New Copyright © 2017 May be shared with copyright and credit left … · 2017. 10. 3. · 3 carb, low carb, no carb. High protein, low protein. Paleo, keto, Atkins, Jenny Craig,

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About David

1.7 million men & women come to me every month to find the

secrets to success. And after 20 years of coaching, I’ve discovered

the golden keys to success in dating, business, health and wellness,

and life.

I’ve helped millions of men and women around the globe achieve

success in their dating, social and personal lives. Some say I’m nuts,

others say I’ve changed their life forever. One thing’s for certain: I’ll

always give you the truth, whether you can handle it or not. I never

sugar coat anything. Nice is so overrated. I’d prefer brutally honest

breakthrough to a “nice” rut any damn day of the week – and if

you’re the same way, read on…

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October is here, and I’ve been saying it all year: these 365

days are going to fly by fast.

And guess what? They did.

Now we’re in the final quarter, and as we inch closer and

closer to 2018 I want to ask you a serious question:

“How close are you to reaching the goals and

resolutions you set on January 1st?”

Because you see, we all set goals. And, for whatever reason,

the New Year has that magical ability to give us that spark of

inspiration and say to ourselves, “This is going to be the

year. The year that I…”

! Lose 20 pounds

! Get a six-pack

! Run a 5k

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! Lower my cholesterol

! Start dieting & eating better

…and the list goes on and on and on.

This is why gym memberships spike during those first

magical months of the year… yet by October, the

membership cards are basically just collecting dust on

everyone’s kitchen counter.

Because getting fit, getting in better shape, seems like

such a huge undertaking.

Everywhere you go there are billboards and commercials

and magazine covers and Instagram supermodels telling

you what you should look like.

You Google some advice and find billions – literally billions

– of articles and exercise programs and diet plans. High

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carb, low carb, no carb. High protein, low protein. Paleo,

keto, Atkins, Jenny Craig, gluten-free…

Okay, I can feel your headache at this point. But that is what

it feels like. There’s so much information out there – most of

which is utter B.S. written by savvy marketers, by the way –

that basically makes living a healthy lifestyle this huge,

complicated thing.

Well, guess what? It’s not.

And I’ll prove it to you.

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This is me:

Not bad, huh?

I’m thin.

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I’ve got lean muscle and very low body fat.

I’ve got a six-pack.

Do I do a ton of ab work? Not really. I do some really good

core workouts, but not so much so that I should have a

really good six-pack.

And I know people that work out their core much more than

I do, yet they have trouble maintaining even a one-pack.

So why am I so blessed to have such a tight core?

People will say it’s my metabolism. And yes, that’s partly

true. But I’d have to have a godly metabolism to eat pure

shit all day and still look like this.

And that’s the point: you are what you eat.

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Am I saying you don’t need to exercise as well? No. Not at

all. But…

Unless you’ve got a solid foundation with

your diet, all the crunches and sit-ups in the

world won’t get you the body you want.

So how do I diet? Well, it’s very simple actually. I’m fully

aware of what I put into my body everyday.

I don’t count calories at all. I won’t knock it, but personally I

don’t. I don’t need to, because I’m already aware of what I

eat and what I drink.

I’m aware of the double mocha latte at Starbucks that’s 700

calories. I’m aware that coffee and milk should absolutely

not be 700 calories. And I’m aware of where those calories

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actually come from, which is all the heaping cups of sugar

they pour into it.

So what do I do? I don’t get the Starbucks. I’ll drink an

organic raw Kombucha instead. That’s 30 calories and 0

grams of fat.

And I can do that, because I’ve programmed my brain to do

that. I’ve programmed my brain to always be in full

awareness of my cravings when it comes to food and what I

put into my body.

I don’t need the frappuccino or the Snickers or the diet

Coca-Cola. None of us do. We don’t need it in a survival


Our cavemen ancestors lived just fine without putting any of

that shit into their body.

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And the only difference between you and your unga-bunga

ancestor is that you’ve been programmed to believe you

need the frappuccino, you need the Snickers, you need the


You’re basically Pavlov’s dog. When you think about those

foods that are absolute poisons to your health, you start to

salivate and you think, Oh GOD I need that right now.

But, here’s the good news: anything that’s been

programmed can be un-programmed, or re-programmed.

Because there are healthy alternatives to almost every food

you crave.

And all it takes on your part is a little bit of effort and


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Every time you crave an M&M, eat some organic dark


Instead of eating Ramen noodles for lunch every day, have a

bowl of quinoa.

Do that and see how quickly your body transforms. See how

much more awake and alert you become.

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Now, I’m going to give you a worksheet – with a few

examples to start – that you can use to find healthy

alternatives for everything unhealthy you’re eating now.

And by unhealthy, I basically mean two things:

1. Foods that are high in processed sugars

2. Foods that are high in saturated fats

Those are the two basic evils when it comes to food.

But, everyone’s health blueprint is different. So, talk to your

doctor or talk to a nutritionist. Find out what you need to be

eating and how you need to be eating.

Chances are, though, you already have a good idea. You

know that pizza, burgers and fried chicken aren’t good for

you. You know the 3 glasses of wine every night aren’t good

for you.

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All you need is the power to change it. And that power

comes from your programming.

Change your thoughts, change your beliefs, change your

actions, change your habits, change your life.

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