Special Speakers Schedule for Fall Quarter 2016 (Updated 11/16/2016) Presented to you by the UCSD Pre-Dental Society and UCSD Student-Run Free Dental Clinic Project 1. Sept 19 (Mon) Fall Quarter Begins 2. Sept 20 (Tues) San Diego Padres vs Diamondbacks Tailgate & Taco Tuesday Event Details: Come join the fun! Food will be provided by our group. There will be burgers, hotdogs, and drinks. Food can be brought into the stadium. Tickets are $12 and parking is also available. Game starts at 7:10pm. Sign up with Katherine Bunda at [email protected]. 3. Sept 22 First Meeting of the School Year & New Member’s Meeting Topics: Enjoy a potluck with our members while learning about our program. There will be a presentation about the Pre-dental Society and Student-Run Free Clinics. A representative from Kaplan will also speak briefly about the special test prep programs they offer. Old members will be bringing dishes to share. Sign up with Pryscilla Acosta - [email protected] Where/When: Price Center, 4 th Floor, Forum Room, 6:00pm 4. Sept 24 (Sat) - PDS Annual Bonfire behind Bahia Hotel (998 W Mission Bay Dr, San Diego, CA 92109) Where/When: Join PDS as we host our annual bonfire behind the Bahia Hotel in Mission Bay. The fun begins at noon and the bonfire at 7:15 pm; stay for as long as you’d like. There will be burgers, hotdogs, s'mores, and non-alcoholic drinks provided, but please bring a dish to share and invite your friends! We will also be inviting our volunteer dentists to attend. Transportation can be arranged. RSVP with Enrique Corona at [email protected] 5. Sept 29 Jack Dillenberg, DDS, MPH, Dean, Arizona School of Dentistry & Oral Health Topics: Dr. Dillenberg will discuss his experiences in public health, organized dentistry, and academia. Additionally, he will share information on current public health topics in dentistry, as well as personal experiences that influenced his career. Those interested in public health, medicine, and all other healthcare fields should attend. Join us afterwards at Rock Bottom Restaurant and Brewery to meet with Dr. Dillenberg one-on-one. Where/When: UCSD School of Medicine Telemedicine Building, Lower Level Auditorium, 6:30pm 6. Oct 6 Introduction to Dentistry 101 with Dr. Sussi Yamaguchi Topics: Dr. Sussi will introduce the field of dentistry and go over general dental anatomy and information needed to work in our clinics. Mr. Mark Hunt of Vinmar Solutions will speak about his pre-dental tooth-waxing and denture course. Clinic manager Arthur Ho will present his “Get into Clinic Workshopfor new members. Where/When: UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy, PSB Rooms 2 & 3, 6:30pm 7. Oct 13 Dr. Diana Nguyen, Medical Emergencies in the Dentist’s Office Topics: Dr. Diana Nguyen completed a general practice residency program and now works in private practice. During residency she was trained in managing medical emergencies. Learn how to properly handle medical emergencies in the dental office. Where/When: UCSD School of Medicine Telemedicine Building, Lower Level Auditorium, 6:30pm 8. Oct 19-23 - ADA Annual Meeting at Denver, Colorado Topics: Join PDS at the ADA Annual Meeting at Denver, Colorado. We have several hotel rooms reserved and flights are inexpensive. Contact Jonathan Wong at [email protected] to register and Matt Konop at [email protected] to sign up. 9. Oct 20 Dental Implants with Marc Hodges & General Body Meeting (GBM) Topics: Join us for our general body meeting as we go over our schedule and upcoming events. Also, Clinic manager Marc Hodges will go over dental implants. Where/When: UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy, PSB Rooms 2 & 3, 6:30pm 10. Oct 27 Educational Lecture Series with Dr. Sussi, Dr. Dove, and Dr. Tang & General Body Meeting (GBM) Topics: Join our dentists to go over topics in dentistry as well as our general body meeting. Where/When: TBA 11. Nov 3 Craig Yarborough, DDS, Executive Dean, University of the Pacific Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry & GBM Topics: Dr. Yarborough will discuss the UOP humanistic educational model, business principles in dentistry, and his experiences in private practice. Join us afterwards at Rock Bottom Restaurant and Brewery to meet with Dr. Yarborough one-on-one. Where/When: UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy Auditorium, 6:30pm 12. Nov 4-5 - San Diego Dental Convention by CEA Dental Details: Contact the Special Events team at [email protected] for more information and to sign up 13. Nov 4-5 - Thousand Smiles Clinic Trip to Ensenada, Mexico Details: Contact Enrique Corona at [email protected] for more information. 14. Nov 5 - SDSU Aztec Football with PDS Details: Join PDS at Qualcomm Stadium to see the SDSU Aztecs against the Hawaii Rainbow Warriors. Ticket prices are $10-15. Parking TBD, transportation can be arranged. Game starts at 4:00pm. Sign up with Katherine Bunda at [email protected]. 15. Nov 10 William Harman, BMusEd, MA, PhD (Executive Dean, Dean of Admissions and Student Services) and William Carroll, DDS (Dean of Academic Affairs, Former Head of Pacific Fleet Dentistry), Roseman University College of Dental Medicine Topics: Dr. Harman and Dr. Carroll will discuss their experiences in the dental field, the unique model at Roseman, and their personal experiences in dentistry, making this a meeting not to be missed! Join us afterwards at Rock Bottom Restaurant and Brewery to meet with Dr. Harman and Dr. Carroll one-on-one. Where/When: UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy, PSB Rooms 2 & 3, 6:30pm 16. Nov 11 (Friday) - Veterans Day Holiday 17. Nov 17 Steven Friederichsen, DDS, Dean of the College of Dental Medicine, Western University of Health Sciences Topics: Dr. Friederichsen, Dean of Western U, will speak about his journey in dentistry as well as Western University. He will also tour our newest clinic at Veterans Village of San Diego. Join us afterwards at Rock Bottom Restaurant and Brewery to meet with Dr. Friederichsen one-on-one. Where/When: UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy Auditorium, 6:30pm 18. Nov 24-25 - Thanksgiving Holiday 19. Dec 1 Ashley Goodman, DDS, DABFD, DABHD Topics: Dr. Ashley Goodman will speak on using hypnosis in dentistry instead of anesthesia and rapid induction. Because this meeting falls right before finals, he will focus on induction techniques and provide a live demonstration to help the audience improve concentration and focus for their finals. Rock Bottom to follow Where/When: Leichtag Family Foundation Biomedical Research Building, Room 107; Rock Bottom to Follow 20. Dec 3 (Sat) - Annual PDS Holiday & End of Quarter Party sponsored by Dr. Kevin Kenny Details: Join us for our annual PDS Holiday Party, sponsored by Dr. Kevin Kenny. Please RSVP with Pryscilla Acosta ([email protected] ) so we know how much food and drink to prepare. Guests are welcome! There will also be a toy-drive for children in need, so please bring a toy to donate. Where/When: San Diego County Dental Society (1275 W Morena Blvd B, San Diego, CA 92110); 7:00 PM 21. Dec 8 - Steven J. Anderson, Author Topics: Mr. Steven Anderson is an author of over 100 articles and 5 books, entrepreneur, and speaker. He is world-renowned and regarded as one of the highest rated speakers wherever he appears. Steven is an incredibly charismatic, enthusiastic, and down-to-earth speaker and which makes this meeting one not to be missed. He is a great speaker for everyone to hear, not just those in the health field. Invite your friends to see this highly sought-after speaker. You won't be disappointed! Where/When: UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy Auditorium, 6:30pm 22. Dec 10 (Saturday) Fall Quarter Ends 23. Jan 4 (Wednesday) Winter Quarter Begins Parking permits can be purchased at the Gilman Visitor Information Center (corner of Gilman Drive and Osler Lane); For more information, contact: Irvin B. Silverstein, DDS, MSEd, UCSD Dental Director/Advisor (619) 840-3288, [email protected]; Student Leaders: Matt Konop - [email protected]; Sandy Wang - [email protected]; Charlotte Chiu - [email protected] - (858) 472-6966; Greg Marchese - [email protected] - (916) 873-6828; Jonathan Wong [email protected](626) 823-0521

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Special Speakers Schedule for Fall Quarter 2016 (Updated 11/16/2016) Presented to you by the UCSD Pre-Dental Society and UCSD Student-Run Free Dental Clinic Project

1. Sept 19 (Mon) – Fall Quarter Begins 2. Sept 20 (Tues) – San Diego Padres vs Diamondbacks Tailgate & Taco Tuesday Event

Details: Come join the fun! Food will be provided by our group. There will be burgers, hotdogs, and drinks. Food can be brought into the stadium. Tickets are $12 and parking is also available. Game starts at 7:10pm. Sign up with Katherine Bunda at [email protected].

3. Sept 22 – First Meeting of the School Year & New Member’s Meeting Topics: Enjoy a potluck with our members while learning about our program. There will be a presentation about the Pre-dental Society and Student-Run Free Clinics. A

representative from Kaplan will also speak briefly about the special test prep programs they offer. Old members will be bringing dishes to share. Sign up with Pryscilla Acosta - [email protected]

Where/When: Price Center, 4th Floor, Forum Room, 6:00pm 4. Sept 24 (Sat) - PDS Annual Bonfire behind Bahia Hotel (998 W Mission Bay Dr, San Diego, CA 92109)

Where/When: Join PDS as we host our annual bonfire behind the Bahia Hotel in Mission Bay. The fun begins at noon and the bonfire at 7:15 pm; stay for as long as you’d like. There will be burgers, hotdogs, s'mores, and non-alcoholic drinks provided, but please bring a dish to share and invite your friends! We will also be inviting our volunteer dentists to attend. Transportation can be arranged. RSVP with Enrique Corona at [email protected]

5. Sept 29 – Jack Dillenberg, DDS, MPH, Dean, Arizona School of Dentistry & Oral Health Topics: Dr. Dillenberg will discuss his experiences in public health, organized dentistry, and academia. Additionally, he will share information on current public health

topics in dentistry, as well as personal experiences that influenced his career. Those interested in public health, medicine, and all other healthcare fields should attend. Join us afterwards at Rock Bottom Restaurant and Brewery to meet with Dr. Dillenberg one-on-one.

Where/When: UCSD School of Medicine Telemedicine Building, Lower Level Auditorium, 6:30pm 6. Oct 6 – Introduction to Dentistry 101 with Dr. Sussi Yamaguchi

Topics: Dr. Sussi will introduce the field of dentistry and go over general dental anatomy and information needed to work in our clinics. Mr. Mark Hunt of Vinmar Solutions will speak about his pre-dental tooth-waxing and denture course. Clinic manager Arthur Ho will present his “Get into Clinic Workshop” for new members.

Where/When: UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy, PSB Rooms 2 & 3, 6:30pm 7. Oct 13 – Dr. Diana Nguyen, Medical Emergencies in the Dentist’s Office

Topics: Dr. Diana Nguyen completed a general practice residency program and now works in private practice. During residency she was trained in managing medical emergencies. Learn how to properly handle medical emergencies in the dental office.

Where/When: UCSD School of Medicine Telemedicine Building, Lower Level Auditorium, 6:30pm 8. Oct 19-23 - ADA Annual Meeting at Denver, Colorado

Topics: Join PDS at the ADA Annual Meeting at Denver, Colorado. We have several hotel rooms reserved and flights are inexpensive. Contact Jonathan Wong at [email protected] to register and Matt Konop at [email protected] to sign up.

9. Oct 20 – Dental Implants with Marc Hodges & General Body Meeting (GBM) Topics: Join us for our general body meeting as we go over our schedule and upcoming events. Also, Clinic manager Marc Hodges will go over dental implants. Where/When: UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy, PSB Rooms 2 & 3, 6:30pm

10. Oct 27 – Educational Lecture Series with Dr. Sussi, Dr. Dove, and Dr. Tang & General Body Meeting (GBM) Topics: Join our dentists to go over topics in dentistry as well as our general body meeting. Where/When: TBA

11. Nov 3 – Craig Yarborough, DDS, Executive Dean, University of the Pacific Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry & GBM Topics: Dr. Yarborough will discuss the UOP humanistic educational model, business principles in dentistry, and his experiences in private practice. Join us afterwards

at Rock Bottom Restaurant and Brewery to meet with Dr. Yarborough one-on-one. Where/When: UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy Auditorium, 6:30pm

12. Nov 4-5 - San Diego Dental Convention by CEA Dental Details: Contact the Special Events team at [email protected] for more information and to sign up

13. Nov 4-5 - Thousand Smiles Clinic Trip to Ensenada, Mexico Details: Contact Enrique Corona at [email protected] for more information.

14. Nov 5 - SDSU Aztec Football with PDS Details: Join PDS at Qualcomm Stadium to see the SDSU Aztecs against the Hawaii Rainbow Warriors. Ticket prices are $10-15. Parking TBD, transportation can be

arranged. Game starts at 4:00pm. Sign up with Katherine Bunda at [email protected]. 15. Nov 10 – William Harman, BMusEd, MA, PhD (Executive Dean, Dean of Admissions and Student Services) and William Carroll, DDS (Dean of Academic Affairs,

Former Head of Pacific Fleet Dentistry), Roseman University College of Dental Medicine Topics: Dr. Harman and Dr. Carroll will discuss their experiences in the dental field, the unique model at Roseman, and their personal experiences in dentistry, making

this a meeting not to be missed! Join us afterwards at Rock Bottom Restaurant and Brewery to meet with Dr. Harman and Dr. Carroll one-on-one. Where/When: UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy, PSB Rooms 2 & 3, 6:30pm

16. Nov 11 (Friday) - Veterans Day Holiday 17. Nov 17 – Steven Friederichsen, DDS, Dean of the College of Dental Medicine, Western University of Health Sciences

Topics: Dr. Friederichsen, Dean of Western U, will speak about his journey in dentistry as well as Western University. He will also tour our newest clinic at Veterans Village of San Diego. Join us afterwards at Rock Bottom Restaurant and Brewery to meet with Dr. Friederichsen one-on-one.

Where/When: UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy Auditorium, 6:30pm 18. Nov 24-25 - Thanksgiving Holiday 19. Dec 1 – Ashley Goodman, DDS, DABFD, DABHD

Topics: Dr. Ashley Goodman will speak on using hypnosis in dentistry instead of anesthesia and rapid induction. Because this meeting falls right before finals, he will focus on induction techniques and provide a live demonstration to help the audience improve concentration and focus for their finals. Rock Bottom to follow

Where/When: Leichtag Family Foundation Biomedical Research Building, Room 107; Rock Bottom to Follow 20. Dec 3 (Sat) - Annual PDS Holiday & End of Quarter Party sponsored by Dr. Kevin Kenny

Details: Join us for our annual PDS Holiday Party, sponsored by Dr. Kevin Kenny. Please RSVP with Pryscilla Acosta ([email protected] ) so we know how much food and drink to prepare. Guests are welcome! There will also be a toy-drive for children in need, so please bring a toy to donate.

Where/When: San Diego County Dental Society (1275 W Morena Blvd B, San Diego, CA 92110); 7:00 PM 21. Dec 8 - Steven J. Anderson, Author

Topics: Mr. Steven Anderson is an author of over 100 articles and 5 books, entrepreneur, and speaker. He is world-renowned and regarded as one of the highest rated speakers wherever he appears. Steven is an incredibly charismatic, enthusiastic, and down-to-earth speaker and which makes this meeting one not to be missed. He is a great speaker for everyone to hear, not just those in the health field. Invite your friends to see this highly sought-after speaker. You won't be disappointed!

Where/When: UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy Auditorium, 6:30pm 22. Dec 10 (Saturday) – Fall Quarter Ends 23. Jan 4 (Wednesday) – Winter Quarter Begins Parking permits can be purchased at the Gilman Visitor Information Center (corner of Gilman Drive and Osler Lane); For more information, contact: Irvin B. Silverstein, DDS, MSEd, UCSD Dental Director/Advisor – (619) 840-3288, [email protected]; Student Leaders: Matt Konop - [email protected]; Sandy Wang - [email protected]; Charlotte Chiu - [email protected] - (858) 472-6966; Greg Marchese - [email protected] - (916) 873-6828; Jonathan Wong – [email protected]– (626) 823-0521

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Special Speakers Schedule for Winter Quarter 2017 (Updated 2/17/17) Presented to you by the UCSD Pre-Dental Society and UCSD Student-Run Free Dental Clinic Project

1. Jan 4 (Wed) – Winter Quarter Begins 2. Jan 9 (Mon) - Winter Quarter Instruction Begins 3. Jan 12 - First Meeting of Winter Quarter & Mert Aksu, DDS, JD, MHSA, Dean, University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry

Topics: Join us for our first general body meeting of the winter quarter and welcome Dr. Mert Aksu, Dean of the University of Detroit Mercy. Dr. Aksu will discuss his path in dentistry and law as well as various business aspects of dentistry. He presents interesting topics facing dentistry today. Don’t miss this incredible meeting! Join us afterwards at Rock Bottom Restaurant and Brewery to meet with Dr. Aksu one-on-one.

When/Where: UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy, PSB Rooms 2 & 3, 6:30pm 4. Jan 16 (Mon) - Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday 5. Jan 19 – UCSD Pre-Dental Society Alumni Reception

Topics: Join us for over 25 PDS Alumni, now doctors, to meet with our current members, share their experiences with dentistry. Please bring a dish to share. RSVP with [email protected]

Where/When: UCSD School of Medicine Building Garren Auditorium, 6:30 pm 6. Jan 21 (Sat) – OSHA and California Law Training (Mandatory for Managers, Department Heads, and Clinic Volunteers)

Details: Join us as we host our annual training event from 7:00am – 3:00pm. OSHA certification is required to volunteer in any of our clinics as well as participate in any of our humanitarian trips. $25 if purchased by Nov 17, $50 if purchased by Jan 12, $75 afterwards. When the course is completed, we will meet with members who want to obtain new department and managerial positions from 3:30pm – 6:00pm. Executive Team meeting to follow at Rock Bottom.

Where/When: UCSD School of Medicine, 2nd Floor, Liebow Auditorium; 7:00am 7. Jan 26 – Kaplan PAT & DAT Workshop

Topics: Kaplan instructor Timour Mobarak will explain the PAT section of the DAT and give you tips and tricks to perform well! Kaplan will also be providing pizza and drinks for those who attend. We'll also be auctioning off PDS managers to raise money for future products. Finally, we'll be holding a raffle with some great prizes, including an electric toothbrush! Wear your PDS t-shirts in order to receive a free raffle ticket!

Where/When: UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy, PSB Rooms 2 & 3, 6:30pm 7. Feb 2 - Dr. John Featherstone, MSc, PhD, Dean, University of California San Francisco, School of Dentistry

Topics: Although not a dentist, Dr. Featherstone’s research over the past 35 years spans all aspects of dentistry and oral health, including caries risk assessment and management. Hailing from New Zealand, Dr. Featherstone describes his journey to one of the top research institutions in the United States and his work on caries risk assessment. Join us afterwards at Rock Bottom Restaurant and Brewery to meet with Dr. Featherstone one-on-one

Where/When: UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy, PSB Rooms 2 & 3, 6:30pm 8. Feb 9 – An Evening with Malala and Dr. Sussi Yamaguchi

Topics: Join us as we screen Malala Yousafzai's speech from last October's ADA Distinguished Speaker Series. Also, Dr. Sussi Yamaguchi will speak about medical issues involving dentistry including cardiovascular disease, organ transplants, and diabetes.

Where/When: UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy, PSB Rooms 2 & 3, 6:30pm 9. Feb 15 (Wed)- One-on-one personal statement workshop with Philip Aftoora (by appointment)

Topics: Workshop with Mr. Aftoora, Director of Student Services, Case Western Reserve University Dental School. He will give students active in our organization one-on-one help writing a personal statement. Individuals will be selected based on level of commitment to our organization. Space is limited; must sign up beforehand

10. Feb 16 – Philip Aftoora, Director of Student Services, Case Western Reserve University & GBM Topics: Mr. Aftoora will present about Case Western Dental School as well as interview tips and advice to achieve success in the dental school

application process (not just for Case Western). Where/When: UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy, PSB Rooms 2 & 3, 6:30pm

11. Feb 20 (Mon) - President's Day Holiday 12. Feb 23 – Dr. George Taylor DMD, MPH, DrPH & Mr. Roger Mraz, UCSF School of Dentistry

Topics: Dr. Taylor is Associate Dean for Diversity and Inclusion and also Professor of Preventive & Restorative Dental Science at UCSF where he has conducted numerous research involving disease and dentistry and received honors for his work and contributions to science. Mr. Mraz is the Program Administrator in the office of Graduate and Research Affairs for the UCSF School of Dentistry. Mr. Mraz administers several programs including their Summer Research Fellowship Program. Both Dr. Taylor and Mr. Mraz will speak about research in dentistry. Don't miss this incredible meeting!

Where/When: UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy, PSB Rooms 2 & 3, 6:30pm 13. Mar 2 – Speaker & General Body Meeting

Topics: Join us this week for our general body meeting and announcements of upcoming events. Where/When: UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy, PSB Rooms 2 & 3, 6:30 pm

14. Mar 9 – Ethics & Professionalism with Dr. Sussi Yamaguchi & Dr. Abraham Tang Topics: Dr. Sussi and Dr. Tang will discuss ethics and professionalism in healthcare in a presentation prepared by previous PDS Dental Fellow Dr.

Stacey Moon and Executive Director of the Free Clinics Dr. Ellen Beck. This meeting is mandatory for all clinic volunteers and attendance will be recorded. This will be a very engaging presentation with examples and scenarios, so please do not miss out on this special evening.

Where/When: UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy, PSB Rooms 2 & 3, 6:30 pm 15. Mar 16 - Last General Body Meeting of the Quarter

Topics: Join us for our last general body meeting of the quarter and announcements of upcoming events for the next quarter. Where/When: UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy, PSB Rooms 2 & 3, 6:30 pm

16. Mar 18-21 (Sat-Tue) - ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition at Long Beach, CA Details: Join us for the best Pre-Dental Workshop on March 18 at ADEA.

17. Mar 18-25 (Sat-Sat) – Winter Quarter Final Exams 18. Mar 26 (Sun) – Spring Break Begins 19. Mar 30 (Thur) - Spring Quarter Begins 20. Mar 31 (Fri) - César Chávez Holiday 21. Apr 3 (Mon) - Spring Quarter Instruction Begins Parking permits can be purchased at the Gilman Visitor Information Center (corner of Gilman Drive and Osler Lane); For more information, contact: Irvin B. Silverstein, DDS, MSEd, UCSD Dental Director/Advisor – (619) 840-3288, [email protected]; Student Leaders: Matt Konop - [email protected]; Sandy Wang - [email protected]; Charlotte Chiu - [email protected] - (858) 472-6966; Greg Marchese - [email protected] - (916) 873-6828; Jonathan Wong – [email protected]– (626) 823-0521

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Special Speakers Schedule for Spring Quarter 2017 (Updated 5/15/2017) Presented to you by the UCSD Pre-Dental Society and UCSD Student-Run Free Dental Clinic Project

1. Mar 30 (Thu) – Spring Quarter Begins 2. Mar 31 - César Chávez Holiday 3. April 6 – First General Body Meeting of Spring Quarter, CAPT Peter Roberts and Navy & Army Health Scholarships

Topics: Join us this week for our first general body meeting of the quarter and announcements of upcoming events. CAPT Peter Roberts, Commanding Officer of the USNS Mercy Hospital ship, will be speaking about his journey as a medical officer in the navy as well as his time aboard the USNS Mercy during Pacific Partnership 2016 Also, LT Stacey Grove and Maj. Aaron Rall will present valuable information about scholarship opportunities in the Navy and Army.

Where/When: UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy, PSB Rooms 2 & 3, 6:30pm 4. Apr 8 (Sat) - UCSD AMSA Health Fair

Details: The UCSD American Medical Student Association is holding its 8th Annual Health Fair to educate low-income and under-served families in San Diego about health-related issues and practices including dental health education. For more information, contact our DHA team at [email protected]

5. Apr 13 - Dr. Anthony Cardoza, DDS San Diego County Office of Medical Coroner & GBM Topics: Dr. Cardoza will be speaking about bite mark analysis, identifications, mass disasters, homicide cases, and the basics of forensic

dentistry. We will also have the opportunity to go to the coroner’s office to observe autopsies and see how missing people are identified from their dental records. Rock Bottom to follow!

Where/When: UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy, PSB Rooms 2 & 3, 6:30pm 6. Apr 20 – PDS Dentist Lecture Series & PDS Bingo

Topics: Join us this week for a presentation on current issues in dentistry from Drs. Sussi Yamaguchi, Sam Dove, and Abraham Tang. As an educational icebreaker, we will also play PDS Bingo for a chance to win great prizes. Where/When: UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy, PSB Rooms 2 & 3, 6:30pm

7. Apr 27 – Avishai Sadan DMD, MBA, Dean of Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC Topics: Dr. Sadan, head dean of the Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC and prosthodontist, will be speaking about his journey in

dentistry as well as what is on the horizon for the Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry. Don't miss this exciting opportunity to hear him speak. Rock Bottom to follow!

Where/When: UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy, PSB Rooms 2 & 3, 6:30pm 8. May 4 - Speaker & General Body Meeting

Topics: Join us this week for our general body meeting and announcements of upcoming events. Where/When: UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy, PSB Rooms 2 & 3, 6:30pm

9. May 4-6 (Thurs-Sat) - CDA Presents the Art and Science of Dentistry: Anaheim 10. May 11 - Speaker & General Body Meeting

Topics: Join us this week for our general body meeting and announcements of upcoming events. Where/When: UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy, PSB Rooms 2 & 3, 6:30pm

11. May 18 – Dr. Ronald S. Mito, D.D.S., F.D.S. R.C.S.Ed, Executive Associate Dean at UCLA School of Dentistry Topics: Dr. Ronald Mito is the Executive Associate Dean for Academic Programs and Personnel and Professor of Clinical Dentistry at the

UCLA School of Dentistry. He's very involved in organized dentistry and renowned for starting the hospital-based dentistry program at UCLA. Don't miss this amazing opportunity to hear him speak. Rock Bottom to follow!

Where/When: UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy, PSB Rooms 2 & 3, 6:30pm 12. May 23 (Tuesday) – UCSD Student-Run Free Clinics Gala (Invitation Only) 13. May 25 – Stanley Malamed, DDS, Former Professor, USC Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry & Dr. Jason Brady, DMD

Topics: A world-renowned expert in dental anesthesiology, sedation, and medical emergencies, Dr. Malamed will discuss pain management and dental emergencies. He has written the book used in dental and medical schools worldwide. Dr. Jason Brady will also speak to our group about his experience as a dentist anesthesiologist with Dr. Malamed. Rock Bottom to follow!

Where/When: UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy, PSB Rooms 2 & 3, 6:30pm 14. May 29 (Mon) - Memorial Day 15. Jun 1 – Mrs. Rose Schindler; Dr. George Peeples, DDS, and Dr. Lynnette Jackson, DDS

Topics: Mrs. Rose Schindler, one of the last survivors of the Auschwitz concentration camp, will to speak to our organization about her experiences. Also that night, Dr. George Peeples, former professional basketball player with the Indiana Pacers in the ABA and practicing oral surgeon will come with his wife Dr. Lynnette Jackson, pediatric dentist and former Program Director for the General Practice Residency Program at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center will speak to our group about their journey and experiences in dentistry. Managers and Exec meeting to follow. Pizza and drinks will be served.

Where/When: UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy, PSB Rooms 2 & 3, 6:30pm 16. Jun 3 - Annual UCSD Pre-Dental Society Banquet & Graduation Party

Location: 94th Aero Squadron Restaurant, 8885 Balboa Ave, San Diego, CA 92123; 11:30am Check-in, 1:00pm Awards Ceremony; There will be a wonderful array of seafood, meats, brunch items, desserts, appetizers, and much more. Contact Pryscilla Acosta to RSVP: [email protected]

17. Jun 8 –Dr. Abraham Tang and Orthodontic Abnormalities; PDS Student Panel Topics: Join us this as Dr. Tang will present his research regarding orthodontic abnormalities and their treatments. Afterwards, several

PDS students who have gotten accepted into dental school will talk about their individual experiences with the application cycle. Where/When: UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy, PSB Rooms 2 & 3, 6:30pm

18. Jun 10-16 (Sat-Fri) – Spring Quarter Final Exams 19. Jun 17-18 (Sat-Sun) – UCSD Commencement 20. Jun 22 – First General Body Meeting of Summer Quarter

Topics: TBA Where:/When: UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy, PSB Rooms 2 & 3, 6:30pm

21. Jun 29 – Second General Body Meeting of Summer Quarter Parking permits can be purchased at the Gilman Visitor Information Center (corner of Gilman Drive and Osler Lane); For more information, contact: Irvin B. Silverstein, DDS, MSEd, UCSD Dental Director/Advisor – (619) 840-3288, [email protected]; Student Leaders: Matt Konop - [email protected]; Sandy Wang - [email protected]; Charlotte Chiu - [email protected] - (858) 472-6966; Jonathan Wong – [email protected]– (626) 823-0521

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Special Speakers Schedule for Summer Quarter 2017 (Updated 8/4/2017) Presented to you by the UCSD Pre-Dental Society and UCSD Student-Run Free Dental Clinic Project

1. Jun 22 – First General Body Meeting of Summer Quarter Topics: Join us for our first general body meeting of the summer quarter where we'll go over upcoming events and updates. Where:/When: UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy, PSB Rooms 2 & 3, 6:30pm

2. Jun 29 – General Body Meeting Topics: Join us for our general body meeting where we'll go over upcoming events and updates. Where:/When: UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy, PSB Rooms 2 & 3, 6:30pm

3. Jul 13 - Dr. Sahil Amin and Dr. Sam Dove Topics: Join us for an exciting evening with our dental fellows, Dr. Amin and Dr. Dove. Dr. Amin will present on benign

odontogenic cysts and Dr. Dove will regale us with tales from his recent African safari. Where:/When: UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy, PSB Rooms 2 & 3, 6:30pm

4. July 27 - Tailgate General Body Meeting at Petco Park Topics: Join us as we hold our general body meeting at Petco Park. We’ll have a tailgate starting at 3:00pm and talk about team building and the current application cycle at 4:00pm. We'll also discuss our upcoming events. Then we’ll go into the stadium to cheer on the Padres as they take on the Mets at 6:10pm. Those interested in department heads or management positions are welcome to come to participate and show your interest!

Where:/When: Petco Park Tailgate Lot, Tailgate @ 3:00pm, GBM @ 4:00pm, game starts @ 6:10pm 5. Aug 10 - Interview Prep with Dr. Silverstein

Topics: Join us as Dr. Silverstein takes the stage to prepare students for upcoming interviews. Come learn tips about how to behave and what types of questions to expect as well as common interview mistakes and how to avoid them. This information is invaluable for students in the current cycle and for those looking to get ahead for next year.

Where:/When: UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy, PSB Rooms 2 & 3, 6:30pm 6. Aug 17 - General Body Meeting with Manual Dexterity Practice: Soap Carving

Topics: Join us for our general body meeting where we'll go over upcoming events and updates. We will also practice our manual dexterity by carving figures in bars of soap. Soap will be provided, but bring a butter knife or other carving tools to practice with.

Where:/When: UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy, PSB Rooms 2 & 3, 6:30pm 7. Aug 24-26 - CDA Presents: San Francisco 8. Aug 31 - General Body Meeting

Topics: Join us for our general body meeting where we'll go over upcoming events and updates. Where:/When: UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy, PSB Rooms 2 & 3, 6:30pm

9. Sep 7 - General Body Meeting Topics: Join us for our general body meeting where we'll go over upcoming events and updates. Where:/When: UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy, PSB Rooms 2 & 3, 6:30pm

10. Sep 14 - General Body Meeting Topics: Join us for our general body meeting where we'll go over upcoming events and updates. Where:/When: UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy, PSB Rooms 2 & 3, 6:30pm

11. Sep 21 - General Body Meeting Topics: Join us for our general body meeting where we'll go over upcoming events and updates. Where:/When: UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy, PSB Rooms 2 & 3, 6:30pm

12. Sep 28 - First General Body Meeting of Fall Quarter Topics: Join us for the first meeting of the Fall Quarter. This will be a great meeting to meet with new and old members as well as enjoy a great potluck reception and ice-breaker games.

Where:/When: UCSD Price Center Forum Room, 6:30 PM 13. Oct 5 - General Body Meeting with Faculty from 12 different Dental Schools

Topics: . Join us for our general body meeting where faculty from 12 different dental schools will come and speak to us about each of their different programs. This is a meeting not to be missed!

Where:/When: TBD 14. Oct 12 - General Body Meeting

Topics: TBA Where:/When: TBD

15. Oct 19 - General Body Meeting Topics: TBA Where:/When: TBD

16. Oct 18-22 - ADA Annual Convention in Atlanta, Georgia Parking permits can be purchased at the Gilman Visitor Information Center (corner of Gilman Drive and Osler Lane); For more information, contact: Irvin B. Silverstein, DDS, MSEd, UCSD Dental Director/Advisor – (619) 840-3288, [email protected]; Student Leaders: Matt Konop - [email protected]; Sandy Wang - [email protected]; Charlotte Chiu - [email protected] - (858) 472-6966; Jonathan Wong – [email protected]– (626) 823-0521