Ti 1.1 ii *. Elc©li<m. Puhii am>, Tueadai, Sept. 11, MM, Two hundred »rd thirteen 1 >w i flgive Wa.hburn, UepoMiran, ^ 147; Sm-vrt, D-m a;.t, 35,0«| Barn.s, Wl.iff. l^d^Bgal at in tha nme tiwns last j.ar, Mcrill. Bapiblteaa, 30,360) S-nith, D(-B..".'iBt. 9 I'"' Rapahltebfl mtiuitv is I > ..], aisii'st t ~,,: bs( j.ftf. l-i an ine ... -,l t. te..n».'';* teeia'ea RapaVteaa aetl gaia af ;:.t tk Ihe mgtt gale rate ..f iha Btate wii mw h 0, about 80,000 more tbaa laat jear, Tbfl n-tuiiaconfiiiu in flffll) Mflpflet, our laatbight'fl ,N>tin.a'e. AM the Kepublican Menbaraof Con- gre.a are cl.et. ,1. Tl.e Ri pu' 1 eai 8 atv eelehratlog tliir victory in thia city by a torchli^ht pr ¦. jfluminatiou, Ac. Widf-Atvaki- Ocmonotrntion ln Albany. Ai bbbt, Tiu_.'lav Bept II, lHM. A g-nnd de;non_-tiation of Iba Wm - baaka Cmba of All.tuv tad ndi -eeiit citi-a t.>..li pb.ce M night, aod waa lu ly equj io the au iaipatioia of iia pr .jtacora atd ihe niautlesi tl Bplaj yet tunde dunnjt v*9eaaapa'gB of nri'.fi rm.d poiitical oluba, A arga uamber ol per B_>n* w*re coosreirvt^tl in tbe ci y t" en* th- torchlighl rnr»f e, antl auny buiioii.^a on ti* liuo ol n.ar h w r-- flu n-'imt'd Tho api-eu.rn-_.tt- ol U.e preOB-aJOB W_t8 moat brill-ant fh.- li e wae forn td at aVnt 8 n'tlock, the untnbars haita M 'ataa ae Moaaapp trtor ae bvar in fertniog. ThBBBg ('Ial* lr "t> Kinga'oa, Uo ',,. Val.tle, tt, l> ov v»-am s.xTr,i rga U-aJiet ii. Troy, Laaiitagbargh. Ki'tieib,-k, CaaabBM, BsliiMeetflaj, .1 .nu_.ti.v-i \v_at.- foid, Caaaj b..n¦-. M i-.wk (_Ho*erari')e, Roa« diut, aadmbbI earaa ef Alflaaj Coaat j wer.-pre.i-ut, eonewitb leajM d'eymi _.. The wbo'e pro_.e_.-i m aaiabeeed le tbe aatgbbMbu k! .f i,(>0i> torcbep. ii, th»- Bfleraooa a baadaoMB b.i ner tw«f hnoir Htroe- B a"- e-n-et fiom J% .1 ,-u,nil) vt_[ P, * txarii fi h ha daOMB dl v ire h' i tbe unmeT ot the eaadi- .la.x. Thaaaaaaal Cteba worebeeompeaied by mmti! laidaot mnwc- and uicbe.-, de<vr,k.td witb II, aad beaaaeto Thfl A.t.Hny ClabB WBM utiil-r lha eoramand of their r.enidttr, .1 hlert-dith L«hd. nnd iiiHdealiaiils..T,.-h|- p^riuitf aadthewbola utt.. ra8*ewrmmeradil oa B I I'n- idet.t and bie BanifltaaU Amuag l1, i'r" ¦were teveral iln'f t.f Kai] B| il M n>, weeriog '.'i- .'hirte carr.ii ir n aul«. Tbej wer* Bpp-.rent'v' I 00:> flWaag. Tha aneweioa wiM aal loae n ,tii a tu. ite bour. On t-ie lu:t i.f tuani, «-v. r* h-tuui-,_ne il ¦, (fl of firewoika took plaee,aadviaiti g ilu bw r.-1 m » eheerad. Pbtbobb ibraaaadtba atraaaa lo wIumm tha parade, wnicli ii«* l«i, ti.,,- (ar lha ian_.'t-t anJ tiand- Miatci j liract if tl.e ttunp . gn. Tho Fiiaum in KnvYork. siKa. -k, I,,,. d,v. gept. ii, 1860. Jciia A. Oreen.|jr., Ch ir^in" of the Naiooal Denn- -»i,tit' K'h e C-'-nii'-te wr, t> :, '»t er thia aora. inft to l>t-»n KicbiroDtl. «.:h-irroHn ,.t tha Doafljlu C ti BtCapHBB lha letter 01 IJ i|-II1.IU NN i, d a, .1 \lr. Lfctiin ..f ihe Su'i (' tairitt.-.- Bad iaforml g M. K.h BMBd th*t, ia.raedi'.'i-iy up'n reeiviog n >ti-e of t'ie aeceptwice by tlie DoaMafl (,'¦.tnmi't . ... the prof) -i- tiona rtrr.iDii «-i-i't:i .- IIr. Wood, wi.i.liu at»i Ioib aad half ot the Biatotfehet be(Mr. Orooa voold ?rnrene bia CoMadttBB aii'l r.,iity tba i' OpuBad fusion Mr (Jreen forwao <; W. Smita L-r dtriiveiyiu New>Toib toMr. Daaa Hitbnjond. A'. *m, Taaeaaj, s-pt li 1860. Uie peapaaad Baka wi.h th.- Drecai -i ga m tin-iee th« ex.:r.i: t.,pe of eoBTonatioo la p <*irelen. The S-trt-tmy t-f the Buite Committee nn I ©ther 1,-ttdii x l)r-m >< i,*ir iri-.-ive bj BBBb rn tii roniii:ii- lilr itit 118 flVIll tll" mr :: -I lr ii- 11 "I'l.'-illlf fution. Thr Moekrater Union, Frankltn fl anc a number of o ber pipen re- i.atsl b] BM l"- BJ, oiKlily d- f-lur ,11 . ifli BBCfa ttl- aitn. ihe Cox jb, waileb ifat r bletoeooM BwaagBBBaM aalbfbBlori lo tli« t'O'.e-t Breckti men ot \Nertern Ncw-Nork. it will rapadiate ibe re- eogahieaol aael o,r' ~r- a I aea, Tu \.t. A Ilo. A pioiiiiiu-nt I>.iiioo'iti. writini: Eroa Fr iikln, (' matj tO ilie BiaM i ...i.iiiiio-' <iiil ,r. d lhal I- lankbu will re- i ue.ate any each an .i;..l erntuge ut t,t. Araa n..;n. ot-re of tb." Stnt»- ( oti 1 Comoiittee ar° iu loaraio* day. Tbey denounce auy sucli aitcrit'i-e of priacipla ;n BBflMBaaiad t*ru,». It it. ni,.lerrt',..| t a* a 1 Mr in ia t ith frcm Judge I>onglae hima«-lf. ti m' y daehrieg tri.tiou to deaaaaee aaj Ibaaoa _aade hi h Bwrifleflol tlie true prit.ti|le of I'.' i",i ;.i y. Bbd aitb BMB wbi Cbtotaeeeeal ooad diaaaioa. Ii b aa Ibareia bert aftraibd tjuarti m tl.at M I'i Bg M -'. ill openlj dt'Lt-ane Bi.cb poli, v ;.¦-i., i .. .--.n.1 ih .t t: Cmtral C.'tBn.inee will j r.t a li'.al .-t.-p iu _iny forther oaaaflMM on Lriu_iv. -_*,- Kt iiitblit'uu'.^li-i-tiiiu ut Wott ht>tt r, l*(-iiii [Thr fol!owln| I. 1 by Ihfl r*ful*r MBgnpUfl rrpo.i*!.. _^. nuutn Ta.^a, s-p. 11 A Linccln m-eui: w..a bed 1.1 lha llau b&tlle-glOULd lt .'. :l... .... I, lii-iiafdf llri'l i!- eet BBMftbbgi ¦ nnmle BbLdeml u-'.atm. tkt i cf l^.'1 aad 1! I, aben meetiogi uttt the rau e pol L Tha na'ed at f.om tw.-.y lo lweaty-fi»e *' wtre utarly-'¦ taa.> eqaipp-d m d >i!l d illed ln u. hiaty tHcfip, ui...,:. .._- aaa eoaater nu D iii.n.e- I g a".' took pteMbetweaalha an-.i-a li¦ I- 87. I. 5iota with Unu-'B. II '" r.'i' I. 'iu Dolawi - .. Naai '.:'- J, Marylar.d Phil reariv OOtrt BBCtioB t i f''.-.¦ r a' fir a: d ra: ^l^ 1" I ' ,_,_,] ~tfa I "-ii in re Slh^e BtMMj ',,- t., ,\-i:, I" ¦'-..¦- W'.li! d !. i, Ifl t, ,'n thr«- 3'Hnd., bptbel - be II n. .' >lm M. II tbe Hon..' ,i Hickn Hon, W -. i>- Kelley S. B. 8mithen, J. Aldrieb D '.''. Pischnej Kvmi. I I, I Bmith md ^\- Moriii) t'i J' nttd witb flaaa. aad tb b M-li.lt- I 1 "H. I. N r B kel,, , | bill lop. liv-iit,' baid.- rl r iv r_nk Tajbr oominBtlag Bayatd i»jlM bb j :,d biniaeU a Kepotdii flnke a folfl »fa( . . . ,., He wmaraalad with ehtar after cheei ni . V. tl With tb.- war <ri sof ihe A-uer.- .:.a "I Bntiflh - io deaulv oonfl t. Mr. Sbermaa ba ba Em Ithemoatinc -' -|. lJ ll.ii John CoTode nt annonoo«Itoi i.ut wm pievent.d bv aagegfBMi ia Wefltflra 1 aaa Joha f !'tJ ''! rradtd boaaa, aud tl.e Wi.l- -,. t.ot are yrnVkd lorebeaaadlaateni andMreral m ica bi Coiisrt-a^ioniil loabtaUfltllMM. Pobt I b'ai .1 Bead tv. Ht pt, 11, 1- 0. ,'i-bk- B. Mi L- - ,M '.""' laatedfa L'on«r<_*B by tbe Kepoblleaaaof thaZvlh Iliatritt. Cn/ bbi ty, 5.;-: II Tli^ I> r L W. P- tx-Lell O* Uedt'.-J f<-r CflbitTeoe. Lo. b II-.. -, 1 B'Sday - il 1860. The IJr( a XVth Ci ct Li-.ve in n luui.d t.'.e 11 ,n. .1. T. flale t'ir i .'IU* PeMMflTMfllfl PMllflefl || , :-.;- S 11, Ibfifl A _.;rt.j_rlit Ii.'ur'ie Electoral liekel Bei bBM «"- ,,!., .*.i\t- ..) ll..' i.-n.e- ou 'i.e _iet, .i o.'liiij/ Kr. \~-ds. al 1. i I ¦"¦ xrmg mtt the ehenaee: if Ixi- .- ¦' .-' »¦' * ' K ... io.ail v-u t. ai jiaapl 0 ,.,o l> Btlla. Wo. K OflflBM Bm*¦ >a >n BB, .i"lin Cidobn. aud j I..</_...-i ^_ KtporU-.l Ibtw A«liiiiiii»»lralioii in ' « aiistiia. Ti , 8 .'¦ II, 1 Ttr <;;¦>¦. eftoeaj aa^ tbat h.r Edmaod II< .1 wiil BoeKmlj i*h%- Cuaada ab .i.i iba wifldleofO i Ur Ldwill'U' ,ii...-.d,d bi8u feafl»i k VVilhaaa arj Adaiiaiati tor ef tbe (toaanaaaab -.- BJcwa Irom IValkrr. Klu.(i,,,. raadar,Bept. 11, >*"[¦ It labebaTad tbat tbt repcil bj tl.o-"-"^ ,-... IPalbM'BfuMe badt*enredooedto ,,T ^-""-aSafilfc w U .omeii.welJ proviaeO. ^">', ," ' , ., ntoofw:,/^,^ ..¦: '¦';:. to -ak, \Nu kor if poM le ll ia belUred WbUun wUJ marih la Niaaragaa. A reea from Knauo, ari rlaiaae, .<.- -f ' ¦ ¦". !' l,,r "' . A t. WalhM. HabftmhuMetfa I iiif.ti c_._jV-----'-». W.'Rf l -mt, M-W. Toeaday H p* -'¦ l^°- The 11. I nnri Fvrr.lt roea hait-c.h.H jq rtroc_ mi- bere at \\ t.reeelrr to-de-. Tlu iift» rtmcu and evei tag ?-> \__ frr,m Boaton w*re tvcII till* d mhh (-.|..i-HtrM fro-r* Iba \Saat_mf_ p«rt of th* BtaM und W i-i.iii n, en were bara in full BBBlban Mr. Colt of Pkte_»M baiaga an'iaiuaaia-BBBiBnBitiri fi. rn t*.- Waatflt- i"> 11 of t .. s .,.-. Tie ith ol"t.'H. tVi Hti.,0 ot ih.-l|..o. Jobn H Clif- 1'HtioV tkao-kaof to-araor. trbiabaBBBataB-afllBta V r lninee bai np ..' »ll fi-elinga «it_ rearard t<. lhal p¦..' loa. Tlie St".t.-<'.rnaii't..'Ii'i" no other rneu. '1 ee txhu h o ei tii g tt the Hril and K rerab _en in tl i r C 'ii.ii.ot'-:: Botaa Uda eveu. iv', in. aliich \V B. 1>. Bw a of florebattar arfleid*d,aad _,->«ach-*H . mi male i." t'e Fift-iilriii _i d hy OBa K"..l.uli aod Stua .' H. GrOokia. Tlu- iiiuu iiii-.r w, a f..r fu4i.ni. bu' luaion la .o' c'.tir ly po^alar 1-ljT u.any eolid men ara Bga|i at ''. AJr. »Jemyn D,*Jier wil prabaktl he lbe Friei'lent to- njorrow. TT.-re bae ¦>?.. r. rm rrelirninMry ~.~_>t,ri_ held Bt-Aghtt e_ eo* aaa _l rhe B -aoo C<>m»i''f«e Kn^r_i n_d one at Iba \Vorc*aier lteil Hi.d Kferat! l.en i.|.i<tr(ara. I.." i I.ii.f "ln and Atboi A. Ij.wren.o aiil be tlie (ai.tlitiutee lor State Klex-tore at Imve. Viiioiui! Ilorac I. .hlliiiion. Kai.aB-XOO M'-h., 8apt II IW. Tli- National ExWbltlon of Baraaa o.'iBmf-cd bara t*-tliiv I peotaia at.ilia rn r-) tnan «_er BBBBBBbPbL S"n t*..f the tiiiit-f h.ireea ;n ll." icun'ry mo ajj t-xliilij lo__.Ftr.ra Tiaipleaad Kthan A!l*.n .tmo-.gthe rm. 11 r. I wo thont-ariH BB8B-I we e on tha xrocnd to-day, in.i wiibctandiim the nin. POLITICAL. __f__AK_A- Kl.KCTION. The orTici.-.l raaalt ef the recent Klection in thiw St.it.- ieas f.illowp: For (iortrnor: llenrv lt Beetor..30,56. K. U.Jokaaoa..88,618 liftti.i'ri inaj.irily.1,960 Par Mt mhtrt tt Ctmgrttti 1. T.C.HiB-i_aa.._Ot051 [Jeaae M. Criert.9,600 Biadaiaa- ini.j'.iitv. 10,347 2, Tdw.W. i.antt. |i'.,.m;.i c'. B. Mitcheii.. 13,007 Jaa. Aatlaaea... 8911 Gaatt'a bbbJ. 3,669 Cy'eit and Joeaa aie B*ll men; all tke raal B._ k;nr;d_e Demociata. Iie-tor n> d Gaatt (both tl.-it.-d) rbii i*ttimp BBB-BBt the " re_ular" Demo¬ cratic nominees. The M\i*>> I.'i bi noa.. Tke Ptrtlemd Ad-. ot la-f-Bj i t Br_n_-| atur thfl c'e('ion, annouucea tlu re-iili Bl I' 1!" wh. "<;-iH' RepohH ar Vi t^y-I't rtlnl Ii"d'*e-'ned. All Botior tn tha v\ ide-Awiikca ot Farila_a Haiaa i:<liii.ii.mi i.i iiver M'l'iiir-n Tbaaaaad M.ji-itj \\ i.i'lc ('.,i)u;--"rBi n IV'i |-i ii.-.i l{"pu'.licHn. :itu td BTab ln.i"i.'li 1{-(Ki .li i.'. -I»oiii.'Iah Ao- t iiiiii.pd nnd K aado.i rnnatpb-ni -Ma.it Baemralbt i. lit.-lii aad Bamlin j .'.. 00 Maj .ny1" AN it i rafwaaea to ilhg.ti voiera, '. A' rtittr -nye: We bad our eba-l tgt ra, no o of \ luck nnd anaaala, i.i .-\'.)V ''nl "t I"'J t" :.!1.'U_a tlie illag-l v..it"i abico ih. Aid. I'j.e-i had akavefall. alk aad tor main on ti.e lista aad tbia datanBtaed tone ti! nur Witle- Awake frienda haaataad n. ti e thy "Wi ti.ink we i'iit aBpt-tatba B-iraraalaa_Ui_eat nf cir frkaafl bera, when \r* BBf tka \Vido-j\vvake or- (x'ai izitioneliavi M*ad Uda c;iy." Taa Kbwi raoa Kaia_--Tka Rfoni.licana of foakarabaaid 'lieiu-we froa Mniue, hy the ce*'-|' kBBI .^t't-re. Ht 4 a. m. *aaMf_BJ '.r^aniF'e'l a Wlde Av.itke Clal), inhtle tbeir (Httiitik'ee, anl fired a r.ilate ut Buniii-e. T'.e- tttt t le p Dtaaakakta tkraaaaa lo Bta tke W.L-Awak»8 ttt a kisaek of tbeir pt.it-e. B A mfetiric of tbe Uontthia Central CtaatB.lga Clnb vriie l.eli BB M"t -BJ Digbfl al tkfl ("rner ni BraadwSJ antl Tliirteemh et., wli.-u a oeiiea ol re«ol I'.ionii o,v[>.>.-.- iig t'e Jiii-ion B80~Baa_.I were ail ipttd. Mr Kield Mail B le:_'hy apeech in re_ard to l-BrOB, proii'Mine- ieg i aa daaora i"R io all iu Brai-eaeiM iaalra tive of tba iitereets of tka Daaacentk party, tfl laaattably ifi.'i. V to defeat, tliriiup'if.n and di-L-nioe. Tlie at- t. inii.i ce Ht thu meeting ~ae elim. .In Httakaigh, Paa, tl.e Pb-bmibUi Caaatjr Con- vei.iieii met, on the -"'th iuat , aud, afier ronkiuK nomi- natione tor tke I .uiitv ottit¦«*. AaBBflBaljr, an.l t3tt_Ti B ni u t'. taiarai ika Craaaoa baaioa, um raiiaat ABj r ¦ v--y Bb rn.y "iu.e tctvvtcri thfl I> .n^la- auii Hrcckin- tbe foDowti g rtsoinlion wai cinied bf B .cttf ef ''ti to IT: firi.'t..' Ibat Mthflfltr-flfltet._iflfBfllMetlflB-hfl lt I. .i.i £ lt) , BM v I -'a' .- tO IBB N i'n al De Bflfltl v a dueat-p'i . Btd a.'l iliailr-t i.i I'latf ir ii- * I >ii. ,-iiioni n uda at Bait. . |i. || r (iiieot ihaBoailnoBBaartba a-aaaaBt] c-ame ont ia a .anl the d.-xt ilay daflk-dBftkl haoar. QMAfiD REOATTd AT -sisti 8INO. . * . Tbe bbb-bI Pi f tka Hag Hb| M -M Va. ht Clab ibbm oti fe teraa? at Ha| Hag. _-fl ¦acbti Bartrd freai the foot (f ___a atiaat, aad cuniae extiii'hd r. Mtuitn m'a I'. int, r .-n,d a Mak"- boafl easaaflB Mdi Paiat, Ta-ryt<>-.n. and tha iea baah lOtkephMB (I i-1 u 11:. _r 1'ney tntde n mle.ndid etirt, Bad BB re l.iv, ii .1 w.iii a r_ood biee/.e BBB*-* tIie. BBrtira Qce. A laraja namix-r of peiri.ii'' BBaaafhlad la r. t ., u pi.'FT-.j.ii.l aappar ,.. . h I,. t,, irhiBh aaaplfl wa- .l"i e. The. yavnta were difidfld bBB) two | llowi: |e] |' ., e'iora'1..'. r>l*.lirw.e Br rdtl-y. Sini* Sin^. .1. li iU.: Bl |Sb (. ,, >f',,r_r;,... ., ., M f Bb c Sing "...ri-tiaw .,. \ Havrrttiaw ib. "Mi t Ltaa . <i | Si. - K bi (J Li > 'r.j-jtowa ,.., at I. W i,,.. rr hp.ita. ...a LjOB, Sp-.ll*. i ,.-.., ;- ie as fo'.lowe: _*il8t8-MB, Old T ; 1 lir<t pii/°; I.'t :.< ' BaCO-d prhw. -. B< r Aaa a< d L tataa. Tha ac ¦; d i'.d at r.'h .'tn ,aad tHai'fll baa al 12b, I'.'tn. i -i' ti ¦ iv- Btag araa a- fullowi I ¦"' >'. 3h. Ma, ic*.; <»ld T-o, :Jh :.."._. .Irt..-, ll'-Ht-r Ann, Ib -BL l_B. l.'-ni.-H. Iti. :;m. HM. Tka pr i/f - b ara Baa ailver cn|x., two lor eaeh cho*.. ibe flftk being aarardod la tba tttt baat, ii".' _Haa_d romii: aof ih« eooraa ara btfaadad |u be iwiiity inilrf, l.nt hy B8BM adatakl the uij.-r .. -.. Bt-Boradl laitlM i ap atraaBt, tbna BMkiog tba raa tweatj-dx M_aa. We BMBiloa thin Ic BBM tli- BB a'l'-r boatl vv. i'd md BrBedl* Imve tbi ek-Baffea ratae. kad the B-Baa-abaaawkBl tatBB-Bd. Ae il whh. f.te\\b t_ i-fu-t'lo'l very Tha f¦'! -*-"'- boala rataraed t" tie doek,ba*1ag i,. ,... , j.|,M, San. 1/iu.ckei i".'a Badeoa WH< l-|o,-.« -iv....)¦.-. Mary, aadH-t_a '1 ln- OldTopear ,rtj | 'he B-ud-gataka- '";,f- _______-___.. Al!BI-I '' I M^N ,"'" WOMBB OB Chaiu.i ¦.! \.-,,-. LaM evi-i.ii".' Kiie Mare'inl Ituker nrr.-'. d J.n nl. Miller and Miua Millnr, I.i- en-U-r, on (ikaifl of Mt-Bg tire t" the baBB-BJ Ht* KO (SaBal tttttt,')(t Bpiad BytbaJera raaakMBjrk'.BrflBl ea. T«e ira ooearrad Bt2iii!"t-k vein'.iy Btoraiag,aad Mi Bakei tatka i . .-. ii ,i ii'a, tl.e day k .ri.' .1 ii. .. .* t>i. poodabad baaa prtaloaaly raaioradfra-i riBo V9 CHy HaM ptaaa, aad nl-" eaaaa ii ** IBBM f-i'*- UapBeatlBfll Mdler Hi.'l hia hi Mr. t paa proaaaaiBg taCbaj H*J. ptaaa ke I ''md tlie gooda in c lniKiv nt Miia, wbo Barfpaara,-Tad leie. Willt-r had ari tsaaiaaBB td ||S8 in ti.e BaaUkaa ¦<-. araBaaCaBapaajrapaBklBBBri BalaBaaa- Tkfl ttttt* i '.vi'- Bt r.'d u|. ;.i iim h- i ri li \V,»riiStiii-)U- Il.ifj.'-e. aad wid Ubdaj ai bfaal a_____ Bl fl_ ? ... C_-C.:.v. ITeietkl V. John- :i of C.i.-gin tl.e nominee of tbe Donol.iK vJ:if* ft the llein.cn.- hi rivid in thr. city Ihhi ev": tr ai.d i- BOW etop, iag at ti ,. h:fth Av.-iine Bea v*. '. J. ri,*. ii. Bflrtaa. So tii.t. mttt aad traathar paiMhihig, batl of rhe cardidnee cl tbat lu !'(-t, will MBB tleir tJtJtmt (< IkaUghafil"' vi; thej ara i naiad to tba paapaa B>-U| BtJOBl EEPUbLWAN MEE TlSG8. .Tlie THrd Ward Wub-Awake*, C»p* fl al-1 pa- raded laat evening in nr.ifonn, with l »n-hee Llaztnir, and banrera fl^ing. to the muinc cf a bra.. iand, mairling ihron^h un-i't of tle do*TKo**n watda. Aa thty |*8ied Tai TBIBOBBOBtefl we' wera buuort-d witb a ' loraiig .u'aie, mai a brltfani dLpUvif bie-worka. Tle Thitd Ward Clab ii ¦ arly H»0 itmag, aad Ib dflBflg go A aer«iee in th« bBBMMMB w l;it b we all have et, ieticIi at heart. --jttbBaattef af ihalhfatoaaal Ward R«puMi.m Aaaocia ien at tfa. t-'-" Grand b raet la«t evening, n?- wntd t f fif.y tiimaa were flddad to th- roll. Them et- iog waa add.-eeied by L'apt BjerBOB, Freaiden'. of Ihe ventteiith Ward Aat'xi-ttioti, who ita'"! th-it taal orgai i/aiion wae lona'antly augmenting ia naifllxi- ai.d ln ui ihe rar.ka of ihoe- who had tiil r*.*iitlf beea tl ii appeaeela; a:_,l uhul it-i-'unce, inetiii< Bf tl e not-t active rn'mbira cf their Wi'"-Aw*k« CI ll waa; a* tha IhM »bt tion, a candidate fur Aas'ir.Myma" ontle Mf/art IIhH tii k> t. He Baid they would tifn out at ler-t a baadiadtoMtit-a from tha Se^tnt.-enth on ThnrrflHT. TLe Thirtt-eii'h Waid Wide-Awakt Club MBBM Ihia .-vtninp f»r dnll, nnd to perfert pluru fur gioufi 'f. lha On J-'-r l i.it.n to-iii-ir'. *. i.i^ht. At S'uyvn-aut Iiaiinte, CI. Jm k of Itronklyu IaM evei.irg addrei&ed a Bplritad UK-etiog. bTa -v-York, i-hid Col .L.ck, haa R ^reairr intereat iu tha election ot tle tt xt IV r-idt i.t tl.an 8-iy ttlier a |"->t in tbe ntmtry. Si-ra Jaaaaip I, New-York baa (MpOltod over 1188,888.880ti gooih, kt iHdehaha ia raap'imible. Taiat couutry bM to pay for thoee. What put of it rotiti'l.ntfs mr*t to ar-ewt anothercriaia ! Toe8>oth aayaher iuu-ie.t lagNfltflfll in tl.e Preaid'-titi-U elec- itoa, What baa ahe eoatribatodl Hareoltoal Wtll, what ia h wqnhl Whj,ateM Jaaaarj I. tbabaad valne of cotton aapoitod la hat lii.i-t.ver |7,808,888. AI! t'fih-i' aattai pt l tehal foarparta Laadoa, Llv- erpool, CBaegow, aad Hsrre. Nv* York bMbhvpi MMBMMa w i'!i BfBBBBB, Hamburg, the Hii'.h, k'rench, and Ilti'ii-h Weat lndiea and a him.lred othpr place*. Lat!'«« a |f>tind < f BBBIea g( ne ihern ' Ni.t a pout-.l Aid I ahaBaega aapef Iba grmt DeBBoaraba Mte onton le Beat ire i.. i>_-.- tha people a.'.d flh--w that the S'lih will c 'ii.tril.ute enough to p^y thi.. d -bt, or t'nat the wi oli Iftoea BobUm ra Btatoa will pav the City ef New-Voik na BaebMthe fott BepnbHeao BtalM d Miebigu Dhneii Obteaad ladiaBB TheiBMaateof Ci 1 Jaeb were illns IBflfld bj! a BBMbM of amm-ini: Batedetee, ard he Bfawad hia inte-ition to do tlu'y frum aaw flfll NoaeMbM wherav-r bawMwaatada any n-tctinif, no matter how amall, and iu any k:iIiiv, no matter bow poM. Bk aaavhawaM Bataaad to wii'i ^i.-Ht totaraal by ii <. aa liaoeo, an."i g wl.i ne reeegntied bmbj tbnnwlj pi aaiaaat Daia eiata. te- Ihfl Biatb VVa.'t Bapablkaa Aaaoeiatiea, l>. 8. Ilwire, :'re;idrit, met at No.-Vi Itaya-d etreet laot arenl a, io. ibe reeepak b .<' aew bbbmIm ib. TL»- Foarlh Wani BefM I'. .n Aa.-.". ia'ion met at No.818 WOHbbi itiaH I II. M. II; i ia the cbair, aad i-K-eived aboal t-»et.tyne^ merah-rit. ihe ^N' le-AwabM, C hh Crittaadaa, Mpteia, will tiiftt at the wtme place to-oigt t for di ill. and lo m ike airaaaaBBMbi f< m tarn out toBBonow araategi A lari.'e and antbrn-iaatic meetingof the Poartaaaflb Wanl NNiiiu-Awakes waa Lebl at the lit-ad'iuarterB, N... |-.'t. ILirf.me c-tn-at. bfl iv. li'icr, when it wa- r- m It-^d to tuin u.t 10 the BBBMB tne. iie,' Bl OaOgM I nati- tnte on Thaifldaj BTaaiag. Oer'hfty iirknxin were addt'' IB the rull. .The EicM-nth Waai BepabBeaa Aaaooifltiaa, LawkH. Wht»a, Precidei.t, met »t No. 'I Avc ine 1) laat e-Miinif Ior the reception < f new BMBhaflB, and le paflftll BnMgBMBBlB f-; 1 IhflgMfld deint.iiatru- tion ou Tl. i niay niyi.t. .Ai a large neetingof the Eleve.-i-l. W.ir.l Widl Awake-, beiu a( LflgBI a Hall, No. OS Houaton b reet p ..eiii.g. JoBBpb Su. '.vh oma tht«en Caot,_,in, aiul A'txai.der WBBbmb, Ofdarfj Bargaaab The Clab piopoaM to tara aM in all uuii...¦ flttha Ceop l.'nit n laillhaiiea ¦aattegi The II«.n. I). N. Mt r r.t Mr.itff.-t- ibe lt .pal !i. h'i- A ti.i.- Waai al lha ball Ho. -ji Avtiit 11» ti.i* evaafa g -'Ihe l-ilv-ii'ii W-ri VNi.lfi-Awake CI ih met It-t aifbl at No. 18 l Baj plaM, iii¦'! MMMad aa waid. BiableaaBeaM ot rttMm i ¦ mtu bi »l**- ea t^i m oi tbe gnad IBIJBm i' u n.en'v a tt be h- |.l ,-.t iha OeopM Ii.t-ti'ute, tbie Clab will turn ont BboM l|H* M Ba Ti e Y. u' ie M.-i a Bapab Ic -o l aioa Clal ball M .-I .tliii-iniiiit in. t *iiL' l-irt rigM a'tht S IJBBBaM li.a'i- lala, ueDieada y. Aftwa Mog '; I ,; Clab, th« mteiiiij; wab atidre»-^<i Bt^OMB laagth bj A. ,1 PhtaahtTtfrr wb wuxmly Bj.plau led I.ATFR FROM .stiUTlf \MEIUC:.. m We L'.-t tbefbDoaing iemaof mwsfroaa latoBaa Vi.- teaidee] bj - ,N tog Bteaaei \t . rande fr >m Ei ini.il. i Dtdthe" I'M-.ii-:.. Bha wll i- aaaptojad III I .H'll' ', -< I' '. Or ti i Itb r -i I3 Bl Bm J Ai n -. ',!,-. I'¬ li, 1, bin tii-d aaalate ln honor ol ihe daj, tha abon | idi "i in pcrt bototed lha atan aad itri a at tba maia. Al ¦,],,, 11 M K. < 0.. r-.ii "dreaaad ihlp' tliring ^, and tbe aerchant ahipi ln ^ rl b*d thafi 1; : nd lha ('. iu refli I.. ii g at Maldoi aoaaluta wa rad HadBBM Laflraaae um a pearing in op ia Ba .'.-Avf.-, bat w Btotaha paebatmal ad I urrpe, wbei kt -. le 4 >«:. m i! i pv n -ui >_. nt,! in Polaad, Ibwbriaging ba lo a timiua. ui. Mt btoridee ill, t'.e .Irv 1 raad b D Bad ttttl ipn oo aabj <'- WBTir, ivi-re i!'.'tl li''I U.e li.onev tnalkel IU fl 't.i e'a v. fapl B. tmft,] *tot II B. M'aaaral 1 rrM-a,and ^»t ..-.-. i.ti. iv.« ca i.r.-nt Britaia lathewiaedM hi.;i Ior the BBMeBEWUl '-i tt.-Ai I' l''.':ifii flu 111-. di.d n.d-J. tilv ob i'' v. h of 1 Julj 1. He a ridto Bad waa bariad ifl ihi Engliah eeniaiarj oa tbe Lh. A de'a. huiei.i ot Barioaa aad Mbb iaeheta ti"i" II. M. 8. OheioD ..'i.ix.i.,1.. Pa ated a _-tl.it.- t.vfr ibe g <i. e 'i 11- (;. vm l.lf--. t ef Mooterideo 10 ir bItm gan- eai Btttie^rtioB T'i.- ia n in abna < dabl wbich ;i| li ilu D 'iti-i I ll ::: HU < tt f..lit)l.ll IBBB it the old ',,,...,,, ¦- . v.-ry hfHV- i'v iiftTj alle^aaaMof iodoetrj. NeTartheleM ihroogh ii.n-iiti tn,'.,- ,it hon ii iiii-n'i.l BBBfehaatB. it r< bai la thal ba . n ra p rt bbm ou kt- ei^n il.i_.pkg niiv Bomewhal m d*rated -1 -i- ol 11,0. .!..._. I..:i u a t'-'v Ili. ial ].(iniu;-:tf -, an.l J iakl ii a no ii-i.'ii'i- t>> lha Stale. 'I ia exeea Ire amoont 1 f ihete dnee imv i< Bndantood lr ,m ibe CbbI thal lin- ,,',).tr d.v a :y'0-tun vt-r*:\, OB laai.og tha pTi ,.¦ BaaciM aCu-. «id BBi two baid dollan m aaa whi'.e 00 kariiip Vonta' doo Iba daaa aaBoaated to J'.MO, being Bearij foot nmt-a the ih paM bl th former p< n. .... Aagottraaaeatahowaererydeairi tointroon wfcerevei praetkable, bat partj bj naana ol --_ u ,1 | ,t.-. ..,1 tnghan illoe- t-b! rpintoa Iba partol baj an coMpalled ' riii'itii in u.it iitiiii.' a W -D.-a-iiiff. A BOW Maup <hw w.ut ii.to epeiaiiea 1 ihe Ial oi Jalj, \s., 11 i.i;.. ..¦I'v Batee, i kt lit Dnt of |106 ata apwaidfl, vaal tegiTBaea paaaa r ritigai m "1.1 Htamp nnderaain "f a beavj paaallj Ik -..'.. tn. 11 .:' Ull'.I, ot lh' 'I BB 'II,ilabora ol tha mized eoamia loa (brtheMttle- ! 1, ia h a .11.-' '-1i,ii.-v ld ><. bave riM.I'i <l tiinn rr'r;.'en:ei.t for the pajm Bl of tbi t. lt I11 iiixu bu.ente dnrvg 1 tt (y *r*,r*. TbiaflM nr nid npon ibe ekio aale, e atdanng Iba loaa .i^i.i-^ U ti.jlaie been -.' ti-d. ><.( ln Ibe praeeM ot thi- n -.-in . it ia, f-rh p^ M .1.;. ia. ana a ul 1 bara bi m aati ripatd. 111 iii..... Avr-_. a; ii > BailroadCobb- paat, ii bii r. n m nl wm tl I.i,' il ti 81 k En pi-oi'i.M-'-1/ "ii'iii--. I."- -I'pH ara "aow oa tbe waj ti.i. Luu'iikI wi'h laalirial fbrtheronfl. Iboeeroad ,0 01 ibe ] --.U...I.. .*.,¦ i- ton pk lha ':' I b*.? I,,,;.. ,|, ".,]...1 and tha 8m loon wiil be, and Bxpeettd the road will he opaaed befeM tba aadol lha \. it 1. iiip.i.iy .1 boadoe . uli-r ak'cg, but ...h ,.;. .i<. k Ib .... d i' 'li- CnBed Bti At iie openiag oi .-. mv* Ni»r__a: Bahool laB - Ajit-i -iui> is. tight ihoaaaad Bhildraa warahad Ib pea« ".- "ii _ Il BWiBMB from ihe rei-ort ..' Ibe KIO Janeiro OU CowpBI v tbi.t a re« 1 d half yeuily divulaiid hbo baeu ui .l fi, v. hi h, Bdd«db tbe i.'vi.iih ol. aho v* a ,, |l >. .-' ,r '',..¦. 'i'i bj hava aaarij one hni bad i-.l". <f gai m ,"-- laid, 1.1.ii .ir,' 1 IK.. aofhaaia Ii-:iik Baaateaafladta Mpplj 1 v rev. JOB . la MTB '.¦' Ibi /. i ¦.- 1. 1 1 ty.' A 11 w ai. cint-r to rct, b<tw-n ILi>n>t A) re* aud V.'-r,_ ir> eaaas t:cn wi'h iba PMaM lir.e ofataMM'i ir*tn HeMithtix, WM to lenve tbe latter place AagMl Bt /- ntbet TfaaflflHaMteal> .1 Baah ipeheeefj aea* i--t:t i- of twa tturtt ateairin., to run bntw-en Aot \.tr|i Bfld Li" .I.".in>. Al-oanother, but more rroh- J, p _-t;. 'I fl I N -.- ') k',. lr /-I, BBd Blre? I'lat-. Tt i- I ..'. i BIB'M BBf* vi- g-'-awr Arp-n.in 1 hid r. lari ..1 I"." b-rl+at trip iu the riv*-r^. Thia wne 1 r-,, t, 1, j ,1 t., aa ' -tl 1 '*181 la to, trmt <i-1 .>. >i «o u<» ,-., 1 ',,.,- r1 ..'.' I BBM 'li . brldffB, t.r,-| afl -r i-a-r" -i-, '.tt n- whb l"tr< l\ aaoagb w;.t<-rt 1 B »«| her, till al la.-' it was d<-'. rmiu.1 le dflflifll fnm furtner a»- ttBiita Bu I wrt of tho expadWoa ar» aej rn tbeir a jtotbel '"'v' b, bm thi romriiuder <t ibeespeoitioa will h"l"W iniin.'iiitt ly. Il. i,-f'f witgiat ". '.'I' of exportfl L-..m Fi-id* Or.t'a! Pbrat iard Vi uraj, for tle tetr .Itng .|i-n:,rT I 1880: 348,738 a.'t.-d ot nnd co^-'n'efl. I r-iH,),. *:,l',-,i ,!,..; I1948S Mltad I.T- bkftBj ,(rT BaHed d 683 fl' . 0 ' P*ga neaae B838 t ¦< -"> ir.i'.->w; S.3TI haha woa L>" pathagM b.iir: 158 585 barrala b*ef. TIIE DI8A8TEE ON LAKE M/CIID'AN. Vrrm The CMttft ¦'¦ tOXtk tP I Obi iipaabia, ahe waa< apoatha MdwaahM raaa la Wbataa, retaraefl to Ibe titvin t>o balf-pirtoaB ttata. They uaweed tba hiaab far ih*M or t*mt t The ibe ta en rv dJiaettaB wm lilied arltb flMBBMlj of r),- «r k tt> Whfch aoiii" Bftj oreixtj hmnub-i'igi were eltaging wbea oar roportera firal anrlfad. Oth a few of IbflBB rt t bed BBOta. T W anrf run fi-aMully in shire. mid mi alnnr-t BTBTJ MBBM wl.et: ih.) WM .an' wi bin a f.-w r-d-of tbi tt ara, tb bM') r.-'Ura \ wi uld MM f thfiii iMiai.'i ¦¦._.-!.1 9 i h-.iilingdi.lti'.ettof ihave on ti e nhore. . Bdward Bpeaaer, a Htudent «>f the Qarret Bthneal j iDHitu'e, was ih|'«.-i.Uv prt.niiii. i.t m loi ett nt-", and |.ii,i gi i i. io ti b aarf bbIiI a ropa ii'"i roead bia body, tiitii- r.acuiiig .-.-itral frum a waterv i_r-ive. T! e atvit g of Davul F.vi son and wi'e of Mii wvikee waatedtbe gwMiH BieiWMeat. Tht- galtaat faHaM WM UOW potne d K'unre on', npon the t.'fi "I tho «'h»-el-' loii.-f. |..'iiiig bia wife by one arm and eliogmg witb h t other t" IM fra;! ark. As he rem h-d *h..re 'i I, tr foi rnrf eepitefld hia raft, an.l ita burden waa flfll f fltaht lt r Bf-reral Meoada. Wl.tt Ibej Ti .' t1 8 wife w-Hr at hiiidd di.i'.i'i'f fr im tearafk. Taagaltaal f'H w I-r* it nud aaaa ;¦< hie w-,v _¦-iz.ii l> r. at d ft-'.'.. regataed tha wbaai-bnaaa, All ob flhaea baid thaii Eeaatb irbile tL-y appro«e u A. At BM u.ataiit they ii_-pean-d bish ia a'r, aud tt (ht l.vt were buiied'ont of right beneath thd terrible MrgfBa A laat the whe^l ii.mw groeaded norne d.Kta'iee trom tlp lieach when tha man with his wife in hMflMM H i, |,.i. H and eoBmeacfd Brading to tba wa* had ,.,..,) i_i.iv ;. ,-ii..n .li.-i .ai't- whao he aaabbb> hanaied bnl wi mh| bt bj BpeaMr. m ntbaed ooo-.e, bm -li balfbariad ta thBaaageB, and d'a ra aahorB. XI.whe wore M»ed BBj».h So the bighaat tarBM oi ti,.,,,,.- , ,,. c,;t..; 'ui. BfflBoa. eoM«aadar of tl.e ill.fbted boat. On braidL ba wa- rII .-'^Ire^-'»nd l"-,v- erv. al^av. BCgfeOtfag baaa if nud fii-iiK f irtl.iai'. "y .'.!,, '-.. H- v. iaaaoemAyttlamorolog oel_\ + ¦bi H-. Bti adiag ipoa a ral mi mdad . :,-vi ral otber rafte, aaa BfBgMgMd cheertegthaw :,' dkdvi i g t! cni now i.i proeai d. Wl ih- in the vpry ¦,,',i. .. nragmgothera,fl hearrrofler Btrnab Uw und waebedbtaa if thaiafljteflflpH flf Ihfl flWiifan aad cr vwIh on ahore. Ttebooba 4 theboMl d :in3 Bt'ward'ad-^, eon- a> w- r.oi'f :i'.i v. t i'... win MvadtBadan .mi, iii.S tfabbara,eeq., ewaareftha boM who, togetber with iha Coreaar. Ceontj Pbyei- .>P.;.'.I htri.'i ol TflfeiaiM, ai'd B BUgB BBBber ot dtbena are on hand doieg wtmtj UngtoaBaviab aad rtttfiie. Tbebnaattaef tne loaaai in Ihetrietnlty wure vi-.v kii..i and provided aU tha aacaaflariM for u.e re- e.iTerj of the exbaaeUd obm «i »weM aa ad. w i. a 11 r reporteia it, th -re w. r^ ro wore |i°n>. '-.* inr'ghi,batthalabaaMeoreaad .vi^b dflbriaaftta v.-,k. Tlu in.- HoQa ea waa oataide. It .a mt ki wa \i tetfwr ^he I aa tii bed Uf "¦<',¦ Mavor Weatwertb diapaflflhad UfHwatflbpteaaan to 11 - Ut M "t th- ia<t^r. T -1 fo ii. .wi.- g aatoaaaflf flf fl paaM |H Hi, H, E. S: '. af Ont BBgBBi Hl h gl "Iwaa BaleepiathaBMta'BneMMthatlweof tba aicidn.'. Tba watebnaaeaaia ia hu told lha Biat :.t a vi .'.¦'. ba 1 run Into i. e __.e;.aier'» pr..t ¦ .). ju.-t foi^arti ol tbe wbeeiboOBB, aml atoTB a hole in hfr. '1 he Bale nnd mvaeil went direttlv on ile< k. nnd nan d Capt \\ ilaon tht ro. Tba HaeMM bad on hourd !'o t. 180 be .-I f ealtla. Tha a "aia o I id li i- rni'l" to 11 i'.r...v u ovirl-oard. Tba) were thr wn o\.-r l.y lha cow. "The lii.t Bl'! tK-c^ri uttt ttttd ta the '.i'e boM to _..,[. I. It-nk. 'II..-. lonndthe lu Ij o low that they eoald ii ( wi Bl .t. Tba hi-r-uner WM liaUnl over, but t,, v .,',,,' iu-. _o\ Bl iIm leah. Tko Captaio orderod all tbe pa -. n ]\rc- UtfflHIBIBi 1 tl iuk uint ol tlu in Ut' he ll.eii offdarad ilociBa lotabeas«aaad iieuk Baaa taa itata-tooH .,. thal li'.i .-''"uld i li n ta Ihen [tl tk Biailj Biiiy paaaangirflnt oal abhi _gb 1 pulled ooe i ut m aa Boated bj iba bibib pbbm. a .ti. ti bbb ""¦ U lh. aegina ffil thr agb lha botb ).> t,i tbaaaaaali taboald think 15 BriacflM i,,- .-. t-tiu k h--r. ihe *-ull went dowu im- mtdib^''/ trBBtogtbaharriaaaedaeb BeMiag a _<r,-a ,'... .t ,':. i-.-i !.; ¦.- w re .. n tll. .ilttri'ii.t- dOBB nbea Ibebattwantdown; tbe BMatef Ibea jaiaped ofl t.-i) .-. t-.., thinkii'i/ tii ii w..iii.l i-iul.. tie-hurrii |_BB I'.ik boob Beparated into 111 ere were ...'. <»n ihe pi-rt .... wbirb 1 WM theCaptoia WM on thir.; 'I,,, mr. r<.n mi'tiv frOM Milvva-ikae, aad flis OT oibtr fear p m a wi al ol wiib > BBB Pl "i ( " ..Wa held Bp i"iUp dOOTI foe BflBa, lad flWfldl flfl bbm) ihly m far afl WiuBtba. Whaa whinaafaa ."'la ii. .-ii- ro ti ».!>.>. .; bob eof <.' b on h r,: n.i l' .''¦:. tha Captataaad m\.-.r Tbat u t ..I i- ol tie ¦¦;' bick on. A '../ IM i ,nn« b ..i pata ¦.'¦. ..¦ u. oi oi I b.i-ri! l :i... '..ii ¦; tha paBMngi ra; another bm WBfli Ii b ui. il ai :l i. <lr ivvi.kI. Of tba85 who weie BB "al> 8 wm- r-aved. "Aiii- Um Bfehoal wa. lannehed, n ,*l btbbalk, wbb bumehad two boata iren lannehed fn.-u ,..i,. -i ... ti-11.. 1 kiu-w ... Ij wo mb Ofl IM ¦¦'. i: ii Mr. \* aid lha I !b '. il b Ni I d J Mu .- iii t 'i'. ' W ln I. it l..-.':..i.t- Hght 'n tlu-in.-rrit'i' the fo H v< ...-.' ,. i_,i ii ,ii,. ll ial j >n wreeh. Ihe Cap*aio called to each ol Ib rafteaadia* .(iii'^d If hl* S-ui'li.-rn lri.-n.l- were iiho-inl. TBBJ atawered frow each, tbat th.-v aran uot. 'Iii tii i.d.-i r.;. ni-..! t.. were prolmblj ('.'. .-' A. i .¦. ii (;¦! I-- .4 Nim ¦' 'r ..i. atid Mr. Qartb and h 'i L of Keatat ky. '; I.< ..:, iii w .'¦¦. BM ¦¦'. ..ii btkm VVinetaa. Oneol tba boata, B-om the hu fit-t k i-tiirti.l whb tweltra ] bb aogora, e^gbl "t wh. ui wereMvrd Ihe beat apaettwiaB. Aiadj aad child wbowenaoathb boM ware waabad bwb] oaM mi 1'ilelu . Tbavwerawaabrdofl Maaeond^iaBa aod druwned. «>ur tafonaantata'ed aat .-iu- bbtm apaka tn r iiavii <». tht Igfal ..fl ...i Ihia ..:. rttto belt ngedia Milwaakeei b we it uld .-. ttheirb Pbom l >k- i.t-i.-The harii Mara«al, Capt. (i.l ob airiaad *t Ihiapcrt jeatarday, brioging d«tflfl titm (. ', -k Tan'a "l-lol ol .'. -. .--. Tba i-hIi ni-rlii ¦**.:,» tmnflttallj dnB,oalf 5.48H baahala .\ ,i _.' I,, i-n r ipped eiuci- 'i.e h.i-i rai r'. Tba waathM dwfogtb Brtel bai i>. m Bae, and aaaa j pai wota Bgahi -lali,!-. QnotatioM waw I -p-r l.nabel; t-X| Ofl il Bt) Stn daj, lha .'', b, wa lo |in oteern a i '. liday, ii being lha anniverair] ol the I rtb bj of Pi ae AH>. rt. 'I he \'iu "..i.tiin art 1.1. Iv pfl BB 1 bl lha i-luiiv Ci inril, :- going into affect d dial 'v. Tbebilg l.'i'.id Barrj Steela, from M w-Torkfte Bt. li ¦-.>. i. m A Tarh a udaad on iha .'i-i. Tbe I- Bmnatte, Caboon, elaartd ow tba 33d ior .>"- t n. _*-: hae BUBlM ..¦ lha ahbj Baaa aal aa raportod aiaebed. Y. Bfl Bo 11 Tl.e Mararal bik p BaihadM <a AagBBl I8L Anivrtl.. of A-L.-iif.iu . trrfo»» I.i ve been nnroer n M I _b BBU i i:<> ld. Thohaflllh of t! lahaid ia u'ood. The f-jlluwitig iinuU_r, oa naw i.i u, lui_. Itenir-utd by a mercauvila liiiri at BMtedMI 1 i. ii" Aai 1 W ..rv» bv urtn, ,,', _i ¦ ».-.«>' th* .'-..- 'I .. ...I |. l:. ,. I'-l. 1^1.1 \it .| lr..l:i t .,'lv fo o, .. ...... r .i' '..- l "iu.. ,-t-.1 wlth tb. i. i | Onr A . v nt l! - r.r. I- .. H | ,*. .i. p ir iaj latB aafaWfl-lta ¦- II i.i:.il ¦. ? A Ven iTaiai iv Liaaa, Lato jMtord^aftaf n<. n i.i ..- Boech arreeVadaaotod thiaf, naaMd Moni^ Barris, m i I'are.- .i , . i,i.. im paahal wtMt. I'. r i. mWA t PM, on |:, _\q h\..[a. Mr. (;ruy wae BBbbtag aome tadkjtelB M Bgbtb avenue car, ,n I .....I hunt, wh.-ii .jie rebhaep wm. pa>patmlfldi Ha fully ideiitilii-j II, ,lri-;,». .,i. ,,f tw,< per_t>u« who WWaaaggteghhba^joal, and who (aadad againat liim axoui. ut blMN 'iie mLieed hia wallet and money. Th* | liBBBM ir- a fl0t*d lliief, an 11 aly I ir*\ lajfl agi waa dtaabarged ttom BtaebwaU'a Waadoaaarriief habaai "rju*. Xhe Bectmed wmb tflken bflflflMJa Ba C. tr. ._...(.,. IHE VI81T OF THE PRINCE UE WALES. m TTiK TORONTO DTFKICCf.TY. tnm 0_f Oa- Beeorter- TlBBBTn, C. W., Sept. II, XBrnX TheaiTairconceming wbkh the greateat iute .tti- bere exl il.i'ed.the yet myNteri^ia ai.d BBBSflfllB-d Mbraaaa kaiwaaa Bm Daka al Newcaetle aid the Msyor oftliu city- ie at Uda mem«ir balaBraa-arataal in New-York tlan in Tornntn: for the letterfl which ycn bave already nv-eiived hy MlagBBpk, and which diatloae all tbat _oedn to be known about the mat'er, are beie (lowly pnarde.d, and vithheld from public viaw. The local newepnpere, in tlie abeeuce of direct iiifoiuiuion, preaeut v_ii..Qi opiai.iua and epecaliti >n_, whcb, of conra*, failta meet the po'nt. x-c.'ly. or BBV i,fy tl e popular wieh. At preaem tli* gmend ju l_- meit aprea-8to be tha» thediffi~i,|iy it atill nn-ett'ed, and that tl.e Oiange cuthreak of 8und»y will a_t-r_. yateihe t'OTjhl.e. Aa you ha-e been infortned, no farther dieqoiet, in tbia city at h-aet, if to bt appre- hended, either frcm tha one eaaaa or the other. A fnller etatement than that eent -y tele_r4phof tbe oiifciu aid ihe rour-e of the tni-iind*r8taniiiiig be-t aeen ihaDulefcnd tbe M.yor, Biiiy etill p »*-oen lBBflN8_ BpOB receiT.ng the lirst letter tnrn Sir Eiiomiid lUnt, in which tl e Govemor General coniui'inieu'ed tbe Pukc'a unwiilii gneps to recognlze in auy rnanner the Orange ir Bti'niioiir, the Mtftt oi Toronto conmenoed socb inveet'gaiioi - ia ho thotu/ht tlie ca«a dem»nded. Havirg diecoveied tbat grmnd wan nkenAj broken, upon Ki_g etreet, forthe erection of nn archhythe Oraiij-enven, he inteinipted the progTutA r.f the work, io Tiew of the fact that >*er_.iace>n to proceed had uot been _iven by the city anth'.ri.ieB. Tliif waa IflBB whh 1 o orf ertaucn cf haWrBBBi-f tttf pern-'inent ir- pclittH.t.iirc.-, a j_.<jcr't? f the Ci-y 08888- heiog Orargeiren, the remiireion needed <t !y ti be aak-d for to beat enca gn4_-ed: but io order to hold the par;iw cmrernfd, from betirinipg to etid, as etiie'.ly reeponsi- ble whfcm tbo leg_l litritu, a epecial meeting waa convenid, after wi ich tba work weat ou under -nftihl a.ithority. The Mayor's next fltep waa to --r%rn in what nianner the anh wonld ba de-o-at^d, and, on receiving iufonnation tliat a piitcre of King William the Third croat bf the Boyne* aud B pa.ty le- gend were to be proniii en.ly dinp ayed BBflalaad M tl e i--iTJRe lea^er* thtt thrve would BMtB-bBjl kfl8%- jected to. After .-ome con ilut cn, the GranJ Maiter ofthe OTannemen. Mr. Job.* Hiilyard Cameror. a_reed toettect an anaruement l.y which a ponrakof tbe Piince af Wtttt ehould be i-aiietinted for tti.it Bf Kini< William, and the i-iecription "Oor (lloiiina Cmetitu- lion,' for tbat of the o.feneivo bgend. It ir qnite pn-ba- fcl* ibht nn!y bitif of thfa fletlj/e B.I BTBI tatBB- I ba iBitled fiBt, llBt ti.ere ia nn ii BBfl tlint tbe Mi.yor kfl-Bvad tka agraflflaaal waa read. in c-od fa:th, I_ai BflBBiad, he wn/te to Sir K-unund Ile-ii ^iviug a rai- nnied..-crii'tion of tie prapeaed ar^h, apaatrjlagaflMl rdor-rnieiit-, buladblg rlie (irauge .triiiu-erown, Bcep- Ut. and Hitle.l-y whieh it waa t'lrrnonnted. Ti_) BBeWBt he recor-ed BpB88l8d atd. all doabta at ret, ttt it llaBUlj stated that, 80 arranged, BBB di.-piay wi.nld be regarded w itn no dinfavor. Tl.e -rn* -tion ot tl . praaaatioa waj aikarwiai twtt-d, aad baa aot aaaa l.een te peued. Uu: ht Iba Ult ).' m-'it. wlie:: tka i tfti } arty i.td i.'reii.iy BB-rhrad al H_ahp tbe HBpea laaraad tkat, akkaagl the proa__a f tka 'n.r-gemen bad been ful- llltd eo far bs the ^ctto wa* encerned, it had 1*^11 by them dt:er_iiued 10 r&tain ihe pictars of King \S Ahma, at lirM intendtti. The Mayor remcnJtra'eHl. bui wan prnaadad by -.ari'-.us_i_::rjiea.e not :o inte/t'ero Bl il.id BMBBBBt. In ivety way ho .eeiiio t. plian: tad timid p'entbaian, ukaBB undor.bted amiabi'iry night Lat nally meibalance h;a reaoli-.tion in BBTfl BB BBgaaej liie the | i-eeent. Tal,t8 P-BM ¦! he s-n-atht tbe coniif*-! of aome of" !he leadisg Rooian ( atholY", tiho inti.iated to hin tbat they.conld detect nothin- .>9en»ive in tie exbi'ition cf the | ictnra and that they Baere icacy :o j»wh in.dt r and ealate it, M the oc I I I sor.'-|uiitd. Ihe Mayorj talkag kWe tkaerror c oon- fiii-.iidin^ the-K)*ifi..n ot tt; Cutliuli.'e with Hia*. of tlie rayal paitj, cocclndfd to offer no Vtrrlon, bai ihibiMtnedtaBBB,atli)itba 6ta*aa888*Craaaaal *td tba Daka wBfc tka aaaipaelad eaa-tga. For Ihk purpoee, ka waa akaal to raopaa a laHar wkld bai I wl writ- ter, but at the e_?ire»iion of the Ci'y Sj- li.iti.p, Mr. f.ambje, wiio waa r.bont proceed- ing, aa the repreeentative t.f rlie BMBOnBlia, to bbbB tbognart.. baaateaded aataal pa Baaaa ..: laibalBBaaaajattaipkiBMl 1 Akkeaghiaa Kayee ii,!iIb !-"< n aad ia B-Bvaraa ioa, i-* more thaa aozioai to acc*pt lbe bia:.:? . f tbtttttilttEtllt, itt ' -nuinlj appeartkatkiaoBrfl nbrta-aa trtrt tkosa ef parad tlag tbe pietare to be ('tabliehed in iin plai I ;.' aii, and f _il tag la a ::,ni'iii: »e tru- bfll by tt Itfll in tesd <*f by ond n.e.-ia_e. Mr. fjlboible, forgfiial '>r m j.i->t'nl t.f li*. -hargB, fkiltdio inform the Duke oftl MBM in whith Ika arch liad t>e>n uaiiy deciiated. and by .Bpreri Dting tl c condi.iou oi'ihe tiiyin tlie mi.ft f*- rorabla way, neeaeded iu brii ui ¦_ aboot lbe taadtag wuitnt Ikapra d wkl b tkaDal ibadiataedad leaiiiaBM, of aa mll gaa] teasaadafl BBd repeii upon ikfl) lahjee- Tha reaBpUoa araa ao eorvBal, and thi dieprbjwaa ra iiD|K)ainir. that nc |r:i« n f.lt d'.'p med tc raeonaSJi r t rlomlythonaplaaiaal t_rea_aaaaaM v.hith htd pre- cedeti theunivhl. Ihe gaatalpiaaaflfliaa a_aBa_ad, ta atkick, aeeordiag to promia-a, no ( rdi._. eoalslJei m Oraaga aai wa ;.i ,Larcd.a!i'i.'ii^h a Caw paaaUarifl obatfakBta ta-Wiafoala worfl ...i_e ealaia upou tbeir bia.Ifl In t'.e :'.rrt of tlu BBrriagae, wkieb vvere pn rdad bra loi MOii Iki Dakeef Bai i-''.--.t boob tl afroal teat, ridtag ba_twaid wklla Ik IVicce i-hi ejpi site tn b Bb The BBaaiag whh fti Bdaaoaad wben t'ey ¦pproaahed the (irHiii-e aiib .which, it ehould t-e iiieiitiui _il, vv ij habloaad aad lotoeod to ..pn . i.t ika aid Moae gata af i>err) .-. lhal aatS ibiy _erejuj.t al'DUl tn jar.. undei it, li.t- PkBBM *!-_ not ahaana ihe phaara al*wve. Tne Duke, of ea ir.-e, D-kla i" bm itatBlL Ti j Piioaa, bowaaer, iin' klj polatad it' .'.a ¦' li ..i kaaa poaaftda tksa to fii.'. tha koreae, aad irhhdraw treai 11 praa a-. .n, it wuld Asenrtoly lu.vi baeodOBB. B : N was too laa, aad the eantaga Bed ,'. .<, C10 OraagaaMa f ..mi'u witli i-artiuil.'.:'tmpliHrir a-. il BB-*rgad fmm tkaakadaa of Ibaaiah, reeitaaaiu-j crF-tv.in.n< co-n- .I lueiiii to the I'l'i.tt* aad epit.Tc-t«. BgB8-8l the Duke, wka _atar appeared aure iaipe-taraaale thtm tt ti:.t bm nt .u Tke Prtaea, however, w.u, rkdklj bapat-Mi ai d BBl' }".- 'i ,. loaMBTal alaag, asd gradoaDj reaeLad the _i..vii7)muiit 1. ure. bl ika88t_88t88B8rlBally, V 0 Diike -ti.t .'or tka Majar, aad reproarbfa w ith a eevrrity vr hich m .._. ra .'. d aa tOO i-vrtnu tole wb..liy jaaB-Ud, -'.J vvhiiii cerUt'iily had a re- Harkaklaaflkcl apea iti ntiiar?ar*edobj at, daaBMaad imint cia e BSB-MBlkiai BB 1 apaBBgMl BM .e decepliou which he deilaicd had Ueu pBB8B.Ml np..11 h.m. Ol otl.tr paititi-hira of ibi-. iu'.eiview, w uu __gktk-f8 l-e ..iv. n, ». ie baiCly dcrirnolo to peodaBBtka icc.rd. lt tM__a8BBi witk tka aaaaaBea _wm the Duke thtt BBBBB Bflajta iipaia.i'.u \fcio __Oe_a_, the l'rin?* wonld .-.rr ify hin c Lrplt ;_* n.- lyan inunedia'e depar¬ ture tnm the lity. N( tkdag ft rther p_a>etl ou b'rid.iy eveiiiBg. and of the iaten lia'i_e t.i lettere yon have al- raadjkaaaadriaad. ltisnot true, eoma ofthe Toront'i BBWapBBBia atatc. and ue otbera «l»eahero willcoubile h i-.p-'tt Ikatt akfajaraadOaaaaaarBM tumid away fi. m the h-vee. Tie lirat letter of tho Duke flfaV-WaBBBB BBBtB-MkoW they were rociu- neiiitd to remi.in air.-nt-i.,.i tbialaaBMaaaaaB-aa il bj eid i ,,t baakaai M akalakf. Ika len.'i-e af the Ul ¦to v are BB fur BB-aVtory tbat urrHngemeuta fo-a r,e.':ul pil.flatlBB t.-d..y w.re .ttect-d. Tnere MflBBBitakfl after the aB__flBBl "l ika BMtBBpBB-- i.te, 88 vaa-gs ff iU tt-B-Bf 88 either aide, yet l am ¦BII t! ct a BBBBI dtgB8Bai tone on tlie part of tlie Mnvor vviiild huve bBBB B-BB houomble tu himrelf, Bad w.uU avarf a)_J have plaaad _it_ire iu a more agieeablepoallif u. A fevr tttfttttt iee .et down fcr Saturday hflcrnoou, ven* paatpaaad _fl Wednreday, on accoant ofthe ^tirmy weeBkl r. Oa r-t'iiday ev/emr_- tbe E_BflB a'- tetn 'h ".. aptj b 'al Ofgoode Hall, by ii.viution ol iha haw .Nn ety x iJijeir C'tu_vda, w'.ere Ue ra- ce-ive. a_d a_8wered ana adiree* re-d by tbe Traaaarar of the bociety, Mr. Jobn Hilljard CaaaKraa. it waa WflBflflrB-BlBg BpactBcle to eea t in g-LU-maa-'BB r. -..n'/edbesd of tbe Orange order, whoae Bi.ale Bjarl8fia_B-8BB8BBI -n;gbt have __BB_MBB- all thia party »nmnlr»ti'8birfb,-/bo leltha Oranire prooee- lion'of F.idaf, ard who, Ni a nnblic. apeenrh on tba aame day. talked defi^ntly ol no turrendar," aod ta- eiated on bit claim to eea "th.. I'rinca, witboot bm n.terveution of tbe Daka of llWflBBBB1 -4B*rimt; w.;,..ii,eai.dc-ordi«lity totbejru-.ta wh.m be aad hia aaaaaaaa bad mttt afal bb_b-b4 Hu it secand tl at all BbIb_B__-B were to be annk toga'.Ner here; far wlcn the dancingbegun, j'i«t after the paHentaiou af tbe Hddrn--, the I'rir.cc took hifl (ttati <n r.ym tbe fl tor, with Mra. J. II. Cameron aa his partm-r. The Inka of Newcaatle nored abont tbe 88 >b«, coo-ereing arfck variona paraona, snd lookinjr aa nncomprrnnlaiaB aaa detennicad BB nana); ir wmld have been in>r-*ai*>la for bim to look more eo, fur when ta p-ibiic the D ikfl'fl coiioteuano alwaya weart ao uovarying ateruoeea.aad plaiily tella of tbe moat UDBwerring tirmneari of B__BBBBBr. The C.i.venior General fleemed lesetrau- Onil aod elowed a tn'l-Dg noeaei'ieaa of manuer. I'arl 8t Oermariifl. wirfc more activiry than n oial, walked abmt the rooma, shcdflint, bla*id goot-ca'ara ou all wbo approached bia. Kveiybody app-ared to act nnder an unaccn-toroed impnl^, and yet every- hody BBBBMi dinpoeed to ba st? gay ae poeerble. Tha gi_viiy,.,f iba HhIIb of Juetira yieVad far t to hoara tothe treeet and Kiddiert of Bpoi .*-, aad it wa* aot until B o clo. V, wten Saobath warninga wera haard, tbat tbe neei ml 'ngt wparated. The n-en" of Sunday w_ the revivaf of emlh am<nu the Orangei-en, on a-connl ofthe refntal of tba Prince toptia unrier their arcb on bit way to chircb. It wte* not, however pot-ait le for Um t-> a.otd eeeing ir, aa it roo-en King irtre* t from th*. corner Jaat oppa- eite to that on wtich rbe chnrch t*vi:r.da. Ab soon aa the Oratiren:a.i learn*.. that the I'ridce had pri-<-*eda_ ihr'rgh tbe cit v by a cir.-aitoue 1888, thtf BBBBBkM with tbeir B-BJB, whith th.y at onoe Jiatribatad o-«r Ika arch. in .he-no*tpr< micent poiiti ma. A ci'y AM»r- -rmn who pi-e-< d bf al the t'rme, endeavoretl to mor.at a ladcVr, with tie purpoae of rrmoving t'ie decir*»i Mfl, bot tbe aobaerailedhiui iio*cropulonely, ahakinghimttr ibe f round and, im.reirvi 1 r.ce, deetroy.n_ tbe ladd-r. < »*ler atfemrtr, in the eame dir.ction were eqnally futile. \\ 1 en the L'liuce. cama frotn tbe ci-nih, hia canii.ge wae imnieoiat&ly aurroioded, au '. a _Vr>i*miiii- attaa waa e_preee*d io remove the hor.asa. and drag it, v. iti. it.-. oeeapaaBB, nt.der the urrh. Thi.i wae pre- veitrd by »le police. -fcer a atrcj-'/'e irt wbich t a > ar _k*88flf the riote.'-. were taken into caat d/, au- tba cnrrii.tre wae driveu rapidly awj>y by nno'Her hido t-tr.i. T! ere were inxrlrnt cies aid hootingB at the Duke and the Gevernoi Creneral, bat na dieplay of vio'imce excep'ioi? tbat jtiat Hllided te. Ou .Sm.day eveoirg, the Duk« and the 8c-ernor waikcl out into ivuiL'etreet, to take a learer *U*w of ihe arch. WkA they were e_aminir<g it, a crowd .',(!..;. 1 *i'ar theni. with demcneir.*i;-.a8 ci rughaa ri. rendpr the interftrence of the police ag-iin necea- -arv. Ils-re. an at ihe rece?tinn 8uun!ay eveniug, tha Duke aprcared perfectly nn< onoemerl, and even hiatad to the cro-tal le*. that he per-civrd no necee^lry for their t.t'err'aDce V\ tu read.ing the gttt oi the G-oa- an,m. n' Ilon.e, he pansed eom* minntea before r«t,r- ing, ai d ihie'ly B_rat___8d the croni, wbich then z) uwed |BBa an _reat kUpeBBBOB fjr diw rdei". La'er in ihe evei ing (he Or_oe,e rl.tfw were ai.1 ra- r ored fr m the 9rch, whether by order cf the Miyor or by tbe bpon'areoaa acti u ct tbo Orcngvaien, no- boJy leema to know. Thie DioniinaT the ci»y is 8Jfllflfl( fc the Prince '*. f?oin_ toCo!liog*7nod. nuC-ihe Hama, and a'l BBMkWaaa of party feeling, if cny were ia- t«n:sd, wculd be paiie loet. [Bv TVVmpb.J T'.Kiimii fueadHy Se«yt. t'., 1*60. It j"a rained ail day, in'ert.rn_ B-flBaW-Bl Wtfl tbe /lince't. pn rrarrme; 1-rii ai.t-itbe'tnding thia, t_B taiataae* aapbBnaater ahua aa Irat l-uf-ed «i.s oi-a- I t. ,\ ti ln* thi.- aiorni' g. in .;r.-v.«rt'.ar tbt Fiioce ini-rht )-t:itii -aittertf tbe BflBB blflgb The ihi b'. n-e c nt* meric*i *i I'.' o'c'cvcft. The lirrt prir-e wm vv oo I.t tha itivei oi lirm.' tbe eec-'r.rl oy tlie Glan-o of Kiig- el. n Tbe 1'riue BBBaBBtBd M baBOBM BB8BB8a8 ol tie Ypc-ht rinb. The R-.v-'. rarty next a.*!it to C-ii verei'y Pink, ahi'i* lbe corn 8 f*t.>nf» waa liid for tha (^unn 3 a'atue; a.Teiwhjd to the L'niver*ii~, N>rm»l .**, 11 ..I :n d I'.if-ii il Qai-BBB, wh.-re the 1'riKi p'.-iittd a m^p'e irr-e. An BB-TBM ¦'.aH pr^-rmtar at II e Oi v.rni..eii' H'.cee fro tbe Bel'evilN uVpuuiiiio, prayfi-g the Prteea t. rltl lhat ptaaa Kn:'-r»°''f'-0aj' freednai li-r_ Oraoga tatarraptkM Th PrtB a'a re- p'v ii .'1 aled tt. ep reu'rrt tbac i'3iire en;. w*m*nta p ade i' imp..re:bli* lo B'-cdeto th- r ,|U*8t The city kaa leu) IbiBrgfld n'l d-.tv. To-ni^-h'. the la'l takaa p.'a'.-, ai d re iiormw the I'rir.ce g< to I^cieu. REPl BUCAN MKETISO AT YORK JIU.B -*fl.i.iur.- Itv TBB BOB. IbMEfl 8B-OGB BSa-B ll(l\. Ull tt ¦ Cl rJ-llN". .'." :i BBTfJ M i' Ifl t i'i',: 'ng B btrge c ¦! BcBoB Ot* parpb) a.-»_.'.!. d al the corn«r e- Poarfk81-801 < n\ F'..hty-i'.\'.i atiaeti in re-porv.* o call for a R»riiib- licaa kfaaa Meettag. A t-mponii-y Baad ' ad beaB aracud fBe ii'- ipaBhaca,hat,awiag to tha »h'.wer aliel fellaboattbi :.i' ,. nai tagorgaataad,Ikap wrre obligbd to aiii< nrn to ihe b .il aad pr woad uuler | T. AbaadofMBBBI waa vnividej, arj for sonte ti_a bef. re tlf "M.-ki * I m men i tb . .'i .-.'UrreHl pl«.o- BBl ri.Ui.ie to tiie Bt-trd. Tba f l'< *vin_ clli-nn. .»f B-B II t 1 w. t i.-¦ li: F'nr I'te k_ ot \l r il V 1- mn .; \'i.i ruablaiga Bdaaal Daitoa. kHhtaa Bm rel!, Capt. F. Kili.-u. P I Co. k i.'i K.'-rt Lenixj .Set retiiii.8. Jamej Oarlai d. BBd M. W. Tiov. i .it pBBMoaai tatroiaaed tka Haa. Jaaaa Baiaaa ,{ >b'o, vv'io addreetf-J t'*- iu.t'.,_. Ku w-td fre- ai ei tiy Hviiov.d hy e.'nie draaksa InabaaflB, wb>. aaa> pt .',,n' uatii tu? in'ert'*.--n.>e et ti.e BOfaag thi-i . .!. rt-ad i.od conmenifd <t> aa that partiea ol tha Viy.tiia Bill nt Itiirtta whkaBa- c.i.i.-e lhal -all aii'ii art bv nntiire rit»e a..d aaaal| Ihen, t. bi...-.".- ..er l'lt-.'ij. :-te. aj, ruad the M-MIBbJ e_- ;, ib tn n lbe Virgiala tawe: if a firr BBB fl. "y .r> -kinr ;>r wrijr.e. ri)ai._aio th.t BtaaH baae MB vlfbt of fiopc .. ...n. h.-ti..'. trr caBaaflla -nr hC.i lllird r,< r\F*r 4'-,^ f C| Ila ,,, pflraflB «'ii-. '.nt t tr ai.ir .».1 e v. ri >n rr p \tO*d any bo. nr.; e. * r flag, a .ti. i l*..t te *!. iie ir i'i it.- .,i at i* tlu. Blfltf. lo Iflbl I Of '..ail- i: .n:.. *. j t or iucub.Uag iraiittna* it . yo p. . ,1 i.trii ia tb> I" » .... r i. he ih Jl, \. tl iBfflBtte ma X rt puij-oie of »t;v aflcfl Uoofl er wTitiafl^, v rirenbfla tlir taaa b tball bf -r.*i. r J ia ihr Pau- tel tlbrj :. 1. ta tl Bfl V .1. I> i'lu: ;.v. jenr^ Mi ftaicoBtbaa intioonoad tha Boa. Caaaiai ¦. Fiiiainri nf Maaaaiibiiiatti. [Tl aaakaarafcaMaaaa- eliui-ette II. ...id: Tbia w:.a BM Irat.aaaka htd appeared bet^re ihttt, lia ipokaBaaaV-OaflBfl-raM :n 'jl.putli. 'olk; le.-imp'.y BB_td Baah ou* tj extn- ine tbe ftrooBfl apoi w! iakka BMod, aad lhaa .ote _a ba ibongbt rkibt. At- ap. ke to thoee wbo Iud lahored aad '.',!. it '...',tii ikatr iweal waa r-_u aa t-ie i-itak* if tl e Sbai,!ii;. -to -.horte mht bad mi ¦> laaaatkiag of a fflek- in li-!,i "i 88. [H--J-, h--« ll w aa bo eaull pMvi tue tcb« a voter Ueir MUMM dateniinad -_« of ike ttmtttf, and it Wh8 imp rta-t thiit tl.v ikaald vi te aceording to pri_nKK lbe an al at aiatadoattag aaaalfra befire tho aaaatrj aaa iba-wa ofthe ritfriaa Tba BapakBaaB parta be d that tlu. B0.ii.nl'<.'di'."> "f the A _.*.':'hu pe i. liat of fnemee; BBB nertber ( _ru-*ris nor the p-o- p_ af tba IflirBory aaa aatabHab B«a~ery in'aa iVr- 11, iv. kaaaaH ibe t>a8-8a-h n 'ua. uot aajaaa tido it. bi j bBeeaae Meaara vv.t aaaaaad la it. Tbr;, beii*v d tliHt ibo <>p*i irg 1 t ibe ilnve-tthde waa da-itiag it ta .. hv.iv taafl-M Daaaaeeal -u IS-kfaajd tha 11. tlir_. Jln viui Buren aaid, in a apeevb at lieet. n, lhat he rliould rot »ote ka B«J BMB W_B _U 1...1 b. ¦.-¦., NaTer/acaraa aaa) arka woald aat _Ba ta i.b. li.'b ii; aad BB Woald attnin tbat obtafll by /oiag back .'irtctlt to tka prfeaif-lai of the fc_.nde.ae*' tba k< publi lhat of n>. uiorv Slave Sta'ee, bo MBBB Slava T )-ii. n-a. aod the arkhdtaaral oi .Uo Kea*r_('. re« Bfl 11.111 tri.ii. S',i. -ery, aad 'h" ab.. i ii-ci of ;.t wberever ii chi. b* reaakad i y aoBM-aBkaaal mi_ns. .Mr. EbBB BB lhaa -.-Ats a very b_bV i..te aml »m- \ .i\.nl .- .aer_rin ol Ika di-it/mract tti* i ^Vtr*l pou..«tl partiea, w tn fhe BBaBPtteeof the H fll party, wh** .1. >t .ne he ni.nl w u> to nave no .'. ^.trine." lle haJ livcd w i> jaaia BB Korxh C_rol__», _t.il he Darrattd hia izperienea wl.ile there ll* -, M j!pi.i,e_l to with BtBrktd BtkB-Baa tbruUKhout. bii .K,,uei.t apee-ii 1t.tt.1_ war iloeed by u Jt-ocii fiom K. ht. PO !., e».i. _ Tue Niw-Yoi'.K 0BB1T_a Kvm aoAcCoaieaiiT... The folb.wirg ta a aut ^Taant of tbe aaroinga flf tha Nt*w-\oik Cent al Kn.'.ro<_i for the month of Anga»t» lri''_, cumpait d with '.-_. eaming- for Ui* corrt-upoofliflB mi/Lib of tiu paavWaafB.81 . a*** '** tt ........... itnettn k tnc.Mae.B»Vti *

New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1860-09-12 [p 5].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1860-09-12/ed-1/seq-5.pdftliir victory in thia city by atorchli^ht pr ¦. ... bert

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Ti 1.1 ii *. Elc©li<m.Puhii am>, Tueadai, Sept. 11, MM,

Two hundred »rd thirteen 1 >w i flgive Wa.hburn,UepoMiran, ^ 147; Sm-vrt, D-m a;.t, 35,0«|Barn.s, Wl.iff. l^d^Bgal at in tha nme tiwnslast j.ar, Mcrill. Bapiblteaa, 30,360) S-nith,D(-B..".'iBt. 9 I'"' Rapahltebfl mtiuitv isI > ..], aisii'st t ~,,: bs( j.ftf. l-i an ine ... -,l

t. te..n».'';* teeia'ea RapaVteaa aetl gaia af;:.t tk Ihe mgtt gale rate ..f iha Btate wii mw h

0, about 80,000 more tbaa laat jear, Tbfln-tuiiaconfiiiu in flffll) Mflpflet, our laatbight'fl,N>tin.a'e. AM the Kepublican Menbaraof Con-gre.a are cl.et. ,1. Tl.e Ri pu' 1 eai 8 atv eelehratlogtliir victory in thia city by a torchli^ht pr ¦.

jfluminatiou, Ac.

Widf-Atvaki- Ocmonotrntion lnAlbany.

Ai bbbt, Tiu_.'lav Bept II, lHM.A g-nnd de;non_-tiation of Iba Wm - baaka Cmba of

All.tuv tad ndi -eeiit citi-a t.>..li pb.ce M night, aodwaa lu ly equj io the au iaipatioia of iia pr .jtacoraatd ihe niautlesi tl Bplaj yet tunde dunnjt v*9eaaapa'gBof nri'.fi rm.d poiitical oluba, A arga uamber ol perB_>n* w*re coosreirvt^tl in tbe ci y t" en* th- torchlighlrnr»f e, antl auny buiioii.^a on ti* liuo ol n.ar h w r--flu n-'imt'd Tho api-eu.rn-_.tt- ol U.e preOB-aJOB W_t8moat brill-ant

fh.- li e wae forn td at aVnt 8 n'tlock, the untnbarshaitaM 'ataa ae Moaaapp trtor ae bvar in fertniog.ThBBBg ('Ial* lr "t> Kinga'oa, Uo ',,. Val.tle, tt,l> ov v»-am s.xTr,i rga U-aJiet ii. Troy, Laaiitagbargh.Ki'tieib,-k, CaaabBM, BsliiMeetflaj, .1 .nu_.ti.v-i\v_at.- foid, Caaaj b..n¦-. M i-.wk (_Ho*erari')e, Roa«diut, aadmbbI earaa ef Alflaaj Coaatj wer.-pre.i-ut,eonewitb leajM d'eymi _..The wbo'e pro_.e_.-i m aaiabeeed le tbe aatgbbMbu k!

.f i,(>0i> torcbep. ii, th»- Bfleraooa a baadaoMB b.i nertw«f hnoir Htroe- B a"- e-n-et fiom J% .1 ,-u,nil) vt_[ P,* txarii fi h ha daOMB dl v ire h' i tbe unmeT ot the eaadi-.la.x. Thaaaaaaal Cteba worebeeompeaied by mmti!laidaot mnwc- and uicbe.-, de<vr,k.td witb II,aad beaaaeto

Thfl A.t.Hny ClabB WBM utiil-r lha eoramand of theirr.enidttr, .1 hlert-dith L«hd. nnd iiiHdealiaiils..T,.-h|-p^riuitf aadthewbola utt.. ra8*ewrmmeradil oaB I I'n- idet.t and bie BanifltaaU Amuag l1, i'r"¦were teveral iln'f t.f Kai] B| il M n>, weeriog '.'i-.'hirte carr.ii ir n aul«. Tbej wer* Bpp-.rent'v' I 00:>flWaag. Tha aneweioa wiM aal loae n ,tii a tu. itebour. On t-ie lu:t i.f tuani, «-v. r* h-tuui-,_ne il ¦, (flof firewoika took plaee,aadviaiti g ilu bw r.-1 m »eheerad. Pbtbobb ibraaaadtba atraaaa lo wIumm thaparade, wnicli ii«* l«i, ti.,,- (ar lha ian_.'t-t anJ tiand-Miatci j liract if tl.e ttunp . gn.

Tho Fiiaum in KnvYork.siKa. -k, I,,,. d,v. gept. ii, 1860.

Jciia A. Oreen.|jr., Ch ir^in" of the NaiooalDenn- -»i,tit' K'h e C-'-nii'-te wr, t> :, '»t er thia aora.inft to l>t-»n KicbiroDtl. «.:h-irroHn ,.t tha Doafljlu C ti

BtCapHBB lha letter 01 IJ i|-II1.IU NN i, d a, .1 \lr.Lfctiin ..f ihe Su'i (' tairitt.-.- Bad iaforml g M. K.hBMBd th*t, ia.raedi'.'i-iy up'n reeiviog n >ti-e of t'ieaeceptwice by tlie DoaMafl (,'¦.tnmi't . ... the prof) -i-tiona rtrr.iDii «-i-i't:i .- IIr. Wood, wi.i.liu at»iIoib aad half ot the Biatotfehet be(Mr. Orooa voold?rnrene bia CoMadttBB aii'l r.,iity tba i' OpuBad fusionMr (Jreen forwao<; W. Smita L-r dtriiveiyiu New>Toib toMr. DaaaHitbnjond.

A'. *m, Taaeaaj, s-pt li 1860.Uie peapaaad Baka wi.h th.- Drecai -i ga mtin-iee th« ex.:r.i: t.,pe of eoBTonatioo la p<*irelen. The S-trt-tmy t-f the Buite Committee nn I

©ther 1,-ttdii x l)r-m >< i,*ir iri-.-ive bj BBBb rn tii roniii:ii-lilr itit 118 flVIll tll" mr :: -I lr ii- 11 "I'l.'-illlffution. Thr Moekrater Union, Frankltn fl

anc a number of o ber pipen re-i.atsl b] BM l"- BJ, oiKlily d- f-lur ,11 . ifli BBCfa ttl-aitn. ihe Cox jb, waileb ifat r bletoeooMBwaagBBBaM aalbfbBlori lo tli« t'O'.e-t Brecktimen ot \Nertern Ncw-Nork. it will rapadiate ibe re-

eogahieaol aael o,r' ~r- a I aea, Tu \.t. A Ilo.A pioiiiiiu-nt I>.iiioo'iti. writini: Eroa Fr iikln, (' matjtO ilie BiaM i ...i.iiiiio-' <iiil ,r. d lhal I- lankbu will re-i ue.ate any each an .i;..l erntuge ut t,t. Araa n..;n.ot-re of tb." Stnt»- ( oti 1 Comoiittee ar° iu loaraio*day. Tbey denounce auy sucli aitcrit'i-e of priacipla ;n

BBflMBaaiad t*ru,».It it. ni,.lerrt',..| t a* a 1 Mr in ia t ith

frcm Judge I>onglae hima«-lf. ti m' y daehriegtri.tiou to deaaaaee aaj Ibaaoa _aade hi h Bwriflefloltlie true prit.ti|le of I'.' i",i ;.i y. Bbd aitb BMB wbiCbtotaeeeeal ooad diaaaioa. Ii b aa Ibareiabert aftraibd tjuarti m tl.at M I'i Bg M -'. ill openljdt'Lt-ane Bi.cb poli, v ;.¦-i., i .. .--.n.1 ih .t t:Cmtral C.'tBn.inee will j r.t a li'.al .-t.-p iu _iny fortheroaaaflMM on Lriu_iv.


Kt iiitblit'uu'.^li-i-tiiiu ut Wott ht>tt r,l*(-iiii

[Thr fol!owln| I. 1 by Ihfl r*ful*r MBgnpUflrrpo.i*!.. _^. nuutn Ta.^a, s-p. 11A Linccln m-eui: w..a bed 1.1 lha llau

b&tlle-glOULd lt .'. :l... .... I, lii-iiafdf llri'l i!-

eet BBMftbbgi ¦

nnmle BbLdeml u-'.atm. tkt i

cf l^.'1 aad 1! I, aben meetiogi utttthe rau e pol L Thana'ed at f.om tw.-.y lo lweaty-fi»e *'

wtre utarly-'¦ taa.> eqaipp-d m d >i!l d illed lnu. hiaty tHcfip, ui...,:. .._- aaa eoaater nu

D iii.n.e- I g a".'

took pteMbetweaalha an-.i-a li¦ I- 87. I. 5iotawith Unu-'B. II '" r.'i' I. 'iu

Dolawi - .. Naai '.:'- J, Marylar.d Philreariv OOtrt BBCtioB t i f''.-.¦ r a'

fir a: d ra: ^l^ 1" I '

,_,_,]~tfa I "-ii in re

Slh^e BtMMj ',,- t., ,\-i:, I" ¦'-..¦- W'.li! d!. i, Ifl

t, ,'n thr«-3'Hnd., bptbel - be II n. .' >lm M.

II tbe Hon..' ,i Hickn Hon, W -. i>-

Kelley S. B. 8mithen, J. Aldrieb D '.''.

Pischnej Kvmi. I I, I Bmith md ^\-

Moriii) t'i J'nttd witb flaaa. aad tb

b M-li.lt- I 1 "H. I. N r B

kel,, , | bill lop. liv-iit,'baid.- rl r

iv r_nk Tajbr oominBtlag Bayatd i»jlM bb

j :,d biniaeU a Kepotdiiflnke a folfl »fa(

.. .,.,

He wmaraalad with ehtar after cheei '¦

ni . V.tl With tb.- war <ri sof ihe A-uer.- .:.a "I Bntiflh

- io deaulv oonfl t. Mr. Sbermaa ba ba EmIthemoatinc -' -|.lJ ll.ii John CoTode nt annonoo«Itoi

i.ut wm pievent.d bv aagegfBMi ia Wefltflra 1 aaa

Joha f !'tJ ''!rradtd boaaa, aud tl.e Wi.l--,. t.ot are yrnVkdlorebeaaadlaateni andMreral m ica bi

Coiisrt-a^ioniil loabtaUfltllMM.Pobt I b'ai .1 Bead tv. Ht pt, 11, 1- 0.

,'i-bk- B. Mi L- - ,M '.""'

laatedfa L'on«r<_*B by tbe Kepoblleaaaof thaZvlhIliatritt.

Cn/ bbi ty, 5.;-: IITli^ I> r L

W. P- tx-Lell O* Uedt'.-J f<-r CflbitTeoe.Lo. b II-.. -, 1 B'Sday - il 1860.

The IJr( a XVth Cict Li-.ve in n luui.d t.'.e 11 ,n. .1. T. flale t'ir

i .'IU*

PeMMflTMfllfl PMllflefl|| , :-.;- S 11, Ibfifl

A _.;rt.j_rlit Ii.'ur'ie Electoral liekel Bei bBM «"-

,,!., .*.i\t- ..) ll..' i.-n.e- ou 'i.e

_iet, .i o.'liiij/ Kr. \~-ds. al 1. i I ¦"¦

xrmg mtt the ehenaee:if Ixi- .- ¦' .-' >¦ »¦' * ' K


io.ail v-u t. ai jiaapl 0,.,o l> Btlla.Wo. K OflflBM Bm*¦ >a >n BB, .i"lin Cidobn. aud j


KtporU-.l Ibtw A«liiiiiii»»lralioii in' « aiistiia.

Ti , 8 .'¦ II, 1Ttr <;;¦>¦. eftoeaj aa^ tbat h.r Edmaod II< .1

wiil BoeKmlj i*h%- Cuaada ab .i.i iba wifldleofO i

Ur Ldwill'U' ,ii...-.d,d bi8u feafl»i k VVilhaaaarj Adaiiaiati tor ef tbe (toaanaaaab-.-

BJcwa Irom IValkrr.Klu.(i,,,. raadar,Bept. 11, >*"[¦

It labebaTad tbat tbt repcil bj tl.o-"-"^,-... IPalbM'BfuMe badt*enredooedto

,,T ^-""-aSafilfcw U .omeii.welJ proviaeO. ^">', ," ', .,ntoofw:,/^,^ ..¦: '¦'¦';:.

to -ak, \Nu kor if poM le ll ia belUred WbUun wUJmarih la Niaaragaa. A reea from Knauo, ari

rlaiaae, .<.- -f ' ¦ ¦". !' l,,r "'


A t.WalhM.

HabftmhuMetfa I iiif.ti c_._jV-----'-».W.'Rf l -mt, M-W. Toeaday H p* -'¦ l^°-The 11. I nnri Fvrr.lt roea hait-c.h.H jq rtroc_ mi-

bere at \\ t.reeelrr to-de-.Tlu iift» rtmcu and evei tag ?-> \__ frr,m Boaton w*re

tvcII till* d mhh (-.|..i-HtrM fro-r* Iba \Saat_mf_ p«rt of th*BtaM und W i-i.iii n,en were bara in full BBBlbanMr. Colt of Pkte_»M baiaga an'iaiuaaia-BBBiBnBitirifi. rn t*.- Waatflt- i"> 11 of t .. s .,.-.Tie ith ol"t.'H. tVi Hti.,0 ot ih.-l|..o. Jobn H Clif-

1'HtioV tkao-kaof to-araor. trbiabaBBBataB-afllBtaV r lninee bai np ..' »ll fi-elinga «it_ rearard t<. lhalp¦..' loa. Tlie St".t.-<'.rnaii't..'Ii'i" no other rneu.

'1 ee txhu h o ei tii g tt the Hril and K rerab _en intl i r C 'ii.ii.ot'-:: Botaa Uda eveu. iv', in. aliich \V B. 1>.Bw a of florebattar arfleid*d,aad _,->«ach-*H .mi malei." t'e Fift-iilriii _i d hy OBa K"..l.uli aod Stua .' H.GrOokia. Tlu- iiiuu iiii-.r w, a f..r fu4i.ni. bu' luaionla .o' c'.tir ly po^alar 1-ljT u.any eolid men ara

Bga|i at ''.AJr. »Jemyn D,*Jier wil prabaktl he lbe Friei'lent to-

njorrow.TT.-re bae ¦>?.. r. rm rrelirninMry ~.~_>t,ri_ held Bt-Aghtt

e_ eo* aaa _l rhe B -aoo C<>m»i''f«e Kn^r_i n_d one atIba \Vorc*aier lteil Hi.d Kferat! l.en i.|.i<tr(ara.

I.." i I.ii.f "ln and Atboi A. Ij.wren.o aiil be tlie(ai.tlitiutee lor State Klex-tore at Imve.

Viiioiui! Ilorac I. .hlliiiion.Kai.aB-XOO M'-h., 8apt II IW.

Tli- National ExWbltlon of Baraaa o.'iBmf-cd barat*-tliiv I peotaia at.ilia rn r-) tnan «_er BBBBBBbPbLS"n t*..f the tiiiit-f h.ireea ;n ll." icun'ry mo ajj t-xliilijlo__.Ftr.ra Tiaipleaad Kthan A!l*.n .tmo-.gthe rm.11 r. I wo thont-ariH BB8B-I we e on tha xrocnd to-day,in.i wiibctandiim the nin.


__f__AK_A- Kl.KCTION.The orTici.-.l raaalt ef the recent Klection in thiw

St.it.- ieas f.illowp:For (iortrnor:

llenrv lt Beetor..30,56. K. U.Jokaaoa..88,618liftti.i'ri inaj.irily.1,960Par Mt mhtrt tt Ctmgrttti

1. T.C.HiB-i_aa.._Ot051 [Jeaae M. Criert.9,600Biadaiaa- ini.j'.iitv. 10,347

2, Tdw.W. i.antt. |i'.,.m;.i c'. B. Mitcheii.. 13,007Jaa. Aatlaaea... 8911 Gaatt'a bbbJ. 3,669Cy'eit and Joeaa aie B*ll men; all tke raal

B._ k;nr;d_e Demociata. Iie-tor n> d Gaatt (bothtl.-it.-d) rbii i*ttimp BBB-BBt the " re_ular" Demo¬cratic nominees.The M\i*>> I.'i bi noa.. Tke Ptrtlemd Ad-.

ot la-f-Bj i t Br_n_-| atur thfl c'e('ion, annouucea

tlu re-iili Bl I' 1!" wh."<;-iH' RepohH ar Vi t^y-I't rtlnl Ii"d'*e-'ned.

All Botior tn tha v\ ide-Awiikca ot Farila_a Haiaai:<liii.ii.mi i.i iiver M'l'iiir-n Tbaaaaad M.ji-itj

\\ i.i'lc ('.,i)u;--"rBi n IV'i |-i ii.-.i l{"pu'.licHn..¦ :itu td BTab ln.i"i.'li 1{-(Ki .li i.'. -I»oiii.'Iah Ao-

t iiiiii.pd nnd K aado.i rnnatpb-ni -Ma.it Baemralbti. lit.-lii aad Bamlin j .'.. 00 Maj .ny1"AN it i rafwaaea to ilhg.ti voiera, '. A' rtittr

-nye:We bad our eba-l tgt ra, no o of \ luck nnd anaaala,

i.i .-\'.)V ''nl "t I"'J t" :.!1.'U_a tlie illag-l v..it"i

abico ih. Aid. I'j.e-i had akavefall. alk aad tor mainon ti.e lista aad tbia datanBtaed tone ti! nur Witle-Awake frienda haaataad n. ti e thy"Wi ti.ink we i'iit aBpt-tatba B-iraraalaa_Ui_eat

nf cir frkaafl bera, when \r* BBf tka \Vido-j\vvake or-(x'ai izitioneliavi M*ad Uda c;iy."Taa Kbwi raoa Kaia_--Tka Rfoni.licana of

foakarabaaid 'lieiu-we froa Mniue, hy the ce*'-|' kBBI.^t't-re. Ht 4 a. m. *aaMf_BJ '.r^aniF'e'l a WldeAv.itke Clal), inhtle tbeir (Httiitik'ee, anl fired a r.ilateut Buniii-e. T'.e- tttt t le p Dtaaakakta tkraaaaa lo

Bta tke W.L-Awak»8 ttt a kisaek of tbeirpt.it-e.

BA mfetiric of tbe Uontthia Central CtaatB.lga Clnb

vriie l.eli BB M"t -BJ Digbfl al tkfl ("rner ni BraadwSJantl Tliirteemh et., wli.-u a oeiiea ol re«ol I'.ionii o,v[>.>.-.-iig t'e Jiii-ion B80~Baa_.I were ail ipttd. Mr KieldMail B le:_'hy apeech in re_ard to l-BrOB, proii'Mine-ieg i aa daaora i"R io all iu Brai-eaeiM iaalra tiveof tba iitereets of tka Daaacentk party, tfl laaattablyifi.'i. V to defeat, tliriiup'if.n and di-L-nioe. Tlie at-t. inii.i ce Ht thu meeting ~ae elim..In Httakaigh, Paa, tl.e Pb-bmibUi Caaatjr Con-

vei.iieii met, on the -"'th iuat , aud, afier ronkiuK nomi-natione tor tke I .uiitv ottit¦«*. AaBBflBaljr, an.l t3tt_Ti Bni u t'. taiarai ika Craaaoa baaioa, um raiiaat ABj r¦ v--y Bb rn.y "iu.e tctvvtcri thfl I> .n^la- auii Hrcckin-

tbe foDowti g rtsoinlion wai cinied bf B.cttf ef ''ti to IT:

firi.'t..' Ibat Mthflfltr-flfltet._iflfBfllMetlflB-hfl lt I. .i.i

£ lt) , BM v I -'a' .- tO IBB N i'n al De Bflfltl v

adueat-p'i . Btd a.'l iliailr-t i.i I'latf ir ii- * I>ii. ,-iiioni n uda at Bait.

. |i. || r

(iiieot ihaBoailnoBBaartba a-aaaaBt] c-ame ont ia a

.anl the d.-xt ilay daflk-dBftkl haoar.

QMAfiD REOATTd AT -sisti 8INO.. * .

Tbe bbb-bI Pi f tka Hag Hb| M -MVa. ht Clab ibbm oti fe teraa? at Ha| Hag. _-fl

¦acbti Bartrd freai the foot (f ___a atiaat, aadcuniae extiii'hd r. Mtuitn m'a I'. int, r .-n,d a Mak"-boafl easaaflB Mdi Paiat, Ta-ryt<>-.n. and tha iea baahlOtkephMB (I i-1 u 11:. _r 1'ney tntde n mle.ndid etirt,Bad BB re l.iv, ii .1 w.iii a r_ood biee/.e BBB*-* tIie. BBrtira

Qce. A laraja namix-r of peiri.ii'' BBaaafhlad lar. t

., u pi.'FT-.j.ii.l aappar,.. . h I,. t,, irhiBh aaaplfl

wa- .l"i e. The. yavnta were difidfld bBB) two

| llowi:|e] |' .,

e'iora'1..'. r>l*.lirw.e Br rdtl-y. Sini* Sin^..1. li iU.: Bl |Sb

(. ,, >f',,r_r;,... ., ., M f Bb c Sing"...ri-tiaw.,. \ Havrrttiaw

ib. "Mi t Ltaa.

<i | Si. -

K bi (J Li > 'r.j-jtowa,.., at I. W i,,.. rr hp.ita.

...a LjOB, Sp-.ll*.i ,.-.., ;- ie as fo'.lowe: _*il8t8-MB, Old

T ; 1 lir<t pii/°; I.'t :.< ' BaCO-d prhw.-. B< r Aaa a< d L tataa. Tha ac ¦; d

i'.d at r.'h .'tn ,aad tHai'fll baa al 12b, I'.'tn.i -i' ti ¦ iv- Btag araa a-

fullowi I ¦"' >'. 3h. Ma, ic*.; <»ld T-o, :Jh :.."._..Irt..-, ll'-Ht-r Ann, Ib -BL l_B. l.'-ni.-H. Iti.

:;m. HM.Tka pr i/f - b ara Baa ailver cn|x., two lor eaeh cho*..

ibe flftk being aarardod la tba tttt baat, ii".' _Haa_dromii: aof ih« eooraa ara btfaadad

|u be iwiiity inilrf, l.nt hy B8BM adatakl the uij.-r.. -.. Bt-Boradl laitlM i ap atraaBt,

tbna BMkiog tba raa tweatj-dx M_aa. We BMBiloathin Ic BBM tli- BB a'l'-r boatl vv. i'd md BrBedl* Imve

tbi ek-Baffea ratae. kad the B-Baa-abaaawkBltatBB-Bd. Ae il whh. f.te\\b t_ i-fu-t'lo'l very

Tha f¦'! -*-"'- boala rataraed t" tie doek,ba*1agi,. ,... , j.|,M, San. 1/iu.ckei i".'a Badeoa WH<l-|o,-.« -iv....)¦.-. Mary, aadH-t_a '1 ln- OldTopear

,rtj | 'he B-ud-gataka-'";,f-


Al!BI-I '' I M^N ,"'" WOMBB OB Chaiu.i ¦.!

\.-,,-. LaM evi-i.ii".' Kiie Mare'inl Ituker nrr.-'. d

J.n nl. Miller and Miua Millnr, I.i- en-U-r, on (ikaifl ofMt-Bg tire t" the baBB-BJ Ht* KO (SaBal tttttt,')(t BpiadBytbaJera raaakMBjrk'.BrflBl ea. T«e ira ooearradBt2iii!"t-k vein'.iy Btoraiag,aad Mi Bakei tatka

i . .-. ii ,i ii'a, tl.e day k .ri.' .1 ii. ..

.* t>i. poodabad baaa prtaloaaly raaioradfra-iriBo V9 CHy HaM ptaaa, aad nl-" eaaaa

ii ** IBBM f-i'*- UapBeatlBfll Mdler Hi.'l hiahi Mr. t paa proaaaaiBg taCbaj H*J. ptaaa ke I ''mdtlie gooda in c lniKiv nt Miia, wbo Barfpaara,-Tadleie. Willt-r had ari tsaaiaaBB td ||S8 in ti.e

BaaUkaa ¦<-. araBaaCaBapaajrapaBklBBBri BalaBaaa-Tkfl ttttt* i '.vi'- Bt r.'d u|. ;.i iim h- i ri li \V,»riiStiii-)U-Il.ifj.'-e. aad wid Ubdaj ai bfaal a_____ Bl fl_

? ...

C_-C.:.v. ITeietkl V. John- :i of C.i.-gin tl.enominee of tbe Donol.iK vJ:if* ft the llein.cn.- hi

rivid in thr. city Ihhi ev": tr ai.d i- BOW etop, iag at

ti ,. h:fth Av.-iine Bea v*. '. J. ri,*. ii. Bflrtaa. So tii.t.

mttt aad traathar paiMhihig, batl of rhe cardidneecl tbat lu !'(-t, will MBB tleir tJtJtmt (< IkaUghafil"'

vi; thej ara i naiad to tba paapaa B>-U|BtJOBl

EEPUbLWAN MEE TlSG8..Tlie THrd Ward Wub-Awake*, C»p* fl al-1 pa-

raded laat evening in nr.ifonn, with l »n-hee Llaztnir,and banrera fl^ing. to the muinc cf a bra.. iand,mairling ihron^h un-i't of tle do*TKo**n watda. Aathty |*8ied Tai TBIBOBBOBtefl we' wera buuort-dwitb a ' loraiig .u'aie, mai a brltfani dLpUvifbie-worka. Tle Thitd Ward Clab ii ¦ arly H»0itmag, aad Ib dflBflg go A aer«iee in th« bBBMMMBw l;it b we all have et, ieticIi at heart.--jttbBaattef af ihalhfatoaaal Ward R«puMi.m

Aaaocia ien at tfa. t-'-" Grand b raet la«t evening, n?-wntd t f fif.y tiimaa were flddad to th- roll. Them et-

iog waa add.-eeied by L'apt BjerBOB, Freaiden'. of IheS» ventteiith Ward Aat'xi-ttioti, who ita'"! th-it taal

orgai i/aiion wae lona'antly augmenting ia naifllxi-ai.d ln ui ihe rar.ka of ihoe- who had tiil r*.*iitlf beeatl ii appeaeela; a:_,l uhul it-i-'unce, inetiii<Bf tl e not-t active rn'mbira cf their Wi'"-Aw*k« CI llwaa; a* tha IhM »bt tion, a candidate fur Aas'ir.Myma"ontle Mf/art IIhH tii k> t. He Baid they would tifnout at ler-t a baadiadtoMtit-a from tha Se^tnt.-enthon ThnrrflHT. TLe Thirtt-eii'h Waid Wide-AwaktClub MBBM Ihia .-vtninp f»r dnll, nnd to perfert plurufur gioufi 'f. lha On J-'-r l i.it.n to-iii-ir'. *. i.i^ht.

At S'uyvn-aut Iiaiinte, CI. Jm k of ItronklyuIaM evei.irg addrei&ed a Bplritad UK-etiog. bTa -v-York,i-hid Col .L.ck, haa R ^reairr intereat iu tha election ottle tt xt IV r-idt i.t tl.an 8-iy ttlier a |"->t in tbe ntmtry.Si-ra Jaaaaip I, New-York baa (MpOltod over

1188,888.880ti gooih, kt iHdehaha ia raap'imible.Taiat couutry bM to pay for thoee. What put of itrotiti'l.ntfs mr*t to ar-ewt anothercriaia ! Toe8>othaayaher iuu-ie.t lagNfltflfll in tl.e Preaid'-titi-U elec-itoa, What baa ahe eoatribatodl Hareoltoal Wtll,what ia h wqnhl Whj,ateM Jaaaarj I. tbabaadvalne of cotton aapoitod la hat lii.i-t.ver |7,808,888.AI! t'fih-i' aattai pt l tehal foarparta Laadoa, Llv-erpool, CBaegow, aad Hsrre. Nv* York bMbhvpiMMBMMa w i'!i BfBBBBB, Hamburg, the Hii'.h, k'rench,and Ilti'ii-h Weat lndiea and a him.lred othpr place*.Lat!'«« a |f>tind < f BBBIea g( ne ihern ' Ni.t a pout-.lAid I ahaBaega aapef Iba grmt DeBBoaraba Mteonton le Beat ire i.. i>_-.- tha people a.'.d flh--w that theS'lih will c 'ii.tril.ute enough to p^y thi.. d -bt, or t'natthe wi oli Iftoea BobUm ra Btatoa will pav the City efNew-Voik na BaebMthe fott BepnbHeao BtalM dMiebigu Dhneii Obteaad ladiaBB TheiBMaateofCi 1 Jaeb were illns IBflfld bj! a BBMbM of amm-ini:Batedetee, ard he Bfawad hia inte-ition to do tlu'yfrum aaw flfll NoaeMbM wherav-r bawMwaatadaany n-tctinif, no matter how amall, and iu any k:iIiiv,no matter bow poM. Bk aaavhawaM Bataaad towii'i ^i.-Ht totaraal by ii <. aa liaoeo, an."i g wl.i ne

reeegntied bmbj tbnnwlj pi aaiaaat Daia eiata.te- Ihfl Biatb VVa.'t Bapablkaa Aaaoeiatiea, l>. 8.Ilwire, :'re;idrit, met at No.-Vi Itaya-d etreet laotarenl a, io. ibe reeepak b .<' aew bbbmIm ib.

TL»- Foarlh Wani BefM I'. .n Aa.-.". ia'ion met at

No.818 WOHbbi itiaH I II. M. II; i iathe cbair, aad i-K-eived aboal t-»et.tyne^ merah-rit.ihe ^N' le-AwabM, C hh Crittaadaa, Mpteia, willtiiftt at the wtme place to-oigt t for di ill. and lo m ikeairaaaaBBMbi f< m tarn out toBBonow araategi

A lari.'e and antbrn-iaatic meetingof the PoartaaaflbWanl NNiiiu-Awakes waa Lebl at the lit-ad'iuarterB,N... |-.'t. ILirf.me c-tn-at. bfl iv. li'icr, when it wa- r-

m It-^d to tuin u.t 10 the BBBMB tne. iie,' Bl OaOgM I nati-tnte on Thaifldaj BTaaiag. Oer'hfty iirknxin were

addt'' IB the rull..The EicM-nth Waai BepabBeaa Aaaooifltiaa,

LawkH. Wht»a, Precidei.t, met »t No. 'I Avc ine 1)laat e-Miinif Ior the reception < f new BMBhaflB, and lepaflftll BnMgBMBBlB f-; 1 IhflgMfld deint.iiatru-tion ou Tl. i niay niyi.t..Ai a large neetingof the Eleve.-i-l. W.ir.l Widl

Awake-, beiu a( LflgBI a Hall, No. OS Houaton b reetp ..eiii.g. JoBBpb Su. '.vh oma tht«en Caot,_,in, aiulA'txai.der WBBbmb, Ofdarfj Bargaaab The ClabpiopoaM to tara aM in all uuii...¦ flttha Ceopl.'nit n laillhaiiea ¦aattegi The II«.n. I). N. Mt r r.t

Mr.itff.-t- ibe lt .pal !i. h'i- A ti.i.- Waai al lha ball Ho.-ji Avtiit 11» ti.i* evaafa g-'Ihe l-ilv-ii'ii W-ri VNi.lfi-Awake CI ih met It-t

aifbl at No. 18 l Baj plaM, iii¦'! '¦ MMMad aa waid.BiableaaBeaM ot rttMm i ¦ mtu bi »l**- ea t^i m oitbe gnad IBIJBm i' u n.en'v a tt be h- |.l ,-.t iha OeopMIi.t-ti'ute, tbie Clab will turn ont BboM l|H* M Ba

Ti e Y. u' ie M.-i a Bapab Ic -o l aioa Clal ball M.-I .tliii-iniiiit in. t *iiL' l-irt rigM a'tht S IJBBBaM li.a'i-

lala, ueDieada y. Aftwa Mog '; I ,; Clab,th« mteiiiij; wab atidre»-^<i Bt^OMB laagth bj A. ,1

PhtaahtTtfrr wbwuxmly Bj.plau led


We L'.-t tbefbDoaing iemaof mwsfroaa latoBaaVi.- teaidee] bj -

,N tog Bteaaei \t . rande fr >m Eiini.il. i Dtdthe" I'M-.ii-:.. Bha wll i- aaaptojadIII I .H'll' ', -< I' '.

Or ti i Itb r -i I3 Bl Bm J Ai n -. ',!,-. I'¬li, 1, bin tii-d aaalate ln honor ol ihe daj, tha abon

| idi "i

in pcrt bototed lha atan aad itri a at tba maia. Al¦,],,, 11 M K. < 0.. r-.ii "dreaaad ihlp' tliring

^, and tbe aerchant ahipi ln ^ rl b*d thafi1; : nd lha

('. iu refli I.. ii g at Maldoi aoaaluta wa radHadBBM Laflraaae um a pearing in op ia Ba

.'.-Avf.-, bat w Btotaha paebatmal adI urrpe, wbei kt -. le 4 >«:. m i! i pvn -ui >_. nt,! in Polaad, Ibwbriaging balo a timiua. ui.

Mt btoridee ill, t'.e .Irv1 raad b D Bad ttttl ipn oo aabj <'-

WBTir, ivi-re i!'.'tl li''I U.e li.onev tnalkel IU fl't.i e'a v.

fapl B. tmft,] *tot II B. M'aaaral 1 rrM-a,and^»t ..-.-. i.ti. iv.« ca i.r.-nt Britaia lathewiaedMhi.;i Ior the BBMeBEWUl '-i tt.-Ai I' l''.':ifii flu 111-.di.d n.d-J. tilv ob i'' v. h :¦ of 1 Julj 1. He aridto Bad waa bariad ifl ihi Engliah eeniaiarj oa tbeLh. A de'a. huiei.i ot Barioaa aad Mbb iaeheta ti"i"II. M. 8. OheioD ..'i.ix.i.,1.. Pa ated a _-tl.it.-t.vfr ibe g <i. e

'i 11- (;. vm l.lf--. t ef Mooterideo 10 ir bItm gan-eai Btttie^rtioB T'i.- ia n in abna < dabl wbich

;i| li ilu D 'iti-i I ll ::: HU < tt f..lit)l.ll IBBB it

the old ',,,...,,, ¦- . v.-ry hfHV-i'v iiftTj alle^aaaMof iodoetrj. NeTartheleM ihroogh

ii.n-iiti tn,'.,- ,it hon >¦ ii iiii-n'i.l BBBfehaatB. it

r< bai la thal ba . n ra p rt bbm ou kt-ei^n il.i_.pkg niiv i» Bomewhal m d*rated -1 -i- ol11,0. .!..._. I..:i u a t'-'v Ili. ial ].(iniu;-:tf -, an.l J iaklii a no ii-i.'ii'i- t>> lha Stale. 'I ia exeea Ire amoont1 f ihete dnee imv i< Bndantood lr ,m ibe CbbI thallin- ,,',).tr d.v a :y'0-tun vt-r*:\, OB laai.og tha pTi,.¦ BaaciM aCu-. «id BBi two baid dollan m aaawhi'.e 00 kariiip Vonta' doo Iba daaa aaBoaated toJ'.MO, being Bearij foot nmt-a the ih paM bl thformer p< n.

....Aagottraaaeatahowaererydeairi tointroonwfcerevei praetkable, bat partj bj naana ol

--_ u ,1 | ,t.-. ..,1 tnghan illoe-t-b! rpintoa Iba partol baj an coMpalled

' riii'itii in u.it iitiiii.' a W -D.-a-iiiff. A BOW

Maup <hw w.ut ii.to epeiaiiea 1 ;¦ ihe Ial oi Jalj,\s., 11 i.i;.. ;¦ ..¦I'v Batee, i kt lit

Dnt of |106 ata apwaidfl, vaal tegiTBaea paaaar ritigai m "1.1 Htamp nnderaain "f a beavj paaallj

Ik -..'.. tn. 11 .:' Ull'.I, ot lh' 'I BB'II,ilabora ol tha mized eoamia loa (brtheMttle-

! 1,ia h a .11.-' '-1i,ii.-v ld ><.

bave riM.I'i <l tiinn rr'r;.'en:ei.t for the pajm Bl of tbit. lt I11 iiixu bu.ente dnrvg 1 tt (y *r*,r*. TbiaflM nr

nid npon ibe ekio aale, e atdanng Iba loaa .i^i.i-^ Uti.jlaie been -.' ti-d. ><.( ln Ibe praeeM

ot thi- n -.-in . it ia, f-rh p^ M.1.;. ia. ana a ul 1 bara bi m aati

ripatd.111 iii..... Avr-_. a; ii > BailroadCobb-

paat, ii bii r. n m nl wmtl I.i,' il ti 81 k Enpi-oi'i.M-'-1/ "ii'iii--. I."- -I'pH ara "aow oa tbe wajti.i. Luu'iikI wi'h laalirial fbrtheronfl. Iboeeroad

,0 01 ibe ] --.U...I.. .*.,¦ i- ton pk lha ':' I b*.?I,,,;.. ,|, ".,]...1 and tha 8m loon wiil be, andBxpeettd the road will he opaaed befeM tba aadol lha\. it 1. iiip.i.iy .1 boadoe . uli-r ak'cg, but

...h ,.;. .i<. k Ib .... d i' 'li- CnBed BtiAt iie openiag oi .-. mv* Ni»r__a: Bahool laB -

Ajit-i -iui> is. tight ihoaaaad Bhildraa warahad Ib pea«".- "ii _

Il BWiBMB from ihe rei-ort ..' Ibe KIO Janeiro OUCowpBI v tbi.t a re« 1 d half yeuily divulaiid hbo baeuui .l fi, v. hi h, Bdd«db tbe i.'vi.iih ol. aho v* a

,, |l >. .-' ,r '',..¦.

'i'i bj hava aaarij one hni bad i-.l". <f gai m ,"-- laid,1.1.ii .ir,' 1 IK.. aofhaaia Ii-:iik Baaateaafladta Mpplj

1 v rev. JOB . la MTB '.¦' Ibi/. i ¦.- 1. 1 1 ty.'

A 11 w ai. cint-r to rct, b<tw-n ILi>n>t A) re* audV.'-r,_ ir> eaaas t:cn wi'h iba PMaM lir.e ofataMM'iir*tn HeMithtix, WM to lenve tbe latter placeAagMl Bt

/- ntbet TfaaflflHaMteal> .1 Baah ipeheeefj aea*i--t:t i- of twa tturtt ateairin., to run bntw-en Aot\.tr|i Bfld Li" .I.".in>. Al-oanother, but more rroh-J, p _-t;. 'I fl I N -.- ') k',. lr /-I, BBd Blre? I'lat-.Tt i- I ..'. i BIB'M BBf* vi- g-'-awr Arp-n.in 1 hid

r. lari ..1 I"." b-rl+at trip iu the riv*-r^. Thia wne

1 r-,, t, 1, j ,1 t., aa ' -tl 1 '*181 la to, trmt <i-1 .>. >i «o u<»

,-., 1 ',,.,- r1 ..'.' I BBM 'li . brldffB, t.r,-| afl -r i-a-r"-i-, '.tt n- whb l"tr< l\ aaoagb w;.t<-rt 1 B »«| her, tillal la.-' it was d<-'. rmiu.1 le dflflifll fnm furtner a»-

ttBiita Bu I wrt of tho expadWoa ar» aejrn tbeir a jtotbel '"'v' b, bm thi romriiuder<t ibeespeoitioa will h"l"W iniin.'iiitt ly.

Il. i,-f'f witgiat ". '.'I' of exportfl L-..m Fi-id*Or.t'a! Pbrat iard Vi uraj, for tle tetr .Itng.|i-n:,rT I 1880: 348,738 a.'t.-d ot nnd co^-'n'efl.I r-iH,),. *:,l',-,i ,!,..; I1948S Mltad I.T- bkftBj

,(rT BaHed d 683 fl'. 0 ' P*ganeaae B838 t ¦< -"> ir.i'.->w; S.3TI haha woa L>"pathagM b.iir: 158 585 barrala b*ef.

TIIE DI8A8TEE ON LAKE M/CIID'AN.Vrrm The CMttft ¦'¦ tOXtk tP I

Obi iipaabia, ahe waa< apoatha MdwaahM raaala Wbataa, retaraefl to Ibe titvin t>o balf-pirtoaBttata. They uaweed tba hiaab farih*M or t*mt tThe ibe ta en rv dJiaettaB wm lilied arltb flMBBMlj

of r),- «r k tt> Whfch aoiii" Bftj oreixtj hmnub-i'igiwere eltaging wbea oar roportera firal anrlfad. Otha few of IbflBB rt t bed BBOta. T W anrf run fi-aMullyin shire. mid mi alnnr-t BTBTJ MBBM wl.et: ih.) WM.an' wi bin a f.-w r-d-of tbi tt ara, tb bM') r.-'Ura \wi uld MM f thfiii iMiai.'i ¦¦._.-!.1 9 i h-.iilingdi.lti'.ettofihave on ti e nhore. .

Bdward Bpeaaer, a Htudent «>f the Qarret Bthneal jiDHitu'e, was ih|'«.-i.Uv prt.niiii. i.t m loi ett nt-", and|.ii,i gi i i. io ti b aarf bbIiI a ropa ii'"i roead bia body,tiitii- r.acuiiig .-.-itral frum a waterv i_r-ive.T! e atvit g of Davul F.vi son and wi'e of Mii wvikee

waatedtbe gwMiH BieiWMeat. Tht- galtaat faHaMWM UOW potne d K'unre on', npon the t.'fi "I tho «'h»-el-'loii.-f. |..'iiiig bia wife by one arm and eliogmg witbh t other t" IM fra;! ark. As he rem h-d *h..re 'i I, tr

foi rnrf eepitefld hia raft, an.l ita burden waa flfll ffltaht lt r Bf-reral Meoada.

Wl.tt Ibej Ti .' t1 8 wife w-Hr at hiiidd di.i'.i'i'f fr imtearafk. Taagaltaal f'H w I-r* it nud aaaa ;¦< hiew-,v _¦-iz.ii l> r. at d ft-'.'.. regataed tha wbaai-bnaaa,All ob flhaea baid thaii Eeaatb irbile tL-y appro«e u A.At BM u.ataiit they ii_-pean-d bish ia a'r, aud tt (htl.vt were buiied'ont of right beneath thd terribleMrgfBaA laat the whe^l ii.mw groeaded norne d.Kta'iee trom

tlp lieach when tha man with his wife in hMflMMH i, |,.i. H and eoBmeacfd Brading to tba wa* H«had ,.,..,) i_i.iv ;. ,-ii..n .li.-i .ai't- whao he aaabbb>hanaied bnl wi mh| bt bj BpeaMr. m ntbaed ooo-.e,bm -li balfbariad ta thBaaageB, and d'a ra aahorB.XI.whe wore M»ed BBj».h So the bighaat tarBM oi

ti,.,,,,.- , ,,. c,;t..; 'ui. BfflBoa. eoM«aadar of tl.eill.fbted boat. On braidL ba wa- rII .-'^Ire^-'»nd l"-,v-erv. al^av. BCgfeOtfag baaa if nud fii-iiK f irtl.iai'. "y

.'.!,, '-.. H- v. iaaaoemAyttlamorolog oel_\ +

¦bi H-. Bti adiag ipoa a ral mi mdad. :,-vi ral otber rafte, aaa BfBgMgMd cheertegthaw

:,' dkdvi i g t! cni now i.i proeai d. Wl ih- in the vpry¦,,',i. .. nragmgothera,fl hearrrofler Btrnab Uwund waebedbtaa ifthaiafljteflflpH flf Ihfl flWiifanaad cr vwIh on ahore.Ttebooba 4 theboMl d :in3 Bt'ward'ad-^, eon-

a> w- r.oi'f :i'.i v. t i'... win MvadtBadan.mi, iii.S tfabbara,eeq., ewaarefthaboM who, togetber with iha Coreaar. Ceontj Pbyei-.>P.;.'.I htri.'i ol TflfeiaiM, ai'd B BUgB BBBber otdtbena are on hand doieg wtmtj UngtoaBaviab aadrtttfiie. Tbebnaattaef tne loaaai in Ihetrietnlty wure

vi-.v kii..i and provided aU tha aacaaflariM for u.e re-

e.iTerj of the exbaaeUd obm «i »weM aa ad.w i. a 11 r reporteia it, th -re w. r^ ro wore |i°n>. '-.*

inr'ghi,batthalabaaMeoreaad .vi^b dflbriaafttav.-,k. Tlu in.- HoQa ea waa oataide. It .a mtki wa \i tetfwr ^he I aa tii bed Uf "¦<',¦

Mavor Weatwertb diapaflflhad UfHwatflbpteaaanto 11 - Ut M "t th- ia<t^r.T -1 fo ii. .wi.- g aatoaaaflf flf fl paaM |H Hi, H, E.

S: '. af Ont BBgBBi Hl h gl"Iwaa BaleepiathaBMta'BneMMthatlweof tba

aicidn.'. Tba watebnaaeaaia ia hu told lha Biat:.t a vi .'.¦'. ba 1 run Into i. e __.e;.aier'» pr..t ¦ .).

ju.-t foi^arti ol tbe wbeeiboOBB, aml atoTB a hole inhfr. '1 he Bale nnd mvaeil went direttlv on ile< k. nndnan d Capt \\ ilaon tht ro. Tba HaeMM bad on hourd

!'o t. 180 be .-I f ealtla. Tha a "aia o I idli i- rni'l" to 11 i'.r...v u ovirl-oard. Tba) were thr wno\.-r l.y lha cow."The lii.t Bl'! tK-c^ri uttt ttttd ta the '.i'e boM to

_..,[. I. It-nk. 'II..-. lonndthe lu Ij o low that theyeoald ii ( wi Bl .t. Tba hi-r-uner WM liaUnl over, butt,, v .,',,,' iu-. _o\ Bl iIm leah.

Tko Captaio orderod all tbe pa -¦ -. n ]\rc-UtfflHIBIBi 1 tl iuk uint ol tlu in Ut' he ll.eii offdaradilociBa lotabeas«aaad iieuk Baaa taa itata-tooH

.,. thal li'.i .¦ .-''"uld i li n ta Ihen [tl tkBiailj Biiiy paaaangirflnt oal abhi _gb 1 pulled ooe

i ut m aa Boated bj iba bibib pbbm.a .ti. ti bbb ""¦ U lh. aegina ffil thr agb lha

botb ).> t,i tbaaaaaali taboald think 15 BriacflMi,,- .-. t-tiu k h--r. ihe *-ull went dowu im-mtdib^''/ trBBtogtbaharriaaaedaeb BeMiag a _<r,-a

,'... .t ,':. i-.-i !.; ¦.- w re .. n tll. .ilttri'ii.t- dOBBnbea Ibebattwantdown; tbe BMatef Ibea jaiapedofl t.-i) .-. t-.., thinkii'i/ tii ii w..iii.l i-iul.. tie-hurrii |_BBI'.ik boob Beparated into 111 ere were ...'. <»n

ihe pi-rt .... wbirb 1 WM theCaptoia WM on thir.;'I,,, mr. r<.n mi'tiv frOM Milvva-ikae, aad flis OT

oibtr fear p m a wi al ol wiib >BBB Pl "i ( "

..Wa held Bp i"iUp dOOTI foe BflBa, lad flWfldl flflbbm) ihly m far afl WiuBtba. Whaa whinaafaa ."'la

ii. .-ii- ro ti ».!>.>. .; bob eof <.' b onh r,: n.i l' .''¦:. tha Captataaad m\.-.r Tbatu t ..I i- ol tie ¦¦;' bick on. A '../ IM i ,nn« b ..i

pata ¦.'¦. ..¦ u. oi oiI b.i-ri! l :i... '..ii ¦; tha paBMngi ra; another bmWBfli Ii b ui. il ai :l i. <lr ivvi.kI. Of tba85 who weieBB "al> 8 wm- r-aved.

"Aiii- Um Bfehoal wa. lannehed, n ,*lbtbbalk, wbb bumehad two boata iren lannehed fn.-ub« ,..i,. -i ... ti-11.. 1 kiu-w ... Ij wo m b Ofl IM ¦¦'.

i: ii Mr. \* aid lha I !b '. il b Ni I d JMu .- iii t 'i'.

' W ln I. it l..-.':..i.t- Hght 'n tlu-in.-rrit'i' the fo Hv< ...-.' ,. i_,i ii ,ii,. ll ial j >n

wreeh. Ihe Cap*aio called to each ol Ib rafteaadia*.(iii'^d If hl* S-ui'li.-rn lri.-n.l- were iiho-inl. TBBJatawered frow each, tbat th.-v aran uot.

'Iii tii i.d.-i r.;. ni-..! t.. were prolmblj ('.'. .-' A.i .¦. ii (;¦! I-- .4 Nim ¦' 'r ..i. atid Mr. Qartband h 'i L of Keatat ky.

'; I.< ..:, iii w .'¦¦. BM ¦¦'. ..ii

btkm VVinetaa. Oneol tba boata, B-om the hufit-t k i-tiirti.l whb tweltra ] bb aogora, e^gbl "t wh. ui

wereMvrd Ihe beat apaettwiaB. Aiadj aad childwbowenaoathb boM ware waabad bwb] oaM mi1'ilelu . Tbavwerawaabrdofl Maaeond^iaBa aoddruwned. «>ur tafonaantata'ed aat .-iu- bbtm apakatn r iiavii <». tht Igfal ..fl ...i Ihia

..:. rttto belt ngedia Milwaakeei b weit uld .-. ttheirb

Pbom l >k- i.t-i.-The harii Mara«al, Capt.(i.l ob airiaad *t Ihiapcrt jeatarday, brioging d«tflfltitm (. ', -k Tan'a "l-lol ol .'. -. .--. Tbai-hIi ni-rlii ¦**.:,» tmnflttallj dnB,oalf 5.48H baahala.\ ,i _.' I,, i-n r ipped eiuci- 'i.e h.i-i rai r'. Tba waathMdwfogtb Brtel bai i>. m Bae, and aaaaj pai wotaBgahi -lali,!-. QnotatioM waw I -p-r l.nabel;t-X| Ofl il Bt)

Stn daj, lha .'', b, wa lo |in oteern a i '. liday, iibeing lha anniverair] ol the I rtb bj of Pi ae AH>. rt.

'I he \'iu "..i.tiin art 1.1. Iv pfl BB 1 bl lha i-luiivCi inril, :- going into affect d dial 'v.Tbebilg l.'i'.id Barrj Steela, from M w-Torkfte

Bt. li ¦-.>. i. m A Tarh a udaad on iha .'i-i.Tbe I- Bmnatte, Caboon, elaartd ow tba 33d ior

.>"- t n. _*-: hae BUBlM..¦ lha ahbj Baaa aal aa raportod aiaebed.

Y. Bfl Bo 11 .¦ Tl.e Mararal bik p BaihadM<a AagBBl I8L Anivrtl.. of A-L.-iif.iu . trrfo»»

I.i ve been nnroer n M I _b BBU i i:<> ld. Thohaflllh oft! lahaid ia u'ood. The f-jlluwitig iinuU_r, oa nawi.i u, lui_. Itenir-utd by a mercauvilaliiiri at BMtedMI

1 i. ii" Aai 1 W ..rv» bv urtn, ,,', _i

¦ ».-.«>' th*.'-..- 'I .. ...I |. l:.

,. I'-l. 1^1.1 \it .| lr..l:i t .,'lvfo

o, .. ...... r .i' '..-l "iu.. ,-t-.1 wlth tb. i. i

| Onr A. v ntl! - r.r. I- .. H |

,*. .i. p ir iaj latB aafaWfl-lta ¦- IIi.i:.il


A Ven iTaiai iv Liaaa, Lato jMtord^aftafn<. n i.i ..- Boech arreeVadaaotod thiaf, naaMdMoni^ Barris, m i I'are.- .i , . i,i.. im paahal wtMt.I'. r i. mWA t PM, on |:, _\q h\..[a. Mr. (;ruywae BBbbtag aome tadkjtelB M Bgbtb avenue car,,n I .....I hunt, wh.-ii .jie rebhaep wm. pa>patmlfldiHa fully ideiitilii-j II, ,lri-;,». .,i. ,,f tw,< per_t>u« whoWWaaaggteghhba^joal, and who (aadad againat liimaxoui. ut blMN 'iie mLieed hia wallet and money.Th* | liBBBM ir- a fl0t*d lliief, an 11 aly I ir*\ lajfl agiwaa dtaabarged ttom BtaebwaU'a Waadoaaarriiefhabaai "rju*. Xhe Bectmed wmb tflken bflflflMJa BaC. tr. ._...(.,.


TTiK TORONTO DTFKICCf.TY.tnm 0_f Oa- Beeorter-

TlBBBTn, C. W., Sept. II, XBrnXTheaiTairconceming wbkh the greateat iute .tti-

bere exl il.i'ed.the yet myNteri^ia ai.d BBBSflfllB-dMbraaaa kaiwaaa Bm Daka al Newcaetle aid theMsyor oftliu city- ie at Uda mem«ir balaBraa-arataalin New-York tlan in Tornntn: for the letterfl whichycn bave already nv-eiived hy MlagBBpk, and whichdiatloae all tbat _oedn to be known about the mat'er,are beie (lowly pnarde.d, and vithheld from publicviaw. The local newepnpere, in tlie abeeuce of directiiifoiuiuion, preaeut v_ii..Qi opiai.iua and epecaliti >n_,whcb, of conra*, failta meet the po'nt. x-c.'ly. or BBVi,fy tl e popular wieh. At preaem tli* gmend ju l_-meit aprea-8to be tha» thediffi~i,|iy it atill nn-ett'ed,and that tl.e Oiange cuthreak of 8und»y will a_t-r_.yateihe t'OTjhl.e. Aa you ha-e been infortned, no

farther dieqoiet, in tbia city at h-aet, if to bt appre-hended, either frcm tha one eaaaa or the other.A fnller etatement than that eent -y tele_r4phof tbe

oiifciu aid ihe rour-e of the tni-iind*r8taniiiiig be-t aeenihaDulefcnd tbe M.yor, Biiiy etill p »*-oen lBBflN8_BpOB receiT.ng the lirst letter tnrn Sir Eiiomiid lUnt,in which tl e Govemor General coniui'inieu'ed tbePukc'a unwiilii gneps to recognlze in auy rnanner the

Orange ir Bti'niioiir, the Mtftt oi Toronto conmenoedsocb inveet'gaiioi - ia ho thotu/ht tlie ca«a dem»nded.Havirg diecoveied tbat grmnd wan nkenAj broken,upon Ki_g etreet, forthe erection of nn archhytheOraiij-enven, he inteinipted the progTutA r.f the work,io Tiew of the fact that >*er_.iace>n to proceed had uot

been _iven by the city anth'.ri.ieB. Tliif waa IflBBwhh 1 o orf ertaucn cf haWrBBBi-f tttf pern-'inent ir-

pclittH.t.iirc.-, a j_.<jcr't? f the Ci-y 08888- heiogOrargeiren, the remiireion needed <t !y ti be aak-d forto beat enca gn4_-ed: but io order to hold the par;iwcmrernfd, from betirinipg to etid, as etiie'.ly reeponsi-ble whfcm tbo leg_l litritu, a epecial meeting waa

convenid, after wi ich tba work weat ou under-nftihl a.ithority. The Mayor's next fltep waa to

--r%rn in what nianner the anh wonld ba de-o-at^d,and, on receiving iufonnation tliat a piitcre of KingWilliam the Third croat bf the Boyne* aud B pa.ty le-gend were to be proniii en.ly dinp ayed BBflalaad Mtl e i--iTJRe lea^er* thtt thrve would BMtB-bBjl kfl8%-jected to. After .-ome con ilut cn, the GranJ Maiterofthe OTannemen. Mr. Job.* Hiilyard Cameror. a_reedtoettect an anaruement l.y which a ponrakof tbePiince af Wtttt ehould be i-aiietinted for tti.it Bf Kini<William, and the i-iecription "Oor (lloiiina Cmetitu-

lion,' for tbat of the o.feneivo bgend. It ir qnite pn-ba-fcl* ibht nn!y bitif of thfa fletlj/e B.I BTBI tatBB- Iba iBitled fiBt, llBt ti.ere ia nn ii BBfl tlint tbe Mi.yorkfl-Bvad tka agraflflaaal waa read. in c-od fa:th, I_aiBflBBiad, he wn/te to Sir K-unund Ile-ii ^iviug a rai-nnied..-crii'tion of tie prapeaed ar^h, apaatrjlagaflMlrdor-rnieiit-, buladblg rlie (irauge .triiiu-erown, Bcep-

Ut. and Hitle.l-y whieh it waa t'lrrnonnted. Ti_)BBeWBt he recor-ed BpB88l8d l» atd. all doabta at ret,ttt it llaBUlj stated that, 80 arranged, BBB di.-piaywi.nld be regarded w itn no dinfavor. Tl.e -rn* -tion ottl . praaaatioa waj aikarwiai twtt-d, aad baaaot aaaal.een te peued.Uu: ht Iba Ult ).' m-'it. wlie:: tka i tfti } arty i.td

i.'reii.iy BB-rhrad al H_ahp tbe HBpea laaraad tkat,akkaagl the proa__a f tka 'n.r-gemen bad been ful-llltd eo far bs the ^ctto wa* encerned, it had 1*^11 bythem dt:er_iiued 10 r&tain ihe pictars of King \S Ahma,a« at lirM intendtti. The Mayor remcnJtra'eHl. buiwan prnaadad by -.ari'-.us_i_::rjiea.e not :o inte/t'eroBl il.id BMBBBBt. In ivety way ho .eeiiio t. plian: tadtimid p'entbaian, ukaBB undor.bted amiabi'iry nightLat nally meibalance h;a reaoli-.tion in BBTfl BB BBgaaejliie the | i-eeent. Tal,t8 P-BM ¦! he s-n-athttbe coniif*-! of aome of" !he leadisg Rooian ( atholY",tiho inti.iated to hin tbat they.conld detect nothin-.>9en»ive in tie exbi'ition cf the | ictnra and that theyBaere icacy :o j»wh in.dt r and ealate it, M the oc I I Isor.'-|uiitd. Ihe Mayorj talkag kWe tkaerror c oon-

fiii-.iidin^ the-K)*ifi..n ot tt; Cutliuli.'e with Hia*. of tlierayal paitj, cocclndfd to offer no Vtrrlon, baiihibiMtnedtaBBB,atli)itba 6ta*aa888*Craaaaal *td tbaDaka wBfc tka aaaipaelad eaa-tga. For Ihk purpoee,ka waa akaal to raopaa a laHar wkld bai I wl writ-ter, but at the e_?ire»iion of the Ci'y Sj-li.iti.p, Mr. f.ambje, wiio waa r.bont proceed-ing, aa the repreeentative t.f rlie BMBOnBlia,to bbbB tbognart.. baaateaded aataal pa Baaaa ..:

laibalBBaaaajattaipkiBMl 1 Akkeaghiaa Kayeeii,!iIb !-"< n aad ia B-Bvaraa ioa, i-* more thaa aozioaito acc*pt lbe bia:.:? . f tbtttttilttEtllt, itt ' -nuinljappeartkatkiaoBrfl nbrta-aa trtrt tkosa ef parad tlagtbe pietare to be ('tabliehed in iin plai I ;.' aii, and f _iltag la a ::,ni'iii: »e tru- bfll by tt Itfll in tesd <*f by ondn.e.-ia_e. Mr. fjlboible, forgfiial '>r m j.i->t'nl t.f li*.

-hargB, fkiltdio inform the Duke oftl MBM inwhith Ika arch liad t>e>n uaiiy deciiated. and by.Bpreri Dting tl c condi.iou oi'ihe tiiyin tlie mi.ft f*-rorabla way, neeaeded iu brii ui ¦_ aboot lbe taadtagwuitnt Ikapra d wkl b tkaDal ibadiataedadleaiiiaBM, of aa mll gaa] teasaadaflBBd repeii upon ikfl) lahjee-Tha reaBpUoa araa ao eorvBal, and thi dieprbjwaa ra

iiD|K)ainir. that nc |r:i« n f.lt d'.'p med tc raeonaSJi r t "»

rlomlythonaplaaiaal t_rea_aaaaaM v.hith htd pre-cedeti theunivhl. Ihe gaatalpiaaaflfliaa a_aBa_ad,ta atkick, aeeordiag to promia-a, no ( rdi._. eoalslJeim Oraaga aai wa ;.i ,Larcd.a!i'i.'ii^h a Caw paaaUariflobatfakBta ta-Wiafoala worfl ...i_e ealaia upou tbeirbia.Ifl In t'.e :'.rrt of tlu BBrriagae, wkieb vvere

pn rdad bra loi MOii Iki Dakeef Bai i-''.--.tboob tl afroal teat, ridtag ba_twaid wklla Ik IViccei-hi ejpi site tn b Bb The BBaaiag whh fti Bdaaoaadwben t'ey ¦pproaahed the (irHiii-e aiib .which, itehould t-e iiieiitiui _il, vv ij habloaad aad lotoeod to

..pn . i.t ika aid Moae gata af i>err) .-. lhal aatSibiy _erejuj.t al'DUl tn jar.. undei it, li.t- PkBBM *!-_not ahaana ihe phaara al*wve. Tne Duke, of ea ir.-e,

D-kla i" bm itatBlL Ti j Piioaa, bowaaer,iin' klj polatad it' .'.a ¦' li ..i kaaa poaaftda tksa tofii.'. tha koreae, aad irhhdraw treai 11 praa a-. .n,it wuld Asenrtoly lu.vi baeodOBB. B : N was too

laa, aad the eantaga Bed ,'. .<, C10 OraagaaMaf ..mi'u witli i-artiuil.'.:'tmpliHrir a-. il BB-*rgad fmmtkaakadaa of Ibaaiah, reeitaaaiu-j crF-tv.in.n< co-n-

.I lueiiii to the I'l'i.tt* aad epit.Tc-t«. BgB8-8l the Duke,wka _atar appeared aure iaipe-taraaale thtm tt ti:.tbm nt .u Tke Prtaea, however, w.u, rkdklj bapat-Miai d BBl' }".-

'i ,. loaMBTal alaag, asd gradoaDj reaeLadthe _i..vii7)muiit 1. ure. bl ika88t_88t88B8rlBally,V 0 Diike -ti.t .'or tka Majar, aad reproarbfaw ith a eevrrity vr hich m .._. ra .'. d aa tOO i-vrtnu

tole wb..liy jaaB-Ud, -'.J vvhiiii cerUt'iily had a re-

Harkaklaaflkcl apea iti ntiiar?ar*edobj at, daaBMaadimint cia e BSB-MBlkiai BB 1 apaBBgMl BM .e decepliouwhich he deilaicd had Ueu pBB8B.Ml np..11 h.m. Olotl.tr paititi-hira of ibi-. iu'.eiview, w uu __gktk-f8l-e ..iv. n, ». ie baiCly dcrirnolo to peodaBBtka icc.rd.lt tM__a8BBi witk tka aaaaaBea_wm the Duke thttBBBBB Bflajta iipaia.i'.u \fcio __Oe_a_, the l'rin?*wonld .-.rr ify hin c Lrplt ;_* n.- lyan inunedia'e depar¬ture tnm the lity. N( tkdag ft rther p_a>etl ou b'rid.iyeveiiiBg. and of the iaten lia'i_e t.i lettere yon have al-

raadjkaaaadriaad. ltisnot true, a« eoma oftheToront'i BBWapBBBia atatc. and ue otbera «l»eaherowillcoubile h i-.p-'tt Ikatt akfajaraadOaaaaaarBMtumid away fi. m the h-vee. Tie lirat letter of thoDuke flfaV-WaBBBB BBBtB-MkoW they were rociu-

neiiitd to remi.in air.-nt-i.,.i tbialaaBMaaaaaB-aail bj eid i ,,t baakaai M akalakf. Ika len.'i-e af theUl ¦to v are BB fur BB-aVtory tbat urrHngemeuta fo-ar,e.':ul pil.flatlBB t.-d..y w.re .ttect-d. TnereMflBBBitakfl after the aB__flBBl "l ika BMtBBpBB--i.te, 88 vaa-gs ff iU tt-B-Bf 88 either aide, yet l am

¦BII t! ct a BBBBI dtgB8Bai tone on tlie part of tlieMnvor vviiild huve bBBB B-BB houomble tu himrelf,Bad w.uU avarf a)_J have plaaad _it_ire iu a more

agieeablepoallif u.

A fevr tttfttttt iee .et down fcr Saturday hflcrnoou,ven* paatpaaad _fl Wednreday, on accoant ofthe^tirmy weeBkl r. Oa r-t'iiday ev/emr_- tbe E_BflB a'-tetn 'h ".. aptj b 'al Ofgoode Hall, by ii.viutionol iha haw .Nn ety x iJijeir C'tu_vda, w'.ere Ue ra-

ce-ive. a_d a_8wered ana adiree* re-d by tbe Traaaararof the bociety, Mr. Jobn Hilljard CaaaKraa. it waa

WflBflflrB-BlBg BpactBcle to eea t in g-LU-maa-'BBr. -..n'/edbesd of tbe Orange order, whoae Bi.aleBjarl8fia_B-8BB8BBI -n;gbt have __BB_MBB- all thia

party »nmnlr»ti'8birfb,-/bo leltha Oranire prooee-lion'of F.idaf, ard who, Ni a nnblic. apeenrh on tbaaame day. talked defi^ntly ol no turrendar," aod ta-

eiated on bit claim to eea "th.. I'rinca, witboot bmn.terveution of tbe Daka of llWflBBBB1 -4B*rimt;

w.;,..ii,eai.dc-ordi«lity totbejru-.ta wh.m be aad hia

aaaaaaaa bad mttt afal bb_b-b4 Hu it secandtl at all BbIb_B__-B were to be annk toga'.Ner here; farwlcn the dancingbegun, j'i«t after the paHentaiou aftbe Hddrn--, the I'rir.cc took hifl (ttati <n r.ym tbe fl tor,with Mra. J. II. Cameron aa his partm-r. The Inkaof Newcaatle nored abont tbe 88 >b«, coo-ereing arfckvariona paraona, snd lookinjr aa nncomprrnnlaiaB aaa

detennicad BB nana); ir wmld have been in>r-*ai*>lafor bim to look more eo, fur when ta p-ibiic the D ikfl'flcoiioteuano alwaya weart ao uovarying ateruoeea.aadplaiily tella of tbe moat UDBwerring tirmneari ofB__BBBBBr. The C.i.venior General fleemed lesetrau-Onil aod elowed a tn'l-Dg noeaei'ieaa of manuer.I'arl 8t Oermariifl. wirfc more activiry than n oial,walked abmt the rooma, shcdflint, bla*id goot-ca'araou all wbo approached bia. Kveiybody app-ared toact nnder an unaccn-toroed impnl^, and yet every-hody BBBBMi dinpoeed to ba st? gay ae poeerble. Thagi_viiy,.,f iba HhIIb of Juetira yieVad far t to hoaratothe treeet and Kiddiert of Bpoi .*-, aad it wa* aotuntil B o clo. V, wten Saobath warninga wera haard,tbat tbe neei ml 'ngt wparated.The n-en" of Sunday w_ the revivaf of emlh

am<nu the Orangei-en, on a-connl ofthe refntal of tbaPrince toptia unrier their arcb on bit way to chircb.It wte* not, however pot-ait le for Um t-> a.otd eeeingir, aa it roo-en King irtre* t from th*. corner Jaat oppa-eite to that on wtich rbe chnrch t*vi:r.da. Ab soon aa

the Oratiren:a.i learn*.. that the I'ridce had pri-<-*eda_ihr'rgh tbe cit v by a cir.-aitoue 1888, thtf BBBBBkMwith tbeir B-BJB, whith th.y at onoe Jiatribatad o-«r

Ika arch. in .he-no*tpr< micent poiiti ma. A ci'y AM»r--rmn who pi-e-< d bf al the t'rme, endeavoretl to mor.at a

ladcVr, with tie purpoae of rrmoving t'ie decir*»i Mfl,bot tbe aobaerailedhiui iio*cropulonely, ahakinghimttribe f round and, im.reirvi 1 r.ce, deetroy.n_ tbe ladd-r.< »*ler atfemrtr, in the eame dir.ction were eqnallyfutile. \\ 1 en the L'liuce. cama frotn tbe ci-nih, hiacanii.ge wae imnieoiat&ly aurroioded, au '. a _Vr>i*miiii-attaa waa e_preee*d io remove the hor.asa. and drag it,v. iti. it.-. oeeapaaBB, nt.der the urrh. Thi.i wae pre-veitrd by »le police. -fcer a atrcj-'/'e irt wbich t a > ar

_k*88flf the riote.'-. were taken into caat d/, au- tbacnrrii.tre wae driveu rapidly awj>y by nno'Her hidot-tr.i. T! ere were inxrlrnt cies aid hootingBat the Duke and the Gevernoi Creneral, bat na

dieplay of vio'imce excep'ioi? tbat jtiat Hllided te.Ou .Sm.day eveoirg, the Duk« and the 8c-ernor

waikcl out into ivuiL'etreet, to take a learer *U*w ofihe arch. WkA they were e_aminir<g it, a crowd.',(!..;. 1 *i'ar theni. with demcneir.*i;-.a8 ci rughaari. rendpr the interftrence of the police ag-iin necea-

-arv. Ils-re. an at ihe rece?tinn 8uun!ay eveniug, thaDuke aprcared perfectly nn< onoemerl, and even hiatadto the cro-tal le*. that he per-civrd no necee^lry fortheir t.t'err'aDce V\ tu read.ing the gttt oi the G-oa-an,m. n' Ilon.e, he pansed eom* minntea before r«t,r-

ing, ai d ihie'ly B_rat___8d the croni, wbich thenz) uwed |BBa an _reat kUpeBBBOB fjr diw rdei".La'er in ihe evei ing (he Or_oe,e rl.tfw were ai.1 ra-

r ored fr m the 9rch, whether by order cf the Miyoror by tbe bpon'areoaa acti u ct tbo Orcngvaien, no-

boJy leema to know. Thie DioniinaT the ci»y is 8Jfllflfl(fc the Prince '*. f?oin_ toCo!liog*7nod. nuC-ihe Hama,and a'l BBMkWaaa of party feeling, if cny were ia-t«n:sd, wculd be paiie loet.

[Bv TVVmpb.JT'.Kiimii fueadHy Se«yt. t'., 1*60.

It j"a rained ail day, in'ert.rn_ B-flBaW-Bl Wtfltbe /lince't. pn rrarrme; 1-rii ai.t-itbe'tnding thia, t_Btaiataae* aapbBnaater ahua aa Irat l-uf-ed «i.s oi-a-I t. ,\ ti ln* thi.- aiorni' g. in .;r.-v.«rt'.ar tbt Fiioce ini-rht)-t:itii -aittertf tbe BflBB blflgb The ihi b'. n-e c nt*meric*i *i I'.' o'c'cvcft. The lirrt prir-e wm vv oo I.t thaitivei oi lirm.' tbe eec-'r.rl oy tlie Glan-o of Kiig-el. n Tbe 1'riue BBBaBBtBd M baBOBM BB8BB8a8 oltie Ypc-ht rinb. The R-.v-'. rarty next a.*!it to C-iiverei'y Pink, ahi'i* lbe corn 8 f*t.>nf» waa liid for tha(^unn 3 a'atue; a.Teiwhjd to the L'niver*ii~, N>rm»l.**, 11 ..I :n d I'.if-ii il Qai-BBB, wh.-re the 1'riKip'.-iittd a m^p'e irr-e. An BB-TBM ¦'.aH pr^-rmtar atII e Oi v.rni..eii' H'.cee fro tbe Bel'evilN uVpuuiiiio,prayfi-g the Prteea t. rltl lhat ptaaa Kn:'-r»°''f'-0aj'freednai li-r_ Oraoga tatarraptkM Th PrtB a'a re-

p'v ii .'1 aled tt. ep reu'rrt tbac i'3iire en;. w*m*ntap ade i' imp..re:bli* lo B'-cdeto th- r ,|U*8t The citykaa leu) IbiBrgfld n'l d-.tv. To-ni^-h'. the la'l takaap.'a'.-, ai d re iiormw the I'rir.ce g< _» to I^cieu.


-*fl.i.iur.- Itv TBB BOB. IbMEfl 8B-OGB BSa-Bll(l\. Ull tt ¦ Cl rJ-llN".

.'." :i BBTfJ M i' Ifl t i'i',: 'ng B btrge c ¦! BcBoB Ot*parpb) a.-»_.'.!. d al the corn«r e- Poarfk81-801 < n\F'..hty-i'.\'.i atiaeti in re-porv.* o .» call for a R»riiib-licaa kfaaa Meettag. A t-mponii-y Baad ' ad beaBaracud fBe ii'- ipaBhaca,hat,awiag to tha »h'.weraliel fellaboattbi :.i' ,. nai tagorgaataad,Ikapwrre obligbd to aiii< nrn to ihe b .il aad pr woad uuler

| T.

AbaadofMBBBI waa vnividej, arj for sonte ti_abef. re tlf "M.-ki * I m men i tb . .'i .-.'UrreHl pl«.o-BBl ri.Ui.ie to tiie Bt-trd. Tba f l'< *vin_ clli-nn. .»f B-BII t 1 w. t i.-¦ li: F'nr I'te k_ ot \l r il V 1-

mn .; \'i.i ruablaiga Bdaaal Daitoa. kHhtaa Bmrel!, Capt. F. Kili.-u. P I Co. k i.'i K.'-rt Lenixj.Set retiiii.8. Jamej Oarlai d. BBd M. W. Tiov.

i .it pBBMoaai tatroiaaed tka Haa. Jaaaa Baiaaa,{ >b'o, vv'io addreetf-J t'*- iu.t'.,_. Ku w-td fre-ai ei tiy Hviiov.d hy e.'nie draaksa InabaaflB, wb>. aaa>

pt .',,n' uatii tu? in'ert'*.--n.>e et ti.eBOfaag thi-i . .!. rt-ad i.od conmenifd <t> aa

that partiea ol tha Viy.tiia Bill nt Itiirtta whkaBa-c.i.i.-e lhal -all aii'ii art bv nntiire rit»e a..d aaaal| Ihen,t. bi...-.".- ..er l'lt-.'ij. :-te. aj, ruad the M-MIBbJ e_-;, ib tn n lbe Virgiala tawe:

if a firr BBB fl. "y .r> -kinr ;>r wrijr.e. ri)ai._aio th.t BtaaHbaae MB vlfbt of fiopc .. ...n. h.-ti..'. trr caBaaflla

-nr hC.i lllird r,< r\F*r 4'-,^ f C|Ila ,,, pflraflB «'ii-. '.nt t tr ai.ir .».1 e v. ri >n rr p \tO*d any

bo. nr.; e. * r flag, a .ti. i l*..t te *!. iie ir i'i it.- .,i at i*tlu. Blfltf. lo Iflbl I Of '..ail- i: .n:.. *. j t or iucub.Uag iraiittna*

it . yo p. . ,1 i.trii ia tb> I" » .».... r i. he ih Jl,\. tl iBfflBtte ma X rt puij-oie of »t;v aflcfl Uoofl er wTitiafl^,

v rirenbfla tlir taaa b tball bf -r.*i. r J ia ihr Pau-tel tlbrj :. 1. ta tl Bfl V .1. I> i'lu: ;.v. jenr^

Mi ftaicoBtbaa intioonoad tha Boa. Caaaiai ¦.Fiiiainri nf Maaaaiibiiiatti. [Tl aaakaarafcaMaaaa-eliui-ette II. ...id: Tbia w:.a BM Irat.aaaka htdappeared bet^re ihttt, lia ipokaBaaaV-OaflBfl-raM:n 'jl.putli. 'olk; le.-imp'.y BB_td Baah ou* tj extn-ine tbe ftrooBfl apoi w! iakka BMod, aad lhaa .ote _a

ba ibongbt rkibt. At- ap. ke to thoee wbo Iud lahoredaad '.',!. it '...',tii ikatr iweal waa r-_u aa t-ie i-itak* iftl e Sbai,!ii;. -to -.horte mht bad mi ¦> laaaatkiag of afflek- in li-!,i "i 88. [H--J-, h--« ll w aa bo

eaull pMvi tue tcb« a voter Ueir MUMM dateniinad-_« of ike ttmtttf, and it Wh8 imp rta-t

thiit tl.v ikaald vi te aceording to pri_nKKlbe an al at aiatadoattag aaaalfra befire tho aaaatrjaaa iba-wa ofthe '« ritfriaa Tba BapakBaaB partabe d that tlu. B0.ii.nl'<.'di'."> "f the A _.*.':'hu pe b»i. liat of fnemee; BBB nertber ( _ru-*ris nor the p-o-p_ af tba IflirBory aaa aatabHab B«a~ery in'aa iVr-11, iv. kaaaaH ibe t>a8-8a-h n 'ua. uot aajaaa tido it.bi j bBeeaae Meaara vv.t aaaaaad la it. Tbr;, beii*v dtliHt ibo <>p*i irg 1 t ibe ilnve-tthde waa da-itiag it ta

.. hv.iv taafl-M Daaaaeeal -u IS-kfaajd tha11. tlir_. Jln viui Buren aaid, in a apeevb at

lieet. n, lhat he rliould rot »ote ka B«J BMB W_B _U1...1 b. ¦.-¦., NaTer/acaraa aaa) arka woald aat _Ba tai.b. li.'b ii; aad BB Woald attnin tbat obtafll by /oiagback .'irtctlt to tka prfeaif-lai of the fc_.nde.ae*' tbak< publi lhat of n>. uiorv Slave Sta'ee, bo MBBB SlavaT )-ii. n-a. aod the arkhdtaaral oi .Uo Kea*r_('. re«Bfl 11.111 tri.ii. S',i. -ery, aad 'h" ab.. i ii-ci of ;.t wbereverii chi. b* reaakad i y aoBM-aBkaaal mi_ns.

.Mr. EbBB BB lhaa -.-Ats a very b_bV i..te aml »m-\ .i\.nl .- .aer_rin ol Ika di-it/mract tti* i ^Vtr*l pou..«tlpartiea, w tn fhe BBaBPtteeof the H fll party, wh**.1. >t .ne he ni.nl w u> to nave no .'. ^.trine." lle haJlivcd w i> jaaia BB Korxh C_rol__», _t.il he Darrattd hiaizperienea wl.ile there ll* -, M j!pi.i,e_l to withBtBrktd BtkB-Baa tbruUKhout. bii .K,,uei.t apee-ii

1t.tt.1_ war iloeed by u Jt-ocii fiom K. ht.PO !., e».i.


Tue Niw-Yoi'.K 0BB1T_a Kvm aoAcCoaieaiiT...The folb.wirg ta a aut ^Taant of tbe aaroinga flf thaNt*w-\oik Cent al Kn.'.ro<_i for the month of Anga»t»lri''_, cumpait d with '.-_. eaming- for Ui* corrt-upoofliflBmi/Lib of tiu paavWaafB.81

. a*** '** tt........... itnettn

k tnc.Mae.B»Vti *