New Venture 2

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  • 7/31/2019 New Venture 2


    New VentureSources of Finance

    Patent in New Ventures

    Presented By:

    Praneet Raj

    Mukesh SinghAmit Shukla

    vivek jain

  • 7/31/2019 New Venture 2


    New Ventures

    -An undertaking that is dangerous, daring, or of

    uncertain outcome.

    Framework of the New Ventures

    Individuals are people involved in starting a new


    Organization is the kind of firm that is started;

    Environment is the situation surrounding and

    influencing the new organization;

    New venture process is the actions undertaken by

    the individuals to start the venture.

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    Starting a New Venture

    New Idea Capital

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    The hardest part of starting a business israising the money to get going.

    The entrepreneur might have a great idea and

    clear idea of how to turn it into a successfulbusiness.

    However, if sufficient finance cant be raised,

    it is unlikely that the business will get off theground.

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    Raising finance for start-up requires careful

    planning. The entrepreneur needs to decide:

    How much finance is required?

    When and how long the finance is needed for?

    What security (if any) can be provided?

    Whether the entrepreneur is prepared to give up

    some control (ownership) of the start-up in returnfor investment?

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    The finance needs of a start-up should takeaccount of these key areas:

    Set-up costs (the costs that are incurred before the

    business starts to trade) Starting investment in capacity (the fixed assets that

    the business needs before it can begin to trade)

    Working capital (the stocks needed by the businesse.g. r raw materials + allowance for amounts that willbe owed by customers once sales begin)

    Growth and development (e.g. extra investment incapacity)

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    Sources of finance

    Finance sources may be internal or external, butthey may also be short, medium or long term:

    Short Term: Finance the business for up to 1year.

    Medium Term: Finance the business for up to

    5 years Long term: Finance the business for more than

    5 years.

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    Choosing a source of finance

    Legal Structure PLCs and LTDs can sell

    shares, Sole Traders and Partnerships cannot

    The use of the finance large expensive

    machinery will require a long term source,

    paying off an outstanding account will only

    require a short term source

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    Choosing a source of finance

    The amount required The larger the sum,the less likely the owners are to be able toraise the money internally. However, lenders

    often want to see that the borrower is alsotaking a risk so may be a combination.

    Profit levels The higher the profits the moremoney to use from internally. A firm with lowprofits (which needs the money the most!)will find external sources hard to find.

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    Choosing a source of finance

    Level of Risk A risky enterprise will find itharder to raise capital, although venturecapital may be available. May have to rely on

    personal sources. Views of the owners May be reluctant to

    lose control of a firm, especially a family firmand thus reject shares and venture capital.However, some may welcome the advice aventure capitalist can give.

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    Internal Sources of Finance and


    Organic growth growth generated throughthe development and expansion of thebusiness itself. Can be achieved through:

    Generating increasing sales increasingrevenue to impact on overall profit levels

    Use of retained profit used to reinvest in the

    business Sale of assets can be a double edged sword

    reduces capacity?

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    External Sources of Finance

    Long Term may be paid back after many

    years or not at all!

    Short Term used to cover fluctuations in

    cash flow

    Inorganic Growth growth generated by


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    Spontaneous finance: Finance which naturallyarises in the course of business is called asspontaneous financing.Trade creditors, credit from employees, creditfrom suppliers of services etc are the examples ofspontaneous financing.

    Negotiated financing: Financing which has to benegotiated with lenders, say commercial banks,financial institutions, general public are called asnegotiated financing.14

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    Short term sources of finance

    Short term financing is essential to providecapital deficit businesses funds for short term

    period of a year or less. These funds are usually

    for businesses to run their day-today operations

    including payment of wages to employees,

    inventory ordering and supplies .

    These are the main short term sources of finance:-

    Bank overdraft , trade credit , credit card , and

    short term bank loans etc.


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    Public deposit

    Business firm are raising short-term finance from

    their member , directors and the general public.

    Bills discounting

    The commercial banks advance to the borrower bydiscounting his bill.

    Short-term loansThe bankers makes a lump-sum payment to the

    borrower or credit his deposit account with the

    money advanced..16


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    FINANCE :-


    1.Equity Capital= 58% Equity Capital=42%

    2.Internal Accruals (Reserve &

    Surplus)= 24%

    Internal Accruals (Reserve &

    Surplus)= 12%

    3.Debentures (Bond)= 20% Debentures (Bond)= 33%

    4.Term Loans (Long Term)= 8% Term Loans (Long & Short Term)=



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    External sources

    Loan capital

    This can take several forms, but the most

    common are a bank loan or bank overdraft.

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    Bank Loan

    A bank loan provides a longer-term kind of financefor a start-up, with the bank stating the fixedperiod over which the loan is provided (e.g. 5years), the rate of interest and the timing and

    amount of repayments. The bank will usually require that the start-up

    provide some security for the loan, although thissecurity normally comes in the form of personal

    guarantees provided by the entrepreneur. Bank loans are good for financing investment in

    fixed assets and are generally at a lower rate ofinterest than a bank overdraft.

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    Bank Overdraft

    A bank overdraft is a more short-term kind of financewhich is also widely used by start-ups and smallbusinesses.

    An overdraft is really a loan facility the bank lets thebusiness owe it money when the bank balance goesbelow zero, in return for charging a high rate of interest.

    As a result, an overdraft is a flexible source of finance, inthe sense that it is only used when needed.

    Bank overdrafts are excellent for helping a business handleseasonal fluctuations in cash flow or when the businessruns into short-term cash flow problems (e.g. a majorcustomer fails to pay on time).

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    But friends and family are still the best source forboth loans and equity deals.

    They are typically less stringent regarding thecredit and their expected return on investment.

    One caveat: structure the deal with the samelegal rigor you would with anyone else or it maycreate problems down the road when you lookfor additional financing.

    Prepare a business plan and formal documents--you'll both feel better, and it's good practice forlater.

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    Business Angels

    Business angels are the other main kind of external investor in a start-up company.

    Business angels are professional investors who typically invest 10k -750k.

    They prefer to invest in businesses with high growth prospects.

    Angels tend to have made their money by setting up and selling theirown business in other words they have proven entrepreneurialexpertise.

    In addition to their money, Angels often make their own skills,experience and contacts available to the company.

    Getting the backing of an Angel can be a significant advantage to astart-up, although the entrepreneur needs to accept a loss of controlover the business.

    Angels range from professionals, such as doctors and lawyers, tosuccessful entrepreneurs.

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    Venture Capital

    We also see Venture Capital mentioned as a source of finance

    for start-ups.But venture capital is a specific kind of shareinvestment that is made by funds managed by professional


    Venture capitalists rarely invest in genuine start-ups or small

    businesses (their minimum investment is usually over 1m,often much more).

    They prefer to invest in businesses which have established

    themselves. Another term you may here is private equity

    this is just another term for venture capital.

    A start-up is much more likely to receive

    investment from a business angel than a

    venture capitalist.

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    Private Lenders

    Private lending represents a viable alternative

    when the bank says "no".

    Private lenders look for the same information

    and will conduct similar due diligence as the


    But they typically specialized in an industry

    and are more willing to take on higher-risk

    loans if they see the potential.

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    Internal SourcesPERSONAL SOURCES

    Savings and other nest-eggs An entrepreneur will often invest personal cash balances

    into a start-up.

    This is a cheap form of finance and it is readily available.

    Often the decision to start a business is prompted by achange in the personal circumstances of the entrepreneure.g. redundancy or an inheritance.

    Investing personal savings maximises the control theentrepreneur keeps over the business.

    It is also a strong signal of commitment to outside investorsor providers of finance.

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    Re-mortgaging is the most popular way of raisingloan-related capital for a start-up. The way thisworks is simple.

    The entrepreneur takes out a second or largermortgage on a private property and then investssome or all of this money into the business.

    The use of mortgaging like this provides access torelatively low-cost finance, although the risk is

    that, if the business fails, then the property willbe lost too. .

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    Credit cards

    This is a surprisingly popular way of financing a start-up. Infact, the use of credit cards is the most common source offinance amongst small businesses.

    Credit cards are a great tool for cash flow management,assuming you use them just for that and not for long-termfinancing.

    Keep one or two cards with no balance on it and pay it offevery month to give yourself a 30 to 60 day float with nointerest.

    And the low introductory rates on some cards make themsome of the cheapest money around. Managed well,they're extremely effective; managed poorly, they'reextremely expensive.

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    Retained profits

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    Share capital invested by the founder

    The founding entrepreneur (/s) may decide to

    invest in the share capital of a company, founded

    for the purpose of forming the start-up. This is a common method of financing a start-up.

    The founder provides all the share capital of the

    company, retaining 100% control over thebusiness.

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    Value of Patents in

    Venture CapitalInvestment

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    Why Patent

    There are an estimated 600,000 new

    companies founded each year, and many with

    aspirations to be the next Google.

    These young tech-centric companies are really

    new ventures that often have new ideas and

    no way to demonstrate their worth to


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    To become one of the great technological andbusiness success stories, it takes more than just agreat idea and hard work.

    It takes the ability to create a compelling value

    proposition to customers and investors alike. Patents can be an important part of that value

    proposition, especially to investors.

    There are few things more persuasive for acompany that has a few great ideas than to showpotential investors tangible proof of the newventures intellectual prowess.

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    Investors are faced with considerable uncertainty andtherefore rely on patents as signals when trying toassess the prospects of potential portfolio companies.

    VCs pay attention to patent quality, financing those

    ventures faster which later turn out to have high-quality patents. Patent oppositions increase thelikelihood of receiving VC, but ultimate grant decisionsdo not spur VC financing, presumably because they areanticipated.

    The process of patenting generates signals which helpto overcome the liabilities of newness faced by newventures.