&M*rmrwtt. TriDFMY of ML'Slc.DON C.IOVANNI J ** Tin*) iTiarad.y, evening, a 3, *0» lavt niuh hi. r two. « fr«M la »*?. d-penure of 'he «cipeoy for Bo-too T aDBlINA 1*111 as /.f.RLlNA. & ,lfi!' £*f*^Iu' ***** * 1 fTl*** »ot*t (4 teata) r'p**-': N* U Will« Tills >.» KNItÄo, »tny nu>ht .f Moaan't DON I'I'liANNi. ( ^iTriZJii i -ti>.»«. .7*rRnA .<HU»v> >.>u faoraniai .Lepoiello *»*. .aaaiaiil«.*. Zerit,,«, M'Pw AdeRna Potti; lailillf'**'M , M,«*,0,*n: <HUTio, Hir Mifejlt; Don '!,>- THE M( li.lA.N \ ESPEilS, uym aj*nr»b>cent ia!*e ea *».-ne, ud iu orta-iu.il ranK, in- ^tXUB-'N RRIONOLI. FERRI, JÜNCA A .. Oh ThO«L-l»Ai--OK\NU UALA NIGHT. RtSFKlT lit M'LLE ADKLlNA PATH. lOMRINK 1 fr.RrOKMANtT. THE ART IS I X \Mi.L APPEAR. ._. Opera, aad two act* fro:n two other Opera*. I******'"^MiRS ADr.UMA f ATTI I eare ware Iii il.. Entire Opxr». of LA SOM.N a.MIIlioA MADAME COLSON if, for I ho fire! tiuiu Uil< sea-ou, In too Irat att of LA 1'ltAviATA. MADAMK i.A/./.AN 'UNA fctjs, II111 I. I foonh art «f LA KAVORITA. ON KKiDAY-I.AS1 NIOHT (iE THE OPTRA. i-N o<»l I KDaY.OKAND GALA MAT1NEK. .jUsilaLACK'- THEA IKK. '' Door* spen *t '., to rotowaaoe at Tl» HOLIDAY NIortTM. TUESTUY, t:th end WEDNESDAY, I8tU. fjTRI H WEEK -4 EVERYBODY'S FRIEND. Orreily ra*t. FAIRY FOLLY, celled KN(H KS AND NOSES, Mr. BLARE tb a treat Original I baractsr. Oa'ialf. Pinie« TltaBS, n. w Sea-aery, C'o*tQina*, Ac, At, and a *tar raat TO-MOII I .Tsciday), EVKRYOuOY'S KKlCND. Feel berry.Mr. l,*^ WsJleeh a>ravA. .Mr. Breear.am weliiue-taa Boot*.Hr. vÄVcat .Mr. Olirar .Mr. Baaor .Mr. Paraiee featarrty.Mra. Hoay .wa»*"wa.M.*e Uuj Oaunoa .all. a r. vi .Mm Trao .Ml** Catraasa Orr boot r* nnder tba direction of Mr. R. Stooped evening wMh * celebrated Fairy Fully, celled KNU« KS AND NOSES ^Battaae, New .Vnrrj, Trl.-k*. Chenrea. Costume* Aa. taMti**"rii' ^i7 p-»>««l uy ami).Mr. na*aa »A« *f Am^ou. .Mi. Floyd a*..Mr. Yen raj I aaavaa.Jar. Par*!ee Huntaiaen, Peasants, he. Re. ft* labrl.Mra. Waloot ill . wl h Uau.e aV Bahoti.Ml** Floyd fAjtaay Blaartw.Ml** Ktwrea Vill^er*. EalrW fcr., *:«.. INCIDENTS: tart. The W, o.!t SriorniaArr * Hat in the Enrrat; The (aa in* Hawk and tba D«ra; '1 r»u«i.,rm*:i The Fairy rtawt* M»f'. *>irn>r «nd it* Power*) Blow* for Noon* Quite earewc 1 be Mirror Sen lee a Family Quarrel j Hooee kept m eAr*f reBeriiju, Arriral of the llunt-njen. The. Prinoe and] Aeavei'* Propoaal and Eafaaalj A lonfiden'iil Cvuj.ii .11.14 M. R**. K*b,i i urn. ibe lalde* as well a* tne Mirr.r, Nu .'. taw) Tte Cloud* Di*per»ed: Arrival of the Fairy Blanche, (0* wti »raryibib« tu tiaAt*, a* hai'ie* alway* bare done 1/oin *aaka*uemori*l and take* her departure by watet. Rat Raaa eaaa 0 uayt ta aoraaae. ru >..,RltuW (Wednesday) EVERYBODY'S FRIEND, f.aracbd* wVk KNOCKS AND NOSES. Aawaf the Borell'e* In Batiaa pr> parallow, and aawrtty rVartk- ¦aajattni* iUaaiOI, Mill be u.tro^need A htW DRAMA, fat *f luterr.tio{ in. iJenta, *enoaa aad aamia, peeabar t»" n* eleeta a Nl:w r.xrRAV aoakza OF FORCE, FCN, AND FINERY, rtkty a lib new Boanery, Cewttuna*, Mutlt, .i ¦ . l b* perfcrmeam will termfa^to atary rr*alaf by " t'aktaa._ A Ü K A KKENE'' T H E A T M U. LaLRA REENF. s theater. A UiiORlOLS BILL ruH Tnl christmas holidatp. no nobtu,no south, justice and fraternity. becono week stocxbbvul american comedy distan f Delations i _ 0». A wOtTTHERNEB IN NEW-YOnH, >% Uch wid bo repealed 'Ke-MOHl AND EVERY EVENING, WITH a SPLENDID cast, BSSaVkOtM bvfbt MEMBER OF the CO'^aNT farAwtaaaoaa will lei minute at 10 o'cloct ¦kBBI I ireie iwaia ma. ea eecarad w r £ WEEK In adratata. tW op. a at «t u'tioeA- parloruiar^ u aumtueuo* at 7. IPBEM H THEATER. ~~ IF B. L BATEM4N .... , ,.M»naear nmi*fr vi^w^'-' BOR'th'e^CH'iLDKEN! ewi'Vw i( s Kt-R THE OLD FOüKS» good Nr.Wo K()R vt»u^o GENTLEMEN and I . YOUNG ladie -t! ^ at* of the earner* *jlicttatlon of the intimat* Iktad m MB. SAM cowell, HANI A clau.1, rV, H the oaW peTaea woo can equal bint la _._ LBEAliM. a-ELIOHl AND aml SEMENT in the heart* of old AAD Younce Mr. sam cowell aBJ tree hie deli ihtful enteriaintnent for tba HOLIDAY week, a Bat reduced rate nf adri.i«*ioo of tTTTs l »I U JSnIbC! «5 CENTS ! W CENTS I reed Beel*.5u canU. 1 7 0RI A1 LAM A L AN D I ii ABAC TER SONG.-., EVERY NIGH T, tt K precieely. i u'' LAY OK the last OCTOROON. YIOV-EM.LIMI I'AKLOK OPIRATIO ENTERTAINMENT Mope Chapel. Broadway. io.-Ü u ELY ihk las! VViTAl B). tad Mr*. DRAY TON will area their unique and popular aat*rtainu*mit five BlotJ Pd LONGER, kaaadfaii Satarday ultht. Dec *\ (imtead of a Matiaee), after which naey proceed to V\ iili«ni»'.mr|b, Brooaiya, .Newark, i hilwelphia, Ac TUESDAY, December a;, at .| e'clocA, the SOMNAMBI list; Or, There', a Silier Llnimt to erery flood. '^0^000' v'r.N'|WrKE *NOTHINO HAVE BBNOE OL1VE1RA, the (real V ioliuuC Aftar whkh, love's LAtioR LOST, la which Mr DBA YTON »Iii »Hq "atatoN TM8 l lll.lt«*.'' TBE DBAYTONS and OLIV kl RA pe.forta at the ODBON, *V*B*B**twarth. oa M<>aDAY EVENING, Jana, Alee, at the rOLYTECHMl INSTITUTE, Braoklya, On 'IUExDaY BY ENI NO, Jan.lt. Aad each *Ucc*>irdia4 nij(hc fot a abort tuna »my l%a>t, Butrnered and aaritred. may be had at ih* othoe Inart .aaaa, *nd *i ti.e u.uai plarwe la New 1 art, Brveaiyu aad v>U aaaaW.b a itho.it e»tr* ch*r|*. , taat* Busahateel aad eeeared. '.*> <*nt* ¦ "tft*t ***U' * e*"t>- FANNY \VINSHIP,-~" 1 ARLOU DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENT, At ooldbeck S music MALI No. 7ot Bieadway, MBo'eloek TbIS EYENIBO. _ OPERATIC RECITALS in BROOKLYN, kaa lint Operatic Recital will täte Blare at tbo ^ a TH EN A.I hi, Atlantic-**-, ooraar of crtntoa, wa FRIDAY, Jen. 6, leMi, el 8 o clock p. m., j ef ,be iieoal di*lii.tuUh««d Muetcel Taiewl, a Chorua af "^.t. *aa an Ift t'*. of >u perln-eaar*. tARL A.nim HU1Z. tWrntor, J. NOLL, Leader. .Bat trat Opera wul be Wr6.11 elrhrated ThtYaU ta cant*; Reeerred Seat*. a> coUt tttra. May be had . «4hL PRoX S Mu.K'etore No. fit Kurte» *A B B .lb'* i* the hi*t of * tenea of fit Comwrtt 1 ^riptii.ua 'or all tia, »1 Ml. ** d ro1 * -. »bbecTitH-ta, t* cenU eivra pat CaaYaatf. F iriu: El .la," Li til). INFANT ORATBB. Aaaeaair, with LITTLE L-, . Bad u* Poetical aad Muak al '.elebiltla* ef aR Bhttatoti ERVBLT. tit*. KaRKikT S WESTEl the dl.tiorv!.bed alto. Mite HENKifcliA NOBLE. Mr S. B. MILLS, the eminent Flaaist Dt CHAKi.ES a. tiUluMETTE, Ih* aauiv.led Muateel deciairuer. Thakrree a... I. «* place at . l.oDWtlKTH'S SALOON. Ob Tl I..-.DAY E\ EMNO, Decembarr. ****** eaea at a uarter to 1 to coiunatnce at » o clock Ticket* .aatt*. To tw ba I at th.. riiieipal mu*ie *»d boat .toree, No. *Baaaew»u........._, «... '«ÜS AAliU UMi A Co.'a MEN AO ERIE, 1 I'iLACE OaBDKNS, 1*th-*t. re-ar All a* Eaet eartrararw- ^Erery MoBMNAi, ak TER.noon and EV ENINO. *tta eye* a* 10 . ta . aad U and 44 t. a*. _ _ lAk jyoT VJl NAi.ERlE IN THE WORLD. of *cr '* <>AAND HOLIDAY JCBILEk. FOR THE CHILDREN. Kb uledfr for .»!. w r'.l Kebool f r the ::. .1 JJ-A*a>*a*. .,r, AFTERNOt» AND E a r.NINO of the »lUUli PONY Bi.Al K DIAMOND, PONY PRINUE jMrNRFY JOCKt». that lavnfbt-r-pro.okina MALTF.E 1.1 HANI HANNO.AC. and 1*10* id hi* TRAINED ANIMAL*. ."ACAV tiKEAT W ha»«» Lang wok i aAJJeER1" 8TATUR, "THE WHITK ÜAPTIVK." ._ aa eab'.urtioa at BOBAt'S'fl OALLFRY No. «» BROADWAT, Between Hootton aad Uleeoker-ete- ¦*¦ I alia M »atMe. Opaa float » a. a». Vt V p WPNTER 0»FI,K\. HINTER 0*RI>EM WINTER iMKDKv WINTER OH ,,» N WIMIR i »I' I EN WlNTr.R HARDEN WINTER O AHDEN. WINTER OARDF.N WIN ER O AHDEN. WJM ER oAHDEN. WISTERUARDF.N. .,J E D \ V DEO n Ti Ksi,ay Dec. rr. __-JJif *<I>AY, DEC El. TrrrsDAV dec. TT. TOS.sday. I'r.i '¦' r. TI EHDAV DEt; n TKEc.DA.. .} , i7 TUESDAY. DEC. 27. TC> r- DA t. |.r< 27 "Haa^JHS H? IP* "EASON. SENSATION OE THr. EKtSUN" Sk**NiLA.'.,i"N uk sf.ASON 8ENSATD..N OK THE SKANOV RELATION (i*- THE SEAAON »~.VSAT ION (ie lilt SEA-. IM. |*EN,ATION 0r fuj, Hi;A&,M. OCToRoow. OCTOBOON: OCTOROON, OC'J'OHlro.N OtToRooN; OCTORWrN; OC OHOON OCTORoo.N- OCTutOON: OcMiKIMlN * _ "<,TORu,,N. Or, LUE 1% LOUISIANA Or. EIKE IN LOUISIANA Or. MFE IN LOUHI kma Or, LI»K IN LOLIsltNA Or, LIFE IN LOUWI \Na Or, 1,1 FE IN LOUISIANA <>r, LIFE IN LOLIUIVNA,' Or, LI EE IN LOUISI \S A Or, LIFE, IN LOLMSI VNA,' Till STEAMER o*i p IB>S tM.**& Tal 8TEAMF.R ON ' IRE THE ITSARIER ov EIRE THE STEAMER ON El RE. THE LYNCH TALkA**** OM "EK- mu.TSS l.tnj ¥ ' RIAL, e-rt» ,w«.jr.i1e LKNCU TRIAL. THE LYNCH TRIAL THE bLAVK SALE. THE SLAVE Sa I.E. EOEOOEJ HOMETU,it,^V1:8ALE- r.. -.T"K «'RAVE OK PAUL. I?oort open »t C4 o'clock. Commence M 7 .'.Jock. NlliA.O'- GAHLEN. Duort oiM>n mi » U' »| pear Duo» open at 7; commence -,f ,1 LABI" WEES blTP o.NK. 0/ tbe renowned ra V Kl.H, GABRIEL end FRANCO's, AILLE. M kKlA HMtU&'Ztr"'C#*W a. a.< TlT'SDAY EVKNIN". *>c 27. 1R50, Sc.o.dtirii. ,. the .iu.d:itiryr,..ep^to,iU>eof .. . RAI M L, w hu b raa only be p'.yad , i>w uU/btt. l>e liei.eeT ^ r .-:.«..».afiE.1 be. ..od.ir tl.i. ..aaouof Alabu;. t RACEM L OffeOUriEOJ OF AOIL1TY by tbe MARTINE I i I KAUILT. Interuiitaiuu of fifteen miuutet. _ , . la 8i LPtliDE. ror foil rtr- ca ere tee taiali oillt. ^lit, LiiEATEHT WONDER oftbTwoKLR KINO BOLOMON'S TEMPLN, a-,» r. m VAN ZANDT'B CHURCH MNin-BT, one DJOR ERoM BIIO-.dwat. Thltn egn nr. 1.1 Model wet built lo California, after tbe a oat ieiltl * aullwiitiet. 1 be greater porliout af tbe ornamental work are of _. v m CALIFORNIA* OOLD. w..ile He floort are of betuiiiul workina...li j.. laid 'n «rrreot The Ark, ( bembimt, Table i'i\L-w Bread, Hi. Ore« ..olden tandleatick, llr^r. 11 >ea. hraaou Lavar. nev e. Btar-en Attala, Re. ; Tit) Coort 0/ Warnen, 1 tbe Cotui of Itiael, luvC oartoftke Prietta, ., . Bad the Holy of Holie., -^*^7' ARE FAriHtCl.LV EORTRAYED. Tkart are tii hundred F 1 O U R I 8 arrang'd la OHIO SAL CHoIUMK of that pedod. Id ibe EVENINO tbe Temple will be ILLUM1NAT1D by .no Oae BraaBKt, ' Ligbtei by Oaidn. r't »»-lein at? Eloctricitr. A LF CIURE will t-a ri»en Mokmim.. APraaaooB air1 F.rtifi!»». The «hole cott 1 f Hu« inafi itk'tttit itruc ure waa wtü.OUO. Adinitt.u.« (o al parti of the Ei tuple. 25 ornu. Cblldrea mj- 0*1 It }eara, II < . 1 (a l.ibeial armngen eutt made with Satibath and Day Stboolt. NIULO* rULOON. OFt.nt.e LHtUITTI M1NSTRRLR. < HANOE of PHOORaMME EVER i EVENINO On MONDAY, Den. 2*, ibe :.; At K -rtl'UE. TUESDAY EVPNINO, Dee H, BCHIB.M ER HORN's BOT. WJ DMKBUAl ? v KNiftO. De.- it, the ARTFUL Doli« 1 ER. THURSDAI.ER I»aV and lATU&OAT f.VCNINO^ fol- owing, the highly aiutaing Comedy, wruteu ripreatle for (> r 11 t H HIST ) . ailed MRS dai's NEU-VEaH t alls FOR rv iMio.^Rj t lattctert by the Company. Pot partleulart, tea Pro- «tan r e Doort open at B] to aemmeuoa at '. J u'Ooek. 1 ieketa, eenta. On MONDAY. Dec *.:, aud ou SATURDAY, Dec. 81 ORaND AEi r I NU. N I'Ell FORMA MEN. D.»ort open at 1 loron.inetreat / j o'rlvik. e01 lull panic ultra aee tiUlaofiheday H~~iuTjimy moim >. WACO't'S ITALIA. THIS Oh AND MOV I SO i'ANORAMAj, D w at Hope t h«j» !, No. IM Broadway, will p,titireiy rlote SATURDAY, Jta. 7. ORaND t II R IST M Ao SHOW OP DKAUTTKI'l Si r NEB I - ITALY. NOW OR Mil ER Opea ¦ Ter« Truing at 7J, and erery afternoon tili* week at 3 a'caock. Ticket« 7J crut ; Children lOoentt. D~ U CUAILLI """AFRICAN COLLECTION, No. bitt Broadway. Th« mott remark able eibihuton ,.| African Aniioalt, Birda, and mber Bathe Cat tax Riet erat artttnjjkt to Brtt nataltj. au>o rbirh ia tbe gigantic OoRI LLA uuiaturing U leet t luonea, with arn.» mended and M lochet around the cliett. Open day and erei log. Adml>uon 20 ceula. M lj>AIilSINA7'~ J ll.ti uoguih, ent paiotlng, bt ANOHEA OAST ALDI, with B. PAUL AK EUS' (the einlneut Auienraa taulptori atetae af the "DEAD PEAKL DIVER," But added lo the collection of above LM krtt-elaea Worka af Art aa eiklhitioa at tbe DlbbELDOKF QAl.LEAYt No. t<4K bboadivay. Me. Ope*, day and arming. OPRITEK A MK.NOT« PAINTINO, TIlEi HOME OF WASHINGTON A I T 1 H THE W Alt,'' On eikfhttoa at the ACADEMY of DKSION, ltXh eL, ne*i fireaifwat. fiom 9 a. m. to » p. in , and tea 7 to V even aye Adu.i.tui, »centa J. McCL'.'R HITLOCK* KRBB PICTURE OALLERY t»+ OIL I'AINTINOO, No aw 1 :anaivst. At Rl .et. for the XMuter SVaton Ba'orday, Dec kl HAKl'IM.I AIM sil i>lo. -<»t". YiRWSBal tar SALI OAlN'BOROUOU'B r>lebrated piofwe, .TUP \A OODCITTER'S DtlOHTERi" TV* Bai'tt work of Ibt* aiattei la the Called Statet THE WAOES OF SIN tS DtAl'U," HAY '8 ebef d'ttaere. Alto, workt by ether klgh-nl Adtiittaace on avoilcatl.>n. from 9 a m. to t) p m., at ak* Btwdto. Uaireteity. Wathtartoo-tguare, Room No. II 1">ree exhibition HOLIDAY PRESENTS. FINE PAINTiNOB. If yen want feae PAINTINOB, .>!.< o modern, ge to the New- Beany tiallny vl Aita. where a collection o( o?er »« ana t'lc- tuira may be teen at l.-ta ttieu one-naif the Broadway price for the tanie clatt aud iiiielily In thia oolleetiua may be found bud? go.-d rten f ie* of tbe beat u.aetrra Call and n«mi..«. 0|et. oali. J*'c*t«ik p. id. erery *ay .Now Bowery Oallary of Aid N" tJ Nr" B. vi eiy, urai Jan.. t at- fisilbini fUotrrialB. CHIMNEY TOES.Ellin »nd On»»iiM>nt»J.Al ttyle* andpelieriiB. Aleo beat Aminen VBrttWd Drat* Pi-e*. Long la£n* PotUey P*f*A ^^gtj^rr^B JERSEi ( i i t MOLDINO AND PLAN1N0 MILL, Coiner of (Ireen and Alorgao tta.. WOOD M01DIM.S. Li.ADS. ARtllliUOEs, PEW- CAPS HAIL> AND HAND-RaILS. NEWELS, BALL*.* RS. BRAIKETS. 1 KUSSES, Ac s -. 1 aa mam>. in atoa to oaoaa. All kinda of Scroll and Strain!.! Sawing Tmuiag Ao done with neainee« and di«p*/rh, Abo I l.r.lot with the et rateJ Wmniwortb Planera ' J. B. PCLLr.K. Proprietor. Hoofing. IJA1ENT MK A .ntl FIUKOrs^^ Adapted to ererr eariely of Roof new or old end it iiataaaadatl f..r duiabtlUT t>e*aty and cli*apne«e by any coauno.i.ioa la aee, I t MINT Ft >R BALI by the barrel with priuted lueiruefinne for u.e.' JOt-tlki DlllO A l No. »T« Bread arty. 1. Y. iiliidio <tabk«. r"HElTN " IMPROVEn RH LI\R1> TABLE« AND I OMBINATION CUSHIONS. ' N»a. ft. 6», C, tad «V croeby at, New leiE _Tbtiiiii P«*a KikS I flora.or* < . He. «7 B*. I > Ds-erv...'.»"',''*" "ii* >»**. Deo »4, l^r mi)Khr> -TH!:h(».\Ki'(»F [JiRrxrroRa i Ü*..'-¦.'* Janata a»«***»! v mi ,o « 1 /" (10) I*. m,i ut.ar.fc. oll aad aflat the id Janiarr twit The trrueef.r t.*.,», ._) k, frntu a.k ,0 .Q. y >*-0 vvfct J AS KRAY. w,-.,T ENT1 E^H **D1 V! 1 »K JD. LT ^VS. A htAL DIVIDEND af KIVK (J, PfcR f ..o .h» ant,.*.. steel at i ... Baaal fraaa tha pr- at« v the eon-ni «w. a-.uta.. a ill ha paid aa .n.t e/ler Uie *d «f t...uar» ...um* The 1 renaler b.»... wul be clawed from Uw A»h i...' a.. . o7v *f pej.uent. By ,roer. _J. L. KVp.MITf, Ca-iift Orntt or th t Pia tat R tit uo»n C*~ Tentme *.mH>nts 1 D1.,1.ir,..> * Wall-t. New loth, Dec i*» } IJ IDIND M'TICE.-Th.. BoardUir^t-.n ... ir "'.!' V* OD,Pun? base hi. Jar declared a dividend of SIX rPKi » NT e* the capital ntu.* .f ,a_ C-.tupany, ort of tha eetmt.r. ofthe Rn*d |..r aha ata mn.ith. endit.r Deo Si p-.yv.it aa and alter tha Jd da. of January wit to aU~ abolaW. or la-ir »ial representatives, who *r* .urh at too aloa'ar of Use rloota aa the M - "ho 7la...ler Rook, will be closed fr,.ro the Vkb ort to tha aaarnin, bJ January t AbuL.n L - norKMAN, lre«.urer. Thaaa or tmb <>aa,,*e sslth. Nxw-Voaa, Dae- »i lasaT UK board o1 Dio-rin't ..! t|.. Udnk hav.- d.- tiered a Uiridead of f HKEB AND a »1 ALK PKK CK. »T ant of ibe probt af the past aii monins, payable U taa stock- haW.r. aa the Sd da; of January neat __OhuBOt, BLUE, cashier. Omca CLeyaLtan, CoLCBBts», abb Ci.viibbati Ran -< IKoao Co., t leveland, Ohio, Daw. I", laUB J ^HK annual >i..ftiiia; «.( tiif -!..«-kli.>lde>ra t.t thta Aoiapau, for thet...h of Dir-ctors, »1.1 us aeklatth* tTBiee of the I oiupauj iu l 1> »elatid, Ohio, ou WKD.HEa'I)*!'. Jei.aaia ii. lwo Tb* traeMSBT haahs far the titie. of New Y ork and t ie*eland rha Be Moaed train Janneiy i to Jau.tart ii BBBtsswaa _____________ oLuKoK U. UUsV*h.LL( l*o,r«t_r,. OarieaarrHaCoaHoBWBaLTH Piaa Issrataca (io. ( Tut. r j*."walVate WkTw^Vaakwa ttaa,ajR/iiam J HJS Htiard nl iJirt-tMiiri lütt» inm d iy dfclnn-d aaeiui-ai.Boal ili.idnid of KIV r. (S) PER CENT, uajaoks aaear au.r ibe br.i urosituo. Tbe ireoafer Keeks will ue sh>e»d tYoui tie 2uh to nl.t iu.t. Bari sat rs _0»A» T. RAWS, g.awlara. C^(»irpoisa ...uifMiNNKsoTA btTtbTpbh / CrNT UONfiS, due ou let Jaaaar, beat, will be paid at Baal ST th* Rrpablte, in New York, upou piewutati^u of ah* sau,e ea and alt^i the* dale __e_ W. ARMBTRONO, State Treasaee. IMIEBKBT KOIlCi;.. Tb« rSeuj .Auuual IN- TRREM ontbe BtiSltr, ol tbe JOEl K. 1 A.> iM ilIt A...> hAlt,RfAl> LUMPAhY. due .lau J, |i»jO, wiU be paii on prs- aaaaaalaa oi the prop, oupou. at ihe aaat e of aL r j esuE * t*., baiikeri. No. 44 Eicbanae-plare, ou and af.er Jan. a. r r r.AJt.MAl', Praatuent. .METROPOLITAN HANK, No. 108 I <n ad war . T Kaa-Y.-HB llecelober KL 15...-DIVIUKNO..lie I'brstora of tl.e Metropolitan Hank bare this da» J.vJared a Br Ml-ANMAL IOV ili(...»ii ol rut KPEilCt.Nl', payaule aAtri the br»i Monday of January neit. 'Ike I rauiier Looks air caoaed. iuey will be reopened Jan» arya,law _ OEO. I. BK.tlCk,tiaaUaK MÄRINERS' 8AYIN08 HANK, Nu. I :W-av., cornel of 7th-*v, OPEN OAll.V rrom 1 a m to 2 p m and .... »\ Elr.SESÜAk and aAl L KUA Y EYE.M.SuS from i to I i. > y d. po.it~d en ei before Jaeuary 1st. will sot bear.i,« tntrien Iron, that date at tLe rale of ti per cent >.n aim s> *>K slid under, and at per e». <>u l»r.er a n ,uu>«. THOMAS B. SriLEMAN, Preeideat. Cast, kodtp,) Tas»r»aa._ , T 8_1T1 ^ CHICAGO C II y BO N S. SEWEKAOE LOANS..1 he Bonds bear 7 |ier reut interest. Aoupous paysb'e Jsnnsry I, and July I. in New-York and mature in mIkS. i he payment of iuleie.. and .lnkiii| fund la prutided tor by sb siiiioai lax. The entire riebt of in- t tty of bicaso i. 02.td'l.Ha all of which Las been contracted fur eliictly munici¬ pal paipote.. Kor aale by AallLEY k .ViKKlS, _N*>> IB ff trtiaaea plaoa Orr es or Taa hit 1 uhb iii.-i.ii.nt Cafam, i Drremr.er Mn, IrtaR J THE ANNEAL ELECTION tor Thirtac, Ui- net'.i> ol tl.it compauy will be beld ou MONHAY, the Mb day of Jai.uaiy next, (torn li to 17 o'clock, a ni.,at theorlice, No. lit Centie-at. 'I be Tiarisler boot will Be closed from tbe 22nd But. until altar the election. By order _U. L. EVERITT, Secretary. Orrici op thk IttiHoit CiaraaL RtiLRnan r.iariar, i f>aw-Yohk, Dee. a, iay<. 1 AT A MEETING OF THK HOAUD (»I Dl RtCiOIiri .1.1,.- ILLINOIS CKN1KAL RAILROAD COMI ANY held tuis day, it was Atti'iird, 1 bat an aSM-aatneut upon tbe Capital Stock of tbe 1 OinpaUy of'I ru Lollar« per «bare be and tile .auie la hereby, twiled payable on the l.t day of rebruary, ldMi, and that tue same be payable uu Um Stock regiatered in the City ml New- kvit.siii.ei tt.ee of the Company in that City, and on me Sloik 1,'sttttied in London at tue oihce of Mi-««ra Robert Ben- M.U a t o. , auu l^*1 Kartie« He.imus to pay tbeir iusteluteut i* London may pay ihe «arue- « the raleof 4,1 per dollar. ikievitrd, i bat tue I t«r.«ier >o«k> be ilo«ed ou the 2tkh of isnus y uext. ard reu.ain closed until 'he lit lay of KrtrTUerj Utrlraftei, and that no transfer be permuted aller that date of .harr» api.n » hl. h «Urb »-..-«.u eut auaL 0 it h*«e Bea-u paid, that tntcrrwl st the rate of seyeu per cent per aun .in he allowed spoil all «-.> - ii er.ta paid preriou. to the 1st of Keliruvy t* that date, from the time of .urh payment. By order of tb« doa-d J r«'. t'EltKI.>S, Tr.;a,urer. »W M » . \ta HANNIBAL AND ST «, *J\J%\J\J\J JOSEPH RAILROAD COMPANY Bi'.Mo.-iiiE iia.sMLaL ANUBT7jJARPH Kaii.RoaD wC'MPANY will, until YC EllNESDAY, Dec. U, litOJ. at no..n, trttlye, at the otl.ee olth* KI seal Asuncy of tbe Company is I1..s- tea, Sealed l n.p..«*l« lor a LO A> of #!*.',"«.. or bu' Wtrt it. re,' apou the Mlowinf .ecu.-'.tiea One-third of each Dl.f oust be lor the Second Mortai-te 1 pet t eat Bonds of the I uinpany. In tutu* at a} .iaa and s>U«J each, da'.tatf Jaly I, Itoe. known aa ihe Cou- serif . Bopdaofthf i'mo.,any, payable ti years «e.m sui. ial tonpont tud prmripal payat.le inNew-iork, and i-mr «e .-ed andeta Sinkiiik ti.ud Mort(t«« to iL H. HaatWtyatLMaaaaj b.artlett, and lieniy P. Kidder. I rutiees. Tw.. tbtrd« of each bio lot'1 hi. d Mortsa<e 7 pel Caul timid, of toe Cinpanar in ruuit of 11 '." nnd e.5rf"i each, dated Nut- IV ik.--a payable Id «e year., aemi annual coupoua and piincipal payable in New- 1 erk, secured by s ii.orttste on tbe r std at C It ttunoewell, SWuej l-anla.tt.' ai.d Nalbuiiel 1 bay et, 1 ru..a, which arc ei a *or » .-i..kitia Kuud out of the earafnre of tbe r.>ad caloi eyed to eitincui.b '.lieni at maturity or soounr. Tbe aeid mort- «at> belni lor a> i..V«m«s.. per cent »I each aubscnptloB will be payahU on tbe Id of January, ihm and arDJ be retained us . :urity Uierafarr until Ute whole at tat b Mtbsasrlutii t n paid un¬ it per rent on Ibe I'-'h day of January. :t per cent on ibe IIrl- da) of Keöroary. tt per erat on the lutb day of Marrh. Ml per Beat on tbe I'Hb day ol ApiiL 10 per tent on tbe 10th day of May. lit) Per each instslln eat, except tbe lest, Bsnd. In the prepartioa abo.e oamed » ill Le i..... u, with pu.|a>r adjustment uf lutereet aocrbnd when aui ti p.) inaiiU are uaade ol peymeuU may Be aaada earlier, allow in« a diacount of 7 per rent per aiinnm upon Ibe money paid Upon the abo.e-nmed conditions tbe Loan wiU be awarded to tbe bmliaet rarapousible bidders, the Cou.pauy reaernur to tbemerlart tl.e nib' to ccuiider the rawponaubiitly of IBs bidden a< aril a. Bat rate oflrred. aeaied pn.posals .hould be addressed to the uader.i<ned. K S kVATSON. 1 reaaarar of the Kiteal Aaaary, Dee. LI, IttSA N*. 44 City EaUiauca .ton. Maas. PROPOSALS tor#416,000 "CENTRAL PARK IMPRt'Y EMENT KUND STOCK UK l»<?."-SEALED PROPOSALS a ill be received at tliv Controller's Othce. until the Ub day of January. litnO at 2 o'clock, p in., wb-n the same will be publicl) opened tor the whole or any part o( ihr amouut ef four hundred aixteen tboaaand alt h mdr-d doltart of tbe " t t-ntral Park Improvement Kand stock." autnonted by chap¬ ter 771 of tbe Lawt of l«47, and chapter o4K of the Law. of l*W, and by an or llnaure of tbe t erainoo C ouueU, spproard by the Msvor, Nov. 10, 1*S», for the kuprovrmerA of ths Central Path * The said ttoek will ronsi.l of four thousand one hundred and altt)-six ah.ies of one hundred dollars e»,.b and bear latrreat at the rate ot aix per cent per annum, payable ijjarter yearly from taJaticn the principal redeeuiable Au«. I. Ia»7. from the .'»itik Eaa loud lot ll.e Ka-drluptiou ofthe Cily Debt " 1 be proposals «aill «täte 'he amount af bsMbw Jealred. tad tbe price per »harr, and tbe peraona whose propoaa.« are accepted will be tetjuirrd to depoait with the t:han iaerlaio ,.t the i':ty wtthin tee day. after the oprniat ot the bid., tbe su n swsrssd to tbeai rswpecUyely. in.ludlnt toe premiums en the same. On preset.tint the receipts of Ue I bamberiain to the t t»tr*l lei biddeis will be *ntuled to receive cerurtc»;*s for eo,uai amounts of the par value of the Mock, besrinc interest from the date, of ptjnxuts. , , , ....«_ lach propo.ilion .hould be aeaied and indorsed. Proposals for Cktainl I .rk In proveioent Eaod M.-ck." and the propoajaJ, thu. sealed ai.d indoised, put In a saoood eovBlupe, adJreeBBd t* the Controller Thrriiht i. reaerved on the part of the Controller to reject any or all af the bnls if roiiaidhred oaaewsaary to preteot or pre- mul* ihr uitert^u of the ally. .. . ' ROBT. T It A ii I CentmlleT City of New-York, Derjajrjnarot of r"la*ne*, C^nlroiiar's Ottoa, Deeesnber 7, laftit_ Opticb ot tbb Baaaaaa Fiaa Itr t aast a Coaptitr, 1 Ne I W»ll at Naw-Yoaa. Dec It, l<«M. I AN ANNUAL ELtcriON Icr DIRECTORS of this C ompaay w'il be held at the OAr* of tbe Cosspaoy, u.. l ES DA Y the loth of J .uuarr t .-tt. rwtweeo tbe haturt uf 12 ui. and 1 p in S. li. a_OSUEK. aareretary. faaa'l asa - u'Mt 0# IU BaTatatM LtatdaWsTsj I November IK las« Public notice » Rvrtby pre* tkui tt* Treasure of the State af llhtattt -Ul ¦ the If J-j M JANt'ARY, lata and h-eat dot te 4*) tawr.a'Ver for thirty lav. at the Ameneex Eaciiansw Baak, in toe City ef Ne»_rarR, ¦aar« taa INTEREST an the PubUc Debt of the '»Ute of I maata " su«w-» W1LUAM BCTLKK Trawaarer. STCRAMENTO VALLEY RAILROAD COM- PANY -Tie Ca.upen« doe 1st of January. laYai. on ?4taXP»J kli.t Mortrage boad. of that t ompaay. will he paid ou and ^tvt.'ikT^^Wi BARDT_A O_«HAR_ KOTICE . Tht* aftni-annual intt-ryst accmiORon Mit ltlOVN ."«lAl t UliNDa and fal.inj due ou the arst a., af January Beat (1«*») w!B be f-tid at tbe «knie*«' Baak. H li'Me.;^;^«; Tressurer State of Mich. Ksw York. Dec 2a. M_R_ Rasa r >a BATiaoa, No. f: Bleccker »t.. Uet ». US* iVOTlCE tt" DEPOsI rOBa -I ordrr t<> iToM ila. JrM.r.e. in. idenul errors and to farnisli Ir.f .tmatiua that ^ a anted the 1 rti.t. e. r. j. -i tt. Dep....t .... r . -ti: .uou bsttBi srooo.dl aet artad oa far snore tb*a eevea years, to sead he i pee. book, to tU Hut. to 0* wnitrn u^ _y oue i»n of iheT^celr JAMES DK PEYsTKR Uilt» N. ^eeretsr.y 11 >\V A INI EREST..1 hf InterctN dtv Ut prox- 1 en Ue BOM Ml OK TUR STkTK OB IO V^'.^la last xsraeentation el the pt°P*r I oapoc. o-, acd after that das* (IM Jau«77 latA). at OM tvtrtoa. No. BM *^_t-_ ^ New Yoia. Dec. U. I»9 _AI U MB h Cat. OrtHB o* tea t'titiua. .'p '""jil?'?,tm\>l \ aoao Coaraav t Lsnuau. Dec I lr~ THE Anuuni Mtt'Uiit: ol Ltt- Mtn-a.li. lUnra 01 taw ClKYFIAND AM< PlTTMtCRt.H E aI ^ROAD COM eANV for the ELECTUfN of TWELVE D'EEip»*^^ ra~It.?loi*t'e,t.u,me^.,. ba bald at the _/ r«^r««y in ClevelaBd. aa "VKHNESPaT. tbe «tb day af Jsa .^?t: at U.'akVü a! m. The trsaw*. baoh. wiU b. *h>aw4 aaUelHhiast-.a^ tatvaU. ^^^g^^. NFW-YORK AND ERiE RAn-ROAD COlf« T**y-lk.kmk4-,,*ik.n~4, e»d -Hoot s'lB.aiW fany ber-bj eelitted that the tut» im tin Ute .¦Hurt ft* Ehe reorrtii.aue,. .f Cen.pe-.y .ijorea tk, let ef Jta^trt Bett. Ikt» trtttVnf Beajoete pert.-, to k ere retpeeafkut Brand to ~nd Ut.u weeet* without delat le HnjuriOJt OTTS, ? . Wallt., s,w >ee-.erkotBo sjBsanaatB. Fera.t for tiw atttut, at an) at blank ettaUataa Beet ha bad at TkJaiaJ< *.".*»». . .»« .»> taat reih- tatta. N««r 'TtlBk li.e prepared, aa aad aft- r the lath taat. erin.ai-e that art ta ha aaahaMaa m viry a. ubf.umay 1 C HA Sit a.in DAVIS. a MEETING <>i fhf Moidi-ra of ttv Eirtt llort tin t?Vi_VV^l'VNrit',>IJ'4 .! ihn LA CROSSE AND Mil 11 M V K UI BflAlK oMP.VIY, wiU W wM a Ikt ^Tr' SmM?Sr.N V1'BT VVaDVat., New- I ark, on Tbl R.-D.v t Lac Jt, at 12 m. t [CFPT IU I MONI C~HANKERS, I N.v w.|i.. t^rt, i.ETTFK-' afCftEDir for trerelere. aaaiUble id ajl awtt af the world, inroueh IS- afreeve. Rothe BM jat af Parkt. Load* a. Fienh'jrt, .S ..- . end Vk li rtraa-retaoaiirati. t>out o/j 2antnon A... . Taaatt J. v .«. Amlaarer. sM(;NFl* SALE -i to EN 1 LUE stock of I llJJffLEalAMd fttrnisuinu stork i ,! »M \1 ? Ll fe*w'i« trU at Auctleaj oi, TilURSI)At, Dee. ttt. ItMt at l«tj o ecek. at No. 2t Hirciev t rjr. than h. la. euiire etoe* o-I.. ulk n.aa:t Fainiehra« t ...oda roota_aeal ia and rl >ro. aoa . i.iia, «I rtrit trtirir ataWr.J to remka-ea'i «aar of tue ttteet afywt, a.e»t tw.g«nt deeeription tn.i very Brtt qwehty Lanb I At sol, (1 att.ri.-r.-. M-i.ie a_d >ila Uutterojiru, ¦ riwert tad hot- Bid l.Urrrt Oanarkrt., t*i i.u-at and) Craenta! TV-e Searfa, . " ' V~^*r',toJ*i Lu»"» k'tataria Ueadtarcaeda, fancy, 4«., I ii hri 1> r-d .i "ik'r< -i.utt Iltrt, ttusoa.a B.c.. ."utprej- 'arte_le* Satin an I silk VeaBtaga, Coxufortert, Be all la)| nTF.Ptir.N c. babcoce A CTiO* NOTICE "¦ALT. OF FIVE Ff'RS, t\ ULI » M ToPI istt, A « o., A .. tii'neert. kin. Hi I.roadway, WuMeelflc'. i.i heir tele nf TL't..-1'A» NEXT, nee 27, A V FRY VALUABLE AoSi iB I MUST », FINTE MANC- FAIT I BEI) Fl R.~, iatdudiae MINK ca*^. V ICI'ORINES, Ml'} f - aud ( FES. an-l muer detirable rtt oa nf rholea aoaakj ia lott adapted to the waait of the trade tad prira'e buyera. Ai ciTfJIN n i:.-Aicr>i rs s. if- NAB l) A fo Ai.»:i.oeeia Ma, moment r-aie of Krui.t IOl>EIIULI> kURNIlUKE. at the prira'e retidea-e No TO tV rtt .'<>h at c intittinc of Roerwood. Mauuajany, > i. ante led. end I i". k Vtalni.t Farultore. efetBry de-.-iip lea. eor..Uilng uf In .i ..... ii. Millet, 141 Fault aft by eauuent arttat-, Center T a'»t..t ,hry V a>e.. 4c. 11.IB L»A Y 11 ee-Jay). For par tnuiai., >ee lieiald of iLia day. A. M Waa« i>. A ic;niieer. |>y BANG8, MERVV'IN a Co., Tra4e 8o>- A\3 raon.t. No 1J Park row. II EMja. k.v kmNO. Hee. r. at&t o'eaaaa, BOflR-r li l> r1ork-l...pr..l.l| rUr^-Tlleet^-_ raluti-le werkt ia IILtorj bi-naplir, the liraine ae Alto an tteerta . ut of ttatawltae, I iaaai.-al, and >ch-<-l ilookt, at. ( a:t« t <. art uow ready. rvEU.sEo IAN tad THURSDAY EVEN IN .S, Dec TDtiid Jj at ; .'tl -ek. ILLI S1RATH) BUORA. r.NOi.lstl a id AM CRM AN. rmhrtdiit t rhoice taiiett nf Eng-im Bn.>kt. jutt raceirad ftwoa L.nrtoii, brtutifaiii euiheil .litil an I e!,--ju.iy b».n..-l aad In tli.n-i.t ihn. i..n, wirk, ol .ii etpanait . atiararier.. aa the VVaterley Noi.lt Fdlnhirth r n.i. n .< t I.. I.or.l Kine.be raeah'tAtlat nie. .,f Bietieu. » tola folio ; Irring'. W ortt. 16 role ; Karen.; IHatery of New York. rolt, Be. Aleo an aa aoriuictl of Jureiuiea, rrreentai.oi. oooka, B. t'ao. A. Laatirr, Aucti'Deer. Y C V. O . A . LE A \ I I T A C TRADE SAI E RtlDMS Not. ITJ and 179 BROADWAY, p<>a TM a at. a or BOOKS, BTATIOB I Iii. kVuKKJ OE A IIP, Ac. rte" Conalgnnienti toli. '.-d Ti'\ -HAY MIMMI, li-.- r. .( oii.ineneing at 6a e" clock. (.REM SAH. Ill EINE BOOCR ou Lu Juve.'le ho..»t ei| eeairrlr illoalrtled alae a aertra of'he in.Mt a^l-ndid Pre aentt'l. n hooka et-r it.ued coanpri.ing: Repul lnen t»urt. Stiatlo>df.tli.ry VV or Id Nb ted Women OauVry of Kemoua Po ett. l.al ery ol ternale Porta W one-u of Beauty, Butler'a Edi float of the I'oeft etc.. -tr. beuiio in a rariety «f the Diott ele rantttyi. .and pNtwatay ill ittraied with One ttre-l E'i,rttiuts. tofeih.r with a «re»t variety of Aniuialt. and an onnnirul «I Ttluable w oik. lu reMrtl literal ore. iuoaewi tint I pa.. i.aa a rirb tv.ok for pr. aematiou will hud h i an uu itualop^ort iuity. JOI ICE it he-rrli) uivfn, tfmt in pursuance ol ¦ the deed ef trutt eieeute.l on the ITtb day of Atpa, D., tatl, the ettderttaned liatteee "ill SELL at pobke auetion on 1 EMDAl IBa Unh of January Belt at I oTdoek |. m., In the Rotunda of the M-rcheata' Ei. bangs New-York .By, Ike loll, wing uau.td iteamthipt, locetber with the Tackle, Apparel Furniture, and all ether tppai'eBtnoet IberaOBte ka> batoiagllg to wit. fLLIM'ls EMPIRE CITY, «TAH OK THE WEST Mo^ES TAYLOI, PHILADELPHIA. Term of tale- rath. "ated In the City of NewYort, ihlt ktk day af Nor, A. O. (*& MARSHALL 1 HOMERTS 1 IDiRA. t V CLARE, S Trutteaa. EDWARD N. DICE ERSON. > B PioteesLonal iVotute. <Hhce fsi rrucnan ^MERICAN raid TOKEIGN PATENTS. J. P. PIRHSON, No O wall ST^ N. y. a pamphlet of Information teal free by aialL DTiSEX1E1) EVES oured b; MEDICATED M M>>and VAPORS atuldiag all pat a and IrrlladoB af trudt draga. and -ecuring the fall benrtt of utedt.-lnee. ^uigkaaJ eperatioct perferniiid. T. K. KktANR. hl. D., Ocailet, _No Utj Eaet Ittk-tt. I \K. (TIaKEE.s 13WEE J mt.ua« u> id Nr>w- 1 * lark, af the National Hole.. No 0t'ourtlandt tt (entrtnee, so 17 Llberty-et.), oo Tueedayt and W'aoaeadaya, the fourth ¦reek in each ntoatt comm. i,. iog ueeruitei. liSm. to etleod la Boue-eetting Hip and Spiual Dieeaaee, Feter Boret Mi rornle tnd hbcuuialit dlthcultiea, Ceuuacted Cerdt, tad ^f^oukt Diteaeet. EIiWARI) B D1X0H, M. I)., tiurievu, Ertitur of THI St ALP EL ati.-i.di to the tnere ehecere dtaeaaee af ne Pai>tc V attar* and Deforuitlst of the Eye and Fact. Ot wart from I to it, | to 3, and lit' ereatnae. at No O But aa. ie PjLATT a uTORNEY AT law, n... 47 M I.it Mo .f OMMIsSIONF.R for NEW- YOhK Ohio IO\t A. t ONNEi 1 It I P, tnd the other "tatea At a Mereantil- Agency for the Eaafera BM Southern Statee particular attention e ... r e rttrn to the proarpt tolVctioa of ail elalaii intratted to hit rarr ia thlt Male and Southern III no It, and by rr.p. Baikal ' rre«pooOentt at all potatt along the Mlaatt- tippi and k.itanur. lirert, there CiaclanatL ntrtkitni, lion, raatut Corning Albany ; Jamea Homer, eierrhant, VD.ari Martin B Soiithe, V\ m. Real, E. H. Kimbail. W ktlBal A I lark. VV K taeyee. Wrn. M. F-art«. Altorneya and Caaaaatatl Baw-Ttafc| Ju llorn-r and llaniel M. VVUeun, «..j u..retinal.; and Horace Oreeley. eeq.. New V ork City r|H) eiiysicians a^lTÄFlEN.-fl^arr) ol R Pruld/.rae-1 tart and kindred dilates oy Mouaraathk ut kt. low bei Bat t well 11,0*0 fact, aliened by arreral tbouaaiid caaea treated In ho> pilalt and ridiug practice. Oa pit/ en.. Hi b) > I Uta ttaaa lig^meutt. tud a:.d»uninal Brat e. ai- Halir^u and in.mrdiat-ly eon tract to that no er dt- uary . tloi t at juu ping, tr running up and town etairt, eaa eewla eceatlnti diapla. eu.ei.i. Id fa.t it bet ean 'et a Irmer ou'Anae- liou. 1 bia .how. thi treatment to be in barniuey wan toe nat¬ ural ftJi et om It rantct no pain or laeoate len.-e trdtbecu/a kt as ri liar la at acarcaly to adu.il of the poeaitrihty of failure. > ¦'.ill.17 ;.uul. to kt HtaaUtaag eflecta aaieea coo.Weed with aou.e if i raoi. aialady It would be bet reeeecanle to tuppoer that Usatuieot founded ea prtuciplet n bioh prute to bte giting U) one 1-1 of ergtnt. If judicioualy uodiBed to IBs aeeoa ef other chronic di-ewet. coald But be powerfully efRca- aioot Baak the treatment &l Round IfUi haa p'oted Bawaf Nu u.. r. ut earea bare l-eeu made ef tlebbora CJiupaainla wbich had hi.g-r-d w th. ui help for yeara. Its ..iittn in lOe Cure of pre- ry roaaelupUoB, .ptnU cotnatt'utt. paralttia, and loot at the ate of liu.be, it ti.j ir. -urnted. Mtrted tucceat Baa aita heeB had In br,*ehitlt. in re.torii f beoken-'»wn enuttita'ioat, and 1l tiouatag torpid, aertout, aud dehilitalrd tytteat to ttreagtb ard ectitltt Dr HaLhTKD. tbt wn!l ka-.wn .rigIn atoi ..f 1l1. t)iirnjtff treatment, of Ronad Hill Waterlu. e, B. itlianiptea. Mtaa. will be In New Ysrk et th. St V Hotel on ll 1 Sil A V and WEDN KSDA V the JTtk aad 21th ef Dr.tmbrt. aad reecire calit frem I It 1 p it He will be happy to tat»er kntiuiriea aa well at ta tee the tick. Pbrtiriant aie.onlialy intu.dlecalL 1 borough inreetutaiioa ia tearted. Ite.rr'Bj »IM bear it. Circular! gratia. Treeüae aa treat- eluding bitfnry of eaeet. & eeata- 1 be W aler l ure la open Sun end tt'later. The Id aad rnonfht are the a*ot kit01 aOat ta tpeedy leeorery ta a- y caara _ 4os0<-/amiel)ing *Booöt. ACKNTJWLElHäED a* BE8T.K< .REMAN'" Arth Spring BED BOTTOMS tall for #1 Jo to AE Ma*- tisetet at «hole.ale prteee. On I me Bedetea i. Springt aad Mttlieaa tempiete, »t. fie. * l.t Jotate-et., *>*. ef Braedway. HA V E mo **n < E M M 1 N G 8 . EA I E.NT BELF-ACTINO COA^aoH SIFTER' Sil i VBOR NO D At ff Ii r ririktk sto»e Storae feaeriRp. N B.- MauLftciuiing Right r ta>. A t CMM1NO». PattWee. Not t*Var.4 tth-ee. CntliTp. CurooMire, tVTi. IM.OT COPPER, NPEETER, BANCA TIN, I ANTIMONY. LEAD. HPFLTER-SOl.DtH. PlO IRON. For tale by JOHN UI 1NCY A Ca, No .1 W Ouaai-el L. BROWNfcUatUrtl Cattk«, Haj bimJ Bcalea. Warranted la all reapectt. Call at trad for Ca» J. D BHOW trl B I a*4 A* pMll.AOKI.PHlA Cl.l BNKATES. and a roll A a>t. ::a.ett u,' fane and cotan^a Skatwe foe LetUoa aad Oetf le-BM c U: tale at brtraa) ratet, by F'lLSOM 4 STEVENi, No. 3u4 Brwadwty apetatra. Pennsylvania -hei WKON, of eiceli^nt uuaJitr, tad at low peiree for ealr by JOUN \\ ucim'y A Co Ne. M W'iainovet. /arminrc. BEST EXIENSION TABLES. NEW IMPROYl^faUIB. WM HFERDT. Mtnuitoturer, Kc. Ikt Weeater at., between Peine» and Houston tta., New York. A lerpe ateertataat of eaa. wainut, uaAi ^any, and HkerTaBiaf alwayt oa haaA I?NAMEl.EI) CHAMBER ScTTEs vl PI R- j BfTOaVl tr. aJ ro ort and etylee. whtiaaale or retail, at tM mmd awwarA A.~> kt AlTk i_-.SE* and PAIlL ASSRal W AR REN WARD, Bo. 177 Canal at. F'ear dosn eatt ef Broadway Bj. T. BRADIXX-K^CerRbrtvitvlCOrGH MIXTURE is sold by A ha D SANDS. BAAMEat A PAAR, C 0. WELLS A la, City of New t ort. _-DiJtiitti Mi&lTwmimB. t>eful HOLIDAY PRjKÄK.VT. 8TODART 1MÄN O- FOBT18. fTODAIT A tfOBBTS, aasrnr-rtatas oa 61AND eu< ARK AND PICCOLO PlANOH. WABBRtsOMrJ. N. »I BKOADtVAY. K. T., One ö*m beta as as. NkMIh Bot«L Th* Ptaaoa of Uw» _m>t< BiiBBthiil n Ra.e atood Um ImI ef tun«- .I rilsnatas >a Um tiviraed wurid m Um u»tuMBtH af .vsr afteea u.a. aad fmlln area ba*a lb* u im mm tmäy prv/ve I V"»<. -EIR8T PRSMII vi" pianos B OUi% A « «r .t < to HAK jKKIE k BL< H>Mr iE t.D. by the Ameiicaa Isstiiute 'or Um BE-T PlA-SO-rORTTS. ob acreo at cf their Power im Recdatiou. aad especially for the quamv ib* iwrr't»« 'f ÜMtr tose. Our rub unseat, are v>arr>atrd U atw. entire Mti.'a ti >D ".it respect. VS ertreota easd MaaaAytoty No 172 liraad at. corner of baiter. Alak(.e m< '< K .1 BARMORE ' Premiers PIANO-l, p.-oe.Beesd eanvajed by lb* seat Jtal.il, ai-d warranted in ail pacta, at Itrtr Maa ,-artory and AAarahtaaa. Na. tu BUe,i« a. A spteadiJ Puui .r a> »> -a decit-d bairaia_ Ai»o. aa»at »M »*. * M BARMORE. AE. THÖMi'X.N. N,,. BnmtlWa^rÄlt * Iem aawortaMBt ml fuil tooed PI ANOS, very kr« far aas*. Facti I tai.o fully t lerauieod. Mill¦¦ tat aad »scaas aaaa PVaaee tkoap, Pia*** >o bat. ALBKK'l VA KB KB, Putno- Kurte M.vmtarvtww, No IVa Waat Broadaray, aaar Caaat-et. A splendid aaeoa» BMbtaf HOLlDti PI A NO'S, warranted hwthr-e rranbtTaf reepert. very loa lor sush. seaead-aaad Plaaee take* in exebanaje. P1ANÖ^)rte Uutl htM betea fEsTeD^- . Kor .»ALF uRawwweed case, T-ortaea. second nan.1 PIANO, l ike *I0U. AI tbe »AI lONLKt SlOKE. No. >i iuu.it A7i-0( TAVK. P.-itrl-Keyed, PL\NO-e<>!vle erill le SOLU esry law, aod wart anted la every respect. S. at AMrJi.i H No. »I aVaUerwt A C 1 H I C K e R I n"0 A. sons, bibi r«. tcbb*s OB AN I), SQL'AKr. A.NU I RiHUT PIANOS. vc arBraeme, rae. OB« Kroadway C k Sons bare breu aaaided Thirty-OTr Priae Modale fmt the .upetiority of their rnanufsetara for the past 3) year*. Alto.Kot BAU MASON k IiaMliN'.n -Li'ERIOR MBLODKONk1 iKMONIIMS, for Parlor., Chsrreaee, Veetrtta, and Lodges, At vv boie ,ase aad Retali. PIANOS TO RENT. tIREAT IMPKOv'EMEN TS I IM f lANtr-KiiKTRB ! HAINES BatOTUKHS' ITANOB Now aen btae all tbe MoO-.R.N «41 R,)V AME.N PB ui the Pleno. l'kuFk>Siu.NAL PlANUtiB and l'Hf£ PfJULlfl hj.- in» led to call and iry t em. Pi t.NOS to LEI', aad seid oa M, i.ta y Irutalm. ata, with renlelLxved on the pun-base. II * i Nr£s HKorilrtltS. No. CM Kr»ülwaj. near liou<tea-st. I I B. I'tthWoKI M. Mudc »ttm and Bmoi IIa' J..e Nr. I, A-;, r place, Pin.lauer so J Heajer to Music insuauiebls, aad M j.naj Meicuaudise. HAZLLE ION Biiäs.. [.uint-Furt*- M»ii«lar,tB>. -er«, bu. ÜB Piince-sL, etfer a ana assort ine at of ort liest and fuu loued PI ANt)». at tbe lowest late*. Ks. a Piano war- bj ^iti. .a.iaiaetion, aast (uarantesd three year*. IB.HIE & BRAHBl'RVS, M.n.;. ; - itl J i.rand and Sqoare II ANtr-ruR i KS, constructed with all afea lavproteaMWIe eet-dtarire te anperiorify of tun*, tone*, and d'irab'iitr, snd require* »tvle of fumitura. Aa eileoaire aaeort- nieni sleay» on sale at their Wsrereeins and OtH.Nt, No. 421 Pr^ueue-».: tlso at th. Ir Depot. No. 22 t o .r land: .t. IJIANOSand MKL0DKONS,.,ftui^niirqnai% aew aad seawud bead, fORBALK or TO RP.NT, at redeaad arteea. Real allowed If purrhaeed. Monthly paymouts reaerred -wr Plaaos aad Maioerwaa, at No AH breadway. HORACE WATERS. PIANO-l'ORTK'- A «tiporh TJ otfat*, iamkk round coraers, elaaastly rarrrd ease and lera, rouo.1, nob, and powerful ton«, fuil irou fraoe and u?erwruu| base.ONE OE A l air MADE TO ORDER; will be s*Id low for cash or sp| rived paper Also, new and tecond tiauJ i'lanoa and Melode- ..-....-t.. low. t.W. N».W»u.«.Ue J.E. WAKE a 0*., No. t4H Hrooitie-il, te | d von west of Bowery. 1>lA.\ti> AND L.ELODEONS foe HOLIDAY I RE-SEN 1 A~ Of Mfatita make at eiustmly low priee* dunce the Itelidaya New snd second band Pianos to rant, at as as taw as *J p. r niuntb. Monti..y payaueuta taweived |af pianua ai d Maatstra us. HORAt K WATERS, Arent. No. 8«3 Breadway. 1J1A.N08 lor tlio HOLIDAYS..Sui*nor ttaneti, b*a aaair, 7 ocut* PI an OS, m eiefaut rosewood esses, St . iTJ |»< *m. #t»u »27», **«' e«» a>:itn, «.17», ka er i 'Mi il\ni- Pianos, at BU, »*,, t>7S, Brtv #1»9 rosewood ~ I btekmrnr" at . 1», .'or aale by T. U. CMAMBtBat, Bible House," corner of Kb it aad 4th an. RAVElf, BACON A Co., (ft -..onto tJA< ON k RAVEN), PUno Forte Manofs" taren, W at.-rooai. No. ISfiOrand at near l.medwey, where a full aeaortui'-nt ul Inatrumenta mat ne t.iuu i. ea. iua.vely ui our oa n ii.aiinfecturc. Vv er tinted lu every respect. THE DR10(-S PATENT PIANO-PORTE, A tor, the At ,11 a Piano ) " Th* best Piano BtlMtaf.'' Irtiu 1 he Y Daily rribona. ..la cotaiuoa with ell peeeewt, wawaesg tdted the wonderful vocal power of theee uewly inveate i .that sau.pa-heiic. buu.sn duality of toue. which perotlts tui pianist le aint' on his m-iafrsl instrument, and rusts it el s. uuent and pesai uate uuder hi. touch." Manufa.ta.red and tor .ale by tue DRIOOS PIANO COM¬ PANY, at the uuatc ttoie of WM. HALL A SON, No. H3 Lrotdwiy, one block abots .he St. Nicholas. JAMES F. UALL. Secret*, y an J Oeaeral Manaeer. r\y H. CHAMBEla."», PIANO MANL'EAC- 1 t 7 I'll ER, bible House, tonier of ath at aoJ 4th-*s. Oat *f th* *l*a*4 estsblisbturutl, lud s rrliaole pU e to pur¬ chase PIANOS »nid with the eis* to please and to add t* aad n,ainttiu a bi«-b teputatiou of »aar Ü yewt stau liu|. WONDj-KEI L lMi'BOVKMLNTS in OIUND PIANOS. bTEINWAT tV »0N> in. it* artUts and the public in tcrntral to call and etamiue their uewiy iuvaiited Oa ERSTRL'NO (.BAAii PIANO, aal.k b, t«r power aad , .a.i'y of tone, it pro- not need auperiur to an) utnet I.rand Piauu by all who lure ex- atnit rd 11, auaeusj a h'.m are the best uuuai, al j.d(ut of thai coun- tiv, surU aa R. l.oldbci.k, Th. Uif'u iMtttf tt the Muaiual Levi w). V. I BÖJ, V. A. Blast. vV. Mason. H. C. lnnui. H. A kN .. i baupt. A. II. Wood, and many oiheri. HTEINWAV k SO SB. Maonuctureri, Noe. t3 and U Waiter-at.. New-Yort ©rorrrus, ^rooiBions, $ft. A WORD TO UNCLE SAM FROM DIB FRIEND JOHN BULL. Flould tl* weither he cold and the jacket be Uiiu, Jnst take a wee taotl.ful of Morria's Ola; KnoaJd joe feel at a loss what te take at an iaa, Jost tall f r * alasafui o' Morris's Ois; Eho*ld you e er be perplexed how to take np the lia, Jaet .11 duw* la a boitle of Morris'I on, Bhoi.ld t party of frwoJi for an < . cuing drop la, J eat tend ler . dose* ol Morris's Oia kkoald )o* wish the sousrut of Neb's daddy to win. Jest tend Mm s pjnebeou of Maaiat't üui. hhoula ever tbe serin be Boodml sdaia, Let us hope all the rain will Be Mums't Oia. Th*'ashirnti le I'svetase on New Tsar's *VaT will be Mor- r. OLD lO.M bettet kaiaa ay tit* htiiaa as VVUITE BATIB from its drUeat* havar. VV Uulessie of J. B. C MOBBiS, No 41 BROATiWAY RETAIL EVERYWHERB. ATRITH. It w aartdtitsj te tala pepabarkty, bat K W tiB*ajy sAast ease rataia it. '.Ik* meaiey, 'eoaue easy, (a sasjr K"r "*">J >s * leader atfaw, aad reejuire* oarefsl aursinr to keep It ehre. Ee- ssstsi'y is this observeDie kt saatasatil* sataua. If the repute- IsL a ki k la bst aaaoihrr naaae for popularity, be woa by aetaai saerft. it M iaeiina Mr. THOMAS R. aONEvV, tbe waU- hsarwa ins pawl es. fro***. Dear and la* daaiar. So Mr Orsaasrlah aad at Murret-st*. h*s »y bis Mrautlf rward toa-ve, the fairness sf has prices, aad ta* aaaelieaae ef aas stock, seeureds roputatiaa whtch will ht i*stiu(. ".ii* a *sptt*l sf wW,*asj, Be eaa dasp ssaBpetitieti sad at' rd t* »eil, et either wbolseals or retail, at prlaea lo a«.it everybody. Calve brm s sail aad be sbbVxBb4 af that ota afaw uasnwur'- |N*w-York Atkat. LORD WARD* WORCESTERSHIRE lAUCB. THE ORIOINAL WORCEBTEUNHIRE 8AUCE. tVOUl AVkJiY WMEBJC. Whnhmla aad 'or eaporration by JONATHAN JONES A Co.. Impartaes, _Na.4B Breaaiwt New Yerh. \V E LLI NO TON A ABBOTT ' ' taserawn s to A. .-' . I tv No. «7 WATE ti-9 P., Bale Ateate or JULES BcBlN k Ca DONAC. ALEX. SEIONi.Tr*E BBANDY ORAPEUCaF OlN. DEWDROP OlN Jnenrantf Cotnpanie.. NEW -ENGLAND MLTL'AL LIFE I\s. CO.. Boston .Capitaland act'iaielatad Premiums, $IJba.sM 21. 1 «} Int cash dtvidend i < M per rent to all the tasered. Paev piiats Reaaarta, » r.. inr ej aratis. JOHN HO .'PER, A rent and Attorney er the Co-, No. II« Bioadwty, N. T. SiiumöoaLB ani fiaiiroaös. CP Nr kal HAILROAD OF NEW-JF.R.SEY. i i1 i e V.«-WllrTaf.-^l,i|^ Delaware Laekawana* aad V\ eetera Baairasd, an* at Ktaten with th* nswueh «att*y k> at VS INTER ARRANOKMENT.Cum lllh t Pea. hR, im- 1 .air New \ ort for EaeWL aad adeemed elu piaaos, A sea feat ofCanrtlaadt-st., at It b II as aad t It p. us- Tm 1 sj|* ral* by th* above trains, and at i.tU p. aa. From Pier No. f North River. *t Tttw aad '1 M a aa and I N f m for Etwtorj and is'ersaediat* stat.us. far I1 sawmill by the ahovr train, and at 4 2s) p. m. 7 be l! m. train from feetef t iBtlliaA-ss,. aad the 11 Bt a m. tros I irr 1 N R. wake a close eoraa irtiea at f irt n w.lA Um Uht<h Valey Railr-aaJ. sard theaee via Fast Paansy! «*ate Rail¬ road to RsratMra*. with stA ebasas af cars, and issssrtast lead trat direct tar Pottav-J> aad Haniabnra, PasMri .era for the Delaware. Lwavaannasrad Western Kali road will leers New Tar* at 1 a. at. frees, foot > eertlaadt-st., at 7: j* froaa llrr 2 N B otjy , for Lefcutk v a.iey Hakread at I and Ham. from foot ol rCurtleadl-at., and at .20 and 11 Ma at fraaa Pier I H. K. saiy JOHN 0. STERNS, SaprriavaadaaA. FiR BOhTONtuk» PROVIDENCE, »* NEW¬ PORT «4 FALL R'VKK-Tk- «r4**>>id aal utatr-w «t«eni«-rarETROPOLIS. ( apt Prewo U«t_» New-York «*rry> TUr_¥DAY. THTRüDAT. tad s ATCRDAf, at 4 e<et*e«, p. at, tod the EMPIRE STA TL, > apt. arartoa. aa MONDAY. WEDNESDAY, ud FRIDAY, uTo'clock, p av, beat Pier No. I, N. I HfT»a"« aa raoaia erU aa retarded at «**ar-d ie tuy ap. - (tat until the lame «Seil hate keen put! for Freight :o ßoetea u forwaraat) ¦ kmuaa aritk greet 4a>p «. ->/ aaEtprett Ftrukl irt.e WM. BORDEN, Agent, Not, 70 afi Tl Waat at, HEPSON RIVEK B HEROAD..From E-w. ft, kata. Trata* will Uteee t uuttina. Matte* at tttlatrt: ripre.. 1 raiue. * aa. 11 a. at. aad t at p at.; for akaa -Bag* 3 45 and «40 a av; for Poujkteepafe. 7:4-a. aa. end IJ J*ead 3.10 a. m far Peekekilt. t:i>P a A MewtraeJ aad tiaatal* I'a.t-nt-r Tn.n twitk ak*rpir,*-car*l loaraa Jl t et. iatlp at 9:90 p tm. Tb* Poughheeptie. rVikeBJIL aed Mat freie« «t«*» at moat ai the Way etenoe_ Pa_ten.cn takati at t kaaaOara, ( aaai. Ckrietepee.-. aal Jlet-ei. Ttttua for Maw t ark leare Troy at tl It ai d 10 10 *. B> tod at t at d 9 p m aud Atoany abo-t li auautee __-»r. tu.-ni.y ai .5p .i> A r. .-Mi l tt. SutttrtalaaaWl VEW-YORK AND EKIE RAlLBOAP.-fa la and after Monday Nor. It, 1*9». Pe».enger Tr. at will leere I let f-k* of D iane- tt,, aa fulleara, rti: DCNKIRR EXfRE»atTa. at.. Tbr Dankitk B ..1-le, Oaa- txo-it-a and principal IIbib idWo State»-- W a\ I ti>SEM*ER tt* » a. aa. for Mewaaatjfc Port Jerri*, tad it !er- . di-te Matten». HU hl r XPBESS at 4 A4 p. bv, far Dwaktrk. Bk-Ma, 0>BBt da-gut, and pruv-ipal attiitat, i or I apiaat i raiue connect at Fl...tra wRk tba Ctaendetf-x> Niagara I alia RaUread; at Blaahatt tea. wkttt Caw Syraeaea Raiioed at » on in» wRk taw Bawale and New-York BtikMad, far aWbe-ter and Biufjo; et O eat head, wit Ik the Railread for Pliaaliiii tnd at Buffalo and Dunkirk, wfb Ute Lake l.aiii< ad. fur C!e\eUuad. Caaakaaakt, loledo, Detroit, Cl die and he t'aneda R ailroedt. HAl tt'L MARSH, KecelreT. OHAS. Ml NOT. Oen'L Rapt, \TI U-.11 Rfiki K WEKHAD-Eor PMLA- AI DELPHIA and tke SOI (Tl and WEST, ria Jktlt'Et** I ITY .Mad and Eapreaa linea leave BewYark a»7. a, aud II r. m , and t and Op. at fare PA Tbretrett ticket* aeld IW Cta> ii mil tod Ike Weet, and for WtakUataa, »¦^rOrteaa., aud the Soutk. Ac. ead th rater*. baajtaaecke_kew to Waaklortoa a. at. and tt u mint. J. W. W t HlURl'EF, Attiataat Beanadttiiail at. No bearjre.e arUlka areatwad for any tr iin« aoJeaa awHrerrd an4 t becked la B.tiiulee iu adtaara of tke tlBat of teat kaa. TlaTEW-YliRK NE\V-!E\VEN, HARTFORD, II «PRINt;FIFI.D BORTIt tMPTUN aiitTowoe ea tk* 1 :ne ef tVm,ent Kallroed* Fa'- to New llaren, Tk* I IM tin. t apt ewit will it Pier No t\ E R, ea TCKSDAT, Till RSDAV. and - RDAY atlpm. Taa (111 or II ARTFOBD, < apt. Simpeea, «i.l leere ee MON¬ DAY, WEDNkBDAY. tud ERIDVY. at 3 p ra " DAY, WEDNkM'At. and IRIl'VY. a 3 an tUiaraaaa. tettaMew Hit, n a alt,mat- auot- rtcepr Beadart at U p ai. Moauerir for Bertha be RAVf LXR Captl Be»ne, will Irate at 4 a. at. aa MONDAY W i D JEsDAY *_d FRI-- DA \ . Paet-uaert lor the Railroad- rau rentaia en b.aard etof aiaht witbowl char»e. Merahaadite lorwarded te Varrnotrt, Wettern Sew Han t n S -lo rn New-Yetk. ead . tnttt Apply to FRAkCIB HYDE. A«eai. Pier No. J6 k. B., New Y ork. NEW YORK and HAKEEM k-ÜJ.ROADf IV INTtR AkltANllFBENY FARF WO n<i' kRB po kLBeJtT, OaaadaAer IH' RBDAY Daa 15 I (tip, trVni will taaea ttta- tt. ttalion, New-York, at foilnwt: For Wttrla-ntbridge-1»j au« Ha (a>| I :»> tad 4 :* a. aa. Far White Plaint.U:«n aad 4 p. at. For White Platte.d:lS p m frctr aar. Watte tad rautre-eka. For Crotoe Kalla.4 p. at-, *reui Mth-ak. For MinVrtoa.fp. at fron, ».« at. Far Albane-4a ea., freo< tttb et aB-Btraka. For Albany.i:** p at-, from Mb-at, eipreet Lara. All threogh traint.-cuueet wit'i N V Central R. K. for the Waat Rete ruing, wih .eata W'tll__BMBrid_e_-e-4» and <:t" a at, I end 1:4« p at> White P tine.»aad 7:W a. at., and p. at. On too Eule--7 a. Bl. ML erton.7 a. av Abany.II a ml, nail, aad J;4S, p. nr. eipreet I VKW-YORK And NEW-HAVEN lUIUiOAD. ll la&a Wl.NTER ARR ANOEMCNT. Itm Cornrue net ug Dec la, IM&a Pttaeaier otation La New York, eorner *7tk at aad ttkvwr. Butranee on ITth-tt. TRAINS LEAVE NEW-VORK: For New Harm 7«ana.(eal; IMJ «:l»l'l.), I OB aael « *| p. us For hndaetnrt, *. H a. m. -ei il-1». filk tea. )| I JO and 4;kD p. ui. For Milfoid, Htrat'ord, I irBeld, «oelkaert, tud U attpo't. 7 a. m tt Fat A->r*a_k, 7, tan. l»:la,J:l» (ea.li !>artatt tud Oreeawicb. 7, tan.; It: 15, J 50. ttM, i.JOp ui. Fe* MtUiferd, T. H tax), »e- a.; It 15. i IB (aa. I, l:Mk .:.*, l:Rji ai. For Port l heater aud inturmed-ua Statioae, 7,ka.a». i »4.at, ! 50, t »0, ».Bi, «.ewp. iu. CONNECTINO i RAINS For Botti-a, tla Springfield. I* a n>. (am, I, t. II p. st. (ea). Fat Poeten, U li p. ox, via New London, r.toning".a, tnd Frort- deute For Hartford and *<pTiu«ftelil k a m (ea.), 11.19, I U p. m. (at.) For l onnerrifot KOer Railroad to Montreal, It a. tea.) tad S:15 r. m (ex ) to Northampton Fir Hartford, Prtrrt- denre. and Flthklll Railroad Uu lea ) Far New tleteav Baw l nndun. and Stoaintfoa Rt :.-ovl at » a. m., 13:Ik. aad tilt p in. For I anal Rai toa-to t.'oü.ntt'lte, I a at (ax ), aad rj.ltl a. ai., to Ncrthampton. For Ho.itttouit Railroad, la aa. Pat engtlerk Rallroed. itm., 1.11 p. ua. Far DaaBttry aad Naa* walk KalLoad, 7, 9 a. at.. I >p Mf .AMES H U0YT, I ^.'jg -1 RAH ROAD. Ika -apacoy of thia Road it aeat co-el te any la the coautry. TUBER THKODOH FARBE fFO R I TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AM) PUTSBLROH. eoBLCctina dttect tt Philadelphia witS tbreugii tra,ut from Bea¬ ton. New-York, tnd »II pointa eeet, tnd In tue Union Dtpetet l'lilthurah wkh thruuah liaint for Claeleaa't, St. Leeia. . let*. lend, I hi. »»0, llurl|i.fi«n St. Paal IiHtiaoapolte, Lwuttrille, Naa Orieaua. tnd all i.ilei lediete polutt lu o i«i, la iaua, I Ill- no U, K '. Itrnaata. M lueeeAa, Mletourt, Rittet, tnd juai-Bka il.ua f.irni .b iu; faciliUet fw the trane- pnrtatl. u of pa>aen|ut umurpaatcd foi tpead and teUtfort bp tnothrr toute. 1 iprettan.1 Eft I.L.ert run through to Pilttbargh witkoet rhan»e of an tt '< uJetten BMOKIM. ( Alt.-' are attached te eaeh traia, WeedroCa BL1 r INO ARs to Eipreet aad Faat 1 ralaa. THE EX- ! Kl »RUNS DA IL^ «u.i ra«t Llue, .lundayt exoepteaV Mtll Train U tret Phtladelphlt at. 7:tea at, Fail l.i learea PhiiadelpbUtt.IliSti*. aa, 1 ipr. at I rain leere* PhuadeipblBat.loi-tp. aa. Sit li.nytraint Letween Ne- ¦ ck aoc' I'huadelptalai Tm* Daily Truotbelwren Be* Ya/k and boetoa. Through lkkata (all nail) are good on either of the tbore traloa BOAT TICKEih frnm Boeton are good, v u Norwich, Fall RDer, or Stontagtop line. Pattangett fioni \V ».hington City hare two daily Irate, tnm Raltüuore, cotue« ling at lla.ii.hjig foi all poiula Weet. tea »Lag; B.Illioore at a m. tnd-p m. __._«, Pteaeagrrt for tunntny. « llliani.p>rt Elv ira. Boffato, N1- tgaiB Fallt, aad _utcruie<ilate p.dult eating rUiladelpkia at 7114 ». in. tad 11.50 a, ia.. go due, * i,ir.,uth. r^ARE^A^WA^ABlTw AS BY ANY OTHEE ROUTE. A.-K FOR Tit KEl - BY PI iTaBUROH. The coiupleiionof ihr W eetem r-naeetivae el the Penntyrea- i.ia Railroad to t liicago n.ai , tbl» the DIRECT LINE ItETW'(.EB THE PAST AND THE! OREAT NORTH-WRVr The connect jag of tracka >iy the hai read Bridg- at Pitlaburrk, BTotdhagj all drartge or f.rrkageet Er-ifbt, t>i«t-t>_)r wKh the) taring ef time, are adrtniagea leoilily apateeiated by afcippertof fii-ight tud '.Lelitv. ling pBBeta. FREIO ITS WESTWARD. Ry tl.i« route, fteithti ef all deerriptioat ewn be fbrwarde-t from PhlUutelpk-a. Acw-t ork, Koelee. or Baniinere, to any n-nat lit Of Art.l 'udiaut Hin .It, WUrotiat; Iowa, or Miaaouri. by railroad dteet. 1 be Priit.t>i«tuia Railroad eleu t taw tell at Pittebergk wtlh ttetuiert by «hieb »oo.lt .au bo forwarded to ear port on Iba Ohio. Muakiugiiin, Keutuckr. ruaetere i oiuberUutd, lIHnoie, Wltetaeia, Mleeeori, Rtnta't. Arkai.rat. and Bad Kl.ert. tnd at I leieltnd, San.l'itky, and < hi age with '.t-arneri he eil porteea the North W crtem Ltkct. Mer. htnlt tnd ^hippert Intrn.llng the traet-port~J'i.>a of their Firigkl to iLit Coti.paty. can rely with couBlence ua Be tpaatdy UtatB. THE RATP8 OF FBRIOHT t. any pnint in the Wert by the Panaiylranit Railroad are el all timoa t. faruitble aa any charged by any .> her Railioed CaatsajaW Be partn-alar to mark peekttat '* vta Feua. R. R." Men tan!» in the Wat] r lertng goo da from 'ha Eaet, will *Vk weil to direct theo tu be thtptrad oy thia onto. For treigbt t ontitrta or shipp..,* Directum«, apply to er atV drttt either of the foUewlog Agaatt.»'t rie Company D A. STEWART, Pittebarga; I'oyl. A Co.. Hieubeurilet. Chi ce A Co Zaaettllla, OLw, V J. Jehnttoa. Riphjy, Ohio; H. McNeeiy. MayteUke, Ky. Oi ibVj A ropper. Eortea»». -th. Ohio: I'addeek A Ce., J.Sert. ..le, Ind., ii W lir .eu A Co i lociunetl, <Buo| Athern Illbber», ' iaclaaatl. ohi i; R. C. Meiir lod VXJiiam Linghaiii l.o i.riil, Ky f Kj. O Kiwy a tea, 1 »tniTlHe Ind. N W OrtLau. k a Cairo. Ill R F. dear, Si. Lanka. Me. John H Huri«, NathrilU.. Tenn. t Harri* tk I'ur'. M.i .phit i-ou (lark a to., Chi ago 1R , W. H. E. Eo. nti. A ".on II! Murphy tt Walle. Dobu iaa, Iowa; ar kB Ereigbt Agent» of Rallroed» tt dr?er» n| pointt la the Weet Pi t* tlUr.Matngto tbakr tw| thi( ._e..w fr-.m the Etat wtTJ (.i d it to >.i ¦ ir latataet to ra!1 or. the Age-itt at thit inteipaay at the followiag plarr. ¦ M .¦¦ Lrrt ' '-i' .f a* either of thru, ua the tubjoct of firelfittt, will aaast wLh prompt ettentioa: E J »FFDPR, Phil**.Iphia. MAOPAW A KOO"«, Na. 40 North *t., RtltBaoT*. LEECH A ( « No 1 Attoi 1:o'iae.or >o 1 d. »v__,_ru-tt.R'.T, mmWCU k Co. No 54 KlD>y at.. Boeton, H H hoi Sit,N. t.eie*'tl Er-igbt Agent, "blltdelnbla. For through tlcketa tpt ly at tb:t eBV«, No. I Aetor-Haaatu ) L Y.' LloTT, Ai L L. HoCPT (len-rai Tlrket Age nt. Ph.laeVIphl», T. A. m o rr Oeneral naertafeadeut, Altooua, Pa UtleOuai. _._ MILUON l-4_rTTI.ES HUNT« LINIMENT Bold, tad a artek praatar tin.her at* tk* baaaaa fiaa-Ty mmf hud int.ant relief and bad de-Bauer te Rheaaiatiani and all Ik* EM. Price » and id eeat* liioxfata aatd C iBBIgJ all a,, k, UrpM Ra. m k-Mde.W ^ ^ ^ DAME* COUOn W7,KS(,V^Emi»bb**4 liyeera-enreCHRONIC CO'<»riS. COLfB». aad al kW FEtTiON.» af the THROAT net LI'S OB. li»pu« Watar-rA MOEFAT" LIKE I'fLLeS aad BrTT£BS.--lE all DeritBia Hi ef tk* DifeeUr* Ftaatiaai, aad ef kha Ltrer Bowel«, fk-awyt, Bmdoer. and pciBelanl Vajawra, -bar* ia » ri»t*ly *a*_lkaa te be ».ata wi I with theea. tWdTttai¦ h*«* QÜEBU« COD LIVER OIL JELLY, aaorated br tk* Aeadeaay ef MedA-kaa, ta ._.»-** laawaar ( ON-I MPTION ASTHMA and all kiad* «f a>UOmV. It la twice ai*r* eAV artoa* than tba B«>kd otL Cl EKB I 'S PATFRT JkTlIPIKD CAtTrTOt Ott, Pleatta<ly flat- red. ttd taken wl boat atneaa. and data aot < tot* rotte«patUrn after aaa. It U the beet mmm**** for ekdl- drrw. Tahatiad etiketnterror'a N* ttkae.. trad *M t*e rpettabi* dr-otau. ft .»FOLD PARKER* wOWEH, No. 14 Ii Teart* ptaei my), atwat rejaaae rJV» PHTffn.TANH.-A Phyti-iaa irt wurm tfwa rtiy). a fci-rabie Itrnat. Ha ire IB eae. l-aan-at Iht tk* _t*r*T Mrt tf tkat , i o a to* a dathea te dl p* a ef tke aaaa* em u heiter <r_*»ce be bad ia tba taty. Adp *_-,», Dr. KENNEDY, Na MB

New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1859-12-27 [p 3].€¦ · HOLIDAY week, aBattTTTsreduced rate nf adri.i«*ioo of l »I UJSnIbC! «5 CENTS! WCENTSI reed Beel*.5u canU. 1 7 0RIA1

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Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1859-12-27 [p 3].€¦ · HOLIDAY week, aBattTTTsreduced rate nf adri.i«*ioo of l »I UJSnIbC! «5 CENTS! WCENTSI reed Beel*.5u canU. 1 7 0RIA1

&M*rmrwtt.TriDFMY of ML'Slc.DON C.IOVANNIJ ** Tin*) iTiarad.y, evening, a 3,*0» lavt niuh hi. r two.

« fr«M la »*?. d-penure of 'he «cipeoy for Bo-tooT aDBlINA 1*111 as /.f.RLlNA.

& ,lfi!' £*f*^Iu' ***** * 1 fTl*** »ot*t (4 teata)

r'p**-': N* U Will«

Tills >.» KNItÄo, »tny nu>ht .f Moaan'tDON I'I'liANNi.

( ^iTriZJii i -ti>.»«. .7*rRnA.<HU»v>

>.>u faoraniai.Lepoiello

*»*. .aaaiaiil«.*. Zerit,,«, M'Pw AdeRna Potti;lailillf'**'M , M,«*,0,*n: <HUTio, Hir Mifejlt; Don '!,>-

THE M( li.lA.N \ ESPEilS,uym aj*nr»b>cent ia!*e ea *».-ne, ud iu orta-iu.il ranK, in-




._. Opera, aad two act* fro:n two other Opera*.I******'"^MiRS ADr.UMA fATTI

I eare ware Iii il.. Entire Opxr». ofLA SOM.N a.MIIlioAMADAME COLSON

if, for I ho fire! tiuiu Uil< sea-ou, In too Irat att ofLA 1'ltAviATA.

MADAMK i.A/./.AN 'UNAfctjs, II111 I. I foonh art «f


.jUsilaLACK'- THEA IKK.'' Door* spen *t '., to rotowaaoe at Tl»



Orreily ra*t.



tb a treat Original I baractsr.Oa'ialf. Pinie« TltaBS, n. w Sea-aery, C'o*tQina*, Ac, At,

and a *tar raatTO-MOII I .Tsciday),

EVKRYOuOY'S KKlCND.Feel berry.Mr. l,*^ WsJleeh

a>ravA. .Mr. Breear.amweliiue-taa 4« Boot*.Hr. vÄVcat

.Mr. Olirar

.Mr. Baaor.Mr. Paraiee

featarrty.Mra. Hoay.wa»*"wa.M.*e Uuj Oaunoa

.all. a r. vi

.Mm Trao.Ml** Catraasa

Orrbootr* nnder tba direction of Mr. R. Stoopedevening wMh * celebrated Fairy Fully, celledKNU« KS AND NOSES

^Battaae, New .Vnrrj, Trl.-k*. Chenrea. Costume* Aa.taMti**"rii' ^i7 p-»>««l uy ami).Mr. na*aa»A« *f Am^ou. .Mi. Floyd

a*..Mr. Yen rajI aaavaa.Jar. Par*!ee

Huntaiaen, Peasants, he. Re.ft* labrl.Mra. Waloot

ill . wl h Uau.e aV Bahoti.Ml** FloydfAjtaay Blaartw.Ml** Ktwrea

Vill^er*. EalrW fcr., *:«..INCIDENTS:

tart.The W, o.!t SriorniaArr * Hat in the Enrrat; The(aa in* Hawk and tba D«ra; '1 r»u«i.,rm*:i .» The Fairyrtawt* M»f'. *>irn>r «nd it* Power*) Blow* for Noon* Quiteearewc 1 be Mirror Sen lee a Family Quarrel j Hooee kept meAr*f reBeriiju, Arriral of the llunt-njen. The. Prinoe and]Aeavei'* Propoaal and Eafaaalj A lonfiden'iil Cvuj.ii .11.14

M. R**. K*b,i i urn. ibe lalde* as well a* tne Mirr.r, Nu .'.taw) Tte Cloud* Di*per»ed: Arrival of the Fairy Blanche,(0* wti »raryibib« tu tiaAt*, a* hai'ie* alway* bare done 1/oin*aaka*uemori*l and take* her departure by watet.Rat Raaa eaaa 0 uayt ta aoraaae.

ru >..,RltuW (Wednesday)EVERYBODY'S FRIEND,

f.aracbd* wVkKNOCKS AND NOSES.

Aawaf the Borell'e* In Batiaa pr> parallow, and aawrtty rVartk-¦aajattni* iUaaiOI, Mill be u.tro^need

A htW DRAMA,fat *f luterr.tio{ in. iJenta, *enoaa aad aamia, peeabar

t»"n* eleeta

a Nl:w r.xrRAV aoakzaOF FORCE, FCN, AND FINERY,

rtkty a lib new Boanery, Cewttuna*, Mutlt,

.i¦ . l b* perfcrmeam will termfa^to atary rr*alaf by" t'aktaa._A Ü K A KKENE'' T H E A T M U.


ruH Tnlchristmas holidatp.

no nobtu,no south,justice and fraternity.

becono week

stocxbbvul american comedy

distan f Delations i_


>% Uch wid bo repealed'Ke-MOHl



bvfbt MEMBER OF the CO'^aNTfarAwtaaaoaa will lei minute at 10 o'cloct¦kBBI I ireie iwaia ma. ea eecarad w r £WEEK In adratata.tW op. a at «t u'tioeA- parloruiar^ u aumtueuo* at 7.


IF B. L BATEM4N .... , ,.M»naearnmi*fr vi^w^'-' BOR'th'e^CH'iLDKEN!

ewi'Vw i( s Kt-R THE OLD FOüKS»good Nr.Wo K()R vt»u^o GENTLEMEN and

I . YOUNG ladie -t!^ at* of the earner* *jlicttatlon of the intimat*

Iktad mMB. SAM cowell,

HANI A clau.1,rV, H the oaW peTaea woo can equal bint la


LBEAliM. a-ELIOHl AND aml SEMENTin the heart* of

old AAD YounceMr. sam cowell

aBJ tree hie deli ihtful enteriaintnent for tbaHOLIDAY week,

a Bat reduced rate nf adri.i«*ioo oftTTTs l »I U JSnIbC! «5 CENTS ! W CENTS Ireed Beel*.5u canU. 17 0RI A1 LAM A L AN D I iiABAC TER SONG.-.,

EVERY NIGH T, tt K precieely.i u'' LAY OK the last OCTOROON.


io.-Ü u ELY ihk las! VViTAlB). tad Mr*. DRAY TON will area their unique and popular

aat*rtainu*mitfive BlotJ Pd LONGER,

kaaadfaii Satarday ultht. Dec *\ (imtead of a Matiaee), afterwhich naey proceed to V\ iili«ni»'.mr|b, Brooaiya,

.Newark, i hilwelphia, AcTUESDAY, December a;, at .| e'clocA,

the SOMNAMBI list;Or, There', a Silier Llnimt to erery flood.

'^0^000' v'r.N'|WrKE *NOTHINO HAVEBBNOE OL1VE1RA, the (real V ioliuuC

Aftar whkh,love's LAtioR LOST,

la which Mr DBA YTON »Iii »Hq"atatoN TM8 l lll.lt«*.''

TBE DBAYTONS and OLIV kl RA pe.forta at the ODBON,*V*B*B**twarth. oa

M<>aDAY EVENING, Jana,Alee, at the


Aad each *Ucc*>irdia4 nij(hc fot a abort tuna »myl%a>t, Butrnered and aaritred. may be had at ih* othoe Inart

.aaaa, *nd *i ti.e u.uai plarwe la New 1 art, Brveaiyu aad v>U

aaaaW.b a itho.it e»tr* ch*r|*. ,

taat* Busahateel aad eeeared. '.*> <*nt* ¦ "tft*t ***U' * e*"t>-


At ooldbeck S music MALINo. 7ot Bieadway,

MBo'eloek TbIS EYENIBO. _


kaa lint Operatic Recital will täte Blare at tbo^

a TH EN A.I hi,Atlantic-**-, ooraar of crtntoa, wa

FRIDAY, Jen. 6, leMi, el 8 o clock p. m.,

j ef ,be iieoal di*lii.tuUh««d Muetcel Taiewl, a Chorua af

"^.t. *aa an Ift t'*. of >u perln-eaar*.tARL A.nim HU1Z. tWrntor, J. NOLL, Leader.

.Bat trat Opera wul be Wr6.11 elrhrated

ThtYaU ta cant*; Reeerred Seat*. a> coUt tttra. May be had.«4hL PRoX S Mu.K'etore No. fit Kurte» *AB B .lb'* i* the hi*t of * tenea of fit Comwrtt


^riptii.ua 'or all tia, »1 Ml.* * d ro1 * -. »bbecTitH-ta, t* cenU eivra pat CaaYaatf.

F iriu: El .la,"Li til). INFANT ORATBB.

Aaaeaair, withLITTLE L-, .

Bad u* Poetical aad Muak al '.elebiltla* ef aRBhttatoti ERVBLT.tit*. KaRKikT S WESTEl

the dl.tiorv!.bed alto.Mite HENKifcliA NOBLE.

Mr S. B. MILLS,the eminent Flaaist

Dt CHAKi.ES a. tiUluMETTE,Ih* aauiv.led Muateel deciairuer.

Thakrree a... I. «* place at .

l.oDWtlKTH'S SALOON.Ob Tl I..-.DAY E\ EMNO, Decembarr.

****** eaea at a uarter to 1 to coiunatnce at » o clock Ticket*.aatt*. To tw ba I at th.. riiieipal mu*ie *»d boat .toree, No.*Baaaew»u........._, «...


1*th-*t. re-ar All a* Eaet eartrararw-

^Erery MoBMNAi, ak TER.noon and EV ENINO.*tta eye* a* 10 . ta . aad U and 44 t. a*.

_ _

lAk jyoT VJl NAi.ERlE IN THE WORLD.of *cr '*

<>AAND HOLIDAY JCBILEk. FOR THE CHILDREN.Kb uledfr for .»!. w r'.l Kebool f r the ::. .1

JJ-A*a>*a*. .,r, AFTERNOt» AND E a r.NINO of the»lUUli PONY Bi.Al K DIAMOND, PONY PRINUE

jMrNRFY JOCKt». that lavnfbt-r-pro.okina MALTF.E1.1 HANI HANNO.AC. and 1*10*id hi* TRAINED ANIMAL*.

."ACAV tiKEAT Wha»«» Langwok i


._ aa eab'.urtioa atBOBAt'S'fl OALLFRY No. «» BROADWAT,

Between Hootton aad Uleeoker-ete-¦*¦ I alia M »atMe. Opaa float » a. a». Vt V p





WISTERUARDF.N..,J E D \ V DEO nTi Ksi,ay Dec. rr.

__-JJif*<I>AY, DEC El.TrrrsDAV dec. TT.TOS.sday. I'r.i

'¦' r.TI EHDAV DEt; n

TKEc.DA.. .} , i7TUESDAY. DEC. 27.

TC> r- DA t. |.r< 27




|*EN,ATION 0r fuj, Hi;A&,M.




Till STEAMER o*i p IB>S tM.**&Tal 8TEAMF.R ON ' IRE



mu.TSS l.tnj ¥ ' RIAL,e-rt» ,w«.jr.i1e LKNCU TRIAL.THE LYNCH TRIAL


EOEOOEJ HOMETU,it,^V1:8ALE-r.. -.T"K «'RAVE OK PAUL.I?oort open »t C4 o'clock. Commence M 7 .'.Jock.

NlliA.O'- GAHLEN.Duort oiM>n mi

» U' »| pear

Duo» open at 7; commence -,f ,1

LABI" WEES blTP o.NK.0/ tbe renowned


AILLE. M kKlA HMtU&'Ztr"'C#*Wa. a.< TlT'SDAY EVKNIN". *>c 27. 1R50,Sc.o.dtirii. ,. the .iu.d:itiryr,..ep^to,iU>eof.. .

RAI M L,w hu b raa only be p'.yad , i>w uU/btt.l>e liei.eeT^

r.-:.«..».afiE.1be. ..od.ir tl.i. ..aaouof



MARTINE I i I KAUILT.Interuiitaiuu of fifteen miuutet.

_ , .la 8i LPtliDE.

ror foil rtr- ca ere tee taiali oillt.



MNin-BT, one DJOR ERoM BIIO-.dwat.

Thltn egn nr. 1.1 Model wet built lo California, after tbe a oatieiltl * aullwiitiet. 1 be greater porliout af

tbe ornamental work are of


w..ile He floort are of betuiiiul workina...li j.. laid 'n «rrreot

The Ark, ( bembimt, Table i'i\L-w Bread, Hi. Ore« ..oldentandleatick, llr^r. 11 >ea. hraaou Lavar.

nev e.Btar-en Attala, Re. ;

Tit) Coort 0/ Warnen,1

tbe Cotui of Itiael,luvC oartoftke Prietta,

., .Bad the Holy of Holie.,


Tkart are tii hundredF 1 O U R I 8arrang'd la

OHIO SAL CHoIUMKof that pedod.


tbe Temple will beILLUM1NAT1D by

.no Oae BraaBKt,'

Ligbtei by Oaidn. r't »»-lein at? Eloctricitr.A LF CIURE

will t-a ri»en Mokmim.. APraaaooB air1 F.rtifi!»».The «hole cott 1 f Hu« inafi itk'tttit itruc ure waa wtü.OUO.Adinitt.u.« (o al parti of the Ei tuple. 25 ornu. Cblldrea mj-

0*1 It }eara, II < . 1 (al.ibeial armngen eutt made with Satibath and Day Stboolt.




WJ DMKBUAl ? v KNiftO. De.- it, theARTFUL Doli« 1 ER.

THURSDAI.ER I»aV and lATU&OAT f.VCNINO^ fol-owing, the highly aiutaing Comedy, wruteu ripreatle for(> r 11 t H HIST ) . ailed

MRS dai's NEU-VEaH t alls FORrv iMio.^Rj

t lattctert by the Company. Pot partleulart, tea Pro-«tan r e Doort open at B] to aemmeuoa at '. J u'Ooek. 1 ieketa,*» eenta.On MONDAY. Dec *.:, aud ou SATURDAY, Dec. 81

ORaND AEi r I NU. N I'EllFORMAMEN. D.»ort open at 1

loron.inetreat / j o'rlvik. e01 lull panicultra aee tiUlaofiheday

H~~iuTjimy moim >.WACO't'S ITALIA.

THIS Oh AND MOV I SO i'ANORAMAj,D w at Hope t h«j» !, No. IM Broadway,

will p,titireiy rlote SATURDAY, Jta. 7.ORaND t II R IST M Ao SHOW


Opea ¦ Ter« Truing at 7J, and erery afternoon tili* week at 3

a'caock.Ticket« 7J crut ; Children lOoentt.


Th« mott remark able eibihuton ,.| African Aniioalt, Birda,and mber Bathe Cat tax Riet erat artttnjjkt to Brtt nataltj. au>o

rbirh ia tbe gigantic OoRI LLA uuiaturing U leet t luonea, witharn.» mended and M lochet around the cliett.Open day and erei log. Adml>uon 20 ceula.

M lj>AIilSINA7'~J ll.ti uoguih, ent paiotlng, bt ANOHEA OASTALDI,

with B. PAUL AK EUS' (the einlneut Auienraa taulptoriatetae af the

"DEAD PEAKL DIVER,"But added lo the collection of above LM krtt-elaea Worka af Art

aa eiklhitioa at tbeDlbbELDOKF QAl.LEAYt

No. t<4K bboadivay.Me. Ope*, day and arming.


A I T 1 H THE W Alt,''On eikfhttoa at the ACADEMY of DKSION, ltXh eL, ne*i

fireaifwat. fiom 9 a. m. to » p. in , and tea 7 to V even ayeAdu.i.tui, »centa J. McCL'.'R


t»+ OIL I'AINTINOO,No aw 1 :anaivst.

At Rl .et. for the XMuter SVaton Ba'orday, Dec kl

HAKl'IM.I AIM sil i>lo. -<»t". YiRWSBaltar SALI OAlN'BOROUOU'B r>lebrated piofwe,

.TUP \A OODCITTER'S DtlOHTERi"TV* Bai'tt work of Ibt* aiattei la the Called Statet

THE WAOES OF SIN tS DtAl'U,"HAY '8 ebef d'ttaere. Alto, workt by ether klgh-nlAdtiittaace on avoilcatl.>n. from 9 a m. to t) p m., at ak*

Btwdto. Uaireteity. Wathtartoo-tguare, Room No. II

1">ree exhibitionHOLIDAY PRESENTS.

FINE PAINTiNOB.If yen want feae PAINTINOB, .>!.< o modern, ge to the New-

Beany tiallny vl Aita. where a collection o( o?er »« ana t'lc-

tuira may be teen at l.-ta ttieu one-naif the Broadway price for

the tanie clatt aud iiiielily In thia oolleetiua may be found

bud? go.-d rten f ie* of tbe beat u.aetrra Call and n«mi..«.

0|et. oali. J*'c*t«ik p. id. erery *ay .Now Bowery Oallary of

Aid N" tJ Nr" B. vi eiy, urai Jan.. t at-

fisilbini fUotrrialB.

CHIMNEY TOES.Ellin »nd On»»iiM>nt»J.Alttyle* andpelieriiB. Aleo beat Aminen VBrttWd Drat*

Pi-e*. Long la£n* PotUey P*f*A ^^gtj^rr^BJERSEi ( i i t

MOLDINO AND PLAN1N0 MILL,Coiner of (Ireen and Alorgao tta..

WOOD M01DIM.S. Li.ADS. ARtllliUOEs, PEW-CAPS HAIL> AND HAND-RaILS. NEWELS,BALL*.* RS. BRAIKETS. 1 KUSSES, Acs -. 1 aa mam>. in atoa to oaoaa.

All kinda of Scroll and Strain!.! Sawing Tmuiag Ao done withneainee« and di«p*/rh,

Abo I l.r.lot with the .« et rateJ Wmniwortb Planera' J. B. PCLLr.K.


Hoofing.IJA1ENT MK A .ntl FIUKOrs^^Adapted to ererr eariely of Roof new or old end it iiataaaadatlf..r duiabtlUT t>e*aty and cli*apne«e by any coauno.i.ioa la aee,

I t MINT Ft >R BALI by the barrel with priuted lueiruefinne

for u.e.' JOt-tlki DlllO A l No. »T« Bread arty. 1. Y.

iiliidio <tabk«.


' N»a. ft. 6», C, tad «V croeby at, New leiE

_TbtiiiiiP«*a KikS I flora.or* < . He. «7 B*. I >

Ds-erv...'.»"',''*" "ii* >»**. Deo »4, l^rmi)Khr> -TH!:h(».\Ki'(»F [JiRrxrroRa

i Ü*..'-¦.'* Janata a»«***»! i» v mi ,o« 1/" (10) I*. m,i ut.ar.fc. oll aad aflat the id Janiarr twitThe trrueef.r t.*.,», ._) k, frntu a.k ,0 .Q. y

>*-0 vvfct J AS KRAY. w,-.,T

ENT1E^H **D1 V! 1 »K JD. LT ^VS.A htAL DIVIDEND af KIVK (J, PfcR f ..o .h»

ant,.*.. steel at i ... Baaal fraaa tha pr- at« v the eon-ni «w.a-.uta.. a ill ha paid aa .n.t e/ler Uie *d «f t...uar» ...um*The 1 renaler b.»... wul be clawed from Uw A»h i...' a.. . o7v*f pej.uent. By ,roer. _J. L. KVp.MITf, Ca-iiftOrntt or th t Pia tat R tit uo»n C*~ Tentme *.mH>nts 1

D1.,1.ir,..> * Wall-t. New loth, Dec i*» }IJ IDIND M'TICE.-Th.. BoardUir^t-.n

... ir "'.!' V* OD,Pun? base hi. Jar declared a dividend of SIXrPKi » NT e* the capital ntu.* .f ,a_ C-.tupany, ort of thaeetmt.r. ofthe Rn*d |..r aha ata mn.ith. endit.r Deo Si p-.yv.itaa and alter tha Jd da. of January wit to aU~ abolaW. or la-ir»ial representatives, who *r* .urh at too aloa'ar of Use rlootaaa the M


"ho 7la...ler Rook, will be closed fr,.ro the Vkb ort to thaaaarnin, bJ January t AbuL.n L - norKMAN, lre«.urer.

Thaaa or tmb <>aa,,*e sslth. Nxw-Voaa, Dae- »i lasaTUK board o1 Dio-rin't ..! t|.. Udnk hav.- d.-tiered a Uiridead offHKEB AND a »1 ALK PKK CK. »T

ant of ibe probt af the past aii monins, payable U taa stock-haW.r. aa the Sd da; of January neat

__OhuBOt, BLUE, cashier.Omca CLeyaLtan, CoLCBBts», abb Ci.viibbati Ran -<

IKoao Co., t leveland, Ohio, Daw. I", laUB J^HK annual >i..ftiiia; «.( tiif -!..«-kli.>lde>ra t.t thta

Aoiapau, for thet...h of Dir-ctors, »1.1 us aeklatth*tTBiee of the I oiupauj iu l 1> »elatid, Ohio, ou WKD.HEa'I)*!'.Jei.aaia ii. lwoTb* traeMSBT haahs far the titie. of New Y ork and t ie*eland

rha Be Moaed train Janneiy i to Jau.tart ii BBBtsswaa_____________

oLuKoK U. UUsV*h.LL( l*o,r«t_r,.OarieaarrHaCoaHoBWBaLTH Piaa Issrataca (io. (

Tut. r j*."walVate WkTw^Vaakwa ttaa,ajR/iiam JHJS Htiard nl iJirt-tMiiri lütt» inm d iy dfclnn-daaeiui-ai.Boal ili.idnid of KIV r. (S) PER CENT, uajaoks

aaear au.r ibe br.i urosituo. Tbe ireoafer Keeks will uesh>e»d tYoui tie 2uh to nl.t iu.t. Bari satrs

_0»A» T. RAWS, g.awlara.

C^(»irpoisa ...uifMiNNKsoTA btTtbTpbh/ CrNT UONfiS, due ou let Jaaaar, beat, will be paid atBaal ST th* Rrpablte, in New York, upou piewutati^u of

ah* sau,e ea and alt^i the* dale

__e_ W. ARMBTRONO, State Treasaee.

IMIEBKBT KOIlCi;.. Tb« rSeuj .Auuual IN-TRREM ontbe BtiSltr, ol tbe JOEl K. 1 A.> iM ilIt A...>

hAlt,RfAl> LUMPAhY. due .lau J, |i»jO, wiU be paii on prs-aaaaaalaa oi the prop, r« oupou. at ihe aaat e of aL r j esuE *t*., baiikeri. No. 44 Eicbanae-plare, ou and af.er Jan. a.

r r r.AJt.MAl', Praatuent.

.METROPOLITAN HANK, No. 108 I<nadwar. T Kaa-Y.-HB llecelober KL 15...-DIVIUKNO..lieI'brstora of tl.e Metropolitan Hank bare this da» J.vJared a

Br Ml-ANMAL IOV ili(...»ii ol rut KPEilCt.Nl', payauleaAtri the br»i Monday of January neit.'Ike I rauiier Looks air caoaed. iuey will be reopened Jan»arya,law


OEO. I. BK.tlCk,tiaaUaK

MÄRINERS' 8AYIN08 HANK, Nu. I :W-av.,cornel of 7th-*v, OPEN OAll.V rrom 1 a m to 2 p m

and .... »\ Elr.SESÜAk and aAl L KUA Y EYE.M.SuS from i toI i. >

y d. po.it~d en ei before Jaeuary 1st. will sotbear.i,« tntrien Iron, that date at tLe rale of ti per cent >.n aims> *>K slid under, and at per e». <>u l»r.er a n ,uu>«.

THOMAS B. SriLEMAN, Preeideat.

Cast, kodtp,)Tas»r»aa._ , T 8_1T1^

CHICAGO C II y BO N L» S.SEWEKAOELOANS..1 he Bonds bear 7 |ier reut interest. Aoupous

paysb'e Jsnnsry I, and July I. in New-York and mature inmIkS. i he payment of iuleie.. and .lnkiii| fund la prutided torby sb siiiioai lax. The entire riebt of in- t tty of bicaso i.02.td'l.Ha all of which Las been contracted fur eliictly munici¬pal paipote.. Kor aale by AallLEY k .ViKKlS,

_N*>> IB ff trtiaaea plaoaOrr es or Taa hit 1 uhb iii.-i.ii.nt Cafam, i

Drremr.er Mn, IrtaR J

THE ANNEAL ELECTION tor Thirtac, Ui-net'.i> ol tl.it compauy will be beld ou MONHAY, the Mb

day of Jai.uaiy next, (torn li to 17 o'clock, a ni.,at theorlice, No.lit Centie-at. 'I be Tiarisler boot will Be closed from tbe 22ndBut. until altar the election. By order

_U. L. EVERITT, Secretary.

Orrici op thk IttiHoit CiaraaL RtiLRnan r.iariar, i

f>aw-Yohk, Dee. a, iay<. 1


COMI ANY held tuis day, it was

Atti'iird, 1 bat an aSM-aatneut upon tbe Capital Stock of tbe1 OinpaUy of'I ru Lollar« per «bare be and tile .auie la hereby,twiled payable on the l.t day of rebruary, ldMi, and that tue

same be payable uu Um Stock regiatered in the City ml New-kvit.siii.ei tt.ee of the Company in that City, and on me

Sloik 1,'sttttied in London at tue oihce of Mi-««ra Robert Ben-M.U a t o. , auu l^*1 Kartie« He.imus to pay tbeir iusteluteut i*London may pay ihe «arue- « the raleof 4,1 per dollar.

ikievitrd, i bat tue I t«r.«ier >o«k> be ilo«ed ou the 2tkh ofisnus y uext. ard reu.ain closed until 'he lit lay of KrtrTUerjUtrlraftei, and that no transfer be permuted aller that date of.harr» api.n » hl. h «Urb »-..-«.u eut auaL 0 it h*«e Bea-u paid,that tntcrrwl st the rate of seyeu per cent per aun .in he allowedspoil all «-.> - ii er.ta paid preriou. to the 1st of Keliruvy t*

that date, from the time of .urh payment. By order of tb«doa-d J r«'. t'EltKI.>S, Tr.;a,urer.


Bi'.Mo.-iiiE iia.sMLaL ANUBT7jJARPH Kaii.RoaDwC'MPANY will, until YC EllNESDAY, Dec. U, litOJ. at no..n,

trttlye, at the otl.ee olth* KI seal Asuncy oftbe Company is I1..s-

tea, Sealed l n.p..«*l« lor a LOA> of #!*.',"«.. or bu' Wtrt it. re,'apou the Mlowinf .ecu.-'.tiea One-third of each Dl.f oust be lor

the Second Mortai-te 1 pet t eat Bonds of the I uinpany. In tutu*

at a} .iaa and s>U«J each, da'.tatf Jaly I, Itoe. known aa ihe Cou-serif . Bopdaofthf i'mo.,any, payable ti years «e.m sui. ial

tonpont tud prmripal payat.le inNew-iork, and i-mr «e .-ed

andeta Sinkiiik ti.ud Mort(t«« to iL H. HaatWtyatLMaaaajb.artlett, and lieniy P. Kidder. I rutiees. Tw.. tbtrd« of eachbio lot'1 hi. d Mortsa<e 7 pel Caul timid, of toe Cinpanar in

ruuit of 11 '." nnd e.5rf"i each, dated Nut- IV ik.--a payable Id«e year., aemi annual coupoua and piincipal payable in New-

1 erk, secured by s ii.orttste on tbe r std at C It ttunoewell,SWuej l-anla.tt.' ai.d Nalbuiiel 1 bayet, 1 ru..a, which arc

ei a *or » .-i..kitia Kuud out of the earafnre of tbe r.>ad caloieyed to eitincui.b '.lieni at maturity or soounr. Tbe aeid mort-

«at> belni lor a> i..V«m«s..per cent »I each aubscnptloB will be payahU on tbe Id of

January, ihm and arDJ be retained us . :urity Uierafarr until Ute

whole at tat b Mtbsasrlutii t n paid un¬

it per rent on Ibe I'-'h day of January.:t per cent on ibe IIrl- da) of Keöroary.tt per erat on the lutb day of Marrh.Ml per Beat on tbe I'Hb day ol ApiiL10 per tent on tbe 10th day ofMay.

lit)Per each instslln eat, except tbe lest, Bsnd. In the prepartioa

abo.e oamed » ill Le i..... u, with pu.|a>r adjustment uf lutereet

aocrbnd when aui ti p.) inaiiU are uaade ol peymeuU may Be

aaada earlier, allow in« a diacount of 7 per rent per aiinnm uponIbe money paidUpon the abo.e-nmed conditions tbe Loan wiU be awarded

to tbe bmliaet rarapousible bidders, the Cou.pauy reaernur to

tbemerlart tl.e nib' to ccuiider the rawponaubiitly of IBs biddena< aril a. Bat rate oflrred.aeaied pn.posals .hould be addressed to the uader.i<ned.

K S kVATSON. 1 reaaarar of the Kiteal Aaaary,Dee. LI, IttSA N*. 44 City EaUiauca .ton. Maas.


PROPOSALS a ill be received at tliv Controller's Othce. until

the Ub day of January. litnO at 2 o'clock, p in., wb-n the same

will be publicl) opened tor the whole or any part o( ihr amouut

ef four hundred aixteen tboaaand alt h mdr-d doltart of tbe" t t-ntral Park Improvement Kand stock." autnonted by chap¬ter 771 of tbe Lawt of l«47, and chapter o4K of the Law. of l*W,and by an or llnaure of tbe t erainoo C ouueU, spproard by the

Msvor, Nov. 10, 1*S», for the kuprovrmerA of ths Central


The said ttoek will ronsi.l of four thousand one hundred and

altt)-six ah.ies of one hundred dollars e»,.b and bear latrreat at

the rate ot aix per cent per annum, payable ijjarter yearly from

taJaticn the principal redeeuiable Au«. I. Ia»7. from the .'»itik

Eaa loud lot ll.e Ka-drluptiou ofthe Cily Debt "

1 be proposals «aill «täte 'he amount af bsMbw Jealred. tad tbe

price per »harr, and tbe peraona whose propoaa.« are acceptedwill be tetjuirrd to depoait with the t:han iaerlaio ,.t the i':tywtthin tee day. after the oprniat ot the bid., tbe su n swsrssd

to tbeai rswpecUyely. in.ludlnt toe premiums en the same.

On preset.tint the receipts of Ue I bamberiain to the t t»tr*l

lei biddeis will be *ntuled to receive cerurtc»;*s for eo,uaiamounts of the par value of the Mock, besrinc interest from the

date, of ptjnxuts. , , , ....«_

lach propo.ilion .hould be aeaied and indorsed. Proposalsfor Cktainl I .rk In proveioent Eaod M.-ck." and the propoajaJ,thu. sealed ai.d indoised, put In a saoood eovBlupe, adJreeBBd t*

the ControllerThrriiht i. reaerved on the part of the Controller to reject

any or all af the bnls if roiiaidhred oaaewsaary to preteot or pre-mul* ihr uitert^u of the ally. ...' ROBT. T It A ii I CentmlleT

City of New-York, Derjajrjnarot of r"la*ne*, C^nlroiiar's Ottoa,Deeesnber 7, laftit_

Opticb ot tbb Baaaaaa Fiaa Itr t aast a Coaptitr, 1

Ne I W»ll at Naw-Yoaa. Dec It, l<«M. I

AN ANNUAL ELtcriON Icr DIRECTORSof this C ompaay w'il be held at the OAr* of tbe Cosspaoy,

u.. l ESDA Y the loth of J .uuarr t .-tt. rwtweeo tbe haturt uf12 ui. and 1 p in S. li. a_OSUEK. aareretary.

faaa'l asa - u'Mt 0# IU BaTatatM LtatdaWsTsj INovember IK las«

Public notice » Rvrtby pre* tkui tt*Treasure of the State af llhtattt -Ul ¦ the If J-j M

JANt'ARY, lata and h-eat dot te 4*) tawr.a'Ver for thirtylav. at the Ameneex Eaciiansw Baak, in toe City ef Ne»_rarR,¦aar« taa INTEREST an the PubUc Debt of the '»Ute of I maata" su«w-» W1LUAM BCTLKK Trawaarer.

STCRAMENTO VALLEY RAILROAD COM-PANY -Tie Ca.upen« doe 1st of January. laYai. on ?4taXP»J

kli.t Mortrage boad. of that t ompaay. will he paid ou and

^tvt.'ikT^^Wi BARDT_A O_«HAR_

KOTICE .Tht* aftni-annual intt-ryst accmiORonMit ltlOVN ."«lAl t UliNDa and fal.inj due ou the arst

a., af January Beat (1«*») w!B be f-tid at tbe «knie*«' Baak.

H li'Me.;^;^«; Tressurer State of Mich.

Ksw York. Dec 2a. M_R_Rasa r >a BATiaoa, No. f: Bleccker »t.. Uet ». US*

iVOTlCE tt" DEPOsI rOBa -I ordrr t<> iToMila. JrM.r.e. in. idenul errors and to farnisli Ir.f .tmatiua that

^ a anted the 1 rti.t. e. r. j. -i tt. Dep....t .... r . -ti: .uou

bsttBi srooo.dl aet artad oa far snore tb*a eevea years, to sead

he i pee. book, to tU Hut. to 0* wnitrn u^ _y oue i»n of

iheT^celr JAMES DK PEYsTKR Uilt» N. ^eeretsr.y

11 >\VA INI EREST..1 hf InterctN dtv Ut prox-1 en Ue BOMMl OK TUR STkTK OB IOV^'.^lalast xsraeentation el the pt°P*r I oapoc. o-, acd after that das*

(IM Jau«77 latA). at OM tvtrtoa. No. BM *^_t-_ ^New Yoia. Dec. U. I»9 _AI U MB h Cat.

OrtHB o* tea t'titiua. .'p '""jil?'?,tm\>l \aoao Coaraav t Lsnuau. Dec I lr~

THE Anuuni Mtt'Uiit: ol Ltt- Mtn-a.li. lUnra 01 taw


eANV for the ELECTUfN of TWELVE D'EEip»*^^ra~It.?loi*t'e,t.u,me^.,. ba bald at the _/ U«

r«^r««y in ClevelaBd. aa "VKHNESPaT. tbe «tb day af Jsa

.^?t: at U.'akVü a! m. The trsaw*. baoh. wiU b. *h>aw4

aaUelHhiast-.a^ tatvaU. ^^^g^^.

NFW-YORK AND ERiE RAn-ROAD COlf«T**y-lk.kmk4-,,*ik.n~4, e»d -Hoot s'lB.aiW

fany ber-bj eelitted that the tut» im tin Ute .¦Hurt ft*Ehe reorrtii.aue,. .f Cen.pe-.y .ijorea .« tk, let ef Jta^trtBett. Ikt» trtttVnf Beajoete pert.-, to k ere retpeeafkutBrand to ~nd Ut.u weeet* without delat le HnjuriOJtOTTS, ? . Wallt., s,w >ee-.erkotBo sjBsanaatB.Fera.t for tiw atttut, at an) at blank ettaUataa Beet ha bad at

TkJaiaJ< *.".*»». ..»«.»> taat reih-V» tatta. N««r 'TtlBk li.e

prepared, aa aad aft- r the lath taat.erin.ai-e that art ta ha aaahaMaa

m viry a. ubf.umay1 C HA Sit a.in DAVIS.

a MEETING <>i fhf Moidi-ra of ttv Eirtt llorttin t?Vi_VV^l'VNrit',>IJ'4 .! ihn LA CROSSE ANDMil V» 11 M V K UI BflAlK oMP.VIY, wiU W wM a Ikt

^Tr' SmM?Sr.NV1'BT VVaDVat., New-I ark, on Tbl R.-D.v t Lac Jt, at 12 m.

t [CFPT IU I MONI C~HANKERS,I N.v .» w.|i.. t^rt, i.ETTFK-' afCftEDir for trerelere.

aaaiUble id ajl awtt af the world, inroueh IS- afreeve. RotheBM jat af Parkt. Load* a. Fienh'jrt, .S ..- . end Vkli rtraa-retaoaiirati.

t>out o/j 2antnonA... .

Taaatt J. v .«. Amlaarer.sM(;NFl* SALE -i to EN 1 LUE stock ofI llJJffLEalAMd fttrnisuinu stork i ,! »M \1

*¦ ? Ll fe*w'i« trU at Auctleaj oi, TilURSI)At, Dee. ttt. ItMtat l«tj o ecek. at No. 2t Hirciev t rjr. than h. la. euiire etoe*o-I.. ulk n.aa:t Fainiehra« t ...oda roota_aeal ia and rl >ro. aoa. i.iia, «I rtrit trtirir ataWr.J to remka-ea'i «aar of tue ttteetafywt, a.e»t tw.g«nt deeeription tn.i very Brtt qwehty Lanb IAt sol, (1 att.ri.-r.-. M-i.ie a_d >ila Uutterojiru, ¦ riwert tadhot- Bid l.Urrrt Oanarkrt., t*i i.u-at and) Craenta! TV-e Searfa,. " ' V~^*r',toJ*i Lu»"» k'tataria Ueadtarcaeda, fancy, 4«.,I ii hri 1> r-d .i "ik'r< -i.utt Iltrt, ttusoa.a B.c.. ."utprej-

'arte_le* Satin an I silk VeaBtaga, Coxufortert, Be allla)| nTF.Ptir.N c. babcoce A


t\ ULI » M ToPI istt, A « o., A .. tii'neert.kin. Hi I.roadway,

WuMeelflc'. i.i heir tele nfTL't..-1'A» NEXT, nee 27,

A V FRY VALUABLE AoSi iB I MUST », FINTE MANC-FAIT I BEI) Fl R.~, iatdudiae MINK ca*^. V ICI'ORINES,Ml'} f - aud ( FES. an-l muer detirable rtt oa nf rholea aoaakjia lott adapted to the waait of the trade tad prira'e buyera.

Ai ciTfJIN n i:.-Aicr>i rs s. if-NAB l) A fo Ai.»:i.oeeia Ma, moment r-aie of Krui.t

IOl>EIIULI> kURNIlUKE. at the prira'e retidea-e No TOtV rtt .'<>h at c intittinc of Roerwood. Mauuajany, > i.ante led.end I i". k Vtalni.t Farultore. efetBry de-.-iip lea. eor..Uilng ufIn .» .i ..... ii. Millet, 141 Fault aft by eauuent arttat-, CenterT a'»t..t ,hry V a>e.. 4c. 11.IB L»A Y 11 ee-Jay). For partnuiai., >ee lieiald of iLia day.

A. M Waa« i>. A ic;niieer.

|>y BANG8, MERVV'IN a Co., Tra4e 8o>-A\3 raon.t. No 1J Park row.

II EMja. k.v kmNO. Hee. r. at&t o'eaaaa,BOflR-r li l> r1ork-l...pr..l.l| rUr^-Tlleet^-_

raluti-le werkt ia IILtorj bi-naplir, the liraine ae Alto an

tteerta . ut of ttatawltae, I iaaai.-al, and >ch-<-l ilookt, at.( a:t« t <. art uow ready.

rvEU.sEo IAN tad THURSDAY EVEN IN .S,Dec TDtiid Jj at ; .'tl -ek.

ILLI S1RATH) BUORA. r.NOi.lstl a id AM CRM AN.rmhrtdiit t rhoice taiiett nf Eng-im Bn.>kt. jutt raceirad ftwoaL.nrtoii, brtutifaiii euiheil .litil an I e!,--ju.iy b».n..-l aad Intli.n-i.t ihn. i..n, wirk, ol .ii etpanait . atiararier.. aa theVVaterley Noi.lt Fdlnhirth r n.i. n .< t I.. I.or.l Kine.beraeah'tAtlat nie. .,f Bietieu. » tola folio ; Irring'. W ortt. 16role ; Karen.; IHatery of New York. I» rolt, Be. Aleo an aa

aoriuictl of Jureiuiea, rrreentai.oi. oooka, B.

t'ao. A. Laatirr, Aucti'Deer.Y C V. O . A . LE A \ I I T A C

TRADE SAI E RtlDMS Not. ITJ and 179 BROADWAY,p<>a TM a at. a or

BOOKS, BTAT IOBI Iii. kVuKKJ OE A IIP, Ac.rte" Conalgnnienti toli. '.-d

Ti'\ -HAY MIMMI, li-.- r. .( oii.ineneing at 6a e" clock.(.REM SAH. Ill EINE BOOCR ou Lu Juve.'le ho..»t

ei| eeairrlr illoalrtled alae a aertra of'he in.Mt a^l-ndid Preaentt'l. n hooka et-r it.ued coanpri.ing: Repul lnen t»urt.

Stiatlo>df.tli.ry VV or Id Nb ted Women OauVry of Kemoua Poett. l.al ery ol ternale Porta W one-u of Beauty, Butler'a Edifloat of the I'oeft etc.. -tr. beuiio in a rariety «f the Diott ele

rantttyi. .and pNtwatay ill ittraied with One ttre-l E'i,rttiuts.tofeih.r with a «re»t variety of Aniuialt. and an onnnirul «ITtluable w oik. lu reMrtl literal ore. iuoaewi tint I pa.. i.aa

a rirb tv.ok for pr. aematiou will hud h i an uu itualop^ort iuity.

JOI ICE it he-rrli) uivfn, tfmt in pursuance ol¦ the deed ef trutt eieeute.l on the ITtb day of Atpa,D., tatl, the ettderttaned liatteee "ill SELL at pobke

auetion on 1 EMDAl IBa Unh of January Belt at I oTdoek|. m., In the Rotunda of the M-rcheata' Ei. bangs New-York.By, Ike loll, wing uau.td iteamthipt, locetber with the Tackle,Apparel Furniture, and all ether tppai'eBtnoet IberaOBte ka>batoiagllg to wit.


PHILADELPHIA.Term of tale- rath."ated In the City of NewYort, ihlt ktk day af Nor, A. O.



PioteesLonal iVotute.<Hhce fsi rrucnan


J. P. PIRHSON, No O wall ST^ N. y.a pamphlet of Information teal free by aialL

DTiSEX1E1) EVES oured b; MEDICATEDM M>>and VAPORS atuldiag all pata and IrrlladoB af

trudt draga. and -ecuring the fall benrtt of utedt.-lnee. ^uigkaaJeperatioct perferniiid. T. K. KktANR. hl. D., Ocailet,

_No Utj Eaet Ittk-tt.

I \K. (TIaKEE.s 13WEE J mt.ua« u> b« id Nr>w-1 * lark, af the National Hole.. No 0t'ourtlandt tt (entrtnee,so 17 Llberty-et.), oo Tueedayt and W'aoaeadaya, the fourth

¦reek in each ntoatt comm. i,. iog ueeruitei. liSm. to etleod la

Boue-eetting Hip and Spiual Dieeaaee, Feter Boret Mi rornletnd hbcuuialit dlthcultiea, Ceuuacted Cerdt, tad ^f^ouktDiteaeet.

EIiWARI) B D1X0H, M. I)., tiurievu, Ertiturof THI St ALP EL ati.-i.di to the tnere ehecere dtaeaaee af

ne Pai>tc V attar* and Deforuitlst of the Eye and Fact. Otwart from I to it, | to 3, and lit' ereatnae. at No O But aa.

ie PjLATT a uTORNEY AT law, n... 47M I.it Mo .f OMMIsSIONF.R for NEW-

YOhK Ohio IO\t A. t ONNEi 1 It I P, tnd the other "tatea

At a Mereantil- Agency for the Eaafera BM Southern Stateeparticular attention e ... r e rttrn to the proarpt tolVctioa of ailelalaii intratted to hit rarr ia thlt Male and Southern III no It,and by rr.p. Baikal ' rre«pooOentt at all potatt along the Mlaatt-tippi and k.itanur. lirert, there CiaclanatLntrtkitni, lion, raatut Corning Albany ; Jamea Homer,

eierrhant, VD.ari Martin B Soiithe, V\ m. Real, E. H. Kimbail.W ktlBal A I lark. VV K taeyee. Wrn. M. F-art«. Altorneya andCaaaaatatl Baw-Ttafc| Ju llorn-r and llaniel M. VVUeun,«..j u..retinal.; and Horace Oreeley. eeq.. New V ork City

r|H) eiiysicians a^lTÄFlEN.-fl^arr) olR Pruld/.rae-1 tart and kindred dilates oy Mouaraathk

ut kt. low bei Bat t well 11,0*0 fact, aliened by arreraltbouaaiid caaea treated In ho> pilalt and ridiug practice. Oa

pit/ en.. Hi b) > I Uta ttaaa lig^meutt. tud a:.d»uninalBrat e. ai- Halir^u and in.mrdiat-ly eon tract to that no er dt-

uary . tloi t at juu ping, tr running up and town etairt, eaa eewlaeceatlnti diapla. eu.ei.i. Id fa.t it bet ean 'et a Irmer ou'Anae-liou. 1 bia .how. thi treatment to be in barniuey wan toe nat¬

ural ftJi et om It rantct no pain or laeoate len.-e trdtbecu/akt as ri liar la at acarcaly to adu.il of the poeaitrihty of failure.> ¦'.ill.17 ;.uul. to kt HtaaUtaag eflecta aaieea coo.Weedwith aou.e if i raoi. aialady It would be bet reeeecanle to

tuppoer that Usatuieot founded ea prtuciplet n bioh prute to

bte giting U) one 1-1 of ergtnt. If judicioualy uodiBed to IBs

aeeoa ef other chronic di-ewet. coald But be powerfully efRca-aioot Baak the treatment &l Round IfUi haa p'oted Bawaf Nuu.. r. ut earea bare l-eeu made ef tlebbora CJiupaainla wbich hadhi.g-r-d w th. ui help for yeara. Its ..iittn in lOe Cure of pre-

ry roaaelupUoB, .ptnU cotnatt'utt. paralttia, and loot atthe ate of liu.be, it ti.j ir. -urnted. Mtrted tucceat Baa aita

heeB had In br,*ehitlt. in re.torii f beoken-'»wn enuttita'ioat,and 1l tiouatag torpid, aertout, aud dehilitalrd tytteat to

ttreagtb ard ectitltt Dr HaLhTKD. tbt wn!l ka-.wn .rigInatoi ..f 1l1. t)iirnjtff treatment, of Ronad Hill Waterlu. e,

B. itlianiptea. Mtaa. will be In New Ysrk et th. St V

Hotel on ll 1 SilA V and WEDN KSDA V the JTtk aad 21th efDr.tmbrt. aad reecire calit frem I It 1 p it He will behappy to tat»er kntiuiriea aa well at ta tee the tick. Pbrtiriantaie.onlialy intu.dlecalL 1 borough inreetutaiioa ia tearted.Ite.rr'Bj »IM bear it. Circular! gratia. Treeüae aa treat-

eluding bitfnry of eaeet. & eeata-1 be W aler l ure la open Sun end tt'later. The e» Id aad

rnonfht are the a*ot kit01 aOat ta tpeedy leeorery ta

a- y caara _

4os0<-/amiel)ing *Booöt.

ACKNTJWLElHäED a* BE8T.K< .REMAN'"Arth Spring BED BOTTOMS tall for #1 Jo to AE Ma*-

tisetet at «hole.ale prteee. On Ime Bedetea i. Springt aadMttlieaa tempiete, »t. fie. * l.t Jotate-et., *>*. ef Braedway.


Sil i VBOR NO DAt ff Ii r ririktk sto»e Storae feaeriRp.

N B.- MauLftciuiing Right r ta>.A t CMM1NO». PattWee. Not t*Var.4 t» tth-ee.

CntliTp. CurooMire, tVTi.


L. BROWNfcUatUrtl Cattk«, Haj bimJBcalea. Warranted la all reapectt. Call at trad for Ca»

J. D BHOW trl B I a*4 A*

pMll.AOKI.PHlA Cl.l BNKATES. and a rollA a>t. ::a.ett u,' fane and cotan^a Skatwe foe LetUoa aad Oetf

le-BM c U: tale at brtraa) ratet, by F'lLSOM 4 STEVENi,No. 3u4 Brwadwty apetatra.

Pennsylvania -hei WKON, of eiceli^ntuuaJitr, tad at low peiree for ealr by

JOUN \\ ucim'y A Co Ne. M W'iainovet.



WM HFERDT. Mtnuitoturer,Kc. Ikt Weeater at.,

between Peine» and Houston tta., New York.A lerpe ateertataat of eaa. wainut, uaAi^any, and HkerTaBiaf

alwayt oa haaA

I?NAMEl.EI) CHAMBER ScTTEs vl PI R-j BfTOaVl tr. aJ ro ort and etylee. whtiaaale or retail, at

tM mmd awwarA A.~> kt AlTk i_-.SE* and PAIlL ASSRalW ARREN WARD, Bo. 177 Canal at.

F'ear dosn eatt ef Broadway Bj. T.

BRADIXX-K^CerRbrtvitvlCOrGH MIXTUREis sold by A ha D SANDS. BAAMEat A PAAR, C 0.

WELLS A la, City of New t ort.

_-DiJtiitti Mi&lTwmimB.t>eful HOLIDAY PRjKÄK.VT.8TODART 1MÄN O-FOBT18.

fTODAIT A tfOBBTS,aasrnr-rtatas oa


WABBRtsOMrJ. N. »I BKOADtVAY. K. T.,One ö*m beta as as. NkMIh Bot«L

Th* Ptaaoa of Uw» _m>t< BiiBBthiil n Ra.e atood Um ImI eftun«- i» .I rilsnatas >a Um tiviraed wurid m Um u»tuMBtH af.vsr afteea u.a. aad fmlln area ba*a lb* u im mm tmäy prv/ve

I V"»<. -EIR8T PRSMII vi" pianosB OUi% A « «r .t < to HAK jKKIE k BL< H>Mr iE t.D. bythe Ameiicaa Isstiiute 'or Um

BE-T PlA-SO-rORTTS.ob acreoat cf their Power im Recdatiou. aad especially forthe quamv ib* iwrr't»« 'f ÜMtr tose.Our rub unseat, are v>arr>atrd U atw. entire Mti.'a ti >D

".it respect. VS ertreota easd MaaaAytoty No 172 liraad at.corner of baiter.

Alak(.e m< '< K .1 BARMORE '

Premiers PIANO-l, p.-oe.Beesd eanvajed by lb* seatJtal.il, ai-d warranted in ail pacta, at Itrtr Maa ,-artory andAAarahtaaa. Na. tu BUe,i« a. A spteadiJ Puui .r a> »> -adecit-d bairaia_ Ai»o. aa»at »M »*. * M BARMORE.

AE. THÖMi'X.N. N,,. BnmtlWa^rÄlt* Iem aawortaMBt ml fuil tooed PIANOS, very kr« far aas*.

Facti I tai.o fully t lerauieod. Mill¦¦ tat aad »scaas aaaaPVaaee tkoap, Pia*** >o bat.

ALBKK'l VA KB KB, Putno- Kurte M.vmtarvtww,No IVa Waat Broadaray, aaar Caaat-et. A splendid aaeoa»

BMbtaf HOLlDti PI A NO'S, warranted hwthr-e rranbtTafreepert. very loa lor sush. seaead-aaad Plaaee take* in exebanaje.

P1ANÖ^)rte Uutl htM betea fEsTeD^-. Kor .»ALF uRawwweed case, T-ortaea. second nan.1 PIANO,

l ike *I0U. AI tbe »AI lONLKt SlOKE. No. >i iuu.it

A7i-0( TAVK. P.-itrl-Keyed, PL\NO-e<>!vleerill le SOLU esry law, aod wart anted la every respect.

S. at AMrJi.i H No. »I aVaUerwt


C1 H I C K e R I n"0 A. sons,bibi r«. tcbb*s o»

OBAN I), SQL'AKr. A.NU I RiHUT PIANOS.vc arBraeme, rae. OB« Kroadway

C k Sons bare breu aaaided Thirty-OTr Priae Modale fmtthe .upetiority of their rnanufsetara for the past 3) year*.

Alto.Kot BAUMASON k IiaMliN'.n -Li'ERIOR

MBLODKONk1 iKMONIIMS,for Parlor., Chsrreaee, Veetrtta, and Lodges,

At vv boie ,ase aad Retali.PIANOS TO RENT.


HAINES BatOTUKHS' ITANOBNow aen btae all tbe MoO-.R.N «41 R,)V AME.N PB ui thePleno. l'kuFk>Siu.NAL PlANUtiB and l'Hf£ PfJULlflhj.- in» led to call and iry t em. Pi t.NOS to LEI', aad seid oa

M, i.ta y Irutalm. ata, with renlelLxved on the pun-base.II * i Nr£s HKorilrtltS.

No. CM Krȟlwaj. near liou<tea-st.

I I B. I'tthWoKI M. Mudc »ttm and BmoiIIa' J..e Nr. I, A-;, r place, Pin.lauer so J Heajer to Musicinsuauiebls, aad M j.naj Meicuaudise.

HAZLLE ION Biiäs.. [.uint-Furt*- M»ii«lar,tB>.-er«, bu. ÜB Piince-sL, etfer a ana assort ine at of ort liest

and fuu loued PI ANt)». at tbe lowest late*. Ks. a Piano war-

bj ^iti. .a.iaiaetion, aast (uarantesd three year*.

IB.HIE & BRAHBl'RVS, M.n.;. ; - itlJ i.rand and Sqoare II ANtr-ruR i KS, constructed with all

afea lavproteaMWIe eet-dtarire te anperiorify of tun*, tone*, andd'irab'iitr, snd require* »tvle of fumitura. Aa eileoaire aaeort-nieni sleay» on sale at their Wsrereeins and OtH.Nt, No. 421Pr^ueue-».: tlso at th. Ir Depot. No. 22 t o .r land: .t.

IJIANOSand MKL0DKONS,.,ftui^niirqnai%aew aad seawud bead, fORBALK or TO RP.NT, at redeaad

arteea. Real allowed If purrhaeed. Monthly paymouts reaerred-wr Plaaos aad Maioerwaa, at No AH breadway.


PIANO-l'ORTK'- A «tiporh TJ otfat*, iamkkround coraers, elaaastly rarrrd ease and lera, rouo.1, nob,

and powerful ton«, fuil irou fraoe and u?erwruu| base.ONEOE A l air MADE TO ORDER; will be s*Id low for cash or

sp| rived paper Also, new and tecond tiauJ i'lanoa and Melode-..-....-t.. low. t.W. N».W»u.«.Ue J.E. WAKE a 0*.,

No. t4H Hrooitie-il, te | d von west of Bowery.

1>lA.\ti> AND L.ELODEONS foe HOLIDAYI RE-SEN 1 A~ Of Mfatita make at eiustmly low priee*

dunce the Itelidaya New snd second band Pianos to rant, at as

as taw as *J p. r niuntb. Monti..y payaueuta taweived |af pianuaai d Maatstra us.

HORAt K WATERS, Arent. No. 8«3 Breadway.

1J1A.N08 lor tlio HOLIDAYS..Sui*nor ttaneti,b*a aaair, 7 ocut* PI an OS, m eiefaut rosewood esses, St

. iTJ |»< *m. #t»u »27», **«' e«» a>:itn, «.17», kaer i 'Mi il\ni- Pianos, at BU, »*,, t>7S, Brtv #1»9rosewood ~ I btekmrnr" at . 1», .'or aale by T. U. CMAMBtBat,Bible House," corner of Kb it aad 4th an.

RAVElf, BACON A Co.,(ft -..onto tJA< ON k RAVEN), PUno Forte Manofs"

taren, W at.-rooai. No. ISfiOrand at near l.medwey, where a

full aeaortui'-nt ul Inatrumenta mat ne t.iuu i. ea. iua.vely ui our

oa n ii.aiinfecturc. Vv er tinted lu every respect.

THE DR10(-S PATENT PIANO-PORTE,A tor, the At ,11 a Piano )

" Th* best Piano BtlMtaf.''Irtiu 1 he Y Daily rribona.

..la cotaiuoa with ell peeeewt, wawaesgtdted the wonderful vocal power of theee uewly inveate i

.that sau.pa-heiic. buu.sn duality of toue. which perotlts tui

pianist le aint' on his m-iafrsl instrument, and rusts it el s.

uuent and pesai uate uuder hi. touch."Manufa.ta.red and tor .ale by tue DRIOOS PIANO COM¬

PANY, at the uuatc ttoie of WM. HALL A SON, No. H3Lrotdwiy, one block abots .he St. Nicholas.

JAMES F. UALL. Secret*, y an J Oeaeral Manaeer.

r\y H. CHAMBEla."», PIANO MANL'EAC-1 t 7 I'll ER, bible House, tonier of ath at aoJ 4th-*s.Oat *f th* *l*a*4 estsblisbturutl, lud s rrliaole pU e to pur¬chase PIANOS »nid with the eis* to please and to add t* aadn,ainttiu a bi«-b teputatiou of »aar Ü yewt stau liu|.


bTEINWAT tV »0N> in. it* artUts and the public in tcrntralto call and etamiue their uewiy iuvaiited Oa ERSTRL'NO(.BAAii PIANO, aal.k b, t«r power aad , .a.i'y of tone, it pro-not need auperiur to an) utnet I.rand Piauu by all who lure ex-

atnit rd 11, auaeusj a h'.m are the best uuuai, al j.d(ut of thai coun-

tiv, surU aa R. l.oldbci.k, Th. Uif'u iMtttf tt the MuaiualLevi w). V. I BÖJ, V. A. Blast. vV. Mason. H. C. lnnui. H.A kN .. i baupt. A. II. Wood, and many oiheri.

HTEINWAV k SOSB.Maonuctureri, Noe. t3 and U Waiter-at.. New-Yort

©rorrrus, ^rooiBions, $ft.


Flould tl* weither he cold and the jacket be Uiiu,Jnst take a wee taotl.ful of Morria's Ola;

KnoaJd joe feel at a loss what te take at an iaa,Jost tall f r * alasafui o' Morris's Ois;

Eho*ld you e er be perplexed how to take np the lia,Jaet .11 duw* la a boitle of Morris'I on,

Bhoi.ld t party of frwoJi for an < . cuing drop la,J eat tend ler . dose* ol Morris's Oia

kkoald )o* wish the sousrut of Neb's daddy to win.Jest tend Mm s pjnebeou of Maaiat't üui.

hhoula ever tbe serin be Boodml sdaia,Let us hope all the rain will Be Mums't Oia.

Th*'ashirnti le I'svetase on New Tsar's *VaT will be Mor-r. OLD lO.M bettet kaiaa ay tit* htiiaa as VVUITEBATIB from its drUeat* havar.

VV Uulessie of J. B. C MOBBiS,No 41 BROATiWAY


ATRITH.It w aartdtitsj te tala pepabarkty, bat K W tiB*ajy sAast ease

rataia it. '.Ik* meaiey, 'eoaue easy, (a sasjr K"r "*">J >s *

leader atfaw, aad reejuire* oarefsl aursinr to keep It ehre. Ee-ssstsi'y is this observeDie kt saatasatil* sataua. If the repute-IsL a ki k la bst aaaoihrr naaae for popularity, be woa by aetaaisaerft. it M iaeiina Mr. THOMAS R. aONEvV, tbe waU-hsarwa inspawl es. fro***. Dear and la* daaiar. So Mr Orsaasrlahaad at Murret-st*. h*s »y bis Mrautlf rward toa-ve, the fairnesssf has prices, aad ta* aaaelieaae ef aas stock, seeureds roputatiaawhtch will ht i*stiu(. ".ii* a *sptt*l sf wW,*asj, Be eaa daspssaBpetitieti sad at' rd t* »eil, et either wbolseals or retail, atprlaea lo a«.it everybody. Calve brm s sail aad be sbbVxBb4 af thatota afaw uasnwur'- |N*w-York Atkat.



tVOUl AVkJiY WMEBJC.Whnhmla aad 'or eaporration by

JONATHAN JONES A Co.. Impartaes,_Na.4B Breaaiwt New Yerh.

\V E LLI NO TON A ABBOTT' ' taserawn s to A. .-' . I tv

No. «7 WATE ti-9 P.,Bale Ateate or



Jnenrantf Cotnpanie..

NEW -ENGLAND MLTL'AL LIFE I\s. CO..Boston .Capitaland act'iaielatad Premiums, $IJba.sM 21.

1 «} Int cash dtvidend i < M per rent to all the tasered. Paevpiiats Reaaarta, » r.. inr ej aratis. JOHN HO .'PER,

A rent and Attorney er the Co-, No. II« Bioadwty, N. T.

SiiumöoaLB ani fiaiiroaös.

CPNr kal HAILROAD OF NEW-JF.R.SEY.i i1 i e V.«-WllrTaf.-^l,i|^ Delaware Laekawana*

aad V\ eetera Baairasd, an* at Ktaten with th* nswueh «att*yk> at

VS INTER ARRANOKMENT.Cum lllh t Pea. hR, im-1 .air New \ ort for EaeWL aad adeemed elu piaaos, A sea featofCanrtlaadt-st., at It b II as aad t It p. us- Tm 1 sj|*ral* by th* above trains, and at i.tU p. aa.From Pier No. f North River. *t Tttw aad '1 M a aa and I N

f m for Etwtorj and is'ersaediat* stat.us. far I1sawmill bythe ahovr train, and at 4 2s) p. m.

7 be l! m. train from feetef t iBtlliaA-ss,. aad the 11 Bt a m.tros I irr 1 N R. wake a close eoraa irtiea at f irt n w.lA UmUht<h Valey Railr-aaJ. sard theaee via Fast Paansy! «*ate Rail¬road to RsratMra*. withstA ebasas af cars, and issssrtast leadtrat direct tar Pottav-J> aad Haniabnra,

PasMri .era for the Delaware. Lwavaannasrad Western Kaliroad will leers New Tar* at 1 a. at. frees, foot > eertlaadt-st., at7: j* froaa llrr 2 N B otjy , for Lefcutk v a.iey Hakread at I andHam. from foot ol rCurtleadl-at., and at .20 and 11 Ma atfraaa Pier I H. K. saiy JOHN 0. STERNS, SaprriavaadaaA.

FiR BOhTONtuk» PROVIDENCE, »* NEW¬PORT «4 FALL R'VKK-Tk- «r4**>>id aal utatr-w

«t«eni«-rarETROPOLIS. ( apt Prewo U«t_» New-York «*rry>TUr_¥DAY. THTRüDAT. tad s ATCRDAf, at 4 e<et*e«,p. at, tod the EMPIRE STA TL, > apt. arartoa. aa MONDAY.WEDNESDAY, ud FRIDAY, uTo'clock, p av, beat PierNo. I, N. IHfT»a"« aa raoaia erU aa retarded at «**ar-d ie tuy ap. -

(tat until the lame «Seil hate keen put! forFreight :o ßoetea u forwaraat) ¦ kmuaa aritk greet 4a>p «. ->/

aaEtprett Ftrukl irt.eWM. BORDEN, Agent, Not, 70 afi Tl Waat at,

HEPSON RIVEK B HEROAD..From E-w.ft, kata. Trata* will Uteee t uuttina. Matte* at tttlatrt:

ripre.. 1 raiue.*aa. 11 a. at. aad t at p at.; for akaa -Bag*

3 45 and «40 a av; for Poujkteepafe. 7:4-a. aa. end IJ J*ead3.10 a. m far Peekekilt. t:i>P a A MewtraeJ aad tiaatal*I'a.t-nt-r Tn.n twitk ak*rpir,*-car*l loaraa Jl t et. iatlp at 9:90p tm. Tb* Poughheeptie. rVikeBJIL aed Mat freie« «t«*»at moat ai the Way etenoe_ Pa_ten.cn takati at t kaaaOara,( aaai. Ckrietepee.-. aal Jlet-ei. Ttttua for Maw t ark leareTroy at tl It ai d 10 10 *. B> tod at t at d 9 p m aud Atoanyabo-t li auautee __-»r. tu.-ni.y ai .5p .i>

A r. .-Mi l tt. SutttrtalaaaWl

VEW-YORK AND EKIE RAlLBOAP.-fala and after Monday Nor. It, 1*9». Pe».enger Tr. at willleere I let f-k* of D iane- tt,, aa fulleara, rti:DCNKIRR EXfRE»atTa. at.. Tbr Dankitk B ..1-le, Oaa-

txo-it-a and principal IIbib idWo State»--W a\ I ti>SEM*ER tt* » a. aa. for Mewaaatjfc Port Jerri*,

tad it !er- . di-te Matten».HU hl r XPBESS at 4 A4 p. bv, far Dwaktrk. Bk-Ma, 0>BBt

da-gut, and pruv-ipal attiitat,i or I apiaat i raiue connect at Fl...tra wRk tba Ctaendetf-x>

Niagara I alia RaUread; at Blaahatt tea. wkttt Caw SyraeaeaRaiioed at » on in» wRk taw Bawale and New-York BtikMad,far aWbe-ter and Biufjo; et O eat head, wit Ik the Railread forPliaaliiii tnd at Buffalo and Dunkirk, wfb Ute Lakel.aiii< ad. fur C!e\eUuad. Caaakaaakt, loledo, Detroit, Cldie and he t'aneda R ailroedt.HAl tt'L MARSH, KecelreT. OHAS. Ml NOT. Oen'L Rapt,

\TI U-.11 Rfiki K WEKHAD-Eor PMLA-AI DELPHIA and tke SOI (Tl and WEST, ria Jktlt'Et**I ITY .Mad and Eapreaa linea leave BewYark a»7. a, aud IIr. m , and t and Op. at fare PA Tbretrett ticket* aeld IW Cta>ii mil tod Ike Weet, and for WtakUataa, »¦^rOrteaa., aud

the Soutk. Ac. ead th rater*. baajtaaecke_kew to Waaklortoa 1«a. at. and tt u mint.

J. W. W t HlURl'EF, Attiataat Beanadttiiail at.No bearjre.e arUlka areatwad for any tr iin« aoJeaa awHrerrd an4

t becked la B.tiiulee iu adtaara of tke tlBat of teat kaa.

TlaTEW-YliRK N» NE\V-!E\VEN, HARTFORD,II «PRINt;FIFI.D BORTIt tMPTUN aiitTowoe ea tk*1 :ne ef tVm,ent Kallroed* Fa'- to New llaren, Tk*I IM tin. t apt ewit will it Pier No t\ E R, eaTCKSDAT, Till RSDAV. and - RDAY atlpm. Taa(111 or II ARTFOBD, < apt. Simpeea, «i.l leere ee MON¬DAY, WEDNkBDAY. tud ERIDVY. at 3 p ra

"DAY, WEDNkM'At. and IRIl'VY. a 3 an tUiaraaaa.tettaMew Hit, n a alt,mat- auot- rtcepr Beadart at Up ai. Moauerir for Bertha be RAVf LXR Captl Be»ne,will Irate at 4 a. at. aa MONDAY W i D JEsDAY *_d FRI--DA \ . Paet-uaert lor the Railroad- rau rentaia en b.aard etofaiaht witbowl char»e. Merahaadite lorwarded te Varrnotrt,Wettern Sew Han t n S -lo rn New-Yetk. ead . tntttApply to FRAkCIB HYDE. A«eai. Pier No. J6 k. B., NewY ork.


FARF WO n<i' kRB po kLBeJtT,OaaadaAer IH' RBDAY Daa 15 I (tip, trVni will taaea ttta-

tt. ttalion, New-York, at foilnwt:For Wttrla-ntbridge-1»j au« Ha (a>| I :»> tad 4 :* a. aa.Far White Plaint.U:«n aad 4 p. at.For White Platte.d:lS p m frctr aar. Watte tad rautre-eka.For Crotoe Kalla.4 p. at-, *reui Mth-ak.For MinVrtoa.fp. at fron, ».« at.Far Albane-4a ea., freo< tttb et aB-Btraka.For Albany.i:** p at-, from Mb-at, eipreet Lara.All threogh traint.-cuueet wit'i N V Central R. K. for the Waat

Rete ruing, wih .eataW'tll__BMBrid_e_-e-4» and <:t" a at, I end 1:4« p at>White P tine.»aad 7:W a. at., and 4» p. at.On too Eule--7 a. Bl.ML erton.7 a. avAbany.II a ml, nail, aad J;4S, p. nr. eipreet I


Cornrue netug Dec la, IM&aPttaeaier otation La New York, eorner *7tk at aad ttkvwr.

Butranee on ITth-tt.TRAINS LEAVE NEW-VORK:

For New Harm 7«ana.(eal; IMJ «:l»l'l.), I OB aael« *| p. us For hndaetnrt, *. H a. m. -ei il-1». filk tea. )|I JO and 4;kD p. ui. For Milfoid, Htrat'ord, I irBeld, «oelkaert,tud U attpo't. 7 a. m tt Fat A->r*a_k,7, tan. l»:la,J:l» (ea.li !>artatttud Oreeawicb. 7, tan.; It: 15, J 50. ttM, i.JOp ui. Fe*MtUiferd, T. H tax), »e- a.; It 15. i IB (aa. I, l:Mk .:.*, l:Rjiai. For Port l heater aud inturmed-ua Statioae, 7,ka.a». i »4.at,! 50, t »0, ».Bi, «.ewp. iu.

CONNECTINO i RAINSFor Botti-a, tla Springfield. I* a n>. (am, I, t. II p. st. (ea). Fat

Poeten, U li p. ox, via New London, r.toning".a, tnd Frort-deute For Hartford and *<pTiu«ftelil k a m (ea.), 11.19, I Up. m. (at.) For l onnerrifot KOer Railroad to Montreal, It a.

tea.) tad S:15 r. m (ex ) to Northampton Fir Hartford, Prtrrt-denre. and Flthklll Railroad Uu lea ) Far New tleteavBaw l nndun. and Stoaintfoa Rt :.-ovl at » a. m., 13:Ik. aad tiltp in. For I anal Rai toa-to t.'oü.ntt'lte, I a at (ax ), aad rj.ltla. ai., to Ncrthampton. For Ho.itttouit Railroad, la aa. Patengtlerk Rallroed. itm., 1.11 p. ua. Far DaaBttry aad Naa*

walk KalLoad, 7, 9 a. at.. I >pMf.AMES H U0YT,

I ^.'jg -1RAH ROAD. Ika -apacoy of thia Road it aeat

co-el te any la the coautry.TUBER THKODOH


eoBLCctina dttect tt Philadelphia witS tbreugii tra,ut from Bea¬ton. New-York, tnd »II pointa eeet, tnd In tue Union Dtpetetl'lilthurah wkh thruuah liaint for Claeleaa't, St. Leeia. . let*.lend, I hi. »»0, llurl|i.fi«n St. Paal IiHtiaoapolte, Lwuttrille,Naa Orieaua. tnd all i.ilei lediete polutt lu o i«i, la iaua, I Ill-

no U, K '. Itrnaata. M lueeeAa, Mletourt,Rittet, tnd juai-Bka il.ua f.irni .b iu; faciliUet fw the trane-pnrtatl. u of pa>aen|ut umurpaatcd foi tpead and teUtfort bptnothrr toute.

1 iprettan.1 Eft I.L.ert run through to Pilttbargh witkoetrhan»e of an tt '< uJettenBMOKIM. ( Alt.-' are attached te eaeh traia, WeedroCa

BL1 r INO ARs to Eipreet aad Faat 1 ralaa. THE EX-! Kl »RUNS DA IL^ «u.i ra«t Llue, .lundayt exoepteaV

Mtll Train U tret Phtladelphlt at. 7:tea at,Fail l.i learea PhiiadelpbUtt.IliSti*. aa,1 ipr. at I rain leere* PhuadeipblBat.loi-tp. aa.

Sit li.nytraint Letween Ne- ¦ ck aoc' I'huadelptalai Tm*Daily Truotbelwren Be* Ya/k and boetoa. Through lkkata(all nail) are good on either of the tbore traloaBOAT TICKEih frnm Boeton are good, v u Norwich, Fall

RDer, or Stontagtop line.Pattangett fioni \V ».hington City hare two daily Irate, tnm

Raltüuore, cotue« ling at lla.ii.hjig foi all poiula Weet. tea »Lag;B.Illioore at a m. tnd-p m.


Pteaeagrrt for tunntny. « llliani.p>rt Elv ira. Boffato, N1-tgaiB Fallt, aad _utcruie<ilate p.dult eating rUiladelpkia at 7114». in. tad 11.50 a, ia.. go due, * i,ir.,uth.


The coiupleiionof ihr W eetem r-naeetivae el the Penntyrea-i.ia Railroad to t liicago n.ai , tbl» the


The connect jag of tracka >iy the hai read Bridg- at Pitlaburrk,BTotdhagj all drartge or f.rrkageet Er-ifbt, t>i«t-t>_)r wKh the)taring ef time, are adrtniagea leoilily apateeiated by afcippertoffii-ight tud '.Lelitv. ling pBBeta.

FREIO ITS WESTWARD.Ry tl.i« route, fteithti ef all deerriptioat ewn be fbrwarde-t

from PhlUutelpk-a. Acw-t ork, Koelee. or Baniinere, to any n-natlit Of Art.l t» 'udiaut Hin .It, WUrotiat;

Iowa, or Miaaouri. by railroad dteet.1 be Priit.t>i«tuia Railroad eleu t tawtell at Pittebergk wtlh

ttetuiert by «hieb »oo.lt .au bo forwarded to ear port on IbaOhio. Muakiugiiin, Keutuckr. ruaetere i oiuberUutd, lIHnoie,Wltetaeia, Mleeeori, Rtnta't. Arkai.rat. and Bad Kl.ert. tnd atI leieltnd, San.l'itky, and < hi age with '.t-arneri he eil porteeathe North W crtem Ltkct.

Mer. htnlt tnd ^hippert Intrn.llng the traet-port~J'i.>a of theirFirigkl to iLit Coti.paty. can rely with couBlence ua Be tpaatdyUtatB.THE RATP8 OF FBRIOHT t. any pnint in the Wert by

the Panaiylranit Railroad are el all timoa t. faruitble aa anycharged by any .> her Railioed CaatsajaWBe partn-alar to mark peekttat '* vta Feua. R. R."Men tan!» in the Wat] r lertng gooda from 'ha Eaet, will *Vk

weil to direct theo tu be thtptrad oy thia onto.For treigbt t ontitrta or shipp..,* Directum«, apply to er atV

drttt either of the foUewlog Agaatt.»'t rie CompanyD A. STEWART, Pittebarga;

I'oyl. A Co.. Hieubeurilet. Chi ce A Co Zaaettllla,OLw, V J. Jehnttoa. Riphjy, Ohio; H. McNeeiy. MayteUke,Ky. Oi ibVj A ropper. Eortea»». -th. Ohio: I'addeek A Ce.,J.Sert. ..le, Ind., ii W lir .eu A Co i lociunetl, <Buo|Athern Illbber», ' iaclaaatl. ohi i; R. C. Meiirlod VXJiiam Linghaiii l.o i.riil, Ky f Kj. O Kiwy a tea,1 »tniTlHe Ind. N W OrtLau. k a Cairo. Ill R F. dear,Si. Lanka. Me. John H Huri«, NathrilU.. Tenn. t Harri* tkI'ur'. M.i .phit i-ou (lark a to., Chi ago 1R , W. H. E.Eo. nti. A ".on II! Murphy tt Walle. Dobu iaa, Iowa; ar kBEreigbt Agent» of Rallroed» tt dr?er» n| pointt la the Weet

Pi t* tlUr.Matngto tbakr tw| thi( ._e..w fr-.m the Etat wtTJ(.i d it to >.i ¦ ir latataet to ra!1 or. the Age-itt at thit inteipaay atthe followiag plarr. ¦ M .¦¦ Lrrt ' '-i'.f a*either of thru, ua the tubjoct of firelfittt, will aaast wLh promptettentioa:E J »FFDPR, Phil**.Iphia.MAOPAW A KOO"«, Na. 40 North *t., RtltBaoT*.LEECH A ( « No 1 Attoi 1:o'iae.or >o 1 d. »v__,_ru-tt.R'.T,mmWCU k Co. No 54 KlD>y at.. Boeton,H H hoi Sit,N. t.eie*'tl Er-igbt Agent, "blltdelnbla.For through tlcketa tpt ly at tb:t eBV«, No. I Aetor-Haaatu

) L Y.' LloTT, AiL L. HoCPT (len-rai Tlrket Age nt. Ph.laeVIphl»,T. A. m o rr Oeneral naertafeadeut, Altooua, Pa


MILUON l-4_rTTI.ES HUNT« LINIMENTBold, tad a artek praatar tin.her at* tk* baaaaa fiaa-Ty mmfhud int.ant relief and bad de-Bauer te Rheaaiatiani and all Ik*

EM. Price» and id eeat* liioxfata aatd C iBBIgJall a,, k, UrpM Ra. m k-Mde.W

^ ^̂

DAME* COUOn W7,KS(,V^Emi»bb**4liyeera-enreCHRONIC CO'<»riS. COLfB». aad al kW

FEtTiON.» af the THROAT net LI'S OB. li»pu« 1» Watar-rA

MOEFAT" LIKE I'fLLeS aad BrTT£BS.--lEall DeritBia Hi ef tk* DifeeUr* Ftaatiaai, aad ef kha

Ltrer Bowel«, fk-awyt, Bmdoer. and pciBelanl Vajawra, -bar* ia» ri»t*ly *a*_lkaa te be ».ata wi I with theea. tWdTttai¦ h*«*

QÜEBU« COD LIVER OIL JELLY,aaorated br tk* Aeadeaay ef MedA-kaa, ta ._.»-** laawaar

( ON-I MPTION ASTHMA and all kiad* «f a>UOmV. It latwice ai*r* eAV artoa* than tba B«>kd otL

Cl EKB I 'S PATFRT JkTlIPIKD CAtTrTOt Ott,Pleatta<ly flat- red. ttd taken wl boat atneaa. and data aot< tot* rotte«patUrn after aaa. It U the beet mmm**** for ekdl-drrw. Tahatiad etiketnterror'a N* ttkae.. trad *M t*e

rpettabi* dr-otau. ft .»FOLD PARKER* wOWEH,No. 14

IiI» Teart* ptaei

my), atwat rejaaaerJV» PHTffn.TANH.-A Phyti-iaa irt wurm tfwa

rtiy). afci-rabie Itrnat. Ha

ire IB eae. l-aan-at Iht tk* _t*r*T Mrt tf tkat, i o a to*a dathea te dl p* a ef tke aaaa* em

u heiter <r_*»ce u» be bad ia tba taty. Adp*_-,», Dr. KENNEDY, Na MB