New Light of Myanmar (18 Mar 2013)

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  • 7/29/2019 New Light of Myanmar (18 Mar 2013)


    Volume XX, Number 332 7th Waxing of Tabaung 1374 ME Monday, 18 March, 2013


    New Light of MyanmarNay Pyi Taw , 17

    March President U

    Thein Sein left Auckland

    of New Zealand at 12.45

    pm local time today and

    arrived in Sydney of

    Australia at 2.15 pm

    local time. Ofcials of

    the Governor Office

    of New South Wales,

    Prime Minister Office

    and Ministry of Foreign

    Affairs welcomed the

    President at the airport.

    Next, the Presidentand party ew to Canberra

    from Sydney by the

    aircraft of Australian

    Armed Forces and arrived

    at a military aireld in

    Canberra where they were

    welcomed by ofcials of

    the Prime Minister Ofce

    and Ministry of Foreign


    Then the President

    President U Thein Sein arrives in Australiaand party proceeded toHyatt Hotel in Canberra

    in a motorcade.

    In the evening, the

    President and party met with

    the Myanmar ambassa-dor,

    families of embassy staff

    and Myanmar citizens in

    Australia, and presented

    gifts to them.

    Next, the President

    and party attended a dinner

    hosted by the Myanmar

    Ambassador to Australia.


    yaNgoN, 17 March

    To upgrade Muse, a town

    located on Myanmar-

    China border, a modern

    town development project

    would be implemented,

    said an official of the

    Ministry of Commerce.

    We are planning to

    upgrade Muse with the aim

    Muse to be upgraded to a modern town




    which is on

    the track to



    By:Wai Yan Oo

    President U Thein Sein

    being welcomed by

    ofcials of the Governor

    Ofce of New South

    Wales, Prime Minister

    Ofce and Ministry of

    Foreign Affairs at the

    airport in Canberra.


    of boosting border trade

    a n d s u p p o r t i n g t h e

    regional development,

    he added.

    Muse is the major

    t ow n fo r t he bo rde r

    trade between China and

    Myanmar as a major

    check-point for importing

    products by road from

    China is located at the


    Meanwhile, the check

    point also plays a major

    role in exporting Myanmar

    products to China.

    Shan State government

    will supervise and take a

    leading role in implementing

    the project of upgrading

    the town.

    The project includes

    building condos though

    there were single buildings

    in the town. Besides, to

    upgrade the town, ring

    roads in the town would

    be upgraded, an airport

    would be added and high-

    rise buildings would be

    constructed in the town.Myanma Alinn:


    (Trans: AMS)*****

    Belgian Dy PM and party conclude visit yaNgoN, 17 MarchDeputy Prime Minister and

    Minister of Foreign Affairs,

    Foreign Trade and European

    Affairs Mr Didier Reyndersof Belgium and party left here

    by air this afternoon.

    They were seen off

    at Yangon International

    Airport by Yangon Region

    Minister for Electric and

    Industry U Nyan Tun Oo

    and ofcials of the Ministry

    of Foreign Affairs.MNA

    yaNgoN, 17 March

    UniNet was launchedthis morning at Yangon

    Technological University

    in Insein Township here,

    attended by Yangon Region

    Chief Minister U Myint Swe,

    Deputy Minister for Science

    and Technology Dr Zaw Min

    Aung and Deputy Minister

    for Communications and

    Information Technology U

    Thaung Tin.

    Deputy Minister Dr

    Zaw Min Aung extended

    greetings, followed by the

    speech of Chairman of

    Technological Universities

    UniNet launchedAdministration Committee

    U Nyi Hla Nge.N e x t , P r o f e s s o r

    Carl V Thompson from

    Massachusetts Institute of

    Technology (MIT) gave talks

    on materials for micro and


    Online courses and

    video conferencing are

    available with the use of

    UniNet between Yangon

    Technological University

    and Yangon University of

    Computer Studies (Bahan

    Region) through wireless



    Deputy Prime Minister

    Mr Didier Reynders of

    Belgium being seen off

    by ofcials.


  • 7/29/2019 New Light of Myanmar (18 Mar 2013)


    Monday, 18 March, 20132

    l o c a l n e w s

    New Light of Myanmar

    Cambodian pilgrims comein ocks to visit pagodas in

    MyanmarMagway, 17 March

    Cambodian pilgrimsvisited Myathalun Pagoda inMagway on their way backfrom Shwesettaw PagodaFestival in Minbu Townshipof Magway Region on 13March morning.

    A group of 138Cambodian pilgrims led bytwo Myanmar monks andone Cambodian travel agentoffered light, joss-sticks,fruit, ower, water and alms

    to the pagoda and maderecitation ofParittas. Thenthey had photos taken in theprecinct of the pagoda.

    We started ourpilgrimage from Yangon on6 March. Our journey tookus Kyaithtiyoe, Mandalay,PyinOoLwin, Monywa,Bagan-NyaungU andShwesettaw. We will proceed

    to Nay Pyi Taw when ourvisit to Magway MyathalunPagoda concludes. Then wewill return to Yangon. Therewere Cambodian pilgrimswho have been to Myanmarbefore. This time sees themost. There are 138 pilgrimsin the group. We make thepilgrimage on a coach tour.It is a journey of 10 days,says Ashin Uttara of TipitakaMaha Gannnayon monasteryin Kaba-Aye Pagoda who ledthe pilgrimage with anothermonk.

    I see more foreignvisitors recent days. We aredoing a brisk trade. I amhappy to see more foreigntourists here. Business isgood, says a vendor in theprecinct of Pagoda.


    Installation of water pipeline

    in progress

    yangon, 17 March Aimed at supplying moredrinking water to dwellersof Dagon Myothit (North)and (East) townships,

    installation of waterpipelines is being carriedout under the arrangementof Engineering Department(water and sanitation) of

    Yangon City DevelopmentCommittee.

    The water pipelineis 40 inches in diameter.Works are underway in the

    canal on Bohmu Tun Seinstreet between MingaladonTownship and NorthOkkalapa Township.


    Photo shows students who were going to designated exam centres to sitfor matriculation examinations in Pakokku Township on 13 March. A

    total of 5911 students1416 school boys and 1766 school girlsaretaking their examinations happily.Kyemon

    Photo shows students, who were about to sit fortheir examination, waiting outside before the

    school bell rang at Basic Education High SchoolNo (1) exam centre in Yezagyo Township on 13March. A total of 3599 students are taking their

    examinations peacefully at designated examcentres in the township. Kyemon

    nayPyiTaw, 17 March According to the Ministryof Construction, each road

    section of Yangon-MandalayExpressway is beingupgraded paving it withasphalt. Tarmacking of eachroad section is being carriedout mainly at accident-proneroad sections with turns andweak foundation. I t is foundthat car accidents are frequentat the road sections with turnsand weak foundation on theexpressway. Thats whythe expressway is being

    upgraded to be equippedwith standard characteristicsof a road with the aim of

    winding down road accidentand ensuring road safetyalong the expressway,an offi cial of Yangon-Mandalay Expressway PoliceCommander Ofce said.

    The Yangon-MandalayExpressway was put intoservice in March 2009 and anaverage number of vehiclesrunning on the expresswayare 10000 a day.


    Upgradation of each road

    section on Yangon-Mandalay

    Expressway in progress

    Young man dies of drowning

    after falling into Bago RiverBago , 17 MarchA

    young man drowned asfalling into Bago Riverat Htonkalay village ofHmawlon village-tract in

    Bago Township at about 5am on 11 March.

    Hla Soe, 38, of Kyartatvillage in Kawa Township fellinto the water as his left anklegot hopelessly tangled in theanchor rope while droppinganchor from a motorized boatand died of drowning in the

    river. The fatal accidenthappened to the victimwhile he was waiting forhigh tide together with hiscolleagues, Myo Naing

    and Kyaw Aung beforetheir departure for Kyartatvillage.

    Hi s dead body wastaken out of the water andsent to Bago Hospital forfurther investigation intohis drowning death whetherthere is foul play and othersuspicious. Investigatinginto the case is ongoing byInndakaw police station.


    Mandalay, 17 March An outbreak of re ata private fuel shop on 19thStreet between 86th and87th in Mandalay caused apublic panic as a haul of fuelcontainers which are beingkept stored were found at theshop after the ame ickered

    and went out.A fi re broke out at

    That-tant-yaung fuel shopat about 2.50 pm on 12March. According to theresponsible persons of re

    services department, theoutbreak of re was due to

    static electricity while lling

    fuel from a plastic containerto a metal jar. Although there did not spread to nearby

    houses, the it gutted the whole

    shop, destroying furniture, 50gallons of petrol and 25 gallonsof diesel. As soon as the re

    started, the crowds of localpeople fought the re with the

    use of re extinguishers and

    they were joined by about 100re ghters accompanied by

    11 re trucks. They struggled

    to control the re and put out

    it at about 3.15 pm. Soon afterthe ame went out, the news

    of nding out the fuel storage

    came as a shock to localpeople. But the re did not

    lick the fuel containers. Twowomen and one re ofcer

    were wounded in the re. Shop

    assistant Hein Thiha, 24, wascharged with the cause of re

    by police.Kyemon

    Fuel shop re in Mandalay

    Medical staff of Workers

    Hospital make eld trip in

    Yangonyangon, 17 March

    A 30-member medicalteam comprising specialists,surgeons and nurses led byMedical SuperintendentDr Daw Khin Pyu Win ofWorkers Hospital (Yangon)provided staff with healthcare at the assembly Hallof Printing and Publishing

    Enterprise on TheinbyuStreet in BotahtaungTownship, here, on 14 Marchmorning.

    Next, the medicalsuperintendent gave talkson rights of staff under socialsecurity and activities ofWorkers Hospital (Yangon).


    Self-reliantgravel road

    emerges inDaikU Township

    nay Pyi Taw , 17March Bago RegionChief Minister U Nyan Wintogether with wellwishersformally opened a self-reliant gravel road that linksTaungboh Koelone villageand Wargamani village


    training course

    opened in Waw

    Townshipwaw, 17 March The

    opening of Farm MachineryTraining Course (1/2013) washeld at mechanized farmingNo (50) of AgricultureMechanization Departmentin Waw Township of BagoRegion on 11 March.

    The head of BagoDistrict AgricultureMechanization Departmentspoke on the occasion. Atotal of 30 trainees are takingthe course.


    in Doedan village-tract ofDaikU Township on 14March morning. The village-to-village gravel road is 7059feet long. Next, the chiefminister attended the cashdonation for constructionof labour room, x-ray roomand brick walls of the stationhospital where he made anaddress. MNA

  • 7/29/2019 New Light of Myanmar (18 Mar 2013)


    Monday, 18 March, 2013 3New Light of MyanmarWORLD

    Italy parliament electsspeakers as tensions continue

    Laura Boldrini from the centre-left claps after the voteelecting her as the new lower house president at theChamber of Deputies in Rome on 16 March, 2013.


    Rome, 17 MarchItalys centre-left alliancescraped a narrow victoryin a vote to appointthe new speakers of

    parliament on Saturdaybut the fragile margin ofsuccess underlined howhard it will be to form astable government afterlast months deadlockedelection.

    The appointment of thespeakers was parliamentsrst act since the February

    election, in which thecentre-left formation ofPier Luigi Bersani wona lower house majoritybut not enough to controlthe Senate and form agovernment.

    The result has left

    Italy stuck in a political

    quagmire, arousing fearsthat bond markets couldtake fright, reignitingthe euro zone crisisand endangering the

    governments ability tomanage Italys 2-trillion-euro public debt.

    After a tense day inparliament, the centre-leftcandidates Laura Boldriniand Piero Grasso, a formeranti-maa magistrate,

    were elected as speakers ofthe lower house and Senateafter other parties ruledout accepting the posts inexchange for supporting aBersani-led government.With no clear majority inthe Senate, DemocraticParty (PD) leader Bersanihad to rely on abstentions

    and a handful of votes

    from other groups,including Beppe Grillosanti-establishment 5-StarMovement and centristsled by Prime MinisterMario Monti. Grasso stilldid not get an absolutemajority in the upperhouse.Although the centre-

    left now has the inuential

    speakers chairs, the resulthighlighted Bersanisfailure to secure a wideraccord that might haveallowed him to form agovernment. It did little toquell speculation that Italymay have to return to thepolls within months.


    US aims to clinch Afghandeal on prisoner transfer

    US Secretary of Defence Chuck Hagel speaks at hisnews conference at the Pentago in Washington

    on 15 March, 2013.ReuteRs

    Washington, 17 MarchUS Defence SecretaryChuck Hagel and AfghanPresident Hamid Karzaispoke in a call on Saturdayabout efforts to quicklyresolve one of the mostvexing issues in the two

    countries relations, thedelayed transfer to Afghancontrol of a key detentioncentre. The Pentagon saidthe two men agreed to usethe next week to conductintensive work with a viewto concluding an agreement,spokesman George Littlesaid in a statement.

    The transfer of thedetention centre at Bagramair base is a persistent sourceof tension, with Karzaisofce warning in a statement

    on Wednesday that anymore delays could harm thebilateral relations.

    US commanders wantto ensure that dangerousprisoners will not be releasedback to the battleeld. But

    Karzai has raised alarms by

    A woman is helped by ofcials as she votes in a

    referendum at a polling station in Harareon 16 March, 2013.ReuteRs

    Zimbabwe votes on curbs to presidents powerChitungWiza, (Zim-

    babwe), 17 MarchZimbabweans voted onSaturday in a referendumexpected to endorse a newconstitution that wouldtrim presidential powersand pave the way for anelection to decide whetherRobert Mugabe extendshis three-decade rule.

    Mugabe, Africasoldest president at 89, has

    ruled the former Britishcolony since independencein 1980 and has beenaccused of waging violentcrackdowns on theopposition and weakeningstate institutions like thecabinet and parliament.

    The new constitutionwould set a maximum twove-year terms for the

    president, starting withthe next election, expected

    in the second half of thisyear. But the limit willnot apply retroactively,so Mugabe could rule foranother two terms.

    Presidential decreeswill also require majoritybacking in the cabinet, anddeclarations of emergencyrule or dissolutions ofparliament will need theapproval of two-thirds oflawmakers, changes thatwill take effect after the

    next election.Mugabes ZANU-PF

    and the rival Movementfor Democratic Changeof Prime Minister MorganTsvangirai are backingthe charter, makingSaturdays vote almost arubber stamp exercise.

    Voting ended at 1700GMT at the nearly 10,000polling stations acrossthe southern Africannation, with results to beannounced within ve

    days, said Rita Makarau,head of the Zimbabwe

    Obama pledges cooperationwith new Israeli government

    Washington, 17March US PresidentBarack Obama on Saturdaycongratulated IsraeliPrime Minister Benjamin

    Netanyahu on the formationof a new government andpledged cooperation onshared challenges.

    President Obama looksforward to working closelywith the prime ministerand the new government toaddress the many challengeswe face and advance ourshared interest in peace andsecurity, the White Housesaid in a statement.

    The United Statesplaces a high value on itsdeep and enduring bondswith Israel and the Israelipeople, the statement said.

    The president looks forwardto further strengtheningthose bonds when he travelsto Israel next week to meetwith Israeli ofcials and to

    speak directly with the Israelipeople.

    A new coalitiongovernment was formed inIsrael on Friday, two months

    after the Israelis voted in thecountrys on 22 Jan elections,after Netanyahus LikudParty signed agreements withYesh Atid and the JewishHome on Friday. The new

    coalition will be inauguratedon Monday.

    Obama will leaveWashington on Tuesdaynight for his rst three-day

    overseas trip after he tookofce in January for his

    second term, which willtake him to Israel, the WestBank and Jordan.

    The Israeli-Palestinianpeace process, the two-

    year-old conict in Syriaand Irans controversialnuclear programme areexpected to dominate hisagenda.Xinhua

    warning that any innocentprisoners being held at thefacility will be released.

    Littles statement said anagreement on the detentionfacility would be one thatboth fully recognizesAfghan sovereignty and our

    mutual interests in securityof the Afghan people and ourrespective forces.

    During Hagels visit toAfghanistan last weekend,Karzai accused the UnitedStates of colluding withthe Taleban and of holdingunilateral negotiations withthe insurgentsallegationsthe United States sharplydenied and which exposeddeep tensions after 11 yearsof war. The United Statesplans to pull out just overhalf of its 66,000 troops fromAfghanistan by early nextyear and leave a relativelysmall force after 2014,focusing on training Afghanforces and conductinglimited counterterrorismoperations.Reuters

    Electoral Commission.Turnout at the poll was

    generally low across thecountry but both Mugabeand Tsvangirai have beenoptimistic the constitutionwould be approvedbefore presidential andparliamentary electionslater in the year.

    We want peace inthe country. Peace, peace,peace. It must begin withRobert Mugabe and go on

    to you and everyone else,said Mugabe as he votedin the Higheld township

    near downtown Harare,accompanied by his wifeand daughter. After aviolent and disputed votein 2008, Mugabe waspushed into a power-sharing agreement withTsvangirai. Tsvangirai madethe referendum on the newconstitution a condition ofthe power-sharing deal andsaid there would be no pointin holding new electionswithout it.Reuters

    OutgoingBulgarian PrimeMinister BoikoBorisov speaks

    during a debate atthe parliament inSoa on 21 Feb,


    Bulgarian centre-right hold lead in March, poll showssofia, 17 March

    Support for Bulgariascentre-right GERB led byex-Prime Minister BoikoBorisov fell in Marchafter protests about livingstandards but it held a leadover the Socialists ahead ofMay elections, a poll showedon Saturday.

    Support for GERB was19.7 percent in March, downfrom 22 percent in February

    while backing for theSocialists fell to 18.6 percentfrom 22 percent in theprevious month, according tothe Gallup International poll.

    Backing for the far-rightAttack party led jumped to5.0 percent from 1.2 percent

    in February, according to the

    poll of 1,013 people carriedout between 7 and 12 March.

    Tens of thousandsof people have protestedfor more than a monthin the European Unionspoorest country againstrising unemploymentand low living standards.The demonstrations led

    to Borisovs governmentresigning last month, andthe Balkan country will holdparliamentary elections on12 May.

    Support for the ethnicTurkish MRF party fell to

    5.2 percent in March from7.3 percent a month earlier,the poll showed.

    Parties need to win at

    least four percent of the voteto gain seats in parliament.

    Bulgarians live on anaverage monthly wage of400 euros (343.96 pounds)and pensions of less thanhalf that. Unemployment hit12 percent in February, its

    highest since April 2005.Leaders of the protests

    that felled Borisovsgovernment have so farfailed to unite to form asingle political party tochallenge at Mays election.While no party is likely towin a majority, the lack ofa new grouping will makeit easier to stitch together acoalition, analysts say.


  • 7/29/2019 New Light of Myanmar (18 Mar 2013)


    4 Monday, 18 March, 2013

    Science & Technology

    New Light of Myanmar

    A working staff looks over a new launched solar-powered recycling compactor at Time Square inNew York, the United States, on 15 March, 2013.A total number of 30 new solar-powered recyclingwaste and recycling stations were launched at Time

    Square on Friday, which will encourage public spacerecycling among more than 500,000 daily visitors to

    the crossroads of the world. By years end, the City willhave put 1,000 new recycling containers on streets in

    all ve boroughs.Xinhua

    NewYork, 17 MarchRadio frequency chip makersare set to gain as SamsungElectronics Co Ltd andApple Inc unveil ever moresophisticated smartphonesand tablets to battle for theNo 1 spot in the global mobile

    devices market.Investors and analysts

    say they like shares ofRF Micro Devices Inc,Skyworks Solutions Incand Avago TechnologiesLtd companies that makethe chips that enable gadgetsto send and receive datawirelessly.

    Samsung unveiled itslatest agship phone, the

    Galaxy S4, in New Yorkon Thursday. The S4 canstop and start videos when

    Radio frequency chip makers tune in to smartphone racesomeone looks at the screen,ip between songs at the

    wave of a hand and recordsound to accompany pictures.

    As manufacturersimprove and add newfeatures to phones, whichare increasingly used to

    stream music, video andgames, they are boosting theRF chip technology used inthe devices.

    The RF content inhandsets continues to goup, said Stewart Stecker,a portfol io manager atAlphaOne Capital. Thatsgood from an immediate tolonger-term perspective forthe entire RF supply chain.

    The importance of RFchips will increase as networkoperators deploy high-speed

    wireless technology knownas 4G LTE (long-termevolution), analysts said.

    LTE requires a muchhigher number of frequencybands, which increases thenumber of RF chips in aphone.

    The global LTE marketis expected to almost doublethis year, surpassing the

    said Northland Securitiesanalyst Tom Sepenzis.

    A Verizon customer, forexample, using a SamsungGalaxy S4 while travellingthe world, would need to beable to use the LTE networkin the United States and other

    countries, said Sepenzis.That requires more

    complex amplifiers that

    SamsungElectronics Cos

    latest GalaxyS4 phone isseen duringits launch at

    the Radio CityMusic Hall in

    New York on 14March, 2013.ReuteRs

    can handle multiple

    frequencies, requires betterantenna solutions, switchingcapability to handle all thedifferent frequencies. Thatobviously favours the RFcomponent manufacturers,he said.Reuters

    $10 billion mark, according

    to a 13 March report fromtelecom market research rm

    Infonetics Research.As you add LT E

    thats a whole otherfrequencyyou need moreradio, more RF equipment,

    Space trio lands in Kazakhstan after bad weather delayAlmAtY, 17 MarchA

    RussianSoyuzcapsule madea bulls eye landing inthe steppes of Kazakhstanon Saturday, deliveringa Russian-American triofrom the InternationalSpace Station, a day afterits originally scheduledtouchdown was delayed byfoul weather.

    NASAs Kevin Fordand Russian cosmonautsOleg Novitskiy and EvgenyTarelkin, who had mannedthe $100 billion orbitaloutpost since October as

    Expedition 34, landed incloudy weather at 7:06 amMoscow time (0306 GMT)northeast of the town ofArkalyk.

    They had spent 144 daysaboard the multinational ISSon their space journey ofalmost 61 million miles (98million km). The landingwas energetic and exciting,Russian TV showed Novitskiyas saying. NASA television

    Brussels, 17 MarchMutual funds regulatorsare suffering from Twitteroverload.

    Many funds companies,which are required to le

    advertising and promotionalmaterials for regulatoryreview, have also beensending over all of their postson Facebook, Twitter andother social media networks.But on Friday, the Securitiesand Exchange Commissionmoved to end the deluge,issuing guidelines thatalmost all social mediaposts did not need to beled with Financial Industry

    Regulatory Authority, whichconducts the reviews.

    Only posts specically

    making claims about fundperformance or pitching afunds investment merits

    SEC says funds need not report all social media postings

    International Space Station (I SS) crew membersRussian cosmonauts Evgeny Tarelkin (L) and Oleg

    Novitskiy (C) and US astronaut Kevin Ford sit togetherat Kustanay Airport after they landed near the town

    of Arkalyk in Kazakhstan, on 16 March, 2013, in thishandout photo courtesy of NASA.ReuteRs

    said the deorbit burn and otherevents during the descent hadgone awlessly. It said the

    capsule had landed upright,almost hitting its bulls eyetarget in thick fog. OlegNovitskiy reported to searchand recovery teams that thecrew is feeling good, NASAtelevision said. Everything

    seems to be in order. Due tohampered visibility, it took afew minutes before helicopterswith Russian search andrecovery teams could locatethe Soyuz capsule after itslanding.

    The rst images shown

    by Russias Vesti-24television featured rescue

    workers standing in a snow-covered steppe opening thehatch of the capsule.

    The three smil ingastronauts were seated onsemi-reclined chairs andcovered with blue thermalblankets. They were thencarried to a nearby inatable

    medical tent. On Friday,fog and freezing rain at thelanding site in Kazakhstanprevented helicopters fromsetting up for the crewsreturn to Earth. In preparationfor their departure, Canadianastronaut Chris Hadeld took

    the helm of the space stationon Wednesday, becomingthe rst Canadian to take

    command of the outpost. Itis only the second time in the12-year history of the station,a project of 15 nations thathas been permanently staffedsince November 2000, thatcommand has been turnedover to someone who is notAmerican or Russian.


    NewYork, 17 MarchPrivate equity rm Silver

    Lake Partners bid as low as$11.22 per share for DellInc in mid 2012, when it

    Silver Lakes bid for Dellstarted at $11.22 per share

    said repeatedly that the bidcomes only after extensivereview and negotiations,and has deemed it fair toshareholders and that view

    will likely be emphasizedagain in an upcoming proxyling with the SEC.

    But some analysts sayMichael Dell and Silver Lakemay eventually raise their bidto try to appease investors inDell like Southeastern whocomplain it undervalues thecompany.

    Michael Dell is tryingto complete his companystransition from a low-marginPC maker into a provider ofcomputing services.

    The makeover hasbecome more urgent as the

    PC market shrinks. Analystssay it might best be carriedout if the company weretaken private, away frompublic shareholder pressureand scrutiny.Reuters

    rst discussed a buyout withfounder and CEO MichaelDell, according to a personfamiliar with the situation.

    Since then, on 5February this year, SilverLake and Michael Dell raisedtheir bid to take the worldsNo 3 personal computermaker private to $13.65 ashare.

    At $24.4 billion, itwould be the largest privateequity-led buyout since the2008 nancial crisis.

    When the bid wasrst announced, the price

    represented a 25 per centpremium over the stock pricebefore news of the bid, butDells share price closed at$14.31 on Friday.

    The computer maker has

    A company logo of Dell is seen on the cover of its laptopat a Dell outlet in Hong Kongon 21 Oct, 2009.ReuteRs

    should be led for review, the

    agency said. For example, atweet simply announcing thata new fund was launched,marking a portfolio managerchange or making other

    factual statements need notbe led, the SEC said.

    However, a tweet whichsaid fund performance re-bounded strongly duringthe third quarter of 2012

    or Looking for dividends?Think global and considerour new Global EquityFund, were the types ofcommunications that shouldbe led for review.Reuters

    A Facebook page is displayedon a computer screen in

    Brussels on 21 April, 2010.ReuteRs

  • 7/29/2019 New Light of Myanmar (18 Mar 2013)


    Monday, 18 March, 2013 5


    New Light of Myanmar

    China demands Volkswagen to recall defective cars

    Beijing, 17 MarchThe Japanese automakerToyota will recall some4,400 units of FJ Cruiser carsin China over seat belt aws,

    Chinas consumer qualitywatchdog said on Saturday.The General Administrationof Quality Supervision,Inspection and Quarantine

    (AQSIQ) said on its websitethat Toyota China will recallthese imported cars producedbetween December 2007 andMarch 2013. Toyota is busyworking on the solution tothe aw and will releaseimprovement methodsbefore 15 April, accordingto the administration.

    This marks Toyotassecond recalling this yearafter the auto giant announcedin J anuary that it would recall22,869 units of Lexus IS cars

    Toyota FJCruiser car

    Toyota to recall defectivecars in China

    in China due to wiper armproblem.

    Chinas private autoownership reached 93.09million units by the end of2012, up 18.3 percent yearon year. Along with thefast expanding auto market,Chinese drivers grow moreconcerned about the quality

    of their cars.Also on Saturday, the

    AQSIQ urged Germanautomaker Volkswagen torecall defective cars afterChina Central Television(CCTV) exposed Volks-wagens gearbox defect onFriday. To better protectthe interests of Chineseconsumers, the AQSIQannounced late last year thatit would formulate a guidelineto regulate a recall system forfaulty cars.Xinhua

    London, 17 MarchDonated human liver couldbe kept alive outsidea human being with anewly invented device,andthen successfully transplantinto patients,the British

    researchers reported onFriday.The Oxford University

    researchers, together withsurgeons at Kings CollegeHospital, announced here,that the procedure hadbeen performed on twopatients and both are makingexcellent recoveries.Currently transplantationdepends on preservingdonor organs by puttingthem on ice-cooling themto slow their metabolism.But this often leads to organsbecoming damaged.

    New device keeps human liver alive outside body

    The Kings College Hospital, Oxford University andOrganOx team pose for a photograph following thesuccessful connection of the rst human liver for

    transplant onto the OrganOx Metra device, in thisundated picture provided by the University of Oxford in

    southern England on 15 March, 2013.ReuteRs

    The technol ogy,developed at OxfordUniversity and now beingtrialled at the liver transplantcentre at Kings College

    Hospital, could preserve afunctioning liver outsidethe body for 24 hours bystimulating the naturalenvironment-providing body

    temperature and oxygenatedred blood cells,etc. Once onthe machine, a liver functionsnormally, regaining its colourand producing bile.

    The results from the rst

    two transplants, carried out at

    Kings College Hospital lastmonth, suggest that the devicecould be useful for all patientsneeding liver transplants.

    The device is the veryrst completely automated

    liver perfusion device ofits kind, said ProfessorConstantin Coussiosof Oxford UniversitysDepartment of EngineeringScience, one of the machinesinventors, what was evenmore amazing was to see thesame liver transplanted into apatient who is now walkingaround.Xinhua

    Britain to close offshore payroll tax loopholeLondon, 17 March

    Britain will close a loopholethat has allowed someemployers to avoid payingpayroll taxes by routingwages through overseasintermediaries, the Treasurysaid on Saturday.

    It said over 100,000people working for British

    rms were employed through

    payroll agents based inoffshore tax havens suchas Jersey, costing thegovernment almost 100million pounds ($150 million)a year in lost revenue.

    In many cases theworkersmainly temporaryagency staff such as teachers,

    nurses, and oil and gas crewswere unaware the taxeswere not being paid or that asa result they could lose theirentitlement to state sicknessor maternity benets.

    Treasury ministerDanny Alexander saidmeasures to end the practicewould be introduced inthe governments budgetstatement on 20 March.

    British rms employing

    British workers must payBritish taxes. This is just onepart of a bigger package wewill introduce at the budgetnext week, he said. The newmeasures would come intoforce from April 2014, theTreasury said.

    Payment of taxes hasbecome a hot political issuein Britain as the governmentsqueezes spending to reduceits budget decit.

    Multinationals suchas Starbucks, Amazon andGoogle have come under re

    for using legal maneuvers tocut their tax bills, althoughthere was no suggestionthey were using the payrollloophole.Reuters

    Beijing, 17 MarchChinas consumer qualitywatchdog on Saturdayurged German car makerVolkswagen to recalldefective cars after ChinaCentral Television (CCTV)exposed the defect in aFriday report. The GeneralAdministration of QualitySupervision, Inspection andQuarantine (AQSIQ) said ina statement on its website thatits research has conrmed

    that some of the companysdirect shift gearbox (DSG)transmissions have defectsthat may cause engine power

    failures. AQSIQ spokesmanZhang Yuanping said that ifVolkswagen refuses to fulll

    its legal obligations, AQSIQwill force it to recall the

    Britains ChiefSecretary to the

    Treasury DannyAlexander leavesafter attending a

    Cabinet meeting atNumber 10 Downing

    Street in Londonon 12 March,


    defective cars.On Friday, a CCTVprogramme on consumerrights stated that malfunctionsin the DSG transmissionscould cause a sudden loss orgain in engine power, whichcan pose safety hazards.

    Volkswagen Chinawrote on its ofcial microblog

    late Friday that it has takenthe report seriously andwill contact consumers assoon as possible to resolvethe problem. According toZhang, AQSIQ has beeninvestigating the companysDSG transmissions since last

    March. In May, Volkswagenextended its DSG qualityguarantee period in Chinato ten years under pressurefrom the administration,

    Zhang said.Volkswagen is not theonly foreign company beingaccused of improper practicesby CCTV. Electronics GiantApple Inc has been accusedof adopting differentiatingrepair and return policiesin China.

    The company offersshorter warranty periods inChina compared with othercountries and uses refurbishedparts when repairing brokendevices, according to CCTV.CCTVs 3.15 investigatoryjournali sm programmehas been on the air for 23

    years, during which timeit has revealed scandals atmultiple companies, such asMcDonalds and Carrefour.


    North Dakota Senate approvesheartbeat abortion ban

    Bismarck, 17 MarchThe North Dakota Senateapproved what would bethe most restrictive abortionlaw in the United States onFriday, a measure banning

    the procedure in most casesonce a fetal heartbeat canbe detected, as early as sixweeks.

    Senators also approveda second bill on Friday thatbans abortions based solelyon genetic abnormalities,the rst state ban of its kind

    if signed into law. The billwould also ban abortionsbased on the gender of thefetus, which would makeNorth Dakota the fourth stateto ban sex-selection basedabortions.

    The bil ls, whichpassed the state House ofRepresentatives last month,now head to RepublicanGovernor Jack Dalrymple,who has not indicatedwhether he would sign them

    into law. He is expected toreceive the bills on Monday.

    The heartbeat billprovides exceptions if anabortion would preventthe death or irreversible

    impairment of a pregnantwoman but no exceptionsfor rape. It sets up a directchallenge to the SupremeCourts decision in Roe v.Wade that legalized abortionin 1973.

    Several states ban mostabortions after 20 weeksof pregnancy. Arkansaslawmakers earlier in Marchapproved a ban on mostabortions after 12 weeksof pregnancy that couldtake effect in August if itsurvives expected legalchallenges.

    Republican stateSenator Spencer Berry, abill sponsor, said 40 yearsof medical advancementsshould not be ignored.

    The images and

    heartbeat from the wombprovide strong andoverwhelming evidence ofat the very leastpotentiallife, Berry said. And wehave been instructed by the

    Supreme Court to protect thatvery potential.

    At six weeks, the banwould take effect beforemany women would knowthey were pregnant, saidthe Centre for ReproductiveRights, which representsNorth Dakotas only clinicthat provides abortions, theRed River Womens Clinicin Fargo.

    Statehouses across thenation approved a record92 restrictions on abortionin 2011 and another 43in 2012, which was thesecond-highest gure on

    record, according to theGuttmacher I nstitute, aresearch group that supportsabortion rights.


  • 7/29/2019 New Light of Myanmar (18 Mar 2013)


    Monday, 18 March, 2013


    6 New Light of Myanmar

    Yemeni police troops inspect vehicles at a checkpoint inSanaa, Yemen, on 16 March, 2013. More than 60,000

    soldiers are to be deployed in Sanaa to secure thelong-awaited national dialogue slated for Monday, the

    Yemeni government said on Saturday.Xinhua

    Denver, 17 MarchEvacuation orders werelifted on Saturday for hun-dreds of Colorado residentsforced to ee their homes

    due to a wind-driven wild-re in a canyon northwestof Denver, as reghtersmade progress in contain-ing the blaze, ofcials said.

    Calmer winds, higherhumidity levels and cooler

    temperatures allowed re-ghters to cut containmentlines around 45 percent of

    the so-called Galena Fire,said Nick Christensen,spokesman for the Larimer

    County Sheriffs Ofce.The blaze signaled

    an early start to the wild-re season in the drought-

    stricken state, which lastyear had its worst re yearon record.

    In 2012, forest andbrush res scorched

    384,803 acres in the state,destroyed 650 homes and

    killed six people, accord-ing to the Colorado Divi-sion of Fire Prevention andControl. The latest wildreerupted on Friday about 75

    Evacuation orders lifted as

    Colorado wildre eases

    Khartoum, 17 MarchSudanese rebels said on Sat-urday they had killed more

    than 200 soldiers in SouthDarfur, but the government

    said its troops had sufferedonly a number of casual-

    ties and repulsed an ambush.War broke out in the westernregion of Darfur over a dec-ade ago and has raged ever

    since despite two peace ac-cords and the pre-sence ofthe worlds largest peace-keeping mission.

    The main insurgentgroups, who accuse the govern-ment of marginalising theregions ethnic minorities,

    have refused to join a Qatar-backed peace process that ledto a deal between Khartoum

    and an umbrella of smallerrebel factions in 2011. Whileviolence is down from its

    peak in 2003 and 2004, newghting has forced more than130,000 people to ee their

    homes since the start of theyear, according to the United

    Rebels ght Sudanese

    government troops in

    south Darfur

    anKara, 17 MarchOne person was killed andve others injured on Sat-urday evening when a fueltank exploded in southeast-

    ern Turkey, private Dogannews agencyreported.

    The explosion tookplace in the electrical sec-tion of the fuel tank in agarden in Sanliurfa, leavingone person killed and ve

    One killed, ve injured in fuel

    tank blast in SE Turkeymiles northwest of Denver

    near the city of Fort Collinsand Lory State Park and has

    charred between 750 and1,000 acres. But no injuries

    were reported and no struc-tures were lost, Christensensaid.

    He added that all eva-cuees would be permittedto return to their homes bySaturday evening. Hun-dreds of residents were or-dered out of their homes on

    Friday afternoon after errat-ic winds quickly spread theames near populated ar-eas. Poudre Valley Fire Au-thority chief Tom DeMinttold reporters investigatorshad pinpointed the origin of

    the re and determined thatit was human-caused, but

    he gave no further details.DeMint said residents

    allowed back in their

    homes should be prepared

    for further evacuations ifthe high winds forecast

    for Sunday materializeand cause a are-up. Ifwe have another ignition

    source, its game on, hesaid.Reuters

    French oppose pension

    changes, diesel tax

    Paris, 17 March

    Most French people opposeending ination-linked rises

    for private-sector pensions,a poll showed on Saturday,highlighting the challenge

    facing the government as itprepares broader changes tothe pension system.

    Some 75 percent of re-spondents reject a deal on

    Wednesday in which un-ions and employers agreedon adjusting private sec-tor pensions by less thanthe rate of ination, theIfop poll for the Journaldu Dimanche newspapershowed. The agreement

    was seen as a test of thegovernments chances ofmaking similar changes tothe broader system when

    it unveils a reform in July

    to rein in an overall annualpension decit set to hit 20billion euros (17.3 billionpounds) by 2020.

    The poll, carried out

    among 1005 people on

    14-15 March, also showedthat nearly three quarters ofrespondents would opposeincreasing taxes on diesel,

    another possible step forplugging scal shortfallsproposed by the govern-ments auditor.

    Any tax rise would bea controversial move in a

    country where diesel ac-counts for 80 percent of

    road fuel consumption, andministers have insisted thatit will not happen this year.


    A customer flls-up his car with diesel at a gas station in

    Nice on 4 March, 2013.ReuteRs

    Kinshasa, 17 MarchHundreds of Congolese re-bels loyal to warlord Bosco

    Ntaganda have ed intoneighbouring Rwanda or

    surrendered to United Na-tions peacekeepers after be-ing routed by a rival faction,

    rebel and UN sources saidon Saturday.

    Ntagandas apparent

    defeat comes after weeksof inghting within the

    Congolese rebels surrender, ee after defeat by rivals

    Congolese government soldiers prepare to drive from amilitary outpost between Kachiru village and Mbuzi hill,in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo,

    on 25 May, 2012.ReuteRs

    M23 insurgency and couldopen the way for rival rebelleader Sultani Makenga to

    sign a peace deal with Kin-shasa, bringing an end to a

    year-long rebellion in east-ern Democratic Republic ofCongo. Rebel spokesman

    Vianney Kazarama saidMakenga seized controlof the town of Kibumba,

    30 km (19 miles) north ofGoma, capital of mineral-

    rich North Kivu Province,early on Saturday. Nta-ganda and an estimated 200

    ghters ed into the for-est while hundreds of oth-ers crossed the border intoRwanda, Kazarama said. Atleast seven were killed.

    Were sweeping thearea and placing our sol-diers at strategic points,

    Kazarama said. It is nis-hed.

    Ntaganda is wanted by

    the International CriminalCourt on charges of kill-ing civilians during a pre-vious rebellion. His linksto M23 have been a stum-bling block to peace talks

    with Kinshasa, which saysit wants him brought to jus-tice. Were following the

    situation very closely. Theonly thing we want is forNtaganda to be arrested,

    government spokesmanLambert Mende said.

    Ntagandas wherea-bouts could not be con-

    rmed independently andmembers of his factionwere not reachable by tel-ephone.

    About 300 uniformed

    M23 rebels loyal to Ntagan-da sat in a clearing litteredwith empty beer bottles in

    a small village in RwandasRubavu District near the

    frontier, as locals in tatteredclothes looked on.

    Rwandan soldiers, whowalked around nearby, had

    collected heaps of the re-bels weaponsAK-47 ri-es, 60 mm mortar rounds

    and grenades and laidthem out in the front yardof a house.

    They were ghting

    us on all sides so we wereforced to come to Rwanda.

    We know we have inter-national rights here, saidPrince Andema Makamo,

    who told Reuters he wasa member of the M23 fac-tions political unit.


    others injured, includingtwo children, according tothe report.

    Reasons behind theblast remained unknown.

    The wounded were taken toa private hospital for medi-cal treatment, said the re-port, adding that an investi-gation into this incident wasunderway.


    Nations. On Saturday, re-bels of the Sudan Liberation

    Army faction loyal to veteranghter Minni Minnawi saidthey attacked a government

    convoy near Nyala, the capi-tal of South Darfur state.

    Nothing of note sur-vived of the convoy, theysaid in a statement. They saidthey killed 260 government

    troops and militia ghtersan unusually high number toclaim. The army contradicted

    this account, saying it had re-pulsed the ambush and had

    killed and wounded around100 rebels. The armed forcesonly suffered a numberof casualties, the armys

    spokesman said in a reportby state news agency SUNA.

    Both sides frequently

    give conicting reports ofghting, each claiming vic-tory over the other. Events

    in Darfur are hard to inde-pendently verify because of

    restrictions on media accessto the region.Reuters

    Syrian general, 20

    soldiers defectBeirut, 17 MarchA

    brigadier general and about

    20 soldiers defected from theSyrian army in two separate

    incidents on Saturday, ac-tivists said, in another signthat the strength of PresidentBashar al-Assads armed

    forces is diminishing.

    Brigadier General Mo-hammed Khalouf appeared

    dressed in a camouagemilitary uniform in a video

    onAl Arabiya news channeland said he had planned hisescape with the oppositionmovement for some time.

    It is not possible foranyone to accept any of the

    ideas of this regime unlessthey have achieved specialinterests, he said in the vid-eo. There was no commentabout the defection on Syrianstate news outlets.

    Defection of high-rank-ing military and politicalgures has slowed in past

    months.But a study by the Inter-

    national Institute for Strate-gic Studies (IISS) published

    this week estimated that As-sads forces, thought to be

    more than 300,000-strongat the start of the uprisingtwo years ago, were now

    at a much lower effectivestrength and were likely todiminish further.

    The IISS said that per-

    haps 50,000 of the Syrianarmys elite troops could be

    depended on for loyalty.Most of them were likelyto be from Assads minor-ity Alawite sect, which hasdominated the country formore than four decades.

    Many deserters report

    that their units were heldinside bases to prevent theirescape.

    Syrias civil war began

    as a popular street move-ment but has evolved intoan increasingly sectarian

    conict. The opposition hasbeen mostly led by the SunniMuslim population, with

    Alawites and other minori-ties mostly throwing theirweight behind Assad.


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    Monday, 18 March, 2013 7


    New Light of Myanmar

    Afghan Army Commando take part in their trainingduring a military rehearsal in Kabul, Afghanistaon 16 March, 2013. Several hundreds of Afghan

    National Army (ANA) commandos on Saturday wereinvolved in a one-day military exercise in southern edgeof capital city of Kabul, as the ANA is taking the lead ofnearly 80 percent of operations in providing security for

    the war-hit country. Xinhua

    Jordan to select technology for rst

    nuclear reactor in MayAmmAn, 17 March

    Jordan said on Saturday itwill select the technologyfor its rst planned nu-clear reactor in mid-May,

    the state-run Petra newsagency reported.

    Khaled Toukan, chair-man of the Jordan AtomicEnergy Commission, saidthere is a strong compe-tition between two offersthat Jordan has preselect-ed recently to provide thetechnology for the reactor.

    Russias Atomstroy-export and a consortium

    of Frances Areva andJapans Mitsubishi were

    prequalied, Toukan said,

    adding that the winningoffer will be announced inmid-May.

    Regarding the locationof the reactor, Toukan saidstudies will be completed

    by the end of this monthon three possible sites, and

    the nal site will be jointly

    determined by the cabinet,

    the Lower House and thelocal communities. Also

    in May, Jordan wil l selectthe strategic partner of the

    project, Toukan said, add-

    ing that the nal agreementto build the nuclear reactorwill be signed in the secondhalf of 2013. Jordan, whichimports about 96 percent

    of its energy needs annu-ally, plans to build severalnuclear reactors for power



    3rd Chinese-Lebanese

    seminar beginsin BeirutBeirut, 17 March

    Experts from China and

    Lebanon met here on Satur-day for the third Chinese-Lebanese academic seminar,exchanging views on issuesof politics, economy and cul-ture.

    Yang Fuchang, formerChinese vice foreign minis-ter, said at the seminar thatboth China and the Arabworld face various kinds of

    opportunities and challenges,

    adding that the relations be-tween the two sides have notchanged despite the ongoingdevelopments in the Arab

    region. Yang underlined theclose cooperation between

    China and Lebanon in theelds of culture, academyand tourism among others.

    For his part, Massoud

    Daher, president of the

    Chinese-Lebanese friend-ship and cooperation com-mittee, expressed hope thatthe Lebanese University and

    Chinese institutions of highereducation, such as the PekingUniversity, would further

    strengthen exchanges andcooperation.Xinhua

    People gather by the wrecked vehicles on a highway tothe Dead Sea, about 25 km southwest of Amman,

    capital of J ordan, on 16 March, 2013. A bus carryingPalestinian pilgrims overturned after colliding with acar and a trailer on the Dead Sea highway. About 16people were killed, 42 others injured, and some in

    critical conditions.Xinhua

    IMF chief welcomes jointloan programme for Cyprus

    WAshington, 17 MarchChristine Lagarde, Man-aging Director of the Wash-ington-based InternationalMonetary Fund (IMF), onSaturday said she welcomedthe joint loan programme

    with the eurozone for Cyprusto help the nation tackle itseconomic challenges.

    After about 10 hours ofnegotiations, the eurozoneand the IMF early Saturdaymorning agreed on a 10-bil-lion-euro (about 13 billionUS dollar) bailout package

    for Cyprus.

    The IMF has alwayssaid that we would support

    a solution that is sustainable,that is fully nanced, and that

    appropriately allocates theburden sharing. I believe that

    the agreed package meetsthese three objectives, La-garde said in a statement.

    On this basis, I intend tomake a recommendation toour Executive Board for the

    IMF to contribute to the -nancing of the package, shenoted.

    The deal was announcedby Eurogroup head JeroenDijsselbloem after a meeting

    of eurozone nance minis-ters, which is also attendedby Lagarde.Xinhua

    Khartoum, Jubas joint political, securitycommittee to resume meetings on SundayKhArtoum, 17 March

    The joint political and

    security committee be-

    tween Sudan and SouthSudan is to resume itsmeetings on Sunday inthe Ethiopian capital Ad-dis Ababa, Khartoums AlRay Al Amdaily reportedon Saturday.

    The preparatory panel

    of the joint committee has

    started arrangements forresuming the committeesmeetings with the partici-pation of the two coun-tries defence ministers,the paper said.

    It added that the two

    sides would discuss top-ics related to the securityarrangements and get ac-

    quainted with progress inthe withdrawal of the twocountries armies fromthe demilitarized zone to-gether with the issue ofbreaking the link betweenSouth Sudans army andthe Sudan Peoples Liber-ation Movement (SPLM)/northern sector.

    Last week Khartoumand Juba signed in Ad-dis Ababa a matrix dealof modality to implement

    the security arrangementdeal as well as the coop-

    EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton holds a newsconference at the end of a European Union foreign

    ministers meeting in Brussels on 23 J an, 2012.ReuteRs

    EUs Ashton urges caution on lifting arms banfor Syria rebels

    Brussels, 17 MarchThe European Unionsforeign policy chief urged

    caution on Saturday abouta Franco-British drive to

    lift an EU arms embargoto help rebels in Syria,questioning the impactsuch a step might have on

    attempts to reach a politi-cal settlement there.

    Other EU govern-ments rebuffed efforts byParis and London at an EUsummit on Friday to liftthe Syrian arms embargoto help opponents of Pre-sident Bashar al-Assad,

    although they asked for-eign ministers to discuss itagain next week.

    EU foreign policy

    chief Catherine Ashtonsaid the EU needed tothink very carefullyabout French and British

    arguments that lifting theembargo would encourageAssad to negotiate.

    The EU should alsoconsult UN mediator

    Lakhdar Brahimi and andMoaz al-Khatib, head ofthe opposition Syrian Na-tional Coalition, aboutwhat impact lifting the

    embargo might have on

    their efforts to start talksto end the Syria crisis, shesaid. What weve got to

    make sure of is anythingwe do does not make that(work) harder, she said,speaking at a conference

    organized by the GermanMarshall Fund of the Unit-ed States, a group commit-ted to strengthening trans-atlantic cooperation.

    Germany led opposi-tion to the Franco-British

    move to lift the embargoto help the rebels after twoyears of civil war that have

    killed 70,000 people, ac-cording to UN estimates.

    Opponents argue that

    arming the rebels couldencourage Assads back-ers, Russia and Iran, tostep up weapons deliveriesto the government, fuel-ling an arms race, and theyalso fear that weapons

    could fall into the wronghands, such as militants inthe rebel ranks.

    Ashton said she hadtold EU leaders at Fridayssummit that they mustthink through very care-fully the implications of

    lifting the arms embargo.Would putting weap-

    ons into the eld make it

    more or less likely thatothers will do the same?What would be the re-sponse of Assad based on

    what we know about hisresponse so far? Would it

    stop people being killed orwould it kill people fast-er? she said.

    Although Ashton didnot mention it, Westerngovernments are con-cerned about chemicalweapons the Syrian govern-ment is believed to hold.

    US President Barack

    Obama has warned Assadhe would be held account-able if such weapons wereused. EU diplomats think

    it is unlikely France andBritain will be able to per-suade its EU partners to

    back lifting the arms em-bargo to help the rebels,

    a decision that needs una-nimity. But a compromise

    allowing some increasedaid to Assads opponentsmight be possible before

    current sanctions expireon 1 June.


    Newly-wed couples are seen in a traditional weddingof Yugur ethnic group in Lanzhou, northwest ChinasGansu Province, on 16 March, 2013. Many of Yugur

    ethnic group, living primarily in Sunan Yugur Autono-mous County in Gansu Province, still prepfer to follow

    their traditional wedding form in modern days.Xinhua

    eration agreement signedbetween them in Ethiopia

    in September last year.

    Two days later, the twosides started withdrawingtheir forces from the jointborder prior to establish

    a safe demilitarized zoneas a practical step towardthe implementation of thesigned agreements.

    The two sides furtheragreed to resume SouthSudans oil exportation

    through Sudans pipeline intwo weeks time.


  • 7/29/2019 New Light of Myanmar (18 Mar 2013)


    Monday, 18March, 20138 New Light of Myanmararticle

    Democracy culture

    Monday, 18 March, 2013

    Fine traditions in successive erasMy son Kyaw Thura,

    I drop you a line. Ialways pray for mental andphysical wellbeing of youand your friends soldiers

    in Kachin mountain rangesas well as for people inKachin State. I deeply wishKachin State sees olivebranch soon.

    My son, it has turned25 years your fatherSergeant Ba Hein had fallenin the Mongyan battlewith insurgent BurmaCommunist Party. Onthat day, I offered alms toSanghas and shared meritsgained for your father andall fallen soldiers. My son,you also share these merits.My son Kyaw Thura,

    Y ou have joinedTatmadaw since one-decade and got the rank ofthe Company Commander.I myself have allowed youto join Tatmadaw althoughI want you to stay under myeyes. I really take pride foryou as you have becomea good soldier. And yourfather will take pride foryou as you could followin the step of him.My son Kyaw Thura,

    Myanmar Tatmadawformed with all national

    races is UnionsTatmadaw. I ts primeduty is to safeguard ourmother land. At present,Tatmadaws duty is tosafeguard the country inaddition to safeguardingthe Constitution. A ndTamadaw also has tosafeguard Our three mainnational causes which is abackbone of the country.

    Myanmar Tatmadawhas the ne tradition of

    safeguarding the countryalong the course of historywhenever the country faces

    any hurdle. MyanmarTatmadaw led by ournational hero GeneralAung San joined handswith the people in theindependence struggleand could try to regainindependence.

    A nd T atmadawalways safeguards thecountry whenever thecountry is on the verge oflosing independence andsovereignty. For instance,Tatmadaw could savethe country from the

    outbreak of the internalmulti -col oured armedinsurgency in 1948 onlywith ten battalions. In1950, Tatmadaw could

    ght against the invading

    KMT troops with manymilitary operations, riskingmany lives of soldiers.Myanmar sovereignty and

    independence could besafeguarded.Tatmadaw took control

    of the State, formedcaretaker government. Thatwas to prevent bloodshedfrom government split-up.Tatmadaw could safeguardthe country as the countryfaced the disintegration ofthe Union due to Federalpolicy in 1962. TheTatmadaw was compelledto assume the duties of theState in the 1988 Uprising.Then, Tatmadaw held themultiparty general election

    as promised and handedover States duties to thedemocratic government on

    willingness to obey theorders of superiors arealso the distinct featuresof Myanmar Tatmadaw.Taking a look at the history

    of Myanmar Tatmadaw,it is clear that Tatmadawwith those strengths havethwarted the threats insideand outside the nation.My son Kyaw Thura,

    Why do Tatmadawmenget on with tough tasksin remote places, withoutcaring about money? Whatmakes them to choose apath of thorns, leaving theirparents, wives, sons anddaughters and relatives?The answer is much simple.The Tatmadawmen ofMyanmar Tatmadaw are

    blood brethren of the nation.Therefore, they choose tosacrice leading a hard life

    to protect their motherlandwhich they share.My son Kyaw Thura,

    Unavoidably, theTatmadaw have had toengage with ethnic armedgroups. Whenever it did so,it always held the attitudeof brotherhood towardsthem. Except necessarymilitary response, it nevertried to annihilate them withgrudge nor used chemical

    weapons against them. Italso welcomed back inwarmness those returned tolegal fold like the parentswelcoming their childrencoming back home. It hadarranged not only for theirlivelihood but also for theirfuture. While the death ofa soldier in an unavoidableconfrontation means a lossof good citizen to the nation,the death of a memberfrom the opposing sides isalso a loss of a member tothe Union. The Tatmadawtruly do not want to ght

    with own brothers exceptto protect the motherlandfrom inside and outsidethreats. Moreover, stabilityis essential in building a new,modern, developed nation.So, it is doing its fair sharewith genuine goodwill forbuilding peace at present.The Tatmadaw which havedevoted to national securityat the risk of life and limbwant to see lasting peace anddevelopment of the nationmore. With true Union Spirit,it would join hands with the

    government until the internalpeace is established.My son Kyaw Thura,

    I felt glad and took pridein when I read the letter you

    sent me from somewhere inKachins bluish mountains.In your letter, you said: Iwith my company reacheda small Kachin mountain

    village called Mayan lastmonth just to come acrossManaw Festival there. Wetook a rest there and donatedsome of our savings to thevillage head to spend forthe festival. It was a coldwinter night and we joinedthe villagers for Manawdances in happiness. It waswonderful time, but then wesaw blaze from the south ofthe village followed by criesof re.

    I rushed to southernpart of the village where there broke out. A traditional

    two-storey frame house wasin the roaring re. Im here.

    Help me! Help! There wasan old woman aged over 70on the ground oor of the

    house. The house caughtre from the fallen oil lamp

    of that old lady. No villagerdared to save the old lady inthe raging re. Wasting no

    time, I made up my mindto save that helpless lady,gave my equipment andgun to company warrantofcer Shwe Htay and run

    into the burning house. I

    found the grandma losingconsciousness with burnsand brought her out ofre. I came very close to

    escape from re before I

    was hit by the fallen woodentruss at the chest and madeunconscious. When Iregained consciousness,I found myself in mycamp with caring eyes ofparamedic Captain Arkarand fellow soldiers and apair of weeping eyes of anold lady with burns. It wasDaw Ma Htu Luan I hadsaved. She said with a local

    accent, Y ou have givenme a new lease of life, myson. May god bless you.May you be able to serveour Kachin region moreand more! Thanks to careof the paramedic and thesoldiers, I recovered fromthe burns in a few days.But the burn left my chestright upon my heart a scarfor ever. Though, Im proudof it, mom. I will regardit as a life-long present ofKachin land. For me, I wasalso swollen with pride that

    tears welled up in my eyes.It serves as a boost for thedignity of the Tatmadawand an example of

    (See page 9)

    30 March, 2011. It is thene tradition of Tatmadaw.

    My son Kyaw Thura,All Tatmadaw men

    equipped with 12 finetraditions join the army tosafeguard the country withtheir own volition. They all

    have to follow 60 codes ofconduct and military andcivilian laws. And they aresafeguarding the country,risking their lives andbodies. The fallen soldiersin the battles are said to beincomparable ones.My son Kyaw Thura,

    All the world countriesare building modern armieswith the use of sophisticatedtechnologies for theirsovereignty and security.My son, we all need tobuild a modern Tatmadaw.Only when Tatmadaw has

    skills and strength, couldthe nation and our threemain national causes besafeguarded. Myanmar hadfallen under British colonialreign due to the lack of amodern Tatmadaw. Andlosing independence is thebest example for Myanmar.My son Kyaw Thura,

    Every nation has itsown armed forces. Whatmakes Myanmar Tatmadawdifferent from others is itis a Union Armed Forcesmade of national brethren

    who love their mother landwith strong Union spirit.Strict adherence to mil itarydisciplines, the lifebloodof the armed forces, and

    Kyaw MinKhaung

    In a period of less than two years the

    incumbent government has been in ofce it has

    been striving to strengthen democracy in everyaspect as aspired by the people. This means not

    only ending repression and creating the legal

    framework that can guarantee political freedom,

    but also enabling the development of civil society

    organizations, and nurturing a new democratic

    culture. During this transition period, it has

    been able to lay a foundation for democratic

    institutions such as constitution, governance

    system with check and balance, national and

    local legislatures, judiciary, political parties

    and independent press.

    Proper implementation is required to give

    these democratic institutions life. Here it is

    important to change the mindset of the peopleso that people can take root in the democracy

    culture. In solving problems arising from

    armed conicts to industrial relations, the most

    honourable and valuable achievement is the

    start of a culture of solving all problems through

    dialogues and discussions.

    In fact, recent political progress can be

    attributed to four crucial factors: building

    condence and mutual understanding among

    political forces that were previously hostile and

    confrontational to each other; re-embracing

    political tolerance; creating mechanism for

    peaceful participation of citizens in political

    process; and regaining trust and support frominternational community for the reform process.

    But we are one of the poorest countries in the

    world. So, we still have shortage of the institutions

    that are necessary to manage our transition. In

    consequence, a lot of challenges and set-backs lie

    ahead. But the government has already committed

    itself to continuing the path to democracy until

    we all can understand, value and embrace

    democracy culture. The government in ofce

    will do everything in its powers to see Myanmar

    become the democratic, prosperous, and peaceful

    nation which we all know that the entire country

    deeply desires, and deserves.

    Yangon, 17 March AnMoU on cooperation in doingresearch for conservationand sustainability of bio-diversity was signedbetween Pathein Universityand National Institute ofTechnology and Evaluationof Japan today.

    At the signing ceremonyheld at the Higher EducationDepartment (L owerMyanmar), Director-General of the HED (Lower

    Pathein University, NITEof Japan sign MoU onresearch cooperation

    Myanmar) U Zaw Htay andDr Itaru Yasui, President ofNITE of J apan signed theMoU.

    Dr Nyunt Pe, Rector ofPathein University, and MrJunichi Nakagawa, Director-General of the NITE signedthe agreement for the project.

    The MoU has renewedthe 2004-MoU signedbetween the university andNITE.


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    9New Light of Myanmar

    Nay Pyi Taw , 17MarchSome recom-mendations made atSystematic Managementand Conservation of AncientHeritage Workshop held atMinistry of Culture on31-11-2012 as regardstourism suggested thatdinner should be allowed atthe request of package tours

    Dinner parties allowed in Bagan at places separated fromprecincts of ancient buildings

    without affecting pagodaprecincts and pagodas andstupas.

    Taking in considerationof such recommendations,hoteliers and tour operatorsin Bagan on condition thatthey take full responsibilitywill be allowed to organizedinner parties in such placesseparated from the precinct

    of the ancient buildings inBagan Ancient CulturalRegion as the farmlandin northwest of Dhamma-yangyi Pagoda, Mt. Ohhteinand the southern part ofShwenan Yintaw Pagoda.

    It is required to informand seek approval fromArchaeology, NationalMuseum and Library

    Department in Bagan. Norent and service chargeswill be taken for holdingparty but sanitation mustbe carried out within thenext day.

    The M inistry ofCulture says the service isjust intended for touristssatisfaction.


    yedashe, 17 MarchRelief aid was distributedto re victims of the Village

    of Tatsoe in Dauk-inn-gonvillage-tract in Y edasheTownship in ToungooDistrict on 11 March.

    It started from the forestre that destroyed 19 houses,

    leaving 76 people from19

    households homeless on 10

    March.Households were

    provided with K 30,000each, 57 bags of rice, 38 vissof edible oil, instant noodles,

    Relief aid reached out toYedashe re victims

    clothes and foodstuff worthat K 1.95 million donated by

    departments in the township,ofcials, local people and

    NGOs.Region Hluttaw

    Representative U MaungMaung Thet, Head ofYedashe Township GeneralAdministration DepartmentU Htay Kyaw, Commander

    of Yedashe Township PoliceForce Police Major NyanWin and ofcials concerned

    handed over the relief aids tothe victims.NLM

    Belgian Dy PM meets MNHKC ChairmanNay Pyi Taw, 17

    MarchDeputy PrimeMinister and Minister ofForeign Affairs, ForeignTrade and European AffairsMr Didier Reynders ofBelgium and party met

    with Chairman of MyanmarNational Human RightsCommission U Win Mya atthe ofce of the commission

    at 61/2-mile on Pyay Road,here, at 2.30 pm yesterday.

    T hey di scussedprogress of human rightsin Myanmar.

    Also present at themeeting were Secretaryof the Commission U SitMyaing and members UHla Myint, Dr Daw ThanNwe, Daw Saw Khin Gyi,U Zaw Gun, U Khin MaungLay and U Tin Nyo.MNA

    Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and European

    Affairs of Belgium Mr Didier Reynders and party meet with Chairman of Myanmar

    National Human Rights Commission U Win Mya and


    Job opportunities created for dwellers in SagaingsagaiNg, 17 March

    Sagaing Industrial ZoneManagement Committeeheld the press conferenceon tasks of the zone at itsofce in Padamya Ward on

    9 March.

    Chairman of thesupervisory committee UKo Ko Myint explainedestablishment of theindustrial zone and progressof production and conductedthe media persons round thefactories and workshops.

    Sagaing Industrial Zone

    is located on 888.52 acresof land with 194 plots in

    Padamya Ward and NilarWard, west of Minwun Hilland north of Sagaing. A totalof 43 workshops and factories

    are going into operation onthe industrial zone. Eighteen

    personal goods factories,five foodstuff factories,nine foundry plants andtwo automobile assemblingfactores are manufacturingtheir respective products.

    The 10 MVA power

    station fromMonywa IndustrialZone Branch (Sagaing) issupplying electricity to SagaingIndustrial Zone. The factoriesand workshops are also installed

    with twenty-seven 500 KVAtransformers and eighteen 315KVA transformers.

    Social Security Board isproviding health care services

    of workers from the industrialzone.

    Workers families arefacilitated with day carecentre, clinic and purifiedwater tanks in addition to there station.

    Sagaing Industrial Zonebranch of Sagaing-MonywaIndustrial Zone is beingupgraded to a full fledgeindustrial zone.

    At present, the newly-emerged industrial zone iscreating job opportunities forthe local people.

    Myanma Alinn

    Illegal commodities conscatedN a w N g k h i o , 17

    MarchThe mobile teambased near the toll gateon Mandalay-L ashioRoad, east of Nawngkhio,discharges duties ofchecking commodities.

    The team recently

    exposed 72 cases andconscated various kinds

    of commodities worthK 342.1 million without

    custom duties so as to

    control import of illegalcommodities.

    A t present, thesmugglers transport theirillegal commodites by van,express bus and Hilus.

    Therefore, passengersfaced delay of their trips due

    to the fact that the authoritiesof the mobile teams checkunscrupulous persons illegalgoods onboard the vehicles.

    Myanma Alinn

    Objectives of the 68thAnniversary

    Armed Forces Day 20131. To uphold the national policy namely

    non-disintegration of the Union, non-

    disintegration of national solidarity, and

    perpetuation of sovereignty

    2. To play the leading role in the national

    politics by the Tatmadaw joining hands

    with all national races with Union Spirit

    and the true patriotism in line with the


    3. To crush all destructive elements at home

    and abroad through the strength of State,

    People and Tatmadaw

    4. To build up a strong, competent, modern,

    patriotic Tatmadaw to safeguard the

    security and sovereignty of the nation

    (frompage 8)Tatmadaws goodwilltowards the nationalbrethren. Y ou strictlyfollowed one of 10 codesof conduct towardsthe public that goes,Safeguard life andproperty of the people.Your late dad SergeantBa Hein will surely takepride of you as well, son.The land of Kachin hasrich natural resources andscenic natural beauties.

    It is also the origin ofA yeyawady Ri verfrom Maykha-Malikhaconuence. I would like

    to urge you to continue

    Fine traditions in successive...obeying the codes ofconduct, learn and respectthe religious and culturalcustoms of ethnic Kachinpeople and even sacrice

    your life while dischargingduties in Kachin State.

    I hereby saluteTatmadawmen whosacrificed their lives

    for the State along thecourse of the history on68th anniversary Armed

    Forces Day.May you and your

    fellow soldiers be healthyand happy.Yours lovingly,

    MomTrs: MT+TKK+HKA

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    Monday, 18 March, 201310


    New Light of Myanmar

    Budget deadlock squeezesmilitary members seeking


    United States Marines salute from the stands duringthe American National Anthem prior to the start of theSan Diego Padres vs the New York Mets baseball Major

    League Baseball game in San Diego, Californiaon 9 Aug, 2009.ReuteRs

    San antonio, 17MarchFor Airman FirstClass Stephen Sinatra, thebudget cuts prompted by

    deadlock in Washingtonhave turned his plans up-side down.

    Sinatra, who is in theUS Air Force stationed inWashington, DC, is tak-ing online college classesthanks to a tuition assis-tance programme for mem-bers of the military that hasbeen halted as a money-saving move. I dont makemuch money, Sinatra said.To be able to utilize thismoney to go to school andbetter myself, it helps a lot.Thats almost what keepsme to be motivated to keepgoing in the military.

    The tuition assistanceprogramme, which pro-vides up to $4,500 per yearper student, is one victimof across-the-board cutsknown as sequestrationthat are forcing government

    agencies to reduce spend-ing. The $85 billion in cutsbegan on 1 March after agridlocked US Congress

    was unable to resolve scalghts and nd a solution to

    replace the sequestration.Comments left on mili-

    tary message boards andFacebook show a wide-spread disappointment withthe sudden termination ofthe tuition assistance pro-gramme, which is not a partof the military contract, likethe GI Bill for veterans ben-ets, but is considered an

    incentive to enlist.I have seen a lot of peo-

    ple who have lost their mo-tivation to be in the militarywhen they take away the oneperk that people seem to en-joy, Sinatra said.

    Several colleges havemoved to defer tuitioncharges for the coming termto help military memberswho are already enrolled,and two senators, one Dem-

    ocrat, one Republican, haveintroduced legislation tobring back the tuition as-sistance.

    Students who have al-ready enrolled in classesusing the tuition assistanceprogramme will be allowedto complete those classes,according to a memo fromthe Army announcing thecancellation of the pro-gramme.

    This suspension isnecessary given the sig-nicant budget execution

    challenges caused by the

    combined effects of a pos-sible year-long continuingresolution and sequestra-tion, the Army memosaid. The Army under-stands the impacts of thisaction and will re-evaluateshould the budgetary situ-ation improve. The Ma-rines, Air Force and CoastGuard have also suspendedtheir tuition assistance pro-grammes.Reuters

    Bus crash kills two in Pennsylvania, US

    Ghana, Lebanon presidents meet over Middle Eastaccra, 17 March

    Ghanaian President J ohnDramani Mahama met withvisiting Lebanese PresidentMichel Suleiman here onSaturday to discuss peaceand security in the Middle

    East, according to local me-dia reports.

    During the meeting, theGhanaian president pledgedefforts to help create a newinitiative to resolve the is-

    sues between Palestine andIsrael.

    Mahama stressed theimportance of a peacefulMiddle East to the rest ofthe world, saying that waswhy Ghanaian troops had

    been working under theUnited Nations peacekeep-ing mission in southernLebanon for over 30 years.

    The Lebanese presi-dent said his country was

    Three killed, nine woundedin attacks in Iraq

    Baghdad, 17 MarchTwo soldiers and a civilianwere killed, and nine peo-ple wounded in separatebombings and shootings inIraq on Saturday, the policesaid.

    Two soldiers werekilled and another wound-ed when gunmen attackedtheir checkpoint in northernthe city of Mosul, some 400km north of the Iraqi capitalof Baghdad, a local policesource toldXinhua on con-dition of anonymity.

    One of the attackerswas also wounded by theexchange of re between

    the soldiers and the gun-men, the source said.

    In a separate incident,gunmen broke into the

    house of Ali Abdullah, a lo-cal leading gure in Prime

    Minister Nuri al-Maliki sShiite party of al-Dawa, in avillage located some 15 kmsouth of Mosul, woundingfour of his family membersbefore they ed the scene,

    the source added.Abdullah was not at

    home when the gunmen at-

    tacked his house, he said.Separately, a taxi

    driver was wounded whena roadside bomb detonatednear his car in western Mo-sul, he said, adding that theblast apparently missed apolice patrol which had justpast and hit the taxi car in-stead.

    Elsewhere, unidenti-ed gunmen using silenced

    weapons shot dead a youngman in front of his house incentral the city of Fallujah,some 50 km west of Bagh-dad, a police source in thecity anonymously toldXin-hua.

    Meanwhile, a roadsidebomb struck an Iraqi armyvehicle in Tarmiyah area,some 40 km north of Bagh-

    dad, damaging the vehicleand wounding two sol-diers aboard, a local policesource said.

    Violence is still com-mon in the Iraqi cities de-spite the dramatic decreasesince its peak in 2006 and2007, when the country wasengulfed in sectarian kill-ings.Xinhua

    A stamp collector presents the peach blossom stampsat the Beijing Botanical Garden in Beijing, capital of

    China, on 16 March, 2013. China Post published a setof peach blossom stamps on Saturday.Xinhua

    grateful to Ghana for itstroops deployed in south-ern Lebanon under UN Se-curity Council Resolution1701. Suleiman said hiscountry was seeking coop-eration with Ghana in areas

    of industry, banking, cul-ture, tourism and agricul-ture, among others. Sulei-man arrived here Saturdaymorning for a two-day of-cial visit.Xinhua

    Syrian troops advance to Damascusrebellious suburb

    damaScuS, 17MarchThe Syrian troopshave advanced to the re-bel-held J obar suburb ofthe capital Damascus, thestate- news agency SANAreported on Saturday.

    Troops have eliminatednumbers of armed terror-ists and restored stabilityand security to the Barlaman

    Roundabout, the CulturalCenter, and the municipalbuilding,SANAsaid.

    Jobar is part of thesprawling al-Gouta coun-tryside outlining the east-

    ern part of Damascus. Thearea has witnessed intenseghting over the past yearbefore the rebels took holdof large swathes of the areaand other adjacent suburbs.

    The rebels in thatarea have unleashed sev-eral mortar attacks recently,causing injuries and proper-ty losses in nearby districts

    such as the Christian-dom-inated al-Qassa neighbour-hood.

    Opposition activists,meanwhile, reported gov-ernment troops renewed

    shelling on the Damascussuburb of al-Qaboun andvillages of the southernProvince of Daraa on Sat-urday. The Syrian crisishas started in March 2011.The crisis has begun withpeaceful protests demand-ing reforms and freedomsand quickly evolved into anarmed insurgency. The UN

    says that more than 70,000people have been killed andmillions of others were dis-placed internally and exter-nally during the two-year-old crisis.Xinhua

    Russia militaryhelicopter

    crash kills threemoScow, 17 March

    A military helicoptercrashed Saturday morningin Russias North Caucasusrepublic of Chechnya, kill-ing three of the four peopleon board, local authorities

    said. The Mi-8 chopper ofthe Russian Border Servicehit the ground and was burntinto pieces in the Khankalamilitary aireld as it at-tempted to land despitepoor visibility, a spokesper-son at the Southern MilitaryDistrict prosecutors ofce

    told reporters.The only survivour was

    being treated for injuries inhospital, the spokespersonadded. Investigators wereworking at the scene to de-termine whether the crashwas caused by violations ofight safety rules, accord-ing to the spokesperson.


    waShington, 17 MarchTwo people died on Sat-urday after a bus went off a

    highway and crashed into atree in the US state of Penn-sylvania, US media said.

    The 61-year-old busdriver was dead at the sceneand a pregnant woman died

    later from injuries after be-ing own to Penn State

    Hershey Medical Centre,

    according to local mediareports. The bus was car-rying 23 people, who wereplayers or coaches of SetonHill University womenslacrosse team, when it went

    off the Pennsylvania Turn-pike and crashed at around9 am local time in Cumber-

    land County, Pennsylvania.All passengers with mi-nor injuries were also sent tohospitals for treatment. It re-mains unknown what causedthe crash.Xinhua

    Passengers aboard the cruise ship GTS Millennium watch a lion danceperformance at the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal in south Chinas Hong Kong,

    on 16 March, 2013. GTS Millennium arrived at Hong Kongs Kai Tak CruiseTerminal on Saturday and became the rst cruise ship to berth at the terminal prior

    to its ofcial opening in June 2013.Xinhua

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    11New Light of Myanmar

    Beijing, 17 MarchNewly-elected ChinesePresident Xi J inping andhis Pakistani counterpartAsif Ali Zardari on Satur-day discussed over phonetopics concerning the de-velopment of bilateral rela-tions and cooperation.

    While congratulatingXi on his election to thepresidency, Zardari saidPakistan and China are all-weather friends and thatthe Pakistani people loveChina.

    Pakistan would like tomaintain its high-level ex-changes with China and tostrengthen communicationand cooperation between

    Chinese, Pakistani presidents discuss relations, cooperationthe two countries in bilater-al and international affairs,Zardari said.

    Pakistan will continueto rmly support China

    when needed, said the presi-dent. Xi thanked Zardarifor his congratulations, andsaid that China and Paki-stan are all-weather strate-gic cooperation partners.

    Since the establish-ment of diplomatic ties 62years ago, the two coun-tries have been respectingand supporting each otherand have carried out com-prehensive cooperation, Xisaid.

    The China-Pakistan re-lations have withstood the

    test of time and the uctua-tions of international situ-ation, and have achievedhealthy and steady develop-ment over past decades, Xisaid.

    He stressed that Chinaattaches great importanceto the China-Pakistan rela-tions, and that it is an estab-lished policy of the Chinesegovernment to develop thefriendly and cooperativerelations between the twocountries.

    China will continue tosupport Pakistans effortsto safeguard its nationalsovereignty and independ-ence, and to realize nationalstability and development,

    Xi said. He hoped that thetwo countries could coop-erate closely to maintainand develop their sound re-lations so that the tradition-al friendship between thetwo sides could be passedon from generation to gen-eration.

    Xi, general secretaryof the Central Committeeof the Communist Party ofChina (CPC), was electedChinese president andchairman of Chinas Cen-tral Military Commissionon Thursday at the plenarymeeting of the rst session

    of the 12th National Peo-ples Congress (NPC).


    Local shers ar-range shing net

    in Huanghua,

    north ChinasHebei Province, on

    16 March, 2013.

    Fishers by ChinasBohai Sea are busy

    preparing for anew shing season

    which comes

    around the cornerin the second

    Lunar month.


    Chinese Premier Li Keqiang speaks at a Press confer-ence after the closing meeting of the rst session of the

    12th National Peoples Congress (NPC) at the Great

    Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China,on 17 March, 2013. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and

    Vice Premiers Zhang Gaoli, Liu Yandong, Wang Yangand Ma Kai met the Press and answered questions

    here on Sunday.Xinhua

    Government to increase carefor most needed

    Beijing, 17 MarchChinese Premier Li Ke-qiang said on Sunday thatthe Chinese governmentneeds to increase care forthe most needed to preventthem from challenging the

    society.The government has to

    ensure the peoples rights toexistence and their humandignity, L i said at a Pressconference.



    vessel on 4thIndian Ocean

    journeyguangzhou, 17 March

    The Shiyan 1 scienticresearch vessel has set sailfor its fourth journey to theIndian Ocean, where it willconduct a two-month expe-dition.

    The South China SeaResearch Institute under theChinese Academy of Sci-ences said on Saturday that

    more than 40 researchersfrom a dozen Chinese re-search institutes will carryout research pertaining tomarine hydrology, oceancurrents, meteorology andbiological studies in theIndian Ocean.The Shiyan1 is Chinas best-equippedscientic research vessel

    and went into operation in2010.Xinhua

    Bangkok, 17 MarchVietnamese Foreign Minis-ter Pham Binh Minh hasvisited Thailand to workon details of upgrading re-lationship between the twocountries,Thai News Agen-cyreported on Saturday.

    Thai Foreign MinisterSurapong Tovichakchaikulsaid the visit by his Viet-namese counterpart on Fri-day came on the heels ofThursdays meeting in theLaotian capital of Vientianebetween Vietnamese Prime

    Thailand, Vietnam mull strategic partnershipMinister Nguyen Tan Dungand his Thai counterpartYingluck Shinawatra on theissue.

    In an unofcial joint

    cabinet meeting in Octoberlast year, the prime minis-ters of both countries agreedin principle to foster bilat-eral relationship to the levelof strategic partners. Theissue was reiterated duringThursdays meeting of thetwo leaders.

    Surapong said Thai-land looked forward to

    wrapping up the issue be-fore the Vietnamese primeministers visit to Thailandlater this year.

    He stressed Thailandsreadiness to host the rst

    Joint Commission on Bi-lateral Cooperation (JCBC)meeting between top of-cials of the two countries,which is the major mecha-nism of cooperation be-tween Bangkok and Hanoi.The JCBC meeting shouldbe held in September, hesaid.Xinhua

    islamaBad, 17 MarchAt least 24 soldiers werekilled and four others in-jured when a van fell into aravine in Pakistans north-

    west Kohistan District onearly Saturday morning,police said.

    Akbar Ali, DistrictPolice Ofcer of Kohistan

    said that the van carrying29 soldiers fell into a ra-vine while negotiating asharp turn at KarakorumHighway in Kohistan area,an administrative districtin the countrys north-west Khyber PakhtunkhwaProvince.

    The soldiers van wason its way to Gilgit Bal-

    24 soldiers killed as van fallsinto ravine in Northern

    Pakistantistan from northern Raw-alpindi city when it met theaccident, he said.

    Rescue workers to-gether with local people

    recovered the injured peo-ple and bodies from the ra-vine and shifted them to anearby rural health centerfrom where they would beairlifted to army hospitalRawalpindi via Army heli-copter, said the DPO.

    Pakistan is a