OOUSATONIC WST1TÜTE, NEW-MIL- XI PI ion-, Tke MMMERTERM will mam m») i.I'l.iii* wuaiuc mmmm m\ . th>.ron»b «wre if «t¦. eeubr., Iii« two. r itore.- vrera, »i l tr- entitled loajl km* llfHUM life' fViWi* .¦*.>" ii. end eV<»'tl eta It niiT at aB hranrh.a taught, atriaediag ihr Languagee, Drawing, Pe.ntiii« and Mum , f .r AIM per ». »r, unable ju.it. i.v, ib aatvaaoa Cin-ulara uuy be ob- u,m'.! at EAht.k 8 IK'TEL Pirk r-w. «..... 1"! j.-l aaay b-mii tut iwo data m. y, M b* addrraen.g M a. B J. eTTONE.New Mil* to. Cona. ¦ ii i'M, n kiveb ins.111 i t-... flay a XI feai pan BOARD lud TUITION ... COM hi »N EN- OLisP l»p--'. !. -i.tN ii.ru ii.tiinVm at tie- bead of aav-b t Ha aha* «i. p»rtn.«-i ta. Superior edveuteg.e for Kr-urh, fall tn a and 1*. u .> Maaie. Ex.ij. u.-e and ee-ieomy the uvrtto. Writ. Iura I aUhejue I b< R. v a FLACK, A. M Tim pal. Oaf k. C ¦'mi I Ia Coin ty, N V. 1KMM. INMIil II. Tablet* N Y -TBS iUbm A i Ml äj. aaiou Will cou.meueaj oa WEDNESDAY, Marl Cir.ulaia.an ubUined of 8. P. York, «aq., Ha V7 tab. rtl at., a. o of W U Roar. raq.. N i. ** Cedar-.t., mm by mmtju** the Prineipel D I atQWg, A M NORMAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC.GENE- SEO, N. Y The . barrll. r will oja-u a Normal .K<-m>rT,j ad Mi.au at Di .».., Lu.h«e. i.l-untj.N. V., on WEDNES¬ DAY, July A, HVS, to rentmne right werke. K .r particuler» ad- er>-ea ...thii-r -d th< Pr.w ipula, wie. will, ou appii, at Ion, f rward tdrcaiare. W. M. HR A DDI RY, HI...ml', id, New J. ra-y. T. K. PK.RKINS, Dauville, Monomr Co., Pa. voKWHil COlaLEÖIATE IN8 .ITUTE . A, a Tt.r .->.';.n.r Ten of thtal awaaea) Bad S batata Boarding- School for boy. .pete oi. lh> lir.t Wedi.- aiiay lu May. The lo- e>Uou aa ..ae of the pleoeauteet iu New-Engleud, and the .¦dura, tkoua! advantage, are .f the fir.t order. Kra tdreolait addrea. ma f-u pal, hat ». J. A BAXTON, N-.rw .. li, O.nn., or apply at T J i i. »¦. N .. Broadway, or at N Laue h Ca. "a, .tationera, No SJ Well-at. 1)1 PI LS ppio*ittd a*. Baal tut bo] leni/'b of tisM, ii. the ROYS' PAMII.V BOARDINO-SCHOOL, B,.v.ii»- wund, L. I Cir. ulara at Noa. Bel and AI a Ilr «d way. Acctao frequent daily by at. arnb»at Mattano, Pultun Market nip. I TGER8 FEMALE INSTITUTE, N aS 2fi4 and 206 M dienn .t.-T'.e 78th IV rm open. Nov. JS Poptle f reived BBS the family of tbe Prineipal. Tue In.tit ite atajjia ronvey pupile r> aiding in di-tant BBCtkaaa of the eity to and fruiu atdaooL kTENBT M PIEBCE, A. M, Pnu' ipal. JOHN M. EBEBB, D. Praallaal CCHOÖL and HOME EDUCATTON..Prlpata A7 kr. i.. a and Knaliah t laaah al 8< hool, with tine Playrr aad Oyrnnaeium, Ni«. 47 and Cl VVrat 20th .t., I»t*wu Brad- and bin av. Mr. I.RNST uk. a luir^e of a iiuuted uuiula r way ai.il ol B. y (J I». & H. W. SMITH*1 MEL0DE0N8 ami hJa PaABMONIUMS, Pedal Bna-Baaa, Douhla Baah. D «Mt Bord (louratipa), and all the vanoua alylea aaitod to Chttreh, \..tr.. II, School r Parlni pianos and mklo- LEO.ns l.,r rent rent api -i. A. M. hANui BE, Sole Apaat, No. XV, B"*dway. \ K A C II E R 8 ami I.l l ERA RY INSTITU- TIONS rill rereivr rrati. and prepaid. BB appliration, our NEW l)ES( KIPTIVE ('ATALOi.l E of tbe m AMI IU CAN EaDUl IATION At. SERIES, Inrludiiia Iba Mal approved and bate Initial and bifhet H.aik. in Ppelhna. Beadiiif. Arlthwjatto. Bhatoty. WrPina, Muaie, La;, paage, Cm aahatry, PkUhaaaahy, Botai y, Oroiofy, Ca., making luv roiuii i a of Batjaaa PHOORESSIVE sc llool. AND OOL.- I.I OE TJ x I Hooks. THE EDUCATIONAL NEWS (quarterly) aeot free to T. ». I., ta. BarabaeB ' < pira of BbSBJ to Trai hrra, and firat aupplira for Claaa. a. on very liberal trrma, Trarnei.' Eire R. adiui It¦ aim and Re»iafer of Plarea ar.d Want., with AnieriehU and Eurepran Education il Journal., op. ii during buainea. houra. IV ist IN AM) PHINNEY, NOB 48eaaM m \i.kek-st NEW-YOBX riTfJE rMVKHSlTY GRAMMAR SCHOOL X r-rehra Pupil, in i't Primary, ( ouini.-n ial and Claaaical Baayartaaeata at any tlaae. ISAAC PEBBIfl, Cbaaoellor. PjnUE Mlssi.s WALKER w.ll REMOVE tlwii X HAY-BCHOlll. for YOCNO I.AKIES on M.v 1. to No. IflJ Madiaon-av., one do.,r kaloW J2d-at. TMIK MISSES ROHR« FRENCH and EN- OLISH BOARIHNO and DAY BCHOOL, Na il Waal BMat. BBBf hth at. PHI VATE CLASSES for Ladiea, in Oer am.. Kr. BOB and latH < ...>.> *;||/amilandinst.Biiti musical W9JM9 »JftfiACADEME, Catahtll Moawasiaa Both r> K «i talTP'aaaaa Raanma nn aaaaaBaBawa May I For in ii in r«, .v addrraa thi It. v. Hi Nltv j. kox, A. at., ftahaaad. fliaaaa rniaalj. N Y. ApprdataaaaBa for inter/iewi aaay la-add reared, Prof Ml RPH Y, De) a'. HnBIB profceoionnl JMoticca. Ou5i e f,,r pr.m uring ^mkrican hud FuREIuN patents. J. 1>. PIRSSf >N, No. B WALL'STej N. Y. A pamphlet af information vent frre by mail. Ba r n t: y a stylus, BOUSE, ¦ION, and 111100 PAINTERS, No 4' 111 DS'iN STREET, D E S 1 O N 8 K D RN 1 8 II E D roa PCBLIC BITLDINOS, LI Hit ARIES, LODOE-ROOMS, otn. Burr"a lokd, short-hand writers, No. 119 Naaaau at- Offii ial Ra por.. ii in V. B. Senate from 1848 to I SM. _ «II 0 M E f . r I N V A ITlTsT" X 1 ratabhahed in 1347, by E. E. DENNISTON. M. D., at Pprin^dalr, Northampt.'ii, Mar. Number limited Ui forty. Ra»KRK*tK»..Butou.J. M. Warrru, M. D Jboob Bige- kuw. M D John Wan M. D In New Y rk- Wilard Parker, M In Thin I IfI El la ii I i*l -Tlf T *" Woi.h.eaqra. Nortliamptoii, April 2", 186». I>A68P0RTS. Having been freqently reqneated by frienda to obtain Oov- araaaaal Paaapatta lat lahaorlhaa uaa dnided to make that a patlliill n| thr buani. aaof bia oilier. B..S will be the narge for pro. nring a Paaaport.and pi tbe rhaige lor obtaining ÜM rix of a PortngB Mu nter opmi a Paaa> f«rl. On tbe n rip; .1 the lequiaitr tja, Ukt ne.-eaaery pap< ra, a< eoiii|h,M. d by IwU diii .-tmna, will br promptly forwaided by mail. Atteii'ion ia railed to the auhjoiued eatrai t ftorn a:i tfi- aielnM. ut. Z. C. ROB HINS. Oi i i tun Pai i m>, WAtmivuToni, D. C May, 1HA4». |)n thi Ml M oi Still, WaaaiasToa, ABpnat, 1&Ö7. Citiante of the I'nited State» viaiting toreign eountrv-a ere lia- btr to «erioii» in. on.. nieu.r, if unprovided with authentic pro.4 of their national .-berei ter. Their beet euteauerd ia a paaapoit from tl.ia De|iertuiri t. eitifjing the hearer t" be a oill/.eu of the I oited Statea PpEETH, i kkth .Dr. HA i i., DENTI8T S No. Sit Hnaadwav. t-oi .tot luh-.t., BatforflBI »ii oprra- Baaa allb pal Iii atai lair, apaa Iba moat MBeBta aad aaraooa Hla ArtSMaal IWrAh eir gt-ma of beauty and rvell"UCe. Chil drrn'a tertb regulated. -furnitnrt-. I^NAMELED BEDROOM FURNITURE, in aJI J .-tdora, of auprrior and warranted manufar-ui.-, tiui.b. d In BadanpnSaasa,kYaSaadaVaweea,al H. K. KAKRI.NOTON'S, No. last Cauel at., oppi-ite Waoaaat. E.tahhahed 184a. CHAMBER Fl KN1TUKE.ENAMELED ami DRAINED in all Clor« and Sty we. wai rauted to give no Braeetiata, te n. 8PRINO BED BOTTOMS oa hand aud BED- DINO n.-v i'. -.upturn made to order by E. C. WOOD- BRHHiE No Ii BaRttaa atleat, nrar Canal. (MDITAOE ENAMELED PUKNITU1CK..Ele- J gent «ultra fot. ity or country, fn>m aud upward, grsi-..>d In rt«ra..<l. eak, weh.ut, Ae , oruanien'ed in ftowe'a, fruit and Braeo. Nat:reeere, Spring Beda, et the k'.agle Enameled Kurni- tare ldaui.fert.wy, CM Broadway, ebove Leute K. rurU Theater. DESKS Mtj OFFICE 11 KM II KE, No. 107 Fultt«-»t.. oppnaite Dut. I: at .A targe aaenltuenl uu baud Bod eonatautly uiaunfeetured by T O. SELLEW. 1WAMELED CHAMBER BUITES of FURNI- d Tl RE, in all rui.^aand »tyle», wbeleaele or retail, A; aud upward, el... MATTRErvSES aud PAILLASSES, WARREN WARD, No 277 Can*. .. Poul d.a.la ra.t of Br<«dway, N.t. JKoN BED8TEAD8, IKON HAT-RACKS. IRi'N STtlRE STOOIaB -St .1» put up iu BtirBB free of charge. Cir. ular» »ent i* requeat. Liberal tenna t»> the trade. JAMES SCOTT. No. It-T Centre «t eorner ol Caual at. MODERN STYLE of SCHOOL FT7RNI- Tl RE-.Mai.u'», .med and for aale by N. JOHNSON, No, PJB Hudo'u >t New A, tk A huge »uppiy ...ualaujy oa band. Hleetia'rd Cir.-iilar» forwarded ou applieaU.'u I> A 4 E N T txi EN si t">N TABlaESj (N-w liupr vrmrn; B liaLXAM HEERDT S Mauufaelvif and War. n«.u.a. N I4H and lio \\ OOSTEB ST., N. Y. A Verge aaeortrneut alwaye on baud. CCHOOL PI KMTl RE MAM taiTURED a' end SAU I > ROBERT PAXON, No. 24 Orove at. Cu- eulare arnt >m application. iponfif-farnieliing (?»oobo. MASSER** FIVE-MINUTE ICE CREAM KREf /ERS, aa improved r a .:. BttBip ll It t ovrr., and Bott. ina T nurd .The only k'reeaer known whi' k reaatrurtrd oa true e-iratiS. pnot-iplra The r bra peer, beet aud neat ecoooniiral. ri-qtirina lew ire end lew labor then any other, belog at the eaaue tine the luoet diueble in eiiueture end moat aertaiii in ita oprratioe. 8. le Ager:. f..r 'h. LTattad Statee. E. BETCHl'M a. 4 V kaetturera of Jippaaid aad Pia thai Tie W.re. Nt^JBS P..r at N Y CELF-SEALINO FRUIT .JAKS-tJlaad. IVrctv hi hun and Tin. Ala., Paten; T pa f r TlaSj f bbo, »r» Eaj Y\ hij-. Old Empirr t poU ,nd »«jioiia other rvrw BBal Bite h-e iu ;b. b. ..« tuei.i.uing bnr at wkadreelt. by ORAf BROTHERS N B-rkmar et. GUMMER 8TOVE8, CookioR Stovi a Kefrioera. h-T tore, end a \rry la». aaeoh of H - a ¦.a .. N". f) C»:uiin< a: »o..v. Bkw ». i WILLI KM CLARKE Opting Debs. 84 50. <r th- hre* SPRINO BED In .6 50 EXISTENCE, at No. m Broadwev. N. Y Examine it orad- diareaihe ELLIPTIC BED-SPRIN'O Oa., k r theut drwrnptivo AVvulai. Ppev*kii4evtDivaUtu;Uc::aieaaWlt^aaeojta financial. ABTIHANS' BANK, v-w-Y-.-K, M*v :i Ig».. DIVIDEND -A I> rim m* ml THREE ini)«,. l\ PEP. CEM i?t) lb* c«r t»l SiMk w.:t ha oni.i to um 8t.rk- hake**. ni.. ii.|Tii atativr*, m ««4 after MONDAY, tMSM im«. TV. Tri.! r Book will remain until thai da:.- Bj I awSprof th. Bnarrl. It A. TOOK EE, C*» or. B.\NK<»i (OM.MKKI K MNhW-ViiKK.-lif) AHM! MaaPJaS of Iko Shame Idrr* of (Ml AMaaBMBAB will ha ka Id it tr.. b*ftkinp-H<>-i«e, eon.er of Cedar tuid Xowti'j., od MONDAY, M>t°. <t Ii .VI.«k H P V\IL. Caan.rr. Ornt a mi Thiiii Aitmr. Kaitaoto Co t lade»., between Oli »od PNaVofa i DIVIDEND..Tbr M.Mfrt iMr-rf.in) have Till« DAY d.rlared a DIVIDEND .f TWO AND A HALF DOLLARS p. r .lor-, pay-.'i-at tie-ir ofl e M the r..-k- kw.ki.-ra <*B and aller W'LDNEM» V Y. ll-ht :.- -N.-w-York. May 2, II». BAMI EL B. ISAACS, Srr. ury. Orritc Amvbicas <<i ».».> Conpaaa N... .»> Wintaai at., i NkwYoak, April i-I aw I 1YHE BTOCKHOLDEBS »f V AMERICAN OOANO COMPANY an- berrbi I thattM ANNUAL El i TION for Til' STEES arm be held at the Ofi-o of the Cc/mpany, on the l£b of May enduing Thr poll* will be . p-a fron, li .. ... ml o'clock p m Tha tVaaaM B.«k* will b* :ki*-d fr'Di tbr !«. lathe llth of M^y, both inrlueire. JAS S VVVt KOKK, S^rau-y. NOIK E-Ttie IVJKREsf "cWpO.NS -Tihe EIGHT PER CENT FIRST MoRTOAOK BONDS of bV LA CROSS! AND MILWAUKEE RAILROAD COM¬ PANY, Saa oa the Jim day id May, 1*30, at tbr B:.e>lw«y Bank, II >.l.e Ci-v of New York, will be paid on ihr day f.Ujw_i|ca ¦laaiilaiiiM M IkaOaaaa But. It IhaChi f N .w-York. S. CHAMBERLAIN. Mortaaiee, Id poaat arlou uf La Cr. tee end Milwrikee Rainair!. Orrice or thi: Nrw-Yoaa a.vo W'*>.iii*ii.iu» Bammac. i T/H.BSRAPM Co.. New Yoik. April Jr. n s PpHE ANNUAL MEETING ol the *t..rkh.iMera 1 a II la b* 11 at :h. fli of tbr ( -upa-iy. No. 4 Wall at. TUESDAY, IM IMA day of May next, at I f/< loot. By on* r of IM Boaid of Dtr.rtf.rt K W. RUSSELL, Secretary. Abti»»«'' K.kK. Nrw-Yoaa. Apr «.'. Vi THE ANN! AI. ELECTION far I Ulli I KI N DIBECTORS of thi* Bank for tbr en.ninf yar, tod for THREE INSPECTORS oftbe next \: .1 f .'ion. will uko MaaeattM Bankh>( Hoeee, N... Ill Naaaaa-at., ..n Tuesday, the IStb day of May neat, b*twr-n 'be ham of ooe and two o-cau.Ap.ni. k A tooker, Caahirr. Tar.aecBCB'tOrricl Hodaoa Rive.- r. r 1 No. a* tVanwa-*t. Nr:w-Yoatt. May 3, IMS. I THE S'tck TfaMsfer K«h k* mi IBM Cotuptny will he rloacd .: 11 m on THURSDAY. tMSStk brat.. tOI ID a. m on Tl'ESDAY, Juur 14th, the day afi»r tue a la lal rleciion of Dire tor*. C. C. CLARKE, Treaturrr. AU XA AXI> ( IIK'ACO I'XTON KAIL I road COMPANY..TRANSFER NOTICE..Tha AN¬ NUAL ELECTION ol directors of »»id Guaayaay wtH M b.-ld atChicafO .. lato* raaa, Tai Tianafti Biiiiki .n S»* York mHI IbniaBan be 1. a.-d at "he l.rae of b iaim-aa the mat,and be re. reu»d at ISa'i l'»k. a to thr lid June. B N LABS tBEE, aV mtary. On ile or thr OaLi aa akd CRieaaa UwtOT B. R. Co.,) Call ISO, May I, I8.W. 5 KOI ICE ti»STOCKHOLDKKS.-'IV STOCK¬ HOLDERS .f Iba (.ALLNA AND CHICAGO union RAILROAD COMPANY ara berebj aotiStd thai the Ann Mr. tii r ol *aid Coaapoay, for the Eh 'ion f Dire t.ir»and lrar*> action of uth. i hutin. aa, will be held at ibia uflir* oa wednes¬ DAY, tb. lat day uf J m it, at 1" r/o! » k ». in. W. M LARRABEE, It :.:«!?. NOTICE..'I b- AXX I AK MEETING uf the STOCKHOLDERS of WEST! hester TURNPIKE I O. will b> h. Id at a< Hot. I of Mre. Hart, in the »ilJaee of M.n.ai. n. ck. 'I UE8DA Y,*!i. 17th mat., at one ..v;. k. STEPHEN C. ORIFFIN, Preaidm HOLDERS i.l BONDS .»f trie, MISSISSIiTl CENTRAL KAILBOAD COMPANY will pre nt Coupon* due Ma* I, lMy, \m pa ymrnl to ANDREW ||. ORE EN, No. 4d Wall at., Jauiu ry- ourt. QTOUT, CLEWS tt MASON, Nim. 11 Ntssta lOai.ri IA Pin. *L, N. Y.j buy and *eU MERCANTILE PAEEK, STOCKS, BONDS and EXCHANGE, aad tramact a Bankiu« biiain* aa a* n. rally. B.f. r to Daacaa, Bbnaian A Co., YVtlmi o. Hunt A Co., Hie» Taylor. e*q., N. Y.; tf«ttui Coniiur, e*q., Albany John E. They, i A tin .. Bottom Dl 15 I O i: K AND PACIFIC KAILBOAD COMPANY -ELECTION NOTICE Notica w berabj rivii ti at on MONDAY, the 6th of June neit, an election f >r aeven Directoraof *aid CoaapM* w,n be h. Id at iheir ofB' e Diibi.u... -May 2, iaw. JAMESMcKINLEY, B ratary. JOHN M II N R O E &. Co., AMERICAN BANKERS, No. S KUE DE LA PAIX, PARIS, And No 8 WALL-ST., NEW-YORK, JRaNT LETTERS db CREDIT Km MERCANTILE P"R- POSEB Alao, CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT u all the prinripie Town* and Citiea of FRANCE, H EL'HUM, ITALY, OB EAT BRITAIN, SPAIN GERMANY, IRELAND, PORTI GAL, RUSSIA, HOLLAND, SWITZERLAND, SWEDEN, Ab» ob ATHENS, CONSTANTINOPLE, ALEXANDRIA, CAIRO, BEYROUT, JERUSALEM, Ac, Ac. BILLS ON PABlPand St. rlii.g Bit*, at *hort or 30 d»y*'ilaht, for *alein anon to *ult. n^UV. CO-PARTNERSHIP heretof/oro exiatiriK I under Iba lirm of DRAKE AC lETEB havum rapired by limitation, the lindfT*ktn*|i ban aaa a iat'-d f..r the pirpoaeof oon- ..i-juiiill the bu*ine«. ./BROKERS IN STOCKS AN!) BONDS, und. i tha Dam* and tVjV JAMES M DRAKE A CO , and Laie Iahen 'h. ..fli. .a lately occupied by Me.ara Ward, Can -1.. li A C.., No. u William-«t. M. r. haut'* PanhaaM We m.In it tbr |aatroiiaie of our fn. iula and the public, with the aMiianuiilial mil Miiiiitlna will ba aaahirrtrerj devoted to the prowiptand Stithi ate lionoftbelf ordem.N.-w-York. May I 11 K JAMES M. DRAKE, a A DRAKE Stt ~i I i U U k Tl * K< »AN in one auiu, at 7 per *M>»il r.Ulll/ ..m, for five year*, and *jr\i««> to luen.-d at 6 par acut, for two a ihraeyear*, on tnt-elaa* improved leal. .tat.- in ibiacity. W. II. B BO WER, No. 18 William *t .240.000 IO LOAN on BOND and MOBTGAGE Ar^plg El GENE THOMPSON, 8t.. k Bn.ker, No. 37 W.Hi .in . CTounrtncrsljip. Ci IPARTNERSHIP..I hn\r thin day aanociati'd a th a i M parti «. WILLIAM TITTERTON. A. W. U SPOONEB, O. DUDLEY WELLS tad YVILUAM H. HA \ ENS. in the boa t:... ,.f Mn :fi. T'i f WOOD TYPE and GENERAL PRINTING MATERIALS aa baaretofora em ried M h* BM tha ««ine will he cntinied at the old at and. in Mr the arm of E. B. WEBB 1 Co. I R. WEBB. N. m D It-at., May 1, 1839._ DISSOLUTION uf COPARTNERSHIP.. The i'opartuerahip heretofore e\i«tni| battrMS '.be under- aianed. m (lei the hrm of C AMPBELL, H ALL A Co.. expirea THIS 11 a v by Ba cars tua-itation. b..:n.: p*r.nei wiM riaja too uauie ol the tirm in iiquiuali Be.Now \ ..-k, April1R59. JOHN C tMPBELL. AI Ol SPINE SMITH. OEO. «V. DUBU1SSON. JOHN H HALL. The nrd.Tiiancd have thi* diy formed a copirtncrihlp nnder the Una ol I kMPBELL, li ILL A C... un the purp.** of trana- a til I the I ll i It Bl siNESS in all it* brau.-h.-*.-New York, M«v i.lto:'. JOHN H. HALL. GBO. W Dl BI ISSON. RICHARD L. CAMPBELL. DISSOLl TION or PARTNERSHIP..Ttwet« i QUIRK .v JANES, baa bona Urarlaad bymntoal eaoarat 08CAB C. tdl'lKK, - autborited to b- ytflftt the atlair* of the In in, and for awn nurnuee U* uae the nan., ol lb* arm. om AR C. Ql'iRK, U.t.d.N.u M,.> .'. M JOHN C JANES. COPARTNERSHIP lb raba riberabaeathh d*v formed|a popartMnbip aatlar tha Brra ol UUIRK BBOTHEK8, aad w .i mntlnue tin aal* oi tin Deiebratod WiMar P*'. nt Eire Pr^of Sa . M M Maidei laae. O. C QUIRK. D.trdNea York.M.y.' w. PHOS. W. CH IRK. NOTICE oi DISSOLUTION of COPART- NEKBHIP..Th* Cop»rtD.r*hip heretofore exuting be¬ tween the aillleulpiafI. in .let tie name tinn f WINSLOW. I. tNlEB b Co., i* 'l. . day die*..Wed by mi foal OOMMS, Richard H, Wbotiow ratiiizip 1tOU\ bu«lU< (*. The unsettled bu*iue** of the late fitni will la- x t-.l-d bv either of toe uudrraixued, al No. -Sa WaL at.-Dated Aphl 2», lSoP. RICH *RD B WINSLOW, J > D LANIER. RICHARD H WINSLOW bavbaj r. tired from the firm of YVIKSLOYY LANIER a Cav, tire underaia-nrd hare fonned a C parti r.L.p, ami will DOMbBM th" buaii.caa of that lirm under theaamr name..New- York, April *H, 1338. J. P. D. LANIER, M. C. MORGAN. ALLAN d KOSE, No. .VS Waahincton at., WHOLESALE DEALERS*!» FISH and SALT, offer at lAa 1. w. a naafe pn.-e.. No. 1 Ma. k.-n 1. Po kled Salmon, Hrrrioaa, Hade,- k. ii .., naj Siiau, Wmte nab, Pi. klru Codtiah, OeeTrr'a Bank C.Nlhab. Ac. City and cvuutry .Ualrr* i..vited to call. CASH CAPITAL K&Wfl IMPORTANT TO EVERYBODY. THOMAS R AGNEYV m-\; Rap, Wi ixi. Bv.s.ni», Oaivrair.« »\n Paovitiox* rbeapa-r than any .:i.. r man la New-York. Call and *e« f. r v iraaWea. tu a, '.ivereel tree uf . harte. THOMAS R AGNEW. Import, i . I V\ u.. a anJ Biauuir.. Grocer. F'.our a:id Tea D.-auer wb. ieaale and retail. No. SM Or. enwvhar. and No,Pp Manay .. ALLAN it BOSE, K 29 Waahlnrton-et., N i h Yoa ( WHOLESALE DEALERS bj PIBST-4 LASS PROVISIONS, offer at the k-w. at c:a:k-1 pn,.-.M.-- Park, Tum BMM Pock, Butt and Ci.-*: P il. Sa. a. J H .ma. Snuuldera, Beef, Bauuo, Torujuee. Lard. Freeh Dairv Buttrr. Rich and Mild Cbeear. Dealer« in Eroviaiona invited to tail. (2LENFIELD PATENT si vkch, I USED IN QUEEN \ KToRlA'S LAUNDRY. AND PRo.Ni.i N< EH BY HER MAJESTY'S LAUNDKSJS IO BE THE finest srtRlh SHE EVER USED. Su id bv al. Cbaiidlrr*. Onx-er*. Ac. isaac B. t haNaN a c«.. K«v. BNaaPMt, Sol* Aaen'a h r the United Sutea. ALLAN A 1:o>kT~ No. iit Wi.hi- ctoo at. Naar-YoBK. WHOLESALE UE KIERS in FIRST-CLASS OROCERIE8, offer at the verv loweat market pri.-ea, a lame etocA of Molaawa, Sirufa. New-Otiean* *ud Rel.i.ed Supan. Olren and Black Teas, Rice Coffee*, Ac. City aad WOtfKJ dtairn incited «* caiL Sales at Action. ABSOLUTE BALEni uy^vt e/roli'tqai-h>«- 5..im-krer ->>Un<tM HOUSEHOLD KURSITURr « .um'. Iv J W. PORTER, Met* -r.r. THIS DAY IS*-- urrtey). e? I1) o'el rk, tie . ut r- '-entrape ef the hug- B-.e-.tory r.«:CL<r Ma. 2!t l4Xh-«:., brtw-en tth and 9ih-ev».. the whole of wl let e rraily 'he fii.. a* . tf-red at publi' aale r mu; ?rait. Ouly a .mall deetripti' n te li.ea iu thia acvertiae-Brn*. l'.t ..t'.Ltaiu janli id . .p ri r Velvet Cero.:*. taree u..x- M naew.a.» Suitre, I vrn«t i:i as*, BaRa m-.'. B*Bpt eive »r tticL.. g- thie. and T:rk»h E*«y QbSbB, in nua-urr and «atm br r»dr; l»d .«' aolid r - w ad ID-eeption and Arn Chair., uaatted hi c id. U wtaaaati and ma.-o't eittn; r-ar- »«d r.fc' , I? k>. !..i»-d w.'ii ..ik a A *.:>:. w ""I ihaf aoLd raawood'tVtt» r Tehie». wvb rut «tat jary marble tope; »iper.iv.ly r«rv»d r vw A Plat, S dB. aud Snie Table», with B artl«-1< pe: three ro.tIy rveewond Etager.*, with BiarW.- t/pe. gl»»» d<«,r», Ai, imp. rt.'d rxprr».ly for the oarwsr. Loire' rar- w- d *AVrk Tahlre, bringe tnd ana In C!-k« ^baact China Vaere, w itu the nx.at i.ui'f and ex»>-D.ive ,end«rap*-». naiDted to rdrr in Pre:.<-.-; magnifi.-. tp Kr»-.. h Plate Pi-r'ii ^; r .. n Bad I.eaty aoij frame heavy etnbroi lered La'-.- >¦¦ d W:i ¦) Curraxa and Coraiore, Large eo.f ex:» naive variety oft til Pa' iap«, the wbnle f. rmina a vrrv ple»»int r dleerii/n; «nperior roee wo. d Piaao-P.-rte, Ijii a> v. n aceafe, i bgaut Liae. uniebed round, lulaid Plate, and rirhjy . . with key. ..f real pearl, ?I*', being a valuable inati-umeu'; aaartaaad Piaao Su> d. errrl in «af.n, »ith an e». . llent and n wHf embraahaad M Du iag.laaa . rim vrlr.r Taprerv . .rpet, htfaad PatTtrTf-n Take», marble u p fanry T.bie., Mirror. ChahB hair tt -h. :. getber wi-.b a I 'he p.by and erT»taI ('.till* .are, Wir.»», Cbampegue«, Timbb r.. QeBtatl a.il Dei-auV to mat. h; ri'h i'ait.a T-a and Diun»r S--a. .-irtly Sil» ware, T.eaud Dinner ahrrriea, San lake B»««--. i Bab CoJee and T.a Um., gpa..i», f rka, Liquor Stand, euprr Table Cutlery. Marble Pitriera, k Ab». raew .Jand m. h>aaoy Brd-Kooiu Furniture, in great variety. Bed* and Bed ding. he. _ AI < 'I lo.N NOTICE..flBJBtftM KI'IfNlTrKK rieh IPUtaa and Balvat Caipali roatly Prencb PUte, Pier tvad MautJe Mu'Tora. tAtreaaahtaaaf rial Parha 1 a .re, rote wrad Piarurp r. - *ave valuablefjil Paintima. Pier at Stiver Cutlery, Ac, at No. 14 C.intou-plaee, between Broadway and Cnnera.ty. DANIEL c rouor, Aoetlaarar, trfll artl THIS DtY (Satiird.y), May 7, at 10 o rl.a k, the entire PI/RNITCRE the »Bote hi U»-. wh.. h ia of the b»»t dei. rtptiei.. eonaia-i.n large aud '.atly pieraudn ar.tle Mirr"T». rope nor r..»ew.«al Piano- E' rte, rlegant Buitea f Parlor Pumiriin-, In rich enmem and n ariN.u hp-i ade oce do. in green and gold roatly maew.al and aerri tary Bookraar« aolid rarved roa.-w.axi crutrr, aofa and pi Tallia three «,;p. ri.-r n-arwo. d E'agerea. niarbh ...pa w.'., rr.tr ror do»ra and be. ka, rlrg.ut r.erwoal Re. rption Coair*. in ri< aetin end teraatry roeewood (". n.er Ktaaerea, with mir- .r berk ru b he r window t rtaiua and Sued* ». hr-nxe onu "l-i Cl « ki roatly Chine Va«e« and rieh Parlor Ornament». withenuru bar o'f due Oil Pahathaaa, D.uiui-faaaa and Cuambrr Eurnitnre r>.ant Eit.ri.i'ti Tah'..». Chaira. rieh «old lieud derorated and 1't tter Seta, rlrgnut r .by and rut UuuMwarr, pearl end aiiver Catlery, t ake Buk.t., Caetera. Bareaae. Waaha'an.l. marble top», roatly dr. orated ( bfna Toilet Seta, beat Hair Mat Uraet-e. B«da and Bedding, P i- b i M rf Pinitnrr in hain-l db. '.'¦trage aud mah. rtnv Sprina e Chair*, roarwood Mall S'.aud, U.lrioth, kr. San- p-eiuve, and no f- ... y I.-.. A. M. Mrewi», Aaetk aar. BY BANGS. MKKWIN .V Co., Trade-Sale Rrxm», No. 13 Park-row. SATI'RDAY AkTERNfKIN Mav7 at 4 ttchok. RARE AND VAU ABLE BnuKS-.Sele.-ted fr .m a private Liirary, rmbrarir.g a rirh variety of Hlurrra'ril Work.. Phil e-pl leaL rteakajlealaad Hiatorieal Treatira. B--ik.--f turn¦!¦. Raaj repcy, Ar*» and S,-ienr.«, kr together with an ..iv-mire aaaort ti t rhoice Standard end M.e rliaL. ia I'.l.li. a*, i.j v.: Cetelogi.ea ar. now reedy. REOHLAR SPRING PARCEL SALE. TT'ESDAY MORNINd, May I"»-. 1i.a k, and .-nroe f >llowln| d»>a . me h r (TREAT SALE OP ENOLISH AND AMERICAN ROOKS .C-n.priaina a v-ry aaaaaarre varirty ef the be«t editiona of .leudtrd worka in rvrry dr^artmt nt f iiterature, eru end ad rnera, laVllalliaj many rary a »I* rate and rtperuiively iUuatrated kooha, all new and freah f.-.-k, moetly in fine end »'.iha'antia. bii.dinga, end rou.igned by the Enfliab and Ameriten Pubiiabert exprrwly for tili» »aie; to be a-.J In l'.ra to ajit nun haarr», and >S»ring an tinuaual oppor.enity to :he trade aud eoilrrtora for puk i' r ptirati ibranri. Catalnfiat may be had on eppU'etloB a: 'he aaleaToome. P. Cot.Tot a per. aOLEANDiO <»| I BALE ui EVERY ARTICLE V/ in tb. KI'RNITI HE I.IM t any quantity ( arpeta and (111 Cloth.. Oae Chendrllrra, Perl.r Suite*. fci\, Ar P. ( It-n will aril thU day BATUBDAT, May7th, tlSJ i'ckck. at N". i;u Bet kman at oppeeMa the old atore, tha rn-.ire «-.a-h re maiiiiuf. It will enilini.-r every Sa»-ripumi of g «ai». Tile atore mm' be girrn up on Monday nrat. 9th taat., after whirh time be aiav he f.-mid at No. 312 Broadway, in the Ind'a Rahhel Sprlaaa B'-rl and Iron Brd*fead b'iaine».. D'-ra^it. required fr..m all parti' a I J>. HOlBROOK. Aaeiia»aer..THI8 DAY. .fa at 71 Maid, ii lane, and 7 Libertv-it., at I"» oM.-k. Dwarf and Standard Ro.r», R .nu and M ni R .»-» in f ill hi .1 Eeeiaraea Skeee, Bowerinf Bhraka. Varaaaaa Dahliaa, Daau l'»inn ». Pi <t.ii« ROW V Bocklee, Carnation, Pink, drape Viue» kr, Iraw WM. WILSON, Idch-et, and A»;..ria, L. I. illuoiuil inetrnmcnts. AE. THOMPSON, No 4-fl Hr..ad way, offfn e PIANOS from the h. at raau'ifa. toriea, including Heine* Brother.', Jacob CLi. k.-rini * and ethete, at the hrwagt rate», all fully guaranteed. SV. ond hand Piaiu* taken iu exrhange and tot u- A to. MELODEONS. fr..m the h.-uer of Taylor k Perley, ihet en el in aweetareaa »nd pnri'y of tone any rrrd inatrumenl madr .OROAN HAIUIONU MS h r . hurebea. eight dr«w tope, a i'1 4 oetaaa pedala. Cell aud eiauiiue a New aoe er- ond -hend Pienoe to let. A LARGE stock of BARMORE* celobratttd Preaniuu. PIANOS, j uurivelr.t by the beat iudge», and warrantrd in all rrepeeta, at their M.nufa- '.. r, and \\ ar. room, No. 348 Blre. ker-rt Our prirea make it an object for all to examine hrloreptir. lia.il.«. O. k H. HARMOBE. ALBERT WEBER, .Manufacturer, No. 136 Writ Bn adwey, near Can.l .'., will »eil a large t.e-rtmrul -A bi»i rlrbratrd l'lANO-EORTPISet vrry great berialn«, ee- ond- hand Piano.Kortra taken In ex -hauge at their full valje. A call la teepr. tfully eoli. ited. \G0Ol) J (.HLBEKT I'IAN'0, »ÜocDtve, for a> lu; a raaaaraad 61-.^t«vr, Bat BUS) both in paafa orrlrr. A veriety of Slat flaat Piano«, nrw. low for eaeh, or e.ld nlnatallaeeilta Piau.* and Melodeone to let. J. M. PELTON, N . o am i; P.i adway,betwaea 1SUaadIdth-ata.,M.T. Alt,\Jv(Ial^"can b.- had iu NEW oTsECOND- HAND PIANOS, of aood tone and lalaB ill of whh h ar,. fully warrentrd. Apply to J AS. VON RIPER, No. 178 Waoatat- at.. Between Hettatoa ami Rhwekerata. CAKHAKT A NELDIIAM S MEL«JUEONS Can b«. bought or n-ntrd at JI DSON 4. M1 NOER S, No. 722 Bniadwey. CH I C KE RING tt SONS, M*vrr aorl*ata^ or ORAND, 8QI ARE, and I'PRHiHT PIANOS, Werrrooni», No. 694 Broadway. CA SONS have la-.-u awarded Thirty f ir I'rige Medalt fot the tuperionty of their tnauufai ture lot the Laet 36 yt-att. dkt te>. Kok SeXBI MASON k HAMLIN S si PERIOR M E L O D E 11 N S and HARMONIUMS for Parlor*. CharrAWB, Veatrlea ami leaig-e, et Wholeeale auo RelaiL PIANOS TO RENT. HAZLETON BKÖS^^ianö^Fort« Manufa«- turrr», No. 209 ntre-et., ofl. r e tiue aeeortmrnt of brll liaut »nd hiU-totied PIANOS, at the luwaat ratea Each Piaoc aarranted to give »ati»faetion, aud g .erauteed for three yeara. HALLET. DAVIS A Co7l GRAND, PAR> LOR ORAND, and SQUARE PI ANOS.The be,' Piau m n edr. St rond-haud Piano*, made by Oilbrrt, CMckeriaa, Hal let, Davil B Co. Prieea lYottt $X to BBU. MELODEONS * Piaaca M at teat T. B RESET, s ibü Broadway. Bar. Oraiid at kaaiMt building. AS' N A 1t1 MELODEONS and HARMONIUMS OK ALL KINDS, Banging In price from e>6" to B43". aq ia!ly adap'et f,r the Chun h, Yratry, Seh.. r.»in, L-aJgr-n.>m, at Parlor. Mratr* CH ICKEklNO A SONS are the tola Afaatlfit thea *..p. r.. r lu»lrumrn-a tat thr State ol New- York. WaatkooMt, No. 6«4 Br adway, New Yorh. Dealer« aupplied at regular lactory prirea. Drerripthri . atahtfaea »aal on apphv at., u LAUD S SUPERB SQUARE PIANOS Can be beeaBBt or rented at JUDSOS x. Ml SOEB'S N- -..Br aaHray. LICHTE A BKAD1U KVS, No. 4-.'l Broome-at, nr»r Br>>edway, have a ¦bradlM awnini-iit at thru CELE¬ BRATED PIANO PORTES in.. . -. .. ¦: red »:th thr Pateut Ali h n-.t P auk. TL.wr ka wautol a auprri^r . U-..1 a ill bud It br thru advantage to .eil. Laud S PARLOR GRAND PIANO Can be bought at JUDSON V MUNuER'S, No. 722 Broadway. Ijyianos, MELODEONS aud ALEXANDRE (.ROANS, of aiiprrior make, at great bargain*, e id band Pi*:..-* at xtr- . AZitopl V); .hr iargt.t Cet g . of Mat I I Ma- i. , I:.. t.'» *: M . ..¦:.: .. la k.nJ«. e: the li wr.t BDaShea ratea; P.an.a anil W rent, aud rent a!, w.a ii f ;n beetd moulhlv pevrr-. ... d I r Pi .uoe aad M. kair, ua HORACE WATERS, Agent, _ No. 333 I r. axd way. ISlAN'oS. Cbeapvat in the city, aa will be ae»jn by thoar who tak*- the taaahla la BSBBaaBB. Aleir.>Wetrhe», I , .Irwrltv, Srgax. Sa'i «. BooAl, Hall Hruah-.. Pt.f.:_i». Oaaa. Rrvi Uer'.. W «'. t.. (':. th. Hike. Ac Be. Caah aSvaarae on EbBMB, VA atfbee. Jewelry. Drv Oood., Euruiture. kr. l. .a bought tor ru.h. i. P JON'F.S. St. 52 Ann-.t 2nd fl I>lANOs and MKL<»l'i:n.\s._ Pkret Ta PIANOS, ft y w *n-ut- *.. p'ai:. r lb h'y -arred at LowttT raicri. PIANOS «:.d MELODEONS to LET or add on l-j-sümeu»». J M. PELTON. Baa. £41 and 843 Broadway. N. Y THE DKIGGS PATENT I'lANO-FORTE. Or. THE \ lOLIN PIANO. It b'tiH Bpaa »n iron frame or W pU'. »r 'ir-lv e-ptraat Pri m the are. |htM rrlirvtug lim e uua b>«raa aud rvrry otuea part of the heal (r.aa the et rain. It will remain in TUNE f r MANY MONTHS, aud. wa-n the atni.»» are ar'.'lrd, rvru for year. It baa rxaaeea e-uuding btärd« ahoee and beim», Ukr the Vi .Iba, which are bi . U -i '.-.». t- i the »xxne mvr. .. Ihaat BtaaBlS tae rnturr uuruuJxieut a vibratory aa.lL It ba» arratrr drpth eud fulUw tt of tor-, and itl "Sweueto," or p. w.: 11 . ,.t.o :.- g ''¦> " ha* net r j . \ by iu»*r..r eiita o| thr trlaBa raa It IMPBOVES WTTH AOE aad 1ST b- ircir.g m>t> v-.bra tt ry euo the tow purer aad »nt>re ao.-ru t. "It Wth. REST PIANO-EOBT1 »"-r*T," tnl Ii n if t- 1 ly OOTfeCHALK. THALBEBO ead mauy othrr arf "avtr A.r-..**" uj: hal; l « »*< n «ib- ».».» _ bt law. Sprua »^4 Pnu e «ca. \V0NDER1"ÜX1lMPR0VMENT in ff ORAND P. anus STP1NWAY A pons iu;-.te»ri«.ar*d .JKreth 'rlBt»a«T1| b rt» lui eauuune their ue wiy in tented U v >:rstbjn(3 ORAND PIANO, whieh, for power and qnelitv .47 t..na, ia pr> BoaLred euprrior to any other Oratal Piano by all who have aa- amiued it; among wboaa are the keat amei. ei judge* of tha r >ua- try. »*h ea B Gold bet k, Tb. Hagar (Editor of The Mu«.ral Ba> eiew), I C Bill, w A. Bing. Wr^Ma»on. H. C. Timm, H A " ohexJxei.pt, fx, a. Wuuo, aud many ,^herv . stEijtwat a sons. Rtt-Acwn, Noe. tt aad M Weiher rt New Tora. RATEN, BACON A Co.. iSucreaaer,.,, BATON A RA VT!»J Ph»w#.P M Manofae- tar»r», w »r»ro. o.t In, ISOtvadt*.. --ar Bredway, vhn I tJl Ii en-. f Ir.atrjnwB'j navbe vi «i »i .ait-.j .1 wjr ov*. BMl *.'» tu»* Warranted in *rerv -e#pect. illiocci'iincons. I / JLENFIELD PATENT STARCH rtel.i<iv*».y VB l"<I u Queer Vir«, -.a I Laundry..The waa'awaaftie.: . earnt* for tb» I'kitud State*, wt b>' able to deiner rappüe* of ti.it «riebr»:«*! STARCH, *a the atTteal .f the 9 S. Otnapav, at mtniff-.-. r * pr et, in bond, at dnty pud. 1*. i* proooaaeaa' by U'^ero Vicuna'* lentadr.« b. ib« rtcrat tUrcA ehe «»er nerd. ISAAC H(.'t 11 AN AN k Co N < 13 Wu.iaai-aL, N Y. IIIPORTAS I to JANITORS of COLLEGES, ACADEMIES. SEMINARIES, SCHtXrLS, aud a.l Mkaf pubic InarituthiBa..At nrh pi*rr* there Mat < »iti b> iraacea aaiv . i ila-jua <t >id p»;« r. wh.rh baa t». .'.n-p^ir?.'.a writhlee*.auch aa balk*, pamphlet*, i. wapavn an i «I a umri.t* of ail kirda, of aa f i'iti wintieeer, and conatitutinp a r»> ..blewme rnruttbrrn' ... S h r .bhieh. no u. alter'o a fiat't t«nt tLe artlrba may be um ir «herwi*« de'a.»d or mutüfej. are readily pur. haat'd by the .ubwriben f r r»ady .-aab. and 'hj* p. -«. t* having in ihe'r jan*aa«iinn any'hi-g what.rrr tfc. tjepe ut pap» r 'an tirhangr the tame for win; M 'hem ia of far grea-er ti. t*. tauelt, th* attire rirruV.cg and mm» of the T'nited Sutra, r-td aid «.:..» r STOCKYfELLP KMERSi'M. No 23 A: .-at N. w Wrk ihaaamniO. .HE EXCELSIOR STAR BLACKING pr.w durra a p, rf. : p ah v. r :! r gr> tee, preaereea the leeibrr eutt aaa piiabir, n.-arly doubling iU durabjity. We only aak toe trial, and w.il ra fund Eta pre e if I. t f aiu<1 aa lepreaei trd. A RANDALL k C N Mi . N. Y. II'K diiviae th"»e BSiBf SuMifi.vi, ( itrite* nflfac* H i a:a. BaUBpJM Bl .M...rrai Wat. ra. t ;r> ROOERJTS Cerate ad M agraria in P..wdrr. » v*rv ..-ling aaS r i ¦-. i arn.k. Larte ba ttle* only 25 rent*, p.-r «*ie be all dr .ggieU; well adapted for 'he rear.try trade. D-p. ¦'¦ N .. i*i Spriint*t ficfrigcrators. COMETHINT, NEW ft-nrl SITKRIOR! '- O IXVOLVDia mat V ENTICATIMO RKHC.iERATORS. .Tbl* »r^i. le, while it i* eery eeononii. al in ice, baa a eery lari* an.' unt f ibrlf room, which ia ai atranf d a* to b>- in fire differ- ent apanmrnt*. '.hereby keepena butter, milk, Ac., from coming hi c< nuct with meat*, fiah. BMIaaa, or anything whereby they ¦-ay become tainted and *r« i'.ed it bo* a water cmler attached : the aheive* re*, ive, bnnging each dien to the hand. Tn- box i* VeawataaMaataL b> ieg n a.!e In an 'ictagmi f. rra and han ia-unely grained. We alai give peraonal atteutlou to all kinda of Warm- ¦ ad Vertilatir.g. Send for \ Cir- o.ar. givin* .le*. notion and cut*. ¥¦ L. UEDKNBERO A SONS. 58 Waikrr-at.. mar Broadway (TntUrr), Garbroarc, /X^c. j3 Il.'K-PBOOPSAFKSat OKKAT BA BO aIN S. A .Two Jeweler1* Satea.ne with Si drawer*,Ur(e a r with 12 drawer*, in.\ll tjaa; *l«o, three aaaaoS l and Sife*. for Hie. IIKRKINii and WILDKR'S P.tea-. Ho.MMnii-u lane. H'ardware, (ITI.K.RY, EDcYI TIKJi'A Re For **'.* by CHARLES S LITT1.E k Co., No. 20ii Broadway. HYDE'1 rVatstvt GRIPPING WRENCH, I. kkw*! Pataal IV nbCUmp, our new Door Spring*. Ratch¬ et Bed-Key*. Tiad Caee, coutauntig 7 TooAt, w.-iaht !T oa., and 11. I,. I .1 ia n> it A good ¦' a ... «i i.y OR AY BROTHERS, No. ^9 Beekman at. INGOT COPPER, SPELTER, I»AN(..'A TIN, 1 ANTIMONY LE\D, SPELTER SOLDER. PDi IRON For vale by JOHN W. Ql INCY A Co Nat, i* VVil.iauiat. 0" a mks a son" SHOVELS .UMi 8PADE8 * F r *»le by JOHN W. QL'INCY k Co., No. 98 Wiilum *t Xltaclimmj. RELIANCE PIRE REOULATOR- POI SAVING Fl EL IN steam BOILERS. TL.- au«t - t. and aV awal n.>-r uaeul at tha khad. (H as vv. COPELAND, No. SI Broadway, N. T. (Dccan öteamers, Ä*c. KOYAL MAIL STF.AMSIIIP AFRICA, for LI\ERP(M)L -The AFRICA. J«* And. r*on. Cotnnnuder, wUI urn. Ir. ni ika MM am on VV EDNESDAY next, Mav II. A .t ail.boat will ply betwe.-o tha »'..n.pai.»"a Wharf at J. tea* City »Iii the Afn. a. from II: i'l a. in. to lp m., tocou^rypu- .eiif. r* and haggaae ot. h-irrd. tv PERSIA ¦ ill aail Ma\ ±>. E I'NAilD. N... I BowRn*-green. IBERIA (all port.), C0RI8C0 KAY »ud FERNANDO PO.-Th. tire- laathark ME NO I. Capt Wax L M ¦¦. h be iiiapat. bed lu.mediately, and will aail about the l.itn in*r. For [reial.t or paaaag-. bar* nu-tt axeallaal *.-.-om- a»iia*ik*jg Apply to T. w bay At I' a Co., Ba Paaii THE NEW KINK frr~~SAN KKANCISCO, CALIFORNIA .OHEAT BBDI CTION of FARE..The aar.ntr attamahip NORTHERN LIUHT, Capt. Tinklepaugh, wiU leave New i. rk from Pier No S, N. R., aa Tl F.SDAY, M«y 10 at 2o'clock, p m, unerting, via Panama Railroad, with the ateamahip OKI/ABA. Apply at the only office of the line. No. 4 Bowling Oreen. D. B ALLEN, Agent. M. B. All pairaoua ate forbid tr ia'.inf any one on acoount uf the above ahipe or owner*. "^OTICK..In luhire, the) Steamera of this Line 1Y will rail at cork, Ireland, to laud and receive letter* and paaaengrr*. S-e«m to Li V ERPIXH^ railing «t cork, and via law rpiaJ. to LCi.NDON, OLASOOW. »nd all the principal town, in CREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND, at . > red need rate*. -The LIVERPOOL. NEW-york and PHILADELPHIA STEAMSHIP COMPANi s *ple;,did C;yde built iruu acre* ateauiahip* are intended to aail a* follow*: mow new roan. CITY OF WASHINGTON.SATURDAY. May 7. KANGAROO.SMDRDAY. May .1. At Ba^alaak, aooa, froai Pier Bo. « North River. bath or PiWitl Cabin from New York and Philadelph.a.tli Third i Uta from N.w-York to any of the above-named pla.ee. M Ret.irn tu ki t*, available for aix moi.tha. 60 Paaaenger* forwarded to Havre, Pari*, Hamb' -g, B.'euien, Ant¬ werp, and allparu of the Continent, with.mf delay. NoTlcg Theae ateamrra are prr.tidi-d with every requisite to Inaure the immedntte rxtinrtion of nre, and the «tri. teat dur.ipltua betforred With reeurd to tlie nae ..flight*. Ptaaetigrr* to Irehttid bv thi* Line avoid the riek and great de¬ tention of falling a: St John*, aa the ateaiu-r* pr'a:red to Cork direct. For freight or peaeage, apply »t th« office at 'he Company, JOHNC DALE, No IS Broadway, New-York, Agmt In Liveip,.|, to YAM. INMAN. Tower BuiMiiiga. ^ÜTTON & "Co.1!! OISPATCH LINE SAN FRANCISCO It) BAIL BEG! LAELY ON advertised DAYS. CUpper of SATURDAY, the 7th mi May, Tue favorite firat-rlaa* lipper anip VV EB FOOT, HüDcr, Matter, is raeMrfaaj her cargo at Pier No. 21 E. r and wi-.! be dlepatched promptly abaive on h< r THIRD VOYAGE TO SAN ERVNCISCO. The WF.B FOOT i* well known f. r abort paaaig. a. Made 'he run to San Eranriero in lib and iis dava. Matte thn fane.ua paa.age fp in Calcutta to New Yurk iiikoda)*. Ratet damage* any cargo. I* of mm! .-apacity. WiU 611 la-lore her edrrrtleed day. SLTTON A Co.. No. St South-rt., cor. WaU-at, Gi BEAT REDUCTION..THE VANDER- I RIl.T EUROPEAN LINE u: UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMSHIPS. VA.NDFRBILT...C»pt. Ufevra, ARIEL. C*pt. Jone«, OCEAN QUEEN Pial r, | NORTH STAR, will f< rn. * rtaiMfcHTi.v liue between Kbw-YoaIL Sot th »yr- tob cud BÄraa. taavimj that «ido each altaraata aatarday, aad the other Bde each alternate Wedt >adty, Tig: ibom acw-voBB ranM havbb roa sotTHtwrTox a»D »ournaMPToa akD Ha vac. r »x IBW-ri an. ARIEL, u-. Saturday, M»t 7 WiSaiMay, May 25. OCEAN QUEEN-Saturday, May 21.. VVedneaiay, Juue t. VANDERBILT.'Saturday. June i.. Wedneaday, J^i.eZL ARIE I. Sataaiay, Jan« Iii.. vvVdDead*y, July 4 Ol E AN UTEEN S ' .'d iv, ;ly 2... Wedneaday. July 20. VANDERBILT.|Saturda>, J da HC. VV.u'neaday, Auj. S. Three SteamaLip* hare water-ti^ht CMiipartmenU. Ca.-'i ab.r S Pant or Pts'twB.EtTHta a it the HMt-Via: Per VaxoirriLT.Pint Cabka, BtM a^d *aiCab- in, #50. Per Axirt.Plrtt C»bin. BM; BatMwd Cabta, A N Per (kr*> Utcta.Pint Cabio, SlOOandSKO, Se. o&d Cab¬ in, $40. Cgarir'^ «rrs leaned of paaaage from Eur pe. Sn«>.rä ...ei.-tJ .:. L a and Paria. d TiiRRtN, e. N 5B w rt Or.. N . V rk. CTEAM to LRELAND. DIRECT, C r| '.-The kJ LJTrfP0,l. N. w V rk and Philadelphia Ste*m*hip Ca'* aplendw »'-d powerful *te*mahipa are intru '.»d Mali Kr. m P.- ar.d C -rk-t ITY OF MANCHESTER, «.h and Ith of April; V 1GO, ttn and 6th of May. Fr rr. Naw V ,a la Cork lad Uiirpaol CIT1 UF MAN¬ CHESTER. Sotii April VTOO, 2«th M*y. RaTEt or Pt*aaux: Cahic. from N.-w V *rk t.. C .rk and Li.-rpr. '.*-i Steerage, fruoi New-Yurk to Cork and Ltvrrpnul- 30 I Bbal an utliiEi'ed aBoWMea of the bet' .a ked prjviaiona, which aU be aerved by the C .tnpany'a atewarda. Paaert-r 'a \y .Jua Una »v. id th- 'i*k acd |Te» detention of eallung*- Hahfix aad St. JoAn'i, aa tha City of Mai. he ax *aiU aUre<-t .* Crk. For frruji.-. ur paaaage. applv to JOHN McREE. No Vp-toria at BaBaaYt C VV D SEYMOUR A Co., Cork, and la Pbi;adelpb,a and New-York at the Company'* office*, No. MBWak*Bl-al PhLadalphia, and No. 13 Br«dwav. New-Tork. JOHN O. DALE. Aaet:. WM. INMAN Af-nt, No*. u2 and bd Tuwrr B..i,m ¦<«, Liver¬ pool. Purth-r uili-.p* BfBJ appear In f ."jr» adrer»Jaeaaeot*._ THK (iKASi.fiW and NK\V-Y<iKK M H.UI- SHIP COMPANY it tend aeiöng their new aui piwerful pteanw:* fr^rr. «KW-YORK d-r. ..'o GLASOOW. a* f a-t OLASCOW, TLvtaLn, SATURDAY, M»y 14, arLao'chwA Boon EDINBURGH. Camming. Wedn eday, June 1, at LI o'clock, bo. n. Rtrtt or Pauacr from New York. Philadelphia or Beate» . i.ih * LiTcrpooi, BilBn DabBa r l*aad -i-ry. Pirat- r t.a S .. i nd with an . bandar.. - -if r-a>ked pr,e risicawa, 040. Paaaaae from either uf tha above piacea to New- Y rk ' ST'. Steerije, #V: Ch Jrea under 12 year* of age, hall' tare, korlreiah! r paaaage ipplr to ROhEKT i KAlii. No.3 Broadway. 1THE KOIaTH-GERMAN LLOYLV" steam¬ ship BREMEN H VV KSSFLS, Goatuuuder, wjl aafl poa.-J« j. '-*.":) :.g 're- U. 8 Mall, oa SATURDAY. May II. at 12 ra., iob BT.EMEN vi» SOUTHAMPTON, taking pawtAger* P>r LONDON, HAVRE, sol TUAMPToN and BREMEN, ¦t the following; retee: PI rat Cabin, SIPS; Se. nod Cabin. »*0. Steerage. S3A F* Freiakt or Paaaig*. appir to GELPlEE. RELTGEN A BEICHELT, No. it fimaAwry. F)K SAVANNAH a: J FLORIDA - Th« A MF RITAS ATLANTIC SCREW .*TF»M>H1P COM PtVY'S ,t.i IraBaliaj .'.-am..-, p THOMAS J\A \nn j. T. RtnuT l<u, mender, w II Vare pier N >. I-Sörth r »er, on ¦ATVIJUT, M»y7. e:4o'. .kp ¦ P»»...' fn Savannah, w-'h linecrpeawel »<.<.' rrrr-.aiarlea », PlY Titrotub ti--k.-'e t«» l*rr TWieat A^'ö, Makler, M. ¦f>m-rj, a.*. a.benT, Oe. ».'4 A n'a. <0 C '. -.«, ?.">. V * .t Ai- net. AJB Aha. to pe-.e. 'pel pie. in Florida et low. «t ra'ra PjV ih: IPeeaaipar (..'. end pe>.pi rte.net« i-alee Ineeri: e .toe- kali' p»r ceut. App.y V 11 B CtoMWELL h Da, N... PS lV«t* ;\)R SAVANNAH t-id FLORIDA-!'. S. MAIL l*ne - To* favorite a>.,.«fci? Florida, c.pt p. Cnwe;:. BfOJ e-eve on SATVRDaY, MtV 7. et I p in. frim P.-r No. 4 N R. Tur-ugh «... k»-« ii>-n . M .ctg »rnery. C.-rea.bua Allel.'», a.bin» aid m. Bil!» ..' L«.tnt «n't er. » ea herd. K< r fnig11 er peerage, apply la StML U MlTt HI:.!, k SOS. So. UBn-adwey I Stcamboata unö B.iiIrcn«uo. rpRAVELEKS twr tRe NOKTH SOITH I EAST r t*> EST akoeM tarry, hifenj >. TLF- TON*S RAILWAT GUIDE. Prtoe SB eaata Taa alaer ateaaMt in abnbthe THSOt'H ROUTE M AI'S aredelineated,eael -a fbe-revel, r to eeiti .Ut re HOVV HE SHALL TRAVEL. He will eet.« aaeoy e dollar bv » rring « .-. pv D APPLETON A C, Pi.Mt.rier», N-» Staeiid >*¦' llr. ederey TRAT BOAT for ALBANY ami TROY.. 1 9 sr. .re.r METAMORjk, Tt PS HA V. THURSDAY »cd. SaTI'RDaY. ttet: I.« t f Jet »!.. at 7 a an. DA) BOAT (to ALBAN) Sfc'BB.erARMENIA -very MONDAY W EDNESDAY aid FRIDA.. Rt BaM of Harri* u .t., er 7 ..'.-Wk » m. KEW-YOKK ami F LI' H IM i RAILROAD. Th. Car- I. eve H-..I.H a e. r>:dp, 7:55, and H»a m end J 4+5 and 6:40 p. m., renne, tine wi-h the »teamer MATI'ANO f New Y rk «t Hur-eri p. i..t. Tb- MATTANO will leave P Sea Mark, t Slip at 9 a ei.. I. and S:4A .VI5eiid7:»i p. at., r. n e. ting w iia ioe car. »'. Raatrr*a p mt for Y luaaiaa. k'.rr as rente. WM M SMITH. BoperiateadeaA DAILY LINK for KoN DO IT. KINGSTON, NrURLROH aad POrOHKEKPSIE. landing at Case r-i .'», VV.at Pt in, ("old Spr ni, (".iniwall, New Heuihurgh »ud Milton. e«. b way..The Inet end rleaent Steamer THOMAS POWP LL, fept-'A L. Andrra u. leavre Jay et P.er EVERY APTtRNOON, et 54 a*aka k. IWR BOSTON ai.l PROVTDBNCEtis New¬ port »nd PALL RH KR..The »pl-ndid and »..p. r.-r itr.mrr MKTROPOI.IS, Cept. Brown, leavee New-York every TUESDAY, THURSDAY end SATl'RPAY et 5 oVI. ek p. m., and the KM PI RE ST \TY, («nt, Breyton, on MONDAY, W K DNLSDAY' and FRIDAY at J oM..tk p. m., from Pier No. 3, N. r. II. r> tf.-r. rooma wt',1 be reganled u »ectired to any appli¬ cant until '.lie aemr .bell here been pud for. Freight > B.etoo forwarded throtiga with great diapateh by an ExpreM Frei(tht Train. WM BORDEN. Ageut. N.a. 70 and 71 Weet «C vew-YUKK ttiui new-HAVEN RAILROAD. IT 1AW. 8PRINO AREANOBMENT. MSR Cm mrneing April 4, I8.V». Ptaart irr State I n. N. w \. it, -..rurr of 27th-lt. and 4th-a*. Eanaaea «n aTtl »t. TRAINS LEAVE NEW-YORK, For New-Haven, 7, t ». m. (ea>; l.':45, 3:13 lea). 3:V) and 44^p-m. F.r Hrid«.p.rt. 7, « a m. (ex.); IStdBu StlS (ex.); 3:50, and 4 tAp m. F r Mtlf-r.l. Stratford, Pairtield, Southport and Wratf.. rt. 7 a. m.; li:4>, 3: V> ait.l 1:45ä in. F >r Norw.lk, 7. Ha. m l'J:45, .1:1.. (ex. )j StSE 4:«JB, StSS p. m For Darien and Oreeawteh. 7, 9 a m ; UtdB. ItSL 4: VS. 3:30 p. m For Stamford, 7 » (rx ), 9 a m.; IJ:4\ 3:l5(rx ) MM, 4: Vi, 3:30 p. m. For Port ( keataf and luiermediate Station», 7, 9am.; IJ:t->.3;j0, 4:43, 5:30. 6:30 p m. CONNEl TINO TR_tlN8. For Boeton, * a. m. lea.). J:l5p. m. (ex.) For HailSad end S| rt] |kV I, n. a. m. (ra ), 3: i3p. m (rx ) K. r Cotxaeetieng Rivei Railnaid to Montreal. * a. in. (ex.), and 3:15 p. ui. (rx ) to Nortbaaiptoa. Pet New Haveu, New London and StoinugtoD Railnwd at I a. nt. and StlS p. m. For Ceual Railroed to North* »¦! I li, 8 a. m. (rx ) and li lip.tu, For Hoiieatouie Railroad, 8 a. ui. For Nauaataek Railr. ad, Ha un, 3:15 p. tu. Fur Deu- bi ry and Norwalk Railroa.1. 7 ¦ in.. S:M p m. JAM KS H EKjlT, I ipen uet.d. -THE REGULAR MAIL LINE via STONING 1 TON. aar ROSTON aad PROYIDENCE..lalaai hViute. the .honr«t and Beoet direct, rariyin» tin. KaaU ru Mail. The atraairn Pl.YMuL'TH ROCR, Cupt. leal Stone end COMMODORE, Capt D R Stur-ia, lu caaaiithai at-h the SU NIM.TUN and I'ROVIDENCE, and BOSTON and PRO» IDKM E RAILROADS, leaving N.iw York deilv (Sou- daya rx.»ptrd) Lom Pi. r No. J North River, (ir.t wharf above Batti ry plare, at SoYlot-k p. m., and Slouiugtou at 8.J0pm.,ur n 'he arrival of the Mail Train wbn h I. «vi a Boeton at li 10 p. m. The COMMODORE, AtMa N. w York, Monday, Wrdnrerlay and Friday from Btatttaatoa, Turedey, Ttniredey end Saturday. The PIA MOl TH RUCK, from New York, 'Tueedey, Thür», day end Seturdey from S-.oruugton, Monday. Wrduraidey end Fiiday. PlMWCtm pToreed frODI Stoliittgron per rallmad ti Providrnre and Boe'i ii, in thr I \pn .a Mail Train, reaching «eid pla.-e» lu »J- var.'e of tn-ar by other rrralaa. Bad in en.rile tun« for ell the early m.-ming luira, eonnri ting Nor'h end Ka.t. Paaa.-iu.-r» that prefer it remain on h..ard the atremer, enjoy a night'» real nudiatuihed, brt-akfaat if d.aired, and leave Stouiugtuu Lu the 7 a. nn train. Fare In ¦ Pi aieV in >. to N«wp.-rt V) centa. A tw«i-gematter ay\-ompei.ie« the »>amtr and train through each way. For paaeage, b-rthe, itatr rooo.» or fn-ight, apply nn board the .t. an . r, .,r at tn- Fiexeht OSaoe, Pket No. 2 North River, or et I No. in Battery eaarra. Frb. a. 185». CCENTRAL RAILROAD ..I NEW-JERSEY.. J ('..niie tii.a at New llempton with the Delaware, I.e. ka- waune and W. atrni Railroad, and a*. Eaatoo «riih the Lebigb Velley Railroed. BPRINO ARRANOF.Mf.NT. i-ommen-lng Merrb 1«, 1859 - Leevr New York for Ea»lon end iutermrdiute pla. from Pier No. SNorth River, at H a. no, 12 nn, aud 4 p. ui., lor Homer- rille by above tralua, and at 5:30 p. m. Tie above Iraina onaaarl at Kliiabeth with traina on the New- Jrra. y Reiln ed. which leave New-Y"rk tYom the f ait of Court- landtat., et 7:40 e. m aud 1J tn., and 4 eud 5 p. m. l'aaerngrr» for the Ib-lewarr, Lai-kewanna, and Wettern R»J1- road will Irate at 7Ja m. only For Lrhigh Valley Railroed at 7J a. in. aud 12 m. JOHN O. STERNS, Superiutrudeut. NEW-YORK AND HARLEM RAILROAD. BPRINO ARRANOEMENT. On and after U EDNESDAY, April 6, 1859, Trait a will leave 2bth it. Station, New York. .. BBttiwBI 7:45a m..For Wiiiiaiu»hri.lgr. 8:30». m. Mail Train for Albany. S: Ala in..For William»bridge. . in.. For White Plaina. 2:30p. m..For VVilliamabridge. 4:00p. m..For fb.ver Plaiua. 5:00 p. ¦..Pet White Plaiua. 6: Ii p. m.. For White Plaiu», from Wnite and Centre it. 8:30 p. in. .For Williamebridge. Rtnaaiau.Will leave: 5:U0a. ui..From Whit* Plaina 5:30 a. m. .From Diver Plaina 6:40a. iu..Froui Williamabridge. 7:1« a. m..En m Wlote Plaina. 8:45a. m. .Mail Train from Albany. 9:30 a m. .From Williamtbridgr. 1:00 p. in..Prüm Williernabridge. 3:90 p. m..Prom White Plaina 5:00 p. E.-om Williamabridge. WM. J CAMPBELL, S irterlntendenL i ism .THE PENNSYLVANIACKNTRAL equal to auy :u '.he country. THREE THROI'OH PASSENOER TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTMRHSOH, Bau idirart »t P la... iplne w.-b thtwaph frame from Boe- t. ii. New Fort ai.l all potota aaat,aad in the Dakaadep.it at P...' rgli vt.'h -.in i.gh trenn for Liu. luuati, St. Loui», Cleve. bad, CBtrapo, Biixiintttoa, Sc PaaPa, li.dianapdia, Loui.viile, N-w Or nap, aud all m ¦: e- p. Lata iu Ouio, Indiana, llli- Boia, Kriituiky, Michigan, VVia.-ou.in, Miuneaora Mi.autrrl, Kanu» and N< hraaka.thna f>innthitig faciiitiee fur '.he trauapor- U'lou of petarnfvr* uuaurpaaeed fur apeed and comfort by any other route. Expreaa and Feat Linera ruu thr. .gh to Pituburgh without ahaaaa f. ere or ondu SMOKINO ( ARS hia aita.hed to rah train. Woodrnffe SLEEPING f AK.S LB EapTBM and Fa.t Traiu» THE EX- PE1 BS «I NS DAILY Mall ind Fa«t Liar, aTiaiiji nitaajt Mail Train bwrea Pl iUd- Iphiaat. 7:15a au. Feat Line leavr» Pbnadr^tnaat.11.50 p. m. Six Daily Train, hrtwrei. Nrw York and Philadelphia; Two Dally TYafaw hatwaaa s^» fort aad B...-..n. Thr .ugh fk BaM (al. Rat!) are rtaai oa either of the above traina BOAT tickets from Buavcu are (.aad via Norwich, Pall R:trr oi S'on;i f u luae. Paearngi ra fr<m Weahington City have 'wo daily traina from B, Bat BBS et llarn.hura lor eil poiux« We.r.--lra»ui( B.ltiu.. n at-a. to. aud -p. lu. Paaeea(> re for Baabary, Wiuiau.tpor', Elmlra, Buffalo, Niagara Fall», and lu'.rnnediav- poiu'a, i-«»ui( Philadelpuu et 7.15 a ax. aid !l.50e. m. godln-v'tly through. I . -, Weetwerd m»y be .b'ainrd et the oSlcee of the Com¬ pany :u i'h.iadrlphia, Nrw-York, Boeton or Beltiuee*, end Ti I ta Eaatwerd at any of Lhe important Railroad ulti'-e» in the Weet; at*., .n bovrd any of the regular Line of Steamer, on the M.atiaeippi or Ohio Rivera PARE ALWAYS AS LOW AS BY ANY OTHER ROUTE. ASK FOR TICKETS BY PliTSKCROH. T>,,. f the WaBten .oouettioue of the Prntayl- »auie R i road ta Chit n.»kr» thie the D1SXCT LINE BETWEEN THE EAST AND THE GREAT NORTH WEST. The connei-tlrg r.f -jack- by the Railroad Bridge at Pituburgh, ato.diug »11 drayega or frrrtape of Fingbt, -jie-t.'a-r with the eaviug of tia;e, an- advan'age« readny appn- uauid by i-ipprre of fjeigh: end the t rave hug n PREIOHTS WF.STAVARD By thl» n.iite, Freight* of ell de» riprione can be frrr»rard»d ftom Pbiladrlphia. New-Y-.rh, B<aton, or Bal'lm.-rr. |a any poiut aa u. re. r.*d. f Ohio. EaaatW ky. Indiana, I-^e.j, Wiaoouaiu, loerB, r Mhweawt, by nilr.>ed dire. :. The Pei.uayNauia Ka. r «d eleu cwnnecta at Pi-.laburgh with rfeemrre by wbi«h r«deren be forwarded to any port on the Obui, Mu.kinrum. Kentucky, Teuueaeee, Cumberland, ILLuola WB rjaBB, MiM.ur., Kai.-ae, Arkenae» and R-d River», and .- ( la*, d. Sand ..ky er.d Chi. ago with ateaxoera so ail port* on the North-Weetem Lahea Mrrehai.t. end Sl ipper» iritrietlng the trarieportatioa of their Freight to thie Oampajiy, can rely oath confidence us iu tneedy tranert. THE BATES OP FREIGHT to any point la In- Wret by .be Prntieylyauia Rallnad are at ell umre aal favorthie aa are ttargrd ky other Railroad Compern.-a B' part-uier to merk pa. aagaa " Via Penn. R. R" Mrn neuta in the We»t ordering g-aid» from the Ear*. »n-l do aril to direct them to be (hipped by thia mate. For Freight Cootrart. .,r Shipping Dirrmou«, epp'y to or ad- drrw eivoar of th» following Agenta of the Compel.y, D. A. STEWABT, Pi'-UburgB; _ _ Barle A Co., Seubeuvuie, Oh»; H. 8. Pierce k Co., Zea«e- riOr.OU J. J J hneton. Supi-y, Ohio; R McNeely, Meye- rillr By. Ortnaby k Cropper, Pnremoath, Ohio; Paddock fc Co., J. dvr-wvtkle, Ind.; H. W. Browa A Co CineianatJ, OBJo; Athen, h II.aKrr, ( tuemnati, Ohio; L C. Meldnm, Madieoo, I tel.; W Uuaai Bin-ham, LooutviUr, Ky P. O O'Bjb-y k Co., F.vanavuir, Ind.; N. W. Oraham k Co Cairo, ia R F flee., b- leui.. Mo.; J .rn H Harri». NaehviJe, T-nn BarSB i H at Mrmphta. Teaa.; Cark k t>.. Ch-eego. IU.. W H. H. K r A.-on. 111.; Murphy k Welle, D.boque, Iowa, or IP Freight Ageouot Railroad, at d.BVreot polxrte in the W rev Pan., atteriding to tavir own ahiom-ot»Crom the Eee». «rlTl ihaBl lntereet to cell eu Uw Agenta et* tAee Oin-pex v « » ig p.a.-. Uf »nipptug. or lettera addraeeed to either of them oa theaal^rt of Ireighu, wui nv rt wrji prompt a IBM E. J. SNFEDER. Fhiladelrtcia MAORAW k BOONS, No. lu North rt.. BaBtanaa, LEEt H k Co.. Nu. 2 Aa»..r Houae, or No. 1 S. W m rt, N T. LEECH a C«. No. A4 Ki by at. Boetuo. _ H. H. HOUSTON. Genera; Fr-iah: Ag^ a*. PbJladeljdiiB. For through 'jchet» .ppiy a: toe .-¦d.- N- A»-.^ Ho u-. J. L. ELLIOTT, AgeBt. L. L HOtTT. Oetteral Ticket Agent. PhJaaWlokia T. A. SCOXa", CrtM.-al S -p«.«-.tJd*s.'., AJMrfie, Pa. HIJMON LUVE! IIA II.ROAD . E*.ib_ Apnl 4. IMS, tre.ne will a-av» CU.i.bri> .t .lata.» .* (.Iowa; IHM Tnau.*. . 4. m. aad i p. in A . M rr.i-.lla.eai r r Pouibke, >_ie. 7 1. tn .1 |:*» et 1 1* . * , M D«bW Perry, 1 «1 d 1! «S 1. a. *ud I «ad I" »'t>. m , Lr Sinp Xu«, 4 Ii p. m. for Pe. « P < « PtlBlkkt. " errry Traue at p *t '-.r Wey HuiVHM. Puwnn> Ukn, «I «hau1. ¦.. ( . Bjttklfh.f eieiJIatat*. T . 1 I r N. w V it -..».- Tr t ai « t. « i >. ». in., and J ti p m., end A'ba. 1 ab. n Sunday* .( 4 p ib. A P. «MITH. S..r*-a ilet_*eA .MEW-YORK AM» HAKl.KM KAll.KOAD 11 I OMPANY -IT. « " s... , . r th « l.n pai y Ad tbe WCtt. I raTTMrteel (Id) D real r», will tu* Arial at tbr *gB.ef Am G Bayany..-. r»r <>l *«A-et and 4ta «-., **» TlESPAY, Map 17. Iba p. 11« la b*, f> ,. fr m U ?«»__ al e-~A 1 .rTiai.af. H.a.. f _M Old «od P-vf-rre«t h a-ili U- rkraataj fr ¦ I ... k p ... «f 'kW l«tb Maj tniU . i '1 bat *. a>. «>ft_r lata u »t. W II EMERSON, Secretary, ke. x*K\V-JKK>» 1 R.VII.KOAD-E.i PH1LA- II PEI.PHIA «udth» Kill TU and WEST, »i» JERSEY CITY".-Mailand Eipce Iii»-* leeve N-wY rk et 7 P «ad II a. m. and i and 6 p. ui far* *X Tbr uah T.ckrta «old fug Cha¬ rier »ti and the W«»«, kl i t 1 Waahi.gt. n. New OrU-en* aitd Iba S"..'h. kr., and Ihr iah bagjaee rwerhed La Waehl_Jtoa It Ii ai and d p ai J. W WOOPROP. .taut Sup-riLwudrnt No baggage »1 h* r. > | % « ...lea* d«li»ered anal .'¦ «.¦! 11 i,.-a a.tv* ce of _ie time of leaeiaA KKYY-YOKK AN Ii KHIK KAl LKÖÄD..0_ and tikat MOMTJ V Y, April 4. 1169, and nun! f .rther e.<Ua», P**aen|. r Train* will k-avr Pu r, f>»t .( D .ane *t., ukuihiwa, vka-i PCNRIRR PXPRPSS.t la ¦_, t r Dunkirk aad tlafttT. and pr iiripal intermediate 8t»ti MAIL TRAIN atla. an.. I r I .1 kirk and Bufaio, arad it-Ur- a ,:ifr itattaM KOI h LAM> PASSPNHKR a'. S>'p m., rY,.«a traH of Hai- ikanaa al «ia Pkrrwa :. ( 1 > ... ..» .1 ttt rmt «iiata StaiHaua UAY PAh>KN<l> R I p .11 fr \. w' ,rtS. MddVtarara, a; .1 i! .. in .r,n,:r tialkaal MUHT EXPRESS ai .> p m.. ht Dm lirk and ButTaio. Tbc al» \r tia.i . «..Ii .!«..>, S .!..!.>« t ».[ !. .1. Tl.rae Eapr. aa Traina «. i.n.a l al Eluiina arllA ttaa Ebavira, l"a; ai ..»;»!., ai .l Niaaira Pi.la Railn-ad. t<t Niaaara Paila; et Bmabampioii, ai'h tbe Svracuaa- and B11 «baniptuu Rai'r\iad t r -. at C rii.i.a. wita tbr ButaJo, Coruiup and New-Yerk I.. Mi, f- r BaabaMat aad Bi.tfalo; at ttreat Bend, with tfca» '.aaare, La. kaaaamia an.l VYratrni Railnaad, tot Batrantodi at H. rtur.aaiile. with ihr B Hat" and Bwa York City Railn^d; a: .1 at Burtalo ai d Dm kirk, wth *hr Lake Sh-.re Rai'.raad, t*c Clevetaud, Cinrinaa'l, T 'leafo, !>. ( Ii r«a>>. Ac t HARLES MORAM, Pia.,.!.-, l Alcdttat. .K> HEALTH OF AMERICAN .>.> Olm* WUMEN »BW In prtttnhna ctttißcaUt./ <A« uni/eraa dea<4*iua «v<t»a «y tta> ii'arjnb*i* Kuaiiiy RtmtJiit. Ueir yeaertU >Aavaaler taw keaaa aaavapMaad »1 Vu /^Uuvna AePIDA VIT. MaToi'a Omca, Cm or Ntw v ««. April td, IIM Joabua P Bridie M Nrw Y rk, heiua duly «aroru, drpiaa^e au4 aa\. that lir ia the attruiitur aud r.uia.otru« poyaii lan toe liraef* et.bera Company. No. 33 Park i> w. Nrw Y ik IhU he kaa had ariirral r pnviaioai . f the pr. parati u »I the UraefcnBera, family ¦ediataea ihr twa paaat, and that he baa known ihrlr r'ect to ha\r been uuirornily (»od ; that be haa kuowu the adrertiaeinereta lulled by the Company, and the MrtawaakM pubtkahe.i, aud ha n iskra "ath t<> thrir rorre. ti . aa aud ar 11 nine character, aad that any prraon dttirirr pr>« f ah* J be r. fi rr.-d to tbe paPie«directly, or be olherwlae con»lurrd of th. ir rutire a.-riira. y. All peraeiaa ititerealed may rely upon tbe atateuin.t* of the Orecfrubrrg Cvua- pauy with in p'irit aaaBaV Bl I Sworu to beliire me, *h.» ISth day f April, Its* DANLEL p, TIKMANN, May. r I 'he City of New York. 1. ufrr.- r 1. >«.. ... .ili.-«. UtpUutmrnti aad J%flt*Ui4*, tOfttSrr vith cuaalirartraui ayaapr.>«aa r<f<f di«r.iae* 0/ w<>mrn. are rudrraHp cured fv TIIK Uli IR'KK.VBR'NO C'EMPd.Va"» M.iHSH il L'M t PBBIA B CJ n/n/.K'o.V. Puce t)l B*JMr but*. Kir. .ii.,l ,'.t $1 It aa be aeut aafrly by Eapr.-ae. A akillfi rhaal, lau i Dr. Blinuri an afU'tly In the ulBre. AJJrtm JOSHI'A K HRIPHK M D.. Srt,tUru <a'«ur/r*A*rp C.wpdie, N>. M Park P w, Nrw Vor*. rfCAI'TION^U An Aith i k. whoi.lv m»i tiioiuko, «r«*lv aisiMBLiaa Tin* in ««mc «an i.aar.i, 11*9 irr.N rvr IBCvLAfl Ml " The l.lrh moral character of the aeu'lriueii ouiue. ted with TTie fdrweffaBBaca Company, and tbe a. kuowl, il».-.l medical aki'J a, .1 ji.ilaii.u.t ..f Pr It- ,.<.-. tbe atu-udlna pbyaician,ahould la- duea at rriian. e in thrir prrparatu na He may be MBBwBMl p r«i'ua!ly or by letter with eutire reuBdence.'.|N. Y. Daily Newa. DR. J. B MAU( IIISI" celebratenl UTE RES B CATHOI.ICON, for the relief aid cure f...1- « femalea. With nu b iinivrraal luff, ring and dlalre** *. **dd. n* ihe femaht tile, a r> ally (.««< mrdit i.'.c u.uat he Ib.-ir brat lib n I. Tbe reeulta ol Dr. MAR( HI8P8 CATHOLICON proveaiitlie only art..'.a that i* rrluablr, *ud alway* dor* what It - a Where aver*- thin* baa beeu tried, the heal phyairlanar.ai*ulied, year* «pent Id anauiah, *nd ln..i.i w*«*rd, thi» Cub.1 con baafrat.u.d bealtb to the pati* ut, and «*aij. r.a '...'he rireai.l*. Ilia an va ao.l . rti ri. it 111 auy forin nf dl*ea*e pec.ill«! to the fem«!- af I Ilka Irrrgularitir*, S.... *. Diaehargea, Plerreliuna, fr- -11...... a. Be. It laprracrbed by phyalrlao* anal unrar*, wbo bare wlt- . .1 . offe.-ta The letter* of hundred* of MB] t.atily that it la n. v. r IBtea without k> u-llt. Daugblera, wivra and uiorhrr«! "an..!.- will cur» yon. It la an booeet anal taeted thing. The money will be retoriird if reauhl are Bait *e deacribed. A pamphlet, with .yinplum*, trealment, letter*. *.«.. w-ut in' < by mail. 01 d.livrrrd at ihr r. unter Do n>4 if. .., A Dr Mm . «1 with any other name. Il ran be had in almoet every town. If not fnuud, It ran bo aenl by expreea. Price, pi pax buttle, «1 .brae boufee for g)A N dire removal. Addrraa BARNES k PARR. Otieril Agnit*. No. I I'1 a row, New York. DRl'CN, Ar..WILLIAM H. KINHLKY, No. II O.ldal., near Mablati line, New York, .1 a .. RfcTAII ERS AND MANPPACTl'RK.RM in aaeortment of reliable IIKI'US, Ar on rraainable term*. CONSIHNMENTS of MEDICINES. CHK.MICALS, Ac. <H«- prard of to the brat advantage, or brought' public notice. QUERE* COD LIVER OIL JELLY, appmved by the New York Ar».lrmy of Mnllciur, the only on* containing Ai per cent of Uli. BEWAUK UP IMITATfOMH. No iimtatiou contain* ¦. iniirb oil a* mine, though *ouaa a e boldly «dvertia.-d aa roi '.ainiiig a* much «. V per oeuL Al*o, American and N. iw««l«n Cod Liver Uil in tbe Hiiu.d date. R. QUP.RU, No. IMdaY New York Ala.i for ««!e at lib I.I.I l, A Co.'a, T. T. UKEENS, No*, tali tnd 862 Biuidwiy. and *ll reaprrtable Drnggiata. PCNPUL». PABKP.R A Mu.VER, _ YYAoiesaw Agent«, No. 4 PTetcber at. A'CIS" NKKVOim ANTIDOTE.Dr. «TRATTUN, pr. pri. t.rof the original Recipe.la a «|uirk rrlirf and IBM for Niuralgia, Iwaiiarhe, loes of appetite, and nervou«debility. N. B..None grnuine willemt my «lgi.at.ir*. JAMES T htRATTUN, No. Ill «th ay. Koraale by Drog«l*t« at Ala bottle. I append the following Bega front Mr*. V*«q.ir*. the mother la law of Dr. Watt*, an.l the lady from whom I p MB heard the «irigi aalBiBtpn LT. H. Dr. Stb*ttob. Sir I ae.. by 'he i.«»i|,i» '.hit lohn Pyue ii Co. «dvrrtlie aM *t <<f. . I BbB it WattVi Nbbvoub AkTlliOTK. The bottle and table *r« the *ame, but what they .all the Antlihto 11 but in imitation. Be naured, Sir, th« ro never ha« ra en one bottle of the genuine medb lue made or aoht in th « ity «iure myaon In law, Dr. Wat'*, left, uitil you p n gpaaad the original recipe of me. The late Mr*. Hay* of Brook¬ lyn once had an agency |..r the aale of the genuine Antidot«, but not for the laal five year« >.r more. B it I aru that John P/bo k Cpi bare tbi Ir alufl for aale thrre. Ilr S'm t.11, Ibi« J ,hu Py -1 wa* formerly eaupi vrd by my ». 111 ktW, Pr. Watt*, to *ell the dii Ir e ami do !l « . rra.nl« of the «turn «1 you may judge hove lie became p>aaraa.-d of the butt I.a and label«. Tie* lir. nerer 11 ade .1 e .1 p I A il. '.. at the t». re iu hi* life nor did be ever give or «eil the know ledge of making the medicine to J. hit Pyue, or any one rlae. lie co Id Bot h*ve dono ao without eiy .ppmval or < n*er.t, a* It w«* mine, and the recipe baa beeu la my poaaraaion «in< e n If v will-all «t my houer, I will re f. r y. 11 to p> r»< ua tb*t ran teil y ni aime'hing about the «raufe« Wnttt'i Arrv<.u< Anttdutt, lud the pyue A Co. '.V a « Nervoue Antidote-.«er AnthM», ..lie » *«)rri. rime* call It Yiur.re.periMly, MATILDA VASQHEZ, No. Ml «th a* itJutcr Cnre. vv DK. MI.NDE" WATER-CURB, at ITillipp, Mata .tl.iie arflaP w.*t fr- .11 iho Nortliainpioa Railr..*d P.p. t, ia one of tbe 'argeat and beet regulated -.Ublithue-iiie la the United Slat, a, and kept in oprntt' .u 'hroughout lie, year " Dr Munde i* ueat to Pr.eaanitr, the in- at eminent praaV l.tiouer of the water cure that Urrmauy ha* pr aineeaj." |N. Y. Trihaoe. " Nil virioi.t rnbli. BbY a 't r.,M w^ter c.irra are eertainiy among the bttt, if not the u.o*l . ip. rior, of any iu fJVnrtany.'' fH ecei Jounitl. " We are oDvineed that no higher aulhairity Ibaa ha, la eaat- teraof hydropathy, »u be H,und in our own orany other eoai.'ry.'' I An., f Magam.e of II .o... pathy aiei Hydr-iaMby DR. E. J. EOWENTIIAL« WAl'KK CURE and UYMNASIL'M, No IM Hlr,rk>r*t, New Y-.rl Treato.rnt without board. Trantieot aud prru^auen* Boa/dare taken._ DR. TRALL* VVATTiR^URR ia ItMJ-wtti bul one dour loan Ht John'* Park, at No. IA f/aApSt et U.4 BUARP can be ubtainrd fioan %i *7 p»f w~gb. Roaaat wnA treatmei.', Br. o, f7 pj BIO 1_pr» «-t B T TBALL. M C %r.a D. A. UURTON. M. D., PhyairUn*. Cegal Notices. NEW-YORK .SUPREME COURT .THOMAS M HOOKER apaiiwl JAMES TR.vniP.N, MACRirpj C. PRINCE, JESSE BRI'SM, Tr..t~., tndOILES HAHLEN BEI K By virtue of a decretal ord-r to me directed and ie tivered, I will eBpuee to *sle oa «he «everrth day «** May. It*1, at la .,'. t. I at noon, at No. 32» Waabingv.u «»r-et. la the C ty and y of New Y..«k. ..1 tfet f.. lowi-.g de- r.bed «-aal, «rag -hat tr!*, via: One Steam Eogiue, H-db r, WiatUtig, Bait, Puliawa, two Burr Mlüetone«, and all the other nuv hinery tpparvrnantUM«rla>, «nd*llh_lurr«onthe premlae, N). 72» VVaa_ingt«u »teeet .I the CA* of New Y .rk, i-.rludlnp; OlBoi E«mUure. two C-/*T-at R._atrr*. Sbaltn.g, B*._np anal Pulley* aaal Iroo Be* Daudj New York, May J, iMR B._tt HUIe^Bli_aBI, No. *l VVaii «t, Ne.w York IN PURSUANCE of »n ortiVr of th* Hurrot^trj o/the Cuai.ty of New York, Noti- - b*"Vt ft »*o 10 all «er- ? n. having Sap againet CHARLES HA'll.SOS. late oTt-B Ctry «d" New-York, deeeaeed. to prearnt the aame, with v.u. bera Utefiwi, to the eubernber, «t hUpbvea oi* bueiiteae, No. 41 Park- row in tbe l. ty of New York, on or betöre Uw tVOday of J*ua nr»t-Dat-d New York, the IOU day f Der,mbeOAlt, O VAN CUPT, dlt law«m* A4miöl*fr»''r, with the WiUanaeaad. CCI'REMK COURT.-TH0MA8 B. U.NUER- il HILL P_ant_f, agii-t EUZA COOPER, Bud bULOMoN ( (XJPER, bar tiu>ba-d, Rrbecea. J. PleArr, P->r J.au»Xoo, Pred. ri. k A. Lawreate, JoOn 8. M- re, Wi an, B T tea. Or UndoMrad, Jobo Muraa, The New Y .rk Life liaturaace Ooata- pany, J. bn W. Meyer* and Harvey PaWr. Drfe_da_la.->Tbo rum plaint in thl* action wa* -led 10 the a_vra) e<* t%» CUwk af Iba Cawaaty nt Wtat-baatar, at White Plain*, in aaid CawMr, 00 lAe Jath day of Ja:.i_ry, WA. To tbe drfa-naianta, EUaa Cooper, and &.Vex_a Cooler, her huaband, Rebecca J. PW.er, Peter Johrjatu-, Pre*>ii.-k A. Lawreaeear, J< bn % Moore, William B Tutvn, Oilaodo M.ad, J ha Mona Tita Now-1 irk Lit* Iniurmnre Company, JJ. W. Mcyvr* and Harvey Paiaari You are hereby aummnned and n i\ lr«a In iriwulki iiiaip»tw»t in thi* artion, wbl. h ia tk-d iu that utflo* of Iba Clerk af the County c«f VVratrbeater, U WhiU Plain*, la «aad Ua.ty, auat «cd to »iv» a ropy of your aaawrr to tbe aetd cmnttiain ea Uta *ub*cnb*r uhiaufece, at White P «. «. in the aatd Couaty of Wettcbester, within twenty dayi *:.., the aarvlaa of tbia fmm> mot* oat j,.u, eai-inaive or lAe day of «ich aeirica): ..d if y..a tail to answer the aaid romplaint wi'Ain the t_*M aiiiea eeat, thm plaintiS in tbia action will apply to the Court fc«r tbe retVaf te mended in tbe eewtp__*t.Date, fan .ry PJcb, IP'S. tmmM la»"»b' JOHN J ClmtlT, P1a__Ti A'.t«etaey.

New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1859-05-07 [p 3]....rhaige lor obtaining ÜM rix of a PortngB Munter opmi a Paaa> f«rl. Ontbe n rip;.1 the lequiaitr tja, Ukt ne.-eaaery pap

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Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1859-05-07 [p 3]....rhaige lor obtaining ÜM rix of a PortngB Munter opmi a Paaa> f«rl. Ontbe n rip;.1 the lequiaitr tja, Ukt ne.-eaaery pap


m») i.I'l.iii* wuaiuc mmmm m\ . th>.ron»b «wre if «t¦. i»eeubr., Iii« two. r itore.- vrera, »i l tr- entitled loajl km* llfHUM

life' fViWi* .¦*.>" ii. end eV<»'tl '¦ eta It niiT at aB hranrh.a taught,atriaediag ihr Languagee, Drawing, Pe.ntiii« and Mum , f .r AIMper ». »r, unable ju.it. i.v, ib aatvaaoa Cin-ulara uuy be ob-u,m'.! at EAht.k 8 IK'TEL Pirk r-w. «..... 1"! j.-laaay b-mii tut iwo data m. y, M b* addrraen.g M a. B J.eTTONE.New Mil* to. Cona.

¦ ii i'M,n kiveb ins.111 i t-...flay aXI feai pan BOARD lud TUITION ... COM hi »N EN-OLisP l»p--'. !. -i.tN ii.ru ii.tiinVm at tie- bead ofaav-b t Ha aha* «i. p»rtn.«-i ta. Superior edveuteg.e for Kr-urh,fall tn a and 1*. u .> Maaie. Ex.ij. u.-e and ee-ieomy the uvrtto.Writ. Iura I aUhejue I b< R. v a FLACK, A. M Tim pal.Oaf k. C ¦'mi I Ia Coin ty, N V.

1KMM. INMIil II. Tablet* N Y -TBSiUbm A i Ml äj. aaiou Will cou.meueaj oa WEDNESDAY,

Marl Cir.ulaia.an b» ubUined of 8. P. York, «aq., Ha V7tab. rtl at., a. o of W U Roar. raq.. N i. ** Cedar-.t., mm bymmtju** the Prineipel D I atQWg, A M

NORMAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC.GENE-SEO, N. Y The . barrll. r will oja-u a Normal .K<-m>rT,j

ad Mi.au at Di .».., Lu.h«e. i.l-untj.N. V., on WEDNES¬DAY, July A, HVS, to rentmne right werke. K .r particuler» ad-er>-ea ...thii-r -d th< Pr.w ipula, wie. will, ou appii, at Ion, f rwardtdrcaiare. W. M. HR A DDI RY, HI...ml', id, New J. ra-y.

T. K. PK.RKINS, Dauville, Monomr Co., Pa.

voKWHil COlaLEÖIATE IN8.ITUTE .A, a Tt.r .->.';.n.r Ten of thtal awaaea) Bad S batata Boarding-School for boy. .pete oi. lh> lir.t Wedi.- aiiay lu May. The lo-e>Uou aa ..ae of the pleoeauteet iu New-Engleud, and the .¦dura,tkoua! advantage, are .f the fir.t order. Kra tdreolait addrea. maf-u pal, hat R« ». J. A BAXTON, N-.rw .. li, O.nn., or apply atT J i i. »¦. N .. C« Broadway, or at N Laue hCa. "a, .tationera, No SJ Well-at.

1)1 PILS ppio*ittd a*. Baal tut bo] leni/'b of tisM,ii. the ROYS' PAMII.V BOARDINO-SCHOOL, B,.v.ii»-

wund, L. I Cir. ulara at Noa. Bel and AI a Ilr «d way. Acctaofrequent daily by at. arnb»at Mattano, Pultun Market nip.

I TGER8 FEMALE INSTITUTE, N .« aS2fi4 and 206 M dienn .t.-T'.e 78th IV rm open. Nov. JS

Poptle f reived BBS the family of tbe Prineipal. Tue In.tit ite

atajjia ronvey pupile r> aiding in di-tant BBCtkaaa of the eity to andfruiu atdaooL kTENBT M PIEBCE, A. M, Pnu' ipal.

JOHN M. EBEBB, I» D. Praallaal

CCHOÖL and HOME EDUCATTON..PrlpataA7 kr. i.. a and Knaliah t laaah al 8< hool, with tine Playrraad Oyrnnaeium, Ni«. 47 and Cl VVrat 20th .t., I»t*wu Brad-

and bin av. Mr. I.RNST uk. a luir^e of a iiuuted uuiula rway ai.ilol B. y

(J I». & H. W. SMITH*1 MEL0DE0N8 amihJa PaABMONIUMS, Pedal Bna-Baaa, Douhla Baah. D «MtBord (louratipa), and all the vanoua alylea aaitod to Chttreh,\..tr.. II, School r Parlni pianos and mklo-LEO.ns l.,r rent rent api -i.

A. M. hANui BE, Sole Apaat, No. XV, B"*dway.\ K A C II E R 8 ami I.l l ERA RY INSTITU-

TIONSrill rereivr rrati. and prepaid. BB appliration, our

NEW l)ES( KIPTIVE ('ATALOi.l Eof tbe m

AMI IU CAN EaDUl IATIONAt.SERIES,Inrludiiia Iba Mal approved and bate Initial and bifhet H.aik. in

Ppelhna. Beadiiif. Arlthwjatto. Bhatoty. WrPina, Muaie, La;,paage, Cm aahatry, PkUhaaaahy, Botai y, Oroiofy, Ca., making luvroiuii i a of Batjaaa

PHOORESSIVE sc llool. AND OOL.-I.I OE TJ x I Hooks.

THE EDUCATIONAL NEWS (quarterly) aeot free toT. ». I., ta.BarabaeB ' < pira of BbSBJ to Trai hrra, and firat aupplira for

Claaa. a. on very liberal trrma,Trarnei.' Eire R. adiui It¦ aim and Re»iafer of Plarea ar.d

Want., with AnieriehU and Eurepran Education il Journal.,op. ii during buainea. houra.

IV ist IN AM) PHINNEY,NOB 48eaaM m \i.kek-st NEW-YOBX

riTfJE rMVKHSlTY GRAMMAR SCHOOLX r-rehra Pupil, in i't Primary, ( ouini.-n ial and ClaaaicalBaayartaaeata at any tlaae. ISAAC PEBBIfl, Cbaaoellor.

PjnUE Mlssi.s WALKER w.ll REMOVE tlwiiX HAY-BCHOlll. for YOCNO I.AKIES on M.v 1. to No.

IflJ Madiaon-av., one do.,r kaloW J2d-at.


BMat. BBBf hth at. PHI VATE CLASSES for Ladiea, in Oeram.. Kr. BOB and latH <

...>.> *;||/amilandinst.Biiti musicalW9JM9 »JftfiACADEME, Catahtll Moawasiaa Bothr> K «i talTP'aaaaa Raanma nn aaaaaBaBawa May IFor in ii in r«, .v addrraa thi It. v. Hi Nltv j. kox, A. at.,ftahaaad. fliaaaa rniaalj. N Y. ApprdataaaaBa for inter/iewiaaay la-add reared, Prof Ml RPH Y, De) a'. HnBIB

profceoionnl JMoticca.Ou5i e f,,r pr.m uring

^mkrican hud FuREIuN patents.

J. 1>. PIRSSf >N, No. B WALL'STej N. Y.A pamphlet af information vent frre by mail.

Ba r n t: y a stylus,BOUSE,


111100 PAINTERS,No 4' 111 DS'iN STREET,

D E S 1 O N 8 K D R N 1 8 II E Droa


Burr"a lokd, short-hand writers,No. 119 Naaaau at- Offii ial Ra por.. ii in V. B. Senate from

1848 to ISM._

«II 0 M E f . r I N V A ITlTsT"X 1 ratabhahed in 1347, by E. E. DENNISTON. M. D., at

Pprin^dalr, Northampt.'ii, Mar. Number limited Ui forty.Ra»KRK*tK»..Butou.J. M. Warrru, M. D Jboob Bige-

kuw. M D John Wan M. D In New Y rk- Wilard Parker,M In Thin I If I El la ii I i*l -Tlf T *" Woi.h.eaqra.Nortliamptoii, April 2", 186».

I>A68P0RTS.Having been freqently reqneated by frienda to obtain Oov-araaaaal Paaapatta lat lahaorlhaa uaa dnided to make that a

patlliill n| thr buani. aaof bia oilier.B..S will be the narge for pro. nring a Paaaport.and pi tbe

rhaige lor obtaining ÜM rix of a PortngB Mu nter opmi a Paaa>f«rl. On tbe n rip; .1 the lequiaitr tja, Ukt ne.-eaaery pap< ra,a< eoiii|h,M. d by IwU diii .-tmna, will br promptly forwaided bymail. Atteii'ion ia railed to the auhjoiued eatrai t ftorn a:i tfi-aielnM.ut. Z. C. ROB HINS.Oi i i tun Pai i m>, WAtmivuToni, D. C May, 1HA4».

|)n thi Ml M oi Still,WaaaiasToa, ABpnat, 1&Ö7.

Citiante of the I'nited State» viaiting toreign eountrv-a ere lia-btr to «erioii» in. on.. nieu.r, if unprovided with authentic pro.4of their national .-berei ter. Their beet euteauerd ia a paaapoitfrom tl.ia De|iertuiri t. eitifjing the hearer t" be a oill/.eu of theI oited Statea

PpEETH, i kkth .Dr. HA i i., DENTI8TS No. Sit Hnaadwav. t-oi .tot luh-.t., BatforflBI »ii oprra-

Baaa allb pal Iii atai lair, apaa Iba moat MBeBta aad aaraooaHla ArtSMaal IWrAh eir gt-ma of beauty and rvell"UCe. Childrrn'a tertb regulated.


I^NAMELED BEDROOM FURNITURE, in aJIJ .-tdora, of auprrior and warranted manufar-ui.-, tiui.b. d In

BadanpnSaasa,kYaSaadaVaweea,al H. K. KAKRI.NOTON'S,No. last Cauel at., oppi-ite Waoaaat. E.tahhahed 184a.

CHAMBER Fl KN1TUKE.ENAMELED amiDRAINED in all Clor« and Stywe. wai rauted to give no

Braeetiata, te n. 8PRINO BED BOTTOMS oa hand aud BED-DINO n.-v i'. -.upturn made to order by E. C. WOOD-BRHHiE No Ii BaRttaa atleat, nrar Canal.

(MDITAOE ENAMELED PUKNITU1CK..Ele-J gent «ultra fot. ity or country, fn>m aud upward, grsi-..>d

In rt«ra..<l. eak, weh.ut, Ae , oruanien'ed in ftowe'a, fruit andBraeo. Nat:reeere, Spring Beda, et the k'.agle Enameled Kurni-tare ldaui.fert.wy, CM Broadway, ebove Leute K. rurU Theater.

DESKS Mtj OFFICE 11 KM I I KE, No. 107Fultt«-»t.. oppnaite Dut. I: at .A targe aaenltuenl uu baud

Bod eonatautly uiaunfeetured by T O. SELLEW.

1WAMELED CHAMBER BUITES of FURNI-d Tl RE, in all rui.^aand »tyle», wbeleaele or retail,

A; B» aud upward, el... MATTRErvSES aud PAILLASSES,WARREN WARD, No 277 Can*. ..

Poul d.a.la ra.t of Br<«dway, N.t.

JKoN BED8TEAD8, IKON HAT-RACKS.IRi'N STtlRE STOOIaB -St .1» put up iu BtirBB free of

charge. Cir. ular» »ent i* requeat. Liberal tenna t»> the trade.JAMES SCOTT. No. It-T Centre «t eorner ol Caual at.

MODERN STYLE of SCHOOL FT7RNI-Tl RE-.Mai.u'», .med and for aale by N. JOHNSON, No,

PJB Hudo'u >t New A, tk A huge »uppiy ...ualaujy oa band.Hleetia'rd Cir.-iilar» forwarded ou applieaU.'u

I> A 4 E N Ttxi EN si t">N TABlaESj

(N-w liupr vrmrn;B liaLXAM HEERDT S

Mauufaelvif and War. n«.u.a.N I4H and lio \\ OOSTEB ST., N. Y.

A Verge aaeortrneut alwaye on baud.

CCHOOL PI KMTl RE MAM taiTUREDa' end SAU I > ROBERT PAXON, No. 24 Orove at. Cu-eulare arnt >m application.

iponfif-farnieliing (?»oobo.

MASSER** FIVE-MINUTE ICE CREAMKREf/ERS, aa improved <¦ r a .:. BttBip ll It

t ovrr., and Bott. ina T nurd .The only k'reeaer known whi' k i»reaatrurtrd oa true e-iratiS. pnot-iplra The rbra peer, beet audneat ecoooniiral. ri-qtirina lew ire end lew labor then any other,belog at the eaaue tine the luoet diueble in eiiueture end moataertaiii in ita oprratioe. 8. le Ager:. f..r 'h. LTattad Statee. E.BETCHl'M a. 4 V kaetturera of Jippaaid aad Pia thaiTie W.re. Nt^JBS P..r at N Y

CELF-SEALINO FRUIT .JAKS-tJlaad. IVrctvhi hun and Tin. Ala., Paten; T pa f r TlaSj f bbo, »r» EajY\ hij-. Old Empirr t poU ,nd »«jioiia other rvrw BBalBite h-e iu ;b. b. ..« tuei.i.uing bnr at wkadreelt. byORAf BROTHERS N 6» B-rkmar et.

GUMMER 8TOVE8, CookioR Stovi a Kefrioera.h-T tore, end a \rry la». aaeoh of H - a

¦.a .. N". f) C»:uiin< a: »o..v. Bkw ». iWILLI KM CLARKE

Opting Debs.

84 50. <r th- hre* SPRINO BED In .6 50EXISTENCE, at No. m Broadwev. N. Y Examine it orad-diareaihe ELLIPTIC BED-SPRIN'O Oa., k r theut drwrnptivoAVvulai. Ppev*kii4evtDivaUtu;Uc::aieaaWlt^aaeojta


ABTIHANS' BANK, v-w-Y-.-K, M*v :i Ig»..DIVIDEND -A I> rim m* ml THREE ini)«,. l\

PEP. CEM i?t) .¦ lb* c«r t»l SiMk w.:t ha oni.i to um 8t.rk-hake**. ni.. ii.|Tii atativr*,m ««4 after MONDAY, tMSMim«. TV. Tri.! r Book will remain until thai da:.- BjI awSprof th. Bnarrl. It A. TOOKEE, C*» or.

B.\NK<»i (OM.MKKI K MNhW-ViiKK.-lif)AHM! MaaPJaS of Iko Shame Idrr* of (Ml AMaaBMBAB will

ha ka Id it tr.. b*ftkinp-H<>-i«e, eon.er of Cedar tuid Xowti'j.,od MONDAY, M>t°. <t Ii .VI.«k H P V\IL. Caan.rr.

Ornt a o» mi Thiiii Aitmr. Kaitaoto Co tlade»., between Oli »od PNaVofa i

DIVIDEND..Tbr M.Mfrt iMr-rf.in) haveTill« DAY d.rlared a DIVIDEND .f TWO AND A

HALF DOLLARS p. r .lor-, pay-.'i-at tie-ir ofl e M the r..-k-kw.ki.-ra <*B and aller W'LDNEM» V Y. ll-ht :.- -N.-w-York. May2, II». BAMI EL B. ISAACS, Srr. ury.

Orritc Amvbicas <<i ».».> Conpaaa N... .»> Wintaai at., iNkwYoak, April i-Iaw I


El i TION for Til' STEES arm be held at the Ofi-o of theCc/mpany, on the l£b of May enduing Thr poll* will be . p-afron, li .. ... ml o'clock p m Tha tVaaaM B.«k* will b*:ki*-d fr'Di tbr !«. lathe llth of M^y, both inrlueire.

JAS S VVVt KOKK, S^rau-y.


bV LA CROSS! AND MILWAUKEE RAILROAD COM¬PANY, Saa oa the Jim day id May, 1*30, at tbr B:.e>lw«y Bank,II >.l.e Ci-v of New York, will be paid on ihr day f.Ujw_i|ca¦laaiilaiiiM M IkaOaaaa But. It IhaChi f N .w-York.

S. CHAMBERLAIN. Mortaaiee,Id poaat arlou uf La Cr. tee end Milwrikee Rainair!.

Orrice or thi: Nrw-Yoaa a.vo W'*>.iii*ii.iu» Bammac. i

T/H.BSRAPM Co.. New Yoik. April Jr. n sPpHE ANNUAL MEETING ol the *t..rkh.iMera1 a II la b* 11 at :h. fli >¦ of tbr ( -upa-iy. No. 4 Wall at.TUESDAY, IM IMA day of May next, at I f/< loot. By on* r ofIM Boaid of Dtr.rtf.rt K W. RUSSELL, Secretary.

Abti»»«'' K.kK. Nrw-Yoaa. Apr «.'. Vi

THE ANN! AI. ELECTION far I Ulli I KI NDIBECTORS of thi* Bank for tbr en.ninf yar, tod for

THREE INSPECTORS oftbe next \: .1 f .'ion. will ukoMaaeattM Bankh>( Hoeee, N... Ill Naaaaa-at., ..n Tuesday,the IStb day of May neat, b*twr-n 'be ham of ooe and twoo-cau.Ap.ni. k A tooker, Caahirr.

Tar.aecBCB'tOrricl Hodaoa Rive.- r. r 1No. a* tVanwa-*t. Nr:w-Yoatt. May 3, IMS. I

THE S'tck TfaMsfer K«h k* mi IBM Cotuptny willhe rloacd .: 11 m on THURSDAY. tMSStk brat.. tOI ID a.

m on Tl'ESDAY, Juur 14th, the day afi»r tue a la lal rleciion ofDire tor*. C. C. CLARKE, Treaturrr.


NUAL ELECTION ol directors of »»id Guaayaay wtH Mb.-ld atChicafO .. lato* raaa, Tai Tianafti Biiiiki .n S»*York mHI IbniaBan be 1. a.-d at "he l.rae of b iaim-aa themat,and be re. reu»d at ISa'i l'»k. a to thr lid June.

B N LABS tBEE, aV mtary.On ile or thr OaLi aa akd CRieaaa UwtOT B. R. Co.,)

Call ISO, May I, I8.W. 5


RAILROAD COMPANY ara berebj aotiStd thai the AnnMr. tii r ol *aid Coaapoay, for the Eh 'ion f Dire t.ir»and lrar*>action of uth. i hutin. aa, will be held at ibia uflir* oa wednes¬DAY, tb. lat day uf J m it, at 1" r/o! » k ». in.

W. M LARRABEE, It :.:«!?.


I O. will b> h. Id at a< Hot. I of Mre. Hart, in the »ilJaee ofM.n.ai. n. ck. 'I UE8DA Y,*!i. 17th mat., at one ..v;. k.



Coupon* due Ma* I, lMy, \m paymrnl to ANDREW ||. ORE EN,No. 4d Wall at., Jauiu ry- ourt.

QTOUT, CLEWS tt MASON, Nim. 11 NtsstalOai.ri IA Pin. *L, N. Y.j buyand *eU MERCANTILE PAEEK,STOCKS, BONDS and EXCHANGE, aad tramact a Bankiu«biiain* aa a* n. rally.B.f. r to Daacaa, Bbnaian A Co., YVtlmi o. Hunt A Co.,

Hie» Taylor. e*q., N. Y.; tf«ttui Coniiur, e*q., Albany JohnE. They, i A tin .. Bottom


rivii ti at on MONDAY, the 6th of June neit, an election f >r

aeven Directoraof *aid CoaapM* w,n be h. Id at iheir ofB' e

Diibi.u... -May 2, iaw. JAMESMcKINLEY, B ratary.




Ac, Ac.BILLS ON PABlPand St. rlii.g Bit*, at *hort or 30 d»y*'ilaht,

for *alein anon to *ult.

n^UV. CO-PARTNERSHIP heretof/oro exiatiriKI under Iba lirm of DRAKE A C lETEB havum rapired by

limitation, the lindfT*ktn*|i ban aaa a iat'-d f..r the pirpoaeof oon-

..i-juiiill the bu*ine«. ./BROKERS IN STOCKS AN!) BONDS,und. i tha Dam* and tVjV JAMES M DRAKE A CO ,

and Laie Iahen 'h. ..fli. .a lately occupied by Me.ara Ward,Can -1.. li A C.., No. u William-«t. M. r. haut'* PanhaaMWe m.In it tbr |aatroiiaie of our fn. iula and the public, with the

aMiianuiilial mil Miiiiitlna will ba aaahirrtrerj devoted to theprowiptand Stithi ate lionoftbelf ordem.N.-w-York. MayI 11 K JAMES M. DRAKE,


Stt ~i I i U U k Tl * K< »AN in one auiu, at 7 per*M>»il r.Ulll/ ..m, for five year*, and *jr\i««> to

luen.-d at 6 par acut, for twoa ihraeyear*, on tnt-elaa* improvedleal. .tat.- in ibiacity. W. II. BBOWER, No. 18 William *t

.240.000 IO LOAN on BOND andMOBTGAGE Ar^plgEl GENE THOMPSON, 8t.. k Bn.ker,

No. 37 W.Hi .in .

CTounrtncrsljip.Ci IPARTNERSHIP..I hn\r thin day aanociati'd

a th a i M parti «. WILLIAM TITTERTON. A. W.U SPOONEB, O. DUDLEY WELLS tad YVILUAM H. HA\ ENS. in the boa t:... ,.f Mn :fi. T'i f WOOD TYPE andGENERAL PRINTING MATERIALS aa baaretofora emried M h* BM tha ««ine will he cntinied at the old at and. in

Mr the arm of E. B. WEBB 1 Co. I R. WEBB.N. m D It-at., May 1, 1839._

DISSOLUTION uf COPARTNERSHIP..The i'opartuerahip heretofore e\i«tni| battrMS '.be under-

aianed. m (lei the hrm of C AMPBELL, H ALL A Co.. expireaTHIS 11 a v by Ba cars tua-itation. b..:n.: p*r.nei wiM riaja toouauie ol the tirm in iiquiuali Be.Now \ ..-k, April1R59.


The nrd.Tiiancd have thi* diy formed a copirtncrihlp nnderthe Una ol I kMPBELL, li ILL A C... un the purp.** of trana-a til I the I ll i It Bl siNESS in all it* brau.-h.-*.-New York,M«v i.lto:'. JOHN H. HALL.


DISSOLl TION or PARTNERSHIP..Ttwet«i QUIRK .v JANES, baa bona Urarlaad

bymntoal eaoarat 08CAB C. tdl'lKK, - autborited to b-ytflftt the atlair* of the In in, and for awn nurnuee U* uae thenan., ol lb*arm. om AR C. Ql'iRK,U.t.d.N.u M,.> .'. M JOHN C JANES.

COPARTNERSHIP lb raba riberabaeathh d*v formed|apopartMnbip aatlar tha Brra ol UUIRK BBOTHEK8, aad w .imntlnue tin aal* oi tin Deiebratod WiMar P*'. nt Eire Pr^ofSa . M M Maidei laae. O. C QUIRK.D.trdNea York.M.y.' w. PHOS. W. CH IRK.

NOTICE oi DISSOLUTION of COPART-NEKBHIP..Th* Cop»rtD.r*hip heretofore exuting be¬

tween the aillleulpiafI. in .let tie name tinn f WINSLOW.I. tNlEB b Co., i* 'l. . day die*..Wed by mi foal OOMMS, RichardH, Wbotiow ratiiizip 1tOU\ bu«lU< (*. The unsettled bu*iue** ofthe late fitni will la- x t-.l-d bv either of toe uudrraixued, al No.-Sa WaL at.-Dated Aphl 2», lSoP.


RICHARD H WINSLOW bavbaj r. tired from the firm ofYVIKSLOYY LANIER a Cav, tire underaia-nrd hare fonned aC parti r.L.p, ami will DOMbBM th" buaii.caa of that lirm undertheaamr name..New- York, April *H, 1338.


ALLAN d KOSE,No. .VS Waahincton at.,

WHOLESALE DEALERS*!» FISH and SALT,offer at lAa 1. w. a naafe pn.-e.. No. 1 Ma. k.-n 1. Po kled Salmon,Hrrrioaa, Hade,- k. ii .., naj Siiau, Wmte nab,Pi. klru Codtiah, OeeTrr'a Bank C.Nlhab. Ac.

City and cvuutry .Ualrr* i..vited to call.


THOMAS R AGNEYV m-\;Rap, Wi ixi. Bv.s.ni», Oaivrair.« »\n Paovitiox*

rbeapa-r than any .:i.. r man la New-York.Call and *e« f. r v iraaWea. tu a, '.ivereel tree uf . harte.

THOMAS R AGNEW.Import, i . I V\ u.. a anJ Biauuir.. Grocer.

F'.our a:id Tea D.-auer wb. ieaale and retail.No. SM Or. enwvhar. and No,Pp Manay ..

ALLAN it BOSE,K 29 Waahlnrton-et.,

N i h Yoa (WHOLESALE DEALERS bj PIBST-4 LASS PROVISIONS,offer at the k-w. at c:a:k-1 pn,.-.M.-- Park, Tum BMM Pock,Butt and Ci.-*: P il. Sa. a. J H .ma. Snuuldera, Beef, Bauuo,Torujuee. Lard. Freeh Dairv Buttrr. Rich and Mild Cbeear.

Dealer« in Eroviaiona invited to tail.



Su id bv al. Cbaiidlrr*. Onx-er*. Ac.isaac B. t haNaN a c«.. K«v. BNaaPMt,

Sol* Aaen'a h r the United Sutea.

ALLAN A 1:o>kT~No. iit Wi.hi- ctoo at.

Naar-YoBK.WHOLESALE UE KIERS in FIRST-CLASS OROCERIE8,offer at the verv loweat market pri.-ea, a lame etocA of Molaawa,Sirufa. New-Otiean* *ud Rel.i.ed Supan. Olren and Black Teas,Rice Coffee*, Ac.City aad WOtfKJ dtairn incited «* caiL

Sales at Action.

ABSOLUTE BALEni uy^vt e/roli'tqai-h>«-5..im-krer .» ->>Un<tM HOUSEHOLD KURSITURr «

.um'. Iv J W. PORTER, Met* -r.r. THIS DAY IS*--urrtey). e? I1) o'el rk, tie . ut r- '-entrape ef the hug- B-.e-.toryr.«:CL<r Ma. 2!t l4Xh-«:., brtw-en tth and 9ih-ev».. the wholeof wl let e rraily 'he fii.. a* . tf-red at publi' aale r mu;?rait. Ouly a .mall deetripti' n te li.ea iu thia acvertiae-Brn*.l'.t ..t'.Ltaiu janli id . .p ri r Velvet Cero.:*. taree u..x-

M naew.a.» Suitre, I vrn«t i:i as*, BaRa m-.'. B*Bpteive »r tticL.. g- thie. and T:rk»h E*«y QbSbB, in nua-urr

and «atm br r»dr; l»d .«' aolid r - w ad ID-eeption and ArnChair., uaatted hi c id. U wtaaaati and ma.-o't eittn; r-ar-»«d r.fc' , I? k>. !..i»-d w.'ii ..ik a A *.:>:. w ""I ihafaoLd raawood'tVtt» r Tehie». wvb rut «tat jary marble tope;»iper.iv.ly r«rv»d r vw A Plat, S dB. aud Snie Table», withB artl«-1< pe: three ro.tIy rveewond Etager.*, with BiarW.- t/pe.gl»»» d<«,r», Ai, imp. rt.'d rxprr».ly for the oarwsr. Loire' rar-

w- d *AVrk Tahlre, bringe tnd ana In C!-k« ^baact ChinaVaere, w itu the nx.at i.ui'f and ex»>-D.ive ,end«rap*-». naiDtedto rdrr in Pre:.<-.-; magnifi.-. tp Kr»-.. h Plate Pi-r'ii ^;r .. n Bad I.eaty aoij frame heavy etnbroi lered La'-.- >¦¦ d W:i ¦)Curraxa and Coraiore, Large eo.f ex:» naive variety oft til Pa'iap«, the wbnle f. rmina a vrrv ple»»int r dleerii/n; «nperior roee

wo. d Piaao-P.-rte, Ijii a> v. n aceafe, i bgaut Liae. uniebedround, lulaid Plate, and rirhjy . . with key. ..f real pearl,?I*', being a valuable inati-umeu'; aaartaaad Piaao Su> d.errrl in «af.n, »ith an e». . llent and n wHf embraahaad MDu iag.laaa .rim vrlr.r Taprerv . .rpet, htfaadPatTtrTf-n Take», marble u p fanry T.bie., Mirror. ChahBhair tt -h. :. getber wi-.b a I 'he p.by and erT»taI ('.till*.are, Wir.»», Cbampegue«, Timbb r.. QeBtatl a.il Dei-auVto mat. h; ri'h i'ait.a T-a and Diun»r S--a. .-irtly Sil»ware, T.eaud Dinner ahrrriea, San r« lake B»««--. i BabCoJee and T.a Um., gpa..i», f rka, Liquor Stand, euprrTable Cutlery. Marble Pitriera, k Ab». raew .Jand m.

h>aaoy Brd-Kooiu Furniture, in great variety. Bed* and Bedding. he.


AI < 'I lo.N NOTICE..flBJBtftM KI'IfNlTrKKrieh IPUtaa and Balvat Caipali roatly Prencb PUte, Pier

tvad MautJe Mu'Tora. tAtreaaahtaaaf rial Parha 1 a .¦ .re, rote

wrad Piarurp r. - *ave valuablefjil Paintima. Pier at

Stiver Cutlery, Ac, at No. 14 C.intou-plaee, between Broadwayand Cnnera.ty.DANIEL c rouor, Aoetlaarar, trfll artl THIS DtY

(Satiird.y), May 7, at 10 o rl.a k, the entire PI/RNITCREthe »Bote hi U»-. wh.. h ia of the b»»t dei. rtptiei.. eonaia-i.nlarge aud '.atly pieraudn ar.tle Mirr"T». ropenor r..»ew.«al Piano-E' rte, rlegant Buitea f Parlor Pumiriin-, In rich enmem andn ariN.u hp-i ade oce do. in green and gold roatly maew.al andaerri tary Bookraar« aolid rarved roa.-w.axi crutrr, aofa and piTallia three «,;p. ri.-r n-arwo. d E'agerea. niarbh ...pa w.'., rr.tr

ror do»ra and be. ka, rlrg.ut r.erwoal Re. rption Coair*. in ri<aetin end teraatry roeewood (". n.er Ktaaerea, with mir- .r berkru b he r window t rtaiua and Sued* ». hr-nxe onu "l-i Cl « ki

roatly Chine Va«e« and rieh Parlor Ornament». withenurubar o'f due Oil Pahathaaa, D.uiui-faaaa and Cuambrr Eurnitnrer>.ant Eit.ri.i'ti Tah'..». Chaira. rieh «old lieud derorated T»and 1't tter Seta, rlrgnut r .by and rut UuuMwarr, pearl end aiiver

Catlery, t ake Buk.t., Caetera. Bareaae. Waaha'an.l.marble top», roatly dr. orated ( bfna Toilet Seta, beat Hair MatUraet-e. B«da and Bedding, P i- b i Mrf Pinitnrr in hain-l db. '.'¦trage aud mah. rtnv Sprina e

Chair*, roarwood Mall S'.aud, U.lrioth, kr. San- p-eiuve, and no

f- ... y I.-..

A. M. Mrewi», Aaetk aar.

BY BANGS. MKKWIN .V Co., Trade-SaleRrxm», No. 13 Park-row.SATI'RDAY AkTERNfKIN Mav7 at 4 ttchok.

RARE AND VAU ABLE BnuKS-.Sele.-ted fr .m a privateLiirary, rmbrarir.g a rirh variety of Hlurrra'ril Work.. Phil e-plleaL rteakajlealaad Hiatorieal Treatira. B--ik.--f turn¦!¦. Raajrepcy, Ar*» and S,-ienr.«, kr together with an ..iv-mire aaaortti t rhoice Standard end M.e rliaL. ia I'.l.li. a*, i.j v.:

Cetelogi.ea ar. now reedy.REOHLAR SPRING PARCEL SALE.

TT'ESDAY MORNINd, May I"»-. 1i.a k, and .-nroe f >llowln|d»>a . me h r

(TREAT SALE OP ENOLISH AND AMERICAN ROOKS.C-n.priaina a v-ry aaaaaarre varirty ef the be«t editiona of.leudtrd worka in rvrry dr^artmt nt f iiterature, eru end adrnera, laVllalliaj many rary a »I* rate and rtperuiively iUuatratedkooha, all new and freah f.-.-k, moetly in fine end »'.iha'antia.bii.dinga, end rou.igned by the Enfliab and Ameriten Pubiiabertexprrwly for tili» »aie; to be a-.J In l'.ra to ajit nun haarr», and>S»ring an tinuaual oppor.enity to :he trade aud eoilrrtora forpuk i' r ptirati ibranri. Catalnfiat may be had on eppU'etloBa: 'he aaleaToome.

P. Cot.Tot a per.

aOLEANDiO <»| I BALE ui EVERY ARTICLEV/ in tb. KI'RNITI HE I.IM t any quantity( arpeta and (111 Cloth.. Oae Chendrllrra, Perl.r Suite*. fci\, ArP. ( It-n will aril thU day BATUBDAT, May7th, tlSJ i'ckck.at N". i;u Bet kman at oppeeMa the old atore, tha rn-.ire «-.a-h re

maiiiiuf. It will enilini.-r every Sa»-ripumi of g «ai». Tile atoremm' be girrn up on Monday nrat. 9th taat., after whirh time beaiav he f.-mid at No. 312 Broadway, in the Ind'a Rahhel SprlaaaB'-rl and Iron Brd*fead b'iaine».. D'-ra^it. required fr..m allparti' aI J>. HOlBROOK. Aaeiia»aer..THI8 DAY..fa at 71 Maid, ii lane, and 7 Libertv-it., at I"» oM.-k. Dwarfand Standard Ro.r», R .nu n» and M ni R .»-» in f ill hi .1

Eeeiaraea Skeee, Bowerinf Bhraka. Varaaaaa Dahliaa, Daaul'»inn ». Pi <t.ii« ROW V Bocklee, Carnation, Pink, drape Viue»kr, Iraw WM. WILSON, Idch-et, and A»;..ria, L. I.

illuoiuil inetrnmcnts.

AE. THOMPSON, No 4-fl Hr..ad way, offfne PIANOS from the h. at raau'ifa. toriea, including Heine*

Brother.', Jacob CLi. k.-rini * and ethete, at the hrwagt rate», allfully guaranteed. SV. ond hand Piaiu* taken iu exrhange and totu- A to. MELODEONS. fr..m the h.-uer of Taylor k Perley,ihet en el in aweetareaa »nd pnri'y of tone any rrrd inatrumenlmadr .OROAN HAIUIONU MS h r . hurebea. eight dr«w tope,a i'1 4 oetaaa pedala. Cell aud eiauiiue a» a New aoeer- ond -hend Pienoe to let.

A LARGE stock of BARMORE* celobratttdPreaniuu. PIANOS, j uurivelr.t by the beat

iudge», and warrantrd in all rrepeeta, at their M.nufa- '.. r, and\\ ar. room, No. 348 Blre. ker-rt Our prirea make it an objectfor all to examine hrloreptir. lia.il.«. O. k H. HARMOBE.

ALBERT WEBER, .Manufacturer, No. 136Writ Bn adwey, near Can.l .'., will »eil a large t.e-rtmrul

-A bi»i rlrbratrd l'lANO-EORTPISet vrry great berialn«, ee- ond-hand Piano.Kortra taken In ex -hauge at their full valje. A callla teepr. tfully eoli. ited.

\G0Ol) J (.HLBEKT I'IAN'0, »ÜocDtve, fora> lu; a raaaaraad 61-.^t«vr, Bat BUS) both in paafa

orrlrr. A veriety of Slat flaat Piano«, nrw. low for eaeh, or e.ldnlnatallaeeilta Piau.* and Melodeone to let. J. M. PELTON,N . o am i; P.i adway,betwaea 1SUaadIdth-ata.,M.T.

Alt,\Jv(Ial^"can b.- had iu NEW oTsECOND-HAND PIANOS, of aood tone and lalaB ill of whh h ar,.

fully warrentrd. Apply to J AS. VON RIPER, No. 178 Waoatat-at.. Between Hettatoa ami Rhwekerata.

CAKHAKT A NELDIIAM S MEL«JUEONSCan b«. bought or n-ntrd at

JI DSON 4. M1 NOER S, No. 722 Bniadwey.

CH I C K E RING tt SONS,M*vrr aorl*ata^ or

ORAND, 8QI ARE, and I'PRHiHT PIANOS,Werrrooni», No. 694 Broadway.

CA SONS have la-.-u awarded Thirty f ir I'rige Medalt fotthe tuperionty of their tnauufai ture lot the Laet 36 yt-att.


M E L O D E 11 N S and HARMONIUMSfor Parlor*. CharrAWB, Veatrlea ami leaig-e,

et Wholeeale auo RelaiLPIANOS TO RENT.

HAZLETON BKÖS^^ianö^Fort« Manufa«-turrr», No. 209 C« ntre-et., ofl. r e tiue aeeortmrnt of brll

liaut »nd hiU-totied PIANOS, at the luwaat ratea Each Piaocaarranted to give »ati»faetion, aud g .erauteed for three yeara.


n edr. St rond-haud Piano*, made by Oilbrrt, CMckeriaa, Hallet, Davil B Co. Prieea lYottt $X to BBU. MELODEONS

* Piaaca M at .« teat T. B RESET, sibü Broadway. Bar. Oraiid at kaaiMt building.


OK ALL KINDS,Banging In price from e>6" to B43". aq ia!ly adap'et f,r the

Chun h, Yratry, Seh.. r.»in, L-aJgr-n.>m, at Parlor.Mratr* CH ICKEklNO A SONS are the tola Afaatlfit thea

*..p. r.. r lu»lrumrn-a tat thr State ol New- York.WaatkooMt, No. 6«4 Br adway, New Yorh.

Dealer« aupplied at regular lactory prirea.Drerripthri . atahtfaea »aal on apphv at., u

LAUD S SUPERB SQUARE PIANOSCan be beeaBBt or rented at

JUDSOS x. Ml SOEB'S N- -..Br aaHray.

LICHTE A BKAD1U KVS, No. 4-.'l Broome-at,nr»r Br>>edway, have a ¦bradlM awnini-iit at thru CELE¬

BRATED PIANO PORTES in.. . -. .. ¦: red »:th thrPateut Ali h n-.t P auk. TL.wr ka wautol a auprri^r . U-..1a ill bud It br thru advantage to .eil.

Laud S PARLOR GRAND PIANOCan be bought at

JUDSON V MUNuER'S, No. 722 Broadway.

Ijyianos, MELODEONS aud ALEXANDRE(.ROANS, of aiiprrior make, at great bargain*, e id

band Pi*:..-* at xtr- .AZitopl V);.hr iargt.t Cet g . of Mat I IMa-

i. , I:.. t.'» *: M . ..¦:.: .. la k.nJ«. e: theli wr.t BDaShea ratea; P.an.a anil W rent, aud renta!, w.a ii f ;n beetd moulhlv pevrr-. ... d I r Pi .uoe aadM. kair,ua HORACE WATERS, Agent,


No. 333 I r. axdway.

ISlAN'oS.Cbeapvat in the city, aa will be ae»jnby thoar who tak*- the taaahla la BSBBaaBB. Aleir.>Wetrhe»,

I , .Irwrltv, Srgax. Sa'i «. BooAl, Hall Hruah-.. Pt.f.:_i».Oaaa. Rrvi Uer'.. W «'. t.. (':. th. Hike. Ac Be. Caah aSvaaraeon EbBMB, VA atfbee. Jewelry. Drv Oood., Euruiture. kr. l. .abought tor ru.h. i. P JON'F.S. St. 52 Ann-.t 2nd fl

I>lANOs and MKL<»l'i:n.\s._Pkret Ta PIANOS, ft y w *n-ut- *.. p'ai:. r lb h'y -arred

at LowttT raicri.PIANOS «:.d MELODEONS to LET or add on l-j-sümeu»».

J M. PELTON. Baa. £41 and 843 Broadway. N. Y


It I» b'tiH Bpaa »n iron frame or W pU'. »r 'ir-lv e-ptraatPri m the are. |htM rrlirvtug lim e uua b>«raa aud rvrry otueapart of the heal (r.aa the et rain.

It will remain in TUNE f r MANY MONTHS, aud. wa-n theatni.»» are ar'.'lrd, rvru for year.

It baa rxaaeea e-uuding btärd« ahoee and beim», Ukr the Vi .Iba,which are bi . U -i '.-.». t- i the »xxne mvr. .. Ihaat BtaaBlStae rnturr uuruuJxieut a vibratory aa.lL

It ba» arratrr drpth eud fulUw tt of tor-, and itl "Sweueto,"or p. w.: 11 . ,.t.o :.- g ''¦> " ha* net r j . \ .«

by iu»*r..r eiita o| thr trlaBa raaIt IMPBOVESWTTH AOE aad 1ST b- ircir.g m>t> v-.bra

tt ry euo the tow purer aad »nt>re ao.-ru t.

"It Wth. REST PIANO-EOBT1 »"-r*T," tnl Ii n ift- 1 ly OOTfeCHALK. THALBEBO ead mauy othrr arf

"avtr A.r-..**" uj: hal; l « »*< n «ib- ».».»

_bt law. Sprua »^4 Pnu e «ca.

\V0NDER1"ÜX1lMPR0VMENT inff ORAND P. anusSTP1NWAY A pons iu;-.te»ri«.ar*d .JKreth 'rlBt»a«T1|

b rt» lui eauuune their uewiy in tented U v >:rstbjn(3ORAND PIANO, whieh, for power and qnelitv .47 t..na, ia pr>BoaLred euprrior to any other Oratal Piano by all who have aa-amiued it; among wboaa are the keat amei. ei judge* of tha r >ua-try. »*h ea B Gold bet k, Tb. Hagar (Editor of The Mu«.ral Ba>eiew), I C Bill, w A. Bing. Wr^Ma»on. H. C. Timm, H A" ohexJxei.pt, fx, a. Wuuo, aud many ,^herv

.stEijtwat a sons.

Rtt-Acwn, Noe. tt aadM Weiher rt New Tora.

RATEN, BACON A Co..iSucreaaer,.,, BATON A RA VT!»J Ph»w#.P M Manofae-

tar»r», w »r»ro. o.t In, ISOtvadt*.. --ar Bredway, vhn I

tJl Ii en-. f Ir.atrjnwB'j navbe vi «i »i .ait-.j .1 wjr

ov*. BMl *.'» tu»* Warranted in *rerv -e#pect.



/ JLENFIELD PATENT STARCH rtel.i<iv*».yVB l"<I u Queer Vir«, -.a I Laundry..The waa'awaaftie.: .

earnt* for tb» I'kitud State*, wt b>' able to deiner rappüe* ofti.it «riebr»:«*! STARCH, *a the atTteal .f the 9 S. Otnapav, at

mtniff-.-. r * pr et, in bond, at dnty pud. 1*. i* proooaaeaa'by U'^ero Vicuna'* lentadr.« b. ib« rtcrat tUrcA ehe «»er

nerd. ISAAC H(.'t 11ANAN k Co N < 13 Wu.iaai-aL, N Y.


pubic InarituthiBa..At nrh pi*rr* there Mat < »iti b> iraacea

aaiv . i ila-jua <t >id p»;« r. wh.rh baa t». .'.n-p^ir?.'.awrithlee*.auch aa balk*, pamphlet*, i. wapavn an i «I a umri.t*

of ail kirda, of aa f i'iti wintieeer, and conatitutinp a

r»> ..blewme rnruttbrrn' ... S h r .bhieh. no u.alter'o a fiat'tt«nt tLe artlrba may be um ir «herwi*« de'a.»d or mutüfej.are readily pur. haat'd by the .ubwriben f r r»ady .-aab. and 'hj*p. -«. t* having in ihe'r jan*aa«iinn any'hi-g what.rrr tfc. tjepeut pap» r 'an tirhangr the tame for win; M 'hem ia of far grea-erti. t*. tauelt, th* attire rirruV.cg and mm» of the T'nited

Sutra, r-td aid «.:..» r STOCKYfELLP KMERSi'M.No 23 A: .-at N. w Wrk ihaaamniO.

.HE EXCELSIOR STAR BLACKING pr.wdurra a p, rf. : p ah v. r :! r gr> tee, preaereea the

leeibrr eutt aaa piiabir, n.-arly doubling iU durabjity. We onlyaak toe trial, and w.il ra fund Eta pre e if I. t f aiu<1 aa lepreaei trd.

A RANDALL k C N Mi .¦ . N. Y.

II'K diiviae th"»e BSiBf SuMifi.vi, ( itrite* nflfac*H i a:a. BaUBpJM Bl .M...rrai Wat. ra. t ;r> ROOERJTSCerate ad M agraria in P..wdrr. » v*rv ..-ling aaS r i ¦-. i

arn.k. Larte ba ttle* only 25 rent*, p.-r «*ie be all dr .ggieU;well adapted for 'he rear.try trade. D-p. ¦'¦ N .. i*i Spriint*t

ficfrigcrators.COMETHINT, NEW ft-nrl SITKRIOR! '-

O IXVOLVDia mat V ENTICATIMO RKHC.iERATORS..Tbl* »r^i. le, while it i* eery eeononii. al in ice, baa a eery lari*an.' unt f ibrlf room, which ia ai atranf d a* to b>- in fire differ-ent apanmrnt*. '.hereby keepena butter, milk, Ac., from cominghi c< nuct with meat*, fiah. BMIaaa, or anything whereby they¦-ay become tainted and *r« i'.ed it bo* a water cmler attached :

the aheive* re*, ive, bnnging each dien to the hand. Tn- box i*VeawataaMaataL b> ieg n a.!e In an 'ictagmi f. rra and han ia-unelygrained. We alai give peraonal atteutlou to all kinda of Warm-

¦ ad Vertilatir.g. Send for \ Cir- o.ar. givin* .le*. notion andcut*. ¥¦ L. UEDKNBERO A SONS.

N« 58 Waikrr-at.. mar Broadway

(TntUrr), Garbroarc, /X^c.j3 Il.'K-PBOOPSAFKSat OKKAT BA BO aIN S.A .Two Jeweler1* Satea.ne with Si drawer*,Ur(e a r

with 12 drawer*, in.\ll tjaa; *l«o, three aaaaoS l and Sife*. forHie. IIKRKINii and WILDKR'S P.tea-. Ho.MMnii-u lane.

H'ardware, (ITI.K.RY,EDcYI TIKJi'A Re

For **'.* by CHARLES S LITT1.E k Co.,No. 20ii Broadway.

HYDE'1 rVatstvt GRIPPING WRENCH,I. kkw*! Pataal IV nbCUmp, our new Door Spring*. Ratch¬

et Bed-Key*. Tiad Caee, coutauntig 7 TooAt, w.-iaht !T oa., and11. I,. I .1 ia n> it A good ¦' a ... «i i.y

OR AY BROTHERS, No. ^9 Beekman at.


0" amks a son" SHOVELS .UMi 8PADE8* F r *»le by JOHN W. QL'INCY k Co., No. 98 Wiilum *t


POI SAVING Fl EL IN steam BOILERS.TL.- au«t - t. and aV awal n.>-r uaeul at tha khad.

(H as vv. COPELAND, No. SI Broadway, N. T.

(Dccan öteamers, Ä*c.

KOYAL MAIL STF.AMSIIIP AFRICA, forLI\ERP(M)L -The AFRICA. J«* And. r*on. Cotnnnuder,

wUI urn. Ir. ni ika MM am on VV EDNESDAY next, Mav II. A.t ail.boat will ply betwe.-o tha »'..n.pai.»"a Wharf at J. tea*

City »Iii the Afn. a. from II: i'l a. in. to lp m., tocou^rypu-.eiif. r* and haggaae ot. h-irrd.tv PERSIA ¦ ill aail Ma\ ±>. E I'NAilD.

N... I BowRn*-green.IBERIA (all port.), C0RI8C0 KAY »udFERNANDO PO.-Th. tire- laathark MENO I. Capt WaxL

M ¦¦. h be iiiapat. bed lu.mediately, and will aail aboutthe l.itn in*r. For [reial.t or paaaag-. bar* nu-tt axeallaal *.-.-om-

a»iia*ik*jg Apply to T. w bay At I' a Co., Ba I« Paaii


aar.ntr attamahip NORTHERN LIUHT, Capt. Tinklepaugh,wiU leave New i. rk from Pier No S, N. R., aa Tl F.SDAY,M«y 10 at 2o'clock, p m, unerting, via Panama Railroad,with the ateamahip OKI/ABA. Apply at the only office of theline. No. 4 Bowling Oreen. D. B ALLEN, Agent.M. B. All pairaoua ate forbid tr ia'.inf any one on acoount uf

the above ahipe or owner*.

"^OTICK..In luhire, the) Steamera of this Line1Y will rail at cork, Ireland, to laud and receive letter* andpaaaengrr*. S-e«m to Li V ERPIXH^ railing «t cork, and vialaw rpiaJ. to LCi.NDON, OLASOOW. »nd all the principal town,in CREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND, at . > red need rate*.-The LIVERPOOL. NEW-york and PHILADELPHIASTEAMSHIP COMPANi s *ple;,did C;yde built iruu acre*

ateauiahip* are intended to aail a* follow*:mow new roan.


At Ba^alaak, aooa, froai Pier Bo. « North River.bath or PiWitl

Cabin from New York and Philadelph.a.tliThird i Uta from N.w-York to any of the above-named pla.ee. M

Ret.irn tu ki t*, available for aix moi.tha. 60Paaaenger* forwarded to Havre, Pari*, Hamb' -g, B.'euien, Ant¬

werp, and allparu of the Continent, with.mf delay.NoTlcg Theae ateamrra are prr.tidi-d with every requisite to

Inaure the immedntte rxtinrtion of nre, and the «tri. teat dur.ipltuabetforred With reeurd to tlie nae ..flight*.

Ptaaetigrr* to Irehttid bv thi* Line avoid the riek and great de¬tention of falling a: St John*, aa the ateaiu-r* pr'a:red to Corkdirect.For freight or peaeage, apply »t th« office at 'he Company,

JOHNC DALE, No IS Broadway, New-York, AgmtIn Liveip,.|, to YAM. INMAN. Tower BuiMiiiga.


It) BAIL BEG! LAELY ON advertised DAYS.CUpper of SATURDAY, the 7th mi May,

Tue favorite firat-rlaa* lipper anipVV EB FOOT,

HüDcr, Matter,is raeMrfaaj her cargo at Pier No. 21 E. r and wi-.! be dlepatched

promptly s« abaive on h< r

THIRD VOYAGE TO SAN ERVNCISCO.The WF.B FOOT i* well known f. r abort paaaig. a. Made 'he

run to San Eranriero in lib and iis dava. Matte thn fane.uapaa.age fp in Calcutta to New Yurk iiikoda)*.Ratet damage* any cargo.I* of mm! .-apacity.WiU 611 la-lore her edrrrtleed day.

SLTTON A Co.. No. St South-rt., cor. WaU-at,



will f< rn. * rtaiMfcHTi.v liue between Kbw-YoaIL Sot th »yr-

tob cud BÄraa. taavimj that «ido each altaraata aatarday, aadthe other Bde each alternate Wedt >adty, Tig:

ibom acw-voBB ranM havbbroa sotTHtwrTox a»D »ournaMPToa

akD Ha vac. r »x IBW-ri an.

ARIEL,u-. Saturday, M»t 7 WiSaiMay, May 25.OCEAN QUEEN-Saturday, May 21.. VVedneaiay, Juue t.VANDERBILT.'Saturday. June i.. Wedneaday, J^i.eZLARIEI. Sataaiay, Jan« Iii.. vvVdDead*y, July 4Ol E AN UTEEN S ' .'d iv, ;ly 2... Wedneaday. July 20.VANDERBILT.|Saturda>, J da HC. VV.u'neaday, Auj. S.

Three SteamaLip* hare water-ti^ht CMiipartmenU.Ca.-'i ab.r SPant or Pts'twB.EtTHta a it the HMt-Via:Per VaxoirriLT.Pint Cabka, BtM a^d *aiCab-

in, #50.Per Axirt.Plrtt C»bin. BM; BatMwd Cabta, A NPer (kr*> Utcta.Pint Cabio, SlOOandSKO, Se. o&d Cab¬

in, $40.Cgarir'^ «rrs leaned of paaaage from Eur pe.Sn«>.rä ...ei.-tJ .:. L a and Paria.

d TiiRRtN, e. N 5B w rt Or.. N . V rk.

CTEAM to LRELAND. DIRECT, C r| '.-ThekJ LJTrfP0,l. N. w V rk and Philadelphia Ste*m*hip Ca'*aplendw »'-d powerful *te*mahipa are intru '.»d Mali

Kr. m P.- ar.d C -rk-t ITY OF MANCHESTER, «.h andIth of April; V 1GO, ttn and 6th of May.

Fr rr. Naw V ,a la Cork lad Uiirpaol CIT1 UF MAN¬CHESTER. Sotii April VTOO, 2«th M*y.

RaTEt or Pt*aaux:Cahic. from N.-w V *rk t.. C .rk and Li.-rpr. '.*-iSteerage, fruoi New-Yurk to Cork and Ltvrrpnul- 30

I Bbal an utliiEi'ed aBoWMea of the bet' .a ked prjviaiona,which aU be aerved by the C .tnpany'a atewarda.

Paaert-r 'a \y .Jua Una »v. id th- 'i*k acd |Te» detention ofeallung*- Hahfix aad St. JoAn'i, aa tha City of Mai. heax *aiUaUre<-t .* Crk.For frruji.-. ur paaaage. applv to

JOHN McREE. No I» Vp-toria at BaBaaYtC VV D SEYMOUR A Co., Cork,

and la Pbi;adelpb,a and New-York at the Company'* office*, No.MBWak*Bl-al PhLadalphia, and No. 13 Br«dwav. New-Tork.

JOHN O. DALE. Aaet:.WM. INMAN Af-nt, No*. u2 and bd Tuwrr B..i,m ¦<«, Liver¬

pool.Purth-r uili-.p* BfBJ appear In f ."jr» adrer»Jaeaaeot*._

THK (iKASi.fiW and NK\V-Y<iKK M H.UI-SHIP COMPANY it tend aeiöng their new aui piwerful

pteanw:* fr^rr. «KW-YORK d-r. ..'o GLASOOW. a* f a-t

OLASCOW, TLvtaLn, SATURDAY, M»y 14, arLao'chwABoonEDINBURGH. Camming. Wedn eday, June 1, at LI o'clock,

bo. n.Rtrtt or Pauacr from New York. Philadelphia or Beate»

. i.ih * LiTcrpooi, BilBn DabBa r l*aad -i-ry. Pirat-r t.a S .. i nd with an . bandar.. - -if r-a>ked pr,erisicawa, 040. Paaaaae from either uf tha above piacea to New-Y rk ' ST'. Steerije, #V: Ch Jrea under 12 year* ofage, hall' tare, korlreiah! r paaaage ipplr to

ROhEKT i KAlii. No.3 Broadway.

1THE KOIaTH-GERMAN LLOYLV" steam¬ship BREMEN H VV KSSFLS, Goatuuuder, wjl aafl

poa.-J« j. '-*.":) :.g 're- U. 8 Mall, oaSATURDAY. May II. at 12 ra.,


taking pawtAger* P>rLONDON, HAVRE, sol TUAMPToN and BREMEN,

¦t the following; retee:PI rat Cabin, SIPS; Se. nod Cabin. »*0. Steerage. S3A F*Freiakt or Paaaig*. appir to



PtVY'S ,t.i IraBaliaj .'.-am..-, p THOMAS J\A \nn j.T. RtnuT l<u, mender, w II Vare pier N >. I-Sörth r »er, on

¦ATVIJUT, M»y7. e:4o'. .kp ¦ P»»...' fn Savannah,w-'h linecrpeawel »<.<.' rrrr-.aiarlea », PlY Titrotub ti--k.-'e t«»

l*rr TWieat A^'ö, Makler, M. ¦f>m-rj, a.*. a.benT,Oe. ».'4 A n'a. <0 C '. -.«, ?.">. V * .t Ai-net. AJB Aha. to pe-.e. 'pel pie. e« in Florida et low. «t ra'ra

PjV ih: IPeeaaipar (..'. end pe>.pi rte.net« i-alee Ineeri: e .toe-

kali' p»r ceut. App.y V11 B CtoMWELL h Da, N... PS lV«t*

;\)RSAVANNAH t-id FLORIDA-!'. S. MAILl*ne - To* favorite a>.,.«fci? Florida, c.pt p.

Cnwe;:. BfOJ e-eve on SATVRDaY, MtV 7. et I p in.

frim P.-r No. 4 N R. Tur-ugh «... k»-« ii>-n . M .ctg »rnery.C.-rea.bua Allel.'», a.bin» aid M« m. Bil!» ..' L«.tnt «n'ter. » ea herd. K< r fnig11 er peerage, apply la StML UMlTt HI:.!, k SOS. So. UBn-adwey


Stcamboata unö B.iiIrcn«uo.rpRAVELEKS twr tRe NOKTH SOITHI EAST r t*> EST akoeM tarry, hifenj >. TLF-

TON*S RAILWAT GUIDE. Prtoe SB eaata Taa alaer ateaaMtin abnbthe THSOt'H ROUTE M AI'S aredelineated,eael -a

fbe-revel, r to eeiti .Ut re HOVV HE SHALL TRAVEL.He will eet.« aaeoy e dollar bv » rring « .-. pv

D APPLETON A C, Pi.Mt.rier»,N-» Staeiid >*¦' llr. ederey

TRAT BOAT for ALBANY ami TROY..1 9 sr. .re.r METAMORjk, Tt PS HA V. THURSDAY »cd.SaTI'RDaY. ttet: I.« t f Jet »!.. at 7 a an.


of Harri* u .t., er 7 ..'.-Wk » m.

KEW-YOKK ami F LI' H IM i RAILROAD.Th. Car- I. eve H-..I.H a e. r>:dp, 7:55, and H»a m end J

4+5 and 6:40 p. m., renne, tine wi-h the »teamer MATI'ANOf New Y rk «t Hur-eri p. i..t. Tb- MATTANO will leaveP Sea Mark, t Slip at 9 a ei.. I. and S:4A .VI5eiid7:»i p. at.,r. n e. ting w iia ioe car. »'. Raatrr*a p mt for Y luaaiaa. k'.rr asrente. WM M SMITH. BoperiateadeaA


r-i .'», VV.at Pt in, ("old Spr ni, (".iniwall, New Heuihurgh »udMilton. e«. b way..The Inet end rleaent Steamer THOMASPOWP LL, fept-'A L. Andrra u. leavre Jay et P.er EVERYAPTtRNOON, et 54 a*aka k.

IWR BOSTON ai.l PROVTDBNCEtis New¬port »nd PALL RH KR..The »pl-ndid and »..p. r.-r

itr.mrr MKTROPOI.IS, Cept. Brown, leavee New-York everyTUESDAY, THURSDAY end SATl'RPAY et 5 oVI. ek p. m.,and the KM PI RE ST \TY, («nt, Breyton, on MONDAY,W K DNLSDAY' and FRIDAY at J oM..tk p. m., from Pier No.3, N. r.

II. r> tf.-r. n» rooma wt',1 be reganled u »ectired to any appli¬cant until '.lie aemr .bell here been pud for.

Freight > B.etoo i» forwarded throtiga with great diapateh byan ExpreM Frei(tht Train.

WM BORDEN. Ageut. N.a. 70 and 71 Weet «C


Cm mrneing April 4, I8.V».Ptaart irr State I n. N. w \. it, -..rurr of 27th-lt. and 4th-a*.

Eanaaea «n aTtl »t.TRAINS LEAVE NEW-YORK,

For New-Haven, 7, t ». m. (ea>; l.':45, 3:13 lea). 3:V) and44^p-m. F.r Hrid«.p.rt. 7, « a m. (ex.); IStdBu StlS (ex.);3:50, and 4 tAp m. F r Mtlf-r.l. Stratford, Pairtield, Southportand Wratf.. rt. 7 a. m.; li:4>, 3: V> ait.l 1:45ä in. F >r Norw.lk,7. Ha. m l'J:45, .1:1.. (ex. )j StSE 4:«JB, StSS p. m For Darienand Oreeawteh. 7, 9 a m ; UtdB. ItSL 4: VS. 3:30 p. m ForStamford, 7 » (rx ), 9 a m.; IJ:4\ 3:l5(rx ) MM, 4: Vi, 3:30p. m. For Port ( keataf and luiermediate Station», 7, 9am.;IJ:t->.3;j0, 4:43, 5:30. 6:30 p m.

CONNEl TINO TR_tlN8.For Boeton, * a. m. lea.). J:l5p. m. (ex.) For HailSad end

S| rt] |kV I, n. a. m. (ra ), 3: i3p. m (rx ) K. r Cotxaeetieng RiveiRailnaid to Montreal. * a. in. (ex.), and 3:15 p. ui. (rx ) to

Nortbaaiptoa. Pet New Haveu, New London and StoinugtoDRailnwd at I a. nt. and StlS p. m. For Ceual Railroed to North*»¦! I li, 8 a. m. (rx ) and li lip.tu, For Hoiieatouie Railroad,8 a. ui. For Nauaataek Railr. ad, Ha un, 3:15 p. tu. Fur Deu-bi ry and Norwalk Railroa.1. 7 ¦ in.. S:M p m.

JAM KS H EKjlT, I ipen uet.d.


the .honr«t and Beoet direct, rariyin» tin. KaaU ru Mail.The atraairn Pl.YMuL'TH ROCR, Cupt. leal Stone end

COMMODORE, Capt D R Stur-ia, lu caaaiithai at-h theSU NIM.TUN and I'ROVIDENCE, and BOSTON andPRO» IDKM E RAILROADS, leaving N.iw York deilv (Sou-daya rx.»ptrd) Lom Pi. r No. J North River, (ir.t wharf aboveBatti ry plare, at SoYlot-k p. m., and Slouiugtou at 8.J0pm.,urn 'he arrival of the Mail Train wbn h I. «vi a Boeton at li 10 p. m.

The COMMODORE, AtMa N. w York, Monday, Wrdnrerlayand Friday from Btatttaatoa, Turedey, Ttniredey end Saturday.The PIA MOl TH RUCK, from New York, 'Tueedey, Thür»,

day end Seturdey from S-.oruugton, Monday. Wrduraidey endFiiday.PlMWCtm pToreed frODI Stoliittgron per rallmad ti Providrnre

and Boe'i ii, in thr I \pn .a Mail Train, reaching «eid pla.-e» lu »J-var.'e of tn-ar by other rrralaa. Bad in en.rile tun« for ell theearly m.-ming luira, eonnri ting Nor'h end Ka.t. Paaa.-iu.-r»that prefer it remain on h..ard the atremer, enjoy a night'» realnudiatuihed, brt-akfaat if d.aired, and leave Stouiugtuu Lu the 7a. nn train.Fare In ¦ Pi aieV in >. to N«wp.-rt V) centa.A tw«i-gematter ay\-ompei.ie« the »>amtr and train through

each way.For paaeage, b-rthe, itatr rooo.» or fn-ight, apply nn board the

.t. an . r, .,r at tn- Fiexeht OSaoe, Pket No. 2 North River, or etI No. in Battery eaarra. Frb. a. 185».

CCENTRAL RAILROAD ..I NEW-JERSEY..J ('..niie tii.a at New llempton with the Delaware, I.e. ka-

waune and W. atrni Railroad, and a*. Eaatoo «riih the LebigbVelley Railroed.BPRINO ARRANOF.Mf.NT. i-ommen-lng Merrb 1«, 1859 -

Leevr New York for Ea»lon end iutermrdiute pla. e» from PierNo. SNorth River, atH a. no, 12 nn, aud 4 p. ui., lor Homer-rille by above tralua, and at 5:30 p. m.Tie above Iraina onaaarl at Kliiabeth with traina on the New-

Jrra. y Reiln ed. which leave New-Y"rk tYom the f ait of Court-landtat., et 7:40 e. m aud 1J tn., and 4 eud 5 p. m.

l'aaerngrr» for the Ib-lewarr, Lai-kewanna, and Wettern R»J1-road will Irate at 7Ja m. only For Lrhigh Valley Railroed at7J a. in. aud 12 m. JOHN O. STERNS, Superiutrudeut.


On and after U EDNESDAY, April 6, 1859, Trait a will leave2bth it. Station, New York. .. BBttiwBI

7:45a m..For Wiiiiaiu»hri.lgr.8:30». m. Mail Train for Albany.S: Ala in..For William»bridge.

. in.. For White Plaina.2:30p. m..For VVilliamabridge.4:00p. m..For fb.ver Plaiua.5:00 p. ¦..Pet White Plaiua.6: Ii p. m.. For White Plaiu», from Wnite and Centre it.8:30 p. in. .For Williamebridge.

Rtnaaiau.Will leave:5:U0a. ui..From Whit* Plaina5:30 a. m. .From Diver Plaina6:40a. iu..Froui Williamabridge.7:1« a. m..En m Wlote Plaina.8:45a. m. .Mail Train from Albany.9:30 a m. .From Williamtbridgr.1:00 p. in..Prüm Williernabridge.3:90 p. m..Prom White Plaina5:00 p. E.-om Williamabridge.

WM. J CAMPBELL, S irterlntendenL

i ism.THE PENNSYLVANIACKNTRALequal to auy :u '.he country.


BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTMRHSOH,Bau idirart »t P la... iplne w.-b thtwaph frame from Boe-t. ii. New Fort ai.l all potota aaat,aad in the Dakaadep.it atP...' rgli vt.'h -.in i.gh trenn for Liu. luuati, St. Loui», Cleve.bad, CBtrapo, Biixiintttoa, Sc PaaPa, li.dianapdia, Loui.viile,N-w Or nap, aud all m ¦: e- p. Lata iu Ouio, Indiana, llli-Boia, Kriituiky, Michigan, VVia.-ou.in, Miuneaora Mi.autrrl,Kanu» and N< hraaka.thna f>innthitig faciiitiee fur '.he trauapor-U'lou of petarnfvr* uuaurpaaeed fur apeed and comfort by anyother route.Expreaa and Feat Linera ruu thr. .gh to Pituburgh without

ahaaaa f. ere or ondu .¦

SMOKINO ( ARS hia aita.hed to rah train. WoodrnffeSLEEPING f AK.S LB EapTBM and Fa.t Traiu» THE EX-PE1 BS «I NS DAILY Mall ind Fa«t Liar, aTiaiiji nitaajt

Mail Train bwrea Pl iUd- Iphiaat. 7:15a au.

Feat Line leavr» Pbnadr^tnaat.11.50 p. m.

Six Daily Train, hrtwrei. Nrw York and Philadelphia; TwoDally TYafaw hatwaaa s^» fort aad B...-..n. Thr .ugh fk BaM(al. Rat!) are rtaai oa either of the above trainaBOAT tickets from Buavcu are (.aad via Norwich, Pall

R:trr oi S'on;i f u luae.Paearngi ra fr<m Weahington City have 'wo daily traina fromB, Bat BBS et llarn.hura lor eil poiux« We.r.--lra»ui(

B.ltiu.. n at-a. to. aud -p. lu.

Paaeea(> re for Baabary, Wiuiau.tpor', Elmlra, Buffalo, NiagaraFall», and lu'.rnnediav- poiu'a, i-«»ui( Philadelpuu et 7.15 a ax.

aid !l.50e. m. godln-v'tly through.I . -, Weetwerd m»y be .b'ainrd et the oSlcee of the Com¬

pany :u i'h.iadrlphia, Nrw-York, Boeton or Beltiuee*, endTi I ta Eaatwerd at any of Lhe important Railroad ulti'-e» in the

Weet; at*., .n bovrd any of the regular Line of Steamer, on theM.atiaeippi or Ohio RiveraPARE ALWAYS AS LOW AS BY ANY OTHER ROUTE.

ASK FOR TICKETS BY PliTSKCROH.T>,,. f the WaBten .oouettioue of the Prntayl-

»auie R i road ta Chit n.»kr» thie theD1SXCT LINE BETWEEN THE EAST AND THE

GREAT NORTH WEST.The connei-tlrg r.f -jack- by the Railroad Bridge at Pituburgh,

ato.diug »11 drayega or frrrtape of Fingbt, -jie-t.'a-r with the

eaviug of tia;e, an- advan'age« readny appn- uauid by i-ipprreof fjeigh: end the t ravehug n

PREIOHTS WF.STAVARDBy thl» n.iite, Freight* of ell de» riprione can be frrr»rard»d

ftom Pbiladrlphia. New-Y-.rh, B<aton, or Bal'lm.-rr. |a any poiutaa u. re. r.*d. f Ohio. EaaatW ky. Indiana, I-^e.j, Wiaoouaiu,loerB, r Mhweawt, by nilr.>ed dire. :.

The Pei.uayNauia Ka. r «d eleu cwnnecta at Pi-.laburgh withrfeemrre by wbi«h r«deren be forwarded to any port on theObui, Mu.kinrum. Kentucky, Teuueaeee, Cumberland, ILLuolaWB rjaBB, MiM.ur., Kai.-ae, Arkenae» and R-d River», and.- ( la*, d. Sand ..ky er.d Chi. ago with ateaxoera so ail port*on the North-Weetem Lahea

Mrrehai.t. end Sl ipper» iritrietlng the trarieportatioa of their

Freight to thie Oampajiy, can rely oath confidence us iu tneedytranert.THE BATES OP FREIGHT to any point la In- Wret by

.be Prntieylyauia Rallnad are at ell umre aal favorthie aa are

ttargrd ky other Railroad Compern.-aB' part-uier to merk pa. aagaa " Via Penn. R. R"Mrn neuta in the We»t ordering g-aid» from the Ear*. »n-l do

aril to direct them to be (hipped by thia mate.For Freight Cootrart. .,r Shipping Dirrmou«, epp'y to or ad-

drrw eivoar of th» following Agenta of the Compel.y,D. A. STEWABT, Pi'-UburgB; _ _

Barle A Co., Seubeuvuie, Oh»; H. 8. Pierce k Co., Zea«e-

riOr.OU J. J J hneton. Supi-y, Ohio; R McNeely, Meye-rillr By. Ortnaby k Cropper, Pnremoath, Ohio; Paddock fc

Co., J. dvr-wvtkle, Ind.; H. W. Browa A Co CineianatJ, OBJo;Athen, h II.aKrr, ( tuemnati, Ohio; L C. Meldnm, Madieoo,I tel.; W Uuaai Bin-ham, LooutviUr, Ky P. O O'Bjb-y k Co.,F.vanavuir, Ind.; N. W. Oraham k Co Cairo, ia R F flee.,b- leui.. Mo.; J .rn H Harri». NaehviJe, T-nn BarSB iH at Mrmphta. Teaa.; Cark k t>.. Ch-eego. IU.. W H. H.

K r A.-on. 111.; Murphy k Welle, D.boque, Iowa, or IP

Freight Ageouot Railroad, at d.BVreot polxrte in the W rev

Pan., atteriding to tavir own ahiom-ot»Crom the Eee». «rlTl

ihaBl lntereet to cell eu Uw Agenta et* tAee Oin-pex v «

» ig p.a.-. Uf r» »nipptug. or lettera addraeeed to

either of them oa theaal^rt of Ireighu, wui nv rt wrji prompta IBME. J. SNFEDER. FhiladelrtciaMAORAW k BOONS, No. lu North rt.. BaBtanaa,LEEt H k Co.. Nu. 2 Aa»..r Houae, or No. 1 S. W m rt, N T.LEECH a C«. No. A4 Ki byat. Boetuo. _

H. H. HOUSTON. Genera; Fr-iah: Ag^ a*. PbJladeljdiiB.For through 'jchet» .ppiy a: toe .-¦d.- N- A»-.^ Ho u-.

J. L. ELLIOTT, AgeBt.L. L HOtTT. Oetteral Ticket Agent. PhJaaWlokiaT. A. SCOXa", CrtM.-al S -p«.«-.tJd*s.'., AJMrfie, Pa.

HIJMON LUVE! IIA II.ROAD . E*.ib_ Apnl4. IMS, tre.ne will a-av» CU.i.bri> .t .lata.» .* (.Iowa;

IHM Tnau.*. . 4. m. aad i p. in A . M rr.i-.lla.eair r Pouibke, >_ie. 7 1. tn .1 |:*» et 1 1* . * , M D«bWPerry, 1 «1 d 1! «S 1. a. *ud I «ad I" »'t>. m , Lr Sinp Xu«, 4 Iip. m. for Pe. « P < « PtlBlkkt.

" errry Traue at p *t '-.r Wey HuiVHM.Puwnn> Ukn, «I «hau1. ¦.. ( . Bjttklfh.f eieiJIatat*.T . 1 I r N. w V it -..».- Tr t ai « t. « i >. ». in., and J tip m., end A'ba. 1 ab. n Sunday* .( 4 p ib.

A P. «MITH. S..r*-a ilet_*eA

.MEW-YORK AM» HAKl.KM KAll.KOAD11 I OMPANY -IT. « " s... , . r th «l.n pai y Ad tbe WCtt. I raTTMrteel (Id) D real r», will tu* Arialat tbr *gB.ef Am G Bayany..-. r»r <>l *«A-et and 4ta «-., **»TlESPAY, Map 17. Iba p. 11« la b*, f> ,. fr m U ?«»__ al e-~A

1 .rTiai.af. H.a.. f _M Old «od P-vf-rre«th a-ili U- rkraataj fr ¦ I ... k p ... «f 'kW l«tb Maj tniU .

i '1 bat *. a>. «>ft_r lata u »t.W II EMERSON, Secretary, ke.

x*K\V-JKK>» 1 R.VII.KOAD-E.i PH1LA-II PEI.PHIA «udth» Kill TU and WEST, »i» JERSEYCITY".-Mailand Eipce Iii»-* leeve N-wY rk et 7 P «ad IIa. m. and i and 6 p. ui far* *X Tbr uah T.ckrta «old fug Cha¬rier »ti and the W«»«, kl i t 1 Waahi.gt. n. New OrU-en* aitd IbaS"..'h. kr., and Ihr iah bagjaee rwerhed La Waehl_Jtoa It Iiai and d p ai

J. W WOOPROP. .taut Sup-riLwudrntNo baggage »1 h* r. > | % « ...lea* d«li»ered anal

.'¦ «.¦! 11 i,.-a a.tv* ce of _ie time of leaeiaA

KKYY-YOKK AN Ii KHIK KAl LKÖÄD..0_and tikat MOMTJ V Y, April 4. 1169, and nun! f .rther e.<Ua»,

P**aen|. r Train* will k-avr Pu r, f>»t .( D .ane *t., ukuihiwa,vka-iPCNRIRR PXPRPSS.t la ¦_, t r Dunkirk aad tlafttT.

and pr iiripal intermediate 8t»ti u»

MAIL TRAIN atla. an.. I r I .1 kirk and Bufaio, arad it-Ur-a ,:ifr itattaMKOI h LAM> PASSPNHKR a'. S>'p m., rY,.«a traH of Hai-

ikanaa al «ia Pkrrwa :. ( 1 > ... ..» .1 ttt rmt «iiata StaiHauaUAY PAh>KN<l> R I p .11 fr \. w' ,rtS. MddVtarara,

a; .1 i! .. in .r,n,:r tialkaalMUHT EXPRESS ai .> p m.. ht Dm lirk and ButTaio.Tbc al» \r tia.i . «..Ii .!«..>, S .!..!.>« t ».[ !. .1.Tl.rae Eapr. aa Traina «. i.n.a l al Eluiina arllA ttaa Ebavira,

l"a; ai ..»;»!., ai .l Niaaira Pi.la Railn-ad. t<t Niaaara Paila; etBmabampioii, ai'h tbe Svracuaa- and B11 «baniptuu Rai'r\iad t r

-. at C rii.i.a. wita tbr ButaJo, Coruiup and New-YerkI.. Mi, f- r BaabaMat aad Bi.tfalo; at ttreat Bend, with tfca»P« '.aaare, La. kaaaamia an.l VYratrni Railnaad, tot Batrantodi atH. rtur.aaiile. with ihr B Hat" and Bwa York City Railn^d;a: .1 at Burtalo ai d Dm kirk, wth *hr Lake Sh-.re Rai'.raad, t*cClevetaud, Cinrinaa'l, T 'leafo, !>. ( Ii r«a>>. Ac

t HARLES MORAM, Pia.,.!.-, l



In prtttnhna ctttißcaUt./ <A« uni/eraa dea<4*iua «v<t»a «y tta>ii'arjnb*i* Kuaiiiy RtmtJiit. Ueir yeaertU >Aavaaler taw keaaaaaavapMaad »1 Vu/^Uuvna

AePIDA VIT.MaToi'a Omca, Cm or Ntw v ««. April td, IIM

Joabua P Bridie M Nrw Y rk, heiua duly «aroru, drpiaa^e au4aa\. that lir ia the attruiitur aud r.uia.otru« poyaii lan t» toe liraef*et.bera Company. No. 33 Park i> w. Nrw Y ik IhU he kaa hadariirral r pnviaioai . f the pr. parati u »I the UraefcnBera, family¦ediataea ihr twa paaat, and that he baa known ihrlr r'ect toha\r been uuirornily (»od ; that be haa kuowu the adrertiaeineretalulled by the Company, and the MrtawaakM pubtkahe.i, aud han iskra "ath t<> thrir rorre. ti . aa aud ar 11 nine character, aad thatany prraon dttirirr pr>« f ah* J be r. fi rr.-d to tbe paPie«directly,or be olherwlae con»lurrd of th. ir rutire a.-riira. y. All peraeiaaititerealed may rely upon tbe atateuin.t* of the Orecfrubrrg Cvua-pauy with in p'irit aaaBaV Bl ISworu to beliire me, *h.» ISth day f April, Its*

DANLEL p, TIKMANN,May. r I 'he City of New York.

1. ufrr.- r 1. >«.. ... .ili.-«. UtpUutmrnti aad J%flt*Ui4*,tOfttSrr vith cuaalirartraui ayaapr.>«aa r<f<f di«r.iae* 0/ w<>mrn. are

rudrraHp cured fv TIIK Uli IR'KK.VBR'NO C'EMPd.Va"»M.iHSH il L'M t PBBIA B CJ n/n/.K'o.V.Puce t)l B*JMr but*. Kir. .ii.,l ,'.t $1 It aa

be aeut aafrly by Eapr.-ae.A akillfi rhaal, lau i Dr. Blinuri an afU'tly In the ulBre.AJJrtm JOSHI'A K HRIPHK M D.. Srt,tUru <a'«ur/r*A*rp

C.wpdie, N>. M Park P w, Nrw Vor*.rfCAI'TION^U

An Aith i k. whoi.lv m»i tiioiuko, «r«*lv aisiMBLiaaTin* in ««mc «an i.aar.i, 11*9 irr.N rvr 1« IBCvLAfl Ml

" The l.lrh moral character of the aeu'lriueii ouiue. ted withTTie fdrweffaBBaca Company, and tbe a. kuowl, il».-.l medical aki'Ja, .1 ji.ilaii.u.t ..f Pr It- ,.<.-. tbe atu-udlna pbyaician,ahould la-duea at rriian. e in thrir prrparatu na He may be MBBwBMlp r«i'ua!ly or by letter with eutire reuBdence.'.|N. Y. DailyNewa.

DR. J. B MAU( IIISI" celebratenl UTERESBCATHOI.ICON, for the relief aid cure f...1- « femalea.

With nu b iinivrraal luff, ring and dlalre** *. **dd. n* ihe femahttile, a r> ally (.««< mrdit i.'.c u.uat he Ib.-ir brat lib n I. Tbe reeultaol Dr. MAR( HI8P8 CATHOLICON proveaiitlie only art..'.athat i* rrluablr, *ud alway* dor* what It - a Where aver*-thin* baa beeu tried, the heal phyairlanar.ai*ulied, year* «pent Idanauiah, *nd ln..i.i w*«*rd, thi» Cub.1 con baafrat.u.d bealtbto the pati* ut, and «*aij. r.a '...'he rireai.l*. Ilia an va ao.l . rti

ri. it 111 auy forin nf dl*ea*e pec.ill«! to the fem«!- af I IlkaIrrrgularitir*, S.... *. Diaehargea, Plerreliuna, fr- -11...... a.Be. It laprracrbed by phyalrlao* anal unrar*, wbo bare wlt-

. .1 . offe.-ta The letter* of hundred* of MB]t.atily that it la n. v. r IBtea without k> u-llt. Daugblera, wivraand uiorhrr«! "an..!.- will cur» yon. It la an booeet analtaeted thing. The money will be retoriird if reauhl are Bait *e

deacribed. A pamphlet, with .yinplum*, trealment, letter*. *.«..w-ut in' < by mail. 01 d.livrrrd at ihr r. unter Do n>4 if. ..,ADr Mm . «1 with any other name. Il ran be had in almoet everytown. If not fnuud, It ran bo aenl by expreea. Price, pi paxbuttle, «1 .brae boufee for g)A N dire removal. Addrraa

BARNES k PARR.Otieril Agnit*. No. I I'1 a row, New York.

DRl'CN, Ar..WILLIAM H. KINHLKY, No.II O.ldal., near Mablati line, New York, .1 a ..

RfcTAII ERS AND MANPPACTl'RK.RMin aaeortment of reliable IIKI'US, Ar on rraainable term*.CONSIHNMENTS of MEDICINES. CHK.MICALS, Ac. <H«-

prard of to the brat advantage, or brought' public notice.

QUERE* COD LIVER OIL JELLY, appmvedby the New York Ar».lrmy of Mnllciur, I« the only on*

containing Ai per cent of Uli. BEWAUK UP IMITATfOMH.No iimtatiou contain* ¦. iniirb oil a* mine, though *ouaa a e

boldly «dvertia.-d aa roi '.ainiiig a* much «. V per oeuLAl*o, American and N. iw««l«n Cod Liver Uil in tbe Hiiu.ddate. R. QUP.RU, No. IMdaY a» New York

Ala.i for ««!e at lib I.I.I l, A Co.'a, T. T. UKEENS, No*, talitnd 862 Biuidwiy. and *ll reaprrtable Drnggiata.


YYAoiesaw Agent«, No. 4 PTetcber at.

A'CIS" NKKVOim ANTIDOTE.Dr.«TRATTUN, pr. pri. t.rof the original Recipe.la a «|uirk

rrlirf and IBM for Niuralgia, Iwaiiarhe, loes of appetite, andnervou«debility. N. B..None grnuine willemt my «lgi.at.ir*.JAMES T htRATTUN, No. Ill «th ay. Koraale by Drog«l*t«at Ala bottle.

I append the following Bega front Mr*. V*«q.ir*. the mother lalaw of Dr. Watt*, an.l the lady from whom I p MB heard the «irigiaalBiBtpn LT. H.

Dr. Stb*ttob. Sir I ae.. by 'he i.«»i|,i» r« '.hit lohn Pyueii Co. «dvrrtlie aM *t <<f. . I BbB it WattVi NbbvoubAkTlliOTK. The bottle and table *r« the *ame, but what they.all the Antlihto 11 but in imitation. Be naured, Sir, th« ro

never ha« ra en one bottle of the genuine medb lue made or aohtin th « ity «iure myaon In law, Dr. Wat'*, left, uitil you p n

gpaaad the original recipe of me. The late Mr*. Hay* of Brook¬lyn once had an agency |..r the aale of the genuine Antidot«, butnot for the laal five year« >.r more. B it I aru that John P/bo kCpi bare tbi Ir alufl for aale thrre. Ilr S'm t.11, Ibi« J ,hu Py -1

wa* formerly eaupi vrd by my ». 111 ktW, Pr. Watt*, to *ell them« dii Ir e ami do !l « . rra.nl« of the «turn «1 you may judge hovelie became p>aaraa.-d of the butt I.a and label«. Tie* lir. nerer

11 ade .1 e .1 p I A il. '.. at the t». re iu hi* life nor did beever give or «eil the know ledge of making the medicine to J. hit

Pyue, or any one rlae. lie co Id Bot h*ve dono ao without eiy.ppmval or < n*er.t, a* It w«* mine, and the recipe baa beeu lamy poaaraaion «in< e n If v will-all «t my houer, I will re

f. r y. 11 to p> r»< ua tb*t ran teil y ni aime'hing about the «raufe«Wnttt'i Arrv<.u< Anttdutt, lud the pyue A Co. '.V a « NervoueAntidote-.«er AnthM», ..lie » *«)rri. rime* call It

Yiur.re.periMly, MATILDA VASQHEZ,No. Ml «th a*

itJutcr Cnre.


DK. MI.NDE" WATER-CURB, at ITillipp,Mata .tl.iie arflaP w.*t fr- .11 iho Nortliainpioa Railr..*d

P.p. t, ia one of tbe 'argeat and beet regulated -.Ublithue-iiie la

the United Slat, a, and kept in oprntt' .u 'hroughout lie, year" Dr Munde i* ueat to Pr.eaanitr, the in- at eminent praaV

l.tiouer of the water cure that Urrmauy ha* pr aineeaj."|N. Y. Trihaoe.

" Nil virioi.t rnbli. BbY a 't r.,M w^ter c.irra are eertainiyamong the bttt, if not the u.o*l . ip. rior, of any iu fJVnrtany.''

fH ecei Jounitl." We are oDvineed that no higher aulhairity Ibaa ha, la eaat-

teraof hydropathy, »u be H,und in our own orany other eoai.'ry.''I An., f Magam.e of II .o... pathy aiei Hydr-iaMby

DR. E. J. EOWENTIIAL« WAl'KK CUREand UYMNASIL'M, No IM Hlr,rk>r*t, New Y-.rl

Treato.rnt without board. Trantieot aud prru^auen* Boa/dare

taken._DR. TRALL* VVATTiR^URR ia ItMJ-wtti bul

one dour loan Ht John'* Park, at No. IA f/aApSt et U.4BUARP can be ubtainrd fioan %i *7 p»f w~gb. Roaaat wnAtreatmei.', Br. o, f7 pj BIO 1_pr» «-t B T TBALL. M C%r.a D. A. UURTON. M. D., PhyairUn*.

Cegal Notices.


C. PRINCE, JESSE BRI'SM, Tr..t~., tndOILES HAHLENBEI K By virtue of a decretal ord-r to me directed and ietivered, I will eBpuee to *sle oa «he «everrth day «** May. It*1, at

la .,'. t. I at noon, at No. 32» Waabingv.u «»r-et. la the C ty andy of New Y..«k. ..1 tfet f.. lowi-.g de- r.bed «-aal, «rag -hat

tr!*, via: One Steam Eogiue, H-db r, WiatUtig, Bait, Puliawa, twoBurr Mlüetone«, and all the other nuv hinery tpparvrnantUM«rla>,«nd*llh_lurr«onthe premlae, N). 72» VVaa_ingt«u »teeet .I

the CA* of New Y .rk, i-.rludlnp; OlBoi E«mUure. two C-/*T-atR._atrr*. Sbaltn.g, B*._np anal Pulley* aaal Iroo Be* DaudjNew York, May J, iMR B._tt HUIe^Bli_aBI,No. *l VVaii «t, Ne.w York

IN PURSUANCE of »n ortiVr of th* Hurrot^trjo/the Cuai.ty of New York, Noti- - I« b*"Vt ft »*o 10 all «er-

? n. having Sap againet CHARLES HA'll.SOS. late oTt-BCtry «d" New-York, deeeaeed. to prearnt the aame, with v.u. beraUtefiwi, to the eubernber, «t hUpbvea oi* bueiiteae, No. 41 Park-row in tbe l. ty of New York, on or betöre Uw tVOday of J*uanr»t-Dat-d New York, the IOU day f Der,mbeOAlt,

O VAN CUPT,dlt law«m* A4miöl*fr»''r, with the WiUanaeaad.

CCI'REMK COURT.-TH0MA8 B. U.NUER-il HILL P_ant_f, agii-t EUZA COOPER, Bud bULOMoN( (XJPER, bar tiu>ba-d, Rrbecea. J. PleArr, P->r J.au»Xoo,Pred. ri. k A. Lawreate, JoOn 8. M- re, Wi an, B T tea. OrUndoMrad, Jobo Muraa, The New Y .rk Life liaturaace Ooata-pany, J. bn W. Meyer* and Harvey PaWr. Drfe_da_la.->Tborum plaint in thl* action wa* -led 10 the a_vra) e<* t%» CUwk afIba Cawaaty nt Wtat-baatar, at White Plain*, in aaid CawMr,00 lAe Jath day of Ja:.i_ry, WA. To tbe drfa-naianta, EUaaCooper, and &.Vex_a Cooler, her huaband, Rebecca J. PW.er,Peter Johrjatu-, Pre*>ii.-k A. Lawreaeear, J< bn % Moore,William B Tutvn, Oilaodo M.ad, J ha Mona Tita Now-1 irkLit* Iniurmnre Company, JJ. W. Mcyvr* and Harvey PaiaariYou are hereby aummnned and n i\ lr«a In iriwulki iiiaip»tw»tin thi* artion, wbl. h ia tk-d iu that utflo* of Iba Clerk af theCounty c«f VVratrbeater, U WhiU Plain*, la «aad Ua.ty, auat«cd to »iv» a ropy of your aaawrr to tbe aetd cmnttiain ea Uta*ub*cnb*r uhiaufece, at White P «. «. in the aatd Couaty ofWettcbester, within twenty dayi *:.., the aarvlaa of tbia fmm>mot* oat j,.u, eai-inaive or lAe day of «ich aeirica): ..d if y..atail to answer the aaid romplaint wi'Ain the t_*M aiiiea eeat, thmplaintiS in tbia action will apply to the Court fc«r tbe retVaf temended in tbe eewtp__*t.Date, fan .ry PJcb, IP'S.tmmM la»"»b' JOHN J ClmtlT, P1a__Ti A'.t«etaey.