NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. VOL. Xn.NO. 3,468. NEW-YORK, SATURDAY, MAY 29, 1852, PRICE TWO CENTS. .jrpK NEW-VORK DAILY TRIBUNE pta**-*"*' ¦ EVERT MORNING, (8itndat eackptkd.) BY OREELEY k Mi elrath, THUINE RtfTLDtWSt, COKNKm OP SPsPCE ARD NA*> tf.* U1I^T«. OPPOSITE THI CITY HALL, 4_i nattered to City Sobecnbers for 1 UM Cents per week; ¦a** they prefer, they can psy in viv ance at the Desk Saastcaths sr t year at the same rate. Single oopiea, awlcrp" "ail Subscribers, Rive Dollars per annum in zLmf" Sufecriptivos takes for ail month*. For three J_3L, tl Three Dollars in advance required in all ex- Saaett with Country Newspapers Daily Papers received JgvT^ac* wboae terms are higher than those of Ths Trib- JJgff act alles/td any difference. mnjK NEW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, 2vinY URGE PAPER FOR THE COUNTRY, a,»wthjW"1 rfCTT oAttsriav Moaxi vr,, at the low priceo ¦ »«aast» in advance Eight copies for *io. or twenty sne address kir $2*1, and the paper in no Rase eon. Eacyead ilie time for winch it is paid Advertise,nenta J^B^tbcet a ill be charged Vicente per one each insertion. THE rfEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE avvery Tuesday and Friday moruing. PricefVl gwaswoss- Two coaie* for * v Ten for $*U Advertise £ MBt* a Jute tor each inaertien. THE NEW-t ORK TRIBUNE rot; ri'BorEA» cuculatio* ob the departure of each Mail Steamer for Lirer Price i{ cent* a copy, or *¦; per year, to any part of t Britain, or $4 to the Cootinert, postage included. THIS NEW-YORK TRIBUNE ICALirOINIA, oregon A*d the SANttWICH Itl.Aflt}*, fjaabiuhed on the departnre of each Seroi-Monthly Mail - Price 6[ cert» per copy. GRLELEY k McELRATH, Publisher*. Religions Notices. pr hecoml Reformed Pienbyterian Ubnrcfi. .t Medical College, No. «77 Crosby st, be'ween Broome and gerlrgsts. Preaching TO-MORROW MORNING, AF- .jjRNOOfV ea«l JS ViSNINO, al the usual hoars._ KJBeforrni-d I'reeby terlnn fhiirr h. corner of and North 'st, Willtairuburgh_Divine serrice will uasnsocted TO-MORROW, at ltTo'clock, A. M., by Rer. S BIRI'N. Indiaaa; at Si P. M, by Rer. JOHN I)0;TO- fXäTT M., Pittsburgh: and at 7J P.M., by Rev.WM. vYlLBOV, D- D. Cincinnati._ ry Tbe flrwt Society af the New Jerusalem I'berch lavs removed from 8th-st. to the Lecture Room of the A,.; latent Institute, Broadway, opposite Bood-st. Res. Ri( HARD DE CHARMS will preach F.VFRY SABBATH MORNING, at f. u'clnca, and EVENING at 71 o'clock, .aol further notice. pf Kpv. T. Stnflnrd Drowne, Assistant Minis- bjref ike Church ol the Holy Trinity, Brooklyn, will preach r ths Cborch of the Epiphany, No. 130 Stanten-st, between |aci and Ncrfolk-at, on Sunday evening, May 30. Service {on.ri.cn e at 7- o'clock. "gja- Sea. Frederick <J. Ulnrk will deliver Ins re- gakrMonthly Sabbath Kvemiig Discourse TO MORROW EVENING in his Church, (^Oth-st., near 7th-av.,) services aaaaseaciag at a quarter of 8. _. "flr Tbe Tenth Lecture of a t'oarne on the Fatarr Destiny ol" Jinn, will be delivered in the Esanrelical Lutheran Church in Mulberry-at oear Grand, ea SABBATH EVEN I NO, at 7j o'clock. Subject-" Will there be Diltt rent Degree* of Glory and Happiness among gat jojnt* in Hessen >"_ fjf Tbe Christina Israelite's Anniversary is araavi celebrated at the Feaat ol Pentecost. To-murrow l* tbe day Aa invitation in given to the Public to attend the Preaching er In tbe KVEN Nil at the Christian Israelite eaoctrsary, No. 108 Ist-*t. MARGARET L. BISHOP will be present._ _ taT (aJtfarnla Sunday School .lllaelon..Pub¬ ic meetuig at Rev. Dr. Cox'a Church, Brooklyn, SUNDAY text, M*y30, IH52. The exercise* will commence at 71 P. M. Andre*»* by Rev. Dr. COX, Rev. A. H. MYERS, Misr.on- ary *f the American S. 8. Uoion, who takethi* departure for Cellfern a bv tbe Crescent City, of June j, and by HOVEY R. CLARKE, Esq., and Rev. W. E. BOARDMAN, of Mich- 6pr rial Notices. BT Empire I,od*«-. No. «H I. O. O. F.-Orri- scKs aM' BaoiHiia-. .Von are hereby notified to tie punc¬ tual at the Lodge Room, O. F. Hall, on SUNDAY at 1 ./dock P. M to attend the funeral of Past Grand JACOB H SCMENCK, our late esteerned brother. Residence 105 Allen st. Funeral service* »t i lie Orchard St. Church, at 3 P. M. Interment, "Greenwood." Brothers of Slater Ledges are cordially invited. By order. WM. CAMERON GREEN, N O. Thomas LAWRSNCR, Secretary. l%* Lebanon Encampment, No. 19*Is O. ol O. p.. Uihciks \nd Patriari iis, yeu are hereby nitiiied to Bieet at the Fneainpinent R«>m. O.E. Hall, on SI NDAY, May 3n, at I o'clock, P. M to uttead tbe funeral of our late Patriarch, f C P. JACOB B. SCHKNCKi lutennent, Greenwood. Patriarch* of other Encampments are also in, i ted. By erdei, ISRAEL 81 VDAM, C. P. OasX H. Form to, Scnh*. IF The Annual < eovcntlon ol the Chi I'al fvalernllv will be bald at Warriner'i Union Houee, Rpni,gf.*Uj, Ala**, on WEDNESDAY, June 2, at 1 o'clock Vf Tomer Veeiilval.-The SOCIAL TURNVE¬ REIN him inastn So« lely) c, lebrate* on the 7tli of June ill Ncood Anniversary at the Harlem Pleasuie Garden, lSfebst. tih-av, near the Railroad. Aduipaien I'.', cent*. .ad ie- are free of charge. PROGRAMME. Tbe Kestival b>'gins at d o'clock in the afternoon with ttag. An Addre** will be delivered. Gymnastic Exerci- an, Song*, (iyinnaatic l'laya, Diitiibution of i'ri/es to ti.e b**t aeiformers, and the w'liole will conclude with a Supper. In ram of unfavorable weather, the Fettival will take sacs the next day. asf* Notice..The Annual Meeting of the People's Bath- Äatct W ashing A**i>ciali«n lor the choice of otlicer* and _ it buiines* will be hei« at No. 57 Beai; r-st, up etat:a. on May 31, at 12 o'clock. A full attendance is re- KK II W ARREN, Sec'ry. Br Notice.I'aserrger* per *tean,»tilp ATLANTIC, far LAERPOOL, will please be on board, at foot of Canal it., e»Rd»y, SATURDAY, May .V. at 11 A M _EJt. COLLINS k CO. OT Frioada of Eduratian.-.Mr. Weiater hasgiveu IIHMI tallowing brief Definition ot a great word. Education, comprehend* all that aeiiesot instruction and Rnplme which it inteuded to enlighten Uie understanding, anert the teriqav, loiin ilia mannen and habit* of vouth, tat tit tin m for luti Rdav, .teil. Rsa, t\ a^iii.aleu, A.a lt.-. \ A. Wataon, Plym )ll.|^ *C; C. F Maunce, Esq. Sing Stag. N. Y.; J. H. Altea, RbuOtford, Md.; Prof. L. H. Water*. Scliohane, N.Y.; E. M-Parue. Kaq.. Cahawba, Ala: w W Mci aj.Eaq, Bath. tare usetuln***. Next to line, we would that a good Tea, her combine* ardent iove to the pupila, eaoty to tuvern and teach well, a thorough education, plea latudiea* tad It tineiuent of manne s. Tbe 1). 8. School Agaaey ie devoted to Universal Educa- ttst, by suceeeaf'ullv negmating the wants of the beat 8*Ih , Fimihet, Teacbeis and .Matrons, each mutually eWwi* ihe il«t. expeuee and profit* ol the aatahtaa> eaai, by an advance tee of one per cent, on the required tsar* iitat ion for one year, which procures täie lall amount in aaataaors enga>teuienta, secured by a transferable check, htttt than money foi all iiegotialuuia. Having a corres- paaetis tod ratrousgo throughout the Union. It artoid* sata.-»ii< It*i d increasing facilities for promoting the ia- .aaaeof its patrons and of the cause it ha* espoused, on the ¦aR franble and economical plan ever in vented,.its pa- sating a coundeiitlal, per|>eiual and unu erial asn-mnce- ¦fsui their wants ai.d menu on the page* uf the Ke,/e*t>r. 1 * '"ad, ¦..ilete, Umiiv u.d te n her,and every P^safFdaraAtoii, purchase a ( reccA tor t-'jor aiore, a* their »o»< ssaeataajalMvsstaM ».»raraxas-Rev. T. H. Skinner. D.D.: Rev. 8. H. JWj«:hv.S. I). Burchard, D.D Rev. E 8. Janes, *L .Rrv vv R u tiaunn, DO, I*rof. !l Wahaait I L 0 M ¦ Urialer.Jr Prof. t. Ha*nee*: ReV G. D Ra*0tt| »*J*Cbsnib*rIaiii, En.; Itev. D ( \ an Rtraia | Rev. J. svlsrv, Csjbaaaaa Oaa>; Una Theodore Erciirigbiivara, ¦sw-Br ri«airk, N J.'; Prof. A. Crittenden, Bua-alytL »Li K. v. W. H.Tyler, l t*; eld, Mas*.; Prof, A. Wat- .b. Kinder!-.**, N Y.; Eira Fmrchiid. A.M., Fluahiog, a 1 ,KvV' K ' ,!t,N,i- M'Mich.: Prof C E. Watt, Mt\-.;. N V Kev.'lt. 8. Huid.ngton. Aston. Pa : Prof. B. ¦ejr*. U. B,*i.., Mae*.; Ja-ne* Gileon, K.), Baltimore, "d "'v t l' I u N .lie. Ten ii K I. v M Ueia»daig..a N. \ Rsa - v\ Spear, D :>. Nat.-hea, « R.v. M Meiga, tultsauaa. Pa. Henry I neon, Sa, rn, v a Rev H. Miller. Macon, Tenn.; S L. Sleek. - it. . \ so , Slug L. H W t __ka, Ala \- ¦ i iAllcoraniuni ntion» m uf be poetpaid ) I. H. W ILUGX. Fo-iiKU-r atai Ptopriotor, ._ No. iu B.oadway. N ws** Natlre,.Orrict P*n«<»t RAHROA» Qoaa»eaej " . T.otlS hlaj JO, 1852..A contract haviog this day been 2"JJ5J¦» »kscanipledoei of the Railroad from sea to sea, J* a nie,-ting ut tbe K, aid of Dire.-t.irs, held THIS DAY, the "B .^jrr*ohitioa w a* adopted, vU That th* Capital Btoikof thiiComranvbein- tiaaaniS »*,,*M1.',I,\ by new luNciipllon* to the amoautof ttaZoo.V*- t,,.l hc«*'» of (he preeenl capital »o.-ck of jvsre.m- he «ntitieat to rutiactita at anv trne before the let ffaoekiT Dext> t0 thc Mtcnt uf one and one-half iharet ^..***'" share held by them reapectively Foreign Stock- easaS2 "^fifd of thta resolution, and to be allowed a ^^sja tana for svaitut theineelve* of ibis pnnlege. fbtnj. tea per uder iu latial- iipietion or the work FRANCIS SPIES, Secretary. j^Natlrcfo I'naaeoRcntfioni rKn imnlnUal- JfW'-Th» PACIFIC MAP. s E a.MSIIIP C> »MPA- WB^*W ut>in fo gi^puKic notice that in t., X iwill WaVrst'^ b? lhru *^f"tt Pantuna which are ncAttgratd mm\S* *'".* fs^Psay. and that ticket* t> i* aigrsal LtLiiiTi V^i^ '-Vt" 'haf**\«encT, No.177 West-.- C aÄ**TLLll i,N. Bceton, or of Mesara ARMSTRONG, TRS*CO, Maw-Orleana-Nea >e k. Jan A. 18Ö2. -¦Sy?», WM. II D.W IDG F, Secretary. ."Warranted Prime I rcah and Kellable.- ¦ aSa-l. . UK. i.S, CHK.MICAI.S, Xc, TanTj4***' °* liberal term*, at our eatabluhment. No. fig tTen GREEN I. K \K k K N-O.K.Y -^Z\»-OtMSLttr I Wn.i ,v U Kinm EY. *KlÜFIXt?Lny '««»r»»tH-eraaBRa«y .-OmoaNa. .«UADW AY, coivier ot i AN ALST. CAPITAL RJiti.iX*. 5rak.... U n u A SURPLUS. 1 "°st or in person will reoelv* prompt attention latriKu u Ma rcroa s WlfVl!'*1"^ < barle. Sartdfcrd, John T. r*1shar. Wax v *T"i Cheater Drix»*, Aaron Arnold, V- R Sv2Z,' l*^ B AllhauM, W m. Trusfow, ?%tl O H^*< ?"»srd Smyth, Crowell Madden, *t£h kÄT^ u *? W Rsrsareao, John McLean, f^ W^L^ u"frl Bud» J«--»es '»Star, iftasa Iki, « M rurrestar. Waahiagtoa Tata, ^»Xasta. uS*? H .*.**.>JotM U R«»-«aS *»*a Wut nttaaftiV1 ^^rBtER, P.saaent ^.er eaat to be paid at the tune of *u!»«cribti J^sa th* let day of August, and the reraainde M required ihe eosnploUon ii the aaaft IV* Kn vr«'». l'ntrnt Stonr-I>re«.«in»T Harbin* .Patented Dee. a ims..Thu Me. m- - i»d**:«o*d tor dressing tUine for auilainga, for canal lockt, for railroad ma¬ sonry, for monuments tod obeli***, for anytning where rec- t*r«> .i.r or rectilineal work ia required. Some idea of tha eocatruction of thi* Machin* may derived frum the fol¬ lowing description, though an engraving of it would make taa deacriritioD much more forcible: Firm, upright rapporta oa both tidee of the carriage on wbicb the ateoe reeu. ana- tain the ehiaela, and, aiao, the revolving hammer*, or cylin¬ der back of the ehiaela, ca*t with cam* upon it, which *'t in a aptral form. The (tone ia placed upon the ramate. w. -h reaemble* tome what the carnage of a aaw-mill, and i* moved forward and backward, on the tame principle, tutxtaatially. This carriage, with the stone upon it, pane* between tha supports and under the cbiael*. The chisel*, which are raised or lowered at pleasure to rait the tbicAneat of tba «tone, at weil as the depth of the chip required, are preated back by the atone to a* to come within the reach of the revolving cam*, which drive them forward by a sharp blow, which ?hip* the ttone. The forward movement of ttone preiset inn chisel* back again instantly, which are m.r, driven forward a* before. This process goe* on till the (lone it finished. At the cami are ret in a spiral form, no two chisel* act at once ; ret the blowt come in such quick racceasion, (being, under full motion 1,6*0 a minute on etch one,) that to tha eye of the spectator, they all appear to work at the tame time, to that in a gang of twenty chiael* come Ibirty-two thousand blowt are (truck in the tpace of a tingle rniuute. It will be perceived, even on a (light examination, that thit Machine tan be made any length or width deairad;.that a machine of «amtiert dimension* to dress a stone twenty feet long and ten feet wide, will coat but little more than one that can cut only a* mary inch**;.that the power must be nearly tha same in both casts, and that a wide (tone will move forward a* last as a narrow one, and receive the dressing as quick . the time required depending not on the width of the store, but npon it* forward motion, and the revolution* of the mul¬ tiplex hammer. The chisel* may be fed factor or alowar, 10 suit?!he nature of the stone. Hard, Italian marble, or dense, hard lime-stove or granite, may be driven forward two feet a minute; while American marble, and all varietie* of sand¬ stone, may be driven from two and a half to three f *et par minute The thickness of the chip may be varied at pleasure, from next to nothing to two or three incite*, according to what is required, the nature of (tone, the weight of the ham- Biers and tha amoant of motive power applied. The front ehiteli reduce the ttone to a horizontal surface: the rear one* amooth it. The first gang leave a sharp, weil-dafined corner, and a surface slightly coried lengthwise of the stone, rander- M > it preeminently suitat le for canal lockt and railroad ma- ooury. The angle of the chisels may be varied at will, even while in operation, to suit different qualities of stone, or dif¬ ferent placet («hak v. cro**-grained, or protuberant.) in tha tame ttone. Thus it will be seen that the cutting done by this Machine ia performed on the same principle, lubatau- tiallv. as that of hand-cutting. It doe* as good work at can be done by hand, for ail plain turfacea and can be easily adapted to toe cutting of rectilineal molding*. As the chisel* «et in . right line aero** the (tone, and are held perfectly true and steady, their durability i* gteatly increased. When worn on one (ide, they may be turned over, arid turned and turned tu-ain, till they need a second hardening. A Machine with both gauge of chisels,co*t« from $">50 to $1,'"«,according to it* dimensions and weight One ample to dreaaitone ten feet .oug and two feet wide, may co«t $.! K». A five or rix hoite power is ample to drive one Machine, and on- Ma¬ chine, properly managed, with proper appliances, and driven ap to it* full capacit;, will dreae a thousand surface feet of none in the workiug'hourt of a tingle day, laving the labor of fifty men, who can be more profitably employed upoa orna¬ mental work. The American Stnne-Drersing Company con¬ gratulate themtelvecand the pnblic in being able to offer for tile Rights to make, use and vend, to be used any where wi::,;n the United States, and their Territorie«, EAYRSS Patent Stone-Dretaing Machine. It i* unneregtary to ap^naa American citUtetig that the introduction of guch a machine into genera) use l* ¦ matter of much importance--of much hnpoitance to all claase* to the builder, the laborer, the land¬ lord, the tenant, the man ot real estate, the quarry-owner, the great public. 1'artia* wiahing to «ecure RigUta will find .heir application* piomptly attended to by the «ubecriber, No.62 William-»t, New-York. W. A. WOODWARD. President One of the Machines ie now at Roach's Saw-Mill, No. 138 Bank-*!., where it may be teen in oparatlou from .. to 12 o'clock A. M and fiom 2 to 5 o'clock 1 M. tST J)r. Ruunintl giveg a Free Lecture before the La¬ dies of Brooklyn, on Defo-mitie* and Chronic Weaknegtea, and Diseases incidett to Women and Children, at !i o'clock of THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY of thi* week. In the Brooklyn Institute. PoM-OMIcf ,\i vv-York.-NOTICE-The European Mailt per S. M. S. ATLANTIC, will cloge at this ofli e na SATURDAY. 2SUh trat., at 10}, A.M. A clcged mail, for Bremen and the Herman State«, will he madeuppei Atlantic. W. Y. BRADY, P.M. JLT* NtftlctN.PANAMA RAILROArTcOMPANY- Jmcial information ha* been received at thit office that tha Railroad bat been opened for travel to Frijola, the next »:a- don above Rujto Soldaaa, for tho present and until the road la opened to the crowing place on the Chagre* River. Tha trains leave daily from Aaptnwall at 9 30 A. M., and Frijola at 3 P. M. FRANCIS SPIES, Secretary. Office Panama Railroad Co, New-York, May 18, LSR fr? HonleV. A mole is one of the be»t article i we ever used *or sliming ; it leavi t the face toft agaatin. Call at No. 277 \Y ushingtnii'St, and purchase a bottle, and you will not lie disappointed Lynn, Jan. 25, 185B. TV Wm. Nolle, No 277 R'o«atnj/fo»-»f., HotUm : DtVAB Sir: Your "HynarjDa Fluid'' i* undoubtedly the belt article for the hair in the market Daudtull, which used to accumulate on my head, i* now entirely removed by it* ute. 11 give*, aii>>, a pleaaant feeling to tho head, and impart* to the hair a glossiness of the most brilliant description. Your " Amoia Sharing Soap" it, by all odd*, the tineat and most agteeable I hsve tver n*ed, and recommend it cheer¬ fully to those who have a strong beard and tender f*c*. My fiiebda who have used it, speak of tl in the highett term*. Younreapectly, P. PARIUTT. Mar be bad of A B. A D. 8*nd*. No. 10« Pultou-«t; Rush- ten, Clark A Co , No. II t. and Rice A Smith, No. 727 Broad¬ way Carey a. Co.. N" 2«'> l'eari »l. and by Druggist* and IVi n ii et» throughout tha world. Of Daniel T. M lie I'arlitn. Real Eatate and House Agent. 11-uses ranted and rent*collected Re*idence, No. 57 Sd-av. OBice hour*, o t«. S A M, and A to 7 o'clock, P.M. IT rnrla f.'reen, (...*" Hraml)-Being an American manufacture, patented 1849, known to be uninr- panted by any foreign Importation for brilliancy or beauty of oolor, or dnrability. Thit Green it confidently recommend- ad at eJain.tuf the notice of partie* concernrd in it* age for tbip-paintiug, \ enrtian blind*, wall banging, Ac., for which purpose.: is ptrtininrntlv adapted. Manufactured and *old by THEO SCHWARTZ, No. U Jacob-*t. (Swamp.) HP* IntporiMiit to Printer«.. . Prlntlngt Oflloe for Ssale..Being compelled by ill health to withdraw f rom business, the stil«criber i* induced to offer for gala hia lt» ok and Job Priiitliig Otlico in Auburn, being one of tha old. st and most BXtensively known estahlishmaats of West¬ ern New-York. It i* (and ha* been between twenty and thirty vein) Kaaleu in one ot t >e beat husinest at sails in IfM 'v- aa one of Adam's Improved Power Presses and Steam Bag ne.tcgetrer with a large stock of Type, Bor- ai l Data, Pres*** and other Fixture*, suitable tor every :v of woik. lu run of custom is such as to make it a veiv desirable eatahlishmrut and nothing but the reason giien culd lead to a disposal of it Term* made easy on ui.deut ted atcunty. All lcttert rc'atiug to it u ill receive prompt attention. HENRY OMPUANT. IV The Chi'tet-a Riiililin« and Hutu ii I,our: Aseoeilttloil mil bold their hfth regular Bttallllll OB MONDAY EVENING. May 31, at 8 o'clock, corner tth-av. and 2Ath tt Share* w II be redeemed and a report will be made that will agreeably surprise the member*. DANIEL BARNRR, Pretldeut. W B. I! '* r, Seo'v..Ortico, No. 220 9tb-av. ^TTinsemcnta. 1 STOR-PLACE OPERA HOUSE. ii 1H18 EVENING, May W, and every Evening till fuitler notice will be presented the original Drama of tb* URBM AN BROTHERB; OR, LA VENDETTA- Lpuii Del Fraiuhl, 1 The Twin , ... n a, p Pahicn Dei Fianchi, \ Itrctgan. { Mr' °' % Brooke Parquet and Boxe*, .all cent*; Amphitheater, 2o cent*, Sofa tieat*, $1. N- B.-Tickeuacid la Parquet Boxse and Sofa*. Secure the seats for the averting. Doors open at 7, paiiormaz.ee* will commeuce at 7| o'clock. NIHLO'S GARDEN..JOHN SEF- TC<N, Msjiaaer.-MONDAY EVEN I NO. May U, will b* peiferuiec uie grand tloera. io three acts, called THE ENCHANTRESS Stella.... Mme Anna Thillon Bvlvio.Mr Htidaon Mo'honatntg.Mr. A. Andrew* Hake D'Agnila. .Mr.Haward Ramira.Mr. Leach iKm Hervero_Mr. Wilton t taa to v.¦: I.... an original 0\ ERTl'RE, by Balfo. Admission.oCenu. Door* open at "o'clock, to com- Bsence at 8 o'cli«ck. BROADWAY THEATER.E. A. Mar¬ shall, goto Laatoe.THIS EVENING. May m\ wiU be paifom ed, for tha h'tii time, a new Drama in 5Ei**\ en¬ titled LOLA MONTE/ IN BAVARIA. Leu'.», Kirgof Bavaria.Mr Barry D'Ala-i. bis Prune Minister, a Jesuit.Mr. Cot. way Lola Monte«. Countess of Laudatcldt.M'Ua LoiA Mmio* T* conclude with tha Farce of iHE LOTTERY TU RET. BURTON'S THEATER.Chambkra- rr.-THIS FVENINO. Mav 29. wtll be played LAL t.H \S HEN Yt>< CAM. (iostamei.Mr Leater Bonus.Mr Blake Mortimer.Mr. Bland Bam he..Mr. Joknat-jn Hoconcliid* with the Isughahte Drama ol ti e IXIODLES. I e«* luce and Parquet So cent*; Second Tier. 3»aent»; ativtia Buxea Rs; Otcheatra Chasra, aaut* Doon aaao a: 'g . to begin at 7| o'eaocA- IYCEUM THEATER. ßToTdwrv, new J .'¦- « t HRRYN A BCCKLAND, Le»ee*.. nUB EVENING. M*y M. the parformai.ee* will com- aaeaea with the Ftrce ut DEAD SHOT. Alter which the D ates ot DON C RRAR DB BAZAN. To conclude with the Opetr.e Comedy of T E PET 01 THE PF.TTfCOATS. Drear* Circle 4e oaora; Parquet 25aact*; family Ctrola, Ona Shi i'.ng BARNUM'sAMERICAN M USKUM. P. T. BARNI M. Manager aid Propnetor: JOHN ORE>NWlM»D. Jr. Assisi antTManagar 0 W CLARKE, Director of Aniu*en.~ntt.Atuiiisaiea to the entire Minimi and Peiforntaace, 26 cents: Children under ia, 12j cents: ParqreH, V2i eent*extra.- s ATi'K DA Y, May 29, in tna AF- TERNOA»Nat3o'clock,ai!d*!*oin taa EvF.NINO, at 7} o'clock. »rd for the Ivst time, the doiuaatic moral drama of CB ALOTTE TEMPLE. The YOUTHFUL Ol AN I, ilia HAPPY FAMILY, Va, ara to be aten ax ail howat STEPHMsÖN^S" S T AT U E of the WOUNDEI» INDIAN, f m the World'* Pair, will be on Exh.titkj.i for a abort tuna, at Stoyrcaant Lngtitula, Nfc tWBivtdaay AtUiagaitc lb (tnta. APOLLO ROOMS. No. 410 Broadway. .GRAND SACRED CONCERT, SUNDAY EVEN¬ ING, May 30 . For thii c*cecK>n the following eminent Ui- trt w lil appear Vocalists.First appearance of Lite youth¬ ful Canadian piroa donna. M ile LACO.MBE: also. Mi« MOORE. Inatrumental *olo performers.Herr ELTZ, the eminent Fegottwt | Herr BERGNER. anlo Violoncello, and a grand Orchestra, composed of the beet profeeeor» of thi» city Leader, Mr. HERWIG. Ticket*, 25 cents. D.-v>ra ot*a at 7 o'clock ; Concert to commence at "j o'clock, r or particular*, *ee programme. J- ALBER1. Proprietor. F-THLSS, Manager. SPIRITUAL PHENOMENA..Dr. c. BARNES continue* to aifbrd riattor* the moit ctrikfrig derrmiitrationi of the reality of thoee epintuxl agencies of which he a medium. Hundred* of caae* of conversion iron, the meet obttinate ckepticicm have occurred in this etty and in Brooklyn within the hurt four weeks. Ha has now, for the better accommodation of the increasing attend¬ ance, taken rooms at No IS4 Sixth-av., where ha receives tail* at 11 earaf ' one fitting. He aleo propoaes to give u> ttrnrtiOTi, en rf en*, able term*, on all topis* connected with Clairvoyance, Electrical Psychology, and Spiritual Mauiiee- tatleoe._ SATTLERS COSMORAMAS.Sec¬ ond Series.Exhibited comer of 13th-at, and Broad¬ way. Open from 8 A. M. tiil (a o'clock P. M. Admisaion 25 cents. lV*e works of Art con*ist of a collection of V Ir-iVS of EUROPE, ASIA MINI R SYRIA. THE HOLY LAND, EG1 I T. NUBIA and ARABIA. They are sketched and painted in oil by Prof Sattler. JCftD Pnbliratirjtu. AVALUABLE WORK for RAIL- ROAD ENGINEERS-MIFFLIN ON RAILWAY CURVES AND TANGENGS..Thia i* a (mall but learned work on Practical Engineering, by Samuel W. Muflin, C. E. It treats of the method* *f describing and adjecting Railway Curves and Tangent*, as practiced by the Engineer* «f Penn¬ sylvania. All difficult cacuiationa are dispensed w.th. and even tabular statements, and the antlior (täte* that "there i* nothing in it which may not be remembered by an asnatarit after a abort practice." The price BitI. Published by DANIELS & SMITH, Philadelphia. For sale by the principal bookseller* in New-York and Beaten. APPLETÖNS MECHANIC S MAGA- '/.INI for J UN E.Thi* day published, Al'PLETON'S MECHANIC'S MAOA/.lNE. AND EN¬ GINEER'S JOURNAL. Edited by Julias W.Adam*,C. Engineer. contents. Direct-Acting Main Engine Plate*; Longitude of Place*. Defermin»tion of by Telegraph; Steam; Electro-M«jrnet- isni on Railways; Engraving from Natural Object*; What to Ohaerve, No. IV., (illustrated); Electro Metalurgy, No 2, (illustrated); Mechanic* for the Million, No. 11; Lewe«ton tnd Queenctown Suspension Bridge; McCallum Timber Bridge, (illuttratrd); Wa ca-ma-ha-z'a, (illustrated;; Centre- fugal Power; Notice*, and Correspondence. " No i»telh|»nt mechanic or wwneer eLould neglect to lubscnhe lor tins work. fc<»n (or tue «eneral reader it will be foun.l no Isss enUitainut lhaS instructive. [Northern Budgal " It treats of the lugheat subjects of me. hjiuial scieece and lodiia- try, and keep* pate with the progress of d.*< overi*« and improve¬ ment". HRsfasalaat " It will, in a f-w yeare form s mmiirlrent Cyclopedia of msehan. cal atd stieritiiic knov ledge, and caoaet te too widely ein ulated nment prm-M »I rnei.. [WatCsataa as Red*etur. Three Dollms per annum, or 25 cert* per number. D. APPLETON i; CO.. pubiulier*, No «i U.oadway ADRIANCE, SHERMAN <fc CO.. Thiidaypuhlished-THE PROGRESS OF FREE¬ DOM, and other Poems by Barnard Shipp. 1 vol., l2mo., cloth. 50 cent*. LIKE AND ADVENTURES OF EBO JUBE, in con- nection with that of hi* master, Charley Brief, at various times, and in different parts of the world. Paper, U< cts. UPS AND DOWNS, or The Lo*t Treasure Restored : for the instruction of voimg readers; by L. Lertnont. UtM, Cloth, .V» eta. Part I .TUE SPAEVVIFE. or The Queen's Secret: t story of the time* of Queen Elizabeth; by Paul Pepper- grau, Esu author of " Shandy Maguire." Paper, 2> ct*. ADRIANCB, SHERMAN '.CO., No. 2 Astor House. A~ NGETXwTLDON ; or The~Mystf> tie* of Altendorf Castle. By G. W. M Rsynolds, author of " Life in London," "The Necromancer," ex. kc. Beautifully liluitrated.2 vola.: Price $1 We ranout n.eniion a siksle look tl,«t will compare m soul bsr- rowin* mtereet withtliis. iia****tina*hrr. the beat ol C. W. M. Rey ¦old's books. Tlie ereses are tlinlliii in the eitreeie ; tlie rlmra, ten boldly drawn and adauraMy eaatfasta* -the good witli the bed. Tber* not a solitary pnmgrjpli that does not tend to gat develop- t**at o( lie tiornhle mystery tl, ,t, like a b!i.od stained pail, en- .litoui<n theheroiae in ite heaey folds from the fiiri>t i liapter of :b< tale. Rumen,':a entravmca, of uneommen eveel'enic. diu.irate many ol the eiiraordioary ,o. ilent« »liii b are atru tly strewn tliro'i*h the book. JMornin*Srar. Fublitiied tod for mm by GARRETT k CO., No. 22 Anncf. DEWITT Je DAVENPORT'S Cheap Publication Depot, Tribune Building*, Nawau »t., where may be found all the Cheap Publication* of the day a* toon a* pi btlshed. Nl W ROOKS. ITARTFR'S MAOA/.lNE for June Price2.5cent*. GRAHAM'S MAOA/INE for June. 25 cenU. KATE PKNROSE; or. Life and its Leseons. By Miaj Hubbach, Nif.e of Ml** Austen. Price 25 cent*. THE SWAMP STEED; or, The Day* of Marion and hi* Merry Men. Trice 50 cents. THE SOLAR SYSTEM, a Descriptive Treatias on :ho Sun, Moen and Stars. Price 25 cent*. I'II AMBERS S MISi K.LLANY, No 2. Price 2r. cents TUE VVAVERLEY NO\ ELS, (AbboUford Edition,) Vol. 2. GUY MANNERING Price 50rer,'e THE HEIRS OF DER WENT WATER. By E. L, Blanchaid Fnce 5ii cent*. DEWTTT k DAVENPORT, Publiahert. Tribune Buildings, Nassaus*, D'^iciIt^Iü»IJrnÄ17of music, a paper *f Art and Literature, is published erery Sat¬ urday a No. si School-*t., Boston. Price $2 per aaoiun, iu advance. Subacnptiors received in New-York bv Scharfen¬ berg \. Lui*, No 4S3 Broadway. Mason V Law. No. 23 Park- tow, kc IFRENCH and ENGLISH BOOKS, by *te«mer.-H. BAILLIERE, No. S"X> Broadway. N«w. Yolk. No. 119 Regent'St., London, and Ruo Hautefeuille, Par.*, import* Fieoch and English Bouks by every steamer, and having Lenses iu these K.urupean capitata, can otter im¬ mense advantage* tor the faithful execution of orders, lor chearniu, «;.,.: r expedition. Duty free tor Public institu¬ tions. H. UAIi.LIEUE, No. 290 Broadway. ILXUSTRATED EDITION of SMOL- LEI T Published thi* momiug. TBI ADV ENTI RES OF RODERICK RANDOM. By Son l!*it. Illustrated by Cruikahank. Price 5n cent*. " Perb»p* no book* evei wn'.teu excited emb peal; of .neiua I*,«Ist ie ieagatst ». Smollett'».' ISu Waher Scott. Jrfst Pnbliihsd. HUNTING THE ROMANTI'. Of The Adventure* of a Novel Resder. 50 cent* in paper; in muslin, 75 cents. " JOSBPH ANDREW'S. By Fielding, illustrated by Cni'kshaiik Price S1\ ceut*. THE TWO FATIÜ RS. From the original Spanish of AdaduiCalpe. In paper, fit'eents; clotli. 7>cents. Preparing for early Pu'dicati u. Tl!K UPPER TEN THOUSAND By C. Astor Bristed. PRECAUTION. Revised. Bv the lat. Feuimore Cooper. TBE HEIRS OF RANDOLPH ABBY. STRINGER k TOWHSEND, No. 222 Broadway. MATRIMONY and THE SECRET OF LOVE AND BEAUTY-Spieodidly illustrated. Teaches how to win the devoted aSectioi.« of the opposite ¦ex ; Love, Cuurtahip, i.c al*. how to be handsome. Single book, 25 rents Five copie*. $1. Addre** Dr. DO '> ALL, Al¬ bany, N. Y., postpaid. Sent free by return maiL PICKINGS FROM THE POR'I POLIO OF THE YOLNii 'UN.Illustrated A New Ediaon now ready. Horn rs or the rtrss. A eolWl^r of >ket< be. l.jr Da*. P. Burnham. F«a oftbis city, »itt 11 i,»tr:,:n.n» by H b, They are at! in a liussoroua veia, aod ma*v */ item ba/e beau the meada oi lb* peeaa. Taoae wuo exuM siv oy a loct ieart of sal ail .to »*U to get a copy. [Yankee Bad*. These |>*nit*s are from'.be per. of Goo. P. Bund.*», Esq., w*B known *. oae ni'the n. te«t et.e .r *utl,.>r« n '!u« cotiatry. The bock » ,^',-trsteJ .y Hit,iicotk, alter ontiaal liewi-i*, and is a mine af Baaaiasaax, [l'l.i. Sunday Diepatcb. Ib.a » a rol>ct.»ri of the >sua.U:<l* tad aututer-»n ist «rufen*» of Geo. P. Bi.raram, The gerferr are em, butth* atoites are a treat Jeal aavS, It a fsj ut o'*rwh*'miat *ad unmitigated sas. [lkattoe Cbroootype. II' V' Tn's Ame as in orirnal ham -r-.at f «o well estaS '¦-tea. In*! all will p*r«e With ua wben w* »ay that, la the tare* doaen aketi Wa that be ka* cleaned .'rum lua Portiou ,. it am poae. b!« to delaxt aaytkiat like duKae**. 'Boston Daily Time*. Tbis aaa awi.ee of capital «ket, kea frr-n ee* ef oar freest tad most popaW wntera. Ii our be-the* read«r« »,i'-i laugh a* LtugLsr* should hn*b, with a r«ht hearty omaisa* Sort er' rat^* Urigb. bar* " ¦ I a <- -pj.L City Hess. Pnce 25 cents. H. LONG a. BROTHER, « AnnHft. Schuberth tz co., MusiT"Depot, Nc. 257^roadway, N. T, requeat the public to iospeck their tu.mer.sa stock of Musio to* Voice, Piano, for 2, 4,6, . hards, tor Organ. Violin, Violoncello, Hivrp, Orxceetra, ka, in every style, for virtuosea and beginnen. The gTeexestss- lectioa in the United State*, of $;'s',0"" wcrth. Orders of Fire .-n aal Arne.-.can Musi* anil be attended to enia promptxeaa. THE ILLUSTRATED HVDROPA- THIC ENCYCLOPEDIA..A complefe tyctem of Hydropathy and Hvgieae. An illustrated work, with over 8U' eEiraviriii, embracing outline* of anatomy; physiology ct the human body; hygienic agencies, and the preserve- tun of health: d etetic* and hydropathic cookery; theory aod practice of water-treatment; cpccisi pathology and hydro- thercpeuhes, includint the nsfare, caose*. symptom*, and tr> ataa at of all known disease*; apphcation to *-xrgical dis¬ eases application ef Lvdropathy to midwifery aid the nur- setv. with a complete index. B"y R. T. Trail. M. D. bar« I2aaa, volamrn, snbstamie'lv bound. Price 92 56. »y VOWLERS k Ur.LLS. No. 131 Nastatt-et, Nrw-i ork, atd No. US Washingtoe-at. Beaton. Oi all the eeastrwn* eabarttioca wsnrb have iittiiewt such a wide peeuar.ta.e* uaatie* ky »',,¦* iee* at Well, perhaps ""ee are more a-aaaed lo eaoee »eneral otiuty than this neb. eoaspeebehafr*.and .sal *n>u#.d Ao< y, bapeSia. (.New Yoni lM«a. THE WORKS of JAMESljijjLlRAY, from the Original Pausa, with the addition of many subject* not before collected. One hanasom- vol.. folia half- b. utd moncro. gilt edges. Gentlemen are rreaeetfally re» qne«ted to inspect the above, which is beBeved to be tha oaly cony for sale in the ntv. »e MOORE k HOR-SFALL'S. Biekcellepi Nleyrhsnts* Exchaure, com*r of Hanov-.- a. and Eicha rae-pl*. e. Jiet l^ibliaheri. MOORE k T^OR,5rllLL,'* Qaartarry List of New and Stande.d FathoatiaTP*, for tale by uiem. THE ABBOTSFORD EDITION of th« WAVERLY NOVELS, printed upon fine paper, with new and beanttfol type, from tire lastEngh»h edition, embracing the author'* latest corrections, note*, he., com- plete it: Twelve Volnrcea, demi *vo, with 111ugtratwna, and mKlJ!S!/{,n »f or>'J $12. LIPl IN c OTT, GRAM BO A CO, of Philadelphia, am "°*. Pcb;:,hir* the above cc-mpleta Library Eiition* of tbo vvaveily Novtla, in part*, to be urued *em(-month!y, each part to contain a complete Novel, twj part* makiug on* neat volume. The price per part, contaialcg a novel complete, in paper, mw cent*. tn r-KtriV%\ P*f ,olllme» staining two part*, neatly bound -ffjTu nmjtf. WAVERLT; OR, TIS SIXTY TEARS SIM e~ All perron* wanting tba latest edition, in a clear ana readable typo, a ill now have an opportunity of supply- teg themeervee. L1PPINCOTT, OR AM BO A CO.. , . No. It North tth-tt, Philadelphia. _And for tain by all BookseUern THE SPIRITU AL TETl^R^I^for PatnHay. 7"\h May, i* iarned, containing Letter* on J.'BBrnTO and L.airvnyan.-e,No. 1, by a di*an*-ui*hed Lady; Frsays by the Spirits; Unexpected Mantfe*t*tion* at Brooklyn: \ ision.tr, by a Quaker; Report of the Pro- ceediinnof the Ncw-York Conference Who is Reap., ramble ? in reply to 7 Ar Courier and Enqiirer, by the Editor : and a variety of other ii.tere*ti»|t article*. For sate at tie office No. 3 Ceuitlar.dt-et-, and at the New* Office* THE PRINCETON PULPIT.CH AS PCB RNF.R publishes, this day. THE PRINCETON PCLPIT-Befng Oriflnal Contribu¬ tions from the pens of Bev. 8 Miller, D. D, Rev. J. Carna- '.an, D D. Rev C. Hodäe. D. D., Rev. I. McLean, D. I), Rev. J W. Alexander, D. IJ., Rev. A. B. Dod. O. D.. Rev. M F- Hope, ü. D. Rav. John Fonryth, D. D.. Rev. J Ad H> mrm Alexander, D. I)., Rev. Archibald Alexander, D. D.. Rev. Wm. E. Scher, k, Rev. Wm H. Greene, Ac, tn I vol. 8vo. BRACE'S HUNGARY IN 1851. 1vol. WILLIS'S PENCILINGS BY THE WAT. 1 voL B0U8EH0LD OF SIR THOMAS MORE. I vol. PTNNSHURRT | hi« Wände ring* and Way* of Thiikinf. By Dona J McLeod. 1 vol. 12mo. ZION'S PILGRIM for JUNK, jut out. $1 per year.monthly.maintaining tiio old fashion n.x t lines of the B.h!..pred' -tination. election, and salvation by Christ, without creature merit. Just published. Sorrow, ing ar.d Bejoicing. a sermon by .1. Warburton, fur six cent*. AX PORK, No. It58 Bowery. iTJant employment. AS Cook, Wtlhei and Ironer, or to do general House work, hy an American Woman, in a .=:. all imllj bert of city reference*. Apply at No. '* East .. <t. where she is now living. AS good Cook and first-rate Washer ami Iroi er, by a reipertable Protestant Woman. She la a good Baker, and has good rllj tafaianxo Apply at No. 215 Älott-st. Can be seen for two days. AS first-class Cooks, Washers and Ircner», experienced Chambermaids, Waitresses Nurte», Seamatrease«, General Servant*, Sic, by a large num¬ ber of excellent Protestant servant*, with reapnctaute city rafi reues. Apply at the Recoklyn Select Agency, No. 10 Tillary-tt., fifth doer (Vom Fulton-*l, Brooklyn. AS Chambermaid and Waiteror to take care of Children, by a tidy, indu*tnoiu Girl of good du petition, who i* willing to do a* the is bid and ii t* no objections to travel or go in the country. Can be seen at the residence of her present employer for a few duy*. No. ID Bond-it, corner Livingston, Brooklyn. AS Housekeeper, by a Lady from Mas¬ sachusetts, desiring a permanent location in a genteel family, at Housekeeper, or Governess and Seamstress;. Is competent and qualified for the above department, having taught a number of years the English branches id education, ano cutter of children's garment*. Reference satisfactory. Addn-n c. CO, Tribune Office. AS Nurse or Seamstress by a respect¬ able Woman, who it willing to go into the couutry, at travel with a Lady Inquire at 25o Mott-gt, No. 3, in the rt ar. or of Mr. W a LS 11, Ollictr Commissioner* of Emigration. ARespectable Woman wishes for a tituation to take care of a «mall family, or to attend on an invalid and do plain «ewing. Wage* not an object. Pirate apply at No. 48 Sheriff-*!, near Delancy. Y a Protestant Young Woman, competent to take charge of chainberwork and the rare of children, or rliamlatrwnrk and sewing. Can teen for three day* at No. 56 Pacitir it., Brooklyn, where her character may be km wn. Would prefer living in Brooklyn. T~0reat variety*of carefully se- it lected Servant* ar* bow wanting employment at A MASON'S Offices, No. SMI Broadway, and No. 145 Bowery. Terms- \ early subscriptlean, SO cents; otherwise, 38 aect*. N. B..Plenty of Men and Boy* on hand. B VV FAMILIES in want of eood help, for city or country, can obtain auch at the Office. No. 240 Grand-at., near the Bowery, where none but faithful and temperate, domestic servant* .an remain on any account 1 W ATI'S. ANTED . A situation as assistant Book-keeper, or in any athar in which be could give catidacl on. by a young Man Irom the country, understanding ligures and the theory ot book-keeping. Addies* M. L. I'., Patenron. Pataaic County, N. J. WANTED . Situations for excellent Servants of variou« nation*.Cook* geueial Ser¬ vant*, Dairymaid*, L*undre«**«, Searr»fresse«, Nurte«, Cbambermaidt, Waiter*, 1 armer«. Coachmen, Ac Apply at th* Piotrstant Employment Society Agency, No 7 Car- mtne-tt., near Birrckerat : or at No. N*j Chamheta-tt; ea- u1 died A. I) 1825. N. B.-None but «erranU of good «1 aracter recommended to employer*. iVanteo. BOY WANTED..An active, smart A A _Boy, about 17 years of age, with good reference, can find a peimanent situation at No. 285 Orand-at APARTNER WANTED.With a < ash Capital of from R'J.eu* u> Ri.iaai to loin In a certain and pre Mahle busmen in one of the Southern Citie*. Th* gubacriber bat gome capital and long experience in the bo*i- nea*. together with a large circle of acquaintance, acquired while acting as talesman in that city. Application, peart-paid, with name kc. and stating the time such applicant ran he seen: w..imeet with prompt attention. Andre*«, M. A, No. 34^ Bowery._ CENTS WANTED immediately to <ell a few new article* Good a*le*men can make iron ¦i2 to |5 a day. with a gmall outlay. Apply to C. J. CKOMMELlN 4. CO, No. ¦ 9 peai.-tt. _ BOOK AGENTS WANTÜ).ToCan- vas* in thu City. Brooklyn and vicinity, for a new and featitiful'y lllattiataa HtWortntj and Deeenptive Work, jnat pubiighed, which ha* received high commendation* from the pceta and which will meet a ready sale to the literary and picdegaoaal CBTtaB*. Men pat«e««ing an adequate tact and address, to approach the»e clanea, will receive a very liberal rommmion by appljitg at No. 7 Stou* «t, frjtn 3 to 10 o'clock. A M. BOOK AGENTS WANTED.Tho-« of rraractar and expanenea to canvas* fur a new sod «plendidly illustrated work, which ha* received the warmaat the moat respectable «eurce«. and which in the hare* of experienced Agenda i* t *v n* an unprece¬ dented atia. Address, postpaid, S. DRAKE a. CO., Hartford, Conn._ ABOY WANTED, about 11 years of ere..One. w ha rattilta with l.ia parent* and live* in ilieneigUsirhood prererred. Inquire hefore .' A. M . tttUa Ladiet' Shoe Store. MILLER'S, No. IM Catut k% TRAMAL BOATMEN WANTED..Car- \_y oal Boatmen wanted to feeitht ci,%\ in boata of the pecitylvania Coal Co. upon the Delaware and Hudson Ca- ral The beat* will average 116 ton* during the «Baron, i. a wll] ba riqu.red to be towed wi'b two horte* and ba mam ed by twoöera*« beride« tue Captain. Forparticalar* tr"iy at tbe office of the Pennsylvania Coal Co. corner way acd Wall-«t, or to WAf HATHAWAY, Ageut, Port Ewen. near Rondout D"rug CLERK"^\^N_TE1x^A~v. inT- Mao, fully competent to act a* a Clerk b a ratail mug rcra, it wanted immediately at Na. 21 South 7th-*t, Vk'iiWi «burrh. Beat of reference* raqaired-_ EDUCATION..a Lady of some expe- r.ensa in tuition, (who, in additi >n to r'aa tuoal branccrg of a «oi'.d aduchtioa, it thoraughly competent to in- gtmet in Music, Singing and French,) deiires to find one or two Southern fardhet willing to unite in forming a claw for educating their uiildreo at h*me. Locality :raai*ienai. hut Ytrgini* wou'.d be preferred. Reference* r*paired, andean be g.rrn, to **nse of the first city familiar, f . r further par- .Kulan acdre*t Um E. S , bca L.IV1 Pjat-OfRce, N. Y. FLAX STRAW WANTLD.By the New-York aantaen Flax Cotton Company Apply to ALLEN CAMERON, Agent No.68 Piae-at. ORGANIST WANTED.To play in a ¦all C: urcb. Call to-day, on J W. TAYNTOR, No. 02 Cax«i «t Teacher wanted..a family re- ..r.r g in tl e Ota*lit, and withia twelve mile* of the city, absbe* to en ploy a Lady who at folly competent to to- . a amaiyo: cblid.en in the nnutipal branch** of an Frgluh ?( cca:ion and n aeie. A Lady wxtli tn* aoove BJataV aCi of exce| t:ot*b.* character, may addre** a lu-e U ED. c AI luN, ax the oBke of thia paper, giving her a»ri* ard «taring wt ere an interview maybe bad. mo CABLNET-Ma1(ERS!.a man who M ani itand* tba Btitineta in aR iti various brancbea, to act as > ^.ctuuc, also a* Salesman, i* wanted at 5til BrcaaV k»By._, rpO M(rTHER oe pearl work- X ERS.--War.red, a geod band to mod axd work upon Itaii- Apply at Ro. ¦ Cud it, Bf ataua TO FEMALE TEACHERS.Wanted immediately, in a scheel in the country, a tingle Lady to teach English, Movie. Drawing and Punting. Applicant* c utt be communicant* "f the Protestant Kpisceoaf Church, and produce streng and full t«er iron -1 a of character, ;.:»,:. bcationa. and aptitude tc teach. lr pare a: Ma. a .*. -si TO MACHINE TENDERS..Wanted a Man accustomed to attend Sax drawing and apt*- r r machinery, capable of teaching: nperaDvee to piece, doff, Ac. and willing to make bimeeif useful about the fao- tory. To a faithful and competent person, ateady emplor- ment can he aarared. Apply at No. 9b South-*., to J. MORTIMER HALL._ US. SCHOOL AGENCY.MUTUAL e BENEFIT and SAVINGS INSTITUTE, E. H. VMLCOX. Proprietor, No. 293 Broadway Netjotutiora daily, by the best institurtora. families, teach'ert and matrons. One per cent in advance cancels advance expenses, and pro- care* the required compensation in one or more eagagemanta. Mcney refunded tor rrpurang vacancies for teacher*. WANTED-^I^New-HavenrRn ex- penenced Cook, who can produce the heet teetl- rronial* from private families Also, an expenenced maa Waiter. Appply immediately at Ne. ltd Grand at. WANTED-A German or English Womea to do the hooeewoik of a *mali aaaa*J a few mile* from the city. To ona thoroughly qualified and well reocmniended, good wage* will he paid. No oilier need apply. Inquire, between 10 and lit o'clock, at Ne. J6 East leih at. "VI "ANTED.At N<». 114 Nassau-st., a T V School Teacher, for, a District School; alee Clerk*. Har-keepers, Boya to le«rn trade«. Men on IU Irjad*. and Steamers' Walten, iic.. Girl* to till good situation*. Charge* n.jderate. T. 8PINK, Ageut. MNTCD.An intelligent, weH-edö- cated Colored Boy, to learn the retail drug bu-'uea*. P. A. WHITE. Chemist and Apothecary. Corner olGoid and Franktort-sta, N. Y. ANTED.In a Fancy Goods store, in Broadway, a food active Boy, about 12 year* of age. AddrtM G. W. S. Herald oh.ice. V1TANTED.Families to work in a Cot¬ s' * ton factory in Connecticut, conflating of four or more. Girls rre'erred, betw een the age* ol 10 and 20 year*. Aptly at No.''9 Broad si., corner Ben\er, on Saturday. 2Hh inst .oerweon the hour* of 8 and 10 in the tuoiuiug and and 5 in the alieruooii. ttl (tnn . AN EXPERIENCED >t I »'"^F"/» Bum new Man and thorough Account¬ ant is dedrout of aseocintiug bimeelf «ith tome tetabhehed house. The location nut material. The capital to be in* vested from |l.<*.><> to iZOSO Letter*, «trictly confidential, to be addressed /. A., Box 1,407 Poat-Ottice, with ne-ue, Raa No other* will lie noticed. Ctjattcr-J for SuBinefiB Bien. ASTEA M GRIST .M ILL.For sale, a new Steam Griit Mil' with four run ef burn, euch et which will grind 60 nils, of flour everv twenty-tour hours. All the castings ore of tl juble weight. The Mill and all con¬ nected with it. built and made tint-rate. The Mill has been miming nine months, ard the entire coat for repair* during that lime was $19 75-tO>; from thi* fact. Kirne idea can be formed of the strength of the Mill. CcSJoeeted with the Mill, is a large Warehouse; also, a large Farm (half a mile distant.) T ey -.nil be sold ail together or »eparate. Half cash, the balance in one and two year*. This Mill is situated In a flourishing town tnjOhio -fia* connection, acconling to cen¬ tral", wi.h two r'.lroad*, ooe running north and until, and the oilier e;>»t and weit. The Owner is compelled to tsU tli's property in cuiiieiiuence of heavy loasi a *iastamed in an¬ other businps*. The Mill make* the very best of flour fur eastern market, tu.u also doe* an extenaiv* home buslnee». For further particular*, inunire (if by letter, postpaid) of U M. (i. DUNN, No. ilb Grai.d-st., WtUiamsburgh, L. I. COTTON TWINE FACTORY.The machinery for sale, consisting of 1 willow, 1 tapper, . card*. 2drawipgfirni.es 2 speeders. I spinning fhunca 132 rpiridV* each, 3 twister frame*. 2 balling frame*, with bob¬ bin*, spools, shafting, gearing, belting, and everything com¬ plete, put up and leudy for running. A number of loom* alsn belong to the establishment. A deeirable lease of the factory piend«c» and an excellent water power, *iru*ted in thi* State, contuuou* to thi* city, can be had on very reason¬ able terms. The uiachineiy i* nearly new, and the whole will be told very cheap Apply to THERASSON k BRY¬ AN, No. 13 Wallet, New-York. _ DRUG STORE for SALE.Situated at No 9 West-Broadwny, opposite the Hudson River, Writ Broadway and Sixth-av. Railrnada; al«o. four yean' :. as.- of th* bu.nlir g. A *uod chanca- lor a physician. Will be eold chetp. Inquire at the tgM. £^<»R SALE.Steam Furniture FAC¬ TORY, south-» eat corner of 9th *nd Jefferson-at*, dcville. Ky I offer for sale rny F'actory, »ituafj'd as above, a*also all the Machinery, l.umlar And Ground con¬ nected therewith. The building (of brick) is large and spa¬ cious, erected expressly for the Furniture ttasiuess; the Ma¬ chinery and F'ixture* of the very bi'st description and in ex¬ cellent running ordet; tbe stock of Lumber complete, weil seasoned, and embraces all kind* and sizes The Factory It tiuw ui operation, with a* good mechanic* employed a* can be ti und. and the artitl.- inn, uta. tured by them of to superior tl thai it meet* with prompt and ready aale. Wiahing to retire from tusine»*. I will cose oal on reasonable term*. BEN. F. CAWTHON. FOR SALE.BUSINESS STAND in Canal st., rear Br<-.adwa7 The lease of one of tha beet «tand* in 'malst ft r a term of yean for sale a rare op¬ portunity. Apply to F. A. Gl l< )N, N i. ^Nass*u »t. OR SALE.A Stock of Hardware und Cutlery, in ported by the present owner. Will be told iw, no ea*y term*. Address (with real name) HARD¬ WARE, at til* effica- TO PHYSICIANS and DRUGGISTS .For tale, a well established and handsomely fitted op Drugstore. Apply a: No. i'J i.ot.ven.-ur, ceruei of Man¬ ns st F TO PHYSICIANS and DRUGGISTS. .For sale, an old established Drug Store, in a g a d lo¬ cality and doieg a good and cori«t*nt)y increasing boauiesa For particulars appiy tt No. 5*2 Graudst, between the houn of 8 aLd 10 A.M. and 2 and 4 and » and 10 I' M. JfcfiT AfOll to >7,ii00..Death htvwi-r *{7 . *»" I\I. F (em>ved a partner in a valuable en¬ terprise, one or more person* of r.-ape« lability, wi'h the above BUS9 in tana, or secured lu ruonrniy payment* of *} an lean of a sile invsttment, whiJh will pay lifty per cent without interfering wirh any other Twstne** the arty may at present be poiauing, by addressing a tiore, wirh real name, addr sat and r-fr rer., et, toJ U ENTERPRISE, Ttibun* (Rfiee, immeiliately. A 'urnishing Stare tor sale . Value $l,f0 half raah the balance at short time*. The alaive atom i* in a good I..c ation at a b ase of thiee years, rent cheap, and dolnr a fair business. Apply U JAM KS W. BOY II, No. M Maiden-law. fil /ift*ft .KARE CHANCE- Vlo^tVt'e Hardware srd Boa** Pan Bummer Uctrcats. AFEW ( HILDREN can be accommo¬ dated with Btard ;n a private famlry, In a pb l.ant rliSge on Lore Island about 45 mi.'e* from Nsw-York. where they can have all the convenience* of a horn*, (rood schools in »he it-imedlate vicinity. Term* reasonable, la- quire at th* Drug Store, coiner Broadway and Jtth-au. BOARD at CORNWALL, ORANGE CO, N. Y. The t»e*utiful private residence of the late Fowler Grist*, of CornwalL will be pened on the fast Ol Juns tor Boaicter*. snd any pa/tie* duairoxwoi spemiing the «immer month* at one of tue moot beautiful place* on tbe Hudson River, will liud a few rcooal that are not taken lbe taeiiine* ;or reachin| the place exceed any former year, a* aix train* of the Hudaou River Railroad suip at the Celd Siring Ferry, beside* having a daily line of steamboat* land¬ ing at CernwalL The house will be ander tbe charge of the riberriber. whorsirn to Meaws. Relknap 4c 'insga. Ho. 2*1 V\ «ahii.2ton-st_ for paiticilan fa. M. BARRETT. The abeve desirable piemt.ses are offen d for sale, and froot b«-r * situated at the entrar.ee te tha Highlands, and coaa- n-.andmi an extersire nver and couLtry slew, render* it pecnllarly attractive for a ann-m-rr, sid-nee. For terms *tc , apply to BELKNAF t GRIGG8, No 252 Waafcfngtonst. BO A RD at r ^A RM HOUSE.-'Ihe tobaenher it now prepared to make arrangement* wiih fca-ije* or othen. for Bear 1 fcr the lummer, at bis fatally rrarsion, two ir ile* frtm the rJIage of Glen Cove, L. L. The sitLStioo is healthy and retired: the hoise large, tha reeraaspeeiou* and airy, and th* table will be erafl r.pplied. Th- rteam-r Crcton laave* Pulton-market dip for Ginn Cera daily, at 3 o'clock. P M, from which plaeerthe riOKriber wilfconvey person* to ha bouse. For farther wforrnatloa addr'** the »»baerber, at Clen C-rve, L. 1^ or A. C, Box Bo, A>7 N. Y. Po*t-OtEce. or applv t > Ke , . Greete-st,New-York. CHARLES UNDERH1LL CiOlNTRY BOARD.Wanted for~r / btlsmea. Wife ar.d Ion. ia a plesatot and healthy location, w.thiu forty mis* of the city, Hudson River pre¬ ferred. ) accessttle by *tfaniboat or railroad. Aiso Board for a Ceachman asd ac^inrnodaOcn for a pair of Hure s aad Carriage. Liner*! boaid u ill be paid for aesuahla quarte.a Ad.-t« a* N. B^ Box No. 2,049 Fo*t>Odtee. 0 UNTR~Y BOARD WANTED- _ In a hotel cr boarding hoosa, ia the ec iatry or s rll- Uge, aril hit two hundred miles, sad on, near, or between P .> aidH a*: r.'e lUvem fxr a family ItnnsHjgiil anthcuttnisJUi-hi^reB, from Jona 'Oll Nove-nber. Oooa .hade tree* about or near th* hcaae, and pleasant »aIU *aa drive, in the slcieity ¦¦<¦*¦ : : -eference. givaa. Addre«. prepaid, with trims acd fa., par- ..laiara, Mr B. Box No. I,IV. Pc»^Ofl^N*W'rorK. T IBERTYlrÜl-L, in ALEXANDRIA, til up w^in gs«a .-- Kctels in the p ace Persons cominf 1±Z, w-la «hiRaof and U to their 1«! t?£VuTcS T H m.<obmicr R co, Theater Build- c CAPE MAY.SEA BATHING.. CONGRESS HALL will kw open on the l«»b of Jaaa aeat. The location of th_ Now ana the kit* anal Wa-UfaJ Cod* ta frone render it the aaoai deairabi* 0/ any oa taw at Tha proprietor bopee to oent a lallaaaain of Urn vary liberal inlnaaagii beaetofcre received w B. MILLER, Fieautatet. _ COUNTRY BOARD WANTED by a (i*atlei_a_. Wife and Infant. la some place of Wly kccraa to tfce rity. Reference, given aad required Boarw- hf^afaw keeper* r.eed not reply. Addreal L, boa No 1,0*4 Naw-Yerk Futx-tftBca. COUNTRY BOARDING..aKyar Geii^ tlemea are! tbetr wivea eaa be inn ¦aamatlad wirk Board id tba eillage of Hantlngtoa, Long [et«od. The baaaa w pleasantly n totted on a rwtr.g ground, balf way between tba barber and tba village, which tor health, aeaaary, «ata)* meg and t.ah.uj eaanot be tnrpateed Apply oa the prermaaa to _JaUlES OOkftoaV OUNTRY BOARD. Hudaoa RiVet «da, at tne Maori.* Hoosa, foot of Sticb-at Saactaaa. awJncaaä! C elevated, healthy, with rood hatbtna, eh arming araaery on every aide, aad of aaty aaeaaa b' ana «teaniboati It offer* advantage* rar*ly osoaaiaaaL Rat particular, apply at tba boa**, or to Meaara Moora k H«*a> fail. Book**liar*, aor F.xrh«*«yepUc* Fir 1(11.MOND hill hotel, Stuten I eland, .ale the R.-tarnend Seminary ) J. P. K.EL- I. r TT beg* t3 ...frrn the pabive that tha Semmary will ba entirely remodeled toi a aalact Ptnitiy Motel, to open for tha .eaton.on th* 7th of Jana. Partie» I art «an ba obtained at R W liMIBir illtBali. No. 3 U'ailat, N T. SI >IM EK BOAKD..A Udy, and one or two Children, can obtain beard ta a farm Hutu* oa the South «ide ef Steten Mend, tea mile* from Va*HUrbtit*a Landing, or two mi lea acroa* tha 111anA to tha Steamboat Unding, at Kowvilie The kvation la r. tired, are! vary btautirui beicg directly oa tha Bay. Addraaa PAftMtlR, Staten lilai.d. at Tha Tribane Office. THE MARINE HOTEL, at FaJriM4 Connecticut, will ba opened by ita proprietor. J. B. Mt 'N NOT. on tAe lat day of June neat, a* a enrarner totalat) ot nil* New-York Hotel. Tha Marina Hotel ta eitaated ta a beautiful villaa* oar Long Island Sound, «ffiiiawat tat tba ta- ducementt of excellent *ea bathing and roaaanOc drive* to) the adjacent country Every endeavor artll ba eaartedtotee tore for the Hotel the duticguuhad r-~-ft of smtsaa ¦eaaona Plan« ran ba *eaa and room* engaged at la* akova Hotel, at Pairfield. or at tha New-York Hotel, landtwaaea from Kew-York i* 53 mile*, and train* by tha Naw-Yerk and N«rw-Hav*a Railroad «top at F*irh»ld«*v*ral ttmeaaaahdav*/ W~ÖOSTER HOUSE, DANBURYi CONN., will ba opened by the «uh.cnber aa tba lat ,>f June. It t* pleasantly located withiaa fow rod* of tba Railroad Depot. The hou*e large, newly built, aad aaaae lantly tuppiled with pure and *ott spring water, for bathing, be, and fitted np with all tha convenience* of modem ho¬ tel*. Dan bury about three horn' nde from thi* elty by tha New-York and New-Haven aad Danbury and Norwalk Rail- roeda, and offer* attractiou* to ttioat withioa to vitit tha tountxy during the «uininer montha W SI MONSON. rvo^ A öoarb an5 Room*. FEW GENTLEMEN can be aecom- med«ted with partial Board, oa reasonable term*, at u. B West HÜi-at. FURNlSHED~"ROOM to LET. With or without Board, to a Gentleman and Lady, er two tingle Gentlemen at No. 86 (ham heia-tt. AFEW GENTLEMEN can be accota- mcdatod with partial board on reasonable terms, at N e .T H ut I Ith st, Lear Broadway. APRIVATE FAMILY, having two* Room* on the «eeood floor unoccupied, would let than* on moderate ter i>«, together or «eparata, with full er partial Board. Apply at No. >">« Allen-««., near Ri vingtou-at. APRIVATE FAMILY on Br«>oklyn flight*, near Fulton Ferry, can accommodate a teaotl*- .nun and Wife and three tingle Gentlemen with room*, and partial W.aid for gentlemen. Location pleasant, with full view of river and bay Term* mnderat». Reference* *«. jhaaged. For parthufar* addraaa " BROOKLYN, Irtatta*) Office. AFURNISH ED ROOM to let.la- quire No. 364 Broadway, entrance la FreakMn-tt. AGENTLEMAN and Wife or two Gentlemen can find pleasant Room* and good Hoard hjT applying at No. BJ (ireci wlrh av , einer of ('bailee *t. Hot, cold and «howrr batlt*. Keltreuce* exchanged. ALARGE FRONT PARLOR wkh BEDROOM attached, on tha «eeood Boor, famished or unfurnikhrd, ran lie had with r without board, tu a nil- vate family, b\ applying at No. ildll Broadway. Abxi, a nir- aiaVatj attic Pfdroom tor one or two tlugla tleotleman, Reference* exchanged. AT No. 49 GREEN WICH-AV. Ife>ar«i may be obtained. Batli*, Ac, in the bouaa. Rarer- enrea exchanged. BOARD WANTe"D.For Gentlemen and Wives, glnglo Gentlemen and Ladies, both in tba city and country. Apply (niwtpaid. If by raaiL) at tha New- Yoik Beardir g Exchatige, No. 87 Duane-at., gecond door eajt from No. 304 Broadway. "DOARD.With room* snitabln for mar- JaLet ried or gtngla persona eaa ba bad at No*. 8J and at Fast ZtA tt., betwaen Latiugtoa and 4th av*. Tba houaae have the modern fmprovementa BOARD..A pleasant Room und Bed¬ room can be had, with board, in a private family, ta a very deauable location, near StR-av. Addre** RK HARD, Tribune Office. Reference raquired. BOARD..Two or three Gentlemen and their Wive*, or three or four gingle Gentlemen, can ba actommodatrd with good Room* and Board, at No. lit. Hudson »1. Retereuceigiven and reiiulred. BOARD. A large front Room on the second floor for a Gentleman and hi* Wife); also, two small Rooms for tingle Gentlemen, may ba bad by applying at No. Hubert-st. BOA RD.In a private family, for a (ien- tlenmn and hi* family, or two Gentlemen, with all Iba comfort* of a home. The bouie ua* all th« modaru con¬ venience*. For particular*, apply at No. 15 Warren place, ( f.a: le.-> tt two lib* of «tag**, Greenwich av BOARDING..Two or three (gentlemen can ha accommodated with good board and pleasant r aaag m a piivate family, with uaa of bath. Apply at No. 347 lii.i....n-*t. BOARD in l!R(J()KLVNT^~Gentk""- man »r.d Ins \V ile ni«y obtain a lian/tatMae front Hoom on the «*cond tt..or, with partial Board for tba Oentiaaiaa, by «| piyirg at No. 5fi State «t. Also, Room* fog tiogle Gaa- lieoitn Befereuca required. BOARD WANTED By a gentleman and *mall family, in a private family, west of Broad¬ way. Tba location must be pleasant and aear tha Broadway; routr*. None need apply ... -a they caa give tba bata .... A e* 11 W 'A il o OH..a BOARD«.Genttwineti and their Wives, aJ*o a fow ttngl* Gentlemen, can bm aaomnao'tatad antb board and pl». annt ro .m* at aast aide 3d a*, taaatkl loor iia>w- .1 th-tt lloiu* new, with modrrn imprarauiaata. OA RD..Gentlemen and their Wives or a few Miigle Gentlemen wt«hing good Board and Bleatant Room* would do wail to call at No. 9 L'akab-plaoa, luoklyn. BOARD..A (>i ntIt-man and his Wife ot a lew tangle gentleman ran ba accommodated with foil or partial B .ard, In a bouse with ail the modern improve¬ ment*, and wtera rheie. are out low hoarder*. Apply *t No. 30 West Mai sr. Tho Phyaiclaa Luu mailed last weak will pleas* call again- B I>OARD ii ) tJeman and hi P, in BR4 M >kLVN. . A Ob» hi* Wife, or two aingfe Ganttemen caa ob¬ tain Bo*id with i leasant n«.in« In a quiet fk'nily, ai.d con¬ venient location lying within hve cnir.'itee' walk of F iltort a. ri ( aif arine fttn**. Apply at No 91 High *t, Brooklyn. BOARD.A gentleman would like to make arrangement* for board, with a gantet 1 tm. ly who bare plenty of i on tndfeworno bivbra, for hi ra¬ te./, wit* sod child, where tba comfort* of a v*ne may ta It ard v\ nr. an. h ta.f..«, a It'e-rtl a.(anganient would ba n »i.e. Addre * Box 1,41.0 h/wer P. 0. OARD in' WÖXIAMSBURGH..i. lO'itVrrn jr .: r \V ...-», s <i one oi two slaalagaMe tie n en can he accocomcdatad w ith plaaaan t room* and board fat * gey.teel prfval* loardtng houae, No. 19 South 8th at- witA- id '...;ee ii .i ;.t»»' w v* uf Peck «'ip Parry, "rbaa* who pre. fer pute countiy air U tu« coahued city wdl tat taiga d*> «ir*i/!e btme. OARDING in SOUTH BrlOOKLYlfJ -A private family, in a first cia** but***, weald take a Uentlemui and t..a \\ lie, ana one in t »o *u.gle <reo'l-rner* to Board. Be.erence* reqn.r. iL Locatloo dchgbtful. la- au.rc at No. 1J4 Dean-at., eighu door eaat ef iioj tat, at at Ho. SSb Ful:on-*t, Brooklyn. BOARDING at UNION HOUSK-No". 'SiHudaoB-et., betwea-nCanala^d»>rmg/«t*. Oaaor tw llentlerguro aad their V% h* and «wo or threa oagla f .r.tlemen ran ba accomrn dafea wltli pirasaat K/r.«n, and Beard at this sew*paetoa*Ha»*Wj«« nm****9 >i"r'.\bl wwkmg imntrdiata applkreaita)- Traisticnt and day boardera acconmodatrgt BOARDJN<r..A (ienrleman and his Wife, or tvtir Uiree smtes Gentlemen caa be ae- comm'-*^ « 'J' hoard by apt-lying at No. Bsysrdat, tljte aoer* fnitn tha Bowary. country.A fear pertca* can ta accatnuioaatsd with Board in a private ai:h tr.« city ev-ry hour a..td II B B lan.i.i Li.i-.mai.Kali« aita loa city averyitw a.-it ii O-closa. P M Sitaaiio* ten milan from tha City Hall and w-.tl ... ftva mit .tetf waUol Ui« depot Addraaa W. A., at Uut ofüca._ BOARDING..A Gentleman and his Wdb can be (cceraartodafad with a very plaaaant roam era be.iiiom. ntturnishad. Oue *r two «mg> GsoiarutM i. *».: nd ple^»ai.t naMna, wuh fi.fl or par Uai board, by *t*- plyiagatMo-b74 Blaackar-at_ 'Hoarding in brooYlyn. . a Ij GrBtlaraaa and Lady, or two «ingle Gantltaiaa caa ua tccoi:.moda'-ed with very iileaaaM aparfraaata on tba 3d Boor, in a tul n«dghw.ihood, withia Bv* aauuvtatf walk f Scoth Ferry. Rafarance* ti-l.aoged. Addreal S. B, B«Jt Nw 2,r; >: Peat Office.

NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. - Chronicling America...tf.* U1I^T«. OPPOSITE THICITYHALL, 4_inatteredto CitySobecnbersfor 1 UMCents perweek; a**theyprefer, theycan psyin vivance at the Desk

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pta**-*"*'¦ EVERT MORNING, (8itndat eackptkd.)BY OREELEY k Mi elrath,



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Religions Notices.pr hecoml Reformed Pienbyterian Ubnrcfi.

.t Medical College, No. «77 Crosby st, be'ween Broome andgerlrgsts. Preaching TO-MORROW MORNING, AF-.jjRNOOfV ea«l JS ViSNINO, al the usual hoars._KJBeforrni-d I'reebyterlnn fhiirr h. corner of

and North 'st, Willtairuburgh_Divine serrice willuasnsocted TO-MORROW, at ltTo'clock, A. M., by Rer.S BIRI'N. Indiaaa; at Si P. M, by Rer. JOHN I)0;TO-fXäTT M., Pittsburgh: and at 7J P.M., by Rev.WM.vYlLBOV, D- D. Cincinnati._ry Tbe flrwt Society af the New Jerusalem

I'berch lavs removed from 8th-st. to the Lecture Room ofthe A,.; latent Institute, Broadway, opposite Bood-st. Res.Ri( HARD DE CHARMS will preach F.VFRY SABBATHMORNING, at f. u'clnca, and EVENING at 71 o'clock,.aol further notice.

pf Kpv. T. Stnflnrd Drowne, Assistant Minis-bjref ike Church ol the Holy Trinity, Brooklyn, will preachr ths Cborch of the Epiphany, No. 130 Stanten-st, between

|aci and Ncrfolk-at, on Sunday evening, May 30. Service

I» {on.ri.cn e at 7- o'clock.

"gja- Sea. Frederick <J. Ulnrk will deliver Ins re-

gakrMonthly Sabbath Kvemiig Discourse TO MORROWEVENING in his Church, (^Oth-st., near 7th-av.,) servicesaaaaseaciag at a quarter of 8. _.

"flr Tbe Tenth Lecture of a t'oarne on theFatarr Destiny ol" Jinn, will be delivered in theEsanrelical Lutheran Church in Mulberry-at oear Grand,ea SABBATH EVEN I NO, at 7j o'clock. Subject-" Willthere be Diltt rent Degree* of Glory and Happiness amonggat jojnt* in Hessen >"_fjf Tbe Christina Israelite's Anniversary is

araavi celebrated at the Feaat ol Pentecost. To-murrow l*

tbe day Aa invitation in given to the Public to attend thePreaching er In tbe KVEN Nil at the Christian Israeliteeaoctrsary, No. 108 Ist-*t. MARGARET L. BISHOP will be

present._ _

taT (aJtfarnla Sunday School .lllaelon..Pub¬ic meetuig at Rev. Dr. Cox'a Church, Brooklyn, SUNDAYtext, M*y30, IH52. The exercise* will commence at 71 P. M.Andre*»* by Rev. Dr. COX, Rev. A. H. MYERS, Misr.on-ary *f the American S. 8. Uoion, who takethi* departure forCellferna bv tbe Crescent City, of June j, and by HOVEYR. CLARKE, Esq., and Rev. W. E. BOARDMAN, of Mich-

6prrial Notices.BT Empire I,od*«-. No. «H I. O. O. F.-Orri-

scKs aM' BaoiHiia-. .Von are hereby notified to tie punc¬tual at the Lodge Room, O. F. Hall, on SUNDAY at 1./dock P. M to attend the funeral of Past Grand JACOBH SCMENCK, our late esteerned brother. Residence 105Allen st. Funeral service* »t i lie Orchard St. Church, at 3P. M. Interment, "Greenwood." Brothers of SlaterLedges are cordially invited. By order.

WM. CAMERON GREEN, N O.Thomas LAWRSNCR, Secretary.l%* Lebanon Encampment, No. 19*Is O. ol O.

p..Uihciks \nd Patriari iis, yeu are hereby nitiiied toBieet at the Fneainpinent R«>m. O.E. Hall, on SI NDAY,May 3n, at I o'clock, P. M to uttead tbe funeral of our latePatriarch, f C P. JACOB B. SCHKNCKi lutennent,Greenwood. Patriarch* of other Encampments are also in, i

ted. By erdei, ISRAEL 81 VDAM, C. P.OasX H. Form to, Scnh*.IF The Annual < eovcntlon ol the Chi I'al

fvalernllv will be bald at Warriner'i Union Houee,Rpni,gf.*Uj, Ala**, on WEDNESDAY, June 2, at 1 o'clock

Vf Tomer Veeiilval.-The SOCIAL TURNVE¬REIN him inastn So« lely) c, lebrate* on the 7tli of Juneill Ncood Anniversary at the Harlem Pleasuie Garden,lSfebst. tih-av, near the Railroad.Aduipaien I'.', cent*. .ad ie- are free of charge.

PROGRAMME.Tbe Kestival b>'gins at d o'clock in the afternoon with

ttag. An Addre** will be delivered. Gymnastic Exerci-an, Song*, (iyinnaatic l'laya, Diitiibution of i'ri/es to ti.eb**t aeiformers, and the w'liole will conclude with a Supper.

In ram of unfavorable weather, the Fettival will takesacs the next day.asf* Notice..The Annual Meeting of the People's Bath-

Äatct W ashing A**i>ciali«n lor the choice of otlicer* and_

it buiines* will be hei« at No. 57 Beai; r-st, up etat:a. onMay 31, at 12 o'clock. A full attendance is re-

KK II W ARREN, Sec'ry.Br Notice.I'aserrger* per *tean,»tilp ATLANTIC, farLAERPOOL, will please be on board, at foot of Canal it.,e»Rd»y, SATURDAY, May .V. at 11 A M


OT Frioada of Eduratian.-.Mr. Weiater hasgiveuIIHMI tallowing brief Definition ot a great word.Education, comprehend* all that aeiiesot instruction and

Rnplme which it inteuded to enlighten Uie understanding,anert the teriqav, loiin ilia mannen and habit* of vouth,tat tit tin m for luti


Rsa, t\ a^iii.aleu, A.a lt.-. \ A. Wataon, Plym )ll.|^*C; C. F Maunce, Esq. Sing Stag. N. Y.; J. H. Altea,RbuOtford, Md.; Prof. L. H. Water*. Scliohane, N.Y.; E.M-Parue. Kaq.. Cahawba, Ala: w W Mci aj.Eaq, Bath.

tare usetuln***. Next to line, we wouldthat a good Tea, her combine* ardent iove to the pupila,

eaoty to tuvern and teach well, a thorough education, plealatudiea* tad It tineiuent of manne s.Tbe 1). 8. School Agaaey ie devoted to Universal Educa-

ttst, by suceeeaf'ullv negmating the wants of the beat8*Ih , Fimihet, Teacbeis and .Matrons, each mutuallyeWwi* ihe il«t. expeuee and profit* ol the aatahtaa>eaai, by an advance tee of one per cent, on the requiredtsar* iitat ion forone year, which procures täie lall amount inaaataaors enga>teuienta, secured by a transferable check,htttt than money foi all iiegotialuuia. Having a corres-

paaetis tod ratrousgo throughout the Union. It artoid*sata.-»ii< It*i d increasing facilities for promoting the ia-.aaaeof its patrons and of the cause it ha* espoused, on the¦aR franble and economical plan ever in vented,.its pa-

sating a coundeiitlal, per|>eiual and unu erial asn-mnce-¦fsui their wants ai.d menu on the page* uf the Ke,/e*t>r.

1 * '"ad, ¦..ilete, Umiiv u.d te n her,and everyP^safFdaraAtoii, purchase a ( reccA tor t-'jor aiore, a* their»o»< ssaeataajalMvsstaM».»raraxas-Rev. T. H. Skinner. D.D.: Rev. 8. H.JWj«:hv.S. I). Burchard, D.D Rev. E 8. Janes,*L .Rrv vv R u tiaunn, DO, I*rof. !l Wahaait I L 0M ¦ Urialer.Jr Prof. t. Ha*nee*: ReV G. D Ra*0tt|»*J*Cbsnib*rIaiii, En.; Itev. D ( \ an Rtraia | Rev. J.svlsrv, Csjbaaaaa Oaa>; Una Theodore Erciirigbiivara,¦sw-Br ri«airk, N J.'; Prof. A. Crittenden, Bua-alytL»Li K. v. W. H.Tyler, l t*; eld, Mas*.; Prof, A. Wat-.b. Kinder!-.**, N Y.; Eira Fmrchiid. A.M., Fluahiog,a 1 ,KvV' K ' ,!t,N,i- M'Mich.: Prof C E. Watt,Mt\-.;. N V Kev.'lt. 8. Huid.ngton. Aston. Pa : Prof. B.¦ejr*.U. B,*i.., Mae*.; Ja-ne* Gileon, K.), Baltimore,"d "'v t l' I u N .lie. Ten ii K I. v MUeia»daig..a N. \ Rsa - v\ Spear, D :>. Nat.-hea,« R.v. M Meiga, tultsauaa. Pa. Henry I neon, Sa,

rn, v a Rev H. Miller. Macon, Tenn.; S L. Sleek.- it. . \

so , SlugL. H W t

__ka, Ala \-¦ i iAllcoraniuni ntion» m uf be poetpaid )

I. H. W ILUGX. Fo-iiKU-r atai Ptopriotor,._

No. iu B.oadway.

N ws** Natlre,.Orrict P*n«<»t RAHROA» Qoaa»eaej"

. T.otlS hlaj JO, 1852..A contract haviog this day been2"JJ5J¦» »kscanipledoei of the Railroad from sea to sea,J* a nie,-ting ut tbe K, aid of Dire.-t.irs, held THIS DAY, the"B .^jrr*ohitioa w a* adopted, vU

That th* Capital Btoikof thiiComranvbein-tiaaaniS »*,,*M1.',I,\ by new luNciipllon* to the amoautofttaZoo.V*- t,,.l hc«*'» of (he preeenl capital »o.-ck ofjvsre.m- he «ntitieat to rutiactita at anv trne before the let

ffaoekiT Dext> t0 thc Mtcnt uf one and one-half iharet^..***'" share held by them reapectively Foreign Stock-easaS2 "^fifd of thta resolution, and to be allowed a

^^sja tana for svaitut theineelve* of ibis pnnlege.fbtnj. tea peruder iu latial-

iipietion or the workFRANCIS SPIES, Secretary.

j^Natlrcfo I'naaeoRcntfioni rKn imnlnUal-JfW'-Th» PACIFIC MAP. s E a.MSIIIP C> »MPA-WB^*W ut>in fo gi^puKic notice that in t., X iwillWaVrst'^ b? lhru *^f"tt Pantuna which are ncAttgratdmm\S* *'".* fs^Psay. and that ticket* t> i* aigrsalLtLiiiTi V^i^ '-Vt" 'haf**\«encT, No.177 West-.- CaÄ**TLLll i,N. Bceton, or of Mesara ARMSTRONG,TRS*CO, Maw-Orleana-Nea >e k. Jan A. 18Ö2.-¦Sy?», WM. II D.W IDG F, Secretary.."Warranted Prime I rcah and Kellable.-

¦ aSa-l. .UK. i.S, CHK.MICAI.S, Xc,

TanTj4***' °* liberal term*, at our eatabluhment. No. figtTen GREEN I. K \K k K N-O.K.Y-^Z\»-OtMSLttr I Wn.i ,v U Kinm EY.

*KlÜFIXt?Lny '««»r»»tH-eraaBRa«y .-OmoaNa..«UADW AY, coivier ot i AN ALST.

CAPITAL RJiti.iX*.5rak.... U n u A SURPLUS.

1 "°st or in person will reoelv* prompt attentionlatriKu u Ma rcroa s

WlfVl!'*1"^ < barle. Sartdfcrd, John T. r*1shar.Wax v *T"i Cheater Drix»*, Aaron Arnold,V- R Sv2Z,' l*^ B AllhauM, W m. Trusfow,?%tl O H^*< ?"»srd Smyth, Crowell Madden,*t£h kÄT^ u *?W Rsrsareao, John McLean,

f^W^L^ u"frl Bud» J«--»es '»Star,iftasa Iki, «

M rurrestar. Waahiagtoa Tata,^»Xasta. uS*?H .*.**.>JotM U R«»-«aS

*»*a Wut nttaaftiV1 ^^rBtER, P.saaent

^.er eaat to be paid at the tune of *u!»«cribtiJ^sa th* let day of August, and the reraainde

M required ihe eosnploUon ii the aaaft

IV* Kn vr«'». l'ntrnt Stonr-I>re«.«in»T Harbin*.Patented Dee. a ims..Thu Me. m- - i»d**:«o*d tordressing tUine for auilainga, for canal lockt, for railroad ma¬

sonry, for monuments tod obeli***, for anytning where rec-t*r«> .i.r or rectilineal work ia required. Some idea of thaeocatruction of thi* Machin* may b« derived frum the fol¬lowing description, though an engraving of it would maketaa deacriritioD much more forcible: Firm, upright rapportaoa both tidee of the carriage on wbicb the ateoe reeu. ana-

tain the ehiaela, and, aiao, the revolving hammer*, or cylin¬der back of the ehiaela, ca*t with cam* upon it, which *'t ina aptral form. The (tone ia placed upon the ramate. w. -hreaemble* tomewhat the carnage of a aaw-mill, and i* movedforward and backward, on the tame principle, tutxtaatially.This carriage, with the stone upon it, pane* between thasupports and under the cbiael*. The chisel*, which are raisedor lowered at pleasure to rait the tbicAneat of tba «tone, at

weil as the depth of the chip required, are preated back bythe atone to a* to come within the reach of the revolvingcam*, which drive them forward by a sharp blow, which?hip* the ttone. The forward movement of ttone preiset innchisel* back again instantly, which are m.r, driven forwarda* before. This process goe* on till the (lone it finished. Atthe cami are ret in a spiral form, no two chisel* act at once ;ret the blowt come in such quick racceasion, (being, underfull motion 1,6*0 a minute on etch one,) that to tha eye ofthe spectator, they all appear to work at the tame time, to

that in a gang of twenty chiael* come Ibirty-two thousandblowt are (truck in the tpace of a tingle rniuute. It will beperceived, even on a (light examination, that thit Machinetan be made any length or width deairad;.that a machineof «amtiert dimension* to dress a stone twenty feet long andten feet wide, will coat but little more than one that can cutonly a* mary inch**;.that the power must be nearly thasame in both casts, and that a wide (tone will move forwarda* last as a narrow one, and receive the dressing as quick.the time required depending not on the width of the store,but npon it* forward motion, and the revolution* of the mul¬tiplex hammer. The chisel* may be fed factor or alowar, 10

suit?!he nature of the stone. Hard, Italian marble, or dense,hard lime-stove or granite, may be driven forward two feeta minute; while American marble, and all varietie* ofsand¬stone, may be driven from two and a half to three f *et parminute The thickness of the chip may be varied at pleasure,from next to nothing to two or three incite*, according towhat is required, the nature of (tone, the weight of the ham-Biers and tha amoant of motive power applied. The frontehiteli reduce the ttone to a horizontal surface: the rear one*amooth it. The first gang leave a sharp, weil-dafined corner,and a surface slightly coried lengthwise of the stone, rander-M > it preeminently suitat le for canal lockt and railroad ma-ooury. The angle of the chisels may be varied at will, evenwhile in operation, to suit different qualities of stone, or dif¬ferent placet («hak v. cro**-grained, or protuberant.) in thatame ttone. Thus it will be seen that the cutting done bythis Machine ia performed on the same principle, lubatau-tiallv. as that of hand-cutting. It doe* as good work at canbe done by hand, for ail plain turfacea and can be easilyadapted to toe cutting of rectilineal molding*. As the chisel*«et in . right line aero** the (tone, and are held perfectlytrue and steady, their durability i* gteatly increased. Whenworn on one (ide, they may be turned over, arid turned andturned tu-ain, till they need a second hardening. A Machinewith both gauge of chisels,co*t« from $">50 to $1,'"«,accordingto it* dimensions and weight One ample to dreaaitoneten feet .oug and two feet wide, may co«t $.! K». A five orrix hoite power is ample to drive one Machine, and on- Ma¬chine, properly managed, with proper appliances, and drivenap to it* full capacit;, will dreae a thousand surface feet ofnone in the workiug'hourt of a tingle day, laving the labor offifty men, who can be more profitably employed upoa orna¬mental work. The American Stnne-Drersing Company con¬

gratulate themtelvecand the pnblic in being able to offer fortile Rights to make, use and vend, to be used any wherewi::,;n the United States, and their Territorie«, EAYRSSPatent Stone-Dretaing Machine. It i* unneregtary to ap^naaAmerican citUtetig that the introduction of guch a machineinto genera) use l* ¦ matter of much importance--of muchhnpoitance to all claase* to the builder, the laborer, the land¬lord, the tenant, the man ot real estate, the quarry-owner,the great public. 1'artia* wiahing to «ecure RigUta will find.heir application* piomptly attended to by the «ubecriber,No.62 William-»t, New-York.

W. A. WOODWARD. PresidentOne of the Machines ie now at Roach's Saw-Mill, No. 138

Bank-*!., where it may be teen in oparatlou from .. to 12o'clock A. M and fiom 2 to 5 o'clock 1 M.

tST J)r. Ruunintl giveg a Free Lecture before the La¬dies of Brooklyn, on Defo-mitie* and Chronic Weaknegtea,and Diseases incidett to Women and Children, at !i o'clockofTHURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY of thi* week.In the Brooklyn Institute.

PoM-OMIcf ,\i vv-York.-NOTICE-The EuropeanMailt per S. M. S. ATLANTIC, will cloge at this ofli e naSATURDAY. 2SUh trat., at 10}, A.M.A clcged mail, for Bremen and the Herman State«, will he

madeuppei Atlantic. W. Y. BRADY, P.M.

JLT* NtftlctN.PANAMA RAILROArTcOMPANY-Jmcial information ha* been received at thit office that thaRailroad bat been opened for travel to Frijola, the next »:a-don above Rujto Soldaaa, for tho present and until the roadla opened to the crowing place on the Chagre* River. Thatrains leave daily from Aaptnwall at 9 30 A. M., and Frijolaat 3 P. M. FRANCIS SPIES, Secretary.Office Panama Railroad Co, New-York, May 18, LSRfr? HonleV. A mole is one of the be»t article i we ever

used *or sliming ; it leavi t the face toft agaatin. Call at No.277 \Y ushingtnii'St, and purchase a bottle, and you will notlie disappointed Lynn, Jan. 25, 185B.TV Wm. Nolle, No 277 R'o«atnj/fo»-»f., HotUm :

DtVAB Sir: Your "HynarjDa Fluid'' i* undoubtedly thebelt article for the hair in the market Daudtull, which usedto accumulate on my head, i* now entirely removed by it*ute. 11 give*, aii>>, a pleaaant feeling to tho head, and impart*to the hair a glossiness of the most brilliant description.Your " Amoia Sharing Soap" it, by all odd*, the tineat and

most agteeable I hsve tver n*ed, and recommend it cheer¬fully to those who have a strong beard and tender f*c*. Myfiiebda who have used it, speak of tl in the highett term*.

Younreapectly, P. PARIUTT.Mar be bad of A B. A D. 8*nd*. No. 10« Pultou-«t; Rush-

ten, Clark A Co , No. II t. and Rice A Smith, No. 727 Broad¬way Carey a. Co.. N" 2«'> l'eari »l. and by Druggist* andIVi n ii et» throughout tha world.

Of Daniel T. M lie I'arlitn. Real Eatate and HouseAgent. 11-uses ranted and rent*collected Re*idence, No.57 Sd-av. OBice hour*, o t«. S A M, and A to 7 o'clock, P.M.

IT rnrla f.'reen, (...*" Hraml)-Being an

American manufacture, patented 1849, known to be uninr-

panted by any foreign Importation for brilliancy or beauty ofoolor, or dnrability. Thit Green it confidently recommend-ad at eJain.tuf the notice of partie* concernrd in it* age fortbip-paintiug, \ enrtian blind*, wall banging, Ac., for whichpurpose.: is ptrtininrntlv adapted. Manufactured and *oldby THEO SCHWARTZ, No. U Jacob-*t. (Swamp.)HP* IntporiMiit to Printer«.. . Prlntlngt Oflloe

for Ssale..Being compelled by ill health to withdrawfrom business, the stil«criber i* induced to offer for gala hialt» ok and Job Priiitliig Otlico in Auburn, being one of thaold. st and most BXtensively known estahlishmaats of West¬ern New-York. It i* (and ha* been between twenty andthirty vein) Kaaleu in one ot t >e beat husinest at sails inIfM 'v- aa one of Adam's Improved Power Presses andSteam Bag ne.tcgetrer with a large stock of Type, Bor-ai l Data, Pres*** and other Fixture*, suitable tor every

:v of woik. lu run of custom is such as to make it aveiv desirable eatahlishmrut and nothing but the reason

giien culd lead to a disposal of it Term* made easy onui.deut ted atcunty. All lcttert rc'atiug to it u ill receiveprompt attention. HENRY OMPUANT.

IV The Chi'tet-a Riiililin« and Hutu ii I,our:Aseoeilttloil mil bold their hfth regular Bttallllll OBMONDAY EVENING. May 31, at 8 o'clock, corner tth-av.and 2Ath tt Share* w II be redeemed and a report will bemade that will agreeably surprise the member*.

DANIEL BARNRR, Pretldeut.W B. I! '* r, Seo'v..Ortico, No. 220 9tb-av.

^TTinsemcnta.1 STOR-PLACE OPERA HOUSE.ii 1H18 EVENING, May W, and every Evening tillfuitler notice will be presented the original Drama of tb*

URBM AN BROTHERB; OR, LA VENDETTA-Lpuii Del Fraiuhl, 1 The Twin , ... n a, pPahicn Dei Fianchi, \ Itrctgan. { Mr' °' % BrookeParquet and Boxe*, .all cent*; Amphitheater, 2o cent*,

Sofa tieat*, $1. N- B.-Tickeuacid la Parquet Boxse andSofa*. Secure the seats for the averting. Doors open at 7,paiiormaz.ee* will commeuce at 7| o'clock.


will b* peiferuiec uie grand tloera. io three acts, calledTHE ENCHANTRESS

Stella....Mme Anna Thillon Bvlvio.Mr HtidaonMo'honatntg.Mr. A. Andrew* Hake D'Agnila. .Mr.HawardRamira.Mr. Leach iKm Hervero_Mr. Wiltont taa to v.¦: I.... an original 0\ ERTl'RE, by Balfo.Admission.oCenu. Door* open at "o'clock, to com-

Bsence at 8 o'cli«ck.

BROADWAY THEATER.E. A. Mar¬shall, goto Laatoe.THIS EVENING. May m\ wiU be

paifom ed, for tha h'tii time, a new Drama in 5Ei**\ en¬titled

LOLA MONTE/ IN BAVARIA.Leu'.», Kirgof Bavaria.Mr BarryD'Ala-i. bis Prune Minister, a Jesuit.Mr. Cot. wayLola Monte«. Countess of Laudatcldt.M'Ua LoiA Mmio*T* conclude with tha Farce of


BURTON'S THEATER.Chambkra-rr.-THIS FVENINO. Mav 29. wtll be played

LAL t.H \S HEN Yt>< CAM.(iostamei.Mr Leater Bonus.Mr BlakeMortimer.Mr. Bland Bamhe..Mr. Joknat-jnHoconcliid* with the Isughahte Drama ol ti e

IXIODLES.I e«* luce and Parquet So cent*; Second Tier. 3»aent»;

ativtia Buxea Rs; Otcheatra Chasra, 7» aaut* Doon aaaoa: 'g . to begin at 7| o'eaocA-

IYCEUM THEATER. ßToTdwrv, newJ .'¦- « t HRRYN A BCCKLAND, Le»ee*..

nUB EVENING. M*y M. the parformai.ee* will com-aaeaea with the Ftrce ut DEAD SHOT.

Alter which the D ates otDON C RRAR DB BAZAN.

To conclude with the Opetr.e Comedy ofT E PET 01 THE PF.TTfCOATS.

Drear* Circle 4e oaora; Parquet 25aact*; family Ctrola,Ona Shi i'.ng

BARNUM'sAMERICAN M USKUM.P. T. BARNI M. Manager aid Propnetor: JOHNORE>NWlM»D. Jr. AssisiantTManagar 0 W CLARKE,Director of Aniu*en.~ntt.Atuiiisaiea to the entire Minimiand Peiforntaace, 26 cents: Children under ia, 12j cents:ParqreH, V2i eent*extra.- s ATi'K DA Y, May 29, in tna AF-TERNOA»Nat3o'clock,ai!d*!*oin taa EvF.NINO, at 7}o'clock. »rd for the Ivst time, the doiuaatic moral drama ofCB ALOTTE TEMPLE. The YOUTHFUL OlAN I, iliaHAPPY FAMILY, Va, ara to be aten ax ail howat

STEPHMsÖN^S" S T AT U E of theWOUNDEI» INDIAN, f m the World'* Pair, will

be on Exh.titkj.i for a abort tuna, at Stoyrcaant Lngtitula,Nfc tWBivtdaay AtUiagaitc lb (tnta.


ING, May 30 .For thii c*cecK>n the following eminent Ui-trt w lil appear Vocalists.First appearance of Lite youth¬ful Canadian piroa donna. M ile LACO.MBE: also. Mi«MOORE. Inatrumental *olo performers.Herr ELTZ, theeminent Fegottwt | Herr BERGNER. anlo Violoncello, anda grand Orchestra, composed of the beet profeeeor» of thi»city Leader, Mr. HERWIG. Ticket*, 25 cents. D.-v>raot*a at 7 o'clock ; Concert to commence at "j o'clock, r or

particular*, *ee programme. J- ALBER1. Proprietor.F-THLSS, Manager.

SPIRITUAL PHENOMENA..Dr. c.BARNES continue* to aifbrd riattor* the moit ctrikfrig

derrmiitrationi of the reality of thoee epintuxl agencies ofwhich he i« a medium. Hundred* of caae* of conversioniron, the meet obttinate ckepticicm have occurred in thisetty and in Brooklyn within the hurt four weeks. Ha hasnow, for the better accommodation of the increasing attend¬ance, taken rooms at No IS4 Sixth-av., where ha receivestail* at 11 earaf ' one fitting. He aleo propoaes to give u>

ttrnrtiOTi, en rf en*, able term*, on all topis* connected withClairvoyance, Electrical Psychology, and Spiritual Mauiiee-tatleoe._

SATTLERS COSMORAMAS.Sec¬ond Series.Exhibited comer of 13th-at, and Broad¬

way. Open from 8 A. M. tiil (a o'clock P. M. Admisaion 25cents. lV*e works of Art con*ist of a collection of V Ir-iVSofEUROPE, ASIA MINI R SYRIA. THE HOLY LAND,EG1 I T. NUBIA and ARABIA. They are sketched andpainted in oil by Prof Sattler.

JCftD Pnbliratirjtu.AVALUABLE WORK for RAIL-

ROAD ENGINEERS-MIFFLIN ON RAILWAYCURVES AND TANGENGS..Thia i* a (mall but learnedwork on Practical Engineering, by Samuel W. Muflin, C. E.It treats of the method* *f describing and adjecting RailwayCurves and Tangent*, as practiced by the Engineer* «f Penn¬sylvania. All difficult cacuiationa are dispensed w.th. andeven tabular statements, and the antlior (täte* that "there i*

nothing in it which may not be remembered by an asnataritafter a abort practice." The price Bit I. Published by

DANIELS & SMITH, Philadelphia.For sale by the principal bookseller* in New-York and


APPLETÖNS MECHANIC S MAGA-'/.INI for J UN E.Thi* day published,


contents.Direct-Acting Main Engine Plate*; Longitude of Place*.

Defermin»tion of by Telegraph; Steam; Electro-M«jrnet-isni on Railways; Engraving from Natural Object*; Whatto Ohaerve, No. IV., (illustrated); Electro Metalurgy, No 2,(illustrated); Mechanic* for the Million, No. 11; Lewe«tontnd Queenctown Suspension Bridge; McCallum TimberBridge, (illuttratrd); Wa ca-ma-ha-z'a, (illustrated;; Centre-fugal Power; Notice*, and Correspondence." No i»telh|»nt mechanic or wwneer eLould neglect to lubscnhe

lor tins work. fc<»n (or tue «eneral reader it will be foun.l no IsssenUitainut lhaS instructive. [Northern Budgal" It treats of the lugheat subjects of me. hjiuial scieece and lodiia-

try, and keep* pate with the progress of d.*< overi*« and improve¬ment". HRsfasalaat

" It will, in a f-w yeare form s mmiirlrent Cyclopedia of msehan.cal atd stieritiiic knov ledge, and caoaet te too widely ein ulatednment prm-M »I rnei.. [WatCsataa as Red*etur.Three Dollms per annum, or 25 cert* per number.D. APPLETON i; CO.. pubiulier*, No «i U.oadway


DOM, and other Poems by Barnard Shipp. 1 vol., l2mo.,cloth. 50 cent*.LIKE AND ADVENTURES OF EBO JUBE, in con-

nection with that of hi* master, Charley Brief, at varioustimes, and in different parts of the world. Paper, U< cts.UPS AND DOWNS, or The Lo*t Treasure Restored : for

the instruction of voimg readers; by L. Lertnont. UtM,Cloth, .V» eta.

Part I .TUE SPAEVVIFE. or The Queen's Secret: tstory of the time* of Queen Elizabeth; by Paul Pepper-grau, Esu author of " Shandy Maguire." Paper, 2> ct*.

ADRIANCB, SHERMAN '.CO., No. 2 Astor House.

A~NGETXwTLDON ; or The~Mystf>tie* of Altendorf Castle. By G. W. M Rsynolds,

author of " Life in London," "The Necromancer," ex. kc.Beautifully liluitrated.2 vola.: Price $1We ranout n.eniion a siksle look tl,«t will compare m soul bsr-

rowin* mtereet withtliis. iia****tina*hrr. the beat ol C. W. M. Rey¦old's books. Tlie ereses are tlinlliii in the eitreeie ; tlie rlmra,ten boldly drawn and adauraMy eaatfasta* -the good witli the bed.Tber* not a solitary pnmgrjpli that does not tend to gat develop-t**at o( lie tiornhle mystery tl, ,t, like a b!i.od stained pail, en-.litoui<n theheroiae in ite heaey folds from the fiiri>t i liapter of :b<tale. Rumen,':a entravmca, of uneommen eveel'enic. diu.iratemany ol the eiiraordioary ,o. ilent« »liii b are atru tly strewn tliro'i*h

the book.JMornin*Srar.Fublitiied tod for mm by GARRETT k CO.,

No. 22 Anncf.

DEWITT Je DAVENPORT'S CheapPublication Depot, Tribune Building*, Nawau »t.,

where may be found all the Cheap Publication* of the daya* toon a* pi btlshed.

Nl W ROOKS.ITARTFR'S MAOA/.lNE for June Price2.5cent*.GRAHAM'S MAOA/INE for June. 25 cenU.KATE PKNROSE; or. Life and its Leseons. By Miaj

Hubbach, Nif.e of Ml** Austen. Price 25 cent*.THE SWAMP STEED; or, The Day* of Marion and hi*

Merry Men. Trice 50 cents.THE SOLAR SYSTEM, a Descriptive Treatias on :ho

Sun, Moen and Stars. Price 25 cent*.I'II AMBERS S MISi K.LLANY, No 2. Price 2r. centsTUE VVAVERLEY NO\ ELS, (AbboUford Edition,)


Blanchaid Fnce 5ii cent*.DEWTTT k DAVENPORT, Publiahert.

Tribune Buildings, Nassaus*,

D'^iciIt^Iü»IJrnÄ17of music,a paper *f Art and Literature, is published erery Sat¬

urday a No. si School-*t., Boston. Price $2 per aaoiun, iuadvance. Subacnptiors received in New-York bv Scharfen¬berg \. Lui*, No 4S3 Broadway. Mason V Law. No. 23 Park-tow, kc

IFRENCH and ENGLISH BOOKS, by*te«mer.-H. BAILLIERE, No. S"X> Broadway. N«w.

Yolk. No. 119 Regent'St., London, and Ruo Hautefeuille,Par.*, import* Fieoch and English Bouks by every steamer,and having Lenses iu these K.urupean capitata, can otter im¬mense advantage* tor the faithful execution of orders, lorchearniu, «;.,.: r expedition. Duty free tor Public institu¬tions. H. UAIi.LIEUE, No. 290 Broadway.

ILXUSTRATED EDITION of SMOL-LEI T Published thi* momiug.

TBI ADV ENTI RES OF RODERICK RANDOM. BySon l!*it. Illustrated by Cruikahank. Price 5n cent*." Perb»p* no book* evei wn'.teu excited emb peal; of .neiua

I*,«Ist ie ieagatst ». Smollett'».' ISu Waher Scott.Jrfst Pnbliihsd.

HUNTING THE ROMANTI'. Of The Adventure* of aNovel Resder. 50 cent* in paper; in muslin, 75 cents." JOSBPH ANDREW'S. By Fielding, illustrated byCni'kshaiik Price S1\ ceut*.THE TWO FATIÜ RS. From the original Spanish of

AdaduiCalpe. In paper, fit'eents; clotli. 7>cents.Preparing for early Pu'dicati u.

Tl!K UPPER TEN THOUSAND By C. Astor Bristed.PRECAUTION. Revised. Bv the lat. Feuimore Cooper.TBE HEIRS OF RANDOLPH ABBY.

STRINGER k TOWHSEND, No. 222 Broadway.


Teaches how to win the devoted aSectioi.« of the opposite¦ex ; Love, Cuurtahip, i.c al*. how to be handsome. Singlebook, 25 rents Five copie*. $1. Addre** Dr. DO '> ALL, Al¬bany, N. Y., postpaid. Sent free by return maiL


now ready.Horn rs or the rtrss.

A eolWl^r of >ket< be. l.jr Da*. P. Burnham. F«a oftbis city,»itt 11 i,»tr:,:n.n» by H b, They are at! in a liussoroua veia,aod ma*v */ item ba/e beau the meada oi lb* peeaa. Taoae wuoexuM siv oy a loct ieart of sal ail .to »*U to get a copy.

[Yankee Bad*.These |>*nit*s are from'.be per. of Goo. P. Bund.*», Esq., w*B

known *. oae ni'the n. te«t et.e .r *utl,.>r« n '!u« cotiatry. The bock» ,^',-trsteJ .y Hit,iicotk, alter ontiaal liewi-i*, and is a mine afBaaaiasaax, [l'l.i. Sunday Diepatcb.Ib.a » a rol>ct.»ri of the >sua.U:<l* tad aututer-»n ist «rufen*»

of Geo. P. Bi.raram, The gerferr are em, butth* atoitesare a treat Jeal aavS, It a fsj ut o'*rwh*'miat *ad unmitigated

sas. [lkattoe Cbroootype.II' V' e» Tn's Ame as in orirnal ham -r-.at f «o well estaS

'¦-tea. In*! all will p*r«e With ua wben w* »ay that, la the tare*doaen aketi Wa that be ka* cleaned .'rum lua Portiou ,. it i» am poae.b!« to delaxt aaytkiat like duKae**. 'Boston Daily Time*.Tbis aaa awi.ee of capital «ket, kea frr-n ee* ef oar freest tad most

popaW wntera. Ii our be-the* read«r« »,i'-i laugh a* LtugLsr*should hn*b, with a r«ht hearty omaisa* Sort er' rat^* Urigb. bar*

i« " ¦ I a <--pj.L City Hess.Pnce 25 cents. H. LONG a. BROTHER, « AnnHft.

Schuberth tz co., MusiT"Depot,Nc. 257^roadway, N. T, requeat the public to iospeck

their tu.mer.sa stock of Musio to* Voice, Piano, for 2, 4,6, .hards, tor Organ. Violin, Violoncello, Hivrp, Orxceetra, ka,in every style, for virtuosea and beginnen. The gTeexestss-lectioa in the United State*, of $;'s',0"" wcrth. Orders ofFire .-n aal Arne.-.can Musi* anil be attended to eniapromptxeaa.


Hydropathy and Hvgieae. An illustrated work, with over8U' eEiraviriii, embracing outline* of anatomy; physiologyct the human body; hygienic agencies, and the preserve-tun of health: d etetic* and hydropathic cookery; theory aodpractice of water-treatment; cpccisi pathology and hydro-thercpeuhes, includint the nsfare, caose*. symptom*, andtr> ataa at of all known disease*; apphcation to *-xrgical dis¬eases application ef Lvdropathy to midwifery aid the nur-setv. with a complete index. B"y R. T. Trail. M. D.

bar« I2aaa, volamrn, snbstamie'lv bound. Price 92 56.»y VOWLERS k Ur.LLS. No. 131 Nastatt-et,

Nrw-i ork, atd No. US Washingtoe-at. Beaton.Oi all the eeastrwn* eabarttioca wsnrb have iittiiewt such a wide

peeuar.ta.e* uaatie* ky »',,¦* iee* at Well, perhaps ""ee are morea-aaaed lo eaoee »eneral otiuty than this neb. eoaspeebehafr*.and.sal *n>u#.d Ao< y, bapeSia. (.New Yoni lM«a.

THE WORKS of JAMESljijjLlRAY,from the Original Pausa, with the addition of many

subject* not before collected. One hanasom- vol.. folia half-b. utd moncro. gilt edges. Gentlemen are rreaeetfally re»

qne«ted to inspect the above, which is beBeved to be thaoaly cony for sale in the ntv. »e MOORE k HOR-SFALL'S.Biekcellepi Nleyrhsnts* Exchaure, com*r of Hanov-.- a. andEicharae-pl*. e.Jiet l^ibliaheri. MOORE k T^OR,5rllLL,'* Qaartarry

List of New and Stande.d FathoatiaTP*, for tale by uiem.

THE ABBOTSFORD EDITION of th«WAVERLY NOVELS, printed upon fine paper,with new and beanttfol type, from tire lastEngh»h edition,

embracing the author'* latest corrections, note*, he., com-plete it: Twelve Volnrcea, demi *vo, with 111ugtratwna, andmKlJ!S!/{,n »f or>'J $12.LIPl IN cOTT, GRAMBO A CO, of Philadelphia, am"°*. Pcb;:,hir* the above cc-mpleta Library Eiition* oftbo vvaveily Novtla, in part*, to be urued *em(-month!y,each part to contain a complete Novel, twj part* makiug on*neat volume.The price per part, contaialcg a novel complete, in paper,

mw cent*.

tn r-KtriV%\ P*f ,olllme» staining two part*, neatly bound

-ffjTu nmjtf. WAVERLT; OR, TIS SIXTY TEARSSIM e~ All perron* wanting tba latest edition, in a clearana readable typo, a ill now have an opportunity of supply-teg themeervee. L1PPINCOTT, ORAMBO A CO..

, .No. It North tth-tt, Philadelphia.

_And for tain by all BookseUern

THE SPIRITUAL TETl^R^I^forPatnHay. 7"\h May, i* iarned, containing Letter* on

J.'BBrnTO and L.airvnyan.-e,No. 1, by a di*an*-ui*hed Lady;Frsays by the Spirits; Unexpected Mantfe*t*tion* atBrooklyn: \ ision.tr, by a Quaker; Report of the Pro-ceediinnof the Ncw-York Conference Who is Reap., ramble ?in reply to 7 Ar Courier and Enqiirer, by the Editor : and avariety of other ii.tere*ti»|t article*. For sate at tie officeNo. 3 Ceuitlar.dt-et-, and at the New* Office*


THE PRINCETON PCLPIT-Befng Oriflnal Contribu¬tions from the pens of Bev. 8 Miller, D. D, Rev. J. Carna-'.an, D D. Rev C. Hodäe. D. D., Rev. I. McLean, D. I),Rev. J W. Alexander, D. IJ., Rev. A. B. Dod. O. D.. Rev.M F- Hope, ü. D. Rav. John Fonryth, D. D.. Rev. J Ad H>mrm Alexander, D. I)., Rev. Archibald Alexander, D. D.. Rev.Wm. E. Scher, k, Rev. Wm H. Greene, Ac, tn I vol. 8vo.BRACE'S HUNGARY IN 1851. 1vol.WILLIS'S PENCILINGS BY THE WAT. 1 voLB0U8EH0LD OF SIR THOMAS MORE. I vol.PTNNSHURRT | hi« Wändering* and Way* of Thiikinf.

By Dona J McLeod. 1 vol. 12mo.

ZION'S PILGRIM for JUNK, jut out.$1 per year.monthly.maintaining tiio old fashion

n.x t lines of the B.h!..pred' -tination. election, and salvationby Christ, without creature merit. Just published. Sorrow,ing ar.d Bejoicing. a sermon by .1. Warburton, fur six cent*.

AXPORK, No. It58 Bowery.

iTJant employment.AS Cook, Wtlhei and Ironer, or to do

general House work, hy an American Woman, in a.=:. all imllj bert of city reference*. Apply at No. '* East.. <t. where she is now living.

AS good Cook and first-rate Washer amiIroi er, by a reipertable Protestant Woman. She la a

good Baker, and has good rllj tafaianxo Apply at No. 215Älott-st. Can be seen for two days.

AS first-class Cooks, Washers andIrcner», experienced Chambermaids, Waitresses

Nurte», Seamatrease«, General Servant*, Sic, by a large num¬ber of excellent Protestant servant*, with reapnctaute cityrafi reues. Apply at the Recoklyn Select Agency, No. 10Tillary-tt., fifth doer (Vom Fulton-*l, Brooklyn.

AS Chambermaid and Waiteror to takecare of Children, by a tidy, indu*tnoiu Girl of good

du petition, who i* willing to do a* the is bid and ii t* no

objections to travel or go in the country. Can be seen at theresidence of her present employer for a few duy*. No. IDBond-it, corner Livingston, Brooklyn.

AS Housekeeper, by a Lady from Mas¬sachusetts, desiring a permanent location in a genteel

family, at Housekeeper, or Governess and Seamstress;. Iscompetent and qualified for the above department, havingtaught a number of years the English branches id education,ano cutter of children's garment*. Reference satisfactory.Addn-n c. CO, Tribune Office.

AS Nurse or Seamstress by a respect¬able Woman, who it willing to go into the couutry, at

travel with a Lady Inquire at 25o Mott-gt, No. 3, in thert ar. or of Mr.Wa LS 11, Ollictr Commissioner* of Emigration.

ARespectable Woman wishes for atituation to take care of a «mall family, or to attend

on an invalid and do plain «ewing. Wage* not an object.Pirate apply at No. 48 Sheriff-*!, near Delancy.

Y a Protestant Young Woman,competent to take charge of chainberwork and the

rare of children, or rliamlatrwnrk and sewing. Can I« teenfor three day* at No. 56 Pacitir it., Brooklyn, where hercharacter may be km wn. Would prefer living in Brooklyn.T~0reat variety*of carefully se-it lected Servant* ar* bow wanting employment at AMASON'S Offices, No. SMI Broadway, and No. 145 Bowery.Terms- \ early subscriptlean, SO cents; otherwise, 38 aect*.N. B..Plenty of Men and Boy* on hand.



FAMILIES in want of eood help, forcity or country, can obtain auch at the Office. No. 240

Grand-at., near the Bowery, where none but faithful andtemperate, domestic servant* .an remain on any account

1 W ATI'S.

ANTED. A situation as assistantBook-keeper, or in any athar in which be could give

catidacl on. by a young Man Irom the country, understandingligures and the theory ot book-keeping. Addies* M. L. I'.,Patenron. Pataaic County, N. J.

WANTED. Situations for excellentServants of variou« nation*.Cook* geueial Ser¬

vant*, Dairymaid*, L*undre«**«, Searr»fresse«, Nurte«,Cbambermaidt, Waiter*, 1 armer«. Coachmen, Ac Applyat th* Piotrstant Employment Society Agency, No 7 Car-mtne-tt., near Birrckerat : or at No. N*j Chamheta-tt; ea-u1 died A. I) 1825. N. B.-None but «erranU of good«1 aracter recommended to employer*.

iVanteo.BOY WANTED..An active, smartA


_Boy, about 17 years of age, with good reference, can

find a peimanent situation at No. 285 Orand-at

APARTNER WANTED.With a < ashCapital of from R'J.eu* u> Ri.iaai to loin In a certain

and pre Mahle busmen in one of the Southern Citie*. Th*gubacriber bat gome capital and long experience in the bo*i-nea*. together with a large circle of acquaintance, acquiredwhile acting as talesman in that city. Application, peart-paid,with name kc. and stating the time such applicant ran heseen: w..imeet with prompt attention. Andre*«, M. A,No. 34^ Bowery._

CENTS WANTED immediately to<ell a few new article* Good a*le*men can make

iron ¦i2 to |5 a day. with a gmall outlay. Apply to C. J.CKOMMELlN 4. CO, No. ¦9 peai.-tt.


BOOK AGENTS WANTÜ).ToCan-vas* in thu City. Brooklyn and vicinity, for a new and

featitiful'y lllattiataa HtWortntj and Deeenptive Work, jnatpubiighed, which ha* received high commendation* from thepceta and which will meet a ready sale to the literary andpicdegaoaal CBTtaB*. Men pat«e««ing an adequate tact andaddress, to approach the»e clanea, will receive a very liberalrommmion by appljitg at No. 7 Stou* «t, frjtn 3 to 10o'clock. A M.

BOOK AGENTS WANTED.Tho-« ofrraractar and expanenea to canvas* fur a new sod

«plendidly illustrated work, which ha* received the warmaatthe moat respectable «eurce«. and which

in the hare* of experienced Agenda i* t *v n* an unprece¬dented atia. Address, postpaid, S. DRAKE a. CO., Hartford,Conn._

ABOY WANTED, about 11 years ofere..One. w ha rattilta with l.ia parent* and live* in

ilieneigUsirhood prererred. Inquire hefore .' A. M . tttUaLadiet' Shoe Store. MILLER'S, No. IM Catut k%

TRAMAL BOATMEN WANTED..Car-\_y oal Boatmen wanted to feeitht ci,%\ in boata of thepecitylvania Coal Co. upon the Delaware and Hudson Ca-ral The beat* will average 116 ton* during the «Baron,

i. a wll] ba riqu.red to be towed wi'b two horte* and bamam ed by twoöera*« beride« tue Captain. Forparticalar*tr"iy at tbe office of the Pennsylvania Coal Co. corner

way acd Wall-«t, or to WAf HATHAWAY, Ageut,Port Ewen. near Rondout

D"rug CLERK"^\^N_TE1x^A~v. inT-Mao, fully competent to act a* a Clerk b a ratail

mug rcra, it wanted immediately at Na. 21 South 7th-*t,Vk'iiWi «burrh. Beat of reference* raqaired-_

EDUCATION..a Lady of some expe-r.ensa in tuition, (who, in additi >n to r'aa tuoal

branccrg of a «oi'.d aduchtioa, it thoraughly competent to in-gtmet in Music, Singing and French,) deiires to find one or

two Southern fardhet willing to unite in forming a claw foreducating their uiildreo at h*me. Locality :raai*ienai. hutYtrgini* wou'.d be preferred. Reference* r*paired, andeanbe g.rrn, to **nse of the first city familiar, f . r further par-.Kulan acdre*t Um E. S , bca L.IV1 Pjat-OfRce, N. Y.

FLAX STRAW WANTLD.By theNew-York aantaen Flax Cotton Company Apply to

ALLEN CAMERON, Agent No.68 Piae-at.


¦all C: urcb. Call to-day, on J W. TAYNTOR, No.02 Cax«i «t

Teacher wanted..a family re-..r.r g in tl e Ota*lit, and withia twelve mile* of the

city, absbe* to en ploy a Lady who at folly competent to to-. a amaiyo: cblid.en in the nnutipal branch** of an

Frgluh ?( cca:ion and n aeie. A Lady wxtli tn* aoove BJataVaCi of exce| t:ot*b.* character, may addre** a

lu-e U ED. c AI luN, ax the oBke of thia paper, givingher a»ri* ard «taring wt ere an interview maybe bad.

mo CABLNET-Ma1(ERS!.a man whoM ani itand* tba Btitineta in aR iti various brancbea,

to act as > ^.ctuuc, also a* Salesman, i* wanted at 5til BrcaaVk»By._,rpO M(rTHER oe pearl work-X ERS.--War.red, a geod band to mod axd work uponItaii- Apply at Ro. ¦ Cud it, Bf ataua

TO FEMALE TEACHERS.Wantedimmediately, in a scheel in the country, a tingle Lady

to teach English, Movie. Drawing and Punting. Applicant*c utt be communicant* "f the Protestant Kpisceoaf Church,and produce streng and full t«er iron -1 a of character, ;.:»,:.bcationa. and aptitude tc teach. lr pare a: Ma. a .*. -si

TO MACHINE TENDERS..Wanteda Man accustomed to attend Sax drawing and apt*-

r r machinery, capable of teaching: nperaDvee to piece,doff, Ac. and willing to make bimeeif useful about the fao-tory. To a faithful and competent person, ateady emplor-ment can he aarared. Apply at No. 9b South-*., to J.MORTIMER HALL._US. SCHOOL AGENCY.MUTUAL

e BENEFIT and SAVINGS INSTITUTE, E. H.VMLCOX. Proprietor, No. 293 Broadway Netjotutioradaily, by the best institurtora. families, teach'ert and matrons.One per cent in advance cancels advance expenses, and pro-care* the required compensation in one or more eagagemanta.Mcney refunded tor rrpurang vacancies for teacher*.

WANTED-^I^New-HavenrRn ex-penenced Cook, who can produce the heet teetl-

rronial* from private families Also, an expenenced maaWaiter. Appply immediately at Ne. ltd Grand at.

WANTED-A German or EnglishWomea to do the hooeewoik of a *mali aaaa*J a

few mile* from the city. To ona thoroughly qualified andwell reocmniended, good wage* will he paid. No oilier needapply. Inquire, between 10 and lit o'clock, at Ne. J6 Eastleih at.

"VI "ANTED.At N<». 114 Nassau-st., aT V School Teacher, for, a District School; alee Clerk*.

Har-keepers, Boya to le«rn trade«. Men on IU Irjad*. andSteamers' Walten, iic.. Girl* to till good situation*. Charge*n.jderate. T. 8PINK, Ageut.

MNTCD.An intelligent, weH-edö-cated Colored Boy, to learn the retail drug bu-'uea*.

P. A. WHITE. Chemist and Apothecary.Corner olGoid and Franktort-sta, N. Y.

ANTED.In a Fancy Goods store,in Broadway, a food active Boy, about 12 year* of

age. AddrtM G. W. S. Herald oh.ice.

V1TANTED.Families to work in a Cot¬s' * ton factory in Connecticut, conflating of four or

more. Girls rre'erred, betw een the age* ol 10 and 20 year*.Aptly at No.''9 Broad si., corner Ben\er, on Saturday. 2Hhinst .oerweon the hour* of 8 and 10 in the tuoiuiug and and5 in the alieruooii.

ttl (tnn . AN EXPERIENCED>t I »'"^F"/» Bum new Man and thorough Account¬ant is dedrout of aseocintiug bimeelf «ith tome tetabhehedhouse. The location nut material. The capital to be in*vested from |l.<*.><> to iZOSO Letter*, «trictly confidential,to be addressed /. A., Box 1,407 Poat-Ottice, with ne-ue, RaaNo other* will lie noticed.

Ctjattcr-J for SuBinefiB Bien.

ASTEA M GRIST .M ILL.For sale,a new Steam Griit Mil' with four run ef burn, euch

et which will grind 60 nils, of flour everv twenty-tour hours.All the castings ore of tl juble weight. The Mill and all con¬nected with it. built and made tint-rate. The Mill has beenmiming nine months, ard the entire coat for repair* duringthat lime was $19 75-tO>; from thi* fact. Kirne idea can beformed of the strength of the Mill. CcSJoeeted with the Mill,is a large Warehouse; also, a large Farm (half a mile distant.)T ey -.nil be sold ail together or »eparate. Half cash, thebalance in one and two year*. This Mill is situated In aflourishing town tnjOhio -fia* connection, acconling to cen¬tral", wi.h two r'.lroad*, ooe running north and until, andthe oilier e;>»t and weit. The Owner is compelled to tsUtli's property in cuiiieiiuence of heavy loasi a *iastamed in an¬other businps*. The Mill make* the very best of flour fureastern market, tu.u also doe* an extenaiv* home buslnee».For further particular*, inunire (if by letter, postpaid) ofU M. (i. DUNN, No. ilb Grai.d-st., WtUiamsburgh, L. I.

COTTON TWINE FACTORY.Themachinery for sale, consisting of 1 willow, 1 tapper, .

card*. 2drawipgfirni.es 2 speeders. I spinning fhunca 132rpiridV* each, 3 twister frame*. 2 balling frame*, with bob¬bin*, spools, shafting, gearing, belting, and everything com¬plete, put up and leudy for running. A number of loom*alsn belong to the establishment. A deeirable lease of thefactory piend«c» and an excellent water power, *iru*ted inthi* State, contuuou* to thi* city, can be had on very reason¬able terms. The uiachineiy i* nearly new, and the wholewill be told very cheap Apply to THERASSON k BRY¬AN, No. 13 Wallet, New-York.


DRUG STORE for SALE.Situatedat No 9 West-Broadwny, opposite the Hudson River,

Writ Broadway and Sixth-av. Railrnada; al«o. four yean':. as.- of th* bu.nlir g. A *uod chanca- lor a physician. Willbe eold chetp. Inquire at the tgM.

£^<»R SALE.Steam Furniture FAC¬TORY, south-» eat corner of 9th *nd Jefferson-at*,

dcville. Ky I offer for sale rny F'actory, »ituafj'd asabove, a*also all the Machinery, l.umlar And Ground con¬nected therewith. The building (of brick) is large and spa¬cious, erected expressly for the Furniture ttasiuess; the Ma¬chinery and F'ixture* of the very bi'st description and in ex¬cellent running ordet; tbe stock of Lumber complete, weilseasoned, and embraces all kind* and sizes The Factory Ittiuw ui operation, with a* good mechanic* employed a* canbe ti und. and the artitl.- inn, uta. tured by them ofto superiortl thai it meet* with prompt and ready aale. Wiahingto retire from tusine»*. I will cose oal on reasonable term*.


FOR SALE.BUSINESS STAND inCanal st., rear Br<-.adwa7 The lease of one of tha

beet «tand* in 'malst ft r a term of yean for sale a rare op¬portunity. Apply to F. A. Gl l< )N, N i. ^Nass*u »t.

OR SALE.A Stock of Hardware undCutlery, in ported by the present owner. Will be told

iw, no ea*y term*. Address (with real name) HARD¬WARE, at til* effica-

TO PHYSICIANS and DRUGGISTS.For tale, a well established and handsomely fitted

op Drugstore. Apply a: No. i'J i.ot.ven.-ur, ceruei of Man¬ns st


TO PHYSICIANS and DRUGGISTS..For sale, an old established Drug Store, in a g a d lo¬

cality and doieg a good and cori«t*nt)y increasing boauiesaFor particulars appiy tt No. 5*2 Graudst, between thehoun of 8 aLd 10 A.M. and 2 and 4 and » and 10 I' M.

JfcfiT AfOll to >7,ii00..Death htvwi-r*{7 . *»" I\I. F (em>ved a partner in a valuable en¬

terprise, one or more person* of r.-ape« lability, wi'h theabove BUS9 in tana, or secured lu ruonrniy payment* of*} an lean of a sile invsttment, whiJh will pay liftyper cent without interfering wirh any other Twstne** thearty may at present be poiauing, by addressing a tiore, wirh

real name, addr sat and r-fr rer., et, toJ U ENTERPRISE,Ttibun* (Rfiee, immeiliately.


Stare tor sale . Value $l,f0 half raah the balance at shorttime*. The alaive atom i* in a good I..c ation at a b ase ofthiee years, rent cheap, and dolnr a fair business. Apply U

JAM KS W. BOY II, No. M Maiden-law.

fil /ift*ft .KARE CHANCE-Vlo^tVt'e Hardware srd Boa** Pan

Bummer Uctrcats.

AFEW ( HILDREN can be accommo¬dated with Btard ;n a private famlry, In a pb l.ant

rliSge on Lore Island about 45 mi.'e* from Nsw-York.where they can have all the convenience* of a horn*, (roodschools in »he it-imedlate vicinity. Term* reasonable, la-quire at th* Drug Store, coiner Broadway and Jtth-au.

BOARD at CORNWALL, ORANGECO, N. Y.The t»e*utiful private residence of the

late Fowler Grist*, of CornwalL will be pened on the fastOl Juns tor Boaicter*. snd any pa/tie* duairoxwoi spemiingthe «immer month* at one of tue moot beautiful place* ontbe Hudson River, will liud a few rcooal that are not takenlbe taeiiine* ;or reachin| the place exceed any former year,a* aix train* of the Hudaou River Railroad suip at the CeldSiring Ferry, beside* having a daily line of steamboat* land¬ing at CernwalL The house will be ander tbe charge of theriberriber. whorsirn to Meaws. Relknap 4c 'insga. Ho. 2*1V\ «ahii.2ton-st_ for paiticilan fa. M. BARRETT.The abeve desirable piemt.ses are offen d for sale, and froot

b«-r * situated at the entrar.ee te tha Highlands, and coaa-n-.andmi an extersire nver and couLtry slew, render* itpecnllarly attractive for a ann-m-rr, sid-nee. For terms *tc ,

apply to BELKNAF t GRIGG8, No 252 Waafcfngtonst.

BOARD at r ^ARM HOUSE.-'Ihetobaenher it now prepared to make arrangement* wiih

fca-ije* or othen. for Bear 1 fcr the lummer, at bis fatallyrrarsion, two ir ile* frtm the rJIage of Glen Cove, L. L.The sitLStioo is healthy and retired: the hoise '» large, thareeraaspeeiou* and airy, and th* table will be erafl r.pplied.Th- rteam-r Crcton laave* Pulton-market dip for Ginn Ceradaily, at 3 o'clock. P M, from which plaeerthe riOKriberwilfconvey person* to ha bouse. For farther wforrnatloaaddr'** the »»baerber, at Clen C-rve, L. 1^ or A. C, Box Bo,A>7 N. Y. Po*t-OtEce. or applv t > Ke , .

Greete-st,New-York. CHARLES UNDERH1LL

CiOlNTRY BOARD.Wanted for~r/ <» btlsmea. Wife ar.d Ion. ia a plesatot and healthy

location, w.thiu forty mis* of the city, Hudson River pre¬ferred. ) accessttle by *tfaniboat or railroad. Aiso Board fora Ceachman asd ac^inrnodaOcn for a pair of Hure s aadCarriage. Liner*! boaid u ill be paid for aesuahla quarte.aAd.-t« a* N. B^ Box No. 2,049 Fo*t>Odtee.


In a hotel cr boarding hoosa, ia the ec iatry or s rll-Uge, aril hit two hundred miles, sad on, near, orbetween P .>

aidH a*: r.'e lUvem fxr a family ItnnsHjgiilanthcuttnisJUi-hi^reB, from Jona 'Oll Nove-nber. Oooa.hade tree* about or near th* hcaae, and pleasant »aIU *aa

drive, in the slcieity ¦¦<¦*¦ ::

-eference. givaa. Addre«. prepaid, with trims acd fa., par-..laiara, Mr B. Box No. I,IV. Pc»^Ofl^N*W'rorK.T IBERTYlrÜl-L, in ALEXANDRIA,

i« til up w^in gs«a .--Kctels in the p ace Persons cominf1±Z, w-la «hiRaof and U to their 1«!

t?£VuTcS T H m.<obmicr R co, Theater Build-


CAPE MAY.SEA BATHING..CONGRESS HALL will kw open on the l«»b of Jaaa

aeat. The location of th_ Now ana the kit* anal Wa-UfaJ

Cod* ta frone render it the aaoai deairabi* 0/ any oa tawat Tha proprietor bopee to oent a lallaaaain of Urn

vary liberal inlnaaagii beaetofcre receivedw B. MILLER, Fieautatet.


COUNTRY BOARD WANTED by a(i*atlei_a_. Wife and Infant. la some place of Wly

kccraa to tfce rity. Reference, given aad required Boarw-hf^afaw keeper* r.eed not reply. Addreal L, boa No 1,0*4Naw-Yerk Futx-tftBca.

COUNTRY BOARDING..aKyar Geii^tlemea are! tbetr wivea eaa be inn ¦aamatlad wirk

Board id tba eillage of Hantlngtoa, Long [et«od. The baaaaw pleasantly ntotted on a rwtr.g ground, balf way betweentba barber and tba village, which tor health, aeaaary, «ata)*meg and t.ah.uj eaanot be tnrpateed Apply oa the prermaaa

to _JaUlES OOkftoaVOUNTRY BOARD.Hudaoa RiVet«da, at tne Maori.* Hoosa, foot of Sticb-at Saactaaa.awJncaaä!C

elevated, healthy, with rood hatbtna,eharming araaery on every aide, aad of aaty aaeaaa b'ana «teaniboati It offer* advantage* rar*ly osoaaiaaaL Ratparticular, apply at tba boa**, or to Meaara Moora k H«*a>fail. Book**liar*, aor F.xrh«*«yepUc*

Fir1(11.MOND hill hotel, StutenIeland, .ale the R.-tarnend Seminary ) J. P. K.EL-

I. r TT beg* t3 ...frrn the pabive that tha Semmary will baentirely remodeled toi a aalact Ptnitiy Motel, to open for tha.eaton.on th* 7th of Jana. Partie» I art «an ba obtained atR W liMIBir illtBali. No. 3 U'ailat, N T.

SI >IM EK BOAKD..A Udy, and oneor two Children, can obtain beard ta a farm Hutu* oa

the South «ide ef Steten Mend, tea mile* from Va*HUrbtit*aLanding, or two mi lea acroa* tha 111anA to tha SteamboatUnding, at Kowvilie The kvation la r. tired, are! varybtautirui beicg directly oa tha Bay. Addraaa PAftMtlR,Staten lilai.d. at Tha Tribane Office.

THE MARINE HOTEL, at FaJriM4Connecticut, will ba opened by ita proprietor. J. B.

Mt 'N NOT. on tAe lat day of June neat, a* a enrarner totalat)ot nil* New-York Hotel. Tha Marina Hotel ta eitaated ta abeautiful villaa* oar Long Island Sound, «ffiiiawat tat tba ta-ducementt of excellent *ea bathing and roaaanOc drive* to)the adjacent country Every endeavor artll ba eaartedtoteetore for the Hotel the duticguuhad r-~-ft of smtsaa¦eaaona Plan« ran ba *eaa and room* engaged at la* akovaHotel, at Pairfield. or at tha New-York Hotel, landtwaaeafrom Kew-York i* 53 mile*, and train* by tha Naw-Yerk andN«rw-Hav*a Railroad «top at F*irh»ld«*v*ral ttmeaaaahdav*/

W~ÖOSTER HOUSE, DANBURYiCONN., will ba opened by the «uh.cnber aa tba lat

,>f June. It t* pleasantly located withiaa fow rod* of tbaRailroad Depot. The hou*e i« large, newly built, aad aaaaelantly tuppiled with pure and *ott spring water, for bathing,be, and t« fitted np with all tha convenience* of modem ho¬tel*. Danbury i« about three horn' nde from thi* elty by thaNew-York and New-Haven aad Danbury and Norwalk Rail-roeda, and offer* attractiou* to ttioat withioa to vitit thatountxy during the «uininer montha W SI MONSON.



öoarb an5 Room*.FEW GENTLEMEN can be aecom-med«ted with partial Board, oa reasonable term*, at

u. B West HÜi-at.

FURNlSHED~"ROOM to LET.With or without Board, to a Gentleman and Lady, er

two tingle Gentlemen at No. 86 (ham heia-tt.

AFEW GENTLEMEN can be accota-mcdatod with partial board on reasonable terms, at

N e .T H ut I Ith st, Lear Broadway.

APRIVATE FAMILY, having two*Room* on the «eeood floor unoccupied, would let than*

on moderate ter i>«, together or «eparata, with full er partialBoard. Apply at No. >">« Allen-««., near Ri vingtou-at.

APRIVATE FAMILY on Br«>oklynflight*, near Fulton Ferry, can accommodate a teaotl*-

.nun and Wife and three tingle Gentlemen with room*, andpartial W.aid for gentlemen. Location pleasant, with fullview of river and bay Term* mnderat». Reference* *«.jhaaged. For parthufar* addraaa " BROOKLYN, Irtatta*)Office.

AFURNISH ED ROOM to let.la-quire No. 364 Broadway, entrance la FreakMn-tt.

AGENTLEMAN and Wife or twoGentlemen can find pleasant Room* and good Hoard

hjT applying at No. BJ (ireci wlrh av , einer of ('bailee *t.Hot, cold and «howrr batlt*. Keltreuce* exchanged.

ALARGE FRONT PARLOR wkhBEDROOM attached, on tha «eeood Boor, famished

or unfurnikhrd, ran lie had with r without board, tu a nil-vate family, b\ applying at No. ildll Broadway. Abxi, a nir-

aiaVatj attic Pfdroom tor one or two tlugla tleotleman,Reference* exchanged.

AT No. 49 GREENWICH-AV. Ife>ar«imay be obtained. Batli*, Ac, in the bouaa. Rarer-

enrea exchanged.

BOARD WANTe"D.For Gentlemenand Wives, glnglo Gentlemen and Ladies, both in tba

city and country. Apply (niwtpaid. If by raaiL) at tha New-Yoik Beardir g Exchatige, No. 87 Duane-at., gecond door eajtfrom No. 304 Broadway."DOARD.With room* snitabln for mar-JaLet ried or gtngla persona eaa ba bad at No*. 8J and atFast ZtA tt., betwaen Latiugtoa and 4th av*. Tba houaaehave the modern fmprovementa

BOARD..A pleasant Room und Bed¬room can be had, with board, in a private family, ta a

very deauable location, near StR-av. Addre** RK HARD,Tribune Office. Reference raquired.

BOARD..Two or three Gentlemen andtheir Wive*, or three or four gingle Gentlemen, can ba

actommodatrd with good Room* and Board, at No. lit.Hudson »1. Retereuceigiven and reiiulred.

BOARD. A large front Room on thesecond floor for a Gentleman and hi* Wife); also, two

small Rooms for tingle Gentlemen, may ba bad by applyingat No. Hubert-st.

BOA RD.In a private family, for a (ien-tlenmn and hi* family, or two Gentlemen, with all Iba

comfort* of a home. The bouie ua* all th« modaru con¬venience*. For particular*, apply at No. 15 Warren place,( f.a: le.-> tt two lib* of «tag**, Greenwich av

BOARDING..Two or three (gentlemencan ha accommodated with good board and pleasant

r aaag m a piivate family, with uaa of bath. Apply at No. 347lii.i....n-*t.

BOARD in l!R(J()KLVNT^~Gentk""-man »r.d Ins \V ile ni«y obtain a lian/tatMae front Hoom

on the «*cond tt..or, with partial Board for tba Oentiaaiaa,by «| piyirg at No. 5fi State «t. Also, Room* fog tiogle Gaa-lieoitn Befereuca required.

BOARD WANTED By a gentlemanand *mall family, in a private family, west of Broad¬

way. Tba location must be pleasant and aear tha Broadway;routr*. None need apply ... -a they caa give tba bata.... A e* 11 W 'A il o OH..a

BOARD«.Genttwineti and their Wives,aJ*o a fow ttngl* Gentlemen, can bm aaomnao'tatad

antb board and pl». annt ro .m* at aast aide 3d a*, taaatklloor iia>w- .1 th-tt lloiu* new, with modrrn imprarauiaata.

OA RD..Gentlemen and their Wivesor a few Miigle Gentlemen wt«hing good Board and

Bleatant Room* would do wail to call at No. 9 L'akab-plaoa,luoklyn.

BOARD..A (>i ntIt-man and his Wifeot a lew tangle gentleman ran ba accommodated with

foil or partial B .ard, In a bouse with ail the modern improve¬ment*, and wtera rheie. are out low hoarder*. Apply *t No.30 West Mai sr. Tho Phyaiclaa Luu mailed last weak willpleas* call again-


I>OARD ii) tJeman and hi


in BR4 M >kLVN. . A Ob»hi* Wife, or two aingfe Ganttemen caa ob¬

tain Bo*id with i leasant n«.in« In a quiet fk'nily, ai.d con¬

venient location lying within hve cnir.'itee' walk of F iltorta. ri ( aif arine fttn**. Apply at No 91 High *t, Brooklyn.

BOARD.A gentleman would like tomake arrangement* for board, with a gantet 1 tm. ly

who bare plenty of i on tndfeworno bivbra, for hi ra¬te./, wit* sod child, where tba comfort* of a v*ne may taIt ard v\ nr. an. h ta.f..«, a It'e-rtl a.(anganient would ban »i.e. Addre * Box 1,41.0 h/wer P. 0.

OARD in' WÖXIAMSBURGH..i.lO'itVrrn jr .: r \V ...-», s <i one oi two slaalagaMe

tie n en can he accocomcdatad w ith plaaaan t room* and board fat* gey.teel prfval* loardtng houae, No. 19 South 8th at- witA-id '...;ee ii .i ;.t»»' w v* uf Peck «'ip Parry, "rbaa* who pre.fer pute countiy air U tu« coahued city wdl tat taiga d*>«ir*i/!e btme.

OARDING in SOUTH BrlOOKLYlfJ-A private family, in a first cia** but***, weald take a

Uentlemui and t..a \\ lie, ana one in t »o *u.gle <reo'l-rner*to Board. Be.erence* reqn.r. iL Locatloo dchgbtful. la-au.rc at No. 1J4 Dean-at., eighu door eaat ef iioj tat, atatHo. SSb Ful:on-*t, Brooklyn.

BOARDING at UNION HOUSK-No".'SiHudaoB-et., betwea-nCanala^d»>rmg/«t*. Oaaor

tw llentlerguro aad their V% h* and «wo or threa oaglaf .r.tlemen ran ba accomrn dafea wltli pirasaat K/r.«n, and

Beard at this sew*paetoa*Ha»*Wj«« nm****9 >i"r'.\blwwkmg imntrdiata applkreaita)- Traisticnt and day boarderaacconmodatrgt

BOARDJN<r..A (ienrleman and hisWife, or tvtir Uiree smtes Gentlemen caa be ae-

comm'-*^ « 'J' hoard by apt-lying at No. 3» Bsysrdat,tljte aoer* fnitn tha Bowary.

country.A fearpertca* can ta accatnuioaatsd with Board in a private

ai:h tr.« city ev-ry hour a..td II


Blan.i.i Li.i-.mai.Kali« aita loa city averyitw a.-it ii

O-closa. P M Sitaaiio* ten milan from tha City Hall andw-.tl ... ftva mit .tetf waUol Ui« depot Addraaa W. A., atUut ofüca._

BOARDING..A Gentleman and hisWdb can be (cceraartodafad with a very plaaaant roam

era be.iiiom. ntturnishad. Oue *r two «mg> GsoiarutMi. *».: nd ple^»ai.t naMna, wuh fi.fl or par Uai board, by *t*-plyiagatMo-b74 Blaackar-at_'Hoarding in brooYlyn. . aIj GrBtlaraaa and Lady, or two «ingle Gantltaiaa caaua tccoi:.moda'-ed with very iileaaaM aparfraaata on tba 3dBoor, in a tul n«dghw.ihood, withia Bv* aauuvtatf walkf Scoth Ferry. Rafarance* ti-l.aoged. Addreal S. B, B«JtNw 2,r; >: Peat Office.