¦AMfUKD. _. tTTCBT.OaTaeadat mora.af. Ott. 34. at amorn-FMTTw Boi(.___., nrr«>nT». »T th* r»». Ba( kankft >"'- M; vt_-.,».l t n.uj of tba t tt, la »!¦** . C F^_L,i,iT o'Brooairo **m_*tk\-' KNi'V. ..i.-i-Ati.-i.CotUt*. Dcltwtr*Co .Pt. **fAfiV.iir tv ti» E«v M.ico. P. Crats Ut d-xuy T* ... vJ._Ti.sroa. I)»l .!. M_e* M»»».a .) ooly Aaafbtec *.?Vr , Koowle* Ee4 Ol iitroy l*t rfttllMr«-S, I-I- LLANU-Ai N-w Bn.._i».ti. V ' tk.n,...., i-' '.i-r tbe eleit I>r. Alet. Bc'.lel'tod. Z*U ll %.i*oai.(St*\otk. u Mary. dta*bi«r of tha titlci- *^li$HZk*V-TAYU't*.At Bobokea im Wodaatday. 2Vh vn. btj tb* Re» Mr Bror* Wm. O. Bhepberd M Aifattt B l*tf*l B«> a.Ta^lor. Raq. mmtt* Ortnt of Oowero. a .d by an acd *Vl\»,r___f._,T__*tdty.'he :«!h I"* ,f>'r . !-»"* and painfi.l *^*\_"!^kltkjckt *t tt t k,e. _*t-*tbj, wife uf Jote^i N. Tke trlmA* tf'** f*',>u', mrltfh-t ron* In «7Tlf * Waaad* aro rrspectfiiiif .. 2i!,diiriM.»B*st.B!»a,elorli.r.>I..fl iin Itw, O. B. T«-- ivjteel lo f i .4 ., n* Ffd.y nen .: <v ti". ....-. from her la ^i^loa^tt-ltdry. Oct 2VC.pt. A!ex. M I. au. **tf. 'fwtid* ttd tbosa of hit brothera, Willitm aad Jcilia WfLet.i are i»ep»ctfullj inYlted. wltbo l f.-il.T ..,.,-.*. u at- Zt*l.i*'ft,r*ral so Fnday. 27ih Intt.. sr 2 o't-lotk. lr >m tber-a- Tae* of b.a l,t_Abtt, Jobn MfL-tn. S... 41 Morion at. MtVlCCAit-rat I'tyettetille, NY O.t IS, Jutan Mc\ ,;- Mt. tb* aet«t pattaer ef tlie 8rm of Mc\ icesr, Piak* a. Co., *^TALMER.ln tkis Ciry. on Wednstdsj, Oct. 2b, Thomat J. Tho fiineral w 1! ttks placo on Fridty. Oct. 77. a* 1 o'clock, » U from hi* Itte retidetje*. ttm. 22 IMtat., N. Y. T.-m fner.de of ibt fanallv tre retf^ttfall.y r«-quest'-d t* atuul with nthi.li'i iL»:-.itiin_ COMM^EimALJIATTERSt flalrs at the fttock Kirhange_f) r. 25. BiareO Indiaot Htate 5t... 71 2',I K.ri« Rallraad.C Hl j|a« Vlealul*6t.Hl. Vt *** A'>.... 4*j \MACalil,ai.kli. **... ii*. 2r<; do.eJ 44. tttttrlelb' B.lt...»?'!. 1-'. f"' do. aiselli.l'.a R.R. Bt e. 881 V<n lo.Ttl! blO sc.*i. ', Ij" <I<j.eOO 4M 11 Tel tr.d iind. Canal...ll.'j'lW do.a'W 44} iat..iuEt. Btak. 81 \l'*l du.bltlS aeCa_.1t_.Co. t3 .'I I08 df.i.i II. a* tlr.V": 21* *) dn.al 44. lIBN.c. Tit.... Co.88. i-'ll 7J N. Jf. CeL'.ral R. __..*. tl. S5« dr..tl. Mi 100 do. Me do.N| M do.e 87J Mt, so.Ui". 2.) 140 do.e.91_ 430 do. 9-i'y '"* io.brtlU 8*«Ca»,berltnd Cotl... tl tti 2i" Hsrlem R-.ilroad.. b<J0 31^ 1*0 dn. bl() irtl io" dt.c31 flie do. !./'.¦' 22 do.81 4*b a.is.'i 2*\ V*i do.tli 311 lto in..Sie-MIM do.(I| IM dr,.I' -' ! IJ'aditi* BalIroad...b3n 72 im do.neiaiiiia do.-..nn 880 do. -J-'" do.SSflllj Uarir.r. k K lolnt Stk.. |lt* d>.*¦ "l< b M.th. m. Conetructioij fi 100 do.tl2 7li ItCl.vc C. ti (ln R. R . 101 1<0 .711 aaaticb. Cetet. R. R. « IIOO do.WtO 72| secosD sotao. ajIWI, Krntairty 6t.11) IM) Retdirn Reilrt.td... aB Tli UM Mar. lttiltj. Bdt.. 86 I00 do.kj 7M VS-.I U_rtr-_,T.ttalt Co.*70 ?lt 7(;0 dt). do.b3 *i\ 19 Cleve. k Toliwio KK . «l 100 Cumbtiltud CotJCa.. 3811 b() Erie Railroad.1.18 1*0 do.b8J>l}I.V) d". 44} IBB do.tt(W»t|l(iO do.M«4$ ttt Cu.d MillMlm . X >' Nor. & Wi.r. RK...i.i> 'J| mr do.bS 2 I SO New York Cen. Rit... 7" mi io.b*0 8 -*8 do.t 0 " X. Retiliil| I.al!rtad..bJO 72 180 do.WO . 7»l WthmaOAY, Oct. 19.P. M. Tbe fonticued strirgenry in tho flMBflf market ia bcin^' it in Iflaah < ircles, and whilo the oporabira fcr a fall jfind it dif icult to inalto much impre-si >a on the msrltet, yrt nny permanrnt improvornnnt is foand to be equall)' d.tlicalt to inaintaiu. The tuaikct waa Bteady ttt-day, but at lower pricos than yosf<;nlay. Erio showa a decline of 1 cent ; Keadinjr, { 9 cent.; and Ctntral j f cent. Tho delay in tlio paym fll <i tbe dividend, and tbo noar approach of tho time for dedaring unothcr, rnntcrtally oesista tbo bears, who bavt- io pertinai ionsly oj>erated in this sto^k. Kead- ing i* affei ted by tho j'aputc in n-^ard to the Junuary diMd'iid. Oaa party desircs tbo flo'ttintj debt pnid ciffon the ttotk, and a cash dividoud deolarod; whilo tbe oihtr eaaflaadfllbfl lhe payment of tho floatinp debt with the tnruitga ti the ton-1, aud a stock divi¬ dend. Tbis dividi nd, it is stated, can be about 12 i> aent. Canton ia sVody; Cnmborlr.nd foll off J 9 cent.; Nicarajjua was heavy. Ia Bauk stocks thore was little or i.otbinj» done, and (juotationa uro de- preeaod. I.ailrcad Ilomls nro stcrtdy, but in«i¦ tive; Krie itcomta improved J fflflflh] Ihlthflfl aalcs of Virginias w< re modc at 'io aad 10,000 Indiana Sl a* Wj Ktntuckya, 101; Culiiorniaa, mJ. In KxebanK* tht- market is bteady but quiot. Stcr- llUfl, Oa'lj; Kroiics, iaS#BeMj. irciphta are duller for Orain t'. I.iverpool, but thi ro aadtmand for cuiall vcastls for In'anl, and wo hear ul two or thrtcrbartcra.it 7i£7Jd. To Liver- pool, 11,000 baah ln Corn ut " anid.; 200 1300 buloa Cotton. |d. i 500 bbla. Lard, abont 12/C.i C^Qinod Bonea. lf>/. To Lond..n, .^O hhk.Taiyflatlflfl, >/l 100 tuns Oil Cako, Ifl/i 20f> bnles Hoj.*, _d. To Ran Franc'ac'i, a flflflffl of Coal was ongajjed at nbont .14. Tbe ahip Tropic tvaa taken ap for Sjdnoyon privalc teiu.s. Tle Sl.lj'j/ing Litt ioporta ttt tkt\ e days Tbe tmiriut M 1.1 rnlly remaln* dull, bat thfl rataa *. ariihn.it ,..t*er.tl il.anre Tli* taoplv of t miiaf Wtt* Ib* easaten.e.U lo Uwrpool inclu,!* JO..KX.-MO,S..O knahe a»..i. «< u o iu haek tid ah.pt baae; ICS) btlea Cottuo .4. SOhbda. Ctitiued Bouet. 12,6; 3¦) bab iiBtrm. I*/. | tot bt.it Itlem. 1 ai.d .'." bliit. Oil IV ToIeOodoD, thi-'buii. f 2 V (i btili. Steaea 1,B »> bbl | Ji hhdi. Tobac-c. IM, ly-ti-r-ealli-ei.t I pS38ht 2i0htl*aHopa. |,l ; D.H.* I OliCblia flvana Oil. part 17 ll trd 3.X) bblt. Rotiu .' I t* Uaatt KKM' buah.Ie Corn, l"c To Antwerp, 3 'a«i bbla B*aa,' ?/3&2,6; 1 (ve btta Sal've're, .*.'/'.; Z" laua t-'t. Uo- uilnti. l..»woi>rt.7I 6; tnd M8 ht.lt. Spliltt Turw-niin*. 4c. ToBiemrn, Ctt bbla Applet. 1,8; 80 tant leogwood, 1'. BSBM Madilenauran tloo.'a, 12 b tnd 1,2.(1 bb.t Oil on prittte tera.e T.. Ctiitomla, tb* ofieriiin* tre tery litbt, tnd rtto* urrbtriftd. T* A'i'tialia, th* offerlnza te alto litbt. Tk* chtitera ar. A abip finm Chtrletton ttt Antwerp, Cot- IOB lt h i..- t.o).i Cily I'olnl lo llnrr.-, Tubarc, a.' «; tno htvee loBni. ia, l oal. Jf 1-1: tn'oltr.tleh htrke to Cork a..l t pitrktt Ci-i 1 ti " a btik (4 800 I.ble ) lo V aud B ...in" Aw.->. WUu Pu.e l.tiiuber. BU; B»* tnat lack- , , . I'ltllt, Liltnbei +12; A ti ir.*-. !.n«t Maiat*. hetay P.ue St*vee. 4-20: a bils tnd 1 K-b,n.i.»i frotn Jfkton vllletii Calit. Lunibi.-, Bill a l.ti« Irom norlh aide Cubt to Noar Voik. Mi.lfte *¦,!.'.¦>; one lo CuU and bt-k, *2l>.S: t brlt and atrhtHini-r Irom Thhtecito Nev.- Y.rk. Lotwojd, #11: akritlrom Atttkepea t- N. w Y-tk. t<u«ai ti.il M .laatea, #7 aod finorfei ewJ .. di-ck; t tchouuer, ttm* votMe. <*7i **. i.tb.-t tt *ti V anl*''; abrlsrret.i Cl- |.tank \t. to Buh, Ttti l-«r *.: 4* ii ii; a el.i|. t.. (Un Kiauriaro. tud a hilsto (t-1 «, Bm.l,iiilladi, (¦« len.twed*i i'.l bain. Btia i'riatue kullt tt Freej-.ott Mr tb'ce yetra o.d. ZM tut.a l\a- lottlHiut ait.fOC.tbe P. ie now loadiot tt I'hbadelpbla t.-r RioJtnui.i 1>t tuolion. br-t tlaijie, 1'.7 luoe. toln taalkrli Bliaa W. Dcutou, 181 tuoa, bu.li at Wtiren, Me..in 18»1.».S.7«>. fteb. la i't.it. ytetetdtv. Bark*. 1. BUM«n.__. aijBiwre. .87 Bkije. 11,7, _Hln>onrte. 317 Tolal.**~ Tbe receipta at tbo Sub-Treusury are .101,33s; pai('. ti'i.'.'.i, balnnce *(,,'¦', '."<-'.'. The Kxthangts nt tbe t'lcarin^-llonsc to-day Wflflfl .l?,es>4,0C0. The IU»ton ateamer to-day took fl2*2ti,OJO. fll whicb .900,0(0, in bars, »eut fruui th ia City. Thore is an active .'einsnd t'.-.lsy lor mttttf, but the imjuiry ap- pear> to be ltae wgeui tban la«t we<*h irom the mer- cantiie claasca. l'aj^r gota at 10J12 9 cent. for Btriftly tirst-rlass, with no over aupply. Papt*r af tb^ law deairable kinds is plenty. Tuo standarJ rato of loais ou ftivorite aectiritiea is 7 tp cent., but thoran-.ro is t n wide, and many borrowera pay t_t U*_jk as I \* cent. per month. The Dirtvtois ai ihe Kn'ukerbocker Bank hopo thal tbey will bc cnablcU to tesume bosiaoai some time iitit wetk. upt)u the fllflflflflfl] of a new Preaidetit bmt Josoj !i Te Savaire, rtsigned. 'ITie affair* of tbis inautution.it ia ttated by tlie otlicera, ar© not in so bad a condition a* wa* at tirst sdpposed, and the de- .ctaicy trom baddcbto, over drnf». &;e., willam.unt ta ool)'aboat %S*,9 0. We bflTfl bfft.ro no rMiitiiitioii of ibe President and Cakhier. Nearly all the l>ire^torahave ai|p»ified tbeir intention of reeign- ibc as son as a cew Prvaldeaf is elooled. TbeassttF ..f -hc Kui.kerbovkc Savinj^a Bai.k are aa IimIv" * R.*d andMoTttt«e.****,__ .. on Sto.tka.A-,-. . ad la tk* KaicktrboUti B.iak.... 'i.*#° Tm*:.»i»:.w» Tbe liabilittf* of the Bark are to abont tho samp amourf. Tlie oflicera of tbia Bank aecm inclined to do all they aaa ( 11*9*******. Sinee tbey susj^jt; '. .1. upwaril ol lil.oco ou loasis, 4.O., have beao wct-iroti aai paid ont to tfcoso deinaitors wbo were as' ia aeed, as ia case of aickness, Jea'.b. movlng out of tbo City. dtc. Tlie tffuera aie unable tocall in their loaaa rapally, as Uie freater part oi tbem tn |a per- . Jm*m*t and i'oinirbu*:uaaaia that part of the City, aad theee bave their money depoaited in tbe Knick- arbocktr Bank. Tbe atoaeat tbe Knickexbocber Bank flflflfl the Having. Campaay wUl be able to draw out tbeir fund. and reeotnn. ue«IWBlfll Mr. M. Hopr*r Mott b*i rP":Sntd ¦e B-flBt-BBflffll ihe Kt. y irhols. In.urance Comp *ny. One of the officerfl of the Eighth-av. Bank tbat pre v_.ua to the cl'-ing of tbat Bank nearly _1 the dept.itor. Jflflfl out their balancee, aadi'lal*-. m*by cf thoae who had drposita inthe Savioga Bank. The bfficera are now engaged in collecting their Bille Keceivablc. and a* fast aa received the money* bave be«n devottd to pay ing eff the Saving* D*po__*ri and for co athfl purpore. We *rc inforaed that the am.ount of Bills Reccivab.e ia more than double the amoui.t of I'.eposits. If thi* i* the caae the depositort will probably not lo.e anything. We hear from Boaton that some of the Maine Banks ere in t____a. Tbe SufTolk of Do*t.in haa tbrown otB the Sbip Building Bank at Rocklaad, the Bank of Haliowell and tbo PiBBaallB Ilar.k. Tlie circulation of the Bank of Halloweli wna mainly at tbe We.t. The flramercy Bank, La Fayette. Ind., ia now boufcht in Wall-it. at 2 cent Tbe Bechvn- i. b Bank of Mcmpbia is unsalabl.. Tbe Iadiana Bankfl wbieb are not qnntcd at - ¥ cent. are eattag at irregnlar prices, varying from 13 to 19 cent. diecount. Tbo I'nitcJ Bflflfl Trust d-mpany will be tho trustee of tbo sinking fund of ibe BBfl bond* of the Erifl Reilroad. Tbo NOeipta on tbe Cleveland an.l Tokdo Road F_ tle week tcdiig Oct. 21 were.*rjr7* .cr Mine week l.tt jetl.- '-"" j !nr.e-__(_ P*r eent..'',.".. .'**' The lorcign advicea are not saaaaMMtaBy import¬ ant. Comxils are firrn at OV i .<, ?bout the previ- ou. quotation. Breadstuffs wero ratber better, but Cotton wai| dull. Tho Londo-i Money mar¬ ket waa miro quiet, aml tbe busineas of tbe Sto.k Excbango very Hgbt Io lalatkfl, t. the la-e faJurc-e tbe corrc-spondent of The Ct__er. _/ Adcerhur BBgei Tl.e (Btprnd'.n of Mr. J.n.rt M, rlr-.rT of _. erp.Kil.ill.il I* belif Ttd. l.e 1 ( rn.ar tui Bal .-.r.n.tiift-.to.y, notwithflUndll-g ibe _____-_* ltt d to lhacontrary M. «.r» Alkn k Ai.drr«,n of laindnn. v< bflfl* ItepP-g* «... -.-i by thelr.'t mtil. *je «l.'i withont hoce ot etrapinr the x,ruw tity i.f liqcidt'iou. »ll7ionib arrtnrri.jei.ti tre ia pmgreM ro tDfif, .'. ttiero in toine Il,I. p»i-drr.' forra to rettUM;... ihr.r 't d tho- k'tp torcilir '\i-\x cotin*, 'i n. ll it tttted tli ll ;r> r d<* in^t wlli Mr Mrl(r_ry btre bem n-h tt tu to- Tolve them ir, tle litbiiitiei ofl t_tl i.rtnerthip aad tbit hat f(.f rhl«,»i.fl.c.ent ikii'ui.t,_ meat prol.ab.y itarr boan gitr.led t!,rm it. L ..il' n tn tv, lt tr.jt b.cntitj for thrir ttop- ptge. Onenf tiie rnrmb»rt f'lie lirn ii Mr Cbtp-BflB, ¦ Bt-ihowofMr I) B. ( httman,,.. tre 7.o«-ol Orrrend, Our- nty A to..*Ldhetire tbrre it lntlr d ,|1. t'itt tbit Utt tttte^ ment ia t, rr, rt..nfl Ibtt lf they **wll h.T* bern eupport«J trtrt ftf.ui Mr. JJcileniy, bothibt auuid btre beea lictrd of Ihrlrbrlrgln ff'.fficultT. Tbe _(_:,! nt Mr. K-w*rd Ol.vrr of Li -rpr. I wr:e yeaf r dty to ht-e bnn trrti*ed.»lrhi,'uh it wt* prob»'.le tome ef bit bi lt wul* yet tt.nd over lur t tiior, even if they wer* .11 evenru.lly mn. lf w_* .-id lb*-' tbe nre [rirwiu* w_o ha.l un di rt.kt ii tl.'- lt_B*et_B ofli> tfalr*. BBJBfll.,MrBHfl. De VVolf. Krrrne Cfin plrll Rtiuio tndl'r.il.le, hi,| *g- tll tbe tbip. th. y h.d .old to him oa (redil, tnd in thi* w.y to eascrl fl_t< "of bit tccrjitDirk. Hi. nien. of in-etlnt :he OOO of bit drbtt tre i__d to c wtlit alen ot tW ,, frrlgbu,timber, »' A mlutut tal "fl r tbutm Tbe plan ea ilfd with rigaid to thrie bt*. hoWtTW BOt tranf.iire *r1 iDOfid .II t*e , ifrnti,«t.nrrt nt iht rI.e *re exlr*i_,ely t*b ;r. tbe int-rnt. c,,iiii.r(inii«,d beint.ticii t. to laafl to*d-.iei. keep laek imiiy ibiport*nt tniikidrrtli.,-i .ud to lu.l. il tp- pr.ra. I'tvo.tli.c aa p(,*.i;,le. To dty, inderd, tine are rei»rl* tbat bo will yrt bretk dnwn B-t*t*tB«t A loan of t-6 i.()(o of the State oi* N'orth Carolina t; ¥ crt. wis taken a few days ai;o at an average of 101] om^nterest, from tbo lat ol" July. Thero was no bid from New-York, whero tho laaa flf BBB was tnken in March at 10_i. Tho 6s of North Caro¬ lina are on tb'.. market now at par. There is soire drain of Gold to Canaila, but ourbuiiks enn rtand any intirior iflBBflfll lf the for- cien sbipir.ei.tR can ka clieekcil. Tbo arrival of the Culifornia sleamer is aniionsly eipeeted. They left ou tLe -,l, iustead of tbo 1st of the mouth, aa u.-uV. and nre now out .'3 day., anil fully duo. The total esrningn of tho Watertown nnd Romo Railroad i'.r Ihfl year c-nding tho 30th of Sept. last, Mfl B,beiagafl bfl_a_M afk_M*i o_ovor tbe earnings of the proviou. year. Tbe Bark eicitement nt Cin-. innati nppc.r. ta havo tubtided, and the keflflfl wbich suecei.fully auttaine-l tho mn havo tbe confidenco of tho pubkc moro Ihorougbly than ever. Tbe Dhaofllfl ef tbe Tru Company Bank of Covington, Ky have mado nn IflbMinaal ofitsassets loJudft-c Wm. B. Kioki.ii and Sauuif IJ. Walker, E_p, neiiber of wbom have had ntiy eoinection wilb the bank heretofore. Jobn W. DBllfl-M-B. Ii-'l Wfl BflMtad as Attorney, to BCtJO-Btly with the TrutttccH. The a/Tain of the bank aie tobc cla.ed ni spcedily as possiblo. Tiieprifcr- (ice is to be given to depo_fors if it can be lognlly d( ne. If not tke procccda ofthe cf_ ets are to bc divided pro ruta between tho depoaitors and nole holctre. Mr. lluiitington, of Hurtford, one of tho m_t M-hMfll )«¦£_! anthoriticB of Connecticut, (H'intingtou k Oflfli) has given an opiuion coufirgiing in tho strongtbt manner the opinions of Messrs. O'Conor. Lord A Kirkland, tliat the New-Haveu Railroad Conipany are liahle for the frau af Mr. Scbuyler, in tbe over-iasuo of tbo stcck of tbat Company. Chief Jurtice Shnw has reeently givon a decision that tbo courso of the B,. ton and Maino and assoeiatei roads, in e.tablishing a parallel lino between Baaflfl and I.owell, ia Bfl iiifriugeuunt of tho charter of tbe Lowell Railroad; that tho defendan*. have no ri_ht thee to I'+tablirli and mn a fl ntinuous railroad be- trrt'tn tl.e two eitiea, under an agreoment ti rhare profits, aiid tbat tbe plaintifTs are eiititle'l to a _H_M in their favor. This laaBkfl la kflaai cbictly on tkfl l-_th aection of tlie charter of the Boaton anl Lowoll Railroad, ^rnt:t, d June .*., l*_), whieh providea that no other railroad ihould be mado within 10 yeara, lcading from B>iton, Chnrlt*town or Carabrilgeto Ixiwell, r from thoae plaee. to any place w:thin five mii. a of the northern tenniuatien of tho Ixiwell Rail¬ road. ) iit'ii') HarkeUng. The following talde give* tle Baflfl Pri»ee ' f the prlncipal arth li* of Farra Brodnce in tne City of Ni .v-i'ork on Wedntsday, Oat 1*1 MB.T*. ma 3o_ Cre.be, ¥ do* it'.'.'.'.'. Hind(i,i*rf..<_' m. 8 W 10 6afltCrahi ¥ ,re .tu.rtl aJ* tb. 7 itl h Ban ay I'ol fl.SU* *'». Ifi 17 Itk*. ¥ io. it i'i . i..¥ IB .. V. i _.,|»m.. WnitetiiB. ¥ tb... ttUMtete'l ¥ ». Sh.._ aviinn. teunk ii IB 'oos»n.*ry, V fl. -rt U .*» fa.... H'urtiib. ¥ B. Pnrtte.. ¥ <*. :it_*.round. bun. m-rrtin .bell, ?? \ao. t2itttta Uibs-rrt ¥ 93.... b . pflo* :> * lltbit tu.k'd *>» MO VB8r.Tt.Lr* tto rttiTi hrnnlfie-i io ¥ » II * Pot_-_*. L.I.. bb J .- bii*. it ¥ tb.... II 9 . iPa_ti_- L I.,_*_l " Pick!(d ¥ ¦*>. IB .' . jObi-iBt, ifd.bfl* .. tli 9 . Saa.ajti ¥ *,... ii>9 .IOnirn.while.d_l.. lle^Lli,.-.i»» 1.- |l.*tloc.Vi*h__.. 3 9 thaa, ¦ IBB-BI. **.!_» B- B na,.-a*. ¥ bnnck .9 S CMt Pee'.t, bunrh. « 8.0|T_!t. r. _.... 1J1- Rabti.-.et.h. tt» - JeraevPo_-*b«*.l ¦' V.!..:^-l ir.ot.2 -0 tr3 _. lt»bei'»lir»pe*. ». li 9 l< _5ng!i.bSu;« Am.3 Ot) fl .- - ... h 9 * roilTBV. r<_t, P ir-i Tarker*. **rh.....l <*<* .12 *f Prtr. con. .''....1 BB a*pft Srkie. .t..t M Al .V -Um-ri P.nttoM. Otameacb.I _J tfl 75 Je_*y.7>_.3 hv 9 . Pork. ttae.t'rt 1 lf al ie Dt. _-_tb*_..itl 9 . Klirl P,uk..,_.r. lidlM) I) *i_ck. **'*.^-* Wiotr.n,!. So. «_* <S Ar-'..«. bbl.- ii .* * .* Hrcu'L.tdu. do. _..'» 7V Appei. ht*. l Ttflifl do flo. .. 13 !('t_c* Applr_....5 00 9 . r__iiif it*. p*_r... 17^*1 1*1 iMru* li,«b*.| pk. _4 -> . i - tpr'l do. K. 11 .<¦ 1 .'-...;* -.buiich. 19 r,iw7t ^p*lt. KX. #1 Onion. ¥ bnr, b 10 9 . b«..i Bb f |.ni-l _> al N.w c__-f«,L.l. ai»n«. etch. 1 .. 1* W'oodcotk.pa.,... M O 71 ,C.t,__e*.-ai. i_U '. *1 _. WUl Saa__a, dm.l V' a-1 oe Sj__.het.etih... I.i r flBipa lot. t_,_S ue 'T mttoet awkfl-.l .* » acv.rHoLi. rtcDicrt. .DtiLf.lpi.... lll* . Fgl.. ty .,_ 7 tot 1_4,» -iii_btii,Htb_i- -ii By rrttil.kt for... i^tf _ \\,n » i pteb. «_.- . httte Butut <_?_, ao O 2J '(jtiliek. i- huoch Ui- Omr_-...<__.oew » « ll.Tmlfo. atcb. 1.1a. Co. lo * ft ft « n le.rv ¥ banrh.. U * 1<1 rnghtheete ¥*h th B . 'Ptrtnipt, » bancii to) . __...___ flfl I f '..j l_lu._.-ei f>t ..].... V Ey ifce l-mid «> » 13ffl 14 !Pr_r fln. _«nd- pbaAa. Caa,as.1 U|a _|t,,, j. >,_ - ffi g, _ Cto.^.a . L__. by :»k ¥ l_0 11! m..r.Li .ai - "1T_ ... (fla_B-»8a_i'*.ft. _> fl - PjlmeBTtnuff** r5 . - ikat4Toxigeaa.m.. at*9 71 Ifmn. r_. ** iJo«,4flB. I 9 Ficlerel. ¥*¦¦¦. >¦-. - 'TVa>_Vei ¥ ». IO - 0_»V|iO-__tf»B* Iflfl B.ple5v».-»B lkiO - tm*.¥*i. **** - Uflfl-T. Baflfl. __j_.t.«j7». t* 9 - |M*)f 8. __!-» «| iimtaaktil,¥ 18- tO 9} Theprii>eot' Ileefie oa tbe doeTina. Poaltry has alao a downward teodeocy. owing to :h< 4*ao--uy ia Bflfl et aad the wara weather. Marketa.CiainiiT BrPOKTin ronTni TRtarat. WtDISIBtV Oct 2b ICH. At-HKS-Tb* market B twi*t for Pot* tt BS rr|»7; Pearl* tr* talabi* tt fl* 23 Tke Wltwio* B th* atoek ramalaiat la th* wareboutt cf Meeexa. Lceter. Palm-r A Co. on tb* 19th Ite' wuiii :rtrr.M(sr sv tiiTta, r.Ltt'.t t aa, r -. P-t.-«. Wamt aart. eatka. U 82 Saooad eon.ce.ka..111 1 bird eeirt rt.ke. J8 11 Coo6e_n6td_k.it, caah*.. 8 . T'.-ttl Pot* tnd Petr'it eaeka.HB 122 B RE A D.Tbr rt it tood isiairy tt i,c for PJot, St. lor 8a* l**»t lle fcr Haty aod SJ?7c. fot Cr*.k*-e BKElW/X.Tb» mtrlel it qttiet bat aacbaa(ed| iale* of in te tt -.l-l-^Jc B4RILLA.Teucrtfle u ukea lo lota te wtt t*J tt f J7, itg n.ontha. Tfl A!*D SHOE'-The demtnd eootinne* rt diadaiah, tke aeiet betnt cenfined to th* flttte tnd tbe »«. . Wn*r Tka . tmik j m.i ar/e tnoni-j ta.Iy vir \*-le t j tb* ..: ,i irif-e tr- tin.i Th.n w -tk ie vr» !.»¦ t tnd e oct rf eeane* A floari*blii< b ian-ee la A :nt'' ,r th- i ara.iaa aud W.et Ii a.-a. tu- lor Ct-.ioii._a ai.d AotLratit bule it loin{ foiwtrd. w* B Mea't thifk aa* kip Boot*.fll 7i i?*2 81 Boyt':.. a ei.d i.o ii ejtt. 112 2 Iflfl hoott. ti\i.i M-a'e tl..tt ai.I k:p Br. turn. 74 0 1 li I j»'*L .t n.dkip Broftra. 45 9 U Totirba' thi'k ar.d kip Brstant. bC it 7i M-i.'etaa*tlf**aaa. 9* 0 1 » ¦ u 1 kip tnd aplil Booit. 75,8 67J Womea'i ealf aud soal Boota. *" <? 1 '* Vn.eo'tc«.la.-.d t'.tt J*nuj Lu.de. 1 * * 1 18 Miaa*lli bj! i isl nlf tin. «-!» 88 ( biidreo'-kip. eplit tnd ealf Boo»t. Xb 9 btb Lad.et* city luad* tHiteie. 112|<» Imj Ladiet' 'artenj road* Otiteit. 7i dt 1 12J Ltd-et' ritv mtd* kid. . \ni.i Itt Lsdies" eita mtde ButkUt. 9"* \** I.tdiee' cut made Tiea t*d Sttpper*. Sl * 1'* Ladiea' .*.'..*_, 4 m.r (e. X - ... p*t*.. 30 # 85 Mi-ee'rity made kid ^-n.le*. her. 62| 9 8" ( h.lnren'-citt trade kStsdeo. Ittth-r... 45 it Wiatt-e'cirt irade Oaitert. 84 9 80 BRICK-For httd Nonh Rfter rhe d*mnd '-mtir. i»e t-rf n.odetate nnd the tnyply !*"*; "'». "f eomm.,n to tood tt ,b3 T.h*t Philadeiih-aFaceat #19 J*#22. COKDA'tK Mttiillt la firm wi'h t l.-nied in.(ntry; etle* tt U'r Anenrtn Ttrreei tt 18J*l4i- ; and Ruawa lo tt 17c. AMll.l."-The den-tod u qnite moderale; tb* anpply fal' oi'Adauitiitinti aalea of Ciry tr 21 ai r. u tn antlity Pitii Hrerm <-<m_mtnd 2B J30c.; Pttent tt 38040c Tallow are un- clitBieri. . , , fUAL.Fort-irn lt mor* plenty and tt dqlt tt lower pBMMBI aale* rf 70 lot.e LiterpO"! Om-1 tt 010. D meatic le e-.»Jj u_l in limlted reiine*t at B7»fl7 50 froni ytrd and »**.»! I Oi UE.Tbe market It dall hu eteady-rearrrted ln * rrt .uu.-e bv the arjnun_,r'm*i . of t puMie aale of Ri3 oo Kn- i,i; aalee'of .Sf o beie Rio at ^iailc ; l.e* ba*t Ooaernment Jt»tt' Ht* 2lb mtudn. tt Ijjc : 8 2V) do., ia lou t. ,.u * t*mefloet,al I'I" I'tne; and 5 2H1 Ao., th* btla- ctr«o in oi'¦ i.r. P'ita'e t< rine; 5uo bett Mereraib.. a' I" I iiii Ure flt Uui.v.uio ti 9J<. 1'c.. ctab, tud 200 Ltfayit t: (iOPPFR.Vew fh'i'hins It arltbon* rhanu*; *tl-e y >e ai.d Y. llow Mettl it Itetdy .t M. .-; tnd 2. c b). e flt,, 1.1 ittie iwata i (j 11 OK.1 i) u.ett-t Itr th.t ettple iadn'l tnd e*ai*r. oar- licultrlj or. Middlios ti.d artd.t ab.r*; tbe atuci ia t'.UI b*iti lhe tLDexed Qiotttioca tucat be cocaidered noinitiai; ¦ I* rott ..La ,<in..»vi.-a Upiaod Konda. MobHe. N O k Tex. Ordlntrj. '1 'I 'l * -., Ftir.li J I'I l"< il Fair.11 1*1 "I 12 liPI'dS ANO Dl'FS .We hete to n Aa ea.'-eof.V) cttkt Blearhint Pim-dei- Sc ., IS 888fl). I t W M I --.- I. llu Ib Kt « t n.lbetr, Itc ; I ct»ee OU I-emon, *l A5. t.OOO Pi. Ttttaric Acid.57c.; 8 bbie. C< i L)ter ())i, i) swhs i.'retm Ta.-'ar '. -c '..',jt.. aa '.. -jnaJityi 5 bats London Coc'.iaatl, ".*:.; ICSSSS Orlom. fl5fi7*fl«i teo m E-.t Salpkaf* Q .inine, *2 6C; 84 iunaHtI8odt,2ti'2l'' i l.^tllb Vitfiai*flatk* I St, 4(c; i.')taieeCh nt P.hnbtrh, »1 I7|| 17 eaeka Omhri Mad- (tt r Kc I. .!¦> ii »¦¦' i'o. t' J: 30 cn, Ansoelura Bel- :. ¦>.' IT.. Oxtlif A. .'l.2Sc.| 12il bbla. Ho. I Cattor Oil fll r Amiririn acd for Et»t li.rfit *}l B ia d- 14bMe. R> ,l.'"l Catl.'h' r, 4'r '. re.ea (I () ', ',i btb. Alam, 2|c: KOtrnt 8tlt Cakn. tb-mt *3, I'< 1 *_.F.. ira,; Lcwoid, 9c.i I5 baiet Cotnb Sp.u,e, I9e bo ctaet IfsuDS,Ufl7V 3 catre Ph.'*;,h<.ri.e, -1nc-; 18 cula Kreucb Klor .enlpbnr.3|c l.'Vi !f. St-nert Root, Ha ¥1..\ X- Tl* market ithtr- of domeatir end nrlrea tre aome- v ). al. I'.ireiitB ia in fair reqoeet at full i.rirea. FISH.Df} r< * *'* ""''" ^rUt3 *"'* %~e arrivals tre Inrreas- Ii | tle d*aaad it midertie and coala*! to city ate; aalea ck 'lir'ei.. In ln't. tt ai '2'3*1 MforOraadBaia,aal t-l oiiilt3 6f| for Oeo'ti* Ittnk. Mackerel *tp«cially larje, tre in teilere'.^k tledtin_i.il Unr wbich I*(eoili eaiethara bieLtur. ir Iarte No. Ij a.ii V) f. re' on I* flllfir Itrjie No. t, fl»9ai< bl *oit 1 ii ; tnd f.i. a', :; for N. 7. tccorllBf toei/e Smoked II*rri.ia aro atetda; aalea IJ88 bnta tt IBc br sa*l*fl, aafl flflc for Me. 1; 1 .*> D Pickle.I llerrirt wbi h tr* In to .1 d-mtnd. told at Ut Sctle acd Cod, tt tl 25 lor lhe former aad fll fn latter. rni'IT.'-Tl:? market la quiet-, rh* aalea aince oar laat in- c'bAe IJ88 boxea Bnn-h Raiains j'lit rerrived eoaatirlse, tt .< .'-(balt da, fll bl'; 21 cet-etienl -.e., «i 1 -c for litll tiid -t-r for qoarter t*)X"i; I'S'l.sse !.'!'? rte, S. l.irio btt. hWt"i L. mnri, 84 5" afllb^J: |2i '.tu Sttiil Nute. .Tc.i 100 rteee Car.-or:(J)n«i-r 8'j H7J; 1' o baJea l^oviucc Alm judi, 13c j ,,i | i. i anaata .' ILi.l.'R AND liEAL- Tii* n.arket ie deriiledly ht-tter for lh ,<i, ud ii,,-om.iii r td. et.f Siate uitl W.»:^rn Flaar, n»ln« iriin y to tbe l..bt trtirt'a; tin iaternip'ion lo naaiittioo of tl-e Cutal, keeolns btt'k tbe ein ; liee, temportrily adde lo the et tl.eee rn'tt-tiie [.ri.-.e the roneuiuptitn iet-naibly .1; Ihi b. ttt.- tradra t/e .'eatlv bM- ri.it tery artlte *'. tbe rxtt. ii.e prisaa ttked; Ctntditu Klour it b. tter ti.d in io.k1 dti.tid ior lhe trade tnd for the l'ro'incet; tha trritt'ttrd n,.dei.ifij talte ef 1..W bblt. tf 88 2__ for cotoiaon brtadt. in bond: fll t ./ fl9 78 (. r coinrm n to tood brtnda d.itt ptldi lh* et'etil Weete-n Ctntl t'» 7 7-e bbl* tt fl8 12)3flt -b tttt la- ieiior Siate; fl8 lil t «¦« 75 ior ataodtrd S-ate; + 15fl y \2_ for c. n:n n t,, »t, 1 (llu and mtx.d to ftnry Mirhifan In-ti art and tr.ii'.l ' f I'lf-t b"k" braafl* -n-l 4-I-' )' fcr ixtis fleneaee: So'itherti H',ui it Z5fl77lc b-itt-r ;a(t *- alailv the artdea. tad le ,|uit* m.-. ;n. .1. -Iih d'-m.ndii mainly lor tbe home trade; the inuui. inidertt'; a«'*eoi' «iii:7iut1i..i irif. nor brni.le Kal-itneir-; *D I2J i n-..x*d to (iiodflatan iard bianda; #8 8 -Hl t*_U (at t^tor:¦* Imitdi. tn.l 8H 75ii »1" foi eatra to f.inc^ brat,.!.. Rj* Kloor ia tierc* eini av»i ted tt -f 8 V a *el 2i (ot 6ne tn.1 BBfar t. r.e I n.Mi »l latrtrce tnd war'td at fll .174 for l»iaey. tnl §4 1711 D n lill P lat Ki, i *h,-ti K r ie'..-tter tnd in de- i.-tt.d; etli-l ot .'* u bt|att ?4tt*l 1.} |' .'« Bi. \\'. i iot, Sonr.«»bbl.a-*-Ohio. et fbl .89 25 mi) 7i Sui-rflne No. 2 7 5" ff I W (ieneaee et b'dt 10 n ?10 75 8t»te ct-tn !,'"'. » S2 tt-Can«dt. lia VII 8 ?t » 8 17 Sl'tte'ttr't. b'lle. 8 56 B a 74 Brandywine .... 11 Ib 0 9 31 State ftv I.V.t.. e Sl '< * «' Oeortelnwn. 9 2', A '1 37 W..m mixdo. 8 75 'd* I 87 P»t*rtl«i-« ("ry. 9 Ib » 9 S7 Mich * Ind atrt 0 'r« rt 1 12 Rlehm. i.d C'ry . ..". * 9 J7 kl ",' f.r I'd... I 12 8 I I* lAI-t.bdna. 9 i-i <t 9 btj Unio re. totoofl. S 74 » 9 12 Btlt. Kota'd at . 9 'b ft tl bt Ohn.'rd hot.p :0. » Ml * 9 12 Rr* /loar. 6 >) * 7 i'i O'io'fM b'dt.. 9 12 * fl i'i C.rnMetl J-r'i 4 17 ,t- Mtch k Ind. es 9 25 irlO ¦» U*orn M tmml 4 H|j- tj.r.tiie i*n. br. » 75 tV ll Com ¥. H'e pnii20 bo tt- PBATBBM.fl . mailet iabetfer. tnd ttlea tr- r.ak'.ni cf Ol ui Li\e IJ.ee* tt ttttt**., tnd Tennetaes tt 44<t IV: tha ani ply *( I'l-'b l,< mt limittd. IVRS. Bofftlo Robrs tre ln ftir domtnd, and pricot tre fn ly 10 P c'd hlther (1 tn atihe time laat paari aale* it tbe Wleat aeSfcrN* I. f'toiNo 2. and *7) for _4o. 3. Thtr* tte nrw Ieaa in h>it htiide. Kaoey Knte tre in ( ">d r».;-i»et, v.1 lh» protrtct tor t ilourlahioc bnnn-ia thia e-teju l* .|ille taio.ehi te ll ry aie ilkely to be mucb in voiro*. OUKNT Cl.DTll.Th* n.tiket ;e nul! at Boeuin; aale* ther* .' ree .laytof Ite btlee tt Ultll.'tc ,8 mot. (IRAIN-Tti. n.ark't ia aftln l~-iier for Whea', owi litht arriatlt tr.d an tii tl ck. Th* demtnd iaonly for miilinj. Tbe i \tn at- piicrt atk'd chackt tbi- deuitod maiaritlly. Tua trriatle r.rjit .. oLt!..it u eipected, will be annch ltrfer. tha orly iale we bate to r. tl ll 1,1 M kathl I* BrtaM ».' te Ctnt- ditn Im hi tm ca*«r*2 15 duty ptld; tl.i* ia taking the pltc* ol Dctnretic larcely here at elao'at Ibaria Kve m quiei. and itsrti.e ani aetuiid at fll ISiBl 2U. oarley it Ieaa ire'ly tl'eit,!, atlet (,'' 1 '* n la-ii-ie «oo.l n.:\.a Sitte tt fll -J7j ditht'dtt *l I-t .-ai II. OtU a.*a iu \ i de- mai J sl - l '-¦ ( ¦- fltali '.it/Ntc. fjr ftir Wattern, tl\ * r A, a.any of tbem hero tre onaound. sCn.t. it lett firm ULtiiil'i :,e». I u' tt * ilittt abttetc-ut the dr-nwid a 'trt* tt ibe Eas- ai.d l***l tra.!-, ted ftir for eipo.I. ea.ea of M ,000 Inebeit at TB*. for natnar.d in atore; SOtarSte for wmBMB for Weatern yeHow; 33*_5c. for roaaal yel- et .-o'.-l.ern yellow it ecarre ai.d trantad. WhMt,Wh** Lt n, H'dWhitaB-S) 9-tl U'h-at, Ca. Ho b ,2 IJ 12 IS Crn, 'lix '.VV.,-8" 9.*\ Wht-tt ra, Wt*** M 1- '; C -n V- Iow 4o..-H2 *.Sl Vthrtt.Obio.do..: 11 it 17 Btil-Y.I tt tiett, U ob 4-..i 14 ai 9 o*:t.\\lrm k Ct'L.tu rt.bi Wheat, Mlx. Wn 88 a2*o Oe'a. M ettern....-tt.bl\ lVlrai.W'a Red.l 9" 21 99 On. N-» J-»|.-ll ».50 Kyt. Nortteni....l *'. 88 Ovt. Tt-nn ..* Com antnand.....79 *.79J (>*u. 8..othem.....18 *.40 Cota. Mix. So'ra..- '»- F-m. tt'-ck-Ka»d-2 74 *2 81 l .rn, White, Jo..- 3- ip-«»- <'a. «lt_I 43 »1 4B Com,Ten,w,do..- if- Beant, White.137 01 75 leit.li Tthee, 8fl a-iv I1IPE*. Hc den Itte ehown mor* iacllnttioo to retlir*, ttd tbeexirm.e pi ,**. btainid x: tht dt*' ..f nr lt.t w-ekly lallirttion tie out n.a nla-.l_.ed T.'.e ei.uk htt dloinitb'd, tnd tl.e Brrlvah tre modertte. Tba demand tt tae c **. i* iu .(* tnir.aircl.tul tbe 'rad* |nr:haje wi-.i. t;-eciiijni il e et'et ro t'ty tre 3 V" Acrottiit fr.m atore, at ISfc ; l.OSO to at JlJulM* *ud 2 500 do ai . Tbe it, et i.-.nibeie ITi.ltl. *.|*l«l*« 7S0BI Hnec-a Ayrea; l.iaude; ."JAVJ Anscturt, ii lt) Au.cta, Ac. We Iffi *eXl***n:r-_il.9 Btree'ot* irj.14 914 PtloO...* lia*-, Ao..- ¦¦ 'i ". 'I. t t-.eV.a b.-*ed|l J^ t»|4 R li and h A. (<i. fle. flia Ir. tnd Ko*. dUatbier 9 _m_j.li.t fd Bj**o....I -..i.-.-n.1'. .214 .'. " K i f alto ia '...le faa Jnai.. - *, . >. v .Il|ai : Otlcatta Dry ^ p. ...joiaiia UfV.h-u.oti.r_t..- ali ..'aleaitt Dry aa te»d ..8*9188 Btrvraic S. aafl 0...1 l . . 1)7 .. S'SI'd .... I- i- ¦*. k.y.o.-m,0*al'i aoaiai '( *llll BOK1 5'-v-< htre t0 ao-* aal»eof 40 tta aad I bbl*. Cob* n.i.,- V m* at*. i i'- -dft,r etpnrt tl eteadt or eea; -i.d wrtum. tiDw-u .-I .iii!. a: tbiUdc., u lh* al** weie toi bome at*. ; Cematat for R.i»r tad. w'.th'air *r- lita's the n.trk't i* I'etde: ea. *0 HKMP.Maailit bta krea qaita aetit* aod pnec* are eat- itioeo, atlt t ot 5. (0 Itaiet tt 14c < m«t American it ^oiet; tb* SBBfll} ta It.r; e*.ee iu lott at flll»i4t>i>> tor uudrcated. Sern le cu'l t* te. INPIIIC-Tt.i- aittket i* .,:.t» Im f.ir prim* lott tnd retdy tir tbe ccu ai, o dateitftfaasi aal** M tttm* Maai tett 51 tie., io Mtd ttal 75c flai, I Beu**. tt fll 15. 5 ccrooat tl 81 u5 fl a i ai LATH are ki$her tai in fair itaek) salet 800.0M eattem st Bl 94981 l.lltr.Co-..n_ RoekJtad. with laceaaed arritalt. lt dull , . *. a. tt 91 «95e , ciotios ai f -ri. e .. Bl ..oil 15 al**tag«8 fimre. I.CNBVR.Ftttern Sprae* tad Pine tre ln tteaJy demand, wiih t kerter acoply; aalea tt fll*4*17 M LFATI1FR. Tnet- lu* beea mon- eVaiaail for H»mi <k tb* ptst wrek. tud pticet lean in Utw of thett'l-r 1' . . l eice?d *b» t*.»t "!>» r <t ;i aboat . th* aa ee ate *_«it for tb» Eaet. bat for tbo Wret tbere ia lte* __:* i.ry lltaty weifkia auattnae a-ry ..-ate-. Ott it Arm.;:* W'let qj*lit,-e trt m d»-nai.d. eai'i t*- iata.) o- 1 ar Kc tS-?^ !*i at 7|c ; 5»,*JA », tt Tbe., aad 5598* t> at 7 e. We t^k t*k*.IXl,hX.9*b.** .*,'H*mPkXtfVte.r . ***/**» ,, m dja.a atv H-o..'k.iid.R.»aa.Aia <ra Ott' I'etiy..* *a* rieu-' I. M-dOr.aucol7JJl.-i t^a-(T.ryfli_;c). - ''- lt H*aay. 17*1^ t«tt U,0.TT tr3»'H-mrkO*idDtmas'-l Oth.8oa-k.-T* L'tbt.. '23 92b'.Be_*r*. Vvv ta OaA ii A 't-ii».t.-d.2S 98B ssash alaafJutrod.Jl. util, I.-., -.1-R.14B A-.tjaaO KOLA^^r** r.r-i- --.-. d tn.lbeary. iVui mi int en't tr etnr'T 'sic'tiate vto'e aa!** 45B >ble New-O-- iaa*tt»uJ>c ; .a)khdaPi'«t>R.:oarnB."« * io. Cuba MflWfl-iflo »r 14«.. Mfl Kl fl_ Bflfl-r.tfl* _Wt) aa prTil* .___. At t.rtWfl It* h.l. .Nrw-Orman* fll l_fllli« <.*« ani BM, M*V AL BTORES-TV< _4_t*t i* oemertm 6r»it* t-_e-e ti_»; th. flflTBBB* _.._¦__.; mI. _B bVa tl _-»le rntniy ln il.B>pirt or|. T_.«._k.k-*(1V'l__. Cruiolaataait: ibr i.ppi, ia 1 _,_ d, lb* iamaad -Bf'U; abetai loi -t~,rt. nlrt ofva , .. ai _>l<8fl4 l-l. .oi Hoxlh »4 tl. fotfeat C«_M Bf Ba <. _._'*-- Irmiad ti. 1 (be ttart-t >to. a ,,,.,, af kvy.rt; ttie* *f *'_liniog<:i>» at ti d ti U for 31* ft _r.iv.rrd Mrdmtn t-aita tr. l. x- :.»'. *' C-biln Hu 1 f. 92 :2\9*2 2-i.tridlOi) bl». \M:-t il gl VI f tbi. Et-r. Pti* » very tcwc-_nl w_it»d Ttr ogpriaie ..atii'v It *ttn--.bmt 1* lett ind-ira* for: Bflflfl Bl Rflpe-tO- ihaWA Sl ¦. ufl Thht tt 03 V_8- *!<¦_ tox W iil-trr rtcn tn* Wuhuifc City Pitch ifl fleliiBg _B lot* St 62 75. atd Camphen. « V2c TV. qaote: Tflrpenttofl nft. tt B_nu co__«ld.k_l 61 93-1 * CoantT.aa.a84 g. .- Do. whit*. _-S*4 30 Ttr ¥ bbl. Bf-p*. i li %r* St 9p. __rp. ^ g*J.... 300 - Ptttb.a.bL... _ .2 7-. N^IL.<. trr b ft, r grn_t__| ti ttetdy prlrefl; talea et Cut tt *!<--. __h, tnS fla, tin.. OILCAK.-S fair d-mtrl 'or ttrpyrt .nd with lim '.ei irrtvtlt; prire. tre Ann, .t.rfl of IBB innt f fMi- tlirrk ro.r.d rcanrry. 877 for thia -t___4 ' tuiif 'n ttore. tn.l 84n fcr r!s:r-. i.t.. - ..!-,-_ 1- Oil _»». I* trm \ ttltao' l.tan tt 1 l5_t#| tt tor wui rrv, ul 81 -1-6- #? ir.e fl. OIL..Ecrlith Ltit _>d.ll aafl fhe ., «nt tdvinr- ia aat c-t j.i..f ,r in i- c* . n,u<^i r..t ed. <*t,_ ifl lutfl froot tu.re tt » 3t_ atlr. 0f wh_.-.ot« h.ve beea nukde on privtta t-Ttrt. Ctxd* WTt.le It tdr.nrinj _-.: n'r* ara for i-ii ividiite raqaireaiflnrt. tt p.r.ir. or* wtim new. fram Ul* tl-*'; **J*fl brrr .cd tr tbe E.«t tt 57l_tc pirt -elected. bat the balk of tkr ttotk it beid a: ttt *r,A opwird Kr tine.1 W.atv Bieached itttlltng to lote wanted tl 7u*7_c tr.de Sp«rm srirti. qo.l ty ¦ in itmited ..ipply. tad .i.:j| to lh- enhtoc-,1 r.'e. dr_nt_._e* tbe tr»m_u ....«.- very trlv.1. lu'_rtf gl Vi- txxi ot* tr* br J i- «l_30l _i M*naf_:rnred io ftir .npply ba:t the er,. i u, mited tt tl lo fnr VVmtrr I'n- blrtrled tnd 81 70 1 Lileiehefl. Elepbaat Oil kt ftrmertod romtt.tiidt "Ko ll:. f.trl It trtrrfl. th* dernaa* {<>__: .v'e* of taaaaarMMaMfl a; .avdrriy .aafl .nll tro* for w^trm W inter. Th* et, rk of Bed i* qnr. -xbaaetel; ftleaof lVMtrm Btfl'c. rtt'a. Bank Oil i*t__dy .- 811 ht tafl flkar* *t 81L We qnote: Flormce _e«»b,ta 9 AVhil*. refinedS.. 15 fl _ O.Irr, I. bt. ota...3 ¥> 0 . Sprrn.Ci-de.1 yi 1 5. O.ite.c «t.i>t_l.l 2* fl . Do.Wr. .rble-'d.l 7fl _> _, Ptln.. ft. »'.'» .Oo. lo..bl__b*fl..l 7V .I Lhit'd .C'T-Bi-a.!- Bk 9 [Elflphflot.rf bl... 12 9 li L__e-_._.Bg. 77* Tl LttdOII.Vtt,.., U .7 WhtJe. VT 41 ¦-» BedOil. MO . Wbtie.rttiiied VV. 7n 9 71 r run, tkt H Ai__ea i Sktppng l.iit Tbere i.t aaad d -t. of ibijui y -..r Sp-rm »ni lVe. ia freely offered. har h, der. btvitit tartncel apon'.hi* priee. Tb-re bflte keen Bo ulr. ia tht* mtrtet wnrth rrporting. Ia .*(.?- tarket wr bitr nl wle* ot 7*8 bbl. Bt _Cc.._j_, ilitttpou-'.: 2S0 do laf tt 14 Vl t. Thr--ht* 7>eeo t f.ir dem.nl the r__week,»nfl trsB.ttr.o_t inclade i.:-t nf i. _0 hb'i. for .Mnftctarini, yii: &5_> bbl. tt 57r 6_1 do. lt -7|r ; 70n do. tt Uie.. tn.l 5_) d i. tt . rrlre not trtnrpirtit. VV e wottd reoitrk thtt in r*n»a(ia-nce of tte rif.ctrd newi from tbe pihtliug fleet, b.y.rt only pur- ch.tr f.,r tir luiplv of inioieditte um. W btiebi.r.r.- t;e« for the week 20,000 ttt. Ocbotik tt3_.; M._' do -rrttr tllCc PB0VTB10B6.n_*fl i* Um firmnea* In oar ntrktt for Pork: the d.tr.tnd lt btrfliy *o BflflfB, bo' tt the c!o_ tbe de- nitai Imr-ovrd. nrertolly f r Met*; the ttie* tre l B »t 811 _' braaat Bmbj 811 for thia M**t: #!l__«l( I7J Cn Clrtr;tti1 ti- -17 {¦¦' 81/4 |fMBt8B Bt tne itmr. W'ttfiiti_o« Wr learn the Onven.mrnt cofltrtct ha* bo-n taten .1 £10 4,' dl £10 7,6 lot fljBM ptcktg--. Beet' U ilea.lv bet qaiet-th* ,!-. trtrd mtin'y tnr the lne.1 trtd..; the urivtlt tre ltrge; tie .tlrt tre 1.0 bH. tt 8S-67 50 for Cointrr Primr; 811,£ 811 *' (orConttry Me..-, 814 for repirked VVet,e:n tafl nr* Verniint Brflfll 614 t.r rep*-ked Cuicmo tnd ext-t Vrrfnont; i-.l 816 - *.'i l_ r vit. Tl* cofititct price alwhibth., Emliih O vrrrm.nt btt* Uken ir'.m'i packuea. we tr. td- Tl"d i. fft 5,'01:104. tier. Ltrd lt hetey and it duil, wlefl of l-B> bbI_L at S.-BtOe. and nrw I'.iTIIr. Drawefl 71 tre i drmti .. tt -i'.-C. Bsrrer I* in ftir demtn.l tt l_-.lt.-. flt Ob'o tnd I'i'i.fc. foi Sttte. Chr.fle .. t_.bie tt 'J.'!¦ _r. Pfff lltnii Btfl ir.cre plenly; aal** of TB Ml* tf #'_ Vi.«*l7. Ciit Mrttt nra not p'entj tilei of iS.DCti ft (dry) rthonldert t: ..Ic Otaaa Mbb.» *r* mor* plcntj; nle. of I eoo from tha bloek tt Ic c.«h. We i|aote; ..ei M _*. b'1611 f'h Latd.O..bbl*r.B. 9. 1" Do City. life ,iu5 lUmt.picklefl.-tf- Do. Ettn.... IB H) f?16(ie Bhimld n.do..-9- Do, Pnmelo, 6 f_ tf 7 50 B_-f. II*. fl. 16 tn : Do Pnnie Ciry nomiU»l. IX) inokM. » 10 1. \>\ Do.Pr. Mri.u- Bl . 8 !Bitler.Ur'. Co . _3 9. _( Pork M.nw.bl U 37 .12 44 IDfl.fsirtoprtme . 17 Do cie_. _rw :i r> '?u J7 'r>i,. omo. - 11 a. bi DoPrmen-w 1t37}tf-Cbn_a. . 9 fl. 19* Do. Pr. Me_ a t '». POTATOi:.1.Thr luppiy i* tnodsr*.. for th. moment, and prire* trr firrn; the den.tnd liyely; til-t of P'.akey.a tt *..)' 61 Wj Jnn, .. 9"'' it*i. ti,A 't .._ .1 d VI rcrr'. fikkihO ¥ bb:. Kweet arr.ve freely; ttie* tt 6-" *i T> (t Jertaj 1 tnd Vir. nit'a PK K.Tli- m.rket tlnc* cul laxt weekly bw been laita dall, trr! |: ... t:.' Bu fliam tnd iwer trwl't bave recejefl Jc ; «1... IV rtak. it #4 -<'/*'> 18, tt to qatlity, P ft; new it b.lii it ?', ..". STEAKISK.T1-. tappy.it linitefl, the dea-tnd modertte; ttir. ( f p'imr tt l< )c caah. SEEDS .A 11.od, rt e trnin.d fnr Cloter at U,21IJc. Timo- thy ;. quite p'-rtty *nd it dall tt *.' S> 'tt2 lh ¥ '<"¦ (nT rrtprd Iti.agh FttB it ..-tri-e tnd in dermod it 81 a_. 81 7.' Lu terd ii f.i i" nd m de.iiiknil .1 Boflton; we h»«r or' t*'e. f Sirily tt 81 -> cith. iu .tor,'; C'tlett* *'. *l Aa II IA. ihe Itttrr pric to trrire. SKINS._I.Iri h.ve h*ea mtde wlthio three dtyt of 3,000 Cnrirn.O<*r*t 41c. 6 mo*. D,tr*'cd_l ¦A_TPBTBB-Ba_* kaB* bem anada rf BM b.r. B_«l In 1 Crtnle. to ttpve ro.rtwtie. «t 6| The Hotlon hkipjnng I.i,' n, m !.:, . f n b.|. do. »t 6j afl;. ., ,i nio*. 80AP_r'n|li«hC..t-:ie '. dnl ttir. f, !,oxea at 11c. H ALT. Liverpooi 'a in f.ir d-rnind. tod i. firrn: VVet? Indit it in t'oil r,,]Deit, ihe kiipply it limited tnl priee. firrn; ..le. 5. :K mett Aiilpi t. Iwo .mail ctxgoetiii Turka Iti.nd, aad .ne of Caga- » 00jiiivafe t-rmt. -L'OABrl.The market hat r.rtitlly recoTt-refl fron ths Irrrrni. n rotic.d in mr lut weekly aod ther. lt a -nu.-li fiiu rr fe. Um at the tloat; in view of the tmail receipt* tf; liinitrd ilcrk 111 btnd; t.le. !,'" hh.lt Cubt Mutfovt lo 4; tf tle.t BBBBB t*WBl n *t . '. khfll I' -,. 1 'i '-. I ic, port tt) 4',' hlult. Nrw Orlrtm i'i V,' SM bot'i litTtQ. uTaYlit t" hlu t:i'i .___<. tor Vnlow. M't-LTKB.Tbe topply 011 tbe market !t n.t l*rg», ud Platet are hrld *'. tpt.,4 tnonih. TA1.I.OVV.Tne it a-irt .* agtin ea*lrr and the .apply tc- rannltiinr Sale.of _...fs<L' ft R-itchert' Atr_l_!on tt 1_ ft prime in lott tt 12« Ujr _|\_Thi dmii.d f.r Binca I* ^ulte limited f.-r r»th, and fiica trr frrblv airtr.tnrd, talet, in lou tt _He , tath, taflBM tltbt to arrive tt .". j' ti u.ontht. P.diet, ic the abtence ot ttlrt. piirei .rr non.int!. SPICE>.Tle triniartlnnt have heen limifefl In th!t I!ca, with Ike eiceptjonol Pepper. whirh it in iprcnittive deutnd. nrw. h.Tnii _*_¦ r-cf ivrd via Hotlon thatt one of th. two ru tne. >t|.-. tr.l d-iiu* tbe fail btd M88 lo«t on lh. cowt ot At ir. aliii-h ba. c.nted t.rice. to tditncr; Itlet 1,310 btt* tt |,|.i.lt ,.... bell at 11ir-; ho bttt Pimentn, lllr and It actrce; t" let* baee Ointtr. 4Jc 3,4(Ki D No. 1 Nfltm-ge it + lor! Mc, ibe l.ttrr far (lTMBJ.«t| l.V.O mat. C__.it ai 3 a*_: Mtee. i. lota.O'; C!oTe. I>_fl6c. TEAfi-The tale today (Wedr.etflaj) pu*ed off with bu- lltlla iplrit *nd tt lower ptlee*. etneci.lly f ,r-he 1. w grtde*. Yount llnoiit weie largely withdrtwn. At priTtta tbar. ft little lotg, th* Oolont*, howerer, ue ratbzr tirmrr, t-eiug h.iJ tt '. VV UALKRONT- We hav. to note BB-tt »t Nrw Bnlforrl of >if( ftt (lihnttk Bt _>. and I4.6M do. "Art.." at B_| ttork _<'.'" Bfl > TOBACCO.Trie df mand hat bern ftir, tod prlrea are well .r.t.ir.r_i f, r f»a pttt four dtyt mi lude 1S0 rih.n. K-u- larky tt Sjtfkje I'», n.le. H.vui. .llu.ny- 1 c.*-t o M.11 tL* Coi urdicul _e-d Lati, tl '|i 1. Vltnututared kt in l.ir rt«i'.etl. «rd price. tr- firnier. flfl qoute: Virtmit.¥ *.. thtit Mtnof No. i,o«* Sa.1T »« Bra'aky. 1-91 M.nnf nied., V. h ... .13 ift. M.nlir.l.- *- M.fif c ro., ___... »1J Mtnaf m-d., 16..lo -12 Mtnaf c.,i_,'.6..7|_11 Mar.uf. twut.ka-No. 1.16 Mtnaf. lll., No 1.11 (_I2 Mtiinf ft, _a_al!om....H O'.l Mtnaf ft, ciranwn... I 910 lun' IB, fll.15 _23 Mannf tdir.'twitt ..17 021 Ha.. 1. 1 .i.-v. 'i./if Bt _7o___>.P -U fBh..14 320 Ttr..M fl«_ ti.. fii'tk w.-.p. .' F.orid.. wrtpperfl.IS <t*X C,_n Berj Letf. 5 ''11 Pe. n B*efl l_af. V J W HI.KY- Tbr maik.: ii hetter. the .apply m-Hirr»te; Hl** of 2-1 bbW tt S21 <i *j c. for Ohio and __c lor Pritau. Drudge lt hrid firn lv tl _7c 'u_.». VV OOL-1 be n trket thia wr*k Ie«* active for Domottiz hutthenn.edtf.ee ,f _rinae_fl it ippirent; the receipw tre lifhi tr.d ii cotupveo with lut yetrinowi fall'n* olfof 2.70B .1 r.ula n7.itui.'.ii., thu, priee. are 20c. ¥ lower thto fll Ihe **m* peru d laat year. tboaring a larpria.o/ itifnati .1 to trtoe; itle..rihewret if/.".. - Klaece. t: _?*._¦..__¦ fflalBj. I.BB6 Ba I'u l-d 2* i.'k itora.gn it dn'.l hut . 6rm. ptlret'hivii t f, a. hr*tb» l..wet: poiot. Sma'l Mlea hare beeo aiaflr witb n nr inoUtDnt: Ao_u.an na*. Kiflk B. 4.-'i4ft Bo. Am. _rrtr» Alo.13917 Do P«il Bloaifl Uflrto*..-*-_ Boath Am. L'nwijoefl... *9 9 Do. .ud| Merfofl.34'i.R SoaihAin. Curdovt._.>«._ Do. Ntftvr .nd ^r do. .Jft-9»'\ F.tit Indlt, H'ubttd....Mflfl g.p Pslled Co.nfry....-.'-_B Afrlcta Ur.wt.had.F91* ll. 1. Pu_.e*Co aiiy.._-l- 'Africaa "A'aahrfl.14OM Ei-ttd. .4 il 12 r-my-ni, Clnwtabed._3_714 PrruT'aa VV'uhefl.32d13. Sntiyrxut, -tahefl .24028 l_lp«_iBo rnwiah-...iitti V-iictn (.'nwttd.*d.16011 Bo. Au. Com. Wt_ied..l'i-r i4 ( m r1<l_-r Cattle Mrirk, t. Rf(-redfor Thi Nit'-Tnii Tbib.vb, *y Johb E»to». WruvBiotT Of. 2>. 1«_L At mirket 2 611 Ctttla.*7_nt 1. -. Baeeet, tnfl 818 MtSB-L tf in'.iint of woiktoi Oien. Cowt and Calr Yearllap, 2 tafl I vean cid. _rf.t_.rr Btar.Estra ¥ twt 81; flrtt flutllty. 87 V); tee. .a BT8B1 2h -Ttird :u\!irT *s _i. -,._i_itrT, 04 30 8 81l Hu4r« » cwt 8AV.«»«S,'T-l-r, 81*81 2S; Peitfl, 42 io".f ( .11 -tin. 11c ¥ tt H.ttiLi... CtTTLi.8)75toOB ¥ ewt vl.lciLvtj,a.i oi'iu)*6ii. Bthbib.Wjrfcmg Oxea. no t_U*flB_iced.a Itrt- r.amber tt Bitrkr._ (, »i »iDC»Lv_t-8_ 824, 8. fl-- to 862 to 864. a* per r,otl;ty. Yl.tLlla.l_l 811. *'_ Two Ylali OLD-84tn 921'A 9*1. Tatrfl T',11 OlD.0_> 82S. 6_. 638, 831. fl_f, 8_ ta 8«. «hi .r no7.*wia_7 '..- I'mtrkrt. Excra 84. 84 30 83 86 87 P.v.o: 81 ie. 8.75, 82; Bllflt, *i ->. 82 if, 82 73,0- M #7 fl ¦>. itr-Alt Itrte. fa' rtottat V to He.f B. whol*«_e. B, a.ixv.TTi. .apply excerdt tB* dem»r.,l. tad nlm-t .toot.v .1 r.tetlrd bj ike imyflifl. wbo aakfora lifh-r de.line oa a_l qi.itie. of xock. Tne-e i* t lart. na__-,er af Cttl- tnfl Sk*rp ai.ioM. lr': over frcm _*t w-ek. Xiny htve given »ij **d II tt * tacht-re '. dty A" i.r 1. -h. mirket* tre .1 well reptlted «* tbay bav. h-en for tb* patt tiv _, waet*. tm r-uiait nn.'itl'd ibi car. raa. , yer thu K.'.eh-tirf Bailr.tfl, tid 212 over ibr a,.t. a_d LaWflU R__.r_.__, ic-al.J » iil Ctiile. flb«>B, Bwtaa, II,.rt'.* tnd fum'u,. BVMBt. .BOH f.CB IT.TB. C.ttl_. 3b_a_. »»--*. Uoreau Mt'i.. ._ r p.hir». .... M v'' ! ..31 4 Biwa-b-tetl*. 41 17' N'W-York. lf"2 113 Lafl C*t_<;s. tfl 117 0.o...4- 15 Tl_-. 7!f_ 2 l'l -BaBBaaB.... Repm-ted ba TeJetntpk. Al.ivt Ort. 2_ -Tb- .-.ceipteof bnkyin luh-.aad tm«r* h«Te .dviBcrd lo 81 Jfl f.r twa .-iwed. tad 81 * row -1! Nl» O.Lt... OxL It -O. CoTTBfl taa-ket . Oraa 3l.d. Tbe u-ri fvr tl* Ujt twj dayt _,_,« arnoet'.td to I _o bale*. Rr-fltpUof Prada_i....O<T. 8S. Jly tk* ff* £____¦__ 1.01 bklt triwr, M io. VVaiah*. Kt _t L-t^-r 4*4 flk. r_»»at I II ,-, V tfll 717 kr*. Lard 13 _Ja. W_ ,1 anl tn out. ProT'aon. * I l Ikt fimrtt kirtr 1 -.._t_:t liAbMh. C^r» h BW _L f FiO'Xl »- do Ath-. (*cr,(it'.!M.i! SO dc Bickwa.i: i«r ck..' __,aa _.*_¦-Bfl*-_*«_:_-. h tkt, tmt C-r*im*. fmm toOerim*-*** * CVntrnt- Btan Mttt M. J. Z D*c**.*a. F. 0. Chtraaae*. X X A ChaaaiiOea. ia tlmtmmtp X-tmmrm at Hmitfmx trom li*w-y*-*--hl *^*t***** -Me»: tkmt. ftahaHtmJ ii sktw. iii.l.i n*l>o. E.-..«. Wtkb. M.-aoa Jtmet. Scott, Miller, Ltrftcm Mcl o t.a Hat te Robtaaoa. Deltao. Danarty. 0. O E.ittklu l or dakea. frt»"r. liaiuoer. Wttkkarn. Jaiam Davena*. I an. reta. -lamet, LaeJI. AJ_eon. M*rkl*. J*hn. Oeo. R > l Rinaelan.+trtell. 9c\*vu. Wi.tlan*. 6*ym-or. s*»n.-e*. Casaittr'am. Pi»*.-ott Si** Hiward. Seetnowrette.Aa.il «. Baieto.Wt.ltc* Otmbla. Wttioa. Cradd**. M-Ure**r >t.- mcn. Grtbtm. Cr*i*b*oti, Ttplin*. D* tVolf, U *_*a*.V_hl'*' Leitmtn, B ke* Mtctoa. Dav.e. Hjod. Stewart. *t****tx, Ette- rta Real Bewoat. Baaae I. Bletkl-y. Beak. Blertley. Ar-n aticnsCcerapJonet, Frtg-a. Hyuder. Kim. Fin*y .taa. R Peycn. 5 i>aa»hreta eervtat tad tora. Capt. i t. i.n,'.i*-i. iLmt* Itf.m* .Ttowtt lord-tt.Ccl. Ltw. Rev Mr M -ai-aiu. Rev Mr Brewnin* R-t Pet*r (Uy, Mrt Calder, MraKanis tLd rh 'd. Mrt Allitoa, Mrt. ?rott. Mrt. W.-oler.Mrt » _**, Mra J-jdton rh-'d aid m* d. M-e Reeri**, M-t ****_*_]__*. la'ee Me Waodwtrd Mra Foireeter, Mra. R:.-htrde .n, M-a Wtraen.chi.J-tn tad nnrte. Mrt. HII. Mia F.eiatoii, M-a McCal M-e flthl.¦_ Mra Leur.ntrd h ,d. Mra l.y- .U trd cbi.'d. Mrt- Dtvbt. Mrt Ltdd. Mra Stewart. M-a. Blaakley. Mr». Katder. Miaeee Cuniiinghem Lorog M.ic tain B.'nittn Margervt Crndeu MeKav. C.-nluk** F-attt three Mra Wtahtiurn, fltrdner. Wuttlow. H v K .- H*uen..tn. Jeaseite Htatintui, Brydtn*. Bleakley, Arm- ttroas. Ftrit, CJt-t.___ Kuitrrai albavac.vhh »iv. ten-RAtt.... « 22 Sett.5 «| Mooa-Riae*..* Ila Hl»« VATia.vhii Otr. Stndy Mo*k.... 9 11 Uot. Ia.aod..lO Ot H*U Oat*....ll D MARISE JOURXAL, rORT OF NEW-YORK .OcTosciii ll.trrtl, 8tetn:eh_p*-Rr*rot*. 8k!na*-. HaMfc. I.udlam A Pl»*a- tot-; Cahawba. Shufe'dt, New-OrVana, Liv'.cgtton A Ciod- Jbipa-Htrriet Hoxie. Mtnwariog. St. Markt; Colambit, Sinker. Charleetcn T. WardwelL Btrke.E.-ri'. M ler.Monrov.a. Arric*,Ytt*t k Portern- .. Miat* iB_rm I Deake. Muuni'lt M-yer k Stu.ken; Iluch Birehetd. R gert. Btltimote H-.-kt* B-ll; N-!e.n. Hllek u. Savania.Y Poip* Al'o.; Oeurgee. RobinMn. Tboiattnn. J, W F-JweJl fc Co.; J. W. Blodjet, Wtit, Sieal, E. Tb«b*tad Br-'r«.Indaatrr Kerr. Pxletka. Brett. BBl * Co.. *anto*. 2d Pot i, G. tier, liporu l. I Ainaioek; Donewter, (Br) Be-k- ley, Kuteion, Jam.. J BU^tACo.; Acadto, iB.-JLoct. htrt. Winei.it, irtater; Conettrte. Ser.l I Latarall*. Malta, Oomei. Vt aJlace * Co Doctor Kaieaa. (Meek i Loreuu. R.t- ter.iti.i. F V.. iv.imidt; 0. W. Risteil. Fadge, OiSraltar. Mach'vana. Schoone-*.J. M. Wtrren. Chapmtn. Naw-Haten. in\ti»r-. R-aj.t. I.-.- Mt n***a, I. II Haven; A J. Ue.Ko*Br:t. Brtwaler. MfUalBftaB, Dollaer k P..ll*r; Man. K Tru*. tluat, Pi-it ao-Prir, e Biert, Son k. Ca Rtiobow. B|alr*t. Ltrtcrt. MrCrrtdv. MottfcCo.; Ophir Dtritad Port-tn I'lait. Wvl- ititb fl flaoxi latac Tnnuell, Bandnllart t i*ri**t.ia. V aii Pni-itASl .'.t. John (it.tlitha, I.amteo, P-tera-jnaillt). C ti. Piertca; Nnvt /eilea, (Fcrtn) UeCoata, Liebon, J. C. Goa- hlro. SIoop.Fuliion. (lardner. Frotidenc*. maeter Propcllti.Uaeida. Mackboute. rhiladelpui*. J. k N Bri«|i. ArriTcd. U. S. M. aretirabip Jtmee Adt-r, Turner, Cbtrletton. mdae.. and ptet. to S| ,,* rd. Tileatou A Co. Ship Adimndaek. Ttjlor, Oltasow 33 tie ,, ,itl, iion, Ae.. and 19 paat. to E. S. Timt t. Etperlenced hetvy weaterly cC* o tb* paaaate. _>bip Petie'.. iBr.) Lord. H-iatnl, En., 21 dt Iron. and 20t pae* to W A 1. T. Tapttor A .">h!p Sou-':. I'arn'i t, t.:c-wtrt, Rotterdun Sept. IS. 0 t Sept 26. n:dee tnd J9S ptae. to P.tt X Ryeaon. No date Itt. 4140. loe. 24 H, while Ijingto under dote teefrd ropat-.li. .: loiectet n.aet Bhip St Louit. Hpyt. Littrpool Stpt. 27, m.lt*. tnd pata. t i Wm Ne'eoi, ASont Oct I*. lat 45 34, lot .IK "'5, apok* Hr ahip R.te ot Sharnn. tl.i da fm. Sadnt Ibr I. them with protitlon. Th* S. L htt exper-n v.l hetvy jalrt on tr* paeaac-, ar..t taila. ke. All w*llon b trd. *l.i|- K.'tar P. Stricser u f Btth) Tbouipton, llttra Sept. '2!, Itdae tnd VO -aaa to C. C. Dnnctn A Co. I'lh inat. lat. 15 11. Iin. SP.tfi e,char,|td rn a'l »ith t ihip thowins tilpit! wlili I. rei X. btnndettt. llth Intt., '.tt. 1(128. lon. 4". In * hesvy |tie trt.m lhe wett. lott ihe head of tho furemttt. foretopmaa', to|(i'Itijt n.t'ts. tud cteiytbinf ttttched; tln maintop naaat ard p:-tr, n yt*.'...' 'tittra, epnins mtin ytrd, lott atilt, Ac Th* R P bta h»l Jb .leathe ,.n the p*m*,r im cholera. Btik Celle. I'lar.nT ) Helot, Bremea 52 dt., mjte. tnd HI ptae. ti-(tnileweli k Mehr. BrlfVm*! Br ) tt b.temtt, Lithon 49 dt. atit, Ae to J. A. Mti-kad-i Eaperltnced hetvy we*t*rly (tlet; apiit atilt, atove h-.le- art- B* Biit Alb. rt, ,!lr.l S'eevet, Hilltboro' « dt, buiUInt atone te J. Picktrd Srbr Ca-biii:.-. iBri Snt .inrtae, Mecuadtvil N. F. 2<1 da rtthto Jei Krj l)(h \*tk. M afls* S. E o! Bl^ck laltnl, experiencetl t ttie from N W.; lott deck load, and wi* b own oB r.chr. Pre.ident. |Br.) Blenmer, Htlil'tx 5 da, tith te Mc Ctalilf, Whet-l*r A Co. Sclir. Lnd»:s Auimsr, (0!dr,.i Plate, Hanihurs II dt lead aad Ml s-a. to Riechmiller k Loeacher. (Lt .'¦, ll lon. 87. atw alartea.iip,anppoeed Hr wir1! Intt of main anl mnuen-maat. loremaat aad bowiprit itand.ui. very li*i!« water lli ber tt ahe wtt very bfht; ea» nu ooe on Ij.jtril; wte nainted blark, 'tre ..1; Iad t bigh .|utrter deck; had uot been loug iu that aituation. SAILKU-S'eair.ah'ra Rotnok*. for Nor'i lk. _U.| Cthawha, New Ur »i_ia; ibip* II. lltibeck, for Moblle. Sitrit. Morte, f, r O'a.fow. BELOW.1 abip, snkntwn. WIND-U-irlni tb* dty, N. Irra iTftMei'is wAMiivr.Tov.J Arr. Livernool 9th Inat., Hrnrj City, Csu.kint, New- York; Sth. Kro«re_a, Cbate, Moblle. - .. Sld. 6tb. Nortb Ametiea. Dunbtr, Botton; 7th, Itottath, Piw.on, NewOrleaut; Juvenla, Wattt, lUiibidelphlt, On- ward. Wel-h. New Orletxa; Storm King, Ctrrlck. St. Mttt; Noirbern Chlef, Yonns. B.tron. Cld. »th. Commonwealth. Krapp, New-York; Otnlel Web- tter, Howaid, Boetooj Ptrnphylia, Vtlpey, do.; Botdicet, Stlckrey, Moblle; TtHeyrt...!. **.*.> ( hirletton. Lr.ndon. Oet. 8. enten-d outwtrd, Faith, Letch, Phi.«.I-l- rh.t- inwt/de A B. Kimbtil, Oavt, Ttdnntae; Oregun, Por- ter. Sheditc. Ilnroa, Drlter, Mirtmtchi; All"gbtnian St*t- at.n Quebe. 7th, Lltbon, Curtit. do ; Europe, Slitnkltn.i, Ctl!»'.; Eti.t»ni Q.ieen.Tunil.ull. Renoutki; ConutJirtn, Uy-r, Iale Verre; l'tleeiine, Tinter, N»w-Yors. Cld. OeL 9 Jobn Ri.uyau. Nlchole, Newport and New-Or- lett.; 7th ii. F. Pattao. Delaoo. New-Orleao*. Havre. Oct. 7, trr. Ltvtnt, Day, Rotterdiifi; M.irtimtr Llv- Irtatrn, Sainret.n. Mobilr; Sth, Sufl'oik, Edwtrdt, Nfw Ur letna; St. Lool*. EMrtdt*. N-w t'Tk. Mfl, Oct 7, CtrolinoTecker, Cbaaa, New-York; 6th, New- Endai.l. Prcttaa, do. Cld. Oct. 7. stxon, (Jrotton, N-w Orletna. From Tb. Londoa bhipping G-uette. OcL 10. ftreenor* 7th, eld. Oueanottt, Htrtficld. New-Orletnt. i,ii, "b. arr. Amv Robeott, Waker, Havaua. Antwerp 9th, trr Julls. Vou Steea. Nsw-Yurk. Klneliing Roada tlh. sld. Eliiabeth, Deoniaon. New-Ynrk; Op.tr Paaha, do.; Peter iltttrick. do-i Cbuiemtgoe, New Orl* ara Ainiterdirii 9:h. trt Protpect, --'rephent, Havant Botterd»m7ib. cld. Florenee, Mitchrll, New York. CaditSept. 29, tti. Lj-in, Melcher, New York ar.d Vigo. Off Dungeni.ee ., .".tradt Antwerpen, Naw-York Ita. Ant¬ werp; Stb Jeve,land Mellc-r, do. fm. Bremen. Uneenttcwn 7(h. 8PM.. pot In Robt. Carnley. Ourfey, Liv- trpool lor New-York, verr letky. I)-al li th. tr: V\m. W oodaijn, Woodtlde Loodun, and ald. fot Newpott; Fjrttt.id, Haiidertoi., do.. and ald. ior N«w-0t- (Jltsgow 9th. vr Elbe. Cleciiris Wilroiett*n; 9tb, Oltsgow, (a.l Srw-Yoik. »ld Sth. Robira.Bartlett.de N * rtith ald Mtttbt Wbitmore, Wbltuior* Naw-York. From Tho Shipping flttette, Oct. 9. Oreewooe Uth. ald. Artl.itn Ml Kemic, New York. Newcttt.e 7th. ald, Co.uu.ijit*. Portcr, Uoetoo, anl passed Detl Sth. NewpoitSth.cld Aqnil*, Newell.Cilv P. int. Bordetux ')ih. ald. Towntetod, HutcLintoa, New-Yort; Car- retnek. Foater. NrwOrleant Mtnelllra Hth cld. Egltttin*. Oltton Now-York. Hrlyoet (th.aSB. Seia Scott, New-York; Attiacaa, Snalh, New Otletna Haniburt 5ih, ald. Frtderick Oroat, Stnd.-r. New York. fmim. te t.'h trr Nord An.e.'.tt Peier*. New Yurk. Malaga-ept 29. eld Flving Flah, R*f."uf, New York. lneatSrpt at, trr. Ferdtuand) Cortee. Napoll, Bottoa. Hmjrna S-pt. ib, ttt. Rtc-horee, Seariet, Horton; tld. Mi- Bora' King, do. _._-_.. Conaiantinople S«rt. 15, An Mytfry. Tiylor. B.eton. Off Dover7ih Levanter. Kolltoeb*.-, Hall fur New loik. Iiff Beach Head.-. Roxtnt.tjoper St Join, for Hull. Off Plymtutil aih. Amertoaa CootitMt. WUIIft, New-Vort. Off th* .^'.artiith, \on Sttin. lUtbo.t, New York for Brnnen. Brletol9ih eld. fm. Pill, Alhrt Oallatla, Storer, New-lork; New Emfiie. Deviet. New Or ttnt. Copeititgen Oct. 2, th* An.enean thip Cbarle* tad Jtn*. Oliver, fm ittockholm for Bo-'on, wbitu wtt ou-:.or*. (tt re- poited ) l.aa iut m iieire for repaii*. 'P:t NttCASt, aT HtLiri.x-ByTelegrtph.j Arr. fm. New York Uth, Bf.uU tt Htvr*; Hettcbell tt L.7- erpooi; llth, Aatw«rT)aB U An*werp; Htfi* It do, llth, Yurk- ebite, tad Ainerictu L'uicn at Liverp-jol; Iaabellt, and Djrothy io the Dowli. Arr from Botton llth. Maria Antolnette tt Antwerp. Arr. from Virginia llth. Dnmfneehir* tt Bri.tol. Arr fir.ni N'W Otiear.t llth, Lady Krtntlin tt Llverp^l; 13th, Shtoro.k, tLd (lart Wheeler ttdo. Arr. irom Mobil* Hth, fJen. Berry tt Littrpool; Manuion at *'d for New York I2ih. Cmmm*m**i*_ *******¦aaalia, fiou. Liv.rpjjc!. Blancbtid trm* Bru.ro!; Chrtmxtmttnm PotU u.o.ih; IStb. fcmertld Iale, trd Ootatio from UaerpooL l Boatoa 10th. DtL.ei WtbeUir, fm Litarpool; Uth, Ptmphe.it. '' r ,)o ... , PbiJtdeiphi* 1 J:h. Tuartrora, fm. Liv*rpool. fld. fi r Btl'imore, IJtl, Mtrahri^ld. fm Li»erp.M,l. Bid. for Alextndrit 13b. Oen WathingDn t n. Liverpool. Sld. fcr CfeeaaaaaB I2ih, Ttl evrtnd. tm. Liverpool. SIA foi ^tvttnaii K'tb. Conaul, tnd Ftvoritn, fm. LiT»rnool. Md I -t |l*¦ fBJiaaa I' th, Pjrtioid fm. Liverpool; 12li., O. F Ptti't. Ji.-i. Endac:a, iin. do. Rld. for M ' le 18th, C*afl*a, fn.. I)e*i, ::ih, Bodlcea, fm. Liverpool; Plk, IVm. Wtrd, (ai. io. a, fFmti Onr Own Correeoordeo' ] PH1LADVLPHIA. Oct -_S-.f-i-Jred-Se.it*. Edoa C K»llv,B*«.r I.t). uliut Ett*. Ctlt-i; .tatmahip Jteaaebae, C. p.a Maa Vork, br.gs Ann F;-J*i,*'.h Ttjlor, Bosr.n; L;rt, ftrmtr, Calt... Me ; lMjl..r», Il-i'th, Ptowdeo-e. a-¦*, a. U. J. Jot.ea. Crow-lJ. Bo*"jB; Mt<7 'ohbaon BaMw-.n. N. Mf en. CTeored-Ptrt flaiMBBa Tur!*!, We«t ImUmt hilt Hart. |BelM.flt. Jtm*. 9.11 sehra. 0. Ie. I . . ~'*'_l l^Badale.Coir.ba, Botton; ttea:.-,.l lf Keaoe- nr Cope-t.N*w York; aehra Jaii* Shtqt. <htrs. R'tb-iry; Higblunder, Sm.tfl, L)_.t: Mtry Ithnioe. BtJdwla. Aibtny. By TeleKrapb. _»ewort.f.(V4-(M.Oat 2i, aaalBBMflKeeflWas-BBr, for N*w-Yort via Htvca Dltattert, ***. .Chi* A..0.TO. Balcb. KJ-SffSEGtiS: wrccked. 'ttlJd. ***i F .J,: ^. ' Th- tii'a-.d ttor*. ,f th* rto tahor* with trodd'O* a*Jl* a#_ ^i,.,.a_ .' ,,-t. w.te to.A ' , ^JPj»V?7lBjrr 18 Th* ArUato c.puia nd CI.W trr ved **£*£*» ^ ath Bc-a, ta u^ BBB a roeu *}*t;0A*l^*t_^**.mtf ****'.**, Mr Board- tLd wat owned by U n. ru.,^rt4<; tnA ^ .h. f..1:i,H :n, in. utaown'dtwo--I"**'' , ii,f,T.: t** '¦** *'¦ ttm .-iffilt, ai-.a'latlhBaof'" . thip. tnd na* :** i.j..owiM ia- tnmle\Tm*%**t W*Au.r. \rxn\-l I1W f th. Neptone. T*^t*r\***^a?tb* flrttiah ah'p'..r kark Oe*eBM«t tf Um*- ;<*' ik*r"r« reported.) waitfMggcdaal tbaadooed. att Tt- _*rt.t__ing, peep fl_-k rarrial twtv, aafl BflMflflBfl k__ bet. rteeaCv iVtidon _, w****fl. llh ifl.t-, 1»1 '. _.. loa. 51 kv l"*r- _ub**toI tk p WiotntogBi Phiiafle.phit .. ia BtTTtroBv, Capt Carey from PhitolWphi. wiih coa'a 'or P** _a. «r»ck aa tb* " iee hf**k*r." DeUwara Btt,, OB Monday tilbt to* i_me*la_lv flUed Tb* pl'ot h.«i La¬ aa dit, of Caa* May. took ef tb. r.p-u* .i aatj aai tt aiea tal !an«efl tb. m aooo after the dl.wter. . f-iB*. Lciiis Hrrvr- O.t .: S: _.o*t->n tii rotaJ.w** Biver. l.ax iorei.il f u tha ptMi** (Irt ilttlA M ( htr o* tioWaa. **._tao. 1*1, frflm th. aia.a * mi ..-.A wta In-t. fi li. Liatiu l' i)tb-v. fro-i r.,il- Ipbtifor PorUtB-, wr tt baltmuu MocJ.v. w.'.b oa* of lor _»_ ,._ .** |»«_ J _. . gale oo Weflneadty _igbt laat. Ta.-_ri_ei_. Drrv-Tivt CflkBTi..Bfll Tb* melancholy lafl. ot tba two Pflfah ahip* p.-Nvek. Capl. /.eetuaa. aafl tbfl Htfltrr, li- i -or 8B Ker.r. Rief Indoce. xr.e ta (fiottlf **T»rtI ebafla etprcttily aa bo.b QtpWtkm htvt baaa re.rme'ri m _. M mtn oi ni* eoco. »hmi,l* my rflfrrl. i fcurl tbe fcllowiat rrrent gflflUflaUeB bM -*_i_- to ai.9 anv nuerti.n of '1 it r.t'. nit. ¦" A New r.a-t ol Terr. Aa_t___, "fla CMrman L.nd «!._ Z't!flBd aod AflBBH lito.dt Lmd n p-ib:i-»»d by Jaui-.a Iui.-iy late B!_:.-bioi* A Imr.y A* tbi. omlMionmay lcal to aami!., liituter*, it I* aauamnrp .h*-th. i iner. ifiould V a-.Ued to tb'-¦ K'B.'t Rrrt i . . i)ceM,ar7 m.lrfl northea.toi Pfltl C in >. N fl. ¦" flBa. _(¦¦ ..»* ''»- f-a.ii. Grier.a b . def 7 mm _..h !»t., tafl t ffloer«l thirt ofAattra't tior.: tr: »iivrv tf r.ui. Kindrra. Ac . wilb aJJi- lion* to the "»r llfl, '. deer.V.rt t* r_kt ptrtly dry, fl* -.u.dint wiih *3 f*thoni* halTa i'« o_ I tm <i:r, vonr obedt- rot._"__ l-BBD-KflJEOkofl IkHOZ B-SaMBB, J_ T .->¦ .S_. B - Na_.___.' A|r_t. _.*___-__ ..:New..d_il_-._.ip Baiit t_-_*a, Di*., Tt, ''s'lfl. fram M.Biit'i* __.»*. Uac''- .<».¦«».»',. BhfltaB ford. to i-init*. *;. k..-. Ibr. Srpt. *'. BB B fli l*«a . B\ .bip Elit*. from N.w . a, ._. Oct. .1'. I.t 41 i-n.dOJO. ifcip Htrtw.y. koanfl E fln.lei a _«-_*. _*-__M*--. fl, bark G_.r_tflr.fi-_ «t lohn, N. B., I.t. ,7 11 I.o 21 '.S.lmtt DoRflflC. Yt.too.S:*. flflM tram i-u<w___> for i. - ... «.__. at 44 *ai. Iob. 47 fl, lUip Alniu-2. BliflflB*, fm. _etf Oet 6, It-'il tC.Iofl- 4J3C, b_A LflBot, ef Bo_ob, fro_ Ouebee tn (Hiure.ter, K , , ._ at. 43 B*. !-. M td, alifp J"-. Bn|ht. of safl froa Ntw-York inr Liverpo--- _________ Oct. 14. at. 41 -I. .ob. waa Me. a ihip ttas-ifl. »..¦"*/ \xn a wh'te liio.l wiih lett.-r I. tfl i'-(.uppi)*** Nor_k VV.nil il' fllfltl frotB N ,.n.) efmmmtVkBL ALitBV H. NicoLtr. Ao.-noiia«t. STOCK- nnd HONDS at AlTCTlON...._- ri-r I' MOLAY w, Itell I'llH U\Y.(Xr. tt at 1J| ,t 'he lM.>rlbtB_. Excl'tnge, for .-.obui ol wbom %__*__*_t.fV:-rtif'i rer Cent Bonfl*. BBBBB t-Jtble lll Jtnn.ry tcd Itl laiv. *1 e_h 8.'|,vSit,.lU«'av.Mf.nfie:d aad N-w.ik B.ilreafl IB Bflrt. t*«r 7 per ( rnt. H mfl, iaterett pay-^!e ltt. _a-ch and ltt._ep. tembrr <BI tiv etrh ,;r. t' Wett-rnllllln.'lt) Rtilro.fl I.t Mi.rtt.tfl 11 Roudj. inleie-t pay*bl* Ut Apnl and l*i O.Ukbtr, Jlllwflnkae City 1 per CflBt llondt, totereat pajflbla Iflt -l-rh an.l 1*8 a r'"'""" *-ii.'-b. lo _h*jr* ili. li .iii s.uilieni ita I.-i)*.l l.nttructlou ->t*.-B, MMan* Niirhe.n ludtan. RtilroU CociuuclUa 8to:k, 81(0,,ah _v,.>tr.. M.'neBtnk. *"J'eteh. in ahaneCt>a-tal Bauk oi thn'.tyol New-Yoik, fl- .*»». 15 in.rrt !»h.i* »ud t.eti:ier Htuk +li"i «ta-l_. 120 ibBiri Me. b*ni ¦*' B_.'.k oi vv ;ll',a,iitbar^h,OM**<:l>- an .' ir.* Ln ,1 Citv Uink. 03 hOtkar, a tmpiir ( ity Bank, *-.Veacb. *i ibaiea Oe tn Bmk. 02-' each 16.h-i.»Kol-<i-i-,«__ B*ak «2> ra 41 ihirei L !' It-urame loiupti'V. . H earb. fl) abtret oward luiiiraii Coni(_BT, 8 .) *<-__. ._0ahar.a M.R.nfile Kin- Ii.tfl _nc CompflBV *._*.¦ ». 10 ahfliet Lonlltid Plm liKOraM. Coinpwijf. 02-" **. li. .1 tn* Piin.it K rr lu- k»l;» C, Bronllyn. ? .*:.. 7' thtrri St Nlcholu Fire Inoaraac* Company, 8_.'.*M_ ilthtrri La P»rge Kirt- Ibbb_u_* C.'mp*ay, *W I , .iptnt, OlVrtcB. .'. "ihirei Vir.mitC iri Copper mt ip_>v. flletch. JB thairt Wv. k, il Oold BUIal C iup_oy. 020 flach. TrRB- .i. Bll T- u pi-r t-ut thB d.T, tnfl th* t_l»nc* b«« fota | 1. k. .,,;.".- The a, crn afl iuUrttt OB tli (be bonda wiil hecb*r«ed to the pureh-er. ¦ _ . A II N. fiol.'t r.goltr lalrt ii -'it.ki. Ko.,1. tnd ("he- ... f inr..... vciy MON17AY tnd TilL'll-SDAY, tl tbe Mr. -hant* Eirhasie. , ,, - AT 1'siv.iTr Sit r .\ grett vtrlitrr of flt*t clt** Rtilro_I Bondi, Bauk Ibbibbibtaambat ____-._ Oftoe, No. 4 Bmad tt., uext to cornar of VV all. Thb Aniikiv E.x,s.i.,.r. Iliat N<* Vo««. lutv,atKti, A N KXTK.V DIVIDEND of TEN I'KK CKN1. ___L on thfl Capital flafl of ihia Bmk will b* paid on the hrO "'.h-'cip-S'-Vork wlU bB introaied riETY PF^R CENT., or one Diilllfn dollart raT*ble ot,.' h.ll .r fifty do Wr. par thtre. on th. (i.tt d.y ,.f July next, tnd the other ball an tka aitth day ol Novrtnher n.xt. Tlier.w tl.ck wil be dutrlhotrd 'o Ihe old ttonkholdert ta the rttlo of enr .h.rr nf new lo every iwo ibkfM of old rtoek, acimdiii* to tte Stoek Ledger. on thr m. rning of the 2Vh lnrt. Ihe rlgbla lo (tae ional titrta ol .haretmay ke trsi.tferrrd tad coiiibtovd to t* to ubtain fnll tharri Aay tto-kbilder nity f any Ui.ie t. rr thfl 30th Itnt. t_T_l I.i, mw thaiei in lull, tud be entitled r, relnt.at lb* nieflf 1 prr crnf. per tnnnm on tbe moiety to tft* Sth NoT*mb»r. The littrr half of th» lner«n*ed «t k will not ba ttr t tuv poi'iou ol ihe ten.i ani nal ditlil-ii in NoT-mber nait. Thr Tuu.fer Bonk. will be cloted irom the .'xh imt to tha lat Jaly ipclo.lv*._^J*r__,_:___!*-'.f_**'"4r- ibicab Bzauaea B.*k. n,» Yo.K.Ort. 24. issg. AgEMI-tUiNUAL DIVIDEND of I'lVhJ PER (ENT hw bl. d.y bron dflclaiod, ptyabl. un dia (ith d*y f November neit. Tli* Kirtt Intitilmeu' (1 f fifty lo.latfl oa etcli tharr) nf tha lncrraarfl capital ttock wlli be entitled to tbo iam* diridenj te lllr i.ld Itock- __, ___ TheSrcor.d InatftKiuflBt (of fifty (IfllLr* "a each .hare) of th. Increinrfl rti-ilal nock will voT be enuutfl to aay paruou ol tin. dlridetid. .__. _ The Tmnafer Bookt will be cloted from Oct. 38 to Hoy. T, toelBkiyr. . ___« _, ,, Ily order ol the Botrd;_<il_____I-___?h-'-__ IDlClFIC HANK..At the election for Dir,<etiir« ol thi* B.nk. hrld on T*eil.y, l_h inat., th* fcllowiat p*i.-ii. wete du'y elected: Wm. Tilden, |..o A. Merri't, Wm. Hu.ith. Ilenry Wentel, Cba* B fl_M, Mtthtn C. Ely, Ebrnetflr Betdlmton, Jno. P. Tread_.ll. ,.-, It. Ja.kt n. (lia*. L. Tlfliay, Amo* J. Hitrinld, Jno. K.-rr. DavldL Young, Kbea. H Pr.t. AndataniUioueniifiretlBg of lh* B__fl, WH. T'l.DKM, Vaa wttr..lrct._ Pre.ident. tafl ( II vri H. WHITE, E_|., Vice-Pie»ident.-New York, Oct fl _J ( VV1"HKLL, J*.. C_li_T. V I~"KV1NG -AVING8 INttHtUTIOM, No. _3 VVarret. .t. u.xi (o tlie enrner cf Oreenwich-K. Itt. tfl*l 11 I x per cani will bfl allowtd oa all laait not flB* Ceed'.m Klve Hand-ed Bollar*. Oflce open d.ily trom II o'clix k A. M. tu 1 o'dock T. M., tnd from 4 to 1 o'cl jelP M _ CALPB S VVOODHUL-. Er*. *>oU Vl * D r.. CILT L. BliaTUB. 3«er*Ury.__ H~~UKON aai OXFORD B \ H.ROAf)Co..Tba Coopi 11* on tbe B.i.dt ofrnothuTe CoflipflBy. dfl. Btt the fir*i of N(iv*ii,',-r. w.ll hfl paid on tud .fer 'b«t d.t* *C tho tft.ee of KETCIU'M. ItOOER.S k HEME.N4, .. 4", (VlilltmtC, EIC-HNCE ud BANKDiG oitiCE.." _j,,| DL'.NLAP k Co.. Cincinnttl, Ohio. Collertlone ptythle !n Cinrtnnatf r.tmtted 00 tba day of Mk itnt.ky hr.t iri.il dr.!n.-ting aurrerit rat. nf Etrhant* nnlT| .___. ..-.1.1- _,.,. _"».l... ,a tl.. fmrt. ot tbt, bli! will B_l m'nt.ky hr.t iri.il dnl'i-flnt wirrent rat* nf Etrhant. rmlT| fur ihote ptvible witli ExrLnf..- tlie faee of tk* bii! will bm rrir.ilt.l. Eor cf.ll, 11; ,:,1 a'. .:! t)t!iar point* througho.l iha We_, proeeed*ir_i'.ied jb ihe day that aflylc* of p.yii_olle cceived, dednctini oua taaltot BimiBlMiBI IlaTlnt 'aapfltia- b!e corretpoBdflBU w* an entiiied fo tuilflCl BB«a all poiaM with ftcllity. bF.YY.iX fo Cfltl. A. IBH, 1*1-, Caahier American Exehtuag. 9uk.| fl.Mi.. B. W ,||T1 Yiq,.. Ctiahi-r (;-f_*-flf B_tk. Kic Ht.D Bta.r. Kh.. CaJkiar Tr_ia«nen'i B_ik. T. R. Ai LV, laa. Otahatt I^_tlter Manafa*tar__ Baok. Fim.ev, hi.-.x ( ,... B_..rr., Wail-at. J. T. V.t Vir.cs * HuaO. BaBkrrt, Will tt J. tl. DiTtr.i, Jou.* A Co., lmt_T*e-t,___[(_¦ 2,**J___- "" *_ FeLTB* _IB« Uka-B.-CB Co.'. OrrtcB, * No 10 vV*li-*_. Oflt. », 11*4 S THE ROAFiD fi DIRKCTOR8 hav. Tlir._ I)A7 declared A DIVIDEND tt FIVEPER 1 Y.AT. apon the rapiral. pflytbl* on aol aler tb* lflch BJt. T_l U_,_.r boo. .Ul {_ ._*_¦ ^IVii,^?^^,^;^^ Oiriitor K..c.tB.oiNK.;.-,v.v,.w.^.m.uo. t KNICRERROCKER BAVIN08 I.V..TITU- nOB.-D*B*-__* B_fllBflrM_aa^ra*yjitifrm*fl that on ac.onnt 0rthr ,e, »t *%*_** .^flT H.iik in w.iah aomo of Ihe .rallMI* fr '*> »< ^J^*^. wur i, ¦. tf..,-. ,- itr-r hu en untb lor 1. fewy*P*at, ., thedrtfl* 'IP4.B ll- "'*»«« b^B »f l«)fl- ._.,,. h ii »>l km.»i ii nvr.ted ln B nd* and nirxagau _T« _r.l F ...*- wo_h d<_b..,h- -^r.lva anviiin^^njj nrootbfliB; Lot whieh** __*«_. ._v_at ra *J1 etw.rnM. ?I_"ot "rrBflttrfl *__!>!* e«-'P« Bj » .*i\0,nct ******** _7.t.._.. i Tiv ..--i.'.»i-«.ei'-h'r of -a '.r n r_itiir** :ai. to .i'n'.'.'.liTl'irr:.nor on flr-po^t I'i th* atbttmU btnk.. _;_.,«_> a.le.»d «lr__i*t»lyf.M«.n»l.:a; .nd (a e.rly re- fmT.nnb_._ib.r_. aAUhB^\waaamaBBaaaMa.B 1. _-_. denrii fa-Iieted wil! ,"-o i_._t ln.Ut.tlon beyosfl a«y orotpaf. f nder rbi« circu nfuicr. Ilrpoa.'fiit will at ot.ce per- ;T.;f.. < wl! bd b*_ »uh_.r-el hy ae- tteare aad by iVi: noper.'i, a wi'h tha ff_*__i to allaylflj d_ifru! of lb. Iiiat-tiiUOB. By order of rhfl Hoarfl. .atrttaioi tratary^ r ItlTIIl. lii.l.arnu t Oktrtav.) Hir* ji t.KV Oet ih.lk'A ITESFSTat the rat -EVEN per CENT. peraxmin » iil '.* pt.d '.t d-rt !n S_*k, OB (Ae I ltt ii»T *f N-vernbflr utxt, »t tb* *fla* No IJ Wall at. ' a. REMOVAL..Tba hMi ll.'K OITY BANIC wil le ren_T_l on WED.-ESD4TP.lt, O. tbe a*w b_.uu f houte tt :_e e,orn«r al '.r-eawicb ... U.ta*- ¦tt. reoBily . 1-1 ttd (nr '._,e Ni .ouai Excbange liank. Tir pr»r: -e. -it 'faplad 'iy thr Emplr« C;ty Bt*. w!3 be ..tcurifd arrrttter ky the ?!xi--rT tvinu Htak. L II . :!l RCM ChltB. "IVAN'il !'--...:.. on Rnnd »n4 MotTfarr* oo T V B_eBBBBadt4_ The»i_tie . tr_ri_ nni!(. wirh 611 It.rreteii rr.tt. 11 rt tha lec.i ty b, flm;lfl. Alflreflfl A. C, f-ije.en- -lf lllia .For BALE, a Kioa* < tp _[,UUI-t stx per o:sr. bosu r\e*boa ._..: tbre. ifiritunti. It wil! br _,l,i n Kour Pei C*.t __o_>_ -'____*_ -W-. HAA Wanted on bo:*b a-iiio:;r- "P»),IM M f g ,t,K 7 r Btfl 7-*.-" °n impiwed p.: .j- tny eija-tr.t'n -be t i.vof tUwTnh. .*.d prop*r*T -e:u< __»._ d worth ... tirt.. rhr «-a« Hgt » R_--t. 1 B AKK mi mtatwmi by CARP_!___- t% VClvBliYE, Ni 44 Wi.! rt. on* Iti cent. t_K ^_»r.

New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1854-10-26 [p 8]. · secosD sotao. ajIWI, Krntairty 6t.11) IM) Retdirn Reilrt.td... aB Tli UMMar. lttiltj. Bdt.. 86 I00 do.kj 7M VS-.I U_rtr-_,T.ttalt

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Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1854-10-26 [p 8]. · secosD sotao. ajIWI, Krntairty 6t.11) IM) Retdirn Reilrt.td... aB Tli UMMar. lttiltj. Bdt.. 86 I00 do.kj 7M VS-.I U_rtr-_,T.ttalt

¦AMfUKD._. tTTCBT.OaTaeadat mora.af. Ott. 34. at

amorn-FMTTw Boi(.___., nrr«>nT». »T th* r»».Ba( kankft >"'- M; vt_-.,».l t n.uj of tba t tt, la »!¦**. C F^_L,i,iT o'Brooairo**m_*tk\-' KNi'V. ..i.-i-Ati.-i.CotUt*. Dcltwtr*Co .Pt.**fAfiV.iir tv ti» E«v M.ico. P. Crats Ut d-xuyT* ... vJ._Ti.sroa. I)»l .!. M_e* M»»».a .) ooly Aaafbtec*.?Vr , Koowle* Ee4 Ol iitroy l*trfttllMr«-S, I-I- LLANU-Ai N-w Bn.._i».ti. V '

tk.n,...., i-' '.i-r tbe eleit I>r. Alet. Bc'.lel'tod.Z*U ll %.i*oai.(St*\otk. u Mary. dta*bi«r of tha titlci-

*^li$HZk*V-TAYU't*.At Bobokea im Wodaatday. 2Vhvn. btj tb* Re» Mr Bror* Wm. O. Bhepberd M Aifattt B

l*tf*l B«> a.Ta^lor. Raq.

mmtt*Ortnt of Oowero.

a .dby an


*Vl\»,r___f._,T__*tdty.'he :«!h I"* ,f>'r . !-»"* and painfi.l*^*\_"!^kltkjckt *t tt t k,e. _*t-*tbj, wife uf Jote^i N.

Tke trlmA* tf'** f*',>u', mrltfh-t ron* In

«7Tlf * Waaad* aro rrspectfiiiif ..

2i!,diiriM.»B*st.B!»a,elorli.r.>I..fliin Itw, O. B. T«--ivjteel lo f i .4 .,

n* Ffd.y nen .: <v ti". ....-. from her la

^i^loa^tt-ltdry. Oct 2VC.pt. A!ex. M I. au.

**tf. 'fwtid* ttd tbosa of hit brothera, Willitm aad JciliaWfLet.i are i»ep»ctfullj inYlted. wltbo l f.-il.T ..,.,-.*. u at-

Zt*l.i*'ft,r*ral so Fnday. 27ih Intt.. sr 2 o't-lotk. lr >m tber-a-Tae* of b.a l,t_Abtt, Jobn MfL-tn. S... 41 Morion at.MtVlCCAit-rat I'tyettetille, N Y O.t IS, Jutan Mc\ ,;-

Mt. tb* aet«t pattaer ef tlie 8rm of Mc\ icesr, Piak* a. Co.,

*^TALMER.ln tkis Ciry. on Wednstdsj, Oct. 2b, Thomat J.

Tho fiineral w 1! ttks placo on Fridty. Oct. 77. a* 1 o'clock,» U from hi* Itte retidetje*. ttm. 22 IMtat., N. Y. T.-mfner.de of ibt fanallv tre retf^ttfall.y r«-quest'-d t* atuul withnthi.li'i iL»:-.itiin_

COMM^EimALJIATTERStflalrs at the fttock Kirhange_f) r. 25.

BiareO Indiaot Htate 5t... 71 2',I K.ri« Rallraad.C Hlj|a« Vlealul*6t.Hl. Vt *** A'>.... 4*j\MACalil,ai.kli. **... ii*. 2r<; do.eJ 44.tttttrlelb' B.lt...»?'!. 1-'. f"' do.aiselli.l'.a R.R. Bt e. 881 V<n lo.Ttl!blO sc.*i. ', Ij" <I<j.eOO 4M

11 Tel tr.d iind. Canal...ll.'j'lW do.a'W 44}iat..iuEt. Btak. 81 \l'*l du.bltlSaeCa_.1t_.Co. t3 .'I I08 df.i.i II.a* tlr.V": 21* *) dn.al 44.lIBN.c. Tit.... Co.88. i-'ll 7J N. Jf. CeL'.ral R. __..*. tl.S5« dr..tl. Mi 100 do.

Medo.N| M do.e 87JMt,so.Ui". 2.) 140 do.e.91_

430 do. 9-i'y '"* io.brtlU8*«Ca»,berltnd Cotl... tl tti 2i" Hsrlem R-.ilroad.. b<J0 31^1*0 dn. bl() irtl io" dt.c31flie do. !./'.¦' 22 do.81

4*b a.is.'i 2*\ V*i do.tli 311lto in..Sie-MIM do.(I|IMdr,.I' -' ! IJ'aditi* BalIroad...b3n 72im do.neiaiiiia do.-..nn

880do. -J-'" do.SSfllljUarir.r. k K lolnt Stk.. |lt* d>.*¦ "l<b M.th. m. Conetructioij fi 100 do.tl2 7liItCl.vc C. ti (ln R. R . 101 1<0 .711aaaticb. Cetet. R.R. « IIOO do.WtO 72|

secosD sotao.ajIWI, Krntairty 6t.11) IM) Retdirn Reilrt.td... aB TliUM Mar. lttiltj. Bdt.. 86 I00 do.kj 7M

VS-.IU_rtr-_,T.ttalt Co.*70 ?lt 7(;0 dt).

do.b3 *i\ 19 Cleve. k Toliwio KK . «l100 Cumbtiltud CotJCa.. 3811 b() Erie Railroad.1.18 4«

1*0do.b8J>l}I.V) d".44}IBBdo.tt(W»t|l(iO do.M«4$

ttt Cu.d MillMlm . X >' Nor. & Wi.r. RK...i.i> 'J|mrdo.bS 2 I SO New York Cen. Rit... 7"

miio.b*0 8 -*8 do.t 0 "

X. Retiliil| I.al!rtad..bJO 72 180 do.WO

. 7»l

WthmaOAY, Oct. 19.P. M.Tbe fonticued strirgenry in tho flMBflf market ia

bcin^' f» it in Iflaah < ircles, and whilo the oporabirafcr a fall jfind it dif icult to inalto much impre-si >a on

the msrltet, yrt nny permanrnt improvornnnt is foandto be equall)' d.tlicalt to inaintaiu. The tuaikct waa

Bteady ttt-day, but at lower pricos than yosf<;nlay.Erio showa a decline of 1 i» cent ; Keadinjr, { 9 cent.;and Ctntral j f cent. Tho delay in tlio paym fll <itbe dividend, and tbo noar approach of tho time fordedaring unothcr, rnntcrtally oesista tbo bears, whobavt- io pertinai ionsly oj>erated in this sto^k. Kead-

ing i* affei ted by tho j'aputc in n-^ard to the JunuarydiMd'iid. Oaa party desircs tbo flo'ttintj debt pnidciffon the ttotk, and a cash dividoud deolarod; whilotbe oihtr eaaflaadfllbfl lhe payment of tho floatinpdebt with the tnruitga ti the ton-1, aud a stock divi¬dend. Tbis dividi nd, it is stated, can be about 12 i>aent. Canton ia sVody; Cnmborlr.nd foll off J 9cent.; Nicarajjua was heavy. Ia Bauk stocks thorewas little or i.otbinj» done, and (juotationa uro de-preeaod. I.ailrcad Ilomls nro stcrtdy, but in«i¦ tive;Krie itcomta improved J fflflflh] Ihlthflfl aalcs ofVirginias w< re modc at 'io aad 10,000 Indiana Sl a* WjKtntuckya, 101; Culiiorniaa, mJ.

In KxebanK* tht- market is bteady but quiot. Stcr-llUfl, Oa'lj; Kroiics, iaS#BeMj.

irciphta are duller for Orain t'. I.iverpool, but thi ro

aadtmand for cuiall vcastls for In'anl, and wo

hear ul two or thrtcrbartcra.it 7i£7Jd. To Liver-pool, 11,000 baah ln Corn ut " anid.; 200 1300 buloaCotton. |d. i 500 bbla. Lard, abont 12/C.i C^QinodBonea. lf>/. To Lond..n, .^O hhk.Taiyflatlflfl, >/l100 tuns Oil Cako, Ifl/i 20f> bnles Hoj.*, _d. ToRan Franc'ac'i, a flflflffl of Coal was ongajjed at nbont.14. Tbe ahip Tropic tvaa taken ap for Sjdnoyonprivalc teiu.s. Tle Sl.lj'j/ing Litt ioporta ttt tkt\ e

daysTbe tmiriut M 1.1 rnlly remaln* dull, bat thfl rataa

*. ariihn.it ,..t*er.tl il.anre Tli* taoplv of t miiaf

Wtt* Ib* easaten.e.U lo Uwrpool inclu,!* JO..KX.-MO,S..Oknahe a»..i. «< u o iu haek tid ah.pt baae; ICS) btleaCottuo .4. SOhbda. Ctitiued Bouet. 12,6; 3¦) bab iiBtrm.I*/. | tot bt.it Itlem. 1 ai.d .'." bliit. Oil IV ToIeOodoD,thi-'buii. f 2 V (i btili. Steaea 1,B »> bbl | Ji hhdi. Tobac-c.IM, ly-ti-r-ealli-ei.t I pS38ht 2i0htl*aHopa. |,l ; D.H.*I OliCblia flvana Oil. part 17 ll trd 3.X) bblt. Rotiu .' I t*Uaatt KKM' buah.Ie Corn, l"c To Antwerp, 3 'a«i bblaB*aa,' ?/3&2,6; 1 (ve btta Sal've're, .*.'/'.; Z" laua t-'t. Uo-uilnti. l..»woi>rt.7I 6; tnd M8 ht.lt. Spliltt Turw-niin*. 4c.

ToBiemrn, Ctt bbla Applet. 1,8; 80 tant leogwood, 1'. BSBMMadilenauran tloo.'a, 12 b tnd 1,2.(1 bb.t Oil on pritttetera.e T.. Ctiitomla, tb* ofieriiin* tre tery litbt, tnd rtto*urrbtriftd. T* A'i'tialia, th* offerlnza te alto litbt.Tk* chtitera ar. A abip finm Chtrletton ttt Antwerp, Cot-IOB lt h i..- t.o).i Cily I'olnl lo llnrr.-, Tubarc, a.' «; tno

htvee loBni. ia, l oal. Jf 1-1: tn'oltr.tleh htrke to Cork a..l t

pitrktt Ci-i 1 ti"

a btik (4 800 I.ble ) lo Vaud B ...in" Aw.->. WUu Pu.e l.tiiuber. BU; B»* tnat lack-

, , . I'ltllt, Liltnbei +12; A ti ir.*-. !.n«t Maiat*.hetay P.ue St*vee. 4-20: a bils tnd 1 K-b,n.i.»i frotn Jfktonvllletii Calit. Lunibi.-, Bill a l.ti« Irom norlh aide Cubt toNoar Voik. Mi.lfte *¦,!.'.¦>; one lo CuU and bt-k, *2l>.S: t

brlt and atrhtHini-r Irom Thhtecito Nev.- Y.rk. Lotwojd, #11:akritlrom Atttkepea t- N. w Y-tk. t<u«ai ti.il M .laatea, #7aod finorfei ewJ .. di-ck; t tchouuer, ttm* votMe. <*7i **.

i.tb.-t tt *ti V anl*''; abrlsrret.i Cl- |.tank \t. to Buh,Ttti l-«r *.: 4* ii ii; a el.i|. t.. (Un Kiauriaro. tud a hilsto (t-1 «,

Bm.l,iiilladi, (¦« len.twed*i i'.l bain. Btia i'riatuekullt tt Freej-.ott Mr tb'ce yetra o.d. ZM tut.a l\a-lottlHiut ait.fOC.tbe P. ie now loadiot tt I'hbadelpbla t.-rRioJtnui.i 1>t tuolion. br-t tlaijie, 1'.7 luoe. tolntaalkrli Bliaa W. Dcutou, 181 tuoa, bu.li at Wtiren, Me..in18»1.».S.7«>. fteb.la i't.it. ytetetdtv. Bark*. 1.

BUM«n.__. aijBiwre. .87Bkije. 11,7, _Hln>onrte. 317

Tolal.**~Tbe receipta at tbo Sub-Treusury are .101,33s;

pai('. ti'i.'.'.i, balnnce *(,,'¦', '."<-'.'.The Kxthangts nt tbe t'lcarin^-llonsc to-day Wflflfl

.l?,es>4,0C0.The IU»ton ateamer to-day took fl2*2ti,OJO. fll whicb

.900,0(0, in bars, »eut fruui th ia City. Thore is an

active .'einsnd t'.-.lsy lor mttttf, but the imjuiry ap-pear> to be ltae wgeui tban la«t we<*h irom the mer-

cantiie claasca. l'aj^r gota at 10J12 9 cent. forBtriftly tirst-rlass, with no over aupply. Papt*r af tb^law deairable kinds is plenty. Tuo standarJ rato ofloais ou ftivorite aectiritiea is 7 tp cent., but thoran-.rois t n wide, and many borrowera pay t_t U*_jk as I \*cent. per month.The Dirtvtois ai ihe Kn'ukerbocker Bank hopo

thal tbey will bc cnablcU to tesume bosiaoai some

time iitit wetk. upt)u the fllflflflflfl] of a new Preaidetitbmt Josoj !i Te Savaire, rtsigned. 'ITie affair* of tbisinautution.it ia ttated by tlie otlicera, ar© not in so

bad a condition a* wa* at tirst sdpposed, and the de-

.ctaicy trom baddcbto, over drnf». &;e., willam.untta ool)'aboat %S*,9 0. We bflTfl bfft.ro no

rMiitiiitioii of ibe President and Cakhier. Nearly allthe l>ire^torahave ai|p»ified tbeir intention of reeign-ibc as son as a cew Prvaldeaf is elooled.TbeassttF ..f -hc Kui.kerbovkc Savinj^a Bai.k are

aa IimIv" *

R.*d andMoTttt«e.****,__.. on Sto.tka.A-,-.. ad la tk* KaicktrboUti B.iak.... 'i.*#°

Tm*:.»i»:.w»Tbe liabilittf* of the Bark are to abont tho samp

amourf. Tlie oflicera of tbia Bank aecm inclined to

do all they aaa ( 11*9*******. Sinee tbey susj^jt; '. .1.

upwaril ol lil.oco ou loasis, 4.O., have beao wct-irotiaai paid ont to tfcoso deinaitors wbo were as' iaaeed, as ia case of aickness, Jea'.b. movlng out of tboCity. dtc. Tlie tffuera aie unable tocall in theirloaaa rapally, as Uie freater part oi tbem tn |a per-. Jm*m*t and i'oinirbu*:uaaaia that part of the City,aad theee bave their money depoaited in tbe Knick-arbocktr Bank. Tbe atoaeat tbe Knickexbocber

Bank flflflfl the Having. Campaay wUl be able to

draw out tbeir fund. and reeotnn. ue«IWBlfllMr. M. Hopr*r Mott b*i rP":Sntd ¦e B-flBt-BBflffll

ihe Kt. yirhols. In.urance Comp *ny.One of the officerfl of the Eighth-av. Bank

tbat pre v_.ua to the cl'-ing of tbat Bank nearly _1the dept.itor. Jflflfl out their balancee, aadi'lal*-.m*by cf thoae who had drposita inthe Savioga Bank.The bfficera are now engaged in collecting their BilleKeceivablc. and a* fast aa received the money* bavebe«n devottd to pay ing eff the Saving* D*po__*riand for co athfl purpore. We *rc inforaed that theam.ount of Bills Reccivab.e ia more than double theamoui.t of I'.eposits. If thi* i* the caae the depositortwill probably not lo.e anything.We hear from Boaton that some of the Maine

Banks ere in t____a. Tbe SufTolk of Do*t.in haatbrown otB the Sbip Building Bank at Rocklaad, theBank of Haliowell and tbo PiBBaallB Ilar.k. Tliecirculation of the Bank of Halloweli wna mainly at

tbe We.t. The flramercy Bank, La Fayette. Ind.,ia now boufcht in Wall-it. at 2 cent Tbe Bechvn-i. b Bank of Mcmpbia is unsalabl.. Tbe IadianaBankfl wbieb are not qnntcd at - ¥ cent. are eattagat irregnlar prices, varying from 13 to 19 cent.

diecount.Tbo I'nitcJ Bflflfl Trust d-mpany will be tho

trustee of tbo sinking fund of ibe BBfl bond* of the

Erifl Reilroad.Tbo NOeipta on tbe Cleveland an.l Tokdo Road

F_ tle week tcdiig Oct. 21 were.*rjr7*.cr Mine week l.tt jetl.- '-"" j

!nr.e-__(_ P*reent..'',.".. .'**'The lorcign advicea are not saaaaMMtaBy import¬

ant. Comxils are firrn at OV i .<, ?bout the previ-ou. quotation. Breadstuffs wero ratber better,but Cotton wai| dull. Tho Londo-i Money mar¬

ket waa miro quiet, aml tbe busineas of tbe Sto.kExcbango very Hgbt Io lalatkfl, t. the la-e faJurc-etbe corrc-spondent of The Ct__er. _/ AdcerhurBBgei

Tl.e (Btprnd'.n of Mr. J.n.rt M, rlr-.rT of _. erp.Kil.ill.ilI* belif Ttd. l.e 1 ( rn.ar tui Bal .-.r.n.tiift-.to.y, notwithflUndll-gibe _____-_* ltt d to lhacontrary M. «.r»

Alkn k Ai.drr«,n of laindnn. v< bflfl* ItepP-g* «... -.-i

by thelr.'t mtil. *je «l.'i withont hoce ot etrapinr the x,ruw

tity i.f liqcidt'iou. »ll7ionib arrtnrri.jei.ti tre ia pmgreM ro

tDfif, .'. ttiero in toine Il,I. p»i-drr.' forra to rettUM;... ihr.r't d tho- k'tp torcilir '\i-\x cotin*, 'i n. ll it tttted

tli ll ;r> r d<* in^t wlli Mr Mrl(r_ry btre bem n-h tt tu to-Tolve them ir, tle litbiiitiei ofl t_tl i.rtnerthip aad tbit hatf(.f rhl«,»i.fl.c.ent ikii'ui.t,_ meat prol.ab.y itarr boan

gitr.led t!,rm it. L ..il' n tn tv, lt tr.jt b.cntitj for thrir ttop-ptge. Onenf tiie rnrmb»rt f'lie lirn ii Mr Cbtp-BflB, ¦

Bt-ihowofMr I) B. ( httman,,.. tre 7.o«-ol Orrrend, Our-nty A to..*Ldhetire tbrre it lntlr d ,|1. t'itt tbit Utt tttte^ment ia t, rr, rt..nfl Ibtt lf they **wll h.T* bern eupport«Jtrtrt ftf.ui Mr. JJcileniy, bothibt auuid btre beea lictrd ofIhrlrbrlrgln ff'.fficultT.Tbe _(_:,! nt Mr. K-w*rd Ol.vrr of Li -rpr. I wr:e yeaf r

dty to ht-e bnn trrti*ed.»lrhi,'uh it wt* prob»'.le tome efbit bi lt wul* yet tt.nd over lur t tiior, even if they wer* .11

evenru.lly mn. lf w_* .-id lb*-' tbe nre [rirwiu* w_o ha.l un

di rt.kt ii tl.'- lt_B*et_B ofli> tfalr*. BBJBfll.,MrBHfl. De VVolf.Krrrne Cfin plrll Rtiuio tndl'r.il.le, hi,| *g-tll tbe tbip. th. y h.d .old to him oa (redil, tnd in thi* w.y to

eascrl fl_t< "of bit tccrjitDirk. Hi. nien. of in-etlnt :heOOO of bit drbtt tre i__d to c wtlit alen ot tW ,,

frrlgbu,timber, »' A mlutut tal "fl r tbutm Tbe planea ilfd with rigaid to thrie bt*. hoWtTW BOt tranf.iire *r1iDOfid .II t*e , ifrnti,«t.nrrt nt iht rI.e *re exlr*i_,ely t*b ;r.

tbe int-rnt. c,,iiii.r(inii«,d beint.ticii t. to laafl to*d-.iei.keep laek imiiy ibiport*nt tniikidrrtli.,-i .ud to lu.l. il tp-pr.ra. I'tvo.tli.c aa p(,*.i;,le. To dty, inderd, tine are rei»rl*tbat bo will yrt bretk dnwn B-t*t*tB«tA loan of t-6 i.()(o of the State oi* N'orth Carolina

t; ¥ crt. wis taken a few days ai;o at an average of

101] om^nterest, from tbo lat ol" July. Thero was

no bid from New-York, whero tho laaa flf BBBwas tnken in March at 10_i. Tho 6s of North Caro¬lina are on tb'.. market now at par.There is soire drain of Gold to Canaila, but

ourbuiiks enn rtand any intirior iflBBflfll lf the for-cien sbipir.ei.tR can ka clieekcil. Tbo arrival of theCulifornia sleamer is aniionsly eipeeted. They leftou tLe -,l, iustead of tbo 1st of the mouth, aa u.-uV.and nre now out .'3 day., anil fully duo.The total esrningn of tho Watertown nnd Romo

Railroad i'.r Ihfl year c-nding tho 30th of Sept. last,Mfl B,beiagafl bfl_a_M afk_M*i o_ovor

tbe earnings of the proviou. year.Tbe Bark eicitement nt Cin-. innati nppc.r. ta havo

tubtided, and the keflflfl wbich suecei.fully auttaine-ltho mn havo tbe confidenco of tho pubkc moro

Ihorougbly than ever. Tbe Dhaofllfl ef tbe TruCompany Bank of Covington, Ky have mado nn

IflbMinaal ofitsassets loJudft-c Wm. B. Kioki.iiand Sauuif IJ. Walker, E_p, neiiber of wbom havehad ntiy eoinection wilb the bank heretofore. JobnW. DBllfl-M-B. Ii-'l Wfl BflMtad as Attorney, to

BCtJO-Btly with the TrutttccH. The a/Tain of the bankaie tobc cla.ed ni spcedily as possiblo. Tiieprifcr-(ice is to be given to depo_fors if it can be lognllyd( ne. If not tke procccda ofthe cf_ ets are to bc dividedpro ruta between tho depoaitors and nole holctre.Mr. lluiitington, of Hurtford, one of tho m_t

M-hMfll )«¦£_! anthoriticB of Connecticut, (H'intingtouk Oflfli) has given an opiuion coufirgiing in thostrongtbt manner the opinions of Messrs. O'Conor.Lord A Kirkland, tliat the New-Haveu Railroad

Conipany are liahle for the frau af Mr. Scbuyler, in

tbe over-iasuo of tbo stcck of tbat Company. ChiefJurtice Shnw has reeently givon a decision that tbocourso of the B,. ton and Maino and assoeiateiroads, in e.tablishing a parallel lino between Baaflfland I.owell, ia Bfl iiifriugeuunt of tho charter of tbeLowell Railroad; that tho defendan*. have no ri_htthee to I'+tablirli and mn a fl ntinuous railroad be-trrt'tn tl.e two eitiea, under an agreoment ti rhare

profits, aiid tbat tbe plaintifTs are eiititle'l to a _H_Min their favor. This laaBkfl la kflaai cbictly on tkfll-_th aection of tlie charter of the Boaton anl LowollRailroad, ^rnt:t, d June .*., l*_), whieh providea thatno other railroad ihould be mado within 10 yeara,lcading from B>iton, Chnrlt*town or CarabrilgetoIxiwell, r from thoae plaee. to any place w:thin fivemii. a of the northern tenniuatien of tho Ixiwell Rail¬road.

) iit'ii') HarkeUng.The following talde give* tle Baflfl Pri»ee ' f the

prlncipal arth li* of Farra Brodnce in tne City ofNi .v-i'ork on Wedntsday, Oat 1*1

MB.T*. ma3o_ Cre.be, ¥ do*

it'.'.'.'.'.Hind(i,i*rf..<_' m. 8 W 10 6afltCrahi¥ ,re .tu.rtl aJ* tb. 7 itl h Ban ayI'ol fl.SU* *'». Ifi 17

Itk*. ¥ io. it i'i .

i..¥ IB ..

V. i _.,|»m..WnitetiiB. ¥ tb...ttUMtete'l ¥ ».

Sh.._aviinn. teunk ii IB'oos»n.*ry, V fl.-rt U .*» fa....H'urtiib. ¥B.Pnrtte.. ¥ <*.:it_*.round. bun.m-rrtin .bell, ??\ao. t2itttta

Uibs-rrt ¥ 93.... b .

pflo* :> *lltbit tu.k'd *>» MO VB8r.Tt.Lr* tto rttiTi

hrnnlfie-i io ¥ » II * Pot_-_*. L.I.. bb J .-

bii*. it ¥ tb.... II 9 . iPa_ti_- L I.,_*_l "

Pick!(d ¥ ¦*>. IB .' . jObi-iBt, ifd.bfl* .. tli 9 .

Saa.ajti ¥ *,... ii>9 .IOnirn.while.d_l..lle^Lli,.-.i»» 1.- |l.*tloc.Vi*h__.. 3 9

thaa, ¦ IBB-BI. **.!_» B- B na,.-a*. ¥ bnnck .9 SCMt Pee'.t, bunrh. « <»

8.0|T_!t. r. _.... 1J1-Rabti.-.et.h. tt» - JeraevPo_-*b«*.l ¦'

V.!..:^-l ir.ot.2 -0 tr3 _. lt»bei'»lir»pe*. ». li 9 l<_5ng!i.bSu;« Am.3 Ot) fl .-

-... h 9 *

roilTBV. r<_t, P ir-iTarker*. **rh.....l <*<* .12 *f Prtr. con. .''....1 BBa*pft Srkie. .t..t M Al .V -Um-ri P.nttoM.Otameacb.I _J tfl 75 Je_*y.7>_.3 hv 9 .

Pork. ttae.t'rt 1 lf al ie Dt. _-_tb*_..itl 9 .

Klirl P,uk..,_.r. lidlM) I) *i_ck. **'*.^-*Wiotr.n,!. So. «_* <S _» Ar-'. .«. bbl.- ii .* * .*

Hrcu'L.tdu. do. _..'» 7V Appei. ht*. _» lTtflifl do flo. .. 13 !('t_c* Applr_....5 00 9 .

r__iiif it*. p*_r... 17^*1 1*1 iMru* li,«b*.| pk. _4 -> .

i - tpr'l do. K. 11 .<¦ 1 .'-...;* -.buiich. 19r,iw7t ^p*lt. KX. #1 Onion. ¥ bnr, b 10 9 .

b«..i Bb f |.ni-l _> al (« N.w c__-f«,L.l.ai»n«. etch. 1 .. 1*

W'oodcotk.pa.,... M O 71 ,C.t,__e*.-ai. i_U '. *1 _.WUl Saa__a, dm.l V' a-1 oe Sj__.het.etih... I.i r

flBipa lot. t_,_S ue 'T mttoet awkfl-.l .* »acv.rHoLi. rtcDicrt. .DtiLf.lpi.... lll* .

Fgl.. ty .,_ 7 tot 1_4,» -iii_btii,Htb_i- -iiBy rrttil.kt for... i^tf _ \\,n » i pteb. «_.- .

httte Butut <_?_, ao O 2J '(jtiliek. i- huoch Ui-Omr_-...<__.oew » « ll.Tmlfo. atcb.1.1a. Co. lo * ft ft « n le.rv ¥ banrh.. U * 1<1rnghtheete ¥*h th B . 'Ptrtnipt, » bancii to) .

__...___ flfl I f '..j l_lu._.-ei f>t ..].... VEy ifce l-mid «> » 13ffl 14 !Pr_r fln. _«nd-pbaAa. Caa,as.1 U|a _|t,,,j. >,_ - ffi g, .» _ Cto.^.a r» .

L__. by :»k ¥ l_0 11! m..r.Li .ai -

"1T_ ... (fla_B-»8a_i'*.ft. _> fl -

PjlmeBTtnuff** r5 . - ikat4Toxigeaa.m.. at*9 71Ifmn. r_. ** iJo«,4flB. I 9Ficlerel. ¥*¦¦¦. >¦-. - 'TVa>_Vei ¥ ». IO -

0_»V|iO-__tf»B* Iflfl B.ple5v».-»B lkiO -

tm*.¥*i. **** - Uflfl-T. _¦ Baflfl.__j_.t.«j7». t* 9 - |M*)f 8. __!-» «|iimtaaktil,¥ 18- tO 9}

Theprii>eot' Ileefie oa tbe doeTina. Poaltry hasalao a downward teodeocy. owing to :h< 4*ao--uy iaBflflet aad the wara weather.

Marketa.CiainiiT BrPOKTin ronTni TRtarat.WtDISIBtV Oct 2b ICH.

At-HKS-Tb* market B twi*t for Pot* tt BS rr|»7; Pearl*tr* talabi* tt fl* 23 Tke Wltwio* B th* atoek ramalaiat lath* wareboutt cf Meeexa. Lceter. Palm-r A Co. on tb* 19thIte'

wuiii :rtrr.M(sr sv tiiTta, r.Ltt'.t t aa,r -. P-t.-«.

Wamt aart. eatka. U 82Saooad eon.ce.ka..1111 bird eeirt rt.ke. J8 11Coo6e_n6td_k.it, caah*.. 8 .

T'.-ttl Pot* tnd Petr'it eaeka.HB122B RE A D.Tbr rt it tood isiairy tt i,c for PJot, St. lor 8a*

l**»t lle fcr Haty aod SJ?7c. fot Cr*.k*-eBKElW/X.Tb» mtrlel it qttiet bat aacbaa(ed| iale* of

in .¦ te tt -.l-l-^JcB4RILLA.Teucrtfle u ukea lo lota te wtt t*J tt f J7, itg

n.ontha.Tfl A!*D SHOE'-The demtnd eootinne* rt diadaiah,

tke aeiet betnt cenfined to th* flttte tnd tbe »«. . Wn*r Tka. tmik j m.i ar/e tnoni-j ta.Iy vir \*-le t j tb*

..: ,i irif-e tr- tin.i Th.n w -tk ie vr» !.»¦ t tnd e

oct rf eeane* A floari*blii< b ian-ee la A :nt'' ,r th- i ara.iaaaud W.et Ii a.-a. tu- lor Ct-.ioii._a ai.d AotLratit bule it loin{foiwtrd. w* B

Mea't thifk aa* kip Boot*.fll 7i i?*2 81Boyt':.. a ei.d i.o ii ejtt. 112 2 Iflfl

hoott. ti\i.iM-a'e tl..tt ai.I k:p Br. turn. 74 0 1 liI j»'*L .t n.dkip Broftra. 45 9 UTotirba' thi'k ar.d kip Brstant. bC it 7iM-i.'etaa*tlf**aaa. 9* 0 1 »

¦ u 1 kip tnd aplil Booit. 75,8 67JWomea'i ealf aud soal Boota. *" <? 1 '*Vn.eo'tc«.la.-.d t'.tt J*nuj Lu.de. 1 * * 1 18Miaa*lli bj! i isl nlf tin. «-!» 88( biidreo'-kip. eplit tnd ealf Boo»t. Xb 9 btbLad.et* city luad* tHiteie. 112|<» ImjLadiet' 'artenj road* Otiteit. 7i dt 1 12JLtd-et' ritv mtd* kid. . \ni.i IttLsdies" eita mtde ButkUt. 9"* \**I.tdiee' cut made Tiea t*d Sttpper*. Sl * 1'*Ladiea' .*.'..*_, 4 m.r (e. X - ... p*t*.. 30 # 85

Mi-ee'rity made kid ^-n.le*.her. 62| 9 8"( h.lnren'-citt trade kStsdeo. Ittth-r... 45 itWiatt-e'cirt irade Oaitert. 84 9 80BRICK-For httd Nonh Rfter rhe d*mnd '-mtir. i»e t-rf

n.odetate nnd the tnyply !*"*; "'». "f eomm.,n to tood tt

,b3 T.h*t Philadeiih-aFaceat #19 J*#22.COKDA'tK Mttiillt la firm wi'h t l.-nied in.(ntry; etle* tt

U'r Anenrtn Ttrreei tt 18J*l4i- ; and Ruawa lo tt 17c.AMll.l."-The den-tod u qnite moderale; tb* anpply fal'

oi'Adauitiitinti aalea of Ciry tr 21 ai r. u tn antlity PitiiHrerm <-<m_mtnd 2B J30c.; Pttent tt 38040c Tallow are un-

clitBieri. . , ,fUAL.Fort-irn lt mor* plenty and tt dqlt tt lower pBMMBI

aale* rf 70 lot.e LiterpO"! Om-1 tt 010. D meatic le e-.»Jj u_lin limlted reiine*t at B7»fl7 50 froni ytrd and »**.»!

I Oi UE.Tbe market It dall hu eteady-rearrrted ln *rrt .uu.-e bv the arjnun_,r'm*i . of t puMie aale of Ri3 oo Kn-i,i; aalee'of .Sf o beie Rio at ^iailc ; l.e* ba*t OoaernmentJt»tt' Ht* 2lb mtudn. tt Ijjc : 8 2V) do., ia lou t. ,.u *

t*mefloet,al I'I" I'tne; and 5 2H1 Ao., th* btla-ctr«o in oi'¦ i.r. "« P'ita'e t< rine; 5uo bett Mereraib.. a' I"I iiii Ure flt Uui.v.uio ti 9J<. 1'c.. ctab, tud 200 Ltfayit t:

(iOPPFR.Vew fh'i'hins It arltbon* rhanu*; *tl-ey >e ai.d Y. llow Mettl it Itetdy .t M. .-; tnd 2.c b). e flt,, 1.1 ittie iwata

i (j 11 OK.1 i) u.ett-t Itr th.t ettple iadn'l tnd e*ai*r. oar-

licultrlj or. Middlios ti.d artd.t ab.r*; tbe atuci ia t'.UI b*itilhe tLDexed Qiotttioca tucat be cocaidered noinitiai;

¦I* rott ..La ,<in..»vi.-aUpiaod Konda. MobHe. N O k Tex.

Ordlntrj. '1 'I 'l*

-., Ftir.li J I'I l"<ilFair.11 1*1 "I12

liPI'dS ANO Dl'FS.We hete to n Aa ea.'-eof.V) cttktBlearhint Pim-dei- Sc ., IS 888fl). I t W M I --.- I.llu Ib Kt « t n.lbetr, Itc ; I ct»ee OU I-emon, *l A5. t.OOOPi. Ttttaric Acid.57c.; 8 bbie. C< i L)ter ())i, i) swhs i.'retmTa.-'ar '. -c '..',jt.. aa '.. -jnaJityi 5 bats London Coc'.iaatl, ".*:.;ICSSSS Orlom. fl5fi7*fl«i teo m E-.t Salpkaf* Q .inine,*2 6C; 84 iunaHtI8odt,2ti'2l'' i l.^tllb Vitfiai*flatk* I St,4(c; i.')taieeCh nt P.hnbtrh, »1 I7|| 17 eaeka Omhri Mad-(tt r Kc I. .!¦> ii »¦¦' i'o. t' J: 30 cn, Ansoelura Bel-

:. ¦>.' IT.. Oxtlif A. .'l.2Sc.| 12il bbla. Ho. I CattorOil fll r Amiririn acd for Et»t li.rfit *}l B ia d-14bMe. R> ,l.'"l Catl.'h' r, 4'r '. re.ea (I () ', ',i

btb. Alam, 2|c: KOtrnt 8tlt Cakn. tb-mt *3, I'< 1 *_.F..ira,; Lcwoid, 9c.i I5 baiet Cotnb Sp.u,e, I9e bo ctaet

IfsuDS,Ufl7V 3 catre Ph.'*;,h<.ri.e, -1nc-; 18 cula KreucbKlor .enlpbnr.3|c l.'Vi !f. St-nert Root, Ha

¥1..\ X- Tl* market ithtr- of domeatir end nrlrea tre aome-v ). al. I'.ireiitB ia in fair reqoeet at full i.rirea.

FISH.Df} r< * *'* ""''" ^rUt3 *"'* %~e arrivals tre Inrreas-Ii | tle d*aaad it midertie and coala*! to city ate; aaleack 'lir'ei.. In ln't. tt ai '2'3*1 MforOraadBaia,aalt-l oiiilt3 6f| for Oeo'ti* Ittnk. Mackerel *tp«cially larje,tre in teilere'.^k tledtin_i.il Unr wbich I*(eoili eaietharabieLtur. ir Iarte No. Ij a.ii V)f. re' on I* flllfir Itrjie No. t, fl»9ai< bl *oit 1 ii ; tndf.i. a', :; for N. 7. tccorllBf toei/e Smoked II*rri.ia aro

atetda; aalea IJ88 bnta tt IBc br sa*l*fl, aafl flflc for Me. 1;1 .*> D Pickle.I llerrirt wbi h tr* In to .1 d-mtnd. told at

Ut Sctle acd Cod, tt tl 25 lor lhe former aad fllfn latter.rni'IT.'-Tl:? market la quiet-, rh* aalea aince oar laat in-

c'bAe IJ88 boxea Bnn-h Raiains j'lit rerrived eoaatirlse, tt.< .'-(balt da, fll bl'; 21 cet-etienl -.e., «i 1 -c for

litll tiid -t-r for qoarter t*)X"i; I'S'l.sse !.'!'? rte, S. l.irio btt.hWt"i L. mnri, 84 5" afllb^J: |2i '.tu Sttiil Nute. .Tc.i 100rteee Car.-or:(J)n«i-r 8'j H7J; 1' o baJea l^oviucc Alm judi, 13c j,,i | i. i anaata .'

ILi.l.'R AND liEAL- Tii* n.arket ie deriiledly ht-tter forlh ,<i, ud ii,,-om.iii r td. et.f Siate uitl W.»:^rn Flaar, n»ln«iriin y to tbe l..bt trtirt'a; tin iaternip'ion lo naaiittioo oftl-e Cutal, keeolns btt'k tbe ein ; liee, temportrily adde lo the

et tl.eee rn'tt-tiie [.ri.-.e the roneuiuptitn iet-naibly.1; Ihi b. ttt.- tradra t/e .'eatlv bM- ri.it tery artlte *'.

tbe rxtt. ii.e prisaa ttked; Ctntditu Klour it b. tter ti.d in io.k1dti.tid ior lhe trade tnd for the l'ro'incet; tha trritt'ttrdn,.dei.ifij talte ef 1..W bblt. tf 88 2__ for cotoiaon brtadt. inbond: fll t ./ fl9 78 (. r coinrm n to tood brtnda d.itt ptldi lh*et'etil Weete-n Ctntl t'» 7 7-e bbl* tt fl8 12)3flt -b tttt la-ieiior Siate; fl8 lil t «¦« 75 ior ataodtrd S-ate; + 15fl y \2_for c. n:n n t,, »t, 1 (llu and mtx.d to ftnry Mirhifan In-tiart and tr.ii'.l ' f I'lf-t b"k" braafl* -n-l 4-I-' )'fcr ixtis fleneaee: So'itherti H',ui it Z5fl77lc b-itt-r ;a(t *-

alailv the m» artdea. tad le ,|uit* m.-. ;n. .1. -Iih d'-m.ndiimainly lor tbe home trade; the inuui. inidertt'; a«'*eoi'

«iii:7iut1i..i irif. nor brni.le Kal-itneir-; *D I2Ji n-..x*d to (iiodflatan iard bianda; #8 .» 8 -Hl t*_U (at

t^tor:¦* Imitdi. tn.l 8H 75ii »1" foi eatra to f.inc^ brat,.!.. Rj*Kloor ia tierc* eini av»i ted tt -f8 V a *el 2i (ot 6ne tn.1 BBfart. r.e I n.Mi »l latrtrce tnd war'td at fll .174 for l»iaey. tnl§4 1711 Dn lill P lat Ki, i *h,-ti K r ie'..-tter tnd in de-i.-tt.d; etli-l ot .'* u bt|att ?4tt*l 1.} |' .'« Bi. \\'. i iot,

Sonr.«»bbl.a-*-Ohio. et fbl .89 25 mi) 7iSui-rflne No. 2 7 5" ff I W (ieneaee et b'dt 10 n ?10 758t»te ct-tn !,'"'. » S2 tt-Can«dt. lia VII 8 ?t » 8 17Sl'tte'ttr't. b'lle. 8 56 B a 74 Brandywine .... 11 Ib 0 9 31State ftv I.V.t.. e Sl '< * «' Oeortelnwn. 9 2', A '1 37W..m mixdo. 8 75 'd* I 87 P»t*rtl«i-« ("ry. 9 Ib » 9 S7Mich * Ind atrt 0 'r« rt 1 12 Rlehm. i.d C'ry . ..". * 9 J7kl ",' f.r I'd... I 12 8 I I* lAI-t.bdna. 9 i-i <t 9 btjUnio re. totoofl. S 74 » 9 12 Btlt. Kota'd at . 9 'b ft tl btOhn.'rd hot.p :0. » Ml * 9 12 Rr* /loar. 6 >) * 7 i'iO'io'fM b'dt.. 9 12 * fl i'i C.rnMetl J-r'i 4 17 ,t-Mtch k Ind. es 9 25 irlO ¦» U*orn M tmml 4 H|j-tj.r.tiie i*n. br. » 75 tV ll Com ¥. H'e pnii20 bo tt-PBATBBM.fl . mailet iabetfer. tnd ttlea tr- r.ak'.ni cf

Ol ui Li\e IJ.ee* tt ttttt**., tnd Tennetaes tt 44<t IV: thaani ply *( I'l-'b l,< mt limittd.IVRS. Bofftlo Robrs tre ln ftir domtnd, and pricot tre

fn ly 10 P c'd hlther (1 tn atihe time laat paari aale* it tbeWleat aeSfcrN* I. f'toiNo 2. and *7) for _4o. 3. Thtr*tte nrw Ieaa in h>it htiide. Kaoey Knte tre in ( ">d r».;-i»et,v.1 lh» protrtct tor t ilourlahioc bnnn-ia thia e-teju l* .|illetaio.ehi te ll ry aie ilkely to be mucb in voiro*.OUKNT Cl.DTll.Th* n.tiket ;e nul! at Boeuin; aale* ther*

.' ree .laytof Ite btlee tt Ultll.'tc ,8 mot.

(IRAIN-Tti. n.ark't ia aftln l~-iier for Whea', owilitht arriatlt tr.d an tii tl ck. Th* demtnd iaonly for miilinj.Tbe i \tn at- piicrt atk'd chackt tbi- deuitod maiaritlly. Tuatrriatle r.rjit .. oLt!..it u eipected, will be annch ltrfer. thaorly iale we bate to r. tl ll 1,1 M kathl I* BrtaM ».' te Ctnt-ditn Im hi tm ca*«r*2 15 duty ptld; tl.i* ia taking the pltc*ol Dctnretic larcely here at elao'at Ibaria Kve m quiei. anditsrti.e ani aetuiid at fll ISiBl 2U. oarley it Ieaa ire'lytl'eit,!, atlet (,'' 1 '* n la-ii-ie «oo.l n.:\.a Sitte tt fll -J7j

ditht'dtt *l I-t .-ai II. OtU a.*a iu \ i de-mai J sl - l '-¦ ( ¦- fltali '.it/Ntc. fjr ftir Wattern, tl\ *

r A, a.any of tbem hero tre onaound. sCn.t. it lett firmULtiiil'i :,e». I u' tt * ilittt abttetc-ut the dr-nwid a 'trt*tt ibe Eas- ai.d l***l tra.!-, ted ftir for eipo.I. ea.ea of M ,000Inebeit at TB*. for natnar.d in atore; SOtarSte for wmBMB

for Weatern yeHow; 33*_5c. for roaaal yel-et .-o'.-l.ern yellow it ecarre ai.d trantad.

WhMt,Wh** Lt n, H'dWhitaB-S) 9-tlU'h-at, Ca. Ho b ,2 IJ 12 IS Crn, 'lix '.VV.,-8" 9.*\Wht-tt ra, Wt*** M 1- '; C -n V- Iow 4o..-H2 *.SlVthrtt.Obio.do..: 11 it 17 Btil-Y.Itt tiett, U ob 4-..i 14 ai 9 o*:t.\\lrm k Ct'L.tu rt.biWheat, Mlx. Wn 88 a2*o Oe'a. M ettern....-tt.bl\lVlrai.W'a Red.l 9" 21 99 On. N-» J-»|.-ll ».50Kyt. Nortteni....l '« *'. 88 Ovt. Tt-nn ..*Com antnand.....79 *.79J (>*u. 8..othem.....18 *.40Cota. Mix. So'ra..- '»- F-m. tt'-ck-Ka»d-2 74 *2 81l .rn, White, Jo..- 3- ip-«»- <'a. «lt_I 43 »1 4BCom,Ten,w,do..- if- Beant, White.137 01 75leit.li Tthee, 8fl a-ivI1IPE*. Hc den Itte ehown mor* iacllnttioo to retlir*,

ttd tbeexirm.e pi ,**. btainid x: tht dt*' ..f nr lt.t w-eklylallirttion tie out n.a nla-.l_.ed T.'.e ei.uk htt dloinitb'd, tndtl.e Brrlvah tre modertte. Tba demand tt tae c **. i* iu .(*tnir.aircl.tul tbe 'rad* |nr:haje wi-.i. t;-eciiijniil e et'et ro t'ty tre 3 V" Acrottiit fr.m atore, at ISfc ; l.OSO

to at JlJulM* *ud 2 500 do ai .

Tbe it, et i.-.nibeie ITi.ltl. *.|*l«l*« 7S0BI Hnec-a Ayrea;l.iaude; ."JAVJ Anscturt, ii lt) Au.cta, Ac. We

Iffi *eXl***n:r-_il.9 Btree'ot* irj.14 914PtloO...* lia*-, Ao..- ¦¦ 'i ". 'I. t t-.eV.a b.-*ed|l J^ t»|4R li and h A. (<i. fle. flia Ir. tnd Ko*. dUatbier .» 9_m_j.li.t fd Bj**o....I -..i.-.-n.1'. .214

.'. " K i f alto ia '...lefaa Jnai.. -

*, . >. v .Il|ai : Otlcatta Dry ^ p. ...joiaiiaUfV.h-u.oti.r_t..- ali ..'aleaitt Dry aa te»d ..8*9188Btrvraic S. aafl 0...1 l . . 1)7 .. S'SI'd

.... I- i- ¦*. k.y.o.-m,0*al'i aoaiai'( *llll

BOK1 5'-v-< htre t0 ao-* aal»eof 40 tta aad I bbl*. Cob*n.i.,- V m* at*.

i i'- -dft,r etpnrt tl eteadt or eea;-i.d wrtum. tiDw-u .-I .iii!. a: tbiUdc.,

u lh* al** weie toi bome at*.; Cematat for R.i»r tad. w'.th'air *r-

lita's the n.trk't i* I'etde: ea. *0HKMP.Maailit bta krea qaita aetit* aod pnec* are eat-

itioeo, atlt t ot 5. (0 Itaiet tt 14c < m«t American it ^oiet;tb* SBBfll} ta It.r; e*.ee iu lott at flll»i4t>i>> tor uudrcated.Sern le cu'l t* te.INPIIIC-Tt.i- aittket i* .,:.t» Im f.ir prim* lott tnd retdy

tir tbe ccu ai, o dateitftfaasi aal** M tttm* Maai tett 51 tie.,io Mtd ttal 75c flai, I Beu**. tt fll 15. 5 ccrooat tl 81 u5fla i aiLATH are ki$her tai in fair itaek) salet 800.0M eattem st

Bl 94981l.lltr.Co-..n_ RoekJtad. with laceaaed arritalt. lt dull

, .» . *. a. tt 91 «95e , ciotios ai f -ri.e .. Bl ..oil 15 al**tag«8

fimre.I.CNBVR.Ftttern Sprae* tad Pine tre ln tteaJy demand,

wiih t kerter acoply; aalea tt fll*4*17 {» MLFATI1FR.Tnet- lu* beea mon- eVaiaail for H»mi <k tb*

ptst wrek. tud pticet lean in Utw of thett'l-r 1' .

. l eice?d *b» t*.»t "!>» r <t ;i aboat. th* aa ee ate *_«it for tb» Eaet. bat for tbo

Wret tbere ia lte* __:* i.ry lltaty weifkia auattnae a-ry..-ate-. Ott it Arm.;:* W'let qj*lit,-e trt m d»-nai.d.

eai'i t*- iata.) o- 1

ar Kc tS-?^ !*i at 7|c ; 5»,*JA », tt Tbe., aad 5598* t> at7 e. Wet^k t*k*.IXl,hX.9*b.** .*,'H*mPkXtfVte.r . ***/**»

,, m dja.a atv H-o..'k.iid.R.»aa.Aia <raOtt' I'etiy..* *a* rieu-' I. M-dOr.aucol7JJl.-it^a-(T.ryfli_;c). -

''- lt H*aay. 17*1^t«tt U,0.TT tr3»'H-mrkO*idDtmas'-lOth.8oa-k.-T* L'tbt.. '23 92b'.Be_*r*. Vvv ta

OaA ii A 't-ii».t.-d.2S 98B ssash alaafJutrod.Jl. util,I.-., -.1-R.14B A-.tjaaOKOLA^^r** r.r-i- --.-. d tn.lbeary. iVui mi

int en't tr etnr'T 'sic'tiate vto'e aa!** 45B >ble New-O--iaa*tt»uJ>c ; .a)khdaPi'«t>R.:oarnB."« * io. Cuba

MflWfl-iflo »r 14«.. Mfl Kl fl_ Bflfl-r.tfl* _Wt) aa prTil* .___.

At t.rtWfl It* h.l. .Nrw-Orman* fll l_fllli« <.*« ani BM,M*V AL BTORES-TV< _4_t*t i* oemertm 6r»it* t-_e-e

ti_»; th. flflTBBB* _.._¦__.; mI. _B bVa tl _-»le rntniyln il.B>pirt or|. T_.«._k.k-*(1V'l__. Cruiolaataait:ibr i.ppi, ia 1 _,_ d, lb* iamaad -Bf'U; abetai loi -t~,rt.nlrt ofva , .. ai _>l<8fl4 l-l. .oi Hoxlh»4 tl. fotfeat C«_M Bf Ba <. _._'*-- Irmiad ti. 1(be ttart-t >to. a ,,,.,, af kvy.rt; ttie* *f *'_liniog<:i>» at tid ti U for 31* ft _r.iv.rrd Mrdmtn t-aita tr. l. x- :.»'. *'

C-biln Hu 1 f. 92 :2\9*2 2-i.tridlOi)bl». \M:-t il gl VI f tbi. Et-r. Pti* » very tcwc-_nl

w_it»d Ttr ogpriaie ..atii'v It *ttn--.bmt 1* lett ind-ira* for:Bflflfl Bl Rflpe-tO- ihaWA Sl ¦. ufl Thht tt 03 V_8- *!<¦_ toxW iil-trr rtcn tn* Wuhuifc City Pitch ifl fleliiBg _B lot* St62 75. atd Camphen. « V2c TV. qaote:Tflrpenttofl nft. tt B_nu co__«ld.k_l 61 93-1 *CoantT.aa.a84 g. .- Do. whit*. _-S*4 30Ttr ¥ bbl. Bf-p*. i li %r* St 9p. __rp. ^ g*J.... 300 -

Ptttb.a.bL... _ .2 7-.N^IL.<. trr b ft, r grn_t__| ti ttetdy prlrefl; talea et Cut tt

*!<--. __h, tnS fla, tin..OILCAK.-S fair d-mtrl 'or ttrpyrt .nd with lim '.ei

irrtvtlt; prire. tre Ann, .t.rfl of IBB innt f fMi-tlirrk ro.r.d rcanrry. 877 for thia -t___4 ' tuiif 'n ttore. tn.l84n fcr r!s:r-. i.t.. - ..!-,-_ 1- Oil _»». I* trm\ttltao' l.tan tt 1 l5_t#| tt tor wui rrv, ul 81 -1-6-#? ir.e fl.OIL..Ecrlith Ltit _>d.ll aafl fhe ., «nt tdvinr- ia aat

c-t j.i..f ,r in i- c* . n,u<^i r..t ed. <*t,_ ifl lutfl froottu.re tt » 3t_ atlr. 0f wh_.-.ot« h.ve beea nukde on privttat-Ttrt. Ctxd* WTt.le It tdr.nrinj _-.: n'r* ara for i-ii ividiiteraqaireaiflnrt. tt p.r.ir. or* wtim new. fram Ul* tl-*'; **J*flbrrr .cd tr tbe E.«t tt 57l_tc pirt -elected. bat the balk oftkr ttotk it beid a: ttt *r,A opwird Kr tine.1 W.atv Bieacheditttlltng to lote t» wanted tl 7u*7_c tr.de Sp«rm srirti.qo.l ty ¦ in itmited ..ipply. tad .i.:j| to lh- enhtoc-,1 r.'e.dr_nt_._e* tbe tr»m_u ....«.- very trlv.1. lu'_rtf gl Vi-txxi ot* tr* br J i- «l_30l _i M*naf_:rnred io ftir.npply ba:t the er,. i u, mited tt tl lo fnr VVmtrr I'n-blrtrled tnd 81 70 1 Lileiehefl. Elepbaat Oil kt ftrmertodromtt.tiidt "Ko ll:. f.trl It trtrrfl. th* dernaa* {<>__: .v'e* oftaaaaarMMaMfl a; .avdrriy .aafl .nll tro* for w^trmW inter. Th* et, rk of Bed i* qnr. -xbaaetel; ftleaof lVMtrmBtfl'c. rtt'a. Bank Oil i*t__dy .- 811 ht tafl flkar* *t 81LWe qnote:Flormce _e«»b,ta 9 AVhil*. refinedS.. 15 fl _

O.Irr, I. bt. ota...3 ¥> 0 . Sprrn.Ci-de.1 yi 1 5.O.ite.c «t.i>t_l.l 2* fl . Do.Wr. .rble-'d.l 7fl _> _,

Ptln.. ft. »'.'» .Oo. lo..bl__b*fl..l 7V .ILhit'd .C'T-Bi-a.!- Bk 9 [Elflphflot.rf bl... 12 9 liL__e-_._.Bg. 77* Tl LttdOII.Vtt,.., U .7WhtJe. VT 41 ¦-» BedOil. MO .

Wbtie.rttiiied VV. 7n 9 71r run, tkt H Ai__ea i Sktppng l.iit

Tbere i.t aaad d -t. of ibijui y -..r Sp-rm »ni lVe. ia freelyoffered. har h, der. btvitit tartncel apon'.hi* priee. Tb-rebflte keen Bo ulr. ia tht* mtrtet wnrth rrporting. Ia .*(.?-tarket wr bitr nl wle* ot 7*8 bbl. Bt _Cc.._j_, ilitttpou-'.:2S0 do laf tt 14

Vl t. Thr--ht* 7>eeo t f.ir dem.nl the r__week,»nfltrsB.ttr.o_t inclade i.:-t nf i. _0 hb'i. for .Mnftctarini, yii:&5_> bbl. tt 57r 6_1 do. lt -7|r ; 70n do. tt Uie.. tn.l 5_) d i. tt. rrlre not trtnrpirtit. VV e wottd reoitrk thtt in r*n»a(ia-nceof tte rif.ctrd newi from tbe pihtliug fleet, b.y.rt only pur-ch.tr f.,r tir luiplv of inioieditte um.W btiebi.r.r.- t;e« for the week 20,000 ttt. Ocbotik tt3_.;

M._' do -rrttr tllCcPB0VTB10B6.n_*fl i* Um firmnea* In oar ntrktt for

Pork: the d.tr.tnd lt btrfliy *o BflflfB, bo' tt the c!o_ tbe de-nitai Imr-ovrd. nrertolly f r Met*; the ttie* tre l B»t 811 _' braaat Bmbj 811 for thia M**t: #!l__«l( I7J CnClrtr;tti1 ti- -17 {¦¦' 81/4 |fMBt8B Bt tne itmr. W'ttfiiti_o«Wr learn the Onven.mrnt cofltrtct ha* bo-n taten .1 £10 4,' dl£10 7,6 lot fljBM ptcktg--. Beet' U ilea.lv bet qaiet-th* ,!-.trtrd mtin'y tnr the lne.1 trtd..; the urivtlt tre ltrge; tie.tlrt tre 1.0 bH. tt 8S-67 50 for Cointrr Primr; 811,£811 *' (orConttry Me..-, 814 for repirked VVet,e:n tafl nr*

Verniint Brflfll 614 t.r rep*-ked Cuicmo tnd ext-t Vrrfnont;i-.l 816 - *.'i l_ r vit. Tl* cofititct price alwhibth.,Emliih O vrrrm.nt btt* Uken ir'.m'i packuea. we tr. td-Tl"d i. fft 5,'01:104. tier. Ltrd lt hetey and it duil, wleflof l-B> bbI_L at S.-BtOe. and nrw I'.iTIIr. Drawefl 71 r« tre i

drmti .. tt -i'.-C. Bsrrer I* in ftir demtn.l tt l_-.lt.-. fltOb'o tnd I'i'i.fc. foi Sttte. Chr.fle .. t_.bie tt 'J.'!¦ _r.Pfff lltnii Btfl ir.cre plenly; aal** of TB Ml* tf #'_ Vi.«*l7.Ciit Mrttt nra not p'entj tilei of iS.DCti ft (dry) rthonldert t:..Ic Otaaa Mbb.» *r* mor* plcntj; nle. of I eoo from thabloek tt Ic c.«h. We i|aote;..ei M _*. b'1611 '« f'h Latd.O..bbl*r.B. 9. 1"Do City. life ,iu5 lUmt.picklefl.-tf-Do. Ettn.... IB H) f?16(ie Bhimld n.do..-9-Do, Pnmelo, 6 f_ tf 7 50 B_-f. II*. fl. 16 tn :Do Pnnie Ciry nomiU»l. IX) inokM. » 10 1. \>\Do.Pr. Mri.u- Bl . 8 !Bitler.Ur'. Co . _3 9. _(Pork M.nw.bl U 37 .12 44 IDfl.fsirtoprtme . 17Do cie_. _rw :i r> '?u J7 'r>i,. omo. - 11 a. biDoPrmen-w 1t37}tf-Cbn_a. . 9 fl. 19*Do. Pr. Me_ a t '».

POTATOi:.1.Thr luppiy i* tnodsr*.. for th. moment, andprire* trr firrn; the den.tnd liyely; til-t of P'.akey.a tt *..)'61 Wj Jnn, .. 9"'' it*i. ti,A 't .._ .1 d VI rcrr'. fikkihO¥ bb:. Kweet arr.ve freely; ttie* tt 6-" *i T> (t Jertaj 1

tnd Vir. nit'aPK K.Tli- m.rket tlnc* cul laxt weekly bw been laita dall,

trr! |: ... t:.' Bu fliam tnd iwer trwl't bave recejefl Jc ;«1... IV rtak. it #4 -<'/*'> 18, tt to qatlity, P ft; new itb.lii it ?', ..".STEAKISK.T1-. tappy.it linitefl, the dea-tnd modertte;

ttir. ( f p'imr tt l< )c caah.SEEDS.A 11.od, rt e trnin.d fnr Cloter at U,21IJc. Timo-

thy ;. quite p'-rtty *nd it dall tt *.' S> 'tt2 lh ¥ '<"¦ (nTrrtprd Iti.agh FttB it ..-tri-e tnd in dermod it 81 a_. 81 7.'Lu terd ii f.i i" nd m de.iiiknil .1 Boflton; we h»«r or' t*'e. fSirily tt 81 -> cith. iu .tor,'; C'tlett* *'. *l Aa II IA.iheItttrr pric to trrire.SKINS._I.Iri h.ve h*ea mtde wlthio three dtyt of 3,000

Cnrirn.O<*r*t 41c. 6 mo*. D,tr*'cd_l¦A_TPBTBB-Ba_* kaB* bem anada rf BM b.r. B_«l In 1

Crtnle. to ttpve ro.rtwtie. «t 6| The Hotlon hkipjnng I.i,'n, m !.:, . f n b.|. do. »t 6j afl;. ., ,i nio*.

80AP_r'n|li«hC..t-:ie '. dnl ttir. f, !,oxea at 11c.H ALT. Liverpooi 'a in f.ir d-rnind. tod i. firrn: VVet? Indit

it in t'oil r,,]Deit, ihe kiipply it limited tnl priee. firrn; ..le.5. :K mett Aiilpi t. Iwo .mail ctxgoetiii Turka Iti.nd, aad .neof Caga- » 00jiiivafe t-rmt.-L'OABrl.The market hat r.rtitlly recoTt-refl fron ths

Irrrrni. n rotic.d in mr lut weekly aod ther. lt a -nu.-lifiiu rr fe. Um at the tloat; in view of the tmail receipt* tf;

liinitrd ilcrk 111 btnd; t.le. !,'" hh.lt Cubt Mutfovt lo 4; tftle.t BBBBB t*WBl n *t . '. khfll I' -,. 1 'i '-. I ic, port

tt) 4',' hlult. Nrw Orlrtm i'i V,' SM bot'i litTtQ.uTaYlit t" hlu t:i'i .___<. tor Vnlow.M't-LTKB.Tbe topply 011 tbe market !t n.t l*rg», ud

Platet are hrld *'. tpt.,4 tnonih.TA1.I.OVV.Tne it a-irt .* agtin ea*lrr and the .apply tc-

rannltiinr Sale.of _...fs<L' ft R-itchert' Atr_l_!on tt 1_ft prime in lott tt 12« Ujr

_|\_Thi dmii.d f.r Binca I* ^ulte limited f.-r r»th, andfiica trr frrblv airtr.tnrd, talet, in lou tt _He , tath, taflBMtltbt to arrive tt .". j' ti u.ontht. P.diet, ic the abtence ot

ttlrt. piirei .rr non.int!.SPICE>.Tle triniartlnnt have heen limifefl In th!t I!ca,

with Ike eiceptjonol Pepper. whirh it in iprcnittive deutnd.nrw. h.Tnii _*_¦ r-cf ivrd via Hotlon thatt one of th. two rutne. >t|.-. tr.l d-iiu* tbe fail btd M88 lo«t on lh. cowt otAt ir. aliii-h ba. c.nted t.rice. to tditncr; Itlet 1,310 btt* tt|,|.i.lt ,.... bell at 11ir-; ho bttt Pimentn, lllr and Itactrce; t" let* baee Ointtr. 4Jc 3,4(Ki D No. 1 Nfltm-ge it+ lor! Mc, ibe l.ttrr far (lTMBJ.«t| l.V.O mat. C__.it ai3 a*_: Mtee. i. lota.O'; C!oTe. I>_fl6c.TEAfi-The tale today (Wedr.etflaj) pu*ed off with bu-

lltlla iplrit *nd tt lower ptlee*. etneci.lly f ,r-he 1. w grtde*.Yount llnoiit weie largely withdrtwn. At priTtta tbar. ftlittle lotg, th* Oolont*, howerer, ue ratbzr tirmrr, t-eiugh.iJ tt '.

VV UALKRONT- We hav. to note BB-tt »t Nrw Bnlforrl of>if( ftt (lihnttk Bt _>. and I4.6M do. "Art.." at B_|ttork _<'.'" Bfl

>TOBACCO.Trie df mand hat bern ftir, tod prlrea are well.r.t.ir.r_i S» e« f, r f»a pttt four dtyt mi lude 1S0 rih.n. K-u-larky tt Sjtfkje I'», n.le. H.vui. .llu.ny- 1 c.*-t o

M.11 tL* Coi urdicul _e-d Lati, tl '|i 1. Vltnututared ktin l.ir rt«i'.etl. «rd price. tr- firnier. flfl qoute:Virtmit.¥ *.. thtit Mtnof No. i,o«* Sa.1T »«Bra'aky. 1-91 M.nnf nied., V. h ... .13 ift.M.nlir.l.- *- M.fif c ro., ___... »1J

Mtnaf m-d., 16..lo -12Mtnaf c.,i_,'.6..7|_11Mar.uf. twut.ka-No. 1.16 _»Mtnaf. lll., No 1.11 (_I2Mtiinf ft, _a_al!om....H O'.lMtnaf ft, ciranwn... I 910lun' IB, fll.15 _23Mannf tdir.'twitt ..17 021

Ha.. 1. 1 .i.-v. 'i./ifBt _7o___>.P -UfBh..14 320Ttr..M fl«_ti.. fii'tk w.-.p. .'

F.orid.. wrtpperfl.IS <t*XC,_n Berj Letf. 5 ''11Pe. n B*efl l_af. V JW HI.KY- Tbr maik.: ii hetter. the .apply m-Hirr»te; Hl**

of 2-1 bbW tt S21 <i * j c. for Ohio and __c lor Pritau. Drudgelt hrid firn lv tl _7c 'u_.».

VV OOL-1 be n trket thia wr*k i» Ie«* active for Domottizhutthenn.edtf.ee ,f _rinae_fl it ippirent; the receipw trelifhi tr.d ii cotupveo with lut yetrinowi fall'n* olfof 2.70B

.1 r.ula n7.itui.'.ii., thu, priee. are 20c. ¥ lower thtofll Ihe **m* peru d laat year. tboaring a larpria.o/ itifnati .1 totrtoe; itle..rihewret if/.".. - Klaece. t: _?*._¦..__¦fflalBj. I.BB6 Ba I'u l-d 2* i.'k itora.gn it dn'.l hut . 6rm.ptlret'hivii t f, a. hr*tb» l..wet: poiot. Sma'l Mlea hare beeoaiaflr witb n nr inoUtDnt:Ao_u.an na*. Kiflk B. 4.-'i4ft Bo. Am. _rrtr» Alo.13917Do P«il Bloaifl Uflrto*..-*-_ Boath Am. L'nwijoefl... *9 9Do. .ud| Merfofl.34'i.R SoaihAin. Curdovt._.>«._Do. Ntftvr .nd ^r do. .Jft-9»'\ F.tit Indlt, H'ubttd....Mflflg.p Pslled Co.nfry....-.'-_B Afrlcta Ur.wt.had.F91*ll. 1. Pu_.e*Co aiiy.._-l- 'Africaa "A'aahrfl.14OMEi-ttd. .4 il 12 r-my-ni, Clnwtabed._3_714PrruT'aa VV'uhefl.32d13. Sntiyrxut, -tahefl .24028l_lp«_iBo rnwiah-...iitti V-iictn (.'nwttd.*d.16011Bo. Au. Com. Wt_ied..l'i-r i4

( m r1<l_-r Cattle Mrirk, t.Rf(-redfor Thi Nit'-Tnii Tbib.vb, *y Johb E»to».

WruvBiotT Of. 2>. 1«_LAt mirket 2 611 Ctttla.*7_nt 1. -. Baeeet, tnfl 818 MtSB-L

tf in'.iint of woiktoi Oien. Cowt and Calr Yearllap, 2 taflI vean cid.

_rf.t_.rr Btar.Estra ¥ twt 81; flrtt flutllty. 87 V); tee..a BT8B1 2h -Ttird :u\!irT *s _i. -,._i_itrT, 04 30

8 81l Hu4r« » cwt 8AV.«»«S,'T-l-r, 81*81 2S; Peitfl, 42io".f ( .11 -tin. 11c ¥ ttH.ttiLi... CtTTLi.8)75toOB ¥ ewtvl.lciLvtj,a.i oi'iu)*6ii.Bthbib.Wjrfcmg Oxea. no t_U*flB_iced.a Itrt- r.amber tt

Bitrkr._(, »i »iDC»Lv_t-8_ 824, 8. fl-- to 862 to 864. a*

per r,otl;ty.Yl.tLlla.l_l 811. *'_Two Ylali OLD-84tn 921'A 9*1.Tatrfl T',11 OlD.0_> 82S. 6_. 638, 831. fl_f, 8_

ta 8«.«hi .r no7.*wia_7 '..- I'mtrkrt. Excra 84. 84 30 83 86

87 P.v.o: 81 ie. 8.75, 82; Bllflt, *i ->. 82 if, 82 73,0-M #7 fl

¦>. itr-Alt Itrte. fa' rtottat V to He.f B. whol*«_e.B, a.ixv.TTi. .apply excerdt tB* dem»r.,l. tad nlm-t

.toot.v .1 r.tetlrd bj ike imyflifl. wbo aakfora lifh-r de.lineoa a_l qi.itie. of xock. Tne-e i* t lart. na__-,er af Cttl- tnflSk*rp ai.ioM. lr': over frcm _*t w-ek. Xiny htve given»ij **d *¦ II tt * tacht-re '. dty A" i.r 1. -h. mirket* tre.1 well reptlted «* tbay bav. h-en for tb* patt tiv _, waet*. tm

r-uiait nn.'itl'd ibi car. raa. , yer thu K.'.eh-tirfBailr.tfl, tid 212 over ibr a,.t. a_d LaWflU R__.r_.__, ic-al.J» iil Ctiile. flb«>B, Bwtaa, II,.rt'.* tnd fum'u,.

BVMBt. .BOH f.CB IT.TB.C.ttl_. 3b_a_. »»--*. UoreauMt'i.. ._

r p.hir». .... Mv''! ..31 4

Biwa-b-tetl*. 41 17'N'W-York. lf"2 113 LaflC*t_<;s. tfl 117 0.o...4- 15

Tl_-.7!f_ 2 l'l

-BaBBaaB.... Repm-ted ba TeJetntpk.Al.ivt Ort. 2_ -Tb- .-.ceipteof bnkyin luh-.aad tm«r*h«Te .dviBcrd lo 81 Jfl f.r twa .-iwed. tad 81 *

row -1!Nl» O.Lt... OxL It -O. CoTTBfl taa-ket . Oraa 3l.d.

Tbe u-ri fvr tl* Ujt twj dayt _,_,«arnoet'.td to I _o bale*.

Rr-fltpUof Prada_i....O<T. 8S.Jly tk* ff* £____¦__ 1.01 bklt triwr, M io. VVaiah*. Kt_t L-t^-r 4*4 flk. r_»»at I II ,-, V tfll717 kr*. Lard 13 _Ja. W_ ,1 anl tn out. ProT'aon. *

I l Ikt fimrtt kirtr 1 -.._t_:t liAbMh. C^r» h BW _L f FiO'Xl»- do Ath-. (*cr,(it'.!M.i! SO dc Bickwa.i: i«r ck..'__,aa _.*_¦-Bfl*-_*«_:_-.

h tkt, tmt C-r*im*. fmm toOerim*-*** * CVntrnt-Btan Mttt M. J. Z D*c**.*a. F. 0. Chtraaae*. X X AChaaaiiOea.

ia tlmtmmtp X-tmmrm at Hmitfmx trom li*w-y*-*--hl *^*t*****-Me»: tkmt. ftahaHtmJ ii sktw. iii.l.i n*l>o. E.-..«.Wtkb. M.-aoa Jtmet. Scott, Miller, Ltrftcm Mcl o

t.a Hat te Robtaaoa. Deltao. Danarty. 0. O E.ittklu l or

dakea. frt»"r. liaiuoer. Wttkkarn. Jaiam Davena*. I an.

reta. -lamet, LaeJI. AJ_eon. M*rkl*. J*hn. Oeo. R > l

Rinaelan.+trtell. 9c\*vu. Wi.tlan*. 6*ym-or. s*»n.-e*.

Casaittr'am. Pi»*.-ott Si** Hiward. Seetnowrette.Aa.il «.

Baieto.Wt.ltc* Otmbla. Wttioa. Cradd**. M-Ure**r >t.-

mcn. Grtbtm. Cr*i*b*oti, Ttplin*. D* tVolf, U *_*a*.V_hl'*'Leitmtn, B ke* Mtctoa. Dav.e. Hjod. Stewart. *t****tx, Ette-rta Real Bewoat. Baaae I. Bletkl-y. Beak. Blertley. Ar-naticnsCcerapJonet, Frtg-a. Hyuder. Kim. Fin*y .taa.R Peycn. 5 i>aa»hreta eervtat tad tora. Capt. i t. i.n,'.i*-i.

iLmt* Itf.m* .Ttowtt lord-tt.Ccl. Ltw. Rev Mr M -ai-aiu.

Rev Mr Brewnin* R-t Pet*r (Uy, Mrt Calder, MraKanistLd rh 'd. Mrt Allitoa, Mrt. ?rott. Mrt. W.-oler.Mrt » _**,Mra J-jdton rh-'d aid m* d. M-e Reeri**, M-t ****_*_]__*.la'ee Me Waodwtrd Mra Foireeter, Mra. R:.-htrde .n,

M-a Wtraen.chi.J-tn tad nnrte. Mrt. HII. Mia F.eiatoii,M-a McCal M-e flthl.¦_ Mra Leur.ntrd h ,d. Mra l.y-.U trd cbi.'d. Mrt- Dtvbt. Mrt Ltdd. Mra Stewart. M-a.Blaakley. Mr». Katder. Miaeee Cuniiinghem Lorog M.ictain B.'nittn Margervt Crndeu MeKav. C.-nluk** F-atttthree Mra Wtahtiurn, fltrdner. Wuttlow. H v K .-

H*uen..tn. Jeaseite Htatintui, Brydtn*. Bleakley, Arm-ttroas. Ftrit, CJt-t.___

Kuitrrai albavac.vhh »iv.ten-RAtt.... « 22 Sett.5 «| Mooa-Riae*..* Ila

Hl»« VATia.vhii Otr.

Stndy Mo*k.... 9 11 Uot. Ia.aod..lO Ot H*U Oat*....ll D


ll.trrtl,8tetn:eh_p*-Rr*rot*. 8k!na*-. HaMfc. I.udlam A Pl»*a-

tot-; Cahawba. Shufe'dt, New-OrVana, Liv'.cgtton A Ciod-

Jbipa-Htrriet Hoxie. Mtnwariog. St. Markt; Colambit,Sinker. Charleetcn T. WardwelLBtrke.E.-ri'. M ler.Monrov.a. Arric*,Ytt*t k Portern- ..

Miat* iB_rm I Deake. Muuni'lt M-yer k Stu.ken; IluchBirehetd. R gert. Btltimote H-.-kt* B-ll; N-!e.n. Hllek u.

Savania.Y Poip* Al'o.; Oeurgee. RobinMn. Tboiattnn. J,W F-JweJl fc Co.; J. W. Blodjet, Wtit, Sieal, E. Tb«b*tad

Br-'r«.Indaatrr Kerr. Pxletka. Brett. BBl * Co.. *anto*. 2dPot i, G. tier, liporu l. I Ainaioek; Donewter, (Br) Be-k-ley, Kuteion, Jam.. J BU^tACo.; Acadto, iB.-JLoct.htrt. Winei.it, irtater; Conettrte. Ser.l I Latarall*. Malta,Oomei. Vt aJlace * Co Doctor Kaieaa. (Meek i Loreuu. R.t-ter.iti.i. F V.. iv.imidt; 0. W. Risteil. Fadge, OiSraltar.Mach'vana.Schoone-*.J. M. Wtrren. Chapmtn. Naw-Haten. in\ti»r-.

R-aj.t. I.-.- Mt n***a, I. II Haven; A J. Ue.Ko*Br:t.Brtwaler. MfUalBftaB, Dollaer k P..ll*r; Man. K Tru*. tluat,Pi-it ao-Prir, e Biert, Son k. Ca Rtiobow. B|alr*t. Ltrtcrt.MrCrrtdv. MottfcCo.; Ophir Dtritad Port-tn I'lait. Wvl-ititb fl flaoxi latac Tnnuell, Bandnllart t i*ri**t.ia. V aii

Pni-itASl .'.t. John (it.tlitha, I.amteo, P-tera-jnaillt). C ti.Piertca; Nnvt /eilea, (Fcrtn) UeCoata, Liebon, J. C. Goa-hlro.SIoop.Fuliion. (lardner. Frotidenc*. maeterPropcllti.Uaeida. Mackboute. rhiladelpui*. J. k N Bri«|i.

ArriTcd.U. S. M. aretirabip Jtmee Adt-r, Turner, Cbtrletton. mdae..

and ptet. to S| ,,* rd. Tileatou A Co.Ship Adimndaek. Ttjlor, Oltasow 33 tie ,, ,itl, iion, Ae.. and

19 paat. to E. S. Timt t. Etperlenced hetvy weaterly cC* o

tb* paaaate._>bip Petie'.. iBr.) Lord. H-iatnl, En., 21 dt Iron. and 20t

pae* to W A 1. T. Tapttor A.">h!p Sou-':. I'arn'i t, t.:c-wtrt, Rotterdun Sept. IS. 0 t

Sept 26. n:dee tnd J9S ptae. to P.tt X Ryeaon. No date Itt.4140. loe. 24 H, while Ijingto under dote teefrd ropat-.li. .:

loiectet n.aetBhip St Louit. Hpyt. Littrpool Stpt. 27, m.lt*. tnd pata. t i

Wm Ne'eoi, ASont Oct I*. lat 45 34, lot .IK "'5, apok* Hrahip R.te ot Sharnn. tl.i da fm. Sadnt Ibr I.them with protitlon. Th* S. L htt exper-n v.l hetvy jalrton tr* paeaac-, ar..t taila. ke. All w*llon b trd.

*l.i|- K.'tar P. Stricser u f Btth) Tbouipton, llttra Sept. '2!,Itdae tnd VO -aaa to C. C. Dnnctn A Co. I'lh inat. lat. 15 11.Iin. SP.tfi e,char,|td rn a'l »ith t ihip thowins tilpit! wliliI. rei X. btnndettt. llth Intt., '.tt. 1(128. lon. 4". In * hesvy|tie trt.m lhe wett. lott ihe head of tho furemttt. foretopmaa',to|(i'Itijt n.t'ts. tud cteiytbinf ttttched; tln maintop naaatard p:-tr, n '¦ yt*.'...' 'tittra, epnins mtin ytrd, lott atilt, AcTh* R P bta h»l Jb .leathe ,.n the p*m*,r im cholera.

Btik Celle. I'lar.nT ) Helot, Bremea 52 dt., mjte. tnd HIptae. ti-(tnileweli k Mehr.BrlfVm*! Br ) tt b.temtt, Lithon 49 dt. atit, Ae to J.

A. Mti-kad-i Eaperltnced hetvy we*t*rly (tlet; apiit atilt,atove h-.le- art- B*

Biit Alb. rt, ,!lr.l S'eevet, Hilltboro' « dt, buiUInt atone teJ. PicktrdSrbr Ca-biii:.-. iBri Snt .inrtae, Mecuadtvil N. F. 2<1 da

rtthto Jei Krj l)(h \*tk. M afls* S. E o! Bl^ck laltnl,experiencetl t ttie from N W.; lott deck load, and wi* b ownoB

r.chr. Pre.ident. |Br.) Blenmer, Htlil'tx 5 da, tith te McCtalilf, Whet-l*r A Co.

Sclir. Lnd»:s Auimsr, (0!dr,.i Plate, Hanihurs II dt leadaad Ml s-a. to Riechmiller k Loeacher. (Lt .'¦, lllon. 87. atw alartea.iip,anppoeed Hr wir1! Intt of main anlmnuen-maat. loremaat aad bowiprit itand.ui. very li*i!« waterlli ber tt ahe wtt very bfht; ea» nu ooe on Ij.jtril; wte naintedblark, 'tre ..1; Iad t bigh .|utrter deck; had uot been loug iuthat aituation.SAILKU-S'eair.ah'ra Rotnok*. for Nor'i lk. _U.| Cthawha,

New Ur »i_ia; ibip* II. lltibeck, for Moblle. Sitrit. Morte,f, r O'a.fow.BELOW.1 abip, snkntwn.WIND-U-irlni tb* dty, N.

Irra iTftMei'is wAMiivr.Tov.JArr. *» Livernool 9th Inat., Hrnrj City, Csu.kint, New-

York; Sth. Kro«re_a, Cbate, Moblle. - ..

Sld. 6tb. Nortb Ametiea. Dunbtr, Botton; 7th, Itottath,Piw.on, NewOrleaut; Juvenla, Wattt, lUiibidelphlt, On-ward. Wel-h. New Orletxa; Storm King, Ctrrlck. St. Mttt;Noirbern Chlef, Yonns. B.tron.

Cld. »th. Commonwealth. Krapp, New-York; Otnlel Web-tter, Howaid, Boetooj Ptrnphylia, Vtlpey, do.; Botdicet,Stlckrey, Moblle; TtHeyrt...!. **.*.> ( hirletton.

Lr.ndon. Oet. 8. enten-d outwtrd, Faith, Letch, Phi.«.I-l-rh.t- inwt/de A B. Kimbtil, Oavt, Ttdnntae; Oregun, Por-ter. Sheditc. Ilnroa, Drlter, Mirtmtchi; All"gbtnian St*t-at.n Quebe. 7th, Lltbon, Curtit. do ; Europe, Slitnkltn.i,Ctl!»'.; Eti.t»ni Q.ieen.Tunil.ull. Renoutki; ConutJirtn, Uy-r,Iale Verre; l'tleeiine, Tinter, N»w-Yors.Cld. OeL 9 Jobn Ri.uyau. Nlchole, Newport and New-Or-

lett.; 7th ii. F. Pattao. Delaoo. New-Orleao*.Havre. Oct. 7, trr. Ltvtnt, Day, Rotterdiifi; M.irtimtr Llv-

Irtatrn, Sainret.n. Mobilr; Sth, Sufl'oik, Edwtrdt, Nfw Urletna; St. Lool*. EMrtdt*. N-w t'Tk.

Mfl, Oct 7, CtrolinoTecker, Cbaaa, New-York; 6th, New-Endai.l. Prcttaa, do.Cld. Oct. 7. stxon, (Jrotton, N-w Orletna.

From Tb. Londoa bhipping G-uette. OcL 10.ftreenor* 7th, eld. Oueanottt, Htrtficld. New-Orletnt.i,ii, "b. arr. Amv Robeott, Waker, Havaua.Antwerp 9th, trr Julls. Vou Steea. Nsw-Yurk.Klneliing Roada tlh. sld. Eliiabeth, Deoniaon. New-Ynrk;

Op.tr Paaha, do.; Peter iltttrick. do-i Cbuiemtgoe, NewOrl*ara

Ainiterdirii 9:h. trt Protpect, --'rephent, HavantBotterd»m7ib. cld. Florenee, Mitchrll, New York.CaditSept. 29, tti. Lj-in, Melcher, New York ar.d Vigo.Off Dungeni.ee ., .".tradt Antwerpen, Naw-York Ita. Ant¬

werp; Stb Jeve,land Mellc-r, do. fm. Bremen.Uneenttcwn 7(h. 8PM.. pot In Robt. Carnley. Ourfey, Liv-

trpool lor New-York, verr letky.I)-al li th. tr: V\m. W oodaijn, Woodtlde Loodun, and ald.

fot Newpott; Fjrttt.id, Haiidertoi., do.. and ald. ior N«w-0t-

(Jltsgow 9th. vr Elbe. Cleciiris Wilroiett*n; 9tb, Oltsgow,(a.l Srw-Yoik. »ld Sth. Robira.Bartlett.deN * rtith ald Mtttbt Wbitmore, Wbltuior* Naw-York.

From Tho Shipping flttette, Oct. 9.Oreewooe Uth. ald. Artl.itn Ml Kemic, New York.Newcttt.e 7th. ald, Co.uu.ijit*. Portcr, Uoetoo, anl passed

Detl Sth.NewpoitSth.cld Aqnil*, Newell.Cilv P. int.Bordetux ')ih. ald. Towntetod, HutcLintoa, New-Yort; Car-

retnek. Foater. NrwOrleantMtnelllra Hth cld. Egltttin*. Oltton Now-York.Hrlyoet (th.aSB. Seia Scott, New-York; Attiacaa, Snalh,

New OtletnaHaniburt 5ih, ald. Frtderick Oroat, Stnd.-r. New York.fmim. te t.'h trr Nord An.e.'.tt Peier*. New Yurk.Malaga-ept 29. eld Flving Flah, R*f."uf, New York.lneatSrpt at, trr. Ferdtuand) Cortee. Napoll, Bottoa.Hmjrna S-pt. ib, ttt. Rtc-horee, Seariet, Horton; tld. Mi-

Bora' King, do. _._-_..

Conaiantinople S«rt. 15, An Mytfry. Tiylor. B.eton.Off Dover7ih Levanter. Kolltoeb*.-, Hall fur New loik.Iiff Beach Head.-. Roxtnt.tjoper St Join, for Hull.Off Plymtutil aih. Amertoaa CootitMt. WUIIft, New-Vort.Off th* .^'.artiith, \on Sttin. lUtbo.t, New York for Brnnen.Brletol9ih eld. fm. Pill, Alhrt Oallatla, Storer, New-lork;

New Emfiie. Deviet. New Or ttnt.

Copeititgen Oct. 2, th* An.enean thip Cbarle* tad Jtn*.Oliver, fm ittockholm for Bo-'on, wbitu wtt ou-:.or*. (tt re-

poited ) l.aa iut m iieire for repaii*.

'P:t NttCASt, aT HtLiri.x-ByTelegrtph.jArr. fm. New York Uth, Bf.uU tt Htvr*; Hettcbell tt L.7-

erpooi; llth, Aatw«rT)aB U An*werp; Htfi* It do, llth, Yurk-ebite, tad Ainerictu L'uicn at Liverp-jol; Iaabellt, and Djrothyio the Dowli.Arr from Botton llth. Maria Antolnette tt Antwerp.Arr. from Virginia llth. Dnmfneehir* tt Bri.tol.Arr fir.ni N'W Otiear.t llth, Lady Krtntlin tt Llverp^l;

13th, Shtoro.k, tLd (lart Wheeler ttdo.Arr. irom Mobil* Hth, fJen. Berry tt Littrpool; Manuion at

*'d for New York I2ih. Cmmm*m**i*_ *******¦aaalia,fiou. Liv.rpjjc!. Blancbtid trm* Bru.ro!; Chrtmxtmttnm PotUu.o.ih; IStb. fcmertld Iale, trd Ootatio from UaerpooL

l Boatoa 10th. DtL.ei WtbeUir, fm Litarpool; Uth,Ptmphe.it. '' r ,)o

... ,

PbiJtdeiphi* 1 J:h. Tuartrora, fm. Liv*rpool.fld. fi r Btl'imore, IJtl, Mtrahri^ld. fm Li»erp.M,l.Bid. for Alextndrit 13b. Oen WathingDn t n. Liverpool.Sld. fcr CfeeaaaaaB I2ih, Ttl evrtnd. tm. Liverpool.SIA foi ^tvttnaii K'tb. Conaul, tnd Ftvoritn, fm. LiT»rnool.Md I -t |l*¦ fBJiaaa I' th, Pjrtioid fm. Liverpool; 12li., O.

F Ptti't. Ji.-i. Endac:a, iin. do.Rld. for M ' le 18th, C*afl*a, fn.. I)e*i, ::ih, Bodlcea, fm.

Liverpool; Plk, IVm. Wtrd, (ai. io.a,

fFmti Onr Own Correeoordeo' ]PH1LADVLPHIA. Oct -_S-.f-i-Jred-Se.it*. Edoa C

K»llv,B*«.r I.t). uliut Ett*. Ctlt-i; .tatmahip Jteaaebae,C. p.a Maa Vork, br.gs Ann F;-J*i,*'.h Ttjlor, Bosr.n; L;rt,ftrmtr, Calt... Me ; lMjl..r», Il-i'th, Ptowdeo-e. a-¦*, a. U. J.

Jot.ea. Crow-lJ. Bo*"jB; Mt<7 'ohbaon BaMw-.n. N. Mf en.

CTeored-Ptrt flaiMBBa Tur!*!, We«t ImUmt hilt Hart.

|BelM.flt. Jtm*. 9.11 sehra. 0. Ie. I . . ~'*'_ll^Badale.Coir.ba, Botton; ttea:.-,.l lf Keaoe- nr Cope-t.N*wYork; aehra Jaii* Shtqt. <htrs. R'tb-iry; Higblunder, Sm.tfl,

L)_.t: Mtry Ithnioe. BtJdwla. Aibtny.

By TeleKrapb._»ewort.f.(V4-(M.Oat 2i, aaalBBMflKeeflWas-BBr,

for N*w-Yort via Htvca

Dltattert, ***.

.Chi* A..0.TO. Balcb. KJ-SffSEGtiS:wrccked. 'ttlJd. ***i F .J,: ^. '

Th- tii'a-.d ttor*. ,f th*rto tahor* with trodd'O* a*Jl* a#_

^i,.,.a_ .',,-t. w.te to.A ' , ^JPj»V?7lBjrr 18 Th* ArUatoc.puia nd CI.W trr ved **£*£*» ^ ath Bc-a, ta u^BBB a roeu *}*t;0A*l^*t_^**.mtf ****'.**, Mr Board-tLd wat owned by U n. ru.,^rt4<; tnA^ .h. f..1:i,H :n, in.utaown'dtwo--I"**'' , ii,f,T.: t** '¦** *'¦ ttm .-iffilt,ai-.a'latlhBaof'" . thip. tnd na* :** i.j..owiM ia-

tnmle\Tm*%**t W*Au.r. \rxn\-l I1W f th. Neptone.

T*^t*r\***^a?tb* flrttiah ah'p'..r kark Oe*eBM«t tf Um*-;<*' ik*r"r« reported.) waitfMggcdaal tbaadooed. att Tt-

_*rt.t__ing, peep fl_-k rarrial twtv, aafl BflMflflBfl k__bet. rteeaCv iVtidon _, w****fl. llh ifl.t-, 1»1 ?» '. _.. loa.51 kv l"*r- _ub**toI tk p WiotntogBi Phiiafle.phit

.. ia BtTTtroBv, Capt Carey from PhitolWphi. wiihcoa'a 'or P** _a. «r»ck aa tb* " iee hf**k*r." DeUwara Btt,,OB Monday tilbt to* i_me*la_lv flUed Tb* pl'ot h.«i La¬aa dit, of Caa* May. took ef tb. r.p-u* .i aatj aai ttaiea tal !an«efl tb. m aooo after the dl.wter. .

f-iB*. Lciiis Hrrvr- O.t .: S: _.o*t->n tii rotaJ.w**Biver. l.ax iorei.il f u tha ptMi** (Irt ilttlA M ( htr o*tioWaa. **._tao. 1*1, frflm th. aia.a * mi ..-.A wta In-t.

fi li. Liatiu l' i)tb-v. fro-i r.,il- Ipbtifor PorUtB-,wr tt baltmuu MocJ.v. w.'.b oa* of lor _»_ ,._ .** |»«_ J _.

. gale oo Weflneadty _igbt laat.

Ta.-_ri_ei_.Drrv-Tivt CflkBTi..Bfll Tb* melancholy lafl. ot tba

two Pflfah ahip* p.-Nvek. Capl. /.eetuaa. aafl tbfl Htfltrr,li- i -or 8B Ker.r. Rief Indoce. xr.e ta (fiottlf **T»rtIebafla etprcttily aa bo.b QtpWtkm htvt baaa re.rme'ri m _.

M mtn oini* eoco. »hmi,l* my rflfrrl. i

fcurl tbe fcllowiat rrrent gflflUflaUeB bM -*_i_- to ai.9anv nuerti.n of '1 it r.t'. nit.

¦" A New r.a-t ol Terr. Aa_t___, "fla CMrman L.nd «!._Z't!flBd aod AflBBH lito.dt Lmd n p-ib:i-»»d by Jaui-.aIui.-iy late B!_:.-bioi* A Imr.yA* tbi. omlMionmay lcal to aami!., liituter*, it I* aauamnrp

.h*-th. i iner. ifiould V a-.Ued to tb'-¦K'B.'t Rrrt i . . i)ceM,ar7 m.lrfl

northea.toi Pfltl C in >. N fl. ¦" flBa. *» _(¦¦ ..»* ''»-f-a.ii. Grier.a b . def 7 mm _..h !»t., tafl t ffloer«l thirtofAattra't tior.: tr: »iivrv tf r.ui. Kindrra. Ac . wilb aJJi-lion* to the "»r llfl, '. deer.V.rt t* r_kt ptrtly dry, fl*-.u.dint wiih *3 f*thoni* halTa i'« o_ I tm <i:r, vonr obedt-rot._"__ l-BBD-KflJEOkofl IkHOZB-SaMBB, J_ T .->¦ .S_. B - Na_.___.' A|r_t.

_.*___-__..:New..d_il_-._.ip Baiit t_-_*a, Di*., Tt,

''s'lfl. fram M.Biit'i* __.»*. Uac''- .<».¦«».»',. BhfltaBford. to i-init*.

*;. k..-. Ibr.Srpt. *'. BB B fli l*«a . B\ .bip Elit*. from N.w

. a, ._.Oct. .1'. I.t 41 i-n.dOJO. ifcip Htrtw.y. koanfl E fln.lei a

_«-_*. _*-__M*--. fl, bark G_.r_tflr.fi-_ «t lohn, N. B.,I.t. ,7 11 I.o 21 '.S.lmtt DoRflflC. Yt.too.S:*.

flflM tram i-u<w___> for i. *¦- ... «.__.

at 44 *ai. Iob. 47 fl, lUip Alniu-2. BliflflB*, fm. _etf

Oet 6, It-'il tC.Iofl- 4J3C, b_A LflBot, ef Bo_ob, fro_Ouebee tn (Hiure.ter, K

, , ._at. 43 B*. !-. M td, alifp J"-. Bn|ht. of safl froa

Ntw-York inr Liverpo--- _________

Oct. 14. at. 41 -I. .ob. waa Me. a ihip ttas-ifl. »..¦"*/\xn a wh'te liio.l wiih lett.-r I. tfl i'-(.uppi)*** Nor_kVV.nil il' fllfltl frotB N ,.n.)

efmmmtVkBLALitBV H. NicoLtr. Ao.-noiia«t.

STOCK- nnd HONDS at AlTCTlON...._-ri-r I' MOLAY w, Itell I'llH U\Y.(Xr. tt at 1J|

,t 'he lM.>rlbtB_. Excl'tnge, for .-.obui ol wbom

%__*__*_t.fV:-rtif'i rer Cent Bonfl*. BBBBB t-Jtblelll Jtnn.ry tcd Itl laiv. *1 _» e_h8.'|,vSit,.lU«'av.Mf.nfie:d aad N-w.ik B.ilreafl IB Bflrt.

t*«r 7 per ( rnt. H mfl, iaterett pay-^!e ltt. _a-ch and ltt._ep.tembrr <BI tiv etrh

,;r. t' Wett-rnllllln.'lt) Rtilro.fl I.t Mi.rtt.tfl 11Roudj. inleie-t pay*bl* Ut Apnl and l*i O.Ukbtr,

Jlllwflnkae City 1 per CflBt llondt, totereat pajflblaIflt -l-rh an.l 1*8 a r'"'""" *-ii.'-b.

lo _h*jr* ili. li .iii s.uilieni ita I.-i)*.l l.nttructlou ->t*.-B,

MMan* Niirhe.n ludtan. RtilroU CociuuclUa 8to:k,81(0,,ah

_v,.>tr.. M.'neBtnk. *"J'eteh.in ahaneCt>a-tal Bauk oi thn'.tyol New-Yoik, fl- .*»».15 in.rrt !»h.i* »ud t.eti:ier Htuk +li"i «ta-l_.

120 ibBiri Me. b*ni ¦*' B_.'.k oi vv ;ll',a,iitbar^h,OM**<:l>-an .' ir.* Ln ,1 Citv Uink. 03hOtkar, a tmpiir ( ity Bank, *-.Veacb.*i ibaiea Oe tn Bmk. 02-' each16.h-i.»Kol-<i-i-,«__ B*ak «2> ra

41 ihirei L !' It-urame loiupti'V. . H earb.fl) abtret oward luiiiraii Coni(_BT, 8 .) *<-__.._0ahar.a M.R.nfile Kin- Ii.tfl _nc CompflBV *._*.¦ ».10 ahfliet Lonlltid Plm liKOraM. Coinpwijf. 02-" **. li.

.1 tn* Piin.it K rr lu- k»l;» C, Bronllyn. ? .*:..7' thtrri St Nlcholu Fire Inoaraac* Company, 8_.'.*M_ilthtrri La P»rge Kirt- Ibbb_u_* C.'mp*ay, *W I

, .iptnt, OlVrtcB..'. "ihirei Vir.mitC iri Copper mt ip_>v. flletch.JB thairt Wv. k, il Oold BUIal C iup_oy. 020 flach.TrRB- .i. Bll T- u pi-r t-ut thB d.T, tnfl th* t_l»nc* b««

fota | 1. k. .,,;.".- The a, crn afl iuUrttt OB tli (bebonda wiil hecb*r«ed to the pureh-er.¦ _ .

A II N. fiol.'t r.goltr lalrt ii -'it.ki. Ko.,1. tnd ("he- ...

f inr..... vciy MON17AY tnd TilL'll-SDAY, tl tbe Mr. -hant*Eirhasie. , ,, -

AT 1'siv.iTr Sit r.\ grett vtrlitrr of flt*t clt** Rtilro_IBondi, Bauk Ibbibbibtaambat ____-._Oftoe, No. 4 Bmad tt., uext to cornar of VV all.

Thb Aniikiv E.x,s.i.,.r. Iliat N<* Vo««. lutv,atKti,A N KXTK.V DIVIDEND of TEN I'KK CKN1.

___L on thfl Capital flafl of ihia Bmk will b* paid on the hrO

"'.h-'cip-S'-Vork wlU bB introaied riETY PF^R CENT.,or one Diilllfn dollart raT*ble ot,.' h.ll .r fifty do Wr. parthtre. on th. (i.tt d.y ,.f July next, tnd the other ball an tkaaitth day ol Novrtnher n.xt.Tlier.w tl.ck wil be dutrlhotrd 'o Ihe old ttonkholdert ta

the rttlo of enr .h.rr nf new lo every iwo ibkfM of old rtoek,acimdiii* to tte Stoek Ledger. on thr m. rning of the 2Vh lnrt.Ihe rlgbla lo (tae ional titrta ol .haretmay ke trsi.tferrrd tad

coiiibtovd to t* to ubtain fnll tharriAay tto-kbilder nity f any Ui.ie t. rr thfl 30th Itnt. t_T_l

I.i, mw thaiei in lull, tud be entitled r, relnt.at lb* nieflf 1prr crnf. per tnnnm on tbe moiety to tft* Sth NoT*mb»r.The littrr half of th» lner«n*ed «t k will not ba ttr t

tuv poi'iou ol ihe ten.i ani nal ditlil-ii in NoT-mber nait.Thr Tuu.fer Bonk. will be cloted irom the .'xh imt to tha

lat Jaly ipclo.lv*._^J*r__,_:___!*-'.f_**'"4r-ibicab Bzauaea B.*k. n,» Yo.K.Ort. 24. issg.

AgEMI-tUiNUAL DIVIDEND of I'lVhJPER (ENT hw bl. d.y bron dflclaiod, ptyabl. un dia

(ith d*y f November neit.Tli* Kirtt Intitilmeu' (1 f fifty lo.latfl oa etcli tharr) nf tha

lncrraarfl capital ttock wlli be entitled to tbo iam* diridenj telllr i.ld Itock- __, ___

TheSrcor.d InatftKiuflBt (of fifty (IfllLr* "a each .hare) of th.Increinrfl rti-ilal nock will voT be enuutfl to aay paruou oltin. dlridetid. .__. _

The Tmnafer Bookt will be cloted from Oct. 38 to Hoy. T,toelBkiyr. . ___« _, ,,

Ily order ol the Botrd;_<il_____I-___?h-'-__IDlClFIC HANK..At the election for Dir,<etiir«

ol thi* B.nk. hrld on T*eil.y, l_h inat., th* fcllowiatp*i.-ii. wete du'y elected:

Wm. Tilden, |..o A. Merri't,Wm. Hu.ith. Ilenry Wentel,Cba* B fl_M, Mtthtn C. Ely,Ebrnetflr Betdlmton, Jno. P. Tread_.ll.,.-, It. Ja.kt n. (lia*. L. Tlfliay,Amo* J. Hitrinld, Jno. K.-rr.DavldL Young, Kbea. H Pr.t.

AndataniUioueniifiretlBg of lh* B__fl, WH. T'l.DKM,Vaa wttr..lrct._ Pre.ident. tafl ( II vri H. WHITE, E_|.,Vice-Pie»ident.-New York, Oct fl

_J ( VV1"HKLL, J*.. C_li_T. V

I~"KV1NG -AVING8 INttHtUTIOM, No. _3VVarret. .t. u.xi (o tlie enrner cf Oreenwich-K.

Itt. tfl*l 11 I x per cani will bfl allowtd oa all laait not flB*Ceed'.m Klve Hand-ed Bollar*.Oflce open d.ily trom II o'clix k A. M. tu 1 o'dock T. M.,

tnd from 4 to 1 o'cl jelP M_

CALPB S VVOODHUL-. Er*. *>oUVl * D r.. CILT L. BliaTUB. 3«er*Ury.__H~~UKON aai OXFORD B \ H.ROAf)Co..Tba

Coopi 11* on tbe B.i.dt ofrnothuTe CoflipflBy. dfl. Bttthe fir*i of N(iv*ii,',-r. w.ll hfl paid on tud .fer 'b«t d.t* *Ctho tft.ee of KETCIU'M. ItOOER.S k HEME.N4,

.. 4", (VlilltmtC,

EIC-HNCE ud BANKDiG oitiCE.."_j,,| DL'.NLAP k Co..

Cincinnttl, Ohio.Collertlone ptythle !n Cinrtnnatf r.tmtted 00 tba day ofMkitnt.ky hr.t iri.il dr.!n.-ting aurrerit rat. nf Etrhant* nnlT|.___. ..-.1.1- _,.,. _"».l... ,a tl.. fmrt. ot tbt, bli! will B_lm'nt.ky hr.t iri.il dnl'i-flnt wirrent rat* nf Etrhant. rmlT|

fur ihote ptvible witli ExrLnf..- tlie faee of tk* bii! will bmrrir.ilt.l. Eor cf.ll, 11; ,:,1 a'. .:! t)t!iar point* througho.l ihaWe_, proeeed*ir_i'.ied jb ihe day that aflylc* of p.yii_ollecceived, dednctini oua taaltot BimiBlMiBI IlaTlnt 'aapfltia-b!e corretpoBdflBU w* an entiiied fo tuilflCl BB«a all poiaMwith ftcllity. bF.YY.iX fo

Cfltl. A. IBH, 1*1-, Caahier American Exehtuag. 9uk.|fl.Mi.. B. W ,||T1 Yiq,.. Ctiahi-r (;-f_*-flf B_tk.Kic Ht.D Bta.r. Kh.. CaJkiar Tr_ia«nen'i B_ik.T. R. Ai LV, laa. Otahatt I^_tlter Manafa*tar__ Baok.Fim.ev, hi.-.x ( ,... B_..rr., Wail-at.J. T. V.t Vir.cs * HuaO. BaBkrrt, Will ttJ. tl. DiTtr.i, Jou.* A Co., lmt_T*e-t,___[(_¦ 2,**J___- "" *_

FeLTB* _IB« Uka-B.-CB Co.'. OrrtcB, *No 10 vV*li-*_. Oflt. », 11*4 S

THE ROAFiD fi DIRKCTOR8 hav. Tlir._I)A7 declared A DIVIDEND tt FIVEPER 1 Y.AT.

apon the rapiral. pflytbl* on aol aler tb* lflch BJt. T_lU_,_.r boo. .Ul {_ ._*_¦ ^IVii,^?^^,^;^^

Oiriitor K..c.tB.oiNK.;.-,v.v,.w.^.m.uo. t

KNICRERROCKER BAVIN08 I.V..TITU-nOB.-D*B*-__* B_fllBflrM_aa^ra*yjitifrm*fl

that on ac.onnt 0rthr ,e, »t *%*_** .^flTH.iik in w.iah aomo of Ihe .rallMI* fr '*> »< ^J^*^.wur i, ¦. tf..,-. ,- itr-r hu en untb lor 1. fewy*P*at,

., thedrtfl* 'IP4.B ll- "'*»«« b^B »f l«)fl-._.,,. h ii »>l km.»i ii nvr.ted ln B nd* and nirxagau

_T« _r.l F ...*- wo_h d<_b..,h- -^r.lva anviiin^^njjnrootbfliB; Lot whieh** __*«_. ._v_at ra *J1 etw.rnM.

?I_"ot "rrBflttrfl *__!>!* e«-'P« Bj » .*i\0,nct ********_7.t.._.. i Tiv ..--i.'.»i-«.ei'-h'r of -a '.r n r_itiir** :ai. to

.i'n'.'.'.liTl'irr:.nor on flr-po^t I'i th* atbttmU btnk.._;_.,«_> a.le.»d «lr__i*t»lyf.M«.n»l.:a; .nd (a e.rly re-fmT.nnb_._ib.r_. aAUhB^\waaamaBBaaaMa.B 1. _-_.

denrii fa-Iieted wil! ,"-o i_._t ln.Ut.tlon beyosfl a«y orotpaf.f nder rbi« circu nfuicr. Ilrpoa.'fiit will at ot.ce per-

;T.;f.. < wl! bd b*_ »uh_.r-el hy ae-

tteare aad by iVi: noper.'i, a wi'h tha ff_*__i to allaylfljd_ifru! of lb. Iiiat-tiiUOB. By order of rhfl Hoarfl..atrttaioi tratary^

r ItlTIIl. lii.l.arnu t Oktrtav.)Hir* ji t.KV Oet ih.lk'A

ITESFSTat the rat -EVEN per CENT.peraxmin » iil '.* pt.d '.t d-rt !n S_*k, OB (AeI

ltt ii»T *f N-vernbflr utxt, »t tb* *fla* No IJ Wall at.'


REMOVAL..Tba hMi ll.'K OITY BANICwil le ren_T_l on WED.-ESD4TP.lt, O.

tbe a*w b_.uu f houte tt :_e e,orn«r al '.r-eawicb ... U.ta*-¦tt. reoBily . 1-1 ttd (nr '._,e Ni .ouai Excbange liank.Tir pr»r: -e. -it 'faplad 'iy thr Emplr« C;ty Bt*. w!3

be ..tcurifd arrrttter ky the ?!xi--rT tvinu Htak.L II . :!l RCM ChltB.

"IVAN'il !'--...:.. on Rnnd »n4 MotTfarr* ooT V B_eBBBBadt4_ The»i_tie . tr_ri_ nni!(. wirh 611

It.rreteii rr.tt. 11 rt tha lec.i ty b, flm;lfl. Alflreflfl A. C,f-ije.en-

-lf lllia .For BALE, a Kioa* <

tp _[,UUI-t stx per o:sr. bosu r\e*boa ._..:tbre. ifiritunti. It wil! br _,l,i n Kour Pei C*.t __o_>_

-'____*_-W-. HAA Wanted on bo:*b a-iiio:;r-"P»),IM M f g ,t,K 7 r Btfl 7-*.-" °n impiwed p.: .j-

tny eija-tr.t'n -be t i.vof tUwTnh. .*.d prop*r*T -e:u<__»._ d worth ... tirt.. rhr «-a«Hgt » R_--t.1 B AKK mi mtatwmi by CARP_!___- t% VClvBliYE,Ni 44 Wi.! rt. on* Iti cent. t_K ^_»r.