L Sp ec i nl Resett rc lt Histo ri es Record Gr oup (RG) 457. Title :..::::::: : l. u'ili.ri'iF.-i\;; s.;;;';;t; Etr,,;;-f ';;;i' ;i G.;; .,.:: i-..r 'pr.:r ,ryptnlogic hrstorr l90E-l01i] : i_'s: ii r CX \'ISS Lrf TR.A) bY rhe Linired Starec \\-ar De|rnnrent. 'il-I'-'I - : --,rr.: , - E\',eiiercc( irt i cl.eo: I ltra lnte.lilerrce L.' l'S '.: -Fie i Crrrrrrrand ir :l,e E.lr :e..rr flreater. f Oper;riorrs t\t,. . t'_-rl - !-:i::-'-=' .' I _- - .. :: -::_i - . : B:.;rle oi the ,{tlanric. \'ol II [L--Bcat Orerations--Decen.iber I9.12 r: \Ial i9-11 includin,q Gemran L -l-'oers al.l raiders in the Indran . " I P:.ci.:lc u. ean.l ,: E:,:tle oithe -{tlantic. -r'o1 I -\111:: C rlm,.inii::iols Intellieence, D:::rll. er I it.1l-l.Iai lo-15. l-:: Role of Comurunications hrellig:uc: rir Surmarine \\:aifare In :i: P:crtlc. [\'ol I. Jan t9+]. l9S pp: \-ol tr. Feb 19.11. ?02 pp . "',.1 lI1. \Iar. 19+i. 163 p.'p. \-ol I\'. Apr -\Ial l9l,r. l7l pp.: \,'ol. -.'. .Trrn 19-1i. 390 pp..: \'ol VI. -Iul l9:ll. i6: pp:\rol ViI. Aur - ler--t.1_1-:-,.1a1p!-,=\cl-\q!q!1,,-fJl!1p!-,1_-_::,-=-_:: The Role of Radjo Intelligence in tire An:erican-Tapanese \ar al \\'ar i\:ol I ALrg. 19,{l-Jun. 19:12, 338 pp , \/ol II, Jun. .1. 19-11- ,Iul 15. 1942. 420 pp , Accretion to Vol. II, 283 pp., \rol. IIi. Sr lorrron Islrnds Caltpaien. Jtrl 1 lo-ll-.Aug o. lo{1. oo: pp . Yol iV, Par-t 1, Solomon Islancls Can.rpaign, Aug. 9 1942--{ug 1 -1, ,194:, 383 pp., Vol. IV, Pad 2, Solonon Islands Camfraiqn. Aus l!lq!4!s. ?i . l2!?, q!.? pp,), .r S-1 Ultra-History of U S Strategic Air For ce Europe vs Gernan -{rr Fofce June 1945. :: t,,r"l Rpnnrr nf rhe Rqrlin lnrell oenrc \er'rinn f'encr:l (rrrf General Headou arlels. Arlerican itionan'Forces 191 8 - 1919. :Lj . : +: )-ore.199-c-e1911g_lq9"lPo-siqroq!y_q 2_lllf!r Ll?_lil .r':l- | | lre Need tor Nerv Le;jslar.on .\3ainst l-lraLrrhoriz<d Di:clo.ure: ofCotrrtrrutlicationSInte]hge1jceActivities,[Specia1RepotNo1 _--._.-.=:--:==-=----- iR H- ,l - )6d Alliprl c Air Force Tareet Plannins. t1913-19451. SRH-rrl 3 97 Collection of Japanese Diolonatic Messaqes 12 lu1. 38-21 Jan

New NSA SRH index

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This is an updated index of the Special Research Histories produced by the NSA and other similar American government agencies on a variety of topics.

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Page 1: New NSA SRH index


Sp ec i nl Resett rc lt Histo ri es

Record Gr oup (RG) 457.


: l. u'ili.ri'iF.-i\;; s.;;;';;t; Etr,,;;-f ';;;i' ;i G.;;.,.:: i-..r 'pr.:r ,ryptnlogic hrstorr l90E-l01i]

: i_'s: ii r CX \'ISS Lrf TR.A) bY rhe Linired Starec \\-ar De|rnnrent.'il-I'-'I

- : --,rr.: , - E\',eiiercc( irt i cl.eo: I ltra lnte.lilerrce L.' l'S'.: -Fie i Crrrrrrrand ir :l,e E.lr :e..rr flreater. f Oper;riorrst\t,. . t'_-rl

- !-:i::-'-=' .' I _- - .. :: -::_i- . : B:.;rle oi the ,{tlanric. \'ol II [L--Bcat Orerations--Decen.iber I9.12

r: \Ial i9-11 includin,q Gemran L -l-'oers al.l raiders in the Indran. " I P:.ci.:lc u. ean.l

,: E:,:tle oithe -{tlantic. -r'o1 I -\111:: C rlm,.inii::iols Intellieence,

D:::rll. er I it.1l-l.Iai lo-15.

l-:: Role of Comurunications hrellig:uc: rir Surmarine \\:aifare In:i: P:crtlc. [\'ol I. Jan t9+]. l9S pp: \-ol tr. Feb 19.11. ?02 pp .

"',.1 lI1. \Iar. 19+i. 163 p.'p. \-ol I\'. Apr -\Ial l9l,r. l7l pp.: \,'ol.

-.'. .Trrn 19-1i. 390 pp..: \'ol VI. -Iul l9:ll. i6: pp:\rol ViI. Aur -

ler--t.1_1-:-,.1a1p!-,=\cl-\q!q!1,,-fJl!1p!-,1_-_::,-=-_::The Role of Radjo Intelligence in tire An:erican-Tapanese \ar al\\'ar i\:ol I ALrg. 19,{l-Jun. 19:12, 338 pp , \/ol II, Jun. .1. 19-11-

,Iul 15. 1942. 420 pp , Accretion to Vol. II, 283 pp., \rol. IIi.Sr lorrron Islrnds Caltpaien. Jtrl 1 lo-ll-.Aug o. lo{1. oo: pp .

Yol iV, Par-t 1, Solomon Islancls Can.rpaign, Aug. 9 1942--{ug 1 -1,

,194:, 383 pp., Vol. IV, Pad 2, Solonon Islands Camfraiqn. Ausl!lq!4!s. ?i . l2!?, q!.? pp,),

.r S-1 Ultra-History of U S Strategic Air For ce Europe vs Gernan -{rrFofce June 1945.

:: t,,r"l Rpnnrr nf rhe Rqrlin lnrell oenrc \er'rinn f'encr:l (rrrf

General Headou arlels. Arlerican itionan'Forces 191 8 - 1919.

:Lj . : +: )-ore.199-c-e1911g_lq9"lPo-siqroq!y_q 2_lllf!r Ll?_lil.r':l- | | lre Need tor Nerv Le;jslar.on .\3ainst l-lraLrrhoriz<d Di:clo.ure:ofCotrrtrrutlicationSInte]hge1jceActivities,[Specia1RepotNo1

_--._.-.=:--:==-=-----iR H- ,l - )6d Alliprl c Air Force Tareet Plannins. t1913-19451.

SRH-rrl 3 97 Collection of Japanese Diolonatic Messaqes 12 lu1. 38-21 Jan

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ll \ar ratir e Courbat lntelli,eellce Center. Joint lntelligence Center,Pacitlc Ocean Area [8 Nov 1945].

-161 C ontroil ed A_uent Commr"urications Activiti es I 91+- I s45

Repolts b-v U.S. Almy Ultla Repfesentatives *'itli Annv FieldComurands in the European Theatre of Operations. 1s45. [Part I.c'7 pp . Pan II. ll0 pp I

69 Battle of tlre Atlantic, Vol. III [German Naval Communicationhitelligence, by OP-20-G. 1942- l 945.1.

78 Battle ofthe Atlantic, Vol. lV [Technical Intelligence fiorn Alliedc t. toJ r- toJ5 I

4 lr,{arshall Letter to Eisenho',ver on the Use of "[Iltra" intelligence,lr Iarch 15. lo-ll.

i5 Navv Departuient, Code ancl Signal memoranda No. I, Code andSignal Section, Division of Operations. 1917.

19 Friedman, William F. A Brief History of the Signals IntelligenceSel r ice. Jrrrre lo. lq-l:.

l3 A History of the Code and Cipher Section Dr-rring the First WorldWar. Prepaled in l919 by N4ajor Herben O. Yardley.

l:11 Trip Reports Concelning Use of Ultra in the lvleditelaneanTlreater. loli- |


89 Repol'ts by U.S. Anny LIltra Representatives with Field Comnrandsin the Sor-rthwest Pacif'ic, Pacitic Ocean and China Burnra IndiaTheaters of Operations, 1944-1945.

7 History ofthe Operations of Special Security Off-1cers Attached toField Commancls, l94i- l9:15.

20 Marshall Letter to MacAfthur on the tlse of "Ultra" h.rtelligence,Mav 23 1944 and Related Corespondence.

6.1 Historl of the Special Branch, I\{iS, War Departrnent , 1942-1914693 Radio Lrtelligence in WWII. Tactical Operations in the Paciflc

Ocearr .Areas. Januarv loli35 Reporls Received b_v U.S. War Depaftment on Use of Ultra in the

European Theater, World War II. [October 1945.].

193 A Selection of Papers Pertaining to Herbert O. Yardley. [1889-le58 l

80 "N{agic" Diploniatic Extracts, hrly 19.15

82 ThiLd Almy Radio Intelligence History in Campaign of \\iesternEurope. Prepared by Signal Intelligence Sen'ice of Headquarlers,Third U S Army [1e.]-3-1e45.]

l5 Conrment on l\'{arshall-Deivev Erchange Concerling Pearl Harbor.Septenber 19.14

60 Reminiscences ofLieutenant Colonel Honard P Bros,n. PrepcredLn<ler the Direction of Chief Signal O11lcer. -1 August lllJr

l-l Procedure tbr Hanclling LIltra Derter IntelLisence in the CBl. [11\larch lqls l

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-.' S.-;:r:r-..-.:. ri Operari.rnal .\ctii in oi Si,gnal Securin DetachnentD . il:L \rnri Gr.'rLp. ETO. Cr-tierine rhe period I Seprember

, :{f :o .{pril ie'+5

rI fu'. er'o.rni LirL,oraton Correspondence I919.iS I:::er. ie',i .,iith \Ir. Ralph T. Briggs 13 January 1977. coucerninr.:

'\\'inds'nlessage.:'S Fstinrated Japanese.{ircraft Locations, 15 Julv l9;l-l-9 August

.l< l'rrited Strtes Fleet

t Special Report by: Joint Arrny-Navy Cornnittee on the JapaneseAir Forces. Estirnate ofJapanese Air Situation as of23 Jur.re 1945,Unrted States Fleet

I 6 Eff-ects of B-29 Operations In Supporl of the Okinawa Canrpaign,I 8 Nlarclr-ll Jurre lo{ i

44 Estimated Unit Locations ofJapanese Navy and Amry Air Forcesas of20 Jrrly 1945, United States Fleet.

224 Preliniinary Report to Pacific Order of Battle Conl'erence, l5ALrurrst loJ5

I I Callimahos, Lambros D., The Legendary William F. Friedman.

69 Selected Eraurples of Couunendations and RelateclCorrespondence Highlighting the Acltievements and Value of U. S.

Signals Intelligence During World War II.I I i Notes on the Japanese Theatre Coordination Section, Signal

Security Agency, l6Nov. 1943-25 Feb. 1944.

I lo History of Military hrtelligence Serv'ice, W D G S, Reports Unit.47 Japanese Surface and Air Operations, I January 1942-31 January


33 Japanese Subrnarine Operations. 2l January 1942 to 25 Marctr1912

56 Japanese Surlhce and Air Operations, I February 1942-3 I Marclito-l:.

1l Eramples of Intelligence Obtained Frorn Cryptanalysis. I August1946

20 Japau as Nlediator irr the Russo-Ger rnrn t'onflict, 19 Decernber1944.

26 Japanese Estimates of Genlaul''s Abilin to Continue the Stnrggle.22 January I 9.15.

i7 The Problem of the Prolongation ofthe Soliet-Japanese NeutralitvPact. 1l Febmary 19.{5

l-l \otes on the Crinrea {\-alta) Conference. l-l \larclr l9-15.

1S -\brogation olthe Soviet-Japanese \eutralin -\ct. Lr April l9-+5

l- Recenr Poliricrl Dereltf rnents in Thailand {Siarrl). I \lai l9l51l \\ hite Russiiins in \lanchukuo- S \Ia1 io-15

l- -lapan:se Burniese Relatlons. q \laj l0l5

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:RH- -:- ) -ii:::-:aa Re:;t:.'r- :.. Gennan Deteat- I I \Iar l9-15

- I J:::r: se-P.-r.::ue:e Rel:i:cns :nd the '\lacao Problem", i::i--:;-. -\[:i -i-l: r. ]_1 \lal l9-15

, - S-:.-'S.-', iet Relari.ns. I June l9-{5.

-- R,s s.r-,l,rF.r:ese Relations. I8 June 1945.

L, Russ,>J:f arese Relations (June 19,15).2 July 1945.

.1 Ccmpilalion ci Intelliqence Data, Japanese Submarine Forces (U.S.\as Brirish -{dmiraltr Letter). g February 1945.

I -l IntbrmariLrn iiLrIn Captain Geolge W Linn. USNR (Ret. ).

11 Siruation in Thailand (April-June 1945), 7 June 1945.

l8 The Chunking-Yenan Controversy, l0 May 1945.

l1 Russo-Japanese Relations ( I - | 2 Jnly 1945), l4 July 1945.

24 Russo-Japanese Relations (13-20 Jtrly 1945),2l Jnly l9;t5.22 Russo-Japanese Relations (21-27 July 1945),2 Augnst l9;15

14 Nlongolian Independence. 3 August 1945.

20 Russo-Japanese Relations (28 July-6 August 1945), 7 August 1945.

14 Military and Political Plans for tlie Southern Pacific AreaFormulated by the Japanese Prior to l4 Ar-rgust 1945, 24 Augustt 945

46Japarr,sSttrrettdet]\Ialtueuvers.2oArrgusllq,15.18 The Chunking-Yenan Controversy, Clirollological Report, 8

Septerrrber 1445.

28 Japan (Reaction to Defeat and Current Problerns), 28 September1945.

2l Sino-Japanese Relations (Japan's China Policy), 2 October l9'15.

3 I French lndo-China (Political Situation)" 1 1 October 1945.

20 Recent Political Developrnents iu Frencli Indo-China, 6 April 1945.

l;1 Japanese Relations with the Renraining "Listeniug Posts" in Europe(May-mid-July 1945), I August 1945.

133 Proceedings ofthe Pacific Order of Battle Conference, 3-19 Jul.v

l oll.366 Report ofPacific Order of Battle Coni-erence (Ground Forces). l5-

l8 August 1945.

155 Historl of the Intelligence Group. I\'1IS (N'IID) W D.G S.. 7

December 19.11-6 Septeurber 1945. Graphic Presentation ofIntelligence.

I I The .\flermath ol Japanese Occupatron of French Lrdo-Chrna.(\Iarch-\Iar lcJ5 )

ll Estimated Disposition of-lapanese Fleet. \aval \ircrait and

\lerchant Shippinc. l-l .{uqust l9-1-1 and IS \o\ enrber la+-+

-{l Ideniilicrirons. Locirtioll\ and Comnrand Function-: oi Srlnrtl,:antr.....,,, 1-,... \^ D,,,..!nttelrJ/rrrs:s

l l Srrr. rde \n3,k Srurlf 'n Orlrniz.rii.'n- Jult li'l5

!RH-. --SR.H- -S

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SRH- 1]8

SRH- 1l:l

l5 Enemy Combat Ship Losses, I August 1qi5.25 Japanese S'"vept Channels and Sunken Vessels as Indicated

Ultra. (maps), 18 August 194).

3 Specific lnstructions for tlie Handling and Dissemination of Special

War IL [post-\\'\\'II]Iltelligence. [25 Januaq, l94l ].

42 Problems of the SSO Svstenr in World58

, svstelll ll1 \Operations of the Military Intelligence Ser.;ice, War Deparlmeru.London (MlS WD London).

3 3 l\,Iagic Reporls for the Attention of tlie President. t s43 - l g-1'1

47 Post ivlorlen.r Writings on Lidications of Atdennes Ofi-ensir e.

Decernber 1944.

29 Selected DocunlentsSpring 1943

l6 China's Position Today, 19 August 19.15.

i87 U.S. Arury Investigatio s into the Handlilg of CertainConmunications Prior- to tlie Attack on Pear-l Harbor. l9.l-1- l9-15

56 Origin, Functions and Problerns ofthe Special Branch. lti.I S. [ 5

Apr il I o-li l

l2 History of Special Blanclt, M.I.S., June 194.l-Septenbef lqli421 Incidental Exlibits. RE Pearl Harbor Investigation. 1ll1IS \\'DGS )

I.August la41l.95 Military Intelligence Sewice, War Departrrent, Special Securiq

Office and other Correspondence Relating to Special Intelligencein the Pacific Ocean Area [5 Septenrber 1944 to ]0 Jull' 19-l5l

107 Utilization of Anerican Indians as Coulnunication Linguists [1-]October 19501.

Japanese Ship List "Knorv Your Enemv". l8 December I 9-14

Japanese Messages Concel ninc th e Hoshi ltlartr and.-lrr.r \,[rrir.December 19,14 through August 19:15.

Brownell Conrmittee Report, 28 December 195 I

Operational History ofthe 8.19th Signal Intelligence Sen rce.

Ir4editerranean Theater-of Operations. Lrited States .\nlr [',Iull194s1

75 Friedrrran. Willianr T. Cenain Aspccts oi "\lagic in the

Crlptological Background of the Various Ofllcial Inlesti-sationsInto the Pearl Harbor Atlacri

.17 Histon'and Organization of PAC\IIRS. 6 September i9-l-l-lJAugust l 9-{ 5.

196 Itse and Dissenrination of L ltra in the Sr.ruthn esr Pacitlc Area.

lq-+-r- I ql5




lq Studi olPearl Hart'or Hearinss. \lilitan lntelligenceDepannrent. Gener:l Statj-. I o-l-

l-l -I:n:lese OrJer ..i B:rle Bulleijrs. hiellig ence Ser. ice

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SRH- I35SRH-136

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sRll- l i0SRH.I J ]

[\ l:r r;l -June Iol{]Sl Histon ofthe Intellisence Group. N{ilitary Intelligence Service,

\\'DG5 \eicrrrrtlc B rrrrc lr

Hrston of tlre lntellisence Group. Nlilitary Intelligence Sen ice,\\'DGS \Iilitarr Branch fPart I. 2q pp.: ParIII.226 pp.' Paft II],105 pp.: Part I\'. l5l pp.: Part V. 14.+ pp.. Part VI, 16l pp.l

[Ocrober lo{:l7 History of tlre Special Distribution Brancli Military Intelli-qence

Sen ice, \\' D.G.S.. Part 3, Section 7. [January 1946]

29 Friedman. \\rilliarrr T Erpansion ofthe Signal Intelligence Servicefrom 1930-7 Decenber l9.l L

188 Historl ofthe Second Signal Service Battalion, 1939-1945

715 Radio Intelligence in World War II, Tactical Operations in thePacific Ocean Areas. December'. 19,12.

26 Llnit History, lst Radio Squadron, Mobile, U.S. Air Force SecuritvService, 1-31 August l9'+9 and 1 Marcli-30 April 1950.

56 Llnit History. 2nd Radio Squadron Mobile, U.S. Air Force Secr.rritySen'ice. I Febnraryto3I July 1949.

186 Unit History, 3rd Radio Squadron, N4obile, U.S. Air Force SecurrhService, I January-3 I Deceniber 1950.

18 History ofthe "Language Liaisou Group", Military IntelligenceService, Wal Department. 22 September 1 945.

Papers fron the Personal Files of Alfred McColniack, Colonel.A[JS. Special Branch, G-2 Military Intelligence Branch. \VarDepartnient. [Part I, 228 pp.; Part 2, 352 pp.] [5 Febn-rary 19.12 to29 August 19zl5l.

44 Russell, Commancler Jerry C., Ultra and the Canpaign Against theU-boats in World War II. [20 May 1980].

74 Smitli, Tornmy J.. Ultra in the Battle of Britain: The Real Key toSuccess? [18 NIay 1980].

Radio lntelligence in World War II Tactical Operations in thePacific Ocean Area, February 1943. [Pan I, 331 pp.. PartIl. il5ppl

9 Haudliug of Ultla Within the Military Inteliigence Senice (l\'1lS).1941- 1s,13. [29 January 1946].

;1zl Communications Intelligence Summaries. I November-6December' 19:ll. Commandant, l-lth Na\.al District. United StatesNar1 .

l l General Information on Local Ultra Picture as Backsround fbrSi-enal Intelligence Cont'erence. 6 IIarch l9-1-1

l5 Saftbrd. Laurance F . A Brief Histon' ol CommunicationsIntellilrence in the L nited States

i The Brnhdar of tlie \a,al Securitl Groupr [Hrsttrn t,,r looS]lb \IiIitJn Snrdi. Conrmunication Iniellcence Research -\ctii iiies.

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,l Cl June 193 7.

l-l Hrstorical Rerie\\,of OP-20-G. !7 Febnrary 19.141.

l0 \llS. \\ ar Depafirnent. Liaison Activities in the UK. lsli-lol5Ill Oe roLrcr )o-l5l

-18 Srcnal Intelligence Disclosures in the Pearl Harbor Inr estisarions

! Juh I e-l7l

5c) Intelli,qence Summaries^ Japanese Slipping, Januarl -Februanjoli

98 \\'eekly Listing ofNferchant Vessels Sunk in Far-Eastern \\'arersl4 Decenrber ls.l4-15 March 1945. PSIS 120-2-PSIS l:0-ll

67 N{onthll Listing of Sinkings ofJapanese Ships, April-September19.+5 PSIS 12l-l fthrough] 12l-6A List of Japanese Nlerchant Ships Second Edition, PSIS I 00- I . I

February 1945. [Part I. Alv ]v,t. to Kyr(haka:e Al. 330 pp : Pen II.Lui Hsirrg to Zturo A4.283 pp.)

9 Preliminary Historical Repor-t on tlie Solutio[ of the "B" \ lach ine

u4 October l9;lol.37 History 0f Weather Unit (1942-i9,13).

10 Permanent Organization fbr Code and Cipber Investieation andAttack (Plans fbr lvI.L 8). [May l9l9].

l5 History of Securit-v Nlonitoring. WWI to t955.

I I I Joint Army-Navy Assessment Cournrittee (JANAC). \liscellaneousIt4euroranda, I 9.+i - I 9,17

65 Menioranda from COMINCH, (F-20) to Joint Armv-Nas'Assessment Committee (JANAC), I 944- 1945.

Mernoranda lrorn Ofli ce of Naval Conrmunications to Joinr .\nni -Nav-v Assessment Committee (JANAC). 19.1i-lq4l. [Pan L lo]-r-1944,245 pp., Pad II, 1945, 404 pp.. Paft III. l9-16. :05 pp lJoint Armv-Navy Assessment Courmittee (JANAC). \Iemorandato Office ofNaval Conmunicatiou. [Part l. September l9]{-\lav1946, 331 pp ; Part 2, April 1946-January 1946. 31i pp l

34 N4emolanda from Army Signal Corps to Joint .A.rnrr'-\air'Assessnlent Conrmirtee (JANAC). 1945- I 9+6

Agenda lvlinutesiAssessments, Joint Annv-Navr AssessnentCommittee (JANAC). fPaft I, meetings I-l]. 1-i Februan-llDecember 1943. l7l pp.. Part II. nleetilrgs li-10. l8 Februan-llAugust 1944" 302 pp. Part III. rneetings I l-18. llAucusI-ljDecenber lS.l'1. -lr: pp.. Part I\i. nteetings l9-16. 5 JanLran -llApril l9-{5. 332 pp :Part \'. meetincs 37-l+. 10.\pril-o \ovenberls-15. -173 pp.: Part \-I. nreetings l5-+7. ,10 \orernL.er lo-l:-llJanLran l9-16. 311 pp.. Pan VII. meetinqs l3-rl.l5 FeL'maq-l\lav l9-1c.. lq7 pp : Pan VIII. nreetincs 5l-55. l1 -Iune-]5 -Iuli1ql:. :q0 p!-. Part l\. nreetinlrs !1r-1ro. a.\nsu51 l"-1o-ll -lanuarlt al6. :gl pp l

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--1 C entrrlrzei Contr.rl of L S Arnrr Signei Inielliqence,\crii rtres

I ro]51Shipping and Economic \otes. \lilitan' Intellicence Sen ice. \\'arDepannrent [Prn L Indices. 31 pp . Pan II. l8 October I.r]-1-11Januan l9-15. {i5 pp . Part III. 2l Januan -15 \larch lo-lr. -11-ltr

pp : Pan [\. l-lo .{pril lq]5.466 pp . Part \'. 10 {pril-l \IarI 915. .+51 pp . Pan VI- 2- I 5 i\,Iay 1945. rl:10 pp : Part VII. I S-iO\1a1, le-15. ,{57 pp.. Pan \iIII. :-16 June 19.15. J3.l pp.. Pan I\. 19

June-2 Jr-rlv 1945. .159 pp.. Part X, 4-18 Julv 1945. 4.+5 pp.: PanXI, l9 July-.1 August 19.15. 500 pp.. Part XII. 8-10 -{ugust I9J5.578 pp.. Paft XIII, 28 August-28 Septenber 1945. 186 pp.l

64 Navy Department. Office of tlie Chief of Naval Operations.Secondary Course in Cryptanalysis. [1939].OCSigO Signal Security Agency, Japanese Army Order of Battlelnfbrniation, 5 October 1943-31 May 1944. [Par1 I. 5 October-7Decernber 1943. 410 pp.'Part II, 8 Deceniber 19:13-25 Januan1944. i85 pp.. Pafi III.26 January-25 N4arch 1944, -386 pp.. PaftIV, 27 N4arcli-3 I May l9.lzl. 371 pp.l.

OCSigO Signal Securitv Agency. Japanese Order of Battle. FirstEdition. ( l5 lVlarch 19.121). lPart ]. 3.+l pp : Part II. ;128 pp.l

OCSigO Signal Security Agenc_v, Japanese Order of Battle. SecondEdition, (31 March l9zl5. [Pad I, 405 pp.. Part Ii 443 pp.].

Signal Security Agency. Japanese Order of Battle, 26 NIa5' l9.l.l-3 1

Ir4arcli 1945. [Pan I, 26 N{ay-17 Noi.'eniber l9-1.1,.171 pp.. Part II,l8 November- 1944-3 I Nlarcli 1945, 473 pp lOCSigO Si,qnal Security Agency, Japanese Order of Battle, FifthEdition, (12 January 1945). fPart I, 361 pp.;Pan lI. 358 pp.: ParrIII, -l I 5 pp , Part IV, .l 16 pp l

l6 Literrogation of Japanese Concerning Possible Broadcast of the"Winds Execute" Messages. October-November l9;15.

I 0 Radio Security Station, N{arine Detachnrent, Peliing. China, I S2 7-1935

50 Radio Security Station (STA "A"). 4tli N{arine Reqiment.Shanghai, Chiua. ls2'1-ls29/1935-19.10. [photo alburn and map].

100 U.S. Nai'al Ple-World War II Radio lntellicence Activities in thePhilippine lslands. I l e29- 19"15]

OCSigO Signal Securitv.A.eencv. Japanese Order of Battle. FourthEditior. (10 October Iq+4) [Pan I.27i pp.i Part I]. lql pp.. PartIII. .,1:,: pp : Pan I\'. ll3 pp : Part \'. :-13 pp l

lo L S \ai al C onrllunrcations. Supplementan' .\ctii in. \'aitogr.santo.l. lo-t r)_ lo_+a

I - OCSi:O Si3n.... Securitr A,cencr. Location of ,lapanese \lilitanI::st-ri ::i..1s. -r Ig"-3n1f s1 |Q-{1

C\O. P.i:i:L: l:,:e..irer;e Sectron. Allied Clainrs and Enenrr

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SRH- I92






SRH- I98




SRH-: -'l

( cninuar:.-.n ci Drnra_,:e ts -lapalese Ships (Januan l9-l-l-Septenrber i.l: [Prn l. Januarr'-Septernber Iq-+-].198 pp.. Part 1I.

OctoL'er-December l9+-1. i1; pp. Pan III. Januan-Februan. l9-1.1.

i,,'5 pp . Part I\'. \[aich-\Iar l9+.+. :87 pp.. Part \'. June-Jul1'l.l.l-1. ll0 pp : Pan \ I. August-October 19-1.1. -lt-1 pp : Part VII.\or eurber-Deceurber l9-1,1. 26 I pp.. Part VIII. Januan -February1c-15. l0l pp.. Part lX. Nlarch-April 1945, 3:18 pp.: Part X. NIay-.\usust lo{5. -i:{ pp ].

85 War Erper-ience of Alfled McCormack. [] I July 19471

l.l U.S. Naval Supplementary Radro Station ,l',vo Jima, N{arch-Decenrber 1945.

9 U.S. Naval Supplenentary Raciio Statiorr. Palml ra Island. TerritorvofHarvaii, 28 April 1942-16 January 1946.

8 U.S. Navy Strategic Radio Direction Finder Station, Guadalcanal,Novernber 1942-.1 December l94zl.

l9 U.S. Naval Supplenrentary Radio Station, Jol lston Island, IDecernber 1942-l January 1946.

6 Ll.S. Navy Strategic Radio Direction Finder Station, Tararva Atoll.l3-19 December' 1943--27 November 1944.

8 U.S. Nar,y Supplenentary Radio Station, Kwajalein, 29 Febr-uaryI o-l-l-8 Decenrber 1915.

32 U.S. Naval Supplementarv Radio Station, Manus Island, l7 Jurrelq44- l0 October loJ5.

20 U.S. Naval Radio Direction Finder Station. Morotai Island, 24Ja nuary- j February loJ5.

6 U.S. Naval Supplenientary Radio Station, Leyte, PhilippineIslands, l6 July-17 Septerlber 1945.

War Departnient (l\4ID) N4ilitary Intelligence Sen'ice, JapaneseGround Folces Order of Battle Br,:lletins fPart I, 7 April-2 June1945. 405 pp., Paft II, 9 June-l I Augr-rst 1945, i94 pp.l.

25 Reports on the Activities of Dr. N4arshall Stone in the China,Buma and India Theaters. 20 Januarl-31 lr'Iarch 19.15.

44 U.S. Navy Comu.nnication lntelligence Organization. Liaison andCollaboration. 1 94 1 - 1 945.

47 File ofNlessages Erchanged rvith U.S. Ir{ilitary lr,lission toI\.{oscorv. [25 Octobef 1945].

122 Japanese Arnry Shipping Organization, I l\{arch l9'15. NlilitrnIntelligence Sen,ice. \\'-ar Depaftment

OP-l-G File On Armr'-Navv Collaboration. lqi 1-19-+5. [Paft I. l8.Tull 19.3 l--l I \la1 lo1-1. 3-15 pp . Pan l. 9 June-l I .\ugust 191i.lel pp l

I I 0 -\ Collection of German L -Boat -\dnronition Erperience \lessages( I !r-+-l-le+5 ). oP-li,-G

l- Location oiPrincipal Conbar Ship; (JaFanese). ii Seprenrter-i.r

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SRH-2 I3


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\KH- I


Detemt'er I Jll OP-lr-1-G

General He:dquaners. Southrrest Pacitlc .\rea \lilitanInrelliuence Section. General Sta1}. Sp96131 Intellicence Bulletins

[Pan l. \o l-]rra. I \Iar' 19-li-,r0 NoremL'er 194-i. -r5l pp. Panl. \tr lln-.:10. I Decenber l9l.l-.ll Nlarch l9-+1. l5-1 pp. Pan l.\Lr rr,.r-rq0. I .\pril 19.11-3 I NIay 19.1.1. 187 pp l.General Headquaners. South$'est Pacific Area. \lilitanInrelli-cence Section. G-:, LIltra Intelli,sence Bulletrns [Pan 1. \o3s I-510. I June-i0 September 1914,467 pp.. Part 5. No 5l l-5s9.I Octobei-18 Deceurber I944,427 pp.l.Part 6, GHQ. SWPA- Ivlilitary Intelligence Section. G-1. I-tltraIntelligence Summaries. [No. l-137, l5 April-29 AugLrst l9-15. 575ppl

600 A List of Japanese Nlerchant Ships. First Edition -- Jr-rlv l9-1-1. andFirst Supplenent -- August 1944, OP-20-G.

49 OP-2O-GA Compendiuni of Available Italian Suburarine MessageTranslations (30 Januarl-10 Septenber 1943).

l5 U.S NaD' (OP-20), Report on Orange Navy's Reaction toChangkut-eng Incident, August 28, 19.i8.

1 06 Evacuation of LISN CONIINT Personnel fi'on Corregidor inWWII [post WWII]United States Navy Suburarine Warfare N{essage Reports,CON{INCH to Admiralty. [Pan I, 3 June 1942-31 May I943,Serials l-118, 122 pp.: Paft II, I June 1943-30 Decernber 19,13,

Serials 119-149, l4l pp.; Part lII, I January 1944-3 I N4ay 1944.

Serials 150--324. 80 pp.: Part lV. 2 June 1944-9 June 1945, Serials,i l5--{ 5 S lott pp.l.

60 Collection of Papers Related to the "Winds Erecute" Message,U.S. Navy, 19215. [Deceurber 1945].

36 Japanese Radio Corrrrnunications and Radio Intelligence.CINCPAC-CINCPOA Bullettu 5-45, I Januaqt l9;15.

24 Elementary Cipher Solr-rtion, Navy Depaftment, Office of Chief ofNaval Operations, Code and Signal Section, 1930.

40 Office of Operations Bulletins, Olfice of Chref of NavalOperations, Navy Depafiment, 1935-1941. Icryptography and


4,1 Elenentan Course in Cryptanalysis. Otlice of Chief of NaralOperations. Na\ \, Department. Circa l9ig

5l U.S. Navi'. Comnunication Seculit.v Group. Training PaniphletNo. 17. Ciphers. 1937.

7i Elementan Course in Cryptanalysis. Oft.ice of Chief of \aralOpelations. Na\'\' Departurent. Circa 19-10.

lL.l L S \arv Basic Course in Elementan Cryptanall,sis. lq-+l-19-+llro \a\ \ Depanment- Elenreutan' Course in Cn'ptauall sis. l9+o

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SRH-]] 1















:: L -r:., \1.:.::::;.1 ::: ilie Blante.. P:.rers [,lLrne ]9-151

\[e.s:.::es Bet,i:e:r L S Philippine Guenlla Forces and HQ.S\\'P\. rDecenit,er 19Jl-\r'rr enr[-.er 1q-+-]) lPart I.67 pp.. Part II.Irc Fp. Pan III- 5-+-r pp. PxrtI\'. 330 pp. Part \'. 518 pp.. Part\1. iEt- pp l

I I S IS -{ctivities ol Captain Harrison and Captain Koerner. ETO 1944-lol)

:ll OP-20 Report on Japanese Grand FIeet l\'{aneuvers (l\'fay-Juneloi0 r

280 \'alious Repofts on Japauese Grancl Fleet Nlaneuvers (June-AugLrst1qi3 )

120 Valious Reports on Japanese Graud Fleet Maneuvers (August-October loi I t

81 !'arioris Reports on Japauese Grand Fleet Maneuvers (July-Septerrrber lO.i 51.

l6 Japanese Naval Resen,e Cornrlunications Intelligence Specialistsr lq-+l-lo+5 r. f lrrly le-l5l

105 Unit History. l26th Signal Radio Intelligence Cornpany, FebnraryI 94 1 -Septenrber I 9.15.

398 Histories of Radio Intelligence Units, European Theater ofOperations. Septen.rber 1944-N4arch 1945. Vol. L

210 History olthe l36th Radio Security Detachrnent, 7 Febmary 1942-i0 .A pril loJ6

l0 The Role of CONIINT in the Battle of N'lidrvay. [June 1972].

I l5 Japanese Reports on Monitoring of Allied WirelessCorlrlunications in the Philippines (January-Noveurber I9zl3).

l0 U.S. Navy CON{INCH, Radio Intelligence AppreciationsConcerning German U-boat Activity in Far East (January-Aprill94s ).

46 United States Navy. Directol of Naval Comurunications,N,Ieurolanda on the Con,eressional hrvesti,gations ofthe Attack onPearl Halbor. [Deceurbel I946].

69 The Zinimern.ran Telegrani and Related Papers. [970].6 CONIINT Contributions, Submaliue Walt-are in WWII, l7 June

1947, VADN4 C.A. Lockrvood, USN. CONISLTBPAC.

United States Navy. Sut.rmarine Warfare N{essage Repofts.Adrniralt_v to COl\{INCH. fPart l. 2.1 lt4av 194]-3 I DecemberI9;12. Serials 001-i70. 156 pp : Part II. I Januarl 19.1-i-3 I ]\iarch19-1,:. Serials 171-18:.. 310 pp. PanIII. I April 19-13-30 Junel9.l-1. Serials l8-1-510.283 pp.: Part l\r. I Julr' 19{-i-20 Septernberl9-1-1. Serrtrls rll-c'76. 252 pp : Part \'. I October l9-1i-,1 lDecerrber 1.1-l-1. Serials 677-857. 310 pp . Part Vl. I Januan' l9-14-l0 trlalch 1911. Serials 3r8-101r. i56 pp:Part \'1i. I -{pril l9l-l-19 June l9-l-1. Senals ll)-1r-l l q7. :tl pp.. Part VIII. I Julr l9-1.1-

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1 li Historical Data Report, lst Cornnrunications Security Squadron, 8-3l December 1953.

SRH-2"Io 5l Hisron ofthe illcl Corrrrrrrrnicalions Seculitl Squacllon. I July-3 |

Deceniber 1953

-:, Decernb.:: l'-1-l Serirrls I l.S-llirs. ili pp . Pan l\. I Januanl.-li- rl ,lune l.-1i Senals i-1,-ro-1.-5. ioc pp. p211\. L-L,oatSr:,r.tr..r Reptrs Pan I l-r \lar 1q-+l-lS April l!l'-+3. lCrl pp ]

l: Gei..rer-\ Iuller C.r'rnrer lor Detecrion of Radioactii e Secret Ink.t.rl l- t9-.15

:+ \llS SS.\. .{r:is Anah sis of Oi er-the-Hump U S Air TranspoftTrattlc. 15 June l9-15.

18 \\'ar Departrnent. \llS. Japanese Annv Signal Centers and OftcerLists. I Seprember lg-15

30 Detachnrent B. 5th Radio Squadron Nlobile, Weekly RiT TechnicalSurrrnarv. I9-2: November 1944.I'7-23 December I9,1.1.

l9i Historical Data Repon. l6th Radio Squadrol I\4obile, I January1953 -3 0 June 195.1.

317 History ofthe l2th Radio Squadron, Ir{obile, I January 1951-31December 195 I , I Janr-rary 1953-3 1 N'Iarch 1953.

I 0 I Historical Reporl, I 5th Radio Squadron, Mobile, I April-3,Decembel 1951. I August-3 1 December 195;1.

27 I Historical Reporl. 8th Radio Squadron, Mobile" 2 I November 1947-28 Febmary 1954.

123 Historical Data Report, 696lst Communications Squadron, IJanuary 1953-31 Decenber 1953.

?8 Historical Data Report, 6962nd Supply Squadron, I Septernber-3 I

Decerr rber lo5l70 Historical Data Repoft. .l4th Radio Squadron Mobile, 1 Jamrary-3O

Qentpnrher I Ail

49 Histolical Data Report, 8,1th Radio Squadlon Mobile, I Januaryla5i-i I Decerrr ber lo5-l

I 0 History of Communications Security in Korea, September 1950-JtllY loi I

219 Hud, John B., A Version ofthe Japanese Ploblem in the SpecialIntelligence Sen ice (iater Signal Security Agency), 1930-1945.

(r Historical Data Repon. 85th Radio Squadron Mobile, 8-31Decetttlret I o< i

172 The Japanese Intelligence System NIIS/WSCS, 4 September 1945.

85 Oral History Inten,iew with Mr. Roben D. Ogg. [May ]9831.

7 I Attack on the U. S. S. Zl6cr{r'.

i30 Analvsis of Japanese Air Operations Duriug Oliinau'a Catrpai-vrt

[October I o-l5l .

i6l Japanese Arrny Air Forces Order-of-Battle. 19.15

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r. tlP-:,-G F:.::: Re:..i:..:,lf,FJnese \;ial AirOrderof Banle,\\ -t- i\.: Il, l.r:_.:: --

:lS OP-: -G F:,::: \ 1::r-r..rrl]..-.. R.poa. rnd \Ie-.sa,.:es on GernranBicck:de Run:-.r: ,\\..rij \\'ar lIr t lol:-1q-+-+t

:l -le.la:rese \linc,: Crnb'aiani Vessels Lsed tbr Deep-Sea Escort. l.Iune loJ5. Pacitic Strare,sic Intelligence Section. OP-]0.

11 Japanese Submarine Sinkings Durin_e \\-\\'II, OP-23. fNovembertql5l

g-l A Lecture on Con.imunications Intelligence by Capt. J.N. Wen,uer,['S\. l] \u..:ttst I oio

96 Status ofJapanese Naral Vessels as ofNovenrber 1945,

CINCPAClCINCPO.\67 Japanese Sienal Intelligence Sen'ice, Third Edition (SSA, I

Nor enrber lo]l l.

28 Histor-y ofEngineering Research Associates. I6 August 19461.

I I Advanced Intelligence Centels in the U.S. Navy, June 1942.

6 U.S. Atuly COI\4[NT Policy. Pearl Har.bor to Surnmer 1942.

5 Anii-v-Navy-FBI COMINT Agreements of 1942.

9 Plesidential Memoranduur on Comurunications lntelliger.rceActir ities.

124 CINCPAC, Enerny Activities File, April-May 1942.

159 OP-20-G File of Fleet Radio Unit, Melboume (Frr-rmel), 28 Junel9:13-2 September 1945.

162 Centralized Control of U. S. Arny Signal Intelligence Activities, 30Janran l9 rq- l6 April loJ5

52 A Lecture on Comurunications Intelligence, By RADM E.E. Stone,DIRAGFA. 5 Jurre Io5 I

l9.l War Diary Combat Intelligence Lhrit (Pacific-1942.t. [7 Dec l9;11-25 July 19421

86 OP-20-G File, Communication Intelligence Organization, 1942-1946

1.1 I An Erhibit of the Lrportant T-vpes of lntelligence Recor,ereclThrough Readilg Japanese Cryptograms. fAugust l9'14].

l8 I United States Navv File of Correspondence rvith Departrlrent ofState. l9l9- 1950.

1-17 Fliednan. \\ illian D . Itlilitary Cryptanalysis Part l--\fonoalphabetrc Substitutioll 51'stenis |938].

1l-1 Friednran. \\'illiam D . N{ilitarl Cryptanallsis Part II -- SimplerYarieties of Poh alphabetic Substitutions ! 938]

5-+0 OP-:0G Radio lntelligence in W\\rll. Suburarine Operations in thePaciic Ocean -\reas. November 19.13

l,+7 OP-:0G Radio Intelligence in \\i\\'II. Submarine Operatrons in thePaciic Ocean -\reas. Decenrber 19J3

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llUS Naval FIFDF Station, Farallon Islands, California.. [1923-!eJ:.l,

19 U.S. Naval IIFDF Station, Pg,nt Argr.rello, California. U906-19437 U.S Naval FIFDF Station, Cape Lookout, North Carolina. [9i5-

le42l37 U.S. Naval Supplernentary Radio Station, Jar.r Mayen Island,

Novgmber l943-Deqeryleq 19-45. .. .

8 U.S. Naval SUPRAD Station, Antigua, British West Tndies. [943-

Alaska Ia4|-lo45lSRH-]O-| 11. u.S, Nqyq_l utD-!!tq!c--q,_Q3bq.\oj_9.P!9i1q Rico-, L!?12:1e.4!-1,SRH-J05 34 Safford, L.F., Tlie Undeclared War,, "History of P.I.", 15

November 1943.

l-17 OP-:0G Radio Intelli_sence in \YW[- Submarine Operations in thePaciic Ocean Areas- January'1february l9 a (!n part)-

++- OP-IC|G Radio Intellieetrce in \\'llTI, Tactical Operations in thePacifrc Ocean -{reas (-{ppendir only). Marqh l943.

I re: r-r9i8]qL S Naral communications stati;;, cu;m, St"iii"ii.Trqis-

r9J rl16 f .S. \aval Radio Direction Finder Station, Point St. George,

C rescent Cily, Cat ifq:1! 4,[ !-2 3 ; !9_aa ].,-

.f -l U S. Na1ql Radig Q!C!iq!, As19!4, qrgcqr1, [.19-]2:.t23!18 U S Naval FIFDF Station, Chincoteague Island, Virginia. [1942-

I 5 l,OP-20G, Exploits and Cornmendations, World War II. |942-. 1e4ql,

oo C H.q , SWPA, Special rnt.if ig"'i;iP;;ia [February-November194i1

26 Fleel R4dlo.Unit Detach.1q94l, C._oqktolrn, Ar:q!1a!!1.-1]24]-..19441 _Pacific Ocean Mobile Radio Intelligence Unit Reports, 1945. [PartI. 24 | pp : Parl II, 282 pp i Pan tII. i49 pp l



snn :oaSRH-309

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: - Ge::::.- \1:.r::r. C:phers t:om Feoruan to \o\emlrer 1918.

-: i Prrii:-:s ..: Sc;u::on c.: \liiitan Field Codes Used br the German-i:::-,,, in -i--

l- L S \:.:l Flf DF Srati.u. Ermouth Gulf. -\ustralia. It{a1' 19.13-

\. srt:b;- I-l-{+l Pacir-rc Ocean \krbile Radio Intelligence Llnit Reports. I942.

llr,! Paciic Ocean \lobile Radio Intelligence Llnit Repots. 1944.

ll L'.S Naial SupplementarJ Radio Statron. Adelaide River.Northern Territon . 25 l\,tarch 19'13-2 I Septerrber I 945

-108 Pacit-rc Ocean X'Icbile Radio Intelligeuce Unit Reports, 1943.

-r95 LI.S. Navy Repofis on Japanese Grand Fleet Maneuvers, 1936.

l4 Various Repoits on Japanese Grand Fleet N{aneuvers, 1937.

59 Varior-rs Reports on Japanese Grand Fleet Manelrvers. 1927-1q29.

COMINCH, Combat Intelligence Division, File on Hospital Ships,Jar.ruary 12, 1943-April 30, 1945. fPart I, General File, January 12,

1943-April 30, 1945, 192 pp.; Part II, Submarine Patrol ReportsRelated to Hospital Ships, 305 pp.; Part IIl, File on Misuse ofHospital Ships by the Japanese Navy, la3 pp.l.

284 U.S. Navy Pacific Ocean Mobile Radio h.rtelligence Units, RelatedCorrespondeuce, I 943-1945.

60 U.S. Naval Radio Station, Libugon, Guam. !926-19381.106 Studies in Gen.ran Diplomatic Codes Etnployed During the World

\\ ar f \\'wll I loj 7]

88 The Contribution of the Cryptograpliic Bureaus in the World War .

[rvwi] !e35l6l Latin Arnerican Clandestine Radio, 1942.

3l U.S. Navy Mobile Radio Intelligence in the European Tlreater,wwTT. I c)-ll- I

qt 5

87 U.S. Navy Mobile Radio Intelligence in the Er,rropean Theater,\\rWII, June l94l-JLrly 1945.

I 16 The Achievements oithe Signal Security Agency in World War IL

IFeLrrua11 :0. lo]ol.16 U.S. Naval Radio Station, Dutch Harbor, Unalaska Island, Alaska.

1r937-l0,1ilirt)9 \ar al Securitv Group History toWorlcl WarII(PartII) [ql6-

r q -l3l

ll5 Histon'. Signal lnteliigence Division (ETO). June 1942-Jul1, 1945.

I 8a Histon of Invention and Der,elopnrent of the N'lark II EC\'f(Electric Cr pher \lachine).

-{ll Hisron of e Si_snal Securitv Agenn'. \'olume Three. the Japan

Arnrr Prt-rblerns Cn ptanall sis l9+l-19+5Histon oldie Signal Securitl'.{genc\'. \'olume One. lq39-19-+5

[Parr I. ]10 pp . Pan II. 1c.+l-1q15. -.i60 pp.l









SRH..i: ]




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SRH-] t ct

sRH--r 70



SRH-3 73

SRH-J74SRH-3 75











:l -,P::: -: :-. :::r:-:F..::'D::^.;::. l-::. :_:e:.ce tr,

:-: 1- :.::: ::.- ?-::: :: ::: B:r-: :i::.e .\:,.:ntic. L- S \ai1. OEGD=--- --- i _ i'

. , -: E . :.ueiic.=. i'i i:.e Rr-,le oi Decn ption Intellisence in theOper:tional Phase oi the Battle of the .\tlantic. U.S Navy OEGReport =trs. lq5l

il Selected Docunrents From OKLrDirector General of Signals (ThirdReich) [ I945]

5 Order Concerning Cq,ptanalytic and Cipher Work (Third Reich),I q+-l

6 Designations of Germal Intercept Stations (Third Reich).

[] :3 rjlI i N,{emoranda on Allied Order of Battle as Obtained Frour Radio

Intercept (Third Reich). [February,-March 1942].

97 Conespondence Between OKW/CHI and hrtercept Stations (ThirdReich)lleJo-lo+ll

11 W/T Reporr of German Tanker "Altmark" (Third Reiclt). 1940.

4 Gerrnan and Italian Correspondeuce on Miscellaueor"rs Cyphers(wWIl) f lo+ ll

5 Observations on French Diplomatic Style (Third Reich). 9411.

5 Order of Battle of OKW/CHI (Third Reich). 1945.,10 Radio Situation Reports, Arrny Group South (Third Reich), 19211.

14 The Gennan Navy Signal Intelligence Service (Ttrird Reich), 1944.

58 Final Report on the "Rote Kapelle" Case (Third Reich). 22

Decenrber loll20 Soviet Long Range Bornber Folce (Third Reich). [November

t olll18 Speech Scrambler and other itens (TliiLd Reich). [942].

2 l6 American Signal lntelligence in Northrvest Atiica and Westernfurope l\\'\\'lll.

8l Selections ti-om the Cryptologic Papers Collection of Rearr AdmiralJ N Wenger'. USN. [1943-l95i]

.13 Notes on the Liaison Service and the Liaison Intelligence Sen'iceof the Germany Arn.ry Service During the World War. [WWI].History of the Signal Intelligence Division, European Theater ofOperations. United States Army, Narative History. [Voluue I, PaftI, 30.+ pp.: Volume I, Part II, 362 pp.. Volunle I, Paft III. 227 pp.:Appendir A. Technical History, 190 pp ; Appendix B, Part I,Erhibits and Appendices. 188 pp.l.

186 Pr-e-Pear'l Harbor Japanese Naval Dispatches. ISepterlber-4Decerrrber I o-l l].


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SRH-{09 l{G*erraos.u Si:nel lrrell'*.r: Cscd Frcu \sd -{-fii';anThreatrr oe Oprrrus [Dcoeda l9A-;l

-l Lisr c \rmed lpcsc 9ips [f-\lT-arter ] Jull- l9-t3l-l-l R+q-t-< crfu Press f,lisparcbes cf Rodriquez Francisco Lucientes.

Janua4 l9{i.5l \lessaqes froar \-arior.rs Poss to Tokvo on U.S. Fleet lv{ovelnents.

I q{L l9J I

SRH{I5 24 Haruna Nlessages From Various Japanese Offices Abroad

_ -lrg4ilglestrugg glqr c 9!=9-s,!99e9!.t.1211.-... . . -..-== . .,,1

Discrete Records of Historical Cryptologic [mpg_r! U,S, 4"*y . . - . .,-

Reference Pages Title


SRMA- 36 Enemy Analysis of Allied Communications, 15 December 1944.00_5.

SRMA- 7,Use of Balloons by Japanese, WWII. [1944-1945].

,09.q._ _ ..,.. . i ._._=__..,,.__SRMA- 6lFrench Knowledge of Gennan Cryptanalysis, 1927. i

nloiSRMA- 452 SSS/SSA/ASA, Staff Meeting Mir.rutes, 25 Noveniber 1942-17

,0J t_ , febry4_ry 194Q,

ISRMA- 35 Surrender on the Air. [Japan] [19 AugLrst 1945].0lsr Discrete Records of Historical Cryptologic Import: Joint Server and/or U.S,

; Govglnment Clyp{olqglq Age4cigs

lRafa""rraa i Pog".' Title


SRMD- r l36 Estimates of Empire Air Distribution, 5 June-14 Aupust 1945.

i00-1 ... . :

ISRMD- 160'War Plans Section Comments on Communication Intelligence l

::002 ' rSumrnaries, Joint Intelligence Center Pacific Ocean Area(JICPOA). 2l June-2 December 1942.

SRMD- 43iSuurmary of Orange Ship Traffic by Ports for December 1942.00.1

30 Cornbined Cornmunications Board, Washington Subtractor Table

,.for Use With the Combined Field Code Pacific and AustralianEdition I Jurte 1944]

5 l9 United States Navy File of SIGTOT Messages lrorn JICPOAEstiniates Section to CINCPAC Advanced Headquarters, March-Augls! 194!

285 United States Naw File of SIGTOT Messaees CINCPACAdvanced Headquarters to JICPOA, Estirnates Section. March-




August 1945.

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Jft0f S-l dtaTR\ Tre6c Jean f I I Seprember-31Ib* t9ll- 331 p - Prt lL l January-i l l\{arch 1945, 240

l- h lI- I -{Fil--3O Jrme 194. :54 pp-: Part IV', I July-31

__ _ -{FB l9r5- l{spJTrJl(ltDl Arll:is of Frem_v Shipping, lv{ining and Mine

Cc-rmsnes. 15 Febnnry-l7 {ugqst l!!5. ,{{9 JICFO.{ F-21 Frle of Administrative Letters/Corresuondence.

Januan- l9-ll-September I 945.

Icinr Intelligence Center Pacific Ocean Area (JICPOA), EstirrateofEnemy Distribution and Intentions. [Part I, April 1943-July


l!aa. 338 pp.;.f4!__!I, August l9_,14-J!€ust l9{5, 30Q 1

272 JICPOA. Estimate of Japanese Arrny and Navy FighterD-gplsyqq_41,8Agsre_!a.-22_\p-l_rJ.!9J),

SRMD- 233,JICPOA, Eneny Combat Ship Losses, I January 1944-l August012 :1945.012 1945.

'SRMD- 1l2,JICPOA, Japanese Merchant Ship Losses, December 1941-April0ll t944:SRMD- , 53 JICPOA, Various Reports and Memoranda on Mining, April 1944-;014 I iJanuarv 1945.

iStlzO- I tZ8lneports and Memoranda on a Variety of Intelligence Subjects, i

tql! _ _..=._-i. 1Ja.nu4ry_-.l9,4_1-Auc!-!1.].9.4:1._:=.:ISRMD- TJICPOA, Weekly Location Report, (Japanese Fleet, Air Forces, ,

i016 I |Ground Forces), July 1942-August 1945. [Part l, July-October 1

i , 1t1.942, 273 pp.; Part 2, November-Decernber 1942,303 pp.; Part 3, i

i I lJanuary-March 1943, 446 pp.; Part 4, April-June 1943, 502 pp.; l

I tPart 5, Jr-rl;r-Septeniber 1943, 5i6 pp.; Part 6. October-December

I , t.1943, 569 pp.;Part 7, January-February 1944, 420 pp.; Part 8, i

i I lMarch-April 1944,406 pp.; Part 9, May-June 1944.403 pp.; Parti I t10, July-August 1944,499 pp.;Part 11, September-October 1944, l

i I lSZ I pp.; Part 12, November-December 1944. 491 pp., Part 13,

i I lJanuary-February 1945,493 pp.; Part 14, March-April 1945,516 f

i I tpp.; part 15, May-June 1945, 531 pp.; Part 16, July-August 1945, I, 554ppl

;SRMD- I l02 Fundarnentals of Traffic Analysis (Radio Telegraph), October l

0l7 t948SRLD- 7i3 ih" !'nn^' r".ia."i. Irozojo!9 r:sm,rp-oot is AQ xxi eo*ber Commind, M"moranda Conceining E;.-y- l

. _. Bg_ryligl t9u !,_-,e9_'"qrgglzlrlg|o.l-'.'-11J,g,u_oly__!Q.lr4ef."! !9.11=,..:lD!99ret9_\e9or-!s q{ His!o1!ca!.C_ 1ypqq!gg!_c !apqrt: U.S. {avy

Reference Pages Title


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.SRMN- 385] States Navy, Elementary Course in Cryptanalysis, 1948-tq50

,Combat Intelligence Unit, l4th Naval District, Traffrc IntelligenceSumrnaries with Comments by CINCPAC War Plans,{Fleet:Intelligence Sections, 16 July 1941-30 lune 1942. [Part I, l6 Jul.-3l Dec. 1941, 308 pp.; Part tr, IJan.-31Mar. 1942,592 pp., PartlII. I Apr l0June 1941.826 pp J





United States Navy Courrnander in Chief, Pacific lntelligenceBulletins #78-#666, I June 1942-28 September 1945. fPart I, #78-#345, I Jun. 1942-23 F eb. 1943, 393 pp. ; Part II, #3 45 +47 l, 24Feb.-30 Jun. 1943, 227 pp.; PartII[ #534-#655, 1 Sep..-31 Dec.1943, 383 pp.: Part IV, I Jan.-30 lun. 1944,414 pp.; Part V, I Jul.-30 Sep. 1944, 378 pp.; Part VI, 1 Oct.-31 Dec. 1944, 484 pp.t Part\TL I Jan.-31 N{ar. 1945. 480 pp.; Part VI[, I Apr.-31 May 1945,+28pp.:PartIX.1Jun.-3lJul'1945'35lpp';PartX'1Aug.-23Sep, 194S. ia5 pp.l.

5-{ United States Nar1. FRUPAC "GI Manual", 3 February 1944. ,

{-{ L oired Srates Nar1. Tbe Establishment of Advanced l-ntelligence

Cearers. \la1- I 911--\ugust I 9-13.

l0l U S \-ar1'. CO\INCH {F-22)- File of Intelligence and Liaison.P-ific -t€a (BES.{\I). lq Septemler l94l-21 Nore14!c1.:114!. .-

lSi{MN--:' i: fr4ifrtu.y StuAl'of racsi-rte- b1 J-\ \A e€r- LL LS\ t9:$'001

ISRMN- 9 Convoy Ror.rtes of Japanese \lerfu- T*cr d CdclOO2 Ships in the Pacific.-l,rea Decembcr l- lgli.4der l9+l [Fcr-i pages are folded chans]ISRMN- 9 Instructions for Safegrrarding and Using \ar_r Cipher Bolc \tar* tr00i le t8ISRMN- . I l3 OP-20G, File of CINCPAC Intelligence Bulletins (16 March-1004 June 1942)rSRMN- 270 OP-20-G, File of Mernoranda and Reports Relating to the Battle of;q0l_. . . . .__ .\..{idway praylQ-_toal._1o}QJqn_e !!+ll l

ITSRMN- , 286'Royal Australian Nary Support to United States Navy through .

;006 iAustralian Commonwealth Naval Board Summaries/Translations i

: i rof Japanese Messaees. Februarv-December 1942.of J4;ranesel4essa-gg" I9.b411ly:p_.99,.gqb=e!Lg. g,j _ =:. _:*_ __- l]SRMN- ' 188:Japanese Espionage Activities in the United States, 1941-1943. l


,SRMN- i 37o;United States Naw. CfNCPAC and COMFOURTEEN. CI

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rl'r L S \:., i. C l\CP\C CI\t POA. .lapanese Repatriation Ship\Io..enrents [Pan t. -3i,Septeniber l9-1-i-]l \oienrber l9-15. -ll9f.t . Paft II. l,r \oieurlrer L9-l:-15 Febnran l9-16.316 pp.].

ll L S \ar r'. (OP-:Lr-G). \\'est Coast Coumunications lntelligence.\ctii ities. Polic ies ard Procedu res. 20 lune I 9.12-25 Decemberj ol.i

83 U S Nai 1,. (CINCPAC/CINCPOA). Estimate of Enerny Sitr-ration,i0 June 19.14-17 August 19t15.

7q LI.S. Na\y, (CINCPACICINCPOA), Estinrate of Enenry Strengthin the Carolines-N{arianas and Adjacent Aleas, 20 lr'Iarch-3 I Julyloll.

105 U.S. Navy, (CINCPAC/CINCPOA), Estimate of Enemy Strengthin the l\{arshalls. Gilberts and Adjacent Areas, 6 September-27Decerrber I


3 14 U.S. Navy, (COMINCH, F-2 I ). Log of Attacks on U-Boats, 6November 1942-30 December 1943.

290 U.S Navl'. (COMINCH. F-21), Log of Attacks on U-Boats, Ihuulry lo-l-l-< \ln lo-i5U.S Navl', (CON,{INCH. F-21 ). Log of U-Boat Attacks. [Pafi I" 4November 1942-3 I Decenlber 1943.297 pp.; Part II, I JanuaryL9:1.1-10 May l9:15, 285 pp.l.

6 U.S Navy, CINCPACiCINCPOA). Enemy Reaction to NanselShoto and Fonnosa Air Strilies, (Special Reporr),20 October 1944.

107 U.S. Navl', (CINCPAC/CINCPOA), Post War Summaries of StatusofJapanese Naval \ressels (Sunk and Atloat), November 1945.

14 U S. Navy, (CINCPAC/CINCPOA), Estirnate of EmpireApproaches and Cornbat Air Strength,20 December 1944.

515 U.S. l',f6vy, E5limated Disposition of Japauese Fleet, Aircraftir''lerchant\Shipping and Economic Notes. 2 December 1944-3August 1945.

U.S. Navy, Reports of the West Coast F{F/DF Strategical Net. fPartI. I July--3 I December 1942, 147 pp.. Paft II, I January-30 April1943, 530 pp.; Paft III, I May-13 August 19.15, 531 pp.l

67 U.S. Navy, Daily Radio Intelligence Snmmaries Net Control, WestCoast R I Net, 22 August- I Septenrber I I'1.3.

l: I CON{INCH File of Bi',veekly lVessages on U-Boat Trends, I

September 19.12- l \4av 1945.

lrl CONIINCH i\lessages oll Genran U-Boat Posrtion Estilrlates. i0Jure l9ll-6 Nor ember 19.12.

:8-r CO\ll\-CH File ol \lemoranda Concerninq Lr-Boat TrackrngRoonr Oprerations. I Januan lqll-6 June lc.+5.

C O\lNt H File of \lessages on L-Boat Estinates and SituationReports. lOcitrl-er lq-+l--lJune l9-lr fParr l. Oct lq-+l-Sep.lu-ll. -lll pp . Part i. Ocr l9-ll-\Iar l9-+,1. q-+l pp.. Part 3. Apr.-

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SR\I\-r--r-l J



SR\ T\I-0-l7









SR\N-0-+ lSL\1\-0-+8

SR.\ I\.0+q



( O\1I\CH File of \lessages on U-Boat Estimates and SituationReports. I Octcrber l9-11--l June l9-15. lPart l. Oct 1q+l-Sep.lo+:. -+l- p.,p . Pan l. Oct 19.11-irlar. lglj. 9.1j pp.. Part 3. Apr.-Dec i9"11. l/..tbl pp. Parr.1. Jan.-Aug 1944, 688 pp.: Pat 5. Sep.

lQ-{{-.Iun tq-{:. 183 pp lCO\INCH File Roush \otes on Daily U-Boat Positions and.\ctir ities. Januan l943-l\{av 1945. lPartI,Jan.-Dec 1943,531pp.: Pan l. Jan -Dec. lS4.+. 662 pp., Part 3. Jan.-NIay 1915,247ppl

106 Adnriraltv-CONIINCH. Ultra Message Exchange. 25 June 1942-17october I9.1.1

I 8 7 CO\'IINCH File of U-Boat Situation Estilliates, I 5 June 1942-2 Il\lar io-15

657 CON{INCH File: LLBoat Intellisence Suururaries, January 1943-1\Iay lo-15

l2 Functious of the "Secret Room" (F-21 I ) of CON4INCH CombatIntelli,qence Atlairtic Section, Auti-Submarine Warf-are. WWII.IU rr da tedl.

152 COMINCH Pacific Stiategic Lrtelligence Section (PSIS) File,N4arch | 94.l-Decernber I 945.

54 COMINCH File Assessurent of I -Boat Fleet al tlre End of W'v\ ll,JLrne-Octobel lo-15.

246 COMINCH File: Liquidated U-Boats, 1942-1945.

ob COMNCH File. A nti-subrrrarine \\'ar'lare Acrions AcairrsrJapanese Subniarines, 12 September 1944-25 October 1945

30 COMINCH File: Special U-Boat Invasion Sumrraries, 6 June 1944-I8 Jurre lql4

212 COIVIINCH File: Weekly Report on Estimated Locations ofJapanese Fleet Units, I Septernber 1942-9 AugLrst 1945.

272 COMINC'H File: Estrmates of Japanese Air Strength 5 Jan.l2-3 I

Dec 45.

105 CON'IINCH File: N4essages Dealing \Vith the U-Boat Problem. .1

Jrr e loo.ll_ I 6 Ma1 1oJ5

I CON,IINCH Chafi: German Naval Radio Stations and Estal.lishedConurunicatior.r Lines, I January I 945.

1.0-r OP-10-G[. Reports on U-Boat Disposition and Status. DeceurberI9-12-1 N.,1a1, 19.15

:-:l CO\llNCH File: Llltra Assessments b1'F-12 "Secret Roour". ofArlacks on U-Boats, Jul}, 19.13-Julv I9{J

qo OP-10-GI. Japanese CONII\T Reports irs \oted b1 L- S \;rr rIntercep't. 2l Januari -6 June l!111.

5-l: OP-]O-GI. l\lemoranda to CO\INCH F-,]5. on Gernran U-Boat-\cti.. ities. DecenrL'er I c)li-Septemt er I n-13

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!u) GennJn L -B lrf,t:-j: : :: -r::: - :: ---:-\l:-. ; .-:

--: -,:-: -C' R:: -::s ::. J:;.'-nese Gertlrn Radar aud Electrortics.

-- t,p-- -Gt. R;p..r:s .-,1 German L'-Boats East of Capetoq,tr. July,' \ f .. 'l l<

OP-: -GI Special Snrdies Relating to U-Boat Activitl', l94i-1945.

[P::r l.iJ lpr J9-lj-Sep. 194.+,5li pp. Part 2. ]5Feb. 1944-21

\ I.l l ql5. ,lb I pp lla OP-l,l-GI--1. Forecast,'Statistics of U-Boat Activities, 26 Januarv-

1l Julr I ql.l.

71 Listing ol Ship Sinkings Attributed to Gerurau U-Boat Successes,

Jarruan lo-ll-.{pril lq I5

Sunrnraries: Japanese Naval Radio Intelligence

Pages Title

123 CNO Surnnaries (of Radio Iutelligence). Japanese Naval Activities(14 April 1s42-30 June l9'+2).

145 CNO Summaries (of Radio Intelligence), Japanese Naval Activities( t July l9'12-30 Septenber 1942).

225 CNO Sumrnaries (of Radio Intelligence), Japanese Naval Activities( I October 1942-3 I December 1942).

230 CNO Summaries (of Radio lntelligence), Japanese Naval Activities(1 January 1943-31 Marclt 1943).

215 CNO Sumrlaries (of Radio Intelligence), Japauese Naval Activities(l April 194-l-30 June 1943).

15,1 CNO Summaries of Radio Intelligence, Japanese Naval Activities(l July 1943--30 Septenber 1943).

191 CNO Summaries of Radio Intelligence, Japanese Naval Activities(l October 1943-3 1 December 1943).

206 CNO Summaries of Radio Intelligence, Japauese Naval Activities(January 194.1-31 March 1944).

123 CNO Sur.nmaries of Radro Intelligence, Japanese Naval Activities( I April 19.1,1--10 June 1944).

l9l CNO Summaries of Radio Intelligence, Japarrese Naval(l July le,{.{-36 September 19.14).

I 1: CNO Summaries of Radio Lrtelligence, Japanese Naval( I October l9'1.{-i I Decenber l9.l:1).



I I5 CNO Suullaries of Radio Intelligence. Japanese Na\al Activitres,I Januan, lq-+5-.ll Nfarch 19.{5

li-q C\O Sumnraries of Radio Intelligeuce. Japanese \ai. al .\ctir ities.I April l9-1:-3Ct June 1945

:--1 C\O Sunnraries of Radio Intelligence. Japanese \aval Actir ities.




SRNS-0079-01 70

SRNS-017l-0262SRNS-0263 -0i 52

SRNS-03 5 3 -044,1

SRNS.0.1.14-05-i 5



SRNS.0? tq-0809SR\S-0S I (,r_0q0 I

SR\S-arrlitl-Drlo:SR\S-r-,iro-ll- I r.'Sl

SR\S-t,,sr-i 1--+


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:l jl=.1.I2--82 :-==:.!lr4y.P1=1:?;:Ee!g==ryq.Fleet Radio Unit Melboume (7th Fleet), Daily Digests. [Part 1, 20iSRNS-


iMar.-31 Dec. 1,942,929 pp.;Pur2, I Jan.-31 Jul. 1943, 1021 pp.;3, I Aug.-31Oct. 1943,773 pp.;Parl4, Nov.-Dec. 1943,819

.: Pan 5, Jan.-Feb. 1944,e12 pp.. Part 6, Mar.-Apr. 1944, 1059

.: Part 7, May-Jun. 1944, 1063 pp.; Part 8, Jul.-Aug. 1944, 116

eet Radio Unit Melbourne (7th Fleet), Outgoing/Inconiing

fPart l, Mar.-Oct. 1942,537 pp; Part 2, Nov.-Dec.1942, 680 pp.i Part 3, Jan.-Feb. 1943,632 pp.; Part 4, Mar.-Apr.1943,,635 pp.; Part 5, May-Jun. 1943,701pp.; Part 6, Jul. 1943,

7 pp.;Paft7, Aug.-Sep. 1943,957 pp;Part 8, Feb. 1944,910Part 9. Mar. 1944.765

15 l8