Gospel Doctrine Lesson Seventeen Purpose: To help class members understand that we must be willing to sacrifice the things of this world to obtain a place in the kingdom of heaven What shall I do that I may inherit eternal life? The love of riches: Researchers at the University of Utah and Harvard University recently completed a study that found that for $10 million 25% of Americans would abandon their families, 23% would become a prostitute for a week, 16% would give up their American citizenship, 16% would leave their spouse, 13% would give up their kids for adoption, and 7% would kill a stranger. Think of it. In a gathering of 100 Americans, there are 7 who would consider killing you if the price was right. In a gathering of one thousand there would 70. Gulp. Even more revealing than what Americans would do for ten million dollars is that most would do something. Two-thirds of those polled would agree to at least one, if not several, of the above options. The Rich, Young Ruler Mark 10:17- What an amazing image! Imagine this Gucci-clad, handsome, aristocrat, coming and kneeling at the feet of a Galilean peasant. Mark 10:19- Of course the Savior loved him! He was humble, he had a testimony of the divinity of Jesus Christ, and he had always striven to be obedient. What qualities do you have that the Savior sees when he looks at you?

New Testament Lesson 17

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Worksheet to correspond to the LDS Gospel Doctrine New Testament Curriculum

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  • Gospel Doctrine Lesson Seventeen Purpose: To help class members

    understand that we must be willing to sacrifice the

    things of this world to obtain a place in

    the kingdom of heaven

    What shall I do that I may inherit eternal


    The love of riches:

    Researchers at the University of Utah and

    Harvard University recently completed a

    study that found that for $10 million 25% of

    Americans would abandon their families, 23% would become a prostitute for

    a week, 16% would give up their American citizenship,

    16% would leave their spouse, 13% would give up their kids for adoption,

    and 7% would kill a stranger. Think of it. In a

    gathering of 100 Americans, there are 7

    who would consider killing you if the price was right.

    In a gathering of one thousand there would 70.

    Gulp. Even more revealing than what Americans would do for ten million dollars is

    that most would do something. Two-thirds of those polled would agree

    to at least one, if not several, of the above


    The Rich, Young Ruler

    Mark 10:17- What an

    amazing image! Imagine this Gucci-clad,

    handsome, aristocrat, coming and kneeling at the feet of a Galilean


    Mark 10:19- Of course the Savior loved him! He was

    humble, he had a testimony of the divinity of Jesus Christ, and he

    had always striven to be obedient. What qualities do you have that the Savior sees when he

    looks at you?

  • Keep back nothing. For nothing that you have not given away will be really yours. Nothing in you that has not died will ever be raised

    form the dead. Look for yourself, and you will find in the long run only hatred, loneliness, despair, rage, ruin and decay. But look for

    Christ and you will find Him, and with Him, everything else thrown in. CS Lewis

    I love the phrase, Nothing in you that has not died will ever be

    raised from the dead. What are you holding on to, determined to keep it alive all by yourself? What are you afraid to hand over to the Savior? For the rich, young ruler it was temporal security. For me, I think it is control of my future, my plans. What about you?

    What happens to the rich, young ruler? IMPORTANT NOTE: This is NOT doctrine. It is only my personal opinion..

    I believe that Mark, the apostle who penned this book of scripture

    may be the rich, young ruler. There is some evidence in the scriptures for this. In Acts 12 we are told the the disciples held a

    large prayer meeting in Marks mothers house in Jerusalem., indicating that he came from a family of means. Additionally, we are told that Mark was the youngest of the apostles. Finally, while the story of the rich, young ruler is told in the books of Matthew and Luke as well, only Mark includes the detail, And Jesus looking

    on him, loved him. This seems to be a personal detail that only the rich, young ruler himself would have known.

    Finally, there in another story told only by Mark. It is found in Mark 14:50-52. Read it now. Perhaps the inclusion of this incident by Mark is his way of telling us that the rich, ,young ruler who

    went from Jesus so sad, did not remain that way. Perhaps, instead after having thought things over, this rich, young ruler gave up his inheritance and became a disciple of Christ who, in the end, even gave up his robe, his only earthly possession, that he might

    gain eternal life.

  • But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? So is he that layeth up treasure for

    himself, and is not rich toward God. Luke 12:20-21

    Why does money tempt us to do things we wouldnt do for any other reason?

    Describe the balance between preparing financially for the future and hoarding our wealth?

    What pressures in our society cause us to define ourselves by our possessions?

    Which of your possessions would be the hardest to let go?

    Worldly materialism equates a persons worth with a persons bank balance. You got a lot = you are a lot. You got a little =

    you are little. The consequence of such a philosophy is predictable. If you are the sum of what you own, then we feel pressure to own it all. No price is too high. No payment

    is too much. There is no magic number that determines when we have too much or have started putting money before God. That point is defined not by what something costs, but by what it costs you. If anything costs you your faith or your family, or

    your virtue, the price is too high

  • Parable of the Great Supper Luke 14:16-20

    Jewish Culture

    It was the custom to invite people to the same dinner twice. Once before the host purchased the food and

    made preparations., and once after everything had been prepared.. Those who accepted the first

    invitation were then counted. The meal was prepared according to the number who accepted the invitation. The more people coming, the more

    food had to be prepared. For example, a chicken would be for 2-4 guests, a duck for 5-8, a lamb for 10-15, a sheep for 15-35, and a calf

    for 35-75. In other words, the amount and type of meat made

    depended entirely upon the number of people who accepted the

    invitation. Once an animal has been killed it must be eaten soon or else it will spoil. Therefore, to back out at the last minute was extremely be rude. The invited guest was duty

    bound to attend the banquet. The guests in this parable had already

    committed to attending. They are all backing out, not at the first invitation, but at the second, when the servant proclaims that the food is done and

    they are ready for the party to commence.

    Faithfulness will find a way. Indifference will find an excuse.

    Elder Uchtdorf said, In this age of self-justification and

    narcissism, it is easy to become quite creative

    at coming up with excuses for not

    regularly approaching God in prayer,

    procrastinating the study of the scriptures,

    avoiding Church meetings and family

    home evenings, or not paying an honest tithe

    and offerings. My dear brethren, will you please look inside your hearts and ask the simple question:

    Lord, is it I? Have you disengagedeven slightlyfrom the

    gospel of the blessed God, which was

    committed to [your] trust?6 Have you

    allowed the god of this world to darken

    your minds to the light of the glorious gospel

    of Christ?