New China Policy: A Turning Point For Taiwan's Economy (Reming Yu)

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  • 8/7/2019 New China Policy: A Turning Point For Taiwan's Economy (Reming Yu)



    A Turning Point ForTAIWANs ECONOMY

  • 8/7/2019 New China Policy: A Turning Point For Taiwan's Economy (Reming Yu)



    Emerging China

    Chinas low production costs

    disadvantaged Taiwan production

    Large amount ofinvestments and

    employment had moved from

    Taiwan to China

    Unstable Cross-strait Relationship

    No direct flight Taiwan lost

    geographical advantages

    Prohibiting capital inflow from China

    created an economic disequilibrium

    between Taiwan and China

    Taiwan lost much of its

    economic/strategic advantages

    Consumption decreasedand

    Taiwans economy weakenedDepreciation of financial assets

    +Economic Turmoil = EmergingChina Unstable Cross-straightRelationship

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    Unemployment Rate Rises After 2000

    After 2000, China replaced Taiwan production due to Chinas

    lower production costs, which impacted Taiwans labor market

    Data Source : Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics

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    Private consumption accounted for 60.39% of GDP in 2000 and

    shrankto 54.5% in 2008

    GDP Breakdown (2000 vs. 2008)

    Data Source : Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics

    Change in Taiwans GDP Structure

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    Higher Degree of Trade Dependence

    The degree of Taiwans dependence on trade increased from 100% in 1981to 144% in 2008

    Data Source : Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics

    - Page 4 -

    Higher degree of trade dependence

    Higher risks when global economies are negatively affected


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    Taiwans Real Trade Surplus to GDP ratio achieved a high level of17%

    Trade surplus helped accumulate a large FX reserve

    Taiwan was rankedTop 5 worldwide in FX Reserve Size

    FX Reserve Accumulated Rapidly

    Data Source : Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics

    Ranking Source : Bloomberg, Sept 09 - Page 5 -

  • 8/7/2019 New China Policy: A Turning Point For Taiwan's Economy (Reming Yu)


    Taiwans economic growth shows more volatilityin comparison to the World

    Taiwans Susceptibility to Changes in World


    Data Source : IMF

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    The Four Asian tigers, who are export-oriented economies, showed rapid economic growthfrom 1980-2000

    Taiwan lost its economic/strategic advantages as its relations with China weakened

    Taiwans Average GDP growth fell to last place during 2000 - 2008.

    Taiwanese investments in China were restricted to 40% of a company's asset value

    Data Source : IMF

    Proactive Management Policy in 2000-2008

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    2000 2007 Shows Astonishing Cash Outflow

    From 2000-2007, financial account showed 40.8Bn/USD net capital outflow

    After deducting approximately114.7 Bn/USD in foreign capital inflow

    Taiwans total capital outflow is estimated to be 156.25Bn/USD

    Capital outflow from Taiwan to China is estimated to be 125Bn/USD(80%)

    Data Source: Central Bank, 2009/8

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  • 8/7/2019 New China Policy: A Turning Point For Taiwan's Economy (Reming Yu)


    ECFA cooperation is expected to be sign in the first half of 2010

    TAIWAN2008/7 - Permitting Chinese tourists to Taiwan

    - Raised max level of investments to

    China for Listed Company

    - Opened the exchange of RMB/TWD

    2008/9 - Three small links normalization

    2008/12 - Three linkages

    2009/4 - Opening QDII

    2009/5 - Chartered Flight to Regular Flight

    2009/6 - Opening 192 items for China capital

    CHINA2009/5 - Development of western economy zone

    2009/5/29 - China Trade Mission 1 to Taiwan

    2009/6/1 - Color TV purchasing Group

    2009/6/8 - LED purchasing Group

    2009/7/13 - China Trade Mission 2 to Taiwan

    2009/8/19 - China Trade Mission 3 to Taiwan

    2008 Presidential ElectionParty Platform Change Opening-Up Policy

    MOU for finance cooperation is expected to be signed at the end of 2009

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    Members ofASEAN+3 FTA will be exempt from tariffs

    on most merchandises in 2010 and ECFA will help

    enhance competitiveness

    Item ContentMerchandiseTrade

    Bilateral exempt of tariffs Increase in import items

    Service Trade Agreement of service trade

    Investment Investment liberalization Opening-up bilateral investment

    Other Protection of intellectual property rights Cooperation of customs

    Avoidance of double-taxation agreement

    The Content of ECFA

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    What We Have Seen So Far


    RETURN OF CAPITAL from overseas

    OUTPERFORMANCEofequity market

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    Strong Growth Support From China [1]

    Strong orders from China have offset the decrease in demand from

    developed countries

    Export orders from China have turned to positive annual growth

    Taiwan Export Orders come from (YoY)

    Source: Bloomberg

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    Strong Growth Support From China [2]

    Tourists and direct investments from China should help boost TWs private


    Assuming tourists from China reach 3000 limit daily . . .

    0.6% - 0.7% GDP growth per year could be generated

    Retail sales show positive annual growth since July

    Data Source: TEJ

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    Return of Capital From Overseas

    Capital from overseas expected to return due to reduction in inheritance

    taxfrom 50% 10% Such capital inflow should provide sufficient liquidity for capital market


    Data Source: Central Bank of Republic of China

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  • 8/7/2019 New China Policy: A Turning Point For Taiwan's Economy (Reming Yu)


    TAIEX Outperformance Vs. Major Indices

    Continual improvements in cross-straight relations and capital inflow


    TAIEX outperforms - from beginning of 2009

    M arket Index(2009/9/30) YTDTSE 7 ,509 63 .56%Dow Jones 9,712 10.66%NASDAQ 2,122 34.58%S&P 500 1,057 17.03%Shanghai A-Share 2,916 52.57%Hang Seng 20,955 45.65%Nikkei 225 10,133 14.38%KOSPI 1,673 48.79%DAX 5,675 17.98%FTSE 5,133 15.78%

    Data Source: TEJ

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  • 8/7/2019 New China Policy: A Turning Point For Taiwan's Economy (Reming Yu)


    What We Expect for Taiwans Future . . .

    Consumption to increase

    Rerating of equity market

    New milestones for Taiwans property market

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    ECFA Helps International Trade

    Exports to China accounted for 44% of Taiwan exports

    There are 230 FTAs in the world and if membership is achieved,Taiwans trade ability will be at an advantage

    CIER estimates that Taiwans GDP will increase 1.65%

    Weights of TW Export - 2009/8Weights of TW Export - 2000

    Data Source : TEJ

    CIER: Chung-hua Institute for Economic Research, Taipei - Page 18 -

  • 8/7/2019 New China Policy: A Turning Point For Taiwan's Economy (Reming Yu)


    ECFA Will Boost Taiwans Domestic Consumption

    CEPA was signed on06/2003 and formallyimplemented in 2004

    HK shows strong

    private consumptiongrowth after CEPA

    Taking HKs experience

    We expectTW privateconsumption toincrease after ECFA


    Data Source : Bloomberg

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    Re-rating of TAIEX

    During 1994 & 2000

    PBR of TAIEX traded between 2.5X - 4.0X

    Post internet bubble and cross-strait tension

    PBR of TAIEX traded between 1.2X - 2.0X

    Due to improvements in cross-strait relations

    We expect the PBR ratio to trade higher up to 3.0X.

    Data Source: TEJ

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  • 8/7/2019 New China Policy: A Turning Point For Taiwan's Economy (Reming Yu)


    Money Supply Benefits Property Demand



































    TSE Construction Subindex M1b YOY%

    The increase in growth rate ofTaiwans money supply M1B is

    beneficial to property stock

    Record low interest rates drive money into the property market

    Source: Central bank of Republic of China (Taiwan)

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  • 8/7/2019 New China Policy: A Turning Point For Taiwan's Economy (Reming Yu)


    New Regulations for Chinese Investment:

    Taiwans Property Market

    The holding period on residential property investments should be

    no less than three years

    Taiwan-registered Chinese corporations can own commercial

    property for purposes restricted to own-use only (no reselling)

    Initial investments are expected to flow into the commercial

    property market

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  • 8/7/2019 New China Policy: A Turning Point For Taiwan's Economy (Reming Yu)


    The Hong Kong Experience [1]


    HeadquartersRegional office Local office Total New add.

    2001 70 172 160 402

    2002 96 170 290 556 154

    2003 84 148 307 539 -17

    2004 106 156 373 635 962005 107 160 443 710 75

    2006 112 156 449 717 7

    2007 93 152 480 725 8

    2008 95 128 499 722 -3

    ~2009/9 96 127 527 750 28

    Mainland China Companies in Hong Kong

    Source: Hong Kong Census Statistics Department

    Chinese companies that applied for branches in HK showed peaked growth in 2005

    HKs commercial property demand has increased

    Initial positive change in capital inflow helped boost domestic confidence

    Since CEPA

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  • 8/7/2019 New China Policy: A Turning Point For Taiwan's Economy (Reming Yu)


    Housing Investment as Percentage of GDP

    Residentialand non-residential property investment

    3.7% of GDP since 2000

    Taipei office rental rates are among the lowest in Asia


    Tokyo 1698.5

    Hong Kong 1400.9

    Mumbai 941.6

    Singapore 936.8

    Ho Chi Minh City 687.6

    Shanghai(Pudong) 428.7

    Beijing 335

    Taipei 275.5

    Seoul 258.7

    Bangkok 250.2

    Manila 249.5

    Bangalore 228.7

    Jakarta 95.8

    Taipei Office Rental Rates


    Source: GGBAS ,CLSA ASIA-Pacific Markets

    Taiwan Property is Lagging in Asia

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  • 8/7/2019 New China Policy: A Turning Point For Taiwan's Economy (Reming Yu)


    Can ALL of This LAST?

    Geographical advantages Near the world productioncenter & biggest market: China

    Taiwans industrial competitive advantage

    High quality human resources

    Intellectual property management and protection measures

    Excellent R&D environment and output

    Freedom of speech and information

    To be the center of research and development

    Taiwans STRENGTHS

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    Taiwan: Geographical Advantages

    Located at the heart of the Asia-Pacific region

    Links NE Asia & SE Asia from its position off the SE cost of China

    which it shares both language and cultural ties

    Direct cross-straight flights have been extended to 7 days a week

    Compared to HK , Shanghai, and Singapore:

    Taiwan enjoys the shortest average sailing times to 5 major Asia-

    Pacific harbors Shortest average flying time to 7 major cities in Western Pacific

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    Taiwan has the freest media environment in East Asia due to its:

    Open legal environment

    Economic freedom

    Highly competitive media market

    FREEDOM of Speech | Media | Information

    SOURCE: Freedom House

    - Page 28 -

    Map of Freedom 2009

    Establishing R&D CENTERS in Taiwan

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    Company Name Project NameHewlett-Packard International Pte. Ltd. Taiwan Branch HP product Development Center

    Sony Taiwan Limited SONY Design & Engineering Center Taiwan

    Sony Taiwan Limited System in Module Center Taiwan

    Becker Electronic Taiwan Ltd. (Becker Avionics) Avionics Certification Skill & Key Technology Development Center

    Aixtron Taiwan Co., Ltd. Manufacturing Oriented Research Lab

    IBM Taiwan Corporation Mobile e-Business R&D Center

    Pericom Taiwan Limited PERICOM Advanced Mixed-Signal IC R&D Center

    Dell Computer (Taiwan) B.V., Taiwan Branch Dell Taiwan Design Center

    IBM Taiwan Corporation Life Sciences Center of Excellence


    TAIWAN Ideal location for multinationals to establish bases for innovative R&D activities

    Leading multinationals (HP, Sony, Dell, IBM, Intel etc.) have already established 40R&D centers in Taiwan by September, 2009

    TWs industrial environment & infrastructure exceeded expectations Some even

    expanded the scale of their R&D centers

    Introduction of key technology by these R&D centers will help mold Taiwan into avalued partner to the worlds multinational corporations in the area of technology

    This will furtheradvance the development of Taiwanese industries

    Approved projects of the Multinational Innovative R&D centers in Taiwan Program


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    Microsoft Taiwan Co. Microsoft Technology Center

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    Dow Chemical Taiwan Limited Dow Chemical Taiwan Plastics Application Development Center

    Fujitsu Taiwan Ltd. Fujitsu Taiwan Development Center

    ULVAC Research Center Taiwan, Inc. ULVAC Advanced Technology Center

    IBM Taiwan Corporation IBM Taiwan Systems and Technology Laboratory

    ASML Taiwan Ltd. ASML Worldwide Center of Excellence

    Mycom International Inc., Taiwan Branch Mycom strategic R&D center

    Synopsys Taiwan Limited. Advanced Process EDA R&D Center

    Taiwan International Standard Electronics Ltd. (Alcatel-Lucent)

    WiMAX Application Development and IOT Center

    Microsoft Taiwan Co. Microsoft Innovation Center

    Telcordia Applied Research Center Taiwan Company Telcordia Telematics Taiwan R&D Center

    DuPont Taiwan Ltd. DuPont Taiwan Display Materials Technical Center

    Sony Computer Entertainment Taiwan Ltd. Digital Content Creation Center

    Underwriters Laboratories Taiwan Co., Ltd. Advanced Energy Safety R&D Center

    DuPont Taiwan Ltd. DuPont Taiwan Photovoltaic Materials Technical Center

    Intel Innovation Technologies Ltd. Intel Innovation Center

    Ericsson Taiwan Ltd. ERICSSON Innovation Center

    Broadcom Taiwan Co. Network SoC R&D Center

    Motorola Electronics Taiwan Limited Motorola Taiwan Product Development Center

    DuPont Taiwan Ltd. DuPont Taiwan Technical Center

    Taiwan International Standard Electronics Ltd. (Alcatel) Alcatel ICT Application Research Center

    GlaxoSmithKline Far East B. V. Taiwan Branch GSK Taiwan R&D Operation Center

    IBM Taiwan Corporation IBM xSeries Taiwan Development CenterNEC Taiwan Ltd. NEC Innovative Product Joint Development Center for Engineering

    Synopsys Taiwan Limited. VDSM EDA R&D CENTER

    AKT America, Inc. AKT Asia Research & Development Center

    Festo Co., Ltd. Festo CEC R&D Center Taiwan

    Atotech Taiwan Ltd. Atotech Technology R&D Center

    Telcordia Technologies, Inc. Taiwan Telcordia R&D Center

    General Instrument of Taiwan, Ltd. Motorola Connected Home Solutions Taiwan Technology Center

    Underwriters Laboratories Taiwan Co., Ltd.Green Electronic Materials and Energy Device Safety Testing and

    Inspection Technology Research and Development Center



    Affairs- Page 30 -

    Establishing R&D CENTERS in Taiwan

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    Tax deduction and exemption

    Tax credit up to 30% of amount invested in R&D against business income tax


    Human resource support

    Companies may recruit overseas

    Subsidy for operating capital

    Salaries of local R&D personnel, consultant fees, remunerations of overseas

    R&D personnel, travel expenses, rent, overseas training expenses and more

    Priority in administrative procedure

    Simplified administrative procedure, assistance for multinationals in

    negotiation with government agencies

    Establishing R&D CENTERS in Taiwan INCENTIVES

    Source: Department of Industrial TechnologyMinistry of Economic Affairs - Page 31 -

    World Competitiveness Ranking TAIWAN

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    World Competitiveness Ranking TAIWAN[2009 2010]

    Number of utility patent (i.e., patents for invention) [1st]

    Availability of scientists and engineers [7th]

    Government procurement of advanced tech products [7th]

    State of cluster development [6th]

    Venture capital availability [8th]

    Financing through local equity market [5th]

    Pay and productivity [3rd]

    Flexibility of wage determination [10th]

    Source: World Economics Forum - Page 32 -

    Taiwan known for its high-tech industry

    Taiwan gets fully rewarded for outstanding capacity to innovate [6th]

    Di l i

  • 8/7/2019 New China Policy: A Turning Point For Taiwan's Economy (Reming Yu)


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