àMEiilCAN ARTISTS ABRO Hot «.JITON. HKNNESSY, AND "L'ART SR. BDI«. II ION'S WORK AND RANK UNDER B«t IS "l'AlîX'.WHY UK IS NUT A MBMB! IHK ReiTAt. AC-DKJUY.TBB SCAXTINrSS Ol AMKRHAN AIIT Dt____*_ AT PARIS K-IM.AI* MR. CABB ON ONK OK MR. IIKN.NKKSY's t noes. |raoa the ._x,uLARroRRF.sroNDK-rT or tub tkib I_s».\DON, Oct. *..In fhe torrent number of (October tí), M. Kaiut-Kayinond continuel, account of the Historical Kxpoaition of Ancien at the Trocad«'r«>. The collections of the Kothsc occupy the whole paper, and mif-ht occupy i volumes, for thai matter. The illustrations 0 n imber are quito up to the srctsg e*.-ellenee and profusion -which have Riven p. .lod.cal a place by itself iu the literature of a place which it has maintained now lor BSSM year» without any sirus of decadence, and many fresh proof» of enemy and genuino dev* to art. This number contains a full-pago etc bv Waltner nf Millais'e well-known patín Madam« Bischoilsbeim, now in the 1 Exhibition. The painting ia not one Millais's ablest perfoimances, it is rathf portrait of Madame Bischoffsheini'B brocade than of the lady herself, so strong is the ham of this over-showy costume. But in this bnl etchiiiR a truer proportion bet «con the parts ol picture ie restored, and Madame Bischoffsbt- ¿ace.somewhat MUstissi .viilinl.gets its dues of attention from the beholder. Mr. Q. II. Bough "Green LosveoAmongtksSen»' is reproduce wood l.y 8wain, a full-page block, with »utli« fidelity, and Mr. Boughton's work and i as an artist occupy the greater part of a eluding article by tho accomplished English « of L'Art, Mr. .T. Comy~s Cur, on the R Academy. Mr. C'arr, who is amoiiR the first li critica of art, does justice to Mr. Boughtou'a tal and, with a courage only too rarely shown iu 1 llsh print, does jnstice between Mr. BoBgi and the Boyal Academy. The American fri« of this admirable ariist have asked before why his admission to the Academy has been bo 1 postponed ; Mr. Omyns Can.writing for an periodical which goes all over the world.offer sxplauation: " Mr. Boughtou bas for some years past etooc the front rank of English painteis not b«*longin the Academic cli«iue. 1 hough he never misses the nualexhibition a. Burlington House, he hasobtiii none of the rewards which the Royal Academy in its gift, and its neglect of him is Btsstfested t a systematic obstinacy which astonish.'.*» a good m people. Their astonishment is. of an ait les«, ki and they know little indeed of the tendencies habits of that interesting institution. That Boughton's talent is too marked to be passed o issfact about which there is no shadow of dor bnt that is only one chance the less in favor of election. Originality is far from constituting claim in the eyes of the Royal Academy ; whicl lees conciliated than shocked by works indicat that a man has a mind of his own. That has pro« reason enough for refusing to Mr. Boughtou honors of admission.'' Mr. Carr points his meaning by the remark t smong the present members of tho Academy .would be ditlicnlt to mention a single painter v bas much influenced Mr. Boughton's stylo. He I ¦taken nobody for his master, and he pays penalty of bis independence by bis exclusion fr s body of men whose ruliug idea of art seems to that all there is best in it must be sought witl their own ranks. Would they resent this as calumny f Possibly ; bnt they can hardly dc that the existence of such an idea wonld accor lor neglect persisted in till it amounts to proscr tioii, and that it would he hard to accou for it satisfactorily in any other w_ Mr. Bonghton stands, in the estimation the public and of critics, head and sho'ild« above some of tho men who, during recent yea have been elected associates of the Academ These successful mediocrities have clung to t skirts of one or another of the academical ooteri «which disputo smong themselves for preceden« bnt agre« in shutting the door in the face of eve artist who does not attach himself to some one them. Mt. Bonghton has chosen to paint In a sty of his own, and to acknowledge no one of the men vogue at Burlington Honsc as his master. Ho hi Biade his way, not only without help from tl Academy, bnt in spite of the discourag. lnei Which attends the hostility of a body ao powe fol. The Academy was organized to promot the interests of art; but it may bo d«uibt( whether the influence lately uppermost in i councils be the spirit of favoritism or the spirit the shop. I say it with all respect for the honorab minority which would like to bring about a belt- State of thin_;_, I bave heard a different question asked about M Bouiihton, r___" Why did he, an Ameiican arti exhibit at Paris in the English sect ion? To tli % also there is a sufficient answer, which I had tl K\ means of making when I was in Paris last «Summe WJ liad not circumstances prevented. The facts we ^ known to many persons and came to mc from vai onasouree8.andwli.it I have to say will meet tl cases of other artists beside Mr. Bougbton. Haiti» he nor anybody else, let me say, excepting mysel Is responsible for my statement ; which goes t«. tl extent of accounting in some measure not only Mr. Boughtou's absence from the American galler. but for the quality of the exhibition of America picture«. Tho original fault lay, as in other depa' tments « our show, with the late hour at which our approprii tion was made, and at which our preparations (coi eequently) were begun. The American Art Con missioners only formed themselves into a body I the very last moment. That body con. isted.ho said with all tenderness.of a somewhat lukcwari and inexperienced lay element, rnsympathizc with and unsupported by the public.the smn publie, which has siuco complained of their ___**. .they went to work. I say nothing in disparage ment of their good intentions, but the method the; adopted was not perfectly calculated to inspire con -deuce in artists or in the owners of pictures. circular, singularly deficient in exact in form at on reached aomo of the American artists abroad only fortnight or so before the last day for sending ii pictures. Mr. Bonghton had been applied to si: months before l.y the Knglisli Cosssalasioa to con tribute to tho l.iii*l.sh cxhil.ition ; and in the «loul. then existing whether America would have an! gallery at all, had done what every man of sense ii si similar position would have done.ho hat promised three pictures. It took him all thobii months to jet hobt of the pictures he wanted- which had long since paosoi into the ownership ol private barras sad t<» get tbeai iuto proper condi¬ tion for public exhibition. Nevertheless, he ST ranged to send a fourth picture to the American de¬ partment-the only one he conld lay hands on.an early work, and unsuitable for the purpoao. B> and by was iaami a second American circular, dated Paris, which tho Paris-American Com- mittce addressed to American artists resid¬ ing in Europe. In aoino rases artists were able to make aomo responso to this. In Mr. Boughtou'. case any such response __¦ he would have liked to make was no longer possi¬ ble. He had nothing in his studio to send, audit was far too late to recommence applications to widely-scattered owners. »Some of our artists liv¬ ing ou this side of the water were more fortuuate, and were able to accept this second invitation, eleventh-hour message though it was. All of them mast have read with s eertnin alight surprise an ap¬ peal from such a source, not only to their patriotism hut to their liberality. They were informed that the Commission would assume the neces¬ sary expenses, ancn as freight, insurance, and the like, within certain limita, unless the artist him¬ self, and the lender of his ploture felt able to do eo I I believe I never eaw the document j tho account I five of it la at secondhand, but I hare no reason to doubt its acouracy. It representa, in any case, the linpreesion the circular produced en the minds .f aome of those to whom it waa aent. Buch a his¬ tory sa thla doea certainly help to explain, not only the regretted sbaence of soma of our bast artists, hut, la a measure, the still more regrettable inade- Quacy and inferiority of the whole exhibition of American paintings at Paris. The work of another American artist, Mr. W. J. Hennessy's "Summer Eveuing on tho Thames," is discussed in tho same number of VArt, and a small wood engraving of it is given. Mr. Carr gâtai " A simple ami large style brings out marvellously well the simplicity of tho subj.-.t. Hitherto, Mr. Heuuessy had shown a tendency to exaggerate the opalescent lines of twilight, at the risk of imparting a twinkling glitter to the most delicate gradations of light. This bal.it be has conquered, and the success of his recent efforts prows, to his honor, that it was the carelessness of custom rather than a wil¬ ful mistake. This view on the river, with its heav¬ ily-laden barges floating softly down with the stream, is distinguished not only by trulh of ten- eral effect, hut ¡ils«, by that aceuiacy in tli««observa¬ tion of details which alone can ii- salmpstsalnn and stamp its real character on the scene selected for astatine." Mr. Heuuessy is, I believe, k!ill in Normandy, in the cottage near llonüeiii-, wbors bo h.is apea, his last two or three .Summers : ono of the loveliest spots in a lovely coui.trv, some of tho beauties of which he baa transferred to canraa. o. w. s. iVftu iJiibiicctioiia. A LIST of NEW Hooks. EVELY.VK~roi.LY. A fascinating new morel, M Ihn »uilior of "Thrown on Ihe Weal I Bta.ulluliy pnute«! and hound in «¡loth. Pi Ice il 00. nuiTn mi it hay. A charming Dew m.ut for rot.S ladles, l.y Juanns If. Math- e»sa. «.lies*-fainoos " ll<-sr.ie'llix.l>k" lia»-«« lièen MM fa»<.rit«-s among il.il.tien. Tills new look is fur i-niin_t ladles nf .m elder jrn.wti., ami is a novel of aup.ilor character. PTloe SI Í.O. Of TWITT1.I. AT LAST. A sparkling and witty new BOT« 1, b| to. A. dardnrr, of Illi¬ nois, l'-ino. lii-mitifiillv i.ruiii-.l ami Ooiinil »ii < toil.. Frire SI 50. DAISY THORNTON. A aplen.lld new novel, by Mis. M.iry J. Holme., whoso iiom'Is still mi enoriiioiislv, aim are r«-»«l ami iei.a.1 will, sin li tiellghtfnl Interest. Trice, tl 60. *.- A)»... handsome new otiitioti.nf Mrs. Holmes'» oilier work«, "Tempe-* ami See* ¦MM," *"_..» lilv.i»," "K.litli ~yl¡," " 1.UUM nrtiwiiiii__," .. West fJlwn," Ac., _tc. Josh Billings Almlnax Isa 1B79.-6 cenli. " Heir of C'barlton." By May Agnes Flrinln_--$1 50. FarlorMusiral Alhiim. Iiistriitr.riitsl and vocal-fl f-0. "Bitten, ood." A nov« 1 l.y HSMB A. Oreen-$l 60. " Vesta Vane." A novel by " L. King It ."-ti 60. IV O. \V. CARLETO.N A CO., Publishers. .\li.Uis»l.-a_iilie, New-Yolk. 1RS] fink kihtions op at -iaO-FB rrinrr. 2:iro!s. era. aknolii's coa. t.) aroaaa. ig rate. BEAUMONT AM» FLETCHER'!. WORKS. Edited by Dr. Dye«. 11 vols. BELL'S BRITISH TIIKATKE. 29 vols. BOBW___*B JOHHSOS (Murray's .«lltion.) 10 vols. BUIDO WAT KR Tit! A!_*»i:s. 1 BBITiaa ESSAYIST.*., with liu.a by Ferguson, «te. 45 Tt'ls. BUXWXB'SWOBBS. I.i».r.iy edition. 47 vola. BTJBK-*S (BOMUND) WOBKB. _o vois. BYRON'S WORK.i. 6.ols. CARLYi.EK WOB-*. Best library Millón. 31 vols. CATLIN'K INDIANS. 2 v ,1». Illustrate.]. CHALMERS WOi.H3. H vols. 4«. '... tr* catalogues now heady. For sale by R. WORTHING!OX, _7 .Mi Broadway. N. Y. DEM0REST8 MONTHLY MAGAZINE, vrilh enlargcsl and extra« .dinnr» :.Ur,«« Boni in tin« BOTember, I.e.. iiiiici ainl Janm ry uiinitx-is. Do i.m tall («. see UMM beautiful ami artistic Oil I'lt-lure», Bttstl K_.iirav_n.r8, and a host of literary novelties. Binjrie c««|.l.s, SS oeatai yearly, ft, with the l wo oil |»it-turéis, "R..«kof Ak»h" aud "l.lon's BlUa," 17x31 toobe«, to e-aeh subrt-ritcr. Address w. je.nm.nos DKMORKST. 17 East UHi-st,, Kow-Yatk, or any of Mmo. Dc-uorcat'a attend.«._ THE BRITANNIC ! THE BRITANNIC! hl-eclm edition, .Saturday e .t. «.italiisaulhenilo reporta of f.emi staul«-» » vlalt, appro.es] by himself l-arpe d.-tnand order immediately, TJIE BRITANNIC, Ihe Eu« Uhinan a paper, S3 H load way._ USAGES NEW-YORK SOCIETE CIIAFTER II. OFT POOR REt'HEATH. :*:.¦... Bee HOME JOFKNAI. out today. ¡»Incle copies, 7 ««'lit*: dd everywhere. MORRIS l'HIl.KIFS A CO., 3 Park pUce, NewYork. ..JHE PROPHETIC CONFERENCE, recently bald at the CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY. THE POLI. PBO0KEDINO9 OP THIS IMPRESSIVE OATHF.RINQ ARK GIVEN lî. TRIBUNE EXTRA NO. 40. Many of the Important Papera .reprinted from tue Author»'own manascrlpt A mang ttie Address** are those of Dr. TYNO, jr., Rev. Dr. KEILOOO, presbytérien, Rey. Dr. GORDON, Baust. Rev. Dr. 1MBRIE, Presbyterian, of Jersey City, Rev. Dr. MACKAY, PreabrteilaD. Hull, England, Pjofea-or I_T7MMIS. MeUioiliat. Rev. H. M. tAAVtOPto, Pr. «bylorian, Buffalo, Rov. Dr. TTNO, sr., Bishop Niciioi.SuN, Phl.adelnr__a. Fr. (.t.or. WIN, Oongre-catloual, Chicago, Dr. BROOKES. Preabyteria», st. Ismla. Mo., Dr. CRAVEN. Presbyteiian, Newark. Dr. COOPER. Dr. WEST, Dr. lii'FFIl.I.D, Rev. RU FUS CLARK. Albany, Ac.. So. PRICE IB CENTS PER COPY, POSTPAID. ADDRESS THE TUBUKE, NEW-YORK. Jnßirntiion. For .Boya and Youn_r Mon.City. ARCHITECTURAL nnd MECHANICAL l-llAWlNi». ri»fi*AM.r A. U'l.IN, No 910 eat ICd :;t. A CLASH for Y0UNU GENTLEMEN nnd J\ private Instpteilrni. TflOS. H. ASH, 1 o:. West _0t>» st. A BU8INE88 COLLEGE, aiu-h Pscksrd'a, W.f» Broadway, rai.ur.t be fairly r>-ese.it» ,| in the ordinary space of a 'l i ¡lililí«- n«l\ _itl».'i_itii!. whoever rares to ki»"w the trull« at.i.ill it y 111 do well to «rislt it or to send for the an¬ nual circular, wherein Its chaiaclcriatlcs are fairly stated. Address_H.H. PACKARD, President. ADVERTISERS! X_ SEND VOFlt ORIirnS FOR "TIIK TIUHFNi." and ALL Flllä'1-Ci.ASs CITY JOUBNALS 'IU OBB f.l'FlCK. BROW***! A PF-VKRMAN, 1,238 Ri.adnay. NevrYoik. Hctid copy of aurtiiust-iiieiit «s lien i.tklng for estimât, o. In- fornnllon._ pOLLEGIATE TRAINING SClTÖOL, 182 \J tth-ave.. reopens Septtimbi-r 17. Harvard. Yale, Culani- l.ia, Princeton. Particulars lu catalogue. J. L. N. HUNT. M. A. Principal._ fJHARLlER INSTITUTE, OX r-F.NTRAI. FARK. KF.W-YOBK CITY. Boarding and Day hcIim.1 r.n lim-s _nd Yonn-r Men at 7 tr» 20. Fiof.-asor ei.Ik « hai.i.Ie'i. Director. DR. A. CALLISEN'S Ihiv School for Yniin«* «.riiiieiu.«Ji. 181 We.t 4 ¡«i «t, reopensT-uratlay,sept iu. DELESS1 IM'S COLLEGE ol LANGUAGES. CBATKAD IiK I.UCKN8, POR YOBBO til NTI.EMFN, Canton de Vaud, *»*.it/.cii:in«l. fiPFf'IAI, INS'IUI TH.N ii, l.Mll.lsn. FRF.NCir. ITALIAN and lîl'.li.MAN languages. For uferen««-« and piospectu»apply to V TBABNKLR, 187 Rast Tin. st New.«iork. FORT WASHINGTON COLLEGE (24th year). A SELECT Frencli.fiennan and-.j/aiilsti instlii.hon «.'n the most lieauillul ai.d lifuithv |>I .«¦< on the Hudson. Com¬ plete studies, <--a«si< aland roniroeteial. aaOPENH sent. 17 Vnie for full particnlars at«! «atalogue to ALFRED »1. COI IE. AM. ilium l'i.!:»i.-~ialii.il W. New.Volk Cilr. JOHN Ma. HÜLLEN and K. Fewadfe'a ScEooL _1.-14 Broadway, iKT 80t_i*at Board»*-»» takaa. üf ISS WARREN'S School for Bins, U Vi^cnt MM 4,1(Ii st separat« ilipaitiiient for alrls and yoiiui» Is «lies: no eupertlcii». »»ork; special attenllou civen to malíes._ M T. W. COLLKOIATE INSTITUTE. «NO 4H WAt»IlI\«IT«i.N »-«j! Alii.. (laOBOB W. ci.\RKl:, Fh. I... Prln.lpsl. ptemmto» pnplls «I all «ires for t.uslni'aa or tv>U<«__«. circulars of full pailiou larsat tl.e Institute. M. WrEYiTN^S-" COI.I.XOIATK IN-niTCTE, No. f. E..*«T'l wem v si. indst. c.rnor of Rrondwar. lèverai well known nameji or las! year patron« lolloir. Fietix.d iiuinben» show the «oats of pafrona-re. «f ______72*il . '. Adam T. Briiee, 11. Joslah IF itiiit.,1.. ; rrueU ». Ran**. 11. I alvin E. Kuo ., 6. John A Cisco Almost all have had s.»ns ntte»i f..r e.»ll.-«e. Haiti mined na fiMcaoint tncreateti. AI lagea rrelvrf! nmtmtm ^l«w.Yol'k School fui Boya «»7* Lexiaataa- i ave., u(*arC!*nlii»ll'ark.-Freosi-!i«.iiiorc.«:ie«ean<lbust neaa.TermauraSarmta. C-trciilai*.. V. Buk-, a. m FimVipsi VKW-YOUK LATIN SCH001_.3_1 Eaat49th. A.r at.-1 l«-|.Hi«« for ««»U.-ae, sei. ntiflc m iiool nu.| Imalues« jryiiinasllca and military «i« 1.1 daily ¡ plano, ,|.,l¡.. _iHHin_r' PREPARATORY CLASS of Mr. NEWELL ¿ioar%i^|na.-;.fcM' vuvüt: rc,wac<-** p^^r pBEPABATOUY SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL! _.__Ä^________I__K B»"T!*! «Ovaatatrf» for candidates lot. aclentiilc aciitK.s or tochiilcal proíosslons a coi in I-*'«' Eii(-lue«.i Corps U. .*-. N and l'rof, «t Nava; Aeodnmy. UEMOVAL.-Mi-a DU VERNET. aasiatsd hx} WMtera, reopened ber Rosrdln« and Day Stli.s.l tat Boya under fifteen, at 102 East 30thst., ou« «loor trou» 4th. ave., on MONOAY, Bent. 311. The usual aliunoon tama» to the Fark will be resumstl^lt desired. ailllyiu« lannuagea. Fiipiu s..- tengbVio .i&r. ffíLíl» JÖi»ll__i, Krsuib. üenoan slid Hpai.íh. You\Vein e__ï___/ ^Taeletitlllcsud rollenau»ourae. ttsttatnuiw 17*ÄJ__ ae-rt_»MUi eu appUcafion, _oÄl. PVföoPIlflpiwCSt w JtiBirncuon. For Boya and Young Men.City. If. H. I.F'.UETT'S School, 1,21*1 Broad* way ytatr begin« September lb For Youne JLadiee.City. A CLASS for GIRLS DNDEB TWELVE.- XX M Ink ;i. i. .< ni KTI «.'.«. I-I..H«« U-klnaltaUilPl year Mon- dnv, «ii-iotier 14. at No. IX Kf" 47th-nt It«-fi-renrra: Mnt, Jir-eph 11. » lii»a"f, Mie. (I«» Ti-knor dirtle, Mr*. John II. ( hwter, Mr». C P. Hemnrnwiy, Dr. J. ilaveu Kntereon, l'r.-f« .-.-»or ami Mía. Oçden N lto . I._ MRS. JON80N and Miss JONES will re- np.-n Ci. li- KiirImi. i nmeh »HUI (lennan Boarding and I»ay srlioo] f»»r V.-nna I adir*, und Children, at 13 Kaat ¡Hat» at, .MONDAY. BepHnubei - »._ Meadenio-M'Hes Cliiirboiiuicr'« French Pro- t.aianllloaril!ii«*ar«i:)avs»'l»fi«>lfnrYounr 1-adJee, No .111 Baal :i.''iii«t iforim-ilv 49 AT-amo*. H.mlr, Nn.iiy. I _j-l»i Tli..if'U«b »nil i-inii'lrt»- »otirr-»» of Inetnicotui in FnucU ami En-p-liMi. Hfin li ine lllil-ilin-o »if Inr -a-liool._ MI'S. SYLVAN »'S REED'S BOAHI lita »ml HAY m .muí.fer Ydl'XÜ LAIJILS, Ni*, li anil S l-_-»t f.if.l «I. Fren.-h am". O.-nnan imlml'd In «lie tourer. Tboronitb tialtili». In l'i una» v, tín oii.lary ami <'>»lle«".al«t lirpartiin-iit*. Karh pupil rr.«ives llir per*',nal rate and -inprrvlttnn of Mi». 111 l. >._ New-York City, H»7 .Mndiaon-iivc..MIlcLenz. in ¡i» -hand kiiplieh echoed l»»r Y.ik Ladite ami i.itiio Obla, V.'li! ire;>eu M-;,teiubrr 18. rlri"U_r*i,rui on appl callón For Both Bexoe.-Citv. POLLEGE of MODERN LANGUAGES, Vi» a BAUT -01 M sr. The mnlrnitlnii lr» lmwtl ne « '»«I«« i-T*ím hln«r. rnderaittnd. IliKhinl Hpt_kl_C pi.«»!» l:...»lli»: ami M'llttn«. Priilraaor OTTO 1»'I I'lIAl., ttl lh" tlnval M Hilary Collcj-o at ilrrlln, I'll» «I 'I._ DR.8AUVEUR'S SCHOOL of LANGUAG1 8, l,4Hl Bioa*lway.-TlK St iio.'i. "I LAMODAtiKa, nn .'.erthfiiu«'« t onot l»r. I. -.mm-nr. anthnrof "Caue.-ii-«--avt-e nie*, hi. \ »v..t ilk* »lili i ataai I»e Htlio(i»lllr«»,'_c , In-Kin*. in U»ber I. Kr«i»(.ti, unman Ilel'an, *»i»ai»l«b. Modera «Ireik, Latin, (.rrrk, ll«-bre-v, Sttn«» rif, MaUirinailea mil all nllii-r braurhoi reqttialte i»n adinlaaiiai to any »II«'»;«'. will be tan«"lii. I'nralr ..nd hteeliirtinflnii .lay hihI « -..ulna. Korer«laloiruce a«!,In«« i. I. TIM ". VI-Mi«. 1 i»"l Itrutleay. N«"« Volk. DR. JM.'SKN COLLEGE of LANGUAGE!?, .I« Kaat '-''in» it Beat Broadwaj »:i laanaaoa pmrn »-h taaaktby aattreteachen inclaaacafor indies¡.mi pm tl.-meu. II UllK.NKKI.I» INSTITUTE. M P'.'-2 I.rxlnf-1nti.ii,e i inn r of »i I«! «t.. DAY and BOAItOI.M *' 1H" »I., v/'t'i K IMlKI'.i.'.l i'-l F.N, _ 111. "I'l .'«.->., I_ KINDERGARTEN mid ELKMKXTAIt, I \"»-»"---f Pmfeaaor J. Knn« Bud Ml». Kliin« ¡¡"elle. S Vit «I -'.»II» «t., if.-pen« fi.'toli.-r I. HE-UNARY forXtiidornnea leachera November I. l'io- fi-s.or Kinn« i* iiiir ->r »bo tn*t pnpapmxmnei tlio i.tt«.:«r Hil.rn In Ami .-, Ml« hl.iu» l'.n-U.-. »1 pui'll ami ,,, Hnrk.-i oi Froetwi'a wmuw.la aa_etotl i>. n nptrleece at tttemy >i ::l« II I,, iin.'ii.v, I nciali a!».I ADMTi« . \1ISS ¡BALLOW'S Enifliah and French School ava for Ynnntc Iaitiea md rhurtrrn Hit 31 Baat."-'»! «t., will raopeti tin Thuradav, »H""**t«ntber 118. Miss M. \V. .ËGGETT- SCHOOL for "TOI Mi ( Tlll.l'lll-..**, ,V- li«-\l:igtf»li -ut«". I » m b»--"iii«i Oclol.ei _1__ Mli.*». If. r. WAI TO.N- rriiniiiv School and Kindercarten will r»>»i»' n Oct. I, 0:1 Rata M'.irt., Kin »1. r^:ir;»-i» Traiolne < la»» Nov. 1._ IfiM BOYEH and Mím PETTEE, Enffiiab, Al i-*iiiii-I:, ¡«t.-I Mn»i. ¦-. li»."l. for lio-rdiuj*. ami day pupil*, No. 24 _A»t oMh-at. H«> -).-* í .-_ MISS M, A. CLARk'S Raghah acd Freneh »-.-,«»- «i foi Yonn* I.ail'r-» and Chtl dren rropeaaal No 107 Kaet ¡i.1(li » ."..-.¦ ¡ewb, r Jo. MH>. M. RODT.EIW GR1FFITT8, No. 23 Wot Intli «... «ill I.'o,i»n hoi 1 n-ll-I», li» i-'-li ::n.l Herman l'a* »»'!.""! ", Vouna *_tdl«a md » hlllrtMl em Till R8DAY, M-|.ti»:ii 20 _ "\|1{. OTTO W. I'I'll '*: n.I' (Goe (innen atj Vbiveiallr. IKimvt-i. «. m.int «till ri-*iui:.e MlrflC- tinii on St-ptf.'l». »-u. an«I Willie«! pu|41a *. r m,ti. ni.»i ti,.-,-..«««le«. Partícula altei.paid '<» itn anpro. .¦'.m »»il»»»»» at,»: »-o, ntion. Addrraa 60 Wert 'A2d t. "AIKS. ,:<>HK1'TS m, I MISS WALKKK'H .' « Ki». Hah and I ...» la for Young ! atlii-eaiid IUUj ei la, N. 11»- ,M *»!'«.»I» a vr. MM. (i SliUV.'Vx N - 1 li-l-, French and Dun. n II .. t ¦* «. and D iv *-. I.«« 1 for Yon* i_»»i aa ami Child] ii .\,. : Wtvt .,tn »-I, will n«»p«ii HepteBbof '..». I'r« nil. tin- iaii»"iiiui' f»f tin-,.» li- »'! .'luí f U'lllv. Iiiii-ii'' tatri-i« in tin mi | li.« Kiu-li ni il n a ill »¦',,.» r. n.-t« hat I. ME. DA SUVA nml MRS. BRADFORD- linrini-rlv lln, d«,l« n II, iliuan>) l;»i^lu|,, I :iu,ti and Boartlinx a ,: Day srhool for Voiuic Ijt.ii,-* rnni ci..i- | til» i». with i-al'Mtirnir«. No 17 Woat ¡Ustli »(.. Net« Yolk. I(~- o|H-n* sept« m I..-I :(»> Atiplleatloo ti...v be made bylnirror l. rn-'i.'i'v ut above. 1 «« mi, * I». I'r l^l.miion._ |>1I()N()(.!{AI'HV.-Mr«. B. D. Burnt't N. V. J. i».-)i<>.>1 ..I Plionoi-rapliv. No. M Park-row, ll.-om It«, liay and ««rum-* I'lrtim ...i, atornilla lee «on* iiptoan lat_M 111 "1. ML ItlMiU» tl.ill I... Illll CÜBÜRBAÑ SEMINARY, L67th-at.nnd Boa- »^ion at», iii-atiii'iil.-in.¡lie ». thom »-.Mnet-u. il-m, eoonUy life, amlf UV prtv'.lr^« CT. JOHN. BCHOOL 1' Ilti.tltniNti and I».\V -1'nOOT. forY'oimit 14-llc« and ( îpil,li»-n. No*, il and _:i \\'r«t ttOmt tirtw» <«n |,i«Mulear and ,'»ilia\«-.. N,«Y.»k TfeoHKV I iltflnOlü II'.Vl s ., I.!.. !>.. Krt'Kir. Will iropiin o.-uihor I. K.'.NI'l'HUAlt 1 KN «fill, o.-ery arpUanç*», In a Ulff iiiimy r-j«,_i. .«i I'M'.a i k nr.PAin \ir.vr r Voi'.s«, hoy - fJIBE MI88ES MAR8HALL- Day and Board 3 in« f»clii>-,lf.,r Yonna l.dlri ami Cblidrra, N'f» UÍU Vient 3blh at., will be reopened on .-» ndar, Hepiamber 10;_ npHE MI88E8 GRAHAM, auereaaora to the JL Ml-aea Groen, will reopen their Krhool for Youna Iat- di(*ai,»l children, al No. 1 Bib-ova., tint bouae from ffuli. lngton -Mjuai. on 'I IIL'KMíia V, the '.(lib day of B«-pi««mb. ». For Boya and Young Men.Country. A GUIDE TO schools.-Free, to pnreaUi 1\ wail«-! , ¦: itai »i> BC'HgftMl P. IK UN, in net Mlb it. V LEXANDER Inetitnte» a militarv Ixrtanluifr- _*_acl..Win..- Plain«, W.T. O __h ll-l.l-«. trVÇ I'nmlpal. CORNWALL HEIOHTH ¡SCHOOL, on the Uodaoo, '«. i'., tor'.O b«»v« *»n/xl«- i«...u»* pLASSÏCAL SCHOOL foi boya, bnaineaa or V> ri.llr.i--. I'.w lair«; tiraltbtill ? l»i:il.»,»i homo Infill- ru.te .olid li.«tru< Unu or .»,» Kent »-in tier 1(1 cataloaura inu, M»«* «-MAN w,WTICKI.B,A H.. Paaaale. wTj, »DLL Jt'iYS WAKED UP and -it aaolng; HO KXI'KNM VI » I^PTRAPtí. Tbomnah vtoik aud ino>iú.-ato chucua liK.'.'JAMIN y. a so .«."¦* »»¦),,. for ii"", r, Yonker .*». *i. _ l/AMILY (SCHOOL for rîoye, EnnHah un.l I Uaaolral, Vnioa-rtlle, K. Y, ».-Hi RTWELU A. M FREEHOLD INSTITUTE, l'i.»'l...l.l, N.J.- J. Hoy« ilinr«,itiri'ly pi»-,,-.!-«' Ii* collón or bii-ii«-»» i-cnd lorrataloruoatotbe fiibt-ipal. Krv. A Q.CIlAMBTCHa M0RRI8T0WN (N.J.) BOARDING sri.ooL forl.ova Vh» Mat. 9. K. HOWKI.U A.M Principal. \|Al*LK HALL Iiîatitot«, Jamaica, L. L, for 1*1 lío}»; l.nr'l'h, Irrfleft. i.rnu.in aud Claaalie for 9116, DEEK8K.LL (N.Y.) MILITARY ACADEMY. J ttondl« Ulaatratod circular toi 1878-78 UTGER'8 GRAMMAR SCHOOL, Kew- Hriibatt ick. N. J. 10«(h »rar brfin» Srpi. l'_'. 8rnda .It» bov» a vrar to rolirjre. Piria_i»*n for rollr-je, KlruUflr tchool, ci.uainisa. '1 wtnty l»oatdr!« M-v. 1. ItlTI.l- Y. KectOTt_ YOUNG MEN privately Fitted i<»r CoUegn. Conditioned atíldente tut«.trd Stummer and Winter. _V. HiiKl MA NN. etorkbrt-co. Maao._ ftOWIl A YEAR. WHOLE EXPEN8E-Pay- 'ly*mii.j\9 ai» rnuai-tiiiv, fm >nanlia*f aoaaaMiii.hooha'ar «tr. «_f. NO !-..\ TUA CirAKf KM. !»i!iflf-nt-a«iinllli*liit env t!-ne. H C. Phoulldae. I !l."ir\.ril, A, M ) Mr.lla, r«-i»n. lUphl'y r«< oiiuni-m!.*1 bv iiavarlTuvler. Htm, í-'i-niainln *A'ihmi, Jiulao Van lifrf-iwa, Ctilf.n»-1 lllnton, fi» luial foul«. Ju.lirr HriM.ronll. ?In-li««v. Kilwjnl lamí:«, »iv. tin« ltrv. Kdward II. Rohblna, »h»- ll.-v. lie Illll nml I'eali.td) «i"ln any ot-wra Au A'-dimr l'i ;, onnr h ,n and o>-, t.c!.t-i- all men and all gradiutt-i. bf*i- . ir» nlir. R For Younsr Ladica.Country. BORDENTOWN FEMALE (OLLKtiF-.-Of f";wv teceaa baaltfeful, oinrllW««, lhoroui;b; » Iirlat'an, wlnrly uovt-ninl. and loeaosable In rat»a; «r think o ir oilt-i-o meet» tin- ili-ii'ind-i f,I tin- Mum T'i-r i'atalo_-iir :, !dr»e« the ItSV. WILLIAM 0. UOWKN. A M I i.«, _ «i,rdi-uto\tD. N. J. ßROVE HALF. New-Haven. Conn.-^MÏëa \A M(»N 1 1 f»l: I H »« linn, for VOI'.Nf) l.Altl BH. O0THÍC HALL Stitinlnifl, I <,iin..1*.ii»_*1Th_-7 Va l'iii.h and «. 11 .-i 11 Iloar(lln-f»«hiK)l for Tonna Unllra, lirplneile tWODly-foarth v.-ar Mept.-ir.brr Jo. Apply for ctr- rulntelodKiiKiii: I.OCIvWOOI", »*i'. llioadt-ay. or to Mlaa c. AIKI-.N, l'it:..-ipal. IRVING FEMALE roLLF-OK, M«-. I.íuhch 1 tun ».". Finn. A In-all hfn 1.1««! ui.fill ('nllrge homr ami H. titKil. Opona-3d Nept. il. n. i. i- »,r. a. m.. Proddent \1ISS lH'LKLKV'S BOARDING and DAY »It si HOOL for YOU"tO LAOIKH, Tarrvtown on the- H,ni-,,n .The 'Jirtli rear "t» iiouce« Hentomber 11 MÍ8S RAWLV'S Bonrdins and Day School lee Yfiun« latdlee, ri/ab.-tl». .Ni «Jeraey, will be ro- L \\ l.li.M >I»AY. Siptt-Hil" lM. l»»r Miss WILLIAM.S"' school, Woieeater, id.at.-ltd UilMI LAIiIEb. Por ilrcuUr, ad.lieaa AVA W1LLIAM8. 1'rlu.lpaL Mi". EDWARD C. WKS'IS SCHOOL for Yoiiinr l..:i!»»'.* ami Mule (lula. liltKLN Wli 11. Conn will roop» u In.-lav. O. lobt-r 1. Ir'oi t:irco_tra aoaiv.i Mil .ALT, I'.U. Um ISil. MAPLEWOOD rN8TITUTE-For ronnffln- .In-« l'.ft-He!,i. Ma«*. II ie hehl tiiperinr rank foi nearlv foilvyrni* * Ailoieeitthepiliirlpala, the IllV. ('. V. STKAHL or lb« lie» ii. L. AVi::t\,f(»i pi.«|H'.m»,_ \I ÉRVIEW FRKNCH ¡md RNGLI8H ACAD- aTl i M\ ¡,,i »»»I NULAUIKH, «ml ( »N'h|;u.\ A follY of M17HI0 I -»la'»ll«'».-i| lHiiil. n-oprii» >»»-]itriiilM-r ||¡ }-rriH;|, n the UiiRii.ii'i' ol tin- fuiiniv | In inimic Miae Aililulao (l*Diioii le Hr-I«l.*l liv Mi-* la.inec I-:« Vslein. the «-inlu-m Ko-rll-.li pl.nl «It- l.-in.,. *¦.?,(» |m-i inmiin. Aildt. et Mleo AlihliAI LikC ». AN.NON. Door l'art «v.- ii.'l-ylou. I_ I. _ OssiMNi; INST1TI"IK for YÔunTl-Mllea, at sunn Mine. N. Y , roiiirii.inda beauilful vietra of the llmie'iii lea» bei and -ut ami ru.,»'.-ri. laniriugra. munir- ami lb«' line arl* ami intimai e.li-i.rot. wlih dally experiment« Addrf-an Ihr Ket. i li lili !.. I'Unrlual. UOCKLAND INSTITUTE (Not RocklnS ( utl«"tr«¦), it Ut minai y for Vouna I-«dlr», at Nya» k, N. \' op» for tlitaaradcinl»' } »ai B< ptt-nibor '-'¦'!. _ ALnKïlT_WI-U*8. Wealt'Tiin Female Collene, Wflulagton, Dd.. .".-"»Ill roar In-khi* bept lliillilluira lu.l rrtltled aud ro- i'l. I ,,i ;,lal,._iie*.l»ir»'*« !(.««.J.M.williaaii«,A.M.iTeo. VOXKERS, N. V.-s. IkmiY for Yonnf Indien. A Mr». K. T. UOI.BROOK. MlM M. Ü. IlALhTKl). I'ruia. For Both Bezea.Country. A SCHOOL HOMK-Anea 8 to 12. P. 0. Rot a". 7nT, N*,. Hat» n. tonu. Iteforoncoi rtry heat»_ COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, HarkeUitt^nT \J N.J..Be»l and l.*ir*-eat hulMlnc In (ha Rtato. Inatnirtlon thomiiKh. Hirtbeeve». Ten d-fpaiunrnU. Fifth year open« _Wi^***T._Aettb- jar vear. C'aUlo_-uea troo» Bot. GEO. I!. I*. Ill I M *i. li I)., I"rr*l.ltnl._ FAMILY R0ÄRDINrG8Cl_OÖL.--On farm 14 miloo lr.»m Now York, a.', a wook t board, «raahluf, tulthm and the «-».mfiirte of a r-ouairy homo i acboltra rorolve a taxh* îTi-vï TtLos __fä(at íor part,CBj*n wl,r Jnotrnmon. For Both Sexes.Country. r.UEF.NWICH ACADEMY, with Mardcal In- " at'tui«. and Commercial College founded 1 R.VJ a seaside s. in nl. Students recetve«l any time. Catalogne ft*««*. Ad¬ dress Hiv. F. I). FLAkl-SLEK A. M. Principal. fcaatUreen. wlcb. B.1._ II.I.SIDK SKMINAHY ( lmtl<.«'..iirt, Conn.) II 'or young ladle« and children, will reopen September »7«. ».reparation fo_ »»nene a specially. AN> 11, 1M7H: preparation fo_ c.lleee a sp->cialty. ajs>-. j_ STONE, WaRÍANA B. M-ADE, CORNELIA KNOWLKli PITCH.____ Miss K. L. ROBERTO'S Day ami B«osrdÍBg Srl.i.ol for Yourg iJMlles and Children, at Hell.)»1lle, N.J., -A..1 i.».|..*i« Wednesday, t-eoiemb^r 18. Send fur clrcoiar. \li>S S. R. liATHEWS* Boardin., and Day _Tl toahaei for Young l-adwa and children. Summit, New- Jersey, wlllopen ou Tuesday, October 1. 1H.X. ____ MADAME CLEMENTS SCHOOL for Young i/rl Unie« sod i'hddr.-n. UERM ANTOWN, f'ENN. «Es- t«l.lUlie<llsö7.) The school will reopen WEDNEHUAY, H«*p- ..mbet Ito For circulars apply to ., Mħ____ M A Pi.KWOOD INSTITUTE.For both Hexes; c< nc.r.lvillr, F.-nu.; *.'»'» l«r quarter; stu.lenta pre- l.ar.-«l f.H tiiisliii-sa. Valeur Harvard; flnu-clww nrole.«ors. *^ I. SlIOKTI II.HE A M , Principal. 1>riinnini_,ton Somitiai v.H«ifb BBZ-SI very heal(htu) ; good h<une : 14 (»*a'hers ; terms very low ; near New *»o:k. Add re.TbO.S. Haul«»., U.U., 1 unington. N.»J. QWARTHMORE COLLEGE, ten mil« s from il piulad« lt.Ina ulule,- tliscare of Friends, gives a thorough co'l«-sriaie edu. ¡it,«n t..1sitl. «exes, «Mm here pursue the same c.niri-csof slu.ly, a-.d rcc.lve the »an.« d«'irrns-a. For catalogue, irlvtng full particulars as to coursée of study, tenus, «te. address EI.WAHIJ H. M «ILL, President, t-1-..iii'.ii".!'- ( ollege. Swantunora, DelawareOoimtr. l'en *. $QQK .Boektaad Colle», Nvack, N. Y.; .*o*m»9, both wies; no extras but music enter at suy time. Ke-.l for l;ilal»if_ue. W. H. RAN.NI ME II, A. M.. Frill. _L.iUU öcljoo'.o. \r__LE Law School..Regalar eonne,_ year«; liraii.iate our« (t.ud-gici- ,i( lu'.l.l. 9 veais. Fall tarn», iHiaiT**?* r* Ask**"**- Viol. WAY!.A NU New-Haven, ft Dunnnq _.cnöcmi.a i leen noüvvoi.Tirs scihini. __V roa l'A M 'M. »MILI l-iilU'Ml.NT, .-.tu '.vi-:., Bowop-K. roa ii.ii.1«-....... -i.Nii Riuciiici! .n «_ra.n_rs. AGENCY for SCHOOLS und TEACHERS. SO UNION -'H nu:. S_-W."i i.liK, «.upplies OOOB teachers vu', positions, Appilealton-tenn fur stamp, i»upiili«« m1i.hI and famtllea wtib eoapeU-t la- strnctors wrilioi nu* It« IE, I. i nl I i HWORTH II m K NF.V. r*,'i !' nlon suuaie, N. Y, ANNA RANDA LL-DI KM L, J'nlili«- Reader tli.l I't-acherol Brail loll siimire. ____ A NORTH GERMAN LADY waats employ« n.eiii, »luKle uenuaa l- --«>».** h a fallí angatemaati exchange lessons for board W. lt.. Tribun, i.tlice. _ A THOROUGH SCHOLAR, of refined sa - a V »... ill .i.,. .i... loi in her work. d. sire«one moi.. .M'ilur tugag 'n. to l:uh English and l'r> l.ch il*r i-aiiveni'- in. tieH... UdreasMlW^MTl ART 7 l ,,-t A. ALK _riinlirit!-, ti*:».*Iiin-r in llii» city, would like private pupils In milin ice or English I.. »I ret« i. m « -s. Adlris» ALPHA, Trib.M F plow u mine, .v... l.'J.s llic.nl« j\. iMKUICAN and I ni.i.K.S TEACHERS' . \ U'KNl «. N" i i Dion-square reenronieiida PROFEH* Mi If», PRINCIPAL »¦-». \ N S, 1'. >.|i- .:.l in V ll\Et»M.*» Ii«*i;i i. I..1-11« ¡ui ai. I .....j.. i.i al .i".. . Me» and .. _MM.iU.__i umuptly tu...i In auv ti. nail!... M «.I ,n-li .. i...n. Apply to il.s-t.'I.J. \ i('\«i. N«,. vtj» iii.: .jqnarr, liiuadwav awe. _ LWI'EEII'.NCKD CÍassicaJ mid Matbrtnatica] I i Tuaibei ...-n,» privai« prepare* for college ¡ i.\ i«-fi-i _i>e< « A. >1|. «» -.!« 1. r, 1.'. 1.«-\iiigloli ;»\c. Í^xiiciiciii'fii li.ii.ii« teach« s promptly pro- 1.1.«IforIrf.iillles.'iIn».',...... -, ¦],. iii.-il..;iii...ilE.'Utlist piocntion..Mié« MJÉ. l'owera. 11 VV.22d-.rt., ijit-n, h«r< f natuiai reading, «liaiinti aad oratory. Bp*s ..»l ¡«tti-i '|..ii given tovoire-traiutug au.ldUt.Lctennu« laflnii,_ IN KXCIIWCI 1..1 ,i HOME and ,i merelj 1 r.i n -I «..l.rv. a lady. M n I.I «iva !... ..-u i.. « .i» i.-., in r, or reader to an Invalid. .i«l.lr«»s I Mill i:. Roiü.lS, M.iiii-i ".»i. '. ITALIAN lai'ciiii.'.'i, f-rammar, cooveraatioB, ,it- iH'nr «ml transi mon. I-«-r.»mal appllcatloa, Vondav. Vl'ixliieMlay s-id Fri.l iv, n".n I in .*. m . ' '<, letter, lo H«il '.M .IT».. .-II. NO It A I.« .I'M SITUATIONS WAN ¡I.I» DOW m tiy JSDU-T- BaXt, f'I >;ra«liiat«j ol M.itut Id lv> L «-« üiiimv, of long n.. ii. i.-... lim.- Kngliaa, r.ailn .M.«.li.'iiiMii. s loi «-X- i inn« « .1 t. in i.« i ..( Knerbat», .alla, amala, tu a. I.. Uenni d i !...il. e...'l.i.i .ii.-s-.aker». will lake piafes In bualUea t«« t.-a-I. and »».». A.i.,1. «« "> M -tnt« at.. HpttajtSeld. Maas, ».rKACllKlíS Mi'l'I.IKD to SCHOOLS am! I lamilla s without charge¡ engagements n.*.*. f«.r Im.ii ...I stamp far clresitaf Misa PLOBRNCB Fl It'll, I.I.l. AI H..NA!. BUBBAV.Sfl I ni.'U s.jU.ile. <_im l*-*".! Cotaic ior Bale. A" TÎT.NïïoN BUILDERS. - Msd_so--svfC_ .".«ntIi and :,7i., .'« On.-sl Iota in tlits r.i: choice. |>l lKlll.M) Wuii-i-lrotit*. ii.nr~i.ity for J ) 11.. mteei works, fa. ton. s, r.fln«rte«, *__.) also bricks (or d»s«lliigs I..I .«.i* ». ri low, »<i. i-a-y t. ru»a. R.A.YOL'NU, «.».11 i.a«n.« r. .tc .'.'O F.». I..I1 «-. |.!.'. _ I.'oK SALE.Tbreo story bagameat brown- si., r.n h'MIses wide «tn-,--, ut all« r to Par* convenient i.iTtiinl A». l7xlC*_ tit.«, asr* f.. t.-riu» e.i iv pi'. » f.» -..».. Api'll aopr__-__4__ No. 340 _ I-'OR SALE on 16-d-at., aitbin '_' ..liiniti»' .sala (i..-n railroad .t-tion. ai _»i.iif»»e, » I'iiamk li'.l hi with «les i.inf, li i.».in», iii UMfoaafe r. pair a s..,.i _t.ii.ie ciiiiit« 170 '..i (i..ui i.v lit, f.«-i deaf i I...... low, a'..'«-., iwe-tblrda of petrefeaaa.r «an i«. »-._.!. ai .. ¦ r i.i _ M 1 r 111.IN mi.i*... 7 I l.u;n»e»t. H0U.sesi i w est _'.. i M-sr. foi. s.vi.i:.- Fiiee »i.i..'.<.o, 4 story; klghatoofi base.ieat and Utm- mlnga i.r».». n »i-...« I manai ¡«11 u... Irru lu.proToiueuta in »i etúet. ii.i|iiip nu pi«-lui«. » CMoKV CHIMNKV** < I'l'l.l'; :t<i dsys'trial; ? ' im cure im par I'si- ut Veiitii.si.it M.ie milit«' llaill, i. ripiien A ..... R.I «v.- I, -I » -.TV KTH-AVÉ., Huillín, íi.iir r_".Mli-st.-.'i In,.,.. *9 storr browu stone, wltli or without evtra l-'t will l..- ~>l.l lo«v._Rl'I.ANH .t Will fl Ml, 6 Herkmaa-sL C'(| -*.(UI tin high hi i.p In iik boBSBI ecu- 'P *rftt\ M t ;t. lo ition Adit«-«» li.Mi.iAIN, tribune V) towriliriiie | «*« In«,.eh« .«v. A CHEAP HOME..For wie, s food, well i.un. fiaui««i.seaad i«.i TbaM IsSBgltO »at, ri... house Is t»<« storiis. aud «.iiien« 8 m .in» In Hie rear of ti.«* huu.e is a small building si...alii*» i.u a tntptmutf» abana, or a inrniiiiie iiiik. r. 'li.e Imm« Um Htatan lalaad, N. v., and aiVitit 10 _Jaatea* w_lk fr.'in Clifton I. ludiiu*. The proy- eriy «an tie bought for »l.'.'i.ti; part ..I tl.e pur. luise inoiiuy cas remain on ..-iia-sg.«. .1.1.1. em It. A. 1... ll«.i 4'., Trlbuua «ifllco._ EWE RESIDENCE Ft« BALE ¡if Qoeeaa, a L. I.. Large uiaii»....., good »itlbu.:.lli«Ks, s_.la-u.iia abade, lawn and fruit; '.'_ a. r. « land, first .juallii, n.-^i dej ..t. _ A M. WAT, i;< >H SALE.6.000-ACRE FARM in Kan tai ; A lmpiovunentiuost Í.17..HSJ price liiii.uiin might take i.ih.rpn ... m n jaillira«:.*. OAK.NETT S I HuMAM-suN, Real EaUto Aycata. Chicago, ill. I^OIí SALI'., (»i I \',ill ezchaoucfor Kebrnska laud, a valuable fa.m ou Long Mat.il. Address E. II. WI_fC__C8TBB, SiU 3.1 -aie.. Rr.Hil.lyn, or II. H. WELLS, Wudlu« lilv.r, I. 1 _ _ J^AKM.Frro ami *vh»nrj '.'"> nul. s «m Loti»* Island i/raod ael gbbortiood i IM ..res vaiuaiilo land; sbuudunt biilldln!js; would b«- e-i« Ii..n¡;e«l foi unproved .Neu Ycrkctly property. HI!.AND * WHITINO. 5 Reekman at. LWKMS for SALE..Sooth Oy«t*»r Buy, 200 I acre. Pre mansion and lar« »val.-r fr»uit WV .ieti««si.-r Co., ¡-SOaerea, stu-aui a<i.i mill, East Hampton, o|><>«,««ite. label* ' 0 a. les (water tiont) .fine »Igl.tly l.'ni.e; all very Ii (< .ii uliira); alao small.', pura with waterprlv- un 1er .1 lilchardhou, li'.li CuuibvrUud st., ll'klyu. I«».", sia« «.;n_rr .. Bichard en, 3il9 Cuntberlandat., B'klyn. I^OH BALE.Tbe tiitrlily improved and very pr.slucllve esta'e..f - MAIZKI.AND," Comprising n»vul ."..'.11 acne ot land, including 60 seres of v»im»Is. n ii-ll» f.*'» and hl.-korv of hirge growth. Maiaeland, situated in the I'.iwn nf Um! H.m._, N V., ¡,1m«.,! («Inilir» ft ..in theciljof Naw-YatlL »a» for many ymralha r'sLI.-me «.f lhe In» \l iili.ttn i Ii.iiiiI.cilain, and la well known among lead. In. agit.-ultiiiists one.of Hit. verv rlnest fanulug pro»>-ilies In l.ui.lie.s «'oiiniy. Handsome brick mansion, M t>y 40 fr.-t, »iih luye inViuiar brick attaaako nadar same roof; luriuce, Lut and ml! ««..1er. and all .llv....i. en. .*. exrept. mg gaa, hartam been the Wim--r s. «««'II us the Siitiiinei rest- deuce of lb» Isle on tier eiteiisu.« pisizaa grounds hand- aoiiely la.d mil In lawns, plantations and Ihrnbhctlas Posi¬ tively KKKK f«OS MAI Aim. BaMaa I'uildings iip.mrtal.ilug to the mansion, such as .oacl.niaii'sIiouat«, irsnlenci's house, coii»i«r«siurv, graperlea, _«,._... il. re aii-st «uv« nient d.sian«'««« ihiee very oui. oí-i«* set» »I !.. nu bull.1iii|... . ,i, b with «rood aud uomf.uiwble fjin.-i's dm! 11 u g ii'in«.. also, three addition si tenant houaea ami lsrgo rtuiumer »t«e<*¡ .house. II.» peen a sheep farm for the past I'.HJ« ira, ana uiau> of tli«< buildings ware erected eaueiUllv for shawp raising, sud are unusually well adapted for th_t pni puse. lin la.m U perfectly drslued. and «nil atered l.y tw.. never fallirá brook» and nuiiierous springs, L-llis stsl i-lsterns. Would sell the wnwlern poi Hon. lU. lulling wood land, two sets of buildings and two tenant bouses, about 400 acres lu all, ut a veo ruo-leiate price nera«re. Nu ex. change, but a Imge pal Baa of tl.e Purchase money may re¬ main on the atepettt *«t iil«*r cent lnt««r»st. The neareststa- tloi. is Hair» loan, «m .h,» find...n Blvac Kiillioad, («foin.l.s dlstaul. Will be Klad te si«e any fuitlu-r Infi.rniaHun aakesl for. I'hlsls an ex. elient time to view the pru|M*itv, whlrhlf not <llsposod of previously will bo sold at auction in January, WM. OHAMBBB-AaW. toot nook. Dutchess Co.. | Y HDDSON RIVKR PROPERTY t«»r »ALB «»r RENT. -Tue m.ml altra.lUs, completely furuulieU an 1 rhannliu'V situated r. ninn. .Hi tue "(.«eea . iiruf the Ilu.l. ^n." _l»o l«u acres. Iieaullfnllv located ou llvfl bank. u>_i Milton, with a cusi-v c.ttage, bui n, fi UIL Ac. .N. Will«.H I. M ««oiiih I.lb«*tlvst.. i'ougbkeepslM.. Y vTiln JJropfrin do id. A THIRD floor to let uiifiimished. 42 Vfttoi -.___^ 1>0R RENT.$:I0 a oioBth-houae with 11 rooms; gas i water; baster; largo gui.i.u and aiablea. l_8th.at., Terra« «vplace, M .lioso. i)*\i\ EA8T HUOADWAY.-To lct-biweineut >*wl9\9 floor; well ailaptesl for a laundry. Conntrn propmn Co Cet. 0TTAGI. ami I'lVH ACRES ut, iiARRN SOaa, emosite West Fnmt. Addieas 1 l««il KII.I, BAVINU«» HANK. Flsbktll. N. Y. ONTCLAIR..TO let, furn.Bliëd~_i7.Ar^ nlahod, fur six months or yoar.hamlaotne coilagn real. sailíroo-H; modern iinprove-iieuts, with stalle and arronnds in Una order; view a of New-Vorg aud interv.niliig louatry. Address If. to... TnUuaa «. m.a. C toM W (îonntr-n Proper.« to ttt T-Ó RENT.Furnished cottage; 8 rooms; for - A board of Rector. Address Hector, Cornwall, Oranxe Co* K.Y._ VV1 'EST ELIZAHETH, near Depot..N*areat desirable suburban locatitv. on beat line of trav-,1 out of lower New-York only 40 miuui.-e several exnrosa trains- cheap fares» grunlag m'lKhborhool; honac has eiitht sleepin*- rooms wide halla and plazas, «ma, water, bath, c'oftem, heater, range, lube; lirge garden with vinos, Imita, flowers, lawn« and abade will let at V2b until April ; formerly let at »tío. Apply at Elevator. No. 11 Pint- at. ©.can Git-amer» A MER10AÑTH_TPOÍB^rT¿RPOOL. _\ Thi« only Tmusatlantli- Line nailing under the AMERI¬ CAN FLAO. Mailing every THFKMiA Y from Philadelphia. U1I1U »alla Thursday, Nov. it, 11 a. ni. RED STAR LINE-TtTÄNTWKUI'. (in rrliiK the Rnlgfan and liut.-.l States Malla, »«ailing seinl- luonihlv alternately Iron» Phlladrlphr« ».ud New-York. M IiKRLANli salla TUEUiiAV. Nov. 19, l'.nt. For rater of piiM-ti*«« and other inloruia'iuu apply to PETE It WRK1IIT A Ö0N8, (ioneial A .enta, 307 Wa'iinl *l , Philadelphia. o_ llrtiadway. New-York. JOMN MCUONALD. Agent, 8 Battery -place. New-York. T^ENKI-AL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY, \1 BETWEEN NKW-YORK AND HAVRE. l'lrr of Company (new) Ko. 4- North lllvrr. bed ol Monon-st. A.MKitlui'E. iit-loril. .W"»tliiea.lay. Nov. t>, 2:30p. in .Pl-iiiEIKE. Danro.Wednesday. Nov. 1.1, 8 a. in. EllANCE, muelle.Wetluc-sdav. Not. '¿O, I :.W p. in. «learners marked tlum . do not ram steerat-e passengers. i.m in DE REBLAN. Ait» m. r»o« bl Broadway. GUIÓN LINK. UNITED STATER MAIL STEAMER«. F(»ll QUEEN« I'OWN ANI» LIVERPOOL, I.cnlng Tier .S«. N. It,. Ifiot of Kuig n(, NEVADA.TUESDAY, Nov. 1_, 8:30 a. *B. MONTANA.TUESDAY, Nov. 13, nono. WIS» ONSIN.ITEs-DAY. Nov. 'id. 7 a in. V.', omino .TI'E-DAY. De«,. 10. 6:JO a. in. NEVADA.TUESDAY. DOC. 17, 11a.m. Pf The.-to steamers are hmlt ot Iron, wa cr light coin- «t»it.« nt». uiipI an. furnlahed with every requisite unmake »he pae*a«*i«ario»e the Atlantic leitl» safe ami agreeable, har¬ ina baiii.i'pi,in, hui'iktiic-ionm, ilrawui ¦¦ nwiii, piano and li¬ brary; also eil i-rii'iii<«¡ sunfi-oii, et-m'ardasa ami caterer on <. |p »ii-iimrr. Ib,- -tal,- UMiiun are all on d.uk, thns insulins' il.ow) «it«al«"«t of ull luxuries at eea. pp-rt.rt veutllailou and lll-b». CABIN PAMAOK tarronllnr to stateroom), »«0 to $80; INTERMEDIATE. *?4l>- BTKERAOE, »JO. OFFICE, No. _.» BROADWAY. _V. 11 I.I .IMS OU ION. n A Ml U JUG American Packet Company's Line for I'I.YMOU TU, cnEIlBOUIt'l. and H A M B U RO. A'I ELAND.NOT. 7 SCKVIA.Nov. 31 I'»MM EUAN IA.Nov. It (»EI.I.ERT.Nov. 29 i(Ht»-«f»f pae«a_"rto Plymouth, London, Cherbourg Harabnrjr, ami all points in Kiialiind, s«-oilan»l and Wales First Cabin, KoM,ei0O| «r.'.ii'l ('..Inn, gold. i-''ii steerage, rnirtrni-y, iiJO. KI'MI « ItUI A-Cl.. C. H ItU'll \RD* HOAiS, liinilal Agenta, l¡e¡>» rai Passenger Agents. til Brood «'., N't York. _ i;i I'.i'-.i«!A.iv. New York. I N M A N LIN I*.. BOYAL M A IL STF AMERS. FOR QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. CITY OF III» II Mo.MJ.SATURDAY, Nov. f». S p. m CITY OF CHESTER.-A U It DAY. Nov. l»i. (1a.m. CITY OF MONTREAL ... lilt iSDAY. Nov. _1,_ p. m. l-'ion Plot ;«7. N. 11., foot of < liai lion St. CABIN. eSO, $80 nii'l ei"". gold. Return tickets on favor- able tanna STEEII IOC, *-.'«. «M'.rri'iii'r. Dr pft* al lowest rafea Balsona, state-rooina, »imikiii. aiw bath moms amidships, « arm neither rattle, «beep nor pigs. JOHN II. DALE. Agent, -tl «»'I -- Broadway, V. Y. NEW-YOIIK ANO HAVANA DIRECT MAIL LINE TfceM ttrat-elaas ¦teanuhlp« -ui r-Kulnj-'y at 2 p. m, from PlerNa lit. North River, aafollows! m, amsoip SANTIAGO DKCCBA...W EDNE3DAY, Nov. 0 HteamSRlp-.«-ATI I'.DAY*.Nov. 1(1 Af.filiU! »la'loii« iineurpae-a'il. For freight01 p_*>eat"e»bply 10 u 11,1.1 .M p. CLYDE .t- CO., No. 1, HowluK-gre n. Mi KELLER, l.l'I.INU A CO.. Agent* In Ha'ana_ VKWVuKK," Il A \ \N A mid "MEXICAN -.1 MAIL S. S. LINK Steamer« leave 1'icr No. t Nort h I'.lvor »t .1 p. m. »OR HAVANA Dl HE« T anil VERA CHUZ. uns at l*w_.eaaa. campearby and Front« rs. city or w .»SHINOTOi« [Havanaoniyj iniir-iiiav. Not. 14 cm Of» HERIDA......-uturdav, Nov. Ik ci l Y m-" Vi YORK.sauir.iav, Nov. 30 ."Iiatiif-r lr.iv.-e New OrU'HUi» Nov. lfl and Nov. 27 for Vnra Cans "lia Malamoroa, Havana, Tampion, Tuxpau, connection wltt»«toami-r tot New-York and above porta f. ALEXANDRE A 8OSH Not. 11 und "*3 Broadway. VÖHTH HERMAN LLO. -> BAMrilUP LIVE BETWEEN NEW.YORK, KOU1 HA.MPtoN AM» BUK M EN. COMPANY'»" P1KR f.eii of second Ml'., MOIIOKKN. MAIN. »at., Nov. 0 olH.lt.Kat*. Nov. 2H Mosel.."»»t., No-. !i) tu in \ .«at Nov. :(0 It \T1.S o»-' pa- VUE from NEW YORK to »»ULTIIAMIP- TON, HAVRE 'Hi BREMEN l'li>T CABIN. *.li"i ».,,'. 1 -: "NU cABIN....$'*Ogold -1 I.F.KAOE. Uto nin-ii v. id -torn tv.i-i« .,1 rodiirMi rat»«, 1'repa d staer»g«i oortiu- .rr--:,, f, P01 tr, u-iit r p laaac« »i n'y m QKLllIfHM * to. -. Howiip«-_Tf-Tj- PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY. 1 i-, "rom 1'i.T f.M.t caua! »t.. North River. I-'.»r I s 11 M - Of PV.N AMA f.nlv. aahtp CBE8CKN r <'i TY, HotOItlar, Nov. P, noon. .'oiiiiriiinir tor » 'entrai and ¡-o*tin America and M-il» »» I'irMN liilM'l CO TliiMIIMI'i O»" PANAMA, Sienni'hlt. ( "laiN, M'ediieeilav, Nov. .0, noon. Coniiri lii.g at Panama for «'entrai ami South America and M,r,i'0. ami ,»l sen Kraiiriei'o With O. »t. H. tí. Co.'s hip 'isA.t IC, »anuía Tat »*l«y. n»v.. 17, noon. Krtiiii s»«u Frtunclaeo for Japan and China Me.in.t.i» ci 1 Y oF TOKIO. Tneadsv. lie«".», noon. hte.im*l»¡p»TTY of PEKING. t«ai..Jsn. 4, 1S7U noon Erom ttae lrauclaco 10 »andwicn l.iiau»la, AuitiaL» and New /.« »i'.ii'i, «tr.itiislitp AfsTRM.IA, Moadar. Nov. 38. For fr» i.-bi ,t ireuerai uil»»nnaMo:i. anply at Companv'a Office, on nl.-r f,»n ot »analst., North Itivi-r. And for paaeago at C<,inp-__)'s rttArt OffliiN No. '.'57 Rroadway._ ITNÍTÉD STATES AM) "BRAZIL MAIL I' -lIMMslllp LINE. KUR NT THOMAS, PARA. PERNAMRI'CO. BAHIA, AND RIO HE JANEIRO. ( 'oiilicotnn St -»*T. I H(l MAS* wild Oortoaa etiamtrs for PORTO ItH*'» «nd 8PAN1ÍJII MAIN. 1 no n»-* flr«tt lass iron steanislilp CITY OF PARA, captain« irp.i.u 1, »HI sail mrtne aoove ports on Tlil'liü. DAY, "". .', »t Hi». 111. Kr. Iitlit al low rates lakeu for the sIkiv." porta. Nofr.-1'tit* re. .-iviiiattcr »! Freight must be i.al.l 111 silvan i.«. >ïei«bt recolveit at all times at Roberts' I»». k. Ilr,...l'vii. IN-i RANCH lOWEIl THAN nY ANY OTHER LINE. MIIPPCK»» I'EMIUNO INrtURANCE CAN EFFECT -AME UN'UER OUR OPEN POLICY. For frel.rht. en.*."t-".-iii.-n»«. or n.-iasn-ro. havlna ele/ranf ac- i-uiiiin.Mlatluii* apply to C. II. MAI.IHUY A CO. >\ . Aceni». l'Un ». l'if-i Jii East River. rillTK STAK LINE. IM l KO -1 A I UU AN H KOYALMAII. STEAMERS Kolt ÜUEENHTOW.N AM» LIVERPOOL. NOTICE.T-ostaaawra oftiii* Unataaa ibe i.aue Route ri«,,i in». _,i..i l,y l.irut Maury, U. S. N- on both the outward and lioinevniii vo\ an.-s. BALTIC, capt. rrirsell.1 huretlav. Nov. 7. 3 p. m ADRIATIC, dipt n nnliiit«.Tliuredav. Nov. il. s a. in. II It A NN |( cai» I'.-iry .iNit unlay, Nov. -S, 3 n. m. PROM HE WHITE STAR HOIK. l'IKll Û2, NORTH RIVER. I haaa ¦teaman ar> umfnrm In eUe ..ml unsurpassed in ap- pnintm« n'-» The -i»i«e»n, Blataraoius, Saaoklns, snd Rath- moms are pise-1 arnlflehips, trberatlu nose and motion am least f«-lt, .itliirdln-"adi'i;rr«<oI comtort hitherto unatuinabla at »i-s. KATES-i-aloio. ii;(»,$«i'iand |100, (fold. Steerage, fib. R*. (urn tii-ketsiui t.ivorabli' terms. Tbese steamers »ally neither I'illCe, «l.-op. nor pigs. 1 in-pi'» ;..»n of 1 la,n» ami ottwi li»r,-nnailuu apulv at the Comjinii«'» om.-»-e. No. 37 liruadway. NewYorlt, or 1*0 Vial nut el.. I'hila.U-lpIiia. R. i. COKTlH, Aaenl. UtlltKllipt KotlCCf. ¦T-HI8 is to QTVE NOTICE i That on tin J 1st davot Novemla-r, A D. 1S7H. aWarraiil lu Bankruptcy waslesuotl arainst Lbo estate of LUOI-'NE UAATON RAR- ROW"*, of New York. In the < oiiniv of New York ami Mtateoi New-York, who list bien »dludged a bsukrupioii lue own petition; that tbe osviiit'iil of any debts sn»l deliv¬ ery of un.v ptmperty b-lou^im," i" suchhSHkrupt to him or for hi» int.. sud thetnuisterofaiiv property by lilin, are forbuliU-u l.y law: tlial a ru,-ttiii(t of tbe.re.luor-» of the saltl haiikrupl. to prove llie.i debts, «ml lochiMi*e ,.m« or more s**ur!)ees of bis t*iat«\ «»ill be held at a court ol Rankniptcv. to be bolUon at No. I Wan. n st.. lu tli* 1 |ty of New.York. be. lore Mr. John W. fini.-. He.l.tn, on Ibe lllth day ot N.,,,-m lier, A. I». lH7a,atlUii'riot-Ka.iii. LOU IB F. PA Vs. 0.9. Marslial. aa Meaeonyer. southt-iu l-letrlciof Now York. Corponition Jiotuca. 1 «NAM 1. Dr.i'AUTíiiM, Bi ci «i' roa rtnOouai noi » OV TAXI-.«, No. S"J ohailibeiN et , > N»w Y.UIK. Nov. I, IH7». ) NOTICE TO TAXPAYKU-S.-Noti«'.' is liflieby (tren to ail persous who hat e omitted to pay their taios for tbe year 1H,H, to the Hecelv.t of T.-.xe*, that unlt-ss tli-s.ime «bail b<« paid to htm at his otrl.t- before the 1st day of I),, einbei licit, I (er.«put will he . «llccted on sll tal.es re- lualulna unpaid on thai duv, and 1 per .-.-nt In u.blition th.-roto on »ill laie« temaliiln« uupild on tiio 15th day of December lie It. No money will be received sfli-i 8 o'clock p. m. Oillee bours from ha. ni. to- p m. MARTIN 1'. MAHo.N. l;«*4»«lvir of Taxes. Stfiimboat. nnû Hinlratioa. 1*_Í0Y ROAT-S-frnZHNS* I,IN_:. PA IIS, 11 EXCUHMION, *1 6«1 DE«'K FARE. Klc.; BTATER«)OMR fl and f'J. N.w polaco steamers .SARA- TOOA anil (TTY OF TROY leave «Im.v (ex.-ept Bal inlays) at (ip. w., from Pier 40 N. R., foot of Lrmv ,*t. Nurocoiinec- lion tvltb 1110inln« trains for all points NorHi and West. Htstcrooiug. Ert-e transfer froni Utooalyn by Erie Ann.s Boats. ryo l'HILADKU'HlA, A VIA PKNN.SYI.VANIA RAILROAD. THE OLD ESTABLISHED ROUTE AND SHORT LINE Im It»,.«», NEW YORK AND I'll ILA DELPIIIA. Fourteen Tbrouah Trains each wsy daily; threo depots In l'bllailolpbia, two! N»w\oili. Double Track, tin« moat Improve«) E,|Uipn,cnt. imt (he Fast-tst Time couslntc-ut with sbs«Iiife eafety. on snd aller July H, Ik""«. Express Trains leave N«tv-Ynrk via Di.ebroases and Conrt- lan.li Street t'errif», as follows: i.:«», 7.:»o, 8:20, ;. [P. <(' liautetli, 11 a. m.. 1. 4. r,, c, e,:m, 7 :«», h .111 and up. in. hiiuday, 4:80 ami 0 a. m.; 6, 6, 0 M\ 7'dV, b.;!u sin! I p m. IlnAta of -' Brooklyn Annex" connect with all thionah trains at Jersey Cuy, ailoi-dlng a speedy und direct tiansfsi for Brooklyn travri. It. tnriitiiif tratas leave Philadelphia M 4, 7.1.66, * 8.-3(1 ¦ml 11 a. in. 1.iiiilt.pl Express. liHfi p m. 1. J. A. Silil, 7 ami 7 .: . in and 1'J midutahl. (»11 Sunday, 3'.'0, 4, 7, 8, 8.3n a. m 4, TiM p- m and 1. midnight. ¡'leitet oOlces No». IM ami 'MA I.roiVtwir, No. 1 Aator Ilfius,", and foot of i>e.«hiua<V'-.andconrtlnmlt *»ta;No. tCoiul st. and Brooklyn Annex I». 1 »it, foot of Fulton «t.. Rrooklyu i Nos 114, 11« «nd 1 IS Hudson.*., Unbutton; Depot, Jersey City, EuitirrantTirket office. No. 8 Mattery plaiv. HUNK THOMSON. L. P. PARMKR, Oeusrai Manaaer._Oea'l Paasea-ter Agi. Ê 1 r\(\ TO BOSTON "fl» 1 .?Hi* VIA THE OLD REI.IABLK STOMNOTON LINK, C(»NK( I ISO WITH ALI. POIHTR RAST. NOT A TRIP MISSED IN HE VEN CONHKCC l'IYIä YEARS The eleft-ant steamers MAHSAi'HCHMTH and RHODE ISLAND leave Pier 33 North River (foot ot Jay.t.) at 4:30 p m. dally (evceitt snndaysl. Mpeclal Iluillf»! licketa, gnorl only on *.':48 a. m irs'n fum» Hioiiliiglou, Hold «ia this flue from New-York tu Boston for tl Ml. Tickets for sale at all principal tl.-ket offices. Staterooms secured at oflleee of Wyntt'olt Expl'«-*-i Ciiliipauv Slid st.Nna. Ma and :l«7 Bit.adway and al Molronolitau and Fifth Atenué Hotel ticket offices. PROVIDENCE LINE. Rtean.er« F.I.l't lu.\ ami oa 1. v I ILA leave Pier .(» North River ifoot of Warren st ) daily (excpl 8uudsys) st 4 p in- lor Providence direct. Frei*ht via either line taken at lowcat ratea. L W. F1I.K1.NS. «i. P. Aft. I). !.. BaBCOCK. Pies't. Steamboats anb Railroaa«. BRIDGEPORT. bb-TÎ-Î pointa OB itoa-_Ur_¡_£ and Naugatnck Railroads, rare, $1. -'-r Bt1__ni___l_ JSSÄSotSI? <«»^Ä*P«ad> at AIS.... BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROADÍZ Leave New-York from foot of Deabrosaes aud Coortlsaú* 8;-_0 a. m. fofAV'aahlni*-.«-«-*, Colnrabna, Cincinnati. Indiaiaa. oils, t li« ;..... ami the West, Richmond. Charleston and the South, i'uilnuui ears from Baltimore to N, wars o Chicago. ^** F(Kl p. m. for Wat»hingt.n and the West, and the Hotith via «¡oidonsvlll«-. Pullman cara from New.Y«irk to »tslliaiasa and Washington, making close connection» for l'iH«b__*g ein. cinnati, I.id.ai.apolla. Loads.lite, and ht I/mls. Thronak l'uli...an cars, Ila.tlinore to Cluclnuati. t»i. l_oule »aO PlMn, burg, ami fmm Washll.gion to Augusta si.I «-¡»vanuali. Dim p. iu. daily, f»r Washington, the Hou.h and W.aL P__J_ man sleepers from New-York to Baltimore an.) Washington uiaklnir. -:«.,e connections lor Chicago, Ctuctuiiatl, Indianas! olla, Louisville, St Louie, Columbus, l*iif»t.urg the ("»mi and Sijiiiiiw, «t. Through Pttilman raía from Baltimore to in.¦inn ill, connecta at Washington with iralua foe i.yach. bnrg, Florida New-Orlaans and Tbe Houth For through tltiketa pleaae rail at Cmpunv's office, 318 Broadway, New. York, and at ticket office., foot of .'.__..____-._ and Desbrossesvsta., and depot, Jeiaev t liy. A«K FOR TICK-TO VIA BALTIMo HE AND OHIO _RAILRO'l) _" CENTRAL RAILROAD OF NEW-JERSEY. Ferry Station m New-York, foot of f.H»ei iy._ _. Kerry Miationln Brookly. foot of i niton st. Commencing Oct. 1, 1878. Tiafiia leave New-York, footol Liberty-at., as follows. 6:110 a. m. For Flemington, E-ston, Helridere. attach Chunk, Tantaqua. Wlikeabarre, Elnilra. Ac Connecta al Juni Him with O. I., and W. II. R. h It a. in..For High Bridge Branch. Hchooley's Mountain, Budil's fake and Fake Hopetcong, Kaoiou. Harrtsburgb, Ma... h Chunk, Tamaqua, Ilafelton,«»Wilk« si.ait«. iscranvoo. Wlliiarasport, Ac. ^ lu: Sa. m. and 4:30 p. m.."or Somervlilc ,-ind Flemington. I p.m.-For Flciiungtoi», Eaaton. Manch huuk, ra__e«r__a, Will., nharre, Kcranion. Tunkhannock, Tan,»qua, Hazelum Beaitlii«.. l'ottuville, Harrlsburgh, Ac ^ 4ii. m.- tor High Bru!-*»* Branch, P hoolcv s Monntaia, Build's l_.ke and Fske llopatroug, Kast».n. lielvidere ami Man« h Chunk. Connecta at Junction wuh D. L and W. B. K. ,'.:.'<i p. m., dally... or Eaaton, Allen town ami iUrrUbargü. 7 4'. p. *u. .For E.istou. lor 11 .m.» to l.s as points sea time tables st »fattona. SUNDAY TRAINS.Leave at 9 p. n... IM m. (or B~_i*4 Brook and int- r.necilate points, and al 5:3') p. tu. for Easton, ii. ;.<ll g and Ji.irriaburg. ii.uiKof llie iirooklyn and Erie Annex " make connection at .1. i ...r city etatiou, to and from Broom, u ..nd Kne Oepet Jersey City. ^I KW-TORK and LOÑcJbRANC II DIVISION. I Trains leave for Red Bank, I.i.ug Bran« b, Ocean Grove, Scat totlb, 11:45a. m.. 4, 6:l*»p m. Stages connect a. Matawan Station to and trom KKYPOBr. FREEHOLD and NËW-Y0JÎK RAILWAY connection- Leave foot of Liberty »t., i"i 1 res-hold s| «¡13. 11 15 a.m..4, 6:15 p.m. VEW-YOKK and PHILADELPHIA NEW 11 I.INK. BOUND BROOK ROr'TF, FOR TRENTON AND t'UILA IH.T.PHI A. EXPRESS TRAIN TIMK TWO HOUBS. Leave New-York, foot of Libertv st.. for Trenton and Fhila. dciphia at if-:«). 8. 9.(0, 11:3«J a. in., I'M, 1, 5:30,1- p.«, m, aim at 10.10 a. m.. 4 30 p. rn.. for Trent«.-.. I..-;ive Philadelphia from station Norih Pennsylvania Rail. ro-.<l, Thud and fWks st-, at l.:46 (way), 7:1".. '-.'), 11 30 a. n,., 1:30, 4:16. MS. l'-'p. m. I.eave Trenton lor New-York at 1:20 -en- |.t M inday', »SiOfl. 8:1'!. 10:20 ¡i. in., 1*1». '-':15, 4:6.*», (liilO p. m. Fullnisii l.tawinii room cara are attail.ed to the ÍKIOe. m., 4 ? i. m., t ¡lins Horn Nt-w York j lo the 7:13 a. in., 1:30 p. n>., ram^ from Philadelphia. M MDA Y 'I KA IN«.-Leave New.York ami Philadelphias! 9a m.. 5:30, 13 p. m. I.>av<» New- Yors dar Treatoa at v a, ro., 5:;¡l) p. m. Leave Trenton «t 1:2«), !.:5«1 a. in li:ln p. in. < «.me. tioii Ii msilest J.-rseyl Ity istation by ferry to and !ri>in Brooklyn asd Erie " Depot, .«-rtn-y« itv, Tickets lot sale at foot of Liberty »i, No». !>'¿n and 944 Bi-i'.-i.iv.av, at H.e 11 in« ip.i. hotels, all olrlc » of the Erie Rail- »iv in New-Yort and Hr.s.r lyn.ami at No. i «'oui! st,Brook» 1. n. Baggage cheeked ti».in resilience t«. destination. _ H. I'. BALD*«*. I«, '...i 1-ss. Agent- LWLL RIVER LINE for l»«>-t..ii .»ml the East. I -ii-.ii.i. i. BRISTOL nd -»BOVIDKN .»-York indayacxcepf.sl iroin Pier No. 2i«, N..:th Hiver, fool of Mnria« St.. al :,.) B. tseatt* l'ir.Mikivu via » ..nnex" boats at 4 p. m. ^^^^^^ I^OR R0XD0ÜT and KINGSTON-Far»«, 75 J- cents. NBWBDBOB and below.iOC'KNTS Land at ITl«h- Isnd Falls(Wtsi Foinr , Cornwall. Newt.unr. Mailboro, BUI ton. I'Oi.KHKKKFHiF. Ksopua, conneeiing with F later and Delaware a: .1 Wallklll Valley Railroad- i.i.-auils«au TIiotaM lomellan.l James W. Baldwin leave «iai'y at 1 p. i._, ?iar 34, North River, foot of Harriaon-SL _ L\H. XKW-HWEN, its ¡»uin.iiiMimgs and I all stations on tba New-York. Huston aud Air Line, Derby and North Hampton Rallrosd-. dln-c»..Steamere JOHN H. H l'A BIN and KRAsITFïs CORN NU leave P»er IS. N. it. f.M.i ot cou.-tiand-st.. at » p. m. awry night In the w.«« «, cicept Matin-lav; arrive In New-Haven in Urne for all morning iialnson nil' railr«>a.!s; beat fat ¡UI,. » for paasengera and freight: fure.l.- excuialou al 60. Mmin's Hew Haven 'I lai^portalion Line. JnHN If. BTARIX, Proiinefor. f EHIQH VALLEY RAI ERO A I). MJ AlUIAN.ll-.'MFNT OF tAHHU.SlH.li l HAINrt Jan. X, 1877»_{_ava «lepóla loot of Oosi.tlandl and i.«-»tiosei.*e.«la. at 6.30 p. in.. Night Kxpreas. dally for . »Ion. Bethlehem. A n». .n Manch Chunk. W ilk m barre, Fitfst.m, Hayrv. Kl- nilrn. Ithacs, Auburn, RocHester, Buffalo. Nlag.ua f__Js anil the West. Fullman sleeping coachea attiichisL HIIH'T. H. fAYKK. -»-li'r. «J. ti.-ial Eastern Ofllce, corner «'hurcli an.f < ourtlandt-stg. HOBT* H. fAYKK. *»,m'r. snd KngT. corner Church and courtland^s-| CHAM. II. « I MMI.Ni.H. Agent_ 1 0X0 BRAXCH and PHILADELPHIA, Tiffj MJ New Jersey Honth.ru Railroad, «..nniieni-lng «ietob«-r 1. 187I. steamers will leave NewY<_k. Fi««r H. North Rivet (foot of Rector-st.i, connecting at Sandy Ifook «silt tralua fur Long Branch »'id "'iii.'a.i-iphla. 11:00 a. in.- 4.-0«) p. __. I -at i. o Tuck«*__it_. 4: si p. m. Vineiand, Rtidgion and Atlantic City. ili'We. to. Red Rank and Toma River. H.00 a m sud *_{0B¡ m WM H. S.NK-EN, _____ Ueaeral Manager. Vl.U HAVEN, HARTFORD, &.-.-Fare, «ff. 1~ sieamei- leave Peck sip dally (Sunday* excepte«.) toa New-ltav_u ait 3 and U^ p^ iu.,^onn.ectlng with road._ \TEW LINE TO BOSTON. Via Al'.vna Point, from Norwich Line Tier 40 North Blver, Mean-em CITY OF NEW.YORK" ami "CITY OF B05U ri IB." itA'i o. m. dally. «Sundays included FA EUE O.N'K HOLLAR every day lu the week. Fosittvely, tickets good only on day of s.-;.-, und on traltt connectinc with boat at AUnrs Poln». Oo«sl supper for _i> ceuts. TlckeU for sale at Pier 40, NORWICH LINE for Bo-».***!*, Worcester, Portland, aud all «.¡tita North and Fast, via Newl/ondon and Norwich steamers ¦'CITY OF I.AWHKMK" and " F.\ I M U rn.'» from lie: 10 North Rtv.r.at It 0 pn..«__.«.~.in,t_.r»«-s«eptX Tickets un.I stüte.rooms may bo ooiniu-il st il.e office or to« «oii[.«!iy, No. 417 Broadwa-, corner <f Csnalst Fwlghl l.kiii/o¡ all poluisat loiveat rates. For f.inner __for__Uoa in.in.re ai Piet in Noah Kivar NEW - YORK -CENTRAL ANO HÜDSOÍÍ HIVKlt HAlMlOAIi.-r'ommenciii» .et 1878L tlirun_rh trains will leave Grand Central Depot 8 a. m. Western and Northern Expresa, r.iwtugroom car» to li.H-ursu-r and pi. Albans iii.iua.iu. si««cial Chicago and Western Kxpreaa. with drawini. room cars to « snaudalgiia, Rochest.-r and Baffaio. Il a. m. F.xpreasto Albany ana Troy, with connections to In. a Saratoga and Rutland. North Adama sj.1 -lenulogton. 4 i>. m. Alhauv !in.i Irov Express in I. a 1 r»>«no<r«_ «i p. m HL lxjuls Fxpraas, daily, with sleeping ears for _>_. Louis, ruiiniiig through every dav In the w.eli- alee aleen. lug cars for lluitai». Niagara Falls, Toledo aud l»eirol_ *>00 la Montreal eneptinp Snnda«. night, via **or..i«.^a. 7 30 p. m.. raet Fxprees ft.r lloehasfcr. aid CorelBB via Geneva eepln« cars t. usdS?. u d.-i-,, t r. 8.3 'p. n... Pacific Express, «tally, with si.ep'ng tan toa Roch*"«ster, NlHirar- Falla, Buffalo, rie^iaü.!. i'o;<»To, Detroit, and Chicago ¡ also, except".* Haturilar nicht, to Clarion ami Vuit-rtown, and exovptlng riaturdaj ami e...udav nights, us Mont «al vi. fit A bans. lip rn., Kipre«"» with sleeping ears, to Ainany and Troy. Tickets for sale ai No». 'ih'J, "_«. 1 and 4Kl Kro.idway, au4 at Waatctotl Kiprosa Co.'sOlBcea, Nos. a l'jrk.plac*. 7*13 am! .,.i_> Broadway, New-York, and 3««. «A ashlngtou^t,. Rro«klvn. ' C. B. MEKKEB. General Pa»»enger Agent. PENXSYLVAXIA RAn_R0AD. - GREAT TRUNK LINE AND UNITED -.TÄTE*. MAID hdl'T., un and after fep' in. 1H7«». Ham«. , eave Naw*> Yoia, yx, De*broa*ea and Courtlaudt 81 resta 'errleeae foi- lows: Expiesafor Harrlsbnrg, F'ttahurg. tbe West and Soath. with Pullman Palace Cars attached, I a. m., t) and h. 30 p. m- *¿Jf \v»lliauisp«irt, Ix>ck Haven, Corn- and Erie, a* «-"-Oa. m ,.«,ui«r<«ing at Corrj-for Tltuavtile, Peuoleuin Centre e__J_ the Oil Regions. Wlliiamsport and Ix«ck Haven. 8 a. m. H iitunore, Washington and the 8outh. " Limit-«- Wash-* Ington Expresa'' of Pullman Parlor Cart «lallv. except Hon- v, HiiiO a. m arrive Washington 4.-10 p. iu. Regular at »*) ,. iu.. 1, e :«.. and p. m. H.nidav (j :«<) aud 1) p. m. Lxpress for Phil¡».lelphls,4:8<».7 30, H ¿o, tí, (tfcJO Umlted). 11 a. m.. 1. 4. f,. il, OSO. 7:30. K:30 andOp.ui. -»nmlay. 4.10 and 1) s.m ..'.. o. .:30, 7 30, 8¡30 S-d ü p- tn. Emigrant a_*i-*e- oud ciase. « o- ni. Boats of "Hiooklvn Annex" connect with all through trains at i. i»¦ « City, aft.iilliig a speedy and diii-ul traasler lor Brooklyn tiav.-l. _ Fortra'uato Newark. Kluabeth, Rahwav. I'rlor-etoa. Tr«-_. tou. Her:!. Am>»ey, Flemingtcn, Belvideie and other poluta, tee .oca! schedules at all Ticket Offices. Tii.ha arrive:- From Pittebnrg, Ö.J0, I'lii i. m., 1O90 p. m. dallv: 6i50 a. rn.. 16 »0 p. m.. dallv. except Mondar. From Washington and Ra.tlmore, b a*», v«:40 a. m., 410. a: 15. 10:10 p.m. miuiU» «_:>«>, b.40 a. m. From 1'liila.lelnlil«, .',s)5, * ;. i, PAD, 10:50, ll:oO a. m.. ¡1:10, 4:10. ...Vi, .00, _.-10. lnl.i. If JO p m. uunday, 5:(*o. « SO B-Vl, lobo, ll;-(»s_ n_ _I-,V.>. lOi'.'i. i>. ui. TichetOt.ceN.Y'.S-O.I 044 Broadway. No. 1 Aetor House, and foot of Desbnwaea aud Courtlandt at«.¡ No. 4 Court-st and Hr.*okl»u Annex I)«pnt, toot of lullen ai.. Brooklyn« Nos. 11«. 11« and U*» Hudson-a«-. Hobokeo Depot. Jersey City. Mulgi-ut Ticket "ffl.e, N.. e U.»iu>i.r place. t lt\NK THi.MtM.N. Uf. I'AKMEB. ' Henri ¡il Manager. l.enl i'_-.-.iig.r Ageai. rpHK ERIE RAILWAY will beratttaf I known by Its new name, THE BEW.YoHK, LAKR KlUE ANDWI.MLKN RAILROAD. AKUANOESIRNT OFTilAlN*», l«.-llig effect June 3. I_r78 9 a m..Cincinnati and Chicago Day Er.presa, Drawiuf. r«».m coaebca to Buffalo and Huspenston Bndac Op. m. (Oailv).FaatHL Louia Expresa, arnvinr. at Bab!« Kit).) t. _., connecting with fast trains to the W. st and Houth- west. Pullman's beat drawing-room sleepm-. coachea to Bal* talo. 7 «. m. (Dally) Parirle Expresa for the West. Bleeping cos«'-1* In.ugh to KiK-healer, Buffalo, Nbsgsi. Fa h*. (*ia_!_> bail and i im ago without «bang», also -owl dining cars ta i iucai;«). 7 p. in. .Emigrant train for tne Weat. Trains leave Chambers street Depot, New.Y..rk, for Newark, 0:45, H:30, 1130, a. m.. 3.15. Lib, bilb,gtl\\:tt p.m., and l'J midnight Saturday ulghte only- -J'Jiiday_, y It ''Rutberfiir-'Firk and Passalo. 6. 7:48, 10, l_.i6a._s.. H pool! 1 45. 3, 3:45. F30. bib.», «¡3ft. U, 10 J». !.,.. 1_ mUlnlgbk b.iii.Uvs, H. '*«>, 10:15 a. m. Ii45. 6:30». n»..Bi..l |*J midnight. pat.* is. ii (3,6:45,7.45,8130. 10, \0.l5, UM» t, ni.. Il min. 1 \b. I. 3 16, 3:45. 4:15, 4:30,6, 6:16.6, «:15. (1:30. 7. «, 10, p. iu and IU midnight. Hnndaya, ., n.'il, 0 li. 10:16-_i__ 45, ii m n m. aud it midnight Buffern. 6, «. 45, lolSa. m.. 1:45. i.ib. 6,6. 7ji. mi.. l_ml«*- night. M.iniija 6. 8:30, 10:15 a. m-. tatot d-.AO, 1. a and li "'.«"''«"au, 7:41. « a. m., 3 30, 4:80 p. m 8un«laye. &30f_ m. Vl'arw« k. 7:4"». F'.IS a. m 4:30 p. m. Nc*u burgh, 7:45, 0 a. m., 3:30, 4:.«4»lp. m. SunJsya. 8:30a m. Kouiloutitud KtiiKsioii. 9a.m., 330 p. m. is .miaja. 8,30 a. ai. uJihen (Î.IK.. 7:4... 00. 10:15 t, l».. 3:30^3:4., .¡30,7:00». iu hundaya. 6:00. ¿30. 10.16 a. m.. 630. ; otiom MludUMO^., 7:lH.. !. «>«», 10:1 5 a. m., i 15 &"¦ «W * ¿f I»i7i!..ays 8 .& Wrta a m.. 6:3»». 7-30 P. lu* v JL» JJ°oiwÄ sud 4 10 P. m. nains connect w-lth New-»or» a_m uswaga Jlldlaiidtt. lL.stM-u-st. a..n.. 4:»«. «.00.7:60 p»**h. Fuit Jervia, 7i4&, t):00. i«* .¦»._ w m- Bi.ii.la.va. K:30,1015 a. *"vh_¿,b<...aí. .. even or hait honra , »o*^Trtl»a l^tó-i^hTrd .t-ni.*«., mlamaa» -«rlier l»efoie!»i)0p. m, leays iwcu j r__HU,_,ei.et. un ouarte» than above !lo.e¡ tr-JM "A¿1fl, mlni.u*a exiler. * BoaW .our» leave r«*'¿"«.T-'b»".,"Jj .¡d 11¡45p. m., cnnctin« witH Raye Twenty -«h n ^ »'V at 1*00 p.m. ami l'_:l>5 ttkt* tralus leaving c'Uambersa«- »<- r* U'.-1«*. ._ fnr nassage and for apartcenti «Irawin,-rooma«4 Twk"tt.f_|__.lVVan be obtaln'd. an.l oM**is loi the ehe«gin« .'''.¦'.l.,_iar ot bsegsie may De lett at tUj Company's ottoea. *,ml '.-«ï soi ftVD«>r!.57 lii-o-dway, N. Y.. No. '. Court-a*» >ü8'_*iÍ.! or it iheC..uipauy'adei»ota. ..._.. _. . ,< l,n".^; Trahis fromüie West arrtv« _*.ew-"»o.k at7:ií .'" S no5 N,lABBO*ri%«-ial rsunt A«.«!» New-YoA V-m,ei3sií.laa VaUty aad Mom«, 7:00,0.V>. s. «-. «J»» mKm\mOtli. _M_o?l. uaaaial fass r Agent, New-ÏK-,

New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1878-11-06 [p 6]. · Boughton'stalentis toomarked to be passed o issfactaboutwhichthereis no shadowof dor bntthatisonlyonechancetheless in favorof

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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1878-11-06 [p 6]. · Boughton'stalentis toomarked to be passed o issfactaboutwhichthereis no shadowof dor bntthatisonlyonechancetheless in favorof







noes.|raoa the ._x,uLARroRRF.sroNDK-rT or tub tkib

I_s».\DON, Oct. *..In fhe torrent number of

(October tí), M. Kaiut-Kayinond continuel,account of the Historical Kxpoaition of Ancien

at the Trocad«'r«>. The collections of the Kothscoccupy the whole paper, and mif-ht occupy i

volumes, for thai matter. The illustrations 0

n imber are quito up to the srctsge*.-ellenee and profusion -which have Rivenp. .lod.cal a place by itself iu the literature of

a place which it has maintained now lor BSSM

year» without any sirus of decadence, andmany fresh proof» of enemy and genuino dev*to art. This number contains a full-pago etc

bv Waltner nf Millais'e well-known patínMadam« Bischoilsbeim, now in the 1Exhibition. The painting ia not one

Millais's ablest perfoimances, it is rathf

portrait of Madame Bischoffsheini'B brocadethan of the lady herself, so strong is the hamof this over-showy costume. But in this bnl

etchiiiR a truer proportion bet «con the parts ol

picture ie restored, and Madame Bischoffsbt-¿ace.somewhat MUstissi .viilinl.gets its duesof attention from the beholder. Mr. Q. II. Bough"Green LosveoAmongtksSen»' is reproducewood l.y 8wain, a full-page block, with »utli«

fidelity, and Mr. Boughton's work and i

as an artist occupy the greater part of a

eluding article by tho accomplished English «of L'Art, Mr. .T. Comy~s Cur, on the RAcademy. Mr. C'arr, who is amoiiR the first li

critica of art, does justice to Mr. Boughtou'a tal

and, with a courage only too rarely shown iu 1

llsh print, does jnstice a» between Mr. BoBgiand the Boyal Academy. The American fri«

of this admirable ariist have asked before

why his admission to the Academy has been bo 1

postponed ; Mr. Omyns Can.writing for an

periodical which goes all over the world.offersxplauation:

" Mr. Boughtou bas for some years past etoocthe front rank of English painteis not b«*longintheAcademic cli«iue. 1 hough he never misses thenualexhibition a. Burlington House, he hasobtiiinone of the rewards which the Royal Academyin its gift, and its neglect of him is Btsstfested t

a systematic obstinacy which astonish.'.*» a good mpeople. Their astonishment is. of an ait les«, ki

and they know little indeed of the tendencieshabits of that interesting institution. ThatBoughton's talent is too marked to be passed o

issfact about which there is no shadow of dor

bnt that is only one chance the less in favor ofelection. Originality is far from constitutingclaim in the eyes of the Royal Academy ; whicllees conciliated than shocked by works indicatthat a man has a mind of his own. That has pro«reason enough for refusing to Mr. Boughtouhonors of admission.''Mr. Carr points his meaning by the remark t

smong the present members of tho Academy.would be ditlicnlt to mention a single painter v

bas much influenced Mr. Boughton's stylo. He I¦taken nobody for his master, and he payspenalty of bis independence by bis exclusion fr

s body of men whose ruliug idea of art seems tothat all there is best in it must be sought witltheir own ranks. Would they resent this as

calumny f Possibly ; bnt they can hardly dcthat the existence of such an idea wonld accor

lor neglect persisted in till it amounts to proscrtioii, and that it would he hard to accou

for it satisfactorily in any other w_

Mr. Bonghton stands, in the estimationthe public and of critics, head and sho'ild«above some of tho men who, during recent yeahave been elected associates of the AcademThese successful mediocrities have clung to tskirts of one or another of the academical ooteri«which disputo smong themselves for preceden«bnt agre« in shutting the door in the face of eve

artist who does not attach himself to some one

them. Mt. Bonghton has chosen to paint In a styof his own, and to acknowledge no one of the menvogue at Burlington Honsc as his master. Ho hiBiade his way, not only without help from tlAcademy, bnt in spite of the discourag. lnei

Which attends the hostility of a body ao powefol. The Academy was organized to promotthe interests of art; but it may bo d«uibt(whether the influence lately uppermost in icouncils be the spirit of favoritism or the spiritthe shop. I say it with all respect for the honorabminority which would like to bring about a belt-State of thin_;_,I bave heard a different question asked about M

Bouiihton, r___" Why did he, an Ameiican artiexhibit at Paris in the English sect ion? To tli

% also there is a sufficient answer, which I had tlK\ means of making when I was in Paris last «SummeWJ liad not circumstances prevented. The facts we^ known to many persons and came to mc from vai

onasouree8.andwli.it I have to say will meet tlcases of other artists beside Mr. Bougbton. Haiti»he nor anybody else, let me say, excepting myselIs responsible for my statement ; which goes t«. tlextent of accounting in some measure not only f«Mr. Boughtou's absence from the American galler.but for the quality of the exhibition of Americapicture«.Tho original fault lay, as in other depa' tments «

our show, with the late hour at which our appropriition was made, and at which our preparations (coieequently) were begun. The American Art Conmissioners only formed themselves into a body Ithe very last moment. That body con. isted.hosaid with all tenderness.of a somewhat lukcwariand inexperienced lay element, rnsympathizcwith and unsupported by the public.the smn

publie, which has siuco complained of their ___**..they went to work. I say nothing in disparagement of their good intentions, but the method the;adopted was not perfectly calculated to inspire con-deuce in artists or in the owners of pictures.circular, singularly deficient in exact inform at on

reached aomo of the American artists abroad onlyfortnight or so before the last day for sending iipictures. Mr. Bonghton had been applied to si:months before l.y the Knglisli Cosssalasioa to con

tribute to tho l.iii*l.sh cxhil.ition ; and in the «loul.then existing whether America would have an!gallery at all, had done what every man of sense iisi similar position would have done.ho hatpromised three pictures. It took him all thobiimonths to jet hobt of the pictures he wanted-which had long since paosoi into the ownership olprivate barras sad t<» get tbeai iuto proper condi¬tion for public exhibition. Nevertheless, he STranged to send a fourth picture to the American de¬partment-the only one he conld lay hands on.an

early work, and unsuitable for the purpoao. B>and by was iaami a second American circular,dated Paris, which tho Paris-American Com-mittce addressed to American artists resid¬ing in Europe. In aoino rases artists wereable to make aomo responso to this. InMr. Boughtou'. case any such response __¦

he would have liked to make was no longer possi¬ble. He had nothing in his studio to send, auditwas far too late to recommence applications towidely-scattered owners. »Some of our artists liv¬ing ou this side of the water were more fortuuate,and were able to accept this second invitation,eleventh-hour message though it was. All of themmast have read with s eertnin alight surprise an ap¬peal from such a source, not only to their patriotismhut to their liberality. They were informedthat the Commission would assume the neces¬sary expenses, ancn as freight, insurance, and thelike, within certain limita, unless the artist him¬self, and the lender of his ploture felt able to do eo II believe I never eaw the document j tho accountI five of it la at secondhand, but I hare no reasonto doubt its acouracy. It representa, in any case,the linpreesion the circular produced en the minds.f aome of those to whom it waa aent. Buch a his¬tory sa thla doea certainly help to explain, not onlythe regretted sbaence of soma of our bast artists,hut, la a measure, the still more regrettable inade-

Quacy and inferiority of the whole exhibition ofAmerican paintings at Paris.The work of another American artist, Mr. W. J.

Hennessy's "Summer Eveuing on tho Thames," isdiscussed in tho same number of VArt, and a

small wood engraving of it is given. Mr. Carr

gâtai" A simple ami large style brings out marvellously

well the simplicity of tho subj.-.t. Hitherto, Mr.Heuuessy had shown a tendency to exaggeratethe opalescent lines of twilight, at therisk of imparting a twinkling glitter tothe most delicate gradations of light. Thisbal.it be has conquered, and the success

of his recent efforts prows, to his honor, thatit was the carelessness of custom rather than a wil¬ful mistake. This view on the river, with its heav¬ily-laden barges floating softly down with thestream, is distinguished not only by trulh of ten-eral effect, hut ¡ils«, by that aceuiacy in tli««observa¬tion of details which alone can ii- salmpstsalnn andstamp its real character on the scene selected for

astatine."Mr. Heuuessy is, I believe, k!ill in Normandy, in

the cottage near llonüeiii-, wbors bo h.is apea, hislast two or three .Summers : ono of the loveliestspots in a lovely coui.trv, some of tho beauties ofwhich he baa transferred to canraa. o. w. s.

iVftu iJiibiicctioiia.A LIST of NEW Hooks.

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..JHE PROPHETIC CONFERENCE,recently bald at the



Many of theImportant Papera .reprintedfrom tue Author»'own manascrlptAmang ttie Address** are those of

Dr. TYNO, jr., Rev. Dr. KEILOOO, presbytérien,Rey. Dr. GORDON, Baust.

Rev. Dr. 1MBRIE, Presbyterian, of Jersey City,Rev. Dr. MACKAY, PreabrteilaD. Hull, England,

Pjofea-or I_T7MMIS. MeUioiliat.Rev. H. M. tAAVtOPto, Pr. «bylorian, Buffalo,

Rov. Dr. TTNO, sr.,Bishop Niciioi.SuN, Phl.adelnr__a.

Fr. (.t.or. WIN, Oongre-catloual, Chicago,Dr. BROOKES. Preabyteria», st. Ismla. Mo.,

Dr. CRAVEN. Presbyteiian, Newark.Dr. COOPER. Dr. WEST, Dr. lii'FFIl.I.D,Rev. RUFUS CLARK. Albany, Ac.. So.



Jnßirntiion.For .Boya and Youn_r Mon.City.

ARCHITECTURAL nnd MECHANICALl-llAWlNi». ri»fi*AM.r A. U'l.IN, No 910 V» eat ICd :;t.

A CLASH for Y0UNU GENTLEMEN nndJ\ private Instpteilrni. TflOS. H. ASH, 1 o:. West _0t>» st.

A BU8INE88 COLLEGE, aiu-h a» Pscksrd'a,_» W.f» Broadway, rai.ur.t be fairly r>-ese.it» ,| in the ordinaryspace of a 'l i ¡lililí«- n«l\ _itl».'i_itii!. whoever rares to ki»"wthe trull« at.i.ill it y 111 do well to «rislt it or to send for the an¬nual circular, wherein Its chaiaclcriatlcs are fairly stated.Address_H.H. PACKARD, President.



BROW***! A PF-VKRMAN, 1,238 Ri.adnay. NevrYoik.Hctid copy of aurtiiust-iiieiit «s lien i.tklng for estimât, o. In-

fornnllon._pOLLEGIATE TRAINING SClTÖOL, 182\J tth-ave.. reopens Septtimbi-r 17. Harvard. Yale, Culani-l.ia, Princeton. Particulars lu catalogue. J. L. N. HUNT.M. A. Principal._fJHARLlER INSTITUTE,

OX r-F.NTRAI. FARK. KF.W-YOBK CITY.Boarding and Day hcIim.1 r.n lim-s _nd Yonn-r Men at 7 tr» 20.

Fiof.-asor ei.Ik « hai.i.Ie'i. Director.

DR. A. CALLISEN'S Ihiv School for Yniin«*«.riiiieiu.«Ji. 181 We.t 4 ¡«i «t, reopensT-uratlay,sept iu.


POR YOBBO til NTI.EMFN,Canton de Vaud, *»*.it/.cii:in«l.

fiPFf'IAI, INS'IUI TH.N ii, l.Mll.lsn. FRF.NCir.ITALIAN and lîl'.li.MAN languages. For uferen««-« andpiospectu»apply to V TBABNKLR,

187 Rast Tin. st New.«iork.

FORT WASHINGTON COLLEGE (24th year).A SELECT Frencli.fiennan and-.j/aiilsti instlii.hon «.'n

the most lieauillul ai.d lifuithv |>I .«¦< on the Hudson. Com¬plete studies, <--a«si< aland roniroeteial. aaOPENH sent. 17Vnie for full particnlars at«! «atalogue to ALFRED »1.COI IE. AM. ilium l'i.!:»i.-~ialii.il W. New.Volk Cilr.

JOHN Ma. HÜLLENand K. Fewadfe'aScEooL_1.-14 Broadway, iKT 80t_i*at Board»*-»» takaa.üf ISS WARREN'S School for Bins, U Vi^cntMM 4,1(Ii st separat« ilipaitiiient for alrls and yoiiui» Is«lies: no eupertlcii». »»ork; special attenllou civen tomalíes._MT. W. COLLKOIATE INSTITUTE.

«NO 4H WAt»IlI\«IT«i.N »-«j! Alii..(laOBOB W. ci.\RKl:, Fh. I... Prln.lpsl. ptemmto» pnplls«I all «ires for t.uslni'aa or tv>U<«__«. circulars of full pailioularsat tl.e Institute.


No. f. E..*«T'l wem v si. indst. c.rnor of Rrondwar.lèverai well known nameji or las! year patron« lolloir.Fietix.d iiuinben» show the «oats of pafrona-re.«f ______72*il .

'. Adam T. Briiee,11. Joslah IF itiiit.,1.. ; rrueU ». Ran**.11. I alvin E. Kuo ., 6. John A Cisco

Almost all have had s.»ns ntte»i f..r e.»ll.-«e. Haiti minedna fiMcaoint tncreateti. AIlagearrelvrf! nmtmtm

^l«w.Yol'k School fui Boya «»7* Lexiaataa-i ave., u(*arC!*nlii»ll'ark.-Freosi-!i«.iiiorc.«:ie«ean<lbustneaa.TermauraSarmta. C-trciilai*.. V. .» Buk-, a. m FimVipsi

VKW-YOUK LATIN SCH001_.3_1 Eaat49th.A.r at.-1 l«-|.Hi«« for ««»U.-ae, sei. ntiflc m iiool nu.| Imalues«jryiiinasllca and military «i« 1.1 daily ¡ plano, ,|.,l¡.. _iHHin_r'

PREPARATORY CLASS of Mr. NEWELL¿ioar%i^|na.-;.fcM' vuvüt: rc,wac<-** p^^r

pBEPABATOUY SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL!_.__Ä^________I__K B»"T!*! «Ovaatatrf» for candidates lot.

aclentiilc aciitK.s or tochiilcal proíosslons a coi inI-*'«' Eii(-lue«.i Corps U. .*-. N and l'rof, «t Nava; Aeodnmy.UEMOVAL.-Mi-a DU VERNET. aasiatsd hx}

WMtera, reopened ber Rosrdln« and Day Stli.s.l tatBoya under fifteen, at 102 East 30thst., ou« «loor trou» 4th.ave., on MONOAY, Bent. 311. The usual aliunoon tama» tothe Fark will be resumstl^lt desired.

ailllyiu« lannuagea. Fiipiu s..- tengbVio .i&r. ffíLíl»JÖi»ll__i, Krsuib. üenoan slid Hpai.íh. You\Vein e__ï___/^Taeletitlllcsud rollenau»ourae. ttsttatnuiw 17*ÄJ__ae-rt_»MUi eu appUcafion, _oÄl. PVföoPIlflpiwCSt


JtiBirncuon.For Boya and Young Men.City.

If. H. I.F'.UETT'S School, 1,21*1 Broad*way ytatr begin« September lb

For Youne JLadiee.City.A CLASS for GIRLS DNDEB TWELVE.-XX M Ink ;i. i. .< ni KTI «.'.«. I-I..H«« U-klnaltaUilPl year Mon-

dnv, «ii-iotier 14. at No. IX Kf" 47th-nt It«-fi-renrra: Mnt,Jir-eph 11. » lii»a"f, Mie. (I«» Ti-knor dirtle, Mr*. John II.( hwter, Mr». C P. Hemnrnwiy, Dr. J. ilaveu Kntereon,l'r.-f« .-.-»or ami Mía. Oçden N lto . I._MRS. JON80N and Miss JONES will re-

np.-n Ci. li- KiirImi. i nmeh »HUI (lennan Boarding andI»ay srlioo] f»»r V.-nna I adir*, und Children, at 13 Kaat ¡Hat»

at, .MONDAY. BepHnubei - »._

Meadenio-M'Hes Cliiirboiiuicr'« French Pro-t.aianllloaril!ii«*ar«i:)avs»'l»fi«>lfnrYounr 1-adJee, No .111

Baal :i.''iii«t iforim-ilv 49 AT-amo*. H.mlr, Nn.iiy. I _j-l»iTli..if'U«b »nil i-inii'lrt»- »otirr-»» of Inetnicotui in FnucU ami

En-p-liMi. Hfin li ine lllil-ilin-o »if Inr -a-liool._

MI'S. SYLVAN »'S REED'SBOAHI lita »ml HAY m .muí.fer Ydl'XÜ LAIJILS,

Ni*, li anil S l-_-»t f.if.l «I.Fren.-h am". O.-nnan imlml'd In «lie tourer. Tboronitb

tialtili». In l'i una» v, tín oii.lary ami <'>»lle«".al«t lirpartiin-iit*.Karh pupil rr.«ives llir per*',nal rate and -inprrvlttnn of

Mi». 111 l. >._New-York City, H»7 .Mndiaon-iivc..MIlcLenz.

in ¡i»-hand kiiplieh echoed l»»r Y.ik Ladite ami i.itiio

Obla, V.'li! ire;>eu M-;,teiubrr 18. rlri"U_r*i,rui on appl callón


Vi» a BAUT -01 M sr.The mnlrnitlnii lr» lmwtl ne « '»«I«« i-T*ím hln«r. rnderaittnd.

IliKhinl Hpt_kl_C pi.«»!» l:...»lli»: ami M'llttn«. Priilraaor

OTTO 1»'I I'lIAl., ttl lh" tlnval M Hilary Collcj-o at ilrrlln,I'll» «I 'I._

DR.8AUVEUR'S SCHOOL ofLANGUAG1 8,l,4Hl Bioa*lway.-TlK St iio.'i. "I LAMODAtiKa,

nn .'.erthfiiu«'« t onot l»r. I. -.mm-nr. anthnrof "Caue.-ii-«--avt-enie*, hi. \ »v..t ilk* »lili i ataai I»e Htlio(i»lllr«»,'_c , In-Kin*.in U»ber I. Kr«i»(.ti, unman Ilel'an, *»i»ai»l«b. Modera «Ireik,Latin, (.rrrk, ll«-bre-v, Sttn«» rif, MaUirinailea mil all nllii-r

braurhoi reqttialte i»n adinlaaiiai to any »II«'»;«'. will be tan«"lii.I'nralr ..nd hteeliirtinflnii .lay hihI « -..ulna. Korer«laloirucea«!,In«« i. I. TIM ". VI-Mi«. 1 i»"l Itrutleay. N«"« Volk.

DR. JM.'SKN COLLEGE of LANGUAGE!?,.I« Kaat '-''in» it Beat Broadwaj »:i laanaaoa pmrn

»-h taaaktby aattreteachen inclaaacafor indies¡.mi pmtl.-meu.



P'.'-2 I.rxlnf-1nti.ii,e i inn r of »i I«! «t..DAY and BOAItOI.M *' 1H" »I., v/'t'i K IMlKI'.i.'.l i'-l F.N,


111. "I'l .'«.->., I_

KINDERGARTENmid ELKMKXTAIt, I \"»-»"---f Pmfeaaor J. Knn«Bud Ml». Kliin« ¡¡"elle. S Vit «I -'.»II» «t., if.-pen« fi.'toli.-r I.

HE-UNARY forXtiidornnea leachera November I. l'io-fi-s.or Kinn« i* iiiir ->r »bo tn*t pnpapmxmnei tlio i.tt«.:«r

Hil.rn In Ami .-, Ml« hl.iu» l'.n-U.-. »1 pui'll ami ,,, Hnrk.-ioi Froetwi'a wmuw.la aa_etotl i>. n nptrleece at tttemy>i ::l« II I,, iin.'ii.v, I nciali a!».I ADMTi« .

\1ISS ¡BALLOW'S Enifliah and French Schoolava for Ynnntc Iaitiea md rhurtrrn Hit 31 Baat."-'»! «t., willraopeti tin Thuradav, »H""**t«ntber 118.

Miss M. \V. .ËGGETT- SCHOOL for"TOI Mi ( Tlll.l'lll-..**, ,V- li«-\l:igtf»li -ut«". I » m b»--"iii«i

Oclol.ei _1__Mli.*». If. r. WAI TO.N- rriiniiiv School and

Kindercarten will r»>»i»' n Oct. I, 0:1 Rata M'.irt., Kin»1. r^:ir;»-i» Traiolne < la»» Nov. 1._IfiM BOYEH and Mím PETTEE, Enffiiab,Al i-*iiiii-I:, ¡«t.-I Mn»i. ¦-. li»."l. for lio-rdiuj*. ami day pupil*,No. 24 _A»t oMh-at. H«> -).-* í .-_

MISS M, A. CLARk'SRaghah acd Freneh »-.-,«»- «i foi Yonn* I.ail'r-» and Chtl

dren rropeaaal No 107 Kaet ¡i.1(li » ."..-.¦ ¡ewb, r Jo.

MH>. M. RODT.EIW GR1FFITT8, No. 23Wot Intli «... «ill I.'o,i»n hoi 1 n-ll-I», li» i-'-li ::n.l

Herman l'a* »»'!.""! ", Vouna *_tdl«a md » hlllrtMl emTill R8DAY, M-|.ti»:ii 20 _

"\|1{. OTTO W. I'I'll '*: n.I' (Goe (innenatj Vbiveiallr. IKimvt-i. «. .¦ m.int «till ri-*iui:.e MlrflC-tinii on St-ptf.'l». »-u. an«I Willie«! pu|41a *. r

m,ti. ni.»i ti,.-,-..«««le«. Partícula altei.paid '<» itn anpro..¦'.m »»il»»»»» at,»: »-o, ntion. Addrraa 60 Wert 'A2d t.

"AIKS. ,:<>HK1'TS m, I MISS WALKKK'H.' « Ki». Hah and I ...» la for Young ! atlii-eaiid IUUjei la, N. 11»- ,M *»!'«.»I» a vr.

MM. (i SliUV.'Vx N - 1 li-l-, French andDun. n II .. t ¦* «. and D iv *-. I.«« 1 forYon* i_»»i aa ami

Child] ii .\,. : Wtvt .,tn »-I, will n«»p«ii HepteBbof '..».

I'r« nil. tin- iaii»"iiiui' f»f tin-,.» li- »'! .'luí f U'lllv. Iiiii-ii''tatri-i« in tin mi | li.« Kiu-li ni il n a ill »¦',,.» r. n.-t« hat I.

ME. DA SUVA nml MRS. BRADFORD-linrini-rlv lln, d«,l« n II, iliuan>) l;»i^lu|,, I :iu,ti and

Boartlinx a ,: Day srhool for Voiuic Ijt.ii,-* rnni ci..i-| til» i». with i-al'Mtirnir«. No 17 Woat ¡Ustli »(.. Net« Yolk. I(~-o|H-n* sept« m I..-I :(»> Atiplleatloo ti...v be made bylnirrorl. rn-'i.'i'v ut above. 1 «« mi, * I». I'r l^l.miion._|>1I()N()(.!{AI'HV.-Mr«. B. D. Burnt't N. V.J. i».-)i<>.>1 ..I Plionoi-rapliv. No. M Park-row, ll.-om It«, liayand ««rum-* I'lrtim ...i, atornilla lee «on* iiptoan lat_M111 "1. ML ItlMiU» tl.ill I... Illll

CÜBÜRBAÑ SEMINARY, L67th-at.nnd Boa-»^ion at», iii-atiii'iil.-in.¡lie ». thom »-.Mnet-u. il-m, eoonUylife, amlf UV prtv'.lr^«CT. JOHN. BCHOOL1' Ilti.tltniNti and I».\V -1'nOOT. forY'oimit 14-llc« and( îpil,li»-n. No*, il and _:i \\'r«t ttOmt tirtw» <«n |,i«Mulearand ,'»ilia\«-.. N,«Y.»k TfeoHKV I iltflnOlü II'.Vl s .,

I.!.. !>.. Krt'Kir. Will iropiin o.-uihor I.K.'.NI'l'HUAlt 1 KN «fill, o.-ery arpUanç*», In a Ulff iiiimy

r-j«,_i. .«i I'M'.a i k nr.PAin \ir.vr i« r Voi'.s«, hoy -

fJIBE MI88ES MAR8HALL- Day and Board3 in« f»clii>-,lf.,r Yonna l.dlri ami Cblidrra, N'f» UÍU Vient3blh at., will be reopened on .-» ndar, Hepiamber 10;_npHE MI88E8 GRAHAM, auereaaora to theJL Ml-aea Groen, will reopen their Krhool for Youna Iat-di(*ai,»l children, al No. 1 Bib-ova., tint bouae from ffuli.lngton -Mjuai. on 'I IIL'KMíia V, the '.(lib day of B«-pi««mb. ».

For Boya and Young Men.Country.A GUIDE TO schools.-Free, to pnreaUi1\ wail«-! , ¦: itai »i> BC'HgftMl P. IK UN, in net Mlb it.

V LEXANDER Inetitnte» a militarv Ixrtanluifr-_*_acl..Win..- Plain«, W.T. O __h ll-l.l-«. trVÇ I'nmlpal.

CORNWALL HEIOHTH ¡SCHOOL, on theUodaoo, '«. i'., tor'.O b«»v« *»n/xl«- i«...u»*

pLASSÏCAL SCHOOL foi boya, bnaineaa orV> ri.llr.i--. I'.w lair«; tiraltbtill ? l»i:il.»,»i homo Infill-ru.te .olid li.«tru< Unu or .»,» Kent »-in tier 1(1 cataloaurainu, M»«* «-MAN w,WTICKI.B,A H.. Paaaale. wTj,

»DLL Jt'iYS WAKED UP and -it aaolng;HO KXI'KNM VI » I^PTRAPtí.

Tbomnah vtoik aud ino>iú.-ato chucua liK.'.'JAMINy. a so .«."¦* »»¦),,. for ii"", r, Yonker .*». *i.


l/AMILY (SCHOOL for rîoye, EnnHah un.lI Uaaolral, Vnioa-rtlle, K. Y, ».-HiRTWELU A. M

FREEHOLD INSTITUTE, l'i.»'l...l.l, N.J.-J. Hoy« ilinr«,itiri'ly pi»-,,-.!-«' Ii* collón or bii-ii«-»» i-cndlorrataloruoatotbe fiibt-ipal. Krv. A Q.CIlAMBTCHa

M0RRI8T0WN (N.J.) BOARDING sri.ooLforl.ova Vh» Mat. 9. K. HOWKI.U A.M Principal.

\|Al*LK HALL Iiîatitot«, Jamaica, L. L, for1*1 lío}»; l.nr'l'h, Irrfleft. i.rnu.in aud Claaalie for 9116,DEEK8K.LL (N.Y.) MILITARY ACADEMY.J ttondl« Ulaatratod circular toi 1878-78

UTGER'8 GRAMMAR SCHOOL, Kew-Hriibatt ick. N. J. 10«(h »rar brfin» Srpi. l'_'. 8rnda .It»

bov» a vrar to rolirjre. Piria_i»*n for rollr-je, KlruUflr tchool,ci.uainisa. '1 wtnty l»oatdr!«

M-v. I» 1. ItlTI.l- Y. KectOTt_

YOUNG MEN privately Fitted i<»r CoUegn.Conditioned atíldente tut«.trd Stummer and Winter.

_V. HiiKl MA NN. etorkbrt-co. Maao._ftOWIlA YEAR. WHOLE EXPEN8E-Pay-'ly*mii.j\9 ai» rnuai-tiiiv, fm >nanlia*f aoaaaMiii.hooha'ar«tr. «_f. NO !-..\ TUA CirAKf KM. !»i!iflf-nt-a«iinllli*liit envt!-ne. H C. Phoulldae. I !l."ir\.ril, A, M ) Mr.lla, r«-i»n. lUphl'yr«< oiiuni-m!.*1 bv iiavarlTuvler. Htm, í-'i-niainln *A'ihmi, JiulaoVan lifrf-iwa, Ctilf.n»-1 lllnton, fi» luial foul«. Ju.lirr HriM.ronll.?In-li««v. Kilwjnl lamí:«, »iv. tin« ltrv. Kdward II. Rohblna,»h»- ll.-v. lie Illll nml I'eali.td) «i"ln any ot-wra Au A'-dimrl'i ;, onnr h ,n and o>-, t.c!.t-i- all men and all gradiutt-i.bf*i- . ir» nlir.


For Younsr Ladica.Country.

BORDENTOWN FEMALE (OLLKtiF-.-Off";wv teceaa baaltfeful, oinrllW««, lhoroui;b; » Iirlat'an,

wlnrly uovt-ninl. and loeaosable In rat»a; «r think o ir oilt-i-omeet» tin- ili-ii'ind-i f,I tin- Mum T'i-r i'atalo_-iir :, !dr»e« the


«i,rdi-uto\tD. N. J.

ßROVE HALF. New-Haven. Conn.-^MÏëa\A M(»N 1 1 f»l: I H »« linn, for VOI'.Nf) l.Altl BH.

O0THÍC HALL Stitinlnifl, I <,iin..1*.ii»_*1Th_-7Va l'iii.h and «. 11 .-i 11 Iloar(lln-f»«hiK)l for Tonna Unllra,lirplneile tWODly-foarth v.-ar Mept.-ir.brr Jo. Apply for ctr-rulntelodKiiKiii: I.OCIvWOOI", »*i'. llioadt-ay. or to Mlaac. AIKI-.N, l'it:..-ipal.IRVING FEMALE roLLF-OK, M«-. I.íuhch1 tun ».". Finn. A In-all hfn 1.1««! ui.fill ('nllrge homr ami H. titKil.Opona-3d p« Nept. il. n. i. i- »,r. a. m.. Proddent

\1ISS lH'LKLKV'S BOARDING and DAY»It si HOOL for YOU"tO LAOIKH, Tarrvtown on the-H,ni-,,n .The 'Jirtli rear "t» iiouce« Hentomber 11

MÍ8S RAWLV'S Bonrdins and Day Schoollee Yfiun« latdlee, ri/ab.-tl». .Ni «Jeraey, will be ro-

L \\ l.li.M >I»AY. Siptt-Hil" lM. l»»r

Miss WILLIAM.S"' school, Woieeater,id.at.-ltd UilMI LAIiIEb. Por ilrcuUr, ad.lieaa

AVA W1LLIAM8. 1'rlu.lpaL

Mi". EDWARD C. WKS'IS SCHOOL forYoiiinr l..:i!»»'.* ami Mule (lula. liltKLN Wli 11. Conn

will roop» u In.-lav. O. lobt-r 1. Ir'oi t:irco_tra aoaiv.i Mil.ALT, I'.U. Um ISil.

MAPLEWOOD rN8TITUTE-For ronnffln-.In-« l'.ft-He!,i. Ma«*. II ie hehl tiiperinr rank foi nearlv


Ailoieeitthepiliirlpala, the IllV. ('. V. STKAHL or lb« lie»ii. L. AVi::t\,f(»i pi.«|H'.m»,_\I ÉRVIEW FRKNCH ¡md RNGLI8H ACAD-aTl i M\ ¡,,i »»»I NULAUIKH, «ml ( »N'h|;u.\ A follY ofM17HI0 I -»la'»ll«'».-i| lHiiil. n-oprii» >»»-]itriiilM-r ||¡ }-rriH;|, nthe UiiRii.ii'i' ol tin- fuiiniv | In inimic Miae Aililulao (l*Diioiile Hr-I«l.*l liv Mi-* la.inec I-:« Vslein. the «-inlu-m Ko-rll-.lipl.nl «It- l.-in.,. *¦.?,(» |m-i inmiin. Aildt. et Mleo AlihliAI LikC». AN.NON. Door l'art «v.- ii.'l-ylou. I_ I.


OssiMNi; INST1TI"IK for YÔunTl-Mllea,at sunn Mine. N. Y , roiiirii.inda beauilful vietra of the

llmie'iii lea» bei and -ut ami ru.,»'.-ri. laniriugra. munir- amilb«' line arl* ami intimai e.li-i.rot. wlih dally experiment«Addrf-an Ihr Ket. i li lili !.. I'Unrlual.

UOCKLAND INSTITUTE (Not RocklnS( utl«"tr«¦), it Ut minai y for Vouna I-«dlr», at Nya» k, N. \'

op» n« for tlitaaradcinl»' } »ai B< ptt-nibor '-'¦'!.

_ ALnKïlT_WI-U*8.Wealt'Tiin Female Collene, Wflulagton, Dd..

.".-"»Ill roar In-khi* bept l» lliillilluira lu.l rrtltled aud ro-i'l. I ,,i ;,lal,._iie*.l»ir»'*« !(.««.J.M.williaaii«,A.M.iTeo.

VOXKERS, N. V.-s. IkmiY for Yonnf Indien.A Mr». K. T. UOI.BROOK. MlM M. Ü. IlALhTKl). I'ruia.

For Both Bezea.Country.A SCHOOL HOMK-Anea 8 to 12. P. 0. Rota". 7nT, N*,. Hat» n. tonu. Iteforoncoi rtry heat»_COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, HarkeUitt^nT\J N.J..Be»l and l.*ir*-eat hulMlnc In (ha Rtato. InatnirtlonthomiiKh. Hirtbeeve». Ten d-fpaiunrnU. Fifth year open«_Wi^***T._Aettb- jar vear. C'aUlo_-uea troo» Bot. GEO.I!. I*. Ill I M *i. li I)., I"rr*l.ltnl._FAMILY R0ÄRDINrG8Cl_OÖL.--On farm 14

miloo lr.»m Now York, a.', a wook t board, «raahluf, tulthmand the «-».mfiirte of a r-ouairy homo i acboltra rorolve a taxh*

îTi-vïTtLos__fä(at íor part,CBj*n wl,r

Jnotrnmon.For Both Sexes.Country.

r.UEF.NWICH ACADEMY, with Mardcal In-" at'tui«. and Commercial College founded 1 R.VJ a seaside

s. in nl. Students recetve«l any time. Catalogne ft*««*. Ad¬

dress Hiv. F. I). FLAkl-SLEK A. M. Principal. fcaatUreen.wlcb. B.1._

II.I.SIDK SKMINAHY ( lmtl<.«'..iirt, Conn.)II 'or young ladle« and children, will reopen September»7«. ».reparation fo_ »»nene a specially. AN>

11, 1M7H: preparation fo_ c.lleee a sp->cialty. ajs>-. j_STONE, WaRÍANA B. M-ADE, CORNELIA KNOWLKliPITCH.____Miss K. L. ROBERTO'S Day ami B«osrdÍBg

Srl.i.ol for Yourg iJMlles and Children, at Hell.)»1lle, N.J.,-A..1 i.».|..*i« Wednesday, t-eoiemb^r 18. Send fur clrcoiar.

\li>S S. R. liATHEWS* Boardin., and Day_Tl toahaei for Young l-adwa and children. Summit, New-Jersey, wlllopen ou Tuesday, October 1. 1H.X.


MADAME CLEMENTS SCHOOL for Youngi/rl Unie« sod i'hddr.-n. UERM ANTOWN, f'ENN. «Es-t«l.lUlie<llsö7.) The school will reopen WEDNEHUAY, H«*p-..mbet Ito For circulars apply to

., Mħ____M A Pi.KWOOD INSTITUTE.For both Hexes;

c< nc.r.lvillr, F.-nu.; *.'»'» l«r quarter; stu.lenta pre-l.ar.-«l f.H tiiisliii-sa. Valeur Harvard; flnu-clww nrole.«ors.

*^ I. SlIOKTI II.HE A M , Principal.

1>riinnini_,ton Somitiai v.H«ifb BBZ-SI veryheal(htu) ; good h<une : 14 (»*a'hers ; terms very low ; near

New *»o:k. Addre.TbO.S. Haul«»., U.U., 1 unington. N.»J.

QWARTHMORE COLLEGE, ten mil« s fromil piulad« lt.Ina ulule,- tliscare of Friends, gives a thoroughco'l«-sriaie edu. ¡it,«n t..1sitl. «exes, «Mm here pursue the same

c.niri-csof slu.ly, a-.d rcc.lve the »an.« d«'irrns-a.For catalogue, irlvtng full particulars as to coursée of study,

tenus, «te. address EI.WAHIJ H. M A« «ILL, President,t-1-..iii'.ii".!'- ( ollege. Swantunora, DelawareOoimtr. l'en *.

$QQK .Boektaad Colle», Nvack, N. Y.;.*o*m»9, both wies; no extras but music enter at suy

time. Ke-.l for l;ilal»if_ue. W. H. RAN.NIME II, A. M.. Frill.

_L.iUU öcljoo'.o.

\r__LE Law School..Regalar eonne,_ year«;liraii.iate our« (t.ud-gici- ,i( lu'.l.l. 9 veais. Fall tarn»,

iHiaiT**?* r* Ask**"**- Viol. WAY!.A NU New-Haven, ft

Dunnnq _.cnöcmi.a

i leen noüvvoi.Tirs scihini.__V roa l'AM 'M. »MILI l-iilU'Ml.NT,

.-.tu '.vi-:.,Bowop-K. roa ii.ii.1«-....... -i.Nii Riuciiici! .n


AGENCY for SCHOOLS und TEACHERS.SO UNION -'H nu:. S_-W."i i.liK,

«.upplies OOOB teachers vu', positions, Appilealton-tennfur stamp, i»upiili«« m1i.hI and famtllea wtib eoapeU-t la-strnctors wrilioi nu* It« IE,

I. i nl I i HWORTH II m K NF.V. r*,'i !' nlon suuaie, N. Y,

ANNA RANDA LL-DI KM L, J'nlili«- Readertli.l I't-acherol Brail loll siimire. ____

A NORTH GERMAN LADY waats employ«n.eiii, »luKle uenuaa l- --«>».** h a fallí angatemaati

exchange lessons for board W. lt.. Tribun, i.tlice._

A THOROUGH SCHOLAR, of refined sa -

a V »... ill .i.,. .i... loi in her work. d. sire«onemoi.. .M'ilur tugag 'n. to l:uh English and l'r> l.ch il*ri-aiiveni'- in. tieH... UdreasMlW^MTl ART 7 l ,,-t

A. ALK _riinlirit!-, ti*:».*Iiin-r in llii» city, wouldlike private pupils In milin ice or English

I.. »I ret« i.m « -s. Adlris» ALPHA, Trib.M F plow u mine,.v... l.'J.s llic.nl« j\.

iMKUICAN and I ni.i.K.S TEACHERS'. \ U'KNl «. N" i i Dion-square reenronieiida PROFEH*Mi If», PRINCIPAL »¦-». \ N S, 1 '. >.|i- .:.l in VI¦ ll\Et»M.*» Ii«*i;i i. I..1-11« ¡ui ai. I .....j.. i.i <¦ al

.i".. .Me» and .. _MM.iU.__i umuptlytu...i In auv ti. nail!... M «.I ,n-li .. i...n. Apply to il.s-t.'I.J.\ i('\«i. N«,. vtj» iii.: .jqnarr, liiuadwav awe.


LWI'EEII'.NCKD CÍassicaJ mid Matbrtnatica]I i Tuaibei ...-n,» privai« prepare* for college ¡

i.\ i«-fi-i _i>e< « A. >1|. «» -.!« 1. r, 1.'. 1.«-\iiigloli ;»\c.

Í^xiiciiciii'fii r» li.ii.ii« teach« s promptly pro-.» 1.1.«IforIrf.iillles.'iIn».',...... -, ¦],. iii.-il..;iii...ilE.'Utlist

piocntion..Mié« MJÉ. l'owera. 11 VV.22d-.rt.,ijit-n, h«r< f natuiai reading, r« «liaiinti aad oratory. Bp*s ..»l¡«tti-i '|..ii given tovoire-traiutug au.ldUt.Lctennu« laflnii,_IN KXCIIWCI 1..1 ,i HOME and ,i merelj1 r.i n -I «..l.rv. a lady. Mv» n I.I «iva !... ..-u i.. « .i» i.-., in r, or reader to an Invalid..i«l.lr«»s I Mill i:. Roiü.lS, M.iiii-i ".»i. '.

ITALIAN lai'ciiii.'.'i, f-rammar, cooveraatioB,,it- iH'nr «ml transi mon. I-«-r.»mal appllcatloa, Vondav.

Vl'ixliieMlay s-id Fri.l iv, n".n I in .*. P¦ m . ' '<, letter, lo H«il'.M.IT».. .-II. NO It A I.« .I'M

SITUATIONS WAN ¡I.I» DOW m tiy JSDU-T-1» BaXt, f'I >;ra«liiat«j ol M.itut Id lv> L «-« üiiimv, of long.« n.. ii. i.-... lim.- Kngliaa, r.ailn .M.«.li.'iiiMii. s loi «-X-

i» i inn« « .1 t. in i.« i ..( Knerbat», .alla, amala, tu a. I.. Uenni d i!...il. e...'l.i.i .ii.-s-.aker». will lake piafes In bualUea t««t.-a-I. and »».». A.i.,1. «« ">M -tnt« at.. HpttajtSeld. Maas,

».rKACllKlíS Mi'l'I.IKD to SCHOOLS am!I lamilla s without charge¡ engagements n.*.*. f«.r Im.ii

...I stamp far clresitaf Misa PLOBRNCB Fl It'll,I.I.l. AI H..NA!. BUBBAV.Sfl I ni.'U s.jU.ile.

<_im l*-*".! Cotaic ior Bale.

A" TÎT.NïïoN BUILDERS. - Msd_so--svfC_.".«ntIi and :,7i., .'« On.-sl Iota in tlits r.i: choice.

|>l lKlll.M) Wuii-i-lrotit*. ii.nr~i.ity forJ ) 11.. mteei works, fa. ton. s, r.fln«rte«, *__.) also bricks (ord»s«lliigs I..I .«.i* ». ri low, »<i. i-a-y t. ru»a. R.A.YOL'NU,«.».11 i.a«n.« r. .tc .'.'O F.». I..I1 «-. |.!.'. _

I.'oK SALE.Tbreo story bagameat brown-si., r.n h'MIses wide «tn-,--, ut all« r to Par* convenienti.iTtiinl A». l7xlC*_ tit.«, asr*

f.. t.-riu» e.i iv pi'. » f.» -..».. Api'll aopr__-__4__ No. 340_

I-'OR SALE on 16-d-at., aitbin '_' ..liiniti»'.sala (i..-n railroad .t-tion. ai _»i.iif»»e, » I'iiamk

li'.l hi with «les i.inf, li i.».in», iii UMfoaafe r. pair a

s..,.i _t.ii.ie ciiiiit« 170 '..i (i..ui i.v lit, f.«-i deaf iI...... low, a'..'«-., iwe-tblrda of petrefeaaa.r «an i«.»-._.!. ai .. ¦ r i.i


M 1 r 111.IN mi.i*... 7 I l.u;n»e»t.

H0U.sesi i w est _'.. i M-sr. foi. s.vi.i:.-Fiiee »i.i..'.<.o, 4 story; klghatoofi base.ieat and Utm-

mlnga i.r».». n »i-...« I manai ¡«11 u... Irru lu.proToiueuta int« »i etúet. ii.i|iiip nu pi«-lui«. »

CMoKV CHIMNKV** < I'l'l.l'; :t<i dsys'trial;? ' im cure im par I'si- ut Veiitii.si.it M.ie milit«'llaill, i. ripiien A ..... R.I «v.- I, -I » -.TV

KTH-AVÉ., Huillín, íi.iir r_".Mli-st.-.'i In,.,..*9 storr browu stone, wltli or without evtra l-'t will l..- ~>l.l

lo«v._Rl'I.ANH .t Will flMl, 6 Herkmaa-sL

C'(| -*.(UI tin high hi i.p In iik boBSBI ecu-

'P *rftt\ M t ;t. lo ition Adit«-«» li.Mi.iAIN, tribuneV) towriliriiie | «*« In«,.eh« .«v.

A CHEAP HOME..For wie, s food, welli.un. fiaui««i.seaad i«.i TbaM IsSBgltO »at, ri...

house Is t»<« storiis. aud «.iiien« 8 m .in» In Hie rear ofti.«* huu.e is a small building si...alii*» i.u a tntptmutf» abana,or a inrniiiiie iiiik. r. 'li.e Imm« Um Htatan lalaad, N. v.,and aiVitit 10 _Jaatea* w_lk fr.'in Clifton I. ludiiu*. The proy-eriy «an tie bought for »l.'.'i.ti; part ..I tl.e pur. luise inoiiuycas remain on ..-iia-sg.«. .1.1.1. em It. A. 1... ll«.i 4'., Trlbuua«ifllco._EWE RESIDENCE Ft« BALE ¡if Qoeeaa,a L. I.. Large uiaii»....., good »itlbu.:.lli«Ks, s_.la-u.iia abade,lawn and fruit; '.'_ a. r. « land, first .juallii, n.-^i dej ..t.

_A M. WAT,

i;< >H SALE.6.000-ACRE FARM in Kan tai ;A lmpiovunentiuost Í.17..HSJ price liiii.uiin might takei.ih.rpn ... m n jaillira«:.*. OAK.NETT S I HuMAM-suN,Real EaUto Aycata. Chicago, ill.

I^OIí SALI'., (»i I \',ill ezchaoucfor Kebrnskalaud, a valuable fa.m ou Long Mat.il. Address E. II.

WI_fC__C8TBB, SiU 3.1 -aie.. Rr.Hil.lyn, or II. H. WELLS,Wudlu« lilv.r, I. 1

_ _

J^AKM.Frro ami *vh»nrj '.'"> nul. s «m Loti»*Island i/raod aelgbbortiood i IM ..res vaiuaiilo land;

sbuudunt biilldln!js; would b«- e-i« Ii..n¡;e«l foi unproved .NeuYcrkctly property.

HI!.AND * WHITINO. 5 Reekman at.

LWKMS for SALE..Sooth Oy«t*»r Buy, 200I acre. Pre mansion and lar« »val.-r fr»uit WV .ieti««si.-rCo., ¡-SOaerea, stu-aui a<i.i mill, East Hampton, o|><>«,««ite. label*

' 0 a. les (water tiont).fine »Igl.tly l.'ni.e; all veryIi (< .ii uliira); alao small.', pura with waterprlv-un1er .1 lilchardhou, li'.li CuuibvrUud st., ll'klyu.I«».", sia« «.;n_rr .. Bichard en, 3il9 Cuntberlandat., B'klyn.

I^OH BALE.Tbe tiitrlily improved and verypr.slucllve esta'e..f

- MAIZKI.AND,"Comprising n»vul ."..'.11 acne ot land, including 60 seres ofv»im»Is. n ii-ll» f.*'» and hl.-korv of hirge growth. Maiaeland,situated in the I'.iwn nf Um! H.m._, N V., ¡,1m«.,! («Inilir» ft ..in

theciljof Naw-YatlL »a» for many ymralha r'sLI.-me «.flhe In» \l iili.ttn i Ii.iiiiI.cilain, and la well known among lead.In. agit.-ultiiiists i» one.of Hit. verv rlnest fanulug pro»>-iliesIn l.ui.lie.s «'oiiniy. Handsome brick mansion, M t>y 40fr.-t, »iih luye inViuiar brick attaaako nadar same roof;luriuce, Lut and ml! ««..1er. and all .llv....i« i. en. .*. exrept.mg gaa, hartam been the Wim--r s. «««'II us the Siitiiinei rest-deuce of lb» Isle on tier eiteiisu.« pisizaa grounds hand-aoiiely la.d mil In lawns, plantations and Ihrnbhctlas Posi¬tively KKKK f«OS MAI Aim.BaMaa I'uildings iip.mrtal.ilug to the mansion, such as

.oacl.niaii'sIiouat«, irsnlenci's house, coii»i«r«siurv, graperlea,_«,._... il. re aii-st «uv« nient d.sian«'««« ihiee very oui.

oí-i«* set» »I !.. nu bull.1iii|... . ,i, b with «rood aud uomf.uiwblefjin.-i's dm! 11 u g ii'in«.. also, three addition si tenant houaeaami lsrgo rtuiumer »t«e<*¡.house. II.» peen a sheep farm forthe past I'.HJ« ira, ana uiau> of tli«< buildings ware erectedeaueiUllv for shawp raising, sud are unusually well adaptedfor th_t pni puse. lin la.m U perfectly drslued. and «nilatered l.y tw.. never fallirá brook» and nuiiierous springs,L-llis stsl i-lsterns. Would sell the wnwlern poi Hon. lU. lulling

wood land, two sets of buildings and two tenant bouses, about400 acres lu all, ut a veo ruo-leiate price nera«re. Nu ex.

change, but a Imge palBaa of tl.e Purchase money may re¬

main on the atepettt *«t iil«*r cent lnt««r»st. The neareststa-tloi. is Hair» loan, «m .h,» find...n Blvac Kiillioad, («foin.l.sdlstaul. Will be Klad te si«e any fuitlu-r Infi.rniaHun aakeslfor. I'hlsls an ex. elient time to view the pru|M*itv, whlrhlfnot <llsposod of previously will bo sold at auction in January,WM. I» OHAMBBB-AaW. toot nook. Dutchess Co.. | Y

HDDSON RIVKR PROPERTY t«»r »ALB «»rRENT. -Tue m.ml altra.lUs, completely furuulieU an 1

rhannliu'V situated r. ninn. .Hi tue "(.«eea . iiruf the Ilu.l.^n." _l»o l«u acres. Iieaullfnllv located ou llvfl bank. u>_i

Milton, with a cusi-v c.ttage, bui n, fi UIL Ac..N. Will«.H I. M ««oiiih I.lb«*tlvst.. i'ougbkeepslM.. Y

vTiln JJropfrin do id.

A THIRD floor to let uiifiimished. 42 Vfttoi-.___^

1>0R RENT.$:I0 a oioBth-houae with 11rooms; gas i water; baster; largo gui.i.u and aiablea.

l_8th.at., Terra« «vplace, M .lioso.

i)*\i\ EA8T HUOADWAY.-To lct-biweineut>*wl9\9 floor; well ailaptesl for a laundry.

Conntrn propmn Co Cet.0TTAGI. ami I'lVH ACRES ut, iiARRNSOaa, emosite West Fnmt. Addieas 1 l««il KII.I,

BAVINU«» HANK. Flsbktll. N. Y.

ONTCLAIR..TO let, furn.Bliëd~_i7.Ar^nlahod, fur six months or yoar.hamlaotne coilagn real.

sailíroo-H; modern iinprove-iieuts, with stalle andarronnds in Una order; view a of New-Vorg aud interv.niliiglouatry. Address If. to... TnUuaa «. m.a.



(îonntr-n Proper.« to tttT-Ó RENT.Furnished cottage; 8 rooms; for

- A board of Rector. Address Hector, Cornwall, Oranxe Co*K.Y._

VV1'EST ELIZAHETH, near Depot..N*areatdesirable suburban locatitv. on beat line of trav-,1 out of

lower New-York only 40 miuui.-e several exnrosa trains-cheap fares» grunlag m'lKhborhool; honac has eiitht sleepin*-rooms wide halla and plazas, «ma, water, bath, c'oftem,heater, range, lube; lirge garden with vinos, Imita, flowers,lawn« and abade will let at V2b until April ; formerly let at»tío. Apply at Elevator. No. 11 Pint- at.

©.can Git-amer»

A MER10AÑTH_TPOÍB^rT¿RPOOL._\ Thi« only Tmusatlantli- Line nailing under the AMERI¬CAN FLAO. Mailing every THFKMiA Y from Philadelphia.

U1I1U »alla Thursday, Nov. it, 11 a. ni.

RED STAR LINE-TtTÄNTWKUI'.(in rrliiK the Rnlgfan and liut.-.l States Malla, »«ailing seinl-

luonihlv alternately Iron» Phlladrlphr« ».ud New-York.M IiKRLANli salla TUEUiiAV. Nov. 19, l'.nt.

For rater of piiM-ti*«« and other inloruia'iuu apply toPETE It WRK1IIT A Ö0N8, (ioneial A .enta,

307 Wa'iinl *l , Philadelphia. o_ llrtiadway. New-York.JOMN MCUONALD. Agent, 8 Battery -place. New-York.

T^ENKI-AL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY,\1 BETWEEN NKW-YORK AND HAVRE.l'lrr of Company (new) Ko. 4- North lllvrr. bed ol Monon-st.A.MKitlui'E. iit-loril. .W"»tliiea.lay. Nov. t>, 2:30p. in

.Pl-iiiEIKE. Danro.Wednesday. Nov. 1.1, 8 a. in.EllANCE, muelle.Wetluc-sdav. Not. '¿O, I :.W p. in.

«learners marked tlum . do not ram steerat-e passengers.i.m in DE REBLAN. Ait»m. r»o« bl Broadway.


F(»ll QUEEN« I'OWN ANI» LIVERPOOL,I.cnlng Tier .S«. N. It,. Ifiot of Kuig n(,

NEVADA.TUESDAY, Nov. 1_, 8:30 a. *B.MONTANA.TUESDAY, Nov. 13, nono.

WIS» ONSIN.ITEs-DAY. Nov. 'id. 7 a in.V.',omino .TI'E-DAY. De«,. 10. 6:JO a. in.NEVADA.TUESDAY. DOC. 17, 11a.m.Pf The.-to steamers are hmlt ot Iron, I» wa cr light coin-

I» «t»it.« nt». uiipI an. furnlahed with every requisite unmake»he pae*a«*i«ario»e the Atlantic leitl» safe ami agreeable, har¬ina baiii.i'pi,in, hui'iktiic-ionm, ilrawui ¦¦ nwiii, piano and li¬brary; also eil i-rii'iii<«¡ sunfi-oii, et-m'ardasa ami caterer on<. |p »ii-iimrr. Ib,- -tal,- UMiiun are all on d.uk, thns insulins'il.ow) «it«al«"«t of ull luxuries at eea. pp-rt.rt veutllailou andlll-b».CABIN PAMAOK tarronllnr to stateroom), »«0 to $80;


_V. 11 I.I .IMS OU ION.

n AMlUJUG American Packet Company's Linefor I'I.YMOUTU, cnEIlBOUIt'l. and H AMBU RO.

A'IELAND.NOT. 7 SCKVIA.Nov. 31I'»MM EUAN IA.Nov. It (»EI.I.ERT.Nov. 29

i(Ht»-«f»f pae«a_"rto Plymouth, London, Cherbourg Harabnrjr,ami all points in Kiialiind, s«-oilan»l and Wales First Cabin,KoM,ei0O| «r.'.ii'l ('..Inn, gold. i-''ii steerage, rnirtrni-y, iiJO.KI'MI « ItUI A-Cl.. C. H ItU'll \RD* HOAiS,liinilal Agenta, l¡e¡>» rai Passenger Agents.

til Brood «'., N't York._

i;i I'.i'-.i«!A.iv. New York.


CITY OF III» II Mo.MJ.SATURDAY, Nov. f». S p. mCITY OF CHESTER.-A U It DAY. Nov. l»i. (1a.m.CITY OF MONTREAL ... lilt iSDAY. Nov. _1,_ p. m.

l-'ion Plot ;«7. N. 11., foot of < liai lion St.CABIN. eSO, $80 nii'l ei"". gold. Return tickets on favor-

able tannaSTEEII IOC, *-.'«. «M'.rri'iii'r. Dr pft* al lowest rafeaBalsona, state-rooina, »imikiii. aiw bath moms amidships,

« arm neither rattle, «beep nor pigs.JOHN II. DALE. Agent, -tl «»'I -- Broadway, V. Y.


TfceM ttrat-elaas ¦teanuhlp« -ui r-Kulnj-'y at 2 p. m, fromPlerNa lit. North River, aafollows!m, amsoip SANTIAGO DKCCBA...W EDNE3DAY, Nov. 0HteamSRlp-.«-ATI I'.DAY*.Nov. 1(1Af.filiU! »la'loii« iineurpae-a'il. For freight01 p_*>eat"e»bply 10

u 11,1.1 .M p. CLYDE .t- CO., No. 1, HowluK-gre n.Mi KELLER, l.l'I.INU A CO.. Agent* In Ha'ana_VKWVuKK," Il A \ \N A mid "MEXICAN

-.1MAIL S. S. LINKSteamer« leave 1'icr No. t Nort h I'.lvor »t .1 p. m.»ORHAVANA Dl HE«T anil VERA CHUZ.uns at l*w_.eaaa. campearby and Front« rs.

city or w .»SHINOTOi« [Havanaoniyj iniir-iiiav. Not. 14cm Of» HERIDA......-uturdav, Nov. Ikci l Y m-" N» Vi YORK.sauir.iav, Nov. 30

."Iiatiif-r lr.iv.-e New OrU'HUi» Nov. lfl and Nov. 27 for VnraCans "lia Malamoroa, Havana, Tampion, Tuxpau, connectionwltt»«toami-r tot New-York and above porta

f. ALEXANDRE A 8OSH Not. 11 und "*3 Broadway.


KOU1 HA.MPtoN AM» BUK M EN.COMPANY'»" P1KR f.eii of second Ml'., MOIIOKKN.

MAIN. »at., Nov. 0 olH.lt.Kat*. Nov. 2HMosel.."»»t., No-. !i) tu in \ .«at Nov. :(0It \T1.S o»-' pa- VUE from NEW YORK to »»ULTIIAMIP-

TON, HAVRE 'Hi BREMENl'li>T CABIN. *.li"i ».,,'. 1 -: "NU cABIN....$'*Ogold

-1 I.F.KAOE. Uto nin-ii v.

id -torn tv.i-i« .,1 rodiirMi rat»«, 1'repa d staer»g«i oortiu-.rr--:,, f,

P01 tr, u-iit r p laaac« »i n'y mQKLllIfHM * to. -. Howiip«-_Tf-Tj-

PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY.1 i-, "rom 1'i.T f.M.t caua! »t.. North River.I -'.»r I s 11 M - Of PV.N AMA f.nlv.

aahtp CBE8CKN r <'i TY, HotOItlar, Nov. P, noon..'oiiiiriiinir tor » 'entrai and ¡-o*tin America and M-il» »»

I'irMN liilM'l CO TliiMIIMI'i O»" PANAMA,Sienni'hlt. ( "laiN, M'ediieeilav, Nov. .0, noon.Coniiri lii.g at Panama for «'entrai ami South America and

M,r,i'0. ami ,»l sen Kraiiriei'o With O. »t. H. tí. Co.'ship O« 'isA.t IC, »anuía Tat »*l«y. n»v.. 17, noon.

Krtiiii s»«u Frtunclaeo for Japan and ChinaMe.in.t.i» ci 1 Y oF TOKIO. Tneadsv. lie«".», noon.hte.im*l»¡p»TTY of PEKING. t«ai..Jsn. 4, 1S7U noonErom ttae lrauclaco 10 »andwicn l.iiau»la, AuitiaL» and

New /.« »i'.ii'i,«tr.itiislitp AfsTRM.IA, Moadar. Nov. 38.

For fr» i.-bi ,t ireuerai uil»»nnaMo:i. anply at Companv'aOffice, on nl.-r f,»n ot »analst., North Itivi-r. And for paaeagoat C<,inp-__)'s rttArt OffliiN No. '.'57 Rroadway._ITNÍTÉD STATES AM) "BRAZIL MAILI' -lIMMslllp LINE.KUR NT THOMAS, PARA. PERNAMRI'CO. BAHIA,AND RIO HE JANEIRO. ( 'oiilicotnn St -»*T. I H(l MAS*wild Oortoaa etiamtrs for PORTO ItH*'» «nd 8PAN1ÍJIIMAIN. 1 no n»-* flr«tt lass iron steanislilp CITY OF PARA,captain« irp.i.u 1, »HI sail mrtne aoove ports on Tlil'liü.DAY, "". .', »t Hi». 111. Kr. Iitlit al low rates lakeu for thesIkiv." porta. Nofr.-1'tit* re. .-iviiiattcr »! Freight must bei.al.l 111 silvan i.«. >ïei«bt recolveit at all times at Roberts'I»». k. Ilr,...l'vii.IN-i RANCH lOWEIl THAN nY ANY OTHER LINE.MIIPPCK»» I'EMIUNO INrtURANCE CAN EFFECT

-AME UN'UER OUR OPEN POLICY.For frel.rht. en.*."t-".-iii.-n»«. or n.-iasn-ro. havlna ele/ranf ac-

i-uiiiin.Mlatluii* apply to C. II. MAI.IHUY A CO.

>\.» . Aceni».

l'Un ». l'if-i Jii East River.


NOTICE.T-ostaaawra oftiii* Unataaa ibe i.aue Routeri«,,i in». _,i..i l,y l.irut Maury, U. S. N- on both the outwardand lioinevniii vo\ an.-s.BALTIC, capt. rrirsell.1 huretlav. Nov. 7. 3 p. mADRIATIC, dipt n nnliiit«.Tliuredav. Nov. il. s a. in.II It A NN |( cai» I'.-iry .iNit unlay, Nov. -S, 3 n. m.


I haaa ¦teaman ar> umfnrm In eUe ..ml unsurpassed in ap-pnintm« n'-» The -i»i«e»n, Blataraoius, Saaoklns, snd Rath-moms are pise-1 arnlflehips, trberatlu nose and motion amleast f«-lt, .itliirdln-"adi'i;rr«<oI comtort hitherto unatuinablaat »i-s.KATES-i-aloio. ii;(»,$«i'iand |100, (fold. Steerage, fib. R*.

(urn tii-ketsiui t.ivorabli' terms.Tbese steamers »ally neither I'illCe, «l.-op. nor pigs.1 in-pi'» ;..»n of 1 la,n» ami ottwi li»r,-nnailuu apulv at the

Comjinii«'» om.-»-e. No. 37 liruadway. NewYorlt, or 1*0 Vialnut el.. I'hila.U-lpIiia. R. i. COKTlH, Aaenl.

UtlltKllipt KotlCCf.¦T-HI8 is to QTVE NOTICE i That on tinJ 1st davot Novemla-r, A D. 1S7H. aWarraiil lu Bankruptcywaslesuotl arainst Lbo estate of LUOI-'NE UAATON RAR-ROW"*, of New York. In the < oiiniv of New Yorkami Mtateoi New-York, who list bien »dludged a bsukrupioiilue own petition; that tbe osviiit'iil of any debts sn»l deliv¬ery of un.v ptmperty b-lou^im," i" suchhSHkrupt to him or forhi» int.. sud thetnuisterofaiiv property by lilin, are forbuliU-ul.y law: tlial a ru,-ttiii(t of tbe.re.luor-» of the saltl haiikrupl.to prove llie.i debts, «ml lochiMi*e ,.m« or more s**ur!)ees ofbis t*iat«\ «»ill be held at a court ol Rankniptcv. to bebolUon at No. I Wan. n st.. lu tli* 1 |ty of New.York. be.lore Mr. John W. fini.-. He.l.tn, on Ibe lllth day otN.,,,-m lier, A. I». lH7a,atlUii'riot-Ka.iii. LOU IB F. PA Vs.0.9. Marslial. aa Meaeonyer. southt-iu l-letrlciof Now York.

Corponition Jiotuca.1 «NAM 1. Dr.i'AUTíiiM, Bi ci «i' roa rtnOouai noi »

OV TAXI-.«, No. S"J ohailibeiN et , >N»w Y.UIK. Nov. I, IH7». )

NOTICE TO TAXPAYKU-S.-Noti«'.' is liflieby(tren to ail persous who hat e omitted to pay their taios

for tbe year 1H,H, to the Hecelv.t of T.-.xe*, that unlt-sstli-s.ime «bail b<« paid to htm at his otrl.t- before the 1st dayof I),, einbei licit, I (er.«put will he . «llccted on sll tal.es re-

lualulna unpaid on thai duv, and 1 per .-.-nt In u.blition th.-rotoon »ill laie« temaliiln« uupild on tiio 15th day of Decemberlie It.No money will be received sfli-i 8 o'clock p. m. Oillee bours

from ha. ni. to- p m. MARTIN 1'. M« MAHo.N.l;«*4»«lvir of Taxes.

Stfiimboat. nnû Hinlratioa.

1*_Í0Y ROAT-S-frnZHNS* I,IN_:.PA IIS, 11 EXCUHMION, *1 6«1 DE«'K FARE. Klc.;

BTATER«)OMR fl and f'J. N.w polaco steamers .SARA-TOOA anil (TTY OF TROY leave «Im.v (ex.-ept Bal inlays)at (ip. w., from Pier 40 N. R., foot of Lrmv ,*t. Nurocoiinec-lion tvltb 1110inln« trains for all points NorHi and West.Htstcrooiug. Ert-e transfer froni Utooalyn by Erie Ann.sBoats.





Fourteen Tbrouah Trains each wsy daily; threo depots Inl'bllailolpbia, two! N»w\oili.

Double Track, tin« moat Improve«) E,|Uipn,cnt. imt (he Fast-tstTime couslntc-ut with sbs«Iiife eafety.

on snd aller July H, Ik""«.Express Trains leave N«tv-Ynrk via Di.ebroases and Conrt-lan.li Street t'errif», as follows:i.:«», 7.:»o, 8:20, ;. [P. <(' liautetli, 11 a. m.. 1. 4. r,, c, e,:m, 7 :«»,h .111 and up. in. hiiuday, 4:80 ami 0 a. m.; 6, 6, 0 M\ 7'dV,b.;!u sin! I p m.IlnAta of -' Brooklyn Annex" connect with all thionah

trains at Jersey Cuy, ailoi-dlng a speedy und direct tiansfsifor Brooklyn travri.

It. tnriitiiif tratas leave PhiladelphiaM 4, 7.1.66, * 8.-3(1¦ml 11 a. in. 1.iiiilt.pl Express. liHfi p m. 1. J. A. Silil, 7 ami7 .: . 1» in and 1'J midutahl. (»11 Sunday, 3'.'0, 4, 7, 8, 8.3na. m 4, TiM p- m and 1. midnight.

¡'leitet oOlces No». IM ami 'MA I.roiVtwir, No. 1 AatorIlfius,", and foot of i>e.«hiua<V'-.andconrtlnmlt *»ta;No. tCoiulst. and Brooklyn Annex I». 1 »it, foot of Fulton «t.. Rrooklyu iNos 114, 11« «nd 1 IS Hudson.*., Unbutton; Depot, JerseyCity, EuitirrantTirket office. No. 8 Mattery plaiv.HUNK THOMSON. L. P. PARMKR,Oeusrai Manaaer._Oea'l Paasea-ter Agi.




The eleft-ant steamers MAHSAi'HCHMTH and RHODEISLAND leave Pier 33 North River (foot ot Jay.t.) at 4:30p m. dally (evceitt snndaysl.Mpeclal Iluillf»! licketa, gnorl only on *.':48 a. m irs'n fum»

Hioiiliiglou, Hold «ia this flue from New-York tu Boston fortl Ml.Tickets for sale at all principal tl.-ket offices. Staterooms

secured at oflleee of Wyntt'olt Expl'«-*-i Ciiliipauv Slid st.Nna.Ma and :l«7 Bit.adway and al Molronolitau and Fifth AtenuéHotel ticket offices.

PROVIDENCE LINE.Rtean.er« F.I.l't lu.\ ami oa 1. v I ILA leave Pier .(» North

River ifoot of Warren st ) daily (excpl 8uudsys) st 4 p in-

lor Providence direct.Frei*ht via either line taken at lowcat ratea.L W. F1I.K1.NS. «i. P. Aft. I). !.. BaBCOCK. Pies't.

Steamboats anb Railroaa«.BRIDGEPORT. bb-TÎ-Î pointa OB itoa-_Ur_¡_£and Naugatnck Railroads, rare, $1. -'-r Bt1__ni___l_JSSÄSotSI? <«»^Ä*P«ad> at AIS....BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROADÍZ

Leave New-York from foot of Deabrosaes aud Coortlsaú*8;-_0 a. m. fofAV'aahlni*-.«-«-*, Colnrabna, Cincinnati. Indiaiaa.oils, t li« ;..... ami the West, Richmond. Charleston and the

South, i'uilnuui ears from Baltimore to N, wars oChicago. ^**

F(Kl p. m. for Wat»hingt.n and the West, and the Hotith via«¡oidonsvlll«-. Pullman cara from New.Y«irk to »tslliaiasaand Washington, making close connection» for l'iH«b__*g ein.cinnati, I.id.ai.apolla. Loads.lite, and ht I/mls. Thronakl'uli...an cars, Ila.tlinore to Cluclnuati. t»i. l_oule »aO PlMn,burg, ami fmm Washll.gion to Augusta si.I «-¡»vanuali.Dim p. iu. daily, f»r Washington, the Hou.h and W.aL P__J_

man sleepers from New-York to Baltimore an.) Washingtonuiaklnir. -:«.,e connections lor Chicago, Ctuctuiiatl, Indianas!olla, Louisville, St Louie, Columbus, l*iif»t.urg the ("»miand Sijiiiiiw, «t. Through Pttilman raía from Baltimore toin.¦inn ill, connecta at Washington with iralua foe i.yach.

bnrg, Florida New-Orlaans and Tbe HouthFor through tltiketa pleaae rail at Cmpunv's office, 318

Broadway, New. York, and at ticket office., foot of .'.__..____-._and Desbrossesvsta., and depot, Jeiaev t liy.A«K FOR TICK-TO VIA BALTIMo HE AND OHIO


Ferry Station m New-York, foot of f.H»ei iy._ _.

Kerry Miationln Brookly. foot of i niton st.Commencing Oct. 1, 1878.Tiafiia leave New-York, footol

Liberty-at., as follows.6:110 a. m. For Flemington, E-ston, Helridere. attach

Chunk, Tantaqua. Wlikeabarre, Elnilra. Ac Connecta alJuni Him with O. I., and W. II. R.h It a. in..For High Bridge Branch. Hchooley's Mountain,Budil's fake and Fake Hopetcong, Kaoiou. Harrtsburgb,

Ma... h Chunk, Tamaqua, Ilafelton,«»Wilk« si.ait«. iscranvoo.Wlliiarasport, Ac. ^

lu: Sa. m. and 4:30 p. m.."or Somervlilc ,-ind Flemington.I p.m.-For Flciiungtoi», Eaaton. Manch huuk, ra__e«r__a,

Will., nharre, Kcranion. Tunkhannock, Tan,»qua, HazelumBeaitlii«.. l'ottuville, Harrlsburgh, Ac^

4ii. m.- tor High Bru!-*»* Branch, P hoolcv s Monntaia,Build's l_.ke and Fske llopatroug, Kast».n. lielvidere amiMan« h Chunk. Connecta at Junction wuh D. L and W. B. K.

,'.:.'<i p. m., dally... or Eaaton, Allentown ami iUrrUbargü.7 4'. p. *u..For E.istou.lor 11 .m.» to l.s as points sea time tables st »fattona.SUNDAY TRAINS.Leave at 9 p. n... IM m. (or B~_i*4

Brook and int- r.necilate points, and al 5:3') p. tu. for Easton,ii. ;.<ll g and Ji.irriaburg.ii.uiKof llie iirooklyn and Erie Annex " make connection

at .1. i ...r city etatiou, to and from Broom, u ..nd Kne OepetJersey City.

^I KW-TORK and LOÑcJbRANC II DIVISION.I Trains leave for Red Bank, I.i.ug Bran« b, Ocean Grove,

Scat totlb, 11:45a. m.. 4, 6:l*»p m.Stages connect a. Matawan Station to and trom KKYPOBr.

FREEHOLD and NËW-Y0JÎK RAILWAYconnection- Leave foot of Liberty »t., i"i 1 res-hold s|

«¡13. 11 15 a.m..4, 6:15 p.m.



EXPRESS TRAIN TIMK TWO HOUBS.Leave New-York, foot of Libertv st.. for Trenton and Fhila.

dciphia at if-:«). 8. 9.(0, 11:3«J a. in., I'M, 1, 5:30,1- p.«, m,aim at 10.10 a. m.. 4 30 p. rn.. for Trent«.-..

I..-;ive Philadelphia from station Norih Pennsylvania Rail.ro-.<l, Thud and fWks st-, at l.:46 (way), 7:1".. '-.'), 11 30 a. n,.,1:30, 4:16. MS. l'-'p. m.I.eave Trenton lor New-York at 1:20 -en- |.t M inday', »SiOfl.

8:1'!. 10:20 ¡i. in., 1*1». '-':15, 4:6.*», (liilO p. m.Fullnisii l.tawinii room cara are attail.ed to the ÍKIOe. m., 4

?i. m., t ¡lins Horn Nt-w York j lo the 7:13 a. in., 1:30 p. n>.,ram^ from Philadelphia.M MDAY 'I KA IN«.-Leave New.York ami Philadelphias!

9a m.. 5:30, 13 p. m. I.>av<» New- Yors dar Treatoa at v a, ro.,5:;¡l) p. m. Leave Trenton «t 1:2«), !.:5«1 a. in li:ln p. in.

< «.me. tioii Ii msilest J.-rseyl Ity istation by ferry to and!ri>in Brooklyn asd Erie " Depot, .«-rtn-y« itv,Tickets lot sale at foot of Liberty »i, No». !>'¿n and 944

Bi-i'.-i.iv.av, at H.e 11 in« ip.i. hotels, all olrlc » of the Erie Rail-»iv in New-Yort and Hr.s.r lyn.ami at No. i «'oui! st,Brook»1. n. Baggage cheeked ti».in resilience t«. destination.

_H. I'. BALD*«*. I«, '...i 1-ss. Agent-

LWLL RIVER LINE for l»«>-t..ii .»ml the East.I -ii-.ii.i. i. BRISTOL nd -»BOVIDKN .»-York

indayacxcepf.sl iroin Pier No. 2i«, N..:th Hiver, foolof Mnria« St.. al :,.) B.

tseatt* l'ir.Mikivu via » ..nnex" boats at 4 p. m.^^^^^^

I^OR R0XD0ÜT and KINGSTON-Far»«, 75J- cents. NBWBDBOB and below.iOC'KNTS Land at ITl«h-Isnd Falls(Wtsi Foinr , Cornwall. Newt.unr. Mailboro, BUIton. I'Oi.KHKKKFHiF. Ksopua, conneeiing with F later andDelaware a: .1 Wallklll Valley Railroad- i.i.-auils«au TIiotaMlomellan.l James W. Baldwin leave «iai'y at 1 p. i._, ?iar 34,North River, foot of Harriaon-SL


L\H. XKW-HWEN, its ¡»uin.iiiMimgs andI all stations on tba New-York. Huston aud Air Line,Derby and North Hampton Rallrosd-. dln-c»..SteamereJOHN H. H l'A BIN and KRAsITFïs CORN NU leave P»er IS.N. it. f.M.i ot cou.-tiand-st.. at » p. m. awry night In thew.«« «, cicept Matin-lav; arrive In New-Haven in Urne for allmorning iialnson nil' railr«>a.!s; beat fat ¡UI,. » for paasengeraand freight: fure.l.- excuialou al 60. Mmin's Hew Haven'I lai^portalion Line.

JnHN If. BTARIX, Proiinefor.f EHIQH VALLEY RAI EROA I).MJ AlUIAN.ll-.'MFNT OF tAHHU.SlH.li l HAINrt Jan. X,1877»_{_ava «lepóla loot of Oosi.tlandl and i.«-»tiosei.*e.«la.at 6.30 p. in.. Night Kxpreas. dally for . »Ion. Bethlehem.A n». .n Manch Chunk. W ilkmbarre, Fitfst.m, Hayrv. Kl-nilrn. Ithacs, Auburn, RocHester, Buffalo. Nlag.ua f__Js anilthe West. Fullman sleeping coachea attiichisL

HIIH'T. H. fAYKK. -»-li'r.«J. ti.-ial Eastern Ofllce, corner «'hurcli an.f < ourtlandt-stg.

HOBT* H. fAYKK. *»,m'r. snd KngT.corner Church and courtland^s-|CHAM. II. « I MMI.Ni.H. Agent_

1 0X0 BRAXCH and PHILADELPHIA, TiffjMJ NewJersey Honth.ru Railroad, «..nniieni-lng «ietob«-r1. 187I. steamers will leave NewY<_k. Fi««r H. North Rivet(foot of Rector-st.i, connecting at Sandy Ifook «silt tralua fur

Long Branch »'id "'iii.'a.i-iphla. 11:00 a. in.- 4.-0«) p. __.

I -at i. o Tuck«*__it_. 4: si p. m.Vineiand, Rtidgion and Atlantic City. ili'We. to.Red Rank and Toma River. H.00 a m sud *_{0B¡ mWM H. S.NK-EN,

_____Ueaeral Manager.

Vl.U HAVEN, HARTFORD, &.-.-Fare, «ff.1~ sieamei- leave Peck sip dally (Sunday* excepte«.) toaNew-ltav_u ait 3 and U^ p^ iu.,^onn.ectlng with road._\TEW LINE TO BOSTON.Via Al'.vna Point, from Norwich Line Tier 40 North Blver,

Mean-em CITY OF NEW.YORK" ami "CITY OF B05Uri IB." a» itA'i o. m. dally. «Sundays includedFA EUE O.N'K HOLLAR every day lu the week.Fosittvely, tickets good only on day of s.-;.-, und on traltt

connectinc with boat at AUnrs Poln». Oo«sl supper for _i>ceuts. TlckeU for sale at Pier 40,

NORWICH LINEfor Bo-».***!*, Worcester, Portland, aud all «.¡tita North andFast, via

Newl/ondon and Norwichsteamers

¦'CITY OF I.AWHKMK" and " F.\ I M U rn.'»from lie: 10 North Rtv.r.at It 0 pn..«__.«.~.in,t_.r»«-s«eptXTickets un.I stüte.rooms may bo ooiniu-il st il.e office or to««oii[.«!iy, No. 417 Broadwa-, corner <f Csnalst Fwlghll.kiii/o¡ all poluisat loiveat rates. For f.inner __for__Uoain.in.re ai Piet in Noah Kivar

NEW - YORK -CENTRAL ANO HÜDSOÍÍHIVKlt HAlMlOAIi.-r'ommenciii» .et H» 1878L

tlirun_rh trains will leave Grand Central Depot8 a. m. Western and Northern Expresa, r.iwtugroom car»

to li.H-ursu-r and pi. Albansiii.iua.iu. si««cial Chicago and Western Kxpreaa. with

drawini. room cars to « snaudalgiia, Rochest.-r and Baffaio.Il a. m. F.xpreasto Albany ana Troy, with connections to

In. a Saratoga and Rutland. North Adama sj.1 -lenulogton.4 i>. m. Alhauv !in.i Irov Express in I. a 1 r»>«no<r«_«i p. m HL lxjuls Fxpraas, daily, with sleeping ears for _>_.

Louis, ruiiniiig through every dav In the w.eli- alee aleen.lug cars for lluitai». Niagara Falls, Toledo aud l»eirol_ *>00 laMontreal eneptinp Snnda«. night, via **or..i«.^a.7 30 p. m.. raet Fxprees ft.r lloehasfcr. aid CorelBB via

Geneva *» eepln« cars t. usdS?. u d.-i-,, t r.8.3 'p. n... Pacific Express, «tally, with si.ep'ng tan toa

Roch*"«ster, NlHirar- Falla, Buffalo, rie^iaü.!. i'o;<»To, Detroit,and Chicago ¡ also, except".* Haturilar nicht, to Clarion amiVuit-rtown, and exovptlng riaturdaj ami e...udav nights, usMont «al vi. fit A bans.lip rn., Kipre«"» with sleeping ears, to Ainany and Troy.Tickets for sale ai No». 'ih'J, "_«. 1 and 4Kl Kro.idway, au4

at Waatctotl Kiprosa Co.'sOlBcea, Nos. a l'jrk.plac*. 7*13am! .,.i_> Broadway, New-York, and 3««. «A ashlngtou^t,.Rro«klvn.' C. B. MEKKEB. General Pa»»enger Agent.


hdl'T., un and after fep' in. 1H7«». Ham«. , eave Naw*>Yoia, yx, De*broa*ea and Courtlaudt 81 resta 'errleeae foi-lows:Expiesafor Harrlsbnrg, F'ttahurg. tbe West and Soath.

with Pullman Palace Cars attached, I a. m., t) and h. 30 p. m-

*¿Jf \v»lliauisp«irt, Ix>ck Haven, Corn- and Erie, a* «-"-Oa.m ,.«,ui«r<«ing at Corrj-for Tltuavtile, Peuoleuin Centre e__J_the Oil Regions. Wlliiamsport and Ix«ck Haven. 8 a. m.H iitunore, Washington and the 8outh. " Limit-«- Wash-*

Ington Expresa'' of Pullman Parlor Cart «lallv. except Hon-d« v, HiiiO a. m arrive Washington 4.-10 p. iu. Regular at »*),. iu.. 1, e :«.. and tí p. m. H.nidav (j :«<) aud 1) p. m.Lxpress for Phil¡».lelphls,4:8<».7 30, H ¿o, tí, (tfcJO Umlted). 11

a. m.. 1. 4. f,. il, OSO. 7:30. K:30 andOp.ui. -»nmlay. 4.10and 1) s.m ..'.. o. .:30, 7 30, 8¡30 S-d ü p- tn. Emigrant a_*i-*e-oud ciase. « o- ni.Boats of "Hiooklvn Annex" connect with all through trains

at i. i»¦ « City, aft.iilliig a speedy and diii-ul traasler lorBrooklyn tiav.-l. _

Fortra'uato Newark. Kluabeth, Rahwav. I'rlor-etoa. Tr«-_.tou. Her:!. Am>»ey, Flemingtcn, Belvideie and other poluta,tee .oca! schedules at all Ticket Offices.Tii.ha arrive:- From Pittebnrg, Ö.J0, I'lii i. m., 1O90 p.

m. dallv: 6i50 a. rn.. 16 »0 p. m.. dallv. except Mondar. FromWashington and Ra.tlmore, b a*», v«:40 a. m., 410. a: 15. 10:10p.m. miuiU» «_:>«>, b.40 a. m. From 1'liila.lelnlil«, .',s)5, * ;. i,PAD, 10:50, ll:oO a. m.. ¡1:10, 4:10. ...Vi, .00, _.-10.lnl.i. If JO p m. uunday, 5:(*o. « SO B-Vl, lobo, ll;-(»s_ n__I-,V.>. lOi'.'i. i>. ui.TichetOt.ceN.Y'.S-O.I 044 Broadway. No. 1 Aetor House,

and foot of Desbnwaea aud Courtlandt at«.¡ No. 4 Court-stand Hr.*okl»u Annex I)«pnt, toot of lullen ai.. Brooklyn« Nos.11«. 11« and U*» Hudson-a«-. Hobokeo Depot. Jersey City.Mulgi-ut Ticket "ffl.e, N.. e U.»iu>i.r place.

t lt\NK THi.MtM.N. Uf. I'AKMEB.'

Henri ¡il Manager. l.enl i'_-.-.iig.r Ageai.

rpHK ERIE RAILWAY will beratttaf bêI known by Its new name, THE BEW.YoHK, LAKRKlUE ANDWI.MLKN RAILROAD. AKUANOESIRNTOFTilAlN*», l«.-llig effect June 3. I_r789 a m..Cincinnati and Chicago Day Er.presa, Drawiuf.

r«».m coaebca to Buffalo and Huspenston BndacOp. m. (Oailv).FaatHL Louia Expresa, arnvinr. at Bab!«

Kit).) t. _., connecting with fast trains to the W. st and Houth-west. Pullman's beat drawing-room sleepm-. coachea to Bal*talo.7 «. m. (Dally) Parirle Expresa for the West. Bleeping

cos«'-1* In.ugh to KiK-healer, Buffalo, Nbsgsi. Fa h*. (*ia_!_>bail and i im ago without «bang», also -owl dining cars tai iucai;«).

7 p. in. .Emigrant train for tne Weat.Trains leave Chambers street Depot, New.Y..rk, forNewark, 0:45, H:30, 1130, a. m.. 3.15. Lib, bilb,gtl\\:tt

p.m., and l'J midnight Saturday ulghte only- -J'Jiiday_, y It

''Rutberfiir-'Firk and Passalo. 6. 7:48, 10, l_.i6a._s.. Hpool! 1 45. 3, 3:45. F30. bib.», «¡3ft. U, 10 J». !.,.. 1_ mUlnlgbkb.iii.Uvs, H. i» '*«>, 10:15 a. m. Ii45. 6:30». n»..Bi..l |*J midnight.pat.* is. ii (3,6:45,7.45,8130. 10, \0.l5, UM» t, ni.. Il min.1 \b. I. 3 16, 3:45. 4:15, 4:30,6, 6:16.6, «:15. (1:30. 7. «, 10,p. iu and IU midnight. Hnndaya, ., n.'il, 0 li. 10:16-_i__

45, ii m n m. aud it midnightBuffern. 6, «. 45, lolSa. m.. 1:45. i.ib. 6,6. 7ji. mi.. l_ml«*-

night. M.iniija 6. 8:30, 10:15 a. m-. tatot d-.AO, 1. a and li

"'.«"''«"au, 7:41. « a. m., 3 30, 4:80 p. m 8un«laye. &30f_ m.Vl'arw« k. 7:4"». F'.IS a. m 4:30 p. m.Nc*u burgh, 7:45, 0 a. m., 3:30, 4:.«4»lp. m. SunJsya. 8:30a m.

Kouiloutitud KtiiKsioii. 9a.m., 330 p. m. is .miaja. 8,30 a. ai.uJihen (Î.IK.. 7:4... t» 00. 10:15 t, l».. 3:30^3:4., .¡30,7:00».

iu hundaya. 6:00. ¿30. 10.16 a. m.. 630. ; otiomMludUMO^., 7:lH.. !. «>«», 10:1 5 a. m., i 15 &"¦«W *¿fI»i7i!..ays 8 .& Wrta a m.. 6:3»». 7-30 P. lu* vJL»JJ°oiwÄsud 4 10 P. m. nains connect w-lth New-»or» a_m uswagaJlldlaiidtt. lL.stM-u-st. a..n.. 4:»«. «.00.7:60 p»**h.Fuit Jervia, 7i4&, t):00. i«* .¦»._ w m-

Bi.ii.la.va. K:30,1015 a. *"vh_¿,b<...aí. .. even or hait honra, »o*^Trtl»a l^tó-i^hTrd .t-ni.*«., mlamaa» -«rlierl»efoie!»i)0p. m, leays iwcu j r__HU,_,ei.et. un ouarte»than above !lo.e¡ tr-JM "A¿1fl, mlni.u*a exiler. *

BoaW.our» leave r«*'¿"«.T-'b»".,"Jj .¡d 11¡45p. m., cnnctin« witHRaye Twenty -«h n ^ »'V at 1*00 p.m. ami l'_:l>5 ttkt*tralus leaving c'Uambersa«- »<- r*

U'.-1«*. ._ fnr nassage and for apartcenti l« «Irawin,-rooma«4Twk"tt.f_|__.lVVan be obtaln'd. an.l oM**is loi the ehe«gin«.'''.¦'.l.,_iar ot bsegsie may De lett at tUj Company's ottoea.*,ml '.-«ï soi ftVD«>r!.57 lii-o-dway, N. Y.. No. '. Court-a*»>ü8'_*iÍ.! or it iheC..uipauy'adei»ota. ..._.. _. . ,<l,n".^; Trahis fromüie West arrtv« h» _*.ew-"»o.k at7:ií

.'" S no5 N,lABBO*ri%«-ial rsunt A«.«!» New-YoA

V-m,ei3sií.laa VaUty aad Mom«, 7:00,0.V>. s. «-. «J»»mKm\mOtli. _M_o?l. uaaaial fass r Agent, New-ÏK-,