On June 11th, at the high school, the residents o f Miliburn will have - another opportunity to con- tribute to the Red Cross Blood Ban!:. Allo f us realise t h e vital importance of this particular war effort, but few f us canvisual- ize th e- 'battle-front conditions under which this' blood plasiaa i s frequently used o r the almost mir- aculous saving c £ human life which has cone to be expect ed in this wa r as the.nornal recovery average. O n a night " i n Africa, some weeks ago, four hundred soldiers badly burned by flawing oil, were brought into a field hospital be- tween n ii C iEL. - tsh t a n d eight a ; »ri. The hospital waswell-supplied with scaled, packages o f dried blood, plasiaa and, th e sterile Wa t er or-. d apparatus t o reconstitute a n d i.';,™ fuse i t o Of.the four hundred ter- ribly burned soldiers, only six. died.Plasma saved th e lives of the rest. Traumatic o r surgical shock is of- t e n t h egreatest menace t o ab£<3,«- ly burneel man, to onewhose flesh end bone hasbeen mangled b y burst- ing steel,or whois se ri ou sl y h biii-- prrhaging". I t often renders impos- sible t h e immediate surgical -care that maybe necessary t o saves SUQII men from douth o r permanent muti- lation. T h ey el low -gold, flaky povj-- f.er prepared from blood collected b y the Ro C r o s s (a n d . th e -an o r G . re- cently- de ve lo ped, -serum a l b ur a i .f i ) reduces shock with dramatic swift* ness a n d gives t h e surgeons their ohanoo to start operating a t once. It would have been well-nigh i m - possible, i n that North .African hospital, t o have found four hun- dred blood 'donors, typed their blood a n d that f th burned, sol- diers, a n d performed four hunclrod tr an s fusions _in, tiEio_». This wculu have been noccssary"3ii the-last wars In this wa r, scaled pastcboa rdcar- tons containing everything nooded f o r t h e administration o f aro available a t once ship,, a t dross in:;; stations fire. T h e plasma 'c n istered under almost any conceiv- able- condition of warfare. plasma aboard under admin- In '-.Into t heVal l ey" , John I - I or s $:' .rolc'tos hov; he i\ii lasma being a d - ministered on a Guadalcanal rfdgo b y a naval medical officur working under a blackout tent feshioned from-ponchos, whil e ha s marine pa- tients' comrades wore still being pounded h j Japanese mortars i n the jungle vall ey' bolow.liajor Si- mon Warmcnhovor,director o f Amer- ican Medical Services on Now Guin- "Our medical men o f simply coulan't bo- aro doing in this Plasma i s bcins old stations within Ton minuter: after a e a, testifies 1917 an d 191 liovo what wo remote jungle used a t firn.t enemy range $ " and. ^gav o^h.xs ^ l i f c^." lio blood, t hat o donate in Ilill-- burn a i Q - y ccrvc wi h equal efficacy on s o e n o w wa r f r ont . N o LalTb urri .-.;nd with- of 21 and 6 0 can tho opportunity rosident i n good, health in theago limits afford to pass of such giving I up SIG-N UP-N0U1

New Jersey Civil Defense - May 1943

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On June 11th, at the high school,the residents of Miliburn wil lhave - another opportunity to con-tribute to the Red Cross BloodBan!:. All of us realise the vi ta limportance of this particular wareffort , but few of us can visua l -ize the- 'battle-front co nd iti on sunder which this' blood plasiaa isfrequently used or the almost mir-aculous saving c£ human l i fe whichhas cone to be exp ect ed in this waras the. nornal recovery average.

On a night "in Africa, some weeksago, four hundred soldiers badlyburned by flawing oil, werebrought into a field hospital be-

tween niiCiEL.-tsht and eight a ;»ri. Thehospital was well-suppl ied withscaled, packages of dried blood,plasiaa and, the st er il e Water or-.dapparatus to reconsti tute and i.';,™fuse ito Of.the four hundred ter-ribly burned soldi ers, only six.died.Plasma saved the lives of therest .

Traumatic or surgical shock is of-ten the greatest menace to a b£<3,«-ly burneel ma n , to one whose fleshend bone has been mangled by burst-ing steel,or who is seriously hbiii--prrhaging". It often renders impos-sible the immedia te surg ical -carethat may be necessary to saves SUQIImen from douth or permanent mut i -lat ion. The y el low -gold, flaky povj--f.er prepa red fro m bloo d coll ecte dby the Rod Cross (and. the -anorG. re-cently- developed, -serum alburai.fi)reduces shock with dramatic swift*ness and gives the surgeons theirohanoo to start operating at once.

It would have been well-nigh im-

possible , in tha t No rt h .Africanhospi ta l , to have found four hun-dred blood 'donors, typed the irblood and that of the burned, sol-diers , and performed four hunclrodtr an sfu sio ns _in, tiEio_». Thi s wculuha ve be en noccssary"3ii the-last warsIn this wa r, scaled pastcboa rd car-tons containing everything noodedfor the admin i s t ra t ion ofaro available at onceship,, at dross in:;; s ta t ionsf i re . The plasma 'can boistered under almost any conce iv -able- condition of w a r f a r e .



In '-.Into the V al l ey" , Joh n I-Iors$:'.rolc'tos hov; he i \ i i la sm a being ad-

minis tered on a Guadalcanal r fdgob y a nav al me d ic al officur wo rk in gunder a b l ac k ou t t e nt f e s h i o n e dfrom-ponchos, whi l e has mar ine pa-t ients ' comrades wore s t i l l beingpounded hj Japanese mor ta r s inthe jungle vall ey' bolow.liajor Si-mon Warmcnhovor,d i rec to r of A m e r-ican Medical Services on Now Guin-

" O u r m e d i c a l men ofs imply coulan ' t bo-aro doing in th i s

P lasma is bc insold s ta t ions wi thinTo n minuter: after a

ea , tes t i f ies1917 and 1918l iovo what woremote jungleused at firn.tenemy range $"

and. gavo^h.xs lif c ."

Tlio blood, that wo donate in Ilill--burn aiQ-y ccrvc with equal efficacyon some now war front. No LalTburri

.-.;nd • with-of 21 and 60 cantho opportunity

rosident in good, he al thin the ago l imi tsafford to passof such giving I


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In ordr.r to comply y/itJi now rulesand regulations effective lastmorrvJi, governing the payment ofcompensation awards to raoiabors of

the Protocti vo Forces" of oca l De-fense Councils for death or injur/incurred in the lino of duty, M r aVcit, Secretary of the KillburnCouncil has boon appointed Person-nel Officer.

The Porsoiiriol Of fi ce r wil l liavocharge of all files and rocads ofmembers of tho protective forcesof tho Loca l Council, and will ha veto do with the andling of claimsfor compensation.


Many inquiries havo boon mode con-corning fho typo and kind of l ia-bility coverage for persons injup-cd n'r civilian defense work« Thefollowing rulos and regulationsaro quoted fr o ma statement issuedlast month by Civilian DefenseHeads, i. urtors, in Trent on , undertac title "Temporary War CivilianSecurity Program "

Civil:.an War Ilodical Care

Reaper 1 ^ability of injured civl-Tio" : ".~ct< yfToQBQ vrorlcor"^\njuroT'on


finnl on all bil ls .Rates must not__^exceed iiiinimum rater; in a co:rjiuunity~|for similar services or supplies.



Lust obtain immediate racdicaloc.ro ...nd necessary suppliesrnd attention.Within £4 hours,,,if possible,injured civi lian defense wo rk -er, or relative, or f r iend,must give notice to PersonnelOfficer of his Local Doi'onsoCouncil, naming tho physicianor hospital celected by him.In every case, notice must begiven within sovpn days afterthe injury.If injury occurred prior to4-1-43 notice may o waived..

Conditions ggyorninK payments

Surgeon General s' determinati on is

Whore applicable, rates in conmonuse under Workmen' s Compensation

State -Law;Laws admin iste red by thoU. : ;S. Employee'e Compensation Cora-mission or Ve t e r a n ' s M m i n i n t r a -will bo used a a guides .

Payiaonts must bo adoquate o ur-ni Bh , without cost to pa t ien t , rc -lativc, or f r iends, all medicals o rv i c os an d sup pl ies .


F a y m c n ts w i l l be m a d e aa3y vhon noc h a r g e i s b o i n g m a d e to t he peri iont ,rolntivon, or frienda for same san?~vices an d suppli a s.

Tf icfelSogyicoa or Sup.plipsare IFoquclTtod ~~in ox'cc.ss of thosereasonably necessary for* treatmentthe Public Health Service will payfor aily tho so reasonably J.v..C

i-r .nryand add.itionrlwill bo at p.;: onalexpense of patient, hir. r^or f i*loads *


Mow, when the first cntiausicism ofoo.rly planting la pas t , is thetime that wo must guard againstthat l oggin g effort whi ch deems somrmj well begun tasks . If it wasimportant that we plant victorygardens, it io doubly so that wogivo the growing vegetables thecare and at te nt io n which, oloiu wi l lcarry then through the summer to

a nuoconnful harvest,-Some vegeta-bles must bo aprayod to ward offinsect pants , all must be cul t i -vated, and during dry spoi l s , allmust be watered.

Keep at tho job for your ownsake, as wel l as your country 's .

H r. Wm. J.- Stevenson , Ba l tus ro l17ay, is the new ic tory gardenchairman .Mr. Craig had to r e i

duo to i l lness .

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A R E Y O U 0 B S E R V I N G T H E D I M O U T ?The observance of the dinout inMillburn tovmrhip is showing, wefeel, a slow but steady ir:prove- pment. There are a few consistent way lig hts .

foot. This regulation F\p-plies to all porch,yard and drive

violators who should be broughtinto line, and there are others,

either through ignorance orcarelessness, do not fully comply the outside.

Inside illuminat ion should be soshaded that no direct rays reach

with the regulations

Outdoor illumination should be lin-ited in all instances to lightsshaded to a forty-five degree an- perfect e::ai;iplc of what the wellgle dovmwBrd, and should, in no dimmed out cortKiunity should bo»

A little More oar© in the observ-ance of those regulations Will,wearc pure., make H i l l b u m an almost


Mr, Fred Sejrniour, Lako Ro^d, liasbeen appointed Cnairiaan of ConaLiu-nity War .Services. ITais is the de-partment that takes in Victory •Gardens, Salvage, Child Care,IIbck

Lenders, Consuxaer Interest, etc.This appointment also puts Kr.S.ey-mour on the D ofonso Council , fir".Sqymour has boon active in Civ:Urian Defense - was originally Sec-tor Wcrdon in Zono 5 3 Sector D —was made Zono V/ardon vrfcon Kiia'oall

Prince won t with th,o O.P.A.

Johii 3". tan N, JELng i 3 takingas chairman of Coiraaunications-

since Eft?., E. Weston Roborts is

moving to Ccnnocticut. Mr . Rob-erts has done a very capable job .Mr. King organisod War Eruorgcnc yRadio Service for Millburn Civi-lian Dofonso, Coraiiunication", tjalspfSin Hcsson.^or Se rvi ce, telephoneand Rad io.

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T h e Auxiliary Police soft-ball teamis being organized b y Capt>Wrightto ploy i n t he loaguo a t tlio liill-burn Rocrontion department. TodCavanaugh. will b o captain of he.team. GnncG will -bo held once aweolc.


Recruits arc still needed fo r t hellotor Corp s, for tllo llodical Div i -sion, and f o r t h e Chemical VJarfaroDivision. Will you, i f yo u a requalified fo r any o f those cerv-ices, and con possibly spare t het ime, consult with M r . V/oolloy orMrs. Vei t , f o r advise as to whoroyour services a r e most needed?

Some zones arc- s t i l l xa dl y behindin t h e effort t o achieve o:ac h u n -dred percent official OCDqua l i f i -cation of p e r s o n n e l , I f y o u haveno t , o s y o t , taicon a l l requiredcourses , i t is absolute ly osson-tirl that y o u malco a dotorLi.inodeffort t o obtain t h e necessa ryspo c in 1 knov; 1 e s : c .


x . . „ „. , . «..._„..,„ „•. x1 Published Monthly by The Millburn D ofonsc Council *' Millburn, Now Jersey •

Editor: ROQOXB Tcrrill

Advisory Editor: Iris N. Voit '

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takes command,

9. On arrival of Army personnel,turn command over to the officerin charge . and thereafter assistonly at his di rection*


The local AWVS has undertaken theworthwhile, jobcf recruiting housewives for defense work. Will youtell your neighbors of this newcampaign? -And if you know of any-one whose household duties wil lallow her to work any of the fullor part-time shif ts, tell her tocontact Mrs* R.M. Bozorth or A W S


American man power , strained anddislocated by the exigencies ofall-out w ar , needs the reinforce-ment' of women worker s,


Our motor corps,an important aux-iliary service in time of disast-er , is doing a swell job of help-ing out the., various governmentservices every day of the week .This service needs new recruit s.If you have free time and want tohelp in this worthwhile undertak-ing, please contact Mrs* Hooley.

G- A H D E N 3f R E S H- V E ' & E T A B ' L E S


The simple life which our grand-fathers used to-reminisce aboutand which-some of us have longedfor in timos of stressj is makinga totally unexpected como-back inthese war years .

With only enough gasoline to getus to and from our work; with theoil shortage making wood fires adaily necessity instead of an oc-casional relaxation; and finallywith the food shortage promisingto make farmers of us all, wo arerelearning some of the sturdiervirtues of solf reliance and self

denial. The inconvenience and theminor irritations cf getting along

with loss may have produced some,grousing hero and tnor o, but It isalso producing a friendlier spir-it of neighborly cooporation.

All of us have boon reading of hedesirability of planting Victo ryGardens this yoa r, , Not all of usas yet realize the vital import-ance to individual families ofsuch an undertakin g. A monthlyration of forty-oight points forcanned fr\.\it and vegetables,driedvegetables and dried fruits maysupply tho minimum necessities ofdiet, but thoy certainly fall farshort of the balancodjhoalth giv-ing meals to which, the people of

Amorica have boon accustomed.Eachcan wo purchase*, each pound of

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dried fruits taken from the lard-er of the natio n, means that muc hless for the traveling kitchen s ofour fighting for ces ,

l ie planting and care of a Victory-Garden, therefo re,means more thanpleasant, tasty additions to yourlarder of rationed foods. I t isa patriotic effort which, engagedm b y enough families,will go f a rtoward reliev ing one of the mostvital problems of the whole w a reffort*

Have you made application fi r thatplot of land you've- decided toplant?If not,contact Iur.R.C.Graig

immediately. Have you ordered,your.seed? I f no t , go "throughyour'catalogue tonight , and makeyour selection* M r . Craig, M r s .Fellows or M r s * . Howe will be gladto confer with you on those typesand varieties which are best sui t-ed to your own particular needs.

If you missed t h e Victory Gardenslectures at -Washington School,there are other courses and l ec -tures being held i n nearby com-munities.

Such seed companies a s Stumpp andWalter have prepared charts show-ing t ho amount of each kind ofseed needed f o r various sizedgroups, a n d y o u m a y obtain book-lets en gardening from t h e Depart-ment of Agriculture,

There a re enough gardening toolsto fill a l l need s, though w o s u g -gest that whenever possible neigh-bors arrange to share t he u se o f

their gardening tools rather thanpurchase a complete lino of dupli-c at c .

Block loaders and a l l 00D workersarc urged t o spread t h o gospel oftho Victors'" Garden among thei rneighbors*


} Publishod Monthly b y Tho Millburn Dofonso Councilf Millburn, N e w Jerseyt

' Editor: Rogers Torrillt

Advisory Editor: Iris N . Vp.ity