Methamorphosis Organization Proudly collaborating with Montessori Peace Association

New knowledge of Montessori

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Methamorphosis Organization

Proudly collaborating with Montessori Peace Association

Montessori, a medical doctor and pioneer

educator, was born in Italy in 1870 and

died in 1952.

She lived principally in Italy, Spain, India

and the Netherlands through a turbulent

period of World Wars and revolutions.

Although uprooted many times in

her life and several times a

refugee, she continued to study

children, stablished schools, give

lectures and train teachers on three


And we, must know the

reason of this phenomenon,

thus, we need a continuous

reading about Montessori's


and her concepts of:

•Sensitive Periods

•Absorbent Mind

•Planes of Development

Maria Montessori concentrated upon the goal of

education, rather than its methods.

She defined this goal as “the development of

a complete human being, oriented to the

environment, and adapted to his or her time,

place and culture”

This adaptation involves the

capacity to meet new situations

and to have the intelligence and

courage to transform them when

change is needed

Today we might define this goal as

the preparation of children to live

successfully in their world, by which

we mean the future, rather than to

live primarily in ours, which is the

present and the past