OEM =MEI ' 7 .••••• ••• z• ENIEI EZ=g ! ; ;./ " 4.. MBE ,••••:••,.;,; ~. C!' ••••••••• ,••• ULU :; ..~ ~~ ~~L• •;!"•-•••:‘, . e : -) 'WY -t, ':' 1 ! ;ie;i• 1 :. 4400• -Ap• +.-. " •' '•;1: )i••• , . 4-I,IN ;`'l: 44' 1;.; ; 41 , 1' 't N:- F. ;:; : r. MEE K=E MIIIII w: ,~~ ~. ~.5 :.3~ 11.1 14' ' '4s4 ====. bur It Out lectossion-Judgo --Ftildits-.A - littepliens. , a. Nitigoklet. It is well known that the present Vice President of the Confederacy made. speech strongly opposed to secession in the Geor- gia Convention of January, 1851. The fol- lowing extrinter - will: show howclearly-ha. parcentol the iniquity, end foresaw the re- eultant the meaSur* :, t this St etreneWtaked - lould never be rotta4l4*S ell the baleful and Withering santemiumiettailitt must Allow' (ea:they Wegoll Mai) will rim' the!nonventlioi for nil *Wig thee:, When we, and'imrpester- 'ltYShia see our lovely. South desolated by the demon of war which Ws act of yiours willinevitably invite and call forth; when our green feldsof waving harvests shall he trodden dowit b r - the . murdineus 'Soldiery and Seri* oiler of war sweeping over our land our temples of justice Mid in sallea; all horrors and_desolations of war upon• us; who but this convention will be held responsible for it? and Who but him who shall have given hie : vote for this unwise and ill-timed mann (as I honestly think and believe) shall be held to strict aceonnt for this sureldal'aot, by thepresent genera. , tion, and probably cursed and execrated by posterity for all -coming time, for the wide and desolating ruin that will inevitably fellow this, not you now propose•to perpe-. trate. Pause, I entreat Yoe; and consider for_ a moment _what -maltse -yea can give that will even satisfy yourselves in coaluier , mo- ments—what reasons you can 107810 your fellow sufferers in the !calamity , that it will bring upon us I What reason can you gin to the great nations of the earth to justify it? They will be the calm and deliberate judges LIAO case, and Meths& cause or oss overtect can you name or point, on which to res t the plea of juiti; floationi What right has the North email-I ed? What interest of the South has been invaded? . What justice has been denied? and what claim founded in justice and right has been -withheld ? Can either of you to-day , name one governmental act of wrong, deliberately and purposely done by the goverruzient of Washington, of which the South has aright to complain? "chal- lenge the answer[ ' •••• I must declare here, as limn often done before, that which hasbeta repeated by the greatest and wisest of statesmen and.pa- triots in this and other landa that it is the _beet and freest government—the most equal In its righta—the most just in it, decisions—the moat lenient in its measures, aid the most inspiring in its principles to' -elevate the race of men, that, ; the sun of 'heaven ever nhono upon. ' Now, for you to attempt' to overthrow such a government as_ this, under which we have lived for more than three-quarters of a oentexy-,--in which we have gained our wealth, our standing as asratlon,our do- mestic safety while ) the elements 'of peril are around us, with Peace and tranquility, accompanied with unbeinded prosperity and rights ,unasealled--is the- height of madness,folly and wickedness, to which I can neither lend my sanction nor my vote: The arnespndent of the London Time*, writing from Richmond under date of March 23, uses language strongly coorrobo- radios of Mr: Stepiend predictions. Ha says WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 27 04.7 NlO - 001114TY CONVIIIIO- - kw! voters of Alleghway own. e 1 ent sopporteen of the iliminittralton I do rteoneas proocation of the War On the rasa.. we requested to meet et Malt asnel Own of boletus e'er:Mons, oallat171111 .11:ntliehOth day of Nay last, b..me the tot fietwdep of Oft month, In Oa attar. woe atesidAsp e to Went tire delegates bow web Wek.. dietelet and pinoinot he the heantf; tO ;meet Own in the Union Oanventton. which VIII OleienbleI. the Gmrt Bow%t* the Oily of Pitts. hettlhenet TIIIIIDAIrtibe 24 day of Ann Drat richt* s. is. of meld 'day. The DION* of - the One. tendon le to oleo, In nno.latba oandblabinfix the taming ofikeeolls Pmennee ledge ef [twee Oetet. , Jebe Min 21n iers of rer Ile How of Repreemieffres. =eeie. Opfer O lf 1L. .t0 lOes Ow* ! Ose OknoLr qf the fowl one Deletenes I. the are. IMMO 01.... g... The primary nteettnis will t o add ta the Twit. MP! OzooPtilt Peobiessal Collins.) between the bolus at wad Veheek p. erl in the Wards and IMtenehe fad to Peebles sad Clallan "'primps ell. - twain the boon al d fads p: tn._ Thetotre hlb. dales-sad bowman to be by in bailoa ta ,nad InIbit:tnienalapa by ballot ormarlung, ma thtownship tray delan_ by alder °lib§ anuandttaa. . wiL B. xamar, JOB. BITTEMBLAS eliatairter lifileillifirss YOB lELipiarS, MUM DR. mnest emus arooD OIL . Tao capture of Vicksburg. We maynow speak of this object of long and must deeire, - and of immense labor, as an accomplished fact. It is hardly pos. Bible to exegprate the importance of the acidevement, WNW itfrom what standpoint we may, whether path* or material.. Let- us glance briefly 'at a fiw of the results. Is thi irst 'place, it opens the Mismesippl. throughout its entire length, restoring to tea millions of loyal pe9le 114.1 'y outlet, to the ocean, and opens up twat more that valuable commerce . with the lick cotton and sugar region* from which the pimple of Gut North have been:s long debaned, we say it opens theblitsiselpid, n bicsitee, Picks- be having fallen, the onlyr , eassining im- pediment, nt Port Hideo; will quietly be brushed away. —. In the next place it severs Arkansas, Taus and Western Louisiana from the Contfederaey, thus reducing it at a- tingle blow to little , more than half- the territory' to which it NO prindly laid claim; at the same time it ante off one of its largest and lost reliable sonnies of supply. It thoroughly breaks up the extensive oontraband trade with foreigners which the !obeli have enjoyed ever since the war be- gan, by way of the Rio Grande, and through the interior of Texas. It leaves the Government of the Irnion ~how to reestablish its auGkority in every part of the extensive region lying west of the Illaideappi, thus restoring three Slates and all the outlying territory to the Union. It eco broshe the power of the Confeder- ate Government in the State of Missisaippi, tura previsional government COO at once I be established and maintained, as in Ten- Resole and Loubiana; and it is said that the people, impoverished, humbled, and oink of war, the staff and power of its ar- Worsey broken, will gladly return to their allegiance to the beneficent government legalist which their insolent oppressors compelled them to fight. It will enable the GOvereunent to tkroW a greater faros towards the mountain re- gion to co-operate with Owe. Roexcaus, and enable hi* to drivethe army of Boca from the comparatively loyal region which it now °couples, thuspressing the rehelßan farther and farther towards the Atlantic , and the Gig leaving it not a single State wieet of the mountains. 'This great victorry will put an end to the vocation of our enemies on the other side og the AtiantlN for when they see their pit Confederacy, which they have labored so hard to nurse into nationst maturity, Mt in twain, they will past it from them. in a vile and Worthless Wig, unworthy of any further fostering care at their hands. Aldthe world will be very hien* now, so far as supreme wanness can be friendly. But we would not wrong the_worbk for sunhats of hearts will throb with joy when they shall 1100 this atrocious rebelllmi, and its still more abominable cease, perishing together- =LIME 8LOQU~; GODIIIII, BALLOW.. 11112111K1111. LULLI.; Midst Audio% offlies spark Mom. aolsoes Ilesaw Mom °Mir% 1011101 illasupw Mows eliers sepurs iessuitm. suairdisipormipsilL paipmea's aisombremaritiganamilpsik he mainles pro gra da.ralimeiAsiii.ftraisWir t , via._noingralsaL trir=amianaftssoNsa. iglievam l6eiwr. ask Mak Pori Mirk lbrialtigGOWN WAIL AdeWIN%Pal:lllm AT- ALEXANDER 'RATES'. - ireet. No 91 Filth Aida odor 11140 A , PAM/448d ,1111 W PUBigicaTiOn. Mal .1.11 ==M JOHN P. ININTII r., Rut s= aza esaidiss.4,ll,lll. Whiamy at LAW Apex. tranainiar. P&Piagat Lumina 111801110 HALL, FIRE KW= xsostesel iris/as Nopabrik alligswiratee. aitsalt aamenere Cliserb liirdwars Mimed' OWL am Mali st OM% s an Pik%M wrest =Am bee Mime INV ims st ' PoßilmarriP , GOODS, Pleeos sooord sfne o c e witch the 700lt ea= X•oltelflrNG 00W PAM" approved April lAt. U 101„ the iumisorgeol WM cm books CP lIIPPITS late erfpfloes the Woolf of meld company ea MONDAY. Wth last. at the 01100 Jaw% Wattbithe4 Ow, Twisty Wails, Great wad Water Anew, at 10 o'chr.k a. a. Pardie Intormalies 10 Mgt to deck plea of or. os, /Ph, toe apply is Naas. Jaw, Wefts. 0/11.111.18 A. imitate, JOUR It. neon, 1. IL JOllllB. W. W. P•TRIOX, h. WeLLI3ONO2D. JAB. L 1111/11111ST, ALIX. 011.1401, WM. L. ME/ (.1,, DAVID 11.101131 f. .•/.IZ. OMB, PitUburAA. mai /3.1883. OarponAwm. 101 okylik ffaleraille rwirySjised at kiwi aim ayes . se► ht/ K 4 ,M wirusururssr, impr, TlOll, 1111 , 3101A1S ral DOD=ilmry I have a. boa claws ext sa hi ay. Do do do 150 lb alln Dodo do ITS do dog Do do . do 100 do do; gal Flig ' re:n t=h, Idnreragy limgragy. Petah'lMAM. Lk. Pima% Ilikkasib lat. Nes. *it Salim .Beim . lassair isumbok issediad =mow , Ban /MD moor mama ODOM a aims' sad okuerws aarras4 snaolula- a tug Bout' Aim% Ms Twines art •411CONALII sad J*HmttAx'mp _ . ATTENTION, DISCHARGED. ISOLDolloPanaint t o Decant Orders dos 100. as ewe .4 SaroDatsat DIU /OHM dallies 4 o'clock p t0..0t their Zoom. Davao lemidthis strut, Pateturalt. whore 41sobatp4 arms NMI aolalara dualog so satire the lavolid amps, ma frt. mat thalamus toraasahtstlost Os tie DITS4Dt. J. So. /1111201/. Copia* so 16 sad Provost Wassaal ND D. D. Pb. °nun Itanboion Illonoonin ort tam on Polemonny tonnsit to on nit inane on IMO ink irlipeasiseingsrarres. bor. maw". OS Kuno own*I isor hos ma. WOVEN SKIRT! zipaum mum. Emu aou mum =ma Gm tsar= swam, acui, az ism:. sum camototai Jounaws, kater maskeasiest =Graff our 1117/114,116 gamin OW ifteksjimillit alias Is Wig messi wpk samon,rdwis Mireigsp. staili ' llidadiftaiilorhiv MILICOJEVIE Ili 78 mu* ftrest. COINS* ANIS 1.6114 led ii%/ONSA) Talk nit _ 808 kiAl4.-Contaising 57 r . e=vieU laproild. via IMI WI/MU* shines armed, fa XMa swift*•• truth ant Or OilyAper F atehhamlial= Jams Initiator, dooliall. Mill Ine ism Ulmer mi. Ala, •Mu WIG ILUA kiwi al vie kedia NW," irlll awns sans idlead, M M , hors amour ympimults. m=z Ina. Wia.R. sulk 716. 144•0 NEU% diallflocat 'ma. ra. cli V.LaisisAsoar. nes& sat amid Poe -- .-........+ berm oa taaairtaasta Ilaaveasoi l'lttabaralt. Kay 1100 . 1 111. obTRII DIREUTOIIB ofthis Company ban this day dotard /!.fend of 111141. Pam MUM. oat oft prolta of the bit dt lasatif, angina& to tbe asdaakm of stock tic stock notp stock to oink tally paid up. onde nd mal. a payable ot D ar. N. TOMMY, Priaabog: 1. anal ernouu afies. - wawa 144. - 4414 . Mindnodildinnno indite mond..4 los; asslibes Mon 4 on an WM m0de.9.44. Wear ,________lndandhd IMO' mar Ilhimpiess Oft. , , / 4111 031181/4. FILTROLITB OIL WOMB, ZURII/I=l CIALIaI 017, Chellial thaeradi and Nur we* 83281 054417, bopriden t or oft!. ktionissua. Rms. maxi" __ rp NOTIOII.%—A pnblio Meatirks'of legal Erman eche. of ainmaam.win b. -OW 12 .ItURIWA4TICA NALL, some at. Clarioa lad Ortattry itrotta,cot 21711gDAT .111111/119.6et1f 16th; at 'IX tech*. to hale arrtsgmhata he •• tog on ilactka tot delights t> tdassotair Cloaatg. Unloolharatittot. Asossor 10 Tt, tint Ohara= Mop -ax.. Cba• _ - am imr. O.OITIZ&Nti' 8ANZ...41 Opecdal blottingof ttu Atockhobicre etMc Beat am to hod on TOZODAT, 6A.1 1 Jawbed, IA coottOor the Replay at orpandar, of it co pcoo: Mob* Audit tar act of the tart Otiopross of tko Q. 0., entitled An Act to provide a Ilitional Our FBAs. Alll/481At INlAldtat. ,PittonoriA. Not ad. 116 L torklia PARTNIBSEUP NOTICIB.—We Lai ! Adidas moslabd id& so la tie lobby KW bsolaiss A. J. bf/Lb. Ilta styls oil Ile lam to to Sift; sassy a Mb, no Isatoottlity ell Mk* 010 Olt day. The Oil Mows 01/1 be lorded as by tbo aallookosi l as bassat o so. Ka SitkUSl. *NM i OW/. Ltrot 013-Ailm% Limit Lbwr 11ME1, 4 Dr. Odmit's Dr. El , cnliiUn . jti.oia .••••••••••;ov..lB6 8.11.a7CE3, as 30c:A;vir ii_ii L?.efitatiJsa.—Tium rodownsion /kiwis of $ag Cooper Vint Anita saaa tharpia, will castlaut arta at ths ellarlia hert Ouwelat Malaita Jtlaca. FMartist, can/ Mar wile& IONA/ Jite xmasiriaur. maw 1. NM. RIPUIO (MAU i DULL lit.w•etents y ap ireripies y two pal foll Zia. Aa. Ilifaueenstruist oar lofts via a making MU41 Ma oi WWI% soweetaly NU& a Yon of Os teed& Aar Oda,, a. w . use Ilialiadda said Nita Wawa.imsl na BALI AT Al. POZTOWS WM BACQ U E JPOzrztrual, .rOTIOBIL mgraviallors PROTOGRAPII ROON ism nrez AID =am num ott swim err illfteissale Jewelry IWO Premarix, ?a. CIAO WIL4IIIII, [1:A 1 313101BLY.--JoHN J. Cm, of eitoloorio. will b. promo:Ueda, consUitsto tor abo Oboe Nonloth NO:leo to Ms doolmos of lb, two. omit, boooutto.. 13.1633:188 CF003:08. pLATBOAT CAMSTrOuieit bat- Sig SWtie peat. la Ikea& rt•sr. nal% !OA% aerial !de. alsalse. Derams osia se Balm' Us erase is sepaslsa se sum kromplM ripprith DM temps sake IS a& fir a et Mil sessedearls at t maistb .irayarwai AWN . a OW 11D11. 800124 AT OLD PRIME, AT If the civilized powers of Europe could only- witness' thi misery which is,' from every seas Of tall once favored continent,' crying aloud to Heaven, it could scarcely be butlhat they would risk some charms of failure rather than permit humanity to be outraged by a continuums of much excess of anguish as has Visited no nation Zinn the sword list leaped from its' scabbard, and the human heart wse first sown with the bitter seedof iiidictivaisea ad hate. rOll. a MB6Y, /Loci B. Biz. isa—linar Biases. of JtsiopillNSlolll. ship. wf.l prow: his same noshistiall Ott, V. a.mbly to ths Unkh . Osairshtioia. to to hahl - *Mos PNOTOOZAIIII. le siva Me ri etib• *shad; 'he pardse dab Thai Chiba aril Ws lbs. BARKER &: CO.'B, eiat. ail - NAST SIMON - fr - PREciIDENT JUDGE OP 2118 D 1 ?MOt OWIELT..-1 =Ku /111.asetung. Seq.. (of &kb llaalrunnall) Wit be lugd tat sow buulca tr the &Wreak*, toga. the oesdag Masa amity Coamratioa, b 7 _ - arilbdavto 11AaT DIELXGATIL to N N •11211Zit ALAILS .11AA,••4111. pap sasstliaMs iniimers st 4.11/Arnthr NIB sal Lir Msfa CIATAI•OI'. ltliA A. to MU% hums aßtinuaiu. II awl teem urnmuialoar arms m• ammumbi r m : alum "raw WIN: mai is Mr. POZTIAlaleveN mums* spa tie si. Irstia et es mob MCI EMI le 6.411170111111114 7d44lllllllllllathigiak I, mid brads. &dim MOS WNW,. . sir CALL Annan-yea - Tie Ramberg .Exposttioa....Ualon resting la Germany. A Hamburg oorrespoadeat of the New Yerk lons* Post, 'writing about the In- terastlonal Exhibition to be helci at Kern. berg, says: "Tits steamship oompally have put doext the prima to delegates- sad contributors as fo am, $l6 86; third llows: First elmdeur, s fa $ r% iddi " second d23 12. .2be diFereat daohles La Germany mate. 4r. harsisome sums to aid la this mat- Atreus 'in Minnesota. We noticed lately that the notes of pre- motionfer another outbreak were being heard among the Indians of Minnesota. General Pope has determined to anticipate trouble, rather than await its full develop- ment then punish its &alms. A let- ter to the Daily Tapia tastes' that five of the ten regiments raised in Minnesota for the Union will Ale retained at home until the Indian dispute Is settled. An expedi- tion to subdue the Sioux is all but ready to start It comprises the 6th, 7th and 10th rtgimentica battery of tirtillem and a.ro. gimentof mounted rangers enlisted.for the Indianwar. Two hundred and fifty wagons I will accompany the expeditio, which sets I out from Port &alibi, st ile n Junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota riven. Brig. Gen. Sibley, who bas had valuable experi- ence la war with the aborigines, will take the command: Gen. pope's headquarters will continue at Milwaukee. The 9th Minnesota regiment will remain at Fort Bidgely,' to protect the Southwest ern border, while the Bth 000tipies Porte ltipleY and Abercrombie, near the Nortli ern border. ' Atioording to this writer, the Sioux num- ber About tweive. thousand, of whom nearly Ave thousand are warriors, under,the too oelebrated Little ,Crow. They are encamp- 'ed near DeviroLake. About, two thousand have firearms; the rest are provided with boo and anon eta. There appears to' be trouble brewing be- tween the ChipPeways, who inhibit the Bed river country, and the Sioux, of whom some have been murdered lately by the former. The removal of 'both tribes is so- cordingly agitated, with a probibility. of itirtaking place before long. The last of the Winnebago.' lave by this time been conveyed to their new home near Port Randall, in Daootait. They now number only 1600 souls. ''The new. reservation for the condemned ilieni is in the same neigh- borhood,aid 400 of their number have al- ready beim,sent forward to Guit desrlime Gen. AESIMBLY, (North Ms of *be Ohio IMO —Joss B. Lumair' at sitactigur, viii ho a emblem he the time Vl* t umsetton. labiOti Is tat dtekkee of the mu 1711ele Chen. 111111148 NSW &LC CIRCULARS us plum alms& 1 1111Plhass assaws, sad edirika gum. wOR CCIUNTY TEEAKIVac. Dana . Jr., et Amble. Urn aukaldato Anus lor the °Oak saldec* to de. chaos et thesat Mani Clasnatles. sytte rwarrariosmms, Puma Or T OM. :maul./ /BLOOD lIILUOrn WOULD MVO POII3OIVO KID WSW PQM& LlPS nai aiLKOO . /IWCO2I. 1/1 cwiscnuerssost• P ainisors mina corWmaz swan w. all Mak TOWILLV Z 1 POO POOOl stvarra rassamAloss. WWI JOINIMm. wmacm a sum! J. M. Burchfield's. .11 - IPuR 00IINTY 00.1411:16810BEE. ...ALL= Dtmit, I. lttabwiliptibmo„ 4=te the Sloth Ileatddyrill be a voseteate be uoloodutoort. euVoot to the 'esthete of Woo Oak* Ehe:mty Ooareottoo. itylltte _ _ itspasham If za•D rres, UM UM* sav~aas auks awn" wax= Krim s~oom Mimi 808 COUNTY OOMMISKONEIL —Baum Laza se tie Olk• •• Pltadength will be beton the Mikis Cloasty earradika a• emeldsta Mr the stereo elm. antes Maw woo AAA 1.14414 Nile are all rejoiced in Ecutoie to 1110 110 Mae* teary displayed in the 4:Conduct of . war, ead mash more to see the 'cop- periMair federalists dwindling into insig- sinance.- These men ars more despised inikirepe than they are at home. Wood,. -- Wahaarlighein, Ito., are ezearatedbylivery- body. Ton know that the Germens, being so intimately connected with our: country, are very generally Union. They areshow- lag their good wilkfor our mimicry by send- from all parts of Germany' thousands of:dollars Minted, in United States six psi lent. coupon stocks. Within the past two weeks I know of over $400,000 mint over for that parree. This muss finally ,- ,himolt downextthengies some TE , NOB COUNTY COJIMISSION :1: Guam AlAnnamt, of nu. .m Amaglaa• lbr Omar Opougye.... 4sch3on of the nut gram uoaausaa. r!==!sl aall Mass is 4.v. enuaa. TillaitiaMalktraeowseettolitar eas, it.li ,4 PaavelOas PLUMBEIK loilinlall =NAM imilft Va. mil No MI Ming mew vito NM lOU IWO* MILD PIM BAB IMAM OM -BM= BO ' Bilfali aTAlSMni iv 1.. . _aIiaIOI.III44OBABULIBIS. MB az. . Ao. AU mok vommOsi SD Sheillill! 211 Lwid. Mask 2134 riAl3l JIM LIZIMIN Dram; ' woe poops. maw sot as oir spa" Iter Vag IWPOR COUNTY COMIIIItsiIIONBIL --J. CLoChtholot4 Ilheepeton. win be s candidatefor the abate oubject to the dahlia et the burl Milos Ocetatl Oonveuthis. RO.II. WiroßDßE.—AzDam Ifir -Sr CUBA, of MILLtonroahlp, be coo& da.• for flooonlor, Wood to tie doefaloa of the aost (Won Guist, Clouessittai. aplei• Bunt sh.t. Jusrm s?ji3j Ornal="10. WIMP. 3L., WHITIII in 1212 MILL. *UM mime ' ammirmartrauft , IMILUMMORMI/RIMMIGR AMIN 14 1 //t.16 u/SJin, TOSP/DOl/4 /LAGS, 011011 L REOORDIOL-Imt Els- m midas.LT, st ke tbs2 :=: = W4K4 aid, Pl_ oitetnirwa sh. tius,Unkla OamitOwastim -- . xa..vw. itAansta karbe Om Inas .oar Dept la Maler•Lska Ur kb alibraml -wan muting nearcupterak Webs lb Mlle thee aa all Pt wills.flail, 111 biLD caw cutaosaus PADarbilit Ibo bort abbot task - Oilbo mousbad and abibbills. 'i 1-: . MIS bin di /A WILL ambrobe et Ibpdial /hob Ow% MI Raba Las, mum et Wallis lamb, radii i Ifni Us. ri i• ff no NNW aOODd► -NNW --NOODNI: Ilimportiat Oster Dalaaalt Mem. stanceiT What plucesdlnge of an unusually in- esevethig astute are is progress it Is not an easy -matter to prevent reporter,. from getting a record of them; and aremarks- , . inseance of ingenuity on the Jut of some of this profession in Chicagola related fa the Subjoined paragraph:- , Tim Boger (scandal) cas nhich has lately tannthatedin Chicago„ e, go, was Intaadscl to be morel, but was faithfully reported' from day to day by the reporters of the Chicago napes, and 21-amme. The Bishop . 68d Condi held court in a room over a Hoak and Ladder Company, where no muthber wee allowod loom - But the re- portiere fixed a large suction hose into the shimmy Rue (In the lower room) which moilthe stove pipe from the roam above, aad by sitting dealt= the end of, the gdpe they could hear almost every void timothy, and were thus able to giv e a, toll report from day to day."- .-e-7" REGItITER.—kgAum Rix; at Pitt tanuldp, wal be usisuz• madtat it ta. dada. at thean" ibe Oftwatioo. Won Op® £** ON TIEN POTOMF4I4 Esuoiv, "Lacuna ak ton ow et iY. 11WWNW &U ST impala fr:ROR IifiNNOTER.-49x. G 1...., of u.0." the sooloson,toomm oolio% ,will to tatoildotelbr above Z MOANto Os &Moo of tho sou Ada Cbonto Gummino. =OM.. V. dethek is USidrVaadlonom VI4iMIP - *lftrAsholiesadrutek WFOR REGMTER,—Jua• muss torof i ti r si mp. Clair ecnnaidulal be a csa. lkonstfill! 131. 4114 (It) PIT! ti 11) ' -lit Alina AN, W. IN %,/ *TOM AND FOR NMI. - low MIL._bah% Olde asi Zatsits D. reirai ill°l3 ••• ' pidoesercip o r gi . Imo. DIM Mame; I NO Deb. Pored Paw_asq 4 lab. muitial94l6 - - ID blob Ili& la kola Wilde Ansa : , . 1 001. imam Xs raw I bbia, Waist i Mir Irraktoll ihilairi - 100 Mk. tut loft sal OW r 400 begs lake nos sail Irian A/Dirt ILOplias canal IMMOj . 111Waaata%ay arsesai - SO beau .A: IDbu W n. WWI. INtani ID Maki/UM 114•147. eat L. IL 110IWZ ils CIL 2111410PaL or ZED NOM alive -••-••••••_ 41 -•-, , .! 1111 & 11. . 00 ias I.Litila eiti *ND The UMW TM Ilkanausesiseil scar amp 11:4POlit BEWEITS.R. asbatory lozaam. WM to a candidate lb, it &Wan of WM% ago., of meaty.' sellfoot to tie Osoldasal N. Mike Cormatim mails Ihr alma saw ases boa arAsair. ►6v Goods & Notion., .putg- (.MUS. lilf TtliG WWI 11. —Jou IladateAot M Ohaithwe tew odd& trill b.. asadeiste ihe el the Mark, methfeit to, the deoldou et the 'ltalia ,Ceasty muhati ads..a.Aagie. JOHEW. ITMUC, so mu*aie Woo arsimisagi . &ID *MU BMW* Asa IT am LYPift4.ox4;.- The reservation Minnesota, formerly belonging .to the Sioux and Winnebagees, and comprising nearly a million of acres, Will shortly be Inthe market to the highest bidders, on condit,thn of laths! eel:dement. The land is spoken of as extremely fertile and the sitthition Oat of the borrors_pxperiexrd by the. pioneers. last Balmier, Wailes new era inthesettlement AMur -IeNIUL till MI irnt. —We. A. et rite a amulet* kr L an air Omuta at "I b. . 00=4. salted So tha &aka. at Matr Eresdniitair CkevratJaa. !Ora= MAINITOACITIMING MI SS FOR itaa—os. instal lad laa at llawa4or op at amass 171mig_ pot la (lay asl rms. 2, qimam OMat 1" e last abizo 114.10 -laripiaa 11 (h r el " . 2161-611 Pat Mar amair lo P.O. 00110120MOlf Balum Nem. aro York. at of WAIL ///. ast limb Maw A r trael. mill Was paamnyala sosa, eirmiNN, EN ilturszazu auratimst DM= 'AM/ au b. mad sr fie maimr. To 4XIMMY MERlCallpil &NH fi.."0111135. %WWII L Ootarotnalie knrukip. vat be wore the Mites amity Cieetseallea es asaLiesie tr Mei of the Omit& ' apkio a&CIRIJAI & 'l)o4' pm! NOR sum OE 31121.7, Ms. ax,a /9 Fun kkeik -A Pwe w ri , A serrreepoideaf of Ai) London Mar Ws that Dem Dr. Hoge, (late of _New York, who: is sow to England to procurre 'Bibles and religious plMioatione for the rebeln). applied to the fitutday School Union ht louden, for s donation s of their ribileations for the rebel siok in hoenlials. He vas asked if 'ail books Would , be us*, esarible to the slaves." He frankly rii; plied„ Kertainly not." The *imagers 1. um' rehised torespond to the regnant, and /is Cuas ntedmmagegl i tetdwe igh a y mi ut i t , larva donation of Bibles, and Aged in tba.&er that the Society insist 'upon an equal distribution of these among , the alarm The Err. Dr. Hoge Is 'likely to meet some plain questions in his Winnows, with Christianmen in England. t'; I,74ZEZif AMA a": e f . .4, lie g e the Seltit. The Nashville gninnzinklishit the mint of a gentlemic Who happening to *ander. outside our lines, and loins clothed in bat;' tend, was apprehended ea arebel &mitts: and -taken lo -Clutilantougapu' td Wale to Attu,* GeOrght.,:: Net ntadi idanaspefront .the latter plan' inti Tatuaises aritalowly 'worked his way to Nashville. Be found Union men numerous in Nerthern:qemlisi where they held weekly meetings in meant he . There an also a groat many. ,men evading oonsoript law bilyinghid in din WiOall and.nunntininil. Tkey shoot all the oon- script agents who, oome within reach of their:lBes. LiChinkee county; Alabinta, arm too abOut 100 deserts*. from Braggy y k refuge in a natural tortitioatton in 4and Noma; Where' they a &wising of Taxan Nation sew loarrest them. About theist °Puny a tight occur- red- hi Fentress' nountf'plin., four miles from Jamest own, a•-: of Unionists, =to Dan 1 Beaty, and ionsipasiief rebels, Command- ed by ANS - NutenhisOia The latter were defeated; mithstlookiadueteen men, 1ci1144 and weandect; ,'.Cape:llltoldAson was ow tare& ' Re had on nprevious occasion Rap t tared three of Beaty's men and hung them, 'deelaring thiy, wershushiflutelterr and not. entitled teknoognitiOns Wows of war. Beaty returned thsooniplimentbz Shooting' 71F 00T-.-On Wood ain't,. a few days ;:11% riPtiggir a ' ih f ia#F 14 be - WATT Ai WI ON 261 Lawny stun, seise *sr gm aim mobssamaniiimars , gooisznis. as roam% PASSAGE PROM THE "OLDCOUN- aa_ 211T."—The arlsatissi Is am mini tie Msof eakreatio Ikea my poi of isr. r 114 =11her by swift Os ainasti Bleasse NO Mall." at Owl *di Mlles Yawl. hir b. Ws tameas tostreissed lota eliiiirly'- fi T I Tg 'alrs hen P=. suies ...M.l= rtra oalLigiremels Jim* Litlgitre r il ims. "nnitigemal '1).11. yam Ammilite Ildalles . . I loan . uatert.., - RIULD/NO: LOTS . AT PUBLIC! *AU —0 Lori of erectud wiz likuplasiz. at florptbiair Sergi sad se thck cr OM. -out tre•raprway, wrll 'be 8111844 !abIyNAN on the mlls% re 1/11171{DAT, Uri, lira at II&dirt p_ 21- I anco—rts..gbatii- cub. rwasiadfre Dam viess mu* illitalaiski4 11 #/ 1 Wain. ', clued ' itcl b WILLIAM WARD. INLY U.dig THU bi etiol• brick b dwinins Imes, •or bah. trr•'map flaw. NIL: rcul lot ie irdasd. boons( lhoryArse, oppocita rime - NM= Aar& Agar Eon -O. 4.10TH if sone. st mow IL •.- : Muni% 444iikiiiimmos kill *WM Inao. aossA" aoratirmam, ' I :.ate Pallingalg ion 41111 1111 Ml' _ w& arm ing.hilliosuo ........ _l4l Olney ."" bell9l bagib- 161 ilitab J. u wtfilifnikv aosw wit airsisi aims in Ims. ilia s.a.e. ali ism; 7 . , !AIM FAIIIIIONID. : mat ft PM aloft amt. 91101 *4„ ' 11,(Wriwatia. .. ~,,' sa M : G I si - UD lOW 'Zia kiwi a maim. SIDsouls ler & use% aimktiteit t udnatisaidusamt . 4lffir .4 int . t . .."1"" sio. mina. ma a 4 ax. es. %awn. wool ow ow,- 1 WAIOT 00.1. LID /11111aah sinumetiaapith wrap tamp *sew ado maw Ilksad ere ftftes ark ilia agge: radii Mrs* IlekaUsasa-: ejtabeg issaii . Awl 4111111%71141=11 49. 11 14 1 . Taw Illesemilywt ass4l.4lMia Vabisimi 11111 Viamiajammialm i rk 19---Erro, two %I Ir ons digenteg-bouolt of MU. obt MSS OM I ladlot Of igtmaktorsai• tr . ~, lame• ant """" kitiVIVAT &soma ortOt;f. r.............,,,„a,. W - /NW _ltilimysslll kr air:4ft hasp , I= IMSaw°llll° iii, .ea mila tie astaMandileareyfirlearil 4Settlidrusedordiabissiumlblaftellh Lb. liramftgoilphaiii Aiwa awasether_anms. row ~sat miediswiammes mum aleisisslsi 111.1 .• . , , Or klialsa vett beitesia i aat._ - wNas....—. am a t lllll iio,wirt .g"zal iio a" , ie 111::11.110%;.'31:, sirriiiiiraas Ililtallsr. fa slaw 2 L..d.....•.•010., AO 01110hae manies eassaser a 111 iski ii wear* Oft balt .... _ 1/11110/011.*_ l ll. =Ow isi lit iisa ft7 awls 1. Wale astateetes ItoDollllloZiol4ll3lli •Oa tharedey three distinct mete of State :44 often will kg• oleeted is what' was two ilua tors Also metalled sad beam es the ..,,,losteessresta of Virstsbe. Gov. Plerpont 11f.be.Anted_by the:Vat* :mea of old - Iflrglate, aid Burs: Billy Sauk by the nbele, while Judo Bores sill be elect- , id Geneses of West lttsstrale. _Bo we giC. Wheeitey isbUtyeseen ' ill!!! oday ittti jltoWoL lati 8 4 itio.mot sad tor hataat tba Tangy New, lift, of ' JOHN A. 1111111481111. 'rlR-rf mow LOOM/ and Rood mama% ritlibNibi m Wt: liSlO lOW ' V Dl) or thlirthonoot DNltabs Ito tritirs marroated on%sad WU bap - poi ta say Oratthar, kw rho by tha on ordtsat. by 7F--- JOll5 A.isirsaaw. - aoroorldbasty sal - Hand woo. OWLO: : BLttlLaY; Indus I fuel aulithalla Raft's, EwaOuni awas, assof God* rirpr -p10.1M1116 0 1 , 114 Wiltari eniir• UN 11 " 1"611141111 " 411isMste Rims - MO lba. WMles. aim *Ma - . rw Id~ wis ~ - ! Datorasin ill Ithutow—A Optima*ld estlea t of the Bi. Loeb ...Doseeret , et tarp samba of attiete from 11 mosmiesitio la 7,I 3=NIV=S to 1111 ~ that anathali. are ,thedtheg 'ltr th etotate le t the dart, . ifeetailitithey i!soethatitas, he, Myths beta dernett fee nu smog: A41 1 •1 14 all 4 Mid" Orscian, lor LINA nt/ pose& , JORit 41: /11111 MW, _ti movie LI sad awl lefty. 14 7 15114 11410 11111 * IN MAiguuntarni:42f; amuucux os A Poulos Briasfqll4 volition-4;10,0s: tact that . 146 01 - :/,-. 364- 1, 14 11 18/111; OM WO , tlnifill*fr* ibtK il. 11/14041-"MigIOAK6C - n ' saae film& lot bit ncetAret hems: IroldkrliAlcayittereof "al w -4mut saxiaaw son so .. me Taws. ~.• T*,1;...-*.•.*.,1i;...a.*_.1.: I 6 1064141:114ii41i‘f -3•11' 3010sidellt ii-‘'Iall."00 11 r i g asit a ;7 1711111 'ristn //I: 1/.41.7: 1,7(1•-• yrs 1 —lllk4l It I 10. r. ri '1 Nee 156.1.6661.666441P/1.14111-4941' , Pitat I LWAVII Mark Pi Leis fts - ArIeNIUM-- WSII4IO /1 : ions** . t . 6 4 7-- ilzt,' - -1-4tzbuccnatos ' 'Obi*. isibag al II - :' /1!.711(.. 0 /"A . # 147 1 4 171 4111%5ielWe ii," of As Troy (VIZ .1111 MMM 10llaUtUag ow two =Zoom ea am. Moo two *sr WNW sok int Woo. Tu oDozontio /lisiiivasili o of Zinn . )44a, reports ths Amber d lumina wows Is ad fount at >lryNuidnd I r'~~~ ' iliaitnia air" tilahrugarai.. -'...,'";,-:•Z;"7:•.-:•:;':',-,_,:•.•:-,- :,, -- ,-.Y, _ ••••-•,4%': ,i,.71.,..7,147,:.t.:',1'. -;• , , ..."7'.77-"•`...."" ''''*''',..• "..!"".•••"--•-••••••••••••••..........,....... , 11 ,4-7'.<,- .._ ,:,‘'',..: '.7,.k. 2 . -• :•‘ ,: . •;:•,,, ?.:' '',,•:; ef f•VI--4.:7.- 2Yii •iZi..• q 4 "--''. - - 5 :;;•'.C;•:.1:' 5 -4..S'AV"i -_-;;(,:`..':-.:1.; --•:Z:iior:''..2 2 :,,1`,: :•;.- ,-, ,••,-. ', 47.7 ;; ;7 7- ;` , 7•••••••-•"" '''',•••• , ••••• , -.4,.......... - .s x 42V•• ' 4;••!;•,:%.7.'" 4: :;••', IN --' .- I •:'''..: i n ::,c."l 4",,Y•••'.::.4:-`,51-:?•=t,',C5*.:.,3174%,11q,1ie ', 5 4h , irE.T. 7; r , :.F .- .t'.*A i'' ' 4'''•: 6-I':'%?=';`4 `••:•t•4•C,s.'•'•.•.L-•:Zs ,;-:114-''S`r-g::'''•k,%-10::,::1,•01&';',Y,VC5-0-tK•*'-il , g'; ' •:s••' ''. 4 .' ;:P,i c •:-'?V'':' ',i,!t;•; :i:!.•:...: '.'ll, ~,tl42,gZi:•,l•7V:l•ll.7;fatr'•rtirr._•-•:.-• ...,,,,,,:- ' t ' ' '-'4'ir''''N' . :" .. '7't -", :=':" . 1 , ::-:-.,...?,,,. •"70171.N:',..? .. 2,-i.•-• '',•;', ',:,....'''' '-' ' -' -'''' . '''' ' ' ,4•,-41-9,-,-a--i.,...--•• •-•t-At ' 4l K•Zkl :-d; l ;:ii'lf .sg"*A.,iti•'-'4.,•;'4...: -,-'-'i,,,-!-. -!,:,••' 41 x'0. -?''''`-- , -.n•k-' ( =Tl'Art-• '''• ••- - ----,'- •t =:•. r tv '-•' .%.,-:-.' ,' ,- ' . Ai ,,:• , -,-,; ,.4--'•-.:' , Yl'.'7"-- ' ..... ,,,,,,--,,-,. -3 . -,,,.4....,;...,..,,,,„:.- ..; ~ .- ',-• •11 - •.,x y -..”:... , :"':,.. -,.., -..- , 1:-...... ,- N ,,‘,.., b .,;•'‘ 1 V,i ,--- -0......,.. - 1. ~,. .t=f+l ' ., 7 -', ,,,- '2", . ..,.-,k . ,. :.;,..4,70.... 1,4,, ,,,,,,..‘ ,A 7 ifi.,,ri U.Z4:t?tsv.l:o^..,,L_-.vravzt:4!f,34..,,A..:.0A:,,,:,, "11.1141t,,,,)v, .v,">14,.-,A.:4-1,,,2,,,t,Z,,,ig.t.„..k.,,,,,,,,1;t75,..,::;.r..,;4if,,,,x1iCti1,•„.11.01,04._: :1,-,,,,,..11 air5...11..4,4:.,:i44,...,1.-.e.,4,, "- t -V .,' " 14 ".'..:-. _. Cloow&fg:::' :,,, fr;%.,-,,, ,,, . 1 . 1 , r- vv* - , -,,f,ve:.4.4,--1,---, r, tk„...t.,,,,v,/,,:,:,,,,u-0.2,44Evii...vdtt0 '--,,,,, - wow. . ~e.,y,.., -g. , ,,-- . .., ", -..,:z'4.- 4 Jah 4., NNW ISIMWENG9, Mai alcuonmatill. innr moult mamma:- , ZIA 41101r1111 MU) 1111 A HAD DUMB 81W gra ' ll /) PALK . 1" IiMIPAUSOLiIAt D tigg innrafr 11311tWiPlialjtj %I Adds In Wile atiFiglef,:e, NACgiiMIC fi NiiHtfl! "or, Iletwes eel sb. ..., :1:7.'4,- 4 .r.+ro~s.~s~r N°l7/ P::" WORTZD STAT.EI4 Hitrpozoonoumdosk„"* snat rugs hoithutrii4imi, atipdsmat essirf oIIta~tILUI .' ner . illll, 'animist , BUM) iIitganSUJIHMV9I6, armaas anritionitam AM lb, mikes at i t mull *OHM NO. al2i sod LO._atit sokaakiiikkose wry sarkpok Ake* win kbakit ..P1TTE313.5 tc = . AND LION. LOT, nor at Ika ertwies) sway, ihisday, iretusday nit tuns- lay litly litig 17thPd ;4.: ilia paiiimaiTh tta SOitais *re.is we a r ana . 7 lasewii mad _1.1„1,..?,azi1.re selrAilaanOw—laieur. lianstatt 'nvaAnk . _soft tows AiniumweltAitia; Mho ht Maio o=op AT& 11.1=414 -01heis,S0 'maw; :lb mill Would .1111comusWont am; .Mom ' - sernif asete saiii keegii Nit. Ited n. T. R. 0011111141. T. Mee three roam are ' (Withehhn MOUS% be prorated, UN DON 70InaillUD h En aft, whoa by T. E. Di Walden, MR 'Retitle!. Tki Guide of the Jips. whDDIBOIRM7II.„....;Kr. s.voxwAir; nano* 00XWat. Jft. crania'. ..agz. &WM/TX: .1•01.11111111SSIL 811 iii ever Dad hit Unto Oakjand irZintlipiatku*-", Via::479R. tk.Osirra ft* oiniir4 list, gig slat it: lss alp, most iziar4iilßK le rY advalg r at aim; Abe ark Pal OWL I 111 61 MAIII(11;' 14r1I. si " 44 tA4 S/4, b sr. ~11:16111.11110.0 Mai of vidt/toopolitsa ZAoroiiir nuropc IMATTIAG Imes kW. anima a&7rmlYK bPi mit am maw, is tie ail rim; , GLIM 11, 1 4nairramt,N00., , its st lietimiefarm WAriOND AND CABTB 808 w/l - tat klb.- 41 - War"' hala sad Imam to "IL—- tr,--- *AL= man.. Arad amaid. wadeof tie buttli A " "Enia tit " b. taa" inilt= 4 69"flalr aid ZAZI. ionZupeini. Iliii--..7' 43 / 1 "elp nitT , Inas ot , 4-nosintair. 114 IL, 1 In UM pa 11 0Mrff 400., 01111ANINTAX4415Tiltlk aiiipnouranriaLizatak. Tao.. it unto Entun 11R OD AU RY:—A g lk- latNWkAftNt'M ion g Pala. t.hi filyoua s I hA ni t Mte t r o . geernANde Anse as Army aseistooll prone* witk tie* oinams . diabase al' ..140;ar• beepbi aulardlbas We im• diassami thin*, iimpiesu la awaraiuips WI beads,/ Is Ike gmaima 41 Abe auk% VI II at ea georpftl4llll iwroaLIA,T, :jaw My .fit "- p. I$L . ll a Leu VlIZpORG/I . I Ina I fig. Zl mUw t mOw & Timm ORB 1081 0010 D SODA litiZBll, feakrozahh, as* ilia*ammo tan oluta?1, mkt Akins, et ea la"*silk nal debId I oam) ID:Mul t Commiiii" Ilerohans, 418 tansibulnamitis. l"" Panorama& seraaripaNa4" itormaw Bth 15 '&rm. Mil' iskutirwii srasze. p 8/084 mawBrzY 4t BACK PAZ r;i: r wAtrie inutsuriawmir !ass% US Irma Sz. laceilikw tothalo Caulk- laßlNGLaS A.NDBSEBIp4 IV VIVO , o romiTsr*) kr <it" Of we Odime. aims eat tar 83 . -lITLIAOI4I9. " ataaiioGro'oxoooor. art 14144 Jaw in Go a: MIEN mra66•1616, jA NITIMM I.I.I.6Ouss we.:4 =6.a irg ".'t?' WSW . 1011144.0.110%*10564s lanit 44WP1V111461 6 74 etie`r rikm Cn taw, trs MAIM/ pi':?..ll' 6 004 •• Vr:v. , e

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    bur It Out lectossion-Judgo --Ftildits-.A- littepliens. ,a. Nitigoklet.It is well known that the present VicePresident of the Confederacy made.speechstrongly opposed to secession in the Geor-gia Convention of January, 1851. The fol-lowing extrinter-will: show howclearly-ha.parcentol the iniquity, end foresaw the re-eultantthe meaSur*:,t this StetreneWtaked-lould never berotta4l4*S ell the baleful and Witheringsantemiumiettailitt must Allow' (ea:theyWegoll Mai) will rim' the!nonventlioi fornil *Wig thee:, When we, and'imrpester-'ltYShia see our lovely. South desolated bythe demon of war which Ws act of yiourswillinevitably invite and call forth; whenour greenfeldsof waving harvests shall hetrodden dowit br -the .murdineus 'Soldieryand Seri* oiler of war sweeping over ourland our temples of justice Mid in sallea;all horrors and_desolations ofwar upon•us; who but this convention will be heldresponsible for it? and Who but him whoshall have given hie: vote for this unwiseand ill-timedmann (as I honestly thinkand believe) shall be held to strict aceonntfor this sureldal'aot, by thepresent genera.,tion, and probably cursed and execrated byposterity for all-coming time, for the wideand desolating ruin that will inevitablyfellow this, not you nowpropose•to perpe-._trate.

    Pause, I entreatYoe; and consider for_ amoment _what -maltse -yea can give thatwill even satisfy yourselves in coaluier , mo-ments—what reasons you can 107810 yourfellow • sufferers in the !calamity , thatit will bring upon us I What reasoncan you gin to the great nations ofthe earth to justify it? They will be thecalm and deliberate judges LIAO case, andMeths& cause or ossovertect can you nameor point, on which to rest the plea of juiti;floationi_What right has the North email-Ied? What interest of the South has beeninvaded?. • What justice has been denied?and what claim founded in justice andright has been -withheld ? Can either ofyou to-day,name one governmental act ofwrong,deliberately and purposely done bythe goverruzient of Washington, of whichthe South has aright to complain? "chal-lenge the answer[ '

    ••••• • •

    I must declare here, as limnoften donebefore, that which hasbeta repeated by thegreatest and wisest of statesmen and.pa-triots in this and other landa that it is the_beet and freest government—the mostequal In its righta—the most just in it,decisions—the moat lenientin itsmeasures,aid the most inspiring in its principles to'-elevate the race of men, that, ;the sun of'heaven ever nhono upon.' Now, for you to attempt' to overthrowsuch a government as_ this, under which wehave lived for more than three-quarters ofaoentexy-,--in which we have gained ourwealth, our standing as asratlon,our do-mestic safety while ) the elements 'of perilare around us, withPeace and tranquility,accompanied with unbeinded prosperityand rights ,unasealled--is the- height ofmadness,folly and wickedness, to which Ican neitherlend my sanction nor my vote:

    • Thearnespndent of the London Time*,writing from Richmond under date ofMarch 23, uses language strongly coorrobo-radios of Mr: Stepiend predictions. Hasays

    WEDNESDAY • MORNING, MAY 27 04.7NlO -001114TY CONVIIIIO--kw! voters of Alleghway own.e 1 ent sopporteen of the iliminittralton I dorteoneas proocation of the War On the rasa.. werequested to meet et Malt asnel Own of boletuse'er:Mons, oallat171111.11:ntliehOth dayof Nay last,b..me the tot fietwdep of Oft month, In Oa attar.woe atesidAspe to Went tire delegates bow webWek.. dietelet and pinoinothe the heantf; tO;meet Own in the Union Oanventton. which VIIIOleienbleI. the Gmrt Bow%t* the Oily of Pitts.hettlhenet TIIIIIDAIrtibe 24 day of Ann Dratricht* s. is. of meld 'day. The DION* of -the One.tendon le tooleo, Innno.latba oandblabinfix thetamingofikeeolls • -Pmenneeledge ef [twee Oetet.,Jebe Min

    21niers ofrerIleHow ofRepreemieffres.=eeie.

    OpferOlf 1L. .t0lOes Ow*! Ose OknoLrqf thefowl oneDeletenesI. theare. IMMO 01.... g...- The primary nteettnis will t

    oadd ta the Twit.MP! OzooPtilt Peobiessal Collins.) between thebolus at wad Veheek p. erl in the Wards andIMtenehe fad to Peebles sad Clallan "'primps ell.-twain the boon ald fadsp: tn._ • •Thetotrehlb. dales-sad bowman to be by

    inbailoata,nad InIbit:tnienalapa byballot ormarlung,mathtownship tray delan_ -byalder °lib§ anuandttaa. • .wiL B. xamar,JOB. BITTEMBLASeliatairter •

    lifileillifirss YOBlELipiarS,MUM

    DR. mnestemus arooD OIL.

    Tao capture of Vicksburg. -We maynow speak of this object of longand must deeire,-and of immense labor,asan accomplished fact. It is hardly pos.Bible to exegprate the importance of theacidevement, WNW itfrom whatstandpointwe may, whether path* ormaterial.. Let-us glance briefly 'atafiw of the results.Is thiirst 'place, it opens the Mismesippl.throughout its entire length, restoring totea millions of loyal pe9le 114.1 'youtlet, to the ocean, and opens up twat morethat valuable commerce.with the lick cottonand sugar region* from which the pimple ofGut North have been:s long debaned, wesay it opens theblitsiselpid,n bicsitee, Picks-behaving fallen, the onlyr,eassining im-pediment, nt Port Hideo; will quietly bebrushed away. —.In the next place it severs Arkansas,Taus and Western Louisiana from theContfederaey, thus reducing it at a-tingleblow to little,more than half- the territory'— to which it NO prindly laid claim; at thesame time itante off one of its largest andlostreliable sonnies of supply.It thoroughly breaks up the extensiveoontraband tradewithforeigners which the!obeli have enjoyed eversince the war be-gan, by way of the Rio Grande, and through


    the interior of Texas.It leaves the Government of theIrnion~how to reestablish its auGkority in everypart of the extensive region lying west ofthe Illaideappi, thus restoring three Slatesand all theoutlying territory to the Union.It eco broshe the power of the Confeder-ate Government in the State of Missisaippi,tura previsional government COO at once Ibe established and maintained, as in Ten-Resole andLoubiana; and it is said thatthe people, impoverished, humbled, andoink of war, the staff and power of its ar-Worsey broken,will gladlyreturn to their

    • allegiance to the beneficent governmentlegalist which their insolent oppressorscompelled them to fight.Itwill enable the GOvereunent to tkroWa greater faros towards the mountain re-gion to co-operate with Owe. Roexcaus,and enable hi* to drivethe army ofBocafrom the comparatively loyal region whichit now °couples, thuspressing therehelßanfarther and farther towards the Atlantic

    , and the Gig leaving it not asingle Statewieet of the mountains.'This great victorry willputan end to thevocation of our enemies on the other sideog the AtiantlN for when they see theirpit Confederacy, which they have laboredso hard to nurse into nationst maturity,Mt in twain, they willpastit from them.ina vile and Worthless Wig, unworthy ofany further fostering care at their hands.Aldthe worldwill be veryhien* now, sofar as supremewanness can be friendly.But we would not wrongthe_worbk forsunhats ofhearts will throb with joy whenthey shall 1100 this atrocious rebelllmi, anditsstill more abominable cease, perishingtogether-



    Midst Audio%

    offlies spark Mom.aolsoes Ilesaw Mom°Mir% 1011101 illasupwMowselierssepurs iessuitm.

    suairdisipormipsilLpaipmea's aisombremaritiganamilpsikhe mainlespro gra,

    da.ralimeiAsiii.ftraisWirt,via._noingralsaL •trir=amianaftssoNsa.iglievam l6eiwr.ask Mak Pori MirklbrialtigGOWN WAIL AdeWIN%Pal:lllm


    ALEXANDER 'RATES'.- ireet.No 91Filth

    Aida odor 11140 A , PAM/448d ,1111 WPUBigicaTiOn. Mal .1.11 ==M

    JOHN P. ININTIIr., •


    Whiamyat LAW Apex. tranainiar.P&PiagatLumina

    111801110 HALL, FIREKW=xsostesel iris/as Nopabrik


    aitsaltaamenereCliserbliirdwars Mimed' OWL

    am Mali st OM%s an Pik%M wrest=Ambee MimeINVims st - '

    PoßilmarriP, • GOODS,Pleeos sooordsfneoc e witch the700lt ea= X•oltelflrNG 00WPAM" approved April lAt. U 101„ the iumisorgeolWM cm books CP lIIPPITS lateerfpfloes the Woolfof meld company ea MONDAY. Wth last. at the01100 Jaw% Wattbithe4 • Ow, Twisty Wails,Greatwad Water Anew, at 10 o'chr.k a.a. PardieIntormalies 10 Mgt to deck plea of or.os, /Ph, toe apply isNaas. Jaw, Wefts.0/11.111.18A. imitate, JOUR It. neon,1. IL JOllllB. W. W. P•TRIOX,h. WeLLI3ONO2D. JAB. L 1111/11111ST,ALIX. 011.1401, WM. L. ME/(.1,,DAVID 11.101131f. .•/.IZ. OMB,PitUburAA. mai/3.1883. OarponAwm.


    ffaleraille rwirySjised atkiwi aimayes .se►ht/ K4,M wirusururssr,impr,TlOll, 1111,3101A1S ral DOD=ilmry

    Ihave a.boa claws ext sa hi ay.Do do do 150 lb allnDodo do ITS do dogDo do . do 100 do do;

    • galFlig

    ' re:n t=h,Idnreragy limgragy.Petah'lMAM.Lk.Pima%Ilikkasib lat.

    Nes. *itSalim

    .Beim. lassair isumbok •issediad =mow,

    Ban/MD moor mamaODOM aaims' sad okuerws aarras4 snaolula-atug Bout' Aim% Ms • Twinesart•411CONALII sad J*HmttAx'mp

    _ .

    ATTENTION, DISCHARGED.ISOLDolloPanaint to Decant Ordersdos 100.as ewe .4 SaroDatsat DIU /OHM dallies4 o'clock p t0..0t their Zoom. Davao lemidthisstrut, Pateturalt. whore 41sobatp4 arms NMIaolalara dualog so satire the lavolid amps, ma frt.mat thalamus toraasahtstlost Os tie DITS4Dt.• J. So. /1111201/. Copia*• so 16 sad Provost Wassaal ND D. D. Pb.

    °nun Itanboion Illonoonin ort tam onPolemonny tonnsit toon •nit inane on IMOink irlipeasiseingsrarres.bor.

    _ maw".OS Kuno own*Iisor hos ma.

    WOVEN SKIRT!zipaum mum.

    - Emu aou mum=ma Gmtsar= swam,

    acui, az ism:.sum •camototai Jounaws,

    kater maskeasiest =Graff our1117/114,116 gamin OWifteksjimillit alias Is Wig messi wpksamon,rdwisMireigsp.staili'llidadiftaiilorhiv •

    MILICOJEVIEIli 78mu* ftrest.

    COINS* ANIS 1.6114led ii%/ONSA)

    Talknit_ 808 kiAl4.-Contaising 57r .e=vieU laproild.via IMI WI/MU*shines armed, fa XMa swift*••truth ant Or OilyAper Fatehhamlial=Jams Initiator, dooliall. Mill Ine ism Ulmermi. Ala, •MuWIG ILUA kiwi al viekedia NW," irlll awns sans idlead, MM ,horsamour ympimults.m=zIna. Wia.R. sulk 716.144•0 NEU% diallflocat'ma.ra. ___cli V.LaisisAsoar. nes&sat amid Poe-- .-........+berm oa taaairtaasta Ilaaveasoil'lttabaralt. Kay 1100. 1111.obTRIIDIREUTOIIB ofthisCompanyban this day dotard • /!.fend of111141.Pam MUM.oat oft prolta of thebit dt lasatif,angina& to tbe asdaakm ofstock ticstock notpstock to oinktally paid up.ondendmal.apayable•• otDar.

    N. TOMMY, Priaabog:1.anal ernouu afies. • - wawa -

    144.-4414.• Mindnodildinnnoindite mond..4 los;asslibes Mon 4 on an WM


    m0de.9.44.Wear ,________lndandhdIMO' mar


    Ilhimpiess Oft., ,


    /4111031181/4. •FILTROLITB OIL WOMB,ZURII/I=l CIALIaI 017,

    Chellial thaeradi and Nur we*83281 054417, bopriden toroft!. ktionissua. Rms. maxi"__

    rp •NOTIOII.%—Apnblio Meatirks'oflegal Erman eche. of ainmaam.win b.-OW 12 .ItURIWA4TICA NALL, some at. Clarioalad Ortattry itrotta,cot 21711gDAT .111111/119.6et1f16th; at 'IX tech*. tohalearrtsgmhata he ••tog on ilactka tot delights t> tdassotair Cloaatg.Unloolharatittot. Asossor 10 Tt,tint Ohara= Mop -ax.. Cba•_ - am imr.O.OITIZ&Nti' • 8ANZ...41 Opecdalblottingof ttu Atockhobicre etMc Beatam tohod on TOZODAT, 6A.1 1 Jawbed, IAcoottOor the Replay at orpandar, of itco pcoo:Mob*Audit taract of the tart Otiopross of tko Q.0., entitled “ An Act to provide a Ilitional OurFBAs. Alll/481At INlAldtat.,PittonoriA. Not ad. 116 L torklia

    PARTNIBSEUP NOTICIB.—WeLai!Adidas moslabd id&so la tie lobby KWbsolaiss A. J. bf/Lb. Ilta styls oil Ile lam to toSift; sassya Mb, noIsatoottlity ell Mk*010 Olt day. The Oil Mows01/1 be lorded asby tbo aallookosil as bassat oso.Ka SitkUSl. *NMiOW/.

    Ltrot013-Ailm%Limit •Lbwr11ME1,4

    Dr. Odmit'sDr.

    El,cnliiUn. jti.oia.•••• •••••••;ov..lB6 •8.11.a7CE3,

    as 30c:A;vir ii_iiL?.efitatiJsa.—Tiumrodownsion /kiwisof $ag Cooper Vint Anita saaatharpia,will castlaut arta at ths ellarlia hertOuwelat MalaitaJtlaca. FMartist, can/Mar wile& IONA/

    Jite s« xmasiriaur. maw 1.NM.RIPUIO (MAUiDULL •lit.w•etents y ap ireripiesy two pal follZia.Aa.Ilifaueenstruist oar lofts via amaking MU41 Ma oiWWI% soweetalyNU&a Yonof Os teed&Aar Oda,, a.w.use Ilialiadda saidNitaWawa.imsl


    JPOzrztrual, .rOTIOBILmgraviallors

    PROTOGRAPII ROONism nrez AID=am numott swim errillfteissale Jewelry IWOPremarix, ?a.


    [1:A1313101BLY.--JoHN J. Cm, ofeitoloorio. will b. promo:Ueda, • consUitstotor abo Oboe Nonloth NO:leo to Ms doolmos of lb,two. omit, boooutto..13.1633:188 CF003:08.pLATBOAT CAMSTrOuieitbat-Sig SWtie peat. la Ikea& rt•sr. • nal%!OA% aerial !de. alsalse. Derams osia

    seBalm' Us erase is sepaslsa se sumkromplM•ripprith DM tempssake IS a&firaetMil sessedearls at tmaistb.irayarwai AWN.a OW11D11. 800124

    AT OLDPRIME, ATIf the civilized powers of Europe couldonly- witness' thi misery which is,' fromevery seas Of tall once favored continent,'crying aloud to Heaven, it could scarcelybe butlhat they would risk some charms offailurerather than permit humanity to beoutraged by a continuums of much excessof anguish as has Visited no nation Zinnthe sword list leaped from its' scabbard,and the human heart wse first sown withthe bitter seedof iiidictivaisea ad hate.

    rOll. a MB6Y, /Loci B. Biz.isa—linar Biases. of JtsiopillNSlolll.ship. wf.l prow: his same noshistiall Ott, V.a.mbly to ths Unkh.Osairshtioia. to tohahl- *Mos

    PNOTOOZAIIII. le siva Meri etib•*shad; 'he pardse dab Thai Chibaaril Ws lbs.

    BARKER &: CO.'B, eiat. ail-NASTSIMON -fr-PREciIDENT JUDGE OP 2118D 1 ?MOt OWIELT..-1 =Ku /111.asetung.Seq.. (of &kb • llaalrunnall)Wit be lugd tat sowbuulca tr the &Wreak*, toga. the oesdag Masaamity Coamratioa,b 7_ -arilbdavto 11AaT DIELXGATIL

    to NN•11211Zit• ALAILS .11AA,••4111. • papsasstliaMs iniimers st4.11/Arnthr NIB salLirMsfa CIATAI•OI'. ltliA A.toMU% hums aßtinuaiu. II awlteem urnmuialoar arms m•ammumbirm: alum "raw WIN: maiisMr.POZTIAlaleveN mums* spa tie si.

    Irstiaet es mob MCIEMI le 6.4111701111111147d44lllllllllllathigiak I,mid brads.&dimMOS WNW,. .

    sirCALL Annan-yea


    Tie Ramberg .Exposttioa....Ualonresting la Germany.A Hamburg oorrespoadeat of the NewYerk lons* Post, 'writing about the In-terastlonalExhibition to be helci at Kern.berg, says:"Tits steamship oompally have put doextthe prima to delegates-sad contributors asfo am, $l6 86; thirdllows: First elmdeur,sfa$r% iddi " secondd2312..2be diFereat daohles La Germany mate.4r. harsisome sums to aid la this mat-

    Atreus 'in Minnesota.We noticed lately that the notes of pre-motionfer another outbreak were beingheard among the Indians of Minnesota.General Pope has determined to anticipatetrouble, rather than await its full develop-ment then punish its &alms. A let-ter to the Daily Tapia tastes' that five ofthe ten regiments raised in Minnesota forthe Union will Ale retained at home untilthe Indian dispute Is settled. An expedi-tion to subdue the Sioux is all but readyto start Itcomprises the 6th,7th and 10thrtgimentica battery oftirtillem and a.ro.gimentof mounted rangers enlisted.for theIndianwar. Two hundred and fifty wagons Iwill accompany the expeditio, which sets Iout from Port &alibi, stilen Junction ofthe Mississippi and Minnesotariven. Brig.Gen. Sibley, who bas had valuable experi-ence la war with the aborigines, will takethe command: Gen. pope's headquarterswill continue at Milwaukee.The9th Minnesota regiment will remainat Fort Bidgely,' to protect the Southwestern border, while the Bth 000tipies PorteltipleY and Abercrombie, near the Nortliern border. •' Atioording to this writer, theSioux num-ber About tweive. thousand, of whom nearlyAve thousand are warriors, under,the toooelebrated Little ,Crow. They are encamp-'ed nearDeviroLake. About, two thousandhave firearms; the rest are provided withboo and anon eta.Thereappears to' be trouble brewing be-tween the ChipPeways, who inhibit theBed river country, and the Sioux, ofwhomsome have been murdered lately by theformer. Theremoval of 'both tribes is so-cordingly agitated, with a probibility. ofitirtaking place before long. The last ofthe Winnebago.' lave by this time beenconveyed to their new home near PortRandall, in Daootait. They now numberonly 1600 souls. ''The new.reservation forthe condemned ilieni is in the same neigh-borhood,aid 400of their number have al-ready beim,sent forward to Guit desrlimeGen.

    AESIMBLY, (North Ms of*be Ohio IMO —Joss B. Lumair' atsitactigur, viii hoa emblem he the time Vl*t umsetton.labiOti Is tat dtekkee of themu 1711ele Chen.111111148

    NSW &LC CIRCULARSus plumalms& 11111Plhass assaws, sad edirika gum.

    wOR CCIUNTY TEEAKIVac.Dana .Jr., et Amble. Urn• aukaldato Anuslor the °Oak saldec* to de.chaos et thesat Mani Clasnatles. sytterwarrariosmms,Puma OrTOM.:maul.//BLOOD lIILUOrnWOULD MVOPOII3OIVO KIDWSWPQM& •

    LlPSnaiaiLKOO./IWCO2I.1/1 cwiscnuerssost• Painisors minacorWmazswanw.all MakTOWILLV Z 1 POO POOOlstvarra rassamAloss.WWI JOINIMm.

    wmacm a sum! J. M. Burchfield's..11-IPuR 00IINTY 00.1411:16810BEE....ALL= Dtmit, I. lttabwiliptibmo„ 4=tethe Sloth Ileatddyrill be a voseteate beuoloodutoort. euVoot to the 'esthete of Woo Oak*Ehe:mty Ooareottoo. - itylltte_ _itspasham If

    za•D rres,UMUM*sav~aasauksawn"wax=Krims~oom Mimi

    808COUNTY OOMMISKONEIL—Baum Laza se tie Olk• •• Pltadengthwill be beton the Mikis Cloasty earradika a••emeldsta Mr the stereo elm. antesMaw wooAAA 1.14414,Nile are all rejoiced in Ecutoie to 1110 110Mae* teary displayed in the 4:Conduct of

    . war, ead mash more to see the 'cop-periMair federalists dwindling into insig-sinance.- These men ars more despisedinikirepe than they are at home. Wood,.--Wahaarlighein, Ito., are ezearatedbylivery-body. Ton know that the Germens, beingso intimately connected with our: country,are very generally Union. They areshow-lag their goodwilkfor our mimicry by send-from all parts of Germany' thousandsof:dollars Minted, in United States sixpsi lent. coupon stocks. Within the pasttwo weeks I know of over $400,000 mintover for that parree. This muss finally,-,himolt downextthengies some •

    TE,NOB COUNTY COJIMISSION:1:Guam AlAnnamt, of nu. .mAmaglaa• lbr Omar Opougye....4sch3on of thenut gram uoaausaa.r!==!sl aall Mass is

    4.v.enuaa.TillaitiaMalktraeowseettolitareas, it.li ,4 PaavelOas PLUMBEIKloilinlall=NAMimilftVa.mil No MI Ming mew- vito NM lOU IWO* MILDPIMBAB IMAM OM -BM=BO ' BilfaliaTAlSMni iv1..._aIiaIOI.III44OBABULIBIS. MB az.. Ao. AU mok vommOsiSD Sheillill!• •

    211 Lwid., Mask 2134

    riAl3l JIMLIZIMIN Dram;' • woe poops.mawsotas oir spa" Iter VagIWPOR COUNTY COMIIIItsiIIONBIL--J. CLoChtholot4 Ilheepeton. win be scandidatefor theabate oubject to the dahliaet the burl Milos Ocetatl Oonveuthis.

    RO.II. WiroßDßE.—AzDam Ifir-Sr CUBA, of MILLtonroahlp, be coo&da.• for flooonlor, Wood totie doefaloa of theaost(Won Guist, Clouessittai. aplei•

    Bunt sh.t.Jusrm s?ji3j •


    WIMP.3L., WHITIIIin 1212MILL.*UM mime 'ammirmartrauft ,

    IMILUMMORMI/RIMMIGRAMIN141//t.16 u/SJin,TOSP/DOl/4 /LAGS, 011011 LREOORDIOL-Imt Els-mmidas.LT,stke tbs2:=:=W4K4aid,Pl_oitetnirwa sh.tius,UnklaOamitOwastim -- . _xa..vw. itAansta karbe Om Inas .oarDept la Maler•Lska Urkb alibraml-wan muting nearcupterakWebs lbMlle thee aa all Ptwills.flail,111biLD cawcutaosausPADarbilit Ibo bort abbot task -Oilbomousbad and abibbills. 'i 1-: .

    __ MISbin di /A WILLambrobe et Ibpdial /hob Ow%MI Raba Las, mum et Wallis lamb,radii i Ifni Us.

    ri • i• ff no NNW aOODd► -NNW --NOODNI:Ilimportiat Oster Dalaaalt Mem.stanceiT

    What plucesdlnge of an unusually in-esevethig astute are isprogress it Is notan easy -matter to prevent reporter,.fromgettingarecord of them; and aremarks-, .inseance of ingenuity on the Jut ofsome ofthis profession in Chicagola relatedfa the Subjoined paragraph:-

    , Tim Boger (scandal) casnhich haslately tannthatedin Chicago„e, go,was Intaadsclto be morel, but was faithfully reported'from day to day by the reporters of theChicago napes, and 21-amme. The Bishop. 68d Condi held court in a room overa Hoak and Ladder Company, where nomuthberwee allowod loom- But the re-portiere fixed a large suction hose into theshimmy Rue (In the lower room) whichmoilthe stove pipe from theroam above,aad by sitting dealt= the end of, the gdpethey could hear almost every voidtimothy, and were thus able to give a, tollreport from day to day."-

    .-e-7" REGItITER.—kgAum Rix;at Pitt tanuldp, wal be •usisuz• madtat it ta. dada.at thean" ibeOftwatioo. WonOp®£** ON TIEN POTOMF4I4 Esuoiv, "Lacuna akton ow et iY. 11WWNW &U ST impala

    fr:ROR IifiNNOTER.-49x. G1....,ofu.0."the sooloson,toommoolio%,will to tatoildotelbraboveZMOANto Os &Moo of tho souAda CbontoGummino. =OM..

    V.dethek is USidrVaadlonom VI4iMIP- *lftrAsholiesadrutek

    WFOR REGMTER,—Jua•muss torof itir simp. Clair ecnnaidulalbe a csa.lkonstfill! 131. 4114(It) PIT! ti 11) ' -litAlina AN,W. IN%,/ *TOM AND FOR NMI. -low MIL._bah% Oldeasi Zatsits D.reiraiill°l3 ••• ' pidoesercipor gi .• Imo.DIM Mame; INO Deb. Pored Paw_asq -- -

    4 lab. muitial94l6 - -IDblob Ili& .lakola Wilde Ansa : , .1001. imam Xs rawIbbia, • Waist iMir Irraktoll ihilairi -100 Mk.tut loftsal OW r400 begs lake nos sail Irian A/DirtILOplias canal IMMOj .111Waaata%ay arsesai_-SObeau .A:IDbu Wn. WWI. INtaniIDMaki/UM 114•147.eat - L. IL 110IWZ ils CIL


    orZED NOM "- alive-••-••••••_41•-•-, • • , •

    • • .!1111&11.•

    . 00iasI.Litila• • eiti *ND

    TheUMW TM Ilkanausesiseil scaramp11:4POlit BEWEITS.R.asbatory

    lozaam.WM to a candidate lb, it &Wanof WM%ago., of meaty.' sellfoot to tie OsoldasalN. Mike Cormatim mails

    Ihralma saw asesboaarAsair. ►6v Goods & Notion.,.putg-(—.MUS. lilf TtliG WWI 11.—JouIladateAotM Ohaithwetewodd&trill b.. asadeiste ihe el the Mark, methfeitto, the deoldou et the 'ltalia ,Ceasty muhati

    - -


    JOHEW. ITMUC,so mu*aie Woo arsimisagi.

    &ID *MU BMW*Asa IT am LYPift4.ox4;.-

    The reservation Minnesota, formerlybelonging .to the Sioux and Winnebagees,and comprising nearly a million of acres,Will shortly be Inthe market to the highestbidders, on condit,thn of laths! eel:dement.The landis spoken ofas extremely fertileand the sitthition - Oat of theborrors_pxperiexrd by the. pioneers. lastBalmier, Wailes new era inthesettlement

    AMur---IeNIULtill MI irnt.—We. A. et ritea amulet* kr Lanair Omuta at "I b..00=4. salted So tha &aka. at MatrEresdniitair CkevratJaa.!Ora=

    MAINITOACITIMING MISS FORitaa—os.instal ladlaaat llawa4oropatamass 171mig_ pot la(layaslrms.2,qimam• OMat 1" elast abizo114.10

    -laripiaa 11(hr el" .2161-611Pat Maramair lo P.O. 00110120MOlfBalum Nem.aro York.at ofWAIL///. ast limb Maw Ar trael.mill Was paamnyala sosa,.

    eirmiNN, EN ilturszazuauratimst DM= 'AM/ au b. madsrfie maimr.

    To 4XIMMY MERlCallpil &NHfi.."0111135. %WWIIL Ootarotnalie knrukip. vat bewore the Mitesamity Cieetseallea es asaLiesietr Mei of the Omit& ^ ' apkio

    a&CIRIJAI & 'l)o4'pm! NOR sum OE 31121.7, Ms.ax,a /9 Funkkeik-A Pwewri ,A serrreepoideaf of Ai) London MarWs that Dem Dr. Hoge, (late of _NewYork, who:is sow to England to procurre'Bibles and religious plMioatione for the

    • rebeln). applied to the fitutday SchoolUnion ht louden, for s donation sof theirribileations for the rebel siok in hoenlials.Hevas asked if 'ail books Would , be us*,esarible to the slaves." He frankly rii;plied„ Kertainly not." The *imagers1. um' rehised torespond to the regnant, and/is Cuasntedmmageglitetdweighaymi utit

    , larva donationof Bibles, and Aged intba.&er that the Society insist 'upon anequal distribution of these among, the• alarm The Err. Dr. Hoge Is 'likely tomeet some plain questions in hisWinnows,withChristianmen in England.

    t'; I,74ZEZif AMAa":ef..4, liege the Seltit.

    The Nashville gninnzinklishitthemintof a gentlemic Who happening to *ander.outsideour lines, and loins clothed in bat;'tend, was apprehended eaarebel &mitts:and -taken lo-Clutilantougapu'td Wale,toAttu,* GeOrght.,:: Net ntadi idanaspefront.the latter plan' inti Tatuaises aritalowly'worked his way to Nashville. Be foundUnionmen numerous in Nerthern:qemlisiwhere they held weekly meetings in meanthe.Therean also a groat many.,menevadingoonsoript law bilyinghidin din WiOalland.nunntininil. •Tkey shoot all the oon-script agents who, oome within reach oftheir:lBes. LiChinkee county;Alabinta,arm tooabOut 100 deserts*.from Braggyy krefuge in a naturaltortitioattonin 4and Noma; Where' they a&wising ofTaxanNation sew loarrestthem. About theist °Puny a tight occur-red- hi Fentress' nountf'plin., four milesfrom Jamestown,a•-: ofUnionists, =to Dan1 Beaty, and ionsipasiiefrebels, Command-ed by ANS -NutenhisOia The latter weredefeated; mithstlookiadueteen men, 1ci1144and weandect;,'.Cape:llltoldAson was owtare& ' Re had on nprevious occasionRapttared three ofBeaty's men and hungthem,'deelaringthiy, wershushiflutelterrand not.entitled teknoognitiOns Wows of war.Beaty returned thsooniplimentbz Shooting'

    71F 00T-.-On Wood ain't,. a few days;:11%riPtiggira' ihfia#F 14 be •-WATT AiWI ON 261 Lawny stun,

    seise *sr gm aimmobssamaniiimars ,• gooisznis.

    • as roam%PASSAGE PROM THE "OLDCOUN-aa_ 211T."—The arlsatissi Is am mini tieMsof eakreatio Ikea my poiof isr.r 114=11herby swiftOsainasti Bleasse NOMall."at Owl*diMlles Yawl. hirb.Ws tameastostreissed lota eliiiirly'-fiTI Tg'alrs henP=.suies...M.l=rtra oalLigiremels Jim*Litlgitrer ilims."nnitigemal '1).11.yamAmmilite Ildalles .. I loan.uatert..,


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    •.-: •Muni% 444iikiiiimmoskill *WM• - •

    Inao. aossA"aoratirmam,

    ' I :.atePallingalgion41111 1111 Ml' _w&arming.hilliosuo........_l4lOlney.""bell9l

    bagib- 161ilitab J. uwtfilifnikv aoswwitairsisi aims in Ims. ilias.a.e. ali ism;7. , !AIMFAIIIIIONID. :mat ft PM aloft amt.. , . .91101*4„' 11,(Wriwatia... ~,,' sa M:G I si - UD lOW'Zia kiwi amaim.SIDsouls ler&use%aimktiteit tudnatisaidusamt. 4lffir.4int .t ..."1""

    sio. mina.maa 4ax.es. %awn.wool ow ow,- 1

    WAIOT 00.1.• LID /11111aah sinumetiaapithwrap tamp *sewado mawIlksad ere ftftes ark iliaagge:radii Mrs* IlekaUsasa-:ejtabeg issaii .

    Awl 4111111%71141=1149. 1114 1.Taw Illesemilywtass4l.4lMia Vabisimi11111 -Viamiajammialmirk19---Erro, two%I Irons digenteg-bouolt of MU. obt MSS OMI ladlot Of igtmaktorsai• tr . ~,lame•ant""""kitiVIVAT &soma ortOt;f.

    r.............,,,„a,.W-/NW _ltilimysslll krair:4ft hasp,I= IMSaw°llll°iii,.ea milatieastaMandileareyfirlearil4Settlidrusedordiabissiumlblaftellh Lb.liramftgoilphaiiiAiwa awasether_anms.row~sat miediswiammes mumaleisisslsi 111.1 .• . , ,Orklialsa vett beitesiaiaat._-wNa s....—.am at llllliio,wirt.g"zaliio a",ie 111::11.110%;.'31:,sirriiiiiraasIliltallsr. fa slaw2L..d.....•.•010., AO 01110haemanies eassaser

    a 111 iski iiwear* Oft balt...._1/11110/011.*_ l ll.=Ow isi lit iisaft7awls 1.

    Waleastateetes ItoDollllloZiol4ll3lli•Oa tharedey three distinct mete of State:44often will kg• oleeted is what' was twoiluators Also metalled sad beam es the..,,,losteessrestaof Virstsbe. Gov.Plerpont11f.be.Anted_by the:Vat* :mea of old-Iflrglate, aid Burs:Billy Sauk by thenbele, while JudoBores sill be elect-, id Geneses of West lttsstrale. _Bo we giC.Wheeitey isbUtyeseen '

    ill!!! oday ittti jltoWoLlati8 4itio.mot sad tor hataat tba Tangy New, lift,of—-- ' JOHN A. 1111111481111.'rlR-rf mowLOOM/ and Rood mama%ritlibNibim Wt: liSlO lOW 'VDl) or thlirthonoot DNltabs Ito tritirsmarroated on%sad WU bap -poita say Oratthar,kw rho by thaonordtsat. by7F--- JOll5A.isirsaaw.-aoroorldbasty sal-Hand woo.

    OWLO::BLttlLaY;Indus Ifuel aulithallaRaft's,

    EwaOuni awas,assof God* rirpr-p10.1M111601,114 Wiltari eniir• -


    MOlba.WMles. aim*Ma - • .

    rw Id~wis ~- ! -

    Datorasin ill Ithutow—A Optima*ldestleat of the • Bi. Loeb ...Doseeret, et tarp samba of attiete from11 mosmiesitio la7,I3=NIV=S to1111~ ' that anathali. are,thedtheg 'ltrthetotate le t the dart,.ifeetailitithey i!soethatitas, he, Mythsbeta dernett fee nu smog: - -,


    A411•114all 4 Mid" Orscian,lorLINAnt/

    pose&, JORit 41: /11111 MW,_timovieLIsadawllefty.

    14 7 15114 11410 11111*

    IN MAiguuntarni:42f; amuucux os APoulos Briasfqll4 volition-4;10,0s:A° tactthat . 146 01- :/,-.364- 1,14 1118/111;OM WO,tlnifill*fr* ibtKil.11/14041-"MigIOAK6C - n '

    saaefilm& lotbit ncetAret hems:IroldkrliAlcayittereof "al w• • -4mut saxiaawson so..meTaws. •...

    ~.•T*,1;...-*.•.*.,1i;...a.*_.1.:I 6 1064141:114ii41i‘f-3•11' 3010sidelltii-‘'Iall."00 11r igasita;7 1711111

    'ristn //I: 1/.41.7: 1,7(1•-•yrs

    •- • 1 —lllk4lIt I • 10.r. ri '1 Nee156.1.6661.666441P/1.14111-4941', .

    PitatILWAVII MarkPiLeis fts- ArIeNIUM--

    WSII4IO /1: ions** .t . 6 47-- ilzt,' --1-4tzbuccnatos

    ' 'Obi*. isibagal II -:'/1!.711(.. 0 /"A.# 14714 171 4111%5ielWeii,"

    of As Troy (VIZ.1111MMM 10llaUtUag owtwo=Zoom ea am.Moo two*srWNW sok int Woo.

    TuoDozontio /lisiiivasili oof Zinn.)44a, reports ths Amber d luminawowsIs ad fount at >lryNuidnd I r'~~~'iliaitnia air"tilahrugarai..-'...,'";,-:•Z;"7:•.-:•:;':',-,_,:•.•:-,- :,, -- ,-.Y,_ ••••-•,4%': ,i,.71.,..7,147,:.t.:',1'.-;• • • , , ..."7'.77-"•`...."" ''''*''',..•• "..!"".•••"--•-••••••••••••••..........,......., 11,4-7'.