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conceptual physicssir imran khaliqPhysics-P1-Ch1-MeasurementsQ1:- An arc equal to half of the radius sutended angle of _____ at the center of circle.A) Pi RadB) 2Pi RadC) 1/2 Rad ???D) 1/2 Pu Rad Q2:- An arc equal to radius of circle sutended and angle of____ at the center of the cirlce.A) 1rad???B) 2radC) pi radD) 1/2 Rad Q3:- Maximum value of solid angle for closed surface isA) 2Pi radB) 2Pi srC) 4Pi sr???D) 360 degree Q4:- The angle subtended at the center of the sphere by an area of its surface equal to half of square of its radius isA) 1 SrB) 2 SrC) 1/2 Sr??? Q5:- Which one is least multipleA) ExaB) femtoC) Atto???D) nano Q6:- Mass of an object is measured to be 8.00010^3 Kg by a scale whose least count is 10 Kg. the number of significant figures in measured mass isA) 4B) 3???c) 2 Q7:- Number of digits after the decimal point in the elast count of measuring instrument is calledA) PrecisionB) degree of precision???C) Accuracy Q8:- Age of earth is approc.A) 1.410^17 years???B) 5 10^5 yearsC) 1.410^-17 years Q9:- a measurement taken by a meter rod is 25.5cm. the percentage uncertanity in measurement isA) 0.4%???B) 4 %C) 0.004%D) 0.04% Q10:- Dimension of cofficent of viscosity areA) [ML^-1T]B) [ML^-1T^-1]???C) [MLT]D) [MLT^-1] Q11:- In CGS system unit of dynamic viscocity isA) poise???B) Ns/mC) N/m2D) None Q12:- one poise =______A) 0.1 Ns/mB) 0.1 pascal second???C) 1.0110^5 N Q13:-The dimentions of 1/root(Meunotepslonot)A) [LT^-1]???B) [ML^2T^-2]C) ML^2T^-3] Q14:- The dimension of [MLT^-1] refders to quantityA) momentum???B) angular frequancyC) Angular displacementD) Acceleration Q15:- one light year = _____A) 9.510^-15 mB) 9.510^15m???C) 3.153610^-10m Q16:- The dimensions [ML^2T^-2] refers to the quantityA) WorkB) Spring constantC) TorqueD) Both A & C??? Q17:- State the physical Quantity represented by [MLT^3 ?^-1] Where ? is representing the unit temperatureA) Thermal capacity of bodyB) Thermal conductivity???C) Entropy Q18:- Unit of luminious flux isA) KelvinB) Lumen???C) LuxD) Candela Q19:- One fermi is equal toA)10^-6 henryB)10^-15m???C) 10^-13 faradD) 10^-12m Q20:- The dimension of magnetic flux areA) [MT^-2 I^-1 L^2]B) [MT-1 L^2 Q-1]C) NoneD) Both A & B??? Q21:- Dimensions of planks constantA) [MT^-2L^2]B) [MT^-4L^2]C) [MT^-1L^2]??? Q22:- DImensions of [IT] refers toA) Electric charge???B) CurrentC) Electric feildD) Electric flux