OitnDenl) Nonces. CHICAGO & EASTERN ILL INOI9 RAILROAD CO. I'RHFKRRED STOCK DIVIDEND NO. 53. A QUARTERLY DIVIDEND of one and one- ! half per cent (1H will be paid on the Preferred Btoek of this Company in New Y>>rk City, on Thursday, ! January 2d. IHI2. COMMON STOCK DIVIDEND NO. 8. A semi-annual dividend of two per cent, and extra dividend of onp per cent '1 TO will be paid on the Com- mon Stock of this Company InNew York City on Thurs- day. January 2d. IP<»2. Both dividends will be paid to j stockholders* of record at the closing of the books' on I Wednesday, December nth. 1901. The transfer books I willbe closed after business hours on, Wednesday. Decem- ber 11th. and remain closed until Momtay. December 10th, ir.ni. C. W. HILLARD. Treasurer, MISSOrill, KANSAS * TEXAS 111. CO. 49 Wall Street. New York. QOUPONS duo December 1. 19CT1, of th.> First Mortgage Bon.ls of the fallowing named Companies will be paid upon presentation at this office on and after December 2 next: MISSOURI, KANSAS .* TEXAS RY. CO.. SHERMAN. SHIIRVEP^IIT * SOUTHERN RY. CO., BO & NEOSHO RAILROAD CO. . C. G. HEDGE. Vice Pros. * Trr-i-. (Topartucrslup Notices. "^OTICE Is hereby piven that the partnership ~ lately subsisting between Harlan P. Smith, of the City of New York, and I»avid Proakey. of the City of Pateraon. New Jersey, under the firm name of New York Coin and Stamp Company, was this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts owing to the said partnership are to be received by th« saM Harlan P. Smith; and all demands on said partnership ale to be presented to him for payment. Dated. New York. November 20th. 1901. HAKLAN P. SMITH, DAVID PROSKET. Cut] hotels. ' 11l WEST 4.".TH ST Q^) U D (VJ/n\!lwll |L-,OjJ FIREPROOF. STE^L CONSTItUCTION. Unfurnished apartments by the year. Table d'Hote $1.00. 6 to 7:30 P. M. CHARLES 11. DEUEKKR, Proprietor. Also for the past 20 years of the Peninsula House, Beabricht. N. J. ©OjjnOSlD 0 © COdD'fioO^ BROADWAY. COR. WE9T 71ST ST. AMERICAN PLAN. Strictly a family hotel; choice suites, furnished or un- furnished, to rent by the season or year. Cuisine and service of the highest order. Rates reasonable. Location convenient to all parts of the city. WALTER LAWRENCE. 4 DVERTISEMHNTS and subscriptions for The Tribune j-_ received at their Uptown Office, N'.j. 1,242 Broadway. 2d door north of 3lßt-st.. until '.< o'clocH p. m.; advertise- ments received at the following branch ..Hi.*-;! at regular office rates until S o'clock p. in., viz.: 264 aye., a. c. cor. 23d-st.: 153 «ith-ave.. cor. I2th-st. ; 142 Columbu*- ave., near West 88th at ; 1"'; West 42d-st.. near (ith an.; ayes.; 863 West 125th-st. : 160 East 47th-st. : 1.338 3d-avo., 32 East 14th-st.; 5!57 W«-st 4-.i St., between 7th and Sth between 7Gth and 77th bit.; 1.028 3d aye.. near «lst-st.; 1,708 1.-t aye.. near SOth-st.: 157 East 12T>th-st. ; 758 Tre- mont-ave.; 650 :!•! ave-. near 4 1st- St.: 554 3d-ave.; Steamboat. ALBANY EVENING LINB* Steamers ADIRONDACK cr DBAN RICJjMOJTP le«-» Pier 32. N. It., foot Canal Stret. -{ 8 Pi M., week days only connecting with trains for all points. Hacuraioa, »2.50. - QATSKILL. HUDSON AND COXBACKIB BOATS leave foot of Christopher M «r«ry was* if «• c P. M.. connecting with Cataklll atouotala. _—!\u25a0*• 4, Albany and Albany » Hudsn- Railroads. Assignee's Notice. mHE~VEOVLE^OV r mEliyA ; r¥f^OF NEW York, to all persons lntere=tipd In the estate of Charles W. Reiser, assifrned to William B. Nash for the benefit of- creditors. Bend areetlni;i You and each of you are hereby cite., ami required personally to be and appear at the Special Term nl the New Tork Supreme Court, to be. held in Part 1. thereof, at the County Court House in the Borough of Manhattan.- City of New York, on me »tn day of December. WOl, at 10:30 o'clock In the forenoon, then and there tn show cause why c final settlement «f the account" of William E. Nash, as assignee of Charles W Bel»er insolvent debtor, should not be had, and If no cause be shown then to attend the final settlement of the assignee's account. \u25a0 - v Z'"'l In testimony whereof I hay- hereunto caused the seal of the said N2W York Supreme Court to be hereto amsed. Witness the Hon. Henry Bishop, in. Justice of said Court. *is2* day 8 f Oct,her. ±£££ WBRTHEIMER A DUFFY. _*«••<_ ___\u25a0_"\u25a0_ 302- 304 Broadway, New York City. Borough of Manhattan. Jnsirncnan. _____ For Young Ladles— City. 17— NT>— R6ARTEN TRAINING CLASS. V Classes now forming. Free Fcholarshlps mrnlted). Ev»-nlnir classes. Write for particulars. Z. A. CLTTtN. Supt., Met. Temple. 7th Aye and 14th St. MBOARDING AND DAY FCHOOL. Foreign travel. 160 and 117 West Ssth St ri-'HK COMSTOCK SCHOOL. 32 West 40th-«t. X EOARDIXO ANDDAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. 3Wh year. Miss DAY, Principal- Miss BOYD. Associate Principal. For Boy? and Young Men— EAE AS potjg— KJOBPSBB N. V.. AND THE NEW YORK BUSINESS INSTITUTE. The most celebrated business schools In America. They train for practical worlt and always SECURE bITLA- TiONS for graduates of complete Course. Day and even- ing sessions. Call or write for free catalogue. Address CLEMENT C OADt—B. M. A.. B. _. Preat. M East 125th St.. New York. N. Y. For Both Sexes— City. -— BERIJTZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES. J. Madison Square. New-York. 73 Court-st.. Brooklyn. "The Berlin Method Is the systematized form of learn- ing a foreign language In a reign country by Its actual use." Trial lessons free. Free lectures weekly in ail lan- guages. Four Medals at Paris Exposition. 1900. UH LEMOUCHE SCHOOL OF FRENCH LANGUAGE. Carnegie Building. Room IW. French taUßht by new conversational method: a simple. :le;ir. most rapid systeai ot quiring French. Class or pri- vate- day and evening. Highest references. N. Y. _ Boston. Jaatrnctian. Brooklyn. FRENCH, Spanish. Orman. Italian.— Prof. P«l«»r'r X 1X 1 School Languages. 138 West 23: -New York. Braced. T7 Court-st.. Brooklyn. For Boys end Young Men Country. YfAPLBWOOD, CoßCordvllle. Pa— Bu--c«»rul aclMol: iU. one of the best to Infuse energy, to wake 119 boy» M duties of life; prepared for business or college. 12*9; under 13 years. $244 Location beautiful, elevated. h«alUv: no tobacco. J. SHORTLIDGE (Tale). A. M.. Prin. MONTCLAIR MILITARY » \u25a0•*I'KMT Montelalr. K. J. JOHN Q. MACVICAR. Hea« Master. School Agencies. 4 MEIRICAN AND FOHEIGN T_t<KßK<' A(JK«Ii T supplies ' Professors. Teachers. Tutors. Gorerneases. etc.. to Collegf ». Schools and Families. Apply to Mrs. M. J. YOL'NO-FULTON. 23 Union Square. (Teachers. 4 N AMERICAN widow lacty uoeaking three --rjnr", residing in the finest quarter of Nil .'iM take charge of a delicate girl or chaperon a. young laay or give lessons in French an-1 Herman for the season: rellabte social references. _•_— \u25a0 "Mra H. L. C. " Tribune A EVERETT STONE (Tale anil Columbia). Sl* West A. .V.th St. Tutor for nilcolleges: lorg eapertenc<>. t-\R. W. G NOWELL. private tutor, at pupils' homes er _>> at 117 E. Sad-si. Two pup: is received la family. iUusical Jnsirnctiou V— N V CONSERVATORY. 112 MI*th St. . The FIRST MUSIC SCHOOL m th^ Country. I>AV °" 140> Dancing FERNANDOS Danclnx Classes: also private lessons hour; children and aiuita; terms moderate, lit West 42d-6t. \u25a0 , X/'NICKERBOCKER School for Dancing. E. Ms* St. X <llnlon Square, nr B'w.iyi Private and -la." le»soi« da?y. lend for clrcuUr. J. MARK UACDONALD, Frtn. T. r2SNS W .°4 XK EE I VST4.TH « * CLASS AND PRIVATE LESSONS. Established In 1»45. tjelp iDnntct)— iUale. \\*ANTKI>. -By a larire rattnufacturin? con- * * cern at Chicago, in *team and pas engines lines, a mau about 35 years of age. with execu- tive ability in sales line in the^e \u25a0»» Excel- lent opportunity for ri-'ln man. Advise folly as to experience, ability, references and salary ex- pected and also where now employed. ' Address M. C. F- Box 25, Tribune Office. AUTOMATICsf ITTi.I. opkm:R. DOMESTIC SITI ATIO>S^\VAVrED. SPECIAL bate'tS'isemploteb. 24 ~0r..». .1 time. «• *•\u25a0*; 7 time rate '" '" COACHMAN.— Single: neat appearance: thoroughly understands his »>—rtiaas: first class reference, Call or address _L>V\A_X>. 217 East .-.\u25a0;(. st COACH3IAK. Thoroughly understands care horses, harness and carriages; willing: city or country: best references; last em- ployer can be seen. \u25a0\u25a0__, till M- ave. COACHMAN.— Married; first \u25a0— city ret- erer.ee written or personal; present em- ployer can be seen. Address COACHMAN. 241 Wav»-rly-ave. Brooklyn. COACHMAN.—alt 1 1 sail. 30: first class city references, written and personal: first class driven strictly femperatt: height 5 ft- 8 in. M. GRANT, 1.-tiu 3d~av*.. between 77th and 78th ats. ! FOOTMAN or HOUSEMAN.— By young ,~w.-!-; first class reference. Apply frU> I Clh-ave.. an of Meyers. GARDENER.— By single man. 30; flirt class references. GARDUNKR. care of Parsons. 145 IXist SOh-sC GROOM. »•••.- youns Scotchman. lately landed, in private family; strictly sober. 1 h(tn»-st and very rbliginsr; city or town pre- ! ferred. Dt'MS-ITH. 21»$ East 73d-st. I | GROOM. in private family: good refer- 3 prices' last employer c«-n be seen. F. . OLIVER, care of Mrs. French. 72» 3d-ave. I NURSE. By N-.rth German: attend to In- valid gentleman; gives massage, patients" residences; (rod oarber: or as companion travelling with insane pat:ent3. MINKUS, MB Kast *4th-st. USEFUL, MAN— HOUSEWORK.— By mar- ried coaple; man understands care horses, cow?. L'.1: .:- riiii.-. farming; mile \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0<! co.">k. lauanlresa; best references. Call GAR- DENER. 4." Gr-?enwkh-ave. I'SEKUL. MAX. l:-. colored man. 23 re- tired and experienced, in private family or as a hous<» porter: good references. J. i-:. J.. 355 Weal 3Ctk -t. I US_—L_ MANan! BTT _KR in small a* vate family: French Swiss: speaks little Ens -\u25a0 :•\u25a0\u25a0> n f.r o^untry: go<Ki references. I'IKRRE. 2?.:» \\f- :.T-. -\u25a0 thir.l Cor, DOSICSTIG SITUATIONS WASTED, Fcnml-- SPECIAL HATBTO L'.MISI PLOYED. XI warda, :: time 5 ....... 1." cents ; 7 time rate ... ........ .SO cents ATTENDANT to lady, by refined lady: ha* had experience in care .if invalids: country preferred. Address E. C. Tribune Ofllce. COOK and IRONER.—City or country. 331 West :itith-st.. first bell. COOK. Kxcellent: genera! worker; apart- ment: colored. MOORE. 134 West 134th-st. CHAMBERMAID and good plain laundress. by competent young woman: two years' reference: city or country. Apply 121 West __ st. \u25a0•• Sight. DAY'S WORK. Washing or cleaning; good city references. 274 west Sea at ; ring four times. GENERAL HOUSEWORK.— By yc iun«. strong Swedish woman, with five—year-o'd boy: good family cook and It undress; wages $S month. Call 7-"> Weal llth-st. HOUSEKEEPER. Engagement is desire.! with aped per— or others who desire their home vail managed, by a reliable per- son; references first class. Address Miss C. New- Brighton. Staten Island. HOUSEKEHPFH.— By widow: experienced: t has small child. Call or address 260 Reid- «ve. ; BOT_Bl_— _~ ] R. r. y neat working, capa- ble woman: care of gentleman's home; nice cocking if riquired: wages 5-" 'i L, 53 . ••\u25a0 -aTe. , HOUSEWORK.— Rr North of Ireland cook. i laundress: : i-•«.i -•«. soopa, baker or g»nera! . kaeaw—saMr; also rharobe— waitr»'!«'<; city or country. 34-H eth-ave., first fear. j back. jH' >!">;;n. >RK.— marriM. wouM I like general work In family hotel, or \u25a0\u25a0» I food housekeeper: woul.l go South. T. W. SARGENT. N*w-Cana»n. Conn. LAUNDRESS.—First class: colore.t; family, ladles* and gentlemen* washing; borne a* rnt: atr drying; best references. EL E. SMITH. 332 Waal s!>th-st. LAUNDRESS.— K»--r—i In Crat <-ta«i restaurant : evenings ami Sundays fr»«. _0~ 4 nuJsasa •> riac<.. Jersey City. _*— IfDßi— B.- «-!->.«s: thrrr- .Inra tn the lilt; out. LOWES, > I:>Kl»«-— . v Flan Jersey Oqt. ma n>. *<?. i:y aaasaaa^as <v>mp<rttHit lady's maid: ir^''! s«niJ!nf». halr\!r««»rr antl I packer: win;:'.* la travel: tint class rofer^ tm'fs, _.. cure i c U*.lA .h. s_ £_st :r.*:h it. HL'IBl .— \u25a0> ~!.aM- Ir ;»-*tnr>t. rar» of BBWBM or aMaatjr lady; e»p>*bJ« .if taking full chant*; *<xHt www: enn b* se«a ac j ill— nl ssagtk—«r*S until Deovmber $». Ad- dress _. C. 5»l Pl uailt— a p. I^ttnoo, X J. NURSa— tSr»^:i^t» Unt» tratafii* »e_>>l oV«tr«>» i*rti'anrn( j»>«tJt>n with an to— valklr aa_aaoai from b*»i t»:«U:^». AJcJr*»» TRAINED NURSE. Box . IT, 82. _»»: Itta at j SEAMSTRESS, Thoroughly e«4B|>«t«at: tafces work beaaa 0* by . ay, «^jrtaln». eu>Mona; repairing rfr«a*e>»> rs»«Mtv sewtng by band *n«l nx».r._*. H'.-rH. l* %V«at I'iist.i. . .. \u25a0 VliiTIN-O ilAtCv. hairvrresains» v tneiKttnx. ivacking, «tc. H. i- 203 east fn,r^i\.. WAITRESS- By $\f*xiess&i3 woaaaa^ lor wtßter nv-r.ir_ » -x_ butter's »Uc*, or Bi parkmnatd. ti.. B. x 53i> n»t»~av«. WA?HIXO[ IROXIN-O. rißA.vivi- b>- German woman v> 90. :\u25a0\u25a0»; by ten taka **ar.:r.i boaua. its*. LiXKA *>- East 634-^: ' .MMWTO'.'N PTRI3ST-. Qunrter finii^lFepts C»>— r;r,iei .-«--nins«. .;.--•.. 1 ::.:.. J42.. r *t>-...!H> Pec. |9,B<H Operating mn until 2". '\u25a0a* 10.890 Inc. l>2."> Net earn1tiw^. .......... *J!.Ti".! t2>i.l!>l Dee-. 98,4*) Other laaseae ....-^...i 7M7 f>2l* Deo 32 TV>»al.« say, $2P.020 I>• \u25a0\u25a0. «n.r.-ji Flx«d eha— i ..-. f<,5T4 T.5n2 Inc. 722 Bnrpluc , I— MOB (31.16S Dec* $7,243 ''ash on hand...... lit Profit »' I low b_t»li_ , . .\u25a0. C."i.479 TARRTTOWK. WHITE PLAINS AND MAMARONECK. Quarter ended Sept. rjrnf- ei,nilnKP . $23,802 »23.r.:.n Pec. 1658 Operating -xi«>niioii K. >l<) 13.724 Inc. 8.092 Net eamtaa— fC.(>7ll $9,826 Dec. 13.750 Other iaooasa Tan a Inc. 727 Totals $CBM $:. *\u25a0:.•!• Uec. $3,023 Fixed charge* 4.31i3 4.317 Dec. 14 Borpltta $2.. r >ti2 $.\.">ll De $3,008 rash .in hand 3.712 Profit and loss deficiency. ... ."..11-il \u25a0 TRADE IX CHICAGO. ChlcaKo, Nov. 29 (Special).— "Wheat advanced lc to me and closed at the top. To-night's' iiri.-r-H are the best ice last Aupnst. Outside buying has been the Influence, and to-day's trade the blgpest on this up turn. December opened at 72Uc. sold between 7." c and To'ic, and closed at 73*4 c; May sold from 76c to TT^c, and closed at 7714 c: July closed at 77 ! 4 . . St. Louis advanced faster than this market. Encllsh cables were up a fraction. Clearances were 406,0<V> bushels, and for the week 5,117,000 bushels, against 2.438.000 bushels last year. Argentine shipments were only 8,000 bushels, There was no 1 -In over the winter wheat belt; "The Price Current" reported the condition good, but rain needed West. "The Modern Miller" also re- (erred to dry weather. Shipping sales here were 50.0"0 bushels: St. Louis reported 73,000 bushels. The seaboard put its port sales at 18 loads. Primary receipts for two days were 1436.400 bush- els, compared with 1,320,000 bushels; the North- western cars. 1,457. against 1.152. But this.- big ares were offset by the bis weekly clearances. it was too broad a commission market for any one interest to be conspicuous. St. Louis was probably leading the buying here. Corn was within %c of the top or. this crop, the May selling- at Sl?sc, compared with 6S%c on Au- gust 12, when the drouth excitement was at Its height. December opened -it 62Uc sold between ?2r>c and 62% c, and closed at <£Vie sellers; Hay sold at 65 be, and closed at <H!ie; July, 65c. Receipts for two days were only •"•;> cars; the estimate for to- morrow, 145 cars. Local bulls and shorts were the best buyers; I'hillips and other commission longs \u25a0»>•\u25a0\u25a0 sellers. Argentine shipments were 432.000 bushels. English cables were ?sd to %d higher. To-day's clearances were -'\u25a0''."•' bushels, and for the week •;;•'.'>-\u25a0 bushels, against 8.400,000 bushels last year. It was not as bIR a speculative market as of late, and was subordinate to wheat. Ship- ping sales were 255,(00 bushels, mostly to the South. Oats made a new high record, the December •42-^c sellers and the May 4:;-_i-. The December closed at 12% c, and the May at 43* s c. There were ]>i cars, with 330 estimated for to-morrow. St. Louis bought oats here; commission people were sellers. Shipping sales were 1 35,900 bushels. The cash dragged a little, and the East was trying to resell It looked .is If the outsider was forsaking the arse grains and getting into wheat. Flaxsced was linn. the cash steady; deferred futures higher. Spot was $1 13; December, $140; May, $ ! 44: - . There were ii' 2 cars of seed at the three points, against --• last year. There was a wonderfully strong provision mar- bet, pork up We, lard and ribs up 20c. To-night's prices are the best on this up turn, and almost equal to those tiptop prices of last September. The out- sider was the bull influence. Packers have been working against the advance in order to keep hogs down. Lard is up Lc a pound in two weeks, and ribs up over \u25a0-\u25a0 a pound. Pork is up over (ISO a barrel. * TEXAS CENTRAL. SOCTHERN-. MTrth << 0r;..1-r— tM „„ 2 | *S?«ftnU« *3X9*&2 »19«.*T9 f2«t.44i« ! '^ '- nar^- \u25a0 : \u25a0 "" ' tU\>:,« 127.4--.* in.« 23 t^^....T::~~l*™ *<».470 W7.836 ! ?"'.**". -n- t»nsm $«c.4i7 \u25a0: - -•• \u25a0_;\u25a0••• * r ,i :< ;^> 4S2.:»*:> 47K!>»4 j I ?"* tfI * 1, 41 ., s ~J2iui7 «2P».«2« »2-T'..717 j fjs£Srl nOCHESTEK AND PITWBCBO. j _ 1 '.*. of October— \u0084 r ,., 340 J f '^Z-^ ... . *m.zR» | B2.<n— T.2Z7 f l r.ir.nT-i ? {;^;L-.;i O^^ maw \u25a0•-\u25a0 :- >'*» " arr "" -",-KNTKAI. OF GEJOnGIA. JSJir5S?e:-- \u25a0-\u0084 v£?2 L*_ ..-•\u25a0\u25a0 ; - T '" t-uii-Tif ¥7"." 7^.1 f6l<i.7<«l \u25a0 *^jl4"j 14 " 435,»5a \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0-•• 1 w .«.ra::a* <** , B.3WS *• S7-.4 J54.545 . . aaap ,*\ 1 » lW - "' " K25H.401 $2 401.77s $2.(rj«'..s2'» ._. , - - ; U4 « -li«O \u25a0 >;•-\u25a0 ohio. I -- ' October— I 445 1.445 eSSrtf™"** HSCT.IS3 $1 7;:» $1.1-'- \u25a0\u25a0 , Oi * rSyr? J r Xl .';" ' ._,.-- -i.r.'j. SSoj''^ r . m?...V.«»«.-\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0» «.-\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 :-' *<\u25a0••"•\u25a0:'/\u25a0 ;•\u25a0•; 3;i0i».437 .-«.-\u25a0 a***'" „„., : HS^i C&-RJOC 5MC7.930 fSSS*. MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL. v .,tliof<"-t^"— . - r . 6,397 ''.1 : S SSr or- :> - Mr.2::^7 n.=».n)7 *&&& Wl * : Tnr : "" 2 7tni.uir. 2.r,54.5v. __=.ut>.l^ * BtfW: ,«. TLSU^i $L.fla_Sß3 fl.^.^4 JSltoOrt.3l- ,, 1«~-si61 «~-s i6 , KS.SW *14.»68-«B Mil,.. txi«'»=^ "\u25a0 [ 4 mos «ft.<KMt.TO6 *M».»= $5,221,612 •' JS^SSoS™ CHICAGO AND ST. UJUIS. iSf-s^^^aa iuis^s miss \u25a0_, 5 J33I.CW 5 sa «rnlws 235.393 532,366 5302.130 J2V>3.3» $2^..03- fuiy^HO^S:- . 7T<>o ,o ba.«-,_3 «-:-^;^ I Gross earnings ,^o' !(5) 4.232.844 3 \u25a0.-".\u25a0\u25a0.•\u25a0•' rn_stiPt -— \u0084—2,79 J1.735.323 1 yetcaml^^ os -- V»«WT_3 $177"17:< M*-<>» v .- \u25a0 -;; H^;r- ',: - "\u25a0 _«»MW <wi TT^r^. ~7^^ -M_3a f=T laS EBXE. SbtkiSl' -Mauw 1».4_>._0 G^ earnings .. s .- : \u25a0-..-; 2!3V3:214 2.5W.182 ; r::r» -""\u25a0\u25a0 «^ >& -n?^ ! imua ium •- julyIto Oct. 51— 132 si-.976.517 513.751.506 j . . . -. -.4^7- j,et earning GEOnGIA _j__a_D Mor.tli Cf Octobrf-— s L4n KHM.42B £104.504 1 1-* ratios iSt'"* 14 _ ' - WfK *., - ?«*» •*"• •«\u25a0 July Ito OA $( , 4!>lftT $013,772 ?5? 4 \,-t Grof? rtrnlE?* 4%'ftll 105.039 358.274 \u25a0 fVwnHiM; agease* ... 4,-011 . M,..._M\u0084.._ ' --- \u25a0 «=i«" s" 7 - 530 : IOWA CENTRAL. Mnath uf October— _____ t_Mjaw* |229.«? (>,»• _rwnps "i'"'Xi r.-.'.v.'S IW.WS »anlay expenses - __\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 S4-'.-l fI7.SS7 |SS,«wl . .... aa— taj \u25a0\u25a0•• S1-' " * July 1 16 Oct. 31— J7T9 654 $5>7.!»71 Gims earning fs£ ioi <»L857.289 WpereJiEE expenses 6Sj.W> . -** amines 4 »*. t!55,«« * 8&JM1 $3( " >>C72 MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. LOUIS. Month "f tVtober— -_, r^ SW Xanber of miles \u0084403]- $536.4U $306,464 Ctw» earnings vi"-^ 171 403 l&S.*** \u0084. , Sl<?4 J»r>2 ?149.477 0-Ji« income __ !^l_ T«a!» >• I(M J174.051 j July Ito Oct. 31— _ ..-,..... $1 MBJM« ji,fir,4.M>-i ____ ri-«?*.!*: *£*« $4^ !l! ?I °— £ttb --- 133^096 ' isvl-YORK. IA-XAAKD WESTERN. ! BtciwMmf mikestwe and Hastern Railroad.) [ \u25a0 South «f "• toUr— _-•» . «-.;:::-' |f».«5 J Gw» t»rait>^ V^'V-V. % Mt'4.« '124.C17 i Xet^rrir-p. , -.«j (_,«• la-M" j r4 iarnlnps 4 rook \u0084:\u25a0-\u25a0 $253^ f440.M3 | PEOBIA AS EASTEBN. iii of October— „.., 8 gg. : . £5? £:;:.;:;;: js£ _^ |210. lKfi i - ;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0_\u25a0. i 1-CIW - I - _3 $M,i7:: .- -\u25a0 :. - te **4.44R -*»8- STI-M4 I SOCTIiERK. . . " ' : t, »4:S» - "- - \u25a0 •anl-igs «1..-5-2.15.$ H. 234..>« J1.105.7W | .\u25a0. . ' . .\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 •?:--- itlct e_p«B«e«...i :,..-\u25a0 Miww* "\u25a0\u25a0 —^- 1 tm «_ a»« m- $4,039,129 $3.*4S.aT-5 ?3.5^».216 j v.i^<x>n?:n central. '=4^::::::;: \u25a0- -::- is&ll - -" •\u25a0: \u25a0-. : ?i4:^ fsl^i - - tas " f7^l^7 -4a : 1108.640 j - _'.y ItoOctober 31 . ,„,.,. ... w , Or«« eaniiiis* •--\u25a0•\u25a0 J2.177.301 Ki;**^ ..T; L*>~.V.K> - IKKIM«8 1,22*.9»l ; ea^irs, . Bos..- $M3.T3^ F7i2.*31 S^r" 1 -. ! O-Jar lacme S^O BttfW Z_' ToUs \u25a0 #>s2h.or, J7l7>-:t £*••£„ Cfcirps, tax«*. «,-.... r.^oli 541.151 £214»» | fiu.>J«, «267.151 *17<J.7:i3 $4:M(.I!H j i:;outsv!L!-i: an: * t:-:nnii.lk. Xncti of October ! Brsr <crnir..-w ?lfi,f-47 $17,375 *;7-".< Qprctic;,*;.™.-.,- 7.7i-4 T.'.«Cl __^ I^f i Sta ««n!!r.c« fJ,OL3 =?!J- 4 : - *'-»,170 ] «4««b» .... n i 5"- tai . s m-..««> .—. Ju!t l{ot»c-.i,Vr 7.1— _"_„ ' "\u25a0'\u25a0« \u2666iradi-^ tiTi.'.nSf fr.7.7'>2 |«7.«n <»oaanr nmirm .i.(.:'.~l .',(1,412 •SeKWttiga 4 mw.. JIH.22H *24.:wl *20.« j COIXHAImi AND QfJT H_— V i:»»l, 2:m', ( "lnr.pf.- 1 JwtaMeJtta Kor«-lier.*l.sU7^H4 |1 17 .V.»(} Inc. f'.i.<;»» \u25a0 •ji« N.,v.nil--r .^;i.2.Vt 221',<)2S Inc. 4^.--'. r . ! aUSISTEB AKD KOnTUEASTJSKX, . «rwi ««rsinßs, Bentember, $_•'!,7ai.» 130.019 !'"\u25a0 *--.- s-* ! avriUM «ad taxes i 1 a 13.3a<» Inc. 1,377 | _**" ajaaka- f*,H*aiiWr. (11.M3 |1«,«24 ;•• \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 •"'-* y;i;«l cbirge, , W/jTyj B,_S7 Dae, -•<•*' Sorptst, S<?ptefi:ber \u0084 .--. ;.•! MM P s 84,4fi5 , '3r.*s enrninpa it m.-«iths.f2«;3.^s (2T.8.T58 l_o,#ll,l« Eipetire* and taiei \u0084 140.353 H-i,TI2 Me. 4,377 N«J -=mii!««.. It m00th».. .5125 640 tlo*!,<»4} in. Jir.- r Rlefl cbarge* . 61,454 &«5,317 Dec. X.feW , finrp'.ni. » montaa J««,064 $51,723 mc. {17,876 Ql'A_.7?:iiLV ttBPOKTS. 8~88— _ RAILROAD COMPANY, Quarter tciei 8?,.1. So— \u25a0*"*• «.*rmr^E .... \u0084.,.,- j«.-,.<#B »54 5*»4 Inc. »5,7»2 «%tnalt» « Iptll _ f! , m 42,100 C0,71S li_. 11,8h2 Mmsaaa_—| .~7i'i=.e« |23, m Deo. $2.73« w :nconai ..,...,,,,,,.. a,O 123 Inc. 68 ?'tt£l snt «_ ,, r $21164 J23.b41 Dec. $2,647 •»--<: d_i «o „„.„.„„„ i 5.750 li.ci* Inc. <** £•»*» t,V;,,Vri. 15.443 $c,617 Dec. $2,674 ?:} «Mm .:...;.. n&t \u25a0 fKfcana loss<leflcicoi-y.. f , 42,711 . r ; tjife^ BOUTHERN BOCI-B^'AED RAILBOAP, - tt rte ' ec4ed &ept. &>— t-;:r.)r <a»e_Ma ......... ;i,»10 6,466 Jnc. a6SJ - .^2 earaic^, ........... t7.1«52 $6.Si« Dec. $1,A36 - ««cn«fet« r 4 767 447& Inc. 2SS aferii_y"""f««tV; «2^>s «,?2v Dec. turn . \u25a0 > *_-1 l<~ H U |j| .. •ra dmbi ii wen 1:1; \u25a0_» —mi1. off at »*.\u25a0!, o .-. ;,i . «,, feJn * "»*-*• ."_.&;<; <&4S li.o. J6.«H \u25a0*3 ti___*"" - 'HWi lUr*_l Dec «_B waives SWA S .^J ln , : % 2 . to___;:-;:;-.-v.-- %SS * 4 - w * "* tt>s " 6t Vl4 luk defldeno..,. 101.33S i. __: AMiUIK JEXVISLKY. - 6 WYLFR. late with J. _. Guggenheim, diamonds. Jewelr> r . silverware and an- tlaue«. Old gold, silver and Jewelry bought or exchanged. « W. 2-Mii-at.. near sth-av». BOA— am> fl-OOMS. tan bt, 37 east.— Two handsomely fur- nished r >ms. with b^ord. en second flM.r;southern fxposine: en euite or singly; parlor dining rouin; central location; rcfer- erces. BT.TALBANS— BA \V. FOREST, PROP. 5. 7 I> Kaat 31st si.— l!"onn \u25a0»\u25a0\u25a0'•\u25a0 en suite; private baths; park.r .dining room: »lei:lrlc lltrht : t.Tblt- b^iard. \u25a0> BOARD AMI BOOMS— *\u25a0*__\u25a0____ PARK I sLOFE.I4t PBOrJPW T PLACE.— lM.gt and small rooms, (4 50 and upward. Including board: noiir trolley lines; new n.nr i-.-" \u25a0\u25a0'! !.\u25a0 bomrd BILLIARD AM) PQOLTAiBLES.:; BILLIARD and Pool Tables, new. second hand. $W) ud: ea»le»t payment*. MARX BROS.. 24 Union Snuar«. : CAlirBT CLRA.yiSO._ . JL ftflrV. \ ? -i^ Steam Carpet Cleaning. S.VJ Waal 54th-sL T»!eption» 86R Columbus. Relaying a ir*ei»lty. E^tshllnhrd 1875. _ W. WILLIAMS & SOW, «OW. 77TB3ST. SS-52 CARPET CLEANSING. Established 18T5. CAPE— CARPET CLEANING CO.- Carpet. cleared by him. by band or oa tb.iflocr !.BSX nroadway *2I E»rt *Bth- < f^Otl *\u25a0 PKANDT. Tf'. tg?-3»th desks AM) OFFICE s-pimiTi mm. R OtLTOP omcK ruKNiTUBr. In »r»at rarlof)' of style U : trie*. T. O. 6ELLEW. 11l Fulton St. I FI : RMSHEI> IW«M9TO LET. LEXINGTON-AVK.. 12f).—Large second floor front parlor and bedroom; hand- somely furnished and all conveniences, in- .-hiding bath. LOST. LOST. Bankbook No. 705.2f/>. Bank for Savings, 280 4th-ave., New-York. Pay- ment stopped. Please return book to bank. LOST. Bankbook No. 540.956. Hank for Savings. -"""0 \u0084'.-\u25a0. New-York. Pay- ment stopped. Please return book to bank. LOST.—Bankbook No. 835.610. Hank for Savings. 280 4th-ave.. New-York. Pay- rr.ent stopped. I'lease return book bank. I.ITKUAHY WORK I'LACEP. AUTHORS' MS3. REVISED CRITICISED. P__C_D an reasonable terras. Write , PRIZE STORIES under our direction. Book ! and Play MS.S. wanted. Send stamp for Booklet to HAWTHORNE AGENCY. 141 Broadway. Room »iis. Naw-York. MACBISERT, -^- ,-^-,. _ I AT REDUCED PRICES. 500 second-hand wood and iron working machines; fully ITJarantced; machinery bought and ex- changed. GF.O B. EDDY. ?."«\u25a0 Mai ft. m-.w i: aii CARDS. cai_;ndars fi >k advertising. Clrteunaa and New Tear cards fi-^in lc to 110' .it manufacturers' prices. JOSEPH Kf>FHLKJc. importer and manufacturer. 100 Park K.W. Nt-'x-Vork. ' Open evenings. JMM .\.M> «»K«;\>S. Kca«onabli rates. Rent s.llowed if pur- awaa—l V 7: f '~ r ß 23 L:,»t 14th Ft.. N. Bk:a. BARGAINS, uprights: fine makes: perfect | order $H»i upward, cash or Instalments; ] open evtnmes. WHITNEY. 12^ West | 1-^th-st. I'VltOCllArilY. ARTISTIC wood burning: Instructions; out- fits- wooden art., in blank. ROSE P)> ORATIONS \u25a0'\u25a0''. I*'-' West -- :1 st TREATMENT FOR at~_reamA~MML BY T. H. TB— MA. West 52d-st.; also r.alr and »calp treatment done. WATCHES OS INSTALMENTS. WEEKLY PAYMENTS. diamonds, watches. WATCH SUPPLY CO.. 3 Maiden Lane. Room 52. All goods guar- anteed. WATCHES FACTORY TO POCKET. FactorsTtSnTpSSket. (*9 UK. 20 year guarantee Ameri- | •^Sv can Watches advertised by de- i ff part—ent stores at $12.00, Fac- I if** U tory price 5f1.75. W. F. DOLL| VL"IJJ MFG. CO.. ITS Broadway, up- I X; _^ stairs. iFst. 1^6.) WASTED TO PURCHASE. BOOKS, libraries, small or larse; we call 1 at your residence. In or out of town, free. , 9 Q. RAINS CO.. Booksellers, Sfl» sth-ave.. cor. SBth St., -York. \u25a0_»-\u25a0 WAXTKD. " " ~" " Male. " ATTENTION!— Men. $\u25a0"» and fT takes you j t., nil i«rlrc(pal European ports. I^indon, ; Liverpool! OlaiWOW. Hull; blh.> frr*. | •«-«»• ; procured. Apply tit Shipping Ottlees. 5 '•Union at. or 73 West-st. ! MEN to England, (lermany; easy »york : free transportalon! return passage. HIKH j MASTER, !I5 1-t =\u25a0'\u25a0 | WfIKK WASTEIK \u25a0 "~~~——~-~~^ Female- VISITING T EACH KR-— Private lessons in BngHsn literature, rhetoric Krammar. mathemntica. by former high school I - ••*\u25a0 best city references. Miss NYK. Box tJ, Tribune Uptown Otli.-f. 1.242 Broadway. YOUNG LADT, proficient m dtenofrraphy and typewriting, for clerical work. B. 1,. M.. Tribune Otfice. WUKIv WA>TEP._ Male •SPECIAL. ItATE TO UNEMPLOYED. i 4 nurd.. :i time »•. ••\u25a0«\u25a0 7 time rate :t4) """ ACCOUNTANT and ror.fldemla! man weak) take an engagement with a first class house; no objections to KOinp .-*.u:li. Al- dreaa Q. H. M- Box 30. Tribune Qtiice. ! BOOKKKKPKK. competent and reliable, will be open for an engagement; many years of experience foundry and machine sh..p. Address H.. Box 21>. Tribune OfSce. UGOKKEEPER— Thoroughly experienced to examine and balance r.i'oks: very moderata charges; also competent German French Spanish translations. K. t.. »i^ Putnan'i-ave- Plalntield. N. J. j RAKBR.—First class foreman, on all kinds : American and Frew h bread a"' l ,.^ o "*; ' satisfactory reference. ROBERT SHTTERS, : I."ltt3d-ave. ;j CCI>I-EGH STUDENT.— Visitins; school lessona elementary French, German or any other afternocn or evenins^work; mjl- terete. Address M, Bo? 70. Tribune Lp- town i>tTi.<-. 1.24$ Broadway. CERTIFIED ACCOUNTANTS assistant. 3S: \u25a0nt class references; moderate terms. Ad- dress C A., Baa *', Trlbun* ITptowa Ofti'.e, 1.242 Broadway. i DRAPGHTSatA IC— ' 2>. tech. graduate only. would like pr« a] ex- perience, anywhere. NELSON, 23<> B»* l(>»th-st. | _ I GOOD editorial and special writer desires j engagement. 8.. __ -"•\u25a0 Tribune Office. I NIGHT WATCHMAN would like three or four furnaces to attend; can be _\u25a0 at employers stable. I. >".. 13H K>-t £>th-st. PORTER or BEIX MAN.—By a colored man. t" ERNEST ' —ITCH S3 Waal «2d-st. PRIVATE BECRETAKT or confidential clerk; best Wai] Street references stenog- rapher and typewriter. J. 1.. 2I»J Weal i H2d-St. _^_^___ PRINTER. Jobber and stone hand; expe- rienced r.n all around work; can read proof; sober and reliable. Address T. X.. Box 43. Tribune Office. FOOTER, PACKER. SHIPPING CLERK. Good marker; beat references. JACOB SCHULTHEIS. &)" sth-st. PORTER and useful around place, by col- ored man. 25. in store; reference. Address JOHN LR.\, -41 West 53d «at. - STENOGRAPHER and TYPEWRITER.— By competent beginner. K. STUHRiIAN. j538 East 13th-st. I STENOGTtAPHER. typewriter and office ) assistant; good penman; neat and accu- ! rate. FASH. 443 Weft 31st-st. ' STENOGRAPHER and TYPEWRITER.— At home or out; three years' experience; Remington; accurate work guaranteed: terms reasonable. Address BENJAMIN,\u25a0 | 95.1 Jackson-aye. I ' SALESMAN, thoroughly posted on hard- ware, machinery, tools, pumps, valves, plumbing. machinists', carpenters' and builders' supplies. desires position Inside or on the road; thoroUßhly acquainted with Eastern. Western and Southwestern terri- i tory. H. C. BARRON, 84 Cllnton-st., Newark. .v. J. 1 TRAMSPLARTUM OF LARGO TREES, by experlonced laajdaeaaaj gardener. M. \u25a0 Git At', Weal Clmataa, New-York City, or ' Ilox 142. Station E. Cleveland. Ohio. j ; _ WANTED, Agency for m«rltorlou» patent article; city or State. T. BOERNUR, 12 | Jay st. YUI'NO MAN, 24. wishes ch«nir» where there are some prospects; t>ookk»«vln(. Rolesman. anything: hard, willing, oon- sclentkHM worker ii.. 1.10-1 Putnan>-ave.. Brooklyn. YOUNG MAN. 13. competent, reliable, as packer, marker or ahlj>|>" . '* alaa famll- lnr with teas unt eolfee'l icxxl rrfprruces. WILLIAM Ml'Hl'HY. 2.t>71 7th-«v». YOt'NG MAN. at anythtn;;: handy wlta tools: or Janitor tow thn-e or four houses; bo children. HERMAN' OROaOTUCX, -'« Knot l»'-J.l-»t. V'l'N'i MAN. American, neat app*aranct\ sobrr, hoaeal paid wtllinij. at anything. i WILLIAM MiIiHVAN, 4XT Waal HI .-t. IOUNO MAN -- Intelligent, vrlth b«»t ' reference, Jsatrsa position at any kind. Addreaa M.'. Ux 7. 153 flth-ave. YOL'NG MAN, with mechanical naturo. a* useful man or anything; good r«f«r»iwe». H i^., earn of Par3OJ>». 143 t-a»-t 3t'»i «t I MESTJCSITIIATIOXS^WAVrED. ""*" \u25a0_•*, BUTLEH, FOOTMAN or I*?BFCU MAN In private family by young man <22>, Oil- man, references. G. {COMMENT, lyd Flr»t- M., Jersey City. \u25a0 BUTLEH-— 3y , ,•<. \u25a0...: \u25a0.- oulored pun, [a , private family; beat «Sty r___io«» ; LYNCK. 14-. West _tii-»» : j BITTLKJa—LADY I d~MAID It Gh7\M_Kß MAID. By awi»s Fr#nch J>r-»;=»tAnt c«upte; eauxtpalasis »sg*s mojeratai good references. -> - West 31st-st., car« fct Jan- ; KaaN '\u25a0 Bt-TLER.— class; Ipwi&s; 4:r.g'», ro objection to furuacas; willing;wT»un aja personal city r_ar-«iaoi*. Address Bl_-xMi. '£16 Wcfet aath-st. j COOK.— By J*pa»e*«; #parUß«ots; S«tW-- man or sm»n ÜBBfly-. N. MAiol. S3* Air sier.iam-a^<- | fsiicesi country [irel^rfeJ- J iv.. »• ">" j il?___ _^ : LVi.\CHiIAN.— English: s.aS"- be« Igf" 1 '^.t;. t ; KNiGHT U»'>«> Postoteca. •?.. J. hnACHMAK. USEFUL, : UA>f.— By 6<«si«; ilu«le. ur.<JerswnJ* IWM «<*_**• \u25a0__ rlMßss: V»esi ia«'rial)s J. E. L. Hi aa-.-^e-. i COACHMAN' and liAitt-_M_B .—_H_rii« a^«a single; thoroughly eotup«tent and trustwirtty. \u2666> years: first cJass r»f«r_wai frl"u. laaS place. TBDWAKD GLiyBB.- K.*t- offlce. Orange, J». J. \ IF WiH WAB9T WE IST nSHiD \u25a0 OF HHEL!? LIDIIK MM * .financial. i ».— - , ...~—-.-i \u25a0 \u25a0 ~ S WASHINGTON TRACTION AND ELECTRIC COMPANY. r Notice Is hereby given that a payment of $11.00 on each j certificate representing Sl.«X> of deposited bonds of the ; Washington Traction & Electric Company will be made on December 2d, 1901. upon prenentatton of the said cer- ' tUtoates at the offW of the United States Mortgage & I Trui>t <:otnpany, 5.» CVdar Street. New Toak City, for th» , em kmemeai th»reon of eald payment. The amount so paid being Interest at the rat» of 4% P*?r annum for the [ six months ending November 30thi llxjl,upon the par of i the new bonds to l«; Issued under the plan prepared by : the IJeorsanliatlon Committee. j It. M. 1(1 HI). Srcretnry ll rorKnnlzatlon Committee. i \u25a0 : rrrr (Lrnst <Jlom|jamcs. ~IMETROPOLiTAN~ TRUST COMPANY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. :t7 and ;>l> Wnll St. «'ii]ilti«l *1,<>00,0<)0 Surplus and profits * I ,->:•.'.. "<«• BKATTON IVES. President. ; FREDERICK D. TAPPBN, V.-Pres. \u25a0 BEVERLY CHEW, Second Vioe President. ; ALEXANDER S. WEBB, J!!.. Secretary. ISBRTRAM CRCGER. Asst. Sec. j TRUSTEES. I Heater H. Ilinbon, Richard Mortimer, \\ ill in>\u25a0> 1.. Hull. Dudley Oli-ott. ' .\llitTt ('. ' iINC, .101 l n I;, I'nrNiinn, Hale; Klake, Henry <- . I'lTkinn. - Robert Hoe, Norman 11. Ream. ! Unit ton lies, .1- Kiltvuril Sliiimonß. I Morris K. Jcxnp, lr.-«lk 11. 'l'ii|>|><-ii. J..U\:.ril B. .limlmoii. John T. Terry, Hrjnll«-> .Martin, .SiimiM-l Tlioiiiun, P. O. Mills, M ill. 11. t illliuilni«t. Geo, Henry Unrpfii. REAL ESFATETfIUSr 01 OF NEW YORK, NO. 30 NASSAU STREET. CAPITAL. SURPLUS AND UNDIVIOcJ PROFITS. $1,000,000. DESIGNATED LEGAL, DEPOSITORY. AllotvH Interest on deitottltit. Acts v - Executor. Trustee, Itfeintrur, Ac. HENRY C SWORDS, President. H. H. Cammann. V. Pre* H. W. Relghley. Sec. Cankers and Brokers. R. L DAY & CO. 3 NASSAU ST., NEW YORK. 40 WATER ST., BOSTON. Members N. V. and Boston Stock Exchange*. Bank & Trust Co. Stocks DEALT IN. CImIY&TOTS GILBERT WALL ST. JDauks. CHARTERED 1790. Bank cfthe Manhattan Co. in WALL STREET. Capita!, $2,050,000. Surplus, $2,050,000. Stephen 'Baker, Tres. Henry K. McHdrg. Vicc-Tres. C T>. H. c Pterscn. Cashier. W. E. Trotter, Asst. Cjtsh. DIRECTORS. James Talcott, Stephen Baker, M. C. I), Borden, Hugh D. Ain:hlnclons, John P. Kennedy, Frederick ''.. Bonnie, Henry K. Mcliarg, H. \V. I'Htorpon. John Sloane, Samuel Sloan. Dioi&cn& Polices. Common Stock Dividend. COXTIXEXTAI. TOBACCO COMPANY. New v -I- November Sth, 1901. Dividend of TWO (2] fKIt ••fciNT. has this (Say b»«n i!e- \u25a0 r!ar-l on :ho Common Stock of this Company, payable at i Office* Manhattan Trust Co., 20 Wall Street, on Jan. 27. | "i:«C. to storkhjltiiTS of record Rt close of hu»lr.er« Jan- '\u25a0 nary 15. 1902. Books close Jan. 15. lt«'2. mm Jan. 29, IJW2. 11. D, KINOSQimT, Treasurer. Preferred Stock Dividend. CO.\TI.\RXTAIi TOIIACCO COMPA.VT, Sen York. Noveml>er 2Uth. 1001. Dividend of ONB AND TIfRBK-CJL'ARTHiS >\%\ PEn CENT, has this <J*y been declared on the Vr*ferreJ Stock of this C'"'mpar.y. payable at offices Manhattan Trust Co., 2<"t Wall Street, en Jan. 2-1, 1(X)2. to erockholders of record at c!os<> of business Pec 14th. Bonks close Dec. 14th, 1001. or>'-n Jan. Bd, U«»2. H. D. KINGSBURY, Treasurer. CITY & SUBURBAN HOMES CO. 2 - 1 Fourth Aver.v*. New York, Nov. 20, 1001. At a meeting of the Heard of Directors held this Any, a dividend of TWO I'Bll CBKT., payable out tit the net earnings for the SIX MONTHS ending October 81, 1901, was declared en the capital Stack Indued Cf this company I and ordered paid on December 3 to stockholders of record i on December 1. ISOI, CHARLES STKWAKT SMITH, Treasurer. CENTRAL OF GEDROIA RAILWAY CO. COL'PONS DtIK DIDC. 1, IUOI. i'\ THE 4'hllltiiiiouKU Illvlnlon Ilomls mill Uronea I I»i••l •• i> Hiiiiiln cf '.':.:." Company willbe |i:>l<S on and BftirDec l>*t nt the ulllio>>f tlin Guaranty Trust •'•!!.; .-, Ci <. lor Street, T. M. I'i'X.MN'iMAM, Treaaarer. Tlio llik-Uliiu' \ull«-y Ilulltvn> Company. ColumbuV (Kilo, November -i. r."»l. rpHB Company him this day declared, from its hurplus rift t-:iri:i;iij« applicable for such purpose, it unii'iiil dlvldmid of One ami one-hulf per cunt, on liH <omni.li utook. pnyttltlr January IMb, lwia at the office of MessrM, J. I*. Morgan * Company, 33 Wall .Street, New V'.rli to ih" oommun stockholders of record «t the ,'.;.,.. at bu'slßaaa DtctmbW BTth, UMM. Tim ooromon stock transfer books will '\u25a0!\u25a0•>»* m the offlc* of J P, Morgan & Company «t threti o'clock I. M., I'rlday December 2Tth. IMt, and will reopen at ten o'clock A -M. on Monday, ,luini«ry 20th, VJtXi, ociocK a. iH, v COTT, Trea.urer. Tin- iioi-uiiiuir Vbllf> Hallway foraiinny. CKluinbUe. Obto, November SI, l'»»l. A SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND of Two per •* ,i i;' out of BHi-jiliis tut fcarnlneß Man this diiy been dMlarad on the pr«**rr»d stock i.f the Company, payable lanuary lMh, I«W, !•> M<"^h(.llerij of record a: the ci.se at buafneae DteatnW STtli, i.«H, The i.referied i-.;...:!. (ranafe* books will close at the office ul ,1 r, Morgan £. Company a Wall Btreet, New York «i U'.. o'clock P, X. Friday. embei JJ7th, iot't. tndwii] reopen at tan .•\u25a0- !• --i. A, M, on Monday, January "rtih liHiS lA ' "• L'OTT, Troamirer. lowa (fiuml Hailway ron»i»niij- t . ( toUFONS due December Ist, 1001, from Mret Monsage 5 r^-i= cent, Bonds of this Company, will be paid after that date upon -presentation at the office of the •JVrrantlla Trust Oompanj. 120 Broaway, New York. ..lercantue Jrubi wo GKORGE H. MORS fc. Treasurer THK Mit GRANDE ,11' M TIOX RAILWAY CO. pOUrON NO. 24, due December let, 1001, of this Company's P.rst Mortgage Bf,n>.B, will be paid' after that date at the nrticts of the irir.anclal Agents. MUTLAXD. COPi'EIX & COT. &t Exchange i'lace. New-Yoil-. Nbven-.oer iitlh, 1001. mil in a: St, LaaiH Railroad Co. po 'maturing becember Ist, lUOI, r'rom \u25a0rkETBOIT SOUTHERN RAILROAD CO.- *- Coupon No. 1, dv* Dec«naii«r M, 1801, from nelroU j =outVern tiiLi'Toud first mortis** ir« sold bauds, will be paM os\nd I att'r $3 Satft by the Colonial Trust Com- ! pany. 222 Broadway Netv \^ru. SYKAtU'SB UfiHTIM POMPAHY, f '\u25a0PUB COUPONS of Hie Syracuse Ughtfng Co., j -*\u25a0 duo Dcct.Tilwr Ist i;«'i. aval] be paid -a presentation on anS af'cr ItoembeV 2d.fal the Office p? HEDiIONn, :.,- i.R CO : . « Wall St.. N.u Vurk City. > General Chemical C •iiii|»«ii> . No. 25 Broad St.. New York. Nov. 21st. tan. \u25a0 rpHK usual quarterly dividend of One ler ' Cent., being Dividend No. S. will be paid Otc^Sii ;\u25a0..,!. to common stockholdirs pf record at 3 P. M Nov. hi Common stock transfer books will be closed from Nov. 83d to Dec. 3d. Bg fc MORQASi Tyea^^r. LOANS O.V .Xl UM'l'l MB. iwSillii mm mmn on bouiK-luild furniture, plaiioa, Upraw; rn- oeipta «\u25a0'!•., In urn wlih.mt removal I privato offices; strictly confidential. IJ. >V.\l. CKKDIT ASSN. 277 Broadway, He... in ll>s. Urnnfli. I'Kt v. -i iii'^j^ I)Iti:SiSMAIVI>U. ji —A.. A. Seal Karmenta and other Jlna fur» repaired, redyrd and remodelled Into latent Btyl<-» at exceptionally low price*- I.adlr* waited on at their reHidence-. Mr«. t, J. BARKER, llfl Waal S'.lth-nt., late with C. Q. Gunther'e Hoim. flth-ave. A —A.—KIKST CLASS DRESSMAKER! ellent (liter snd desiauer of ladles \u0084«nH. fancy W»1M«. e*o ; workmanship giarante«>d! remoOfilllng, Mint.. WILSON, 10 Weal li,',th-st. i.lti>HMAWi:i( Colored woman; good; t«U« work home or out by day or w*ek: refers.;.., Address K. M.. 48 Columbus- avti., store. TmKHSMAKKIt. Experienced, styllahi tc'K^s work home or by day; skirls, walßtbi Bleu alterations, remodelHng mlssea (.n.l chlliiren'u dreaeea. Mrs. HOOD, ISO Weal lOlst-St, '•'I us. Sealskin a*rmenta made over, re- paired, redy«d, alterert and r.ti lellod into latest styles; finest work) estimates Kiveiij home preferred. GREIO, 131 West 21M-st. SUITS of vow own material, (12 up: sKlrti $3 up: also repairing, alterlnit, cleaning r.d dyeing; »klrt« rebound \u25a0*• cents: high- est grade work Kuar&ateed. HARItIS. 5S j ! West JSlh-st. HEAI^KIN QARMSNTS Maiodellad, re- dyed, male over into unable capes, collarettes and jackets; sleeves altered, collars reshaped; home or day. GREIO, 131 Weft SSd-si WE TEACH cutting. titiii», maWlnj? sti finUhins of corsets, drtsses and millinery: lit money In It: patterns cut. Apply j .V 1•'>\\'K!.T."s an^ai* ft»h_av» «—i— \u25a0 \u25a0 DETECTIVE AGK.NCiES, METROPOLITAN OBTECTIVE A'.ENCT. MS BROADWAY. FIJRSELHGAVI'LV jJE-MOPELLED REAL nesp c«al jackets to order 125. Also, Persian lamb garments trimmed, $85. : P. HIKSHI'! Furrier. 20 K-ttt litl. St. j £MPLOYMEST AGENCIES. KMPIX)raiENT HIRF.At-. 211 Kast 42d-st. Kirst dan domestics ore , supplied. FOX >ALli. TWO SEALSKIN SACKS, BtaHS 33 and 4*: new price* very reasonable. MAX BERNSTEIN. 271 West lZß'h-«t. TRERB6HT Oi WORK XVA ATED. ' Kcaiale. SPECIAL BATK Til DNEMPLOYRD, •M word-, « ti«e cent. - time rate. »" c(l1 " X YOUNG LADY, educated, renned. expe- rienced silver*nr*, Jew^T. t»y»' ' ™«"°« department o. general office work, three years' reference. Miss J. Bl TLLR, 151 Kail 2»th-st. ; __ < COMPANION, nursery governess, mother's helper or caretaker in Institution by edu- cated lady understanding music: best ref- erences Address ST. JOHN. ilh Classon- j aye., Brooklyn. _^__^ COMPANION' and assist with light house- work by young America:* woman; ny» years' "refcret.ee ; no cbjectiau to country. LEafKOW r»'"U f v-:>.. i^in-ft. COMPANION or CHAPERON". experi- enced woman; a good reader; \u25a0 me ex- perience as secretary ; accustom. „-v bust- r.ess and travel; highest city .eference*. ! Address W. W . 3' b 2J-av«. _^^j llvpY would like to take w»« or two chil- dren to board frcm 3 year, up: would have m.th,,-.- care. Addre*» C. ft.. Box St. Sanuet. H ..^.L-nJ Co.. >\u25a0; Y. STKNOGRAjniBau— «xp«r»enc«d -youns lady: h" 3 *'*' 11 '' 1 n tlerlcal work. B. V- w., Tttpttaa ptilca. . BTSKOGRAVHKB aa4 TVr'KWKITKii Several aon:Us' e'xuerlsass: t; u.i! speed; salary to Hart. $6; re"ferecce furcl&hed. RITA, "> 10a.-'. H|tt;->'r. VISITING GOVBRNHSS ': experienced North German lady: has mornlns_aisen- guß*J; English, permaa. fansiaa French (flSrnn*: good music: Weiiest references. , i ilUs MKHKBU 23 Eatt 651h-.t. -1/ . c o/ WATER AM» I I*. HI BO.\DB ."> "2 tO O/0 anil dividend pii}liiß stock* m. \u25a0 iicclaltr- lliitlit'fct bunk rercT*ncc». Send for list. HUHT. B. tiTKAHOnB. fpokaae, Walk. THE BALTinORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY. GENERAL OFFICE. Baltimore. Me.. November 25th. 1001. To holders of The Baltimore and Ohio Rail- road Company's Four Her Cent. Ten Yea( Gold Convertible Debentures: Tii* privilege is gt»tn to holders of th« above bond* to convert the same Into th* Common Stock of the Com- r»r,y without further notice, upon surrender at such Detenu:; cc, with all unmatured Interest coupons attached, at the eflice of the C mpatig No. 3 Wall Street; New Yo:k :;y. t;r at its agency In Loadoo, Messrs. Bpoyoi Brothers. N. . 7 1 •***?, H. r. co or before 12 o'clock nooa, Kovembit :<oth U»O1. at which hour this patsaaaaß will cease. Holders ii i\.::i::.'2» Stock tuned for such l>cicatures will participate In *• privilege of BUliscrililas: i" the Issue \u25a0\u25a0{ Common Btaak covered by this Compusy's cir- cular of this date. J- V. M-XEAU Treasurer. THE BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY. <;i:m:u OFFICE^ BALTIMORE. 11 D.. November £.•>, 1001. To the Stockholders of The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company: Pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Directors adopted November 14th, th» privilege la Riven to the holders of the Capital Stock of the Company, Common and Preferred, and to the holders of Voting Trust Cer- tificates therefor, to subscribe at par. between December 24 and 31, i:«l, inclusive, on which latter date thin privilege will cease, for Common Capital Stock to the amount of 20 per cent, of their respective holdmaja as they stand registered on the bo.-.ks of the Company and the books of the Voting Trustees at 3 1". M. on December 10, UDL The terms of Bach subscription am a* follows: Subscriptions are to be made, allotted and paid for ct par. fl(«) per share. Subscriptions in to be made, and the first Instalment thereon «.f V, ;.<-r cent., or ?1.-> per share, paid at the time of r«-s!st<ring FUeh subscription.", between 10 o'clock A. M..' ember -i. and 3 o'clock I. M.. I » ember SI, l>tl. The rig-fat to nul)K<-ril>i-i'lukpn nt \u25a0 I. M.. December SI, i:m»i. Eighty-five par cent., or fs.'i per share, to be jaM on or bet re January -7, 1902. Warrants Ear the right to subscribe will be mailed to Stockholders or holders of Voting Trust Certificates to the reaaca at which they have directed their dividends to be paid; and, where such dividends are collected by bankers', brokers, or others on powers of attorney or otherwise, they will be sent to such bankers, brokers, or others receiving such dividends, unless other Instruction* are received from such stockholders prior to December 15. 1&01. Warrants to subscribe not provided for os above can be obtained st the office of the Company. No. 2 Wall Street. New York City, not later thnn December 31, lUOI. Warrants to subscribe may be transferred in whole or in part at the office of the Company. No. 2 Wall Street. New fork City, where transfer books for That purpose will be kept; but warrants for whole shares will net be Slrfolble Into those for fractions of a share. A holder of a warrant for a fraction of a share bearing the proper indorsement of Ihe payment of the first Instal- ment of fiftef-n per cent, can either purchase from another stockholder or through \u25a0 broker the necessary fractional warrants to make up a full sham, and transfers of war- rants for laid fractions of a are will be made, \«» l»»<--i|>i lon or ii -~ii; i> ]•\u25a0 •• i i of tli«* privilege to Milin-rllir will In- r«-?Minnl*<-<l liailc— made on the wit run n r inheel It)' I lir- Company. rjt'Ti the paj—teat of the.laht Innlnlment of eighty per :.-!:t.. or fBS per (bare, provided for aa uhiva, to be made on or before January 27, IMS, certificates •' (took •jf the Company for lih Common (.'uitltul Hark, t'» The amount of una slum- of suck stack Cor each "n.. nun-IK-1 dollars (flOO) Of full-paid warrnntH surrendered .-.i lt.« office, No. 2 Wall Street. Hew forte City, or to Ita agents. Mcaara. Bpayar Hrntherti, No. 7 Lothbury. E. C, 1. \u25a0::-.. n. England, will 1- loaned. Pi oil ecr- liil<-ltl<-M ii ill curry (Ii» current dividend. No certificate of stock for ii fraction lit \u25a0 shave will be Ji^euMi, but tar eueli fraction* of. it snare bob 41 vldend : trUoipa—ng a__ i serifi t<» bearer will bo United for the air.aint j.aifl »\u25a0_a*. cenverrfiiila int<» suj It when ;•!\u25a0«• iirtj;<-d is I tho Cumiuiny'as olriue, Wo, C Wall OCltat, New Yi»rk «"ity. In unuHinta of one hundred Hollars ($100) or multiples thereof, Hui.ji rii)ll<fiß may ba Bw4a and (ha Oral Instalment of (15 p*» bimru oali at either tlio office of ihv Company, No. 2 Wall Street. New York City, or t.j it* agents, Messrs, Kj>eyer Brothers' Ho, 7 Lastfebu— % H. •'\u0084 London, Bog—— d. lit case 11.6 MMBd instalment of eighty f.«-F cent., of IK per thsrc. t.e nM paid «r« of before January BT, tM| at either the office of the Company, No, 3 Wall gtrtet. New iork City, or lU agency, Messrs, fipeyer Brothers, No. 7 l_thbury, E. C. I»nden. ErnfUnd, the IUHMIII are to be of no value and void, and the original payment of fifteen per cent., .»r $15 per Share, paid thereon is to be forfeited. i. V. McNEAL., Treasurer, NEW- YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30. 1901. .financial 15

New York Tribune (New York, NY) 1901-11-30 [p 15 ......Vice Pros. * Trr-i-. (Topartucrslup Notices. "^OTICE~ Is hereby piven that the partnership lately subsisting between Harlan P

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    ! half per cent (1H willbe paid on the PreferredBtoek of this Company in New Y>>rk City, on Thursday,

    !January 2d. IHI2.COMMON STOCK DIVIDEND NO. 8.

    A semi-annual dividend of two per cent, and extradividend of onp per cent '1 TO will be paid on the Com-mon Stock of this Company InNew York City on Thurs-day. January 2d. IP> at 117 E. Sad-si. Two pup: is received la family.

    iUusical Jnsirnctiou

    V—N V CONSERVATORY.112 MI*thSt.. The FIRST MUSIC SCHOOL m th^ Country.

    I>AV°" 140>


    FERNANDOS Danclnx Classes:also private lessons

    hour; children and aiuita; termsmoderate, lit West

    42d-6t. \u25a0 ,——

    X/'NICKERBOCKER School for Dancing. 4» E. Ms*St.

    X —rtiaas: firstclass reference, Call or address _L>V\A_X>.217 East .-.\u25a0;(. st


    Thoroughly understands carehorses, harness and carriages; willing:

    city or country: best references; last em-ployer can be seen. \u25a0\u25a0__, tillM-ave.COACHMAN.—Married; first \u25a0— city ret-

    erer.ee written or personal; present em-ployer can be seen. Address COACHMAN.241 Wav»-rly-ave. Brooklyn.

    COACHMAN.—alt 11sail. 30: first class cityreferences, written and personal: first

    class driven strictly femperatt: height 5 ft-8 in. M. GRANT, 1.-tiu 3d~av*.. between77th and 78th ats.

    !FOOTMAN or HOUSEMAN.—By young,~w.-!-; first class reference. Apply frU>

    IClh-ave.. an of Meyers.

    GARDENER.— By single man. 30; flirtclass references. GARDUNKR. care of

    Parsons. 145 IXist SOh-sC

    GROOM.—»•••.- youns Scotchman. lately

    landed, in private family; strictly sober.1 h(tn»-st and very rbliginsr; city or town pre-!ferred. Dt'MS-ITH. 21»$ East 73d-st.I|GROOM. in private family: good refer-3 prices' last employer c«-n be seen. F.. OLIVER, care of Mrs. French. 72» 3d-ave.INURSE.

    —By N-.rth German: attend to In-

    valid gentleman; gives massage, patients"residences; (rod oarber: or as companiontravelling with insane pat:ent3. MINKUS,MB Kast *4th-st.USEFUL, MAN—HOUSEWORK.— By mar-

    ried coaple; man understands care horses,cow?. L'.1:.:- riiii.-. farming; mile \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0

    I'SEKUL. MAX.—

    l:-. colored man. 23 re-tired and experienced, in private family

    or as a hous n f.r o^untry: go Weal llth-st.


    Engagement is desire.!with aped per— or others who desire

    their home vail managed, by a reliable per-son; references first class. Address MissC. New-Brighton. Staten Island.

    HOUSEKEHPFH.— By widow: experienced:t has small child. Callor address 260 Reid-«ve.;BOT_Bl_—_~]R.

    —r.y neat working, capa-

    ble woman: care of gentleman's home;nice cocking ifriquired: wages 5-" 'i L,53. ••\u25a0 -aTe.

    , HOUSEWORK.— Rr North of Ireland cook.i laundress: : i-•«.i-•«. soopa, baker or g»nera!. kaeaw—saMr; also rharobe— waitr»'!«'