THE8YML4XM>^iCRKs I fc*ay-^«^N \fZ BaVBVCT, July 4 IBtVl. 1 .*.** 1CK '" *v.>.iri>tion th* -acxiiapaoying «iren- |*r, tln. O'-je jni whieh i*to o btttn fuuda f..r the re- b-' °* '''_* Bidi.y t"Oiir_iul Chrietiao* who hav? suff. r. d bo-a gfv tue war on Monnt l/ebanon. Tbcatf^ tbe rircul-r, perhape, sntficieorly oxplaiv.s _**> tf yet toate additional lacta and statetaents will wK a* daeieed iaappropriavt*. The war vlms lar haa been .vmrined chierl? tc tbe ajwB'het-* portiou .if Mouut Lebanou, rying to the »aM «4 ba'-rout, and embracing a territory of eome 1'orty aaibu sonire. I/et_u«>n ib not, aa some anppMe, a BABgb. istdated mormtain, bnt an iBimense ohain of B-onrtaina, extending for an bnndrod mile*, parallel to $he eawcoast, oommencktg a few miles east of Tripoli bim. termicating a tiuie eonth-eaat of Sidoru Two- tairdsof theautire range, that is, the nortbern and aifctdle aections, are peopled almoet exclceively by a bigoted *eet of Pavpal Christiana, ealled Maronitea. Tbe aont ern aect-.on of laebanou coutains a mtxe_ pupu-atio- of Dturau*. Maromtes, Greek Christians. *__d GreaAc CBthoti'-e. The lormer, tbough enibr.H-i.ig .uly about one-thnd of the number of the iahabiunta, bave, lor agas puat been th* feiidal lords ofthe soil: but, in lartor yeara, the power of tlie Druaee baa ftreatly ttimi-i-hed, not only by reason of frequeut quarrele amoug themaelves, bat also Oy reason ol tbe kiUrterekC* of European Consula and otuer foicigu oflcials iu behaif of tb* Chrie___s. As ihe Canaiaim became prosperoua and powerful, tbey be<-tune maol-nt ___overtesari< g U.wai-theDraees. tl.eir luidlorda aud btreoiury rulers. Jealonay and etriie were eiu-eiider <d on Uth _dea, and in 1841 a war bmke out betWeeB thtm, whkh n-anhed in the complete MIIIMB ofthe Druaee, Mauv Marouite villagee Ikjiuo plundered aud bnni.d, and inhJlbiunb. eilber kiiled or compoied to fl.e to tbe plain. ... 1 a The dtadi? b.<a:h has never la-en healed, and lr. that tim* u. tbia tne ._ -lderiuir nVe of laneoi __ve D*en burnug m Uie bearU ol the. opposiug .ac- **Fur tbe paet tweh m.-uths mufdera "iave beeu rife uboI'K them. it not uulrequeutly happened thdt hall- *-d<_e:i arme.l 1>- isee, fltllmg snldeniy upou a piry ot utiaospwtiug Maronitea, wouli rob aud inzrder tbem- aiid tue Mitrouite*. m then turu. were aure to bbita- 'be bM o^poituuiiy to retaliate und obtam their T_ \ tl- '*' MeJJ.:_te, the ntterlv w.-ak aud woriilees GrOWarB- Biei.idi4luoi.iBl/orueAtH) nolliing I* briugllie.ld.v- l«e aAaaara u> jaetfe*. A-**au_gly, tba a ta BB_b* tpt av wora* aud wotea. aod fi__uly, onl »l klay laat, Bbe ri/uataao.ii.ded iheir war-cry. ail tbe eonflnt eoni-ie.'.ed :.. aai-BaL B_. ds and KI liaieiu, two large Baronite villagaa, t.nly BB BOB8 diatait fron Bayioui, were aiuuleu, piiiiidera.d,iu.a buiii. d S. N8 oi eiuall-r UhiMtt. villag.a aud coi.v.i.s, ou the mounta.iia t IBa eaa: of Beyrout aud S.don, aullered tbe BBuie bve. The l_r.l.__i, r-e/.Zfd with BBBBB, look rariug- intue tiu.a and ivwn- <>u Uie BBB BBBB. A grtai ttiiiliiliiib- "1 nieu, wonieu, and children ded U>- waidSidou, out, on reacbing Uidt ity, tbe Moblein. . iua' eti .mt B| "ii them, at d f.e Ci-riBtlaaS, being for he »,oat part di-.tm.d ana att-tiked in lrot.t _tdf*ar, teli eaay vu'iua t-> tbe fury oi t.ie.r foes. mx hnn.liv.i. a' laa-t, oi Uitie nahapMr lugniv-a were aiaaaBrrart. ^ra umtu wtre oini-Ar-d, children were alaugi.tei-ed, and luany prieau la claae paruvulariy oduus bo.n U> DjfB* 1 anaSinalaroti -er.-iiiticileeeiy ciit down. Seveuletn i.iiea.8 and luoiik^ w. rt loauU.lying dead in one {law. Tbeiauger was imfninent tbat ihe ______ wuuld __¦ mthe eity itself and maaaaere the Christaan p -rtion Of ihe pOPBt-tilrn. T.V" Ai.ien. BB MlaSloiiaritoa iciid- hftban raqasBted of tba Ueaeraee a guard f.-ihe pmteetion ol tbeir kmwSB. but w.re reiuaed. Wor.1 havu g bten aent to Reyrot.t, au Bl gl^h war steamer wsb diapatvhe- to Sidoii: and, BBv__ BBBB._ tro.otlie _-ii.oi,(iea a promiae to keep the i»»aee. a good degree ol quiet waa reaioretl. A few «l»ys al'.erward, fcoir. ***r, BBBtBkBB beeaaaa worae,and a French vtaael-.ol- war, a-'l alro an Knirhali war ateam- r, appe.ired be¬ fore ihe plaee. The MealeaB (.ioveruoc hav .Lg de> ..rt d hia .abiirty to proteettbe lowu againat ibe aaob, the Fiench lnuied a dettui.mcut ol ar.ille.y on a auiall liiuiid in ihe barbar, anu tne Moalems, iiavmg keeoBBaJB- tm idu.edby tbeae auU otber warlik.-demou-.tiaiious, re- liau.et: lioiu e<iiiying ont their fell porpawB$oatbe Cbiistiane, and on tlie xt day the for. i^-n BoUm r aal A-tiaela-ol war returned ta Beyrout. Tt.e Cln iaUBM of Tyre werealso di livercd from Uie bon-ora ol Moa- lem laearteettoa and faiiati. i-m by tbe timely mier- lerence of a amall Kngliab veaael-of-war. At Hitsbtiya, liinvav.r, a Large interior town tw. nty or thiity milea taat of Tyre, the loaa of propcity aud lile waa gre.t. Uie der.'uruetion of life Oeiug causod mainly l.y Uie tre_cbery of the Tuikish auttioritie.. The D.uaea appeart-d there abont the firat of June: for Btime tbe inhabibinte defended themselves bravely, ana linally Uie I'urkish Governor (Kaiuimekumi prom¬ iae d tliat ii Uiey would eome to hie p.iln. >-, an<l aurren- dtr up their aruiK to him, he would protect them and aiaperae the Diusea. Tbe Chriatima at once laid down their arniB, and llocked to the ptlu.e. The Governor rely firo.1 one or tw o blunk cartridgeaover the heail.-. of Iba altat kmg party, aud then Jelt tbem loaoeoBB- tllab taeir work of dee'nie'ion. Tiity fira. burueti ihe irge Protestant Chapel, built a few yeara ago under the direction of the American M iaeiouarwa. aud the dwellinge of the inhabitauts BBBB followei. The Cans- tiana, in thtir hasty fligiit U) the Governor'8 k$a$B. took no proviaious w.tu them, and, as the Governor icfiiatdt.. teed tbem. and tbey dared not ventnre OUl to proeiue anything lor the-aa. v ea. a ternale lauuiie enaued. Fiuiilly tue Druaee, by the conuiiautv- tt ibe anthontiea, ettected an aaBBBBBB 80 th<- Sei. -a. <>r pat- tace, and Uie alaughter tbat followed was teruti A few nen BBBBMBl bythrowmg th.-maA-lvea fr.m tl.e windowa, aud aome of them found tl.eir WBJ 10 ly..-. *nd ihaaaa to Beyrout. their elotbaa Beturai wi h the blood ot tbeir wovea and children, BBd all av.-ning that tle i urk'ab a ndiera, under tlie 11..... n >r a c»m- maiid. partuipated iu tne batekeiyl i ae psoala tt liaalitiya, Kaeheiya, nua ouitr ueigblHirmg vilU-e-, were ol ihe (irtt'k Cbuieh. e.-.ieptiug a amall OOf-MM- uity of ProteaUuts. Neither ihe Greaka nor flit- Pro.- eeUALtshad bad anyqaairel with the Druae*; but it would etem tbat Iba l-tltr had del. riniued BpOB BO exteimiuatiou ef all Chnatiaua, witbout re-.rl t- cread oraaai. Ih* anaibai "f _-riae_aaa aaaBaiefBdai Baabaija is saia t.. be not iar tiroaa aighi knudrad. Ta* Btioiighold ofthe C.i__.aa ofMb Labanon waaat Zanle, aUjwu oi aix «>r eigbt HmnmH. inb.i >- haiits aud f:'uatetl ab'.-.t half-way bBtWBBfl Bsyrou! aud DaaaaB aa. Tbe Baaaia a»Bte wall sappbeo with tu uia and umu. uuiiion, aaJ niade evt-ry tmutl ia tbail j-ivver lo roeiel Uie BttBCki bUA tbe l)rud<:r gS upon ihem from all quarie. -. and, b ling lided by bands ..t a-BOsda aud Aiab.. from the greai pl.an i-ii.l <>f |_a Rivei .lon.au, iiiv.-rt.d ihe pLct, and after a bve daye lt lell mt. their h_U_-. i'i.e people lad vvilh tbeir vv'ives and tuldn D to l!.e _B0_Ot_UI IMUM tbe great dlrtriv'.all.d the Kt «r 0 .vail i'li'-ir b.-.i ;- fni town tVBB IBBOd IO tiiegrouud; their bOBBBB WB8B pluudend. tn.- afeai.*e pUtsaed, aud tbe pietarea aad ' iniagi-s .1 tb*aainta ai ii Ike Virgin Maiy, npon wboaa th<- people d. jx-ndt- b>r deliveiaai«, w.n cairitdotl Ly Uie eonquerora ae tiophies of tbeir viet'Ty. it reinains for me to inentmu the tragcuy ef I>eir KI Kouir, the luoai bloody, pcihaps. tL.at BBI 0 uired in tl.e halory of thia iinqme aiuco tbe l_arl.il laasaacre at fccio in 1>_-, and all Uie r.*uli <>i iba baeeat treaebery oa tbe part of Ihe Tuik.-b authoiitn-j. Dtir El Komr af.or ratber tcan, lor it exisu no longer.a yvell-built town of aome six or seveu thousand iuhatiitauts. ou Ul. Lebauou, two miifcw aouiheaat oi Beyroat. I ka ptople dsfaadad tl.e-uselvee aoeotaaf.ly againat tha l)r> ieea when tirat aitaa.k.d; lu. iew liv.-a w.re loat. and b-w housea burned. A U - e baviug boen Bgiaad upon, Uie mam kodj of Iba Dl-BBfl t"<'k up tb.-ir aukich lo. Zahle. iie'lurning viclurinua iioiu the siege, astoixive ralatod. thaj n Iniartii. Dair Bl Koiar, aad, iiidkiiig many piob fctations of j»oaco aud friend- anip to the (ihriauauia, eudeavored to ja-rsnule tbeui to five up their arm_ Tliis the laiur dctimed u< do. The ?riues'heii had recourse to tbe Tuikiah QovBlBBI (Baliii-BBkaaa). and ibe latter seui a poaae of Bolmera wiil:''¦ Hraaea ngeaiilaiim tbe Chriaiiaaa full piottc- I,- y « old give nj. ibeir arma ai.d rejiair Ui his AjuarU |at raya. Tothir-the Cnristaauaa--eule<J; but no BOO. l-vd Uicy Biirreiid. reti Ui«ir mcaus of de- fenae, aud .^>llecU»d iu tue <iov..iuor'a house, tliuu tbe fl__*aci'<- . niniu. uc. d. Tbe havoc waa awlul; im mercy waa abown; tbe vi.tima 1.-11 m B.orei-on $f$ty aide; dead hodiea were heajaod npon dead bodies; more tluui oue thour-aud BBBBB murdered ta eold Uood, ol avhom Um great luajonty were mal.--. M my ol the women and girla were |>enni..e<l to_e*..ap. bat erery gOAAii or !»oy tliat citild oe lotind waa immediately elaiu. OB the arrival "I Iba Drneea iu l_8town., bBoaipauy of tKiim- -_J or more ChristiBua had taken rafbft 111 thehou-at of the Ii< v. Mr. Bird, the Amerii.ni .Mi- _ot_.:y reei.hny ther.-. Mr. Bird waa ateent witb bia lAUinly au the Ume, Bl the viilage ol Abeifc, aome aix niilts diet-ui:. Tbe uext day, ou hea.ing wbat had lakeii plaee, he returned to hia b<>u*<-, aud, witii .. BOOb noae. ooonAge, aud e-if-poeeeaaioi. worthy of all praiee *ue.*j*4i>d in Auvinj. from the IaaoiCb of tbe I)rut_a tb>. wbole /iity, Ua* moai ol wbom weie ui-.u aud BOTB, aud brought liitva all to Abeib, Irom w.n. h pMM tBBf oursued tbeir way Lu aafety to Beyrout. Huiidredaoj cla-atituU) women and hildreu from Deir Bl Kor .md o«_itr plaoe* Bed down Ihe vaJby ol Uie l.'iv.r DaBMOl to tbe aea-abore. whence they weie -ouv.-yel to Bey rout by an Engiial aieatuer. The iu_mt_cre above de- Btnlied Aae.irred ob the ilst of Juue. An Englisb travelor who visiU- tbe scane aeven dmyn atu rwurd jjitoimt- me Uuit tl_ sUe_te were impaeaatl* ou a. djnuti ul tbe MfHiuKdt vi i__u_tn »._)*» wl-vh, ik^pBfl ofheb- ekatbing, hvy unbnrild, the prev B»BB*JJMI bM-BBMi do.s. A few Vmnm b-nton nlund.r were Maiaini; alKiut with handkerchiefa bound ahoMatbeii i,,o,,_.,_ aud...-_*,.ha« _*>£«_ aot MMM theoT- ... odor ariaing from Ihfl deMfl-P-flttiOB of th». r,»'refyit -g ¦^rp-.e. Uu. we eilli.'tdwell upon tfctee tv-neK ,.f _" , -,t,d bbwda Tm baart *..>_.._ _* iho recittl. iha qiu-ation on tbe Up* -1 ev-ry on.- ia, ' II >w long are iheee tbh g* to ia>. '" Md " WbM m to be the ofi f Crime irtma eiipit.iished on every anle, and auxtn-hy aad M.nfosi-n fill u.e land. The vilhigeh and country about IK.-taaeua hav*- !»«.«-« pillag-.: and b.iru.-.d, and lhe an- ci.it city i-eelf thieatetttd wi'h srncti >n. H->n« and Alappa ar' »» * al"*'"' e*<iito. mt aml aliinn. aad eiinipniit-s.if Chriatiaua Beeiaj fr.ni. approbeaded d.u- -.: i, ive been ovcnakdi and Iflhbld bythlBedOBM Tiipoli and Latil.>-veh htve been more or I.bs diatur bcd, and P>eyrout itc-lf ba been WBfld from the horrera ol a Moalem inturreclion only by tie pr-*.ii-e of k.reigu sbip. of war! lt ie baroly to Ive expected tba'. tbe NjtoMM g>vern- ipent will eurvive the preeent Sumiaer. But wliat will take ita pbiceT Aa legrtrda tbie part ol the Turkiili Lnp.re, the Mfl -Ad tianaferof Syria to the juriadiftion of Stid I'aeha, tbe Vieerov of Egv pt,would perhap* l>e the s. np leMBbM thatcoiild he devised, as if would not nttoiid tl.e pnjndi.es of the Moelea. popul-Uon. aor great ly excit. lhe jealouey of tue Huroi*-n Ft'Wcfa. Hut tne atiit uious schemts of France and It'ienu are .tdverae to any such solnti'.n ofthe Drtent.1 nu-stion. 1 bey nive d»-ermined on the dismemberuient of the Tarkish BM- pue, aud the aiv isiou ol the epc.ils. _¦___¦_* F Ivuremahhough severely pereecutmg the medaiis w her own territory, 1* clam-.ing to* th'- ptv- Uct.on ol Greeh Cbrialiana ln Turk-y, aud the ne*, o the MBMBBM of Greek Cbnst.at.s at -JBBbMya, wfll MflMjfl hfl ihe only thing needed M ^J*£~M ,ru,y, now on the Pruib, to cross oy, r into the tern tanTit the wmmm. And 9mm. wbo bas been Inug wa'4'hina for an opportnnity M scue upon Syria, eould orafm/not have a helte/preajxt than MMBVMjg. i rded her. Bu_drvdBof Papal Uhriatiaiia, who looked to Frence for pilllUlPfl, have been maes-crcd, and tLl, too. by th. .onnivau-e and p.-if.dy O U.e Ti.'kiei. an.horit.tB, afld it is aaid iha- ai /..bl., the French rt ig was insalted, and two or three pi.eet.. (French Bub- je4 U) were killed. ..:._¦ 11,.iv imi h Frencb mfliieuce h id to do in stirnng up the war >.i Mount LebaBOB. 1 chuiio'. ventiii-ton.iy; certain it is tbat ihe Maromtee, urged on by their ecl.- hibbUcs. provokeai lhe .j.urrel, aud now thai tluy are eurieriiig the bitter HBMfljBnflM, m_ny of them do not be.i'ate to char_e lhe blame upon tr,eii j.rieata, bisimps, and pi.U.archs. ... We are alm»si daily expecling the arnval of ti French tottt ¦BuathoflBflhoeaa. Kagkn-d, waatboagh Ita pt (.i.on'd bill m imr poaeaafcm, eoal hardl. eadBn loaeeher powerlul m tl es'al.bs'ie.1 iii hvria, MM l. ..i-kii.g up har i.c-itier-t road to Iltdia. Bat b .-earu eati) l tn- no.ittl Uial 1. Ki.li'l wi I WBflW no .ure Uood ui d lieaaiire iu pr. ppib^ Bp >h'.s exx-rable liov- ern.iitiit. a (iovt-iiiiK 11 MO iA)iru,il M flabflarffl the euu. vf joatko aad bm waak lo pouMei iia own sub- i> i. a JalB 11 _Ba b biIIbbj lhe flBBTO M unt Lohanoa hae leeii eoMpaiatiyely qalol Fho DmoM) ap^.c.eni- ly sbtiut.d with bi(a.>d,*iia\ecoiiimitl>d uo new atroci- ties. tul r-tm io be awai'ing thei.-eueol eveuU. There ie a flaaetal expeeMUofl thai thvte will be tor. igu k.- a-uce as eoon ap IhBBBWI from Syaa bas hial time M priKlnce .l> iull eltect iu Baiepe. A terrific- etorm ba.- lo. tt been f_-_B-.Bg over this ill fate.l Ko- pirv, Tue toiivulsiou wiil be Urnble when it eaeaaa, aud it. ooM-Bf -flaaot be long poetjaoned. J. L. I.. Jti>v \A..it impoilant -Jflpatefl hanjust been re- rec-eivecl from DflflBMBaa I_M Uhri_tian quarterot IhM city wm- plundcit.l aud l/urne'l by ihe MeM-MO, M lh .ahiiist. Ilundjedflof the Chrisiian poj'ulation w.re m.iv..red, and the slaughter WOflld huvt- bflflB muc'i frreiiter. bad it not been lor the f.iendly interferenoe >>f Kameinlliiciiiial llahamawdaai prominentamong wliom was Abd-KI-K:t.iir the __¦ 'us Aigtrme chiet, who bfl raaided MDaaflflevflfia*_flvaoal^_n paat Severaltor- ei^n t'oubtils and other EuiOBMlll BllllldlldB|MBad|aa- itiiioiiiu biehoBaa. Tbe Duuh OoaralM Ag.nt w.^ killed. The It'iitsutu OoflBBl escaped, bul hisuoiiae WH8 desiroynd. Tho Fnguett and PiU.sian Cousuls were uot ltijuied. THK ( IVIL WAR IN LKBANON Al'IKA )" 'A. I nnnju'ili tt hch-tlf nf ?:.,a¥m ( krittiemt, tugtrettky t.'i, reecut tanymnary itar bttweat n.t Vrmeee eae Okrtttta** of Ltkmmtn. Ol ilna v_*i nuinberoi nul'.-.'er., a large |-roi>ortioii bave b.-eu plundrredofUairaeraaoalptapatty: s vnv larpa u.diuiitv bave, ii...ito\. r, bad tbeir havsas bumt (th.-r.- bartagbeaa aparaii of W iow.it, vill-^e. and h.iuil.-t* dettroyed by hre),andare,tht-re- fi re, i.ovv liou.el. t. wanderei-; whii- upw.nd of l'l.'Sti are new BHda vviilow* and orph.ns, the majority not in leicitiraite w:ir a.,-, bid by cold i.lootied iu_a.-cri- at Raabeiva, ilwi.eiyo, li.-ir el k.-'ii.i, and tbe m-iihb.-hood of S-dou. Many thoiiaa-dt of the*e wretched victimi bave fledtoBey- ra.ul. I.anaaa.. ... Sidoii. aud otlier plnc->. lor BafuQ*. Br»wdBI| t ve.y avaiUbie tb. Iter, aud lyinr about in the open air. dep-ua- li { ior tln- d.ily n. ce.-.rie. of life up.n tbe charity *f la* iu- l.huiiat.i-. ilutit i- obviou* tbat however Hbertl thi* eharitf _iay be, it BM SBBB De e.hauated, while tlie de.titutiou luidaui- feiing, iuateud ot diiui-i.lniiZ, umit be. r.i ,t va.t.y nion laaaflM ou the approvh of Winter, when better »belt<-r. clothiug aud f.>od will be e»»ential to the pieterration aaf tueir liv-c. ln order u> t>'i>t i>. providiui; the i.-.e -.na of alii'iiatuig ao dire a calarnoy, a ('oniniiit.-e. »li ae imuiea are au'a.jolned. hava- baafl tormed troiri hinaing'he Hritiab »ud American reaidenta of Bey- rout aud via-iuity, to aoli.-it aid Iroui tli.-lr t.encvolent feilow coi.i.t.-yn.-i in *"Jr.-att Bntaln and tbe I'nited Statea Tlii. t ..ru- uiitt * te e di ai. ut. il tlie Anglo-Arn. lican Keiief Comuiiit- e !i. .,aii ri. in aid a.f tbi- (tuarity will bere.eiv.-d ln Luidiui by Mextra. C'o.itta 4 Co , No 59 Straud Me.ara. Iiruuiiuuud .0. No -.'.'( Uriui: (roa*. nnd tbe Ottuaaan Bank, No. .'0 Uiil Hroad »u..t atd in tbe Cuitd State. by Jaiin-. M. Oordori, asq. T e.anrer A. B. ( K. M.. Na. e'4 Peinbertoii aqiare, Boaton. aud '1 Afei i- c' ll S A B. C. K. M. iu .tue. ciic and towi... « bo v. D tiaii.Fii.it tbe moiii-T throurb tlieii atr. '.ta to the Be>roul BlBB. .1 ot lhe . Itton au B.u f which will a.-t aa Treaurer under .... .1 .e tion >t tbe Committee. And wher.-aa, lou^ before tl.e t.-rioime tn thia app. :>l can oach tbeae unfoituiate vi'-tin . ol » ii..- seleih 1 ut he t-xtreiiit, in many ¦_.»... lotwithttiiid- i tia itii'.'-t . ttorta 1A the heui vnlriit in thia rotiutry to alle vicU it, lt in therelore eaii eatly iei|uetted that tho^ who int.nd ;t i-:d uti.i- wi rk of ctmitj aud uiera-y will lo.e uu time in for- r t!:> ir .-ont:tbutic¦« to the «b<ive named banker.. or tl ii.iii-h »U' I oitacr ti-it.a. a. may ba BMB ¦onveiiie.t, ad al .... .1 1.. il... (ittt.ii.ii-. Uu .. b. v.o.it. ior tb. Vafl Ainericitn j'., lou.I..i'te. I )',, ... n/..J. A. t.Iu.-.-n, e«j, I'nited Sl.t.-a Co'ia ,1 iii Svria ai.d Fali-atii..'. I* Br**, Wm\ I ontroiler Ottonan Btnk, hejroBt. 1 ',.i-iir,'.The Bi-yrea.t Branch of the .Ittou.tn Haiik. Ihanurp alantai M I., Measee na Mrmbeit 11J tht Committtt.iirutj H.ald, e-q., WilUam lllttk. Ul 1. r T latrai-jl, c-q.,J_inca Bia. k, « -.|., llich.'d liu ptt'ii, .-".. VMi'.aiu bidsell, .aq R. H I,*-... e. .. Bua tioi ac. e*q., Mana^er Ottoinari l'..nk r Suiili., e,q., Ur. J. T. Barelay, w J- BaaJeat; Dr R (i. Barclay, DiUd Btatei v. e Caasal, Be vro.t. the Kev. C V. A v_u Dy.-k, M. 1)., A:. i.can Mi.-ioii ii. Svrla the R.-v. IV. M Thoina n l) I)., A e ai M.»i .1. ii. bvria the Kev. J. K. I-ord. Amerii 111 .Mi- sicu in Syria. tbe Kev. I). Bua- Ameriaan Mia-loi. 11 Myria; tbe 1, - (1 :. Anartcaa MBaUa la Syria. BfBa aowei ... Klv. BMflBBsn il lh* *B__drtee la tom, a qnornm. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ B ROOKLYN ITEM& Tbi ExTiBBiaa i faai btbebt..Tha CoopMB* ,ion CoBBB l.r hac paBBahod Ihe legal noiice that a| - p itiiiioa will lt- mn :e to th. County Conrt ta __M IflM Moiialuy in September f.r tbe flppoiatflaMl of three ('a.miiii-aiouers to OflthBOM and ascebs the ccst of e .- tending York btitet fi-om Fulton streei to if- pree.- ctmmeucement. The coi.Uinplated improv -ment m\ .Ztead aiiagoiially through one l.lo. k . i.eMf ai JflBMfl stitet aad raa_-_B_rto Fulton * liwill'ut off piirte of bous. .. .. I. ts Nos. SS_t H,*aad-I .lamee str.et: and WU tt hoiiHes ladloMMflfl. ii'1, 71, 7;1, und ', .iif. street. TIub improvemeut has long been iequ. und when made will greatly -ahflBM the vulue of property al.n^ the entire line of Yoik r-iiect, W-dflh will IhflB extciu' fem Faltonstreet to the muin entiarice of lhe Navy-Vard. IU -. .1. ri.oM I). OB Alflfl iir a Isov..A little boy ¦iovjaaM cf age named M< Doiutld, aceid.ntally fell fiom tbe j.ier at the foot of Adams street on Monday ewniDg while playitv with flBflM ta.aijaanions. He wa-carrical out hy the ebl. t i«l«-. w heu another boy. named William MeDflnBOtt, MM.Bf at No. (..; Fulton etioct, plunged into t!i" uater, und euccetded after a bard -iruggl.- in liingiuf' the dnarB-Bf ktjwmw\jtt ahore. a A laiBaB 00 S.i"K>-.~A oailor namtd John Dunu wa.- broiight btfoje Jubtin- I'o'uwell f-MflM.J on th. chaigfl of being dr-jnk. Ii appoared tLat bfl arrived in ja it am Monday vvith l»l V) in Ua |K>r._e_aion, the pro- OflOOB of t.-n monthb labor Mdjfliflfaaa flj'ree hc BWafce ifi the Se.on.1 Di.trict Station-llouse next morn¬ ing wiih only aeventy-live n-tita in hib j..j. kete. Bfl eould net imagine where ull the s.oney went to, but did not iieiu \ery mu'J. .-uiprired nt the loen fjr hfl m_u1 be alwayb lutd bad luck iu tttl p. ri Hc- was aent Ui iull ior iwo dnvs. ?- I ,. 110a 01 Ai ... BMAfl Bf mi Bl tl--'1 " Wai.o.. A nerial alanHoa Mi AHmbbbb tt _ho Svtaadl Ward, t.. tul the vacain y MMfld hy Ihfl <ba'.h af J"1"' S~u b.iry, tbe Lt.e repiewiiUtiv. was hfbl veaUe'd tv, aml naaltid la the alrrtloa "i Bafb O'ltorfcv, Mre-kin I). ...... rat. Tbe followilr-' i- Ihfl vo't. I.t Ditt. U I-tt Tot..:. H..rh (.Koike, Bi.ck. I.em.Mfl 184 t"' ll.avidC. Bf»»la.id. Kep. 'Ci Z"7 **'' Uiiiry A. id'i.re llt,.,t l.aui.141 7.S «»'' Oilorke over Kn,,l»i,d. N 1. 11. .4. 0... M..01..Int B Tna Storb ot thk Co-st..The weather haa been very aevei.; aloug the eoeat for tle past few diiya. beverai of Uie HwuiiAf excuniva beavi down the bay were uiiaMe to rvMi-n nn'il Monday moraia.g, and some of tho ftahing ateaaaers were compa>H«d too©-.e back Bn.-h Bor.n<>r thMi th.y Oligl oally ll -. Bl-d. On H arl-.y, tbe kOflBB were Mnjed, and obliged to puBfn for a tbeir. A handaomi ah>op was driven aahore on y ni|>t or Monday Baor.Bg BBBB 0-8*1 Wa 'd Point. KMorta were mude to get her ofT, hnt owing U) tbe retnni of the ti.le aud the atrong gaJe. it wae im- poai-ible, and abe wa* driven etill higher upm the hwach wbere tbe braaVem war* daabing elaur over her. The name of the ve. .*! waa not aaeertaiiaed. Kafmt- -r D__-BBB_Baa. A boyaoo.it II yeara old waap.ckedup iu the street on Mo;._i, mgbt ir. a atate ot h-_n.il.iHty. He was taken to the S a'. ,u- Houae, where Snrgeon Brady on seemg h,m decidrj that he was unier tbe etfe.U of bquor, aud that hia recovery was dcmbtfnl. a \kw tii. ti "--The S.n iety of St. PbbTi K.vs- 'llliiurch Brenklvn, whieh has for en.ue time oc- SSa-VaBa_T-IS B-__BB oa Cnion av.-uue. na*. ^ 1 aite for a new t'hurch on tbe corner of Many avenue and IV.... atr-et. Tbe ed.hce, whic ua S__1y b*g-a, will .un 80 kM M PBaa B^ialUI OB Ma'rey -venae, Tb.- chancel will exteud .).'teet T c' ea. The new Ck-t-l will b* of h.own stone, and Ofthe Gothic atyle of arululecture. 1 be apire will be 14-.' leet higb. Tbe entire e .Bt wdl be ¥&,IHW. | a CaiTBB BTATBI Wvi(Ki(..r.ii>.-It ia underatood thi tke Cnited .Statea \\ areb.>n.-mg Company h*a re c.i..|y pur.hasad aome vaiuaWe property Irom the I i.iou Fony loiui-diiv. Brooklja. lt Iba .maiejiaia- ly adjoiniig the _______ Avenoe Ferry, and htsa wu.r liont oi AK) feet. The WarehiuBUig CO-Bpaay will proceed with all eoiivenieiit diapatch to erm-t a hirge and biUidaome building to be uaed aaaatorehouae Ihe improvc.ui.nt will be greatly advauiageoas lo taa BaatJaa ot tbe -ity. ? Firk in * Ckmim M a.m-i ll torv..About I u'clock laat ni.ht a lire br.'ka out in a two-story frame LolMiie on the corner ol ifth aud Noith Thirteenth at'-eU. K. !)., iiaed aaainanufBctory fort_re-prt.tif cemeiit fur cavenng roofa. Tb* Ure Depsrlnieut were qnl. kly at tbe «<-ene ... tue c.n.laaratmn. bot otaliiz le the hunsana* vwlaaiea tf a.nok* euntu-d frou tb* bumlig butldrng. tlicir eflurti to **v* lt were .) .ile un*.....-.a, and tbe l.olldlng, with ita content*. w.a .oon laaaOy iaa_av*aa. Tbe buain. a* of raicoofncturing the crment wa* earried on priu cipal.y at i.i. bt. and tlie ea**. of Iba fire is said to bave oeaii the b.iratii.gof om-of the |.ir*a n*ed in lt- niaimfv-ture. Tlie owner <>f the prop. Hv ia a Air. Oen.gp Mulllm, reaidiuj at No 4) ttr.nd -trr.t, Brouklvn. Tb* loaa on Uie building aud c-inteuU ia eatiti ated kt trom $l,(.«Ho +-1SO", ou whieh tliere ianmii- ar^tuce. WMIA OUE to the PMJNCM of n.i/./:.s'. MKl.TINi; Off MKKCHANTS. Ai-out ii-rou yeateu.ay, a large uiteiiug, tompostd al uio.t eniirtlv of tne le*_$g m rchant., bmik. ra. Bai pfoiniueiit citi/ma of tbie eity, waa held in .uie of th. -,.i.i ioiit- bailaaltatl.ed to UM .Utsrch-iits' B-BB, iu YYall meet. Ou motion, Mr. PBUTtAB __BH was ealled to tbe tha r, and Mr. N. B. Fi.lu eh -et-n .Secretaiy. Tne CBAIBBAB atated that the objee' of ihe BBBBl.g waa io adopi, aome euiUble detaoUhtrutiou of reeja ct to tba Pimie af Walaa aa BbaaeaaahBi af bia viait io the Ci.iitd Stdt.-B, as alao to the die'.infftiiahed membera of lii, nile. It Ind bten BTITBOBad to eut-riaiu him w ith a baaqnH bi tue AeadtBay ofMaata aad il such projoot w-ea.-arred ont. he pri-aniiicd tbat the BBBB-flBl af the luecting would l_ to api/int Committeee to make the necesSttiy airang. BM BlB tor the feto. Tbe Bwnatnres of a tatga bot.-i. of letu-ra were theu read. All cordially united la ihe proj o-ed .li-mouBtra- iion la Hia B$yai Higbneaa, aad expreawntr NgM al bnt:- abaaal trom Iba mcetmg. Aaaoaf tn- tne wi <- a l.-tt.-t- irom Hia Bxcelleu. Gov. Morgan, axpreaaiBg hiadc-ie to unite m iba prop'-ed mark ai raBfOCtta the I'lili.f. C. Bl ff. fflBta, e»q., atat'-d that be h^d received direct new.- trom the pa.u.a .onue.te.1 witktb*saite ol tba I'ril.ie. 10 the.-tlc-Ct that bis U.-yal HighlieaS had ;. grMed only la a laTiialieaa in iba I mted ->'*i *a. and tbat he w-oul'd not ti aki- lurili. r Ba-aa$B.BBU BBtll be abm.id arrive at (/uebee. The better plan vvoald th'-ru- torc be, be ih..ii).ht, to eaadbi a ttk tl.e Britiafa reeideota in tbeir prapaaad .iemonatiatiou. Mr. Fi.-bl laiiaaate i Uu.t an iinii.ition, saBBBflB.g from any ..tbei BairBB, Woald piobably hot me.-i with an aeceptan.e. Joaa J. C-8co, aae_*. waa in fuvor oi ¦anaga s.-iar.ite dtiuoLetratioii ou tLe pirt of the ___*fie$B r.ndn.te. ll- apj roved ofthe dinner in pf*fw«_H 10 the baJI. Thebatiquet coul.l take a_BB "'i Iba ll 'or ol tbe Acad.-niv. while the l..diea could mcupy tt.e BOBBB He coiuiiKl'.-d by |BOpoa_g Bcoiumiltee of arranue- BMata lo bave ebaiM ai Iba matter. The loilowing i-^ ihe Hel of the ('ot.imittee uppoiii: ti: | BSBA1 COBBITTBB. Peti-r Cr-oper. W. C Noyea, Hora.-.- .Jreeley, v\ lufaeld .-^.ott, i. h. utu.._ O. il l_a_r, Wui B Aator, Kraii. i- J li.lii, larael ( r.ise. Ji.uea Hruwn, /varun \ ai.d. puol, W. W. Ue a'orreat, Autust Uelu.ont, ( ba-. iviD_. Jobaglo»aop, .latoea I..: 01, laat* 1 VVui.CCdjocli, IUniitoiiKi.il. .I.JAato-jr Johl. T. Johu*t.u, J. V\ Plttmin. N U- v\ alk.r. Bal 1*1 ***riab, John A Wl Edat.rd Priu.-, Rooert Hili.m, \\ K. A.ii vthll. J..hc Bridj.-. Jubn I). W uife. Auguata* BchrU, i M Maia_.il, faBst borula.-d. Matll.eu¦ Mor.an, VA tn >.. oodae. h. K.-dniiierre, Uaoire Updyka, JohaJ lii. i-. tba. K. D.tu J 11 itna.l.'.ead. W. Whitlod ,r Wrttt Sl.eri...:i, K. K. Miiiturn. BerJBMiiu/tvuv.r, A A I.ow. J. V. \ eiulaiii-k, At.KiigsI.u4, Richaid La-bera, John W.Ynncit, Jmm llaipet, U**. D. MaaBjaa, v al. ntine Mott, Ji.tH! Jaj, | B. fj *)1 Kitaiid* ri.liepout. Julii; 1). Jeaia*. HrBiyCba ry. U H Kvarts, Jan.ea li. I'.er.iett, laa tt. p. ,at st lvrjt. Jobii L. JoLe», JeavfkFeeaealy, ...i.td Ballock, Mar.lia. I,-ilerta, S-.emrt Ur >w a \\ iiiiam Tu. Aer, Altlnir l.eaiy, .lo*e|ib ttttpttm, H ii n.ia, Wf.C. B«-aiiL**-aiu. Lutbt _t*_ab. j,.-, II .-v.n, A K BlDtaatt, B.nb-n tVitben, A.T S.eWrlt, Kr.i cia . riile.i t R. > al i'l*>, it.b t I. 1'ell, l.n.' a i.rook-, ) raB.-1-k Uenao-j, Wn, ( Bryai.t, Be.. II. rie'.l, \V,. A Se«t -, Jaa W. Boauey, Uemli g Duw, (J.-.rge (.r.-er, ba*. (;'('. i,(t .!.:... Ua ¦¦ I' .'. | -.ev.'.t. W I. I' -m-rrey. r. .....rt-. \\ Beili n.-, MM ( R. li J...-.,,.. J Henry. Wi (," H .rt. K'.i.ert Kat, Wm n. ILrTn.-n, BV B. D__r*a, lobai hlue. C. B.H*Caaaa, \ Si. ,i,.». tnt'j L K-l). it-ni j..i, it Br_w*i .l.n-.a e,_t., n tyruaCaitiaa, .111, Wni. -. I- Bo -.1 I. < tt.ii.-. tt I 1*14, W ... K. Bt. II ). I'" r. B Bt, K'li.i'-firi ) suii.-ton, Beraea vVewlar, ll.i.rt I. K.yn.d, Ja_a**T lin.lt. B K aVlDthrcp, H i, i.ei Litiug-tf.ii .i. (iil-«...d ii Dt.i.l D l.ev r, ..t, MoM*Ii (.riiii.ell, Bob'tL K.-.ii,..ly, I)a .i-i l.ord, Oeorw L -ci.., II, i,i, .. iu:-.:. ia- A. HanrlBeB, Un. II. Mmb. J..1- . J l.i-l'et.terO.deu. I. MliaaHiBB. 'ir' 'a- a* 0. Kn.:, .lo,. i.I, i' wi.. Bll l r. idirii Juhuauii, 4 0. HalatcBd Ms II. I T Strong. Ja* \\ktiorj\v.ini. I --.1 I! Hurhe*. M.. iu.. rd Knuiip. < b. * iwH.Mfckle, Tboiuaa TlleatoB, Jan ^ (_*_**! K, t I. .- '.it Sp-i.I_ii.at. J. bu .M K..,.n J. i. ..S-iddy, lt ,\lr. B. H. Fiii.i- I dl .vviugauli- init-eaa ba BppaaBted i.y i dr, BBbpewaptB facaadaa: .\ tiri-BBIitttrl af Ua on invitationa; B eo.BUttee ol aev< n.... liehaa. a.d Baaaa ii a '"uiu.-.tt.- oi bbbm aa recepuoa; a coa*B-_ee$l ibwb aa bbbbbbb. araalei a eo_B__*e of Batefl oa daaaaatiaaBi a ci-omi'tee af H v. n ea f.ar-ta; a eomon.te. af BBB "ii BBBBBr; a 8BB> aaktee ef tttum eapoHeeaBdaflBflaaBBi aeo_atftt*e oi .»..,.' _4Bra_aaadtoCaaadaBi tendei ti..- uuitatiou |0 th. I'i inc- and r-uiie. I l.e following ia Uie ( o:iimitt<c to proceed to Cani.da \\ illiiiin B. AFtor, .li.bn A. King, \Nilliaui M. Hava- ln.-ve.. Ilamiltoii Kiab, Bobaal B. Aliiituru. Wilaou (!. il.inl, Kobert KeuLedy. Tbt CBAIBBAB tbought that as the Mayor had ex- l.ii -t tu ii:.. liaiion lo tbe l'rilice it would only I* e<.nil.-v t" noiitv bim ol tbe proceed ngito-day. Mr. .1/ 11. BBOWBB moved tliat tie Cbail.Bfl aid BaaratBiy be empow.-red la inf.-rui the May..r of tl.e ¦Ctk D oi thia C____tt_. Mr. C. W. fflBl i- wonld inform tln- Coimuittf.- tbat aa bad baaa adviaed iB$l Iba Priaaa wouldb$kava aboat tl.- i..fh ot t)et< b.-r. Aiii.ang the company waa fleti. IVimhih S.'-tt Wbo acMiitd t0 tak. u .leh iiitti.r' i.| r¦>. -i-ediiura. 1 le.aid that be BBgbttO aak tbat his niii.e b. witb- dMwn irom ib'-lu-ioi iba'_" aaral eaau.Besj altbouirh ba put his whola baart iu iba BBOTamaai; but aa he would be uii.b.uiitediv ealled wet Btoreaahra tln- Banm at Wl B l'< int, and t< ul.l K-areely Uk.- an a.tiv.- pirt in Uie demonsiraiiou, he would aek whether bia uaiue aliouldbeke|.toa Iba bohbBIm. HdaotaBh ii, bat woald BBBtaiy anggaat, foa the m.-etingB opmiou, that he l.e ielieve.1. Mr.J'nn wit tbat le hojied Gen. Beott would all"W tl.e otniiiittee 10 bave the tiae of his vnluahie uan.4. und tbev would nBiaatea tbat bb aaaraaa ttw n ittea "luiiea ahould ba im(io <-d up.ii hi-n. Him gr. -i- "VaryweOi n_ab yoa,Mr." Mt. C. W, ffll; D no ewed hia motiou in onb-r i. it t'li.-ti -hoiild be DO ..ahing, Ibal tho cominiit.-.- heie appoitted ahould coafai wnh tba B0_aht$a ain-ady ap]' it l*d by tln- llrtf i.-Ii r> a-.b Bia. l.x-.jiifg.-.1. i. If i a ii Ihoagbl labi waa ba i«ea dem- onatihtiou of welcome ou the purl of the citi/.eua of Kaw-Yotk, and tl.ought th.-io waa im aaaBBBHI lor tli.n to ni.lli. i wnh any "th.-r d.-monati.itioti. The Pai 'iniM t \plaii)«-d that thia wa- t" be a dem- oiiitiiit'.u of a very diflerent < baracler. and thera- aaa ili.-ieiould be uo ____ng any uue-eaity l.u u oiifertiii.. ¦ Mi. Iin .. .-xplaitied tl at a<. manyinvit_ti<v.-mwould lu- tlniiat n on tbe I'iiik. ibal it waa h--l l > l$BBW iU ai-cet.ii.n.e lo unite wnh tbe coiiiiuittee of tbo h.i.igu rev-idt-iita, whoae iiivithtioii bad b.-en acAepleal. aud Who be was certain would glad to BOOPBrata with this -emmiitae iu dning lu-uor t<i bia Koyal llighueaa U'o I'rui.e ot Walea. 'Jiatir wsa komt lOBreraition i>« to the j relituma- riw whi-h «sn. Scott advieed ae to the eti-iaette of 'Xb!j' -KboWBB made the f .r.., .1 ra-eolntion Vhat th- invit-iioi. I* axtended by this OOMiBBMO tne 1*1 Baa of Wa'es. , .¦. A ui-huii WMt made tha'. th*. C.tum.ttde preceed lo CaaadaM o bi '" 9ttmUtha byitatiofl to.We I '.«'¦«. iCina.k. war.- n...de d..r Bfl t!'« l'-'£'~" of the mw;ti,.g by Me-sre. VV. M. lt itler.J. ti. flmwer, Wii- hoii U. ilt-nt, Joha A. Slevena, Cb-irle* Kmg. T. T.le- iton, aud aeveral other gentlemin. *.,_.,_ Tr.- meeting iidjnnmed about I J o cl -cl., snoject to Uie call ^the Pli-JdaaBj_^^^ gMPUBUVAJt DELEGATES TO SYRA- CVBM. m IiUst evening tbe Kepuhlican Ass..ci_t;onn and At- stmbly Conveiitioofl elected delegatee and altern-tes to the State Convention, to meel at Syrucase, on lhe Hi. inst. Mo«t of the delegites are Baid to bfl -avorable to tl.e renomiualiou of the Hon. E. D. Morgan. We append the iiamefl ofthe delc^atea and alternaten: tliatrict. Ihlraattt. AlUritote.. |.Adjoorued to thi* .-v.-ning. II.Henry H. Hi.el.t, C. J. tebiMrner, I) avid B. Daarlre. ..eor.-e (Trundy. Ul.I ba 1.-- 0 Nott, Oeorgo C. BuiTl., John J. rii.ock. A.adaew -It-t-art. IV.Owe.i W. Hr-nnan, - Krii|»r, llenry llreu.ii.er. -Owena. V.Au.lf w itleakley, loln J Sbaw, H. lioward l m\*\ Harvey T. l it-veland. \I.Syducy Su.ith, Arn_ai Ili.'-'iu-. Wa. E. McOonongh. Sp-ncer 8. Benedict. \ 11.rh.irV« A BflBB I ohn b. Tay I- .r. l|||. lohn K .-leymoiir, S. T. McMnney, A.-tci.iiii lefbltt Kpat E. KiJory. 1\.lauc l.djton, Meeiaaal L. Maraii, Uilliam O.ton O-fl tkmm X.M_.Mt.B-a_, oti. I). Sw-ui, John l.alor. Sam.iel Leeda. \l. .Buj'u.iii Uel h, ir., Jaai.a (J. M-Adaui, N B_ H-iL Andrew Re«tiin.;r. \|| .Loiila II. Watta, Daniel Herrick, Slmeoii lohi-on .loaepb I, Kerley. XIII.Iiidfi E. Coulter, llenry A. (Jil-ert-on, Adam Keodfg-r. H.rmau S.hwerieu. \|\.David Uudl.y Kb-M. Ai.o.i Krauk, K. I)el.-h.-ld uiith. Benjamin W.rd-i:. XV.Wm. r K.aierhrook, Chri-topher PflB-fl-flj John H MMM Alfred-M. Cuttiii. XVI.H. ury Annttroni, C, II. Coop»-r. J. T. W, \an Kiper. John loop.r,jr. XV ||.Jani.t Davi., .I.niett.ilrin, Jnln Cuuinihi-a Thad ua B. Wakamaii. .Tb* niembert ofthe Vllth Di.tri t Convention hlled to unit. nn a aecond d.-leg-it.- ar.d ..Iternat.-, the tro.ihle ti.-ing *:n >ng the d.la rate. of lhe S'iaatn Ward. v.ini were divided on Alderiuau .liiraud Nel*.,n .. Tbayer.4 .nd 5. Tbe da-Iega'c* fron. the .lfUenth Ward would n'ot IMBlfBrV, prrferiiug ti let the Nuitb -. t»le th-i. ar. r am.-i.t theii-.lvia. Tl.e louvention di 1 not atioiiiu i.iiiil a late hour, hope. b.-in^ ent.-.tim--i tht- BM tr. al le u.i.I t be aefla.l. Tl.e C.u.ven'.ion wat uniiiiioou- aa to II. mbi D-BBead fajlor ofthe itteenth Waid. Tl.e Sixih Aflaembl) District Convention adopted the following: li isrsaa, Tha Ad' h_bMB_Baf MeBea.1 l». Morgan ba* h.en maik.-d hy laaafrtty, iirmma, and jnatice tueretor-, .r..', 1 hat bi .-upioiai oi ihe uianuer ln »hi. -he h_* per- foruud Lla ..tiicial dntiev »c ie. oiiiiueini our MapBM to tlie h.-piiblican 8tal* Convciition to oxa-rt all hon .rab.e meant to *e> ie hi* reiioiuinalio.i. ln Ihfl Tweniv-eecoud War.l the followiug was adflfltodi m !. Th.ittlc :i-lt: iiibtnitiun of ..ur Btata Oa BriifltiM liv.dvii, H NloiK.ti nieeta tl.BiBlH-*- BM**1 I¦' the II. Dtiblteai a aai tnia iil-tii-1. aud th-vt bit reiio'iiiititi. n i* earne-lly dr.-reai oy tna in. With three rheer. f.r G«v. .Morgan, .he Af-.o-iation u.lj uii.d. _ ivl.itlit. 8TK.W Al.T- I'CLHAN -ln Brnotlyn, on Monday, Augi-t 13, ¦ i th,.. i-ui.-h of tl.-- Aeoaa-palsa »j lhe Biflht rtav. WiUiam K.. BM, Mr Kdvv.rd Steuart to Mi- BBflB A Col.-i'i, b.itu ot broutiyu. _^^^^^^^_^^^^ DIED. I'MI'KR.Oa Tuetday, Aiiftttt 14, at WVatciieator, John Baai.er, in li.e 43d>ear of iai. d|e. . Tbe oiei.da ei. invit.d to KtU-nd hi. funer.l at hi« hoo..- B. \\ eat. 1 BaC, on W eua..)-day, .\i.." t i>. at 1 o c.o.k. Buv\ r.ri-tin Satir.Uv eveninr, Antu.t 11, Mr*. Mtrtha bowe* a bb ive <.! Uiaaaaak, BeoUaad, la tlie uTth y.-ar of bet Plteadaa. ber faiuily >u» r-tp.' tfuiiy iuvit.-d to att-iid the fu |,,,, to aansar (Wsflaaa-n) tfteraooa,.. -. e'oloi *. f....u i.ar Ute reaidence, No. 4 llunliugtou atreet, South Brookljn. New Baa llhid p.per. ple»W) copy. BOWDEK.Ib thia city, on Monday. Auruat 13, of .'Ot-u'iip tioi, ii. the 42d y«a of hi* ate .l..h.. W. BowdeflL Tlie iri. ad* '. Iha tbaoily are invit-d to attend hia funeriv! frniu Li* litc ra IflBaea -No. ~.v lireeiawich itr. et, luu (vVodiie-t- .i». vft. a.., .t I., COABLE1 ln thia aitv.on Monday. Aigu.- 13, a'ter a .hort illi.. i Capt Tbaa.e I Lcakley, a nativo ol kauturt, County .,: t o.k. ln laiid. agtd (J yeara Ci..'. | UN.Sinddeulj.Bt-heller Ui'.i d. B-flMk BaBflflV, New- voik, ou Tn.-day. 'rtiig.iat; Bdwasd CaflB-B,mwt -i y-'dri, tcrna. rly o: Wiliuunburgb, L. I. DKMfBET- ln tll.aity, ci 8'inday ev.-nlnt, Aiiguat li.Thoiuai Demp-ey. B-B B ¦ vetr of hia itge. K.M.K.-.IIB1CBT Un Mond.... Aua.at 13, Johu C. Kugelbricht of An..aiaj. btaten laluid, aud ia" of thi. ity. Fui..iii at 1 p ui, cari «tcppi-g at M- late resldence; leave V and.. I.ilt'- Lai.ding uu the .riival of lhe a. m. boat. UAHI)INKK-At ti- blaU-ada. N. m-Jnttt, ia Sunday, An- gutt tl, Bdward, ton, ..r Wiili_ui C. (iaidi.ier, aged U year* aud II n.nniiii. Tl.. relatlvM and friend* are reep* v Itivi'i-J to atteadlbe ral -h'.> day ( v\ rui:e-d«y| at ¦>'.-1 -ck. p m i:oiu No. 41 ttt'iv .eaal.t ttlct, c.l.lin laiiOli of A-tOI p.ace (iOI.DIN .Bl Hailem. on Tucday luorcing, BbbbB li. aftera f m pi F..1 li'teiitag Ulo**S, whldi .ne hore witl. i hn.tMii ii ., loa. tl.e luloved wile Ol tltalac* ISuldui, iu 10* .ilat veai of her r.te Tl.. i. nd. of tle family are rcp. c.a'u;:' iuvit.-d to at'..nd lhe ti.nerai from her lat.- ieaid.-n.-e. t). .- li .. .ir. .1 ir.d twenty- thud -t..t batwaea Kiih aad MaSB avaaaaa, thi. (WaflBM d..y a t. na.ou. *i 4 o ciock. PllVV U B--At Al.ilt.oro, on Krid.y, Ai-'n.t l'a. IflflB Aafl-B, oul) dan(htaB ol Li.tid E. und J.i ..' Ai... lo,. cr. .,..i)ia.. ai a 8ni.ii.th*. KR.a/.KR ln Br.'ik'yri, BB Taasdaj -i.'T'.i :.. Aujtitt II, Ada BllBBbetfa il.taa t aiaii;! .tea ot lle,,ly . and ) -Uj C aler, ag.-d * m<nfha atd 15 day*. Ti.. Tia..l. ti.- .I. .iiy ale re.pertlul.v iiivit'-d to attend tl..- rral thia (W <due.oaji ait.r.ioon, _t Io'elock, AraotMa II b Ul 'Ireel |P U LE 1 \t Heinp*t.-*d, I.oiil laland. on S.uiday eveninr. Aoj.ai I2,c. iiaiiiiiptiiiu. .Ictaadri Healitt. taa sf flas-Qa M ll.-uleltol Uo. kaw.v. il. the :,'.I yeai flf hia tMk JACIiAKD.ln thl. city, on Man.day mnaninf Aufutt !.':, llhiii.-! ij'-UrJ, »j-d .a- yeara, 4 inontii« and IA dayt. JtillNSUN Ofl M 4 I t 13, at Soi.iiiul'.'. New- J,,...,, a-r i ahi.it n.-»-. Miaa Maijaral, dataighter of J.-.eui.h U. ai.d AaB JaBflMea B -b* Mla v.ar of hei _ne. Ml.l.M I BY.la thi- .i'y, ouMondty, A..-i i I'. BBBBB-Bf. ¦te.,. Mrbaflev, rldeat aa ol JoeafdMahaBejef Htra!>aiie, Irelaud. eg.d i'i j.-ar*. Ol.AiKii.D-At Mo.iit St VMeafld, New York. On Tu. a -Iay iii'iiiinr. Aou.-t 14. Jolm The .dote Oumted. ii.fuai »ori 01 nd. rica ii-iv. ty.u.ali.l an.l .'.laay Q, UiuiaUal, Bflfld - II a.l.tllt. Rlli.'i -Al hi- '. U-BM NnI_5We.tTw-.lv-. !.:.. BB Moi.u.) BMOMa Augnal iJ, A-h.-i Ki), ii. i.i. i.h BB III. frtead* ar.d tha,..- ef bia fa'i.'ly. ar* ie,p. a.!i,.|y invited ta ail. d I... lain.rka, miiuout fiillnr notue, Uo.a i.i* Ute IBB.' d.-I.. < on TLurtday, a'. I p BL II KK- On Mondi-y cioriilnt Aii7.'-t 13, ol intbt-iruation of tl.e hl.va.lv I'ei.iy .-t ke, t| d N )" .r- aad n.ontl... Ti.. ii -...- iad .iutaiic a ..I ibe famBy are i.--,..- tf_Dy b> |b iteiaj i.. f'oii.i, irom bta 1*1*teileatica,Ke, -' l B'.i.o.- ... ato.-t, oiiin af MflBflflB-Mfy, on VV ,-d... dav atlei- l.oon, at 2 S*. I. Lai *!i.|l..rgh papei. pli-aae copy. Sl.A li II In II i.' ity on I ita I.. -. Ao,'..(11, -B hfiali ha.i. h in tln I d >a ir lu. a-.- BArtDEBl rsHialj. b. Brooklyn. ou Monday, A ..t lt, \\ IIhaa S-ndera. uithi -ld year ot hi. age. i llt iM A> tm ...1 v, Aui'itt !l Ti e dore iailiard, only .l.ildof Hr. ThecloH (._ -rd Ihefltaa, ol tbia. ity, a.'. d year aud I montb*. T.'.i lii.i.d. ol iba family are .uviti-J U> a'tci.J the bm. i_l iiniu h:« lither'* reaidence, No. 3 Wct Koiirttetilh BkflBl, to day (Ai f '.at li). at 8 o'elock. p. iu. ouaad Cclumola (». C.) paper' plen*e copy. Tl I...Y- ( Imn 1 jna.pb Tuiey. *<itlde.ily, of a ibaease o: tbe .. il ii -iu.d.y, J-n.. 1 o al hi. r< aideuce iu C/l.ir..e . ...int. V iigiiua. WILLIAMB- At New-Orl. an.. ...i W.-'-.-'.'.iv \ aga t 1, by an ejploaaoa on h uid tbe ateai. >r l.a ( no- :i ir .¦- V\ liliao. I. 11 tlir MM Teur of hia i«e, ...n a,l Ija r(. N. andMaiy V'ibl..ina ..f Pa. ai-. New-ler-->. forneilv o' Pjl.nyr-, V\ .vf. Coi.ity. Bui f.pap*'. r1,.*«,0pt- ITIarlaelB. lt>-/»'rl.d by TtUgrmwh. H v V". r, A"- II.Ki.iiii du11 aad li.-.i-.y w :', u' laa; II. vi. a.I Sir-. t .ia u lia.io v.ei. h. .d at t"> ¦'".. \VnKir ,t 1, BltfarVlM i.v oi i.-t ai.d un. i.h,..- .i, V, ,,.-. ..- ,| 7 \V l.ite or/ .¦', pKOVItloai Ir:;.. r B o ..n Su..i i.ki - ii'. H>.-.; Sial.a ii ./i.,. MaaaEoas vi:. ;., K-mp *H .'«'. VV ¦-. buoyanl il B-B e l'til ton eitiA, Aog. 14.. Bksvdhti ry- g-nerally r.loked dull, b. 11 i.i-liai.g.-ti. raoviaioB* aadeafad. waisai Him at Ile, r.iFi"..'.A.g 14 1 ta ii.-Kiuh ateady; demand niud.-rete. W'i.kvt uwai .d> ii ai.d fair B-laa U.MO baab. Bcd Wint-r ..t 4-1 e-.J; _J,tMba-b Wl iie Ui.ter tt VI II* VI11 Coat.-i dnlli .ale* veater.l iy iiflcniooii lS.'aj.. buih at SO'ijI.- aud thia tiiorn ii g..imll...-li at i. c . it-ia li.w.-r taie. 'i.ooni.'iih., i.t Mb. itvti BaBieen helter. l.ak. laroata to day: H,.ata bbla. Hour. H,BB baab. la Wheat, 81,00* bu.h. < i I.... .-I UaU Ca ..: .... ..'..X'i bai.h. Wheat; Jl.'Sti buah. furn ""¦" | buah. Oat*. | . f. .. Aug. 14.-Ki.nii in lnod.-r.ite de'iniii'l; . .!.¦» ol .!.»> bb.a at *..'' A-ifor sxtrefltat*; MMIVrfavaritadeablewsBsCtty biaud*. Umk.Tviiv BBBiat *'.d waoted, aai. . oi 7.S..'. .n-h \V heal, Hi ...' Di'-n > nri nHii'»BjiT« -ai«i i«.a oiaia. pioiir. :io,- <*.l u..*h Ub. at,.'<-.U.N. bu.h ( orn r HKHiiir. a.'tive *t.i,. *fl VV lo llnflal flMIBI BaeaajHIB un Newlork rat a te iaoadlB t I* "-nt po ,,, Bohlu-i VM.r.hLV BANh BTATEMENT. Boaava T..e*dar Aug. u. IMI Caprtal Htoa-k.§-7,tn.<nN l)..r U. a.thei bankt. V'.KM.IKJO Lsaaaaad Unounu m .i;.,e,ii.-r*.a*. i%\y,,',vtt Kp,..ie. l.li«^e.l|C._'Cu->Ba)a...,. 7,tT...lW» laiKfiet-atlrribBki v',""' Hav*.iraia *t O. ea* Hirwmera. to u> r A BT. fiUamthio)*. Leoo*. Vor. Tit'e Am-.N-w-Y^fc.L.vrpool.An. 15 Ma-onla.N«W.V*-%.lia.nb.i.g.Aug. 15 Aaat BB__a.New-kurk.Liv.rp.-u.Au, 11 |.'i..tK_a.n>.N«w-York.Il.iifa-, -<-....A.g 1" Ka'-xaroo.Bsrw-Vork.Liveipool.Aog IH Arugo..N.-w-.ork.liavre.Aag la f,u...p*.Boatou.Llverpool.Aug g_ AdriaUc.New York.Havre.A .g.» p.r»i».New-York.Livarpool.Aog IB Kdtiiburgh.New-York.Llverpool.Aag 88 Karnek.Borton.> lal w«y.A ug.» KUa.New-Y*rk.Llverpool.*"g 80 New-Voik.New-York.bremen.|**t, 1 4_la.gov..New Ysrk.Idverpool.I*»pt 1 H-_-*BB_.N-wVoik,.Ha.in...r<.S-pt 1 Arabia..^...B.at-n.Liverpool.Bept 5 Vaudcr.llt..*,... Nov.-York.Hsvr..f*pl 1 tity of baltiuiore..7....Naw.York.Llverpool.8-pt.8 ___ .New-York.<Mlw«y.f4.pt 11 Ati.a..New Yerk.Liverpool.H.-pt.ll Jura.New-Voik.Liverpool.Sept 14 Kultou.New-York.Havre.B*pt 15 Csuada.BoeWt..L.verpo_.Sept. 19 TO ABB1VE. I fersla.Liverpool.New-Tork.Aug. 4 llk.i iii'.i i.i.Southatnpton_New-York.Aug. 4 11.i.Llverpool.New-York.Aug. 7 Parsnaa.(ialw.iy.Boaton.Aug 7 New Yo k.Southaiupton ... .New York .... Aug. 3 (ila«i.iw.Liverpiol.New-York.Aug. 8 North America.Liverpool.Quebee.Aug 1 Arabia.Liverpool.liostoo.Aug 15 City of BalHinore.Llveipool.New-York.Aug IB Yanderbtlt.r_utha_ipton ... .Naw.York.Ai« Ifi Nova-cotii.Liverpool.Quebee.An< 11 Alrica. Llverp.ol.New-York.V g 18 Jnra.Llverpool.New York .... Aug. lt -.Oalway.New-York ....Aug. II Knlton. South .n.ptcn ....New York ....Aug 12 North Briton.Livarpod.Qn-bec.Aug 23 ( ,,ada.Liverpool.Borton.$Bg 28 Hobeoilan. Liverpool.Qo-i.er:.A ig. Breuien.Southamnton.New-York....Sept. 5 Paaaeiijiei-* Arrived / itrumthip y.iltnburgh./rum l.irtrpmd. Robert D.war, Wm. Hltclictck and Son,Win. Bell, H-ui.-yrnkii M-Cw. C. J. rl*ria, ihe Rev. VV, \\ Kddy andfau.i !j tlie Rev. W. Bird aa.i fa...lly, B. 4 ateScrsnton, Mr. ai.d Mr* CebkB, Mr aud Mra Saund.-ri, Mii. a-.uid.-_, Dr. (iorbaru. 8. lir.ed. P. Hazard. Wm. Rolil. r, hiikpatiick. Mr and M... Walker aui .-.uily, T. Neviii., S W. hronton Mn. Auderacii, Mr. aud Mit. Addiacti, Mr. *ud Mr*. L.-ggett, 8. Far.or,* 8. Robert., H. Ol.-eve, II. Ulaaford. C. Hot ki.n.Mi.* ilopkin*. Mr. aud Mra. Hatrli, T. Readon, Mi** Mi,,,. Ml*» Lewen*ti.ne, Mr. Mayer, Master Jolin Mayer, Miaa 4 Booth, Mis. Weat. Mi.s 8 WiliUms, Misa Blkkbkin, 8. Haa. k, L. Roa.nberg. Mr. and Mr.. Gatebaav. Mr. FaoiteU aud fau by, Mr Pa'ruk, Oor_e Patri k, Mr. aud Mr*. W.athope, P. Oiven. 8. W^crall. ..... ln tht thif CjbiIbBMBIB, from I.iterpool.lit. Eaatcu, BIi*. Joue* and 2 chiliiroru_ MA111NE J0U11NAL. PORT OF NEW-YORK.Aco 14 Clenrv-a Stean.sbipa.Prince Alberf<Hr ), Prow**, Oalway, How.kud Arpuivtalli A.ia, Lott, Liverpiol, ki. Cuuard. bark*.CeU-tla, llttte. 4. tte R. W. Trundy; Selie,*, reen- h.gen. Baltimtie, Uowi.j, Ce***. k l o.. MMHtiaM IHoL), Rujter ftotteidaDi, llobert A Kiiealand, Bveutld., Partridg*, Olaaguw, li. D. Biookukii k Co. Brigs-Atlanlic, Mcirlll, Baibadoe*. II Trowbridge* 8uu»; J. B. King Ccrtili, llantapoit, D. R Dewoll -i i.oon.r*-L'-ltui.ore, Cox. Kluabeth City, Suuth, Jone* 4 Co ;Miiaudii, Phillipa, New-Ilaven. Uawion, Douglaa k t o.: Boadiich, Collm*, Porto Platt* Miller k Mon»ton; Arctic, _bo**W_ Naa*BB| Julia A. Hslioca, Pedf.-k. (ii.ia.Ui V an Brunt _SIagbt;i,a!ego, Smith, Kiebtuoiid. C. II Plers-u k Co. Mo.p \\ arren, Stoke*, New H..ven, master. * -.- Arrivcai. St.itii.-hip Ar,gu-ta Lj un, Savannah. Bt$M, and pot: to 8 L. Mit.-biii k M-.li. .Monday, atlo'clo. k. a. BA., nortn frotu Cape llat'.-i.i", a-ebatujed siguals witb the steamalnp Alabktua heuce fur 8aaaiu.Hb. 8teaii_*liip Victoria, Cndworth, (iklveaton 16 day*, tn bkU.nt to A. DeOraw. tit*_u.*liip Daii)iuciis(br. *<:rew). Langlanda, Liverpool July 30 viH haiiiai: Aug. U, mdre. to B. C::nird. Ar.ii.ei o!l tlie Bat- tery at I p tn M. ain.l.ip fiil.i.1. I.ilia, Baxter. from New-Oriean* Mb inat., Havauablli. with ind.e. bihI panaen.er. to M. O. Itolvrta Br .. r.w a.eaiii-lnp EdkburAto, Kennedy, Irom Liverpool, Ai.. 1. Hii.-euati.wii Aur. 2. witii mdie. a-.d .i<' paaaengera to J. <i. Ilkie. 1-t n-at. pi.vd at-.ip Jolii O. Buvd, BBBB*, M anclior ort tb. Rnck:13tliiii.t, l.it 41 34, lon;.. 65 J7, pa.ae. ateainaliip CBj ol Wdsiiiiigtou, heuce lot Queeu.touu and Lit.-rpuoi; arr. ott the I'.attety at '< 88 p. m. ShipC.Otivar.or, Ri s-ell. Llverpool Jury 1" »nd Car* Clear _»tli, n.-d.e. aud311 paaseuger. (all well) to WUliauy A (Juiuu. One oirtii and or- deatb. ,-i|ii|i Uiieui, ilill liiverpool July mdae. and paaa. toflporiord, 1 i..--:.!. Ai. Co. V\ a* outaidi- tlie i_r laat nighr- r-h.n 8uiitban)pt»u. 1'iutt, Lundon aud l'ortamontb July 9. mcse and pa.s. to K. E Morgau. Aug. 2, Wm. (»rey, hrat orh- i-er, died lr,ui compresaiou ul the brain. Aug 3, Virginia Ingr. b nn f. 11 uTOB- ii.< ft on de. k and wa* iu.tanUy kUied. Aug 8. lat. 4.) IH, la*. n<$, |'aj.ed*teaa»bipTe.iloiiia, li.-nc- for Ham^iir.. Ship R L. Lane. MWUOB, Liverpo..! Jnly li, mJ»e aud paaa. toTi,.... Ri. -Iiaid....! k Co. July.b, ia. 4. IB la* Hlt,M*ka abip Ti.ackJora. Irom Liverpool lor Pbiladelphia. uud waa in co. lalna bliip Aateiian oiBoaion. Uowe, Liverpool. July ll, witb mda*. to l:..t.-ter. Sliip Conatitutlou, (Br.), Jone*. Liverpool. Jnly 16, with rud»e. and lll p_s*engc.-_ to \\ illlami. k. (Juiou. July 21, od VW.;. 1-laiiuVv.a.. iu couipauy wilh .liip Tuwiarura. ol auU for Philadel- r.l.ia. The C. ou the rnst pait of p_*_ge bad Ught N. aud W winrt* latter p..rt liflit frou. S. W. l:nrk T.iaro. (ISren..) Danneiuaiin, llremen, 35 day*. uiuV. aud 3IU pa*.eug.'ra tn in :.*i'hen Al I. Lkart . bark l.jit.-.lr, Jat'ksoii, New-Oriean* 20 daya, indse. to Wm. Mataea 8oua. Bark Ob uwood. Penny. H.-ivana 14 4*y«, augar U> Albert Horn I* in ih.- Lower UuaxaiOi ..-. B..tk E._B l: u»a (Bi ), C.n.p. r, Beru.uda Aug. ), iu b.llaal to Ti. k. i i Lightunriie. Bura llHry Jai.e, Kimhall, McCl'-tlan, liavana 11 daya, augar to Att..-rt lioiu. 1* in tiu- Lovt.-r Uui.riiiit.n.-. (tl. ii.st., oti ap an.tval, apoke bark Airen. 'roui N.-vt- llrl.an* jr lienoa 11 d i>. ut. Mb ii.H... lat H, bad a heavy gale tttm N. E. to E. N. E., -p It lnretop*i.il. Bark Coin.iik. Bartcn. llkvana 10 day*. iugar. cigar*. ic. to Mci.-aTayl.rACo. BilfZ. Or iiniuond, Conway, Aapinwall Jnly 25, mdae. to J. F. Joy. Brig CuJedoolan (Br.), UanleU, HUlakoro, N. 8. a d.-.ya, pliater to U Ultel T.'liipkiu*. Lr.x P. M.Tn.ker, CarlUle, CumbeiUnd Hail.om J .ly 27 tt gki tu W'.-t.-ii. Carvei \ i.a.e, 5th inst, lat. tt, lo*. T4 13 p-uised .. v. li.t.ii.g ..im. 11th iust, wa* iu co. witb bri. ( irctwaian, fui. Cuinlieildii'l Harbor for N. w loik. Brig EtauJar.I (Br.). (ard, Wind'or, N. S. lodaya, plart-Tto I). ii. 1). mtot Bilg iauu.r. Hwlakii...ui. Cb.trle.tou, 6 du>., cotton aod naval «t"iea to 1). C..Murray. l'l i/e M| Tbui. ..a Athurn. Ma.ter Nathauiel l.reeu.Kabianda, (( -a-t of Aliicu/, II daya, lu liaiiaat, wa* capturt-d Jaut- 27, ut Kabanila, by V. S. ateam.-i Mj-ti.\ Iiavieg on boird the ordiniry .ta-. i- cargo. Tbu vvl.ai.-aliip Bmnawiok of {loanfjith. Capt. Bakrr. talled previoua on a ruiae. with 2l)0 blili. .p. rui oil Btlg Zlblah, (Br. ef *t****|b * im <-nt bay, l lian-ur, il) daya, witk h*h and atav ><a te Mr. .tierriam. >rus ( haiub.rlain. llolegate. Boaton 3 daya. md-e. t.> tu,.- r.r .<, br. Queen of CBbbbib (Br.), Lo.-khart, \\ indsor. N. 8.,». dava pi.M.-i to II I. BC. A. Il.--.Il. S. lu. Adein.e, Co e Bo.t m H dtya, iiida*. to mas'er Bchr. B. L. C.ni..u.-. I'o.tiaiid 2 .1..y* Bl I.r. I l.-riit), Bailey. (iardierb daya, bunber to uiaiter. S.l.r. UaibiisBBr, Ihurlrer, frovii.-u.-e 2 ii..y., la iiiiia.t. Schr. 8uaau, Bi-ei.., B...tou 3 daya, u.d-e to 8. W. Letti. i Co. 8. br ..'i-or-.-t- nnd Mary, Sini-!., Provi.l.-u e I diya, in Lall.iaat. 8. I.r B_*h Aun ...iiouer, Sl l.i-orge. Mt-.. 7 daya, luuiher tn iiiuaier. Sihr. Wreath. itand.ll. Macliiax 7 daya. lumber to 8iinp*ou k Oasaa a. li- H»rr-t N*w*JI, Tieworyy, Ma<iila« 7 day*, lumber to Siiiip-i u A. Ciapp. S. r 1:1. u hvdu.au B*W*BBB, Ntvv Bedford 3 day», oil o .' I.e...ard. BeBr. Waa Euul.- (of Rut-klauJ), Hogion, Irt-in.an. C.B lu day*. .-..si to Metcalf A Hun.an. Bchr. li.linoii'., Mit.-hlll. Kur.daut. coal for Boaton. S. br Warren C. Nelaon, Su.ith Deia itou for I'hil iJ.-Ipbla 8ihr. Alnira Ann, LsBrraMB, Ehzabethport, codl, for Bo.t t. S.br. barah M i).,:..t.d. Kelly, New tltdford A day*, oil t> inu *-r. .-, l,r. A <(..!_». 8n*ll. N.-w-Haven 2 d*y*. in b«l_st. 8. i.r. Jaue, ll.t.k. ll. vV tu b_ii. H daya. ii. i, B lir. AlfreJ Batr.-tt, Nii-k.-raon, AllM.)- fut Boaton, u.J- i-. I.r il'..iiii, bates, Albany for Boaton, ind.e. Bchr. Fapaaas, llos., N.-vaport 2 dav*, iu BaUlaatto uaatas S.-lir. Char^er. Lowe. NewHaveu frfaja, in balla.t .*-. Ur. Avon, Woodbiidge, \ i.-.inia, wuod. 8. br. J. T. Barkalow. badiite, \ irjim ., me>n. Sihr. A. P Ciwlier. CkrBt, \ iririuik, melona. BeBr. Atiiik llow. Dovtay, \_raii.la, uelon* Sebr. Elleo Baker, lillluiau, Newbcrn, N. C .tole. to I. |B itb B. hr. h A ( oi kling. Sop.-i, Virginia, wood. Brbr. lier.-hel. Klniaal!, Alexancria 5 daya, coal. .--. ,.r. hupbetiiie. bayley. Pouae, P. R. Aug. 1. aug.i to I IV. Levtia HIoop I. N. Seytnour. Smifl.. Krookhav.-n I Jav Bteaiuer Kenuel.ec. 4 io,-ker, fbiladeiplua and Cape May, li,d-e a-.d paaa. to k Peiaiua IftraanrT New-LonJuu, Suiith, New-I.oiidon, md**. to ).. B. Ko.kM.il. B_aaB*t O.pray, Kanny Providence mdie. to l.iac Odell. Maaame ( on md, K*rj_*B, PhiUdeipbia, md-e. to Lefea A Kn.pal.iik S..- .iii.-r Tacony, Fly, Pbiladi-lpliis, uid.e. to Loper S; Kirk- [.iiiii k. BbMBBtt Beverly, Pi.-rce, Philiid.lphi.i, Uid..,.. to J A N. Kritia. .-!. -.tuier P. T. Ilart, Sidd. II, 1 .iladelpliia, uid.e. lo J. lt N. I . 8AlLEI)-8teai..*bip* Prince Albert, for (Jalwaj; Uoauoko, i .. k, \¦¦ Stk. ..I the 8..'itli, for Savaini.li. \MM)--i>i.iug th.dk) from N E. to N., audfi. ab, with rain. Tbeaebr, Baifeaww, rep..rt.d la jrealerdav tnorulnga eabtion, -on. II .' ii.ui I.i. t. aa lioiii hanu l ru_ vl.t B.iuiu.la, wbeio aiiu put iu .hort of piovi.iona. Tb*$ria Zo**, pr.ivt**alj tepnt.-.l a*h..re neir Poitland. will pn.v.-at. tallo.*:al*oraig'o A few aail. aud rigging have been sat.d ( ar... valiied at if 4O00U; veasel, *li J.U. l'..:vT 1-TttB, abi.nl Jul_ 31 -8ailed Br. brig Allian.v, fut Bb m Craa, toio«d Ba Baar-aea. * By I < I. _.r.i|iri. BAMD1 flOOE, Aug. 14. auua*t.Due -hiji in th- Oltiing, bound in afaia K S Elv at auchor at 8 \\ I'.r t.oui.d BA. N* tth. r v.-^-el. ni »i|tht. \Vli.d tre.h from N.N.E ». utb.-r -luiidy. lllt.llLAM.S, Aug. I4-Sblp()rieutaud 1 luig n.-ar tbe light- sh.p, st. _iner Pbila.l. iphia out.ide tho Bai, bound in. \\ md inoaaras*, N.; wtathei rloudy Bt.bTON Aug. ll-An. atiu S. R. Spauldtiig. llowea. ll.tlli- iroi..; «hip Mary Msi.hall, Autwerp, Al 8. Steu.ni, J*r_a, . I.i.lii.-goa. Buga Jnlla. OB**, Bloutevideo; (1, eau Telegrapb, Kr.eiuaii, Atigiillla. Yaiik.* Blvde. Darliug, .Hlveatou; Btreue, ri. ln t Itotteidam. B. I.w.llauiburu anip 'l'.-lli.a fiom il. I.ti l.aika Toni 4 orwln, . I. .ifU.-gO* Sl.erwooti. ( «dl/. I'llll AliK.l.i'lilA. A.g 14 -Arr bark Charle. E Lex, froiu Pi. ' .tul'riii.-e Sail.-d t.oio Mir.goane, bilg M :t u, for Ho.tou. 8ail.-d from St Male, a.iir den. Vttm\t, for Boat n. Below. ahip I'bi ,d. | bi.. tiu... Liverpool Th.- I 8. trigate I'owhatau la re- rjit. J ia below A brig .uppoaed to b* Oie Dalvrtt. lioui the oaat of Afriia. I* alao below ( HAKLtSTON, Aui 14 Tlie C H Mall ateauiahlp Mkrion, K.--*r. arnted here at II ..Vloi k tbia (Tu. adav) morning. NOltKH.K, Aug. U.Arnv.dln llkinptoti'Kuadri ahipt War 1I..V.A o.d Uild Kove,, 'BJtUya.ioiii CdUat. Tha acbr E. Thomai, from Wlunlogtou, N. 0 bound to Phll- adelplii., put in here lo laud the body ol llie male. who wa* ac- id.utaily kiiled at tbe abael yeaterday during aat)uall Anived at Narfolk, acbr. B. I) Pitta, of JUpi><ibauuoa.'k bound te N. > litdfvrd, wivh wkrst, .<o*lug Pieaetere, dke. Ifaw-Oi.i.r a-», Ao* H-Tb* tleop EriJ*. 'l1tm M-r/__ Bay fcc .-, waa l-et Ang. Tl Crew atv.d ^- N. 8le4e-», K^nTj f rTa/a pl-o, La' l.erf renvut, ali*. -§> p.t _-^a forr-aali.. fl.br J..l_to,*,.r»af alrak, wa* ff>wt4 _, fj- rep^a fcThr. W ,. c- ik» e, br aee ,ot Haraae, i* e»We, a total loa*. A por. tion . f her iergo ia*ed No II -mt loa*. 8e.hr D. J BeeH<tg, ftotx Mii.i-Dlai. a*h'Fe at th* ni.ath of Iba. river Benf Toare f. ll»v*c<v b.b* re .1 ib- o outb of the river Brto N. k- 8tevee, Iba Havana. U .l«-ia-tefl. 8b'o i. r. Wbeeler, for New Tore.B a-hore n Pomt I.. Uacbe. One ¦ebeeearr,_, Oregoo to Me- bile aihore Tatallc*,. Crew av-d Curgo laraber alaoaved. Bark Aa are aad flag aW» Bavannab draggedanebara aeveral nile*. Allaa/e. |By telrgr-phloKilwood VV»ter,e_^.,B*<ra4*ri Board I 'nderwrlrwr t. IyAPKHS PKN-iINC) l-l K<)KK~HLS~HONOR THK MAY..K f*OB AJrTBOVAL. FBOM COMMON COUNCIL. Betolotion B*B-_B-a| award of contrart for flirginr in Thittr* uiith BiaaLMwaaa .-Uth aod Sevrntharenuea, Ejerraitu, li. Moore for 01 294 BO. Board of Connrrlloien, Augn«t3, 1800. On tje* and noea adopted. Roard ef Al.b-n-.e_, Aug ... II, |W». On aye. and nee* concorred ln. Re.olutinra roonrming award of conttaet fer repelr- aad _B> ati'.ua to houa.- of Hoae Co, th to rhirlet Vaii_e.rvoort fer tZtT!. iloardoft'ouncilnieii, A ugurt 3,1300. Ou aye. und noea. adopted Kouxd of AUI.m.rn. Augn.'. 13,1860. Aye* Jl'd UO. a ni.c .ired ill Reaolution conbrni g award of eontract fer alton-tna and addiih na to h ii.ae of Hoae Co. No. 80 te Charle* Vaadarroort for * ~.t i ___ B.aaid »f Coiiiicilmen, Aog. 8, 1860. Onaye.ei.l noa. _d.pt d. Boaid of Aldermen. Aog 13. 1S60. On aye* and nee. cona urred >n Baaenith.il ouafirBilaf award o* coniract for ai'.eratieo* and ddiii. h'ta-Louaeof KngineCt". Uo. 12 to Cb**. Vaadsrvocrt for #1; 13. _. . I'.. >.rd "f Ce* m ilmeii. Aug. 8, 1560. Ayilatid 11*. ad. pt. d Roard of Aldermen, Aug. 13 1S60. Oi. av. * an.l Ba » roncuned In. Rctolition ronferring awtrd if cootract for alteratfoa. .nd additiou* to houte ol ll-te Co. .So. 12 t- Chaa. Vandervoert log V3 15 Roardof Coincilinen. Aog. 3, 13IVI. Oa avea and noea adopted. Roar'dot Aideiu.eo, Aog. 13. 1 ¦'*>. Ou aye. and noea comurred io. R.-aolot'on conbrmhig avtard of eontract for buildfng hcoa- ie larir n atreet, for Ergine 4 o No 9. to Wm. Cooiter for $1,0% Be-ti ot < onin liinau, Angn.t 1, 1*60. On aye. and aoe* concrred io. Roard of Aldermen. An|uat 13, 1860. Ou aye. and eoet roncuned in. Ke.olution contirrnliia award of a-awatract for aewer in ThirtT- eigl.tb at<eet fr< rn MaJi.on avenae to a poiut elghty feet Weet ol oiirth avenue, to I) Z. De *orre.t for *l,06l 4». Boatdof t.'oa.na in.'ieu, Auguat ~, 1860. Ou av.-a an.l noea adopted. lloarJ tt Mdermen. A"*ii«t '8, 1860. On ay.-t aud noea concurred ln. |»-rU|i.n .-.'! faru.iug award of eontracl for aewer ln Frt..al atreet, fr< in We,t Broadv. *y to thlrty feet eaat oi Hc .-ol atreet, to Railert and Jame. Cunnln.haiii.or V 1,(38. Board ofCounrilmrn, Augiat 8, 1800. Ou ayeaaiid noea adopted. Koaxd of Aldermen, Auguat 13, 1860. ().. av.i and a..'.-. concor *d in. r.at- Iniioii dlrei tiug the Ki.hth avenue Railroad Co. to repair, r.-.a nd u.iita.airi and contrlve tai k'-epingood order tbe rauroad tra. k tait. he. miii-out*. aide tracba, aud curvee, tt aew laid in thatru-.e tul other air.-.ta through wbicb tbeir rauroad r igiitli p.*a HSarJ ul C'ouiii ihrien. July Ti, 1860. A.h.pt-d Roard of Aldermen, Angi.t II, bibO. C'out urr.-d in R.-aolutiol. that tb.'name rfJame* McDouDOg. OB the lla« nf ( .mn i..io.er. of lle.d.be.orre.ted IO U to ~*li Pat-'ck U. McDcni ogli. tb<- muiiti .rhif tn error. board ot Com.ci.mea. Aug. 10,1409. Ad.pte'l. Roard of Aldermen. Ang 13, 181J0. Cont'iairFd iu. K. a. lutlnr. to allow Oold.rnitb k Rrotrn to plac* abew caae ia front of tbeir preu.i»e», No 0_| Bowery. Eoard o: Coantbii.en, Ang 1, l:-bu. ArJop.ed. Board ot Aldermen, Jnly 13, 1«j0. .Ii'-lltedill ... Ii.-.. luticu tl.. ? 'Ue Couuael to the CorporUionUke tbe ne-'e*. aan :eg* a epa to d m lare Kiltv «ightb and Klfty-uiath ttrc.-U, trom Mtth avtn .e to the Katt River, r.peu accflrdlnf to law. Roard of Cotinciimen, July 24, 1B60. Adopted. Roar.i ol Aldernaen, Aug. 13, 1-tiO. Ceuevnad ba. Ite.nlu.lnn "tne"d!n. the reaclii.fon adopted oo lh* l**th JnnS, nlt relative to Pier No. 3>, Nortb River, directing tbe ao* t. ba ..tra'ul-teiud i-.iid a. tbere ia a contract for r-pairicg lhe iler, dire«i|lt the work to.be duue under the .npervirion Ol lhe. Itrae. onuuitaioner witl.out contracting therefor, and appro- pnatin/ *1 * 0 therefor. Bo-rd ot ('ouucilmen, Aujraat 7,1800. . 1_ -v. * and noea adopted Boa.-d cf Aldermen, Augut' '3,1360. C»n tvet 'j:d l-oea Cclicu-red bl Btawattea tbat the carriate way in Thirteenth, atreet betwectg Le -ta n and fo-.th avtiiu.-a be repaired. rd o!-Coui.i-ila.en. Ai.guB 1". 13W. Keterred to tha- ( rotcn Aqordoat Board with power. Bc.rd of Aldermen, Auguat l3. MM. ( on. .jrred in Reaolution granting pern.i.aion to tdtrard Llyermore to erect sbaywfudea e..« Tlr'tv-.l.htl. "t-eet and Madiaoo BMBM i.nal.r Kiiperviaion of iHieet ComniieeloEei. B..ard af .'...ina :liiieu. July 27, 0X0. On avea and noa-» ad"pt.-i Roarii oi AIdernieu, Ang. 13, 1860. C'oiicunred in. Reiolnticn on peUfOT of C Wrlght Klrby to retom *titt*t box ta frout ol pren.iae* No. S4y Bleecker .troet, Be* d ofCoun. ilmen, Aiijuii 13, 1>360. iia av** aad aee* aflsptaB li.ai.'l of Aldermen, Aug. 13, 18G0. (aa.ua um d Ul. Reaolution to grtnt permlaaionto Me* rr*. McCabe k CauipbeH to jalace a pole ln 'roni of th*ir pren.l.ee. Boardo! Couu-ilmen, aog. lu, I oo. Ou av ea and noe. adopted. Roar'd ot Aldermen, Aug. M, liifiO. ('onrurrediti. Re*ci;,tion that aaa-wer with .-ceaary receivir.g basint and ulvertt. be built under the dire; tion of tbe Crotoa Aguedu.t Board. in ifty .i.hth >atri-et. f.o.1 aewer in Klghth aaenne t* ilu- wr-t.r!y :ine of _eveuth avenue, and that an ordinance ther*for he adopted. Roard of Aldern.en. Jnly M, 1860. . u uva . and no.-. adepted. Ba.ii._ol Co.ii.cUn.eu A.g. 13, 18b0. Ou avia and noe-, adopted Re-o'lutfon to extei d the aewer ii. ?eventoenth ttreet, on tbe> v.ttei'.y aide of Thiid avenue, aooat .aid avenue with the pr.-*- eht H-weron the eaaterly -Ide of the Bveiine, to be done Liidei tbe dire. ticu oi the C roton Aqueduct Board, anda: thai ezpent* ot tlu city, and «iapiopri*tiiit fl '00 Uieiefor. Roard ot Aldermen. July J»i, 1 *a On :ive. and noea adopted Roard ot Co.ui. ilmen. Aog V, 1360. . 'il ayet aud noe. adopt. d. P. "i:tici, that the peraontl tazaaeaed agalnat Franeia C.p. roBatNe .-'21 Bro*dwav for the v-er* lftWand 18fa». bereduceai fiom a valuatiou of *lu.bt. for 1898, and B2O,O00for 1810, to **> . i.ti t'., euch year. lio_r,l of Ai_4.n-.-i. April 9, 18bO. Adoptad. Roard of Cotinciimen, Aurort 13, 1860. Ou are* ai.d noe. conciirred in. H.-.-i, t.i'ii directing the Comptroller to advertiae for * tuila. b!.-lccaticn tor Engine to No. M. between Franklin, Luirbt, liu-J.cn ai.d Oreenwb'h .tr. at.. acd to returti '.he award 01 coa- tutit to tbe Co- mon Council tor .-..ulirmatiou. Board ol Aldermen. Jniy -b, I«o0. I >n avea and noe. adopted. |B (-ouna-iliiaeia. Anga.tl3 1860. ( B a v e. tnd noea adopted. B. -olu'ion that .'onv third atreet, between SUth avenue and Hraa.datay. be paved wftu Beitun nevement oae-half the ea- ei a. to le p,id hy the owuer. of property ou the Uae of tha j av. aiact. the a.ther h .hto be p-aid by the city, and that aa o' lii BI e therefor be adopted B aid of Aldermen, July tt, 1860. I ln avea nnd noe* adopted l'.ca;a <.' l t iiin'ian. u. Ang. 18, ItiOO. Ou ...v. * ul d n.ae. adopted. K....." .tion tha- tl.e per-onal taa B-BMBBi agvlnat the ettale ol* B ('. W.mb l. at No »i Ea>t ll.i.ty ae. oud *tre.-t. tor the year* i II and 1 .v>, be red.io-dliom a vabiatioo ol *:-HA> la *i,.v.. Il.,ard of Aida-rnjeu. July 23, MM A.l.pted Board of ("ouici'men. Aug 13. 1360. Ou jvi-. an.l i.o.-g cn. 'uied iu. l:. J.utl.u tb.aa.Twei.ty-,ixth atreet, from 9ixth to Madfao* ...- ..i. paved vvith liefdan pivemeut, under the dlrec.lon ef thi < roton Aji-ialn t Depmiinei t, the owiiera of properiv to |,av aa*-l ....I me citv tl..- iciuaiid.ig half of tbe i-.wi." aud that iheavt-r.l _. n,ulia:t be iuhuiitted to the Cotuuiou Couactl fer aouhrii..ti'U, and tl.e oriinano' therefor i>e adoptad. Boaid ol A.d.-iuici.. June 1«, |34iO. (in ayaa *a .1 aeaa aalopi.d. I, ri o- C'.'iiii.'ihutu. Aug. 13, 1860. Ou aye. aud n-ea concurred iu. OrdinaDce i.-r tl..-con»tiuction ofa wwer tn Va.li.in -treet. tnn -.wer laOtaad atr.et to |i*i feet eaaterly from J. k*>a atreet Hoaid of Aid.rii.en. July Ai, li*0. Ou aye* ..tiil Beat adopted. BtM :d o! DUB liniui. Aug. 13, 13t>0. < >n aye. ai.d BB88 adopted. K.-.. Iniioii tbat a wwer be built onder the diiwetiea oftbe ( i..t< ii Apiaduct Board ta t-il'ty-.iAth ati.et, from Third avenae toBudthrough l.evii,.ton avanue o.d Kifty ninth "tneet to pro- vaei in l-'ilty _iulh «tr.i-t li.iu i:lnto Ei^iitli avruoe, aud tl.at an trdbiaiue tba-refoi" be adopt.& li ...ni..: Aidernen, July ib, 1«UI. i.i. aiat aad aoat adoped. Boardof( .ui i.u.eii, Augu.-t 13, l.aOO. On avea and U'>e« adopted R toiutio diiet ting U.o Street (-o.iuuia-i .|:er to bnild n ad- d.tioi i.i .'ory ou houa of Kugine ( ou.pany No. 24, coat uot te > a-d #.." B.v.d ol Aldeni n, J:i!y 26, l-t*. ..:. av.a and i."> I adop ed. K. i.i o l O' III olnell. Ai..iiit 13, 19_0. Ou avea aud noe* adopted. U.-olu'ioi. lla.it a aevvct be built ui-.-l. r the dira^'iion of ibe- ia t lo ard lu Kiltyav.coiid atreet, from Becondave- a-.it] Il M -'. et of Fir.t avenue, and that ri ordinance tben o. be adopted. Boaid t,- A1U. uueu, July 26, 1360. On aye. aud i.o.-. adopted. Boi.id ol t'-iutii iliii.-c. A.igiirt 13,1960. Ou aye. and tioe. adopted. K -ai ua :. that .t .....iv itigbaalli and culvert be bniB Bnd^ u.r.-a- iou ol the Cr. t.i. Aa^uedoct Hoaid *t ea. h el the *t utberly ...ri.er. oi Koitaal.th Breet aud Ei^hlh a..-i...c, a-d tbat »u at- t'liiai.o.- therefor be adopted. f. i.lol Aid, ru.i n. July 26, 1360. Ou aye. and noe. atlopted. lt * Ot Cl laici.llla.il. Al|.u*t i'J, 1:60. Oa aye. aud me* a.upl. ti. It, ., K.ti n to p.ve i'liirty dxth ttr.-et. belweeB Part and L*_- Icgtcii ar. nue, witb Belgiaii pavriiient uuder the direetfoa of tn* Croton Aquedu t It.erd theowner. oi property to per a.e half, aid tlie ciiy ihe lemaiuin^ h.tlf oi t'.e cott ot tbe aenV, and _a ord>iiu:.ce tl.reoi head .pted r.oadef Atdeiii.e:i Juiy U, lJ60.' (ta ayet *_d aaat adopted. Board el ( aancUa-aa, Aog II, isbd. . i.. ave. and ii-e* »Jop:.0. , , i:e.-1u«oi! UuU a _a.wej.wttb Ib.- ne.e..ary re.-.-iviug __*__. . rd ulter'., Le built under tb. dir. ctiou ot Ue l rotou A<i-.siu.t Hioird iu Fillv ueb .(.eel, from Tlmd to >ii.t.veli-. aud th.t »u iiliii.ir,-eihereforlM.-doiKed_^ Boaid o. Ald.rtia*n, Jtdy 2a, !««. Oliaya.aad na>e. *dopt*d- Roard of Couiiclhaen. Aug II, 1-80. Ou ave, wnd noe. »dopt«d Rew.li.tfou th.' * melviug baaln and culvert be buQt onJef lhe .lii.i-tion .41 tlie C'rot n A.iua.iia, t Board at eeob ot the *«ulh- ,-ri) oora-rs *- NiuUiav.-n-.ie anJ Ktwty-fgurtb Wtttk aada_ «. diu.il. e therefor l-e adopled |... I.I -v.d. n- .--.. i...» a. On »><* -nd ..oe. adopted. He-rd ol 1 otuicilmeu. Aog 12. !!«. Oa ayrt a-d u»*e aduat. d

New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1860-08-15 [p 8].€¦ · haiits audf:'uatetl ab'.-.t half-way bBtWBBfl Bsyrou! aud DaaaaBaa. Tbe Baaaia a»Btewallsappbeowith tuuia andumu.uuiiion,

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Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1860-08-15 [p 8].€¦ · haiits audf:'uatetl ab'.-.t half-way bBtWBBfl Bsyrou! aud DaaaaBaa. Tbe Baaaia a»Btewallsappbeowith tuuia andumu.uuiiion,


fc*ay-^«^N \fZBaVBVCT, July 4 IBtVl.

1 .*.** 1CK '" *v.>.iri>tion th* -acxiiapaoying «iren-|*r, tln. O'-je jni whieh i*to o btttn fuuda f..r the re-

b-' °* '''_* Bidi.y t"Oiir_iul Chrietiao* who hav? suff. r. dbo-a gfv tue war on Monnt l/ebanon.

Tbcatf^ tbe rircul-r, perhape, sntficieorly oxplaiv.s_**> tf yet toate additional lacta and statetaents will wKa* daeieed iaappropriavt*.The war vlms lar haa been .vmrined chierl? tc tbe

ajwB'het-* portiou .if Mouut Lebanou, rying to the »aM

«4 ba'-rout, and embracing a territory of eome 1'ortyaaibu sonire. I/et_u«>n ib not, aa some anppMe, a

BABgb. istdated mormtain, bnt an iBimense ohain ofB-onrtaina, extending for an bnndrod mile*, parallel to

$he eawcoast, oommencktg a few miles east of Tripolibim. termicating a tiuie eonth-eaat of Sidoru Two-tairdsof theautire range, that is, the nortbern andaifctdle aections, are peopled almoet exclceively by a

bigoted *eet of Pavpal Christiana, ealled Maronitea.Tbe aont ern aect-.on of laebanou coutains a mtxe_

pupu-atio- of Dturau*. Maromtes, Greek Christians.*__d GreaAc CBthoti'-e. The lormer, tbough enibr.H-i.ig.uly about one-thnd of the number of the iahabiunta,bave, lor agas puat been th* feiidal lords ofthe soil:

but, in lartor yeara, the power of tlie Druaee baa

ftreatly ttimi-i-hed, not only by reason of frequeutquarrele amoug themaelves, bat also Oy reason ol tbe

kiUrterekC* of European Consula and otuer foiciguoflcials iu behaif of tb* Chrie___s. As ihe Canaiaimbecame prosperoua and powerful, tbey be<-tune maol-nt___overtesari< g U.wai-theDraees. tl.eir luidlorda audbtreoiury rulers. Jealonay and etriie were eiu-eiider <don Uth _dea, and in 1841 a war bmke out betWeeBthtm, whkh n-anhed in the complete MIIIMB oftheDruaee, Mauv Marouite villagee Ikjiuo plundered aud

bnni.d, and U« inhJlbiunb. eilber kiiled or compoiedto fl.e to tbe plain. ... 1 aThe dtadi? b.<a:h has never la-en healed, and lr.

that tim* u. tbia tne ._ -lderiuir nVe of laneoi__ve D*en burnug m Uie bearU ol the. opposiug .ac-

**Fur tbe paet tweh m.-uths mufdera "iave beeu rifeuboI'K them. it not uulrequeutly happened thdt hall-

*-d<_e:i arme.l 1>- isee, fltllmg snldeniy upou a piryot utiaospwtiug Maronitea, wouli rob aud inzrdertbem- aiid tue Mitrouite*. m then turu. were aure to

bbita- 'be bM o^poituuiiy to retaliate und obtam theirT_ \ tl- '*'

MeJJ.:_te, the ntterlv w.-ak aud woriilees GrOWarB-Biei.idi4luoi.iBl/orueAtH) nolliing I* briugllie.ld.v-l«e aAaaara u> jaetfe*. A-**au_gly, tba a taBB_b* tpt av wora* aud wotea. aod fi__uly, onl»l klay laat, Bbe ri/uataao.ii.ded iheir war-cry. ail tbe

eonflnt eoni-ie.'.ed :.. aai-BaL B_. ds and KI liaieiu,two large Baronite villagaa, t.nly BB BOB8 diatait fronBayioui, were aiuuleu, piiiiidera.d,iu.a buiii. d S. N8oi eiuall-r UhiMtt. villag.a aud coi.v.i.s, ou themounta.iia t IBa eaa: of Beyrout aud S.don, aulleredtbe BBuie bve. The l_r.l.__i, r-e/.Zfd with BBBBB, lookrariug- intue tiu.a and ivwn- <>u Uie BBB BBBB. Agrtai ttiiiliiliiib- "1 nieu, wonieu, and children ded U>-

waidSidou, out, on reacbing Uidt ity, tbe Moblein.. iua' eti .mt B| "ii them, at d f.e Ci-riBtlaaS, being for he»,oat part di-.tm.d ana att-tiked in lrot.t _tdf*ar, telieaay vu'iua t-> tbe fury oi t.ie.r foes. mx hnn.liv.i. a'

laa-t, oi Uitie nahapMr lugniv-a were aiaaaBrrart.^ra umtu wtre oini-Ar-d, children were alaugi.tei-ed, andluany prieau la claae paruvulariy oduus bo.n U> DjfB* 1

anaSinalaroti -er.-iiiticileeeiy ciit down. Seveuletn

i.iiea.8 and luoiik^ w. rt loauU.lying dead in one {law.Tbeiauger was imfninent tbat ihe ______ wuuld

__¦ mthe eity itself and maaaaere the Christaan p -rtion

Of ihe pOPBt-tilrn. T.V" Ai.ien. BB MlaSloiiaritoa iciid-hftban raqasBted of tba Ueaeraee a guard f.-ihe

pmteetion ol tbeir kmwSB. but w.re reiuaed. Wor.1havu g bten aent to Reyrot.t, au Bl gl^h war steamerwsb diapatvhe- to Sidoii: and, BBv__ BBBB._ tro.otlie_-ii.oi,(iea a promiae to keep the i»»aee. a good degreeol quiet waa reaioretl. A few «l»ys al'.erward, fcoir.***r, BBBtBkBB beeaaaa worae,and a French vtaael-.ol-war, a-'l alro an Knirhali war ateam- r, appe.ired be¬fore ihe plaee. The MealeaB (.ioveruoc hav .Lg de> ..rt dhia .abiirty to proteettbe lowu againat ibe aaob, theFiench lnuied a dettui.mcut ol ar.ille.y on a auiallliiuiid in ihe barbar, anu tne Moalems, iiavmg keeoBBaJB-tm idu.edby tbeae auU otber warlik.-demou-.tiaiious, re-

liau.et: lioiu e<iiiying ont their fell porpawB$oatbeCbiistiane, and on tlie n» xt day the for. i^-n BoUm r aalA-tiaela-ol war returned ta Beyrout. Tt.e Cln iaUBMof Tyre werealso di livercd from Uie bon-ora ol Moa-lem laearteettoa and faiiati. i-m by tbe timely mier-lerence of a amall Kngliab veaael-of-war.At Hitsbtiya, liinvav.r, a Large interior town tw. nty

or thiity milea taat of Tyre, the loaa of propcity audlile waa gre.t. Uie der.'uruetion of life Oeiug causodmainly l.y Uie tre_cbery of the Tuikish auttioritie..The D.uaea appeart-d there abont the firat of June: forBtime tbe inhabibinte defended themselves bravely,ana linally Uie I'urkish Governor (Kaiuimekumi prom¬iaed tliat ii Uiey would eome to hie p.iln. >-, an<l aurren-

dtr up their aruiK to him, he would protect them andaiaperae the Diusea. Tbe Chriatima at once laid downtheir arniB, and llocked to the ptlu.e. The Governorm» rely firo.1 one or tw o blunk cartridgeaover the heail.-.of Iba altat kmg party, aud then Jelt tbem loaoeoBB-

tllab taeir work of dee'nie'ion. Tiity fira. burueti iheirge Protestant Chapel, built a few yeara ago under

the direction of the American M iaeiouarwa. aud thedwellinge of the inhabitauts BBBB followei. The Cans-tiana, in thtir hasty fligiit U) the Governor'8 k$a$B.took no proviaious w.tu them, and, as the Governoricfiiatdt.. teed tbem. and tbey dared not ventnre OUlto proeiue anything lor the-aa. v ea. a ternale lauuiieenaued. Fiuiilly tue Druaee, by the conuiiautv- tt ibeanthontiea, ettected an aaBBBBBB 80 th<- Sei. -a. <>r pat-tace, and Uie alaughter tbat followed was teruti Afew nen BBBBMBl bythrowmg th.-maA-lvea fr.m tl.ewindowa, aud aome of them found tl.eir WBJ 10 ly..-.*nd ihaaaa to Beyrout. their elotbaa Beturai wi h theblood ot tbeir wovea and children, BBd all av.-ningthat tle i urk'ab a ndiera, under tlie 11..... n >r a c»m-

maiid. partuipated iu tne batekeiyl i ae psoala ttliaalitiya, Kaeheiya, nua ouitr ueigblHirmg vilU-e-,were ol ihe (irtt'k Cbuieh. e.-.ieptiug a amall OOf-MM-

uity of ProteaUuts. Neither ihe Greaka nor flit- Pro.-eeUALtshad bad anyqaairel with the Druae*; but it

would etem tbat Iba l-tltr had del. riniued BpOB BOexteimiuatiou ef all Chnatiaua, witbout re-.rl t-

cread oraaai. Ih* anaibai "f _-riae_aaa aaaBaiefBdaiBaabaija is saia t.. be not iar tiroaa aighi knudrad.Ta* Btioiighold ofthe C.i__.aa ofMb Labanon

waaat Zanle, aUjwu oi aix «>r eigbt HmnmH. inb.i >-

haiits aud f:'uatetl ab'.-.t half-way bBtWBBfl Bsyrou!aud DaaaaB aa. Tbe Baaaia a»Bte wall sappbeo withtu uia and umu. uuiiion, aaJ niade evt-ry tmutl ia tbailj-ivver lo roeiel Uie BttBCki bUA tbe l)rud<:r gSupon ihem from all quarie. -. and, b ling lided by bands..t a-BOsda aud Aiab.. from the greai pl.an i-ii.l <>f |_aRivei .lon.au, iiiv.-rt.d ihe pLct, and after abve daye lt lell mt. their h_U_-. i'i.e people lad vvilhtbeir vv'ives and tuldn D to l!.e _B0_Ot_UI IMUMtbe great dlrtriv'.all.d the Kt «r0 .vail i'li'-ir b.-.i ;-

fni town tVBB IBBOd IO tiiegrouud; their bOBBBB WB8B

pluudend. tn.- afeai.*e pUtsaed, aud tbe pietarea aad' iniagi-s .1 tb*aainta ai ii Ike Virgin Maiy, npon wboaa

th<- people d. jx-ndt- b>r deliveiaai«, w.n cairitdotlLy Uie eonquerora ae tiophies of tbeir viet'Ty.

it reinains for me to inentmu the tragcuy ef I>eir KIKouir, the luoai bloody, pcihaps. tL.at BBI 0 uired in

tl.e halory of thia iinqme aiuco tbe l_arl.il laasaacre at

fccio in 1>_-, and all Uie r.*uli <>i iba baeeat treaeberyoa tbe part of Ihe Tuik.-b authoiitn-j. Dtir El Komraf.or ratber tcan, lor it exisu no longer.a yvell-builttown of aome six or seveu thousand iuhatiitauts. ou

Ul. Lebauou, two miifcw aouiheaat oi Beyroat. I kaptople dsfaadad tl.e-uselvee aoeotaaf.ly againat thal)r> ieea when tirat aitaa.k.d; lu. iew liv.-a w.re loat.and b-w housea burned. A U - e baviug boen Bgiaadupon, Uie mam kodj of Iba Dl-BBfl t"<'k up tb.-iraukich lo. Zahle. iie'lurning viclurinua iioiu the siege,astoixive ralatod. thaj n Iniartii. Dair Bl Koiar, aad,iiidkiiig many piob fctations of j»oaco aud friend-anip to the (ihriauauia, eudeavored to ja-rsnule tbeui to

five up their arm_ Tliis the laiur dctimed u< do. The?riues'heii had recourse to tbe Tuikiah QovBlBBI

(Baliii-BBkaaa). and ibe latter seui a poaae of Bolmerawiil:''¦ Hraaea ngeaiilaiim tbe Chriaiiaaa full piottc-I,- y « old give nj. ibeir arma ai.d rejiair Ui hisAjuarU |at raya. Tothir-the Cnristaauaa--eule<J;but no BOO. l-vd Uicy Biirreiid. reti Ui«ir mcaus of de-fenae, aud .^>llecU»d iu tue <iov..iuor'a house, tliuu tbefl__*aci'<- . niniu. uc. d. Tbe havoc waa awlul; im

mercy waa abown; tbe vi.tima 1.-11 m B.orei-on $f$tyaide; dead hodiea were heajaod npon dead bodies; moretluui oue thour-aud BBBBB murdered ta eold Uood, olavhom Um great luajonty were mal.--. M my ol thewomen and girla were |>enni..e<l to_e*..ap. bat ererygOAAii or !»oy tliat citild oe lotind waa immediately elaiu.OB the arrival "I Iba Drneea iu l_8town., bBoaipauy

of tKiim- -_J or more ChristiBua had taken rafbft 111

thehou-at of the Ii< v. Mr. Bird, the Amerii.ni .Mi-_ot_.:y reei.hny ther.-. Mr. Bird waa ateent witb bialAUinly au the Ume, Bl the viilage ol Abeifc, aome aixniilts diet-ui:. Tbe uext day, ou hea.ing wbat hadlakeii plaee, he returned to hia b<>u*<-, aud, witii .. BOObnoae. ooonAge, aud e-if-poeeeaaioi. worthy of all praiee*ue.*j*4i>d in Auvinj. from the IaaoiCb of tbe I)rut_a tb>.wbole /iity, Ua* moai ol wbom weie ui-.u aud BOTB,aud brought liitva all to Abeib, Irom w.n. h pMM tBBfoursued tbeir way Lu aafety to Beyrout. Huiidredaojcla-atituU) women and hildreu from Deir Bl Kor .mdo«_itr plaoe* Bed down Ihe vaJby ol Uie l.'iv.r DaBMOlto tbe aea-abore. whence they weie -ouv.-yel to Beyrout by an Engiial aieatuer. The iu_mt_cre above de-Btnlied Aae.irred ob the ilst of Juue. An Englisbtravelor who visiU- tbe scane aeven dmyn atu rwurdjjitoimt- me Uuit tl_ sUe_te were impaeaatl* ou a.

djnuti ul tbe MfHiuKdt vi i__u_tn »._)*» wl-vh, ik^pBfl

ofheb- ekatbing, hvy unbnrild, the prev B»BB*JJMIbM-BBMi do.s. A few Vmnm b-nton nlund.r were

Maiaini; alKiut with handkerchiefa bound ahoMatbeiii,,o,,_.,_ aud...-_*,.ha« _*>£«_ aot MMM theoT-

... odor ariaing from Ihfl deMfl-P-flttiOB of th».r,»'refyit -g ¦^rp-.e.

Uu. we eilli.'tdwell upon tfctee tv-neK ,.f _" ,

-,t,d bbwda Tm baart *..>_.._ _* iho recittl. iha

qiu-ation on tbe Up* -1 ev-ry on.- ia, ' II >w long are

iheee tbh g* to ia>. '" Md " WbM m to be the ofi fCrime irtma eiipit.iished on every anle, and auxtn-hy aadM.nfosi-n fill u.e land. The vilhigeh and country aboutIK.-taaeua hav*- !»«.«-« pillag-.: and b.iru.-.d, and lhe an-

ci.it city i-eelf thieatetttd wi'h d» srncti >n. H->n«and Alappa ar' »» * al"*'"' e*<iito. mt aml aliinn. aadeiinipniit-s.if Chriatiaua Beeiaj fr.ni. approbeaded d.u--.: i, ive been ovcnakdi and Iflhbld bythlBedOBM

Tiipoli and Latil.>-veh htve been more or I.bsdiatur bcd, and P>eyrout itc-lf ba been WBfld from thehorrera ol a Moalem inturreclion only by tie pr-*.ii-eof k.reigu sbip. of war!

lt ie baroly to Ive expected tba'. tbe NjtoMM g>vern-ipent will eurvive the preeent Sumiaer. But wliatwill take ita pbiceTAa legrtrda tbie part ol the Turkiili Lnp.re, the

Mfl -Ad tianaferof Syria to the juriadiftion of StidI'aeha, tbe Vieerov of Egv pt,would perhap* l>e the s. npleMBbM thatcoiild he devised, as if would not nttoiidtl.e pnjndi.es of the Moelea. popul-Uon. aor great lyexcit. lhe jealouey of tue Huroi*-n Ft'Wcfa. Hut tne

atiit uious schemts of France and It'ienu are .tdverae to

any such solnti'.n ofthe Drtent.1 nu-stion. 1 bey nive

d»-ermined on the dismemberuient of the Tarkish BM-

pue, aud the aiv isiou ol the epc.ils. _¦___¦_*F Ivuremahhough severely pereecutmg the M»medaiis w her own territory, 1* clam-.ing to* th'- ptv-Uct.on ol Greeh Cbrialiana ln Turk-y, aud the ne*, o

the MBMBBM of Greek Cbnst.at.s at -JBBbMya, wfllMflMjfl hfl ihe only thing needed M^J*£~M,ru,y, now on the Pruib, to cross oy, r into the tern

tanTit the wmmm. And 9mm. wbo bas been Inugwa'4'hina for an opportnnity M scue upon Syria, eould

orafm/not have a helte/preajxt than MMBVMjg.i rded her. Bu_drvdBof Papal Uhriatiaiia, who lookedto Frence for pilllUlPfl, have been maes-crcd, and

tLl, too. by th. .onnivau-e and p.-if.dy O U.e Ti.'kiei.an.horit.tB, afld it is aaid iha- ai /..bl., the French rt igwas insalted, and two or three pi.eet.. (French Bub-je4 U) were killed. ..:._¦

11,.iv imi h Frencb mfliieuce h id to do in stirnng upthe war >.i Mount LebaBOB. 1 chuiio'. ventiii-ton.iy;certain it is tbat ihe Maromtee, urged on by their ecl.-hibbUcs. provokeai lhe .j.urrel, aud now thai tluy are

eurieriiig the bitter HBMfljBnflM, m_ny of them do notbe.i'ate to char_e lhe blame upon tr,eii j.rieata, bisimps,and pi.U.archs. ...

We are alm»si daily expecling the arnval of tiFrench tottt ¦BuathoflBflhoeaa. Kagkn-d, waatboaghIta pt (.i.on'd bill m imr poaeaafcm, eoal hardl. eadBnloaeeher powerlul m tl es'al.bs'ie.1 iii hvria, MMl. ..i-kii.g up har i.c-itier-t road to Iltdia. Bat b .-earu

eati) l tn- no.ittl Uial 1. Ki.li'l wi I WBflW no .ure

Uood ui d lieaaiire iu pr. ppib^ Bp >h'.s exx-rable liov-ern.iitiit. a (iovt-iiiiK 11 MO iA)iru,il M flabflarffl theeuu. vf joatko aadbm waak lo pouMei iia own sub-i> i. aJalB 11 _Ba b biIIbbj lhe flBBTO M unt Lohanoa

hae leeii eoMpaiatiyely qalol Fho DmoM) ap^.c.eni-ly sbtiut.d with bi(a.>d,*iia\ecoiiimitl>d uo new atroci-ties. tul r-tm io be awai'ing thei.-eueol eveuU. Thereie a flaaetal expeeMUofl thai thvte will be tor. igu k.-

a-uce as eoon ap IhBBBWI from Syaa bas hialtime M priKlnce .l> iull eltect iu Baiepe. A terrific-etorm ba.- lo. tt been f_-_B-.Bg over this ill fate.l Ko-pirv, Tue toiivulsiou wiil be Urnble when it eaeaaa,aud it. ooM-Bf -flaaot be long poetjaoned. J. L. I..

Jti>v \A..it impoilant -Jflpatefl hanjust been re-

rec-eivecl from DflflBMBaa I_M Uhri_tian quarterot IhMcity wm- plundcit.l aud l/urne'l by ihe MeM-MO, M lh.ahiiist. Ilundjedflof the Chrisiian poj'ulation w.re

m.iv..red, and the slaughter WOflld huvt- bflflB muc'ifrreiiter. bad it not been lor the f.iendly interferenoe >>fKameinlliiciiiial llahamawdaai prominentamong wliomwas Abd-KI-K:t.iir the __¦ 'us Aigtrme chiet, who bflraaided MDaaflflevflfia*_flvaoal^_n paat Severaltor-ei^n t'oubtils and other EuiOBMlll BllllldlldB|MBad|aa-itiiioiiiu biehoBaa. Tbe Duuh OoaralM Ag.nt w.^

killed. The It'iitsutu OoflBBl escaped, bul hisuoiiae WH8desiroynd. Tho Fnguett and PiU.sian Cousuls wereuot ltijuied.

THK ( IVIL WAR IN LKBANONAl'IKA )" 'A. I nnnju'ili tt hch-tlf nf ?:.,a¥m

( krittiemt, tugtrettky t.'i, reecut tanymnary itar bttweatn.t Vrmeee eae Okrtttta** of Ltkmmtn.

Ol ilna v_*i nuinberoi nul'.-.'er., a large |-roi>ortioii bave b.-euplundrredofUairaeraaoalptapatty: s vnv larpa u.diuiitv bave,ii...ito\. r, bad tbeir havsas bumt (th.-r.- bartagbeaa aparaii ofW iow.it, vill-^e. and h.iuil.-t* dettroyed by hre),andare,tht-re-

fi re, i.ovv liou.el. t. wanderei-; whii- upw.nd of l'l.'Sti are new

BHda vviilow* and orph.ns, the majority not in leicitiraite w:ira.,-, bid by cold i.lootied iu_a.-cri- at Raabeiva, ilwi.eiyo, li.-irel k.-'ii.i, and tbe m-iihb.-hood of S-dou.Many thoiiaa-dt of the*e wretched victimi bave fledtoBey-

ra.ul. I.anaaa.. ... Sidoii. aud otlier plnc->. lor BafuQ*. Br»wdBI|t ve.y avaiUbie tb. Iter, aud lyinr about in the open air. dep-ua-li { ior tln- d.ily n. ce.-.rie. of life up.n tbe charity *f la* iu-l.huiiat.i-. ilutit i- obviou* tbat however Hbertl thi* eharitf_iay be, it BM SBBB De e.hauated, while tlie de.titutiou luidaui-feiing, iuateud ot diiui-i.lniiZ, umit be. r.i ,t va.t.y nion laaaflMou the approvh of Winter, when better »belt<-r. clothiug audf.>od will be e»»ential to the pieterration aaf tueir liv-c.

ln order u> t>'i>t i>. providiui; the i.-.e -.na of alii'iiatuig ao dire a

calarnoy, a ('oniniiit.-e. »li ae imuiea are au'a.jolned. hava- baafltormed troiri hinaing'he Hritiab »ud American reaidenta of Bey-rout aud via-iuity, to aoli.-it aid Iroui tli.-lr t.encvolent feilowcoi.i.t.-yn.-i in *"Jr.-att Bntaln and tbe I'nited Statea Tlii. t ..ru-

uiitt * te e di ai. ut. il tlie Anglo-Arn. lican Keiief Comuiiit- e

!i. .,aii ri. in aid a.f tbi- (tuarity will bere.eiv.-d ln Luidiui byMextra. C'o.itta 4 Co , No 59 Straud Me.ara. Iiruuiiuuud .0.

No -.'.'( Uriui: (roa*. nnd tbe Ottuaaan Bank, No. .'0 Uiil Hroad»u..t atd in tbe Cuitd State. by Jaiin-. M. Oordori, asq.T e.anrer A. B. ( K. M.. Na. e'4 Peinbertoii aqiare, Boaton. aud'1 .¦ Afei i- c' ll S A B. C. K. M. iu .tue. ciic and towi... « bov. D tiaii.Fii.it tbe moiii-T throurb tlieii atr. '.ta to the Be>roulBlBB. .1 ot lhe . Itton au B.u f which will a.-t aa Treaurer under.... .1 .e tion >t tbe Committee. And wher.-aa, lou^ before tl.et.-rioime tn thia app. :>l can oach tbeae unfoituiate vi'-tin . ol» ii..- seleih 1 ut he t-xtreiiit, in many ¦_.»... lotwithttiiid-i tia itii'.'-t . ttorta 1A the heui vnlriit in thia rotiutry to allevicU it, lt in therelore eaii eatly iei|uetted that tho^ who int.nd;t i-:d uti.i- wi rk of ctmitj aud uiera-y will lo.e uu time in for-

r t!:> ir .-ont:tbutic¦« to the «b<ive named banker.. or

tl ii.iii-h »U' I oitacr ti-it.a. i» a. may ba BMB ¦onveiiie.t, adal .... .1 1.. il... (ittt.ii.ii-. Uu .. b. v.o.it. ior tb. Vafl Ainericitnj'., lou.I..i'te.

I )',, ... n/..J. A. t.Iu.-.-n, e«j, I'nited Sl.t.-a Co'ia ,1 iiiSvria ai.d Fali-atii..'. I* Br**, Wm\ I ontroiler Ottonan Btnk,hejroBt.

1 ',.i-iir,'.The Bi-yrea.t Branch of the .Ittou.tn Haiik.Ihanurp alantai M I., Measee naMrmbeit 11J tht Committtt.iirutj H.ald, e-q., WilUam

lllttk. Ul 1. r T latrai-jl, c-q.,J_inca Bia. k, « -.|., llich.'dliu ptt'ii, .-".. VMi'.aiu bidsell, .aq R. H I,*-... e. ..Bua tioi ac. e*q., Mana^er Ottoinari l'..nk r Suiili., e,q., Ur. J.T. Barelay, w J- BaaJeat; Dr R (i. Barclay, DiUd Btateiv. e Caasal, Be vro.t. the Kev. C V. A v_u Dy.-k, M. 1).,A:. i.can Mi.-ioii ii. Svrla the R.-v. IV. M Thoina n l) I).,A e ai M.»i .1. ii. bvria the Kev. J. K. I-ord. Amerii 111 .Mi-sicu in Syria. tbe Kev. I). Bua- Ameriaan Mia-loi. 11 Myria; tbe1, - (1 :. Anartcaa MBaUa la Syria. BfBa aowei

... Klv. BMflBBsn il lh* *B__drtee latom, a qnornm. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

BROOKLYN ITEM&Tbi ExTiBBiaa i faai btbebt..Tha CoopMB*

,ion CoBBB l.r hac paBBahod Ihe legal noiice that a| -

p itiiiioa will lt- mn :e to th. County Conrt ta __M IflMMoiialuy in September f.r tbe flppoiatflaMl of three('a.miiii-aiouers to OflthBOM and ascebs the ccst of e .-

tending York btitet fi-om Fulton streei to if- pree.-ctmmeucement. The coi.Uinplated improv -ment m\.Ztead aiiagoiially through one l.lo. k . i.eMf ai

JflBMfl stitet aad raa_-_B_rto Fulton * liwill'utoff piirte of bous. .. .. I. ts Nos. SS_t H,*aad-I.lamee str.et: and WU tt hoiiHes ladloMMflfl.ii'1, 71, 7;1, und ', .iif. street. TIub improvemeuthas long been iequ. und when made will greatly-ahflBM the vulue of property al.n^ the entire line ofYoik r-iiect, W-dflh will IhflB extciu' fem Faltonstreetto the muin entiarice of lhe Navy-Vard.

IU -. .1. ri.oM I). OB Alflfl iir a Isov..A little boy¦iovjaaM cf age named M< Doiutld, aceid.ntally fellfiom tbe j.ier at the foot of Adams street on MondayewniDg while playitv with flBflM ta.aijaanions. Hewa-carrical out hy the ebl. t i«l«-. w heu another boy.named William MeDflnBOtt, MM.Bf at No. (..; Fultonetioct, plunged into t!i" uater, und euccetded after a

bard -iruggl.- in liingiuf' the dnarB-Bf ktjwmw\jttahore.


A laiBaB 00 S.i"K>-.~A oailor namtd John Dunuwa.- broiight btfoje Jubtin- I'o'uwell f-MflM.J on th.

chaigfl of being dr-jnk. Ii appoared tLat bfl arrived in

ja it am Monday vvith l»l V) in Ua |K>r._e_aion, the pro-OflOOB of t.-n monthb labor Mdjfliflfaaa flj'ree hcBWafce ifi the Se.on.1 Di.trict Station-llouse next morn¬

ing wiih only aeventy-live n-tita in hib j..j. kete. Bfleould net imagine where ull the s.oney went to, butdid not iieiu \ery mu'J. .-uiprired nt the loen fjr hflm_u1 be alwayb lutd bad luck iu tttl p. ri Hc- was aent

Ui iull ior iwo dnvs.?-

I ,. 110a 01 Ai ... BMAfl Bf mi Bl tl--'1 " Wai.o..A nerial alanHoa Mi AHmbbbb tt _ho Svtaadl Ward,t.. tul the vacain y MMfld hy Ihfl <ba'.h af J"1"' S~ub.iry, tbe Lt.e repiewiiUtiv. was hfbl veaUe'd tv, amlnaaltid la the alrrtloa "i Bafb O'ltorfcv, Mre-kin

I). ...... rat. Tbe followilr-' i- Ihfl vo't.I.t Ditt. U I-tt Tot..:.

H..rh (.Koike, Bi.ck. I.em.Mfl 184t"'ll.avidC. Bf»»la.id. Kep. 'CiZ"7**''Uiiiry A. id'i.re llt,.,t l.aui.141 7.S«»''

Oilorke over Kn,,l»i,d. N1. 11. .4. 0... M..01..Int

BTna Storb ot thk Co-st..The weather haa been

very aevei.; aloug the eoeat for tle past few diiya.beverai of Uie HwuiiAf excuniva beavi down the bay

were uiiaMe to rvMi-n nn'il Monday moraia.g, andsome of tho ftahing ateaaaers were compa>H«d too©-.e

back Bn.-h Bor.n<>r thMi th.y Oligl oally ll -. Bl-d. OnH arl-.y, tbe kOflBB were Mnjed, and obliged to puBfnfor a tbeir. A handaomi ah>op was driven aahore on

y ni|>t or Monday Baor.Bg BBBB 0-8*1 Wa 'd

Point. KMorta were mude to get her ofT, hnt owing U)

tbe retnni of the ti.le aud the atrong gaJe. it wae im-

poai-ible, and abe wa* driven etill higher upm the

hwach wbere tbe braaVem war* daabing elaur over

her. The name of the ve. .*! waa not aaeertaiiaed.

Kafmt- -r D__-BBB_Baa. A boyaoo.it II yeara

old waap.ckedup iu the street on Mo;._i, mgbt ir. a

atate ot h-_n.il.iHty. He was taken to the S a'. ,u-

Houae, where Snrgeon Brady on seemg h,m decidrjthat he was unier tbe etfe.U of bquor, aud that hia

recovery was dcmbtfnl.a \kw tii. ti "--The S.n iety of St. PbbTi K.vs-'llliiurch Brenklvn, whieh has for en.ue time oc-

SSa-VaBa_T-IS B-__BB oa Cnion av.-uue. na*.

^ 1 aite for a new t'hurch on tbe corner of

Many avenue and IV.... atr-et. Tbe ed.hce, whic ua

S__1y b*g-a, will .un 80 kM M PBaa B^ialUIOB Ma'rey -venae, Tb.- chancel will exteud .).'teetT c' ea. The new Ck-t-l will b* of h.own stone, andOfthe Gothic atyle of arululecture. 1 be apire will be14-.' leet higb. Tbe entire e .Bt wdl be ¥&,IHW. |

aCaiTBB BTATBI Wvi(Ki(..r.ii>.-It ia underatood

thi tke Cnited .Statea \\ areb.>n.-mg Company h*a re

c.i..|y pur.hasad aome vaiuaWe property Irom theI i.iou Fony loiui-diiv. Brooklja. lt Iba .maiejiaia-

ly adjoiniig the _______ Avenoe Ferry, and htsawu.r liont oi AK) feet. The WarehiuBUig CO-Bpaaywill proceed with all eoiivenieiit diapatch to erm-t a

hirge and biUidaome building to be uaed aaaatorehouaeIhe improvc.ui.nt will be greatly advauiageoas lo taa

BaatJaa ot tbe -ity.?

Firk in * Ckmim M a.m-i ll torv..About Iu'clock laat ni.ht a lire br.'ka out in a two-story frame LolMiieon the corner ol ifth aud Noith Thirteenth at'-eU. K. !)., iiaedaaainanufBctory fort_re-prt.tif cemeiit fur cavenng roofa. Tb*Ure Depsrlnieut were qnl. kly at tbe «<-ene ... tue c.n.laaratmn.bot otaliiz le the hunsana* vwlaaiea tf a.nok* euntu-d frou tb*bumlig butldrng. tlicir eflurti to **v* lt were .) .ile un*.....-.a,

and tbe l.olldlng, with ita content*. w.a .oon laaaOy iaa_av*aa.Tbe buain. a* of raicoofncturing the crment wa* earried on priucipal.y at i.i. bt. and tlie ea**. of Iba fire is said to bave oeaii

the b.iratii.gof om-of the |.ir*a n*ed in lt- niaimfv-ture. Tlieowner <>f the prop. Hv ia a Air. Oen.gp Mulllm, reaidiuj at No4) ttr.nd -trr.t, Brouklvn. Tb* loaa on Uie building aud c-inteuUia eatiti ated kt trom $l,(.«Ho +-1SO", ou whieh tliere ianmii-ar^tuce.

WMIA OUE to the PMJNCM of n.i/./:.s'.

MKl.TINi; Off MKKCHANTS.Ai-out ii-rou yeateu.ay, a large uiteiiug, tompostd al

uio.t eniirtlv of tne le*_$g m rchant., bmik. ra. Baipfoiniueiit citi/ma of tbie eity, waa held in .uie of th.

-,.i.i ioiit- bailaaltatl.ed to UM .Utsrch-iits' B-BB, iu YYallmeet. Ou motion, Mr. PBUTtAB __BH was ealledto tbe tha r, and Mr. N. B. Fi.lu eh -et-n .Secretaiy.Tne CBAIBBAB atated that the objee' of ihe BBBBl.g

waa io adopi, aome euiUble detaoUhtrutiou of reeja ct to

tba Pimie af Walaa aa BbaaeaaahBi af bia viait io theCi.iitd Stdt.-B, as alao to the die'.infftiiahed membera of

lii, nile. It Ind bten BTITBOBad to eut-riaiu him w itha baaqnH bi tue AeadtBay ofMaata aad il such projootw-ea.-arred ont. he pri-aniiicd tbat the BBBB-flBl af theluecting would l_ to api/int Committeee to make thenecesSttiy airang. BM BlB tor the feto.Tbe Bwnatnres of a tatga bot.-i. of letu-ra were theu

read. All cordially united la ihe proj o-ed .li-mouBtra-iion la Hia B$yai Higbneaa, aad expreawntr NgM albnt:- abaaal trom Iba mcetmg. Aaaoaf tn- tne wi <- al.-tt.-t- irom Hia Bxcelleu. Gov. Morgan, axpreaaiBghiadc-ie to unite m iba prop'-ed mark ai raBfOCttathe I'lili.f.C. Bl ff. fflBta, e»q., atat'-d that be h^d received

direct new.- trom the pa.u.a .onue.te.1 witktb*saiteol tba I'ril.ie. 10 the.-tlc-Ct that bis U.-yal HighlieaS had;. grMed only la a laTiialieaa in iba I mted ->'*i *a. andtbat he w-oul'd not ti aki- lurili. r Ba-aa$B.BBU BBtll beabm.id arrive at (/uebee. The better plan vvoald th'-ru-torc be, be ih..ii).ht, to eaadbi a ttk tl.e Britiafa reeideotain tbeir prapaaad .iemonatiatiou. Mr. Fi.-bl laiiaaate iUu.t an iinii.ition, saBBBflB.g from any ..tbei BairBB,Woald piobably hot me.-i with an aeceptan.e.Joaa J. C-8co, aae_*. waa in fuvor oi ¦anaga

s.-iar.ite dtiuoLetratioii ou tLe pirt of the ___*fie$Br.ndn.te. ll- apj roved ofthe dinner in pf*fw«_H 10the baJI. Thebatiquet coul.l take a_BB "'i Iba ll 'or oltbe Acad.-niv. while the l..diea could mcupy tt.e BOBBBHe coiuiiKl'.-d by |BOpoa_g Bcoiumiltee of arranue-

BMata lo bave ebaiM ai Iba matter.The loilowing i-^ ihe Hel of the ('ot.imittee uppoiii: ti:

| BSBA1 COBBITTBB.Peti-r Cr-oper. W. C Noyea, Hora.-.- .Jreeley,v\ lufaeld .-^.ott, i. h. utu.._ O. il l_a_r,Wui B Aator, Kraii. i- J li.lii, larael ( r.ise.

Ji.uea Hruwn, /varun \ ai.d. puol, W. W. Ue a'orreat,Autust Uelu.ont, ( ba-. iviD_. Jobaglo»aop,.latoea I..: 01, laat* 1 VVui.CCdjocli,IUniitoiiKi.il. .I.JAato-jr Johl. T. Johu*t.u,J. V\ Plttmin. N U- v\ alk.r. Bal 1*1 ***riab,John A Wl Edat.rd Priu.-, Rooert Hili.m,\\ K. A.ii vthll. J..hc Bridj.-. Jubn I). W uife.Auguata* BchrU, i M Maia_.il, faBst borula.-d.Matll.eu¦ Mor.an, VA tn >.. oodae. h. K.-dniiierre,Uaoire Updyka, JohaJ lii. i-. tba. K. D.tuJ 11 itna.l.'.ead. W. Whitlod ,r Wrttt Sl.eri...:i,K. K. Miiiturn. BerJBMiiu/tvuv.r, A A I.ow.J. V. \ eiulaiii-k, At.KiigsI.u4, Richaid La-bera,John W.Ynncit, Jmm llaipet, U**. D. MaaBjaa,v al. ntine Mott, Ji.tH! Jaj, | B. fj *)1Kitaiid* ri.liepout. Julii; 1). Jeaia*. HrBiyCba ry.U H Kvarts, Jan.ea li. I'.er.iett, laa tt.p. ,at st lvrjt. Jobii L. JoLe», JeavfkFeeaealy,...i.td Ballock, Mar.lia. I,-ilerta, S-.emrt Ur >w a\\ iiiiam Tu. Aer, Altlnir l.eaiy, .lo*e|ib ttttpttm,H ii n.ia, Wf.C. B«-aiiL**-aiu. Lutbt _t*_ab.j,.-, II .-v.n, A K BlDtaatt, B.nb-n tVitben,A.T S.eWrlt, Kr.i cia . riile.i t R. > al i'l*>,it.b t I. 1'ell, l.n.' a i.rook-, ) raB.-1-k Uenao-j,Wn, ( Bryai.t, Be.. II. rie'.l, \V,. A Se«t -,Jaa W. Boauey, Uemli g Duw, (J.-.rge (.r.-er,

ba*.(;'('. i,(t .!.:... Ua¦¦ I' .'.| -.ev.'.t. W I. I' -m-rrey. r. .....rt-. \\ Beili n.-,

MM ( R. li J...-.,,.. J Henry.Wi (," H .rt. K'.i.ert Kat, Wm n. ILrTn.-n,BV B. D__r*a, lobai hlue. C. B.H*Caaaa,

\ Si. ,i,.». tnt'j L K-l). it-nij..i, it Br_w*i .l.n-.a e,_t., n tyruaCaitiaa,.111, Wni. -. I- Bo -.1 I. < tt.ii.-.

tt I 1*14, W ... K. Bt. II ). I'" r. B Bt,K'li.i'-firi ) suii.-ton, Beraea vVewlar,ll.i.rt I. K.yn.d, Ja_a**T lin.lt. B K aVlDthrcp,H i, i.ei Litiug-tf.ii .i. (iil-«...d ii Dt.i.l D l.ev r, ..t,MoM*Ii (.riiii.ell, Bob'tL K.-.ii,..ly, I)a .i-i l.ord,Oeorw L -ci.., II, i,i, .. iu:-.:. ia- A. HanrlBeB,Un. II. Mmb. J..1- . J l.i-l'et.terO.deu.I. MliaaHiBB. 'ir' 'a- a* 0. Kn.:,.lo,. i.I, i' wi.. Bll l r. idirii Juhuauii,4 0. HalatcBd Ms II. I T Strong.Ja* \\ktiorj\v.ini. I --.1I! Hurhe*.M.. iu.. rd Knuiip. < b. * iwH.Mfckle,Tboiuaa TlleatoB, Jan ^ (_*_**!K, t I. .- '.it .¦ .¦ Sp-i.I_ii.at.J. bu .M K..,.n J.i. ..S-iddy,


,\lr. B. H. Fiii.i- I dl .vviugauli-init-eaa ba BppaaBted i.y i dr, BBbpewaptBfacaadaa:

.\ tiri-BBIitttrl af Ua on invitationa; B eo.BUttee olaev< n.... liehaa. a.d Baaaa ii a '"uiu.-.tt.- oi bbbm aarecepuoa; a coa*B-_ee$l ibwb aa bbbbbbb. araaleia eo_B__*e of Batefl oa daaaaatiaaBi a ci-omi'tee afH v. n ea f.ar-ta; a eomon.te. af BBB "ii BBBBBr; a 8BB>aaktee ef tttum eapoHeeaBdaflBflaaBBi aeo_atftt*eoi .»..,.' _4Bra_aaadtoCaaadaBi tendei ti..- uuitatiou|0 th. I'i inc- and r-uiie.

I l.e following ia Uie ( o:iimitt<c to proceed toCani.da

\\ illiiiin B. AFtor, .li.bn A. King, \Nilliaui M. Hava-ln.-ve.. Ilamiltoii Kiab, Bobaal B. Aliiituru. Wilaou (!.il.inl, Kobert KeuLedy.

Tbt CBAIBBAB tbought that as the Mayor had ex-

l.ii -t tu ii:.. liaiion lo tbe l'rilice it would only I*e<.nil.-v t" noiitv bim ol tbe proceed ngito-day.Mr. .1/ 11. BBOWBB moved tliat tie Cbail.Bfl aid

BaaratBiy be empow.-red la inf.-rui the May..r of tl.e¦Ctk D oi thia C____tt_.Mr. C. W. fflBl i- wonld inform tln- Coimuittf.- tbat

aa bad baaa adviaed iB$l Iba Priaaa wouldb$kavaaboat tl.- i..fh ot t)et< b.-r.

Aiii.ang the company waa fleti. IVimhih S.'-ttWbo acMiitd t0 tak. u .leh iiitti.r' i.| r¦>. -i-ediiura.1 le.aid that be BBgbttO aak tbat his niii.e b. witb-dMwn irom ib'-lu-ioi iba'_" aaral eaau.Besj altbouirhba put his whola baart iu iba BBOTamaai; but aa hewould be uii.b.uiitediv ealled wet Btoreaahra tln- Banmat Wl B l'< int, and t< ul.l K-areely Uk.- an a.tiv.- pirtin Uie demonsiraiiou, he would aek whether bia uaiue

aliouldbeke|.toa Iba bohbBIm. H« HdaotaBh ii,bat woald BBBtaiy anggaat, foa the m.-etingB opmiou,that he l.e ielieve.1.Mr.J'nn wit tbat le hojied Gen. Beott would

all"W tl.e otniiiittee 10 bave the tiae of his vnluahieuan.4. und tbev would nBiaatea tbat bb aaaraaa ttwn ittea "luiiea ahould ba im(io <-d up.ii hi-n.Him gr. -i- "VaryweOi n_ab yoa,Mr."Mt. C. W, ffll; D no ewed hia motiou in onb-r i. it

t'li.-ti -hoiild be DO ..ahing, Ibal tho cominiit.-.- heieappoitted ahould coafai wnh tba B0_aht$a ain-adyap]' it l*d by tln- llrtf i.-Ii r> a-.b Bia.

l.x-.jiifg.-.1. i. If i a ii Ihoagbl labi waa ba i«ea dem-onatihtiou of welcome ou the purl of the citi/.eua ofKaw-Yotk, and tl.ought th.-io waa im aaaBBBHI lor tli.nto ni.lli. i wnh any "th.-r d.-monati.itioti.The Pai 'iniM t \plaii)«-d that thia wa- t" be a dem-

oiiitiiit'.u of a very diflerent < baracler. and thera-aaa ili.-ieiould be uo ____ng any uue-eaity l.u uoiifertiii..¦ Mi. Iin .. .-xplaitied tl at a<. manyinvit_ti<v.-mwouldlu- tlniiat n on tbe I'iiik. ibal it waa h--l l > l$BBW iUai-cet.ii.n.e lo unite wnh tbe coiiiiuittee of tbo h.i.igurev-idt-iita, whoae iiivithtioii bad b.-en acAepleal. aud Whobe was certain would h« glad to BOOPBrata with this-emmiitae iu dning lu-uor t<i bia Koyal llighueaa U'oI'rui.e ot Walea.

'Jiatir wsa komt lOBreraition i>« to the j relituma-

riw i« whi-h «sn. Scott advieed ae to the eti-iaette of

'Xb!j' -KboWBB made the f .r.., .1 ra-eolntion Vhatth- invit-iioi. I* axtended by this OOMiBBMO t« tne

1*1 Baa of Wa'es. ,.¦.A ui-huii WMt made tha'. th*. C.tum.ttde preceed lo

CaaadaM o bi '" 9ttmUtha byitatiofl to.We I '.«'¦«.

iCina.k. war.- n...de d..r Bfl t!'« l'-'£'~" of the

mw;ti,.g by Me-sre. VV. M. lt itler.J. ti. flmwer, Wii-

hoii U. ilt-nt, Joha A. Slevena, Cb-irle* Kmg. T. T.le-iton, aud aeveral other gentlemin. *.,_.,_

Tr.- meeting iidjnnmed about I J o cl -cl., snoject to

Uie call ^the Pli-JdaaBj_^^^gMPUBUVAJt DELEGATES TO SYRA-


IiUst evening tbe Kepuhlican Ass..ci_t;onn and At-

stmbly Conveiitioofl elected delegatee and altern-tes to

the State Convention, to meel at Syrucase, on lhe Hi.inst. Mo«t of the delegites are Baid to bfl -avorable to

tl.e renomiualiou of the Hon. E. D. Morgan. We

append the iiamefl ofthe delc^atea and alternaten:tliatrict. Ihlraattt. AlUritote..

|.Adjoorued to thi* .-v.-ning.II.Henry H. Hi.el.t, C. J. tebiMrner,

I) avid B. Daarlre. ..eor.-e (Trundy.Ul.I ba 1.-- 0 Nott, Oeorgo C. BuiTl.,John J. rii.ock. A.adaew -It-t-art.

IV.Owe.i W. Hr-nnan, - Krii|»r,llenry llreu.ii.er. -Owena.

V.Au.lf w itleakley, loln J Sbaw,H. lioward l m\*\ Harvey T. l it-veland.

\I.Syducy Su.ith, Arn_ai Ili.'-'iu-.Wa. E. McOonongh. Sp-ncer 8. Benedict.

\ 11.rh.irV« A BflBB I ohn b. Tay I- .r.

l|||. lohn K .-leymoiir, S. T. McMnney,A.-tci.iiii lefbltt Kpat E. KiJory.1\.lauc l.djton, Meeiaaal L. Maraii,Uilliam O.ton O-fl tkmmX.M_.Mt.B-a_, oti. I). Sw-ui,John l.alor. Sam.iel Leeda.

\l. .Buj'u.iii Uel h, ir., Jaai.a (J. M-Adaui,N B_ H-iL Andrew Re«tiin.;r.

\||.Loiila II. Watta, Daniel Herrick,Slmeoii lohi-on .loaepb I, Kerley.

XIII.Iiidfi E. Coulter, llenry A. (Jil-ert-on,Adam Keodfg-r. H.rmau S.hwerieu.

\|\.David Uudl.y Kb-M. Ai.o.i Krauk,K. I)el.-h.-ld uiith. Benjamin W.rd-i:.

XV.Wm. r K.aierhrook, Chri-topher PflB-fl-fljJohn H MMM Alfred-M. Cuttiii.

XVI.H. ury Annttroni, C, II. Coop»-r.J. T. W, \an Kiper. John loop.r,jr.

XV ||.Jani.t Davi., .I.niett.ilrin,Jnln Cuuinihi-a Thad ua B. Wakamaii.

.Tb* niembert ofthe Vllth Di.tri t Convention hlled to unit.nn a aecond d.-leg-it.- ar.d ..Iternat.-, the tro.ihle ti.-ing *:n >ng thed.la rate. of lhe S'iaatn Ward. v.ini were divided on Alderiuau.liiraud Nel*.,n .. Tbayer.4 .nd 5. Tbe da-Iega'c* fron. the.lfUenth Ward would n'ot IMBlfBrV, prrferiiug ti let the Nuitb-. t»le th-i. ar. r am.-i.t theii-.lvia. Tl.e louvention di 1 notatioiiiu i.iiiil a late hour, hope. b.-in^ ent.-.tim--i tht- BMtr. al le u.i.I t be aefla.l. Tl.e C.u.ven'.ion wat uniiiiioou- aa toII. mbi D-BBead fajlor ofthe itteenth Waid.

Tl.e Sixih Aflaembl) District Convention adoptedthe following:

li isrsaa, Tha Ad' h_bMB_Baf MeBea.1 l». Morgan ba*h.en maik.-d hy laaafrtty, iirmma, and jnatice tueretor-,

.r..', 1 hat bi .-upioiai oi ihe uianuer ln »hi. -he h_* per-foruud Lla ..tiicial dntiev »c ie. oiiiiueini our MapBM to tlieh.-piiblican 8tal* Convciition to oxa-rt all hon .rab.e meant to*e> ie hi* reiioiuinalio.i.

ln Ihfl Tweniv-eecoud War.l the followiug was

adflfltodim !. Th.ittlc :i-lt: iiibtnitiun of ..ur Btata Oa BriifltiM

liv.dvii, H NloiK.ti nieeta tl.BiBlH-*- BM**1 I¦' the II.

Dtiblteai a aai tnia iil-tii-1. aud th-vt bit reiio'iiiititi. n i* earne-llydr.-reai oy tna in.

With three rheer. f.r G«v. .Morgan, .he Af-.o-iationu.lj uii.d.


ivl.itlit.8TK.W Al.T- I'CLHAN -ln Brnotlyn, on Monday, Augi-t 13,

¦ i th,.. i-ui.-h of tl.-- Aeoaa-palsa »j lhe Biflht rtav. WiUiamK.. BM, Mr Kdvv.rd Steuart to Mi- BBflB A Col.-i'i, b.itu ot

broutiyu. _^^^^^^^_^^^^

DIED.I'MI'KR.Oa Tuetday, Aiiftttt 14, at WVatciieator, John

Baai.er, in li.e 43d>ear of iai. d|e. .

Tbe oiei.da ei. invit.d to KtU-nd hi. funer.l at hi« hoo..- B.\\ eat. 1 BaC, on W eua..)-day, .\i.." t i>. at 1 o c.o.k.

Buv\ r.ri-tin Satir.Uv eveninr, Antu.t 11, Mr*. Mtrthabowe* a bb ive <.! Uiaaaaak, BeoUaad, la tlie uTth y.-ar of bet

Plteadaa. ber faiuily >u» r-tp.' tfuiiy iuvit.-d to att-iid the fu|,,,, to aansar (Wsflaaa-n) tfteraooa,.. -. e'oloi *. f....u

i.ar Ute reaidence, No. 4 llunliugtou atreet, SouthBrookljn.

New Baa llhid p.per. ple»W) copy.BOWDEK.Ib thia city, on Monday. Auruat 13, of .'Ot-u'iiptioi, ii. the 42d y«a of hi* ate .l..h.. W. BowdeflL

Tlie iri. ad* '. Iha tbaoily are invit-d to attend hia funeriv! frniuLi* litc ra IflBaea -No. ~.v lireeiawich itr. et, luu (vVodiie-t-.i». vft. a.., .t I.,

COABLE1 ln thia aitv.on Monday. Aigu.- 13, a'ter a .hortilli.. i Capt Tbaa.e I Lcakley, a nativo ol kauturt, County.,: t o.k. ln laiid. agtd (J yeara

Ci..'. | UN.Sinddeulj.Bt-heller Ui'.i d. B-flMk BaBflflV, New-voik, ou Tn.-day. 'rtiig.iat; Bdwasd CaflB-B,mwt -i y-'dri,tcrna. rly o: Wiliuunburgb, L. I.

DKMfBET- ln tll.aity, ci 8'inday ev.-nlnt, Aiiguat li.ThoiuaiDemp-ey. B-B B ¦ vetr of hia itge.

K.M.K.-.IIB1CBT Un Mond.... Aua.at 13, Johu C. Kugelbrichtof An..aiaj. btaten laluid, aud ia" of thi. ity.

Fui..iii at 1 p ui, cari «tcppi-g at M- late resldence; leaveV and.. I.ilt'- Lai.ding uu the .riival of lhe a. m. boat.

UAHI)INKK-At ti- blaU-ada. N. m-Jnttt, ia Sunday, An-gutt tl, Bdward, ton, ..r Wiili_ui C. (iaidi.ier, aged U year*aud II n.nniiii.

Tl.. relatlvM and friend* are reep* v Itivi'i-J to atteadlberal -h'.> day ( v\ rui:e-d«y| at ¦>'.-1 -ck. p m i:oiu No. 41

ttt'iv .eaal.t ttlct, c.l.lin laiiOli of A-tOI p.ace(iOI.DIN .Bl Hailem. on Tucday luorcing, BbbbB li. aftera

f m pi F..1 li'teiitag Ulo**S, whldi .ne hore witl. i hn.tMiiii ., loa. tl.e luloved wile Ol tltalac* ISuldui, iu 10*

.ilat veai of her r.teTl.. i. nd. of tle family are rcp. c.a'u;:' iuvit.-d to at'..nd lhe

ti.nerai from her lat.- ieaid.-n.-e. t). .- li .. .ir. .1 ir.d twenty-thud -t..t batwaea Kiih aad MaSB avaaaaa, thi. (WaflBMd..y a t. na.ou. *i 4 o ciock.

PllVV U B--At Al.ilt.oro, on Krid.y, Ai-'n.t l'a. IflflB Aafl-B,oul) dan(htaB ol Li.tid E. und J.i ..' Ai... lo,. cr. .,..i)ia..ai a 8ni.ii.th*.

KR.a/.KR ln Br.'ik'yri, BB Taasdaj -i.'T'.i :.. Aujtitt II, AdaBllBBbetfa il.taa t aiaii;! .tea ot lle,,ly . and ) -Uj C aler, ag.-d* m<nfha atd 15 day*.

Ti.. Tia..l. ti.- .I. .iiy ale re.pertlul.v iiivit'-d to attend tl..-rral thia (W <due.oaji ait.r.ioon, _t Io'elock, AraotMa II

b Ul 'Ireel

|P U LE 1 \t Heinp*t.-*d, I.oiil laland. on S.uiday eveninr.Aoj.ai I2,c. iiaiiiiiptiiiu. .Ictaadri Healitt. taa sf flas-QaM ll.-uleltol Uo. kaw.v. il. the :,'.I yeai flf hia tMk

JACIiAKD.ln thl. city, on Man.day mnaninf Aufutt !.':,llhiii.-! ij'-UrJ, »j-d .a- yeara, 4 inontii« and IA dayt.

JtillNSUN Ofl M 4 I t 13, at Soi.iiiul'.'. New-J,,...,, a-r i ahi.it n.-»-. Miaa Maijaral, dataighter ofJ.-.eui.h U. ai.d AaB JaBflMea B -b* Mla v.ar of hei _ne.

Ml.l.M I BY.la thi- .i'y, ouMondty, A..-i i I'. BBBBB-Bf.¦te.,. Mrbaflev, rldeat aa ol JoeafdMahaBejef

Htra!>aiie, Irelaud. eg.d i'i j.-ar*.Ol.AiKii.D-At Mo.iit St VMeafld, New York. On Tu. a -Iay

iii'iiiinr. Aou.-t 14. Jolm The .dote Oumted. ii.fuai »ori01 nd. rica ii-iv. ty.u.ali.l an.l .'.laay Q, UiuiaUal, Bflfld -

II a.l.tllt.Rlli.'i -Al hi- '. U-BM NnI_5We.tTw-.lv-. !.:..BB Moi.u.) BMOMa Augnal iJ, A-h.-i Ki), ii. i.i. i.hBB

III. frtead* ar.d tha,..- ef bia fa'i.'ly. ar* ie,p. a.!i,.|y invited taail. d I... lain.rka, miiuout fiillnr notue, Uo.a i.i* Ute IBB.'d.-I.. < on TLurtday, a'. I p BL

II KK- On Mondi-y cioriilnt Aii7.'-t 13, ol intbt-iruation oftl.e hl.va.lv I'ei.iy .-t ke, t| d N )" .r- aad n.ontl...

Ti.. ii -...- iad .iutaiic a ..I ibe famBy are i.--,..- tf_Dy b>|b iteiaj i.. f'oii.i, irom bta 1*1*teileatica,Ke, -' l

B'.i.o.- ... ato.-t, oiiin af MflBflflB-Mfy, on VV ,-d... dav atlei-l.oon, at 2 S*. I.

Lai *!i.|l..rgh papei. pli-aae copy.Sl.A li II In II i.' ity on I ita I.. -. Ao,'..(11, -B hfiali

ha.i. h in tln I d >a ir lu. a-.-

BArtDEBl rsHialj. b. Brooklyn. ou Monday, A ..t lt,\\ IIhaa S-ndera. uithi -ld year ot hi. age.

i llt iM A> tm ...1 v, Aui'itt !l Ti e dore iailiard, only.l.ildof Hr. ThecloH (._ -rd Ihefltaa, ol tbia. ity, a.'. dyear aud I montb*.

T.'.i lii.i.d. ol iba family are .uviti-J U> a'tci.J the bm. i_l iiniuh:« lither'* reaidence, No. 3 Wct Koiirttetilh BkflBl, to day(Ai f '.at li). at 8 o'elock. p. iu.

ouaad Cclumola (». C.) paper' plen*e copy.Tl I...Y- ( Imn 1 jna.pb Tuiey. *<itlde.ily, of a ibaease o: tbe

.. il ii -iu.d.y, J-n.. 1 o al hi. r< aideuce iu C/l.ir..e . ...int.V iigiiua.

WILLIAMB- At New-Orl. an.. ...i W.-'-.-'.'.iv \ aga t 1, by an

ejploaaoa on h uid tbe ateai. >r l.a ( no- :i ir .¦- V\ liliao. I.11 tlir MM Teur of hia i«e, ...n a,l Ija r(. N. andMaiyV'ibl..ina ..f Pa. ai-. New-ler-->. forneilv o' Pjl.nyr-,V\ .vf. Coi.ity.

Bui f.pap*'. r1,.*«,0pt-

ITIarlaelB. lt>-/»'rl.d by TtUgrmwh.H v V". r, A"- II.Ki.iiii du11 aad li.-.i-.y w :', u' laa;

II. vi. a.I Sir-. t .ia u lia.io v.ei. h. .d at t"> ¦'".. \VnKir ,t 1,BltfarVlM i.v oi i.-t ai.d un. i.h,..- .i, V, ,,.-. ..- ,|7 \V l.ite or/ .¦', pKOVItloai Ir:;.. r B o ..n Su..i i.ki -

ii'. H>.-.; Sial.a ii ./i.,. MaaaEoas vi:. ;., K-mp *H .'«'.VV ¦-. buoyanl il B-B e

l'til ton eitiA, Aog. 14..Bksvdhti ry- g-nerally r.loked dull,b. 11 i.i-liai.g.-ti. raoviaioB* aadeafad. waisai Him at Ile,

r.iFi"..'.A.g 14 1 ta ii.-Kiuh ateady; demand niud.-rete.W'i.kvt uwai .d> ii ai.d fair B-laa U.MO baab. Bcd Wint-r ..t4-1 e-.J; _J,tMba-b Wl iie Ui.ter tt VI II* VI11 Coat.-i dnlli.ale* veater.l iy iiflcniooii lS.'aj.. buih at SO'ijI.- aud thia tiiornii g..imll...-li at i. c

. it-ia li.w.-r taie. 'i.ooni.'iih., i.t Mb. itvti BaBieenhelter. l.ak. laroata to day: H,.ata bbla. Hour. H,BB baab. laWheat, 81,00* bu.h. < i I.... .-I UaU Ca ..: ....

..'..X'i bai.h. Wheat; Jl.'Sti buah. furn ""¦" |buah. Oat*. |

. f. .. Aug. 14.-Ki.nii in lnod.-r.ite de'iniii'l; . .!.¦» ol .!.»>bb.a at *..'' A-ifor sxtrefltat*; MMIVrfavaritadeablewsBsCttybiaud*. Umk.Tviiv BBBiat *'.d waoted, aai. . oi 7.S..'. .n-h

\V heal, Hi ...' Di'-n > nri nHii'»BjiT« -ai«i i«.a oiaia. pioiir. :io,-<*.l u..*h Ub. at,.'<-.U.N. bu.h ( orn r HKHiiir. a.'tive *t.i,. *flVV lo llnflal flMIBI BaeaajHIB un Newlork rat a te

iaoadlB t I* "-nt po ,,,

Bohlu-i VM.r.hLV BANh BTATEMENT.Boaava T..e*dar Aug. u. IMI

Caprtal Htoa-k.§-7,tn.<nN l)..r U. a.thei bankt. V'.KM.IKJOLsaaaaad Unounu m .i;.,e,ii.-r*.a*. i%\y,,',vttKp,..ie. l.li«^e.l|C._'Cu->Ba)a...,. 7,tT...lW»laiKfiet-atlrribBki v',""'

Hav*.iraia *t O. ea* Hirwmera.to u> rA BT.

fiUamthio)*. Leoo*. Vor.Tit'eAm-.N-w-Y^fc.L.vrpool.An. 15Ma-onla.N«W.V*-%.lia.nb.i.g.Aug. 15

Aaat BB__a.New-kurk.Liv.rp.-u.Au, 11|.'i..tK_a.n>.N«w-York.Il.iifa-, -<-....A.g 1"Ka'-xaroo.Bsrw-Vork.Liveipool.Aog IH

Arugo..N.-w-.ork.liavre.Aag laf,u...p*.Boatou.Llverpool.Aug g_

AdriaUc.New York.Havre.A .g.»p.r»i».New-York.Livarpool.Aog IB

Kdtiiburgh.New-York.Llverpool.Aag 88Karnek.Borton.> lalw«y.A ug.»

KUa.New-Y*rk.Llverpool.*"g 80New-Voik.New-York.bremen.|**t, 14_la.gov..New Ysrk.Idverpool.I*»pt 1H-_-*BB_.N-wVoik,.Ha.in...r<.S-pt 1Arabia..^...B.at-n.Liverpool.Bept 5

Vaudcr.llt..*,... Nov.-York.Hsvr..f*pl 1tity of baltiuiore..7....Naw.York.Llverpool.8-pt.8

___.New-York.<Mlw«y.f4.pt 11Ati.a..New Yerk.Liverpool.H.-pt.llJura.New-Voik.Liverpool.Sept 14

Kultou.New-York.Havre.B*pt 15Csuada.BoeWt..L.verpo_.Sept. 19

TO ABB1VE. Ifersla.Liverpool.New-Tork.Aug. 4llk.i iii'.i i.i.Southatnpton_New-York.Aug. 4

11.i.Llverpool.New-York.Aug. 7Parsnaa.(ialw.iy.Boaton.Aug 7New Yo k.Southaiupton ... .New York .... Aug. 3(ila«i.iw.Liverpiol.New-York.Aug. 8North America.Liverpool.Quebee.Aug 1

Arabia.Liverpool.liostoo.Aug 15City of BalHinore.Llveipool.New-York.Aug IBYanderbtlt.r_utha_ipton ... .Naw.York.Ai« IfiNova-cotii.Liverpool.Quebee.An< 11Alrica. Llverp.ol.New-York.V g 18

Jnra.Llverpool.New York .... Aug. lt-.Oalway.New-York ....Aug. II

Knlton. South .n.ptcn ....New York ....Aug 12North Briton.Livarpod.Qn-bec.Aug 23( ,,ada.Liverpool.Borton.$Bg 28Hobeoilan. Liverpool.Qo-i.er:.A ig. :»Breuien.Southamnton.New-York....Sept. 5

Paaaeiijiei-* Arrived/ itrumthip y.iltnburgh./rum l.irtrpmd.Robert D.war, Wm.

Hltclictck and Son,Win. Bell, H-ui.-yrnkii M-Cw. C. J. rl*ria,ihe Rev. VV, \\ Kddy andfau.i !j tlie Rev. W. Bird aa.i fa...lly,B. 4 ateScrsnton, Mr. ai.d Mr* CebkB, Mr aud Mra Saund.-ri,Mii. a-.uid.-_, Dr. (iorbaru. 8. lir.ed. P. Hazard. Wm. Rolil. r,hiikpatiick. Mr and M... Walker aui .-.uily, T. Neviii., S W.hronton Mn. Auderacii, Mr. aud Mit. Addiacti, Mr. *ud Mr*.L.-ggett, 8. Far.or,* 8. Robert., H. Ol.-eve, II. Ulaaford. C.Hot ki.n.Mi.* ilopkin*. Mr. aud Mra. Hatrli, T. Readon, Mi**Mi,,,. Ml*» Lewen*ti.ne, Mr. Mayer, Master Jolin Mayer, Miaa4 Booth, Mis. Weat. Mi.s 8 WiliUms, Misa Blkkbkin, 8.Haa. k, L. Roa.nberg. Mr. and Mr.. Gatebaav. Mr. FaoiteU audfau by, Mr Pa'ruk, Oor_e Patri k, Mr. aud Mr*. W.athope, P.Oiven. 8. W^crall. .....

ln tht thif CjbiIbBMBIB, from I.iterpool.lit. Eaatcu, BIi*.Joue* and 2 chiliiroru_


Clenrv-aStean.sbipa.Prince Alberf<Hr ), Prow**, Oalway, How.kud

Arpuivtalli A.ia, Lott, Liverpiol, ki. Cuuard.bark*.CeU-tla, llttte. 4. tte R. W. Trundy; Selie,*, reen-

h.gen. Baltimtie, Uowi.j, Ce***. k l o.. MMHtiaM IHoL),Rujter ftotteidaDi, llobert A Kiiealand, Bveutld., Partridg*,Olaaguw, li. D. Biookukii k Co.

Brigs-Atlanlic, Mcirlll, Baibadoe*. II Trowbridge* 8uu»; J.B. King Ccrtili, llantapoit, D. R Dewoll

-i i.oon.r*-L'-ltui.ore, Cox. Kluabeth City, Suuth, Jone* 4Co ;Miiaudii, Phillipa, New-Ilaven. Uawion, Douglaa k t o.:

Boadiich, Collm*, Porto Platt* Miller k Mon»ton; Arctic,_bo**W_ Naa*BB| Julia A. Hslioca, Pedf.-k. (ii.ia.Ui V an

Brunt _SIagbt;i,a!ego, Smith, Kiebtuoiid. C. II Plers-u k Co.Mo.p \\ arren, Stoke*, New H..ven, master.

* -.-

Arrivcai.St.itii.-hip Ar,gu-ta Lj un, Savannah. Bt$M, and pot: to 8 L.

Mit.-biii k M-.li. .Monday, atlo'clo. k. a. BA., nortn frotu Capellat'.-i.i", a-ebatujed siguals witb the steamalnp Alabktua heucefur 8aaaiu.Hb.

8teaii_*liip Victoria, Cndworth, (iklveaton 16 day*, tn bkU.nt toA. DeOraw.

tit*_u.*liip Daii)iuciis(br. *<:rew). Langlanda, Liverpool July30 viH haiiiai: Aug. U, mdre. to B. C::nird. Ar.ii.ei o!l tlie Bat-tery at I p tn

M. ain.l.ip fiil.i.1. I.ilia, Baxter. from New-Oriean* Mb inat.,Havauablli. with ind.e. bihI panaen.er. to M. O. ItolvrtaBr .. r.w a.eaiii-lnp EdkburAto, Kennedy, Irom Liverpool,

Ai.. 1. Hii.-euati.wii Aur. 2. witii mdie. a-.d .i<' paaaengera to J.<i. Ilkie. 1-t n-at. pi.vd at-.ip Jolii O. Buvd, BBBB*, M ancliorort tb. Rnck:13tliiii.t, l.it 41 34, lon;.. 65 J7, pa.ae. ateainaliipCBj ol Wdsiiiiigtou, heuce lot Queeu.touu and Lit.-rpuoi; arr.ott the I'.attety at '< 88 p. m.

ShipC.Otivar.or, Ri s-ell. Llverpool Jury 1" »nd Car* Clear_»tli, n.-d.e. aud311 paaseuger. (all well) to WUliauy A (Juiuu.One oirtii and or- deatb.

,-i|ii|i Uiieui, ilill liiverpool July mdae. and paaa. toflporiord,1 i..--:.!. Ai. Co. V\ a* outaidi- tlie i_r laat nighr-r-h.n 8uiitban)pt»u. 1'iutt, Lundon aud l'ortamontb July 9.

mcse and pa.s. to K. E Morgau. Aug. 2, Wm. (»rey, hrat orh-i-er, died lr,ui compresaiou ul the brain. Aug 3, Virginia Ingr.b nn f. 11 uTOB- ii.< ft on de. k and wa* iu.tanUy kUied. Aug 8. lat.4.) IH, la*. n<$, |'aj.ed*teaa»bipTe.iloiiia, li.-nc- for Ham^iir..Ship R L. Lane. MWUOB, Liverpo..! Jnly li, mJ»e aud paaa.

toTi,.... Ri. -Iiaid....! k Co. July.b, ia. 4. IB la* Hlt,M*kaabip Ti.ackJora. Irom Liverpool lor Pbiladelphia. uud waa in co.

lalnabliip Aateiian oiBoaion. Uowe, Liverpool. July ll, witb mda*.

to l:..t.-ter.Sliip Conatitutlou, (Br.), Jone*. Liverpool. Jnly 16, with rud»e.

and lll p_s*engc.-_ to \\ illlami. k. (Juiou. July 21, od VW.;.1-laiiuVv.a.. iu couipauy wilh .liip Tuwiarura. ol auU for Philadel-r.l.ia. The C. ou the rnst pait of p_*_ge bad Ught N. aud Wwinrt* latter p..rt liflit frou. S. W.

l:nrk T.iaro. (ISren..) Danneiuaiin, llremen, 35 day*. uiuV. aud3IU pa*.eug.'ra tn in :.*i'hen Al I. Lkart .bark l.jit.-.lr, Jat'ksoii, New-Oriean* 20 daya, indse. to Wm.

Mataea 8oua.Bark Ob uwood. Penny. H.-ivana 14 4*y«, augar U> Albert Horn

I* in ih.- Lower UuaxaiOi ..-.

B..tk E._B l: u»a (Bi ), C.n.p. r, Beru.uda Aug. ), iu b.llaal toTi. k. i i Lightunriie.

Bura llHry Jai.e, Kimhall, McCl'-tlan, liavana 11 daya, augar toAtt..-rt lioiu. 1* in tiu- Lovt.-r Uui.riiiit.n.-. (tl. ii.st., oti apan.tval, apoke bark Airen. 'roui N.-vt- llrl.an* jr lienoa 11 d i>.

ut. Mb ii.H... lat H, bad a heavy gale tttm N. E. to E. N. E.,-p It lnretop*i.il.Bark Coin.iik. Bartcn. llkvana 10 day*. iugar. cigar*. ic. to

Mci.-aTayl.rACo.BilfZ. Or iiniuond, Conway, Aapinwall Jnly 25, mdae. to J.

F. Joy.Brig CuJedoolan (Br.), UanleU, HUlakoro, N. 8. a d.-.ya, pliater

to U Ultel T.'liipkiu*.Lr.x P. M.Tn.ker, CarlUle, CumbeiUnd Hail.om J .ly 27 tt

gki tu W'.-t.-ii. Carvei \ i.a.e, 5th inst, lat. tt, lo*. T4 13 p-uised.. v. li.t.ii.g ..im. 11th iust, wa* iu co. witb bri. ( irctwaian, fui.Cuinlieildii'l Harbor for N. w loik.

Brig EtauJar.I (Br.). (ard, Wind'or, N. S. lodaya, plart-Tto I).ii. 1). mtotBilg iauu.r. Hwlakii...ui. Cb.trle.tou, 6 du>., cotton aod naval

«t"iea to 1). C..Murray.l'l i/e M| Tbui. ..a Athurn. Ma.ter Nathauiel l.reeu.Kabianda,

(( -a-t of Aliicu/, II daya, lu liaiiaat, wa* capturt-d Jaut- 27, utKabanila, by V. S. ateam.-i Mj-ti.\ Iiavieg on boird the ordiniry.ta-. i- cargo. Tbu vvl.ai.-aliip Bmnawiok of {loanfjith. Capt.Bakrr. talled previoua on a ruiae. with 2l)0 blili. .p. rui oil

Btlg Zlblah, (Br. ef *t****|b * im <-nt bay, l lian-ur, il) daya,witk h*h and atav ><a te Mr. .tierriam.

>rus ( haiub.rlain. llolegate. Boaton 3 daya. md-e. t.>tu,.- r.r

.<, br. Queen of CBbbbib (Br.), Lo.-khart, \\ indsor. N. 8.,».dava pi.M.-i to II I. BC. A. Il.--.Il.

S. lu. Adein.e, Co e Bo.t m H dtya, iiida*. to mas'erBchr. B. L. C.ni..u.-. I'o.tiaiid 2 .1..y*Bl I.r. I l.-riit), Bailey. (iardierb daya, bunber to uiaiter.S.l.r. UaibiisBBr, Ihurlrer, frovii.-u.-e 2 ii..y., la iiiiia.t.Schr. 8uaau, Bi-ei.., B...tou 3 daya, u.d-e to 8. W. Letti.

i Co.8. br ..'i-or-.-t- nnd Mary, Sini-!., Provi.l.-u e I diya, in Lall.iaat.8. I.r B_*h Aun ...iiouer, Sl l.i-orge. Mt-.. 7 daya, luuiher tn

iiiuaier.Sihr. Wreath. itand.ll. Macliiax 7 daya. lumber to 8iinp*ou kOasaaa. li- H»rr-t N*w*JI, Tieworyy, Ma<iila« 7 day*, lumber to

Siiiip-i u A. Ciapp.S. r 1:1. u hvdu.au B*W*BBB, Ntvv Bedford 3 day», oil o .'

I.e...ard.BeBr. Waa Euul.- (of Rut-klauJ), Hogion, Irt-in.an. C.B lu

day*. .-..si to Metcalf A Hun.an.Bchr. li.linoii'., Mit.-hlll. Kur.daut. coal for Boaton.S. br Warren C. Nelaon, Su.ith Deia itou for I'hil iJ.-Ipbla8ihr. Alnira Ann, LsBrraMB, Ehzabethport, codl, for Bo.t t.S.br. barah M i).,:..t.d. Kelly, New tltdford A day*, oil t>

inu *-r..-, l,r. A <(..!_». 8n*ll. N.-w-Haven 2 d*y*. in b«l_st.8. i.r. Jaue, ll.t.k. ll. vV tu b_ii. H daya. ii. i,B lir. AlfreJ Batr.-tt, Nii-k.-raon, AllM.)- fut Boaton, u.J-i-. I.r il'..iiii, bates, Albany for Boaton, ind.e.Bchr. Fapaaas, llos., N.-vaport 2 dav*, iu BaUlaatto uaatasS.-lir. Char^er. Lowe. NewHaveu frfaja, in balla.t.*-. Ur. Avon, Woodbiidge, \ i.-.inia, wuod.8. br. J. T. Barkalow. badiite, \ irjim ., me>n.Sihr. A. P Ciwlier. CkrBt, \ iririuik, melona.BeBr. Atiiik llow. Dovtay, \_raii.la, uelon*Sebr. Elleo Baker, lillluiau, Newbcrn, N. C

.tole. to I. |B itbB. hr. h A ( oi kling. Sop.-i, Virginia, wood.Brbr. lier.-hel. Klniaal!, Alexancria 5 daya, coal..--. ,.r. hupbetiiie. bayley. Pouae, P. R. Aug. 1. aug.i to I IV.

LevtiaHIoop I. N. Seytnour. Smifl.. Krookhav.-n I JavBteaiuer Kenuel.ec. 4 io,-ker, fbiladeiplua and Cape May,

li,d-e a-.d paaa. to k PeiaiuaIftraanrT New-LonJuu, Suiith, New-I.oiidon, md**. to ).. B.

Ko.kM.il.B_aaB*t O.pray, Kanny Providence mdie. to l.iac Odell.Maaame ( on md, K*rj_*B, PhiUdeipbia, md-e. to Lefea A

Kn.pal.iikS..- .iii.-r Tacony, Fly, Pbiladi-lpliis, uid.e. to Loper S; Kirk-

[.iiiii k.BbMBBtt Beverly, Pi.-rce, Philiid.lphi.i, Uid..,.. to J A N.

Kritia..-!. -.tuier P. T. Ilart, Sidd. II, 1 .iladelpliia, uid.e. lo J. lt N.

I .

8AlLEI)-8teai..*bip* Prince Albert, for (Jalwaj; Uoauoko,i .. k, \¦¦ Stk. ..I the 8..'itli, for Savaini.li.

\MM)--i>i.iug th.dk) from N E. to N., audfi. ab, with rain.

Tbeaebr, Baifeaww, rep..rt.d la jrealerdav tnorulnga eabtion,-on. II .' ii.ui I.i. t. aa lioiii hanu l ru_ vl.t B.iuiu.la, wbeio aiiuput iu .hort of piovi.iona.Tb*$ria Zo**, pr.ivt**alj tepnt.-.l a*h..re neir Poitland. will

pn.v.-at. tallo.*:al*oraig'o A few aail. aud rigging have beensat.d ( ar... valiied at if 4O00U; veasel, *li J.U.

l'..:vT 1-TttB, abi.nl Jul_ 31 -8ailed Br. brig Allian.v, futBb m Craa, toio«d Ba Baar-aea.


By I < I. _.r.i|iri.BAMD1 flOOE, Aug. 14. auua*t.Due -hiji in th- Oltiing,bound in afaia K S Elv at auchor at 8 \\ I'.r t.oui.d BA. N*

tth. r v.-^-el. ni »i|tht. \Vli.d tre.h from N.N.E ». utb.-r -luiidy.lllt.llLAM.S, Aug. I4-Sblp()rieutaud 1 luig n.-ar tbe light-sh.p, st. _iner Pbila.l. iphia out.ide tho Bai, bound in. \\ md

inoaaras*, N.; wtathei rloudyBt.bTON Aug. ll-An. atiu S. R. Spauldtiig. llowea. ll.tlli-

iroi..; «hip Mary Msi.hall, Autwerp, Al 8. Steu.ni, J*r_a,. I.i.lii.-goa. Buga Jnlla. OB**, Bloutevideo; (1, eau Telegrapb,Kr.eiuaii, Atigiillla. Yaiik.* Blvde. Darliug, .Hlveatou; Btreue,ri. ln t Itotteidam. B. I.w.llauiburu anip 'l'.-lli.a fiom il.I.ti l.aika Toni 4 orwln, . I. .ifU.-gO* Sl.erwooti. ( «dl/.

I'llll AliK.l.i'lilA. A.g 14 -Arr bark Charle. E Lex, froiuPi. ' .tul'riii.-e Sail.-d t.oio Mir.goane, bilg M :t u, for Ho.tou.8ail.-d from St Male, a.iir den. Vttm\t, for Boat n. Below. ahipI'bi ,d. | bi.. tiu... Liverpool Th.- I 8. trigate I'owhatau la re-

rjit. J ia below A brig .uppoaed to b* Oie Dalvrtt. lioui theoaat of Afriia. I* alao below( HAKLtSTON, Aui 14 Tlie C H Mall ateauiahlp Mkrion,K.--*r. arnted here at II ..Vloi k tbia (Tu. adav) morning.NOltKH.K, Aug. U.Arnv.dln llkinptoti'Kuadri ahipt War1I..V.A o.d Uild Kove,, 'BJtUya.ioiii CdUat.Tha acbr E. Thomai, from Wlunlogtou, N. 0 bound to Phll-

adelplii., put in here lo laud the body ol llie male. who wa* ac-id.utaily kiiled at tbe abael yeaterday during aat)uallAnived at Narfolk, acbr. B. I) Pitta, of JUpi><ibauuoa.'k bound

te N. > litdfvrd, wivh wkrst, .<o*lug

Pieaetere, dke.Ifaw-Oi.i.r a-», Ao* H-Tb* tleop EriJ*. 'l1tm M-r/__ Bay fcc.-, waa l-et Ang. Tl Crew atv.d ^- N. 8le4e-», K^nTjf rTa/a pl-o, La' l.erf renvut, ali*. -§> p.t _-^a forr-aali..fl.br J..l_to,*,.r»af alrak, wa* ff>wt4 _, fj- rep^a fcThr.W ,. c- ik» e, br aee ,ot Haraae, i* e»We, a total loa*. A por.tion . f her iergo ia*ed No II -mt loa*. 8e.hr D. J BeeH <tg, ftotxMii.i-Dlai. a*h'Fe at th* ni.ath of Iba. river Benf Toare f.ll»v*c<v b.b* re .1 ib- o outb of the river Brto N. k- 8tevee,Iba Havana. U .l«-ia-tefl. 8b'o i. r. Wbeeler, for New Tore.Ba-hore n Pomt I.. Uacbe. One ¦ebeeearr,_, Oregoo to Me-bile aihore Tatallc*,. Crew av-d Curgo laraber alaoaved.Bark Aa are aad flag aW» Bavannab draggedanebara aeveral nile*.Allaa/e. |By telrgr-phloKilwood VV»ter,e_^.,B*<ra4*ri BoardI 'nderwrlrwr t.


Betolotion B*B-_B-a| award of contrart for flirginr in Thittr*uiith BiaaLMwaaa .-Uth aod Sevrntharenuea, Ejerraitu, li.Moore for 01 294 BO.Board of Connrrlloien, Augn«t3, 1800.On tje* and noea adopted.Roard ef Al.b-n-.e_, Aug ... II, |W».On aye. and nee* concorred ln.Re.olutinra roonrming award of conttaet fer repelr- aad _B>ati'.ua to houa.- of Hoae Co, th to rhirlet Vaii_e.rvoort fer tZtT!.iloardoft'ouncilnieii, A ugurt 3,1300.Ou aye. und noea. adoptedKouxd of AUI.m.rn. Augn.'. 13,1860.Aye* Jl'd UO. a ni.c .ired illReaolution conbrni g award of eontract fer alton-tna and

addiih na to h ii.ae of Hoae Co. No. 80 te Charle* Vaadarroortfor * ~.t i

___B.aaid »f Coiiiicilmen, Aog. 8, 1860.Onaye.ei.l noa. _d.pt d.Boaid of Aldermen. Aog 13. 1S60.On aye* and nee. cona urred >nBaaenith.il ouafirBilaf award o* coniract for ai'.eratieo* and

ddiii. h'ta-Louaeof KngineCt". Uo. 12 to Cb**. Vaadsrvocrtfor #1; 13. _.


I'.. >.rd "f Ce* m ilmeii. Aug. 8, 1560.Ayilatid 11*. ad. pt. dRoard of Aldermen, Aug. 13 1S60.Oi. av. * an.l Ba » roncuned In.Rctolition ronferring awtrd if cootract for alteratfoa. .nd

additiou* to houte ol ll-te Co. .So. 12 t- Chaa. Vandervoert logV3 15Roardof Coincilinen. Aog. 3, 13IVI.Oa avea and noea adopted.Roar'dot Aideiu.eo, Aog. 13. 1 ¦'*>.Ou aye. and noea comurred io.R.-aolot'on conbrmhig avtard of eontract for buildfng hcoa- ie

larir n atreet, for Ergine 4 o No 9. to Wm. Cooiter for $1,0%Be-ti ot < onin liinau, Angn.t 1, 1*60.On aye. and aoe* concrred io.Roard of Aldermen. An|uat 13, 1860.Ou aye. and eoet roncuned in.Ke.olution contirrnliia award of a-awatract for aewer in ThirtT-

eigl.tb at<eet fr< rn MaJi.on avenae to a poiut elghty feet Weet oloiirth avenue, to I) Z. De *orre.t for *l,06l 4».Boatdof t.'oa.na in.'ieu, Auguat ~, 1860.Ou av.-a an.l noea adopted.lloarJ tt Mdermen. A"*ii«t '8, 1860.On ay.-t aud noea concurred ln.|»-rU|i.n .-.'! faru.iug award of eontracl for aewer ln Frt..al

atreet, fr< in We,t Broadv. *y to thlrty feet eaat oi Hc .-ol atreet,to Railert and Jame. Cunnln.haiii.or V 1,(38.Board ofCounrilmrn, Augiat 8, 1800.Ou ayeaaiid noea adopted.Koaxd of Aldermen, Auguat 13, 1860.().. av.i and a..'.-. concor *d in.r.at- Iniioii dlrei tiug the Ki.hth avenue Railroad Co. to repair,

r.-.a nd u.iita.airi and contrlve tai k'-epingood order tbe rauroadtra. k tait. he. miii-out*. aide tracba, aud curvee, tt aew laid in

thatru-.e tul other air.-.ta through wbicb tbeir rauroadr igiitlip.*aHSarJ ul C'ouiii ihrien. July Ti, 1860.A.h.pt-dRoard of Aldermen, Angi.t II, bibO.C'out urr.-d inR.-aolutiol. that tb.'name rfJame* McDouDOg. OB the lla« nf

( .mn i..io.er. of lle.d.be.orre.ted IO U to ~*li Pat-'ck U.McDcni ogli. tb<- muiiti .rhif tn error.board ot Com.ci.mea. Aug. 10,1409.Ad.pte'l.Roard of Aldermen. Ang 13, 181J0.Cont'iairFd iu.K. a. lutlnr. to allow Oold.rnitb k Rrotrn to plac* abew caae ia

front of tbeir preu.i»e», No 0_| Bowery.Eoard o: Coantbii.en, Ang 1, l:-bu.ArJop.ed.Board ot Aldermen, Jnly 13, 1«j0..Ii'-lltedill


Ii.-.. luticu tl.. ? 'Ue Couuael to the CorporUionUke tbe ne-'e*.aan :eg* a epa to d m lare Kiltv «ightb and Klfty-uiath ttrc.-U,trom Mtth avtn .e to the Katt River, r.peu accflrdlnf to law.Roard of Cotinciimen, July 24, 1B60.Adopted.Roar.i ol Aldernaen, Aug. 13, 1-tiO.Ceuevnad ba.Ite.nlu.lnn "tne"d!n. the reaclii.fon adopted oo lh* l**th JnnS,

nlt relative to Pier No. 3>, Nortb River, directing tbe ao* t. ba..tra'ul-teiud i-.iid a. tbere ia a contract for r-pairicg lhe iler,dire«i|lt the work to.be duue under the .npervirion Ol lhe.Itrae. onuuitaioner witl.out contracting therefor, and appro-pnatin/ *1 * 0 therefor.Bo-rd ot ('ouucilmen, Aujraat 7,1800.. 1_ -v. * and noea adoptedBoa.-d cf Aldermen, Augut' '3,1360.C»n tvet 'j:d l-oea Cclicu-red blBtawattea tbat the carriate way in Thirteenth, atreet betwectg

Le -ta n and fo-.th avtiiu.-a be repaired.rd o!-Coui.i-ila.en. Ai.guB 1". 13W.

Keterred to tha- ( rotcn Aqordoat Board with power.Bc.rd of Aldermen, Auguat l3. MM.( on. .jrred inReaolution granting pern.i.aion to tdtrard Llyermore to erect

sbaywfudea e..« Tlr'tv-.l.htl. "t-eet and Madiaoo BMBMi.nal.r Kiiperviaion of iHieet ComniieeloEei.

B..ard af .'...ina :liiieu. July 27, 0X0.On avea and noa-» ad"pt.-iRoarii oi AIdernieu, Ang. 13, 1860.C'oiicunred in.Reiolnticn on peUfOT of C Wrlght Klrby to retom *titt*t

box ta frout ol pren.iae* No. S4y Bleecker .troet,Be* d ofCoun. ilmen, Aiijuii 13, 1>360.iia av**aad aee* aflsptaBli.ai.'l of Aldermen, Aug. 13, 18G0.(aa.ua um d Ul.Reaolution to grtnt permlaaionto Me* rr*. McCabe k CauipbeH

to jalace a pole ln 'roni of th*ir pren.l.ee.Boardo! Couu-ilmen, aog. lu, I oo.Ou av ea and noe. adopted.Roar'd ot Aldermen, Aug. M, liifiO.('onrurrediti.Re*ci;,tion that aaa-wer with .-ceaary receivir.g basint andulvertt. be built under the dire; tion of tbe Crotoa Aguedu.t

Board. in ifty .i.hth >atri-et. f.o.1 aewer in Klghth aaenne t*ilu- wr-t.r!y :ine of _eveuth avenue, and that an ordinancether*for he adopted.Roard of Aldern.en. Jnly M, 1860.. u uva . and no.-. adepted.Ba.ii._ol Co.ii.cUn.eu A.g. 13, 18b0.Ou avia and noe-, adoptedRe-o'lutfon to extei d the aewer ii. ?eventoenth ttreet, on tbe>

v.ttei'.y aide of Thiid avenue, aooat .aid avenue with the pr.-*-eht H-weron the eaaterly -Ide of the Bveiine, to be done Liideitbe dire. ticu oi the C roton Aqueduct Board, anda: thai ezpent*ot tlu city, and «iapiopri*tiiit fl '00 Uieiefor.Roard ot Aldermen. July J»i, 1 *aOn :ive. and noea adoptedRoard ot Co.ui. ilmen. Aog V, 1360.. 'il ayet aud noe. adopt. d.P. "i:tici, that the peraontl tazaaeaed agalnat Franeia C.p.

roBatNe .-'21 Bro*dwav for the v-er* lftWand 18fa». bereduceaifiom a valuatiou of *lu.bt. for 1898, and B2O,O00for 1810, to **> .

i.ti t'., euch year.lio_r,l of Ai_4.n-.-i. April 9, 18bO.Adoptad.Roard of Cotinciimen, Aurort 13, 1860.Ou are* ai.d noe. conciirred in.H.-.-i, t.i'ii directing the Comptroller to advertiae for * tuila.

b!.-lccaticn tor Engine to No. M. between Franklin, Luirbt,liu-J.cn ai.d Oreenwb'h .tr. at.. acd to returti '.he award 01 coa-tutit to tbe Co- mon Council tor .-..ulirmatiou.Board ol Aldermen. Jniy -b, I«o0.I >n avea and noe. adopted.

|B (-ouna-iliiaeia. Anga.tl3 1860.( B a v e. tnd noea adopted.B. -olu'ion that .'onv third atreet, between SUth avenue and

Hraa.datay. be paved wftu Beitun nevement oae-half the ea-ei a. to le p,id hy the owuer. of property ou the Uae of tha

j av. aiact. the a.ther h .hto be p-aid by the city, and that aao' lii BI e therefor be adoptedB aid of Aldermen, July tt, 1860.I ln avea nnd noe* adoptedl'.ca;a <.' l t iiin'ian. u. Ang. 18, ItiOO.Ou ...v. * ul d n.ae. adopted.K....." .tion tha- tl.e per-onal taa B-BMBBi agvlnat the ettale ol*

B ('. W.mb l. at No »i Ea>t ll.i.ty ae. oud *tre.-t. tor the year*i II and 1 .v>, be red.io-dliom a vabiatioo ol *:-HA>

la *i,.v..Il.,ard of Aida-rnjeu. July 23, MMA.l.ptedBoard of ("ouici'men. Aug 13. 1360.Ou jvi-. an.l i.o.-g cn. 'uied iu.l:. J.utl.u tb.aa.Twei.ty-,ixth atreet, from 9ixth to Madfao*

...- ..i. paved vvith liefdan pivemeut, under the dlrec.lon efthi < roton Aji-ialn t Depmiinei t, the owiiera of properiv to|,av aa*-l ....I me citv tl..- iciuaiid.ig half of tbe i-.wi." audthat iheavt-r.l _. n,ulia:t be iuhuiitted to the Cotuuiou Couactlfer aouhrii..ti'U, and tl.e oriinano' therefor i>e adoptad.Boaid ol A.d.-iuici.. June 1«, |34iO.

(in ayaa *a .1 aeaa aalopi.d.I, ri o- C'.'iiii.'ihutu. Aug. 13, 1860.Ou aye. aud n-ea concurred iu.OrdinaDce i.-r tl..-con»tiuction ofa wwer tn Va.li.in -treet.

tnn -.wer laOtaad atr.et to |i*i feet eaaterly from J. k*>aatreetHoaid of Aid.rii.en. July Ai, li*0.Ou aye* ..tiil Beat adopted.BtM :d o! DUB liniui. Aug. 13, 13t>0.< >n aye. ai.d BB88 adopted.K.-.. Iniioii tbat a wwer be built onder the diiwetiea oftbe

( i..t< ii Apiaduct Board ta t-il'ty-.iAth ati.et, from Third avenaetoBudthrough l.evii,.ton avanue o.d Kifty ninth "tneet to pro-vaei in l-'ilty _iulh «tr.i-t li.iu i:lnto Ei^iitli avruoe,aud tl.at an trdbiaiue tba-refoi" be adopt.&

li ...ni..: Aidernen, July ib, 1«UI.i.i. aiat aad aoat adoped.Boardof( .ui i.u.eii, Augu.-t 13, l.aOO.On avea and U'>e« adoptedR toiutio diiet ting U.o Street (-o.iuuia-i .|:er to bnild n ad-

d.tioi i.i .'ory ou houa of Kugine ( ou.pany No. 24, coat uot te> a-d #.."B.v.d ol Aldeni n, J:i!y 26, l-t*...:. av.a and i."> I adop ed.K. i.i o l O' III olnell. Ai..iiit 13, 19_0.Ou avea aud noe* adopted.U.-olu'ioi. lla.it a aevvct be built ui-.-l. r the dira^'iion of ibe-

ia t lo ard lu Kiltyav.coiid atreet, from Becondave-a-.it] Il M -'. et of Fir.t avenue, and that ri ordinance

tben o. be adopted.Boaid t,- A1U. uueu, July 26, 1360.On aye. aud i.o.-. adopted.Boi.id ol t'-iutii iliii.-c. A.igiirt 13,1960.Ou aye. and tioe. adopted.K -ai ua :. that .t .....iv itigbaalli and culvert be bniB Bnd^

u.r.-a- iou ol the Cr. t.i. Aa^uedoct Hoaid *t ea. h el the *t utberly...ri.er. oi Koitaal.th Breet aud Ei^hlh a..-i...c, a-d tbat »u at-t'liiai.o.- therefor be adopted.

f. i.lol Aid, ru.i n. July 26, 1360.Ou aye. and noe. atlopted.lt * Ot Cl laici.llla.il. Al|.u*t i'J, 1:60.Oa aye. aud me* a.upl. ti.It, ., K.ti n to p.ve i'liirty dxth ttr.-et. belweeB Part and L*_-

Icgtcii ar. nue, witb Belgiaii pavriiient uuder the direetfoa of tn*Croton Aquedu t It.erd theowner. oi property to per a.e half,aid tlie ciiy ihe lemaiuin^ h.tlf oi t'.e cott ot tbe aenV, and _aord>iiu:.ce tl.reoi head .ptedr.oadef Atdeiii.e:i Juiy U, lJ60.'

(ta ayet *_d aaat adopted.Board el ( aancUa-aa, Aog II, isbd.. i.. ave. and ii-e* »Jop:.0. , ,i:e.-1u«oi! UuU a _a.wej.wttb Ib.- ne.e..ary re.-.-iviug __*__.

. rd ulter'., Le built under tb. dir. ctiou ot Ue l rotou A<i-.siu.tHioird iu Fillv ueb .(.eel, from Tlmd to >ii.t.veli-. aud th.t»u iiliii.ir,-eihereforlM.-doiKed_^Boaid o. Ald.rtia*n, Jtdy 2a, !««.Oliaya.aad na>e. *dopt*d-Roard of Couiiclhaen. Aug II, 1-80.Ou ave, wnd noe. »dopt«dRew.li.tfou th.' * melviug baaln and culvert be buQt onJef

lhe .lii.i-tion .41 tlie C'rot n A.iua.iia, t Board at eeob ot the *«ulh-,-ri) oora-rs *- NiuUiav.-n-.ie anJ Ktwty-fgurtb Wtttk aada_ «.diu.il. e therefor l-e adopled

|... I.I -v.d. n- .--.. i...» a.On »><* -nd ..oe. adopted.He-rd ol 1 otuicilmeu. Aog 12. !!«.Oa ayrt a-d u»*e aduat. d