe prevalence of »?,,ill, ox iu this city aud vi· hut.. endnav- onug to deter country merchants Iroui visitimi Sew ? orle fur feariif l'iiiitaiflou, some goiuiiso lai as to say tha «:< <»?· shli»ped troni litre may carry tlie germs of disease, lilla is even more absurd than tlie furnier, and in i«l, I think, defeat its o«TB ends bv Its u'lart n.' exaifiieiatlo,!. The re¬ tili na of the health ottli lals will show fiat tin-» n n-'··, winch did not at uu> time a-» nil'· dali-'ennis pro|»iiii"in, now completely under eoulroi ami al noal »tamped nut, \S<-at-·* feeling thl.« spring the full beneilt of the eipüt- ai'le ireiL'ht rate adjustment whlcti the ibys'iMMl» ??··ß o.t.mied I rom the. iKMilcd Im, a la«t fall It I, ifivin.' ?·?- eral satisfaction an,l »vin sodo ibt tuuro to the bciioiUot the entire trade of this metropoli». At tue ollic of I'effi, Welter & Cet, Mr. leflft ex¬ pressed much the salie view«, Ue »aid : Tin- aalV (liin.ei· (if New-York lo»ing auv tr-ide bv the recent strike« arises fi'otu these iupirio ?- an I ititi ululiti »luîtes, there wa-. to be eure, sime tri.lin,' an · lyaiico when the freiKht-hanillers ouit work, bal it onlv BoStai a osante el da»». <>ur gaodaian goieg out lo avori -tato an I territory lu the l'unni just as usuili, aud «ve eau «oui unload» more. Mr. Webb, of Dunham, Bucklev & Co., stnilod grimly »va,-u the subject was bruugut to his atten¬ tion. :-ai ho*. I aup¡.o..'d ih.it those Western fellows would be up to that. llie> are it bri jilt lot, an.I In» un ehOU ·«· «if dinilV- iugahaip practice» ut the ??????ß uf Sfev-tmlfc. The .Misaouiii'acilie strike last year ??.????.?.? a great deal of baatueaa to lui· town which would muer ,? loe bava gone to the Largo Weetera ? ¡tíos. They aie unhung oír strike Iure lo duaia-re trado. Their" alune· aro wholly false, limici er We have »altered bo real iu'errupfiiui la ihe movement uf Irei»:lit. I.ui«,·,·»· there v.as su ne delay und boxea accumulated on tbe wkovvoa, buttaaywoaa forward altuoat l.uiue.tlutely and tamN Is now no coal- pluiiil to in.ike. W. !.. ????;.', of W. I,. Stn Bfj «v < ·»., nini nn-m- ben of tbe Bra of Smith, Uogg ? fiardaor and fl SweeUter, LVmbrook à «·'".. said m elicit tha -amo lliiii-s. They wet* oil »li pin: M u-tml. and have Dot Si-en the line when tiny m Id ? .t hu\ in- 'ii'UM'i Mu-ir -111 ,»im-tit s il lenii «tiil>:ii ? ¡?*-*» m fl their cilatoasen by delays. 'Ihe\ »II und·.: »?-id the moti e of ili·· Btortea circulated. , l'Ili si tuns oi Un· lleillt 11 Di spai t ni-llt who bava helped t< cheek a auinher nf e, i-'.emii-s of con- taeion in pi···· ?.nis years -,-titi yes*terdaj limi Iherot could i'·· no epidemie of aitualldjas in tha lityi lins rear. Tbe »li-ht spRod of the divas·,*, which In-.uu a Little 88080 lliau it iicidh ¡id, hai beco nearly etiecked and sanallpok would i»o »tamped «.ut entirely wiiliin aaolliec luouth, tlu-yi thousht. At abe (lose of Iaat week tho muuI1,»iv ord was us follows : Fiiot wick, ó idmi; sec ni week, Ifl eaaea; third week, 13 oaoeoi fourth week. ·> coceo ¡ totali M eaeea. In a city, with a popolati n of mee than u nullum nini a half, it ?,lus said, si) few Ma - uf sn.alljsix need cause ?·> abara ¡it aarj tin.··. Aa utiwici iu.-itoii ?,il ni rt'eat üxty-eaghth-st., wD.» bevi (aneliti tin- di ease in Itrooklyu, was the onlv smallpox* .iiiciii disoovoKd yesterday. Dr. ,?. n. Tu\ii¡. Cliiel Iiaipcctot if Couaaxrtoua 1 meo· s Baldi The lit'le «pirt of »mall|»ix piiibtibly will Is* a benefit to ili.- -Hi, be. ause the BOWanOuer· baie tu tie an mil -f| oi Ita« In - aie ? »real in.i'iy people Into gettlllg VOO- .ui.ii.d. Wo have had ao little amallpox ? reeeM fOaaa Unit people «rere ?·a?···?.ma ni leirani t<» tue only unan»of proli·! ??,???. ilie <li»easc »invai a few weeks ano in··.man there waa much expooore froin eaaeealed ca»e«, sai dur- Ing the paal fortuiiüil the centres ol n-nta.'inii have in*nn dimlDlsniOg lii»t.'ad ot Inii-eusliiif. from the iiiteetotl uouaea. which aie ? .itched closely, wo get few new (·a*»?? iustoad nf the many which we expected, and ihe dise..*« ilo·-· not apiiear in new houses. All »iiullp.it pattoatS arc remoled iroui tho city now in the tirai «tace of tae iii-ea«e, Before they ·aa infect aayauealaa expect -u a greater niiinbei "f ca«e« tina w.-ea than we have had and the recml lor next week proiianly wl.i be light, t expeol uinv dial aaollpos will momPfaet from tho city . utiiely iu iiiHiut Ui.ee weeks. TUB SIKIKEK-' HANKS UKKAK1NO. Sii.MK ItKIl ItX 10 WOIIK ANU MANY AKK ANXIOt-'S TO DO SO-NO PHiKiltKSS IX Aiiiimuriox. Tlicre U a wide dilleience of opinion to tbe re¬ sult ot' tin· negotiations that have basa |»endiiig lor several days between Auslin l orbin and lleury W and J. It. Maxwell, on the part of the G1? 11 at lei phi* and Keadiug Railroad, and T f. l'utuaui, represeut- ba| Diattict Assommai· No. 4M. Iu ticeoitiauc« with «?? ¡»p[iointinciit mude un the »»rêvions day, Mr. l'utnam called at Mr. Maxwell'» othce, Xo. 118 Uroadway, at I 1 a tu. veslerdai and was ui coiiaultation with Mr. Maxwell lor about bull' an hour. hoaOOBnOaj lo Mr. Maxwei.'s accouut. Mr. l'utuaiu »aid when he 80088 in that ho amply called to Weep his uppoiiiliueut, inas¬ much as he had seen that Mr. ti.rbin had tuado uri-anm-ii.eiits with his men. Mr. Maxwell told hun that a telegram bad 0080 ree. nei tioiii Ml. t'orbm stating that even thing had been urrnllgod »»li»i... torily iu rtiiladeliihu aud that then- wa· therelore uo tintín r need lor arbitration. Ml. I'utn.im thank -.1 Mr. -»laxwell lor the lair »pint in w..ich he had been met and withdrew, closing the n»goti.i.ioii». Mr. I'uiii.iiii »ays that uo tig eeiiicut waa reached itlier lit ?¦liil.niclplini or New-1ork, thai the paper drawn up at I'hdadelphia was »iuijily a nasu on which the company would like tu arbitrate and that ilu* men ou iho wuarvce at Kluabctliport and l'o'-i Johnsou will uot go to work until tiny gB> '22 U¿ eSSUO au hour. Mo atattathat uothiug waa done at tho coui'ereuce yesterduy beoauae .Mr. Maxwell had uot raeolvod some docuuieuts aud books lor which be waa wailing uud that another conference will be held to¬ day. He ft-ar» that Mr. Corbiu »imply delaying the conlei-euces lor tho purpose ol gniuui« time, Kiedenck A. l'otta, preaiuent ol the New-York, Su· luehanna anu Western road, aaid yesterday that he had not -ecu any ol the II HI I ««d that neither hi. compuDy nor the Lehi-h t oal and Nav - ? itiou t'ouipany, which «ende it· eoul over hi· rood, iiiopoacd to have anything to do with ,Py »cliente ol at bitrution. They had all the men ? hey wanted and coulii »ee uo necessity lor arbitration. The oth. tal» of the other coal compauiea take the »ame view ot the matter- It seem» hardly likely that the stationary engioeera will «top work. Several leading men in tbe fceeen- trio association ol engineer· were aeeu veaterdav ia regard lo the matter. Une ot them aaid: " While haa not beeu ueiiuttely aettied what coaroe we will puraue, I think it Is extremely Improbable^tbiOwe will go out unleea there are poaiUve or»iera from boaa- (luartara. The way many and. I belt*ve. anxajority of our people think la that it would be feoliab »?» needleaaiy to fmm-mmt oaraelvee ia a eaaea whieblo

New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1887-02-10.chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1887-02-10/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · the uidiil eut ten. s the ladlords offered. Mr. ... ¦danf >? ·

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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1887-02-10.chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1887-02-10/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · the uidiil eut ten. s the ladlords offered. Mr. ... ¦danf >? ·

'tíhmtt1**XVfl:\·· N<> l4'ßJ 7· NEW-YORK, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10. 1887. PRICE THREE CENT&





??.??.LoNiKiN, Fob. ti.-Mr. Goschen, Chancellor of

(he Ko»«·hciuer, was to-day elected Menilier of

ISirliaineut for St. Geor*;eV, Hanover »Square. The.«.ote stool: Mr. Goschen, 5,70. , Mr. 1luyeran ?'.Gluilst ontnn, 1,545. At the last otMtloa in thisdistrict Lord Algernon l'eicy, who resigned iu

grddr to allow Mr. (Jeeohea to run, was returneda il lumi oppi .liti..n.

The Cabinet held a session of thire hours' dura¬

tion today, and ìuniors uie «iineiit that di-sen-

ntnis lia.e deT«tof*d BBBBBf the Ministeis.'??? pressure which Bll William Vcrnxin Har¬

rt int unti OthAt Liberals lave excited bo induce

Mr. fllartatnao to reCrala fraa_ uoBB-itttlag himselfto approval of the l'lan of Campaign oounloracU-the l'ani« llitib' appeal to liim to conic und s-ienkin favor of Mr. l'ariiell's amendment. Althoughit is ir 'bable that a division will bo taken on

liida.v, Mr. (¡ladstono is still undecided, if he(onlin'íes absent the Government whins are

eotilidcnt of 110 majority. They cxjiecu to havythe support Of all the Cnionists, mil they believethat Mr. (¡ludst ?·· himself abetalnlBg. many ofhis ft.lliwers will not vote. The Scotch liberalswill 1 ave Mr. Chamberlain to take what initiat'velie ileas.s in the matter of the Crofter bill, the

party not ? Î «ì_ iiir ibs support. Lord IlartlagtORund Mr < lianiberlaiii conferred for two hours thisnfleriK'oii and it is believe.1 that they tlecidcdto supporti the Iii».li proposals indicated in theQueen's speech.

.lohn Motley, epeaklag Bl SeWToatle t"-ni",ht.s'il the (tnservative-Liberal union was crumb-lia_ avvny. There hud ban» no ree« il of toimbiropini,? OB the Irish <?_?·»11.·?; the Honie Ruletide was loarlag slowly but steadily. Lord llart-

iik.tsin's latest Bpoeeh, ho ccntiuuod, revealed(«nullité imp .tonco in the face of a difficultproblem. The questi m was: "What are we

waitim. for?^ Ireland was admittedly orderlyIn many parts, and t-urely the time was opportunoto satisfy her wants. Even if l'avlinm.nt adoptedthe Canadian scheine for Ireland, such a cmir»e

would not be less liberal than ..nit of Mr. (¡lad¬

etone.Waltet Stowe ??iírlit McLaren (Radical, mem¬

ber ior the Clawe div i»ion of Cheshire, resumedthe debate la 1 lie Home of Commons this aftei-ROOB on Mr. I'artnH's aril.-ndmenti to the addressin it'i lv to the Queen's speech. He defended thelnsli National LeOffOe'g 1 luti of Ceaapaiga. lieBbM it iiivolvitl tv thin'' but holding bach fromtinte,is',nab].· lundi· rd0 tenvorarily the reiibs theyclaimed, which at the worst was merely a tech¬nical violation of the cons; irncy law. Mr. Me¬lili.? de; Intel that) the relief obtained by thetenants under the l'lan of Campili:.'? hud mudethe latter a »itliiabk· aid to the (¡overnment in

Iot·; tnif the peace in Ireland, nn.l said that on

tins tvotunt ni ne the (ioveiniiient oth-lit to

eeaaire at the Bueot-ea of the Mas instead of ut-teinptitur to crush it.

Sir Jàl.vard licor.«· Clarke, Solii'ii<>r-G«-neiul.rniitended that the l'lan of Catnpai.n was uc

knovled ed by e cry lnwyer of repute t>> be

illégal and a conspiracy, -he action of the CourtOf the Queen's Itench in Dubtta a ainst .lohnItili ? for Ins niritation in favor of the l'lan was

constibiiti·,nal ai-cordiivr to le-al practice. Mr.f buhe bIbo denied thai the chargée that thelandtade had beea puiiiy of crueltjr la e»i (i ibahad been pro» e I. It these chan.es were true· why«TAO it that the Bgtt-tfea in favor of the l'lan of

Campai ? was rollai si nul Tiie .lt«tinn w. s dylag beeauet it had beccate clear to the leaeabilliit I Ley had been made the in-trtinients Of an

a itati'n which pre· ente! them from aeeepUagthe uidiil eut ten. s the ladlords offered. Mr.Clarke eceueed the Uberai leaden of supportinglir, l'unell'o Batead-wat, aot becaaee they a¡>-

proved of the Man of Campai, n. but In orderto defeat the efforts of the (iovernment to restoreorder in Ireland. The (rn.fi oiiHdib, however.would, he said, main! all ? law and order in líe¬la n. I : they would do this if possible by the opt ra¬

tion of the ordiaaiy law, and if that «hould fai]Iiiiliaiiient would be BBke to ameni it, and ifl'arlii'iin· tit should refuse to do that l.hfn theGoveinmeiit would leave «.liters to adinini terthe affaire of the country. If, on the other hand,railiain.nl would ecnflrui the ? liey adopte l bythe Iioveminent. then the Government would «le-

fent the Nat* naiists and brlag coateat-teal bothe people of Ireland, [(heeis.)On motion of Mt. Redmond the debate was at

this paint ad nuinod.


MENT IO Till EKONIiElt.Baal iv. Feb. !»..Tin· litilimr Xiuhrirhtrit say« I! ha»

authentic i'i fui ina luti tliat «'encrai linn lu tiger, the French

Matter of War, is prepartaf for a utoreeiaal of troop« to

the caaBera ffeatter. lour butt a lions of ? titani ry are tognto Verdun lini ?.nil, and quart« is are beim.* pre put o,1 to n-

Beregtbeaa Abrlaadauafeara.rr win aleagata Verdea?.I fia«Idea Italea 19 Toni. Four battalion» la Algiershave been uni ici to France, (.eneml Boulanger ha«histru-'ted tba Military Railway CBamtttea «a reátala in

?trataaead teottaa. The MmthHtkbtn adda: "Partead-vice« »taie t'iuu, owing to urgent r. preoeatatlena ay in»

BoBaap ma deaerai Boulaagor h m peetpano ? laaatag um

¦dan f >?· tiiesc neraaaeate eatll Pbbreary -i."

IhoJTardt OaraMM OeatMe, »»itliout eoameat, «jaeteaprominently the statetinut of tin: Hrrlinrr Xwhritlitritthat Qeaeral «ea MoHho Éoabnef to aeepataUeoefelectors that the politic»! «ituiition «a. mo.«t atrio.is.

P.lii»n»SK. l¿iiceiislatnl. l'eli. !).-'lriler» have been re

reived here re, e'ill.v frnn different polut» tin the Coiill-nent of Berope for au appagate of ??,??? catee ofl-illlliCil ???'.?'?


IBPIBBBATB Hill.Hi.ki.'s, IVI. ??.-The lt.iiiiMii Catholic Hlshoji of Llnt-

httrg. in lle»»e Nii.huu, Prussia, hu» forbid.leu the tlergyof hi» ilMcite ta take part In any agitation agalh«t thelapBaaaate I.UL He déchires that in view «if the recentnote of Cardinal .lueotuui givlii- expn »»ion to the l*ui»e'»wish that the Cathnlie» of (lerm:iiiy help the paaMonolthe popaeS b» ii-»i»ilng Prince illsniHiik at curry his billand thu» securing hi» ti-ietid»hlpaiid inlliieiice. the ne»vly-ficcicl meuherof Iba Coatte paît) ta the Relcbttaeforl.liiibiii t! must not lie impetletl by anil election pledge»froin «a. lying out the wMbaeol the V'uliciin. Iti» beli.» edthat all the other «ieruian «uthollc Hialmp» will pursue acour-c similar to thai of the Hi»hop ol Eliul.ui'g.The Mtiliich Allgrmrinf. /sitimi/ piiblishea Cardinal

Jt.cttiui','.·) Utter to the Nuncio at Munich. It i» datedJanuary .1. The ( unliiiiil »ay· that iu »lew of the Im¬pending revision of the (.'hutch law» the Pope desire» theCentre to support the ?????ß???? hill lu every peOOMoway and conci idea :

it .« well known that the Ooveriimeiit attache· the great¬est ini|toriaiit e io the passage or the bill. If by Re adoptionit ???????.? l.etoiuid l'UMible to avert the .langer .if war ? lieruar luiure. lb. ? e,.in woulu remiel' a gnat torvtoO to thelan.erai.d ami to the cauae ol huuiaiillv lu Europe bv »up-lE-VS-â?.--! ?

" _S '",""' ·"" ',;<· »'»"ine itititiirte ofiutn. turé ?"«,? '___·_«"»·;';·¦·*·'»oooMtoOo. and the dtoeoto·5W_&tí__ffi85M_r5r üiuu·" ·-·-""· »"" "-

Cardinal Jiuxtblnt lustructa the Kun,.,0 to ur tbüleader» of the Centre to tuflneticethelrcolleague» In favorthe Septennale, and to uesure them thai »uch a coursewould gre illy satisfy the Holy Father.The Xorth (Irrmuii tituettr acciutee Dr. WlndUiortt and

Hai un Frankenatolo of keeping eeoret the iirst letu-r frouiIh.· Pope. »»Ime exerting pu-sir», ?,??, tboCOBAAl tovote iigiiiu»! tiie Boptaaaata Ilto Cologne Utiztttt su ? « Itbelieve» Die (iuveriiiuent bad eoutldcutial, nut mil, ,.i,kiiuw.eil.e of the letter, ami ta.a it «? bocaiiae thuCentre le.uler» witliheli the lettor from the p.nty lUutthe Papeaaaaad Oanllaal JaeoMal to write a note to _ie?melo ut Munich selling forth the VMbaa of the Holyriee re»pecun^ tue uctiuu of the C'euire pai ty ou the Bop·tonnato milA new ( Hthoiic paper ie a1.out to appear in Berli*i. It

will be the organ of that »ccUon of the (.'cutre partyWhich i-i.jtlK>l'Ut the liuvt'llliiirUl.

? KWH NOTES PROM LONDON.Lusi-is. Feb. 0, 1887.

Revive Hoiisiat ?·.? OiitiiAM.- «ieiiuuii m-em» areHie 11 y cinjiliiytsl ptirebaelug hoi». » lu Voi k.shlic.

.yuxcit" ox Tint Irish qcpjition..PMadl publlahei ararbxiii on the Irteli (i-catión, 'the picture lepri-acutoMepldsioj h«l.» a» a Fenian llciul, cui rying a pouch ofáyaaudte, und, with a wand labelled ·¦ Amerlcau vote,"Mlrriug up the autora ot ttrlfe, nauielr, tlio Babiug

und· over which tbe Uniteci Btotea aud England are






Montkkai, Feb. 0 [9amUH Tarn change ia theI weather to-day ae compared with that ol yesterdayhad a marked eftect upon the spirita ot citizens andvisitor·. The nioruinir opened clear and bright, everyone waa In the heat ol humor, and the streets from an

early hour were pivcked with pedestrians shopping and

sightseeing, while the " cabidos " did a prolitaliletrade with those who dentred to see the whole lows·The Uovernor-Ooneral Boni suite viaited the lumb'-r-nien's camp where Ihev were initiated into tin- mis¬ten.·- ol backwoods lile ; the exhibition gallery of theArt Association oi Montreal, its antipodes, andvarious other places ot interest. I.onis Itui>etistein. ofMontreal, won the laiioy skating chiiiiipiunaliip thismorning. Tbe alternoon was devoted to wHoeaaJBathe carnival snow shoe rice.« in which soino goodrecords »vere made. The trotting ran·» at Potai st.Charles were largely attended, ¡tinnii 15.0(H) peoplebeing present. The first race was won bv (lieslniitHill, owned by Henry Swilt. ot C/urheo. who won

three out ot four beata, 'l'ime, 3:44. lite secondnue tor the 2:3U class had six entre», and was won

by Liitlo Vic. owned by ??????????t Hunter, otCarlion, Ont. Time, IMI!·. The drive oi Hie Con¬tractors' t'litb took place thia alternoon and WM Mitiiiuciiac success. The mcinlicr« paeoed thiough thepiteetpol aireóte mid everywhere WON gicetcd »\ithrousing cheer.«. There were alee tolioggiiinii,.' race» atthe park slide. Among tbe American vi-iior» in tliscity not hitherto menlioiicd are Thoiuaa ('. Acton, ot

New-York; Assemblyman -Howe, Colonel Itici·,

Çrivale secretary ol the Oprato08 ot N.w-York:? (iinas Nast, Thomas Nasi, jr., W .1. Arkell, Benefit

(»illam, .lohn Sleieher. F.ditnr of " The Albany KvciiitigJournal." Albrick 0. Mann, president ot the BoaBoooh Railway. Itrooklvn: liicliard S. Wewtomibo amiMrs. Nea-i oiitlie. Frank Allen, of lite Astor lions·-;Sir William Curry, ol Newport ; Mayor Hulkclev midwile, and J, 11. and Miss Root, ot II art lord ; afojofRobert T. Creamer, I'nitid Stmes ?????. Member- cithe press art- the guests ol F.rastns VViinan and are

quartered al ft private Basami in Sherbrooke-aï.ilit- chief feature of the candial w a.» Ilio tefcbUcbt

inn ?--imi ut anowiboora ami the BOaauli on

tin« Ico palaci· which caino off to-iilnlit.Mich a ciowd of people has pioimidylievci- been »ecu together in .Montreal before, Nine¬teen hut died si "w »I m is ¡is«cinbled cu the iiii'iiiitiilli. andthey niarcl'cd down the winding path». Ictiinir oft Humanen ml les a» I bey in inched. Arm ed 111 I luminimi Hqiiiire.tl:··!'sin: ??. e. tin* lie palace and tile attack ?ßß ir in lied ullllvítor by the garrison inside, mid fur nearlyrait nn hour ? »lullt such as probably ? o«t ofthe visitors bad rarely, if ever seen, for beam ?

and inumidir was presented. Revotai ot Ike ?ßµ???ßß·stated to lati Tkiiiunk correspondent t!,itthis sieht aleño repaid them for coming tothe carnival. The defender« having capitula,ed withthe honor« of war, tue Hnowshocr» repaired to 11.eOjiei-h's tiaiia. where a Beowehoe ronoerl waa bold,? luce iiHil exploaloBa look place In the lea palai c, leveraipersons being inured.



fnr TEL".iitii.p:i t? na t??????.JCiTYOfMkXICu, Feb. O...'The Two ?? pul,In '

??-? 'paper piibli«hed the lolloping thla niorning :

"A lei.-giani puiiiislicd this mo.-Qing lrutu Washing-tou, stating that the name ot K. C. More, as ? ? ?tedStates ('«uaiil-Ccncfal to thla aft·', bant been sent totbe Senate, eoiifirins tbe rumor of G???-iil-li. in t.il1'orch's rcn.oiul mid chronicles thu dOWafall o.

another ot I ml·· Sam's sen ants tor doing bia planduty. Mr. Poreb waa seen bv a reporter and slm\ ?

the'telegrain. ' Well,' ho sanì, I bave bee! OSpABrt*ing tins loi some time. 'Ibis is tin- lit -. t that 1 BOTaInaili (it m\ ?08???0?*8 lumi« having ae'tni ly 1»··? li

Bent in, but that some sellini ot tlii« kind wniud betaken 1 have knowu, or at any rate supposed, inrboom dai -.'

" \\ bat led you to think »ol""'The fiist pepili re infortì,¡itimi I luid wa« two

weeks «go. Oi course, previous lo that li:i ··, I badbeard rituiors but t.nthilig innre. I then nciivnl a

letter from Senators Vest and ( oekrcll. ol ini Stato,saving lhat OotlllBIJ Huyan! had told tli'-in be wouldrcuiove me on eeeoeato. inv aetioo oa tbeocooaioaot Mi. Scilgwicks lull to lliis (ill. Tbe leitet enn-

tiiuicd that it I wanted to reetjfu I could do so. theresignation tu take rib it April 1. Tbe BOSi ·?-*\ 1received a letter Itoin BmBOtM Cm kicll asking lor a

full and open account ot the whole buaineas. 1 did notfill that, in justi. e tn niy.clf and in ? In.-inla, I in 1,1resign. 1 bad doSM aetblnj but what 1 ? dh-ì.i. ? ..I ¡m,isiili consider in ? duty. To toóla wmild h.i.e pliicedme iitider a cloud, so Ì wrote giving tali expraeaioo tu

tbe disgraciai rifluii·. Aller thia I beard notliiuglutti,er until last Friday, w'.k·n M Ulster Maiiniugcalled Ob me with ? telegram he had icceived lrutu

Secretary Fuyard in-irm-iing him to aoonrteiw ti myresiguatio.i bud bien lorwurdcd yet. I told MinUteiManning that I knew no tci-un m In I should re-ignthere were DO charges against tin- that I km v> ol. andloot eertotalv I aroold boi reeiga Baleni »uni·· goodcuti-c for doing so could be shown me. A da;, ot IWO.-¡llciwunl Hr. Maniiing called a^ain with a telegramlimn Coorotarj Boyard instructing Mr. Manning i"

Infoi m m«· thai tbe rYetWeal desired my reaigoatinnl.y teleg ¡ijili. I again emphatically relnsed. TheIn Iiiinalioli 01 n.V s.l leOBBOl Is the remili, uhicli. M Islated before, I expected. Von see tlii» i- tbe "ii ?

t l.ing tbev ( nu Id do, 00 tbe l'l< «ubnl (ill lici'hi r re-

tiioie nor sunpelul while Un S mil.· ia in ses«nui.'·¦ U liai aie \o (.'oing to do in the mutter !'* · Fight, igbl tn the bill.?.-ml. I have I.e.nun

justly, and to s.-i > outing· ooal y. de.ilt iiithai.d I donot propose calmly to submit, Si cn-tary li.iy ini boiheard only one side of ilo- story, und h,?« n ¡used to

ll*tea to the other, Mr. Sed^wnk had the Beeretarj'acar. ot coiitse, and told him. at he told \ ?·? \ i.ilyelee, that tboetorjol odeboaitebwM bb ?,.?? ,^,,?µlie, that I liad b lit my aid ti. Immillate. 1 telegr..pi cd Scent n \ Bajara oneriti·» to gire reoaoaatormv couise in t! e malici. ?,??? abotf him eau-· « wbicbnot only jiistil.id mi MtlOB but dictated it, andofterod to piove ml Byeboroe· bboímI Bedj(wiea bjiitidcniable cviiii ne··. Mr. Iluvaid'i- only OBBWei I« a

reqaeot, through a thitd p.uti, lot in.\ ic-igniitiiin.lie ?ß??? gave lue a elilinee, m.il BOW I propOM 16give in»-· It a ciisi.c·' by imi li-hing my (as· to llnword, and allowing the public to judge ol ibi* jii«t-ne»a ot my cause. Kvctythitig in connection with tiiecase will be made publie. K\ ervtbilig will si OW Bed|wick lip. Ihl'iiUgh the uuinipeRi-liable rvidcticc ct -,,i¡iug residents ol Mexico, Amcticaiis «ad Mcxii an».' "

AI'.liDST ufa WOMAN CONBPIRATORPoplin, Feb. 0, \ woman bOJ bOOO at Kmtod here f if

eonsjiiiiin,'eaoJaat tbeOoroimuent Bbeadrolla laal tbewaaaentby Kusslaus to cajole the loperior ofllcer» oftin- I.u II-'.u lull in in> into atn iii[illng to n\, ?, liinii theKageaejr.

LORD Iii'Nli.wi ?? RCËI0XATI05.I/iMKiv. Feb. !». Lord Siillslinry has OMOpted the ?

lAnOtamief ?>??? liiiiiraveti as ? ????·|· ObIOBIoJ ."ecnlarv

Lord Duiir.-iven whs dlsconteut/'d becanae be wa» super¬sede«! b^ Btr Henry Holland aa Colonial baMfOtOrj».

TiiiKiwi.vti BObUn AT Tin: POUCX.i.vins, Feb. ??..Two booabewere ^?ß???ß?ß??ß??/ ei-

pbsled to day in front of tlie poU08 hcinbpiiirleis in thla

city. The bombs struck ugalmt the ????????»' and were

thus prevented from expending tlnlr force aa the build¬

ing. At St. Fileinii-, tidily two miles sotilhejisf of l.ymi·.a IhiiiiIi was ihi'own at the police alHllmi. It explodedOUlaide the 0008 but with BUfb force that linee of Ilieolbc^rs within the bulldlDK «rere seitoualy lii|inci|. KlCblBina have been attested for ¡.l.-ifed compili Itj In the l.ilter oui rage.

A NFW OONOOCOafPAXT.Battaaea ». Feb. i». a ? ?ßß?µß? boa been formed for the

eonstiiictlon of falliva} s m Ihe ( onci, Mate and Ilie a- fib-mint Of that territory. Deputy Hebaticr Is ]ue»ii|enl ofthe company.

FNTl.l.TAIMNt; THF A.MFISK AN IAKIUNAIX.I'AKIS. Feb. a. Cardinal« InBOamToan und Qlbboaa will

»tart for ibiine to ?????p???. ilieyliave lieen lecci.ed byMr. McFatie, the i nited Htates Minister M. lnbre, theCanadian ( oiiHiil, and numi nuts other Amerl· an», andha·.· bad a confeii-ni« with An htil»lmp Rtebord. ^ eaterduy the) ooeepted an invitailoii to Oise wttta tLe Bnpi rtotof the fet. huliiice M-mlnaiy.


IiKlIKilT, Feb. il..Au Ktrnimj Journal ili»pati-h fromJackson, Mieli., says: "A lire occurred la the ha«cineiit

of J. Ilucon «Ii Co.'s hard« an- «lore fit Chelsea last aigbt,About HMI jMiuuds of Kuuiiowdci' «loicd In lu- liio>cmciit

exploded, blinilng nut the inside of tin· liuilding andbieakitiK the ||?08 In bliMks MO yards a« ay. ? ??????wind prevailed and the entile town «a« threaien· d.P/oor stores were dlntloii'ii. Ixiss |23,·??) linlilalici·8JS1J.IKXJ."lUi.TiiKuti, Feb. IV.Flic Ibis rooriiltig li stroved the

lame 888088 bakciy of O'limiiell lirotheis on snnth

liroailnay. 'i lie duiuiig·· to Imildlns: and stock ia pia· cdatifll.ixid, whicli la covered by insumir a

Maiisiiui., Tex., Feb. Í». Th.* I'leslij lerlan ( hurcb andthree Marea here were deMtoicd by tire yesterday. 1 heloa» laaHi.lHMJ; Insurance !j.4..'.llO.Hii' Mask, N. j,, fofa, <i. 'Hie buina on tin* farta near

S(-abilght owned hy \V. !.. Tyson were bullied lnsl iib-hl.Mrs. hamuel A. fmOOTW is the tenant of the farm ut proaeut. Mime we#*k» ¡u,·,, »..,· ).,y »lack» were bui ned. JiotliUrea were alerten Uy ¡JBOBOmlBanm.

?1???. HAl.UniSu IS WRit TIBOiM I.CllARI.l»T(.N, l>t,. (i iV/^-riu/ N. lulled Stales Sena¬

tor for West Vi.ir.nln yet. |. ,U(. ,,,,,,, Aesembly tt.-ili.ythe yoto wna as follow» ('aniden Xi. Duviill Bw, Uro« ¦1U, Jjlihey ?, »catlcllliL.-, 1.

ñOBIMITiOB l.\ fMMMMXLTAMSA.Haruisiiiik.. l'ciin. Feb. Ö.- In u,«* Hou«.· to day Ihe

Joint rcaolution ¡iruvidlug for the tubtuiasiuii of the nue»-

tlon nf a prohibition amendment to a vote of the peoplev. as read a third time and finally pa»«cd by a voto of 130to «JO. t»



IIKit HI'SB.VND, BOB· OPP WITH HER LOVER.Run Hank, N. J. Feb. 0..Thore wa» conatdcroble et-

cltetuent here In Noveinlx-r last »vhen It wa» found thatMr». B. H. West ha! elopett with Fred 8. Rockwell, a mar¬

ried mini. R tckwrll wa» manager of tho local branch ofthe New-York Tea Company, whose money he took withhim. The pair were brought buck from Kanflae by de¬tective» employed conjointly by Mr. Weet and tho tea

company. Rockwell waa put In.jail, and Mr«. We»t went

to live with her relativer After a while, Rockwell was

bailed nut ami hail the Impudence to visit Mr«. Wett»tulu. then living with ber mother. Till« wa« dlaeovere«!by Mr. Weet, and ? party was organimi tn far awl featherthe gny Lotharte, wno.hnwever.nianagcd to escape. Afterawhile th·· clamor of Mr. West's thiee children for theirmother effected a lecoiioill.iîbiii. Tliev told their propertyforSl.iMKi ami about two week» ago went to live InNi'w-Voik, taking a house In N'liith-avc. near Ninetleth-»t. Here all went «iiionihlv until Monda», * hen on Mr.West returning borne he found hi« children, but no wife :tils., that the had .Iniwn the *1.000 from the batik, and Inline that she hail olnjted with Rockwell the «ecowl tlmn

und lied to Canada.

the search ran tue tra is OOTLAWB,TRBSfl MEN IN ClsToDY Bl'SPBCIBU OB T"K

RAVENNA CHIME.Coit'Mnr«, Olilo, Feb. !>..Tiie kennte adopted, by a

aaaauaaaa vote, the joint laaalettaate offer a reerealefplO.000 for the .appréhension of the trnln outlaw« at

Havennn. The resolution, after a long dlsctlsslnii tu thoiio'ise, weadefaeted by a «aleef 40 to 48»

Pitt Smith, »» hu ?« Badar er aal lier« geapoeoad of beinsone of the men \» lm nanti· the a»«Hitlt on the ollleer», hadniu.ther eonversntlon with Detective Humphrc-», ofCleveland, in which he stated that he received hi, In¬

jurie« tn a fight with one Perrv In t liquor «hop on Ht.Clair st.. Cleveland. Superintendent hentnitt. of Cleve-labd. trlev-ruphetl here that Snil'h's storv la eurrect d-dHilvislng that be be relen«ed. A few mliiufe.s laf<r r-heriffBawyer, of Cleveland, telegraphed that he did not believetbt» storv of Ptiilth. nnd tisklng that he be held until hi«arrlvnl to.lav. smith le «till In cuatisly. He refti«ed to

have his piéton taken and demands to be taken to Cleve¬land.G?????????. Feb. 0..Two men who arrived In this

city from YotiniT«t<iwn, Ohio, yc«tcrday, have heen ur-

rested for complicity In the Ravenna rcsctin. The men

lite well dre««e.l uni givi· the mime» nf Peler lHiylOttlid1 Intimi.« Towuncini.



Cinco;.?. Fei·. 9 (.»/?-«-?'«?/?..Tiie crowd uf people |tfl»slng«iver the Van Huron »t. bridge Hit« morning wen· borrirle«!by »ccing a »lightly built woman fall Into the river at

thai i-rduL lisle,1.1 of Immediately sinking, the womanfloated «thing with the current, which I» tniiisiiiilly »wift,txirne up bv her cannent», which were »pread over the

water and kept tho »trugniiiig inni thoroughly filghtem-dwoman from dlowtilng. l!iimen«e crowd« colle, tei 00

the \ an Iluten nul Adam« »t. bride··« »ni wnbhrd IkeBootIna furili ?« ? íwept down the river. Jaataeahena· bed Madiaon it, however, a Junk boot, run by u mim

known ?« ·· Brotty," reached her aad the ara« retraed un·

eoaorloae ami tabea to aa otti.e la Praablfa-eb, wtierete-turatii»·» wer«· admlnlatrred anda phyelrlan called.It was then dlacererod that »he »va« blind. Wbee »ho ro-cuvi leti she gave her name as Miss I.l//.le Font

FATLVBBM A WD 9ÜMJEFMM TBOVBLBBCntCAOO, PoB. !·.- V r.oic» ili-pnti h fn in Temple, Ter.,

»ays: " The leu, pie ani (ine-ni,;·· 1'<unp.iii)'s n>o|iera-llve Stur·· »»as «old y etti! .1.1 V to I -««ItlL*. Ruufllthlll ASoluti,nit, of Ware, la peyaieaf of a «lebt to them. Theil:iiiiii!ic«,ie placed al rron ??.???.0 B7Hjoofi,andaaeota that are available are put at leae lean gjfB.oooSeveral creditori are oa tin· grouadaad Ihrealea atta, li¬ment«,sr. Loira», r.!·. ?». Predetiek Walter * fon, randy

manufacturer«, ma.'e an ..»«Igiiment for the bOBeltoftheirerediterà tin« afternoon. AaaeU 933.0OU

st. Lorn, ?·.!· '.».-a petttloe «rea Wed en« eflaraaeeIn the 1 Itiint Ctiint ag,ln«t the Charter «'nk Life Di»ur-aace Oeeapeaj aad the reratvern laaeh IP. BraekeeaadG. A St.iin.in. The plaint id- ,11, »,. [_,-(_ ,?,1|, y Imi feran'itile·, -iiktin appointment of a rerelvei furti..· prop¬erty of the romponi located la tbM «uy looking io thepinteiiluii or tini! Inter··«!«.UW.IIX. Fe't. !l tS/vrinh. -Th» «t Te of ?? Itine.» A

llurrv. In thl« «itv, »va* OtBOOd l'i« munitili; ni, 1er rhatfidnv.r'cai·«·« beiti Itv Tetti. Weiler .V 00», .Mill« A «Utili·, utNi« torba aad aererai b» ni creditora, to aoearo alala.?Hin,nil,II!,C li ubimi T.i.(MM).(iMiiii, i'e!>. '.? lipaitan. ? p. F P. Ptabar, the

whoiu«,'iie leaf lobaeee dealer « bo fmiri laOoaaeB iiiuffs

reatara.j. ii m Hod a tehadólo, hi« aanaM ooa.M >.f hi«

«to. u ai.? ?.v, aa Hunt« aad aeeiagkle aeertj 131,000,HI» llabllltlei aatonat to 030.000 ?ßµµß? hi« eradRortare Kmain el Htogman A Sob, Roornwald A Km tber, andWell A Co., all ol New-York City, 'Unir claim» amount,reapoctlroly. lo B7.211, 90,430and ?1.23?.

PEE1XMVLAB ???? ¡i OBOWl KiDori li. Del., I ib. 9. -I In- an ? nal meeting of the I'ctiln-

. ul.ir I rut l.\. luuiL'e wa« hell her.· l.nbiy and largelyattended by peace growera The iecretary*a repart »et

forth Hint the operaÜOMOf th. Exchange :··! Hie la«t year

had been leao protperoaa thaa trae aaUclpated, partlybeeaaae of the Inferior crop aad partly becanee of laigatup- in Now-Jaraoy and tbo \s.-t Baraaru'a Wharf.Kent < oiinty. Mi., was ».it «tei a« the ba-e of uperullnii«be· nise It pro nl« I tu li Iba 1.irire.t p· a· h entre. The

e«iiiii..ti d iblpta. m« "i 850,000 baeheto froai Ibal point.however, dwindled dotra to 57,808. The everega erkepei basket waa &3'e orata. Tba blcheal price average«!by an im?» m ii «ell wa« Ofgrent» The inerUng ??·riiaaed at Ini lb the free prarh-haaket qneatl.madelieti ib.11 the pu.··· of beatela, Iveeeata, mi» hardly h,»venough yet to warrant then- being atvea away, it win

then fur·- retolvod Ibal inner« tun·] either retara.or payf.: baakrU A. L llndaon waa rie. fed pi, «I but, U N.Brown an etarj ??. Bancroft treaaorer, aad aa aaeruiive <··.ill ee waa appointed to all a convention olgrower« t,· diecuaa tbe oevclopmeul ol aee ¦arketaetc,

KSOCEED BEEMELEMi Bl HU- EATOB,telili ?-iti'Ki., Feti. !i lÊpttHuh Q P. Vu¡I.>»»e, «Ilp.llll-

1'ileiit of the « hautaiiipia I.alie lot I .impali», Bin! un

active Hepul.li. an win k.r with a «tmiig ( iermaii follow·lap, has been c.inline.I tu 1,1» hou«« ,'nr tin da»« ami his

face ?» auarked for Ufa. Oa the a%bl af JaaaerySI?· owe, »»it. three frlaade, wae Mated in .. iatlthBi Id «t.

bar room drinking in tr, when Mayor Pultoa aatered und

irai invited by fellowa to (ola the pertp. Iba Mayor .ini

.4 n // //s MTOBÌ ix OOUBT.?? 11-m ?:.., leb. '.? ?.s/irrii ?. ¡. --The lira.lfi.nl divorce ea»«i

came up t.. da» for ti lui before Judge Mtowe. Mr». Ilrad-fiuil I» a Mate« of Mr. Ituhl, of the iliygtail» Unti of

Hoggs ? Kühl, nini Willis Bradford belongs to a highlyraapeeted family of Bow-Brighton The goartraoai amerowiliil. mi the «ilm ¦« iiiinl Mrs lir idf.nd told h.r

»tory. The couple lived together for two yens, alternate¬ly at Bee Brlgbtoo aad Oread Bapahb Hieb. Her im«

biniti, »he »uni, would sleep tinnì,g Hit il.iy, gii dl unkcalli lb the evening ami ? tu nei »» ih bis el.dbe» oli,

.un,pelili).' her lo mit], on the tbs.r. Once at lo p. m. hetelted her, ami holding a knlfe ut ber heart, aererà hewould kill lier ut midnight. Mie ?» ?.« kept In lid« penimi»pusilli.? for over au hour when her haabaad waa over¬come by a drunken itapor.

nil /,·/ u // / /./. m> ? vi LOA ?/.? /'/or.Pun iin.l rillA, Feb. !». \\. II. Tu to. fatmtmì ??????

of the Raminole aad n_e B-preea « uiupany, tobt io-.laythat th. ?· aa«ehaolnti ly ao tratb la the paliWahed leper!..t Bm abearptlea of Mb eeetpaaybj Iba idaoM B-preaa«.un pati». 1 In le have bet n no m full, timi«, he suiti, and

wereeaj aghra bb be BMdeby tba tdaaaa eoaipaay BMfwould not lie eotisiicn il. i In· lialliitioi.· ami Ohio com¬

pany hi.» recently added I.flOft BllBM el railroad lo It« et¬

ilici«». « · ni ¡Uie lim en and ? tesi cul aim tiie ciuci liliali,linn,m. n ¡nul D.«» nui »? «ten,«! ami lu a -mut time »viliu b». ? li the blltlaoat of a nut bei nuli uai abu.il "Min mllcaIn leiiglh, the aaprrta liiiiiic-« uf »»Im 11 I» now halnlicdby tbe Adams company.


PKRfllANfl ORDAINED AS ?1??????Dt » M·.imm it ?.. !.. in the ? battei ol n,.· i;nivct»:ty la«t

night two Feralan atudeau, HertluaVaa .vioms and osiiuiuVan Jesu«. Mil· ?,?.lain· tu the unin»tri. Attiri» briefpreach tig loin hi inibii this country I In y »III go to I ehcran.Fenda, m bai re ,·? lie arMUaa Iflaaioa...li'ICEK.s ur M'.iAlt i.ll.tt» I.E.«' < «..Wi NlloN.si. Em 1». lei. he b||.;.| irottcrs' Convenli»n elected

the following irte, ? · proaldeol Noi.mn J Celoma rteo·|.1.·1??.??. I. .VE .·.. hllait/e, ol I- 0» ..I llsvllle. II lieasurer.?.. W. Ueuing ol Oowaer» urova, ? ?, «orratarr. V· B. OP»b «? :¦. KdwantavBla·

PEOJ'LB ol DTPPSBBBT ??ß???,Pilli, AI ·? i-iti ». lei, !l S/t ciuf..-l'I.reo l|.|i..r deniers

Jo e|. ?? Uni er, f. ..ms iiml i.ou « V o »te lue .1 :·')!· »U'Icii.-l» In ila» ?: .e. in.· lumi,, un -llll'U»'. The attiri.·!·'! » ».,1It «as. lea and not wltlakey Ih« »¦ luid m>ld. he prose-culo:». I.··.»· v, r. « von et!,rl»l«e, lini J tuli,·' leouttu toni-

polled Ih. m t.. ivy Ihe Une»..-I.I.kin.. ? DIVORCE PROM DB. T. O. POBD

Si» .nui.».».«. I'.l, * 1\**?1) bini for ilinuce wu» lo·i'«V in«tl'u|ei li) Mi», l'ont agaUMl ber liusbuuil IT. ? '·¦

Knri. »ho »us H.-iilriies.l ou M.unlay lo «.tern year»'im-in ????????,eut ai htm lalMir for killing J. «'. hirkuttii u k. Ihe

grouiitl un µ ? ? Hi.-, tiivoit ? ?» »»»»? I» Hull in. l'olii la »

l'uuvli t.BAianra titb pmicb op bail*

CntCTBWatl,Boh.a TheWa»leral»all Aaa»litMa »? piete ill.lt 111,:.tl» tin ellllg In liar Voleil III. 1II Until.»I ? that llltl

WtoB ot nail» be alva.ro.1 lo f..·' an!, -:i amali« e ol 10




l*T TELBUKAni TO TUB TRJBrrXlt.]Chicano, Feb. K._The southwestern portion of

the city began to feel tho effect» of a dieaetroueflood this afternoon. Thin mornlr« there waa »heavy volume of water and rapid current in tbe( bl'Ago River. Tito munii creek» and streamswhich feed tbe Hespía Ines* River West of Chicagobroke from their icy beds in the recent warmruins, and the volume of water coming into theC'hica_'o River from tho DospluincH River renden dUMlese the pumps at the Rriilgcpoit station, whichconsciiiiciitly stopped woikin,'. The w-wage, whi-hline thus been dlvertied from its untumi How intotho ranal, now finds Its way into the lake, hutfrom cb-ervutions made this morning it docs notextend nwe thnn half a mile into Lake aflefaJgaawhere it then distributes itself north and southaim,' the western iihorc. This aflcrn'.on tin ico(.-orge formed in the south branch of the Chica »o

River, ami diaajBjea] a inimbcr of vessels iiom their?????????,'ß. 'Pic li« in UM river was so rapid as,|0 BmtNJ the cellars of the MeComki, ReajH-r jWoiUs, wild h are about ·©· feet fr.im the ri-er.Iha tunny latll mnnufai-ltiling establishments iutin- Famnj^DOlhood were in great danger nil day.Tlie liuiss of ice, constantly increasing in size,ftomted down the river, c.'iirying ecrv thin.-' loosewith it and sinnshiir,» docks.The sudden thaw, accompanied by the heavy

mini on .Mnin'.iiy und Tuesday caused the'prairies northwest (,f Mie rity- to be transformedInto miniature lakes ami lh.· ditches to run likemill races. The rei;ion of Villa KiiL:c, northwestof the city, was oicrllowed to the depth of twofeet. At Stil/er-st., in the north branch of the(hlca'-'o River, there was nn lot ironjc whichdatuiiied the ri" er, nnd Ihe low praiiie in thatvicinity was coverei with about two feel ofwater. ? second gorge formed about three hun¬dir I feet below tho l!i ltnont-a-e. l'.ridgc, andhas raised the water so that It is nearly to the|O0g of the binine. This niiirniiu tlie* »utlmrUiesOB8*Am*J tbe narrow channel and the water was

given a vent, but all tie basements and cellarsin the neLhlioihood weit» tilled. The third anilargeet muss of ice was eppooito I.ukcview. Itabreaking was linked f. r with inttcli nn\iety.

A l'.ispi'ieli |o "'lho limes' from Annua, 111..Baya; Ihe rain for tin· bt-t forty-ci-ht hour*ruis· d the wafer 08 tinnii in tbe Pai lìiver thi-.byestei.lnv if was bafbet then it has been beforefor o\er twenty years. ? in* ice in tho rher.which w-ps «? | ward of Iwii'.y inches thik andti"t at nil brilli·-, bepJM to mo <· about ??··?.

'Ihe ( ity Mtltl nt the cast end of Ihe dam in theeast churn I of the rivet wer·· earned iiwcy, liedumacc amount ini: t<» 110,000 on the mill andM-vcrai tboueand dallan oa tbe atock. The hi*-proni h to tbe Sortb-ava. wiigon bridge was eairied¦«ray, ns was the bul.·.* ¡it ?·?tli Aurora."

Thor· hue lieu ii, I lit:,s fr-Uli the Wist overthe Illinois Centra] slice Monday ni^bt. a bridgeat ? ?????' I Mil I'ciir.» wu-sbe I away. Til" North*uiM.cii irnin» inun ChiooitO went via lie Kalb, on

a· count of bri.Ices being carried olT al ?: tin- lin··.Hiid lb·· Milwaukee mid >t. l'aul Malts went) a

P nudalo .I way to c-.c.i|»· a break uf liavis's.'uii' t on. Near Ml. Mon». Oil the Chi BgO nnlbma rtaad, it is wportad twettty ktnxtba of rodba c dis,·,? prore I. traina tram ibe Last baiae, Utein conscfiiience. The bul..· ·? the ChliMaJOlluilini-t' ? ?? 1 Northern road at Milled 8 ill·· 81

.uni it lai-·· ¡«ni ?,? of the track is undera u'· r.

The Rher I'it-in in Michigan was never so highns it ha» broa su·" veatetday an et in»,». WithIbe water (litne un be ire rye wblh swept awayti,· Ifoeomb- t,. brid e Iaat evening. It was aniron «Mit· tu..· valued at 115,000, oad the princiialM u ?. '.. d .,n the Ire for a lime on I »a* securedto an naTjmOoat tr< e l»v BOOBO Inr.e Oamnmn» LaterIha iiniiis «reta broke· aad ih·» brtdfo onmh.?????? Imuiscm were fleoilcd und BOVOAml people wen;

iiscued with diniciilly.-1-a»

0V1 I.'l I.oU??? IN NI/iV-VORK STATE,till slliKAMs im-iaiiv un.II urn mm.s AM»

IIKIUCI S ( Altlllll» AWAT.Lvoaa, ivi., i» tfpatimh..Melting »oowaod rain« oa

Monday und Tomodof eau-cil tlie 111 ¦_' 11. -1 llood knownin tlii» ri-L-ii'fi fur teverol war«. Tbe water began itotag?.·»! evening .-nil before doj |hl bntoj waa aaveral lei I,!,i j. in liisir.i.uN ami -In et* Main people Ht.- BBOh ( t..

eci m il,eu Booaea a» apt la boata. Booth of tata rtllagatini ».uni» uf eerea "f lead «ere nnder leveraifut ui «rater und Ibe groouda of Ibe Agriculturalburletj and extensive brìi u·. arda «ere mbnierged.

I ,»111*111:. l'eli, ft i ili»|i.it'li frulli l'alili.» G t to Thrfui.,., «,../.!./.· ·1?>.'« ?? a - l'In· Mater coiitliilli d lo

H-·· rii|-i.!ly l.i-f nlu-lit ood Hila nioriiltní. ami Ixitti tlu«

? i.il and th.- Vi ?-t H.'.ie tunk« wer.rendtOB(leptii of two feet Train·, wrn· delayed raoAdderanlf aadni·· fu is-lit w.?» »lai··,t. Kollruad metí »ay It t» ibeQoratfreabeteverfcoowohero, 'ilie avenue waa roa.·

plrtely covered with wateroad lee, impedlBa travel ApurUoa of i:.unliait'« iniil ma» denmllahed. Ie*a»«jrmpbwires were litii'cti .low It ami one lit|,li.-e ea- can led a »a v.

¦Mie iellata ol II,e limi-e« III ìli·· ILhsIcI dl.Ill. ?ß?ß Miedwllli water an.l c.ni-lili able in-'ls-iiy was d· air·.» «·?.li aloway'· malt hou·· ?a aaveral feel under »ra_fr. The|oaa ?· ? -tliniiicl at if I.ikmi,"A fi'c.ici m iiirfarc water mane tin· tlowo trm-w on the

( 1..til. it·· t".i.l, near tin- |;|,I,_·,· rood, iin-ar.· till» m-mln,'nn tram« wite run both »eye on tho lip-track, ··

tra· k».d Hie Hour, b'Btertnwii and Ogdeoabur»; roodwile .le-tl"Wil llj III·· iia«iiinll at -.a III'·.·/.· lilla limn

Infami pa..«¦; ? arerà Iriuwferrod tu Iblacttl troni tuoi?·.,ini m vaaona,

iiiittit, »ab. 0, 'I'll·· water In Tonawaoda Cerea io¬li ·? reached apnlBl furtbei Unni Ihel ?.a. led in any¦prlo« frealiel for »ear», llie »lllajre »treeta orere coveredwiiii wnier iu aererai placeo. In anuol Ihlrtj dwelling?.,,??. « m simili Libert)-st. the water w;.« rrotnuuetuthree feet alune the arouud Boor, ami the laaabltouta»en- rearood with boato.?? 1(1.1. li ??. '.? 1·????.??« III thla viciniti ?????* (lune «??ß?

dan ».-.-, Ma· BUveï l.ake KmIrood luffered froiB .? bad»««li.iiil. At Uursiiw and Mixer S|ciiiu'« li'H·'· **erOit umiliteli und ???µ? » nini Mit« ?. r.. ?? ?_-111 into u«··. Ali trainain. tin- canni ??,.?? wen- a'iali'l.>l last limili·

????»????;??, Feb.ft ??·· calven a rolle eaet "f tinsplan* waa waehed not by blub water laal iiilhi. Paaaeo·fen and baggage oo tho Central rood ¡o·' ttoneferred «tUna lxillit

A» ..

liAMAiii: DOVI HY HP.II wvn.i: CtCAVADA.M. l'AlIlMUMS, Ont, lele ft 'Mie old canal over¬

flowed su suddenly lilla iiuuuin^, BWlOg lo a ru»li "f «at er

from Twelva Hile Creak, tbal the people UvtBatoaltabank« bad la Ilei· lo lilirli irioiiiid to «ave their live«,uii· klaaa'a iblpvord ami warbabapa are Baverai teataadarwater. Tbe eater Bntorod ibe erjueeliIn whlehwet.· the -te.itnei» i'cr«ia un.I (K-i-an undergoing repairs,inni the w-.i ?.la I.ail ?.Mllttlod U> »BVa Incn. l'licwater i» one tier iiecii in .Sinn»'« warebou·*, where anIniuienac I'U.uitlty of lloiir la atntcil, and Ills lo.-s will lieheavy.LuatMM, (Hit.. Feb. !>. 'Mi·* no: Hi lirnlicti (if Un· liner

Tiuuiiea boa agata evetwowed it» bnmba, aad aaarlyalltin· house» m tini aaiilbaia ead of boulon Wist anHooded, «nine of tliem to tin· depth of three feet. Tin)moving tee baa aeotroyed a port.f tbe »oil ot Hi«sulphur HprlDga building and elan about nit) reel or Hi«i,n iUw.ii. r betweoa the, ?.?.?· arriara aad a>BnlngtooBtnfafaa. ._..^_^...

rsrijre t<> ìwjwdui ir trmurarob compart.FJoavoa, i.ii. ?? \MpAHaH. Heaiy ·'¦ lheeaae, aiiu·

ihoiii|isoii, »a· ajtoetail in raaibrtdaaj today oa « abanaot Iiumiik aoaoaliad with otba· petaoaa **eht>ead ???I mated Males .Mutual Act lUciit ???? ialioii of New Voileout of if.\<MM.. ( hallea ft Kioat. of North All

dover, aad Waiter Pa. Bray oad kukcii« i- Baaadaro,of IheUea, mo also in ciisiody on euaplcioliof belila Xammonfa accoinpllcc». Mary l.eoiiar.l, who It

i» »up'siacd had l8B18tbla| to do wltli the 8088, Bl nilsaitiK.l.all) last siiuiiner llioiuua, Irosi, BfOf i'1'd :-auinler»decided to try a plan for ??.-.????.???? Iba Aceliciit ?ßßß-??.???.???. Ihoinaa secured a lilauk applieali"U and

i -alindera llll.d iu the ne.casary utinwcrs to Interngm·toil··» eoiiceinliij» his health alni «cliiual colniltloli. A

policy lot ff.'i.iM.o wa» taken out. Bad Nl:"'>'l.eoniiKl, who posed u» Thouias's lntcmlcl wife,was inaile the hciieilclaty. Two naaeasiueiita wore

paid, lialafieoibai to P/nol aad Iboaaaa went down toUoverlj .·· aeo ibe aloop Majraower. wbloh wee ui'.mt t"

au loto wlalor qiiortora. Tbev bind o boat 1er a iooj m

Ilie liuilior ami bile ul iiMliI Host retiirncl 10 I lie town

unii li-'iolte.l |la..? the lioat had capsl/eil and 818 coni

pinion nini liciti.unwind, uu ( iciohef'-' Mary l.eonaiulelcLTiipheil to III« »e. rotary Of the tiiauiiini« OOmpBOJeUluilng tin* In,man, .·. After u Ion« »cucii ??ßß???waa [Olllltl loUuy.

nMRMJL\ IJT/J rWTRRARMII.Mtfilslil In., Prim . ??·?·. 'J. At today'» »eaalon of the

(.t.iii.1 Army of Ihe l'.e|.?.lille Mate llnciiiiipincut MaJ"'t-aiiiuel iliitpei-.of G????.????. wna deelaied the choice for

liep.iilinelit l ou.uniliilcr, and (oliiiaiie liutle·.-·? UlUle-

ion. (oi fi nun \nc iiniLi.il. 1er. I niipl.lii Mjjie» wtt·

n. di. d. Allentila ?? wa» »ele.I. .1 m» ¡hejiliiie foilhe m .\l " man piueiit. IbO Woni.-n · l»üll«r

Corpi, an auxiliary of the Grand Army orthe Republic, held Re annual meeting to-day and electedMr». Abhle Lynch, of Pittsburg, president. The corpaha« gained 2,743 member» duriug tbe poet year and le lua flourishing condition.



on the elevated railroad in Uoboken last night.The c»r that left the ferry at 6:20 o'clockwa» about


half-way up the eteep Inclinoleading to the Height», when tbe grip broke and the car»tartod toward the ferry.There were 130 passenger» on board and they

became pani.-etrlekeu at once. Several of themtried to Jump out of tho car. They would»urely have been killed, as the track It over

a hundred foot from the ground. The gripiu.in,Mlchuel Whaton, and the conductor, Samuellal ununison, could do nothing to »top the ear. But Com¬missioner W. F. Kern, of Jersey City Height«, »tiocended inmaking the brakes work and »topped tbo car. liealso quieted the frightened people.A terrible accident wa» avoided, a» there would have J

been great lose of life If the car had gone unchecked tothe ferry.



T«»N, FORMER CLBBB OP TIIK CRIMINAL COCBT.DOOTOB. fab 0 I ITpMlllI) ft was reported to-day that

John OL l.clghton.'wbo in December resigned the office of

clerk of the .Municipal Criuiiual Court, was a dafaulinrto the aiiioiint of fBOO^OOO, Mr. Leightou baa .servedtwenty year» when he gave up the noalt'on, and hi»friend» were niiich BBrgBtOOd at hi« retigli.toon. Aboutti at time It became ktiitwu that lilt accollati were but

correct, imi when asked allant ? by tbe )??·1»«ß Mr.I.elglitun ¡tdmltte.l that »tich waa the fact, but »aid thatit was .ytril.ut ii ¡c only to iialnteniioii d error» on u »

part, and be aa« ready, when the auointt w.i« atcor-

taino·!, to ui.iko the -1 ¦-ft--1·-·*··>- goni. Au expert wa»

then employ«! by tlis Judge», nut It will lake a lone timeto a-t ··« .en whether Lie shnrtsre aiuoii'it» to a aull.eU.-ut»mi to ni» an un Imititeli criminal intent on the puf ofMr. beigli: ti. No proceedIn.« against hiui hive yet boeuin·.·?.?·. 8H »u«ploloii«, witliotit »etnl proof, bate not yetbeen r«eognlzed by tbe courts ne eonVlent foundation f.uarrest. When the rumor» were first clrnu'nt*.! about Mr.Lelgliton, hi» financial eouditliii was a t<iplc of «?«·??·-

.Inti. an I It appeared upon Impilry Ibtt for the loot ten

year» he ha« been one of tiie heavie»t mort<uge operatoreIn lioston. ani his triir stintimi» r-nressnt tbo BOO of a

large amount of money. He 1« ..«.a·»., ? fur HLOOO, the«m uni which be invriied In real ettat» mortgage» beingexempt by law. It wbm nn unoo'oiuiiii tniug for Mr.Lei« litOB to lend PSOìOOO or §28,000 on reul e-tate, amiwithin a week or iwo, wbilc 'he mortgage» were Iu force,to lend an e.piul amount <>u oilier tea, estate. Ills move¬ments a» h r to bare been conti ei tu piopertv iu theHack Hay. One duy In Jul». Ih.-i I, be lent *·8,00? eacn

upon five .tIRrreiit pieces of real estate. Hie in ungaci,r»lu n au» m«»« were builder», »ml tboutfli manyof tbo ii.o't.H.rs have beta diaaharaed, Mr. IeUh-fon I« »'ill u :. -?.1 lu Rack Ita»· atta e» to theh.not of oearlr f200,000> Tne»e figurée may have«/Iren rl«e te the »tory that Mr. l.-lgi tini*» a, cm,,M aero

abort that atiiiuitiL Hi» »alary waa for manv year·? .'.'¦ '" lier un ii tun. hut n f « year» a.? it wits liic«ea»edto Ti.'iOo. Tboaa faatlllarwith his ?... ?'« ex| ?¦ «« an

opinimi tnat he »aved a 1 trge portion af hi» salary everyyear, ami unrated the mouey at u goo I r_te o, lnteresf,so that the aciunnuU'loii« have made h m a prospettiti«iiib'i. The aodllopa reports for feu yeo« «bow tuul Mr.I.eigiiiiiti'« figure» of receipt· and expenditure« neatlybalance every year, ami thai the exce»» nf Income overexpenditure» ??. a fri» Instai ce« ?» only tboai 12,000.I'er-iui« «hn have ? knowledge of the b.»ine*» of ih»cuir liellevn that tue net income mi.ht tobefioiu»'jo.ooo ?,. 125,000 a venr. hat ui.til the expert tlnlsbe*bl» work the exact tact« will not be known.


AN l.MI'EKIEl G IlltnKEN BA1L.AWOBB MAIEMENISor hie wocanan.

Win.e RTvfr .1CM t |. .?, Vt., Keb. !»..A twelve-itieh tregBBOOt of rail picked up at tin· scene ut the(entrai Vermont acri I, at »hows that the rail troniwhich i' wa« broken must have been detective. It waast« ci piateti, ot St. Alban» make, and weighed G?

pound« to the yard. A crack which extends nearly the

length of tho piece »how» that the «teel wa» notthoroughly railed on, or welded ta the iron. Whorethe ei.el w a« blöken tioui tint iron the surface I» b-ltaeereaeetl cut with a kuite. Along the topor treadot tin· roil at tin· end ot «me oi the breaba awatteaod isan iiiileii'atiu·. or abrn«ioii u» If infide by a wheel leav-iti. the rail. The Railroad ( omini».inner» visited (be?«¦ine ut the tetddeat ibi» aioialag aad mad« a doseciamhiatioti ol the track, deepen, ciò. Il «a« ilisov-«re.l t'.al the exact Mint »vher- the lir«t mil broke WasIn the mid,Ile ,i a aide tie. aad hot between tie». Inthe iitiiinoiii the ooauniaeloaeFa caaliaaed their iarea-tt.'it nui by examining boom el the iajared. l'olirArel ? «¦ «titled : ·· I wa» in tin· teeottd paeaei per ear nonoticed tin-»hakim: of the e if it was a loi wiir.l timiback motion, not lateral at all. i he car «liti lot tutti

over bat weal down ttraight i.u.l tinteli rearead iir«t.When the ear »Tuck I it »till a little v.hile Bad.Id»ce tin· m·,on alum· me through a window. I reachedup and got ? ertlv thrnegh wbea a man under me pulledm,· buck laying In- Miniti get oat drat »ml ihea helpm«·. I did not »¦···· linn égala ea be left bm to get outalone "

? li.niii» Kilej o -ti led "I waa iu the lirai natacagCTear cotn.iig toward White Hirer Jnnctioa. when thethaking began Conductor Htartevaat reaebed tor therapi and mtoaed It. I :e.n lieti it ami nave a ,, r'; ami ranlur tbe tlour. I opeoed the doot latendlag toJome otl\\e were going ta»t. I a iot the doer end got back towhere 1 waa tir t ilttlag Then the eraah oeeatrea. Ithink we were running tatter thee eaaal m eraoeiag»mil a I ny; orbi·:«·." It is BOW believed that the num¬ber nl ¡ut «mis on the train waa ninety-one. Of ihcaethirty-eight loat their Uvea, thirty-eia were hint, aadtoventeen raeeped without injury.


MPBCIAL BLBCTIOS IS UBODB UlAXD.G????????? ?, ?. I, Ft ?. '.» (gmntaf). The Sipreiue

t'ouït tutta» ib ciileil lite constitutional iptes'iun tin

»et uni « leettoaa tor BMBibera "¦ Oaagieta» referred M tiiat

body by Ooreraor «TetaBore. The deciaion la thai a pia·ratify i« «Ulli lent to eliii un .? -ivim 1 tri il. The (¡nv-

araorlatmediately celled a apaelel aleetlaa to till thevacancy lu fus Congre«« from the III Rhode IslandM-tnt. to be held .m Prbroery 31. The republicanMate Central ? oiiiiiilttee has tailed a convention fur BOXITut«,lav. Major V» till tu A. Fieiv«. w lil ilitiiiilless be tbenominee. The Dei.rut» will doubtlee« oomlnate(inities H. Page, although there la a dealre Uieotacq.tañera not to trutt to Page, but to put forward Judgelii.i i:· y for the ihort tenu aa well us tor the iou¿ tena.

Li 1.1 lit ?? ?? i*' LVCETAM WELLAEMAOBRTtC(un ?«.· 1.1'· i«, o. Adlapetch t·. Tka fiatai treat Chat

taaoopa,Tana, Bayai "Pani ?.. Athtneoe, of tu1« city,who achieved ipiite a réputation a« uiaiiager of Lululluis!, the young »vornan who pooaoeeod BM h iiiarvellousinagiieib· ptivfi r«, waa married this morning.at her hotuoBearCedartown, Cai Mita Hurst ilace her »»underfillpower departed her.had been attending school, mid grada·n'ei in lot cuil.ci' la«!. It is reported that the fortune of«·_'. o.iMMi -ie BBiaaard while en the ataga bus beentrebled by lock] In Ballatala

WILD BOB BXOITBMBET.Pot'..un 11 i-.ii:. lib. ',? (ipariaQ. l'ho wild dog excite«

liient in the (niviisiif Pleasant Valli·»* und II., ie Park

continue». ? G?.·.?».tut Valle, fui mei ?, ho ? etui tied homelate ¡it Bight troni a visit to thi« city, was atlacked bynine uf them an I barely escaped with his lite. Todayanother bunting party of ISO bmo wa.» orgaalaad, auarmed with tbntguna and Intended to atake a thoroughiuint in all thu wtsitl» und »wauips of tbe town.

VBFBSMJTÊ FOBTIFICAÎIOEÊ called foil.I! »Hilohl,, Feb.!». The fenaio to-day unanimously

passctl a riMiliititiu adbred by senator bunnier, of llart-

Inrtl. calling 00 Congre»» to piotect tbo eca«'oa»t ninilakeboard Btatea by «aaae proper ayete.tel defensiv«tintilli'.itioiis.- »


HUBDKBTHE BBBULT Of A DOMF.sl'IC QUABBBbMu \» ai M'.K. I'ob. il, A dispatch to Ihr fc'miiiii/ BtaaMMM

fluiti »emana «avs ·· bainoci lliiuillton »hot ami allieti JohnPatterson la the latter'» BooaeOB Rapiti Hirer, twenty milea

? ih m l! al p .u··, l.i-t Ulgtil. Han,unni, who »a.« an tin

iiloyeuf Patterson ». claiins that he Inter» rued to proteit????.? ou» «in· triitu violence ai the baud« ut Her biiabaudunit ». » compelled iu »hoot Paatieaea or ou »mit downturn.elf."

Ill"11 HERING HIS FAMILY AND HIMBELP.CHI. Ano Feb. «.-A dispatch ??,G?<* /M.fg VctCtt, Iroiu War-

»an In ? »ar»" A party ,r huuter» happened to paas the

linn'i ..??«·· ut Hi nrv I'liuhaniiu Tippecauoe towiialilii. «eulin» tunic ??????? In« mullíate! romain» Iu the lane. On oyou

in the uooi of the noiise, tlicy diacoTOTed the little two-yearMd girl wie, her throat cat 11 um ear tu ear und Mr«. Huuhamnear by, alive, but so bail,y tut »nit injured ai.otiv the head aatu be lattati III« ? ?· thought thai luu.lt. in was ??».???·."

MlIRDKBOUi yl'AKKI.I.oVKR A DOSE OFUCININi:.?G I.<>l Ie. Erb. I·. A disputi h from bt. J ¦·-»,-j,. ,. Mtl., taya

"li· my Un. alarmer lu in. mene unica weal of thia illy,ha» ? cu arreetad > barged »»uh a «.mi with .unm m kin in»BOB BOB Ilo sa»·: it»t night 1 piptne.i to give myyouugc t t'Itili! a tinse ol ??????????. My »on Wtli.an, inieifriri?? ?« ,liuti. «I . .live Iu hi» IHI lltnill anil llll'l t III ,'W Hill ill) Wllunti beai ititi, .»ecitiu thai I wa» gen lua the»orst of 11,1area my knife ami «..».I uiy »ou iu ibeab.luiucn.' The buyt an.ml pOBllhH let o»el."

(iAl.l.AOHKK I'LI'ADINi. (JUILTY OF FOROERY.? nii'Ai.o, III., Feb. A W,inaia J. «lallagber, the alleged

Ml luci uf Joseph« Mat kin iu tue 1- .iahte,mh \» aid electionHun ?, pi. ailiil k-ii'i!» tin· a.t :. non betöre Judge Anthouy ofOn, forgery ol »ariani« foi water rebute» ou lb· city tmaainv»ml i.i »etiti in cil iu a ) ear iu the neuilcntury.

BUBOUÜM tVBMVMÙ fì\ A »MOU.?? ? »? ? AM<, Ohio, leti a-A week ago the hoii»e ol Mr.

bt,meni.ml» ? lloln.»,» «ou li tv wa» entered by masked men»im Itiuiii (he family «ml atole »eventi hundred dull», s.

^ oriental' lite .in tiri« »cut «ire»ir.l Bl LoutlonVUIe andtaken to Miilci«iuirg !o»l nigh!. A erowd ut aererai hundred

rtopb wuiixat toi the train. When the offlter» appear·«! with..· n pi iMiii. ? «a unii waa ? a.ie. The prl««rtier· were aaae

itimi i.inliik.ui ny .a,k ilrNh to the Jail, tut the mob fol·ift nini liken ny out » *lr««x* to 11.ß jail. Din in* mu» ton

... dan in ,?, ? i to ? an hour altor the prliou doer« were


TENDEO TO DIVCHT HCSINENS.New-York wholesale merchante are aotnewluVB

Indignant at the attempt of oewapapere, espee·ially In Doeton and Chicago, to divert tratMfrom this city by rapreoenting that the strike«have interfered with the shipment of good* and]that »mall-pox ia prevalent here. Such atairleaare wholly without foundation. The etiikeaml.lit hayo damaged trade seriously had New·York merchants remained inactive during the)tumble, but it has always been possible to ship.Roods, and now that the strilie is ¡Tactically uveithere is no trouble whatever.

Mr. Kobinscn, of tho firm of II. ?. Clafliii 4t1Co.. said yesterday:We are »kippln*· «rood· to every point In the United

Stat··« and are experiencing ·· a reel ? any Inconvenience,I.aat week, of course, we were eiib|eeted to an occasionaldelay of a few hours, but we always «rot off each day'ashipment that night or the next rooming at the verylatest Of course we had to »pend a little money to dotlila. We hiid to keep plenty of loado 1 trucks alway· atthe ferry and had to watch every opportunity to get thegoods off. Out that H what Ilvo lucr.iiants uriat expectto do. The outside pspers are endeavorin«/, hy a flagrantmlrepreaentatlon of the fact*, temporarily to catch a lit¬tle of our traie. Whatever trouble the. may have beenlast week Is all over now. Freight Is i/olm» forward regu¬larly, and everybody can easily ship all he wants.During the very wore: of tho etriUe we could readilyhave »ent off more goods than wo did.Cornelius N. Bliss, of Bliss. Fahyan & Co., anH :I am glad that Ton. Ti.iiiim; Is taking this matter up

and lending its weight to the refutation of these Idle yetinjurious rumors which have been »pical abroad by in¬terested persons regardiug the present facilities for thotransportation of «.»nods and the handilu/ of the springtrade. How false these report» are we in Ne»-York allknow, but unfortunately they train credence abroad andgather volume as they get further from home. Why, oneo. m.r pi.untin -lit merchants told ine yesterday that uno

of hi« customer» hud wired him, aiitteeetiiix the expedi¬ency of Inking out a street Insurance on certain good·,then in transit, which the cmtouier feared might be d-v.ti-oyed bv tbe riotous mob while betn«· carted throughour streets. Of course a pro.npt reply was «out to the ef¬fect that the only r.-uit tho strike hid had along oar

water front was to change for a few days the ordinar·/bustle of trafile to the outlet of a country village. IIshow», however, the truth of what I said, that theserumor» need some publie aud far reiuhltia:denial, whichonly papers like Thf. Trim Mi. can ulve. We were »llafht-ly inconvenienced for a few days durili·/ the strike In get¬ting our ?.'.»Nla into the city, but by working* our lettinehu-1er and ,lia» iic ii.'ely iii'ou the »tuck In hand thedifficulty wa- tided over. At present ever» thine is ./mugon airain as well aa uaiial. or very Bearli so. Fient·, ofIntuii» have been BBtered to take tho stilkcrs' places, andtin* iiieiehunt« of New-York are, I .an »afelv say, nomore behind liuiid in their »prills» shipment» this weekthan ii.. a. .·. a » .n c a tin- unusually lui.-iy season ofthe year. It la too early yet to form anyestimate of tho auiuuiit of »priuk* suleea» compared with other year», but from pre »ent itid'.ca»ti.ins I should say there will be no fa liiir ?? an? way.The same int. n-t'd aetaataa an alaoexiitig.-ratiiiKtheprevalence of »?,,ill, ox iu this city aud vi· hut.. endnav-onug to deter country merchants Iroui visitimi Sew? orlefur feariif l'iiiitaiflou, some goiuiiso lai as to say tha «:< <»?·shli»ped troni litre may carry tlie germs of disease, lillais even more absurd than tlie furnier, and in i«l, I think,defeat its o«TB ends bv Its u'lart n.' exaifiieiatlo,!. The re¬tili na of the health ottli lals will show fiat tin-» n n-'··,winch did not at uu> time a-» nil'· dali-'ennis pro|»iiii"in,i« now completely under eoulroi ami al noal »tamped nut,\S<-at-·* feeling thl.« spring the full beneilt of the eipüt-ai'le ireiL'ht rate adjustment whlcti the ibys'iMMl» ??··ßo.t.mied Irom the. iKMilcd Im, a la«t fall It I, ifivin.' ?·?-

eral satisfaction an,l »vin sodo ibt tuuro to the bciioiUotthe entire trade of this metropoli».At tue ollic of I'effi, Welter & Cet, Mr. leflft ex¬

pressed much the salie view«, Ue »aid :Tin- aalV (liin.ei· (if New-York lo»ing auv tr-ide bv the

recent strike« arises fi'otu these iupirio ?- an I ititi ululiti»luîtes, there wa-. to be eure, sime tri.lin,' an · lyaiicowhen the freiKht-hanillers ouit work, bal it onlv BoStaia osante el da»». <>ur gaodaian goieg out lo avori -tatoan I territory lu the l'unni just as usuili, aud «ve eau «ouiunload» more.

Mr. Webb, of Dunham, Bucklev & Co., stnilodgrimly »va,-u the subject was bruugut to his atten¬tion. :-ai ho*.

I aup¡.o..'d ih.it those Western fellows would be up tothat. llie> are it bri jilt lot, an.I In» un ehOU ·«· «if dinilV-iugahaip practice» ut the ??????ß uf Sfev-tmlfc. The.Misaouiii'acilie strike last year ??.????.?.? a great deal ofbaatueaa to lui· town which would muer ,? loe bava gone tothe Largo Weetera ? ¡tíos. They aie unhung oír strikeIure lo duaia-re trado. Their" alune· aro wholly false,limici er We have »altered bo real iu'errupfiiui la ihemovement uf Irei»:lit. I.ui«,·,·»· there v.as su ne delayund boxea accumulated on tbe wkovvoa, buttaaywoaaforward altuoat l.uiue.tlutely and tamN Is now no coal-

pluiiil to in.ike.

W. !.. ????;.', of W. I,. Stn Bfj «v < ·»., nini nn-m-ben of tbe Bra of Smith, Uogg ? fiardaor and flSweeUter, LVmbrook à «·'".. said m elicit tha -amo

lliiii-s. They wet* oil »li pin: M u-tml. and haveDot Si-en the line when tiny m Id ? .t hu\ e· in-'ii'UM'i Mu-ir -111 ,»im-tit s ?» il lenii «tiil>:ii ? ¡?*-*»m fltheir cilatoasen by delays. 'Ihe\ »II und·.: »?-idthe moti e of ili·· Btortea circulated. ,

l'Ili si tuns oi Un· lleillt 11 Di spai t ni-llt who bavahelped t< cheek a auinher nf e, i-'.emii-s of con-

taeion in pi···· ?.nis years -,-titi yes*terdaj limi Iherotcould i'·· no epidemie of aitualldjas in tha lityilins rear. Tbe »li-ht spRod of the divas·,*,which In-.uu a Little 88080 lliau it iicidh ¡id, haibeco nearly etiecked and sanallpok would i»o»tamped «.ut entirely wiiliin aaolliec luouth, tlu-yithousht. At abe (lose of Iaat week tho muuI1,»iv"· ord was us follows : Fiiot wick, ó idmi;sec ni week, Ifl eaaea; third week, 13 oaoeoifourth week. ·> coceo ¡ totali M eaeea. In a city,with a popolati n of mee than u nullum ninia half, it ?,lus said, si) few Ma - uf sn.alljsixneed cause ?·> abara ¡it aarj tin.··. Aa utiwici iu.-itoii?,il ni rt'eat üxty-eaghth-st., wD.» bevi (aneliti

tin- di ease in Itrooklyu, was the onlv smallpox*.iiiciii disoovoKd yesterday. Dr. ,?. n. Tu\ii¡.

Cliiel Iiaipcctot if Couaaxrtoua 1 meo· s BaldiThe lit'le «pirt of »mall|»ix piiibtibly will Is* a benefit

to ili.- -Hi, be. ause the BOWanOuer· baie tu tie an mil -f|oi Ita« In - aie ? »real in.i'iy people Into gettlllg VOO-

.ui.ii.d. Wo have had ao little amallpox ? reeeM fOaaaUnit people «rere ?·a?···?.ma ni leirani t<» tue only unan»ofproli·! ??,???. ilie <li»easc »invai a few weeks ano in··.man

there waa much expooore froin eaaeealed ca»e«, sai dur-

Ing the paal fortuiiüil the centres ol n-nta.'inii have in*nndimlDlsniOg lii»t.'ad ot Inii-eusliiif. from the iiiteetotluouaea. which aie ? .itched closely, wo get few new (·a*»??

iustoad nf the many which we expected, and ihe dise..*«ilo·-· not apiiear in new houses. All »iiullp.it pattoatSarc remoled iroui tho city now in the tirai «tace of tae

iii-ea«e, Before they ·aa infect aayauealaa w« expect -u

a greater niiinbei "f ca«e« tina w.-ea than we have hadand the recml lor next week proiianly wl.i be light, t

expeol uinv dial aaollpos will momPfaet from tho city. utiiely iu iiiHiut Ui.ee weeks.


TO DO SO-NO PHiKiltKSS IX Aiiiimuriox.

Tlicre U a wide dilleience of opinion a» to tbe re¬

sult ot' tin· negotiations that have basa |»endiiig lor

several days between Auslin l orbin and lleury Wand J. It. Maxwell, on the part of the G1? 11 at leiphi*and Keadiug Railroad, and T f. l'utuaui, represeut-ba| Diattict Assommai· No. 4M. Iu ticeoitiauc« with «??

¡»p[iointinciit mude un the »»rêvions day, Mr. l'utnam

called at Mr. Maxwell'» othce, Xo. 118 Uroadway, at

I 1 a tu. veslerdai and was ui coiiaultation with Mr.

Maxwell lor about bull' an hour. hoaOOBnOaj lo Mr.Maxwei.'s accouut. Mr. l'utuaiu »aid when he 80088 in

that ho amply called to Weep his uppoiiiliueut, inas¬

much as he had seen that Mr. ti.rbin had tuado

uri-anm-ii.eiits with his men. Mr. Maxwell told hun

that a telegram bad 0080 ree. nei tioiii Ml. t'orbmstating that even thing had been urrnllgod »»li»i...

torily iu rtiiladeliihu aud that then- wa· therelore uo

tintín r need lor arbitration. Ml. I'utn.im thank -.1Mr. -»laxwell lor the lair »pint in w..ich he had beenmet and withdrew, closing the n»goti.i.ioii».Mr. I'uiii.iiii »ays that uo tig eeiiicut waa reached

itlier lit ?¦liil.niclplini or New-1ork, thai the paperdrawn up at I'hdadelphia was »iuijily a nasu on

which the company would like tu arbitrate and thatilu* men ou iho wuarvce at Kluabctliport and l'o'-iJohnsou will uot go to work until tiny gB> '22 U¿ eSSUOau hour. Mo atattathat uothiug waa done at thocoui'ereuce yesterduy beoauae .Mr. Maxwell had uot

raeolvod some docuuieuts aud books lor which be waa

wailing uud that another conference will be held to¬

day. He ft-ar» that Mr. Corbiu i· »imply delaying theconlei-euces lor tho purpose ol gniuui« time,Kiedenck A. l'otta, preaiuent ol the New-York,

Su· luehanna anu Western road, aaid yesterday thathe had not -ecu any ol the II HI I ««d thatneither hi. compuDy nor the Lehi-h t oal and Nav -

? itiou t'ouipany, which «ende it· eoul over hi· rood,iiiopoacd to have anything to do with ,Py »cliente ol

at bitrution. They had all the men ? hey wanted andcoulii »ee uo necessity lor arbitration. The oth. tal» ofthe other coal compauiea take the »ame view ot thematter-

It seem» hardly likely that the stationary engioeerawill «top work. Several leading men in tbe fceeen-trio association ol engineer· were aeeu veaterdav iaregard lo the matter. Une ot them aaid: " While j»haa not beeu ueiiuttely aettied what coaroe we will

puraue, I think it Is extremely Improbable^tbiOwewill go out unleea there are poaiUve or»iera from boaa-(luartara. The way many and. I belt*ve. anxajority of

our people think la that it would be feoliab »?»

needleaaiy to fmm-mmt oaraelvee ia a eaaea whieblo