Welcome to Issue #43, October 2008 Produced by Music Ministry Team and the Sacred Music Resources Department. Richard Mekdeci, Editor Sue Riley, Team Chair Fred Bogert, Jennifer Ferren, Blair Tabor, Chris Foster, David Ezell, Carole Tomhave Melinda Wood-Allen, Todd Lowry Our online New Thought music community is now over 1700 strong! IN THIS ISSUE 1 - MESSAGE FROM CHRIS Back To the Real World! 2 - THIS MONTH’S FREE SHEET MUSIC ATTACHMENT “THESE THREE” by Albert Miller and Rev. William Gill 3- 2008 NEW THOUGHT MUSIC WEEK & SOUND CONNECTIONS MUSIC CONFERENCE Conference Highlights Review! 4 - FEATURED TOPIC Harmonious Choirs – Sue K Riley 5 – HOLIDAY MUSIC RESOURCES FOR YOUR CHOIR Direct from Sound Connections 6 – FROM THE ROAD Michael Stillwater- Musical Intuitive 7 – CD REVIEWS “EmPower” – the 2008 Posi Award Nominees Compilation “The Honoring” by Michael Stillwater 8 – SUBMISSION CRITERIA FOR 2009 SONGBOOK Send us your music for consideration in next year’s Songbook. 9 – “Posipalooza Music That Matters” Log on to Richard’s radio program on www.Unity.FM! 10 – The MAILBOX - YOUR LETTERS / Q & A Atty. Todd Lowry Answers your Copyright Questions Kudos for the Unity World Orchestra An Invitation to all NT artists!


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Welcome to

Issue #43, October 2008

Produced by Music Ministry Team and the Sacred Music Resources Department.

Richard Mekdeci, Editor Sue Riley, Team Chair

Fred Bogert, Jennifer Ferren, Blair Tabor, Chris Foster, David Ezell, Carole Tomhave Melinda Wood-Allen, Todd Lowry

Our online New Thought music community is now over 1700 strong!





Conference Highlights Review!

44 -- FFEEAATTUURREEDD TTOOPPIICC HHaarrmmoonniioouuss CChhooiirrss –– SSuuee KK RRiilleeyy


Direct from Sound Connections

66 –– FFRROOMM TTHHEE RROOAADD Michael Stillwater- Musical Intuitive


“EmPower” – the 2008 Posi Award Nominees Compilation “The Honoring” by Michael Stillwater


Send us your music for consideration in next year’s Songbook.

99 –– ““PPoossiippaalloooozzaa MMuussiicc TThhaatt MMaatttteerrss”” Log on to Richard’s radio program on www.Unity.FM!


Atty. Todd Lowry Answers your Copyright Questions Kudos for the Unity World Orchestra

An Invitation to all NT artists!



NEW!!! Great Lakes Regional Music Conference Celebrate Your Life Conference with Karen Drucker, Wayne Dyer, and many more.

Lyceum at Unity Village! We need your songs.

1122 -- RREESSOOUURRCCEESS AANNDD LLIINNKKSS NEW!! Daniel Nahmod Offering Production and Consulting Services!


NEW!!! Unity Of Charleston Hamilton Ontario, Canada!

11 –– MMEESSSSAAGGEE FFRROOMM CCHHRRIISS Sound Connections Family! Ahhhhhhhhhhh………… post conference is euphoric. New friends, Mmmmmmmm…………………..New ideas, oooooooooooooo……………. and that awesome feeling of renewal!!!!! Sound Connections gets better every year. We as a team learn more and more each time we host this event. We are a dedicated to putting forth the most beneficial workshops, and events that will not only entertain you but enrich your lives and empower you to new heights in each of your music programs. Our support doesn’t end with the conference. We each care about your music programs and are here for you if you have a question or concern regarding your music program as demonstrated so well in last months SC letter. In concluding the conference the comment was made that we would now be leaving the “real” world of the conference and go back to the fantasy world of our daily lives. This statement is easily identified and related to by those who are attuned to the teachings of “A Course In Miracles.” There is only love. Everything else is an illusion.

The conference is a place of constant renewal and revitalization. So what happens 3 months after the conference, when the Christmas season hits and its déjà vu all over again with life hitting you from all directions. We know the story: Christmas Concerts, extra choir rehearsals, band rehearsals, additional services, this added on top of the increased events in our personal lives. How do you find spiritual renewal when you most need it? Here are some techniques that you may want to employ: #1 – Set A Routine Remember to take time for yourself each day in meditation and prayer. This first and foremost can bring a sense of peace to you instantly. Try to establish a daily routine of this practice if you haven’t already. #2- Center Yourself If you feel yourself starting to get frustrated with events or others stop and take three deep breaths and keep your eyes closed for 5-10 minutes in the silence (or as I prefer


with meditation music going on) while stating the affirmation “In this, there is only love”. #3 – Be Thankful Affirm God’s goodness and be thankful for this experience, and thankful for the opportunity to embody love in your performance. Since love is all there is, all of the stress and the strain are the illusion. Each morning when I wake up and my feet hit the floor, I say “Thank you for this day Spirit, thank you for this day” and hum the tune of the Karen Drucker song while I repeat several times before rising. This is a great way to start your day. #4 – Work Ahead There is no penalty for early preparation. If you are waiting for ministerial themes and that is a constant source of delay, be proactive and approach your minister with the concerns that you may have planning upcoming services. Waiting till the last minute can add unwanted stress.

These tips seem so basic but so many times we ignore these simple practices and then find ourselves being “stressed out” by our illusionary world. So when you are struggling, use them to tap into that real world magic and remember the great time you had at sound connections. Also remember we are here for each of you. In love Chris Foster Music Ministry Team


THESE THREE – Albert Miller and Rev. William Gill “Faith, hope love. They abide. They are written in my heart for I am one with God. Faith, hope love in my life. I can do all things for I am one with God.” This beautiful and simple chant will be an instant favorite for your congregation. Albert Miller is Music director and William Gill is Minister of Unity Church of Martin County in Stuart Florida. Contact Albert at: [email protected] You will find this song attached at the end of this PDF file. This service is offered with permission from the author. Please contact the author if you would like to purchase additional copies of this music. If you would like a piece of your sheet music offered in future issues of Sound Connections, just send a PDF file of your song to [email protected] for review.



New Thought Music Week By Sue K Riley on behalf of the Music Ministry Team

What a week! Our first ever New Thought Music week was awesome! We kicked the week off with the 4th annual "Posi Awards" hosted by the Association and emPower Music and Arts (formerly known as Itoi). Mon night featured a Mega Posi with 19 of the top New Thought artists performing. Many of these artists had just met each other on Sun when they arrived and it speaks to the power of music that by Mon night, they were singing harmony on each other's songs and joining in with extra instruments. It was magical. Then, we all hiked over to the old hotels for 2 hours of acoustic showcases. I can't describe how cool it is to be sitting in a room with Jana Stanfield or Faith Rivera singing to you a few feet away in their cute pajamas. It is a blast! No one left early. The true night owls then sang Beatle songs with Glen and Nathan under the stars for another couple of hours. I loved it! Sound Connections featured lots of new workshops this year. For the first time, we tried labs for keyboards, guitars, and vocals. These were a huge hit, although there was a little bit of a challenge getting the keyboards in the right room. We plan to work more on the logistics of that for next year. Leroy White gave a beautiful workshop and it was truly heartwarming to hear all of the accolades given by years of YOU members during his GraceNote awards presentation. There wasn't a dry eye during the presentation, and no one was sitting down when Leroy started singing…instant dance fest. We tried some new ways to move Spirit Sharings along, including one night of Song Circles, which are smaller, intimate, acoustic settings in which to share music. Again, we had a slight challenge with the ever popular keyboards, but we'll have that solved by next year. We did a night of Silent Spirit Sharing this year, where we divided the conference body into two groups. These groups then performed their songs without any introductions or speaking at all. It was an incredibly spiritual performance, allowing the songs to speak for themselves. Next year, we'll work on having two nights of this so that everyone can hear all of the songs. From the opening reception to the closing bonfire, this was a heart opening, inspiring week. Just think, just 4 or 5 years ago. . . there was NO Sound Connections. In this short space of time, we have grown to an incredible family of music ministers. This jam packed week recharged our batteries, taught us new songs, gave us lots of new resources for solo and choral music, fed us spiritually, and empowered us. I know that I for one am inspired and ready for the year of music. We're already starting to plan for next year. Hope you'll be with us!


SSOOMMEE TTEESSTTIIMMOONNIIAALLSS:: I can’t begin to express my gratitude to everyone who had a hand in putting on this conference. My soul has been opened and uplifted! God bless you all. Thank you. I had a tremendous week. I was fed not only musically but spiritually also. Can’t wait to implement these ideas and energy in my church! This is a portal into the mind… a protected place, peace and love…no fear…only love… and smiles. Everything I went to, the food, everything, the friendliness of all, the one on one’s the book store, everything was perfect. Overall a tremendous experience which I will treasure. I am still flying from the Conference. It was amazing and I am so excited for next year. Great job!!! Today at church I told the congregation about my experiences at the conference and it was difficult to contain my enthusiasm. . . . I sang and accompanied myself on piano playing Fred Bogert's "Celebrate Life" during offertory today and performed it with such expression and conviction that the congregation gave me a standing ovation. WOW! I've always been (until now) a hide behind the PA speaker kind of performer, but this New Thought music that you all are writing is very powerful stuff and is inspiring me to come out of my shell. Thanks again for your talent, creativity and passion...you are making the world a better place. Though I expected to enjoy the conference, I truly thought the first year HAD to be the best... well, I was wrong! This year was every bit as life-altering for me as the first one, which is a great tribute to you all as planners and to the keynotes and musicians. WOW! Once again I was touched to the core, and spoken to just where I am at this moment. The mark of a great conference! Thank you again... please pass this on.... love you all... I was FLOORED at my first Sound Connections Music Conference and I'll have you know that I went back to all 22 Sound Connections e- newlsetters and printed out all the free sheet music to start a running file to draw from when choosing service and choir music . . .! Thanks for your dedication . . . I really felt "home"! I don't know about ya'll but it's been challenging to assimilate back into society after coming down off the HUGE high that was created out there at the Village! What a joy to see the level of musicianship going up, up, up every year! Also, how great to see all the "new-bies" coming on board and adding to the collective excitement.



HHaarrmmoonniioouuss CChhooiirrss SSaaggee aaddvviiccee ffrroomm 2200 YYeeaarrss ooff EExxppeerriieennccee BByy SSuuee KK RRiilleeyy A choir can become an integral part of your weekly service. In the best

possible scenario, the music ministry will seamlessly weave music through the service and will sound and BE harmonious. I have found that a few guidelines in place from the very beginning make sure that harmony is what you'll get. Unity Church of Clearwater, Fl. formed a choir when we were holding services in a tent due to an electrical fire. From this humble (and HOT) beginning, we now maintain 25 choir members, and a 10 piece band. Each group has a weekly rehearsal. The choir members show up each Sunday around 8:30am, and most stay for both services, even if they are only singing gathering music. They sit in the front rows on either side of the stage. I schedule the choir for a special number usually once a month. The rest of the time the band and the soloists do the special music. I usually book an Itoi touring musician once a month. These guest artists often offer workshops on songwriting or singing which I encourage the music ministry to take part in to enhance their musical abilities. Many of the choir members have started playing instruments, taking lessons, and writing songs. Our music ministry all dresses in black and white. This looks good on everyone and it looks good on stage. The congregation sees a polished group of dedicated musicians. As a way to thank the music ministry for all of their hard work, I will book a workshop or a special concert and gift the music ministry with tickets. I also host periodic Spirit Sharings or song circles so that folks can perform the songs they have written and get a chance to try out being "soloists" We also put on a 2 hour Christmas program each Dec, in which the choir shines. They have become a close knit family. I believe if the choir looks professional and united, they will BE professional and united. The guidelines that we have created help to maintain a creative, nurturing, peaceful, loving ministry. Below are our guidelines, which is just a folded brochure on regular computer paper. I am also including a "disclaimer" that I rewrite every year...a humorous attempt to keep folks from having their feelings hurt when I can't let them do a solo or something.

UNITY CHURCH OF CLEARWATER Music Ministry Guidelines

"The reason that singing restores harmony to tense nerves is that its vibrations stir them to

action, thus making it possible for the ever-waiting healing Spirit to get in. "Back of every true song is a thought of joy. It is the thought that counts in the end, because it is the thought that invites the healing Spirit. Consequently we should sing with the thought that the Lord is right with us and that His joy is giving our words the healing unction; as Jesus said, 'that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full.'"


"First sing in your soul--you can sing way down inside yourself--then you will soon be singing with your voice. So we lay down the metaphysical law that everybody should know how to sing. Everybody can sing. It does not make any difference what your previous thoughts have been about your ability to sing, it does not make any difference what you think about it at present, and it does not make any difference whether you can sing or not; cultivate the singing soul and you will some day break forth into a singing voice."

from Jesus Christ Heals by Charles Fillmore, Cofounder of the Unity Movement

Music is Ministry We affirm that all participants in our Music Ministry hold this commitment sacred, resolving to be steadfast and dependable, and striving to keep a high professional and person standard--not only of excellence in performance, but also in positive and harmonious expression and interaction with others here at Unity. We affirm that our singers are well prepared and joyous in the expression of every aspect of this ministry, which is not just performance in the ordinary sense, but is performance of service to the Christ, that we honor above personalities. In other words, the function of the Music Ministry is to provide SUPPORT for the minister and to echo the weekly lesson. We are aiming for blend and uniformity. We strive to rise above ego, and express the highest and the best of our spiritual nature in all that we do.

Rehearsals Choir rehearsals will be held around 7:30 pm on Wednesday evenings, unless otherwise scheduled. Full participation in rehearsals is MANDATORY for participation in the Sunday service. We realize that those who read music might be a bit bored while we try to help others who are learning, but we are counting on the music readers to assist the others in learning their parts. Also, an idea of blend can only be realized when everyone is present. We ask that if the choir is doing the special music in a given week that all participants commit to being present for both services. The music that is chosen is based on the whole group’s participation, and often doesn't sound the same if some are not present for the presentation. Although unforeseen events could happen that might cause you to miss a rehearsal, we appreciate your understanding that this means you will not be singing with the group on the following Sunday, in order to be fair to those who attended the rehearsal. Being part of the Music Ministry means keeping a heart commitment to our fellow singers, and to our spiritual family.

We Dress for Success We ask that our singers all "dress for church" when participating in our services. We ask that women not wear revealing clothes (that is, no cleavage, clinging or halter tops, or really short skirts). Unless we have pre-announced an exception for a holiday, we also ALWAYS wear black and white in any combination. Ladies, keep in mind that semi-sheer white tops with white undergarments might be more revealing under our stage lights than you realize. Shorts will not be permitted for any Music Ministry member. Shoes must be worn at all times. The choir is highly visible to the congregation and YOU represent our beloved church home. You are a part of the worship service for those in attendance. Anyone who we feel is not dressed appropriately will be asked not to participate. Thanks for understanding.

Music Sheet music is a serious investment for our Church. Please treat it gently. Please use only pencil to mark it, don't wrinkle it, and remember your choir number. If you decide not to continue with the choir, we bless you for returning all copies to the music librarian, so that others can use it in the future.

Opportunities We are thrilled that so many of you have discovered the joys of playing instruments and writing songs. We always try to honor your creative process by bringing in talented musical coaches to help you in your journey. So, watch for the opportunities to study guitar, songwriting, and various other musical techniques in the months to come. Please continue to support the Café Concerts, which are a source of great inspiration to all of us. You are all awesome and we are proud of you. Keep up the great work!


Sue’s Yearly Disclaimer

Weekly Goal: To have the music be as wonderful as possible, given our limited rehearsal time and quick song turnover: to empower other people to have the magical gift of music in their lives. Sue: Sue is STILL high strung, sleep deprived, over-worked, stretched thin (still NOT thin), loves to multi task, has trouble saying no to things she believes in, is even more of a perfectionist than last year, hears all notes and knows where they are coming from, and loves to change arrangements, chords, lyrics, and songs with little or no notice. This is usually because she has forgotten the other arrangement, but not always. Sue is responsible for pulling together 50 musicians/vocalists per week on at least 2-8 songs, works closely with the minister (who also fits the above description),is the team leader for the Association of Unity Churches Music Ministry Team, is the Vice President of Itoi Ministries/emPower Music and Arts, , conducts a choir at a Catholic Church, plays a weekly Mass at the Cathedral, is on call at three churches for funerals, and weddings, teaches 10 weekly lessons. Writes CD reviews for an on-line magazine, is a presenter at several yearly conferences, co-produces and performs in PosiPalooza! concerts around the country, and is part of the team that puts on a music directors conference at Unity Village. Writes songs, records, plans and organizes the Café Concerts, hosts the wonderful musicians who participate in these, takes guitar lessons, and goes to song camp twice a year. Finally has an office, and a filing system, but is so used to having piles of stuff everywhere that she now can’t find anything since it is too organized. Did I mention high strung and stressed out? I love you all. I think you are amazing, dedicated, talented people. However, when I am down to the wire (Sunday morning sound check, Easter, Christmas) I am going to cut anything that isn’t working. I may reinsert it later. I may do the song myself. This doesn’t mean I don’t think that you can do it. I just need to pull together the “show”. I never mean to hurt anyone’s feelings, however, I sometimes speak before my brain catches up with my mouth. I apologize in advance if I do this. In my travels this summer, I have visited several New Thought Churches. We have some of the best music out there. We also have a loving musical ministry that has become a spiritual family. We’re doing great with all the bells and whistles, and it is going to be an amazing year. Please try and come to some café concerts. They are really fun, and you get to “Hang” out with some really cool people. Think about coming to Sound Connections, where there will be another New Thought Song Writers Recognition Award, and Summersongs song camp, which will change your life in ways you can’t even begin to imagine. It’s going to be a great year, my friends.



Here are the choral pieces Melinda and I recommended in our Sound Connections session, with their publishing info and comments. Christmas Joy – Terry Kirkland – Heritage Press #15/1031 - 3pt mixed easy – theme peace, love and joy – optional handbell or handchime part included Song of the Faithful – Jill Galina – Shawnee # E 0344 – 2 pt easy – O Come All Ye Faithful and Dona Dobis Pacem combined. Night Song – Jim Ailor – Bechenhorst Press # BP1523 – SAB easy – angels sing Gloria Peace Peace – arr. Fred Bock – Fred Bock Music # BG2013 – 2pt easy – partner song with Silent Night – optional Flute or Violin and Handbell parts, for Christmas Eve especially. Mary Did You Know – arr Jack Schrader – Hope Publ. Co #GC999 – SATB medium – Haunting minor arrangement of the hit Country song. Grown Up Christmas List – arr. Mac Huff – Hall Leonard Corp #8743719 – SAB Medium – wishing for peace – Pop song made famous by Amy Grant

***************************************************************** Christmas and Thanksgiving selections available at heartwindmusic.com include: Christmas Christmas Is a Time of Peace--Children’s Song (David Ezell) Christmas Is Coming --Vocal Solo (Blair Tabor) Echoes of Ancient Words (Arcanos Ecos)-- Vocal Solo (Ishtar) Silent Night--Piano Solo (Gruber-Ezell) Thanksgiving And I Want to Thank You--Congregation (Jeanne Loehnis) Thank You, Father--Solo (Blair Tabor) We Give Thanks--Children’s Song (David Ezell) Echoes of Ancient Words is also in the Shine On! book. heartwindmusic.com doesn't have choral music in these categories yet. David Ezell ********************************************************************************************** Hi everyone, We've enlarged the Briarpatch Choral Series with a bunch of new titles from the Fred Bogert catalog. We're starting to post sample mp3's and pdf's for you to peruse on the website. Here's the url: http://www.fredbogert.com/fredbogert.com/Choral_Arrangements.html We've posted three Christmas songs to start, with many more to come. "Living Thanksgiving" is now available in choral. e-mail us at [email protected] if you's like for more info. All the best, Fred & Gloria



Bring this awesome artist to your church or center!

Michael Stillwater- Musical Intuitive Songs which are at the same time poetic, easy to sing, melodically interesting, infused with honest self-reflection and guided by the principles of Truth– serve as a kind of musical grail for those songwriters drawn to the art as prayerful practice and sacred play. When these elements merge, the resulting creations form a touchstone of distinction and garland of inspiration for the songwriter to keep listening, learning and sharing the songs as they come

through. My songwriting began in the sixties, but in public and onstage I sang mostly cover tunes. I vividly remember the night with my band, singing ‘Down By The River (I Shot My Baby)’ for the umpteenth time, when a light bulb went on- a) I didn’t shoot my baby b) I had no plans on doing so, and c) from that moment, I only wanted to sing songs which spoke from the depth of my heart! It was in the mid-seventies that I first experienced the joy of becoming ‘One’ with an audience through chanting. My obsession with complex melodies and lyrics dramatically shifted to creating much simpler songs, easy for people to learn. A few years later I discovered the emergent wisdom within spontaneous composition, born through letting go of needing to know how a song would sound, or what the lyrics would be, before I dared to sing it. Applying this intuitive approach to the dynamics of life, such as parents about to give birth, a couple engaged to be married, or a patient approaching death, resulted in literally thousands of spontaneous, original songs composed and recorded over the years. The most recent and exciting coalescence for me on this musical/spiritual journey is The Honoring Ceremony. The Ceremony, shared in churches, conferences and home settings throughout North America and Europe, is an interactive musical experience providing participants with an invitation to accept both their humanity and divine essence. This acceptance is further anchored through the spontaneous songs which emerge within the ceremony in response to individual requests. An open welcome to those participating to add their singing voices to the newly created choruses further amplifies the interaction. Afterward, as each participant receives a recording of all the newly created songs, the album becomes an ongoing source of re-connection, a reminder of the precious spiritual wealth contained within the community. For churches and communities going through transition of any kind, or ready to grow in the depth of internal bonding; for boards and leadership teams wanting to communicate on a deeper level; for individuals wanting support on their path of healing, empowerment and awakening; the Honoring Ceremony offers an effective approach. As one participant wrote: “The Ceremony created a level of connection for our core team that went far beyond what we could create in dialogue or shared action. As we witnessed one another’s deepest intentions be brought forth into song, we experienced a sense of wholeness that truly honored the work we are all here to do together. I would recommend The Ceremony to any organization or community group that wishes to create a profound sense of possibilities for its work in the world.” Deborah Frieze, Co-President�Berkana Institute�


TeleSong Ceremony, 2008

As a way of introducing this experience, a CD was recently created called The Honoring: Songs for Healing, Empowerment and Awakening. (Reviewed in Chapter 6 below) The Honoring represents the scope, richness and insight expressed within the Ceremony. To listen or download, visit the online shop at www.innerharmony.com In addition to the Honoring Ceremony, I discovered that everyone has within them the power to create spontaneous song- even those who believe they can’t sing- that we did this naturally as little children. I also realized that musicians wanting to deepen their intuitive gift can develop by being with other musicians of similar inclination. Thus SoulVoice workshops (as recently shown on the PBS series, Healing Quest), were created to release the intuitive song within everyone and Beyond Performance to support musicians and singers in more deeply aligning their music with their essential path. When visiting a church, I like to bring as many of my gifts to a community as possible. I offer myself as a guest speaker while providing music with an emphasis on congregational singing. Following the service, The Honoring Ceremony, Soulvoice and ChantWave all can help deepen the sense of connection within the congregation. If loss and grief is an issue being faced, Ageless Soul: Reflections on Meaning and Mortality incorporates music and poetry to explore beliefs and feelings on our passage through time. When a community is interested in going even further, my wife Doris (a contemplative psychotherapist) and I offer retreats together for the congregation, sometimes in teaching collaboration with the local minister, sometimes in a site away from the church, either in a natural retreat setting or a sacred site (such as our retreats in Assisi, Italy, home of St. Francis and St. Clare) In retreats we include meditative techniques, more exercises in sounding, silence, deeper sharing and breathwork. The path of healing music has taken a variety of forms for me, always open to new ways of expression. I believe there is no limit to the ways in which we can apply the power of song to the process of remembering who we are, and celebrating this awakening together. Thank you for your interest in my ongoing journey and offerings. I invite you to visit the Inner Harmony website to note my tour schedule or listen to over a hundred of my recorded songs and chants. Special thanks also to Richard Mekdeci and the others in the Music Ministry Team and Sacred Music Resources Department for their support of music as essential spiritual nourishment for all on the path of awakening, and particularly for their support of the musicians who are bringing this music to the people. In closing, I am ever grateful to share the power of contemporary chant and intuitive song while inviting others to find and express their own creative gifts. May we continue to grow in love and appreciation as we give expression to the Great Song, ever singing within us. Michael Stilwater’s Fall Tour schedule: Kansas City: Oct. 19-25 Bay Area, CA: Oct. 26-Nov. 6 San Luis Obispo: Nov. 7-9 Santa Barbara: Nov. 10 Ojai: Nov. 11 Venice Beach: Nov. 13-14 La Jolla/San Diego: Nov. 15-19 Portland, OR: Nov. 23-27 Seattle, WA: Nov. 30 Victoria, BC, Canada: Dec. 5-6 Cape Ann, MA: Dec. 11-14 To contact Michael for booking, or to listen to his music: [email protected] www.innerharmony.com




EmPower Music and Arts 2008 Posi Award Nominees Compilation

CD The Empower Posi Award Nominees compilation CD represents the best of the best in positive new thought music. Each song on this CD was nominated fa “Posi” award which is award by

Empower Music and Arts. Listening and purchasing compilation CD’s of this nature are a great way to be introduced to new artist you may not have heard of and trust me, all of the songs are top notch. Where else can you find your favorite artists like Devotion, Karen Taylor Good, Daniel Nahmod, David Roth, Greg Tamblyn, Jan Garrett, JD Martin, Harold Payne, and David Ault as well as new artists like Freebo, Theresa Walker, Tom Kimmel, Jack Fowler, Marcy Baruch and more, on one CD? So if you are looking for good new material this is a no-brainer. Matter of fact, you should just automatically add this into your annual music budget as an essential must have! To listen and order all of the compilation CD’s visit : http://empowerma.bigcartel.com/

Michael Stillwater’s – The HonoringHonorinThe g A prolific and award-winning songwriter, for 35 years Stillwater’s music has focused on healing, connecting with Spirit, and living an integrated life. His songs, particularly the contemporary chants such as ‘Heart of the Mother’ and ‘One Heart At A Time’, from the CD ChantWave at Grace Cathedral, are popular throughout the New Thought community and recorded by diverse artists in America and worldwide. Together with Emmy-award winning film composer Gary Malkin, he has produced spoken word/music works including Graceful Passages: A Companion for Living and Dying, Care for the Journey: Messages & Music for Sustaining the Heart of Healthcare, and The Heart of Healing: Music & Messages for the Human Journey, providing listeners with a powerful and moving method combining cinematically-composed music with spoken messages, delivered by world teachers and counselors on subjects such as facing our fear of loss and dying, or staying connected to one’s inner resources in challenging times. Stillwater’s unique gift for spontaneous composition, developed through individual and group songportraits (SongCare), has culminated in The Honoring Ceremony, a Song Without Borders initiative now available by telephone or onsite in churches, conferences or private residences. His latest recording, The Honoring: Songs for Healing, Empowerment and Awakening, features 13 of these spontaneous songs, selected from hundreds created during live sessions in America and Europe, with the original recordings then accompanied in the studio with cello, percussion, bass and harmony vocal.


The CD will be shipped Oct. 20th. Meanwhile, here is (temporary) gift link to The Honoring: Songs for Healing, Empowerment and Awakening for you (if it expires before you get to it, ask me, and I'll re-upload. It is a large zip, around 100 MB) http://rcpt.yousendit.com/607886564/2a960285158d1fd1bbba0093d53b6125 Below is sharable link for listening to clips of the new album or downloading (purchase) of songs or album. To listen at any time to the album without downloading, click on 'Listen to all clips' - feel free to refer others to this site: https://innerharmony.com/show_product.php?pid=1179 Here is link to lyric book (sharable also): http://www.innerharmony.com/PDF%20files/Online%20Booklet.pdf


Each year your music ministry team meets in January to produce a new songbook of the best new thought music we can find from hundreds of submissions.

We gladly accept submissions throughout the year so send us your new congregational, solo, youth, Holiday, or choral songs to help build a huge library of available material for you to have at your fingertips. Submission deadline is January 1st of each year.

SUBMISSION CRITERIA - >3 songs, maximum, per artist, per year please. >Songs must be submitted on CD or electronically as an MP3 file. >Songs should be accompanied by a lyric sheet in pdf or Word Doc format. > Songs should also include a lead sheet or piano/vocal arrangement in pdf format. >You will be paid royalties of .25 per song per book printed. This is higher than the standard print royalty. >Songs should be original. (This means we are not looking for new words to old standards or vice versa.) > Lyrics should be universally acceptable and have a uniting spiritual message that aligns with New Thought theology. >We look for music that is not "artist specific" and can easily be sung by your average soloist or congregation while at the same time being original and fresh in its melody and chords. Mail submissions to: Sacred Music Resources The Association of Unity Churches International PO Box 610, Lee's Summit, MO 64063 Electronic Submissions to: Music @unity.org


99 –– ““PPoossiiPPaalloooozzaa!! MMuussiicc TThhaatt MMaatttteerrss”” FFrriiddaayyss aatt 22::ppmm CCeennttrraall TTiimmee www.unity.fmwww.unity.fm LLiisstteenn ttoo ppaasstt sshhoowwss iinn tthhee aarrcchhiivveess LLoogg oonn ttoo hheeaarr yyoouurr ffaavvoorriittee ssoonnggss bbyy yyoouurr ffaavvoorriittee aarrttiissttss aass wweellll aass tthhee nneewweesstt PPoossii aanndd NNeeww TThhoouugghhtt mmuussiicc aavvaaiillaabbllee.. HHeerree ““PPoossii PPoottppoouurrrriiss”” -- aa vvaarriieettyy ooff ggrreeaatt mmuussiicc bbyy ddiiffffeerreenntt aarrttiissttss aass wweellll aass GGuueesstt DDJJ’’ss aanndd tthheemmeedd pprrooggrraammss..

OOCCTTOOBBEERR SSCCHHEEDDUULLEE Friday, October 10 – Brand new Posi Potpourri Friday October 17 - Guest DJ – Crossroads Recording Artist Cliff Rubin from Ashville, NC Friday October 24 – Encore! Humorous New Thought Songs Friday October 31 – Encore! Posi Potpourri


COPYRIGHT Q&A WITH TODD LOWRY Hi Richard, I am the music director at a growing Unity church in St. Paul, MN, and have a question you might be able to answer. We are thinking about putting "sound bites" from various guest musicians on our website, so people who come to the website can hear them. I am wondering about legal or copyright ramifications, specifically two questions: 1. Should I get some kind of written permission from the guest artists whose voices I use? 2. What considerations do I need to give to the songs they sing? For instance, our pianist loves to do your Attitude of Gratitude. Do I need your permission? What about songs by other artists? If you don't know the answers to these, possibly you could put it into the next Sound Connections. thanks and blessings, Peggy George Sanctuary of the Heart [email protected] Peggy, These are good questions for Todd our copyright guru. My additional questions for Todd would be; 1) Does permission have to be "written" or can it be an email saying OK. Is there a time limit on the length of clip you can use, ie if you have less than a minute clip, do you still need permission. 2) My understanding is you don't need permission to perform a song, only when you copy or record it, right? Thanks for your question, RM Hello Richard: Here are answers to Peggy's and your questions:


1. Re "sounds bites" on the website: get permission from the guest artists. One would think that they'd be willing to grant permission gratis because it's basically free promotion. 2. The owner of a song copyright (usually the songwriter) controls the right to "perform" the song. However, the Copyright Law makes an exception for religious services. Thus, you can perform whatever music you want in your church without permission or a fee. In the commercial world, "performance rights" are licensed by ASCAP and BMI. Restaurants, bars, clubs, concert halls, sports arenas, etc. all purchase a "blanket license" from both ASCAP and BMI which allows the venue to perform live or broadcast over the speaker system all of the music in ASCAP or BMI's repertoire. 3. Re the length of the "sound bites": even if such a sound bite is just a few seconds long, you still need permission. The fact that a "bite" may be extremely short does not shield you from potential liability if you use it without permission. 4. Finally, permissions for song usage can be made by fax, by email or even by verbal agreement over the phone. Obviously, it's always best to have a written agreement signed by both parties to minimize any confusion. Todd Lowry

CALLING ALL NT ARTISTS Richard, You suggested that I e-mail you so that you can put something out there for musicians who are coming our way to let them know that we could use some good new thought music at our church. We are The Unity Church of Christianity in Abilene, Texas and we would love to have some great new thought musicians for our Sunday service. Please pass this on to whomever to get the word out. Anyone who can come and share their musical gift with us would be joyously received. Thank you so much, Rev. Karen Johnson [email protected]

KUDOS FOR THE UNITY WORLD ORCHESTRA Hey UWO Musicians! Just throwing in my two cents that you guys ROCKED THE HOUSE!!! Totally awesome job Chris, David & players. Everyone was moved by the great arrangements and incredible energy that was generated as a result of your collective collaboration. I spoke with a lot of folks after the Friday concert and it was all positive feedback. How awesome to have a place, finally, where the diverse, talented, instrumentalists within our community can fully shine. Did anyone get music ahead of time or did you all just see it upon arrival? If arrangements get done enough in advance, it would be cool to e-mail charts to those you already know are coming so folks can get a head start. Although, you all pulled it off so well, obviously that's not necessarily necessary. Can't wait to hear what's in store for next year. Better get cracking now Chris & Dave! Hey, someone needs to create a UWO logo and a t-shirt!!!!! Jennifer Hello friends! I wanted to say hello and let you know how much I appreciated being part of this project. I look forward to other opportunities to share with all of you again.


Just checking, did anyone get any footage of our performance? It would be awesome to post this on YouTube or MySpaceTV. Please let us know. David, thanks again for your labor of love. I have had many people come up to me and mention how they were touched by your outstanding work. Love, Ishtar David & Chris, Y'all totally rock. What a brave mission to bring an orchestra together like that! Shazamm! That's the kind of energy that makes Sound Connections such a blessing to all who come. May the adventure continue. All the best, Fred It was great working with all of you. We're already planning for next year, and would love to have each orchestra member return in '09. David Ezell

NEW MUSIC AVAILABLE Hello Friends: This is to let you know that I have a site for my music now. Please log onto www.myspace.com/singinghawkwoman and read my home page, make comments on my blog,etc. Let me know what you think. You can listen to sample of my music on the home page, but to hear or purchase the rest, type my name Valorie Kay in the music section and you will go to my snocap musicstore. Thanks for all your support! Sincerely, Valorie Kay

SUNDAY PLUS PROJECTION PROGRAM Richard, Can you let me know of a good church power point program for music. Someone at the conference mentioned a program call Sunday Morning Plus and I am not able to find any information on that. Any suggestions!!! Joyfully, Sally Peterson Vale, CO Hey Sally, That program is simply, Sunday Plus. We had a workshop on it at Sound Connections a couple of years ago. It’s supposed to be more versatile than Power Point and allows changes and corrections “on the fly” during services. Go to www.sundayplus.com. RM Victories? Concerns? Need to find a piece of music for a certain occasion or topic? Copyright, A/V, or choral challenges? Ask your question(s). It will be put out to our “experts in the field” and answered in our next edition of SOUND CONNECTIONS.


1111 –– CCoonnffeerreenncceess aanndd EEvveennttss


May 28 – 31, 2009 Unity Church of Practical Christianity

Springfield, Illinois www.unityofspringfield.com

For a registration form and schedule email Veronica Denzer at [email protected] or contact

Unity Church of Practical Christianity, 417 Cordelia, Springfield, IL 62703 217-523-5897 [email protected]

******************************************************************************************************************************** SSOONNGG SSUUBBMMIISSSSIIOONNSS FFOORR TTHHEE LLYYCCEEUUMM AATT UUNNIITTYY VVIILLLLAAGGEE The Lyceum at Unity Village is an annual educational symposium open to teachers, writers and students of spiritual and theological studies around the globe, and is being held at the Village from November 3 to 6 this year. We are looking for original songs written for the Lyceum which will be performed during the evening programs.


Speakers for this event include Bishop John Shelby Spong, feminist theologian Nancy Howell, and biblical scholar Bart Ehrman. The theme of the 2008 Lyceum is "Culturally Christian, Spiritually Unlimited". If you are interested in having a song considered for inclusion in this program, please send a lead sheet (lyrics, melody line, and chords) of your work, preferably accompanied by an MP3 (demo quality is fine). The only guidelines are that songs be new compositions that are written especially for The Lyceum, and are in harmony with the event's theme and content. Song submissions are accepted through email to [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]?subject=Lyceum%202008> or through regular mail to Dale Worley, PO Box 6893, Lee's Summit, Missouri, 64064. For more information about the Lyceum, visit http://www.lyceum2008.com

Help keep this section updated with music-related events and conferences by sending your information to [email protected]


Help us keep this section updated with your favorite helpful links by sending your suggestions and comments to [email protected]

Record Production and Music Consulting An invitation from Daniel Nahmod Hello friends -- As we approach the end of 2008, I wanted to let you know about two areas of my musical life that I'll be expanding in coming months. First, record production. For 2009, I'm accepting submissions to produce other artists. If you'd like me to give your material a listen, send 5-10 songs (demos, simple live recordings, or previous album tracks are all acceptable) on CD to PO Box 1130, Santa Monica, CA 90406, or drop me an email with a myspace or website link. I'll be selective about projects I take on (making sure that style, songs, and personalities are all a good fit) but I can promise you a broadcast-ready finished product -- and a powerful and joyful creative process -- if we do work together. Together, we will capture your musical essence, take your music to the next level, and make a recording you will treasure for the rest of your life. Second, music consulting. If you have been building a singer/songwriter career and are wondering how to increase your income and/or exposure; if you've been working a day job and are contemplating taking the leap into music full-time; if you'd like to take your songs or performances to a next level and don't quite know how; or if you simply have some strategic or business questions to ask, I'm ready and willing to help. email: [email protected] phone: (888) 964-6683 web: http://www.danielnahmod.com/Daniel

Custom String Parts Beautiful string parts arranged and played by Tim Lorsch at his studio in Nashville are now available. The parts are composed for and recorded on violin, viola and cello using high-end tube mics and preamps. Samples are available at http://www.TimLorsch.com The process is started by contacting Tim at the email link below. If you wish, you may send him an mp3 of your project and he will respond with ideas and a quote. Fiddle and


mandolin are, also, available. [email protected] ****************************************************************************

www.thecdseller.com Make sure they see your CD! The CD Seller is the perfect solution if you don't have a merchandise table and the perfect addition or replacement if you do. CD holder and cash box attaches to a microphone stand. If you have more than one title to sell, I have sets of CD dividers with tabs available. Jeff Kartak [email protected] 612/208-0071 ************************************************************************* HOUSE ON THE CORNER STUDIOS Attention New Thought Artists, Established as well as the Up and Coming: . Award winning producer Ted Jacobs @ House at the Corner Studios will create Master Quality Recordings tailored to your unique artistic vision. Ted's work has been featured in film, television, and on the radio - your finished product will be of the same quality. If you can conceive it; together we can achieve it! For a free consultation; email [email protected] or call (818) 358-2287 to discuss your project and get started!


SingSpirit positive words & music is a Nashville-based independent record label and music publishing company specializing in songs that deliver positive, encouraging and uplifting messages. Principles Sean & Laurie O’Shea–each singer-songwriters in their own right – are now eagerly promoting other up-and-coming positive artists.” (www.SingSpirit.net)

WWEEBBSSIITTEESS OOFF IINNTTEERREESSTT http://www.unity.org/info-exchange.html Info Xchange – on the Association of Unity Churches International website. Post and browse. www.positivemusicassociation.com Scott Johnson Executive Director 303-581-9083

http://www.watf.info/ (We Are The Future – International Song Project) http://www.peace.tv/ http://www.musiciansoncall.org http://www.musicbovine.com NEW THOUGHT WEB RADIO STATIONS

The Voice of an Awakening World – www.unity.fm


Live call in. Programs on Metaphysics, Books, New Thought Music, Bible and more.

www.ncradio.us ****************************************************************

http://www.onevibrationradio.org/. Listen to music specifically programmed to open your heart, touch your soul and lift your spirit—24 hours a day, seven days a week.

This website was created as a home for “New Thought” music. We are committed to providing a place for artists and listeners alike to share this wonderful music. www.quantumquest.org

COPYRIGHT INFORMATION http://www.churchca.com Church Copyright Association – Administration, Consultation,

Education www.mpa.org Music Publishing Association – info on copyright law; locate

publishers for clearances. www.NMPA.org National Music Publishers Association www.loc.gov U.S. Copyright office; select copyrights www.copyright.com CCC – Copyright Clearance Center www.stanford.edu Stanford University; select fair use or copyright issues www.benedict.com Copyright registration & information www.findlaw.com FindLaw Entertainment: Music: Legal Resources www.joinhands.com LicenSing Copyright-cleared music for churches www.ccli.com Christian Copyright License Inc. – blanket licenses for

Contemporary Christian music.

MEDIA PRODUCTION House On the Corner Studios Award winning producer Ted Jacobs will create Master Quality Recordings tailored to your unique artistic vision. If you can conceive it; together we can achieve it! For a free consultation; call (818) 358-2287 to discuss your project and get started! www.SmoothJazzBackingTracks.Com Custom backing tracks, custom midi sequencing, sing along tracks, and a whole lot more. Owned and operated by former Unity music director Martin Funderburk. http://www.MusicSUBMIT.com/ib The Web’st#1 site for Online Music Promotion We submit your music EPK to genre-specific Internet radio stations, music webzines, podcasts, and more. www.GateMusic.com The Gate Media Group; production; printing; Ph: 510-558-9045 www.CorpMedia.com Corporate Media Group; production, etc. Ph: 800-981-7856 www.discmarketing.com Disc Marketing Inc.; fundraising music sales; Ph: 626-795-2370


MUSIC HOUSES www.giamusic.com GIA Publications Inc. Music for the church. Ph: 800-GIA-1358 www.cscd.com Central South Christian Distribution. Ph: 800-757-0856 www.oup-usa.org Oxford University Press. Ph: 212-726-6000 www.WorshipToday.com Sheet music subscription service. Ph: 800-992-2144 www.spin360.com Student Praise Interactive Network – music membership service

MUSIC MAGAZINES www.newagereporter.com A site dedicated to the New Age Music industry. www.indiebible.com/newsletter - Dozens of new places each month to promote your music plus

other invaluable information for indie artists. www.galaris.com Free monthly newsletter for independent musicians containing:

Promotion tips, Career advice, Recording tips, Legal advice, Musician’s health, Radio promotion, Songwriters tips, Industry news, and more.

www.Groupmag.com Group Magazine – Christian resources www.yourchurch.net Your Church – includes articles on music. Ph: 800-493-9900

MUSIC SALES & SERVICES FINALE Help www.lyralindamusic.com Linda Missad Engraver / Composer / Arranger Pianist / Keyboardist (616) 453-6829 www.AgapeMusic.com Christian Internet Music Store. Ph: 651-436-1795 www.soundstrue.com Tibetan, Muslim, Hindu, Moroccan, Eastern music. Ph: 888-303-9185 www.NET4Music.com Downloadable sheet music & MIDI files www.intuitivesound.com Acoustic, percussion, voice tapes & CDs. Ph: 770-998-2163 www.mflp.com Music for Little People. Ph: 800-409-2457 www.NewThoughtMusic.com Resources for music directors – from Gregg Akkerman www.aquarius-music.com Music for reiki, �harka, sufi. Ph: 800-283-4655 www.innerpeacemusic.com Meditative music by Steven Halpern www.soundings.com New age meditational music. Ph: 800-937-3223 [email protected] Mozart music with a New Age sound; meditational. Ph: 888-384-3732 www.whitecloudmusic.com Meditational; New Age music. Ph: 615-771-9393 www.Christianbook.com Christian products, including music www.Lifeway.com Christian resources www.songs.com Music sales & downloads www.interlinc-online.com Youth leaders music resources www.vitalworship.com Worship products www.Sacredworldmusic.com Large variety of music that lists all music as sacred www.saw.org Songwriter’s Assoc. of Washington www.springhillmedia.com Meditative & other music recordings www.valley-entertainment.com Great artists and compilations. My favorite; “Lullabies from The Axis of Evil” reviewed this issue.

SOFTWARE COMPANIES www.fowlerinc.com Worship software; video & data projection; Ph: 800-729-0163



Unity Church of Charleston is looking for a new Music Minister. The position is part time. The salary is $11,000, two paid weekends off, and unpaid weekends off negotiable. No other benefits at this time. Here are the requirements. • Passion for and knowledge of Unity/New Thought ideas/Healthy Prayer Consciousness • Ability to put together a top notch Sunday music program for two services, 9:30 and 11:15 • Ability to work from 8:30 to 12:30 on Sundays, including Christmas Eve and Easter. • Skill base with sound systems • Skill base with computer, Internet and LCD projecting as we use all three on Sundays • Work with a classically trained pianist who is paid by the church. The music program is eclectic. • Good People skills

Unity Church of Charleston is one of the most, if not the most, diverse churches in Charleston. Very charming town, historical, beautiful, artsy, cultural. And yes, hot right now! We’re in an urban setting. Please email resumes to Rev. Ed Kosak at [email protected] or fax 843-566-0600

Unity on the Mountain, a progressive Christian ministry is in the throws of exciting change and growth. To compliment our new energy and forward progression, we are searching for an experienced, professional, energetic, forward-thinking pianist with leadership abilities. Must be able to lead congregational singing and be sensitive to group energy; lead an adult choir to its greatest abilities; accompany vocalist/soloist; provide/improvise background music appropriate for meditation; and play a variety of musical styles. As the Music Director, s/he must be both a self starter and a team player. Unity or similar background preferred. Part time, salary negotiable. Send resume to Rev Don Foster, Unity on the Mountain, 21 Rosedene Ave, Hamilton ON Canada, L9A 4W3, or [email protected].

******************************************************************* Send your comments and suggestions to [email protected] Please feel free to forward this email to a friend. To unsubscribe hit reply and type "unsubscribe" and your name in the letter field. To sign up for any of the Association's e-letters, go to www.unity.org/contact-us.html

Association of Unity Churches International 401 SW Oldham Pkwy Suite 210

Lee’s Summit, MO 64081


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THESE THREELyrics: Rev. William GillMusic: Albert Miller

© 2007 A Miller / W Gill ALMOE PROD

8985 SW Chevy CircleStuart, Fl 34997772 463-7681