STRANG FRS aWiV, rtt>t hfl in .** tt> rr**t iu-n»rt.rn»tr o*i.i>»t rfFAiimNos.powIm* OUftK BltAVK, THI. »UORaTlON TUE PAIKI".! e-e ..«h wrwlb Mi» prt * ./ admiaeiea, Open <Ut and itiiUi Mt Brwadwa,y Ii1 Ml'IKE HALL, No. Mf Br«%dwaj*,-- Ob MONDAY, Oct. U, An<! <> Cn» va i ar.d WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTTT 'UU.v t, EtSo'Hor«, (»raud Origlual S«irl«i ol PAINTINGS. iq t'.re lire of DR RANKS ARCTIC TOTkOtM, Proalne. J fro-.e ;'i\ate trreWla|i »od Ske'r.,**, i,:. al*h»d ).j Dt. Kene »nd Officer*, vlridlj i-<itr«>inc TUE SUBLIME YET a WA IL ORANDE'JR OF THE Pol.AR REGION.-?, WMh a d, *r «pto o by Hr. WILLIAM MORTON, Wbe. wot* for himeelf an > nriable repitati..n through bii da- ¦nAed eUachwe-.t f.. Or Kau« M ala f w bann« TUR DISOOA FREU OP THE OPEN POLAR S \ Rererei of tht roott interoatinr. reite* «{ tb.a erer met .rai'e JxpedrtWi wflt be exbib'ted, itnn»( which i* the oe.- >rat»d Dop KT AH, the ooly .urrir'w r.f ¦-ire than two hundred ua»d aiitni.« tbelr JownieyAcg» TU K PEACOCK FLAU, oaxitatj fnrAOer north tr.d further toa:b than any otbor fit* in Ute world; KfcvKaoo'f Arctic Dretoe*. Rifle. Kajak Hlodge Renner ot th* /aRb, Pn-aent* to Mr. Hort .n, et*. Üoot* open at 7 o'clock, to omai«« v at B. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AKTKRNOONS, at ?, to fxrrnruertue at 3 Ad.»tlon 28 cer.ta. Children ball p-i-«. ^WF.RS*« GREEK .SLAVE, MARTYRDOM Of HUS8. DIANA AND HER NYMPHS, ar» a few «motu ktw hundred wondeiful Workt of An on exhibition at the DUSS! LDORE GALLERY.day and etening-No. 548 »mdway._ THE GREAT DÜSSELDORF GALLERY. Open day and erenin« -/»OWKRS'S OHE ER SLAVE, and oter om- bnvdrad roag&ihcent Paistin;«. No. 512 Broadway. tUatJSoAa. Clotrjing. PATENTS 8ECURED..SEAMLESS OAR- MKNTS-Bomethlng new Hothiag alike tor the Million tyd Upper Tan Tboatanü Clcthlat that doet not hp or tear. Oraroeata, uaual price $10, told here tor At. Elegant Katlana. ptleo t>2", sold for *I0. Nereraible do prior told for Ai.'- Pee-JacAett. Vette, Lagglnt, Moectttnt. Mlttana. all .roeoc without teatnt. Bi.la ol moat of tbo *Uipeu<led lluiki Abbea at par. *,*,AMLfctJS oAILMENT MANUF. Co . A'« k' ietale Depot No 24 Dey-tt, _Retail Depot No MS Broadway. 8p3 rf\ CONGEKbS GAITERS. FaU StyK VO«t_J>VPnow ready; alto, «bot* T>. ible tolod WtUr aroof aWwed BOOTS at A4 5a. at JONES'S, No. 10 Ann-at, neat that .fnrs tinö VLobte. LADIES FANCY li.'ES.LANDRY'*, No. CfKi Broaadway . Ladiea and Oentlameu, I retpentfully inforaa yam that I have thiaaeaeoa, betide my titual fine at', a another ÜbMrat f/rade which I can ael) at wholetale pricea, warranted gaaialai. Ordert atrlctly attended to._ Oftff. BROADWAY .WILLIAM MOSER of- k\ßCjfJ fei», darin« tlir month of October, the jhuapoat and lit heat «tack of Coe j/l'RS «var od. red in tb a city, t .d manu- 1 ba tlva oewett ttyle.. Ail of which will be told >..* ßtciionerrj anb fanc\n (5ooo«. BL A^NK^00T8, STATIONERY, JOB- PR1NTINO ai No. 4', MAI DEN LANR.-City and Country Trade «t;ppli*>d.our Printitit OnVe v.d Bhiderr, omplete wita New Type, Bteara Power. Au., enable a to execute wirk at aowptkeai. Ordert tcdioited. FRANCIS A LOUTREL, Btakiouera and Priutatra, No. ». :.l .' .-. laoa>. JA. II. HASHROUCK, Statioflera' Hall. Mmt. e 174 A to ITS Paar.L-ar.. Mew-Fork, IMPORTER and JtANCPACTl'RER, ofleit far tale, at low aaab price* every wanety of Account oooka, Paper. Kaucy aaid Staple Stationery, Wttkfcaa Paper, Notea, Ürafta, Money and v. , «¦ ,-t- »!.... laAatawala, atemorandotn and Time Book*, ren*. Puueil*. ARatea, Pen-KniTTi, Cb »» and Baokrunmoa Rc«rdt, Ac, ana tvl atttcle* unallT kept by the trade. JOB PRINTING and LIThOGEAPAT rxxuttd at low ralea. Catda, CirmUari, BULHaada, bo. COUNTRY la.RCUANTS INVITED T0 AULL_ WILLIAM E. HAWS. (Rranchof R. C. Root, Anthony A Co..) STATIONER and BLANK BOOK MANUFACTl'K kt It, No. S96 Canal-tt., corner of Tbomptoo. ¦aery deerriptioa of ,\.. Booktfor Banka, hm r... .-. and Jbatlroad OhS'-ee, and Merchant*, mude to order, ruled or bound an aar pattern Eiitravrat, Ltthotraphlnc and PrJuticf e*e- atjteaf ba a tupwrior mannet. A fall aaaortment of Staple and Eataey Btatavnary. Printing. »AKER «V GODWLN.TRIBUNß HUILD- INOS.-Extetutr»« Stein Boob and Job Printttia EttabUab- K.nntorvattad by any *n the Union for the near and pr iiapt ¦fön of EVERY VARIETY of PRINTING, from the aTanaUtat Card or Label to toe Lertett BUI or Book.al1 at the Jbowaat Fatah Pricea. Aleo. LUhocraphy, Eufrarln«, ¦w<rtre a*at. toaaaa, and B'ank Stafctoriery. . -joDVlr BA'v R A GODWIN. Tribune Biri'dtnaa ENGRAVING aial PR1NTLNO..WEDDING. VISITING. ADDRESS and BUSINESS CARDS, and every dawtriptiuii of ENG RA VINO and PRINTING, in the beat and (-keapeet manner. Otdeaaby Bitulaolicited. Information and rptiita ¦ eeut if applied lor with Poat OlUrai itanpa _WM j DUNN ELL. No. _ Broadway. JOHN _ GRAY. No. ;>75 BROADWAY, and Not. IS aad IS JACOB-Sr., can COMPOSU, STEREO¬ TYPE, PRINT, ELLE and BINE aertbing rorjulrod, at the SHORTEST NOTICE, and in the rery BEST STYLE. Hit it are the MOST EXTENSIVE Lnthael'.y. MERCHANTS and ALL OTHERS, ATTEN- TION!-BUi Headt, Card*. Cirmlart. Ch. kt Notet. and treajty otbar k'i.d rf Printing, done m bear:if ,1 aly.'r at low prtci* at HOLMAN'S Steam Jo'.-Priniing r..ta-,u. -or-ir, .uraetr ol Elm auu Wln> I a, one bi n k irom Broadiray. tüalci)C3, Jeturlrn, &r. WATCHES and JEWELRY.VERT LOW.. If Tie S. »Jf. r.l-r fu b-..ine*« in; Wu.l a'.re.'. f. tl.«t nineteen j art, ae!. :i^ .. » -Bttoni ..t GOL'O and 81LV Ell WATCHES aad JEWELRY, at whoaaaala and retail, at l**e than th- oVtal pt aa Bet. tit Ei as rded Watchee for ladiet. Apienciu Eiarruled and Diamond V, Bate* Ka-b'.v *a|Blnd Wa'cbea lor ia.liet Put.- OoM L.plu.- and Detaeb«d Lerer Watchea. Go Bg lab Tall ..t Leeer and Duplex Wa:. -. kir.« I. Pa. ktt Cbro:.oinetera. Jwi. iJ-.-t ...i a Waaebet I t Outfer** Watebai Earbl- Bgrraewd Ue tVa'. h-a f. g-utleni.o, aad a vary BtyU< t O ..1 a. 0 Sil,er Wal. be* ma'.. All AA »r. >t wa: BBBted to ha ep eonec*. time; Wi'c! ta ex- t.*¦^:.a.- Ladie*'Gold Came-.. Po*-l. Carbuncle, Moaaia and Lata JJav-Rirg*. Ptotard Bi But hate. D-atT..-.d P.ua and Ring*. Laciet' Gold GaaH t'bahaf and CaatebUua Chain*. Oexte-m.'- i laolU G ier l. Eob a:id ^ ..at Chain* riold Fob Key* aad (kräht, S'-' da und Sie. re Button*. l inger lüne« erith BRotieti S'-ei Klnt*. ItataOo'el Rir.f*-. P-reLod »V. adli.g Ringt. Goad te< ., OeM EyoOlaa..--. G* J Tlaimblea OttM Fee aad Penrila Gold Locket* lot Dagveireotyp..* or Han OeatMuiea'a Bitaa'.atna K.lin laniaai t.iJ K- rka, Btli rr Porta m nua e* and Fro.t Sravet. GEO C. ALLEN l4»fvrter of WaU be* and Jewelry, WiioleaaV and R-.ttil, No. 11 Wall ft 2d rt.e.r. near Br >tdwty, N. » <5ovec5. (Carriages, &t. , "EH>R sale (!HEAP.SirKak HORSES, Mtlrtvt! JL aaealy, btaob or bar, 154. handa. " and 8 y<«re a fairuet a tady'a hm.e; both (aaod ttareler* Pi*2»' eacn to be aewa at No. IUI Mercer at. Porfartbei paTj. ilari appl> .4 No. IJ-'.ttV at bei».., u 10 a. m and I.' loot anb /onut). IOST.A NOTE aitrrifd and itidoreed by oa. i nailed lot New-York, fot t>21< 17 due February to t . M, lit*. Sale Note ia act n. rotiabae, aa payment ha* beea *t- r>p A ISAAC FENNOk C >. Km, tjawAAtM lb-ax.. Boat trjuiuo- ARKSPECTABLE WtMabM wAnta a litavatioai ?o COOK. WAraH and IRON; the tbotoor'i I atanda h-r b-. aitwaa. I.uud relereac ironi her iaa'. alt Call at Me. AN vat »ia -t. YRTANTED^Bf a ni'tt, tidy Widow WoNtAA und Tf t ai<»' GUI o! i M IUaTIO.SS to the iit\. One loot Bb» puual araffk ofaa all tamily. mak -a bread, waah^t aad iron*"»eiLi» Baada>f cAudrtao, aad aaaraaaalto era >¦. *s5 o f>«; Ibeotbvrcan eeer. aalad a baby. litbt waiting, audl. tjolak at wotk.* ag« Cai' at No. 2i> Eaat ^i.t >t._ ^L\/'ANTED.By a n-anectsblrJ Girl, a altuation as 11 t HAML* RMAlD o »A AITER, raj wo ild be wfJJta] i .to WP.raER.4L HOUSKtVOflKirairtiipriTf... fam'y rt- ot eti» reference giteu. t ad be tcea for tao day* a'. No. 115 Waat I7tb .'. WAN i i.n.a. ./.nation, by a ra>apoctabiO ymina» Eng'..ah G rl aa CUAMBCabAiAID aad WAIT IK, or rbUdrau'* NURSE to i to si .V, aVaVt b»«t of city n Can aeea for twooata at No 7tb a»., bctwoen »nJ TMkaf^_ AMERICAN S( H »01. INSTI'J irrE. Ap;»lr- lot'a Bonding. No .to BrtK.lwar .A pra> ti.-al Afeuc y f<»r tnpf .).-.-? S-.i-oia aua Paatdlkn with T.-j.hert. Arhoot* with fnpnl »: o Tearhert wit- i'-atra olea.t-.afona All wiabilaj aa ¦a#etreuU*r.<uldapUy . SMll II 4 BO»D. N. B -V. a i d several aattre Fiea.b fea.Aera. f^UfM H01>evn ( RKatd W.virtNt;..A g.<U plr^e wat'e1 f. t . g* .. rl. who , aa ,,, mm rail I a* :ruatw« rthy and » : < and ace aato ae't ... alt, beae b. ara :^ M . tr ew gd.yer furtwrtt jeer* N '. t-'i'S' at PAlOLIlfl Li wMt </ HELP mwm\i BMlf At I tbe ..ft.* of .** AMERICAN AKD v .)...' .* IM PLOiM» NT BOCIETr, No* Head M M Betaa A««w ptmf, »ere fr-erc are pre.»a'. 'reea 9(4 4'* rv . of eJ lo- aonu:nai,caa, wiJi ftrat-ciaaa r»'«r eee*. MA" TORE*TON, ktofeelat »d*ot 1" MiE BKSTAHTB' KBW WSiTTUTI mi DOM. Ko 131 lltb*t. corner af Wm it., «upeti*«. daily, avity family aad borne witn *anm<iaaoe ./ {-. t. ein'. .«nable Servant*.where an eateuan* aad p**.tarnt n'*M,ii rr,« i t Li ose«, wkii h daily »atiiuoi all wbo oaJL Ii U e >u ia«> 4 by a ".r^i Aux-rlnar ladj- Flcaa* '«XL_ WANTED-A PROTESTANT M RSK.-E;» ft gl nb, tko^cb ar Aniettcau pref»,-r»d. A pay a; Me. 29 TA uhfngtoa iqoare. on W.daeadaj aad Thcr*d*}. t:um 9 m. at ti 1 pm_ \VANTED.A PROTESTANT rifAMBKi*- II MAIL) One w| ..u few »«Iii r.inrej. Aoperat W«- rtoi. Wed---»<Uy Th..r»d*j, from Ha.cn. till 1 p. m. IVAN 1 ED.A Clerk for a ttMopt-nitir-» |IU01MT| v v a Time k«»per fat i r<.«l mine ,n Peuaiyi-en.» a C erk f ¦ vi expren uffir«, 4 Girl» to ro to Kurop» and California Apply toGILL KS A To , No 6 Ea.1 Broadway. Zo fam it mao Concern. THE PRESCRIPTION for tnakio« Dr. DEBIT* LIFE PRESERVING I,UNO SIRI'P. for tb« cure of Ctmtva pti< n. Cough* Colde, Btor.'uiti*. A.tin.a Matt ,iae«i and General DebtiUy, wfB U writ to all (free of chtrrei The old Doctor'! object U to do good uotoa'l etiieted A Idre.i B DEM M. D No. If I ¦iftagUMtV, Now-Ywk, w.tb return peaOl _ BILLS <>f tbf HUDSON RIVER and FARM- EBB' BANK of H"d«m will be ree'red it par la Pro- Aue« at tii. Hudaou Barfe*, foot of Hirrlior -it HAVILANII, CLARK A CO.. _W.,1. H. MALLEN. CAUTION" to SHIPMASTERS MM* OTHERS.. AH per* in are hereby forbid pay tfj ant money or de'tr- eiingaoy property of m i.- : FREDERICK CREIQHT'jX. u b<* receipt» will cot he «ii. < by me. Mo**i«. JO <' N RUM A SON, No. X Burita« tup, are toy Sole AfOaUla Siw- York from tbt* date .B»ct 6,1117. GEO. E. PORTER, No. TPfplU. Boitoa. Mr 0X0. E. PORTER wiii henceforth, ft *. ourei. ,«:». A/ent* ,n Bmyn for the Sale at 1 Hire ot oir CHRONOME¬ TERS.-New Tcrk. Oct. a Ik". JOHN BLISS k SON, No. Burling ilip. INFORMATION WANTED of CORNELIU8 f>EE. formerly of Cheltenham, Estland, known a. "Jack Dee." By directing a latter to Cbarl-i Fl-yd Hi nter, Paat Ol fo e. Greene County, N. Y., he a 31 hear eouietbiug to hit ad¬ vantage. M- ETROPOLITAN POLICE.DEPARTMENT Of STOLEN PROPERTY -Seized by the Potfee, rip £«*..) to be *te!*n, a ROOtl Row l!oe', and a large quantity of arley, in bag*: slio a lotet aecond hand Ga* Pipe and Fix- turn, or e Mlvei tVetCh, oa. pair Caeiimerc Plate, Kubber Goo'i. Snfe Ken, At:., Ac Alao, a boat load ot Wbcat Ca.! at No. 06 Fiauklin it. C. .1. WARREN, Property Clerk. SOMETHING that INTERESTS EVERV- BODY..A new WATER FILTER that u o.-a-t.cal fjf all placet. Invented and patented by WM. W. AYRK4, It t>. he aren at the Cryatal Palaie. Too public a'- invited to cive it an examiaation Iti utility ü of great Importance wheu m «.... ii impni«, and it ii ao. more or I»»«, whei« pond, river or lake water i* need. The Inventor can be aeen at the P*le< i during the Day and Eiveniug. and in the Morning at No. 14 Beekman- «U- New York, O. t. A 1807. JJoiub ant) Woomo. ALADY and Of'ltloilf II. or one> or two sinrr]*» Oeatleeata <t^ be » eeounodatedJ with BOARD ana a pieaiat I BOOM at US Mh-at, a few doori weat of Broidw.iy. PRH ATE FAMILY, iMTiipjiiig the firtt-rlas» Bt -No SlOid-av would LET to a 9d>ntl-man md hit WtA TUO FI RNISUED FRONT ROOMS on ta- *,-c ,nd ¦oori paitlil BOARD fat the Oeutlcuiau, Oa* aLd Fire for A14 per week I i. xeeptionabi. rcfe/ouce will be reqaired. ALADY, tin..-I., n large and firiely-ftirniahrd House, in a deiirable part of Brooklyn, tarei m*uutee' walk tiom the Ferry. It deairom of takiug a few CHILDREN to BOARD, v.liere they v. i!i receive tbe attention of a mother and all tb" omtortt of a botae Th> re ii a tine achool o;ipnnt» the bouse. 1.... ..-ol Mn. V«. OODHAMS, No. 451 H idaon at, N.w-York._ AFEAV detirahlei ROOMS, with BOARD, may be had at No. IK Kaat lf.ii«'. ..j a th* Ac.domy oi Moiir. BOARD IN BROOKLYN..APARTMENT* for a family and for one lirme gent.excxa la a fir«t-eli Houa*. Iihi at Nr. 51 Concord at BOARDING.At No*. 4">, 47 and 10 East Broad- wav, for Oentlemeu and their Wlvei and for it t 0e*> tlemen._E. BritJTON. WITH a whole Lmnim, no i>omlert. and a Tery bard Winter chit i:.g. we will SHaltE a 0000 HOU8I for fair comp.: nit ion, with one or two penor.i. App.y i. No 97 Ea.t Jlit it. Twonses to tel. TO LET.Two «tnt*vl COTTAGES at Rarptis- wootlwith GROINDS and BTAB/As, omorlte to the BUamboat Landing of LOWER RAVENSWOOD SUg'ipan every hoar to Greeopoint, W.:'ii.jnt..rr!: and Bro k.'jn. Apply to J. 9. HARRIS, near the precuieee, ort. HARRIS, M/.l AY A Co., No. Peek ilip. T 'O LET.For Coal-Yurd or )rtor»v»«- of Brieke, M. I.ume*-:, Ac by the mouth, quart- r. veer or !i«uger. the VACANT LOT, No. 54 Worth (lite Antlu. i) -t ) nee- f'b-r. ri¬ tt. Apply to LEON AND S( OTT. No 54 Gold *t.. Of Bea. 'i it TO LET.They ROOMS now occupied br tbo New-York Clearinc Booae, 1^-in* the »uiir« i-cn d -t.<-y ..i' ho t2 Bro*'wav. extending from Ltuadway IM fe. t u.>ep to New-*t 24 feet" aride ; iigh'ed front aadrear'aad by * large *ky- light r r termi inquire at rue Cl- irini; H...I-oi, anv ' -t.«i day, after H a'ceook am. .(_QEOEOj P. LYMAN. TO LET.N>ar Mtrtle-avetiue Railroad mtis, Eiat Brooklyn, a paatatltae mmty a-V. attic HOFiE, with cxttn*ion *na beeeaeeati Uo-.d .¦ielg."botucaKi K-nr H»i to lit May next, inquire ut W. Pape'« orlice. cor Mvrtle a ü Etat .'.ia avi. E. k VAN BEIRE'N. TO LET.A thrr- -efrj HÖTsE ire illr-t-Yt.. near 9th av in corxpltte order. The Puialtuia al: made by our belt city miken, u ill be a'»o told ...r a ri aaotiabl-- price, kor pait.. .'at»auureaa Box MA,Poal-Ol .. 1~0 LET.A d^iraMe HOUSE in Altiii.u-|)5avyf 4tiat. Reut low. Ale., F URN I PI'RE for aAi.E. Apply U FAIRBANKS It Co. No. lk't P.rox..w»y. l,onsc« anb farm OJantcb. AN AMERICAN fotmf oma, » prt^tiedftrakn', want* to hlr^ a pr'Juctno k ARM o| f.i or Mi ac:e«. !.i one j ear fron. Apiil I, rtSt, with privilege of ieaaiug for a oaaa- her ü ycatior k~tn| it *eti*,a- tory to both pan it it; toaa y.*r. AdCiaea Tk*Y. I .1-.it ueOtEce. Ht iL Coline for Quit. CHOICE FARM LANDS fr.: BALB.-THE IL¬ LINOIS' CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPA>\ . w prepare, to tell -b. t "NE MlLl.iON ..V. It L N JRED TUOl bAND At Rl S ot OHOIOE FARMING LANDS), IN Til At TS OF fOR.V AIRES AND t.'FWARD, bb taae cAxvm aao ar low aiTU ot ;M«ar-r. Tbc* kaado wer. jrantei! by the Gcrrrament to aia in the codall cUon of tin Bit_ and a-e araont the richett ar 1 coat aVrttll ¦.¦ tne Item Ttiev extend trum tho north eaat and aorta '., turcegh the ^ !J :> .t tl.e va:>-, t the extf-nie toi lb, and In. ti<r rrer] v\.iiety t '..mi> ..'..! pr^d ct: .'..* to. nd le'.we -i thoie pat* U li ot lat tuü. Ehe»nrtheiaOOtltf ii L:e ity prairie, iutt taperav A » .th fine gfoeee, aud in the mid¬ dle atu iier.. »ritioa* t u'.her prelouiinataa, a.t.-:-jatii4 wi'Ji b «. rl prairleg a. op- lag* Tue eUa at«. |g m i- healthy, mild at-t etneMe thai anv -ther part (I: .4:.-the air (a pure auu bracU.;. v.kJe U«i .4 men. . an.) ipiifljti t eaeaOaad »atei aboi ad. Bitiuie DOiCoellaeXttaaiTely rniaed. aud (iippiiei a cheap lad desilable i aL ben ¦ iunt..!n dat i-.aty pc.nta at .-' a i *1 per a, aud Wood rm 1*. had a' the tart e rate 1 -J. Bjilui-i,- b: '..e oi excellent uuality a ao *)e .ndi. wh.uh can be gaoeuted |. r * U't' man '^»n ihe Mpaaea oi 'raiuportat;. u. 1 erei* fertility 01" thei* land*, wb'ci. ar. black rtch mold from o to hve feet deep, and icn'ly r dliag. the.: teatlaaltt to thia Read, by whi. bevery lacUtty it feraiabedrbr trai t tad Iraaaaartatkaa to the attBeipel ¦arhett North | u Eattand \\ t.»t, *'.: tnr ececomy with »rhiththe, caube ultlvatet. re a der Item the moat tali.able laveatment that eon be ton- d. an t araaeat theaaoal t avorab .e of^ortoait) lot pereost at Met ut 11 Aabita a: d «mal. ai*ain to a | brae wUbrtahlaiada- pea lence in a t**r year*. Chic*', ifj wtl.e errate«! era':-' ¦fltfcet b th* wot. 1; a-id the facility «!>' tt onomy vita v. ai» h tkt proojcta t.f tbo» laadi own be tiau*p>.rted !5 th- mvrket rruk" laem BMk u more pteEtt Me,at th .}..!. »<ked. tbr.L tb. «e i»k re :eni..> *: (*. reiumeut rate*.aa tec addrtioual coat »f lieiiajwiiieHoe 1. » p 'pet al tax on the littet, a b Matt be borne by th* Beo4aOet, la tBOg*> tHiord price tie recekrOt fr>t hi* grain, k- The ti:;. i* p. if t. ar.d wbe.-. the Laa! parmerti a-> nie, deeliir- tej ot the Tr:.:e»> app.'r >ab' the State, and ia whum the t't'e '.. veit. d. t.- t.ie p r aaeera. veiiicb .envey te »lein ab», i-.t tit'e is 1*» .iruv-.-, frnc atid cleat cl <-\ ry 1- nibran. .-. Mea or n-oitgaa*. a TUE PRICES ARE I ROM -<l\ TO THlP.TY DOLLARS- l.NT; Ri sT i'NL\ THREE PEE CENT t*titi ?tx c. xt wan *t aaaagrrr.0 ra^>i im caio r ran» id citgt, Tboaawbop'.rihaeeon le«| rj'getl t'»e Deleoaayahtr Wtwj. tki.-.fii- ; v «-.«.a vea-< aftei da'e ml. i a:- ,-. mat mi . I prcve on« t.rtb anaru.,'.y f ,. f \, tea'*, ao a. fx* aave one-hauT the and n.-vdar crj'.ivatl.r a; end ..:' that Ca.. Competen-Bi :r<>crt w.fl . ..mpatv tho»* a oa wial Uttt aaimet..... .lafreeof can t- .. .1 mttkii .-. tlr » Toe I.a..d« tenia:rj:.g oa* ..i ar-«* r _ and ia! ante a* tbeva* vllil. have brea diapoawd oC IStlHOaali vaei at'l b-l-at *e a.y nt. ah a-.. 1 ..... tj |n p. .'a's etftfa. etrdl aaoke ee patapwlet* cootafailag atenaa iatieatat of ai.cceeiful lir-ne^-, antue.t by Ttera.dab> and a>il-i... tanrc-i 'Jvitc ;n trie :-jgLb. rbo 1 ot r.. Bai road Lanc» tbfjugU t»heS'.». a*o tn» t,«! ¦..( 1.1.1pi r ,t:'- .xpenaccf fcaret-itiat. th.oic.ti Ac ot an- tt e- taforaitu.a w iil^e cheerfo.i) fWt I . apt It' at u »Ith. per« oaUy b. letter ia Erjtlub. ret at Oeetaat, aidr^n, |a JOHN W IL*ON. I . j 11 n ... (the II 'c,v Cat .«! RaAreed Caaaaaay. Ofl b '¦. .ri>:a te5'"*' R*^.:o*4 I»ep.t. OOA ego Ui. F"( R ?717E^^l^"t:furi!Öii'Nr!:Y _BST- DENCl r en j* I rabeekChr Wea-Jataey i.gloArrea <.' LAND .0 fc-«t raly trde« Beeke, »n Oatl »1 t>itv<ei ate t^ IF UI be ;rh*aui*t f*r ago ' Ki.ia lr Fi wttt-i. Fear« * lob». Arg». It JOttN Ar*DIU ws, Nj- 1 ty. .. ry i-|iVj Nt . a. -2 *J«»7 DKUONTTi'T, BTJBTJIBAJf RlUIDElfCfl FOB fäl t -Ort of nhe p.eaMrtaat if :f* »..' 1 .«k la e i\.-d ruftii. C -r t Ou*i u ^fWMJOt r**>!-*' .>. U Strata*, hj to» wii'W '.f tri* Uta . wbe trult. taa ¦on>otr>d «<ii. tc i ,t »k».i t»» aarAaa, aa i»I aed*¦ ¦ '-. vf grovtid. i'mHwi «f >irnf (j{ , .urt» it will « . >id tw beicew aoct Tne hoate. th-jg:-*.n tae a. KMl f j rflMfB, It faatriebac' with (ii ia<; »mbo.-arod a ate.1- aa 1 tit-far*. It ka> ernale reeaa and la weti hir-..Lan. ar.d pat af the f.rrattar* tan Be Bad arid -.o« bona*, and ».,«.... r.a aa > a aa deatrad. Herf er mrra cf tit Mahaaa p- ia«f rmni aa mrrtgie*. Artdraaa Mra CLARISSA 3'l \ taanfird. C«bu._ GENTEEL RESIDENCES far TÖüIä B.ROOtttKKtTl -r-r aLE,aar* Bin¦ u»bmFreed Si.rjan.. rie-.:oent DVV/.LL'N''! Ilm 'Ki a'. Bbxj t a aba lUr Hunte« at . «", raj. 1 aa Ht taa are o- *; bu'lt Id m<4»n witheaaxttyardabifr<»ci:awa.bath and water tore nbaed taa iou«ee; bmratr«aeaaraalafarg -jteel farai''eaj aad reejatifaa, aarat BeeeeaaaaälaaaM To« II araaa ere worth 47 V".' Ii-, ,_. », 'f (nr'tar-. Apple _BENEDICT b coiT, Ma. UBaawBWat>,eat Pine. HOMES ft* MnORANTS..Ttat %U%tm)j*k !. w prepared f furniab, ha any jo...-;!¦ iea tr l Lttvtcree good ixrruizt ted granai LAN Ja la Wtaataara Vir- prf« mithin IJor'.S bout of Cartta i Wathi /. n u.J wrtLla a bo .ra of PiiUd.-iVola or N -w t ib. Iba btad liter- t'le aad we[J tlmhe-.d. the tllca'. a a-:ty Bad ¦ - ''-.: .t-e^g) .-»o b- orettaarCy »irt*re4 wi'a aery St) .... favor- alii. aaaeraatwil -u t T~- f * - ¦" bj attanta a:- f. ier.i.j « i;.e tnoreuei t aid w*L »*«.. t->* -,---'! 1 - alii ¦atdeaard Tfcgliita ¦ iIiuaie Th ;.n<.« » :i be eeid to the 6r«t e i'U-eta «Jb.. ..iui; of WM Baatea, for »1 23 net «era-, oo.efo.oTtb down, ar.u lu-r^eid i" la or e. t r ai l three yeeara » In Mil >ee.t t Hat rat. ' BBf i M !. *of fttl et BaitbrrtMn inqoure at the oftea No _ Naaaai . . r. -itt- aU,aapnaata tbePoat^yflce. JOHN*' I'lOKit VOfiO, 8< ererary Err.igraj t «\id and Honeatead ( o r: tany. lÄrATr.P ^OWER, S5 or wlthont pacto- f T Rl r.S. f, r BALE and to LET. at ."iaÄeawan. N. T.. 4 aoarafroB Near Pork. Ii'; dfa a: N '2 C jrt-iad: at or to I B. tCHEM "E, .ateat. MatteAWta. N. V. Jnslrnctiori. Abeaüttjtl Ukl rap:.l 171 a 01 r '-. ips Dr»w>Lg tru P»" ting f." 3> Nat --r gbt.tt nr., b| ttaavaltbor, 8. Vr*eoäi, Jr. "Mitp'.' -' li !eaw li ao-iio do rrea.it to rotcraa artirta." I.'>* C>J3ji^--*- LO.N/.O l-LaCK. A. M., Pnorital of Rl'D- BON RIV1.E INSTITUTION, at CLAi'EHACE, N'. T^ « Board and Tuition for A12" a year. BOVS Bf>ARDING-«SClff)OL, at i.ittl<> Party, Be»gen Co nine müet from rliboh-«, N J - Tola leb »A it (-tutted cm a 'arr» farm, and poaaewa th» beneStt of a e-^n. fi rtahte country home. Number of pip'.la limit. J to ffte«-n. Nutttenn eomn.enc-tOet.ai. Board. Tuition. W'aahing, Ao. trrm w:.t> to f UM p r yar. Per Cir-ultra, with pair .nt at ref< rencea, audreea _AB \\IS\TT. Prfa.'pti. BOYS' BOARDING school »t ne'v- ROf HBLLl qajart < <t a ru.e fr,.rn the Dep- t -Tbe Pall tiwan of thta Sehr oi c mnu nea«l tbe 7th Sept. rata. Papua are recaaited at ar.y tau-a jwyin; frwri tb» d'te ..f e. R I. .ii EWOOD, Prjv-iptL BT)f HkM<]rEI'I INgTÄ oTat H \lk PRK E. ta rail the t'.rc.a-Mr. »OLBEAK He O? Broaiiway. Will receive piivr.tr- pnpili THIS OAV and UN INO at ciily a> for a full commercial oocrte in Brvk keeping and VVrttir g. Stod.-nta pratticaily preitrad f >r briainea-.. Wiee j*op!e wi!i p;. rare f.t bu'-lneta wl; '.. n i»ir:»at it dull. COMMERCIAL sod CLASSIC \L SClOOL No. 7S Heij-r-K ia op^n fur the reeetrti' I at J" [Alt 01 all errat SOLOMON jenm1r A M Principal. PP.MALE DEBARTMENT No. IliEaat Br aidway. _JANSKPTE L. DOCOLAEB, rr.n.ipaL COTTAGE hill ßEMLVÄRY fur y0l7n0 LADIES. Poutbke.pt>, N Y Pr f. MILOP. JE^VETT, A M.. Prinzipal blJ Proprietor..Tb. nei*. a-.a>o.i I BBaaaMBI >n toe Ith of S. r.t. mber. Pupllt '.Iroked to So- one '-aif boird- >ra; profettOTt. les tnrert and tea.lb) rt, I f01 BBbkVagatl with full partim'art adureaa tie PrLo IpaL I'^OR'I I'LAJN SEML\ARY.^ViDtt?r Teno, 14 weekt op.-nt Nov. 17. Oentieman M'iti Taaebi i P. »30 19 Addreaa for circular! tbe Eer. J. h. laATIMElt, A. M.^-.rt Plain N. Y._ FRENCH 1N8TITDTH for YOUNG LADIES. -Madame RERIHaR'S > rer.'A, Englith an 1 Spa- . B<*rditg add Day School for Young Ladlet. No 183 M.... at., between Blat and 02d-ttt.. itv,p< -,ed S-pt 15. Fltimlaia, with rcf.rr::!. ¦ an be had at the uatatada). A pt.rat" oruai- bua cailt fr r [ G¥o7s. PÄlBtKKR and JOHN McMTlUaLEN'*1 CLASSICAL, FRENCH, ENGLISH and PRIMARY BCHOOL, No. WJ Br.adr.a7, entrance la 21tt-tt The new term beflrt Si ptneber 7. Pupilt are prepared for col'ege or the Th/'te >. tw.-on the aget of i'.x at.] *en art ander tbecarr of a fer alo t< achur. Tbe Gymnaaiuci It ' pen *o all it partn entt. Clrcailin may be obtalaec at the f aool rooaia andatth. li 1^.-aw u Son. T. Crowes, tod C. B. PraaM ha_ GEO. C. ANTH0N-» CLASSICAL FltENCII and ENGLISH SCHOOL No 172 Bnadwey, craer of 18VB-a» reopei t Sept. 7. »L» Atllttant Teachert and a Tea iier of OymLutict Leamnt at far at p >ttibie taugiit ia ScbovL There la a Primary Department for Boye of from ilus y.-art- Cirriiart may be hid at tb» School, at No. US 24 ar., and at Rai .; . lanbggrtTa, No b Broadway. IRVING INSTITirTE, TARKYTO'VVN, N. Y . A laiect Boardln. 8. iool frr Br,yt.-The Thirty eighth Svfnl- AiuiiibI Settton will commence on WEDNESDAY, Nov.-u.ie. r 4, 1BÖ7. Ci/iulart may be obtslm-.i of _DAVID S. ROWT, Prin-lpaL OUNT washington collegiate HIGH SCHOOL, un Waabii r'.Tj-a. ar- No Rh-at, iorr.it of Mtvionta! «t. (CI.aRAE and PANNINO Pnnm- paiaI, opered i'a K:!*.e<-_tli Rr-ad-rj...- Vrar on tbe Itto of S..p. Mbaat. PtrfMaaf all atea, to tfc'- niimber «f 2t*. are :. rived lt. lt.. I. r. Mi l ' " an S.-:iior ....r«-.meiUa. e*d thor- -ithly |net:r.e;eU (or bneir.eai or C->ileue b> twelve a .ifiplial. -d and rxp. rieaei Prolcator« and Teach, ra Pa'.-nta are invited to viatt thlt inttitntion, wh. re inte:vlewa wlti, tbe PrtneipJ, and ce;t'.< ret I i-n't, Ac., may tr, obtalued. A fi-w n»ji a of ite pi. a. at patn na ate rrferrt d to: The IU r. Cro Y< l r«, D D.. The 1!< n W M F. Ilirr.vrv:.t, Tbe H on Hexav E. Davum a'r Loi u E Hati ava, Mr P. lt. Tai a or r. Mr.Tti aail-n Ki rcaaa, asd'lie boidrtd < t bei pr..f-.ai«.ual »eiitleme- irid ruer hiita, wb. ae naa u. ba fn i ¦ the at»Uy^e._ YSTIC HAIaL .SEMINARY fur YOUNG LADIES In a IdRton CaiUthen-.. t. Dancing, Hoiaobark Ri.lUa. A .»'-ing-.e may be bad o! toe Princ.pal. Box, Bot- lou. Mart. Will, BLNGHAM"8 SCHOOL (Bil>l« HotHB, 1*1 dan Clatika) Gymriarlnm) will he BBOMaaad a WEDNESDAY. Sept 9. Th- naaib-r will be, at heretofore, atrU-tiy Uattti .1 la tw.-utr Ta aa] Men Prorltl m alto made lor tb» aaarie r.auiber of .i.i-.'tei Roya in a Junior Cleat Speroj Bite:.*.:' ia giwu to the nf.iui of randidatakt for Harvard a J Yale {'< Mctet. Freii- b and German are ui^b* br in'i»; .. aeb* era. M- B cin'ma t.iat hit a. hool ia the oett ot ita k.uJ m the olfy, : -d Inir"ee examlaa'.ion._ AWSON-SQl'ARE COLLEGIATE INSTT- Tl tr.. No. KS Biuedway, im [vii»i Bapi, M, Maaata. LYON and F.AP.i:!'., raeetrtly a- iciatad vr-.ii Mr. Grant, iaeeeeai bim at Pnncina'.a. Tbe one beini a graduate of Yaie, and tbe other of the Ur.lve"!tiet f B'-riin and Parit and both iäaag iiptabrmnil lattmi t their .nicii i-.mbi.ea the adrant- age. i Ai:..--ira' and X rnfaraai afetaeaaaf trarrrlad Per cdrata* kvt «r.p'j at r. v. . _ ESSES. LESPTNASSE A DE LASSALLtT* PRENI il DAY and BOARDINO SCHOOL. .V I gai at., otaeg »;h .t .Eagdhab btancnet taught oy ta j IngHta- ¦»«¦_ MRS. fJOTJTAN'" FRENCH and ENGLISH BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL REOPENS TUES¬ DAY, S.pt. \ \ at No .Stn-av c r r.| Mat a'.. t5Lar1s1än French by de launay of Pari« 1 \<<.K (!; kdvraj). R"f Prof H DrUler a:.lU M Brvr. Ciar't A Faaalaf, Panaat 1 u a-ki-cboa, 4c, in waoaef». a -.it be Lat :a i^:._ School and HOME El*1 "cation..Ervnch _ ai d En/Hab Ciaaakal and Com aer ial BOARDING and DaY BOHOOI wRh btrgt Plawoaaad anal Ormr.aa: im et- ?a" eo |7 -\r.j iS Weal ^>th it., betwe. n Br>avdway and 8*4-a*. Mr. LOUIS EP.N8T tak-a ciatrae of a Umit.d aamb«r of Boy«. Scientific »ud military iNSTmrrE, Perth Atnt-y, N. J.-Th- Rar ELIAS S hCHhiNCK. A. M., Prinr.rv.; tie Rer. J. H. V AN COURT, A. m Attoeiato. Vt inta-r Tern, »D.oeccea on MONDAY. Nor. 2. For circalart oi lafianattlnn aaidreta the Pr.i cipal by mail, or at Woa. Hall 4 on"a Ki-. 2b? Brcacwty. Stu \ ve8ant-8<t}uare school, No. g] l nat i*tii at tafng aaoi facaLti«» to paranta f.ir toe odn.t- tli i. : - ._ 11 TV.'.ii A »I. THE bedgwick in8t1tute, liK-atM~in Great Banlcgton, B< rka! t.. Ca n:v. M&aa. t a lap rr-e paaMally heaitt.v .; Sa-w it.fa:, recelv.a Twenty Boya acd famiaL a INSTRliTloN ta aJ tae braacbet taught ia out beet i\ .»'.«. No extended n-.U.e hi t il.ed for. at naret-'.a a. jo ataeanl leltaatlBi Icaaaaia. aa al thouid be. wirj uot ba h%itly to dwdde from an,.:- a '.ver.ieesiec?. fjaw Ibtaa xaam l-.f»r».r, be fail her. that Co boy who ts kn .w. ii h»\ e .on'..a. t. 1 ' e r ibtl BatB| profau« or ra'/ar iaugaagv or of tob-r- .. il axT A^rn can be r--eived. Tbe N r XT ÜESRION wRI OPEN aa tne FIRST WED¬ NESDAY to NOVEMBER. Oh tr, ... ... aarl wu. be promptly tteafctbe '. by adtr-aa.a.' toe Prin lpaj * V JAMES SED«. t\ it it. hf A Pi j-'pal. THE MISSES WALKES^ DAY SCHOOL k». YOUNO LADIES wi lreopea TUESDAY. Sept. U. No. 1 Eatt iii-«t, that b. ute from at. THE REV. D.C. fan NORMAN (late Princi- pi «.fBi tgeti F-r-iaie lattitute) rrrarrttnori to racadae Bc*.-o;'. i a-id Diy Pupilal n hit lna-.it :te ;or Yca.ng frkfira. at Ni. W i'a.t ij l-it., near Un4a S., [t , p; be ctutnc. i f)> p- nto-a. r wrVAr-i a; pi- at.o»_ Iahe ININTRSIIT G&.VMMAR school, -a -.i z Prlaiary,Coasaw r.-ia. asdCiataica: Depaf i.x, w...-: '_ISAAC TERMS, CLt-i-.-..»r. TAKE YTOW N INSTI rDTE.-Tba WuHer 7. mr .ctrmf3fea c.- tae PIRST MONDAY la NOVEM¬ BER C'renlan .'.'. t'imi.retire . a .. .«3 be obta'jtod Ml . Bo hat.-e^ Sto taI Naaaaa at., up auira, New V. rk. m bb trraai- .' A NF. M AN. \ M, ftiawbatj. A aw _ A QOOD ELANDWRITrNG TAUGHT rJJaF. a>.^ m Tta Leteoc» ol . ,, c-a-r .-- t:t..d t-. .«tf f nra:. .0« .:. 1 <K .V. e«tty f'Ti liialtg d»y a-a ...nont lirina. 4f. fat tthtraa t<i. m . i;."t-ctCa'da t part art arav I. had a' the rcaaaa. Mo. US DrraauwBy oIUi-rr O'h.DSM Pi ..oi rbe Ne. Yore C«axrl<ras4 Enimrer "TbeCa.'< aphe A " a much r ore irna^rnant |.. ma-Vi-d tetLit'.gr na. ,i [-«ederrd aid Mr. Ot.tliu.iia n.,/ v-ry v »1. . .iun la be r- calda rad at Rt bead " Fn ra TU !-"t«* Jourot'.. June V ¦1- t,, pr-feetirc there it a :». c«nirt .t ieaci.« rat- -.¦ . h.. r, ¦JSaaaaa bt »a>gdaTad tbataral n, -aia . hi q<ea> ' AJt* a t-e<. at >f We,t! .g Ol. a er 11. GarJ^.ifii» It that t.Uyn- m -<-t i- t . -a. ». cat'. J c-.J .t L «r-l,,»*^'a \\'M H i.vncYTT* CLASSICAL FRENCH If mat i KOIl»H tCHt> IIa H *Btatlwtf.eecMret it*... m wm* 11 «i d Sea* 7 a«-**«. I la*tn bm» M««*n Mm D 'Ot»tt 0*iIk>4m m4 Cm a Otmmmmub h mHm< P..«-i¦ r - «| n». tU mm ..Uiv Cu igt J ¦ || 11 tfr-jadway. HP A N '.: !..A Aufm bj a Germm fWBfg Lwi . i i German PIANO, i>R» flM .»! EMBROlDFRY In a.. Am* iia It... ly tilaT mm) Ml I - thea i ticaeiat mb>. Addrea* M-»i KLÜT J. No- 0 City Hall pif ^iTr_| i-OR IG Wl'Tl'LN'. LFSSoMS- V. .with . r Mphra lg«t»Matte,»tm Immm ttMBwtMMej MM BM M . I T Brrr»felaMMHf MMtft . ..tu.- belt .*> rt * tt MlN> f* tCADRMl Ei, Ho «J Bowery . c Na I lit i .. Br -.*'»¦ At % «ei*«- d:d p. caij a 4 t_U N * a»r. C-ol t*»ir<- hee sot pa* M M w,. -\ n*w. Danring ^caocmics. ADO0WORTH » DANCTNO ACADEMIES, . |k. Ml BROADWAY NEW-YORK, R._ I.tt MON ." O.s'I-. PLACE BRilOelLYN. N ' V rl C.1 ~-e l »V *dr;e»d«y« and K--.tu.-_y* Kmot'yt Cle**e* a Motrtay* tad Tbunday* or T"e*d*yi and Fricayi. tVi t.) Aaaemhii'i for Led-iaod r,.r.'l*xen at both eetab- lu-enec»» f r piv U .* I i. O-rmac Cot..- loo «cd a], other ilmni. »I i-'-^ly Sour** tot Car Iren ami Par-ota. Mr. DODWORTH. C .^ln« fcoin tb«-pe«t two yean'»tp*ri j' m is the MUmmiat Ab C*mr aad All t QBMb lie a.a of mm eerrke In devriopirf iracefal nor* MMtt aad baatarhai th* atyla of mit 9 pu wit contiao* the pttetlMj of tAoaa »nd mmmm ~ac»f.: .die*. Amoat other uovelt'i . P" *. i ..l a tour of vteervation tarourh France. O-rman . inj Entuuid, wi r>- ii^rodaeed the Maaarka, b ten C.i ..«. adapted for ;hr Maiaj leei-n by the A**cciatt-o tl T tehee* 11 Paria For CI i'ar- .f terrat. A' , apply at either of the Aeademiaa. FT BEB O r~DkSCD;Q~AC\DEMiE&~ No. 3i Weak ill tA. New Tort. Na iJtOioton.it, Brooklyn. M-a DIHRECL FRBBFRO and FDWARB rCIRBRO , -^lA i_, aBM eace that tn#r wtll open ta»ir AAmImIn 1 _. arlaa day* Ne« Y< rk rn tna Jbta ot October, and Il...'k.) t en trie l*th of Oiv.b^r. at p m Thi 1. How.at ai* Duoe« r w <n vr^nx afl the Coctlnent. ni h 1:.trr.au ei dnrir.a the brat Q iailer: Idti Livcirai La H.asar.sa L Ecotnitt. 'irtiit, L'Oair'.rtL and the M » nt DB Li Cooa (t»-.Ae«aa'l Eeern-./ G,mt mm '.r Oct. 11 N. B..P ptn vd j.. at tay tine.tAe Qaar« r coia- t w ( the day tt eutry. Ctrcuiara at tee A ».t. a: -a Vif ALETITriTÄTGH TEK " "D^a^TX G a ri.ArlnFt -ii) rcanm^Ce. it N<». 9H vA ti« b BW-Yotk,iBTCBSDAY. Oet 13, and it Coihi Ha... Iba 149 and ill Atari aat B-.-oklyn. M MONDAY, wlct. It fmt partimlara. i*e etrroiar*. to be had m ah-*re. Prtrate ladHM |.» -o at No. It) 9th ar.. New Y- rk. IJiano-fortce auö itlnsic. AGREAT SAi RU N E..A «np*rb <ir*l eU-twt l. jr r'und eomen d 7 erteve.roiew.>.>d PIANO lor SALE, f nUbe i in tree' »ty as ) »pieLdor by 1 eelehrat'd *irm of th:i rtth Btfai .-nt peail key*, ipiead..!' w e, leaawiraadltB rich de*Un; perfect thre'ithout.mide tor the owner etpre**lr. tr.4 »arrtottd two Tti'i .rom June Int. C*Wt AcitO: price .Sy.aa abwl'it i. .ream App'y. after? a m at No. aTt 6th it , rear 4' th »:. N B.Hat peekirg ca»» and rich ttool, Bad iO L- made bu nject if pur< hated imme il«>iy. GREAT UirBOVEMENTR in PIANO- rORTH, MttMB, UORTB, NEWTON A DRAD- Bl'Rib. N .. ATI |:r a. It, t-«p- t6tlit invite tttTBtiitB M their PIANO-FORT! I rncted with the pateut ABCH- K. IT PLANK, wkieh b HtdaaBtadtp the m mi aoBBBMtiB] lm- prGvenu nt ever uitro.i «*e,l into tl.i* popular ibitrumeot. C^OLD MEDAIi PIANOS.-sTEiXWAY A * EONS, Nj*. ttaadM Wat.T It, near Broadway, New- York, manurVturer* of Urand and Sijaare PIANOH wiu Pateot Ri pet.ticn AitkD, h*ve '«i»n the pint PTbmAbm iver 'a"ie of the hc*t maker* ot Bo.u n. New York, PhUad 'pl.ia BBjd Balti¬ more, mvm the indeet vrera Ol ITBCHALK MABON AND WOLLF.NHALTP. P. ajTW.teJ ttTly b.r th-rr yeari. Pricei moderate IANO-FORTES aod MELOÜEuNS, m pltiu aad arv'd caaea, to RKNT. at low rate«, and rent auplie.i, ,f P.,rchi..el >>* ¦ T «.(|RI)(IN. 2*7 Br aJway RAVEN. RAC'ON «V Co. (*uo-e«e«.ri t«» H«.?..n a Rav-n), PIANO-FORTE MAN! FACTL'RtlRB . Wniir. nm, No Ii'. OlBAd <* at ar Broadway; whero a f'.'.l aak.rtmeLt of INUTRCMF.NYS may be f.nini etolnilvely of our > v>"n maaofcv tnre. wari vite.l in every ri'ipect. GILBERT & Co. s FI.VJSO-I ORTES. . Oily Warer.om* i.i RaW'Yerk, Mo* 4,land Ul Br..a.i- Btay, CCra r of Cai ii «t Thea« luttnimeiit*. with thn New Aetl ¦ ir.i S. all- tttefymtredaaed, maka theta equal in evry re,pert <;t net *:.per .t> to any Plan.'t man-ifai 'are! in the world. New iPiaeoi to RENT, and rent allowed u par naeed. P ftlafiiincrn, COTTON MACHINERY for SALE.-110 |- LOOMS, with the pT-para-l M .-: a mueb of it Beatiy new. laqaire at 92 I -rtiv it It of d. 0. SCITsilNCK. Matteawan steam engines, mac hin- USt» TOOLS, and Cotton, W.. ..en and all klada a MACHINERY and CASTINU9, at No. 83 Conrtland^tt. wdwortupla^EKSatMAJTRAWÄT AC Y., aad Na 6i dura* ft .N»rfitf _BVkMVP.fc aTlfeHlWC. Cntlcrt}, <5aiötößrf ano Jron. CUTLERY, PLATED WARE, tkc.- Ame-'. wii aad Ei^lUA Ivory-HandleA RK1VF8 and FORKS Kn». niy Beef and 0BBt Carvera Table IinIi, tl-..-. ate'..i F»rk«, Spoon*. C*etera, An.: Jae«~ed Tea Trayi aat Waitera ia treat vaiinty, aad a Lanri aaanrtm_ I HOrfE-PTRNISHINO HARDWARC. Per ml* by CI1A8 fl little A Co. Ka cv< lH"» i> MOUNT FOPE CTJT NAILS, rudti-at entire ft _ new worka, with i^o^nor rcaoAlnory Then era ue bet _lOMM 4T QL'INCT No. M WBBa-n-aL O '-er Nail* in market. AaeaeT, _JOHN v AMES «1 80ir^If3VELS~aQd SPAJIES- a Wm «a e by JOHN W. CH INCT, No . W. Uam S~"?EI tfr, ANTIMONY, BANCA tin, cui WAILB-For Mje by JOHN W. OU1NC Y. 9t WUdam at T~})\. PRESIDENT' COOKING STGVK.-Ti> Empire Tai.or IDiter. with the Urjeit aad)beateteer-, meat rf Stive, in tbe It] lor SALK verv let* >y WILLIAM CLARKE, No. UCirmiv ,t. md No doDlludem it. OMAÖ pig irT)N.Soft, freNi, atroof. %mi a warranted aab*tita> for Beei -fa PU JAHN W QlINCY. M Wailav-at T? (Toparitaioiiip Notices. DISSOLUTION ot PARTNERSHIP. . Tm copartnerbhip hi tcdbfi thtiaf betwaea the a«b- u ribrta, undr the ttmv of J. ii. COLTON t d, l< bereby OlS.MiLN ED Toe U.i.i . r. - i 5r Me.ir U. (iEO W. »ri CHAS. B. COLTON, who one a.at lib rty to me the t ime mi the late urm, aid th-- mm ire at lit* rtv ll* to BtllllllB tho bi.llm «t under ttl' tor^-.i Btene ol J. D. COLT.iN i C J U. COLTON. OEO W CDLTON Ol.ORGK savage New York. Btft ''. Ufl_cii \8 B. COLTON. 11 E~*<'OPABTNEBSHIP mermykn ammt betw-e' tbe n.b*. rtlet* under :!... firm of C. P SANOER A SON, tait dav .in. >iv. J, th* teeter partner retlrir.« fr ¦m beiii«-» T!..-a*»ti : f - t. w. '.. .. f.lea jj OEOR'ici J. IANGEI V BROTrtER, at No. 151 1* arl at. t P IANOEB. KNew V -a Oet 3,1157. DBOEOI J- lANOEJL FORMATION OF COPAETNEBSHIP. The iiadcraiated bate tbl* day formed a ilr.partuer-.hip ir. !. r the tirri ef OEO J SANOER A BROTiiFR. and will chi- S . the in.'iortiD; and küu.jtii.t':rint oi STRAW ooxjd3, at No. MO Pearl »t, OEO I IANGEK New Y. rkpOet t, tIM CHAR LEI P. SANOER. Professional Kotire«. Rl PlTTvE, PILES Aud FISri'LA CURED WITliOL T the KNIKE <-r LIGATI RB-The Editor of The Scalpel baa lately eitabliahed a ipacioui Privat» H-npi laliuot.eol th-moat el-gatt and healthful part* of the city, and farniab>'d it with ever; i-omfort ot doumtis l:f><, for th* re> rptlon f thi *c p»;i. n:» wl. reuij.r. MMBtAvBa or pro l<. lart'iilav sou..e. ErMtyeaMaftadacial« R.f m Pile, aao Prrlapin* .,f the Re. r.m. and mmb caaea ad fmt ¦'¦% can be cur. J by a pn> .. nn j .»; :j« patient may .enetalty r>-f^m hrm-. the »*tue jay th ippik-iti-ja uiad. The cue ibvanit. y vrairact. J, if the cav- be undertaken b\ Mi. DIXoN, at i cat f-i »xtarBfldiM tlwaai p.-.»en.i ta- neceiaa. »titn« at lucua or failure, by aii Improved luethoa at *jm rattna- Tb'te i an be lo (renter drair. upon th- life p«,wei than t.:. lite, t.oa*; tr-at numb. of pcraoni are ic«. >. j»ly r-J i id by thwm. till c.iui-rr.pt:. . - i. -aen tftoy aru ahamdlv t Id ¦':»:'- P.lei Fi»t It. -r ri. .nm-l tti- ft »w.-lt Aaadiawe the irritation tro... the lern, in rn.*erv*d life, mt that it will Bet an«w*r ti .-are the diaeaae! No! It Wear* »'it ¦JmUAt by IibenellM md tlay* it* to ,.:-»*. It v-..r!y OeM BBmb> ri are o< w eaioytit health, who. b it tor IbAt operati.o, wcIj be.»e b-er. ia the ftm [,:??.. m .' V a^die S t. B. -. N-. :. . P- .' Or? «. Per .ceil appcicatiom at Or DIXON*- raaiJea.-e, No. 42 tth-av.. belw. -i. lotl; tad lltb-*t« Offer bo-irt for r*n*ral nmbb. !i.m. treat. b I .-.ocmei. ' tal duly Mid 1 to f»*Team<i A" illet r-i hoart he ia at the Hoepital. aad cann"t l * ma- -¦¦s-*~~~h... Painis, (Pils, (glass, t^c. IT E R 0 S E N E OIL S . SPiiClAl. NOTIC".. TRE EKR09ENE OIL COMPANT ¦AeeeMt to th-'r ¦ «e ¦. ir.i e> i-. n.. n. that they have a... vtreJ a pro. by wb. t ul L'NPLEAS.ANT ODOR U enuraly rem ved frim lr:"" KFROSENE I. VMP FOR THE MILLION. TV bii^cr id tti lama, at a ithiAt eapeaie, can be attached to bb] ordinary lamp, and ojrr.i at aa **p> :i»e ot ona qiart-.-r of ere tt r r h.ur, »cd f.ve* th* Itjkt '.f thre» candle* .aa p:. car, be MwB at th. < tBi-e aad a: tue Crvatai Palace. L.-a. mymmm wv.k arMtaatee rtact* mmbMam < u app'.iea- Mae to _ AUSTEN?. General * '.. No Jo Bearer *4.. N. Y. RBfllED I.aKi OIL, for BtirniiMi 400 aaa ,-.a.r»>«y free from «-.m bo mi brttntiy. doe* not ar.« the «tat Ala.- COB I'EN PCRE TALLOW OTL, wan'oh wft a- v,wn. « «ade c. de* w«*4b*r aad bsraa we'd *Bt -ar.V-1 .* «Kit. Aarr-.i ¦*¦' 'X pain-aa Onjy^Ajteat. JOMN W. ULINCr, Mo « ->"t et. BROADWAY B A !f K - U'ARTEJtl.V EE POUT M i- BROADWAY "A UK. Hi I * I1 EU A f, ItM *-id.y «f S'p.*ba*, RESOURCE ...vi LoaeatH O'Ko-JiU).* ' . 4 BJ o«e-:.-»..«.......,g Dn-from Kenkt., .aiVV u Oirtctonaf t;.« Bit«. n. «J hetate. 1 ¦Mtir^ ..lrt.it» «. Caau -to. «it.: Pt^ kt la Eav hAcae*. 1 IvtT, II ,k m 1,1 p. .WMraaatBttS.jjjjj ».£ ü Lm^.i|*l« . S.t>ai T jVtl.?J.sar.iii « LIABILITIES. r*p.ui..^.^yimm* CtrewluJoa tr»ui. r. j._ I--;,:-. t nntt... «.,... M eto Bank. «.< » [i ;.p>*lt(.f.. .¦. and... l.llt '.- ' AmouLt due aat M nder e.tiier of the efcove'uee. ..uup*. i.aide alt.. V>t PO TV»«J.t« Starr of .Vnr-E, ri. Ch* ' rtttt EVA tt:.ER INCM A PAIJ»IER. Pr-M< rttt txJjoHNL E > ERITT. Caahier ot the BROADWAY BANK, t Bent m Ai«o<-i«tion. located and d-,ni b-.in-a« in N-w York, in taft County, Wnj duly and »..iL.'i»i.rL . ~:rc-elt tiuth. teat the fore^rdai Ii. In t.l rrtprett, t true atata meet at the BOaadfchaa of the ttid Ban., bt'.rr 'be trt:.»trtioa of any bntieeea on to. tnoiaiat aa Ml dty th 26tL dt> ->f September, 1*'" la retg-r. t to a 'i tn-i every <! "a.- ....rot »td pertV-ilan above «gas iried «.ordlng to tte beat ot hi* know!, die and bV.ief, «cd that the bueWea of tt e taid Back la. b--ru tnd tianaif trd at the locatiaan «for» ami. (Sagaedl V \ PALMER. Pretddeni. J L EVERITT. Caeh er. lavan j* awirfhtdaada^ratR by botu depoueati, the ttb day of O U ber. I«ff . (Sign.-.'. Matthias llavrv. f.imo t-ioner of D^eJt KÄSSkV BANK..0 CAR TEE LY EEl'ORT 11 rt Si^ll BANK, oa Sat jrdty, the Jith day of Servmber |t"T; RE.-OURCES. L'ara and D'.« aeatl.BWÄ41S 4. Overdraft*. **' ¦ Ducfrc :> rtknkt. We** ¦» Due l-om the Dire.t )r«. t the Baak.* jtJ.oA' K «I Eatafe. ITS 9.1 II Sr..|e. 154/*.* Ü Caib I tern i. vtl Cb<~ k< and Sujht Dratta on Bat- vent Btnka, uk. L ha the courts of the .lay pre VtaMaeeee... Stockt. Dil.« of aatvaat Btukt. Lot. aud Exp. aaa Reaanad. I «..i,*k:,T»J iw (.'ABILITIES. Ctpittl... .M. .979.*k) oo Cireniatioti He«>ter»d.V>1 i.e.* Hotaa on bind. &.a*<.r TO at Profjr. dlrttt M Due to Btnkt. 174,"«» Tf Doe to li.dirid..alt a:id Corporation» other thin Bank. KT»' «7 [>¦.. Dep<'«tt< ndemind.597 74a II Amount dne, not baadodad lcder either of the abcva bttdi, lor Dividend« unclaimed.. 1.1W rt) Total.?! 9rti TIS 8a Sfofe .Vne York. Co« .fy ¦>/ \r>c York u .HAMILTON BLYDEMBUEOB, Pi - t,aad E A TOOKKR. Caahiatot* the Nataeo Bank, an Ae*.*-,*'. d Ba .k. leaarhal and dolo» bull- .o ta at N.w-V. rk City iu t ..d ouuty. b. log duly and ....erallr ¦ a..irj. .a. u for hioi.ell. «ai.h that the fofegoiug Ii, in «II r. ap.cf«, a due atateuieiit oi the .. ndiiiin of the aaid Hank, b. lore thai r.ei.aa. ti .n >.f any boaiuett. on the mornlrt of Sat- urOay, tbe .L:li dar »f 8*rKemin.r, in the year one tli xiean.l eight hundred and'fifty-teTen, in reap*.-; t > eai-h and evert of Iba U tnd inrrl. 'iiart above .pecified. ai-<'ordi'ig to tb- oett cl bi< knon ledge and he i.-f; ,; d that the butiui «. af tha t«id Bank fcaa rx-en aj.d it trtnaei-r.^1 at the location «foreauid [ligaiadl H BLYHENRI Hi.il. Preildeut. R. A. TOOraER, tt«hi. r. Severally .iibteribed and iwom by both ¦-.itt. the loth day of Cu t. bar, 18Ö7. |§i| ,!) J VAN NAME. Commiiaiouer of D-e.;, AMERICAN EXCHANGE 1UNK..(^I'.VR TERLY REPORT <>f the LBtERICAN KXCHAJtAvE LANK, on SaturOay, th< .Srii J.\v oi aVftetabar, 11 I REROI RCES. Luaoa and dU-oual..#6,37fi] (. rdraf ». J.IWt \* Due trora wai.k. 1,191."el 16 Du-from the Du-.' .rt of ti.e Bank....-M9,6*l 14 Di from broken. 7i R.al ettate. SiJareJ 75 Sp. ci. iM b7 C».h Item«, vi' l he. ki city backt, in Exchange« W- Hi IS Btrckt. 5db,l«iSS Bondiand mortgitet. 14!16"J4o Kil . o'tolv-r.t b ckü. 9d,7iJ "0 Bfili cf impended b»rA». in the uncurr.-nt depart mt-nt, moat'.y New Vet, aad accun-d by ttochl and H. ndt..£! ijiai Igajg tad aatataaaa aaaaaaal. 11.17« is Total.4..l'>.Sil,7W W LIABILITIES. Capital.* 1,606,350 '«> Clraalatlea reg^t-i-d..JSH.24I Lea« acte« cu hand. 107, Jit. 2A1I t»« 00 PioCti. 317.566 {9 Due to hsuki. 1.5HI A94 95 Doe depoeitort, ..ndema .d. 1,4*.'»j 80 Amount due, not included nnd»r either of the above heidt.uupaid divldeuda. 771 2> Total.»10. Ui M Statt nf Xtif lor It, C'oirnfy of Xeu>- York, «t. Ultimi A. Bo. tii Pteatdeat, »cd Robert S. Oak'ey, C«»ln. r of the a'ueri- ean Exch»nte Kr- k. in dneaiated Bank, lo.-tit.-d aud d<o-'« hi- .icett at Nev. Yofä in »« d co titt, baani data and te. orally -v.oru. rj'b fer himielf »a.th, that thv forogoing :«, iu a l re- iptcK. a true itati meat of the conditiou of ua said U. ait, lore the ttaoia.'t'on f aoy bi.aii «rta on the m. rnirr o/Satol d v. ihejßtb day of 8<-p'rnib.-r. no thoutar.d . i<ht b mdred d til.y teveu. in re»p.<t to ea< b and ev -rv i f the it.«jag lud ptrtic-,lira above iper'icd. a.'roiding to thai at of hi. batata .ejgc aud beli. f, tnd that the buaiueta of the laid Bauk hat been «ndii tuniacted at the U> vt Vu «forvaald WM A. BOOTH. Preal lent R. S. OAKLEY C . - Set.rally «; b»ci.b-d t-o i tarorn by both duaanalR toe 10th day oi Oetobar, ttßft. _J1RKH BULL, Couiiiiltaioner of D-eda DIVIDEND..A Dividoiirl ol TENT'ER'cENT on the Capital St«wk of the OCE tN STEAM N1V IUA- TlON COMPANY will be paid ta the Stoekhoblera at th l .ttio' ol 'he Company, on and «Her the l&tta October, on preientatWu of the certic utea_C. E. ANDERaON, Seer iry. INTEREST du« on tiro latof Ortobvr on the BOMDS OP THE CITY OP LOUISVILLE will paid on prt'eutation of tho proper Coupon« at Mercantile Bank. New York. Oct. 10, |M7. _(Slruedl HENRY U QLPREO, City Tre«« .rer. the BONDHOLDERS. CREDITORS and A STOCKHOLDERS ot the GREAT WESTERN RAIL¬ ROAD COMPANY ILLINOIS -The jnderaicued, a Com¬ mittee ippoiute.l at a general Uleetlug <>t the Bondl ...lert, Creditor!, 4c of the tbov^ u .lue.l road r.,. ;.r.y o it » pia.i lor U re'v ..I' tl e i'. ..-ipany. »re now pro.-irlnt the liana* iret of the part.ee In inter, at to an agreement .i npromla- aatilOO are reu'ietW to ».l withojt delay, at Uka >mce of I f. H. OIBStrN. No. .'»4 tVlaUaaa «t, and «i.n the agreement tun your istereat« m.y be prot*. '.-d ¦ T. H QIBaftW, 1 DM kftD Bl tt/NT.! j N A. ORlSWuLD, Coaa M K JES8UP, I _0. M 1P.RIS, I MracmuT,' B««i», New-York S -p: Ji, l'>7 COLLECTB NÜ..Nutfa, Che-cka, arnl tH dv- inand* received by 'hit Bank for CaaVeti u, payabl- Iu or through Philadelphia or Baltimore, or nthag piaeea in w li j tp-'e «uapet.alou« may .vnr. not matured Bgtor ka al» .!«'.¦, wtjl oyuu advi.-e of their payment, l*» paid for hy drart« f the MERCHANTS' BANE apon itt co-r-apuading ftaukt in other pitcel ptyable " In ..urreut fuuda," and thai mode of «ett.ement will cent nur until the reaumpti'.n of apeci* payu-nt. :oo«e pin I No N'. t.«. t laorCbaeba, payable in >'r through tbuae p.«C*i, will be lec ived for col.--. ' .u. ex «pt jre.ii th»-ae aa hV Baa«. Deftaettori whoaa Mataa, Bult or ch. < h«v-mreaiy |MBa (utward bar casaaaattaci in '.böte placet, can nave ai. .rdei very, If ta,.j prof.-r to aaa.im- the eotlaotioa ataaw I_A. E. SILLIMaN, CaaM l No SB*aovaa-aT» Naw-Yoaat. atapt i*. iwyT I^HE Under^uoed reape-rtlully iintiiy tho l'ublio that they ecntluue to bay and aell SPÖCKS it BSSal witb- eat iuriitatioo at to time. They have made area, gemecti by which «Ii ordert will be .xeccted aa at favorable termt at pr. rioua to toe paiaege of tha retolyttun by the Board Huiltitg time talet to 3D dara. _oROESBECK, BROaV CLabTELAlO) AND TOLEDO RAILROAD COMPANY .I. SEYMOUR, eaa, Cttfater of ta.. Bank of Nor.o Aroe.ei. a, baa teen appointed TRAN9KER AOENT ot tot CLivELAHD AND TOLEDO RAILROAD COM- r AN T, and the fraruter Book« of .aid Cote panj will be nomd on tie !2th inat. and remain cloa.-1 t.il th* 2|tt iaat. Ti e ma- g "»d.CoiipoB« of the Boada of the Toledo. Norwala aad C v. «ad Raj'.-.ad «'oxnpacy. J-ir. Uoa Railroad Com janv, and t-.. t v. land aad To>do Railr.*d Companv, w!l! 4>e paid at tu- Bich of N. rth America f.-om and tf'.er the Ji,; Th.- preiest OPriCP.S of the Corapooiy. No. WinUam are frr RENT. Uj rder of tn- U eud, New Ycrk. Sept. a. 18jT J. B. WARINO. Pr««l li» U,».ic^u'»rH£ Nt:w K""11-*1'» Cta Srait.. Co.. ( 1-rm. lt*uJIIPi*Asaray. Maar-Toaat. thaa. 1 llfrf { ^Hl. ANNUAL MEETING ... the 8t..rkIi..;,Jr.r, i ,r, ' K;'j*a<1C»r sPru« Uompany. lor th.- 1.1, .0- 1 ION OK TRI ST EE 8. will he h. !d at tiuTom. e of the Com- P»«y, cn I. ESDAY, the 13th lar of fVto->er «ext. a'. 1 'ok k P" J. H. THOMPSON, iecratary. REMITTANCES tv. ENGLAND! IREL \>ai, SCOTLAND aad WALES v.i laser vieiiT riiiof Tea tTNION BANK OP LONDON. NATIONAL BANE OP Si'OT LAND. »EL»'AST BANKING COMPANY. If- a 4. ta Mama tr- w «tl ipward, at a 3 per at. Addreaa TAYLOR BROTHERS, SaVKP.RS. _No. ytt WALL-ST.. NEW-YORE. MARINERS SAVINGS! nVSTITCTIONrid- av c mer .».«..r O-p- aita made on of before the Hth of tl tabaaj aHD be alloared Inter-at frim tha lit of O- tub-r at tbe rate of 6 per -at on a.i.i f * i :. .>.) .5 per - . »- *."..». Rank op-a daily from 9 a. tn toia r0 ana on V\ ED.Vt.SDAY aud SATURDAY EV ENiNijK t- itji P-jb-_ISAAC T SMITH. 8-. ra ary. O fief of tub Ti.iBK-tvrvr .. R,:Lao7r7cÖ»ir. i " f orcer Eaat olit tt aud 34 a*. < VOTTCE t'»STO< KHoLDERS.-Tha.ANNC VI. MEETiNO of thafb HiaKaag f th- TLir l Avea>. hVaL- .a. i .iji / «; k- . .1 tt -a OS ... :. Wr ONE.- :1A i at 12 m Norember 11. IVT, at » h»rh tuce an K.e, i t . Thir lata l> .-- ral..- tba BaaatBa] v-«.- wU; take «ur«. Tb- poäl« BrkM > .ajrii fioo. U! ru. to 2 p. m . ^ t ' iAM B Ii VA' S Sari, t y Warn \ otk. 0 u ber 12. I5T-7. TE £ VOR tl COLGATE. NtraXMn to BEEBEE A Co havetab>a ta-. .t»«a N I 4* Wt^ at Sc«,7. 1 by that firm and a.- prepaead to 31 Y ani 5f &o*Jf4-.>-.4 0'. .-»PACIA a. d Bil l,Ii'N -c kbt r M Rlerra. tarnt*. TREVOR A COLvtATkt, Iw. 47 Wad at 4 eev-e rl W»c.»«.«v. Aac/tto RB0TJL4E HALF, of «nXMIK» *ad ItOXrM. AI.bffT U MOO I.»? «vi .1 Til i riif deyl. Or* II a* I1| »¦.¦»-, « M it m t. ...l"** ¦mm ¦¦> of wkwi H xi uor tawa "*.»*. !.*» 'l-r-i l.a*a<w«V,ijit ' «ak bypr>kee«**1, ti.._. V «tut/«« Pari»it Heal. ?w'mmm. INibtrwAi'iawiM Hnk e'««*.c. .<*. *k*re« Pmnpl |Kia. A:<>e**e. .*»' »n»i». - a .I4»««vi 1*T Aim Artleee** Haak. A'ta r«.«. '3 »aere* People'* Bail #2%raffe. *V'.k»axr» P-..ton rWak » M »ach. I" abac . Naiaouel Beak. AX-eeek, 9 »Uair« M- rr ju'r' Bail t/Maaoq. 37 «bare« I oportet«' tail Trader*' Baak aiaa_¦ .».ha/r* Perk Br..k H' ier 1.. .*..*, mleaeaaa. AO *f ere* Art..»!..' Baaa AbMaatA. ? 5 W Brocks CP . p- ' eat W.«t*. *>l W PaaaaV \\ ¦¦r tp., r .. tw,. 1 .harr» Je*»** A N..nb«a lad lea* Baaa**, I per reel B . r . W «* £ : aaj T+m il'.¦ 1 A.', a M M >-,.-., jnaharr-e Balk ..("I**- R-¦ * ' ornher-* Ml»*«« f R.'_ '?'.».»,.» iri.. .e\ mixet New-lei iaj Bai.m4 an« Traa^aaru*,^^ New Yck A Hew Haraa tai'.r «i. tia>-.tt New Jr-:. y R»i ro*d and Trjj.pot'.ai,»» ^ajpj eecd* tl »bare« MM »j*re« War-am Bailr' ad, b*p~»be. ,1*4 «ateei-k S«)»Urr«C. ra«*aa F:re In» .inn.- Ob .«.«acA «hart« Aator Fire io«urar.» Co., a.^eetk, 3u»har*» Prt.-r C:>oper »»"» laeetaece Co., BSaeeW «harr* Belief luriraue- Co A jP e*, h. 1" aCa-e* Mr: up- taa Tint insurance Co. tlWaatA. ?> «hart« RuWer» r Ira Ira-.iaaca Co , Ar.*wrA »h,*rea Clinton Fire lt»nranee Ca.. . 104 ear*, 30 »harr« C^ctisental Fire late: ie .* Ox, A144 ta-A I«abarraBtunao lamraao*Co., BWO-ach. ,t U . T. Me:.:.e I... .}m.: C»., »jajjj-a lO.harra S:. NI-ro't« Bank. *l»cerh 7* »harr« Brevoc-rt Inioreuce Co A'O.acb. 10 tbare» II-ma I...iiranr»> Co.. AMatrearh .V ihlltl I'attl .1 State« T: l I 9 -*. A ,h«r«» Goodbi.e In«.tan'.- C >.. Ai^atrh. 10 iher*t Itwemnitr Iu«ut >ar- Co Ali» r».-4, ., »;.are. KoBaaldl hm-rau .. Co »l<4>r.ea. S2abarr» New Wur'd la»nranre Co AMraak. . i Ha/ui-'ur Kin- Inauraii'* Co.. AMaaaA. ISibaraa< Batoa Kirr Ii «orauir C», AI'« tar*. «. a, a N Ii » .an.* Co., *.'a) tank. V.»*al»» Mmbant« < ¦»-. 1 ?''¦'reck . tkareeV tabfa aim :*n< «c> ?*.«.<*>. tee La Payrtat ParelaaiieaeeCa Br»jk.Ta eMeaek, ir-21oü:ea- Wc«tcrrj Mara* laeeraajee ABATf oflAJT. ?..Mi Sun Mu^l«l I UtaIace Scrip <»1 la*!, in akeeet Am. n. .t: I spreei Co *U«' ea k. I . .N.ve V.- k S'v r> .. 1A'4. »6.?M II A J'denu-n: or the prrtu a.. :.l t;i.^|*Aj 1 N^it*Rr'r>!ar Sal- on THUR3DAV Octol -r IV 9p"ia S...0-. T' ISSIIAV. «HDSEJDAY, rRlliATttkl SATCRDAY Or: i. H lb and 17. - R « lar a .-k*. Boada. a ad »Iber »~-nfrle*, terry MONDAY and THCXSDAT, a: 12) .'.'-- »- »» )M|» h**.:«' ff'r-V-^f* Alee, .('». »1 ***!e* when rr<|ulrcd. g!<» s-il Boadt K.i it. iad I dd *: pnratr «a'», ..aatlke it. irr»' Beard ... ir.'.< n »i u>w»d on *:. M »< dep. »Ited on Tnt'., aüiBJa, dead* Coll*rted AlB-'Ra M. NICO LAY. St. V Aactioae. r and Biefcat ¦ I] _N.>. 4 Hp'ad »t- Nrtc V*et (ln li l ir i: M: I -.r> »' « A. » n Co ,1 Boaroa, Oct. 1. 1«J7 \ CEAUOD PROPOSALS wiU r..d t»t tm 0 ofioe up to th . 10th ol November, at 1 p. ¦ , let a lot* < »2,rtO,OCO, payable a. follow*: t4 Tea per cent «>u Noeeinber 1A ww. h fret mtta -uactBj* Conipasr eril! retain wf.boat i**ulu< Bond* tAervfor uttfl tb- li»t u»*Ui;rr.. nt It d. IS Fittern per ce-:t Jan »ry L IS.'*. i"i Twent* ri»e p«:r ceut March L W * 24 Twenty tu- r I e:ll M.y L iif Tmei.ty fire pei rent JJy I, 1*> 8. For »hich taeCoraaaay arBlU* »a et :h- n-i caat QaaaaC 100 Ible Bond», wi:h a.mi *u:iual Umpon. dated lrt (Joteeet. 13JT, and havlna 25 y. «to run _ lu otder ta zive therumermi' h Uert of taaall aakonatttfett tto«A»n ..nportnui'y to «r|b*cr.l>e, a tuBrient narabet of the Bond* will be t»t Fire llau 'rei Do lar* each, th* remuadetlor One Thoneand D Ian Other thin** betnt erp«'. a preference wt! be rtre) t* the arcoalle' bi-l» by ei r bona u ie St - kholde-a, who are fWitjajj Inr'ted to »bare la the Loan, but the Company re*err. t*thaa> aeleea the titbt to con»ider the r.-ipon»ibiiity .<f th* p n.skict tu- pri.pc»*'*. a* well»* the ra'« ottered. Wit, exception*, they will award the Lean, if the whole k* leaaa* pro rata to the hAjhettt bidd-r« Not.-* c,f the Company or Bon l* maturirt between that täte and J -.Iy, "üe, will be received .;; payment t ^r raw ban, wak pri per idjintm nt ol ittere»t. For the protection of th»*e B ed*, and of thoae raataita| ¦ 18« asd «ub*e.|u. ntly. a Flr»t M iruace upon the pi 'ferty .** tranelil*. * of th* Company ha* be,.:i exe»- ited to J. M. Parka», ... Tbayer, and H H O un w-U, Trn.:«*». acaaabdaf a piotiaotiiat aSltikitt Fund »ball be paid to aaui Traateea, ly. »umclent to ab*oth th. pn wut iaiue In t* ataaatty, which «b«ll 1*4 In». «t»d in tli« muc .ff Bund*, a* lout tbej ean be haaaht at 01 Bji 'ten per .eat premium.other wkktaj the ditciftlou ol the rr".«tc. < Th- pr.ipoaal* a ill be opened at Hie ..men of the Compuy at the loth d«y of N.>emb-r next, at 1 p m., In t hepT«««ao» a? the aoove named Tru»t*e*, who accep: the tr ,«t »»ith tat a> deratar.dint that they « Q| *. tuat ti^ic r<-aitn it to any wkatkl [.itiii -inniinated by a uiajority ;th.- tab. -* of the BotiAt. J. W. BROOK», P.reJdeat. I^aac LtvraMear, Treaaurer. Eitiact raoti »J Act of the l.ej .'afarr of Miräi'rea, ap* proud .'eh W 1800. Section L The P -ople ol the State of Mi. htjr»n enact, Tkat the Michijan Centra. Railr'vid Compeny.by a vote af Iti Direce- or*. or a mjj irity thereof, may lrcream Ita capital itaak ftoal t imc to time, to an amount nec*«aary to ever the c**t af ta* conrtructinn, completion. >-.|uipn out. aerating aod ***piatap of thetr rotd. and ita .<-....*».?!. t.». and to lay dowt t detb» track for the *ame, and both within and without aadAtea*} and aleo to l*«ue their bund* from which to pay tty debttbv enired or to be incum.1, tör auch pur... i la mek tarat aai ak rich iat-'* of Interest aa *nch Direct^*, or a majority «MM may determine; and the aaid (tick and bun>I« to leli *.* Olaaoat ot at »neb rat»* a* tbev i an, and a* **id. c ot a ma)oritf thereof may approve: and aaid Director*, >w a ..»joritakaweel aa*v, under »' ru refrrbtioa* an th*T may ad..pt, ciOnlit*o V boiilrr* of tnch hour* the nth: to convert the pundpai tat ill thereon into the atook of the Comproy Assignees' notice.-the ohio l INSl'RANCK AND TRL'ST COMPANY, bavk DKED, duly caecnted o.n the Seth day ol September, ranrtcrred and ronveyed to tu- ncderabtned al: it* eatate- nerional and mised.ta tm*t fot the b-nedit ot all it* cmdUe% Notice it there/on. bet-i.y «.V . .o-ci ie .. .* t-. fi.e tfctw .laimtwitb the Tru«tee« lot a.'n.*tmeut, and to drbtorttaM tuet make payment to »*id Truatee*: CHARLES STETSON, 1 JOHN C. WRIGHT, 8AMCF.L FOSDICK. BAMITU I. B ROAD WELL ; Awitaeet. ABRAHAM M. TAYLOR, OEOROF. CR A*- FORD, CLEMENT DEITRICH. j Ciruienatl, Sept. 3», 1857._ B»\^ Dr.raaTMr.RT, Atta**, Oat #,lWt HE FRONTIER RANK ,l-utedmu) BM ttii day filed iu tfal* "f * a notii. f the app untoien'. of the MKRCHANT8' BANK ot ALBANY, in tue Ctty ef Albaaf, a* agent for the r.deuiptlon of ita cirvmlatiu* nofv »o|*thir with a rrvootion at the *ppo,utnient of the Troy Otty Baak at .ui h arrnt, aureeable tu toe act -untied " An a. t to auieal Hi aeteial A't* relacint to «.... ip- »t-.J Batik*. Banking AttaaV atlou* and Ind.*id ll Baaker*," pe«*.-d April IT. i il JAMES M COOK Snp*rirt«uraeaA T Baia DaraavMBav. u.»» » t Oat, Jt. laVk NOTTTTE IH Hi-.'RKKT OXYEN, pomnaat to the .titube in *ucb eiae mad* and provided, abet all the etraw acta "if* ¦-».»- t to A OILBBtVr, an a.a baakar. fDROVFPJ' HANK OF PT IUWP.FNCIt COLNTY, _äWtM ma*t be *ets to tb* otfic* of the .HWpcfuitcadeat of aod late alROVERB' HANK OF CA'iTAHi bh* Baoklai Depaftmeett cf the etat* of New Fork, for pap* .v..-. wlkkta two y*ar* from the date hereof, er the funda aa> poalu-d fur the n'ra/i n ot ta* otrtaUtlaa notea >«. - 4 ta Aw aaid banker wtfl be liraa up. M BCHi><;SMAKJeBL, o*t I.wbyM_BepMittfradeak SkA(\4t(miUi ,n °old to leno tf*« »»7Hlaj^F,n T\f\J BILLS ot 'he BANK* of tae Stifl. OF NEW-YORK thJt are «e, ured whol.yby St«'-Stocka JOHN B MURRAY, _V : tt Wail-at., ever Bank of Ncrtb America, V >(H..Wi WAutejd by the *ubt7nb*?r tm %? imt\Ji\J\j\J Bond tad Morteaea MfjeBeaAbre prep eity, (itualed in the heart of the ctty, worth at leaat deabb the-non-it loaned. ItwiU betaken la amount* oi f '»'*> * NM nno each il denred, and a bolce of a latge tatttnal of prap eity w.!i be riven. AM09 R BNO, No. 107 Like*1/et ^fnmitnrc. Enameled chamrer FL'rnttere.- Removal of H P KARRINOTON S Furalter* W§W) rooaoa. from Nca 48 an J Wrx.ater *t, to No dal C AN AL-oT^ oppotita Wooatar-tt. New-York. Enameled chamber FrRNITL'BE^ Now and beai-it rtr cf enameled, *ohd oak m* ¦rained CHAMBER FLRNITt'RE. Hoc,, aeepera a waat« Cie*« cheap and üa*hlonabie atyle« <>f Bodroom Fnrottare 9m fiad aa . xtenaive *a«o:tmrut at H P. PARRf NGToN'd war»- roonx, No. St/I Canal-at , oppoa.t* Wo..*ter at New f**¦ p h e l a n ' * i m P r aTED Pttrr.'-t ;- mt me,atr>ou:«. No* 7A, aui7»l way. M»i terp, No. !«. a New-York. .iJCIIOOL fci.nitl'ke at th-» latp.^f o trTYLE. Mitinttct: reo tt th* .. j . t,i':'i»»o- » tbe ria«a it. PAION, rto .. , , r (|,* f*A Cr. -ar» fnrwardedon appticlioo, _iUistdlantong. Dr. ».ouraid- italian medicated .nO SP l mal rertally achwiedted ta Ko, par ex^eiiraca, aij atlti - extant iY,r tae ^.mpiwt* reaaeval i a.I eueb da> a«ur-.r,eni» of ta, akin a* »per*.- in the »iiap» i remote*, taa, t rkiaa, tunburs and ra-rpi^w. Dr. O '* Po-.dre* Mi at,Ira a:t »r,e$^iy remarkable f- r the ^-^inine prcpem»»tL.eypo«w»*t i": to*taat.neou»rj rnnonnf *»perdao r-atr. wrtberat injury totheikin rat. br area te*t-d. in. '. . ..tab * L.o, I Boeaa tat rmpart.i x to the ehe-k and up a brilliant armen«, t «*» uatara. tu.|n, und f-aeTU,a*o. L'.iy Wbtta, Hatr XaA*- rative. Hair Dye Or:-nta. Cru i. Ac I<t1l Calla»Irr. Ph. a.>'.ph:a Bat .*, Bovton: Out, It'oioaetati Cat.-ti.a, Lowetl! Pwit Roe tetter; Mra Bttfk B klya, aat *: De T. PELI\ GOl'FAt D'J Oldm9W> -p.'. Nc. ei' Wtlket-at., tint »Vre It iui Btowiwiv Jo H N DWIOR T a% Ofen vi«: af*.- r.-. Dot RLE-RFFINED an FAM.LY SAI.ERATL'S; StTER-CAKB lNATE O^BUDA. SAL SODA. ETC. No !' 0'.4 >',ip ba.nmer tiuar*. r»»*»-Y*rk P' RE CREAM OF TARTAR ALWAYS ON llANO.^ Mamtfacti;rers of wxnh 4*1 siiOEa- Pateot MntalUCeiaterbra'a." Araliaale la»fe»J»* m< .t. a :*,-.« » 'A ../l.Vi>i a. y^r.r- «->*»»*.«.ra» laiib jp**J<M*_:_ ff i kd warrants wanted** ^ TAYLOR BROTHERS» Cia ». W^^t, MP*-»wNUL 9t, wH e.rp./ erlw»»-r»aw./ WarraaM tawtfiea mmt.

New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1857-10-12 …...STRANGFRS aWiV, rtt>t hfl in.** tt> rr**t iu-n»rt.rn»tro*i.i>»trfFAiimNos.powIm* OUftK BltAVK, THI. »UORaTlON TUE PAIKI".!

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Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1857-10-12 …...STRANGFRS aWiV, rtt>t hfl in.** tt> rr**t iu-n»rt.rn»tro*i.i>»trfFAiimNos.powIm* OUftK BltAVK, THI. »UORaTlON TUE PAIKI".!

STRANG FRS aWiV, rtt>t hfl in .** tt> rr**tiu-n»rt.rn»tr o*i.i>»t rfFAiimNos.powIm*

OUftK BltAVK, THI. »UORaTlON TUE PAIKI".! e-e..«h wrwlb Mi» prt * ./ admiaeiea, Open <Ut and itiiUi

Mt Brwadwa,y

Ii1 Ml'IKE HALL, No. Mf Br«%dwaj*,--Ob MONDAY, Oct. U,

An<! <> Cn» va .» i ar.dWEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTTT 'UU.v t,

EtSo'Hor«, (»raud Origlual S«irl«i ol PAINTINGS. iq t'.relire of

DR RANKS ARCTIC TOTkOtM,Proalne. J fro-.e ;'i\ate trreWla|i »od Ske'r.,**, i,:. al*h»d ).jDt. Kene »nd Officer*, vlridlj i-<itr«>incTUE SUBLIME YET a WA IL ORANDE'JR OF THE

Pol.AR REGION.-?,WMh a d, *r «pto o by

Hr. WILLIAM MORTON,Wbe. wot* for himeelf an > nriable repitati..n through bii da-¦nAed eUachwe-.t f.. Or Kau« M ala fw bann«

TUR DISOOA FREU OP THE OPEN POLAR S \Rererei of tht roott interoatinr. reite* «{ tb.a erer met .rai'e

JxpedrtWi wflt be exbib'ted, itnn»( which i* the oe.- >rat»dDop KTAH, the ooly .urrir'w r.f ¦-ire than two hundred ua»daiitni.« tbelr JownieyAcg» TU K PEACOCK FLAU, oaxitatjfnrAOer north tr.d further toa:b than any otbor fit* in Ute world;KfcvKaoo'f Arctic Dretoe*. Rifle. Kajak Hlodge Renner ot th*/aRb, Pn-aent* to Mr. Hort .n, et*.

Üoot* open at 7 o'clock, to omai««v at B.WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AKTKRNOONS, at ?, to

fxrrnruertue at 3Ad.»tlon 28 cer.ta. Children ball p-i-«.^WF.RS*« GREEK .SLAVE, MARTYRDOMOf HUS8. DIANA AND HER NYMPHS, ar» a few

«motu ktw hundred wondeiful Workt of An on exhibition atthe DUSS! LDORE GALLERY.day and etening-No. 548»mdway._THE GREAT DÜSSELDORF GALLERY.

Open day and erenin« -/»OWKRS'S OHEER SLAVE,and oter om- bnvdrad roag&ihcent Paistin;«. No. 512 Broadway.



MKNTS-Bomethlng new Hothiag alike tor the Milliontyd Upper Tan Tboatanü Clcthlat that doet not hp or tear.

Oraroeata, uaual price $10, told here tor At.Elegant Katlana. ptleo t>2", sold for *I0.Nereraible do prior told for Ai.'-Pee-JacAett. Vette, Lagglnt, Moectttnt. Mlttana. all

.roeoc without teatnt. Bi.la ol moat of tbo *Uipeu<led lluikiAbbea at par. *,*,AMLfctJS oAILMENT MANUF. Co .

A'« k' ietale Depot No 24 Dey-tt,_Retail Depot No MS Broadway.

8p3 rf\ CONGEKbS GAITERS. FaU StyKVO«t_J>VPnow ready; alto, «bot* T>. ible tolod WtUr aroofaWwed BOOTS at A4 5a. at JONES'S, No. 10 Ann-at, neat that

.fnrs tinö VLobte.

LADIES FANCY li.'ES.LANDRY'*, No. CfKiBroaadway . Ladiea and Oentlameu, I retpentfully inforaa

yam that I have thiaaeaeoa, betide my titual fine at', a anotherÜbMrat f/rade which I can ael) at wholetale pricea, warrantedgaaialai. Ordert atrlctly attended to._Oftff. BROADWAY .WILLIAM MOSER of-k\ßCjfJ fei», darin« tlir month of October, the jhuapoat andlitheat «tack of Coe j/l'RS «var od. red in tb a city, t .d manu-

1 ba tlva oewett ttyle.. Ail of which will be told >..* .»

ßtciionerrj anb fanc\n (5ooo«.

BL A^NK^00T8, STATIONERY, JOB-PR1NTINO ai No. 4', MAI DEN LANR.-City and Country

Trade «t;ppli*>d.our Printitit OnVe v.d Bhiderr, omplete witaNew Type, Bteara Power. Au., enable a to execute wirk ataowptkeai. Ordert tcdioited. FRANCIS A LOUTREL,

Btakiouera and Priutatra, No. ». :.l .' .-. laoa>.

JA. II. HASHROUCK, Statioflera' Hall. Mmt.e 174 A to ITS Paar.L-ar.. Mew-Fork, IMPORTER and

JtANCPACTl'RER, ofleit far tale, at low aaab price* everywanety of Account oooka, Paper. Kaucy aaid Staple Stationery,Wttkfcaa Paper, Notea, Ürafta, Money and v. , «¦ ,-t- »!....

laAatawala, atemorandotn and Time Book*, ren*. Puueil*.ARatea, Pen-KniTTi, Cb »» and Baokrunmoa Rc«rdt, Ac, anatvl atttcle* unallT kept by the trade. JOB PRINTING andLIThOGEAPAT rxxuttd at low rale a. Catda, CirmUari,BULHaada, bo. COUNTRY la.RCUANTS INVITED T0AULL_WILLIAM E. HAWS. (Rranchof R. C. Root,

Anthony A Co..) STATIONER and BLANK BOOKMANUFACTl'K kt It, No. S96 Canal-tt., corner of Tbomptoo.¦aery deerriptioa of ,\.. Booktfor Banka, hm r... .-. andJbatlroad OhS'-ee, and Merchant*, mude to order, ruled or boundan aar pattern Eiitravrat, Ltthotraphlnc and PrJuticf e*e-atjteaf ba a tupwrior mannet. A fall aaaortment of Staple andEataey Btatavnary.

Printing.»AKER «V GODWLN.TRIBUNß HUILD-INOS.-Extetutr»« Stein Boob and Job Printttia EttabUab-K.nntorvattad by any *n the Union for the near and pr iiapt¦fön of EVERY VARIETY of PRINTING, from the

aTanaUtat Card or Label to toe Lertett BUI or Book.al1 at theJbowaat Fatah Pricea. Aleo. LUhocraphy, Eufrarln«, ¦w<rtrea*at. toaaaa, and B'ank Stafctoriery.

. -joDVlrBA'v R A GODWIN. Tribune Biri'dtnaa


every dawtriptiuii ofENG RAVINO and PRINTING, in the beatand (-keapeet manner. Otdeaaby Bitulaolicited. Information andrptiita ¦ eeut if applied lor with Poat OlUrai itanpa

_WM j DUNN ELL. No._



TYPE, PRINT, ELLE and BINE aertbing rorjulrod, at theSHORTEST NOTICE, and in the rery BEST STYLE. Hit

it are the MOST EXTENSIVE Lnthael'.y.

MERCHANTS and ALL OTHERS, ATTEN-TION!-BUi Headt, Card*. Cirmlart. Ch. kt Notet. and

treajty otbar k'i.d rf Printing, done m bear:if ,1 aly.'r at lowprtci* at HOLMAN'S Steam Jo'.-Priniing r..ta-,u. -or-ir,.uraetr ol Elm auu Wln> I a, one bi n k irom Broadiray.

tüalci)C3, Jeturlrn, &r.WATCHES and JEWELRY.VERT LOW..If Tie S. »Jf. r.l-r fu b-..ine*« in; Wu.l a'.re.'. f. tl.«t

nineteen j art, i» ae!. :i^ .. » -Bttoni ..t GOL'O and 81LV EllWATCHES aad JEWELRY, at whoaaaala and retail, at l**ethan th- oVtal pt aaBet. tit Ei as rded Watchee for ladiet.Apienciu Eiarruled and Diamond V, Bate*Ka-b'.v *a|Blnd Wa'cbea lor ia.lietPut.- OoM L.plu.- and Detaeb«d Lerer Watchea.Go Bg lab Tall ..t Leeer and Duplex Wa:. -.

kir.« I. Pa. ktt Cbro:.oinetera.Jwi. iJ-.-t ...i a Waaebet I t Outfer** WatebaiEarbl- Bgrraewd Ue tVa'. h-a f. g-utleni.o, aad avary

BtyU< t O ..1 a. 0 Sil,er Wal. be* ma'..All AA »r. >t wa: BBBted to ha ep eonec*. time; Wi'c! ta ex-

t.*¦^:.a.-Ladie*'Gold Came-.. Po*-l. Carbuncle, Moaaia and Lata

JJav-Rirg*. Ptotard BiBut hate.D-atT..-.d P.ua and Ring*.Laciet' Gold GaaH t'bahaf and CaatebUua Chain*.Oexte-m.'- i laolU G ier l. Eob a:id ^ ..at Chain*riold Fob Key* aad (kräht, S'-' da und Sie. re Button*.l inger lüne« erith BRotieti S'-ei Klnt*.ItataOo'el Rir.f*-. P-reLod »V. adli.g Ringt.Goad te< I« ., OeM EyoOlaa..--. G* J Tlaimblea OttM

Fee aad PenrilaGold Locket* lot Dagveireotyp..* or Han OeatMuiea'a

Bitaa'.atnaK.lin laniaai t.iJ K- rka, Btli rr Porta m nua e* and Fro.t

Sravet. GEO C. ALLENl4»fvrter of WaU be* and Jewelry, WiioleaaV and R-.ttil,

No. 11 Wall ft 2d rt.e.r. near Br >tdwty, N. »

<5ovec5. (Carriages, &t., "EH>R sale (!HEAP.SirKak HORSES, Mtlrtvt!

JL aaealy, btaob or bar, 154. handa. " and 8 y<«re afairuet a tady'a hm.e; both (aaod ttareler* Pi*2»' eacnto be aewa at No. IUI Mercer at. Porfartbei paTj. ilari appl>.4 No. IJ-'.ttV at bei».., u 10 a. m and I.'

loot anb /onut).

IOST.A NOTE aitrrifd and itidoreed by oa.i nailed lot New-York, fot t>21< 17 due February to t . M,

lit*. Sale Note ia act n. rotiabae, aa payment ha* beea *t- r>p AISAAC FENNOk C >. Km, tjawAAtM lb-ax.. Boat


ARKSPECTABLE WtMabM wAnta a litavatioai?o COOK. WAraH and IRON; the tbotoor'i I

atanda h-r b-. aitwaa. I.uud relereac ironi her iaa'. altCall at Me. V« AN vat »ia -t.

YRTANTED^Bf a ni'tt, tidy Widow WoNtAA undTf t ai<»' GUI o! i M IUaTIO.SS to the iit\. One lootBb» puual araffk ofaa all tamily. mak -a bread, waah^t aadiron*"»eiLi» Baada>f cAudrtao, aad aaaraaaalto era >¦. *s5 o

f>«; Ibeotbvrcan eeer. aalad a baby. d» litbt waiting, audl.tjolak at wotk.* ag« Cai' at No. 2i> Eaat ^i.t >t._^L\/'ANTED.By a n-anectsblrJ Girl, a altuation as11 t HAML* RMAlD o »A AITER, raj wo ild be wfJJta] i

.to WP.raER.4L HOUSKtVOflKirairtiipriTf... fam'y rt-

ot eti» reference giteu. t ad be tcea for tao day* a'. No. 115Waat I7tb .'.

WAN i i.n.a. ./.nation, by a ra>apoctabiO ymina»Eng'..ah G rl aa CUAMBCabAiAID aad WAIT IK, or

rbUdrau'* NURSE to i to si .V, aVaV t j« b»«t of city nCan b« aeea for twooata at No 7tb a»., bctwoen »nJ

TMkaf^_AMERICAN S( H »01. INSTI'J irrE. Ap;»lr-

lot'a Bonding. No .to BrtK.lwar .A pra> ti.-al Afeuc y f<»rtnpf .).-.-? S-.i-oia aua Paatdlkn with T.-j.hert. Arhoot* withfnpnl »: o Tearhert wit- i'-atra olea.t-.afona All wiabilaj aa¦a#etreuU*r.<uldapUy . SMll II 4 BO»D. N. B -V. a i dseveral aattre Fiea.b fea.Aera.

f^UfM H01>evn ( RKatd W.virtNt;..Ag.<U plr^e wat'e1 f. t . g* .. rl. who , aa ,,, mm rail I

a* :ruatw« rthy and » : < and ace aato ae't ...

alt, beae b. ara :^ M .


gd.yer furtwrtt jeer* N '. t-'i'S' at

PAlOLIlfl Li wMt </ HELP mwm\i BMlf AtI tbe ..ft.* of .** AMERICAN AKD v .)...' .* IMPLOiM» NT BOCIETr, No* Head M M Betaa A««wptmf, »ere fr-erc are e» pre.»a'. 'reea 9(4 1« 4'* rv . of eJ lo-aonu:nai,caa, wiJi ftrat-ciaaa r»'«r eee*.

MA" TORE*TON, ktofeelat »d*ot

1"MiE BKSTAHTB' KBW WSiTTUTI miDOM. Ko 131 lltb*t. corner af Wm it., «upeti*«.

daily, avity family aad borne witn *anm<iaaoe ./ {-. t. ein'..«nable Servant*.where an eateuan* aad p**.tarnt n'*M,iirr,« i t Li ose«, wkii h daily »atiiuoi all wbo oaJL Ii U e >u ia«> 4

by a ".r^i Aux-rlnar ladj- Flcaa* '«XL_WANTED-A PROTESTANT M RSK.-E;»ft gl nb, tko^cb ar Aniettcau pref»,-r»d. A pay a; Me. 29TA uhfngtoa iqoare. on W.daeadaj aad Thcr*d*}. t:um 9 m. at

ti 1 pm_\VANTED.A PROTESTANT rifAMBKi*-II MAIL) One w| ..u few »«Iii r.inrej. Aoperat

W«- rtoi. Wed---»<Uy Th..r»d*j, fromHa.cn. till 1 p. m.

IVAN 1 ED.A Clerk for a ttMopt-nitir-» |IU01MT|v v a Time k«»per fat i r<.«l mine ,n Peuaiyi-en.» a C erk f ¦

vi expren uffir«, 4 Girl» to ro to Kurop» and California ApplytoGILLKS A To , No 6 Ea.1 Broadway.

Zo fam it mao Concern.


Ctmtva pti< n. Cough* Colde, Btor.'uiti*. A.tin.a Matt ,iae«i

and General DebtiUy, wfB U writ to all (free of chtrrei Theold Doctor'! object U to do good uotoa'l etiieted A Idre.iB DEM M. D No. If I ¦iftagUMtV, Now-Ywk, w.tb return

peaOl _

BILLS <>f tbf HUDSON RIVER and FARM-EBB' BANK of H"d«m will be ree'red it par la Pro-

Aue« at tii. Hudaou Barfe*, foot of Hirrlior -itHAVILANII, CLARK A CO..

_W.,1. H. MALLEN.

CAUTION" to SHIPMASTERS MM* OTHERS..AH per* in are hereby forbid pay tfj ant money or de'tr-

eiingaoy property of m i.- : FREDERICK CREIQHT'jX.u b<* receipt» will cot he «ii. < by me. Mo**i«. JO <' NRUM A SON, No. X Burita« tup, are toy Sole AfOaUla Siw-York from tbt* date .B»ct 6,1117.

GEO. E. PORTER, No. TPfplU. Boitoa.

Mr 0X0. E. PORTER wiii henceforth, ft *. ourei. ,«:».

A/ent* ,n Bmyn for the Sale at 1 Hire ot oir CHRONOME¬TERS.-New Tcrk. Oct. a Ik".

JOHN BLISS k SON, No. 2« Burling ilip.

INFORMATION WANTED of CORNELIU8f>EE. formerly of Cheltenham, Estland, known a. "Jack

Dee." By directing a latter to Cbarl-i Fl-yd Hi nter, Paat Olfo e. Greene County, N. Y., he a 31 hear eouietbiug to hit ad¬vantage.


£«*..) to be *te!*n, a ROOtl Row l!oe', and a large quantity ofarley, in bag*: slio a lotet aecond hand Ga* Pipe and Fix-

turn, or e Mlvei tVetCh, oa. pair Caeiimerc Plate, KubberGoo'i. Snfe Ken, At:., Ac Alao, a boat load ot Wbcat Ca.!at No. 06 Fiauklin it. C. .1. WARREN, Property Clerk.


all placet. Invented and patented by WM. W. AYRK4, It t>. hearen at the Cryatal Palaie. Too public a'- invited to cive it anexamiaation Iti utility ü of great Importance wheu m «.... iiimpni«, and it ii ao. more or I»»«, whei« pond, river or lakewater i* need. The Inventor can be aeen at the P*le< i duringthe Day and Eiveniug. and in the Morning at No. 14 Beekman-«U- New York, O. t. A 1807.

JJoiub ant) Woomo.

ALADY and Of'ltloilf II. or one> or two sinrr]*»Oeatleeata <t^ be » eeounodatedJ with BOARD ana a

pieaiat I BOOM at US Mh-at, a few doori weat of Broidw.iy.PRH ATE FAMILY, iMTiipjiiig the firtt-rlas»Bt -No SlOid-av would LET to a 9d>ntl-man md hit

WtA TUO FI RNISUED FRONT ROOMS on ta- *,-c ,nd¦oori paitlil BOARD fat the Oeutlcuiau, Oa* aLd Fire forA14 per week I i. xeeptionabi. rcfe/ouce will be reqaired.

ALADY, tin..-I., n large and firiely-ftirniahrdHouse, in a deiirable part of Brooklyn, tarei m*uutee'

walk tiom the Ferry. It deairom of takiug a few CHILDRENto BOARD, v.liere they v. i!i receive tbe attention of a motherand all tb" omtortt of a botae Th> re ii a tine achool o;ipnnt»the bouse. 1.... ..-ol Mn. V«. OODHAMS, No. 451 H idaon at,N.w-York._AFEAV detirahlei ROOMS, with BOARD,

may be had at No. IK Kaat lf.ii«'. ..j a th* Ac.domyoi Moiir.

BOARD IN BROOKLYN..APARTMENT*for a family and for one lirme gent.excxa la a fir«t-eli

Houa*. Iihi at Nr. 51 Concord at

BOARDING.At No*. 4">, 47 and 10 East Broad-wav, for Oentlemeu and their Wlvei and for it t 0e*>

tlemen._E. BritJTON.

WITH a whole Lmnim, no i>omlert. and a Terybard Winter chit i:.g. we will SHaltE a 0000 HOU8I

for fair comp.: nit ion, with one or two penor.i. App.y i. No97 Ea.t Jlit it.

Twonses to tel.

TO LET.Two «tnt*vl COTTAGES at Rarptis-wootlwith GROINDS and BTAB/As, omorlte to the

BUamboat Landing of LOWER RAVENSWOOD SUg'ipanevery hoar to Greeopoint, W.:'ii.jnt..rr!: and Bro k.'jn. Applyto J. 9. HARRIS, near the precuieee, ort. HARRIS, M/.l AYA Co., No. 2« Peek ilip.

T'O LET.For Coal-Yurd or )rtor»v»«- of Brieke,M. I.ume*-:, Ac by the mouth, quart- r. veer or !i«uger. theVACANT LOT, No. 54 Worth (lite Antlu. i) -t ) nee- f'b-r. ri¬

tt. Applyto LEON AND S( OTT.No 54 Gold *t.. Of :« Bea. 'i it

TO LET.They ROOMS now occupied br tboNew-York Clearinc Booae, 1^-in* the »uiir« i-cn d -t.<-y ..i'

ho t2 Bro*'wav. extending from Ltuadway IM fe. t u.>ep to

New-*t 24 feet" aride ; iigh'ed front aadrear'aad by * large *ky-light r r termi inquire at rue Cl- irini; H...I-oi, anv ' -t.«i

day, after H a'ceook am. .(_QEOEOj P. LYMAN.

TO LET.N>ar Mtrtle-avetiue Railroad mtis,Eiat Brooklyn, a paatatltae mmty a-V. attic HOFiE,

with cxttn*ion *na beeeaeeati Uo-.d .¦ielg."botucaKi K-nrH»i to lit May next, inquire ut W. Pape'« orlice. cor Mvrtlea ü Etat .'.ia avi. E. k VAN BEIRE'N.

TO LET.A thrr- -efrj HÖTsE ire illr-t-Yt..near 9th av in corxpltte order. The Puialtuia al: made

by our belt city miken, u ill be a'»o told ...r a ri aaotiabl-- price,kor pait.. .'at»auureaa Box MA,Poal-Ol ..

1~0 LET.A d^iraMe HOUSE in Altiii.u-|)5avyf4tiat. Reut low. Ale., FURN I PI'RE for aAi.E.

Apply U FAIRBANKS It Co.No. lk't P.rox..w»y.

l,onsc« anb farm OJantcb.

AN AMERICAN fotmf oma, » prt^tiedftrakn',want* to hlr^ a pr'Juctno k ARM o| f.i or Mi ac:e«. !.i

one j ear fron. Apiil I, rtSt, with privilege of ieaaiug for a oaaa-her ü ycatior k~tn| it *eti*,a- tory to both pan it it; toaay.*r. AdCiaea Tk*Y. I .1-.it ueOtEce.

Ht iL Coline for Quit.


prepare, to tell -b. t "NE MlLl.iON ..V. It L N JREDTUOl bAND At Rl S ot

OHOIOE FARMING LANDS),IN Til At TS OF fOR.V AIRES AND t.'FWARD,bb taae cAxvm aao ar low aiTU ot ;M«ar-r.

Tbc* kaado wer. jrantei! by the Gcrrrament to aia in thecodall cUon of tin Bit_ and a-e araont the richett ar 1 coataVrttll ¦.¦ tne Item Ttiev extend trum tho north eaat andaorta w» '., turcegh the ^ !J :> .t tl.e va:>-, t the extf-nietoi lb, and In. ti<r rrer] v\.iiety t '..mi> ..'..! pr^d ct: .'..*

to. nd le'.we -i thoie pat* U li ot lat tuü. Ehe»nrtheiaOOtltfii L:e ity prairie, iutt taperav A » .th fine gfoeee, aud in the mid¬dle atu iier.. »ritioa* t u'.her prelouiinataa, a.t.-:-jatii4 wi'Jib «. rl prairleg a. op- lag*Tue eUa at«. |g m i- healthy, mild at-t etneMe thai anv -ther

part (I: .4:.-the air (a pure auu bracU.;. v.kJe U«i .4men. . an.) ipiifljti t eaeaOaad »atei aboi ad.

Bitiuie DOiCoellaeXttaaiTely rniaed. aud (iippiiei a cheaplad desilable i aL ben ¦ iunt..!n dat i-.aty pc.nta at .-' a i *1per !¦ a, aud Wood rm 1*. had a' the tart e rate n» 1 -J.

Bjilui-i,- b: '..e oi excellent uuality a ao *)e .ndi. wh.uh can

be gaoeuted |. r * U't' man '^»n ihe Mpaaea oi 'raiuportat;. u.

1 erei* fertility 01" thei* land*, wb'ci. ar. black rtch moldfrom I» o to hve feet deep, and icn'ly r dliag. the.: teatlaalttto thia Read, by whi. bevery lacUtty it feraiabedrbr trai t tadIraaaaartatkaa to the attBeipel ¦arhett North | u Eattand\\ t.»t, *'.: tnr ececomy with »rhiththe, caube ultlvatet. re a

der Item the moat tali.able laveatment that eon be ton- d. an t

araaeat theaaoal t avorab .e of^ortoait) lot pereost at Metut 11 Aabita a: d «mal. ai*ain to a | brae wUbrtahlaiada-pea lence in a t**r year*.Chic*', ifj wtl.e errate«! era':-' ¦fltfcet b th* wot. 1; a-id

the facility «!>' tt onomy vita v. ai» h tkt proojcta t.f tbo» laadiown be tiau*p>.rted !5 th- mvrket rruk" laem BMk u more pteEttMe,at th .}..!. »<ked. tbr.L tb. «e i»k re :eni..> *: (*. reiumeutrate*.aa tec addrtioual coat »f lieiiajwiiieHoe 1. » p 'pet al taxon the littet, a b Matt be borne by th* Beo4aOet, la tBOg*>tHiord price tie recekrOt fr>t hi* grain, k-The ti:;. i* p. if t. ar.d wbe.-. the Laa! parmerti a-> nie,

deeliir- t» tej ot the Tr:.:e»> app.'r >ab' the State, andia whum the t't'e '.. veit. d. t.- t.ie p r aaeera. veiiicb .enveyte »lein ab», i-.t tit'e is 1*» .iruv-.-, frnc atid cleat cl <-\ ry 1-

nibran. .-. Mea or n-oitgaa*. a


t*titi ?tx c. xt wan *t aaaagrrr.0 ra^>i im caio rran» id citgt,

Tboaawbop'.rihaeeon le«| rj'getl t'»e Deleoaayahtr Wtwj.tki.-.fii- ; v «-.«.a vea-< aftei da'e ml. i a:- ,-. mat mi . Iprcve on« t.rtb anaru.,'.y f ,. f \, tea'*, ao a. fx* aave one-hauTthe and n.-vdar crj'.ivatl.r a; end ..:' that Ca..Competen-Bi :r<>crt w.fl . ..mpatv tho»* a oa wial Uttt

aaimet..... .lafreeof can t- .. .1 mttkii .-.

tlr »

Toe I.a..d« tenia:rj:.g oa* ..i ar-«* r _ and ia! ante a* tbeva*vllil. have brea diapoawd oC

IStlHOaali vaeiat'l b-l-at *e a.y nt. ah a-.. 1 ..... tj |n p. .'a'setftfa. etrdl aaoke ee patapwlet* cootafailag atenaa iatieatatof ai.cceeiful lir-ne^-, antue.t by Ttera.dab> and a>il-i...tanrc-i 'Jvitc ;n trie :-jgLb. rbo 1 ot r.. Bai road Lanc»tbfjugU t»heS'.». a*o tn» t,«! ¦..( 1.1.1pi r ,t:'-.xpenaccf fcaret-itiat. th.oic.ti Ac ot an- tt e- taforaitu.aw iil^e cheerfo.i) fWt I . apt It' at u »Ith. per« oaUy b.letter ia Erjtlub. ret at Oeetaat, aidr^n, |a

JOHN W IL*ON. I . j 11 n ... (theII 'c,v Cat .«! RaAreed Caaaaaay.

Ofl b '¦. .ri>:a te5'"*' R*^.:o*4 I»ep.t. OOA ego Ui.

F"( R ?717E^^l^"t:furi!Öii'Nr!:Y _BST-DENCl r en j* I rabeekChr Wea-Jataey

i.gloArrea <.' LAND .0 fc-«t raly trde« Beeke, »n

Oatl »1 t>itv<ei ate t^ IF UI be ;rh*aui*t f*rago ' Ki.ia lr Fi wttt-i. Fear« * lob». Arg». ItJOttN Ar*DIU ws, Nj- 1 ty. t« .. ry i-|iVj Nt. a. -2 *J«»7

DKUONTTi'T, BTJBTJIBAJf RlUIDElfCflFOB fäl t -Ort of nhe p.eaMrtaat if :f* »..'

1 .«k la e i\.-d ruftii. C -r t Ou*i u ^fWMJOt r**>!-*' .>.

U Strata*, hj to» wii'W '.f tri* Uta . wbe trult. taa

¦on>otr>d «<ii. tc i ,t »k».i t»» aarAaa, aa i»I aed*¦ ¦ '-.

vf grovtid. i'mHwi «f >irnf (j{ , .urt» it will « . >id twbeicew aoct Tne hoate. th-jg:-*.n tae a. KMl f j rflMfB, Itfaatriebac' with (ii ia<; »mbo.-arod a ate.1- aa 1 tit-far*. Itka> ernale reeaa and la weti hir-..Lan. ar.d pat af the f.rrattar*tan Be Bad arid -.o« bona*, and ».,«.... r.a aa > a aa deatrad.Herf er mrra cf tit Mahaaa p- ia«f rmni aa mrrtgie*.Artdraaa Mra CLARISSA 3'l \ taanfird. C«bu._GENTEEL RESIDENCES far TÖüIäB.ROOtttKKtTl -r-r aLE,aar* Bin¦u»bmFreed

V» Si.rjan.. rie-.:oent DVV/.LL'N''! Ilm 'Ki a'.Bbxj t a i» aba lUr Hunte« at . «", raj. 1 aa Ht taa are o- *; bu'ltId m<4»n witheaaxttyardabifr<»ci:awa.bath and watertore nbaed taa iou«ee; bmratr«aeaaraalafarg -jteel farai''eajaad reejatifaa, aarat BeeeeaaaaälaaaM To« II araaa ere worth47 V".' Ii-, ,_. », 'f (nr'tar-. Apple_BENEDICT b coiT, Ma. UBaawBWat>,eat Pine.

HOMES ft* MnORANTS..Ttat %U%tm)j*k!. w prepared f furniab, ha any jo...-;!¦ iea tr l

Lttvtcree good ixrruizt ted granai LAN Ja la Wtaataara Vir-prf« mithin IJor'.S bout of Cartta i Wathi /. n u.JwrtLla a bo .ra of PiiUd.-iVola or N -w t ib. Iba btad liter-t'le aad we[J tlmhe-.d. the tllca'. a a-:ty Bad ¦ - ''-.:

.t-e^g) .-»o b- orettaarCy »irt*re4 wi'a aery St) .... favor-alii. aaaeraatwil -u t T~- f * - ¦" bj attantaa:- f. ier.i.j « i;.e tnoreuei t aid w*L »*«.. t->* -,---'! 1 -

alii ¦atdeaard Tfcgliita ¦ iIiuaie Th ;.n<.« » :i be eeid to the6r«t e i'U-eta «Jb.. ..iui; of WM Baatea, for »1 23 net

«era-, oo.efo.oTtb down, ar.u lu-r^eid i" la or e. t r ai l threeyeeara » In Mil >ee.t t Hat rat. ' BBf i M !. *of fttl et

BaitbrrtMn inqoure at the oftea No _ Naaaai . . r. -itt-aU,aapnaata tbePoat^yflce. JOHN*' I'lOKit VOfiO,

8< ererary Err.igraj t «\id and Honeatead ( o r: tany.

lÄrATr.P ^OWER, S5 or wlthont pacto-f T Rl r.S. f, r BALE and to LET. at ."iaÄeawan. N. T.. 4aoarafroB Near Pork. Ii'; dfa a: N '2 C jrt-iad: at or to

I B. tCHEM "E, .ateat. MatteAWta. N. V.


Abeaüttjtl Ukl rap:.l 171 a 01r '-. ips

Dr»w>Lg tru P»" ting f." 3> Nat --r gbt.tt H«nr., b| ttaavaltbor, 8. Vr*eoäi, Jr. "Mitp'.' -'li!eaw li ao-iio do rrea.it to rotcraa artirta." I.'>* C>J3ji^--*-

LO.N/.O l-LaCK. A. M., Pnorital of Rl'D-BON RIV1.E INSTITUTION, at CLAi'EHACE, N'. T^

« Board and Tuition for A12" a year.

BOVS Bf>ARDING-«SClff)OL, at i.ittl<> Party,Be»gen Co nine müet from rliboh-«, N J - Tola leb »A

it (-tutted cm a 'arr» farm, and poaaewa th» beneStt of a e-^n.

fi rtahte country home. Number of pip'.la limit. J to ffte«-n.Nutttenn eomn.enc-tOet.ai. Board. Tuition. W'aahing, Ao.trrm w:.t> to f UM p r yar. Per Cir-ultra, with pair .nt at

ref< rencea, audreea_AB \\IS\TT. Prfa.'pti.

BOYS' BOARDING school »t ne'v-ROf HBLLl qajart < <t a ru.e fr,.rn the Dep- t -Tbe Pall

tiwan of thta Sehr oi c mnu nea«l tbe 7th Sept. rata. Papua arerecaaited at ar.y tau-a jwyin; frwri tb» d'te ..f e.

R I. .ii EWOOD, Prjv-iptL

BT)f HkM<]rEI'I INgTÄ oTat H \lkPRK E. ta rail the t'.rc.a-Mr. »OLBEAK He O?

Broaiiway. Will receive piivr.tr- pnpili THIS OAV and UNINO at ciily a> lö for a full commercial oocrte in Brvk keepingand VVrttir g. Stod.-nta pratticaily preitrad f >r briainea-..Wiee j*op!e wi!i p;. rare f.t bu'-lneta wl; '.. n i»ir:»at it dull.

COMMERCIAL sod CLASSIC \L SClOOLNo. 7S Heij-r-K ia op^n fur the reeetrti' I at J" [Alt 01 all

errat SOLOMON jenm1r A M Principal.PP.MALE DEBARTMENT No. IliEaat Br aidway.


COTTAGE hill ßEMLVÄRY fur y0l7n0LADIES. Poutbke.pt>, N Y Pr f. MILOP. JE^VETT,

A M.. Prinzipal blJ Proprietor..Tb. nei*. a-.a>o.i I BBaaaMBI>n toe Ith of S. r.t. mber. Pupllt '.Iroked to So- one '-aif boird->ra; profettOTt. les tnrert and tea.lb) rt, I f01 BBbkVagatl withfull partim'art adureaa tie PrLo IpaL

I'^OR'I I'LAJN SEML\ARY.^ViDtt?r Teno, 14weekt op.-nt Nov. 17. Oentieman M'iti Taaebi i P.

»30 19 Addreaa for circular! tbe Eer. J. h. laATIMElt,A. M.^-.rt Plain N. Y._FRENCH 1N8TITDTH for YOUNG LADIES.

-Madame RERIHaR'S > rer.'A, Englith an 1 Spa- .

B<*rditg add Day School for Young Ladlet. No 183 M....at., between Blat and 02d-ttt.. itv,p< -,ed S-pt 15. Fltimlaia,with rcf.rr::!. ¦ an be had at the uatatada). A pt.rat" oruai-bua cailt fr r [


BCHOOL, No. WJ Br.adr.a7, entrance la 21tt-tt The newterm beflrt Si ptneber 7. Pupilt are prepared for col'ege or

the Th/'te >. tw.-on the aget of i'.x at.] *en artander tbecarr of a fer alo t< achur. Tbe Gymnaaiuci It ' pen *oall it partn entt. Clrcailin may be obtalaec at the f aool rooaiaandatth. li 1^.-aw u Son. T. Crowes, todC. B. PraaM ha_GEO. C. ANTH0N-» CLASSICAL FltENCII

and ENGLISH SCHOOL No 172 Bnadwey, craer of18VB-a» reopei t Sept. 7. »L» Atllttant Teachert and a Tea iierof OymLutict Leamnt at far at p >ttibie taugiit ia ScbovLThere la a Primary Department for Boye of from ilus y.-art-Cirriiart may be hid at tb» School, at No. US 24 ar., and atRai .; . lanbggrtTa, No b Broadway.

IRVING INSTITirTE, TARKYTO'VVN, N. Y .A laiect Boardln. 8. iool frr Br,yt.-The Thirty eighth Svfnl-

AiuiiibI Settton will commence on WEDNESDAY, Nov.-u.ie. r

4, 1BÖ7. Ci/iulart may be obtslm-.i of

_DAVID S. ROWT, Prin-lpaLOUNT washington collegiateHIGH SCHOOL, un Waabii r'.Tj-a. ar- No Rh-at,

iorr.it of Mtvionta! «t. (CI.aRAE and PANNINO Pnnm-paiaI, opered i'a K:!*.e<-_tli Rr-ad-rj...- Vrar on tbe Itto of S..p.Mbaat. PtrfMaaf all atea, to tfc'- niimber «f 2t*. are :. rivedlt. lt.. I. r. Mi l ' " an S.-:iior ....r«-.meiUa. e*d thor- -ithly|net:r.e;eU (or bneir.eai or C->ileue b> twelve a .ifiplial. -d andrxp. rieaei Prolcator« and Teach, ra Pa'.-nta are invited toviatt thlt inttitntion, wh. re inte:vlewa wlti, tbe PrtneipJ, andce;t'.< ret I i-n't, Ac., may tr, obtalued. A fi-w n»ji a of itepi. a. at patn na ate rrferrt d to:

The IU r. Cro Y< l r«, D D..The 1!< n W M F. Ilirr.vrv:.t,Tbe H on Hexav E. Davuma'r Loi u E Hati ava,Mr P. lt. Taia or r.Mr.Tti aail-n Ki rcaaa,

asd'lie boidrtd < t bei pr..f-.ai«.ual »eiitleme- irid ruer hiita,wb. ae naa u. ba fn i ¦ the at»Uy^e._

YSTIC HAIaL .SEMINARY fur YOUNGLADIES In a IdRton CaiUthen-.. t. Dancing, Hoiaobark

Ri.lUa. A .»'-ing-.e may be bad o! toe Princ.pal. Box, Bot-lou. Mart.

Will, BLNGHAM"8 SCHOOL (Bil>l« HotHB,1*1 dan Clatika) Gymriarlnm) will he BBOMaaad a

WEDNESDAY. Sept 9. Th- naaib-r will be, at heretofore,atrU-tiy Uattti .1 la tw.-utr Ta aa] Men Prorltl m I» alto madelor tb» aaarie r.auiber of .i.i-.'tei Roya in a Junior Cleat SperojBite:.*.:' ia giwu to the nf.iui of randidatakt for Harvard a JYale {'< Mctet. Freii- b and German are ui^b* br in'i»; .. aeb*era. M- B cin'ma t.iat hit a. hool ia the oett ot ita k.uJ m theolfy, : -d Inir"ee examlaa'.ion._

AWSON-SQl'ARE COLLEGIATE INSTT-Tl tr.. No. KS Biuedway, im [vii»i Bapi, M, Maaata.

LYON and F.AP.i:!'., raeetrtly a- iciatad vr-.ii Mr. Grant,iaeeeeai bim at Pnncina'.a. Tbe one beini a graduate of Yaie,and tbe other of the Ur.lve"!tiet f B'-riin and Parit and bothiäaag iiptabrmnil lattmi t their .nicii i-.mbi.ea the adrant-age. i Ai:..--ira' and X rnfaraai afetaeaaaf trarrrlad Per cdrata*kvt «r.p'j at r. v. .



gai at., otaeg »;h .t .Eagdhab btancnet taught oy ta j IngHta-¦»«¦_


DAY, S.pt. \ \ at No .Stn-av c r r.| Mat a'..

t5Lar1s1än French by de launay of Pari«1 \<<.K (!; kdvraj). R"f Prof H DrUler a:.lU M Brvr.Ciar't A Faaalaf, Panaat 1 u a-ki-cboa, 4c, in waoaef». a -.itbe Lat :a i^:._

School and HOME El*1 "cation..Ervnch_ ai d En/Hab Ciaaakal and Com aer ial BOARDING andDaY BOHOOI wRh btrgt Plawoaaad anal Ormr.aa: im et-?a" eo |7 -\r.j iS Weal ^>th it., betwe. n Br>avdway and 8*4-a*.Mr. LOUIS EP.N8T tak-a ciatrae of a Umit.d aamb«r of Boy«.

Scientific »ud military iNSTmrrE,Perth Atnt-y, N. J.-Th- Rar ELIAS S hCHhiNCK. A.

M., Prinr.rv.; tie Rer. J. H. V AN COURT, A. m Attoeiato.Vt inta-r Tern, »D.oeccea on MONDAY. Nor. 2. For circalartoi lafianattlnn aaidreta the Pr.i cipal by mail, or at Woa. Hall 4on"a Ki-. 2b? Brcacwty.

Stu \ ve8ant-8<t}uare school, No. g]l nat i*tii at tafng aaoi facaLti«» to paranta f.ir toe odn.t-

tli i. : - ._ 11 TV.'.ii A »I.

THE bedgwick in8t1tute, liK-atM~inGreat Banlcgton, B< rka! t.. Ca n:v. M&aa. t a lap rr-e

paaMally heaitt.v .; Sa-w it.fa:, recelv.a Twenty Boya acdfamiaL a INSTRliTloN ta aJ tae braacbet taught ia outbeet i\ I« .»'.«. No extended n-.U.e hi t il.ed for. at naret-'.a a. joataeanl leltaatlBi Icaaaaia. aa al thouid be. wirj uot bah%itly to dwdde from an,.:- a '.ver.ieesiec?. fjaw Ibtaa xaaml-.f»r».r, be fail her. that Co boy who ts kn .w. ii h»\ e.on'..a. t. 1 ' e r ibtl BatB| profau« or ra'/ar iaugaagv or oftob-r- .. il axT A^rn can be r--eived.Tbe N r XT ÜESRION wRI OPEN aa tne FIRST WED¬

NESDAY to NOVEMBER. Oh tr, ... ... aarlwu. be promptly tteafctbe '. by adtr-aa.a.' toe Prin lpaj* V JAMES SED«. t\ it it. hf A Pi j-'pal.


1 Eatt iii-«t, that b. ute from at.

THE REV. D.C. fan NORMAN (late Princi-pi «.fBi tgeti F-r-iaie lattitute) rrrarrttnori to racadae

Bc*.-o;'. i a-id Diy Pupilal n hit lna-.it :te ;or Yca.ng frkfira. atNi. W i'a.t ij l-it., near Un4a S., [t , p;be ctutnc. i f)> p- nto-a. r wrVAr-i a; pi- at.o»_

Iahe ININTRSIIT G&.VMMAR school,-a -.i z Prlaiary,Coasaw r.-ia. asdCiataica: Depaf

i.x, w...-: '_ISAAC TERMS, CLt-i-.-..»r.

TAKE YTOW N INSTI rDTE.-Tba WuHer7. mr .ctrmf3fea c.- tae PIRST MONDAY la NOVEM¬

BER C'renlan .'.'. t'imi.retire . a .. .«3 be obta'jtodMl . Bo hat.-e^ Sto taI Naaaaa at., up auira,

New V. rk. m bb trraai- .' A NF. v» M AN. \ M, ftiawbatj.A aw _ A QOOD ELANDWRITrNG TAUGHTrJJaF. a>.^ m Tta Leteoc» ol . ,,

c-a-r .-- t:t..d t-. .«tf f nra:. >« .0« .:. 1 .« <K .V. e«ttyf'Ti liialtg d»y a-a ...nont lirina. 4f. fat tthtraat<i. m . i;."t-ctCa'da t part art arav I. had a' thercaaaa. Mo. US DrraauwBy oIUi-rr O'h.DSM

Pi ..oi rbe Ne. Yore C«axrl<ras4 Enimrer"TbeCa.'< aphe A " a much r ore irna^rnant |.. ma-Vi-d

tetLit'.gr na. ,i [-«ederrd aid Mr. Ot.tliu.iia n.,/ v-ryv »1. . .iun la be r- calda rad at Rt bead "

Fn ra TU !-"t«* Jourot'.. June V¦1- t,, pr-feetirc there it a :». c«nirt .t ieaci.« rat- -.¦

. h.. r, ¦JSaaaaa bt »a>gdaTad tbataral n, -aia . hi q<ea>' AJt* a t-e<. at >f We,t! .g Ol. a er 11.GarJ^.ifii» It that t.Uyn- m -<-t i- t . -a. ».

cat'. J c-.J .t L «r-l,,»*^'a

\\'M H i.vncYTT* CLASSICAL FRENCHIf mat i KOIl»H tCHt> IIa H *Btatlwtf.eecMret

it*... m wm* 11 «i d Sea* 7 a«-**«. I la*tn bm» M««*nMm D 'Ot»tt 0*iIk>4m m4 Cm a Otmmmmub i« h

mHm< P..«-i¦ r - «| n». tU mm ..Uiv Cuigt J ¦ || 11 tfr-jadway.

HP A N '.: !..A Aufm bj a Germm fWBfgLwi . i i German PIANO, i>R» flM

.»! EMBROlDFRY In a.. Am* iia It... ly tilaT mm) MlI - thea i ticaeiat mb>. Addrea* M-»i KLÜTJ. No- 0

City Hall pif

^iTr_| i-OR IG Wl'Tl'LN'. LFSSoMS-V. .with . r Mphra lg«t»Matte,»tm ImmmttMBwtMMej MM BM M . I T Brrr»felaMMHf MMtft. ..tu.- belt .*> rt * tt MlN> f* tCADRMl Ei,Ho «J Bowery . c Na I lit i .. Br -.*'»¦ At % «ei*«-d:d p. caij a 4 t_U N * a»r. C-ol t*»ir<- hee sot pa* M

M w,. -\ n*w.

Danring ^caocmics.


R._ I.tt MON ." O.s'I-. PLACE BRilOelLYN.N ' V rl C.1 ~-e l »V *dr;e»d«y« and K--.tu.-_y*Kmot'yt Cle**e* a Motrtay* tad Tbunday* or T"e*d*yi

and Fricayi.tVi t.) Aaaemhii'i for Led-iaod r,.r.'l*xen at both eetab-lu-enec»» f r piv U .* I i. O-rmac Cot..-loo «cd a], other ilmni.

»I i-'-^ly Sour** tot Car Iren ami Par-ota.Mr. DODWORTH. C .^ln« fcoin tb«-pe«t two yean'»tp*ri

j' m is the MUmmiat Ab C*mr aad All tQBMb lie a.a of mm eerrke In devriopirf iracefal nor*MMtt aad baatarhai th* atyla of mit 9 pu wit contiao* thepttetlMj of tAoaa »nd mmmm ~ac»f.: .die*. Amoat otheruovelt'i . P" *. i ..l a tour of vteervation tarourhFrance. O-rman . inj Entuuid, wi r>- ii^rodaeed the Maaarka,b ten C.i ..«. adapted for ;hr Maiaj leei-n by the A**cciatt-otl T tehee* 11 PariaFor CI i'ar- .f terrat. A' , apply at either of the Aeademiaa.

FT BEB O r~DkSCD;Q~AC\DEMiE&~No. 3i Weak ill tA. New Tort.Na iJtOioton.it, Brooklyn.

M-a DIHRECL FRBBFRO and FDWARB rCIRBRO, -^lA i_, aBM eace that tn#r wtll open ta»ir AAmImIn 1

_. arlaa day* Ne« Y< rk rn tna Jbta ot October, andIl...'k.) t en trie l*th of Oiv.b^r. at p mThi 1. How.at ai* Duoe« r w <n vr^nx afl the Coctlnent.

ni h 1:.trr.au ei dnrir.a the brat Q iailer: Idti Livcirai LaH.asar.sa L Ecotnitt. 'irtiit, L'Oair'.rtL and the M »

nt DB Li Cooa (t»-.Ae«aa'l Eeern-./ G,mt mm '.r

Oct. 11 N. B..P ptn vd j.. at tay tine.tAe Qaar« r coia-t w ( the day tt eutry. Ctrcuiara at tee A ».t. a: -a

VifALETITriTÄTGH TEK" "D^a^TXGa ri.ArlnFt -ii) rcanm^Ce. it N<». 9H vA ti« b a»

BW-Yotk,iBTCBSDAY. Oet 13, and it Coihi Ha... Iba149 and ill Atari aat B-.-oklyn. M MONDAY, wlct. It fmtpartimlara. i*e etrroiar*. to be had m ah-*re. Prtrate ladHM|.» -o at No. It) 9th ar.. New Y- rk.

IJiano-fortce auö itlnsic.

AGREAT SAi RU N E..A «np*rb <ir*l eU-twtl. jr r'und eomen d 7 erteve.roiew.>.>d PIANO lor SALE,

f nUbe i in tree' »ty as ) »pieLdor by 1 eelehrat'd *irm of th:irtth Btfai .-nt peail key*, ipiead..!' w e, leaawiraadltB

rich de*Un; perfect thre'ithout.mide tor the owner etpre**lr.tr.4 »arrtottd two Tti'i .rom June Int. C*Wt AcitO: price.Sy.aa abwl'it i. .ream App'y. after? a m at No. aTt 6thit , rear 4' th »:. N B.Hat peekirg ca»» and rich ttool, Badt» iO L- made bu nject if pur< hated imme il«>iy.


Bl'Rib. N .. ATI |:r a. It, t-«p- t6tlit invite tttTBtiitB Mtheir PIANO-FORT! I rncted with the pateut ABCH-K. IT PLANK, wkieh b HtdaaBtadtp the m mi aoBBBMtiB] lm-prGvenu nt ever uitro.i «*e,l into tl.i* popular ibitrumeot.

C^OLD MEDAIi PIANOS.-sTEiXWAY A* EONS, Nj*. ttaadM Wat.T It, near Broadway, New-

York, manurVturer* of Urand and Sijaare PIANOH wiu PateotRi pet.ticn AitkD, h*ve '«i»n the pint PTbmAbm iver 'a"ie ofthe hc*t maker* ot Bo.u n. New York, PhUad 'pl.ia BBjd Balti¬more, mvm the indeet vrera

Ol ITBCHALK MABON AND WOLLF.NHALTP.P. ajTW.teJ ttTly b.r th-rr yeari. Pricei moderate

IANO-FORTES aod MELOÜEuNS, m pltiuaad arv'd caaea, to RKNT. at low rate«, and rent auplie.i,

,f P.,rchi..el >>* ¦ T «.(|RI)(IN. 2*7 Br aJway

RAVEN. RAC'ON «V Co. (*uo-e«e«.ri t«» H«.?..na Rav-n), PIANO-FORTE MAN! FACTL'RtlRB.

Wniir. nm, No Ii'. OlBAd <* at ar Broadway; whero a f'.'.laak.rtmeLt of INUTRCMF.NYS may be f.nini etolnilvely ofour > v>"n maaofcv tnre. wari vite.l in every ri'ipect.

GILBERT & Co. s FI.VJSO-I ORTES.. Oily Warer.om* i.i RaW'Yerk, Mo* 4,land Ul Br..a.i-

Btay, CCra r of Cai ii «t Thea« luttnimeiit*. with thn NewAetl ¦ ir.i S. all- tttefymtredaaed, maka theta equal in evryre,pert <;t net *:.per .t> to any Plan.'t man-ifai 'are! in theworld. New iPiaeoi to RENT, and rent allowed u par naeed.



COTTON MACHINERY for SALE.-110 |-LOOMS, with the pT-para-l M .-: a mueb of it

Beatiy new. laqaire at 92 I -rtiv it It of d. 0. SCITsilNCK.

Matteawan steam engines, machin-USt» TOOLS, and Cotton, W.. ..en and all klada a

MACHINERY and CASTINU9, at No. 83 Conrtland^tt.

wdwortupla^EKSatMAJTRAWÄTAC Y., aad Na 6i dura* ft .N»rfitf

_BVkMVP.fc aTlfeHlWC.

Cntlcrt}, <5aiötößrf ano Jron.

CUTLERY, PLATED WARE, tkc.-Ame-'. wii aad Ei^lUA Ivory-HandleA

RK1VF8 and FORKS Kn». niy Beef and 0BBt CarveraTable IinIi, tl-..-. ate'..i F»rk«, Spoon*. C*etera, An.:

Jae«~ed Tea Trayi aat Waitera ia treat vaiinty, aad a Lanriaaanrtm_ I

HOrfE-PTRNISHINO HARDWARC.Per ml* by CI1A8 fl little A Co. Ka cv< lH"» i>

MOUNT FOPE CTJT NAILS, rudti-at entire ft_new worka, with i^o^nor rcaoAlnory Then era ue bet

_lOMM 4T QL'INCT No. M WBBa-n-aL

O'-er Nail* in market. AaeaeT,


AMES «1 80ir^If3VELS~aQd SPAJIES-a Wm «a e by JOHN W. CH INCT, No . W. Uam

S~"?EI tfr, ANTIMONY, BANCA tin, cuiWAILB-For Mje by JOHN W. OU1NC Y. 9t WUdam at

T~})\. PRESIDENT' COOKING STGVK.-Ti>Empire Tai.or IDiter. with the Urjeit aad)beateteer-,

meat rf Stive, in tbe It] lor SALK verv let* >y WILLIAMCLARKE, No. UCirmiv ,t. md No doDlludem it.

OMAÖ pig irT)N.Soft, freNi, atroof. %mia warranted aab*tita> for Beei -fa PU

JAHN W QlINCY. N« M Wailav-atT?(Toparitaioiiip Notices.

DISSOLUTION ot PARTNERSHIP. . Tmcopartnerbhip hi tcdbfi thtiafbetwaea the a«b-

u ribrta, undr the ttmv of J. ii. COLTON t d, l< berebyOlS.MiLN ED Toe U.i.i . r.- i

5r Me.ir U. (iEO W. »ri CHAS. B. COLTON, whoone a.at lib rty to me the t ime mi the late urm, aid th--mm ire at lit* rtv ll* to BtllllllB tho bi.llm «t under ttl'tor^-.i Btene ol J. D. COLT.iN i C


New York. Btft ''. Ufl_cii \8 B. COLTON.

11E~*<'OPABTNEBSHIP mermykn ammtbetw-e' tbe n.b*. rtlet* under :!... firm of C. P SANOER

A SON, i« tait dav .in. >iv. J, th* teeter partner retlrir.« fr ¦m

beiii«-» T!..-a*»ti : f - t. w. '.. .. f.lea jj OEOR'iciJ. IANGEI V BROTrtER, at No. 151 1* arl at.

t P IANOEB.KNew V -a Oet 3,1157. DBOEOI J- lANOEJL

FORMATION OF COPAETNEBSHIP.The iiadcraiated bate tbl* day formed a ilr.partuer-.hip ir. !. r

the tirri ef OEO J SANOER A BROTiiFR. and will chi-

S . the in.'iortiD; and küu.jtii.t':rint oi STRAW ooxjd3,at No. MO Pearl »t, OEO I IANGEKNew Y. rkpOet t, tIM CHAR LEI P. SANOER.

Professional Kotire«.


of The Scalpel baa lately eitabliahed a ipacioui Privat» H-npilaliuot.eol th-moat el-gatt and healthful part* of the city,and farniab>'d it with ever; i-omfort ot doumtis l:f><, for th*re> rptlon f thi *c p»;i. n:» wl. reuij.r. MMBtAvBa or pro l<.

lart'iilav sou..e. ErMtyeaMaftadacial« R.f m

Pile, aao Prrlapin* .,f the Re. r.m. and mmb caaea ad fmt ¦'¦%can be cur. J by a pn> .. nn j .»; :j« patient may.enetalty r>-f^m hrm-. the »*tue jay th ippik-iti-ja i« uiad.The cue i« ibvanit. y vrairact. J, if the cav- be undertaken b\Mi. DIXoN, at i cat f-i »xtarBfldiM tlwaai p.-.»en.i ta-

neceiaa. .¦ »titn« at lucua or failure, by aii Improvedluethoa at *jm rattna-Tb'te i an be lo (renter drair. upon th- life p«,wei than t.:.

lite, t.oa*; tr-at numb. r« of pcraoni are ic«. >. j»ly r-J i id bythwm. till c.iui-rr.pt:. . - i. -aen tftoy aru

ahamdlv t Id ¦':»:'- P.lei Fi»t It. -r ri. .nm-l tti- ft »w.-ltAaadiawe the irritation tro... the lern, in rn.*erv*d life, mtthat it will Bet an«w*r ti .-are the diaeaae! No! It Wear* »'it

¦JmUAt by IibenellM md tlay* it* to ,.:-»*. It v-..r!y OeMBBmb> ri are o< w eaioytit health, who. b it tor IbAt operati.o,wcIj be.»e b-er. ia the ftm

[,:??.. m .' V a^die S t. B. -. N-. :. . P- .' Or? «. Per.ceil appcicatiom at Or DIXON*- raaiJea.-e, No. 42 tth-av..belw. -i. lotl; tad lltb-*t« Offer bo-irt for r*n*ral nmbb.!i.m. treat. b I .-.ocmei. ' tal duly Mid 1 to f»*Team<i A"

illet r-i hoart he ia at the Hoepital. aad cann"t l *

ma- ~¦ -¦¦s-*~~~h...

Painis, (Pils, (glass, t^c.IT E R 0 S E N E OIL S .

SPiiClAl. NOTIC"..

TRE EKR09ENE OIL COMPANT ¦AeeeMt to th-'r¦ «e ¦. ir.i e> i-. n.. n. that they have a... vtreJ a pro. bywb. t ul L'NPLEAS.ANT ODOR U enuraly rem ved frimlr:"" KFROSENE I. VMP FOR THE MILLION.TV bii^cr id tti lama, at a ithiAt eapeaie, can be attached

to bb] ordinary lamp, and ojrr.i at aa **p> :i»e ot ona qiart-.-r ofere tt r r h.ur, »cd f.ve* th* Itjkt '.f thre» candle*.aa p:. car, be MwB at th. < tBi-e aad a: tue Crvatai Palace.L.-a. mymmm wv.k arMtaatee rtact* mmbMam < u app'.iea-

Mae to _ AUSTEN?.General * '..

No Jo Bearer *4.. N. Y.

RBfllED I.aKi OIL, for BtirniiMi 400 aaa,-.a.r»>«y free from «-.m bomi brttntiy. doe* not ar.« the

«tat Ala.- COB I'EN PCRE TALLOW OTL, wan'oh wfta- v,wn. « «ade c. de* w«*4b*r aad bsraa we'd *Bt

-ar.V-1 .* «Kit. Aarr-.i ¦*¦' 'X pain-aa Onjy^Ajteat.JOMN W. ULINCr, Mo « ->"t .« et.


U'ARTEJtl.V EE POUT M i- BROADWAY "A UK.Hi I * I1 EU A f, ItM *-id.y «f S'p.*ba*,

RESOURCE ...viLoaeatH O'Ko-JiU).* '. 4 BJ

o«e-:.-»..«.......,gDn-from Kenkt., .aiVV

u Oirtctonaf t;.« Bit«.n. «J hetate. 1

¦Mtir^ ..lrt.it» «.Caau -to. «it.: Pt^ kt

la Eav hAcae*. 1 IvtT, II ,k m 1,1p. .WMraaatBttS.jjjjj».£ üLm^.i|*l« . S.t>ai

T jVtl.?J.sar.iii «LIABILITIES.r*p.ui..^.^yimm*CtrewluJoa tr»ui. r. j._

I--;,:-. tnntt... «.,...M eto Bank. «.< »[i ;.p>*lt(.f.. .¦. and... l.llt '.-'

AmouLt due aat M nder e.tiier of theefcove'uee. ..uup*. i.aidealt.. V>t PO

TV»«J.t«Starr of .Vnr-E, ri. Ch* '» ' rtttt EVA tt:.ER INCM A

PAIJ»IER. Pr-M< rttt txJjoHNL E > ERITT. Caahier ot theBROADWAY BANK, t Bentm Ai«o<-i«tion. located and

d-,ni b-.in-a« in N-w York, in taft County, Wnj duly and»..iL.'i»i.rL . ~:rc-elt tiuth. teat the fore^rdai Ii. In

t.l rrtprett, t true atata meet at the BOaadfchaa of the ttid Ban.,bt'.rr 'be trt:.»trtioa of any bntieeea on to. tnoiaiat aa Mldty th 26tL dt> ->f September, 1*'" la retg-r. t to a 'i tn-i

every <! "a.- ....rot »td pertV-ilan above «gas iried «.ordlng to

tte beat ot hi* know!, die and bV.ief, «cd that the bueWea oftt e taid Back la. b--ru tnd i» tianaiftrd at the locatiaan «for»ami. (Sagaedl V \ PALMER. Pretddeni.

J L EVERITT. Caeh er.

lavan j* awirfhtdaada^ratR by botu depoueati, the ttbday of O U ber. I«ff .

(Sign.-.'. Matthias llavrv. f.imo t-ioner of D^eJt

KÄSSkV BANK..0CARTEELY EEl'ORT11 rt Si^ll BANK, oa Sat jrdty, the Jith day ofServmber |t"T;

RE.-OURCES.L'ara and D'.« aeatl.BWÄ41S 4.Overdraft*. **' ¦Ducfrc :> rtknkt. We** ¦»

Due l-om the Dire.t )r«. t the Baak.*jtJ.oA'K «I Eatafe. ITS 9.1 II

Sr..|e. 154/*.* ÜCaib I tern i. vtl Cb<~ k< and Sujht Dratta on Bat-vent Btnka, uk. L ha the courts of the .lay preVtaMaeeee...

Stockt.Dil.« of aatvaat Btukt.Lot. aud Exp. aaa Reaanad.

I «..i,*k:,T»J iw(.'ABILITIES.

Ctpittl... .M. .979.*k) oo

Cireniatioti He«>ter»d.V>1i.e.* Hotaa on bind. &.a*<.rTOatProfjr. dlrttt MDue to Btnkt. 174,"«» TfDoe to li.dirid..alt a:id Corporation» other thin

Bank. KT»' «7[>¦.. Dep<'«tt< r» ndemind.597 74a IIAmount dne, not baadodad lcder either of theabcva bttdi, lor Dividend« unclaimed.. 1.1W rt)

Total.?! 9rti TIS 8aSfofe .Vne York. Co« .fy ¦>/ \r>c York u .HAMILTON

BLYDEMBUEOB, Pi - t,aad E A TOOKKR. Caahiatot*the Nataeo Bank, an Ae*.*-,*'. d Ba .k. leaarhal and dolo» bull-.o ta at N.w-V. rk City iu t ..d ouuty. b. log duly and ....erallr¦ a..irj. .a. u for hioi.ell. «ai.h that the fofegoiug Ii, in «IIr. ap.cf«, a due atateuieiit oi the .. ndiiiin of the aaid Hank,b. lore thai r.ei.aa. ti .n >.f any boaiuett. on the mornlrt of Sat-urOay, tbe .L:li dar »f 8*rKemin.r, in the year one tli xiean.leight hundred and'fifty-teTen, in reap*.-; t > eai-h and evert ofIba U tnd inrrl. 'iiart above .pecified. ai-<'ordi'ig to tb- oettcl bi< knon ledge and he i.-f; ,; d that the butiui «. af tha t«idBank fcaa rx-en aj.d it trtnaei-r.^1 at the location «foreauid

[ligaiadl H BLYHENRI Hi.il. Preildeut.R. A. TOOraER, tt«hi. r.

Severally .iibteribed and iwom by both ¦-.itt. the lothday of Cu t. bar, 18Ö7.

|§i| ,!) J VAN NAME. Commiiaiouer of D-e.;,


LANK, on SaturOay, th< .Srii J.\v oi aVftetabar, 11 IREROI RCES.

Luaoa and dU-oual..#6,37fi](. rdraf ». J.IWt \*Due trora wai.k. 1,191."el 16Du-from the Du-.' .rt of ti.e Bank....-M9,6*l 14Di from broken. 7iR.al ettate. SiJareJ 75Sp.ci. iM b7C».h Item«, vi' l he. ki city backt, in Exchange« W- Hi IS

Btrckt. 5db,l«iSSBondiand mortgitet. 14!16"J4oKil . o'tolv-r.t b ckü. 9d,7iJ "0Bfili cf impended b»rA». in the uncurr.-nt departmt-nt, moat'.y New Vet, aad accun-d by ttochland H. ndt..£! ijiai

Igajg tad aatataaaa aaaaaaal. 11.17« is

Total.4..l'>.Sil,7W WLIABILITIES.Capital.* 1,606,350 '«>

Clraalatlea reg^t-i-d..JSH.24ILea« acte« cuhand. 107, Jit. 2A1I t»« 00

PioCti. 317.566 {9Due to hsuki. 1.5HI A94 95Doe depoeitort, ..ndema .d. 1,4*.'»j 80Amount due, not included nnd»r either of theabove heidt.uupaid divldeuda. 771 2>

Total.»10. Ui 7« MStatt nf Xtif lor It, C'oirnfy of Xeu>- York, «t. Ultimi A.

Bo. tii Pteatdeat, »cd Robert S. Oak'ey, C«»ln. r of the a'ueri-ean Exch»nte Kr- k. in dneaiated Bank, lo.-tit.-d aud d<o-'« hi-.icett at Nev. Yofä in »« d co titt, baani data and te. orally-v.oru. rj'b fer himielf »a.th, that thv forogoing :«, iu a l re-

iptcK. a true itati meat of the conditiou of ua said U. ait, b»lore the ttaoia.'t'on f aoy bi.aii «rta on the m. rnirr o/Satold v. ihejßtb day of 8<-p'rnib.-r. no thoutar.d . i<ht b mdred

d til.y teveu. in re»p.<t to ea< b and ev -rv i f the it.«jag ludptrtic-,lira above iper'icd. a.'roiding to thai at of hi. batata.ejgc aud beli. f, tnd that the buaiueta of the laid Bauk hatbeen «ndii tuniacted at the U> vtVu «forvaald

WM A. BOOTH. Preal lentR. S. OAKLEY C . -

Set.rally «; b»ci.b-d t-o i tarorn by both duaanalR toe 10thday oi Oetobar, ttßft.

_J1RKH BULL, Couiiiiltaioner of D-eda

DIVIDEND..A Dividoiirl ol TENT'ER'cENTon the Capital St«wk of the OCE tN STEAM N1V IUA-

TlON COMPANY will be paid ta the Stoekhoblera at th l .ttio'ol 'he Company, on and «Her the l&tta October, on preientatWuof the certicutea_C. E. ANDERaON, Seer iry.

INTEREST du« on tiro latof Ortobvr onthe BOMDS OP THE CITY OP LOUISVILLE will N»

paid on prt'eutation of tho proper Coupon« at Mercantile Bank.New York. Oct. 10, |M7.

_(Slruedl HENRY U QLPREO, City Tre«« .rer.

T» the BONDHOLDERS. CREDITORS andA STOCKHOLDERS ot the GREAT WESTERN RAIL¬ROAD COMPANY ILLINOIS -The jnderaicued, a Com¬mittee ippoiute.l at a general Uleetlug <>t the Bondl ...lert,Creditor!, 4c of the tbov^ u .lue.l road r.,. ;.r.y o it » pia.i lorU re'v ..I' tl e i'. ..-ipany. »re now pro.-irlnt the liana* iret ofthe part.ee In inter, at to an agreement .i npromla- aatilOOare reu'ietW to ».l withojt delay, at Uka >mce of I f. H.OIBStrN. No. .'»4 tVlaUaaa «t, and «i.n the agreement tun youristereat« m.y be prot*. '.-d

¦ T. H QIBaftW, 1DM kftD Bl tt/NT.!

j N A. ORlSWuLD, CoaaM K JES8UP, I

_0. M 1P.RIS, IMracmuT,' B««i», New-York S -p: Ji, l'>7

COLLECTB NÜ..Nutfa, Che-cka, arnl tH dv-inand* received by 'hit Bank for CaaVeti u, payabl- Iu or

through Philadelphia or Baltimore, or nthag piaeea in w li j

tp-'e «uapet.alou« may .vnr. not matured Bgtor ka al» .!«'.¦,wtjl oyuu advi.-e of their payment, l*» paid for hy drart« f theMERCHANTS' BANE apon itt co-r-apuading ftaukt in otherpitcel ptyable " In ..urreut fuuda," and thai mode of «ett.ementwill cent nur until the reaumpti'.n of apeci* payu-nt. :oo«epin I No N'. t.«. t laorCbaeba, payable in >'r through tbuaep.«C*i, will be lec ived for col.--. ' .u. ex «pt jre.ii th»-ae aa hVBaa«. Deftaettori whoaa Mataa, Bult or ch. < a» h«v-mreaiy|MBa (utward bar casaaaattaci in '.böte placet, can nave ai. .rdei

I« very, If ta,.j prof.-r to aaa.im- the eotlaotioaataaw I_A. E. SILLIMaN, CaaM l

No SB*aovaa-aT» Naw-Yoaat. atapt i*. iwyTI^HE Under^uoed reape-rtlully iintiiy tho l'ublio

that they ecntluue to bay and aell SPÖCKS it BSSal witb-eat iuriitatioo at to time.They have made area, gemecti by which «Ii ordert will be

.xeccted aa at favorable termt at pr. rioua to toe paiaege of tharetolyttun by the Board Huiltitg time talet to 3D dara.



of Nor.o Aroe.ei. a, baa teen appointed TRAN9KER AOENTot tot CLivELAHD AND TOLEDO RAILROAD COM-rAN T, and the fraruter Book« of .aid Cote panj will be nomdon tie !2th inat. and remain cloa.-1 t.il th* 2|tt iaat. Ti e ma-

g "»d.CoiipoB« of the Boada of the Toledo. Norwala aadC v. «ad Raj'.-.ad «'oxnpacy. J-ir. Uoa Railroad Com janv, andt-.. t v. land aad To>do Railr.*d Companv, w!l! 4>e paid attu- Bich of N. rth America f.-om and tf'.er the Ji,;

Th.- preiest OPriCP.S of the Corapooiy. No. 1« WinUamare frr RENT. Uj rder of tn- U eud,New Ycrk. Sept. a. 18jT J. B. WARINO. Pr««l li»

U,».ic^u'»rH£ Nt:w K""11-*1'» Cta Srait.. Co.. (1-rm. lt*uJIIPi*Asaray. Maar-Toaat. thaa.1 llfrf {

^Hl. ANNUAL MEETING ... the 8t..rkIi..;,Jr.r,i ,r,

' K;'j*a<1C»r sPru« Uompany. lor th.- 1.1, .0-1 ION OK TRI STEE 8. will he h. !d at tiuTom. e of the Com-P»«y, cn I. ESDAY, the 13th lar of fVto->er «ext. a'. 1 'ok k

P" J. H. THOMPSON, iecratary.



ta Mama tr- w «tl ipward, at a 3 per at.Addreaa


_No. ytt WALL-ST.. NEW-YORE.

MARINERS SAVINGS! nVSTITCTIONrid-av c mer .».«..r O-p- aita made on of before the Hth of

tl tabaaj aHD be alloared Inter-at frim tha lit of O- tub-r at tberate of 6 per -at on a.i.i f * i :. .>.) .5 per -

. »- *."..». Rank op-a daily from 9 a. tn toia r0 anaon V\ ED.Vt.SDAY aud SATURDAY EV ENiNijK t- itji

P-jb-_ISAAC T SMITH. 8-. ra ary.O fief of tub Ti.iBK-tvrvr .. R,:Lao7r7cÖ»ir. i


f orcer Eaat olit tt aud 34 a*. <VOTTCE t'»STO< KHoLDERS.-Tha.ANNC VI.E» MEETiNO of thafb HiaKaag f th- TLir l Avea>. hVaL-.a. i .iji / «; k- . .1 tt -a OS ... :. Wr ONE.- :1A iat 12 m Norember 11. IVT, at » h»rh tuce an K.e, i t . Thirlata l> .-- ral..- tba BaaatBa] v-«.- wU; take «ur«. Tb- poäl«BrkM > .ajrii fioo. U! ru. to 2 p. m. ^ t


iAM B Ii VA' S Sari, t yWarn \ otk. 0 u ber 12. I5T-7.

TE £ VOR tl COLGATE. NtraXMn toBEEBEE A Co havetab>a ta-. .t»«a N I 4* Wt^ at

Sc«,7. 1 by that firm and a.- prepaead to 31 Y ani5f &o*Jf4-.>-.4 0'. .-»PACIA a. d Bil l,Ii'N -c kbt r MRlerra. tarnt*. TREVOR A COLvtATkt, Iw. 47 Wad at

4 eev-e rl W»c.»«.«v. Aac/tto

RB0TJL4E HALF, of «nXMIK» *ad ItOXrM.AI.bffT U MOO I.»? «vi .1 Til i riifdeyl. Or* II a* I1| »¦.¦»-, « .» M it m t. ...l"**

¦mm ¦¦> of wkwi H xi uor tawa "*.»*. A»!.*» 'l-r-i l.a*a<w«V,ijit ' «ak bypr>kee«**1, ti.._.V «tut/«« Pari»it Heal. ?w'mmm.INibtrwAi'iawiM Hnk e'««*.c..<*. *k*re« Pmnpl |Kia. A:<>e**e..*»' »n»i». V¦ - a .I4»««vi

1*TAim Artleee** Haak. A'ta r«.«.'3 »aere* People'* Bail #2%raffe.

*V'.k»axr» P-..ton rWak » M »ach.I" abac . Naiaouel Beak. AX-eeek,9 »Uair« M- rr ju'r' Bail t/Maaoq.37 «bare« I oportet«' tail Trader*' Baak aiaa_¦.».ha/r* Perk Br..k H' ier 1.. .*..*, mleaeaaa.AO *f ere* Art..»!..' Baaa AbMaatA.? 5W Brocks CP . p- ' eat W.«t*.*>l W PaaaaV \\ ¦¦r tp., r .. tw,.

1 .harr» Je*»** A N..nb«a ladlea* Baaa**,I per reel B . r .

W «*£ : aaj T+m il'.¦ 1 A.', a M M >-,.-.,jnaharr-e Balk ..("I**- R-¦ * '

ornher-* Ml»*«« f R.'_ '?'.».»,.»iri...e\

mixet New-lei iaj Bai.m4 an« Traa^aaru*,^^New Yck A Hew Haraa tai'.r «i. tia>-.ttNew Jr-:. y R»i ro*d and Trjj.pot'.ai,»» ^ajpj

eecd*tl »bare«

MM »j*re« War-am Bailr' ad, b*p~»be. ,1*4 «ateei-kS«)»Urr«C. ra«*aa F:re In» .inn.- Ob .«.«acA5« «hart« Aator Fire io«urar.» Co., a.^eetk,3u»har*» Prt.-r C:>oper »»"» laeetaece Co., BSaeeW4» «harr* Belief luriraue- Co A jP e*, h.1" aCa-e* Mr: up- taa Tint insurance Co. tlWaatA.?> «hart« RuWer» r Ira Ira-.iaaca Co , Ar.*wrA1» »h,*rea Clinton Fire lt»nranee Ca.. . 104 ear*,30 »harr« C^ctisental Fire late: ie .* Ox, A144 ta-AI«abarraBtunao lamraao*Co., BWO-ach.

,t U . T. Me:.:.e I... .}m.: C»., »jajjj-alO.harra S:. NI-ro't« Bank. *l»cerh7* »harr« Brevoc-rt Inioreuce Co A'O.acb.10 tbare» II-ma I...iiranr»> Co.. AMatrearh.V ihlltl I'attl .1 State« T: l I 9 -*. A

,h«r«» Goodbi.e In«.tan'.- C >.. Ai^atrh.10 iher*t Itwemnitr Iu«ut >ar- Co Ali» r».-4,

., »;.are. KoBaaldl hm-rau .. Co »l<4>r.ea.S2abarr» New Wur'd la»nranre Co AMraak.

. i -« Ha/ui-'ur Kin- Inauraii'* Co.. AMaaaA.ISibaraa< Batoa Kirr Ii «orauir C», AI'« tar*.

«. a, a N Ii » .an.* Co., *.'a) tank.V.»*al»» Mmbant« < ¦»-. 1 ?''¦'reck. tkareeV tabfa aim :*n< «c> ?*.«.<*>.

tee La Payrtat ParelaaiieaeeCa Br»jk.Ta eMeaek,ir-21oü:ea- Wc«tcrrj Mara* laeeraajee ABATf oflAJT.?..Mi Sun Mu^l«l IUtaIace Scrip <»1 la*!,in akeeet Am. n. .t: I spreei Co *U«' ea k.

I . .N.ve V.- k S'v r> .. 1A'4.»6.?M II A J'denu-n: or the prrtu a.. :.l t;i.^|*Aj

1 N^it*Rr'r>!ar Sal- on THUR3DAV Octol -r IV9p"ia S...0-. T' ISSIIAV. «HDSEJDAY, rRlliATttklSATCRDAY Or: i. H lb and 17.


R « lar a .-k*. Boada. aad »Iber »~-nfrle*,terry MONDAY and THCXSDAT, a: 12) .'.'-- »- »» )M|»h**.:«' ff'r-V-^f* Alee, .('». »1 ***!e* when rr<|ulrcd.g!<» \« s-il Boadt K.i it. iad I dd *: pnratr «a'», ..aatlke

it. irr»' Beard ...

ir.'.< n »i u>w»d on *:. M »< y« dep. »Ited on Tnt'., aüiBJa,dead* Coll*rtedAlB-'Ra M. NICO LAY. St. V Aactioae. r and Biefcat

¦ I] _N.>. 4 Hp'ad »t- Nrtc V*et(ln li l ir i: M: I -.r> »' « A. » n Co ,1

Boaroa, Oct. 1. 1«J7 \

CEAUOD PROPOSALS wiU b« r..d t»t tm0 ofioe up to th . 10th ol November, at 1 p. ¦ , let a lot* <»2,rtO,OCO, payable a. follow*:t4 Tea per cent «>u Noeeinber 1A ww. h fret mtta -uactBj*

Conipasr eril! retain wf.boat i**ulu< Bond* tAervfor uttfltb- li»t u»*Ui;rr.. nt It p» d.

IS Fittern per ce-:t Jan »ry L IS.'*.i"i Twent* ri»e p«:r ceut March L W *24 Twenty tu- J» r I e:ll M.y Liif Tmei.ty fire pei rent JJy I, 1*> 8.

For »hich taeCoraaaay arBlU* »a et :h- n-i caat QaaaaC100 Ible Bond», wi:h a.mi *u:iual Umpon. dated lrt (Joteeet.

13JT, and havlna 25 y. «to run_

lu otder ta zive therumermi' h Uert of taaall aakonatttfetttto«A»n ..nportnui'y to «r|b*cr.l>e, a tuBrient narabet of theBond* will be t»t Fire llau 'rei Do lar* each, th* remuadetlorOne Thoneand D IanOther thin** betnt erp«'. a preference wt! be rtre) t* the

arcoalle' bi-l» by ei r bona u ie St - kholde-a, who are fWitjajjInr'ted to »bare la the Loan, but the Company re*err. t*thaa>aeleea the titbt to con»ider the r.-ipon»ibiiity .<f th* pn.skict tu- pri.pc»*'*. a* well»* the ra'« ottered. Wit,exception*, they will award the Lean, if the whole k* leaaa*pro rata to the hAjhettt bidd-r«

Not.-* c,f the Company or Bon l* maturirt between that täteand J -.Iy, "üe, will be received .;; payment t ^r raw ban, wakpri per idjintm nt ol ittere»t.For the protection of th»*e B ed*, and of thoae raataita| ¦

18« asd «ub*e.|u. ntly. a Flr»t M iruace upon the pi 'ferty .**tranelil*. * of th* Company ha* be,.:i exe»- ited to J. M. Parka»,

... Tbayer, and H H O un w-U, Trn.:«*». acaaabdafa piotiaotiiat aSltikitt Fund »ball be paid to aaui Traateea,

ly. »umclent to ab*oth th. pn wut iaiue In t* f» ataaatty,which «b«ll 1*4 In». «t»d in tli« muc .ff Bund*, a* lout .» tbejean be haaaht at 01 Bji 'ten per .eat premium.otherwkktajthe ditciftlou ol the rr".«tc. <

Th- pr.ipoaal* a ill be opened at Hie ..men of the Compuy atthe loth d«y of N.>emb-r next, at 1 p m., In t hepT«««ao» a?the aoove named Tru»t*e*, who accep: the tr ,«t »»ith tat a>deratar.dint that they « Q| *. tuat ti^ic r<-aitn it to any wkatkl[.itiii -inniinated by a uiajority ;th.- tab. -* of the BotiAt.

J. W. BROOK», P.reJdeat.I^aac LtvraMear, Treaaurer.

Eitiact raoti »J Act of the l.ej .'afarr of Miräi'rea, ap*proud .'eh W 1800.

Section L The P -ople ol the State of Mi. htjr»n enact, Tkatthe Michijan Centra. Railr'vid Compeny.by a vote af Iti Direce-or*. or a mjj irity thereof, may lrcream Ita capital itaak ftoalt imc to time, to an amount nec*«aary to ever the c**t af ta*conrtructinn, completion. >-.|uipn out. aerating aod ***piatapof thetr rotd. and ita .<-....*».?!. t.». and to lay dowt t detb»track for the *ame, and both within and without aadAtea*}and aleo to l*«ue their bund* from which to pay tty debttbvenired or to be incum.1, tör auch pur... i la mek tarat aai akrich iat-'* of Interest aa *nch Direct^*, or a majority «MMmay determine; and the aaid (tick and bun>I« to leli *.* Olaaoatot at »neb rat»* a* tbev i an, and a* **id. c ot a ma)oritfthereof may approve: and aaid Director*, >w a ..»joritakaweelaa*v, under »' ru refrrbtioa* an th*T may ad..pt, ciOnlit*oVboiilrr* of tnch hour* the nth: to convert the pundpai tat

illthereon into the atook of the Comproy

Assignees' notice.-the ohio lINSl'RANCK AND TRL'ST COMPANY, bavk

DKED, duly caecnted o.n the Seth day ol September,ranrtcrred and ronveyed to tu- ncderabtned al: it* eatate-nerional and mised.ta tm*t fot the b-nedit ot all it* cmdUe%Notice it there/on. bet-i.y «.V . .o-ci ie .. .* t-. fi.e tfctw.laimtwitb the Tru«tee« lot a.'n.*tmeut, and to drbtorttaMtuet make payment to »*id Truatee*:


Ciruienatl, Sept. 3», 1857._B»\^ Dr.raaTMr.RT, Atta**, Oat #,lWt

HE FRONTIER RANK ,l-utedmu) BM ttiiday filed iu tfal* "f * a notii. f the app untoien'. of the

MKRCHANT8' BANK ot ALBANY, in tue Ctty ef Albaaf,a* agent for the r.deuiptlon of ita cirvmlatiu* nofv »o|*thirwith a rrvootion at the *ppo,utnient of the Troy Otty Baak at.ui h arrnt, aureeable tu toe act -untied " An a. t to auieal Hiaeteial A't* relacint to «.... ip- »t-.J Batik*. Banking AttaaVatlou* and Ind.*id ll Baaker*," pe«*.-d April IT. i il

JAMES M COOK Snp*rirt«uraeaA


Baia DaraavMBav. u.»» » t Oat, Jt. laVk

NOTTTTE IH Hi-.'RKKT OXYEN, pomnaat to the.titube in *ucb eiae mad* and provided, abet all the etraw

acta "if* ¦-».»- t to A OILBBtVr, an ?¦ a.a baakar.fDROVFPJ' HANK OF PT IUWP.FNCIt COLNTY, 0»_äWtM

ma*t be *ets to tb* otfic* of the .HWpcfuitcadeat ofaod late alROVERB' HANK OF CA'iTAHi

bh* Baoklai Depaftmeett cf the etat* of New Fork, for pap*.v..-. wlkkta two y*ar* from the date hereof, er the funda aa>poalu-d fur the n'ra/i n ot ta* otrtaUtlaa notea >«. - 4 ta Awaaid banker wtfl be liraa up. M BCHi><;SMAKJeBL,

o*t I.wbyM_BepMittfradeakSkA(\4t(miUi ,n °old to leno tf*«»»7Hlaj^F,n T\f\J BILLS ot 'he BANK* of tae Stifl.OF NEW-YORK thJt are «e, ured whol.yby St«'-Stocka

JOHN B MURRAY,_V : tt Wail-at., ever Bank of Ncrtb America,

V >(H..Wi WAutejd by the *ubt7nb*?r tm%? imt\Ji\J\j\J Bond tad Morteaea MfjeBeaAbre prepeity, (itualed in the heart of the ctty, worth at leaat deabbthe-non-it loaned. ItwiU betaken la amount* oi f '»'*> *

NM nno each il denred, and a bolce of a latge tatttnal of prapeity w.!i be riven. AM09 R BNO, No. 107 Like*1/et

^fnmitnrc.Enameled chamrer FL'rnttere.-

Removal of H P KARRINOTON S Furalter* W§W)rooaoa. from Nca 48 an J 4» Wrx.ater *t, to No dal CAN AL-oT^oppotita Wooatar-tt. New-York.

Enameled chamber FrRNITL'BE^Now and beai-it rtr -» cf enameled, *ohd oak m*¦rained CHAMBER FLRNITt'RE. Hoc,, aeepera a waat«Cie*« cheap and üa*hlonabie atyle« <>f Bodroom Fnrottare 9mfiad aa . xtenaive *a«o:tmrut at H P. PARRfNGToN'd war»-roonx, No. St/I Canal-at , oppoa.t* Wo..*ter at New f**¦

p h e l a n ' * i m P r aTEDPttrr.'-t ;- mt me,atr>ou:«. No* 7A, aui7»l

way. M»i :» terp, No. !«. a New-York.

.iJCIIOOL fci.nitl'ke at th-» latp.^fo trTYLE. Mitinttct: reo tt th* .. j . t,i':'i»»o- »tbe ria«a it. PAION, rto .. , , r (|,* f*ACr. -ar» fnrwardedon appticlioo,

_iUistdlantong.Dr. ».ouraid- italian medicated

.nO SP l mal rertally achwiedted ta Ko, par ex^eiiraca,aij atlti - extant iY,r tae ^.mpiwt* reaaeval i a.I eueb da>

a«ur-.r,eni» of ta, akin a* »per*.- in the »iiap» i remote*, taa,t rkiaa, tunburs and ra-rpi^w. Dr. O '* Po-.dre* Mi at,Iraa:t »r,e$^iy remarkable f- r the ^-^inine prcpem»»tL.eypo«w»*ti": to*taat.neou»rj rnnonnf *»perdao j» r-atr. wrtberat injurytotheikin rat. br area te*t-d. in. '. . ..tab * L.o, I Boeaatat rmpart.i x to the ehe-k and up a brilliant armen«, t «*»uatara. tu.|n, und f-aeTU,a*o. L'.iy Wbtta, Hatr XaA*-rative. Hair Dye Or:-nta. Cru i. AcI<t1l Calla»Irr. Ph. a.>'.ph:a Bat .*, Bovton: Out,

It'oioaetati Cat.-ti.a, Lowetl! Pwit Roe tetter; Mra BttfkB klya, aat *: De T. PELI\ GOl'FAt D'J Oldm9W>

-¦ -p.'. Nc. ei' Wtlket-at., tint »Vre It iui Btowiwiv

Jo H N DWIOR T a% Ofenvi«: af*.- r.-.


No !' 0'.4 >',ip ba.nmer tiuar*. r»»*»-Y*rkP' RE CREAM OF TARTAR ALWAYS ON llANO.^

Mamtfacti;rers of wxnh 4*1 siiOEa-Pateot MntalUCeiaterbra'a." Araliaale la»fe»J»*

m< .t. a :*,-.« » 'A ../l.Vi>i a. y^r.r- «->*»»*.«.ra»

laiibjp**J<M*_:_ff i kd warrants wanted**^ TAYLOR BROTHERS»

Cia ». W^^t, MP*-»wNUL9t, wH e.rp./ erlw»»-r»aw./ WarraaM tawtfiea mmt.