1 1 I I HBMMWte IV LX)BBS FERRY REGISTER Telephone 3-0124 FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1952 Margaret E. Cruslus. M. D., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Crusius of Bellewood Avenue, Dobbs Ferry, has opened offices at 65 Main Street, Dobbs Ferry, for. the practice of pediatrics and will treat'patients up to twelve years of age. She served her interneship at the Metropolitan Hospital at Welfare Island and was assistant resident and resi- dent pediatrician before opening offices in Dobbs Ferry . Led by the two-hit- pitching of Anthony Tisi, the Dobbs Ferry Rotary team copped its second successive championship last Fri- day night when it defeated the Hastings Indians by a score of 4-0 at the Graham Field. A delegation of the American Legion, Dobbs Ferry Post 1048, headed by Commander John Eugene Baker, is attending the national convention of the Ameri- can Legion at Madison Square Garden, New York. With Com- mander Baker is James J. Mur- phy, John F. Walsh, Raymond Monahan, Myles W. Read, Her- bert J. Springsteel, John Mc- Cabe, F. Clare Bohlig and sev- eral other members of the local Legion. Over 500 parishioners and resi- dents of Dobbs Ferry attended the first annual community out- ing and picnic sponsored by the Holy Name Society of Our Lady of Pompeii Church. The Rev. Anthony Cirami, who left his post* as assistant pastor at the Pompeii Church to before Prior of two churches and four chapels in V^neland, N. J., was guest of honor. He was presented with a gift and a purse by the Rev. Aurelio Marlni, pastor of Pom- peii Church, in a short address. Miss Charlotte Huess, Guid- ance Counselor at the Dobbs Ferry High School, who had been spending part of the Summer at her home in Katonah, will re- turn this weekend from a motor p through the Western Sta Mary Ann and Virginia Crotty, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. David Crotty of Maple Street, have re- turned from a visit with their uncle, Mr. Arthur Hauptman of Stormsvllle, N. Y. Mrs. John Fitzgerald and two children, Barbara and Jack of River Glen Apartments, are spending two weeks at Lake Champoain, Illinois. Mr. Fitz- gerald wil join them over Labor (Day. Miss Marguerite DeLuca, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Moses DeLuca of Cedar Street, was guest of honor recently at a per- sonal shower given by Mrs. Jos- eph Reich of Yonkers and Mrs Patrick DeLuca of Dobbs Ferry The party was held at Dick's Cabin and was attended by 16 guests. Miss DeLuca will leave on Tuesday for San Diego, Calif., where she will become the bride Of Mr. C. Lee Shipherd, son of Mrs. C. O. Shipherd of Bedford, Ohio and the late Mr. Shipherd, the latter part of September. She will visit her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lehb of San Digeo, until her marriage. Hies Jo Ann Roraback, daugh- ter ot Mr. and Mrs. Emory Roraback of Shady Lane, will return home this weekend from Kennebuc Beach, Maine, where she has been spending the Sum- mer. She will leave in September to return to Pennsylvania State College where she will enter her senior year. Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Ravekes of Palisade Street, are home from Canada where they at- tended the Royal Arcanum con- vention in Ottawa. Mr*. Paul Chave of Main street has returned to her posi- tion In the office of the Dobbs Ferry Hospital after a week's vacation. Mr*. M. F. Berthelson and daughter and son-in-law, Mr. denta of Ardsley, have purchased and Mr». F. Norrls, former resi- a farm In Vermont and will make their home permanently there. Anthony Tarrlcone of Main Street, competed to leave the strike-bound steamer "America" on Friday night, left by plane on Saturday afternoon for Italy where he will vlait with rela- tives for two months. He will spend some time in Rome during his visit abroad. Charlotte Foulk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs., F. B. Foulk of Sherman Avenue, will enter Marymount College In Tarrytown in September and will major In English. Miss Foulk, who gradu- ated in the June senior class at the Dobbs Ferry High School, was awarded two scholarships at graduation, one , to Manhat- tanville College and one to Mary- mount College In Tarrytown. Her brother, Richard, is a student at the University of New Mexico, where he is majoring in govern- ment administration. Robert Heideman of White Plains, former science teacher in the Dobbs Ferry High School, has recently accepted a position as elementary school principal of the Locust GroVe Public School in Oyster Bay, L. I. During his connection with the Dobbs Ferry High School, Mr. Heideman de- veloped and sponsored the Peri- auger, school yearbook which won a prize in the Columbia Tress competition. James Robert McCoy, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McCoy of Sherman Avenue, will enter Man- hattan College in September. Miss Winifred Delmerico, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Delmerico of Ashford Avenue, is returning home for a visit with her parents after playing the Summer season at Geneva on the Lake, Ohio, with the Freddie Schaeffer Band. Miss Delmerico plays the trumpet and has been soloist with a number of radio orchestras. Mrs. William Hoy Kelly of Rosalind Gardens will return home next week from Sharon, Conn., where she has been spend- ing the Summer months. Mr. and Mrs. William Maguire of Maple Street have returned home after a week's wedding trip to the Poconos, Pennsyl- vania. Mrs. Maguire is the for- mer Sophia Theresa Felushko of New York and the couple were married on Sunday, Aug. 17. gUJAr. and Mrs. Sherman H. Raveson of Burnside Drive, H&s- tings-on-Hudson, have returned home from a ten-day stay at Virginia Beach. Miss Alice Bunting of Lefurgy Avenue, who has been spending the last two months at Hebron, Mrs. Joseph Carfi ot Storm Street, Tarrytown. The Beloine* are former residents of Dobbs Ferry. Mr. Kalbfeld of Hatch Terrace recently lost $100 during the height of a heavy rainstorm. Ac- cording to police, Mr. Kalbfeld, an insurance man, lost his wal- let as he stepped from an auto in front of his home. It was raining at the. time, when he discovered his loss. He rechecked his steps out to the road and found that the rain had in- creased. Not finding the -wallet, he checked the gutters and found some of the money. Later with the assistance of police, more of the money was found in the catch basin between High Street and Station Plaza and still more was found on the shore of the river. There was $240 in the wallet and the bills recov- ered added up to $148. Ten Years Ago Midshipman John T. McCor- mlck, Jr., son of Judge and Mrs. John T. McCormlck of Mohigan Park, has graduated from the U. S. Merchant Marine Academy at Great Neck, L. I., after. Com- pleting an eight-week prelimin- ary course and is now awaiting call to active sea duty. Previous to entering the Merchant Mar- ines, Midshipman McCormlck at- tended Catholic University; Private David Rome, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lyford Rome of Draper Lane, left on Tuesday to return to Camp Meade, Md., after spending a four-day furlough at home. Ralph M. Weinmann, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Weinmann, of Beacon Hill Drive, has been ad- mitted to Bucknell University as a member of the freshman class. Weinmann, who graduated from Upper Canada College in June, plans to enroll in the Commerce and Finance Course. While in the Upper Canada College, he par- ticipated in many of the school's activities. He is' one of approxi- mately 400 students who will re- port v at Bucknell on Wednesday, Sept 23. The wedding of Miss Elizabeth Berg Graham of, Scarsdale to Theodore Carnegie Ewen of Has- tings will be held on Sept. 5 at the Dobbs Ferry Presbyterian Church, it was announced by the prospective bride's parents yesterday. Miss Graham is a graduate of the Connecticut State College and majored in psychol- ogy. Mr. Ewen, the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Carnegie Ewen is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Twelve-year-old Betty Quick captured three prizes at a pet show sponsored by the Dobbs Ferry Recreation Commission lust Tuesday afternoon at Me- morial Park. Betty received the prizes for submitting the small- est, the . cutest and the funniest entries in the contest. The awards were given for the teddy bear, the lamb and a dumbo- elephant. Postmaster Bart F. Mannion| A - C. Ewen of Ardsley Park. He was selected by the nominating j *s now engaged in a war produc-' committee of the Dobbs Ferry tlon industry in Connecticut. The Post 1048 of the American Legion to serve as commander during the activity year starting November. Mr. Mannion, who was first vice-commander of the post for the past year, served as a second lieutenant in the Infantry during World War I and has been a member of vari- ous American Legion posts for the past 22 years. He joined the local organization when he came to Dobbs Ferry about ten years ago. Construction of two additional wings for the Honor Roll stand- ing on the campus in front of the Elementary School building was started this week, Louis A. Basha, president of the Chem- ber of Commerce, announced this Nova Scotia, will return home moril i n g. this week, Mrs. Edward Bowe and daugh- ter, Edwina, of Cedar Crest Apartments, are vacationing at Highlands, Pa. Miss Anna Marra of Maple Street, has returned from a week's stay at BayBhore, N. J. Richard Cavellero and sons, Arthur and Richard of Main Street, have returned from a seashore vacation on the New Jersey coast and stay in Wild- wood. Dr. and Mr* George K, Hirst of Floral Drive, Hastings, are the parents of a son born on Monday at the New York Hos- pital. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice V. Od- quist of Clinton Avenue and their two children have returned from a two-week cruise on Lake Cham plain, N. Y. Miss Catherine M. Casadonte, daughter of Mrs. Mary Casadonte of Allen Street, has chosen Sun- day, Oct. 19, as the date for her marriage to George E. Berlharz, son of Mrs. Harry Jorgensen of Prospect Avenue, White Plains. In St Michael's Church, Yon- kers, on Saturday, Sept 13, Mfaw Ann Mikulik of Hastings will become the bride of Natale Leon- ard DeLuca, son of Ella DeLuca ot Ashford Avenue, Dobbs Ferry, and the late Mr. DeLuca. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Du-For of Broadway, Dobbs Ferry, are the parents of a daughter born In the Dobbs Ferry Hospital on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Naeff and family ot Main Street, Irving- ton, have returned from a trip to Canada. The Naeff's are for- mer residents of Oliphant Ave- nue in Dobbs Ferry. On Saturday, Sept. 6, In the Corpus Christl Church in Miami, Fla., Miss Dolores Beloln, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beloin, will become the bride of Mr. Rocco D. Carfi, too ot Mr. and S2S?SlSB5Z5H5asZS2S?S£S2SZSZ52SlSZSZSE525ZSaSZSasaSZSZSZS TV SERVICE " BESTS ^MST DObbs Ferry 3-0W5 Cramer & McCutchen Co. FERRY, H. T. Miss Peggy Sendall, daughter of Corporal and Mrs. William Sendall of Hudson Terrace, was honored at a personal shower last week, given by the Misses Grace and Edith Hildenbrand of Bel- den Avenue, and Mrs. George Roode of Schenectady at the home of Mrs. Roode's mother, Mrs. William Henderson of Hud- son Terrace. Miss Sendall, a graduate o'f the Dobbs Ferry Schools, and Cortlandt Normal College, will become the bride of Frederick Bing of Irvington next Saturday. Mrs. Frank Coffey of Hudson Terrace Is visiting with her hus- band, Seaman Frank Coffey, who enlisted in the Navy and is ,now stationed at Newport, R. I, Cadet Michael Sacharik, twenty- four, well known Dobbs Ferry High School athlete and son of Mrs. Emma Goetzee of Maple Street, has entered the Army Air Forces Classification Center in Nashville. Major Roger P. Clark, former- ly of Dobbs Ferry, is now sta- tioned In March Field. California. Major Clark was formerly em- ployed' by the Vinard Hltl Cor- poration for* five years. Mrs. Clark and two children, Roger P. and Robert B., reside at 111 Southlawa Avenue, Dobbs Ferry. Private Crofton Wood, who was formerly employed at Witt's Garage and who resided in Yon- kers has returned to Miami Beach, Fla., after spending a short furlough at home. Private Wood is in the Air Corps. John Vanderwende, son ot Mr. and Mrs. John Vanderwende of Maple Street, and a graduate of the local high school, is now affiliated with the firm of Baker and Smith in New York City and is at work at Lake Ontario Ordi- nance Works near Niagara Falls as a steamfltter. Village Clerk Margaret R. Kelly of Hatch Terrace will re- turn this weekend after spending one week with her sister, Mary, at Avon on the Sea, N. J. Private Gasper Harris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harris of Maple Street, who is sta- tioned at Goldsboro Airport, N. €., Is home on leave. He was formerly stationed at Miami Beach, Fla. "Rev. and Mrs. Charles B. ftarsten and family ©f Oak Street will return Labor Day weekend from their farm la Kents Hills, Maine, where their have spent the past month. Frank Bohlinger. son of Mr. and Mrs. Charts* Bohlinger of itorm Street, who has he* two years* service In the V. i. Nary, visited his f s m for flTi days darlaff tie poet couple intend to reside in Old Greenwich, Conn. Norma G. Graziani, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Graziani of Maple Street, left this week for Miami Beach, Fla., where she will visit for two weeks with her brother, Private Hamlet Graziant- who is attending Officer's Can- didate School, U. S. Air Forces. Fourteen local youths were in- ducted into the U. S. Army through the selective service draft system. The men were Dalio, Paul Vincent Bechtold, George Clifford Park, Vtto Jos- eph Carelli, Howard McCartney, William A. McHenry, Cecil AVil- liams, Jesse Lindner, Anthony F. Yozzo, Jack A. Stagliano, Ches- ter J. Noviello, Vincent Edward Kelly and Christopher Grande. They reported with a group from other areas surrounding Dobbs Ferry, totaling 42 men. A reduction of .146 cents per thousand dollars of assessed property valuation in school taxes for the Village of Dobbs Ferry was announced by William A. Buckley, Receiver of Taxes for the Town of Greenburgh. The levy will be $9.63 per tlfousand. Seaman Second Class Theodore Brown, son of William Brown of Briary Road, returned early this week to Monagram Field, Va., after spending a seven-day leave with his family. His two broth- ers, Staff Sgt. EdwaTd Brown of Camp Pickett, Va., and Private George Brown of Fort Hamilton, N. Y„ also visited home on Sun- day. A local meat market had on special for the weekend prime ribs of beef at 33c lb.; legs of genuine Spring lamb at 35c lb.; chickens at 39c lb., and fresh Long Island ducks at 27c lb. Also, creamery butter at 49c lb.; Georgia peaches at 4 lbs. for 25c, and cigarettes, carton at $1.18. Mr. and Mrs. Blaise Recca and their daughter, Suzanne of Euc- lid Avenue, Ardsley, spent a two weeks* vacation at Milford, Conn. Second Assistant Fire Chief Elliott Bray, Sr., of Rochambeau \venue who has been seriously ill at his home for the past two weeks, suffering from an attack of double pneumonia, is now recovering. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Relder ot Baltimore, Md., are the parents of a daughter, Bonnie Reider, born on Aug. 16. Mr. Roy Rei- der is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reider of Main Street, Mr. and Mrs. Dean H. Moore and daughters will return next weekend from Hammond, N. Y., where they have spent the past month. ' Private Rene Beaudreault, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Beau- dreault of Main Street, who en- listed In the Marine Corps two weeks ago, Is now stationed at Parrls Island, S. C. After occupying the Conger cottage for the Summer months In the past two years, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Blckford have leased the Kimbel house in Ardsley Park. Technical Sergeant Warren X. Crawford Is now stationed in Gji/at Britain, according to word received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al Crawford of Maple Street. IN MJUHI Mr. and Mrs. Jobs Shot© ot Oliphant Aeoaao arc vacattoalag at Chooeegae bland la Maine. THE COMMUNITY Is Cordially Invited To Attend The TWO DAY v. east Fifth Annual Saturday and Sunday August 30th and 31st I V I n H onor OUR LADY PR0GRA 5ATUR UST30, 4:30 P. M. Parade through the Vil- lage Streets with the Popular Fedeli Band of Brooklyn, 7:30 P. ML Solemn Vespers in Our Lady of Pompeii Church, 8 P. M. to 12 Midnight, MUSICAL CONCERT. ~3 Wmmmtmmmm SUNDAY, AUGUST 31,1952 9:30 A. M. Popular Music in front of Church by Band. 10:30 A. M. Solemn High Mass in Honor of Blessed Mother with Rev. Father Aurelio Marini, O. S. A. preach- ing the Sermon. 3:00 P. M. Solemn Procession thru the main village streets with the Statue of the Blessed Mother. 8 P. M. After procession Benediction in Church. * P. M. MUSICAL CONCERT. 9:00 P. M. Magnificent Display of FIREWORKS. At the close of the Fire- works, the Band will continue its Musi- cal Concert until 12:00 P. M. This Invitation Is Printed Through The Courtesy Of COLONEL FRANKLIN Q. BROWN SENATOR WILLIAM F. CONDON SUPERVISOR WILLIAM C. DUELL JUDGE LOUIS M. GALGANO TRUSTEE JOSEPH N. BELARGE TRUSTEE JOSEPH A. d'AVI TRUSTEE EMORY R. RORABACK VINCENT COLANTUONO HARRY S. La SALA s' ij=p% Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

New York State Digital Library - Fultonhistory.com 17/Dobbs Ferry NY Register/Dob… · Crusius of Bellewood Avenue, Dobbs Ferry, has opened offices at 65 Main Street, Dobbs Ferry,

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H B M M W t e IV LX)BBS FERRY REGISTER Telephone 3-0124 FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1952

Margaret E. Cruslus. M. D., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Crusius of Bellewood Avenue, Dobbs Ferry, has opened offices at 65 Main Street, Dobbs Ferry, for. the practice of pediatrics and will treat 'patients up to twelve years of age. She served her interneship at the Metropolitan Hospital at Welfare Island and was assistant resident and resi­dent pediatrician before opening offices in Dobbs Ferry .

Led by the two-hit- pitching of Anthony Tisi, the Dobbs Ferry Rotary team copped its second successive championship last Fri­day night when it defeated the Hastings Indians by a score of 4-0 at the Graham Field.

A delegation of the American Legion, Dobbs Ferry Post 1048, headed by Commander John Eugene Baker, is attending the national convention of the Ameri­can Legion at Madison Square Garden, New York. With Com­mander Baker is James J. Mur­phy, John F. Walsh, Raymond Monahan, Myles W. Read, Her­bert J. Springsteel, John Mc-Cabe, F . Clare Bohlig and sev­eral other members of the local Legion.

Over 500 parishioners and resi­dents of Dobbs Ferry attended the first annual community out­ing and picnic sponsored by the Holy Name Society of Our Lady of Pompeii Church. The Rev. Anthony Cirami, who left his post* as assistant pastor at the Pompeii Church to before Prior of two churches and four chapels in V^neland, N. J., was guest of honor. He was presented with a gift and a purse by the Rev. Aurelio Marlni, pastor of Pom­peii Church, in a short address.

Miss Charlotte Huess, Guid­ance Counselor at the Dobbs Ferry High School, who had been spending part of the Summer at her home in Katonah, will re­turn this weekend from a motor

p through the Western Sta Mary Ann and Virginia Crotty,

daughters of Mr. and Mrs. David Crotty of Maple Street, have re­turned from a visit with their uncle, Mr. Arthur Hauptman of Stormsvllle, N. Y.

Mrs. John Fitzgerald and two children, Barbara and Jack of River Glen Apartments, are spending two weeks at Lake Champoain, Illinois. Mr. Fitz­gerald wil join them over Labor (Day.

M i s s Marguerite DeLuca, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Moses DeLuca of Cedar Street, was guest of honor recently at a per­sonal shower given by Mrs. Jos­eph Reich of Yonkers and Mrs Patrick DeLuca of Dobbs Ferry The party was held at Dick's Cabin and was attended by 16 guests. Miss DeLuca will leave on Tuesday for San Diego, Calif., where she will become the bride Of Mr. C. Lee Shipherd, son of Mrs. C. O. Shipherd of Bedford, Ohio and the late Mr. Shipherd, the latter part of September. She will visit her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lehb of San Digeo, until her marriage.

Hies Jo Ann Roraback, daugh­ter ot Mr. and Mrs. Emory Roraback of Shady Lane, will return home this weekend from Kennebuc Beach, Maine, where she has been spending the Sum­mer. She will leave in September to return to Pennsylvania State College where she will enter her senior year.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Ravekes of Palisade Street, are home from Canada where they at­tended the Royal Arcanum con­vention in Ottawa.

Mr*. Paul Chave of Main street has returned to her posi­tion In the office of the Dobbs Ferry Hospital after a week's vacation.

Mr*. M. F. Berthelson and daughter and son-in-law, Mr. denta of Ardsley, have purchased and Mr». F. Norrls, former resi-a farm In Vermont and will make their home permanently there.

Anthony Tarrlcone of Main Street, competed to leave the strike-bound steamer "America" on Friday night, left by plane

on Saturday afternoon for Italy where he will vlait with rela­tives for two months. He will spend some time in Rome during his visit abroad.

Charlotte Foulk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs., F. B. Foulk of Sherman Avenue, will enter Marymount College In Tarrytown in September and will major In English. Miss Foulk, who gradu­ated in the June senior class at the Dobbs Ferry High School, was awarded two scholarships at graduation, one , to Manhat-tanville College and one to Mary-mount College In Tarrytown. Her brother, Richard, is a student at the University of New Mexico, where he is majoring in govern­ment administration.

Robert Heideman of White Plains, former science teacher in the Dobbs Ferry High School, has recently accepted a position as elementary school principal of the Locust GroVe Public School in Oyster Bay, L. I. During his connection with the Dobbs Ferry High School, Mr. Heideman de­veloped and sponsored the Peri-auger, school yearbook which won a prize in the Columbia Tress competition.

James Robert McCoy, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McCoy of Sherman Avenue, will enter Man­hattan College in September.

M i s s Winifred Delmerico, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Delmerico of Ashford Avenue, is returning home for a visit with her parents after playing the Summer season at Geneva on the Lake, Ohio, with the Freddie Schaeffer Band. Miss Delmerico plays the trumpet and has been soloist with a number of radio orchestras.

Mrs. William Hoy Kelly of Rosalind Gardens will return home next week from Sharon, Conn., where she has been spend­ing the Summer months.

Mr. and Mrs. William Maguire of Maple Street have returned home after a week's wedding trip to the Poconos, Pennsyl­vania. Mrs. Maguire is the for­mer Sophia Theresa Felushko of New York and the couple were married on Sunday, Aug. 17. gUJAr. and Mrs. Sherman H. Raveson of Burnside Drive, H&s-tings-on-Hudson, have returned home from a ten-day stay at Virginia Beach.

Miss Alice Bunting of Lefurgy Avenue, who has been spending the last two months at Hebron,

Mrs. Joseph Carfi ot Storm Street, Tarrytown. The Beloine* are former residents of Dobbs Ferry.

Mr. Kalbfeld of Hatch Terrace recently lost $100 during the height of a heavy rainstorm. Ac­cording to police, Mr. Kalbfeld, an insurance man, lost his wal­let as he stepped from an auto in front of his home. It was raining at the. time, when he discovered his loss. He rechecked his steps out to the road and found that the rain had in­creased. Not finding the -wallet, he checked the gutters and found some of the money. Later with the assistance of police, more of the money was found in the catch basin between High Street and Station Plaza and still more was found on the shore of the river. There was $240 in the wallet and the bills recov­ered added up to $148.

Ten Years Ago

Midshipman John T. McCor-mlck, Jr., son of Judge and Mrs. John T. McCormlck of Mohigan Park, has graduated from the U. S. Merchant Marine Academy at Great Neck, L. I., after. Com­pleting an eight-week prelimin­ary course and is now awaiting call to active sea duty. Previous to entering the Merchant Mar­ines, Midshipman McCormlck at­tended Catholic University;

Private David Rome, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lyford Rome of Draper Lane, left on Tuesday to return to Camp Meade, Md., after spending a four-day furlough at home.

Ralph M. Weinmann, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Weinmann, of Beacon Hill Drive, has been ad­mitted to Bucknell University as a member of the freshman class. Weinmann, who graduated from Upper Canada College in June, plans to enroll in the Commerce and Finance Course. While in the Upper Canada College, he par­ticipated in many of the school's activities. He is' one of approxi­mately 400 students who will re-portv at Bucknell on Wednesday, Sept 23.

The wedding of Miss Elizabeth Berg Graham of, Scarsdale to Theodore Carnegie Ewen of Has­tings will be held on Sept. 5 at the Dobbs Ferry Presbyterian Church, it was announced by the prospective bride's parents yesterday. Miss Graham is a graduate of the Connecticut State College and majored in psychol­ogy. Mr. Ewen, the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Carnegie Ewen is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs.

Twelve-year-old Betty Quick captured three prizes at a pet show sponsored by the Dobbs Ferry Recreation Commission lust Tuesday afternoon at Me­morial Park. Betty received the prizes for submitting the small­est, the . cutest and the funniest entries in the contest. The awards were given for the teddy bear, the lamb and a dumbo-elephant.

Postmaster Bart F. Mannion|A- C. Ewen of Ardsley Park. He was selected by the nominating j *s now engaged in a war produc-' committee of the Dobbs Ferry t l o n industry in Connecticut. The Post 1048 of the American Legion to serve as commander during the activity year starting November. Mr. Mannion, who was first vice-commander of the post for the past year, served as a second lieutenant in the Infantry during World War I and has been a member of vari­ous American Legion posts for the past 22 years. He joined the local organization when he came to Dobbs Ferry about ten years ago.

Construction of two additional wings for the Honor Roll stand­ing on the campus in front of the Elementary School building was started this week, Louis A. Basha, president of the Chem-ber of Commerce, announced this

Nova Scotia, will return home m o r i l i n g . this week,

Mrs. Edward Bowe and daugh­ter, Edwina, of Cedar Crest Apartments, are vacationing at Highlands, Pa.

Miss Anna Marra of Maple Street, has returned from a week's stay at BayBhore, N. J.

Richard Cavellero and sons, Arthur and Richard of Main Street, have returned from a seashore vacation on the New Jersey coast and stay in Wild-wood.

Dr. and Mr* George K, Hirst of Floral Drive, Hastings, are the parents of a son born on Monday at the New York Hos­pital.

Mr. and Mrs. Maurice V. Od-quist of Clinton Avenue and their two children have returned from a two-week cruise on Lake Cham plain, N. Y.

Miss Catherine M. Casadonte, daughter of Mrs. Mary Casadonte of Allen Street, has chosen Sun­day, Oct. 19, as the date for her marriage to George E. Berlharz, son of Mrs. Harry Jorgensen of Prospect Avenue, White Plains.

In S t Michael's Church, Yon­kers, on Saturday, Sept 13, Mfaw Ann Mikulik of Hastings will become the bride of Natale Leon­ard DeLuca, son of Ella DeLuca ot Ashford Avenue, Dobbs Ferry, and the late Mr. DeLuca.

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Du-For of Broadway, Dobbs Ferry, are the parents of a daughter born In the Dobbs Ferry Hospital on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Naeff and family ot Main Street, Irving-ton, have returned from a trip to Canada. The Naeff's are for­mer residents of Oliphant Ave­nue in Dobbs Ferry.

On Saturday, Sept. 6, In the Corpus Christl Church in Miami, Fla., Miss Dolores Beloln, daugh­ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beloin, will become the bride of Mr. Rocco D. Carfi, too ot Mr. and



^ M S T DObbs Ferry 3-0W5

Cramer & McCutchen Co.


Miss Peggy Sendall, daughter of Corporal and Mrs. William Sendall of Hudson Terrace, was honored at a personal shower last week, given by the Misses Grace and Edith Hildenbrand of Bel-den Avenue, and Mrs. George Roode of Schenectady at the home of Mrs. Roode's mother, Mrs. William Henderson of Hud­son Terrace. Miss Sendall, a graduate o'f the Dobbs Ferry Schools, and Cortlandt Normal College, will become the bride of Frederick Bing of Irvington next Saturday.

Mrs. Frank Coffey of Hudson Terrace Is visiting with her hus­band, Seaman Frank Coffey, who enlisted in the Navy and is ,now stationed at Newport, R. I,

Cadet Michael Sacharik, twenty-four, well known Dobbs Ferry High School athlete and son of Mrs. Emma Goetzee of Maple Street, has entered the Army Air Forces Classification Center in Nashville.

Major Roger P. Clark, former­ly of Dobbs Ferry, is now sta­tioned In March Field. California. Major Clark was formerly em­ployed' by the Vinard Hltl Cor­poration for* five years. Mrs. Clark and two children, Roger P. and Robert B., reside at 111 Southlawa Avenue, Dobbs Ferry.

Private Crofton Wood, who was formerly employed at Witt's Garage and who resided in Yon­kers has returned to Miami Beach, Fla., after spending a short furlough at home. Private Wood is in the Air Corps.

John Vanderwende, son ot Mr. and Mrs. John Vanderwende of Maple Street, and a graduate of the local high school, is now affiliated with the firm of Baker and Smith in New York City and is at work at Lake Ontario Ordi­nance Works near Niagara Falls as a steamfltter.

Village Clerk Margaret R. Kelly of Hatch Terrace will re­turn this weekend after spending one week with her sister, Mary, at Avon on the Sea, N. J.

Private Gasper Harris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harris of Maple Street, who is sta­tioned at Goldsboro Airport, N. €., Is home on leave. He was formerly stationed at Miami Beach, Fla.

"Rev. and Mrs. Charles B. ftarsten and family ©f Oak Street will return Labor Day weekend from their farm la Kents Hills, Maine, where their have spent the past month.

Frank Bohlinger. son of Mr. and Mrs. Charts* Bohlinger of itorm Street, who has he* two years* service In the V. i . Nary, visited his f s m for flTi days darlaff tie poet

couple intend to reside in Old Greenwich, Conn.

Norma G. Graziani, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Graziani of Maple Street, left this week for Miami Beach, Fla., where she will visit for two weeks with her brother, Private Hamlet Graziant-who is attending Officer's Can­didate School, U. S. Air Forces.

Fourteen local youths were in­ducted into the U. S. Army through the selective service draft system. The men were

Dalio, Paul Vincent Bechtold, George Clifford Park, Vtto Jos­eph Carelli, Howard McCartney, William A. McHenry, Cecil AVil-liams, Jesse Lindner, Anthony F. Yozzo, Jack A. Stagliano, Ches­ter J. Noviello, Vincent Edward Kelly and Christopher Grande. They reported with a group from other areas surrounding Dobbs Ferry, totaling 42 men.

A reduction of .146 cents per thousand dollars of assessed property valuation in school taxes for the Village of Dobbs Ferry was announced by William A. Buckley, Receiver of Taxes for the Town of Greenburgh. The levy will be $9.63 per tlfousand.

Seaman Second Class Theodore Brown, son of William Brown of Briary Road, returned early this week to Monagram Field, Va., after spending a seven-day leave with his family. His two broth­ers, Staff Sgt. EdwaTd Brown of Camp Pickett, Va., and Private George Brown of Fort Hamilton, N. Y„ also visited home on Sun­day.

A local meat market had on special for the weekend prime ribs of beef at 33c lb.; legs of genuine Spring lamb at 35c lb.; chickens at 39c lb., and fresh Long Island ducks at 27c lb. Also, creamery butter at 49c lb.; Georgia peaches at 4 lbs. for 25c, and cigarettes, carton at $1.18.

Mr. and Mrs. Blaise Recca and their daughter, Suzanne of Euc­lid Avenue, Ardsley, spent a two weeks* vacation at Milford, Conn.

Second Assistant Fire Chief Elliott Bray, Sr., of Rochambeau \venue who has been seriously ill at his home for the past two weeks, suffering from an attack of double pneumonia, is now recovering.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Relder ot Baltimore, Md., are the parents of a daughter, Bonnie Reider, born on Aug. 16. Mr. Roy Rei­der is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reider of Main Street,

Mr. and Mrs. Dean H. Moore and daughters will return next weekend from Hammond, N. Y., where they have spent the past month. '

Private Rene Beaudreault, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Beau­dreault of Main Street, who en­listed In the Marine Corps two weeks ago, Is now stationed at Parrls Island, S. C.

After occupying the Conger cottage for the Summer months In the past two years, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Blckford have leased the Kimbel house in Ardsley Park.

Technical Sergeant Warren X. Crawford Is now stationed in Gji/at Britain, according to word received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al Crawford of Maple Street.

IN MJUHI Mr. and Mrs. Jobs Shot© ot

Oliphant Aeoaao arc vacattoalag at Chooeegae bland la Maine.

THE COMMUNITY Is Cordially Invited To Attend The

TWO DAY v. •

east Fifth Annual Saturday and Sunday

August 30th and 31st I V

InH onor



4:30 P. M. Parade through the Vil­lage Streets with the Popular Fedeli Band of Brooklyn,

7:30 P. ML Solemn Vespers in Our Lady of Pompeii Church,

8 P. M. to 12 Midnight, MUSICAL CONCERT.

~ 3



9:30 A. M. Popular Music in front of Church by Band. 10:30 A. M. Solemn High Mass in

Honor of Blessed Mother with Rev. Father Aurelio Marini, O. S. A. preach­ing the Sermon.

3:00 P. M. Solemn Procession thru the main village streets with the Statue of the Blessed Mother.

8 P. M. After procession Benediction in Church.

* P. M. MUSICAL CONCERT. 9:00 P. M. Magnificent Display of

FIREWORKS. At the close of the Fire­works, the Band will continue its Musi­cal Concert until 12:00 P. M.

This Invitation Is Printed Through The Courtesy Of







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